#Eli Porter
confusedhomicidalrage · 3 months
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brains4ne · 2 months
MY EAR HURTS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Anyways here
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damaskino-26320 · 1 year
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Children Of The Corn III doing it before Watchmen made it cool.
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thena0315 · 9 months
Holding Babies
Stabler [9x09]
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Fin [6x02]
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Amaro [16x03]
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Carisi [17x10]
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.........Barba [16x16]
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emoreooo · 10 months
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boy yuri
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silly doodle i wanted to include with my ep doodles but i didnt finish it in time 😩 i loved their little moments with justice and rage
taglist: @dapper-nahrwhale @leelovessharks @disdoorted-crows @genuine-possum @joshkiszkashusband @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @starchaserbaby (lemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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clichey · 8 months
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Malika El Maslouhi, Amira Al Zuhair Paris Fashion Week SS24 - Elie Saab - Malika El Maslouhi, Amira Al Zuhair Book┃IG
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sapphic--kiwi · 11 months
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adrenaline rush ❄️💙
more fanart i did for @lsoer ‘s BTVS au fic - chapter 23 held me hostage and made me go insane
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thisismehappy · 1 year
The way that this baby became this kid:
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And this baby became this kid:
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And now they're both 3+ years older than they're supposed to be. Just smh.
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incorrectbensler · 2 years
Elliot: The recipe says “beat two eggs”
Noah: Can I use a mallet?
Eli: No. Fight like a man. This is hand to hand combat.
Elliot: Both of you get out
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rayssion · 8 months
So in the last 24h I read:
Ms ice sandwich by Mieko Kawakami.
Grief is the thing with feathers by Max Porter.
Night by Elie Wiesel.
Small things like these by Claire Keegan.
Letters to a young poet by Rilke.
Crush by Richard Siken.
The tell-tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe.
And it's safe to say that I'm in an emotional rollercoaster, I don't know how I'll be sleeping tonight.
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confusedhomicidalrage · 3 months
"PAPA!" Eli shouted from the bedroom, at 8pm. Fips and Lawrence both exchanged glances with shock, before Fips immediately pushed himself up and ran to Eli and Joshua's shared bedroom. When he came in, he saw Eli in Joshua's arms, and Micah sleeping beside Joshua on his left, leaning against him. "...yes Eli?" Fips asked, raising a brow. Joshua smiled, wrapping an arm around his adoptive brother's waist to pull him closer, while the other was wrapped around Eli. Eli pouted, as Lawrence came into the room as well.
"Can you read us a bedtime story?" Eli then questioned innocently, making Fips and Lawrence sigh. "You yelled for us for that?" Fips asked, re-raising his brow. Eli nodded, smiling proudly. Joshua chuckled, and before he could apologize for Eli's shouting, Lawrence had already plopped himself next to Micah with a book in his hands.
As Joshua, Eli and Lawrence looked at him expectantly, Fips caved in. He sat down on Joshua's right, and smiled slightly, as Lawrence started reading. However, in the middle of it, due to Micah being a light sleeper, he woke up and got confused. However, he relaxed after being told They were just reading bedtime stories. "Why though...?" He asked softly, a puzzled expression apparent on his face. "Eli" Fips merely replied, to which Micah let out an "oh" sound.
"What book is it?" Fips asked, tilting his head slightly as he grabbed a few blankets and pillows so they could snuggle up. Eli, being the one getting easily cold, grabbed at least three and wrapped himself in them like a cocoon. Joshua laughed, and since he got warm rather easily, he just grabbed a blanket and draped it around his shoulders. Micah also grabbed a blanket, well two actually, and snuggled into them. Lawrence had one around himself as well, the same with Fips.
"Uh...it's called Moonlit memories" Lawrence replied. As he cleared his throat and everyone closed their eyes, He began reading:
"In a quaint cottage nestled on the edge of a sleepy town lived a woman named Isabella. She was a painter known for her exquisite landscapes that captured the beauty of both the ordinary and the extraordinary."
"As the world outside embraced the hush of night, Isabella would settle into her cozy nook, surrounded by the gentle glow of candles and the subtle scent of lavender."
"Her favourite moments were the ones when the moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver tapestry over everything it touched."
"One serene evening, as Isabella dipped her brush into a palette of midnight blues and velvety purples, she felt a presence at her window. It was a wise old owl, its eyes like glimmering amber."
"“May I join you, dear painter?” the owl asked, its voice carrying the wisdom of ages."
"Isabella smiled warmly. “Of course, you’re welcome here.”"
"The owl settled on the windowsill, and as Isabella painted, it shared stories of moonlit adventures and the secrets of the night. Each stroke of her brush seemed to capture the whispers of the stars and the moon’s soft embrace."
"As the night deepened, Isabella realized she was painting not just a scene but a memory. It was a memory of all the nights she had spent gazing at the moon, feeling its tranquil presence heal her heart and inspire her art."
"As the first light of dawn began to brush the sky with gentle pastels, Isabella finished her painting. The owl blinked at the masterpiece with approval."
"“It’s not just a painting,” the owl said. “It’s a piece of your soul, a piece of the night’s magic.”"
"With a knowing smile, the owl spread its wings and took flight, leaving behind a sense of wonder that seemed to infuse the very air."
"As Isabella nestled into her bed, her painting resting against the windowsill, she felt a serene contentment settle over her. The moon’s gentle touch and the owl’s wise words had brought a sense of comfort around her."
"With a whispered “goodnight” to the night sky, Isabella closed her eyes, her heart brimming with gratitude for the simple magic that painted her world in moonlit memories."
"And so, in the quiet hours of the night, as moonbeams weave stories through dreams, Isabella’s paintings continue to hold the secret of moonlit nights, whispering the enchanting stories of the nocturnal world to all who choose to listen."
By the end of the story, Micah already fell asleep again, as expected, he woke up and fell asleep just as easily. Joshua and Eli were half-asleep, though they would probably fall asleep in the next minute due to their tired cuddling. Lawrence smiled and put the book down, looking to speak to Fips, only to notice that he was actually asleep. Huh, sleep deprivation got to him! Lawrence just chuckled, and decided to try and fall asleep too. As he listened to the soft rain tapping against the windows and the occasional thunder, his eyelids felt heavy, and he fell asleep as well.
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brains4ne · 2 months
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he’s mad.
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damaskino-26320 · 1 year
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An eldritch corn god taking the time to turn an entire high school goth in one semester. I’m dead.
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thena0315 · 9 months
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One day we'll get a family picture of all of them together
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emoreooo · 9 months
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gm but theyre my age (19-20)
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