#El Cato
axristes-styseis · 1 year
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adribosch-fan · 9 months
¿Está avanzando la autocracia más que la democracia?
Russell Cui señala que el declive de la democracia a nivel mundial durante la última década ha borrado en gran medida 35 años de mejora. El precio de la Libertad es la vigilancia eterna. Thomas Jefferson Aunque estamos viendo el progreso humano en muchos indicadores de bienestar, en la dimensión de la libertad y la democracia, la tendencia es menos clara en las últimas décadas. Los informes…
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weird-cato · 2 months
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the cool gang!!
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twisting-echo · 7 months
So ¿what in your opinion are Danny fenton's top 5 cutest crossover ships? In both het and slash.
So ¿two top 5's? I don't know.
Well, this is going to be fun because I have more than just 5 hehehe 😼
1) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Manny Rivera/El Tigre (TigerGhost/TigerSpirit) I just fell in love with their dynamic, thanks to @/nicktoonsunite
I love Danny and Manny because Danny tends to be a little more serious and easily stressed out than Manny. And Manny's laid-back and fun loving personality helps balance that out for Danny. But the main draw for me is that they both understand what it's like to have separate identities that clash with their lives and the responsibility of protecting others. Even though they may feel like their powers get in the way of their normal lives sometimes, they will always put aside their own needs to do what's right.
2) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBoo) because of @/nicktoonsunite (and because I remember playing Nicktoons Volcano Island on my old GameCube and Nicktoons Globs of Doom on my old PS2). 
Danny and SpongeBob are just cute, queerplatonic partners, and their personalities mesh well together. I love how close and comforting they are in @/nicktoonsunite's universe. If there was something that was bothering them both, they would be the first people they chose to confide in. 
3) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom and Octavia Goetia (Spectral Owl) because of you and how cute they are. I honestly love the idea of Danny and Via healthily trauma bonding over the upbringings they had in their family homes. I love how shy and awkward they would be with each other.
I imagine Octavia helping Danny ghost hunt with her magic and knowledge of the supernatural, but I think what I love most is how slowly and gently Danny gets Octavia to put her walls down and trust him. They would be absolutely good for each other as a couple, and I headcanon that Danny will grow to be 6′ 1″ and Octavia will be 6′ 7″. Danny and Octavia will be a tall and adorable king and queen couple one day. (He will always nickname her Spooky.)
4) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Betty Barrett/Atomic Betty (Galactic Ghost) Now I was a huge Atomic Betty and Danny Phantom fan in my childhood (still am) so that's how this ship came to be.
I ship Betty and Danny for the same reasons I ship Danny and Manny but Danny becomes a galactic guardian and Betty becomes a ghost buster lol.
5) Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Little Cato (Spectral Space/Spooky Cat/Ghostly Hellions) (I need more ship names for these two).
I'm a huge Little Cato fan, and this is one of my favorite ships that I've come up with for him. I like to imagine that Little Cato gets his first intense crush on Danny, and Danny is completely oblivious (for awhile) about it. Little Cato just thinks that Danny is the coolest person he's ever met, and laughs at all of his silly jokes. Danny can't help but think how cute Little Cato is and finds himself enjoying every moment that they spend together. That's all I'm going to say about this ship because I plan to make a post about them in the future.
Honorable Mentions:
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Billy Joe Cobra
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Lydia Deetz (Because Lydia is sweet and kind and everything Sam isn't)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Spencer Wright
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Verosika Mayday
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom x Loona the hellhound 
 There's probably more that I like but can't think of any more right now.
Thanks for the ask @amethystoceandespiser
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catos-wound · 4 months
what if cato the younger was el gato the younger and he was a cat
saying '' what if '' as though it didn't literally happen?
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manaosdeuwu · 2 years
dos lucas y media la pipeta para las pulgas 🕴️
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I MET A CAT YESTERDAY (tw: feline:
The cat let me pet it and it was heavy as fuck when i tried to pick it up, stupid fatass
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shirii · 2 months
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Just finished my first commission on Ko-Fi for El Cato from twitter <3
comms are open!! :
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bebe-tatsu · 6 months
Someone was caught shopping late at night in City Z TOGETHER!!! What are they cooking?
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The way peeps all hurried to check out the grocery store in City Z. good times!
Source: OPM World
El Cato/KylerMark screenshots
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redphonevn · 1 year
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A Cato no le gusta mucho el rosa, pero quería hacer el trend 😈
También hice una versión en negro sólo porque sí jasja
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nickeverdeen · 18 days
Hello there!!! I love that you write for Cressida, Clove and Cato from thg.Can we get a SFW alphabet from Cato please?
Hey! I find it pitty that almost no one writes for them (especially Cressida) and they’re getting a bit forgotten by the fandom
Cato Hadley SFW alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Cato isn’t naturally affectionate, but when he does show affection, it’s intense. He’s more physical in his approach, expressing affection through protective actions and physical closeness. When he cares about someone, he becomes fiercely protective, almost possessive, and will subtly show his affection by always making sure they're safe and comfortable
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
As a best friend, Cato is loyal and someone you can rely on. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he’ll stand by your side no matter what. He’s the type to push you to be your best and wouldn’t hesitate to defend you in any situation. Expect a lot of competitive banter, as he enjoys friendly rivalry.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
Cato isn’t the cuddliest person, but he’s not opposed to it when he’s with someone he truly cares about. He prefers to be the big spoon, holding you securely against him. His cuddles are strong and reassuring, making you feel safe and protected in his arms.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down?)
While the idea of settling down isn’t something Cato thought much about, if he found someone he truly loved, he’d consider it. Domestic life with him would be intense but passionate. He’d take on responsibilities with a sense of duty and would ensure that his household is well-protected and secure.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner how would they do it?)
If Cato had to break up with his partner, it would be a clean break, but he wouldn’t do it without thinking it through. He’d likely distance himself emotionally before making the final decision. He’s not the type to drag things out; once he’s made up his mind, he’d be straightforward about it, but he’d make sure the break-up is quick to avoid prolonged pain.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about the commitment?)
Cato is surprisingly traditional when it comes to commitment. If he’s proposing, it means he’s all in. He’d approach engagement seriously, wanting to make sure that his partner is equally committed. He would be a protective fiancé, always thinking about the future and making sure his partner feels secure.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally)
Cato isn’t naturally gentle, but he can be with the right person. He’s used to being rough and tough, but in a relationship, he learns to soften his edges. His gentleness comes through in his actions more than his words; he might not always know what to say, but he’ll do his best to be physically gentle and considerate of your feelings.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Cato isn’t a hug lover, but he doesn’t mind them from you. Hugs from Cato are strong and reassuring. He’s not one to initiate hugs often, but when he does, it’s because he genuinely wants to comfort or be close to you. His hugs are firm and make you feel safe, as if he’s shielding you from the world.
I = I love you (How fast would they say the L-word?)
Cato wouldn’t say "I love you" quickly; it would take him time to reach that level of emotional vulnerability. When he does say it, he means it with all his heart. It’s not a phrase he uses lightly, so when those words come from him, you know they carry a lot of weight.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Cato is naturally possessive, so jealousy is something he struggles with. He’s used to being the best and having control, so when he feels threatened, he can become very jealous. His jealousy wouldn’t be subtle; he’d make it clear that he doesn’t appreciate someone else getting close to his partner and might even confront the person outright.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they kiss you? Where do they like being kissed?)
Cato’s kisses are intense and passionate. He’s not one for soft, sweet kisses; instead, his kisses are deep and full of emotion, conveying everything he might struggle to say with words. He likes to kiss in private, where he can fully express himself without holding back. He both likes to kiss and be kissed on lips mainly
L = Little ones (How are they around kids?)
Cato might be hesitant about the idea of children at first because he’s not used to the concept of vulnerability, but once he comes around, he’d be a fiercely protective father. He’d want to instill strength and resilience in his kids, ensuring they’re prepared for anything life throws at them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cato’s mornings are usually early and productive. He’s an early riser and prefers to get a jump on the day. If you’re not a morning person, he’ll try to coax you out of bed with breakfast or morning exercises, but he’s understanding if you need a bit more time to wake up.
N = Night (How are the nights spent with them?)
Nights with Cato are about unwinding after a long day. He enjoys the quiet and the chance to relax, possibly after a workout or a sparring session. He might be more affectionate at night, holding you close as you drift off to sleep.
O = Open (When do they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things?)
Cato isn’t naturally open about his feelings, and it would take time for him to start revealing deeper parts of himself. He’d likely start to open up when he feels secure in the relationship, gradually sharing more about his past and his fears.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Patience is not Cato’s strong suit, but he tries to be more patient in a relationship. He’s used to getting things done quickly and efficiently, but he’s willing to wait and work through things if he sees the value in it. He might get frustrated, but he’s learning to slow down and be more considerate.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention or do they kind of forget everything?)
Cato remembers a surprising amount about you, especially things that matter to you. He pays attention to the little details, like your favorite book or how you take your coffee. He might not be openly sentimental, but he shows that he remembers through his actions.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Cato’s favorite moment in the relationship would likely be the first time you did something that made him feel truly loved and accepted for who he is. Whether it’s a small gesture or a significant moment, it’s something he holds onto as proof that he’s not just a warrior, but someone worthy of love.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Cato is extremely protective, almost to the point of being overbearing. He’s constantly aware of potential dangers and is always ready to step in if needed. He’s not used to being vulnerable, so when it comes to being protected, he might struggle with accepting help, but he appreciates it when done in a non-intrusive way.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts?)
Cato puts effort into the relationship, but it’s usually in the form of practical actions rather than romantic gestures. He’s more likely to show his love by doing something useful for you, like fixing something that’s broken or making sure you’re safe, rather than planning elaborate dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
One of Cato’s bad habits is his tendency to be overly controlling. He’s used to being in charge, and sometimes he can overstep boundaries, trying to make decisions for you instead of with you. It comes from a place of care, but it can be overwhelming at times.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Cato is concerned with his appearance, mostly because it’s tied to his identity as a strong and capable fighter. He takes pride in his physique and how he presents himself to others. However, he’s not vain to the point of neglecting others; he just likes to maintain his image.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Cato would feel incomplete without you, though he might not realize it until you’re not around. He’s so used to being strong on his own, but he grows to appreciate how much you add to his life, making him feel like he’s more than just a warrior.
X = Xtra (Random hcs for them)
A random headcanon for Cato is that he secretly enjoys quiet activities like reading or listening to music. It’s a side of him that most people don’t see, but it’s something he’s developed as a way to escape the pressures of his environment.
Y = Yuck (What’s something they wouldn’t like in a partner?)
Something Cato wouldn’t like in a partner is dishonesty. He values straightforwardness and expects the same in return. If he senses that you’re not being truthful with him, it would be a significant issue for him.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of theirs?)
When it comes to sleeping habits, Cato is a light sleeper and is easily woken by any unusual sounds. He’s used to being on high alert, even in his sleep. However, when he feels truly safe and relaxed with you, he can finally get a deeper, more restful sleep. He’s also the type to instinctively reach out for you in his sleep, pulling you close as if to protect you even in his dreams.
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jartita-me-teneis · 2 months
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Julio César tiene una imagen de líder estoico, fundador del Imperio Romano, y un general que conquistó galos bárbaros. Sin embargo, el hecho menos conocido es que César tuvo una vida sexual muy animada.Tan animada que incluso sus legiones cantaban canciones al respecto durante largas marchas.
En su juventud, César era famoso por vestirse y jugar el papel de una mujer en una relación con otros hombres. Conocido por los romanos hetero y homosexuales, sexualmente hablando César era ambos.
De joven, pasó mucho tiempo en la corte del rey Nicomedes IV en Bitinia, Turquía moderna, y este hecho solo alimentó los rumores que siguieron a César durante toda su vida. Incluso sus legionarios más leales estaban cantando: César pudo haber conquistado los galos, pero Nicomedes lo conquistó a él.
En la época romana, las relaciones sexuales entre dos hombres eran aceptables, sin embargo, estar en un papel sumiso en tal relación era perjudicial para la reputación del líder masculino de las legiones. De hecho, esta fue la única "mancha" en la imagen de César del incansable seductor. Se decía que ninguna mujer, ninguna esposa y ninguna hija estaban a salvo de César.
César era notoriamente famoso por seducir a las esposas de sus aliados y usar el sexo con mujeres aristocráticas para mejorar su estatus político. También gastó una enorme cantidad de dinero, a menudo dinero público, en el número de prostitutas que usaba. César recibió el apodo de "adúltero calvo".
Durante uno de los triunfos de César, sus soldados cantaban: Hombres de Roma, cuidado con sus esposas. Estamos trayendo al adúltero calvo a casa. En la Galia se abrió camino a través de una fortuna. La tomó prestada aquí en Roma.
Julio César era un hombre alto (la mayoría de los romanos no lo eran) y tenía un sentido de la moda. En su juventud, fue considerado un hombre guapo. Se dice que tenía un buen sentido del humor (incluso a su costa). Todo lo que contribuyó a ser un hombre atrayente para las damas.
Se casó tres veces, pero esto no ha impedido que César tomara la cantidad de amantes.que deseaba
Sus esposas fueron:
Cornelia: Se casaron por razones políticas. Dio a luz a Julia, la única hija legítima de César. Ella murió en el 69 a. C.
Pompeya: César se divorció de ella después de un escándalo en el que se encontró a Publio Clodio Pulcher, vestido de mujer, en la ceremonia de Bona Dea en la que no se permitía a ningún hombre. César dijo que su esposa "debe estar por encima de toda sospecha".
Calpurnia: Calpurnia se mantuvo devota de él a pesar de las numerosas amantes de César, que incluía a Cleopatra, reina de Egipto. Ella le contó sobre su sueño de su asesinato.
En la época romana, la definición de matrimonio no era mantenerse fiel a su cónyuge. Se le permitió tener relaciones sexuales con otras mujeres y hombres siempre que no fuera humillante para la sociedad romana y se llevara a cabo de manera discreta.
La amante más famosa de César fue de hecho la Reina de Egipto: Cleopatra. La leyenda de Cleopatra envuelta en una enorme alfombra y contrabandeada al César más allá de los guardias de su hermano es bien conocida.
Cleopatra y César tuvieron un hijo juntos: "Pequeño César". Se cree ampliamente que el amorío entre Cleopatra y César fue una aventura de una noche.
Cleopatra y César nunca se casaron, ya que era contra la ley romana.
En una ocasión, cuando César estaba hablando en el Senado, un mensajero le entregó una nota. Su enemigo jurado, el senador Cato el Joven, interrumpió el discurso y exigió a César que leyera la carta en voz alta. Cato creía que la carta contendría evidencia de la participación de César en la notoria conspiración del Segundo Catilinar (expuesta por Cicerón en el 63 a. C.) César intentó varias veces evitarlo, pero fue en vano. Al final, tuvo que leer en voz alta el contenido de la nota frente a todo el Senado. Era una nota de amor de Servilia, su amante y media hermana de Cato. Ella proclamaba su ferviente deseo por César en términos muy explícitos.
Cato quedó como un tonto frente a todo el Senado.
El hijo de Servilia, Marcus Brutus, era el favorito de César. A pesar de los rumores, Brutus no era hijo de César porque cuando nació César tenía solo quince años. Marcus Brutus fue tratado muy bien por César. Incluso cuando se puso del lado del oponente de César, Pompeyo, César ordenó a sus hombres que Brutus no sufriera ningún daño.
Durante el asesinato de Julio César en el Senado romano en el año 44 a. C., César estaba luchando contra sus atacantes, pero cuando vio a Marcus Brutus acercarse, dejó de pelear y dijo: "¿Tú también, mi hijo?". Esta es una diferencia significativa con el ampliamente adoptado "Et Tu Brute?" traduciéndose a "¿Y tú Bruto?" y podría insinuar que César trató a Bruto como si fuera su hijo.
La sociedad romana promovió la sexualidad. La prostitución era legal y pública. Las casas tenían pinturas "pornográficas".
Ningún castigo moral fue dirigido a hombres que disfrutaban del sexo con otras mujeres y hombres, incluso si tenían un estatus inferior, siempre que sus acciones no se consideraran excesos.
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saitatsu-enthusiast · 3 months
Peace - Chapter 5: Her Nature Part 1 (SaiTatsu Fanfiction)
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Chapter 5 of Peace is live!
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stupidandcaoticqueen · 2 months
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The Queen Rebe
La reina Rebe
Este Au está basada en la sería “Final Space”, usando a los personajes principales y agregando otros propios que serían OCs o fanchilds, aquí está presente el ship Garycato
Ella es una versión alternativa de la Rebe original, ella no es una loba común y corriente, aparte de ser azul, ella posee poderes de un titán, gracias a que lo tomó antes que el señor comandante lograra tenerlo, este inmenso poder le quitó parte de su lógica y se volvió más enérgica, gritona, amenazadora (sin intenciones malas),más volátil con sus emociones, esto hace que sea alguien impredecible con sus acciones y se pase de la raya algunas veces pero tiene a su general que la controla lo mejor que puede, además de que es capaz de regresar a su aspecto original y convertirse completa o parcialmente en titán
Debido a un incidente que ocurrió en su planeta de origen donde perdió a sus padres y su hermano mayor, quedando viva su hermana menor, pone a su gente primero y no dejará que nada les pase, evitará todas las bajas posibles
Con esto en mente quiere proteger a todos en su universo para ello haciendo que le juren lealtad porque así estaría siempre a su cuidado y protección, cuando descubrió que existían más universos, se dio a la tarea de hacer que todos le juraran lealtad para así cuidar de todos
De alguna manera logró convencer a Avocato que se convirtiera en su general y se asegurara de que no se pasara de la raya con sus tonterías
Gary por otro lado, se encarga de la exploración y hacer vínculos con otras especies y planetas
Pequeño Cato volvió a ventrexia para ser rey y fue el primer planeta en jurar lealtad a la reina, aunque va de visita para ver a sus padres
Gary y Avocato son una pareja felizmente casada aunque a veces son interrumpidos por cierta reina
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doggirldick · 1 year
these five are my best friends:
maxwell the cat
happy happy happy cat
oiiaioiiiai cat (spinning cat)
el gato cat (el cato)
banana cat
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suckaysuamigos200 · 1 month
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este dibujo rápido lo hice por motivo del cumpleaños del actor de doblaje Bruno Coronel Quién es conocido por ser la voz de
Cilan en la franquicia de Pokémon, Nate River "Near" en Death Note, Jaco en Dragon Ball Z: La Resurrección de Freezer y en Dragon Ball Super, Pequeño Cato en Final Space y Rotxo en Avatar: El camino del agua.
en mixels fue la voz en español latino de el mixel segundo miembro de los Fang Gang con un enorme apetito conocido como gobba
le deseamos un gran cumpleaños 🎂🎉.
˚₊‧꒰ა ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
I made this quick drawing for the birthday of the voice actor Bruno Coronel who is known for being the voice of
Cilan in the Pokémon franchise, Nate River "Near" in Death Note, Jaco in Dragon Ball Z: The Resurrection of Freezer and in Dragon Ball Super, Little Cato in Final Space and Rotxo in Avatar: The Way of Water.
In mixels he was the Latin Spanish voice of the mixel second member of the Fang Gang with a huge appetite known as gobba
we wish him a great birthday 🎂🎉..
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