#Elle: i am not leaving you without your oldest friend
fheythfully · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 - Day 25: Call it a Day
Birdy lay flat on its back, wings to each side, looking for all the world like a real bird struck dead. Neva watched dispassionately from the doorway as Satella murmured lighting after lightning spell into being amongst her fingertips, each spark fading into oblivion the moment it neared the Garlean machine’s vicinity.
Neva sipped at her coffee and took a moment to appreciate the rich flavour. An Ala Mhigan blend, if she had to guess, and not one to be found easily in the markets as the nation tried desperately to start rebuilding in its newfound fervor of freedom. No - a flavour this bountiful would have been found in the quarters of now-murdered Garlean personnel overseeing the nation’s occupation, or squirreled away in some unknown cache by the natives and brought out into the light to celebrate. Regardless of its source, its presence in Satella’s kitchen was a pleasant and very welcome surprise. No doubt it was a gift of some kind to the Warrior of Light, pushed into her hands as she departed Ala Mhigo in the wake of her victory. Perhaps even sent by postmoogle, its owner desperate to show their appreciation to their Eorzean saviour.
Neva sipped her coffee, and pointedly Did Not Think about the growing mountain of Garlean bodies slain by her companion’s hands.
(Satella had advised a Sharlayan practice called therapy, something which Neva understood required a lot of talking and sharing her feelings. It did not sound pleasant.)
In the present, Satella let out a sound more appropriate for a frustrated feline and threw her hands in the air. The levin within them sparked in accordance to her temperament before settling down to a crackle.
“Please mind the ceiling,” Neva said. “I'd rather not entertain scorch marks.”
Satella shot her a burning glare. It was in anger that Neva found her the most beautiful, if she were to be honest: the woman’s golden skin flushed richly with colour and her eyes glimmered with the promise of a coming storm, as biting and brilliant as the magic sparking within her hands. Neva would have liked to paint a portrait of the Warrior like this, were she only able to capture the intensity of her presence. It would be a wonderful addition to her personal gallery.
(Satella had also mentioned something about “art therapy”, now that she thought about it.)
“I'm certain I can get him to work,” Satella insisted. The force of her gaze swung to Birdy, as if her will alone would be enough to restore it to rights. “I just need to find the right space in his shields to sneak a current through.”
“‘It’, dear, not ‘him’,” Neva reminded her. Her friend’s insistence on personalizing the spying tool her handler had entrusted her with unsettled something within her that she wasn't willing to examine. “You've been at this for over a bell now. Perhaps it's time to consider letting it go?”
Those stormy eyes were back on her now. “And leave you without a friend? I'm not that heartless, Nevachka.”
And that - well. “Birdy was not a friend,” Neva bit out. “It was a means of spying on every little thing I saw, and heard and said. Including you, Elle.”
The maddening woman just shrugged. “As you say. But if I can't repair him, then maybe…” she trailed off in thought. One slender finger, still coated in sparkling levin, tapped at her chin and Neva watched the sparks bounce off her skin, glimmering like a little contained field of starfall around her mouth. “I wonder if Cid would be able to help, or perhaps even Nero. Though I'm sure the latter would have to be bribed for his assistance. Do you know if Birdy had memory storage for the live feed?”
Neva resisted the urge to pinch her nose and took a particularly large gulp of her pilfered coffee instead. 
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a-royal-obsession · 4 years
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The Princess of Wales to the Prince of Wales, and the reply
[Received 21 Apr. 1796]
Je supose, mon cher Prince, que Lord Cholmondeley n'a pas eu l'occasion de vous porté le mésage du quel je l'avait chargé mardi matin, et comme je n'ai jamais le bonheur de vous voir seul, je suis ainsi obligée de prender recour a ma plume pour vous dire ce que je désir en peu de phrases.
Comme je voi que trop bien, mon cher Prince, que cela vous coute infinement de vous vaincer de diné de nouveaux avec moi, je croi que vous est pas en même d'éxiger le même sacrifice de moi, de diné seul avec une personne que je ne peut point aimé n'y estimé, et qui est voter maitresse, et d'êter enfermé tout la longue journé avec elle. Pour cette raison, mon cher Prince, je vous prie instanment d'y réflecher et de changé ma fasçon de viver dan ce moment qui ne peut êter que trés désagreable et embarrasante au possible. Aussi bien que pour Lady Jerser [sic] sur tout les raport je le démande comme la premiere et la seul faveur, mon cher Prince, de ne plus me faire diné seul avec elle, car je n'y résite plus, soigé aussi généroux comme voter nation l'est et tenné parole comme chaque brave Anglois le fait, car tel est leur caracter nationale!!
Disculpé, mon cher Prince, si mes expressions sont trop fort pensé que cette un coeur navré de la plus vif douleur et du plus mortel chagrin qui démande voter assistance; pense que c'est la mere de voter enfant qui vous implore de cet enfant cheri que vous aimé tant. Pour moi, je n'oubliré jamais cette marque de voter bon coeur, mon cher Prince; ma vie vous sera devouée pour le reste de mes jours et je me fairé gloire de me nomé tout ma vie voter fidelle et soumisse.
The Prince’s reply
21 Apr. 1796
You must allow me to answer in English your letter of this morning as you sufficiently understand the language, because it is essential for me to explain myself without any possible ambiguity upon the subject of the unwise, groundless & most injurious imputation which you have thought fit to cast upon me. In the first place, Madam, I beg you to recollect that I detail’d to you the peculiar circumstances by which I must be led for some time into a course of dinners abroad, that you might not misconstrue my absence into any purposed neglect towards you, but unless you are conscious that the tone which you have unfortunately taken must necessarily make your society uncomfortable to me, you ought in candor to have been satisfied with the reasons I gave. As to the sentence in your letter which insinuates that I oblige you to dine tête a tête with Lady Jersey, I should be lost in astonishment at a statement so utterly contradictory to truth, did I not perceive with great concern an object in that assertion to which I shall advert presently.
I am more immediately call’d to notice the indelicate expressions you have used towards me in the allusion you make to Lady Jersey. Beleive me, Madam, that the persons who endeavour to poison your mind with the vile calumnies which have been propagated in the world respecting Lady Jersey are no less seriously your enemies than mine. They hope to furhter their private malignant views by fomenting discord between you and me, at the expense of us both. What else, Madam, that unconquerable disgust in my mind could be the consequence, were it in your power to make me meanly & dishonourably sacrifice in the eyes of the publick a woman whom I declared to you on your arrival not to be my mistress, as you indecorously term her, but a friend to whom I am attached by the strong ties of habitude, esteem & respect. Were it otherwise, were my connection with Lady Jersey of a different nature, such repugnance at the idea, comes if I may be allowed to say so, singularly from you. I cannot forget that you have launched out to me in praises of another woman, whose character could never have been known to you but through the interested or vindictive suggestions of designing individuals; praises, the only drift of which could be to reconcile me to a person whose conduct I always must resent with just indignation.
But let me remind you, Madam, that the intimacy of my friendship with Lady Jersey, under all the false colour which slander has given to it, was perfectly known to you before you accepted my hand, for you yourself told me so immediately on your arrival here, reciting the particulars of the anonymous letters which transmitted the information to Brunswick, & giving yourself credit for having suppressed all mention of their purport but to myself. This, Madam, was two days before we were married: I then took the opportunity of explaining to you that Lady Jersey was one of the oldest acquaintances I had in this country & that the confidence resulting from so long a friendship had enabled her to offer advice which contributed not a little to decide me to marriage.
You will recollect, Madam, that you have seven Ladies in your family besides Lady Jersey, any, or everyone, of whom it is in your power to summon either for dinner or for company at any hour of the day. Lady Willoughby, as sister to Lady Cholmondeley, you know to be likewise admitted to obey your invitation. If the choice be not more extensive it is not my fault, but it is the consequence of the etiquette existing from all times for the situation of the Princess of Wales. You know, Madam, that at times when Lady Jersey has not been in waiting you have asked to dinner other of your Ladies (or at least might always have done so had you pleas’d) than the one which happen’d to be in attendance. What impeded, or what impedes your doing so in the case of Lady Jersey? I never said anything to you which could even influence you to make a distinction between any of your Ladies, leaving it to your own taste & judgment to regulate your society among them as might be most gratifying to yourself; but, Madam, I much fear that the insinuation of your being forced to keep company alone with Lady Jersey, through a long day as you state it, was not meant for me who must know the total want of foundation for such a representation. I am very apprehensive that you have been inconsiderate enough to imagine that you might hereafter appeal to the copy of that letter in order to prove to others not so well inform’d, the grounds you had for dissatisfaction. This I the more suspect from the forc’d & insidious compliment paid to the English nation in another passage involving, however, a most unjustifiable charge against me by the contrast in which I may be suppos’d to stand. The strange incorrectness in your writing & of your turn of expression may possibly have made me misunderstand this, but it is necessary that I should speak to the point as I am determin’d to leave nothing doubtful between us. If, Madam, such a purpose has been indistinctly floating in your mind, I recommend you to ascertain to yourself exactly what result you expect from it. What improvement does your situation admit which does not depend wholly on the prudence & propriety of your own private conduct? We have unfortunately been oblig’d to acknowledge to each other that we cannot find happiness in our union. Circumstances of character & education, which it is needless to discuss now, render that impossible. It then only remains that we should make the situation as little uncomfortable to each other as its nature will allow. It has been my studious wish to soften it in that respect to you. I have been solicitous that you should have every gratification which the nature of the times, the manners of this country & the established customs of your rank would admit, with a due regard at the same time to the pecuniary difficulties I so cruelly & unjustly labour under. Those difficulties undoubtedly preclude you from a part of that splendor which ought to attend a Princess of Wales, but you well know that no blame can on that head rest with me or with the King, whose honorable support to me I must always acknowledge with most grateful sensibility. However, these wishes on my part for your comfort can in no way be so effectually counteracted as by your attempting—and in which you must fail—to establish an interest & a comfort irreconcileable to mine. The unfair & insidious attacks which you seem disposed to make upon my tranquility & wellfare must disincline me to contribute to your satisfaction & pleasure in the degree I should desire.
Let me therefore beg of you to make the best of a situation unfortunate for us both, which is only to be done by not wantonly creating or magnifying uncomfortable circumstances. I have desir’d Lady Cholmondeley to have the goodness to be the bearer of this letter that she may explain any phraze to you, should there be any, which you might not perfectly comprehend. I am, Madam, with great truth, most sincerely yours.
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raybansandcoffee · 5 years
Adventure of a Lifetime: Chapter Five
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You can find all of Adventure of a Lifetime HERE.
My phone started to ring from where it was laying next to me. I looked down to see it was a FaceTime call from my father.
"Sorry, it's my Dad."
"Don't apologize. You have a lot going on in your family today. Answer the phone." I smiled and slid my thumb across my iPhone screen to answer the call.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey kiddo. How's the first day of summer break?" he asked. "You look wet so I'm going to assume good."
"It's great. Axe is sleeping right now and we are all over at Ellery's best friend's house swimming."
"That's a fun way to start summer."
"Elle sure thinks so." She was swimming over to us and Jeremy picked her up out of the water so she could sit next to me.
"Hi Papa!" She loved my Dad.
"How's my little fish? You don't have a life jacket on so I'm assuming you're doing good."
"It's so fun, Papa. Mom and I still know the flip trick."
"That's awesome, Elle." Before I knew it Ava was sitting next to Ellie. "And this beautiful little girl must be, Ava."
"Hi," Ava said excitedly. "Are you Ellie's Papa?"
"I am. It's very nice to meet you." I moved the phone a little bit to show Jeremy.
"This is Ava's Dad, Jeremy. Jeremy this is my Dad, Vince."
"Nice to meet you," Jeremy said as he smiled. "You've got a great daughter and granddaughter."
"I like to think so, though my daughter is evidently aiding and abetting her little brother." We all started to laugh as I turned the phone back to look at me.
"Do you really think T gave me a chance to say yes or no? He called me and said he needed a break from California and didn't even really give me any sort of timeline so originally I assumed he meant like a vacation or something. Then Frankie called me in a panic because of it and now Tony is in a car driving here. I have no idea what is going on."
"You're okay with him staying with you, right?" I nodded. "Do you need any financial support with him there? I know having the four of you in the house now it is taken care of but you don't need to support him."
"I should be okay but don't hold me to that. If he's going to pay his own way I'll be fine."
"I can send you some money to cover his rent." My Dad was the best. He knew that Tony needed space and rather than freak out at me for taking him in like my sister was doing he was seeing how he could help. Tony and I had always been close despite the age difference. He knew I'd take care of him, let him have the space he needed but also make sure he didn't totally screw up his life.
"I should be okay."
"Let me help. Please."
"Fine. But you don't need to. He has a trust fund. He can cover his own expenses."
"I know. But you guys are my kids. I want to help where I can. Have you decided yet if you're coming back to LA for the trial?"
"I haven't. Jane and I had lunch this week. She's planning on going to LA for it. I told her she could stay at my condo. If I come back there's no way the kids and I can fit there."
"If you come back you can stay at home. Mandi and I would love to have you and the kids here."
"You would love to have us there. Mandi would be stressed out by it and likely at the spa by the second day." He laughed because he knew it was true. She really was a kind person but she wasn't really sure how to be a mother, even to Tony really. She did a lot better with him than she did with Frankie and me, though admittedly getting thrown into our lives at 13 and 10 couldn't have been easy for a 25-year-old woman. She'd fallen for my Dad. By the time I was 13 and Frankie was 16 we were living with them full-time as my Mom had accepted a job in London. She was still pregnant with Tony. It was an incredibly overwhelming time for her and I never really understood it until the moment the babies became mine. I hadn't quite found a way to tell Mandi that I got it now and she was still too panicked that at the idea of having five grandchildren when she was still pretty young.
"You're funny, kid. Will you let me know when Tony gets there? I know Mandi is really stressed about it. Enough that she called me trying to see if I could move workaround to come out for the memorial service."
"Really?" I was shocked.
"She has been really torn about that. She wants to be there for you and the kids, you know she always loved Sam. But she wasn't sure if your Mother was coming and you know how she can make Mandi feel."
"Mom is somewhere in Europe. After how horrid that funeral service was she's not allowed here for this. I haven't told anyone but I specifically asked her not to come back. She always makes everything about her and this is about celebrating the life of my two best friends and being there for the babies. I'd like you both to come but if you can't sneak away from work tell her she is more than welcome with me. Frankie and Ryan will be here with the kids. Alex and Max are coming with the boys. Obviously Savvy and Tony will be there since they are my roommates now. Sam's parents are coming though they aren't staying overnight or anything. I have 8 bedrooms plus the studio above the garage which is where I'm putting Tony. I can make it work to have you all here. Or there's a really great hotel not far from me that you'd love if a house full of people is too much for you guys. I'd love for you to see the house and the kids." They had only seen my Dad and Mandi over holidays since I wasn't ready to go back to LA yet. Thanksgiving last year the kids and I stayed and hosted Sam's parents. December when we all went to Mexico for Christmas and New Year's. Then for Spring Break my Dad took all of us to Florida to go to Disney and Universal because my oldest nephew, Carter, turned 10 and his only wish was to go to Hogwarts. They'd missed out on Axel's first birthday which was really hard for me but Mandi's Mom had fallen that week and she was taking care of her as she adjusted back at home so they hadn't been able to come.
"I'll talk to her tonight but plan on us being there. I don't want to overwhelm you with more people. Between you, your sister and Alex there will be seven kids not including Tony or Savannah. That's a lot of people."
"Tell me about it. It was overwhelming for Axel's birthday and the boys didn't even come with Alex because they were on some camping trip with Max and I think Cub Scouts or something."
"Send me the information on the hotel. That might make it easier to get Mandi there."
"I love you, kid. I'm proud of you."
"Thanks, Dad. It means a lot. I'm trying my best. It would mean a lot to have you there. Plus if Ryan can sneak away from the office you can too."
"Ryan has been on my ass about it. I think he and your sister were planning on coming to the house Saturday with the kids to go swimming and I know your sister plans on making sure that we know she's disappointed that we were going. The looks she gave me for missing Axel's birthday party should be illegal."
My sister was often overbearing and pushy with me but she was that way with everyone. She was very often put in charge when we were growing up. She's always felt like making sure I was taken care of was her responsibility. It's why she took me and the babies into her house until we moved. Then when we moved she abandoned her husband for two weeks and stayed with me while I adjusted to my new life and new house. She sobbed as she had to leave knowing that I wasn't fully adjusted to life as a new Mom in a new place and she couldn't do more. She needed to get back to her own kids and husband. I didn't go more than a month without seeing her. She'd just appear in my living room sometimes with all three kids and husband, sometimes by herself, sometimes with one or two of the other members of her family. She'd been here like clockwork every month since I moved because I wasn't ready to take the kids back to LA yet.
"Well, I'm being rude. I'll call you tonight once the kids are in bed while Tony and I are getting him settled. I love you Dad."
"I love you too, Charlotte Marie."
"Bye Papa!" Ellie said.
"Bye Fish!" I watched as my sidekick waved goodbye to my Dad and he blew her a kiss before ending the call.
"Sorry," I said to Jeremy.
"No need to apologize. You've clearly got a lot going on in your family." He helped both of the girls back into the pool before jumping out to sit next to me. "So your Dad hasn't been out here since you moved?" I shook my head trying not to get emotional like I always did when I talked about this. "Any particular reason?"
"I honestly don't know. His work has been nuts since we moved. As much as he's not handling the murder case, he's been involved. He does all of the legal stuff for all of us so while Sam was basically like another kid because she often appeared at home with me, she and Michael were also clients. Mandi had always taken to Sam the way most people did. She was magnetic. This beautiful soul that just released this light into the world. Mandi had been who went with me to get the kids stuff. She was a Mom, she knew what I'd need. She lives with that same trauma. She also got two more grandkids added to her life the day she turned 50 and while she adores them to no end that was overwhelming. She was 25 when she married my Dad. We moved in full-time with them when she was pregnant with Tony. Frankie and I were far from easy. If you ever meet my sister you'll know why. Just imagine me but three years older and 300 times crazier. She's got so much energy. Mandi never really got the motherhood she imagined. She was thrown into it with two teenagers while also caring for an infant. I didn't quite understand why it was so hard for her until a year ago."
"That makes a lot of sense. Hopefully, they can make it out here and it'll give you and your stepmom a chance to build towards a new relationship."
"One can hope." I needed to change the subject. Talking about me constantly wasn't a good plan when making a new friend. I could hear Sam in my head.
Come the fuck on, Chuckles. You suck at making friends. Stop answering his questions about yourself. You're weird. You're lucky that I overlooked the weird for your brilliance and the humor that hid somewhere inside you. Ask him about himself. And look at his eyes, they are gorgeous. So is his chest.
"Are you close with your family?"
"Extremely. It's why I have such a big house. Being the oldest means that there's a lot of siblings around. My sisters all have kids so this is essentially Camp Renner. Everyone shows up for a couple weeks in the summer. My house in LA is pretty big too. I made sure that they would fit a big family because of how mine is. Growing up as the only boy was a bit weird but my sisters are my best friends. They can be nosy, a little overbearing, and protective. My divorce was brutal and my sisters were the fiercest protectors."
"I've never been through a divorce but my last breakup, Frankie was the all-star. When he showed up to pick up his stuff from my condo he left with a black eye because of my sister."
"How long ago was that?"
"A year ago." I laughed a bit.
"Damn, the last year has been a bitch for you, huh?" I could only nod and laugh. "My divorce was kind of like that. Hell, we got married and filed for divorce in less than a year. Worst mistake of my life."
"Was Ava a product of your marriage? I mean only because that might make it less of a mistake. Ugh, here I go with asking the awkward questions now."
"My ex-wife is Ava's mother but we'd already had Ava. It was truly a nightmare. And of course, because it's all public record the tabloids had fun with it. The downside of fame."
"It seems like one of the many. Like I feel like being famous has a few perks but a lot of drawbacks. Like honestly I'm glad that as a composer people might know who I am but they don't KNOW who I am. I can still live relatively anonymously. You, on the other hand, you're on Axel's pajamas." Jeremy started to laugh again.
"I'm also on Ava's pajamas."
"Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I sleep in a cut-up Avengers t-shirt but there are no pictures of anyone on it. Just the A logo. Tony might freak out when he meets you. Just a heads up."
"Is he a big fan of the MCU?"
"That's an understatement. He's a comic book nerd. Yet another of his skills is that he can draw and he started doing that fairly young when he found comics. He was 12 when Iron Man came out in the theaters and despite being 26 and Tony being WAY too young to see it, I took my little brother to see it. We have gone to a midnight showing of every MCU movie. When he was in school he'd sneak home for the weekend so we could go. We haven't missed a single one. He's trying to tell me before the final one comes out next year that we are going to re-watch all of them together in preparation, in chronological order not release order. I don't know if the Mom version of me can handle that."
"So 26 when Iron Man came out. Makes you 36?"
"Look at you being good at math," I replied laughing.
"Okay. You have a live-in nanny that I've met at Ava's birthday party. She's at least 18 or 19 and you said she's a friend from college's kid. Explain that to me."
"Well, she's 18 for another three weeks. Alex got pregnant fall of freshman year and had Savy the next summer. She stayed in California that summer. My Dad had moved from Beverly Hills to Santa Monica during the school year. His place is huge and has two apartments as part of it. Alex was from Chicago if she'd gone home she'd never come back. She lived in one of the apartments, Sam in the other. She brought Savy home to my Dad's house and that was our home. We did that until our junior year when we found a place closer to campus that all of us moved into. We all lived together until the three of us were done with our master's degrees. The summer after we finished and before Alex started on her doctorate she got married to Max and I bought my condo as Sam took off to London for a couple of years thinking she'd fallen in love."
"Your Dad and Mandi let your two best friends move into their house one of whom had an infant?"
"Well, sort of. The only part we all shared was a courtyard. The main house had 7 bedrooms, they wouldn't have ever noticed. But there was a guest house and apartment. I give Mandi a hard time but it's mainly for the way she freaks about Tony. She was much cooler before he hit high school. She was the master with Savannah when she was tiny. I'd find her in the middle of the night walking the baby up and down the deck by the pool softly singing to her while Alex was passed out on a lawn chair. Tag teaming that baby with basically four Moms, my Dad, and Tony, it was literally a village raising the child." My phone buzzed in my hand, a new message from Mandi. "Speak of the devil."
Thank you for taking your brother in. You're a great sister and mother. Things have been rearranged and we'll be able to be out for the memorial service. I know your house will be full but if you have room for us I'd love if we could stay.
Of course I have room! It's a HUGE house. You know that Sam wouldn't have anything that wouldn't fit us all. Tony will be staying in the apartment over the detached garage so there's plenty of room. I figure that Alex's boys and Carter will stay in one room. Aria and Harlow usually like having a slumber party in Ellie's room. So there's still a lot of room. If you think that many people will be overwhelming I can get you a hotel room.
It'll be okay. I'm from a big family. I can handle this. Also if I can't handle this and need a hotel after a night you aren't allowed to judge.
Are you kidding me? I honestly thought about telling Tony that he needed to stay in the main house and I was moving to the apartment. EVERYTHING is overwhelming for me these days.
It will be nice to have you there. I'll plan for an afternoon where we can go to this cute salon in town for pedicures. We can either do it just us or we can make all of the men watch the children and we can bring Frankie, Alex and Savy.
Men watch the kids. I need time with my girls. Well, the adult ones. I tried to take Aria and Harlow for pedicures last week. I do not recommend that.
I'm really glad you changed your mind. I know the kids will be too. They miss Nana Mandi. Tony will enjoy seeing you too. Maybe in a couple of weeks, he will have settled down a little.
I think by then I'll be okay. I'm being overbearing. I realized after he packed his car up and sped out of the driveway that he did exactly what I did at his age. I'd spent two weeks at home listening to my Mom talk about priorities and the future and couldn't take it. Granted I packed a car and moved from Laguna to Los Angeles. Tony is going a little bit farther but he has you. If I hadn't packed my car up and left I'd never have met your Dad. I wouldn't have you and Frankie in my life and Tony wouldn't exist.
Just don't tell him I'm having this epiphany. I want him to sweat a bit.
My lips are sealed.
Your Dad said you might come home for the trial. If you do you are welcome to stay here. I'll get the kids' rooms ready. We can make the three of you comfortable here. Well, as comfortable as you can be in this situation.
I'm thinking about it. Jane is going. I should be there to support her. But I just don't know if I can go back and relive it again. I basically relive it anytime every time I close my eyes.
That's been my fear. My therapist and I have done a lot of work. Are you still seeing yours?
Yeah. We FaceTime once a week for appointments. She's gotten a few referrals for me here that I've tried two out here. The second one wasn't terrible but it's just not right yet. I have an appointment with a third try next week.
Good. I'm really excited to come to see you and the babies. I miss all of you so much. Oh and your Dad said that you had a playdate today with Ellie's best friend and a Dad. I need to learn more about this.
Yes we are at a playdate and I'm the worst guest as I've been dealing with family stuff for a while now but he seems fairly understanding. Ellie's best friend Ava invited us over to celebrate the first day of summer in her pool with her Dad. I'll call you tomorrow to tell you about that. He said he'd come help deal with Tony moving in and help me move stuff around to get him settled.
That is a very nice and helpful Dad.
He is. The questions going through your head have answers. They are yes, yes, and no.
Too funny. Call me tomorrow and we'll start planning what I can do to help for the visit for the memorial.
I will. Love you.
Love you.
"Funny story. Mandi realized that she did the exact same thing Tony is doing when she moved to LA." Jeremy started to laugh loudly. "So she grew up in Laguna. Went off to school. Moved home to figure out what she wanted to do next and within two weeks her Mom drove her so crazy she got in a car and moved to LA. She told me she's glad Tony has me because I know from the story that she stayed in a hotel for a while until she found an apartment and a job. At least I still get to watch out for Tony and make sure he doesn't do anything completely fucking stupid. She and my Dad are coming out for the memorial and staying with me, which is impressive."
"That's great. Hopefully, it will be a good weekend to have your family all together."
"I'm sure it will be."
We now have a little bit more insight into Charlie's relationship with her parents. Mandi has reason to have been a bit distant over the last year. It's understandable that if she saw the same scene that Charlie did that she would be struggling, especially given her relationship with Sam. Also, the fact that she wants Tony to sweat a little bit about running away to his sister's is kind of funny. Charlie is very close with most of her family.  We will continue to learn about that along the way.
The idea of little Axel having Hawkeye pajamas is kind of cute. I have a 4-year-old nephew who says that Hawkeye is his favorite Avenger. He's one of mine too. While Captain America is my favorite superhero, Hawkeye is probably my favorite Avenger because he is just a normal guy with super skills, not superpowers.
Now we just get to wait for Tony to arrive and see where things go with Jeremy and Charlie since her answers to the questions in Mandi's head were 'yes, yes, and no.'
I can't wait to share more of this story with you and hope you're enjoying it.
xx. AM
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chuffyfan87 · 6 years
Not Just A Schoolboy Crush.
Josh wove his way back through the crowded pub from the bar carrying two more drinks for himself and Charlie. It was a couple of weeks since the party to celebrate Charlie's 30 years at Holby but with everything that had happened that day they hadn't really had a chance to catch up properly so had organised to go for "a couple of pints" tonight instead. As was fairly typical for them, those couple of pints had turned into several pints and then some whiskey. As he reached the table Josh spotted that Charlie was texting on his phone again, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Just who the hell was he messaging so much? Josh placed the drinks down on the table. "You got yourself a secret girlfriend or something? You've barely been off that thing all evening."
"Huh? Oh sorry, just catching up with a mate that's all."
Josh faked a hurt look. "Charming, I thought you were supposed to be catching up with this mate tonight."
"Sorry, I'll put it away." Charlie replied, placing the phone back in his pocket and looking chastised. "Right, where were we? Oh yes! So are you thinking of sticking around in Holby long term or just a flying visit before you head off on your next adventure?"
"I think I'll probably stick around. Visiting new places has been fun but Holby is home, something about the place will always draw me back."
"Funny you should say that, Duffy made a very similar comment just the other day after she accepted the sister's post again."
"Well, I think her reasons for sticking around might be slightly different to mine mate." Josh replied with a smirk.
"I don't understand."
Josh was about to reply when Charlie's phone pinged once more. Charlie ignored it for a few moments before sheepishly taking it out to read the message. He laughed and quickly responded, a grin on his face. "Seriously Charlie who..." Realisation suddenly dawned on Josh's face. "Its her you're texting isn't it?!"
Charlie took a swig of his drink, avoiding Josh's gaze. "No..."
"Liar. Where is she tonight? I'm surprised you didn't invite her to join us."
"Elle's taken her down the pub. Louise and Robyn are there too. Seems their aim was to fill her with wine and get gossip out of her."
"So you're both drunk? Tomorrow's going to be fun!"
"I'm sure we can both survive having hangovers Josh."
"A hangover could be the least of your problems if you continue texting under the influence."
"We're just chatting Josh. What's the worst that could happen?"
"You really want me to answer that?" He held out his hand. "Give it here." Seeing Charlie's confused face he clarified. "The phone, I want to see if you've said anything stupid to her yet." Charlie reluctantly handed over the phone, taking a large gulp of his whisky as he watched his friend scroll through the messages. "Charming!" Josh remarked after a few moments.
"What?" Charlie replied.
"So you're planning to ditch me to go rescue the drunken damsel?"
"I'm not sure she'd like that description."
"How about 'drunk and puking middle aged woman' instead?"
"Tenner says you'd never dare say that to her face!" Charlie laughed.
Josh scoffed and continued scrolling. "Urgh, you guys are weird!"
"What now?"
"She's just told you she's puked up shots and yet you're still flirting with her?"
"I was not flirting with her! I was merely expressing concern for a friend."
"Yeh right, you've been doing it for so long that you don't even realise when you're doing it anymore."
"I don't know what you're talking about Josh. We're just good friends. That's all."
Josh laughed. "Come on mate, that line wasn't even convincing 25 years ago! It certainly isn't now." He paused and sighed. "Seriously Charlie, you need to either ask her out or forget about it forever. Before one of you explodes or I lose the will to deal with the pair of you!"
"In case it slipped your notice she's married."
"Uh huh, so married that she's travelled more than 10 thousand miles across the world without said husband, rented a flat and accepted a full time permanent job."
"And you think she's done that because of me? Holby is her home, she enjoys being a nurse."
"She didn't need to come all the way back here to spend her Saturday nights elbow deep in vomit and blood yet she chose to. Surely that says something."
"What am I supposed to do? Just walk up to her at work and say 'Morning Duffy, I know we've been mates for decades but I actually really fancy you so would you like to go on a date with me?'. It'd never work Josh!"
"Oh so you do fancy her then?" Josh laughed.
"Josh..." Charlie warned.
"Hey I'm not knocking it, she's an attractive lady." Josh shrugged. "Your school reunion!" He exclaimed suddenly, an idea forming in his mind.
"What about it?" Charlie asked, confused by the conversation's sudden change in direction.
"Ask her to go with you."
"I'm not sure..." Charlie began.
"It's perfect! A chance for the two of you to spend some quality time together away from work but there'll still be plenty of people around if things get awkward."
"Why would it get awkward? She's one of my oldest friends."
"Yeh, your oldest friend whose knickers you want to get into." Josh smirked.
"Josh! That's..!" Charlie's words were cut off by the sound of his phone beeping again.
Josh looked down at the phone in his hand and held it out towards his friend. "It seems the object of your affections wants to talk to you again."
Charlie rolled his eyes and took the phone, pressing the screen to read the message. "Apparently the others have decided to go to a club, she doesn't fancy it but is struggling to get a taxi home."
"Fair enough, we best call it a night then."
"If you're sure? I feel bad just upping and leaving."
"Yeh but we'd both feel worse just leaving her on her own. Remember what I said though - grab your chance soon or forget it completely."
"I'll think about it." Charlie replied as the two men hugged. He then put his jacket on and left the pub to go meet Duffy.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA! : Origin of the Rom, part 2 : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 3 of 8
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~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
The second part of the Origin of the Rom
ORIGIN OF THE ROM SERIES in reading order.  (will be completed as the stories are posted in linked form)
Part One : NORE’S CHOICE, which starts HERE
Part Two : WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA! which starts HERE
Part Three : FAIR AND UN-FAIR, which starts HERE
Part Four : ON THE ROADS OF EQUESTRIA, which starts HERE
Part Six : SANDO’S LAKE, which starts HERE
Part Seven : A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ROM, which starts HERE
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
13716 words
© 2015 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/09/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Blog holding members of Tumblr.com may freely reblog this story provided that the title, author and copyright information remain intact, unaltered, and are displayed at the head of the story.
Fan art, stories, music, cosplay and other fan activity is actively encouraged.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Turning to Sunbreak I asked, “We are going to need to get these wagons down this complex to Riten’s notch and go over there to get down to the flats and the Royal Roads. Can you have that scouted for us?  Everything that Rom’s band saved from their old lives is in these wagons.”
Sunbreak nodded soberly.  “I will have that done Marchhare.  You will need to bide here a while. I fear that we have higher priorities, just now.”
I agreed.  “We will need to move a little.  We will have better foraging down at Rollmire marsh. We will set up our camp there.”
Showing that she really did not miss much of anything, she asked, “I saw the slashed rain fly when I came in.  What is the damage cost, Marchhare?  I will see that it is taken care of by the Hydrological Authority.  Even if they were disobeying direct orders, those four were working for us.”
I gestured for her to follow me. We both looked over the slashes in the rain fly.  Suddenly, Sunbreak reached up and felt the fabric.  She checked my new sashes too. “What is this?  I have never seen a fabric like this.  How expensive is it?”
“This?  Gyptian Broadweave. The secret of the fiber comes from Gyptia.  I know that Sarel spent four days preparing the threads and setting up the loom.  The weaving took another three days.  I think that it can be sewed tight again. No idea if Sarel has enough supplies to make another.”
Sunbreak nodded soberly.  “I will asses the damage as four golden bits.”
I agreed.  “We were planning to sell some bolt stock at three gold, five per ell.  The ell is how the Gyptians measure the cloth.  It is pretty close to our cloth yards and meters.”
She made a wry face.  “That idiot Ground Nest just tried to tell me that this flood is all YOUR fault, Marchhare.  If you weren’t there, they wouldn’t have tried the prank.  What did he mean, 'it never went like this before’?”
“Oh, Ground Nest and his gang like to prank the donkeys that trade around the whole Red Branch District.  Same stunt that he tried here.  Gather a few clouds, fly down and slash the wagon covers and drop a bunch of rain on our trade goods to mess them up.
“He has driven most of the donkey cart traders out of the whole Red Branch District.”
Sunbreak whistled softly in astonishment.  “That is going to hurt the district almost as much as the flood.  I know that a lot of ponies look down on you donkeys but without your network of small trade and seed deliveries, most farms would be in far worse shape, if they survived at all.”
“I know that.  I quit myself because there was no profit left after Ground Nest’s assorted pranks. I got the Gyptian famine tip from a friend of mine and took a few loads that way instead.  Made out quite well.  On my last trip, I met these good horses who had lost their livelihoods to the drought and famine.  They were starving so I brought them here .
“Our plan is to earn a bit of coin from fairs, get some land and settle down somewhere.
“Seeing my wife’s reaction to Ground Nest, here, I think that we will look for something FAR AWAY from where he used to live.”
Sunbreak nodded sagely.  “I can understand that, Marchhare … Wait!  Did the old bachelor just say WIFE?”
Nore smiled and stood proud.  “I have that honor.  By the traditions of our kind, I asked to be by his side and he has agreed.  We all celebrated it and so it was done.  I am the wife of Marchhare, the Ghost Who Guides.”
Sunbreak watched with horror as Ground Nest squalled, “He ain’t no ghost!  He’s a worthless donkey!”  He drove a powerful forehoof strike at my head, his whole weight behind it.
His hoof passed through my head like it was air.  With his weight in the strike, he overbalanced and fell splat on his face in the mud.  Again.
I hopped onto his neck to hold him down.  “You missed, Ground Nest.  Good thing too.  Hitting an old donkey that hard could have killed him.  Not even you rurals can overlook cold-blooded murder.  Especially not with so many witnesses, including your work supervisor, Sunbreak.”
“I did not miss!”  Suddenly what he said penetrated into his otherwise empty skull.  “You didn’t dodge!  You ain’t there!”  He tried to get up.  My weight prevented him from rising but he raised his rear enough for Nore to buck him between the hind legs.  Hard.
Suddenly I did not need to hold him down any longer.  He was curled around the pain in his private parts.
I noticed that Rom was conferencing with Sunbreak.  I overheard, “He says it was just a nap.”
She came back over to us. Unsympathetically she directed, “Get up.  You are going to go with the next damage survey team.  If you try to leave or disobey any order at all, you will placed under arrest or have criminal wanted bulletins formally posted over all of Equestria.  You are going to see, first hoof, what you and your stupid buddies did.”
They left, Ground Nest flying a bit unsteadily.
Rom quietly told me, “We are now packing for our move to the next place, Marchhare.  I hope that you do not mind too much, but I did tell your friend Sunbreak about your nap.”
“I am aware of it, my friend. Let us get things together.  We should be able to get about half way there before darkness falls.”
The way was not too bad.  The real damage from the flood was going to be further down.  The awestruck horses of Rom’s band camped among the roots of some of Equestria’s oldest and biggest trees.
I was not even surprised at what they did.  First, they scouted the area for anything that might be useful in some way.  Then they set up the cooking gear and turned out a truly terrific feed from what they brought and found.  
And they danced.  They got out their instruments, hoofed me a set of their drums and began.  The ancient trees echoed the sweet wail of their music as the dances and songs began.
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 76 - The Former Holder
"Peasant! I said look at me!" Azula barked in a loud voice as she snapped her fingers in her serving girl's face just as her intended finally registered her presence.
"Yes Azula-sama?" Elle answered in a loyal voice as she turned to meet her master's strict gaze while she calmed when she felt the older woman's strong hand grasp her cheek.
While her big sisters also gazed at her in shared concern.
"Are you alright Elle? What did that girl tell you?" The princess questioned in a possessive voice with her hot breath sweeping against her little girlfriend's trembling cheek.
"Oh! She just told me that she would see me later!" The blonde-haired girl exclaimed in an unconvincing voice while she shivered pleasantly under the older woman's dominant stare.
"Really? Is that all?" Azula pondered in a forceful voice with her well-manicured fingers holding her little handmaid's cheek.
"Mhm. That's all." Elle stated with a sigh when Azula let out another dominant growl as she glared strictly back into her lovesick eyes.
"You are a terrible liar peasant. In any case it matters not. I will deal with her if she attempts to harm you." The princess declared in a controlling voice as her hand fell back to her side while her serving girl swooned once more.
"O-oh my princess charming…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off in a gush with her big sister's observing fondly while her master smiled at her once more.
"It will be okay Elle. We'll protect you." Ty Lee assured with a nod while Elle smiled in appreciation.
"Yeah. We will." Mai agreed with a nod of her own while Zoe observed calmly from where she leaned on the door.
Only for all five of them to turn their heads when the old woman tapped her staff on the floor once again.
"Enough distractions! It is time that we returned to focus young Component. Whatever happens outside of this hut does not matter. I don't care if the Fire Nation burns to the ground while we speak. So, it shall burn then! All that matters is this talk." The sage announced as she hobbled forward once more with the five females listening closely once more.
"So be it old hag. But you had better be worth our while." Azula spoke in a rude voice with her lifelong friends groaning beside her in renewed embarrassment.
Leave it to Azula to continually disrespect possibly the oldest person in their nation!
"Forgive us wise sage! We eagerly await your wisdom!" Elle cried out as she bowed respectfully at the approaching old woman while Azula lazily lounged in her seat with a returning smirk on her lips.
"Bloodthirsty your friend may be but she was right. You must get in touch with your heritage." The elderly woman stated as she made her way closer while the highborn women listened in growing intrigue.
"Her heritage?" Zoe questioned in a piqued voice as she watched the hunched over sage nod her head.
"I speak of course of the former holder…the one who held the Component before you." The sage explained with a wrinkled finger now pointing down in the young girl's awestruck face.
"How do we find out who the former hold is?" The brown-haired woman pondered in an amazed voice as she sat with her still healing foot comfortably on the floor.
"Are you inferring to past lives? Like the Avatar Cycle?" The princess asked in a stern voice with her authoritative eyes gazing at the old woman's aged face.
"No. As I said before. The passage of the Component is not like the Avatar Cycle. Each Avatar is a reincarnation of the past holder. The Avatar today shares a connection with the past lives of all Avatars." The elderly woman instructed in a voice of boundless knowledge while the group listened in fascination.
"Wow. That's amazing isn't it Azula-sama." Elle said in a voice of childlike awe with her girlfriend lazily shrugging her shoulders over her.
"But the Component is another matter entirely. Each Component is a completely different person. And the rules of succession…a truly complicated affair. Elle Turner is no one but Elle Turner. And so was the holder before. And so on. And so, the next shall be if you fail." The sage spoke in an enigmatic voice with her hands upon her staff while the young girl gulped nervously.
The concept of Elle dying and the power going to another was a disturbing thought to all four highborn women.
In some way or another all four of them had grown close with the teenager.
And the last thing they wanted was for the girl to die.
"I-I'll do my best not to fail." The blonde-haired girl piped as her princess gazed at the back of her head unconvinced.
"Do you know the identity of the former holder?" Azula demanded in an ever-interrogative voice with her cold eyes turning to peer at the old woman's aged face while the sage met her gaze.
"Hm. I have a way to find out." The elderly woman responded in a wise voice with the five females listening in anticipation.
"Wise sage! Please tell us how we can uncover the name of the former holder!" Elle chirped in a sweet voice with Ty Lee grinning at her from where she sat on the floor.
"Before I can tell you that gentle Elle. First you and your friends must complete a preliminary task." The sage commented with her hands gripping her staff while the young girl gazed up at her in excitement.
While the four older girls exchanged a look as the princess scowled at the old woman.
"Preliminary task? So be it. These four will do this task while I sit here. Such is the privilege of being royalty." The princess boasted in a smug voice with her boots sprawling out on the floor while all but her pet glared at her.
"She said all of us Azula." The markswoman reminded in her usual voice with her spoiled friend scanning her fingernails with a spoiled smile.
"What do we have to do? Is there a beast that we must slay?" The captain inquired with her fist grasping her sheathed blade while her young friend hurriedly nodded her little head.
"Oh, I know! Perhaps we must perform an act of love and peace!" The blonde-haired girl blurted out in a sweet voice with Mai and Ty Lee smiling fondly at her back.
All the while Azula rolled her eyes over her once more.
Only for the old sage to close her eyes as she clutched her staff while they waited in suspense for the old woman's reply.
"You must fetch ten barrels of water from the stream." The elderly woman announced in a serious voice while all but the young girl nearly fell over in disbelief.
"Ten barrels of water?" Elle repeated in a lovably naïve voice as she held a finger under her chin while Azula's eyes twitched in aggravation as she now glared daggers at the old woman.
"Well! That's not what I was expecting to hear." Ty Lee sighed as she sat up with a smile still on her lips while blue fire now burned from Azula's hands.
"Go fetch your own water peasant! Now you will speak now or I will-" Azula shouted only to find herself hissing in pain not a moment later when a staff slammed down atop her skull.
While everyone not named Elle chuckled in entertainment as they watched her turn red in fury in amusement.
"You will fetch the water rude one or I won't tell you anything at all! Now get!" The sage ordered with her staff now being blocked by the princess's burning hand as she glared up at her with murderous golden eyes.
And then not a second later.
The monarch was once more being restrained by both noblewomen as she breathed a large stream of blue fire in the sage's undaunted face.
"Azula! Stop being so difficult!" Mai snapped as she grunted while pulling back her much more powerful friend as the royal woman seethed in her grip.
"I am going to burn you at the stake!" The princess yelled in a beyond violent voice with her two friends groaning beside her.
Only for her golden eyes to twitch in growing anger when she heard her captain laughing from against the wall.
"You know what they say Your Highness. A good ruler works her way up." Zoe taunted in a humored voice as she pushed her body off the wall while Azula's eyes burned through her skull.
"Shut up Zoe! And all of you go fetch the Agni damned water!" The princess commanded in a domineering voice as she snorted flames from her wrathful nostrils.
Only for her scowl to deepen when the three noblewomen cast her a pointed look.
Just as they all turned to their small friend when the young girl sprang to her feet in adorable excitement.
"Yes, oneesan I have heard the same! A wise man once said that a good leader starts from the very bottom!" The blonde-haired girl chimed in a cheerful voice with a hand in the air while her girlfriend glared down at her.
And her three big sisters now smirked in amusement.
"You will carry a barrel of water rude one. Unless you want me to lock you out of the room and tell the Dragon of House Song in your place!" The elderly woman yelled back with no fear in her voice while the captain smirked as she gazed at the princess's enraged face.
"Yes. Perhaps I will use this knowledge to become Fire Lord." The captain mocked with a hand on her womanly hip while her leader gritted her teeth as she glared her way.
"Come on Azula. Don't you want to show off your muscles to Elle? I bet Elle would love to see her strong princess carry those barrels!" Ty Lee exclaimed with a wide grin that only grew when she watched Azula huff haughtily with her arms folded over her breasts.
"Of course, my muscles are without flaw…" Azula trailed off in a smug voice as she eyed her fingernails while Mai rolled her eyes behind her.
All the while she smiled arrogantly when she noticed how her little serving girl was peering up at her muscular arms in adorable admiration.
"O-oh Azula-sama. Will you lend me your strength once more and help me carry my barrel?" Elle requested in a bashful voice as she shyly kicked at an imaginary pebble while her princess smiled as she flexed a bicep over her.
"Hm. Perhaps I will consider it." The princess purred in a conceited voice just as she felt her little girlfriend embrace her toned bicep while her pet pressed her face into her arm.
"M-my mighty princess charming." The blonde-haired girl stuttered in a cute voice just as the older woman began to walk while she clung to her muscular arm.
"You would be lost without my strength little lady." Azula commented in a stern voice as she walked with Elle's face buried in her well-muscled arm.
While the three noblewomen gazed after her in exasperation before they began to follow.
"Ugh. Her ego is so unbearable." The markswoman complained with a roll of her eyes while the acrobat giggle beside her as the followed after the strange couple.
"Maybe! But they sure are pink!" The brown-haired woman answered in a cheery voice as she walked down the stairs once more while the sage watched them for a moment.
Before turning away to gaze back down into her wood stove.
'Perhaps…this young one will be the one. Only time will tell.' The sage thought with her glazed eyes briefly taking on a worried gleam as she sighed under her breath.
While the soldier smirked as she turned to gaze down at her fellow nobles before speaking once more.
"I bet I can carry more than you House Lin." Zoe called out in a smug voice with Mai freezing in her step with her tawny eyes now agape in anger.
"Fine. You're on. Bitch." Mai replied in a venomous voice with Ty Lee sweatdropping between them as she shivered under her glare.
'Is it just me or are they starting to warm up to each other? No. it's probably just me.' Ty Lee thought as she shook her head.
A few minutes later…
The fivesome stepped downstairs to find Nako with her nose buried in a book in the library.
While Saro also browsed an old tome beside her.
And most curiously in the adjacent room.
Jiao was laying on her back with her eyes closed while Zoe turned to cast her an almost fond glance.
One that was not shared by Azula who was now glaring at the sleeping commoner.
Only to deem the woman unworthy of her time as she turned to her royal pilot before barking out an order that caused the poor woman to jump in fright.
"Nako!" The princess shouted in a strict voice as she stood in the doorway just as the two sprang to their feet.
While she watched with approval in her cold eyes when the two dropped in a low bow on the floor before her boots.
"Princess! Did you get the information that you needed?" Nako questioned in a loyal voice as she gazed up at the highborn women looming in the doorway with Azula standing at the forefront.
"Not quite yet. Have you found anything of use in this library?" Azula inquired in a callous voice with just a sliver less cruelty in her tone than normal.
"Erm not yet! But I have no doubt that I will. There is so much to read here!" The royal pilot answered in a thrilled voice while her princess placed her fists on her shapely hips.
The three noblewomen had almost been expecting the monarch to order the girl and the soldier to accompany them.
Only to find themselves taken by surprise when the princess ordered otherwise.
"Continue then…both of you. And report to me anything of interest that you should find." The princess ordered with her fists planted on her hips while she gazed down with cold golden eyes.
"Understood Your Highness!" Nako exclaimed as she bent her head in reverence while Azula offered her a cold nod of approval.
"Good. That is what I like to hear." Azula stated in a stern voice as she strode away once more with her servant girl scurrying after her footfalls.
"Keep on eye out Saro. And make sure no one enters this hut while we are gone." Zoe remarked as she briefly gazed at her subordinate as he arose from his bow.
"Yes captain. I will do that." Saro replied as he watched the five females walk off while he moved to return to his seat.
Only for Zoe to pause as she stopped to gaze in on Jiao's sleeping form with her stony hazel eyes watching the younger woman breath peacefully.
For moment she almost felt like stroking the hair in her partner's eyes.
But she knew better than to indulge in pleasure when there was so much important work to be done.
And with that she wordlessly resumed her stride with her eyes gazing ahead once more as she followed after her monarch.
While Azula glanced down with icy golden eyes once more when she felt Elle take hold of her muscular arm once again.
With the smaller girl now hiding her face in her bicep once more while she soon found herself crushing her serving girl's dainty hand under her own.
All the while Ty Lee walked behind them with a grin on her lips while Mai sighed beside her.
"I love you Azula-sama." Elle confessed for the thousandth time with a blush on her pretty cheeks while she savored how the much taller woman dominantly pulled her along.
"I own you peasant. You will serve me for all of your days! I am going to enslave you until the end of time!" Azula declared with a pompous smile on her crimson lips while she gazed down at her swooning little servant.
While Mai and Ty Lee sweatdropped as Zoe strode behind them with her hazel eyes observing the two in amusement.
"You have a strange way of saying I love you Azula." Mai commented in a monotone voice as she eyed her baby sister with fondness in her tawny eyes.
But if Azula made Elle happy.
Who was she to judge?
"O-ooh Azula-sama you are so romantic…" The blonde-haired girl gushed with a palm on her cheek while she became starry eyed under the older woman's beyond dominant golden stare.
"Like I said…it's pink!" The brown-haired woman giggled with a hand over her mouth while her fellow noblewoman gazed at her in a deadpan silence.
"Of course, I am. I am the prime marital candidate. There is no one stronger." The princess huffed with a smirk on her beautiful lips.
While she enjoyed how her young girlfriend adorably swooned over her word that left her mouth.
And Mai and Ty Lee just sweatdropped once more.
Only Azula would think that strength was the most important factor in choosing a spouse.
"Now that's not necessarily true princess. There are multiple contenders for that title. Most prominent of them are myself and the cherry pit." The captain taunted with her arms folded over her breasts while her princess turned to cast her a foul tempered glare.
"The world will see soon enough that I am absolute. I will conquer the entire world and all who oppose me shall be crushed in the wake of my flames! Never again to rise above the ashes of their shame and humiliation!" Azula bellowed without warning with a gleam of sadistic madness in her golden eyes while she clenched her fists at her shapely hips.
Just as her little girlfriend gazing up at her in awe with her smaller hand still being crushed under her own.
While the three noblewomen now stood sweatdropping behind her as they observed their young friend gush over their leader's maniacal boast.
"You go Azula-sama! You dominate this planet! You can do it! I believe in you!" Elle cheered in a sweet voice with a lovesick smile on her lips while Azula swelled in pride above her with a proud smirk on her lips.
"Aww. You can't get anymore supportive than that Azula." Ty Lee stated in an affectionate voice as they made their way for the door.
"Indeed. My Elle is loyal. She knows who she serves." The princess spoke in a pleased voice with her strict eyes peering down at her serving girl's adorable face while the blonde flushed under her gaze.
Just as they opened the door while they gazed out into the vast forest in returning wonderment as they listened to the sounds of the forest creatures moving about.
It was almost enough to make them forget that they were being stalked and hunted.
"Is it safe to be out here? She could have been waiting for us to step outside…" The markswoman trailed off in a paranoid voice as she clutched a knife in hand while she turned to glare around her.
While all but their young servant frowned in agreement.
"I wouldn't worry about it. While she may well be after me and the princess. If she wanted to kill us. She could have surely gotten at least one of us back on that isle. We were almost dead and yet she didn't make a move…" Zoe commented as she strode towards the water barrels while Azula held a finger below her chin in agreement.
And as much as Azula was loathed to admit it her soldier made a good point.
"Even so. She would not have defeated me. Perhaps all of the lesser people would have died. But I do suppose that would have been terribly inconvenient." Azula stated in her usual overconfident voice with a smirk on her lips while Mai rolled her eyes at the back of her head.
"Yes. I have no doubt that you would have made for a fearsome opponent covered in sweat and so exhausted that you couldn't even stand. So much as light a candle with your flame." The captain quipped with her back turned to her monarch while the royal woman glared daggers at her back.
"She has a point Azula." The brown-haired woman agreed with a hand on her hip as she grasped onto a barrel before heaving it over her shoulder while her friend cast her a cold stare.
"If this artist is as deadly as the old sage claims…if it was only our bending that she wanted. Then she would have been the perfect opportunity to take us out while we were weak. So why…didn't she?" Zoe pondered with a thoughtful look in her hazel eyes while the others listened in a puzzled quiet.
"She must be after something else…" Mai spoke in a protective voice as she turned to glance down at the small girl standing between them while her little sister continued to admire the forest around her.
"My thoughts exactly. She is most likely after whatever young Elle will gain from mastering her power. I suspect that she is watching and waiting to see what Elle will do next." The captain declared in a deathly serious voice.
While her three fellow highborn women turned to glance down at the girl gazing up at the looming trees.
For the faintest of moments, the four of them felt a protective instinct flood throughout their body.
And they almost thought that the girl was gazing away in worry.
Only to be taken by surprise when the servant girl abruptly cried out in joy.
"Oh, look Azula-sama! A butterfly!" The blonde-haired girl announced in a cheerful voice with her mouth open in marvelment while her princess stared down at her with deadpan golden eyes.
All the while Ty Lee giggled as she easily held the barrel over her shoulder while even Mai cracked a small smile.
"I see it servant." The princess snorted with fire escaping her nostrils as she planted her fists on her hips while she loomed protectively over her crouched serving girl.
While she glared out of the corner of her eye before she let out a low growl like a mother dragon tending to her little hatchling.
All the while the acrobat gushed at the scene with a bright smile adorning her cheerful lips.
'It is really sweet watching Azula be so protective.' Ty Lee thought with grin while she nodded as she observed Azula tower over Elle as if to shield the smaller girl from an incoming attack.
Just as the teenager grasped at something unseen before she shyly stood up as she turned to face the much taller woman's stoic gaze.
"A-Azula-sama I picked something for you." Elle confessed in an adorable stammer with Azula staring down at her with a refined smile already forming on her lips.
"Have you now? In that case I demand that you show it to me now or I will destroy you!" Azula shouted in a thunderous voice as she thrusted a spoiled finger in her handmaid's quivering face.
While the three nobles watched silently from behind as the young girl nervously held out a small yellow flower before the monarch's callous face.
"F-for you my queen." The blonde-haired girl answered as she gazed up at the older woman's smiling face while her girlfriend gently took the flower from her hand.
"Azula…" The brown-haired woman gushed with a growing smile as she laughed warmly over her little sister's lovable affections for her ruthless friend.
"Your queen is pleased by this tribute peasant. Good girl." The princess commented with a sliver of fondness permeating her cold voice before she lowered her hand into her handmaid's soft hair.
Just as she patted the young girl's golden head while her girlfriend once more melted like butter beneath her hand.
"I serve you with pride Azula-sama. Because you are my h-home." Elle spoke up in a bashful voice as she twiddled her thumbs while Azula's hand still patted her head.
Only for the older girl's hand to retract not a moment later as she smiled up at the monarch's strict face while her caretaker tucked the flower underneath her ceremonial belt.
"I approve of your devotion servant. And so, you shall always serve me. Such is my right as your dominant." Azula remarked in a charismatic voice only for her smile to grow even larger when Elle bent over in a loyal curtsy.
"That's so Azula-sama! That is how our relationship works! And I wouldn't have it any other way!" The blonde-haired girl cheered in a jubilant voice while her princess's full lips curved into a pleased smile.
"I never thought I would meet anyone that was this eager to bow before Azula." The markswoman stated in a slightly softer voice than usual while the acrobat smiled beside her.
"Yeah. But it makes Elle happy and that's all that matters." Ty Lee replied with fondness lacing her voice while Mai nodded in agreement.
"It pleases me that we are in agreement. Now listen well Elle. I have an announcement to make." The princess spoke in a return to her smug voice with her companions gazing on curiously.
"An announcement Azula-sama?" Elle asked as she rose from her curtsy with her amber eyes peering up at Azula's beautiful face in endless adoration.
"Yes. I have decided that I am going to create a new era of love and peace." Azula declared with a smirk on her lips while the three noblewomen snorted as they rolled their eyes.
Only for her smirk to grow even bigger when her little girlfriend cried out in joy.
"R-really? That's wonderful! I am so happy for the world!" The blonde-haired girl cried out as she smiled as brightly as can be while the acrobat stared at the princess's back in disapproval.
"Sure, you have Azula." Mai scoffed as she picked up a water barrel in each hand while she glared at Zoe through the corner of her eye.
While the older noblewoman heaved two over her shoulders with a taunting smirk on her lips.
"Alas in order to do that…I must become the goddess of all…including the Spirit World. My will must reign supreme over all beings if I am to forge a just world." The princess sighed as if it were a great hardship with a shake of her head while her childhood friends shivered in renewed terror.
All the while Elle stood with a hand under her chin as she still gazed up into Azula's entrancingly dominant golden eyes unaware that her big sisters were shivering in fear.
"Azula…." The brown-haired woman growled in an unnerved voice as she tapped her pink boot while her friend paid her words no mind.
Just as Azula placed a hand on Elle's trembling shoulder while she smiled down into her serving girl's lovesick amber eyes.
"Will you help your princess become a goddess Elle? Just think of how powerful I would become. Just imagine how dominant I would become…" Azula purred with her words flowing like silk into Elle's awestruck ears while she slid her hand along the gulping girl's cheek.
"You truly are shameless Azula." The markswoman muttered with a snort while the princess seductively bent over the quivering young girl.
"Elle surely can't do that Azula. She has been tasked with a great responsibility and I really don't think she can just grant you control over the Spirit World." Ty Lee attempted to reason in a frightened voice while Azula smiled down into her little sister's intimidated amber eyes.
"I-I don't know if I am allowed to do that Azula-sama. What if doing that makes me a bad person?" Elle stuttered in a helpless voice just as Azula forcefully yanked on the collar of her shirt while she fell forward.
Only to find herself trembling as she stood with her shirt in the older woman's hand while the princess smiled charmingly down at her.
"Oh? Is that a no?" The princess pondered in a sadistic voice with her domineering eyes never ceasing in gazing down at the blonde's adorably flustered face.
"Just say no Elle." Mai advised in a sigh as she gazed fondly at the younger girl's reddened face while Elle closed her eyes in lovable fright.
"I-I need to stay unbiased Azula-sama. That would surely be a gross overuse of my powers." The blonde-haired girl piped up only to whimper when the princess swiftly released her shirt.
"I see. Well that is disappointing to hear. I really had my heart set on being the queen of all…oh well." Azula sighed once more with a shake of her head before she turned away while her childhood friends glared at her back.
Just as she lazily brushed her dark hair from her controlling eyes before she bent over to pick up a barrel while the three noblewomen now stared at her incredulously.
While her round posterior now pointed in the direction of her young girlfriend's confuddled face just as her little mouth dropped open in shock.
"Now you are really sinking to a new low Azula!" The brown-haired woman exclaimed with a huff while the teenager tried her hardest to avert her eyes from her friend's round ass.
"And that surprises you?" The markswoman inquired with her tawny eyes staring at her friend in annoyance while the princess turned to glance over her shoulder at the overwhelmed teenager.
Just as her loud voice split through the air while the blonde jumped in fright as if she were a puppy being disciplined by her master.
"You're not allowed to look! As of this moment forward you are being punished!" The princess barked with sadistic delight in her eyes when she watched her girlfriend let out an adorable whimper as she turned away.
Just as Mai and Ty Lee gazed at Azula with scolding eyes while their adopted sister cried out once more.
"Sumimasen Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed in a voice of eroding willpower while Azula's backside still pointed her way.
"If you change your mind about our discussion feel free to let me know." Azula stated in a conceited voice with her arms crossed over her breasts while her serving girl closed her eyes as she trembled behind her.
"I-I'll see w-what I can do Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl agreed in a pitiful voice as she gulped while her big sisters sighed heavily behind her.
"Elle…" Ty Lee chided in a sisterly voice while Azula turned to smirk down at Elle with her elbow pushing down into her other folded arm.
"Splendid! I am delighted to hear it. Your viewing privileges have now been restored. You can gaze at my divinity once more." Azula announced in a spoiled voice with a pompous smirk on her lips as she gazed down at her little girlfriend's cutely flustered face.
"P-please spare me Azula-sama. I don't know how to handle your beauty." Elle pleaded in a lovably confuddled voice with Azula letting out a haughty sigh over her.
"Oh, very well. I suppose I shall show you mercy." The princess commented with a finger raised in the air while a refined smile graced her lovely lips.
Just as she turned around once more before effortlessly lifting a barrel over her shoulder while she watched her young girlfriend move to do the same.
"It would seem as if young Elle would be better off spending a week without the princess in order to learn to resist her feminine wiles." The captain spoke in a humored voice with her muscular arms easily holding the barrels over her shoulders.
While her fellow noblewomen sweatdropped in agreement.
"A week without Her Highness? I wouldn't survive…" The blonde-haired girl mumbled in an adorable voice as she lifted the barrel up with great effort.
Only to blink in surprise when the barrel inexplicably became much lighter.
She gazed up with admiration in her amber eyes to see that her princess was holding the other end of it with her left hand.
"No. I suppose you wouldn't. But fortunately for you I am here to rule over your little life." Azula remarked in a possessive voice with her cold eyes staring down at her short girlfriend's beautiful face while her handmaid smiled up at her.
"Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama." Elle replied in a doting voice as she padded along beside her princess while Azula assisted her in carrying her barrel.
While the three noblewomen took to following after the couple with the acrobat smiling at the two once more.
About ten minutes later…
The four highborn women and their gentle young friend were walking towards the stream only to stop in surprise when the teenager abruptly cried out in alarm.
"What is it Elle?" The brown-haired woman questioned in a worried voice only to gaze down at the princess's boots while the monarch did the same.
Just as the three noblewomen sweatdropped as they now gazed at the monarch's humiliated face to see that a cherry pit was in her walking path.
"Oh no! The wise sage foretold that a cherry pit would be your end! It's best not to take any chances! I'll walk you around it Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl announced in a comically serious voice as she pulled on her girlfriend's elbow while the princess turned red in mortification.
While she guided Azula around the lone cherry pit with the older woman's crimson lips curled into a tight scowl as she angrily stomped over the tiny pit.
Only for her callous golden eyes to widen in rage when she heard the three nobles laughing at her expense behind her.
"Silence! Or I will destroy the three of you!" The princess roared with fire spewing from her lips while she allowed her little girlfriend to pull her around the tiny roadblock.
"Well princess it would seem as if your conquest is not unstoppable after all…" Zoe snickered before crushing the tiny cherry pit beneath her combat boot for effect while Azula seethed over her embarrassed shoulder.
"Shut your mouth Zoe!" Azula barked as she held her barrel over her shoulder with her serving girl lovingly latched onto her muscular arm.
While she scowled down at the adorable girl with her golden eyes twitching while her pet took great care to steer her around the aforementioned cherry pit.
"You better watch out Elle. There's another one. Azula might break her neck if you're not careful." Mai stated in a humored voice with her finger pointing down while Azula spun around to cast her a murderous glare.
All the while they watched in entertainment when the innocent girl began to divert the red-faced woman once more.
"Aww. Now that's love Azula." Ty Lee spoke in a tender voice with a smile on her lips while Azula scowled as Elle pulled her taller body along.
The mere fact that Azula even allowed the young girl to guide her walking path spoke volumes about the princess's feelings for the innocent girl!
"There is nothing that I would not do for you Azula-sama. My love for you is so great that I would even become a footbridge for you to use to cross a river. Anything for my beautiful princess charming." Elle declared in a sweet voice as her big sister's cringed in unison while Azula's lips curved into a contemplative smile.
"Kid. Why would you tell Azula that?" The markswoman groaned with her tawny eyes already taking note of the excited gleam in the princess's dominant golden gaze.
"I see. So, you're into trampling. Is that right peasant?" The princess pondered in a pleased voice with the acrobat shuddering behind her while her little girlfriend blinked in confusion.
"T-that's not what Elle meant Azula and you know it!" The brown-haired woman advised with haste while the princess still smiled as the petite girl pulled her along.
"Huh? Trampling? I don't understand Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl mumbled in an adorable voice with her princess smiling down at her in approval.
"Don't worry your little mind over it. We have all the time in the world to explore our desires." Azula purred as she regained control of their walk with her hand still lifting the barrel while Elle carried the other side as she beamed up at her.
"Yes! We do don't we!" Elle cried out in excitement with Azula smirking over her as the monarch held the second barrel over her shoulder.
"That's my servant. Ever loyal to your master." The princess spoke in a pleased voice with a nod while her serving girl shyly padded along beside her.
All the while both Mai and Ty Lee breathed a sigh of relief to know that at least Azula wasn't insane enough to start using the sweet girl as a foot bridge.
While the soldier strode along behind them with her barrels over her shoulders as the sounds of birds chirping continued to filter into the peaceful forest air.
And far up in the trees stood Naoki gazing down at them from behind a branch with her eyes scrutinizing the blonde.
And for the briefest of moments her brown eyes flashed with a tiny spark of something unseen as her trademark smile almost creased into a frown.
While her hand crushed the tree beneath her fist as she glared down at the blonde below.
'She has been completely tamed by these nobles. I shouldn't be surprised. She's always been a happy go lucky fool. Yet even so…' The scarlet-haired girl thought with her passionless eyes narrowing down at the younger girl's back.
There was something about Elle's carefree behavior that almost annoyed her.
But how was that possible?
She isn't supposed to feel any emotions at all.
No. That can't be it.
It must be something else.
Naoki hardened her gaze just as the group paused in their tracks with all but the blonde spinning around to gaze up at the trees.
Only for Team Azula to find themselves gazing up at the empty trees to find nothing but the leaves blowing in the breeze.
"That girl. She's watching us." Zoe remarked as she gazed up into the forest canopy while Azula scowled as she glared up at the foliage.
No doubt self-conscious over prying eyes witnessing her treat Elle with affection.
"The next time I catch her spying on me I will greet her with a lightning bolt in the face." Azula snarled with her lips pursed in a vicious hiss while she tried to mask her surprise over the redhead's abnormal speed.
"You'll have a hard time doing that if she doesn't stay still. Her speed is quite impressive." The captain commented in a thoughtful voice before she resumed her walk with her fellow nobles still gazing up at the trees.
Before they too turned away finally as they tried to mask their worry over being stalked by one dangerous enemy and possibly another.
"Naoki's been watching us ever since we stepped outside. And she will continue to do so because she doesn't like Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl muttered as she trudged along while her princess let out a haughty scoff.
"As if I care." The princess snorted with her cold eyes glancing upward for the briefest of instances before she gazed ahead once more.
Just as a red blur leaped away with her scarlet locks flowing freely behind her as she gracefully sprang from tree to tree.
All the while her emotionless eyes gazed ahead as she held onto her scarf with her left hand.
And so, she ran for quite some time.
Until she jumped to a stop on the valley floor.
In the epicenter of the Forgetful Valley sat four great spirit pools.
And now the young assassin stood on the forest floor gazing down at the largest of the four spirit pools.
Her brown eyes carefully studied the shimmering pool of water while she watched as the portal continued to stabilize.
'The rift that I came through is stabilizing.' Naoki thought with her cold gaze studying the ponds waters below.
It won't be too long now she mused with a faint smile growing on her lips.
Before she makes her statement to the world at large.
Only to spin around when she caught sight of a cloaked figure heading her way.
Her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the peculiar white mask before the individual leaped down to the ground opposite of her.
The puppeteer gazed back with callous blue eyes that surveyed her from beneath her mask before she began to walk forward.
"You are another off-worlder." Silah stated in a matter of fact voice as she strode forward with her eyes closely following the redhead's movements.
Until she came to a stop standing opposite of the young girl while the assassin gazed at her from the corner of her emotionless eye.
"And what of it?" The scarlet-haired girl pondered in turn as she began to stride past the puppeteer while blue eyes followed her closely.
"What awaits beyond this portal into the Spirit World?" The puppeteer questioned with intrigue in her voice while the younger female passed by her.
"Why ask me? Why don't you just jump in and find out for yourself?" Naoki retorted in an aloof voice as Silah gazed after her with amusement in her heartless eyes.
But neither made a move to attack the other.
While the redhead walked away with her back turned to the strange puppeteer just before she vanished into thin air once more.
Leaving the artist alone to stare back down into the glowing pool with evident fascination in her eyes.
"Perhaps there are interesting people that are worth studying on the other side after all." Silah spoke with her hand lowering down to touch the waters while a dark smile grew onto her lips.
All the while Jaran now stood lifeless behind her with his green eyes gazing down at her cloaked back.
She can practically taste it upon the tip of her tongue!
And with that she let out a demented laugh as she ran her tongue across her lips.
Perhaps this is the new artistic avenue that she has been searching for all this time.
Only time will tell…
Back with Team Azula.
Azula sat down in the chair once more with her frigid eyes glaring back at the old woman just as Elle plopped down at her feet.
While Zoe took up her position against the door once more and both Mai and Ty Lee were once again seated patiently beside the teenager.
"Now tell us or I swear I will have you torn apart limb by limb." The princess declared in a violent voice with her teeth bared while her friends sighed once more.
"Yes, wise sage! Please tell us of the wisdom we gained by bringing you ten barrels of water!" The blonde-haired girl chirped with a wide smile on her features while the old woman reached out to open a barrel of water.
"No particular wisdom was gained. I just ran out of water so I sent you youngsters out to get more." The sage responded in something akin to a smug voice with the princess now seething in anger in her seat.
While Mai and Ty Lee sweatdropped as they took in their friends' anger.
This had to be the first time that a commoner tricked Azula into performing labor for them!
"Filthy peasant! By the time I am done here you will regret this disrespect!" Azula yelled out with a finger pointing at the old woman's weathered face while fire escaped her lips.
"Clever. I like her even more than before." The captain stated in a humored voice with her arms folded over her chest while her princess glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"So that wasn't a trial of tribulation that every Component must go through?" Elle asked in a lovably naïve voice as she pouted while Ty Lee smiled at her.
And Azula rolled her eyes down at her as she crossed her legs in her chair.
"No. No it was not. But worry not young Component we'll get to that." The elderly woman assured as she pushed herself up off the floor while the teenager gazed on in continued fascination.
"Please tell me what I must do to prove my honor!" The blonde-haired girl asked in an eager voice as she leaned forward in excitement while her friends gazed at her fondly.
"Every user of the Component must possess an awakened chi in order to make an effective use of their power. This wouldn't normally be a program for most people. Benders and nonbenders alike are born spiritually in tuned with their chi. You however…are a different story. It seems as if you hail from a land where the opposite is the case." The sage informed as she made her way forward with the group glancing at their young friend in wonderment.
"So, that's the problem. The tiger monkey's chi is sealed." The princess grunted as she sunk back in her seat with her arms crossed over her breasts while she still glared coldly at the old crone.
"Not a tiger monkey. This one is a tiger lion." The elderly woman remarked in a serious voice with her words bringing a proud smile to the teenager's lips while the princess snorted snidely over the girl.
While the three noblewomen listened in mutual amusement.
"Did you hear that Azula-sama? I'm a tiger lion!" Elle declared as she puffed out her chest while Azula scrunched up her nose as she scrutinized her.
"Clearly you were the runt of the litter. It's obvious that you were routinely shoved aside at the feeding bowl." Azula spoke with a snort while Elle's shoulders slumped adorably as the acrobat slapped her arm.
"I-I can't help it that I veer on the small side." The blonde-haired girl stammered in a comical voice while her princess smirked down at her.
"What must Elle do to awaken her chi?" Mai pondered as she glanced down at the lovable girl beside her while the sage slowly hobbled closer.
"I have an idea that might work but first I must see your bag Elle." The sage answered with her hands gripping her staff while the blonde peered up at her in bewilderment.
"You want to see my backpack?" Elle asked in a puzzled voice as she reached for her bag without hesitation while the old woman stood over her.
"There is an item in that bag that possesses great spiritual power. This item likely served as a catalyst that triggered your long-sealed chi. Therefore, allowing you to temporarily access your powers several times now." The elderly woman explained to the great surprise of the five females as they gazed on in amazement.
"An item with spiritual power?" Zoe questioned in an increasingly intrigued voice as Azula turned to gaze down at Elle.
"Open your bag Elle. I wish to see this item." The princess commanded with a power-hungry look in her pleased eyes while she lounged in her seat.
All the while paying no mind to her two close friends scolding stares.
"Wakarimashita Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl chirped as she gave the smiling woman a salute before she speedily unzipped her bag.
And soon enough everyone including the sage sweatdropped when a small mountain of items poured onto the floor.
Including an artbook.
A diary with Azula's likeness drawn on the forefront.
Various coins.
An MP3 player.
Cleaning supplies.
Spare clothes.
A water bottle.
Several books.
And even an article of clothing that suspiciously looked as it belonged to royalty.
And so much more.
"By Agni Elle you carry all of that on your back?" The markswoman asked with disbelief in her voice while her little sister proudly nodded her head.
"Mhm! I have to be prepared for any occasion that might come up!" Elle exclaimed in a chipper voice while Azula stared down at her incredulously.
"Is that a shirt from my royal wardrobe?" Azula demanded in an interrogative voice as the others sweatdropped when Elle turned pink under her dominant gaze.
"I-it might be." The blonde-haired girl admitted in a sheepish voice as the old sage sighed as she began to search for something unseen.
"Normally I would have a handmaid banished for stealing from my wardrobe. But since I am fond of you, I suppose I will let it slide. I will just ask the obvious. Why? We're not even the same size." The princess inquired in a tone that was more inquisitive than angry as she leaned down to inspect her lone shirt.
"I-I didn't steal it Azula-sama. I borrowed it to sleep in on the nights that I slept alone so I could feel as if you were all around me…" Elle confessed in a bashful voice as she twiddled her thumbs while Azula's callous golden eyes briefly flickered with a spark of rare emotion.
"Aww. That's so adorable. I'm sure that Azula doesn't mind if you keep one of her shirts little sister." The brown-haired woman assured with a grin still on her lips while she patted the younger girl's back.
While the serving girl peered up at the princess for her verbal permission just as the older woman sighed before waving her hand in the air.
"Whatever peasant. Keep it. I don't care. I have thousands of formal shirts." Azula announced in a dismissive voice just as her girlfriend squealed in delight while adorably hugging her shirt.
"I know! Her Highness's royal wardrobe is bigger than the house I grew up in!" The blonde-haired girl cried out with her girlfriend scrunching up her nose once more over the reminder of her poor beginnings.
Only for all but the sage to turn their head when they heard Zoe let out an impressed whistle before they all saw that the girl's artbook was wide open.
"Zoe you can't just browse Elle's belongings without…oh my. Elle you have got to be kidding me." Mai stated as she gazed away with reddened cheeks while Ty Lee leaned over her shoulder.
Only for the acrobat to turn just as red as she gazed away.
While Azula leaned over the arm of her chair with a curious smile already adorning her crimson lips.
Only to find herself unable to resist a blush from forming on her regal cheeks.
The piece in question was one of her standing naked surrounded by blue flames in her throne room with her bare backside seeming to be the primary focus of the painting.
And in simply adorable English print the title read as follows:
 Fire Queen.
All the while she turned to gaze at her flushed serving girl with a smile of approval already returning to her lips.
Just the best pet indeed.
"Quite the intimate view of Her Highness…" Zoe trailed off in a fascinated voice with her eyes remaining glued to Azula's naked posterior while the woman in question turned to glare at the back of her head.
"Yeah! That's uh quite the artistic depiction of Azula." Ty Lee commented with Elle turning as red as a tomato as she fretfully tried to take back her artbook.
"C-can I have my book back now?" Elle asked in a self-conscious voice just as Mai seized it from Zoe's disappointed hands and passed it back to her.
"My…my you truly are my most devout little worshiper." The princess purred as she gazed down at her young girlfriend's crimson face while the blonde smiled shyly.
"T-that's so Azula-sama. I admire you more than anyone in this world…" The blonde-haired girl mumbled lovably as she timidly averted her eyes from the princess's amused gaze.
"I can see that Elle." Azula spoke in a gratified voice as she reclined with her leg pressing against her quivering girlfriend while her childhood friends sighed.
"Bah. Get a room you two." The sage taunted with the princess turning to cast her a nasty glare while the teenager gushed with a hand on her cheek.
"You should put that piece on the wall of the throne room for your generals to admire." The captain taunted in an amused voice as her fellow nobles comically flinched while the princess's cheeks turned red as she turned to glare her way.
"N-no. Then people will make fun of me…" Elle protested in a fretful voice as Azula turned to scowl down at her in anger over the prospect of her being ridiculed.
"It's okay Elle. Zoe was just teasing you." The brown-haired woman stated as she patted the embarrassed girl's back just as the old woman's hand hovered to a stop in the vicinity of the teenager's lucky coin.
"Ooh! Is it my lucky denarius! I always knew that it was special!" The blonde-haired girl cried out with a lovable smile while her princess rolled her eyes over her.
Only for her shoulders to slump when the sage's hand moved away while the royal woman now smirked down at her sulking face.
"No. Child it is not the coin." The elderly woman replied with mild humor in her voice as the blonde pouted while the acrobat rubbed her back.
Just before her hand located the item in question.
To the complete surprise of the highborn women and the teenage girl it was the one item that had been carefully set aside.
Elle's mother's jewelry box.
"I-it's…in my mother's jewelry box?" Elle pondered with emotion in her voice while her four friends gazed at her in sympathy.
"There is an item in that jewelry box with great spiritual power." The sage answered in a serious voice while the princess stared down in fascination.
"I'll open it but please be careful with the contents inside." The blonde-haired girl mumbled in a more sensitive voice as she carefully opened the jewelry box.
All the while her friends leaned over her shoulder to peer inside.
"Worry not. I will." The elderly woman assured as she held her hand over the opened jewelry box while the five females gazed at her curiously.
"Show me this item of power." The princess ordered in a controlling voice as she gazed over her handmaid's shoulder with an intrigued gleam in her eyes.
Only to watch when the old crone lowered her hand over a meticulously cared for gold bracelet.
"M-my mother's bracelet?" Elle asked in a soft voice with Azula staring down at her back with her callous golden eyes conveying a rare sense of fondness.
"Indeed, young Component. This bracelet is an artifact of power. It possesses a strong pull on your body's chi. The fact that you have been carrying it around all of this time leaves me to believe that it has acted as a conduit for your power." The sage explained as she placed the bracelet in the teenager's stunned hand while the highborn women listened in marvelment.
"It has a strong pull?" The blonde-haired girl questioned in an awed voice as she held the bracelet in her hand while the sage's staff cladded against the floor.
"Explain what you mean when you say that this bracelet is an artifact of power." Azula demanded as she sat authoritatively above her small girlfriend with her hands elegantly folded in her lap.
All the while allowing her serving girl to lean back with her head propped up upon her womanly thigh.
"There are certain items with an affinity to the otherworldly and the beyond. That bracelet is one of those items." The elderly woman replied with a knowing nod while the older girls observed their young friend sliding the bracelet over her dainty wrist.
Right beside her homemade friendship bracelet.
"Wow! That's very interesting to know! I never wear it because I am afraid that I'll lose it. Maybe that's mother's way of saying that she's still with me!" Elle exclaimed in a voice so sensitive that neither of her friends wanted to say otherwise.
Most likely in fear of hurting her feelings.
"Maybe little sister. It just may be." Ty Lee stated in a tender voice as she smiled warmly at Elle's small frame as the young girl adorably rested her head upon Azula's shapely thigh.
"So, what you're saying is that individuals and objects with powerful chi serve as a conduit to trigger young Elle's dormant power? Is that right?" Zoe inquired in a contemplative voice as she gazed at Elle's innocent face with stoic hazel eyes while Azula stared down at the girl with a possessive gaze.
"That is exactly what I am saying. The more potent the chi the better. The fact that she has been spending all of her time around the princess has helped as well. Her reservoir of chi is quite vast and I have no doubt that it stirs a reaction in Elle's sealed chi." The sage informed with her old hands clutching her staff while the young handmaid peered up at her now smirking princess in reverence.
"Hm. Of course it would. My chi is the largest of them all. There is no one greater." The princess boasted in a smug voice as she placed her palm in her little girlfriend's hair while her handmaid fell into her thigh.
"Azula-sama…" The blonde-haired girl murmured in a lovesick voice with the warm hand in her hair petting her head while her girlfriend smiled down at her.
"See? I was born to rule over this one." Azula purred with her strong hand in her serving girl's hair while Elle shyly smiled up at her.
And her two childhood friends sighed as they shook their heads over her ego.
"Get over yourself Azula." Mai snorted as she rolled her eyes while Azula turned to briefly scowl down at her from where she sat against the wall.
"Possibly. Or possibly not. The Dragon of House Song's pool of chi may be even larger than your own." The elderly woman remarked in an offhand fashion with the princess's golden eyes now wide in offense while the captain smiled smugly back at her.
"Are you trying to tell me that Zoe is better than me?" The princess questioned in a frigid voice with her lifelong friends shivering once more as she glared hard at the old crone's unbothered face.
"You both possess completely different bending styles. One isn't necessarily better than the other. It's all a matter of preference. What is evident is that her stamina is greater than yours. While it is true that you possess an impressive array of innovative techniques that no firebender has used before you. What good are they if they render you crippled on the battlefield?" The sage retorted as she faced the princess's callous gaze while the royal woman glared back at her.
"No need to get sore princess. You already knew that my stamina was greater than yours. And I already knew that your plethora of techniques were more diverse than my own." The captain quipped with her muscular arms folded over her breasts while her monarch cast her a foul death glare.
The mere fact that Zoe even claimed to be her superior in one category was something that Azula abhorred.
'Once I master my new techniques then I will be able to use these new abilities much more efficiently. And then I will crush all who oppose me beneath my divine might!' Azula thought with fire exuding from her nostrils while she clenched her fist before her smiling face.
Yes. She has no doubt that the exhaustive effects of these new powers are only because she has yet to master them.
But once she has perfected them…
She mused with her crimson lips curling into a confident smirk while she reclined with her other hand in her serving girl's soft hair.
"Although given the nature of the Dragon of House Song's technique. I can't say that I am surprised." The elderly woman commented as she hobbled forward once more with her words taking all by surprise.
Team Azula could only stare on in interest with their eyes shifting to Zoe's strangely visibly surprised face with confusion in their gazes.
If only because they were not aware of the captain using any particular technique.
"How would you know about that? It's not exactly something that I divulge freely." Zoe spoke with a flicker of surprise in her cool-headed voice while the old woman's glazed eyes peered back at her.
"These old eyes may no longer work. But my sense of chi is like no other. And I can 'see' your chi in vivid detail and how you use it." The sage responded in an ever-observant voice while the soldier stared back with recognition in her hazel eyes.
All the while the two noblewomen and their princess wondered just what the old woman meant by her vague words.
"Impressive. You're the first to figure it out." The captain chuckled as she sunk back against the wall while her monarch stared at her with demanding golden eyes.
"Zoe! I demand that you divulge the details of this hidden ability of yours to me right now!" The princess barked with a finger pointing in her soldier's direction while the noblewoman just smirked back at her.
While Mai found herself glaring back at Zoe as she scowled while trying to fight the sense of competitive anger that she frequently felt in the other woman's presence.
"No." Zoe declared in a blunt voice with her cold eyes staring back into Azula's now angered gaze while her fellow nobles shuddered as they scooted away from the princess.
"No?" Azula repeated with venom oozing from her frigid voice while Zoe never once shrunk from her glare.
"You heard me. You have your secrets and I have mine. Perhaps someday I'll tell you. Maybe you'll even see it on the battlefield. But until then…my answer will not change. Consider it a safeguard against future assassination attempts." The captain replied in a stony voice with her cold gaze briefly sweeping over the markswoman's wincing countenance.
While the princess sunk back in her seat with a displeased scowl on her lips but once more, she understood that her soldier had a point.
She could only glance over her shoulder to briefly scowl at Mai's guilty face before turning away.
Zoe probably would have told her.
If not for Mai's treason.
Only for all of them to turn to the old sage when she spoke up once more.
"Young Component…sit up. There is something that we must do." The elderly woman instructed as she made her way forward while the teenager sprung up from the princess's leg.
"What must we do wise sage?" Elle asked with childish wonder in her voice while she now wore her mother's bracelet over her wrist.
"Your body reacts strongly to the powerful energy of both your mother's bracelet and the chi of your friends. But even that is not enough to awaken your power but worry not you have come to the right place. For the Forgetful Valley is located right beside that which every use of the Component needs." The sage stated as she came to a stop before the seated young girl once more while the group listened in rapidly rising intrigue.
"What is that I need?" The blonde-haired girl queried in an eager voice as she sat with her hands on her knees while the old woman gazed down at her.
"The Spirit World…it is directly connected to this very valley. Like all of the Components before you. You must expose yourself to its energies to begin mastering your power." The elderly woman announced to the surprise of the five females.
"The girl needs to go to the Spirit World?" The princess queried in a piqued voice as she rubbed the underside of her chin with a well-manicured finger.
This was turning out to be quite the productive little trip.
Much more so than she ever could have anticipated.
"In due time. But first we must uncover the identity of the previous holder." The sage commented as she gazed down into the teenager's amazed amber eyes while the girl sat up straighter.
"How do we figure that out wise sage?" Elle pondered in an inquisitive voice only to blink when the old woman's hand touched her forehead.
"Sit still young Component and search deep within yourself." The elderly woman lectured with her hand on the teenager's forehead while the girl's friends watched closely in fascination.
"Search deep within myself…" The blonde-haired girl mumbled as she chewed on her lip while grasping at her knees.
And then she closed her eyes as she felt a sensation of warmth flood through her as she breathed in deeply.
While Azula observed from behind her with her callous golden eyes conveying her violently protective instincts.
With her cold gaze never once leaving her young betrothed's innocent face.
Only for her ruthless eyes to widen ever so slightly when she watched the old crone's hand begin to emit a faint glow.
The three noblewomen observed in equal enchantment while their breaths hitched in their throats.
Each of them just as curious about the mysterious lineage of their young friend's strange power.
And then not a moment later the old woman withdrew her hand while the group gazed at her in unhidden suspense just as the blonde opened her eyes.
Only for the five of them to look at the sage in puzzlement when she released a sound of surprise.
"Hm. So, it's true what they say. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree…." The sage muttered as she moved back towards her wood stove while the group blinked in bewilderment.
All the while Azula rolled her eyes as she sat up with her cold eyes following the old woman's hunched over back.
"No more riddles old hag! Did you uncover the former holder or not!" The princess bellowed in a spoiled voice with her childhood friends gazing at her in exasperation.
"Yes, wise sage. What is the name of the former holder?" Elle asked in a much more respectful voice with her gentle eyes watching in intrigue as the sage threw several more sticks into her stove.
Just before lighting another match as her wrinkled hand tossed it into the open chamber.
While the four highborn women and their young servant sat in a spellbound quiet as the smoke began to form once more.
"That I have child." The elderly woman answered as she turned to face the group with her hands clasped under her robed sleeves.
All the while her audience gazed on in wonderment as a figure began to form in the mystic fire.
Only for the young girl's mouth to drop open in disbelief when she saw the smoke start to take the shape of a familiar face.
The room turned silent as the visage of a woman formed over the mystic flame.
It was a face that all of them except for Zoe had seen before!
The face was that of a woman in her mid-thirties with beautiful blonde hair that fell down just below her jawline.
With intelligent amber eyes that now seemed to be gazing hauntingly back at them.
The young girl's hands shook in her lap as a tear dripped down her shocked cheek while her friends stared on in astonishment.
"M-Mother?" The blonde-haired girl stammered as she sprang up to touch the smoking image of her mother while her princess stared at her back with uncharacteristic emotion in her hardened gaze.
While her highborn friends gazed on in sympathy as they watched her rush forward.
The acrobat's blinked her teary eyes while the markswoman grimaced as a tear too streamed down her cheek.
And even the captain's piercing gaze flickered with a rare pity as she watched the girl reach out to touch her mother's image.
"It's…Elle's mother." Azula spoke in a baffled voice with her mouth agape in shock only for her scowl to return when her girlfriend's hand slipped right through the smoke.
"That is correct. The former holder is your mother. When a user of the Component dies…should any offspring be within close proximity…the power will transfer to the closest descendant." The sage announced with her hands gripping her staff as she gazed at the teenager's emotional face in pity.
And with that the face of Elle's mother vanished just as her daughter's hand faded right through the mystic smoke.
While Elle now stood with her hair sticking to her face as she still gazed on spellbound to where her mother's face had just been.
And just like that she let out a silent cry while her hand still lingered in the air.
As if it was frozen in time itself.
Never noticing that her princess had stood up from her seat or the way that the older woman was staring at her back with a marginally softened look in her frigid golden eyes.
Nor did she hear Azula approaching her from behind.
And she barely felt the much taller woman's hand lower onto her shoulder while her big sisters stared on in sympathy.
And then not a moment later she collapsed sobbing into her statuesque princess's armored belly while two strong hands remained firmly on her trembling shoulders.
All the while Azula stood over her with her callous golden eyes gazing down at her while she held her crying form into her stomach.
No one said a word while the cruel princess comforted her young love.
"I-I miss her Azula-sama. I miss her so very much." Elle whispered in a pained voice with Azula's powerful hands clutching her shoulders while she sought haven in her master's belly.
"I know you do Elle." The princess sighed with her arms over her serving girl's shoulders while she allowed the small girl to hide in her ceremonial armor.
"M-my Fire Queen." The blonde-haired girl mumbled as she savored the heat that the much taller girl was giving off while she listened to a growl resonate throughout her master's belly.
"Calm yourself little peasant. I have you now." Azula growled out with fire escaping her nostrils while her eyes flashed with a cold protectiveness when her small girlfriend let out another cry.
And with that the powerful princess stood with her hands on her young love's shoulders while Elle pushed her wet face into her plated belly.
And the others wisely remained silent.
While Azula's beautiful lips pursed into a tight snarl as she held onto the back of her young betrothed's plush head.
Her enemies on the other side will rue the day that they ever hurt her little betrothed.
Of that she was certain.
They will pay in blue fire and blood.
And that was a promise that she intended to keep.
0 notes
Ocean Eyes Pt. 2
Kieran had been pleasantly surprised to see that Collin’s nervousness had slipped away when his mother and sister practically fawned over him. Cleo more than their mother, saying how absolutely adorable he was and how lucky Kieran had been to find such a cutie. It also didn’t help that Cleo found werewolves fascinating, curious to their behavior and really just everything about them, some of her friends were even werewolves. She really found the ability to shift into a magnificent creature amazing and when she was younger always said how she wished she could shift into an animal. Mostly she obsessed over the thought of being able to shift into a cheetah and even lived with a clan of cheetah snifters in Africa while she was there during the 6 months.
Collin took everything in stride, answering all his sister’s ridiculous questions and even ignored comments made from his father. It was about a half an hour into the conversation when his father called him to leave the room so they could talk.
“You’re sister is smitten over him.”
Kieran wasn’t sure how he was to respond so he just sort of shrugged his shoulders, “What’s not to love about him?”
His father’s next statement was not a reply to his question, “Kieran, you know your position in this clan and while having a male werewolf as a mate won’t necessarily hinder that, you need to have children to carry on the king cheetah demon genes.”
Kieran crossed his arms, “Father, I just met the kid this morning, give us time to adjust, see where we stand and let us decide how our relationship to going to work. Even if Collin liked kids and possible thought of having some in the future, he’s only 18, still a child himself. T ell me why you are in such a hurry for me to have a child when it isn’t even guaranteed that the child will be a king cheetah demon. Can’t you be happy for me and for once try and not control me, to make me into a test subject? I never wanted to be the leader which is why I stood down at the wedding and didn’t challenge you. You’re just going to have to accept the fact that if Collin doesn’t want to have children or doesn’t want me to have children whether or not we keep it means I will not have one and respect Collin’s wished. It’s not like we’re going anywhere anytime soon, why the rush? You only just told me about the engagement last month, you agreed to it just the night before without even asking me and yes, I went along with it to make you happy but I realized sometime after that it wasn’t going to make me happy. Now, Collin is my top priority, not producing children for the clan or being on your good side.”
Kieran didn’t let his father explain himself or say anything in his defense and went back into the room to be with Collin. He sat right back down beside the pup, making sure Collin was curled into his side and he wrapped his arm around Collin’s waist possessively. His mother nor sister said anything and continued the conversation and his father never came back into the room.
“Cyprian and Vanessa will be joining us for dinner before heading for their honeymoon, that’s not going to be an issue is it?”
Kieran narrowed his eyes, “Why would that be an issue?” he questions and he glanced at Cleo who mouthed the word “dad” and he knew he wasn’t going to like where this was going to head.
“While you were getting Collin from up-stairs, he told me Cyprian had stolen Vanessa from you and that you brought Collin as a cover-up and you’re pretending Collin is going to be your mate to upset him so he wouldn’t clan leader.”
Kieran felt Collin tense beside him and he frowned, “No mom, that’s not true, I had no intention of marrying Vanessa in the first place and I was going to call off the wedding a few nights before when I found out that Cyprian and Vanessa had a particular evening together so everything that happened that day I had planned. Except for Collin of course, I’m his mate and my demon had already accepted him. This is not a ploy to upset father or make it so he doesn’t make me clan leader but Keir is more suitable for the lead, he is the oldest.”
“But honey,” his mom started, “While Keir is first born, you are a king cheetah demon which makes you stronger than him and all king cheetah demons in the past have become clan leaders whether they are first born or not. I know your father wants you to have children as soon as possible while I don’t mind waiting and will side with you where you two stand but please don’t upset him anymore than you have done so already.”
“While I appreciate that mom, I told father that if in the future that if Collin doesn’t want kids or me to have a child at all than I will respect his wishes and not father a child. Collin is much too young for that kind of decision right now and I wasn’t going to bring this subject up until Collin was comfortable enough to talk about it.” Kieran tightened his hold around Collin’s waist, “I told him I didn’t want to be clan leader and questioned why everything had become so sudden. I wasn’t even brought up as clan leader, Keir was and if I became clan leader now, no one would respect me even though I’m a king cheetah demon. They will follow Keir because he is the first born, it’s the way it’s always been and the only reason most king cheetah demons have become clan leaders is because other demons in line stand down and let them become clan leaders and if they step down, no one can say anything about and have no choice but to follow them whether they like it or not.”
Naomi leaned forward slightly, eyes narrowed as she watched her son carefully, “Would you become clan leader to protect Collin?”
Kieran narrowed his eyes in response, pupils shifting to slits and he glanced down at Collin. The young pup was now watching him with nervous eyes, “Of course I would and would do it in a heartbeat but I don’t see how that situation would come up. My business is none of the clans and like dad is going to have to do, they’re going to have to get over it.” He stood up, pulling Collin along with him, “Call us when dinner is ready.”
Kieran dragged Collin to the back patio which was the place he always found himself going to as a child when his family was too much for him. He interlaced his fingers with Collin’s, squeezing tightly. He took in a deep breath to calm his nerves and it worked partially but when Collin squeezed his hand back, he felt all his stress disappear and he was able to relax.
“I’m sorry Collin for dragging you into this, my family can be a little up-tight about some things and paranoid they aren’t going to be the leaders of the clan anymore. They just want what’s best for the clan and they truly think I am what’s best because I’m a king cheetah and that I’ll be a good leader but they tend to forget about the things that are right in front of them. However, just like I didn’t want to take Vanessa away from Cyprian, I don’t want to take leadership from Keir who I know deserves it more than I do.”
“You should be able to do what makes you happy.” Collin said as he met Kieran’s surprised gaze, “Life isn’t as long as you think it is, anything can happen and you don’t want to regret anything.”
Kieran chuckled, “Such wise words from such a young pup.” He smiled at the pout that formed on Collin’s face, “Now that you’ve caught a glimpse into how my life has been. I know growing up probably wasn’t the greatest, how was your childhood?”
Collin frowned and looked away, “When I was younger, I was treated fine, treated like all the other pups in my pack but when I finished elementary school, it changed. I was suddenly the outcast of the pack by the adults, the other pups still invited me out but it was rare since I had to do all the chores around the house. I had to vacuum, dust, do the dishes and yard work when there was do to and I still had to do my homework afterwards so I wouldn’t get to bed until midnight or 1 in the morning and there were no excuses if I was too tired to go to school the next morning. Then, when my younger siblings were born I had to take care of them whenever I was asked, no choice over the matter. If I were to ever say no, I was kicked out to sleep with the dogs, winter or summer. They didn’t care about me and I didn’t even know why until I was 16 and my oldest brother told me.” He squeezed Kieran’s hand as he begun to tremble, “It was because I was a white wolf and I didn’t even know they were kicking me out of the pack until last night and when I asked why, they told me because white wolves are a shame on the pack and would bring bad luck if kept after their first shift. That’s all I was told, no one talked to me after that, didn’t even help me through my first shift and when I had shifted, they chased me out. Feeling lost and practically unwanted, I roamed for a bit, knowing this was what I was going to feel for the rest of my life when I smelled you. I didn’t even know what that smell meant until I saw you in the hospital. I was afraid that just like my family didn’t want me that you wouldn’t want me either.”
As Kieran listened, he could feel himself getting angrier and angrier, his demon feeling the same. He couldn’t understand how anybody could treat their family that way. It wasn’t as if Collin asked to be born a white wolf. He had to hold back a growl when Collin said they made him sleep outside and he was sure the young pup had found that out the hard way the first time he said no and when Collin began to shake, he had to stop himself from pulling Collin into his arms. He needed to let Collin finish and tell him everything. He never knew the werewolves would do something like this, he always thought that the pack and staying together was the most important to them and he didn’t think the color of a wolf’s fur played such a huge part. It was then Collin stopped talking did he smell the salt of tears and this time he couldn’t hold back a low growl and he pulled Collin into his arms and held him tightly.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. To be chased out by your family isn’t anything anyone should have to go through and you have no idea how glad I am I chose to go down that road instead of going through town and don’t even think I wouldn’t want you. I’d want you no matter the situation and I wouldn’t never make you do something you wouldn’t want to do and I’ll always be here for you.” He held on even tighter when Collin buried his face in his chest, hesitantly returning the embrace. He’d do anything now to see the pup smiling and being happy. There was nothing he’d trade Collin for, Collin was now forever his.
When Collin calmed down and stopped trembling, Kieran pulled back to Collin’s face and he pushed the pup’s bangs out of his face. Collin’s eyes were red as well as his cheeks, stilling looking as beautiful as the first time he saw the young wolf.
“You still tired?” Kieran asked, “Dinners probably not for a few more hours, would you like to take a nap?”
Collin nodded in response and as if on cue, he yawned softly.
“Let’s head back to my room then.” Kieran grasped Collin’s hand once more, interlacing their fingers together and lead him back to his room. As Collin stood awkwardly in the doorway, Kieran grabbed a comforter from the closet. Since he didn’t live in this house anymore, simple sheets laid on the bed and his blankets stayed in the closet.
“Shut the door and come in, I promise I won’t bite unless you want me too.” Kieran said with a wink and Collin’s face flushed red and he looked away. Kieran chuckled at Collin’s reaction, “Come here.” He said as he held out his hand.
After shutting the door, Collin shuffled over and took Kieran’s hand and he tensed when Kieran brought his hand up and kissed the back of it.
“I know how werewolves are when they first meet their mate but I’m not going to do anything until you’re ready okay?”
Collin smiled softly and nodded his head, “Thank you.” He whispered.
Kieran returned the smile, raising his hand to cup Collin’s cheek. Collin’s eyes fluttered shut at the touch and Kieran leaned down. He kissed Collin softly, just brushing his lips against the pup’s in a chaste kiss, “Get some sleep.” He whispered. Collin’s eyes opened and met his gaze, blue eyes hazed over and he nearly melted when Collin tilted his head and whispered something softly in return.
Stay with me
Kieran kissed Collin once more, “Anything you want baby. Get comfortable and I’m going to shut the curtains.”
Kieran pulled away, watching as Collin climbed onto the bed and cocooned in the blankets. When the day started, he never thought he’d be sharing a bed with a cute werewolf pup or being said werewolf pup’s mate but he was happy. He was getting quite tired of coming home to an empty bed and his demon had been getting restless of wanting a mate. When Collin poked his head of the blankets, watching his with curious blue eyes, he knew the young pup was just what he needed and was stunningly perfect.
Collin has nearly fall asleep right away when Kieran pulled him to his chest, their legs intertwined together and Collin used Kieran’s arm as a pillow, burying his face into Kieran’s chest. Kieran had his other arm over Collin’s waist, holding him close. The young pup fit perfectly against him and he looked peaceful sleeping. No one would have guessed what Collin had gone through seeing him like this and while they had a long way to go to get Collin out of his habits and getting used to a different life style, he knew the pup would pull through.
It was a couple hours later that Kieran awoke to knocking on his door and Cleo’s voice came through the door, telling him that dinner was ready. He didn’t mean to fall sleep since he hadn’t been tired in the least and he had been watching Collin sleep. However, it had become warm under the blanket and with the mix of Collin’s scent and the soft sound of Collin breathing that had lured himself to sleep. If it came to this every night, he wouldn’t mind sleeping.
Seeing that the pup was still sleeping, Kieran gently shook Collin’s shoulder and softly said his name a few times to wake the sleeping pup. Soon enough Collin shifted slightly and his eyes fluttered open, letting out a whine of displeasure, Collin pulled the blanket to cover his face.
“It’s time to get up baby, dinner is ready.” Kieran whispered in Collin’s ear.
Collin’s response was to roll over and pull the blanket now over his head, mumbling that he wasn’t hungry. Kieran sat up and jerked the blankets from Collin’s grasp, smiling when Collin shivered and tucked his legs closer. He leaned over the other, resting a hand on Collin’s waist, “There is no way you’re not hungry. You haven’t eaten the entire time you’ve been with me and that’s been all day.”
Collin opened his eyes and looked up at Kieran, “I’m afraid of making things worse with your father.”
“Don’t worry about my father, he’s not important and I’d never let him hurt you and just between us, I think you could take him. You might be young but young werewolves don’t know when to give up and are stubborn, which you are being right now,” Kieran ruffled Collin’s hair and kissed him on the temple, “Just ignore him and if he says anything to upset you just leave the room and I’ll be right behind you.”
Collin only nodded in reply and he sat up, stretching. He was still unsure about a lot of things but his wolf was happy and he felt safe being by Kieran’s side.
Kieran finally convinced Collin to come down and eat dinner and in a few minutes they were all seated at the dining room table. Cleo and his mother sat across from them, his father at the end of the table beside him. Cleo was practically bouncing in his seat to ask Collin more questions but a stern look from him kept them at bay, for now.
“We weren’t sure what you liked Collin so we had our cooks cook about a little of everything. So don’t hold back, you must be hungry.”
Kieran reached over and rested his hand on Collin’s thigh, smiling down at the nervous pup who jumped at his touch and came out of his little world. He knew Collin was intimidated by his father but once he learned to ignore the older demon, he’d be just fine.
Collin smiled back at Cleo, “Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ve learned to eat whatever was offered so I’m not picky.”
“I have no doubts about that.” Cleo said, “But I don’t think you’d be too fond of most of the dishes we’ll be eating.”
Kieran felt Collin tense and he shot a glare to Cleo, “Don’t make Collin anymore uncomfortable than he already is. It’s no secret about what we eat but it doesn’t need to be explained.” He turned to his mother, “Where are Cyprian and Vanessa?” he asked.
“They should be here soon but they have made Cleo aware that we should not wait for them. Collin, anything on the gold plates are safe but don’t be afraid to try anything else. I know some werewolves have taken a liking to what demons eat.”
Kieran growled, “Mother, don’t say something like that to him. You also know what happens to werewolves who do that. They become so addicted that they lose their minds and become feral, killing and eating anything in their path until they are stopped. No better than us ourselves and any demon who go mad. Don’t try that again.” He wasn’t buying his mother’s innocent smile and he ignored the smug look on his father’s face. Sometimes he just didn’t understand his mother, one moment on his side and then switching to the next and he couldn’t help but assume it was the demon in her.
“Don’t worry Collin,” Cleo chimed in, “You’d have to eat human for every meal for like a year to get to that point so one little taste wouldn’t hurt you.”
Kieran hissed, baring his teeth and his eyes bleed into red, now Collin looked pale and nauseous. “Can we not talk about this right now?”
“He’s going to have to learn eventually, why not sooner than later?” Kieran’s father questioned.
“Don’t mean he needs to find out right this minute.” Kieran snapped, “It’s not as if we eat that at every meal but only on special occasions such as this one. One more word about this or anything along the lines of making Collin feel unwanted or out casted, I will leave the clan for good. I’m not going to play these games with you guys.” He growled. He nearly stood and left during the now silence in the dining room but that was when Cyprian and Vanessa made their presence known.
“It’s nice to see the family getting along.” Cyprian said cheerfully. He placed his hand on the table, leaning towards Collin, a wide grin on his face, “Just ignore them when they’re fighting, you’ll get used to it soon enough. It’ll probably be like this until our older brother takes over the clan which should be soon.” He turned his smile to his father’s sharp look and didn’t anything else about it, “Food looks good, let’s eat.” He added quickly.
Vanessa sent a quick wink and smile in Collin’s direction and Kieran was happy to see Collin smile back in return. Vanessa moved to sit beside Cleo and Cyprian took a seat surprisingly next to Collin beside Vanessa, giving the young pup another small grin.
The dinner was mostly quiet after that with a tense atmosphere, Cleo and Vanessa doing most of the small chit-chat while the rest of them ate slowly, saying only things relevant at the moment of the girls’ conversation.
“By the way, mom,” Cleo started as she turned her head towards her, “Where is Keir, shouldn’t he be here by now? I haven’t seen him all day.”
Kieran didn’t miss his mother’s eyes darkening before she answered, which meant Keir was doing something reckless. Keir wasn’t nearly the goodie two shoes, perfect son he played off as in front of the clan. He was sure everyone knew when he was actually doing but choose not to talk about it and ignore it.
“Keir is out with his friends for the evening and will be back in the morning.” Naomi answered.
Out with friends was code for leading a gang of demons, Keir was the leader of the biggest gang of demons in the city and was one of the best in the state. Every demon wanting to join a gang wanted to be in Keir’s. Kieran had a feeling that Keir was only doing it to show their father that he was a good leader and deserved to be the next leader of the clan. Kieran knew they were going to be stubborn and demand that he take the role as leader of the clan and if it comes down to that, he’ll take the position but after a few days maybe even a couple of weeks, he’ll figure out a way to mess something up, have Keir fix it and then he’ll be asked to step down so Keir could become leader. It was still a plan in progress, only if he had no way out to become clan leader but as long as in the end it goes to Keir, he didn’t really care how it happened.
After that, dinner went by smoothly, not nearly as expected yet Kieran couldn’t complain. He assumed his father would make more comments and degrade Collin anyway possible however he had been outnumbered by the ones at the table who liked Collin and would stand up for him and the older demon had to have known that.
Kieran lead Collin down the hallway to the living room once they were excused from the table, “Did you get enough to eat? I know there wasn’t much to choose from.”
“I did, thank you.” Collin smiled up at Kieran but it didn’t reach his eyes and he looked almost fearful and Kieran knew why.
Kieran sat Collin down on the couch and he knelled in front of him and placed his hands on Collin’s knees, locking his eyes with the young werewolf. “I know what you’re thinking and it’s not true. Yes, I do eat humans, sometimes it’s unavoidable but I do not excess eat which I’m sure you’ve heard of. I only eat humans on special occasions such as this one and if you want me to stop or not eat them in front of you, I can and it won’t be an issue.”
Collin’s fear wavered for a moment, “But don’t you have to eat humans or you’ll go crazy?”
Kieran smiled softly, “Yes and no. We are not innocent creatures and unfortunately even in these times, we have not evolved from our beginnings. Once a demon mates though that need becomes almost nonexistence then I’ll only have to eat once every couple of years or a little throughout the year on special occasions.”
Collin’s eyes were wide, as if expecting Kieran to tell him more. Kieran wondered what Collin’s pack actually told him about demons. He squeezed Collin’s knees, “It’s whatever you want me to do baby, okay?”
Collin nodded, “I don’t mind really, it just took me by surprise. If we mate then-”
Kieran raised an eyebrow, “If?” he questioned, cutting Collin off and Collin flushed red, “There is no if darling, we will mate and when that is, is all up to you.”
Glancing away, Collin shrunk back, “That makes me feel a bit pressured, I feel bad for making you wait.”
“Sweetie,” Kieran raised his hands and cupped Collin’s cheeks, “Don’t feel that way baby. I don’t want you to feel pressured or rushed. I told you I’ll wait as long as I have too. Whenever you are ready.”
Collin looked up curiously, “How will I know I’m ready? How did you know?”
Kieran actually felt his face grow hot at the question, unsure how to answer it. He wasn’t a virgin but he’d never had sex with a guy and even then, he could still count on one hand with the girls he’s slept with. Flustered, he sat back a bit and ran a hand through his hair and he moved to sit on the couch beside Collin. “I’m sorry baby, I don’t really know how to answer that. It’s just something that comes naturally and you’ll just know, okay?”
Collin looked sullen for a moment before turning his head forward and he brought his legs up onto the couch, pulling his knees to his chest and he leaned over to rest his head on Kieran’s shoulder. “Do you live here?” he questioned, changing the subject.
Kieran shifted his arm behind Collin’s head, resting his forearm on the pup’s shoulder. “No, I live in another town. This is my parents’ home, the house I grew up in. It’s the clan leader’s house so whoever is the clan leader they get to live in here. Which is another reason they’re afraid of not being in the leadership position one way or another, they’d have to leave this place.”
Collin hummed in response but said nothing and he fully relaxed, closing his eyes. He did hope they didn’t stay here much longer.
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