calibabii21 · 5 months
Happy New Year from Z💋💖
I may be a writer but I am not a woman of many words.
I just want to let all know how appreciative I am of you. each and every one of you *both tagged and not* fulfill different and specific aspects of my life these last 365 days have truly been a light.
I've always been a virtual person but never did I think I would go into the new year with so many new friends and moots and most importantly, a community.
I appreciate the love we all give one another in spite of differences in opinions, beliefs, and time zones lol.
Kari baby, the start of it all. my first black tumblr moot, my babydoll💗 @brownsugarbaybee
Andy, my twin flame❤️‍🔥, my best hype woman, MY BABY CAKES @neoculturecollectives
AJ, another beautiful black ally I cherish @thesafecafe
Z!!!! MY NAME BUDDY, FIRST OFFICIAL BRODIE WODIE HOMIE, MA BABY BUTT🥹 @ddeonghwassimp here for you always😌
Ella girl, you're one of my longest moots on here and I love that we have made it this far🥹🩷 @tinypink-macaron
PIXIE!! we barely became moots before we instantly clicked. we can have our unhinged anime men talks and we can have our deep world talks. I appreciate every conversation🤎🧚🏽 @atinystaypixie
nabi~~ we also haven't known each other long but our synergy???? OFF THE CHARTS!! the way we can piggyback fic concepts, dialogue, and even visuals is so fun. I look forward to the many works together we have to come🦋💜 @jenoslutie
We are all entering a c o m p l e t e l y new year with one another and I just find that so beautiful. I am excited for the abundance, prosperity, and opportunity 2024 has for us.
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@multifandomslxt @onyourhyuck @wonbinisbabygurl @najmsshoulders @wonhosmistress @jungwonsblkgf @pennedbyeve @chrollohearttags @softsan @sexygrass @reallybigproblem
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vanneliese · 4 months
( ⚲ ) espacio de arte.
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desliza el pincel sobre el lienzo con delicadeza, aunque no se trata del primer trazo como quiera se encuentra nerviosa. no sabe a dónde va con su obra de arte pero, por el momento, se ve decente. eso cree, claro. ' oye— ' se dirige a tercere, separando apenas celestes del lienzo para mirarle. ' ¿crees que está quedando bien o necesito lentillas nuevas? '
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td-rarepairs · 26 days
- growing Sakura anon ❀✿🌸
Dawnella, abt that... Here me out
I bet after Pakithew island she goes to a quiet garden where she meets dawn and they become
Friends or more - smth like that anyways to sumerize it shortly : my otp
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2mil7 · 3 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ❤︎ ⠀① * :.・゚・* carrd ♫♪
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kingspacebar · 10 months
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Ella (She/Her) and her pokemon: Happy the Emolga (She/They), Fluffy the Flaaffy (He/Him), Sleepy the Shinx (They/He), and Silly the Dedenne (She/Her)
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musavirtual · 1 year
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
🦝, 🌸 & 🐍 anon, another anon, @it-be-me-ella @reasontobebeautiful @shinedreamsmile07
i am working on your requests but slowly because i've been very demotivated and i'm sorry for that!! they are coming, promise 💌
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kentoscowtie · 2 years
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she’s my bestie fr
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thedeadthree · 1 year
top five asoiaf ladies xx
AHHH HI HI STELLA 🥀✨🥺 i hope ur doing well dear ty so much! ❣️ in no particular order!
1. SHIERA SEASTAR — THE WITCH QUEENIE! her lore the aesthetics the ties to witchcraft she’s been a fave for eons!
2. DAENERYS TARGARYEN — DANYYYY. daenerys stormborn of house targaryen, the unburnt, the breaker of chains and the mother of dragons, queen of the andals and the rhoynar and the first men, lady of westeros and protector of the realm !!!!!! i mean i could go off for eons about what this character means to me but!
3. ALYSANNE TARGARYEN — the dear! im moving at a snails pace reading fire and blood but she did so much for the kingdom she was adored and we adore her here!
4. ARIANNE MARTELL — THE ICON !!!!!!!! im so sad she wasn’t in the show but i am so stoked to see more of her in TWOW <3 she has such an interesting characterization. (she was also the beloved of daemon sand AND gerold dayne and they both adored her and still do (her line about gerold being pretty poison ICONIC)) and we love that for her and adore and support her!
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coconuts-mafia · 2 years
Whisper of the heart
Whisper of my mind
Hearing your heart beat
Pounding next to my mine
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exocean · 2 years
Hey mo! 10, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92 and 100 if it's not too much to ask 😊 - @s-lay-ing (💖)
of course!!<333 10. red desert - 5 seconds of summer 29. paradise - exo 38. sunshine - onerepublic 47. hot - seventeen 56. together - ella eyre 65. yellow - coldplay 74. long way down - the overslept 83. goosebumps - onf 92. like this - pentagon 100. tamed-dashed - enhypen
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buckysswinter · 2 years
You always prove to be such an amazing person and someone I wanna keep in my life forever!! Keep being you and never stop🔪
c im gonna fucking cry. i love you so so much. im so glad you came back!!
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Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader
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yay (kind of hate the ending but lol)
Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader -Annoying- 🩷
“Who pissed in your coffee this morning sunshine?” Lucy smirked as she caught sight of you walking into the change room with a scowl covering your face. “Where are the other two, thought you guys were attached at the hip.” Lucy continued to tease.
“I can’t deal with Mapi right now, so I am going to stay far away from her otherwise I will kill her.” You said to your national teammate trying to control your emotions and stay calm. The morning started like any other waking up between your two girlfriends, engulfed in warmth until you all had to get up and get ready for training.
You don’t know why but Mapi had woken up in an extra annoying mood and her sole purpose was to make you want to pull your hair out. She knew how much you hated to be poked and tickled so all she had been doing those exact things, in the bathroom, when you were making coffee, when you just passed each other in your morning routines and even when you were walking down the stairs causing you to almost slip as well as lose your shit. Mapi had also turned to making fun of your height, you were only a few centimetres shorter then the older women but that was enough for her.
You had grown up with three older brothers who took pride in how ticklish you were and who sit on you and poke and prod until you couldn’t breathe. They had traumatised you so much that you hated anyone even making the movement of poking or tickling as it made you squirm. Yet Mapi didn’t care, loving your pouting face when she did it.
She had riled you up so much you had decided to drive yourself to training instead of getting driven by Ingrid. “You're an idiot.” Ingrid directed to Mapi, shaking her head as she watched you pull out of the driveway.
“Come on, it was just a joke, Corazón.” Mapi said, trying to defend herself.
“You know how much Y/N hates you poking and tickling her, and yet you continued.” Ingrid replied, grabbing her keys from the counter to take the other car to training since you had taken the main one.
“She’ll get over it.”
You in fact did not ‘get over it’ instead you worked hard to ignore your Spanish girlfriend through the entire training session, moving away when she stood too close, ignoring her calls from across the field, deciding to only speak to the older woman when you were placed on the same team for a game at the end of training.
Ingrid watched from the sidelines with Frido and Keira sat on either side of her, she laughed lightly as you scored a goal moving to high five your team members except for Mapi who had her hand up for you only to get brushed. “What's up with your girls?” Frido asked.
“Mapi was annoying Y/N and now Y/N won’t speak to Mapi so I’m just leaving them to sort it out, like always.” The three watched as Mapi ran by you pushing out a finger to hit your side, you scowled, hitting her hand away while Mapi smirked back winking.
“At the World Cup Ella and Alessia tried to tickle Y/N, she almost killed them. Lucy can vouch for me, she was the one having to hold little miss sunshine back from strangling them.” Keira said remembering the time you had been napping on one of the couches at national camp and Ella and Alessia had woken you up by tickling you under your arms and around your neck.
“Mapi needs to learn when to stop and she will learn her lesson once she takes it too far. Y/N did grow up with three older brothers.” Ingrid said shrugging her shoulder, she’d seen enough of Mapi teasing you and she knew you always got the last laugh.
Not even a minute later Mapi had snuck up on you and proceeded to tickle you, you let out a scream as you tried to get out of her tight grasp. You had finally been pushed over the edge and once you finally got out of her grip you turned around using all your force to tackle your Spanish girlfriend to the ground. Mapi wasn’t a typically ticklish person but you knew of the one spot on her neck that was very ticklish.
So with Mapi’s arms pinned under your knees your hands made their way to that spot that made the defender laugh and squirm underneath you. Mapi begged you to stop, being too weak from being tickled to throw you off. After a few moments she finally mustered the strength to get her arms from under your knees to grab your waist and flip you over onto your back.
“Calm down mi amor.” Mapi laughed as she now had your hands pinned down.
“I hate you.” You said through gritted teeth.
“I am sorry I have been annoying you. I will stop now if you calm down.” Mapi said looking down at you with her signature smirk plastered on her face.
“I hope you know I will get you back.” You stared back up at her as she got off you offering you her hand to be pulled up.
“I’m sure you will Cariño.” The slightly taller woman said, pressing a soft kiss to your hairline, smirking as she noticed you trying to hide your smile at the action. The whistle had been blown to end the game without you two realising so you both started to walk to your other girlfriend who stood talking with Frido and Keira waiting for you both.
Mapi stopped to talk as you grabbed a water bottle to drink from, before you made your way to the locker room you had one last plan. Turning to Mapi once again who had her back faced to you, you put your foot up and pushed it into the back of her knee successfully giving her a dead leg. You laughed loudly as her knee crumbled, with the mix of the dead leg and the hard training session her leg wasn’t working.
You weren’t sticking around to deal with Mapi’s annoyance, ignoring her colourful language and laughing as Ingrid hit her on the back of the head running to fall into step with Lucy. You were quick to move to the shower once you got back to the locker room. You had finished getting dressed in your (Ingrid’s) hoodie and some shorts.
“You are annoying.” Mapi said as the three of you said your goodbyes and moved to the parking lot to head home.
“I know.” You smiled back. “But I’ll go get some stuff for dinner on the way home, so you can’t stay mad at me.” You said as you walked to the car you had taken while Ingrid and Mapi walked to the other one.
Starting the car and pulling out, sending light smiles to the fans that were hanging around the entrance. Your shopping trip was quick, grabbing the last few things to make your mum's famous soup recipe before making your way back home. Quickly grabbing your training bag and shopping bags from the boot you unlocked your front door and headed into the kitchen.
Blowing a kiss to Ingrid who sat on the couch reading a book, not knowing where your other lover was but just figured she was in your shared room somewhere. Not having to start dinner for another two hours you put all the groceries away before moving to the couch flopping down so your head was sat on Ingrid's lap.
“Hei Kjære.”(Hello Darling) Ingrid smiling down at you moving to press a soft kiss to your lips, you smiled against hers as she pulled away to continue her book. You smiled as Bagheera jumped up onto your lap, your fingers threaded themselves though his fur getting a satisfied purr from the cat.
You were too focused on Bagheera to notice Mapi finally made her way from the bedroom to the lounge. The older woman smiled at the scene in front of her before moving to take Bagheera away. “Hey, give me my precious boy back.” You whined as Mapi moved the now sleeping cat to his bed.
“No cause you need to hug tu novia.”(your girlfriend) Mapi smiled, moving to lay down.
“You're annoying though.” You looked up at her teasingly.
“Lástima.”(Too bad) Mapi said before running full speed ahead to launch herself on top of you. Immediately burying her head into your neck, your hands made their way up her hoodie to scratch her back lightly.
“Why can’t you get along like this all the time.” Ingrid said, looking down at the two of you.
“Because my love, Maria is like a child she needs attention all the time and she thinks in order to get the attention she wants she has to poke and tickle.” You smiled up at your Norwegian lover, Mapi didn’t seem to like your comment as she grabbed onto your sides and dug into them with her fingers.
You immediately tried to get her off and you did which meant that Mapi was now on the ground. “I take it back.” Ingrid mutters under her breath as she once again watches the two of you get into a play fight. Which ends up with you over Mapi’s shoulder as she pokes you in the stomach over and over.
“STOP PLEASE STOP.” You yelled.
“Say I am the best most amazing person ever.” Mapi said, stopping her movements for a moment.
“No.” You squealed again as Mapi started to poke you again, not letting you move down from over her shoulder as you banged on her back. “Fine, you are the best most amazing person ever. Happy.” And with that you were placed back on your feet.
“Very.” Mapi looked down at you, as you moved to get out of her grip and return to your position on the sofa she pulled you in and connected your lips. Mapi moved to deepen the kiss, your legs feeling weak as she squeezed your hips, but before she would get carried away you pushed her away gently.
“I have to get dinner ready.” You said simply pecking her lips one more time before moving to the kitchen, Mapi happily making her way over to Ingrid to cuddle into her side.
You spent the rest of the night eating and watching a new movie that Ingrid had picked out, you were first to call quits and head to bed finishing your night routine before hopping into bed while your lovers finished the movie. An hour later the movie finished and Ingrid and Mapi headed up to bed, catching sight of you snuggled into the sheets made their hearts flutter.
Ingrid climbed into her side on the left after she was finished, closely followed by Mapi who took her side on the right on either side of you. Ingrid and Mapi’s hands intertwined over your waist as Ingrid snuggled into your neck and Mapi pulled your head gently to rest on her chest, the three of you now in a deep sleep tired from the fun but annoying day you had.
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badbtssmut · 11 months
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Requests info
Latest works
Spicy film scene with actor Jungkook
Freeuse girlfriend with virgin friend Taehyung
Gym buddies with gym buddy Jungkook
About author
Call me miss, mommy, mami or bae, honey, any petname. 21+. Female. Work in marketing. Bias is Taehyung. Sorry too lazy to tag my works. Avoid asking personal and weird questions like: Is my virginity intact or did i bang the whole football team.
About blog
This is a BTS smut blog. I love writing out of pocket fics or freaky shit, you’re on the wrong blog if you want to read fluffy romance 🤭Please don’t trauma dump, or send me personal sex stories. I am here for writing only. Also do not send me inappropriate pics of the members (like bulge pics) or sexualize the members outside of my fics.
Minors please don’t interact.
Seokjin ; Stepfather. Bachelor fuck. Boyfriend’s dad. Military bf. Professor.
Namjoon ; Rough sex. Best friend’s dad. Another best friend’s dad. Pussydrunk.
Yoongi: Changing room.
OT7 ; Freeuse with Hybe staff. Cheerleader. Pokernight.
Maknae line ; Freeuse manager.
Multimembers ; Vmin breeding. Vmin freeuse. Breastfeeding Taekook. Swingers Taekook. Namjin stepdaughter fuck. Public mall Vmin. Vminhoseok party. Friends Taekook.Taekook Same bed. Taekook club. Vmin bus.Taekook roommates.
My works
Police officer
Ex with benefits
Sticky fingers
Sticky fingers (hyung line)
Sticky fingers (maknae line)
Freeuse girlfriend series:
Namjoon’s tutorial
Their turns ft Namjoon
Jungkook’s turn
Taehyung’s turn
Freeuse movie night
Birthday party
Illegal sex party
Cult ritual
Maknae line
So what?
— Surprise 3K maknae line special
— Rewrite poker fic night into non incest
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Emoji list
If you sent me asks regularly, feel free to use an emoji and I’ll tag your asks and I can recognize you ❤️
🦎 = lizard anon (Lizzy)
🩷 = heart anon (Millie)
🌸 = cherry blossom anon
☔ = umbrella anon (Ella)
🐮 = cow anon (Momo)
🐙 = octopus anon
🦭 = seal anon (Sealie)
🐑 = sheep anon
☃️ = snowman anon
🐰 = bunny anon
🦋 = butterfly anon
🌷 = tullip anon
🐥 = mochi anon
😽 = kissy cat anon
👽 = alien anon
Please interact with this blog in the next 3 weeks (until 26th may) or youll lose your emoji!
🪸 = coral anon
🍁 = maple leaf anon
🦧 = orangutan anon
💋 = kiss anon
🦅 = eagle anon
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damangel · 2 months
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⭐️Aquí les presento a 🌸📹Pink cameragirl📹🌸 ella es hija luck o red Camerman y de camerawoman, este shipchild fue un pedido de un buen amigo ya que le gusta mucho este ship, lo sé banda aun es una niña y tiene 8 años, pero le mucho cariño Este personaje⭐️⭐️ ⭐️💕
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starl3ght · 1 year
//~Alejandro Vargas hcs~//
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A/N: Ayy que bendicion😩😩😩✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹 How this man is just something else I love it. Y’all I want him so bad it’s not a fucking joke istg. I’m so down bad I need to be put in a mental facility. Soap hcs and oneshots are next!!
Contains: fluff, Rudy being a good friend, sex, 18+, minor angst but not to much, jealousy
• Alejandro mi amor
• This man is so passionate about you it’s so hot
• He’s like a taste of forbidden fruit
• He’ll call you his little nicknames.
• Mi amor (my love) Cariño (Darling) Nena(Babe)
• Alejandro isn’t Alejandro without you in his life
• At first when you met he thought you were hot but most importantly, he knew better than to like for your looks
• He reminded himself not to fall in love after what happened with Valeria
• He couldn’t stand another betrayal
•But how could he try to dislike you with that beautiful smile you have that makes his days better even when you don’t talk to each other
• He loves you for you
• Rodolfo respects you a lot and genuinely really likes you (As an amazing friend)
• You’re there for Alejandro when he’s at his lowest and he’s there for you
• Might see you on the verge of breaking.
• Immediately pulls you to his chest with one hand cradling your back and your head with the other
• “Look at me mi amor. You’re ok here with me…no llores por favor cariño”
• When he comes home you run into his arms and he spins you around the room
• Kisses you in the crook of your neck and likes when you giggle
• He FULL ON kisses with passion and tongue
• Jealousy is there a lot. If he sees someone pressuring you or making you uncomfortable that’s when he steps in
• “Back the fuck away cabrón” He has that scary death glare. It’s terrifying
• No one will bother you on his watch. No way
• Puts you before anything else
• When you found out about Valeria you had a panic attack (I’m sorry)
• Either someone tried ruining Alejandro by sending old pictures of them to your home, or Los Vaqueros were being jackasses and talked about her and you happen to hear
• Before you had that panic attack Rodolfo tried assuring you that Alejandro wants nothing to do with her and only has eyes for you
• It wasn’t enough because doubts filled your mind
• So when Alejandro came in the house and found you in the living room with your eyes ruined like you cried, he immediately went to action.
• “Mírame mi amor, nadie me quita de ti. Ella está en el pasado donde pertenece. Solo te necesito a ti” (Look at me my love, no one is taking me away from you. She's in the past where she belongs. I only need you)
• May show you the rest of the night how much he ACTUALLY loves you
• He’s not into being too rough (maybe if you want) The way he loves you is gentle with passion🌸
• Will laugh at you if you have sore legs. Just falling in front of him the night after makes him realize how much of a good job he did.
• Watches tv shows with you. No novelas much. Regular drama shows.
• Will complain about characters
• “Maldita estúpida why did she do that” he complains as you laugh at him
• sleeping in bed with him behind you and his arms wrapped around your torso
• Best nightmare comfort he gives
• He’ll hear your whimpers and fast breathing and he’ll try to talk to you to calm you down.
• You’ll wake up with a shuddering breath and tears filling your eyes as you turn to look for him
• He’s already up with the lamp turned on and pulls you into him when he sits against the headboard
• “Shh duermate mi vida…I’m right here”
• Always caresses your head to his chest and rubs your back
• Doesn’t matter what time it is. Will hum you back to sleep
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