#Elizabeth Olsen I love you
togrowoldinv · 1 year
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I’m in love
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lifespectator · 21 days
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it-meant-nothing · 2 months
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When you’re 100% straight but the Magnet Family exists—
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themilfsland · 3 months
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It's so frustrating we only get a short scene with her wearing that outfit.
I'm not lying it was 10 seconds of screen but it lives in my mind on repeat forever 🫠 Am I not wrong, right?! Bye
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wandaspetal · 1 year
Late Night Talking
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Marvel/MCU
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)/𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (past), Carol Danvers x Natasha Romanoff
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞: Friends to Lovers, College AU
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Cursing, flirting teasing, mention of insomnia, anxiety and stress, jealousy, and huge fat warning college, some angst with happy ending
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: If you’re feeling down Wanda wants to make you happier baby
𝐀𝐍: Reader uses she/they pronouns. Loosely based on Late Night Talking by Harry Styles and my insomnia (surprise surprise). This was written at 3 in the morning and is unedited. Enjoy! :)
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At first it was passed off as a quirky trait they had by their friends and family members. Now they were starting to acknowledge how much of problem it is for Y/n to deal with. Hopefully Professor Harkness wouldn’t be on her ass about it. The last time they were here the professor showed an immense amount of concern at the lack of livelihood in them due to their insomnia.
She was becoming somewhat of a concerned mother figure towards her while still maintaining her professionalism.
Thankfully she wasn’t at her desk yet and it was still 5 minutes before class started. As Y/n plopped down into their seat they barely spared the person they sat next to a glance. It wasn’t an auditorium styled classroom it was one of the smaller ones. Only 20 people were in this Psychology class and it was the smallest one the professor had (she has joked about it multiple times).
Wanda couldn’t help but stare. The droopiness in their eyes and bags underneath raised so much concern. The Sokovian cleared her throat and debated giving the gift she had for Y/n now or after class. Her utensils and items she uses for class were all perfectly laid out in front of her.
She quickly reached into her bag deciding she could use Professor Harkness as a distraction in case Y/n didn’t like what she gave them. Wanda removed the plastic bag and slid it towards them.
“What- oh good morning Wanda, don’t forget your stuff.” Their voice was laced with tiredness.
Wanda giggled. Even when they were sleep deprived they were cute. “It’s for you baby.” The pet name slipped out causing both their cheeks to burn.
Y/n cleared her throat and sat up in attempt to straighten their posture but still hunched over the desk a bit to grab the bag. They untied it and looked inside to see an assortment of snacks, a water bottle and two different brands of melatonin. Their cheeks flushed for another reason. Y/n had no clue Wanda had been paying this much attention to her.
“Oh Wanda I’m sorry I- do I bother you during class? Because I can move–”
“None of that.” Wanda shook her head immediately cutting her rambling short. “Whenever I’m sleepy during class it helps me to stay awake to eat or drink in between writing…and because it helps me stay awake, I thought it might help you too…I also used to take these melatonin brands when I had issues sleeping during finals from all the stress and they worked pretty well unless you blatantly ignore the tiredness they cause you like I did at the start of taking them…” Wanda scratched the back of her head, she could not read Y/n’s expression. “Point is, I got this stuff for you because I wanted to help.”
Y/n could not fathom why someone she rarely sees outside of class would do something so kind for them. Kate, Yelena or one of their other friends would do this but Wanda and her only interacted because she briefly dated Natasha until the two decided they were better off as friends. And even then Natasha and her never got that close due to the overwhelming crush Y/n had on her in highschool. But that can be reminisced on another time.
Y/n placed her hand on Wanda’s wrist immediately feeling it relax under her touch. “Wanda, thank you, seriously.” The two shared a smile. “You’re sharing them with me throughout class though.” Wanda began to protest. “I wasn’t asking, Maximoff.” Y/n smirked when her cheeks flushed and a shy “okay.” Reached their ears.
The two shared the snacks during class and Y/n carried the melatonin around with them for the rest of the day. After eating dinner with her roommates she laid in bed for two hours until she glanced at her night stand and saw the melatonin mocking her. Melatonin usually doesn’t work, she’ll feel drowsy then immediately begin to doze off then wake up and be awake for the rest of the night.
They sighed and reached for the melatonin, ripping the package open. “5 milligrams per fruit gummy.” Y/n popped in 4 and hoped for the best.
Their phone buzzed on the bed signaling a text message coming in. Y/n grabbed it without looking and unlocked her phone. The time read 1:20 in the morning which was less worse than usual.
Wanda :D | 1:20 AM
You up?
Y/n forgot Wanda had her number after they (her friends, Natasha and Wanda) all went to the arcade together. Seems Wanda didn’t forget though.
Y/n <3 | 1:23 AM
Yup! Just took the melatonin though so let’s see if it works.
Not even 30 seconds went buy before Wanda’s name popped up on her phone, signaling she was getting a call. Y/n answered, propping herself up against the head board with her pillow for support.
“Hi.” Y/n sang.
“Hello.” Wanda’s accent was pronounced as ever. “I…sorry I called you I just- I wanted to talk to you and hear your voice, I also don’t feel like typing any longer.”
“That’s alright, not like I’m asleep.” Y/n joked with a hint of amusement in their voice.
Wanda chuckled deeply. “That’s true, which one did you take?”
“I’m too lazy to grab it and look but it has a clear packaging with the label on front.”
“Purple top?”
“Yeah.” Y/n grinned.
“Oh cool, I figured you would like gummies more.”
“And what made you think that?”
Wanda twirled her hand between her fingers as she sat at her desk inside her room at her brother’s apartment. “I sort of remembered how you said you enjoy fruit flavored things so…yeah.”
Y/n nodded even though Wanda couldn’t see them. “Yeah well you are what you eat.”
Wanda giggled. “Shut up.”
“Oh okay well I’ll just hang up now.” Y/n said with mock offense and their hand on their chest.
“Stop, no teasing.” She chastised playfully.
“Me tease? Like you weren’t calling me nicknames in class earlier.” Y/n’s chuckle was deep and raspy. After not hearing a response they pulled the phone away from their ear. Then put it back as it said the call was still going. “Hello? Wanda.”
Wanda muted herself and screamed into her pillow then calmly moved her hair out of her face as Y/n questioned where she went. She picked the phone back up and unmuted herself.
“Wanda you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay just wanted you to see how empty your life would be if I hung up on you.”
“You are so–”
“Pretty, smart, amazing–”
“And also annoying.”
“That’s rich– you think I’m pretty?”
Y/n responded without hesitation. “What? Of course you are! Natasha only dates pretty girls and you’re the prettiest I’ve ever seen– dating her aside.”
Wanda’s smile faltered at hearing Natasha’s name. Then returned at full force as Y/n reassured her right after making that comment. Nat and Wanda being in the same friend group was a decision Wanda regrets but also loves. Her friends are some of the best people she has ever met. Once Carol and Nat started dating soon after they broke up Wanda avoided speaking to Natasha as much as possible.
“Sorry, did I make things weird by bringing up the ex…I didn’t mean too.” Y/n was now laid down in bed, snuggled under the covers with her phone to her ear.
“No you didn’t, baby.” She cleared her throat. “Are you feeling sleepy?” Wanda asked, physically resisting the urge to write notes on their current state.
Y/n swooned at the nickname for the second time that day. “Yeah.” She sang. “Are you– wait why are you still up?”
Wanda grins. “I stay up late sometimes when I don’t have plans the next day, it’s like a reward for getting through the day or week.”
“And you decided to use your reward time to call me? Such a sweet girl.”
Wanda giggled, shut off her lamp and laid down in bed under the covers. “I try.” She glanced over to see the clock read 2:30 in the morning. “We both have to try going to sleep now though angel, get some rest for me okay?”
Y/n hummed in response, her heart fluttering at the nickname. “Okay…night.”
Wanda grinned knowing the melatonin was kicking in. “Goodnight angel, sleep well.”
They both hung up and for the first time in a while Y/n got a full eight hours of sleep. Wanda sighed happily and held her phone to her chest. It was clear Y/n needed some guidance, someone to take care of them. Wanda just so happened to have her favorite love language be acts of service, what a coincidence.
Two weeks go by and Y/n’s sleeping habits start getting better at the same time Wanda and her become even closer. Unfortunately some habits take a while to stick.
“It’s not working.” Y/n cries out of stress, feeling physical tears start to come to their eyes. “Finals are right around the corner and I need to have this together or–”
They’re sitting outside in the court yard near the student center. This was the first time Wanda and Y/n have hung out outside of class without their friends around. Wanda places her hand on Y/n’s wrist effectively stopping her speech.
“Yes you will, everything’s gonna be fine baby.”
“But Wan I–”
“Baby? Didn’t know you two were that close.”
Y/n groaned and dropped her head on the metal table at the sound of another persons voice. They were already having a break down outside it’s worse that another person had to come and perceive them. Wanda forced herself to relax instead of snapping at her friends for interrupting. She understands how emotional Y/n feels as it’s how she felt during the summer semester not too long ago. Wanda turned her head to greet them as politely as she could to see Carol’s concerned expression but see Natasha’s eyes bouncing between them both with an emotion Wanda did not like; jealousy.
“Yes we are, that close. In fact I adore Y/n with everything in me and I’m trying to comfort them so now is not the best time–”
“Y/n/n what’s going on baby girl?”
Wanda felt like a hypocrite at the sound of her exes voice. Now she was jealous and looking at Y/n to avoid glaring daggers at Natasha. Her shoulders tensed up at the hand she placed on their back. Wanda nearly smiled as Y/n’s whole body tensed up at the contact.
“Ask Yelena.” Came Y/n’s muffled voice.
Natasha smiled playfully. “I will if she could answer her phone.”
Y/n sat up right and took a deep breath, inching closer to Wanda. She wiped her face as she spoke. “She’s in class today doing a double to catch up and make up for her grade so she won’t be out of class until 5:30 and I made sure her and Kate are doing a buddy system so that they won’t be around after sundown by themselves because we are women on a college campus be fucking for real and use the buddy system whenever you can and however you can….Yelena is also the size of five stacked up toasters, black belt or not buddy system always works.”
They all laughed in a various octaves at her rant.
“That is very true, the buddy system is what works best.” Carol agreed gesturing towards them with her can of soda.
“Can I have some?” Y/n asked with a pout.
“Did you have soda today already?” Wanda asked softly, scooting closer to her.
Y/n shook their head. “No, I want a sip.” She pouted.
“Okay, baby.”
“What’s with the nickname seriously,“ Natasha passed off her comment as a joke with a forced chuckle. “are you two dating?”
Wanda opened her mouth to respond but Y/n beat her too after handing Carol back her drink. “And what if we are?” They asked.
Wanda beamed at the protectiveness on their voice. “Yeah what if we are.”
“So what if Wanda is the air that I breathe and the water that I drink.” Y/n added with a shrug, pulling the brunette into her side. “I adore her just as much as she does me, if not more.” The sleep deprivation was definitely talking but so what Wanda didn’t seem to mind. Natasha looked off to the side, avoiding eye contact with them both.
The brunette giggled and kissed her cheek.
“Well congrats.” Carol added with a grin.
“Thank you fellow lesbian.” Y/n beamed.
Carol threw her head back and laughed. “You’re welcome fellow lesbian.”
They all laughed at the exchange.
The day left and night began, as the clock hit 8 Y/n took their shower and did everything they needed to be done before bed. By the time they took their melatonin it was 11 at night.
They laid down in bed with all the lights off and the quiet thrum of voices coming from the living room as Kate and Yelena worked on a project for a class they had together. Y/n’s phone began to buzz on the night stand. Knowing the only person’s notifications she had on at this time of night she answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.
“Hey.” Y/n said.
“Hi.” Wanda sung.
“How’s my pretty girl doing?”
Wanda’s cheeks burned as she left her bathroom and moved to lie down in bed. She was stunned into silence and Y/n knew it. They began to laugh.
“Sorry, too much?”
“No, not at all just a shock that’s all.”
A few minutes of silence passed as Wanda got settled down into bed with the lights in her room off and her brother out for the night.
“About that conversation earlier…”
“My breakdown or Natasha’s jealousy?”
Wanda rolled her eyes so hard she wouldn’t be surprised if Y/n heard it through the phone. “Oh god don’t get me started, that was so annoying! And I hated when she started touching you like you two are close and that she speaks to you outside of you and Yelena practically being sisters like don’t touch her!” Wanda huffed.
Y/n giggled so loud she knows her bestfriends heard it. “I didn’t realize she got you so riled up my love.”
“Tell me about it.” Wanda sighed then bit her lip at the sound of their laughter. “But no, before they walked up I wanted to tell you that I understand how you feel and I’m here for you, you’re going to get through this.”
Y/n wished the Sokovian stood in front of her so that she could give her a hug. “Thank you sweetheart.”
“Of course angel.”
“You wanna stay on the phone with me tonight? I like the sound of your voice.”
“Well you have to I am your girlfriend now.”
Y/n chuckled. “Yeah…” Silence passed between as they both thought over that part of the conversation. “I would actually like for you to be my girlfriend in the future Wanda…I feel like you want the same but I could be wrong–”
“You’re not. I like you so much. Our nightly talks are something I’ve been looking forward to every day since they’ve started….can I take you on a date?”
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sweetandscarlet · 1 year
thinking about my love.. emo wanda you will always be special to me !
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
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On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen Masterlist
(Female Reader x Elizabeth Olsen)
"Months after being cheated on and working at a coffee shop with no promising future in sight what happens after Y/N agrees to a date with a kind stranger."
The fic is 18+ AND A WIP deals with themes such as alcohol, self-harm, mental and physical abuse, love, death, smut, hospitals, heartbreak... so yeah minors DNI and safe reading everyone.
wattpad A03 Mood boards
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Part 1: Content
Part 2: Comedy
Part 3: FaceTime with My Mom (Tonight)
Part 4: How The World Works
Part 5: White Woman's Instagram
Part 6: Unpaid Intern
Part 7: Olsen I
Part 8: Sexting
Part 9: Look Who's Inside Again
Part 10: Problematic
Part 11: 30
Part 12: Don't Wanna Know
Part 13: Shit
Part 14: All Time Low
Part 15: Welcome To The Internet
Part 16: Olsen II
Part 17: That Funny Feeling
Part 18: All Eyes On Me
Part 19: Goodbye
Part 20: Any Day Now
Part 21: Olsen III
Part 22: The Future
Part 23: WTFIGO (What The Fuck Is Going On)
Part 24: 1985
Part 25: Feel Good
Part 26: Three Weeks
Part 27: Arnett
Part 28: Microwave Popcorn
Part 29: Olsen IV
Part 30: Spider (Dates)
Part 31: This Isn't A Joke
Part 32: All Eyes On Me (Live)
Part 33: The Chicken Pt. 1
Part 34: The Chicken Pt. 2
Part 35: Waltz
Part 36: Brand Consultant
Part 37: Looking Back
Part 38: Looking Forward
Part 39: Singer and An Actress
Part 40: An Album, Apologies, and A Movie Premiere
Part 41: Pressed Against The Glass / Making New Friends
Part 42: Dinner with Scarlett, Brunch with Geneva and a Tracklist with Fans
Part 43: The Pressure of Someone Else and Rings
Part 44: ???
(Future Chapters NOT Underlinded!)
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ellastone-olsen · 6 months
Awwwww they’re so adorable how she loves him 🥺
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aloneodi · 2 years
Surprise | Elizabeth Olsen
Summary: Y/n has a surprise for his girl. But does she like it??
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x male reader
Warning: nothing I guess just fluff.
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"I have a surprise for you."
"ooh, what kind of surprise?"
"Will you keep your mind out of the gutter for one moment?" Y/N replied, trying his best to sound serious but unable to stop the corners of his mouth quickly creeping upwards. Lizzie giggled, lightly swatting him with the magazine she was holding.
"That's not what you said last night, baby," she said, offering him a sensual look as they stood facing each other. He chuckled, pushing her playfully.
"you are shameless!"
"But that's why you love me..."
Y/N smiled, glancing at the floor for a passing moment. He knew this carefree banter would soon fade when he informed her of his surprise. But he also knew the stalling couldn't wait any longer.
"Do you want your surprise or not?"
She held up her hands in apology, and nodded with a smile. Y/n exhaled deeply, preparing himself for the enormous amount of convincing he would have to do.
"I'm ready,"
"Okay..." he paused, talking another breath. He was sure that she had now noticed his nervous demeanour, but there was no way he was stopping now, "...I went down to the post office today, and in front of the door they had this box full of puppies."
As soon as he had uttered the latter he knew he had made a mistake. Her expression changed dramatically, even going as far to take a step backwards,
"puppies? Please, Y/n, do not tell me you've gone and adopted a dog!" despite her apparent anger, Y/n recognised something deeper in her tone. Fear.
"Lizzie, I need you to hear me out on this one! You can't live your life consumed by such an irrational fear..."
You've really put your foot in it now, Y/n,
"I-I didn't mean it like that.." It was no use. He had said it.
"Y/n, I was attacked by a dog when I was six!"
"I know, Liz, I know."
"you see this scar?" she pulled up the hem of her shirt, revealing a series of small scars that formed a large bite mark on the side of her stomach, "I didn't get this falling in church! An Alsatian ravaged me." The way she said the words were harsh, and Y/n stepped towards her, taking her in his arms. He was surprised when she relaxed almost instantly, burying her head in his chest as she sighed deeply.
"I love you, okay?" he whispered, using his hand to tilt her chin up so that she looked him in the eyes. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss, " ...and I'd never do anything if I thought it would end up hurting you," he said, pulling away and continuing to hold her close.
"I know."
"...she's a golden retriever."
"you've seen those, right? All cute and fluffy. Bit like you, minus the fluffy part," he chuckled, and she smiled.
"I've seen'em"
He could tell she was still unsure, but he was relieved she wasn't shouting at him anymore.
"The dog that did this to you..." he began, slipping his hand underneath her shirt and gently caressing the damaged skin beneath. She breathed softly, keeping her eyes locked on his, "...was a whole different kettle of fish. If you want it, this would be our dog. And it would love you as much as I do, maybe even more so."
Lizzie chuckled lightly, starting to feel the rush of adrenaline caused by the difficult memories fade gradually.
"If that's even possible..."
Y/n kissed the tip of her nose, unable to stop himself from smiling.
"That's my girl. Just give her a chance, and if you can't then we'll find her another home.
"one of these days I'm going to have to kick your ass, you know that?"
He laughed, happy that she was relaxing after her outburst. Not that he blamed her for having an outburst. It was sprung on her rather quickly.
"I look forward to it, now c'mon..." reaching for her hand to lead her away, he paused when he still felt tension in her touch, "...Actually, you stay here. Sit down, make yourself comfortable. I will bring her to you"
Lizzie nodded with a smile, taking a seat on the sofa as Y/n made his way to the front door. He stepped outside, bending down to pick up something out of view before poking his head around the door to look at her.
"you ready, babe?"
He was smiling, obviously trying his best to keep a hold on what he was carrying. Exhaling quietly, she nodded.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Great, here I come."
And with that he pushed the door wide open, and immediately her eyes fell to the small, golden bundle of joy Y/n was holding with his free hand.
Of course she felt the fear. Of course she did. But Y/n was there. And he wouldn't let anything happen to her.
As he came closer, she finally got a good look at the puppy. Lizzie had to admit she was a serious cutie. Glancing up at Y/n, she almost laughed when she saw the look in his eyes. It was taking some serious restraint to not melt into a puddle of goo at the sight of the tiny thing.
"She's... she's adorable, baby..." she said with a smile, watching as the puppy squirmed, obviously not happy with the height it was being held at.
"Here," he said, squatting down in front of where she was sitting. Briefly, she panicked, but Y/n caught the look in her eyes and placed his hand on hers, "Relax, baby. Nothing's gonna happen to you."
"Oookaayyy..." she breathed shakily, trying to focus on the positives. It's little paws were incredibly cute.
"Let her sniff you. You just sit still and she'll do her thing."
She trusted him more than anybody. He had been around dogs growing up, so he knew what he was doing. Now she had to do her part.
Waiting until Lizzie had relaxed considerably, he slowly moved the puppy towards her until it's nose was next to her hand. Y/n could feel her tension, but he was proud of her for even trying this.
"Relax, baby"
"I know."
The puppy sniffed at her hand for a few moments, before gently licking her fingers. The sensation came as a surprise to Lizzie, but she remained still nonetheless.
Y/n smiled, lightly scratching behind the tiny puppy's golden ears.
"Do you want to hold her?" he asked, keeping a firm hold on the puppy itself. The last thing he needed was it jumping onto her and setting her back in her ways.
Being extremely careful, he slowly placed the retriever in her outstretched hands. The puppy squirmed for a second before relaxing again, lying comfortably in her arms. Lizzie smiled, running her fingers along the golden fur coat that covered the tiny creature.
"pretty amazing, huh?"
Y/n leaned down, kissing the top of the puppy's head much to Lizzie's amusement.
"Does she have a name?" she asked, and Y/n nodded.
"Her name is Goldie, but we can always change that in the future" he explained, and she shook her head.
"I like it..." she smiled, stroking Goldie's head as she sat, "Hi there, Goldie. You're not scary at all, are you?"
Chuckling lightly, Y/n got up and took a seat next to her on the sofa, all the while watching the small puppy as it scrambled around her lap.
"I'm glad you like her, baby. And I'm proud of you for being so brave," he said, tilting her face towards his as he spoke. She smiled, pressing her lips to his in a loving kiss, almost wanting to deepen it immediately But there was a certain canine that probably wouldn't appreciate such a romantic display of affection to worry about.
Pulling away, she smiled softly.
"I love you, Y/n. Thank you"
"you're welcome, Liz. And you love Goldie too, right?"
"More than anything.."
"Oh, so now I'm second in line for your affections?"
"Every doofus has his day, Y/n."
"Thank you, baby. You always know how to make me feel better..."
"Remember you're my perfect girl"
This is for you my love, my girl @gingerninja-93 ❤
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togrowoldinv · 8 months
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lifespectator · 20 days
This is exactly who I live for 🥹
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icouldbeaduck · 11 months
i love that even with all the shit going on in age of ultron, wanda still takes the time to put on her eyeliner every morning
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cosmicanemoia · 4 days
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They didn’t give an Emmy (NOMINATION !!!!) to this face. That just proves they’re invalid.
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wandaspetal · 1 year
An Island Made From Love
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Marvel/MCU
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)/𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Wanda Maximoff x Reader, mentions of Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova (platonic), and Kate Bishop x Wanda Maximoff (platonic)
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞: Established Relationship
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4K+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of death (no one actually died though I’m not heartless) , Mental breakdowns, panic attacks, mention of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, crying, angst with a happy ending, VERY GAY AND FLUFFY AT THE END I PROMISE
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You make your island flag in animal crossing Wanda’s crown.
𝐀𝐍: Reader uses they/them pronouns! This is very much partially based on me restarting my anch island and wondering how Wanda would react after a hard day….I’m mentally ill shush.
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Wanda had been having the worst day. The team’s mission went south very fast. Hydra began implanting bombs inside their base’s so that in the case if they are ever found they can destroy the evidence of them being there. Soldiers waited outside for them with military grade weapons. The Hulk went into a fit of rage, Clint almost lost an arm and Natasha was almost crushed by rubble. Wanda was able to push herself hard enough to use her magic to make sure Natasha and her got out of the building quick enough.
They were the only ones left inside as the rest of the team fought everyone outside. After everything was said and done the ride on the quinjet back to the compound was silent. Even a small cough had an apology following suit behind it. Wanda is surprised she didn’t cry the same way Kate did as Yelena held her on the way back. The brunette simply placed a comforting hand on Kate’s back on the way home.
Wanda Maximoff had lost so many people in her life and this was another reminder of why she had to keep them out the way. The team can protect themselves. Y/n, a barista at a family owned coffee shop–one they barely work at anymore because their rich girlfriend takes care of them and Tony and the team randomly throws money and gifts their way. But that’s besides the point. The team is strong with super powers or serums or martial arts and knows how to use weapons. Y/n makes the threat that anything can be a weapon yet they ironically apologize whenever they bump into a chair, table, etc.
The mere thought of losing them the same way she almost lost half the team today nearly sent Wanda into a spiral. She convinced herself to hold on and remain strong.
Once they landed everyone was sent off to med bay, visible injury or not. Wanda had a scar on her brow and a cut on her nose and a sprained wrist. Both her arms were sore but she didn’t think that was worth mentioning. After leaving medbay she informed Jarvis to tell the team she went to see Y/n if they asked where she went.
Wanda didn’t bother driving a car, she stepped outside and immediately teleported inside Y/n’s apartment. The Sokovian wasn’t allowed to do that anymore after she scared them but she couldn’t help herself as she was on the verge of shaking from overstimulation.
“Wanda is that you?!”
“Y-Yeah!” She already felt tears coming to her eyes at hearing your voice but quickly blinked them away.
“Oh! Come look and see!!” Y/n exclaimed happily.
Wanda smiled and quickly walked pass the small foyer and to the living room. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of her partner gazing at the TV that displayed her animal crossing game on it. She walked over and sat down on the couch.
“I restarted my island and it took like five times but I finally got villagers that aren’t ugly!” They squealed with joy.
Wanda placed her hands in her lap and smiled authentically at the screen. Y/n had already begun decorating the island and including as much villager homes as possible. There was customized pathing on the beach and grass.
“I named it Westview because you know…we said we wanted to move there.” Y/n’s voice grew quieter as their shyness increased. They shrugged. “And yeah…”
Wanda turned her head and reached out her to tuck their hair behind their ear. “That’s nice, I like it.”
Y/n blushed then cleared their throat. “Oh! Also the flag!! Look, look, look!!” They still hadn’t looked at Wanda as they could not turn their attention off the screen. Not even a bowl of the best pasta in the world could take their focus off their hyper fixation right now.
Wanda turned her head back towards the screen, still twirling their strand of hair between her two fingers. She dropped her hand at the sight of the flag that blew in the wind at the airport. It was her head piece. The one that she didn’t like at first but Y/n adored because it suited her so well. And because Y/n adored it Wanda slowly began to, too. Tony designed it for her after he heard her ranting about wanting more accessories for her costume the same way Nat and Steve did.
“I made it just for you!” They exclaimed.
“You made me a flag…with my head piece on it?” Wanda asked, her eyes glazing over with the tears she had been holding back since the mission ended.
Y/n beamed at the tv screen missing the full effect of their words. “Yeah! Because you’re my favorite person in the world and–“ They faltered and their brow furrowed with concern as they finally turned to look at the brunette. “Wanda, are you okay?” Y/n reached out and caressed her cheek with their palm as the witch begun to cry.
“I just love you…so much.” A lone tear trailed down her cheek. “You make me so happy…I-…today was awful and some of the team almost didn’t make it and it was so traumatizing and I just–” A much needed sob broke free from her mouth as she curled into Y/n’s warm embrace.
Y/n began to rock them side to side and soothingly rub their hand up and down Wanda’s back. “You’re safe now, let it all out.” Wanda sobbed harder than before, gripping on Y/n’s shirt for dear life. “I’m so sorry all of you had to go through that.” Wanda continued to cry as Y/n continued to speak.
They sat in silence until her sobs died down to sniffles and her eyes had stopped producing as much tears.
Y/n moved to pull away then stopped as Wanda whimpered. “Put your head up for me please.” Wanda complied, sitting up straight with their arms still around each other. “I love you.” Wanda felt another sob building up in her throat. “And I’m so so proud of you.” Another sob broke free but Y/n continued to speak as they wiped away Wanda’s tears. “Today was really hard and you did such a phenomenal job–yes you did.” Y/n reassured as Wanda began shaking her head. “You did a good job because you did your best.”
Wanda pulled away from their embrace, her body immediately felt the rush of cool air surrounding her. “I didn’t even tell Pietro where I was going, I just left and came straight here to you because I just felt so overstimulated and…and broken and scared.” Y/n nodded, holding their palms together. “And I know I did a great job but fuck why did my life have to be this way, I’m still here, I’m still the scared little girl who hid under a bed with her twin brother for 3 days after realizing our parents are gone and dead and…” She felt herself begin to descend into a panic and placed one hand on her chest and the other on her head. “I’m tired. I’m so tired.” She choked out.
Y/n took both Wanda’s hands in their own. “Baby, look at me, hey-” Their eyes met. “I’m right here, okay? Everything is okay now, the team is okay, your brother is okay and you are okay..you’re safe now.” Wanda blinked. Y/n brought Wanda’s hands to their chest and took a deep breath in then a deep breath out and continued this until Wanda began to follow suit.
It took five minutes until the normal color returned to Wanda’s cheeks and blood no longer felt like it was rushing to her ears. Y/n placed their hand on Wanda’s cheek, smiling as the witch sighed out of content. Wanda turned her head and kissed their hand before she spoke.
“Can you show me more of…Westview?” She asked softly while making eye contact.
“Only as long as you promise to move there with me…and also order us a pizza.” Y/n bit their lip and grinned as Wanda giggled.
“I promise.” Wanda took her phone out of her pocket and snuggled into Y/n’s side as the number for their favorite pizza place began to ring. “Extra cheese?” She hummed as Y/n kissed the top of her head.
“Sounds great.” They replied and began to decorate Westview as Wanda ordered them enough food to have leftovers for the next day.
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foxy-kitsune · 10 months
this is the best birthday gift ever🥹❤️‍🩹
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