yumenosakiacademy · 5 months
[gets distracted 4 like 20 min] ah shit! silly me! ok lemme get back 2 doing what i was working on b4 ^_^ ..................... [snaps back 2 attention after realizing i got distracted again n hav been away from what i was doing 4 another hr] wha-
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al-kol-eleh · 10 months
Koolulam with Shlomi Shabbat
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degenerateturtle · 1 year
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laszonasabisales · 1 year
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Eleh / Duane Pitre - Empty Summer Endless / Feel Free Installation
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mylancap1 · 3 months
Ramai yang cakap Nisa bawa perwatakan muslimah. Aku pun setuju. Sebab nak tengok dia belanja sideboobs pun agak susah. Tapi ada ketika tertentu yang dia datang mood nak belanja. Masa tu memang aku lenjan sampai lunyai dick. Cuma tak selalu jumpa moment tu. Tapi paling nice bila Nisa belanja black bra. Ahhh fuck, tak payah belanja boobs pun tak apa asal dah tayang depan-depan bra dia. Fuck sial. Nisa belanja black bra depan fappers? Eleh nak sorok bra konon, padahal memang nak belanja. Nak bagi fappers punya batang mencanak. Damnnn sebulan aku guna modal ni non stop. Shit.
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crazykidstoys · 1 year
Funny Monkey Fishing with Tail - Elephant Saves Monkey from Crocodile At...
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אֵֽלֶּה אֶזְכְּרָה וְנַפְשִׁי עָלַי אֶשְׁפְּכָה...
Each Yom Kippur we read Eleh Ezkarah, These I Remember, about the martyrs killed by the Romans for being Jews. But my shul always gives contemporary martyrs of antisemitism after the first verse, and I need you to know that I sobbed this year even more than normal because all of them, all of them were killed since I started going to shul six years ago. All of them except, of course, Rabbi Akiva.
That realization hit me like a landslide and stayed in my mind like a shadow until well after Ne'ilah.
For the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting, this year we read the poem "A Minyan Plus One."
At the end, we read a special Kaddish Yatom that interposes the names of the Holocaust death camps between the traditional words.
And I thought. Chaverim I thought, foolishly, that at least next year, I'd be ready.
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talonabraxas · 11 months
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"Fire Covenant" Rovina Cai
"Covenant of fire (Chamah חמה, Chokmah חכמה, Christ) created Eleh אלה (these archetypes) from ים Yam (Mi מי reversed, which is Mercury מרקורי) Ath HaShamayim (את השמים, the Akasha आकाश and the Prana प्राण, the Mercury) of the heavens and (Elah-Yam אלה-ים in the Vav, spinal medulla) Ath (the Akasha आकाश and the Prana प्राण, the Mercury of Secret Philosophy) of the earth (our male or female physicality). And (Vav-Hei וה) the earth (our male or female physicality) was formless and void; and darkness was upon the face of their abyss. And the Spirit (Brahma, Abraham) of Elohim (El-HaYam אל-הים and Elah-yam אלה-ים) hovered upon the face of (HaMayim המים) the waters (of Jah יה, which are, who - Mi מי, and what - Mah מה, the Mercury of Secret Philosophy)." - Genesis 1: 1
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hero-israel · 10 months
How many civilians should die in Gaza before it’s no longer worth it? Or is it always worth it? Is it worth it to keep pushing and killing and keep killing and keep killing and keep killing I. The hope that one day Hamas will be defeated? Do their lives just mean less inherently? Because they’re not Israeli?
I've been getting asks like this multiple times per week (and I'm not the only one). It gives the strong impression that a lot of kindly, goodthinking young people saw their political slogans and movements as purely therapeutic, substituting for the mental / communal reassurance of a God they don't believe in, instead of real statements on societal protection and the use of power.
Please think real hard about whether your political principles / orientation have ever involved any of the following:
"Magneto was right"
"Never again"
"Fuck that Confederate statue"
"Antifa / anti-fascist"
"Punch a Nazi"
anything involving guillotines
Then look into what had to be done to actually defeat slavery and fascism and Nazism - the latter in the "classical" sense, not the "chinless basement-dwelling blogger who never actually hurt anybody" sense. Have you been imagining all this time that there WEREN'T civilian casualties in Berlin? I realize this is not a great comparison, because what Israel is doing in Gaza is far more selective and merciful than what the Allies did. But you get the idea.
You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out...
You might as well appeal against the thunder storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.
You have heretofor read public sentiment in your newspapers, that live by falsehood and excitement; and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better...  Now that the war comes home to you, you feel very different. You deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car loads of soldiers and ammunition, and moulded shells and shot, to carry war into Kentucky and Tennessee, to desolate the homes of hundreds and thousands of good people who only asked to live in peace at their old homes...
Now you must go, and take with you the old and feeble, feed and nurse them, and build for them, in more quiet places, proper habitations to shield them against the weather until the mad passions of men cool down, and allow the Union and peace once more to settle over your old homes at Atlanta. 
Maj. General William Tecumseh Sherman
(credit to @al-kol-eleh)
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I decided to end my restriction today and eat something to see what my stomach does after restriction. With my partner coming over tomorrow afternoon I didn't want to have to eat around him and be violently sick so yeah this is what I've had
I hope to the gods that I don't wake up the 4lbs I lost back tomorrow.
I'll be doing some exercise later to work some of this off, I enjoy the Grow with Jo 10k steps video on YouTube I have just enough space in my micro apartment to do it.
Normally my eating habits are low calorie (under 1300)and low carb. I've been trying for a year and a half now to lose weight the "conventional" way of diet and exercise but no matter what I do outside of literally ⭐ING myself I don't lose the weight. I have pcos and now I'm in my 30s it's just difficult. I have bad joints with arthritis, elehers danlos syndrome and fibromyalgia so everything always hurts. I pushed myself and pushed myself into near burn out again over the last year trying to lose this weight, that I only have due to medication, pcos and an ex who had a feeder kink and would be abusive if I didn't eat what he gave me.
I don't want to be skinny for beauty I want to be skinny so I am repulsive to men like my ex.
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 months
the intense desire 2 draw 1nvest1grave charas vs my inability 2 decipher how the fuck 2 draw literally Every chara's hair bc of the creator's art style making a lot of the hair full of Lines (<- NOT A BAD THING it looks Cool n fits well, but i cant handle doing tht in my art)
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patricia-taxxon · 1 year
I really enjoyed your drone album Task a whole lot! I have listened through it a dozen or so times and it was on my regular rotation for my bus ride to uni for quite a while.
I was wondering if you had any listening recommendations for albums or other musical works that inspired Task. I vaguely recall you mentioning some influences in a twitter thread a forever ago but I cannot seem to find it. I found Task's sound design and gradual development completely engrossing, and i would love to hear into some of the works that inspired it.
Task had a lot of influence from various experimental music I found as a teenager. Track 2 (the really annoying one) was inspired by Mika Vainio, particularly his weird ominous sound experiments from the 90s, with a little low rumbling inspired by Francisco Lopez's quiet pieces. Other parts of the album took from Eliane Radigue, ELEH, and CM Von Hausswolff in varying amounts.
I really loved making it, and its def my favorite album I released in 2022 in retrospect.
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santoschristos · 11 months
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"Fire Covenant" Rovina Cai "Covenant of fire (Chamah חמה, Chokmah חכמה, Christ) created Eleh אלה (these archetypes) from ים Yam (Mi מי reversed, which is Mercury מרקורי) Ath HaShamayim (את השמים, the Akasha आकाश and the Prana प्राण, the Mercury) of the heavens and (Elah-Yam אלה-ים in the Vav, spinal medulla) Ath (the Akasha आकाश and the Prana प्राण, the Mercury of Secret Philosophy) of the earth (our male or female physicality). And (Vav-Hei וה) the earth (our male or female physicality) was formless and void; and darkness was upon the face of their abyss. And the Spirit (Brahma, Abraham) of Elohim (El-HaYam אל-הים and Elah-yam אלה-ים) hovered upon the face of (HaMayim המים) the waters (of Jah יה, which are, who - Mi מי, and what - Mah מה, the Mercury of Secret Philosophy)." - Genesis 1: 1
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Uno dan arisan (?)
Hari ini kita kumpul arisan lagi, di tempat mie kocok kek biasa namun baralem da nuju puasa eyymm yg lg dpt jg monmaap balem jg yah kan ngga ada yg jualan wkwk. Akumah udah planning tiap hari bakalan diem di sekolah selama anak sekolah krn kagok cm 1,5 jam. Jadi tadi arisan jg ya ikut ngumpul..
Bentar anterin dulu nona manis ke kelas. Baju muslim cuma punya 1 sisanya kita mix and match aja baju yg ada trus ditiungan welah haha. Ibunya gapernah beliin baju muslim, lagian pst jarang dipake kecuali sekolahnya sekolah islam kan yaa.
Day 3, ootd nya.. Ah lupa day 2 nya ngga di foto euy. Topnya dress lekbong kita kasih kaos dalemannya dulu, ada outer senada warna abu, pakein aja, bawahnya ya legging abu jg dan tadaa~ msh sopan kan. Kerudung menutup dada yaa ukhtiiii.. Pose dulu nak~ okee masuk kelas, doakan ibu menang arisan yah! Udah japrem duluan kalo menang arisan beli DIY gelang lg cenah. Okelah siap..
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Yang ngumpul ngga banyak jg, cuma ber 5. Mama zen, mica, kembar, jav.. Mama jav akhirnya beli uno sesuai rikuesan haha. Sebelum ngespin arisan kita main uno dulu 2x. Ah tadi saat main ngga difotoin euy lupa terlalu seru barijeung seuseurian. Pgnnya mah kartu remi main poker dll tp isin di sakola cenah wkwkwk yaasiikk.. Aku? Menang ke 2 terakhir dan terakhir eleh wewww ngerakeun~ unonya aku bawa plg disuruh mama jav da cenah mama nemo mah tiap hari nungguin, yodah beklahhh
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Mari kita spin atuh sesuai rencana kita.. Bismillah yah~ ngarep yeuh skrg maaah wkwkwk.
Waaaahh, alhamdulillah menang dong! Itu aku spinner pertama. Emg bbrp kali yg ngespin itu yg menangnya haha. Pemenang ke 2 ibu bandar kita mama zen, bendaraha arisan yg ikut 2.. Selamat untuk kita mammm hahaha.
Rejeki bgt ya Allah, semalam kita berdua tarawehan plus tahajud. Biasanya kita tarawehan doang, atau malam sebelumnya tahajud doang malah. Taraweh plus tahajud ditutup dgn witir, jadi pas taraweh cuma 2x 4 rakaat nanti witirnya 3 rakaat pas sehabis tahajud. Alhamdulillah terlaksana. Tp tahajudnya masing2 nih haha, suami pgn pas di jam 3.15, sedangkan istrinya mau mepet ke sahur jam 3.45 ya gpp jadi kami masing2. Terimakasih Allah maha baik.. Terimakasih atas rejekimu.. Mudah2an kami selalu mendapatkan rejeki yg berkah. Kesehatan fisik dan mental, ketenangan jiwa, kelancaran hidup, rumah tangga damai. Aamiin ya rabb..
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laszonasabisales · 2 years
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Caterina Barbieri / Eleh - Bestie Infinite / Wear Patterns
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unskilledpoint · 11 months
*chews om elehants foot*
Eat the meat next. Chomp a tusk or two.
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