#Electromagnetic Productions
bkenber · 6 months
An Ultimate Rabbit Video Review: 'Thanksgiving'
So here I am with another video review of a recent movie release. This time it is for Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving,” a movie which was promised to us ever since Roth made his fake “Thanksgiving” trailer for 2007’s “Grindhouse.” But while that trailer came across as a send-up and satire of the many slasher films we grew up with over the years, this one is more of a reboot of what came before. It also…
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simpsforscience · 5 months
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Ever wondered🤔 how active styluses turn scribbles into pixels? ✍️ Can you guess how active styluses 🖊️use electromagnetic fields to make your touch digital? Swipe through this post ➡️ dive into the hidden tech behind these digital wands!🪄
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datalibraryresearch1 · 3 months
Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market Overview by Advance Technology, Future Outlook 2030
This report studies the Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in…
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jcmarchi · 3 months
New Device Which Can Withstand 1400C Temperatures Could Improve Solar Energy Production - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/new-device-which-can-withstand-1400c-temperatures-could-improve-solar-energy-production-technology-org/
New Device Which Can Withstand 1400C Temperatures Could Improve Solar Energy Production - Technology Org
An innovative probe which can operate in temperatures as high as molten lava has been created by researchers.
  The device that is resistant to extremely high temperatures. Image credit: Dr Younes Belrhiti, University of Bristol
The team from the University of Bristol and CEA Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in France have designed and successfully tested rotary blades for generating flow in molten silicon, crucial for industries such as steel or nuclear which rely on molten metal control and impurity detection.
Traditional lab analysis is slow, costly, and lacks real-time data. The scientists set out to develop a method for real-time impurity detection with a very low detection limit, the lowest true concentration, that will almost always be detected in molten silicon used for solar cells, tackling challenges like high temperatures environment and the presence of vapours and oxides.
Lead author Dr Younes Belrhiti senior research associate from Bristol’s School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering said: “Our study introduced an innovative high-temperature probe based on mechanical stirring, ensuring a clean, representative and stable surface for real-time chemical analysis of molten silicon.”
Spectroscopy techniques measure and analyze the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter to provide insights into the composition, structure, and properties of substances. LIBS (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) is a remote and fast spectroscopic technique that can be applied to any material (liquid, solid, and aerosol).
Recently, its application to metallurgical melts has known an increasing interest in controlling the melt. However, LIBS applications based on performing laser ablations on the top of a liquid present drawbacks due to the lack of renewal and stability of the analysed surface. The bath surface exposed to the furnace atmosphere may be chemically modified (oxidized or nitrated) leading to the presence of a slag so it is not representative of the chemical composition of the melt.
At high temperatures, vapours may interfere with a spectroscopy laser beam. In some cases, the spectrum emitted by the plasma can be masked by the hot metal emissions as it behaves like a black body. Considering these difficulties, several devices have been developed to apply LIBS on molten metals which have some limitations such as instability.
In this study, published today in the journal Heliyon, a mechanical stirring of the melt by innovative rotary blades is proposed to be combined with LIBS. Their rotation will generate a representative, renewed, and stable surface as the target of the LIBS laser for an in-situ analysis at high temperatures.
Dr Belrhiti added: “We designed and tested innovative rotary blades for generating flow in molten silicon. Then, we developed the associated probe coupled with the spectroscopic technique LIBS, ensuring its functionality in high-temperature conditions.
“The developed probe offers a faster and more cost-effective way to detect impurities in molten materials used for solar cells, thanks to innovative mechanical stirring and spectroscopy that ensures accurate real-time analysis, paving the way for more efficient solar energy production.”
The mechanical stirring-based probe enables efficient impurity detection in molten silicon, enhancing the quality control of photovoltaic cells. This technology can be adapted for various high-temperature applications beyond solar cells, such as in steel and nuclear industries.
Having validated their method on molten silicon, their next step is to explore its application in other high-temperature environments, broadening its potential industrial uses.
Source: University of Bristol
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emfsolutions · 1 year
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dahaiyiblog · 1 year
Consciouscopper - Devasa+
The world today is becoming increasingly digital, and with that comes exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMFs are naturally occurring but can be dangerous when overexposed. That's why it's important to protect yourself from these invisible threats. The good news is that there are a variety of products out there designed to shield you from EMFs. From emf blocker to emf protection to emf shields, you can find the right product for your home. Whether you're looking for a device that blocks incoming radiation or something that acts as an overall emf protector, emf blocker for home, emf protection devices there are plenty of options to choose from. With proper research and the help of a trusted professional, you can easily find
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
When people come to my town, they seem to assume that the Great Magnet is a metaphor, or a tourist trap at worst. I can assure you, dear reader, that it is neither. For reasons unknown to me, our town forefathers – and one foremother who tried to pull out of the project when she figured out which way the wind was blowing – built a really big electromagnet in the centre of town. And then they realized that there was no way to power it on.
For hundreds of years, it has sat immobile as Town Hall was built around it, just daring someone to devise a power supply stronger than those they had available in 1802. Sure, a lot of fancy-pants industrial designers tried to get the eight-storey-tall electromagnet removed. It clashed with their vision for the productive space. Thing is, the town's founding laws say "no touchy the magnet," so they couldn't do much about the magnet. The magnet, that is, and its massive copper lugs sticking out the back, begging for a little bit of hot sauce.
Now, even without electricity, a chunk of ferrous material this large has some strange effects. The weather around it is really cold, and occasionally seagulls will loop infinitely around it until they drop from exhaustion, their internal sense of navigation disrupted by some passing force that has coupled into the magnet and gently charged its field. During the town Egg Festival, you could occasionally hear the AM radio Community Events Cruiser's broadcast through its surface, until Shopkeeper Ted drunkenly touched the surface of the Great Magnet and was instantly reduced to ash.
We'll switch it on one day, we tell each other. Big nuclear plant just opened a few towns over, that's got enough beef to spin it up. And then we look around at all the cool shit we own that's made out of metal, more than there ever was over 200 years ago. We think about all the things we have to lose.
Sometimes, on the Magnet's annual anniversary night speech, The Mayor will sometimes try to scare us with the size of the power bill, the magnitude of our tax dollars, that it would take to let 'er rip, just this once, as if the spectre of a few bucks a month extra would discourage us further from turning on a machine that would cleave the world in half.
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
The Evolution of the Tesla Coil
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Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil as part of his exploration into lighting, wireless power transmission, and radiofrequency experiments. He developed the coil to produce high-voltage, low current, high-frequency electricity. The Tesla coil consists of primary and secondary coils that are inductively coupled, and the circuit is designed to resonate at a specific frequency. This resonance enhances the efficiency of energy transfer between the coils, enabling the generation of high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current.
His first Tesla coil was a bipolar coil created around 1891, and was demonstrated before scientific institutes from 1891-1893. His patents reveal that they were essentially intended for light production using both high frequency and high voltage at the same time. He also mentions in his patents how he discovered that a single wire could be used to light a light bulb. Generally, light bulbs require two wires to operate – one for the positive (live or hot) and one for the negative (neutral). He also discarded wires completely lighting bulbs wirelessly. Tesla improved upon the bipolar coil over many years using them for gas engine ignition, wireless, ozone production, and to create undamped waves.
In 1893, Tesla developed the bifilar spiral coil, which is a type of coil wound with two parallel wires, known as bifilar winding. The wires are wound side by side in a spiral pattern, maintaining close proximity throughout the coil. It was built in an attempt to avoid the employment of condensers, which are expensive and difficult to maintain. The coils themselves were meant to accomplish the same ultimate object as the condensers.
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In 1894, Tesla evolved his coil into a conical coil. A conical coil refers to a coil or winding in the shape of a cone. These coils were sometimes employed in his wireless power transmission experiments and other electrical investigations. The shape of the coil can influence its inductance, capacitance, and resonance properties, impacting its performance in different applications. This coil allowed Tesla to reach tensions of 1 million volts.
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In 1897, Tesla developed the flat spiral coil, similar to his bifilar coil. This type of coil forms a flat, spiral pattern. The specific shape and dimensions of the coil can influence its inductance and other electrical properties. The main reason Tesla started using flat spiral coils was because they were relatively safe, since the highest potential terminal is at the center, and also because they better suppressed the sparks, which were essentially losses in the circuit, allowing him to achieve higher voltages:
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Another version of his coils was his Helical coil. A helical coil is a coil wound in the shape of a helix or spiral. The helical coil configuration is characterized by the wires being wound around a cylindrical form in a continuous spiral pattern. Tesla utilized helical coils throughout the late 1890s and in his Colorado Springs Experiments. The coils were used in his wireless transmission experiments, and he employed helical resonators to investigate the behavior of electromagnetic waves. The helical shape offers specific electrical properties and can influence the resonance and performance of the coil in certain applications.
Finally, the Tesla coil would eventually evolve into his Magnifying Transmitter. Tesla designed it as part of his wireless power transmission experiments. The magnifying transmitter was intended to efficiently transmit electrical energy over long distances without the need for wires. The system involved a large coil, often called the magnifying transmitter coil, which could produce high-frequency, high-voltage electrical currents. Tesla believed that this technology could revolutionize global communication and provide a means for delivering electrical power wirelessly by using the earth itself as a conductor.
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The magnifying transmitter would become his Wardenclyffe Tower. Unfortunately, Tesla ended up lacking the investments and funds to finish his work in its entirety. Some say he failed because his idea didn’t work, but that’s not true at all because his Colorado experiments proved that they did. In his head, the transmission of energy was a matter of engineering. If he had a machine that could send energy 20 miles, then he could build a machine that could send energy a thousand miles. As long as he understands the motive power, he could build a machine that will do all that he requires of it. He simply underestimated the cost of his system. His failures to finish his work would leave him with the public persona as being the mad scientist who had unrealistic ideas for the future.
Ultimately, Tesla would not realize his dream of providing humankind with cheap, unlimited energy in his lifetime; however, his legacy forever lives on through the incredibly impactful experiments, and the evolution of the Tesla Coil.
“Technical invention is akin to architecture and the experts must in time come to the same conclusions I have reached long ago. Sooner or later my power system will have to be adopted in its entirety and so far as I am concerned it is as good as done. If I were ever assailed by doubt of ultimate success I would dismiss it by remembering the words of that great philosopher, Lord Kelvin, who after witnessing some of my experiments said to me with tears in his eyes: ‘I am sure you will do it.’”--Nikola Tesla
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transmutationisms · 10 months
okay so i’ve never really grasped this, might as well ask now — how exactly does the cyberspace & nft stuff mine resources? i’ve heard the basics (i.e. crypto mining uses energy and what not) but i’ve never been able to understand how internet connects to real resources. could you sort of explain that (along the lines with the spam email post) in a simpler way?
ok, put very simply: it's easy for people who only interact with the internet as users to treat 'cyberspace' or 'the virtual world' as immaterial. i type something out on my phone, it lives in the screen. intuitively, it feels less real and physical than writing the same words down on a piece of paper with a pencil. this is an illusion. the internet is real and physical; digital technology is not an escape from the use of natural resources to create products. my phone, its charger, the data storage facility, a laptop: all of these things are physical objects. the internet does not exist without computers; it is a network of networks that requires real, physical devices and cables in order to store, transmit, and access all of the data we use every time we load a webpage or save a text document.
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this is one of google's data centres—part of the physical network of servers and cables that google operates. these are real objects made of real materials that need to be obtained through labour and then manufactured into these products through labour. the more data we use, the more capacity the physical network must have. google operates dozens of these data centres and potentially millions of servers (there is no official number). running these facilities takes electricity, cooling technologies (servers get hot), and more human labour. now think about how many other companies exist that store or transmit data. this entire network exists physically.
when you look at a server, or a phone, or a laptop, you might be glossing over a very simple truth that many of us train ourselves not to see: these objects themselves are made of materials that have supply chains! for example, cobalt, used in (among other things) lithium-ion batteries, has a notoriously brutal supply chain relying on horrific mining practices (including child labour), particularly in the congo. lithium mining, too, is known to have a massive environmental toll; the list goes on. dangerous and exploitative working conditions, as well as the environmental costs of resource extraction, are primarily and immediately borne by those who are already most brutally oppressed under capitalism: poor workers in the global south, indigenous people, &c. this is imperialism in action. digital technologies cannot exist without resources, and tech companies (like all capitalist firms!) are profitable because they exploit labour.
all commodities require resources and labour to make and distribute. digital technology is no different. these are material objects with material histories and contexts. nothing about the internet is immaterial, from the electromagnetic waves of wi-fi communication to the devices we use to scroll tumblr. it is, in fact, only by a fantastical sleight-of-hand that we can look at and interact with these objects and still consider the internet to be anything but real resources.
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spacetime-singularity · 5 months
Hey 🖖🏽
It’s finally exam season!
I’ve put in a lot of work, and now it’s crucial not to forget the motivations and the good intentions we have when we start.
I have a month and a half of dedication and studying ahead, and afterward, I can feel satisfied.
I want to share these days of productivity to keep myself motivated and to inspire fellow students like me.
Day 1/40 of productivity
morning of self care and household chores. Taking care of oneself provides a lot of energy to study at the best.
after lunch, I started studying the second part of electromagnetism course, as the exam is just around the corner! 😬
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creature-wizard · 1 year
What's up with the Satanic Panic, in a nutshell.
Around the 1970's, conservative Evangelicals began weaponizing a number of conspiracy theories against anyone who wasn't a conservative Evangelical. These conspiracy theories were essentially repackaged witch hysteria (IE, the conspiracies pushed by early modern witch hunters) and antisemitism (especially blood libel).
The core conspiracy theory was that a global satanic cult was working behind the scenes to manipulate politics and lead people away from Jesus. The exact practices of the cult depended on who you asked, but common allegations were practicing human sacrifice (including plenty of child sacrifice), drinking human blood, engaging in sex slavery, producing CSE and snuff films, doing drugs, and having orgies.
Numerous people stepped forward claiming to have been either former cult members, or cult survivors. Pretty much all of their accounts are full of blatant absurdities, and anytime someone was actually investigated, pretty much all of their claims fell apart. For example, Mike Warnke, one of the earliest self-proclaimed ex-satanists, was found to have made up his entire story. One woman, Lauren Stratford, was not only revealed to be a fraud, but afterward claimed she was a Holocaust survivor to collect benefits.
Some examples of claims made by people who claimed to be ex-members/survivors include:
Neopaganism was created by the global satanic cult, and Aleister Crowley was their main agent in this.
All neopaganism and modern witchcraft is a slippery slope to human sacrifice and "hardcore satanism."
All media that depicts magic or the supernatural in any way is part of the satanic agenda. Yes, literally all of it. Yes, even that.
Homosexuality is part of the global satanic agenda.
Rock and heavy metal music are part of the global satanic agenda.
Fluoride, artificial sweeteners, and various food additives are actually mind control drugs.
Electromagnetic waves are used to control people's thoughts.
Marxism was created by the global satanic agenda.
If you know anything about QAnon conspiracy theories, you might notice that some of these look awfully familiar. This is because QAnon was another manifestation of Satanic Panic. They updated "electromagnetic waves" to 5G, and largely replaced homosexuality with transgender, but it's the same thing.
The conspiracy theory about cultists creating mind controlled slaves by inducing dissociative identity disorder through torture (all that Project Monarch stuff) is purely a product of the Satanic Panic. People's supposed "memories" of this abuse were generally produced via recovered memory therapy, which is now known to be more effective at implanting memories rather than recovering them. No serious investigations ever produced any evidence of the supposedly widespread and incredibly elaborate torture of tens of thousands of children.
Now, there have been actual isolated cases of what might be considered satanic ritual abuse. But they do not constitute evidence of a global satanic conspiracy. Rather, they constitute evidence that the perpetrators were inspired by the conspiracy theory.
Additionally, they had a very pseudoscientific view of DID, and the horrible practices allegedly used to induce it and create mind controlled alters were pure pseudoscience, as were the alleged symptoms that someone might be a victim of satanic ritual abuse and just didn't remember it. Everything from autism to having conflicted feelings about your abuser to liking BDSM could be construed as a sign that you had been ritually abused. With a bunch of therapists fully convinced that thousands of people had been ritually abused and armed with hypnotic techniques that allowed them to implant memories of abuse, you can see where things could turn messy in a hurry.
Those who claimed to be former satanists/SRA victims were extremely clear in their assertions that this global satanic conspiracy really did exist, and that the only way to escape and stay safe from it was to accept Jesus. Tales of demonic attacks that could only be stopped by the power of Jesus were common, as were other claims of grandiose supernatural power.
In short, the Satanic Panic was - and still is - a means of demonizing anyone who isn't a fundagelical Christofascist, and scaring anyone who already is, into remaining such. Many of the conspiracy theories have made their way into supposedly progressive circles, so you'll occasionally come across the Project Monarch stuff in DID communities, or see pro-LGBTQ people subscribing to conspiracy theories about the wealthy elite drinking blood or adrenochrome.
But make no mistake, there is no "grain of truth" to these allegations of a global satanic conspiracy. There was no "time before all of this was corrupted by evil agendas." It was all created by people with with hateful agendas, and continues to be perpetuated by people with hateful agendas. And that's all, folks.
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ticklingduck · 5 months
A friend of mine who works at a Mistress Bar(https://twitter.com/SM_Guernica) in Tokyo, Japan, sent me a video review of my tickling electromagnetic rod.
The queens here suggest ways to use the product that I would not have expected and give me appropriate reviews, giving me opinions and new perspectives that are essential for further improvement of the product.
We appreciate Lee's thoughts and feedback as they have a great impact on our development motivation.
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emfsolutions · 1 year
Stay Protected in Melbourne with EMF Solution's Protection Pendants
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EMF Solution offers cutting-edge protection pendants designed to safeguard individuals in Melbourne from the potential health risks associated with electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure. With an increasing number of electronic devices and wireless technologies in our daily lives, concerns about EMF pollution have grown. This article explores the importance of EMF protection pendants and how EMF Solution's products can help residents of Melbourne maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Electromagnetic fields are generated by various sources, including power lines, Wi-Fi routers, cell phone towers, and electronic devices. While the long-term effects of EMF exposure are still being studied, some research suggests a potential link to health issues such as sleep disturbances, headaches, and increased stress levels. With the growing dependency on technology, it becomes crucial to take proactive measures to reduce EMF exposure.
EMF Solution's protection pendants are designed to create a harmonizing effect on the body, minimizing the potential harmful impact of EMF radiation. These pendants incorporate advanced technologies that work on the principles of frequency resonance and energy balancing. By emitting specific frequencies, the pendants aim to neutralize the disruptive effects of EMF radiation and promote a healthier energetic state.
One of the key benefits of EMF Solution's protection pendants is their versatility. We can be worn as a pendant around the neck, carried in a pocket, or placed near electronic devices to create a protective field. This flexibility allows individuals to personalize our level of protection and adapt it to our specific needs and lifestyle.
EMF Solution understands the importance of providing effective protection without compromising style and aesthetics. Our protection pendants are designed with a variety of elegant and contemporary designs, ensuring that individuals can wear with confidence and incorporate seamlessly into daily attire.
Choosing an EMF protection pendant from EMF Solution in Melbourne offers peace of mind, knowing that steps are being taken to minimize potential health risks associated with EMF exposure. By wearing the pendant, individuals can feel more confident in navigating today's technologically advanced world without compromising their overall well-being.
Furthermore, EMF Solution goes beyond just providing protection pendants. We also offer comprehensive information and resources to educate individuals about EMF pollution and its potential effects. By understanding the nature of EMF radiation and how it interacts with the human body, individuals can make informed decisions about protecting themselves and their loved ones.
In conclusion, EMF Solution's protection pendants offer an effective and stylish solution to mitigate the potential risks of EMF pollution in Melbourne. By utilizing advanced technologies and frequencies, these pendants aim to create a harmonizing effect on the body and promote a healthier energetic state. With our versatility and elegant designs, individuals can confidently incorporate these pendants into daily lives. EMF Solution's commitment to providing information and resources further enhances our value as a trusted provider of EMF protection solutions. Take control of your well-being and explore the benefits of EMF Solution's protection pendants in Melbourne today.
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wiststudies · 5 months
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21st Jan, 2024
day 5 / 30 [ 30 days of productivity]
note: forgot to time how long i studied today </3 but i got some work done- sickness got worse today.
studied: electromagnetic waves - physics (completed!) semiconductors - physics (completed!)
misc: worked on fanfics and plan on posting once exams are done.
goal for tomorrow: revision + starting new chapter in physics.
till tomorrow <3 - wist 🌱
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spacenutspod · 5 months
2 min read Hubble Glimpses a Bright Galaxy Group This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a tangled group of interacting galaxies called LEDA 60847. NASA/ESA/A. Barth (University of California – Irvine)/M. Koss (Eureka Scientific Inc.)/A. Robinson (Rochester Institute of Technology)/Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America) This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a group of interacting galaxies known as LEDA 60847. LEDA 60847 is classified as an active galactic nuclei, or AGN. An AGN has a supermassive black hole in the galaxy’s central region that is accreting material. The AGN emits radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and shines extremely brightly. By studying powerful AGNs that are relatively nearby, astronomers can better understand how supermassive black holes grow and affect galaxies. Galaxy mergers are relatively common occurrences. Most larger galaxies are the result of smaller galaxies merging. The Milky Way itself contains traces of other galaxies, indicating it is the product of past mergers. Astronomers believe somewhere between 5% and 25% of all galaxies are currently merging.  This image of LEDA 60847 combines ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared data from Hubble. The ability to see across all those wavelengths is one of the things that makes Hubble unique. Different types of light across the electromagnetic spectrum tell astronomers different things about our universe. Ultraviolet light traces the glow of stellar nurseries and is used to identify the hottest stars. Visible light shows us moderate-temperature stars and material, and also how the view would appear to our own eyes. Last but not least, near-infrared light can penetrate cold dust, allowing us to study warm gas and dust, and relatively cool stars. LEARN MORE: Hubble’s Cosmic Collisions Hubble Science: Galaxy Details and Mergers Hubble Science: Tracing the Growth of Galaxies Download this image Media Contact: Claire AndreoliNASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Jan 23, 2024 Editor Andrea Gianopoulos Location Goddard Space Flight Center Related Terms Active Galaxies Astrophysics Division Galaxies Goddard Space Flight Center Hubble Space Telescope Missions The Universe Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Hubble Space Telescope Since its 1990 launch, the Hubble Space Telescope has changed our fundamental understanding of the universe. Galaxies Stories Stars Stories James Webb Space Telescope Webb is the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It studies every phase in the…
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