#king cheetah demon
batbabydamian · 3 months
The Boy Wonder #2 by Juni Ba rambling about Gotham's fearsome hunter
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added Jason to this issue's collage since it was mainly from his perspective!
ramble for issue #1 here!
starting with the cover again, but now in contrast to the first:
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Dick and Barbara are presented as statues in the bg for the first cover where they’re established heroes in a secure time in their lives, and Damian is obviously the highlight! For #2's cover, the autumn leaves motif returns, but this time featuring Jason!! Apparently, Damian isn’t the only one to go through a “season of change” in this series, as Jason takes his own steps forward by the end of this story 🥺 also the literal layers on Jason - his angry Red Hood helmet and the beaten down Robin head...
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The issue opens with Joe the robber and his hostage "Merle"! The glasses feels like a giveaway that this is Carrie(??) narrating Damian's story, so the final issue could end with her perspective for where Damian currently is in his journey as Robin and where she plays a part.
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Jason as the "hunter" of this fairytale is such a cool concept, especially upon his introduction pages!! He's surrounded by his recent "prey" with a nice contrast of their fancy jackets, pinstripe pants, and dress shoes to Jason's own tattered hoodie, pants, and sneakers.
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Just like the past issue (or just Ba's work in general lol), THE BACKGROUNDS ARE SO LOVINGLY DRAWN. Makes Jason's stroll through inner Gotham so enjoyable from the bustling activity of the people, shop signs, and advertising to the quieter area of the cemetery. It's so lived in, especially feels like each citizen in the bg has a story to tell!
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some bits of interest to me: is that scaly lil arm reaching for the rat supposed to be Croc LOL; just neat visual of old Joker posters leering over Jason; the name of the cemetery a nod to Kevin Conroy? and from T. Wayne - Thomas Wayne?
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Despite showing how much of an intimidating and hardened exterior the Red Hood has, there's plenty of suggestion that he has soft edges! from his act of revenge for a beloved member of the community, his familiarity with the people even greeting him, and down to his chocobar...
might be my overthinking but the layers of that close up shot of the chocobar really got me 😭 it's like such a piece of innocence when seen in his scarred hand, especially when "Wayne Sweets" is visible - is it more emphasis of Jason clinging to a safer time and Bruce Wayne himself?? or is this brand just his favorite lil treat
EITHER WAY, incredibly funny to me Jason seems to hide it once Damian shows up
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Seeing Ba's storyboards has me even more curious about his process with O'Halloran - like, it's a small detail but the traffic light in the foreground being red! added emphasis on the red theme this issue, or a warning for these two to Stop heading into a trap? ANYWAY DAMIAN HESITANTLY ASKING ABOUT HIS MOTHER I'M THROWING UP AWWGH
also love critically acclaimed animated film "The Cheetah King" haha! ALTHOUGH, Jason's story does line up with Simba's - a lost prince that feels like he's failed his father. Even believed to be dead for a period of time lol
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Rok the demon's design is so slick!! Seems to take after a peacock with how fanciful he is, plus his tail details in his other form! A dapper demon definitely ready for the gala!
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A GLIMPSE OF BA'S HEAVIER ACTION ART!! THE POUNCE!! the Robins being entirely made up of motion lines, even the details for Jason's helmet; and i'm always a sucker for those light streaks from the eyes!! THE PUNCH!! the quick panel of Jason's fist before arcing into that POW!!
and i say a glimpse, because in just the two other books i've read from Ba so far, he draws so much more action. lil Monkey Meat promo BUT LOOK!! have i mentioned how much i love his sfx lettering...that "AAAH" getting motion lines when closer to the camera...crazy...
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dropping another small element from one of his books, Djeliya! just a really cool visual of casting magic!!
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I love this sequence leading up to the Joker vision! The shapely flames that dwindle into the shape of TEARS!! We don't get the extent of how deeply the Joker affected Jason until this moment and the man is terrified.
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First thing Damian does after getting shot is insult Jason, DAMIAN IS SO FUNNY. Also absolutely love the wiggly woggly lines of EVERYTHING in this panel.
Considering what Damian said earlier: "We both know you'd rather not have to explain your failure to father if anything happens to me that you could have prevented." As if Jason didn't already feel like a failure before this!! of course he'd turn into jiggling jelly realizing what he's done.
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After 27 pages of a narrow-eyed Red Hood, including an early tease of him about to take off the helmet for his snack, this full page of Jason unmasking himself is such a heavy reveal. Adding the aching piece of dialogue?? BRUTAL
Damian responds in kind to the vulnerability with his own confession and something Jason really needed to hear after burdening himself for so long with the idea of being a failure.
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After Damian leaves, the camera pulls back to show The Door in the dark of the room. Damian quite literally presents Jason a window of opportunity to face his past, and it goes so hard. Just like the buildup of frowning mask-to-face reveal, Jason's few expressions have mostly looked sad. So the shadowed eyes before the glare of determination makes this quiet moment feel extra epic!! also reminiscent of the Red Hood mask he wears!!
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Beyond the door of Jason's "past life" is complete darkness. Jason has been hoping for Batman to pull him out of it (as further suggested by the newspaper clippings), but in the final page, the door is leaking light!! Jason finds his own way forward :')
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The first issue introduces the Robins with specific labels, and so far the narrative either delves deeper into those claims or challenges it. Damian is unimpressed by "kind and brave" Dick and even forms some kind of rivalry. By the end, Damian’s learned how those simple traits are essential to becoming the person and hero Dick has become and gains a newfound respect for him.
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#2 deviates from #1 by following “brash and rageful” Jason's perspective! Damian is under pressure from the legacies of all the Robins before him, and even if he relates to Jason the most there's still tension. This time around, while Damian does learn what lies behind the mask, he's the one to impart some knowledge to his fellow Robin.
ending ramble with a panel of the small beans
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"Look Damian, everything the light touches is our kingdom."
TBH this ramble took forever to start because after reading Djeliya and Monkey Meat, i was so floored by how much MORE Ba has to offer. Everything i raved about from the first issue of The Boy Wonder...Ba's done it all in his previous work and MORE SO?? on top of writing, whimsical paneling and lettering, fun action scenes, deliberate coloring, kickass character designs and worldbuilding... the man does it all?? 😭
Monkey Meat 🐒
Djeliya: A West African Fantasy Epic ✌️
Mobilis: My Life with Captain Nemo
The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber
i may save the last two books for after The Boy Wonder ends because imagining the end of the series makes me so sad LOLL orz i may cave just because Mobilis is a pleasantly giant book...praying for DC to give the collected edition of The Boy Wonder this treatment...his pages are brimming with energy they deserve to be blown up with an oversized printing 😭
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hi so wednesday x reader who is basically itadori who has sukuna inside of them and has already eaten 2 fingers hope its not too complicated
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This was a whole lot of words and none of them were probably even what you wanted.
Your an absolute sweetheart who could do no wrong nor harm a fly. Sure you could seemingly outrun a fucking cheetah but other then that there wasn’t anything unusual about that anyone could make by staring at you.
Only until you point out the two occasions where you had swallowed two of the twenty fingers of an all powerful king of curses. That earned you a few unconvinced stares until a sharp tongued mouth and a demonic eye appeared in tandem just under your cheekbone, spouting curses and death threats towards each and every one of your friends. Fun.
The demonic bastard ruined your perfectly normal life and made you an outcast in your old school, which you were then bullied out of the entrance doors by the kids you went out of your way to save and then sent away to Nevermore by your parents who had grown deathly scared of the monster within you that threaten to re decorate the walls of your home with their blood, use their internal organs for decorations and finally utilise their hollowed out heads as lamp shades/candle holders.
Weems was notified by the most notable names of the potential danger you could unintentionally bring upon the school should the king of curses continue to use you in his hunt for the remainder of his fingers and retaining every ounce of his long forgone and mythologised power.
So with two of the twenty fingers haven been swallowed, you were already too much of a problem for Weems and Nevermore but she knew that if she left you out into the streets of Jericho and the king of curses happens to greet everyone with his own eyes, Nevermore would be finished indefinitely when word got out that she sent you away because you were too much a danger to human life to be allowed in. So much so the entire town of Jericho was slaughtered because it.
So in order to satiate her growing fear, Weems tasked the nightshades to keep tabs on you and make sure that your…demonic friends didn’t come out to play. However after the first week of no evidence of you being a massive danger to the school. The nightshades -minus Xavier and Ajax because they went out of their way to befriend you during this time- didn’t see what Weems was so worried about and left you be to do their own thing that they would’ve liked to have been doing in the first place.
So when the one time that you did loose control to the king, Ho boy he was no at all entertained by the so called secrete society that was meant to keep tabs on him. That when Ajax and Xavier were about to head down to the library the saw you or what they thought was you standing near the Poe statue; almost as though you heard them breathing you moved to look them in they eye and that’s when they begun to know why Weems was so afraid. The person staring back at them wasn’t you but the king of cursed himself.
“Shouldn’t have let your guard down Nightshades,” he spat venomously as he threw Kent at their feet to see that his pendant had been obliterated to pieces much like his face was, “this is your line of defence against threats? How pathetic, I shouldn’t have to be trying this hard to maintain my presence within this body but this punk is stronger then I originally thought them out to be.” The king spat as he felt your tugging at him getting stronger by the second as he felt his time quickly slip away.
So before he could allow you to take this moment away from him, the curse stared at the two frightened boys and heeded a them a grave warning. “I shall come back for blood, for this puny moron couldn’t ever hold me back like this forever because one day, oh-ho one day, I shall slaughter every man, woman, child and how many others in this school and in Jericho.”
Once you had regained control, Ajax and Xavier were quick to realises that the black tattoos on your body also faded away. Weems told them that you had only swallowed two fingers and they were already shitting themselves at what you/the king of curses could do if you swallowed just one more if you/him were already able to hand Kent his ass on a silver plater at just two fingers. Ajax dragged Kent to the nurses office whilst Xavier carried you back to your dorm which you didn’t have a roommate as for their safety more so then yours and camped outside your dorm until the next morning.
Ever since Ajax and Xavier have been the only two nightshades to keep an eye on you 24/7. So when Wednesday came to school. She noted that there was something odd about you that she just couldn’t put her finger on. At the comment a mouth and an eye appeared just under your cheek bone, glaring/snarling angrily at her. “What did you just say about me you freaky little meat bag?!” You slapped a hand on the mouth to shut the curse up and looked at the addams apologetically. “I’m so sorry it’s just that I ugh, it’s a stupid story really so I’ll cut you the embarrassing part and tell you that I’m now the host of a potentially powerful curse king.”
“Potentially?! You piece of shit, I AM POWERFUL! I am the fucking King of curses!” The mouth then reappeared on the back of your hand as it boldly shouts to the heavens of it’s title. “Shut the fuck up!” You hissed at the mouth as you threateningly brought out a some sour candy juice spray from your back pocket. “Don’t make me fucking use this on you again!” The curse hissed in distain like a cat but disappeared back into your skin.
“He really hates this stuff, one time I missed my mouth by a long shot and it sprayed into his eye and he wouldn’t stop screaming for hours on end.” You laughed at the memory of the powerful king of curses howling in pain over a misjudged projectile of sour candy spray. You secretly hoped you didn’t ruin anything but were already preparing to move away if you had, however once you had prepared to move elsewhere Wednesday asked, “where are you going?”
“I’m…leaving you be as I don’t want him to hurt you or anyone else in this school and I don’t if you’ve heard but, I’ve already lost control once and almost killed Kent during my blackout.” You told her truthfully but she still looked unfazed by all that you’ve just said. “And?” She asks and that was when you were beginning to worry about her mental state. “And I don’t want you to be nearby incase I do black out and he does come out again.”
Wednesday looked you over before saying with confidence, “you look in control to me, so I have nothing to fear until later events and even then I wouldn’t run away as I would merely find some way to detain you until you regain consciousness.”
“She’s most certainly an interesting one, worm. Then again it must be a trait that every Addams descendant must’ve acquired at birth or something.” The curse told you that night as you were brushing your teeth, “one of ‘em got this close to actually ending me.” “How close again was it?” You asked, the curse groaned “I said this close.” The eye under your cheek bone then began to bring it’s lid down until you could just barely make out the eyelashes that were tickling your skin before it burst back open again.
“Did you catch it this time you twerp?” The curse asked you through the mirror. “Yes I did the first time actually but you were stupid enough to believe me and do it again for a second time.” You snarked back as the curse groaned at how he got duped but you told him to have it in the morning as you were already tired enough as it was and went immediately to bed and fast asleep the moment your head hit the pillow.
The closer you got with Wednesday the more it seemed that the curse also noticing the attachment you were forming with her. So on the occasion the curse would threaten to take over and kill her last so that when you woke up, you’d see her dead body in your bloody arms. Yet you’d always bite back that he had every opportunity to make that moment a reality for you but never did, you went as far as to call him chicken shit but the curse would just offhandedly told you that it unfortunately wasn’t time yet for that.
So whilst you waited for ‘that time’ you and Wednesday began having dates in cemeteries, crypts could abandoned house and so on with the king of curses being a nuisance now and then by popping up now and then in hopes of ruining your moment but to his dismay you had the sour candy spray on hand and would always spray it into his big mouth, where it hit him in the back of his throat and for the rest of your date you were forced to listen to him scream and cough overtly loud in reverb within your consciousness all the while you tried to remain outwardly unaffected.
Wednesday knew that you/the king of curses were a dangerous game but she was always drawn to those types of games but she would always make sure that you wouldn’t be taken over so easily like before. She also knew that the while you were conscious, the king was also conscious but to a lesser extent. His power flowed through you at a weaker rate then it did within himself which meant that when you were fighting to regain control, not only were you reliant on your own willpower but you were also somewhat reliant on a small portion of him that didn’t seek to fight those he was obviously on a whole other level then.
The curse was growing ever more intrigued by Wednesday and sooner or later abstained from his usual barbs with her in favour of doing to towards the likes of Ajax or Xavier who, in his opinion, were more fun to to scare shitless then you or Wednesday seeing as you’ve grown numb to his threats or too cocky in your ability to pull yourself back into consciousness. So he merely watched from within you, make his barbs before leaving to scheme for the day where he would finally obtain full control without your pretty interferences. One day, you, Weems, the nightshades, Nevermore and Jericho will rue the day that you dared crossed paths with the king of curses for it shall be your last.
Thornhill was already planning ahead in helping the king curse within you by tracking down the remaining fingers, then soon she’ll be on to her second phase which is to giving you the fingers then thirdly, allowing the king of curses to be able to create pure unadulterated chaos.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Doctor brings Ace back to her hometown of Perivale. Her old friends are being kidnapped by a race of alien hunters called the Cheetah People, who were shown the way to Earth by the Doctor's old enemy the Tremas Master.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The King’s Demons
England, March 1215. King John is visiting the castle of Sir Ranulph Fitzwilliam. The arrival of the TARDIS disturbs a medieval joust, but the Doctor and his companions are proclaimed to be friendly demons by the King, who seems strangely interested in their "blue engine". It soon becomes clear that neither King John or his Champion, Sir Gilles Estram, are who they pretend to be. One of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest enemies threatens the future of democracy on Earth, and he must be stopped!
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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wildtige429 · 8 months
Human Alternates of the Autobots and Decepticons
For @julayla and @neogirlart so you guys can add in your ideas.
So, I have been brainstorming on what Team Arcadia, the human version of Team Prime and the Arcadians will be like. Arcadia is a fantasy land in the human verse where the elf Kinjiru and her family and the elven Commission live. As for where the human verse Decepticons, they live in a very dark continent where demons of Ars Goetia and such dwelled, seeking to claim Arcadia as their own land called Nidhogg.
Human Verse Autobots:
Optimus Prime - Aron (He's a male descendant of the Amazons whose magic amulet turns him into a manticore. Has dragonkin blood)
Ratchet - Rustlen (A tanuki and his amulet helps hide his animal form)
Bumblebee - Beckett (A plains elf whose animal form is a jackalope and has lightning magic)
Bulkhead - Trayne (A minotaur. He avoids beef, cause he feels that its considered cannibalism since a minotaur is part bull)
Prowl - Kitsu (He's a kitsune ninja whose an expert in illusions and controls black fox fire. He can transform at will)
Jazz - Tenko (An arctic fox-type kitsune ninja who controls snow and ice)
Sentinel Prime - Cyrrus (A male descendant of the Amazons and his magic turns him into a tigon)
Ultra Magnus - Leonidas (King of Arcadia, leader of the Elite Knights and friend of Elf Kougato. He has the power of lightning and transforms into a Nemean lion)
Rodimus Prime - Akira (Male descendant of the Amazons, Aron's half-brother whom they share the same dragonkin mother, and animal form is a tiger)
Hotshot - Rammot (Fire elf whose animal form is a fire lizard)
Kup - Copper (A retired war veteran who still stays around to teach cadets and the members of the Elite Knights. He's a mountain elf whose animal form is a mountain goat)
Brawn - Knuckle (A dwarf with Herculean strength. His amulet changes him into a splinter cat, a pangolin-bobcat hybrid beast with a superthick skull capable of powerful headbutts)
Ironhide - Nero (A descendant of the Nemean lion and has the ability to turn his body into indestructible diamonds)
Red Alert - Nikke (A savannah elf, was mentored by Rustlen, and her animal form is a gazelle)
Jetfire and Jetstorm - Orobas and Eligos (Human Phango's mentees who look up to him as their father figure, raised in Arcadia as fellow Arcadians as well as the first demon Elite Knights, and they can fuse together to become Gamigin, a giant winged anthro unicorn with two horns and wings who controls both wind and fire. Orobas' true form is an anthro demon stallion with flames for a mane and tail and Eligos' true form is an anthro unicorn stallion with two horns and glowing blue wings)
Alpha Trion - Merlin (The one and only Merlin himself. His animal form is a majestic kirin)
Perceptor - Percival (A robot-like golem made of metal but is extremely intelligent despite his robotically monotonous character)
Blurr - Hermes (A storm elf birn with lightning speed and runs as fast as The Flash. His animal form is a cheetah with spots shaped like pluses and minuses and a lightning bolt-shaped tail)
Wreck-Gar - Rumpel (He's a troll who was an old elementary school drawing but was splashed by the waters of the Holy Grail, a very friendly but nit-witted troll who enjoys eating trash which helps the environment)
Grimlock - Sword (Leader of the Dino-Men, cavemen frozen and preserved in ice until they were freed into the modern world. Posesses a pyronite (lava magicked gems only found in prehistoric time) sword and has a pet T-Rex named Grimey)
Swoop - Flail (The smartest yet quiet member of the Dino-Men, wields a pyronite flail and has a pet pterodactyl named Flappy)
Snarl - Club (The strongest yet slowest but good-hearted member of the Dino-Men, wields a pyrobite club and has a pet triceratops named Growly)
Cliffjumper - Clifford (An iron elf whose animal form is a big-horned ox)
Omega Supreme - Zhu Long (A ginormous gold and red Chinese dragon who helped the Elite Knights and the kingdom of Arcadia to defeat Marbas and his army of demons, banishing them to the dark reaches of Nidhogg as well as sealing them away with his own breath. After the war, he transforms into his human form which is a huge dark-skinned man wearing Chinese robes and he only turns into his true form to help carry Team Aron on his back when they want to fly somewhere far and to aid them combating large evil forces)
Arcee - Himari (A light elf who suffered amnesia when she and Rustlen were captured by Sitri during the war. Now recovered, she works as a teacher to teach humans how to use magic now that both fantasy and human worlds are one. Her animal form is a mink)
Human Verse Decepticons:
Megatron - Marbas (His true form is a demonic lion-dragon-lizard hybrid)
Starscream - Astaroth (True form is a winged wolf-eagle humanoid hybrid)
Skywarp - Seir, Astaroth's cowardly brother
Thundercracker - Vassago, Astaroth's arrogant brother
Sunstorm - Vual, Astaroth's over-flattering brother
Ramjet - Valac, Astaroth's pathologically lying brother
Slipstream - Gremory, Astaroth's bitchy sister
Acidstorm - Sabnock, Astaroth's bloodthirsty brother
Novastorm - Flauros, Astaroth's seductive brother
Dirge - Phenex, Astaroth's greedy brother
Thrust - Raum, Astaroth's greedy brother
Lugnut - Dantalion (True form is a six-horned demon minotaur)
Blitzwing - Naberius, Aamon and Marchosias (True forms are demonic werewolves that can fuse together to become a three-headed demon wolfman with four arms and massive wings)
Blackarachnia - Vapula (Was an Amazon woman named Artime but was corrupted by dark magic in when she, Aron and Cyrrus ventured to Tartaros, a very dark land only inhabited by monsters and spirits corrupted by dark magic. Her demon form is a massive lioness with eight eyes with the first two above her original eyes and the second and third pairs on either sides of her torso, four massive spider legs on her back and massive insect-like fangs containing paralytic venom. Her spider legs can fuse together to become insectoid wings when she wants to fly.)
Shockwave - Paimon (True form is a pale humanoid demon with horns taking the top half of his head with the eyes on his palms and wings. His elf form is called Pollux)
Swindle - Mephistopheles (MP for short; true form is a yellow and purple anthro cobra with a fox's face and tail)
Lockdown - Sitri (True form is a winged leopard with horns, claws and tail of a dragon and breathes black smoke that causes blindness, paralysis and causes the victim to fall asleep)
Spittor - Baal (True form is a giant demon toad with an insatiable appetite and three tongues)
Strika - Purson (True form is a bear-lion hybrid beast with a viper for a tail)
Cyclonus - Focalor (True form is an anthro tiger with eagle claws for hands, crocodilian tail, ram horns and feet like a velociraptor's)
Oil Slick - Crocell (True form is a black-winged angel wearing bone and skull trinkets, a leopard skin kilt and has a head of a hyena and a tail and fangs of a snake)
Blackout - Furfur (True form is a demonic anthro stag with metallic horns, dragon-like claws and wings and feet like an elephant's)
Scrapper - Agares (Was a normal construction worker named Igor until he, Sal and Zippo, their mean boss, accidentally drank from the Holy Grail (Human world version of the AllSpark) and turned them into demons. His true form is an muscular anthro crocodile with large boar-like tusks)
Mixmaster - Saleos (Was formerly Sal until the Holy Grail turned him into Saleos. His true form is a big bellied anthro alligator who can project cement-like vomit that quickly hardens to trap opponents)
Dirtboss - Zepar (was formerly Zippo until the Holy Grail turned him into Zepar. His true form is an anthro caiman in red armor and has a spiky tail that shoots quills. When the quills hit someone, they become his puppets)
Soundwave - Tsugumomo (A radio tsukumogami that bears a hatred to humans for how they treat their items and tsukumogami familiars and wishes to liberate all tsukumogamis to rule over them.)
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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And so now we have Lepy, (though his real name is Aouri)! the skill i had when drawing his feral form varied because i got better at it the longer i was drawing it (cuz i use him in a visual RP with my friend heid i had lots of practice) and of course the same went with his human form cuz he had just gotten a reboot when i started his reference. He used to be a living toy, he's changed quite a bit due to personal reasons. I've had him for many years now but i gave him a hard revamp in 2018 so i could leave his past behind.
He has a TON, a FUCKTON of lore, so we're going to summarize this as much as i can rn because i need to get back to working on ch 22 of gom. i will split his post into multiple cuz he also just has a lot of art as well and rp panels.
going to put a read-more though cuz i'm probably going to go into more than the others cuz i love him that much.
Lepy is a spirit animal [original species]; (Black Jaguar with king cheetah mane/used to be a snow leopard) who was kidnapped from his forest when he was still alive, where he was known as the ghost of the rainforest, by a demon prince named Adelais.
At first, Lepy was forlorn, unresponsive, and merely lived by the demon's side bc what could he do? he is like 5'3'' and the prince was like 7 or 8 foot or smth. idr what the exact number is, but the demon prince is "large and in charge".
Lepy however, actually fell in love with the price, as the prince did with him. Originally, their relationship was merely a captor with his prisoner, but it turned into a mutual love and respect over time. Their bond was incredibly strong and Adelais was very fiercely protective of his small boyfriend.
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[Content Warning, next drawing has a bit of blood!]
i just left off the nudity for these to make it easier to share (cuz he never really wore clothes before death/while alive) but i assure you he has something downstairs LMAO, anyway.
One day, Lepy was minding his business as usual when suddenly, Adelais started acting unusual and feral.
Lepy died then, after his own lover ripped out the heart from his chest. He didn't know why, for many many years, why... Did he actually hate him all that time, and finally grew bored enough to murder him?
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After this, Zaaid (an oc of mine, or GOD), plucked a star from the sky to replace his heart. now, he lives as an angel and for many years, his memories were sealed for his health and mental health. He has a scar on his chest and the star beneath shines dimly, directly connected to his body and health.
Finally, after years of learning how to love responsibly and take care of himself better, his memories fully came back while he also gained a dark mark on his chest, growing inside the star... (to be continued in next post)
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bonus, can't show the full thing but hey, i am really proud of this drawing and if i can't at least show a bit of it i will be sad. Lepy's spots take so long to draw!!
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gemwing1988 · 1 year
Misterie TV Tropes
Warning, this fanmade Tropes will contain some spoilers about this character in future Cuphead and other franchise fanfictions in the future. Please read and enjoy.
A wise and mysterious anthropomorphic painted wolf and the owner of the curious gift shop, “Misterie’s Mystic Grotto” on the Inkwell Isles. She’s a powerful and dependable ally and mentor to the Dreamstones girls. She also seems to have some connections to Katie’s dragon origins as she seems very knowledgeable about the Dragon Realms.
The Ace:
The Archmage:
Backless Dress: She wears a simple green cloth halter neck dress that shows off a bit of her back.
Bare-Fisted Monk:
Barefoot Sage: In a sense. She is an anthro who doesn’t need the use for shoes and she often gives out sage-like advise when the Dreamstones and their friends need it.
Beware the Nice Ones:
Big Good: She provides the heroes some knowledge of the girls’ powers and origins in Heart, Soul & Mind and had provided the Cups a magic potion to upgrade their powers abilities. She also serves as one throughout The Cuphead Show: Dreamstones Edition since TCS Elder Kettle is constantly left in the dark about Cuphead owing the Devil his soul.
Cane Fu: Can kick serious butt with her staff.
Cute Little Fangs: She’s a wolf, so it’s natural she’d have a mouthful of sharp teeth that she’ll occasionally show them to intimidate a foe if needed to.
The Dreaded:
She is this to most of imps and most of the Devil’s finest demons.
She is also this to the Apes, Grublins and the rest of Malefor’s forces.
Does Not Like spam: It’s a little known fact that Misterie despises cauliflower. In her own words, it’s like a hybrid of cabbage and bleached broccoli.
Earthly Barefoot Character: Which makes sense since she is an anthropomorphic painted wolf after all and she is a Nature Lover.
Fashionable Asymmetry: She wears a silver bracelet with a pointed end nearly over her knuckles and green gemstones on her right wrist while she wears a long green sleeve-like handless glove on her left arm.
Even Loving Heroes Have Hated Ones:
She had been at odds with Chief Prowlus, the leader of the Cheetah Village in the Valley of Avalar due his Fantastic Racism towards the Dragons as well as his distrust and his adamance against having his people reconcile with the their neighbouring village with the Wolves until the Dreamstones’ visit in the Dragon Realms during the events of Dawn of the Dragon. It is also implied that Prowlus doesn’t like her because of her quirks and her sometimes getting under his skin by calling him out for his stubbornness and pride will endanger his people.
Although they rarely interact with one another, Misterie can’t stand either versions of King Dice due to his sleazy nature and his Smug Snake attitude.
Misterie is rather disturbed, disgusted and annoyed by the Hermit’s advices are couched in taunts and ominous implications and punctured by bursts of cackling. She is also not above calling him out and verbally putting him in his place if he takes it too far such as she when she steps in to defend Cynder when the Hermit implied that she is still not safe from Malefor’s influence just to get her under skin.
Everyone Has Standards: While she agrees an impenetrable invisible sweater is effective against the Devil, she strongly points out that it’s still impractical to wear during the warmer climates such as summer, at the beach and hot places like volcanoes and even the Underworld for obvious reasons.
In a way, she’s like Aku Aku from Crash Bandicoot.
She was implied to be inspired by Rafiki from The Lion King.
Misterie is basically this to Porkrind. Both are merchants who the the Dreamstones and the Cup Brothers go see to pick up supplies or certain charms and items. However, unlike TCS Porkrind, who is more grumpy with a mild dislike towards the Cups, more interested in the money and tries to sell his goods at ridiculously high prices, Misterie is a Friendly Shopkeeper with some patience and tolerance towards the Cups’ antics during their visit at her shop and sells her merch at a reasonably low and fair price.
She is also this to Quadratus. They both serve as a voice of wisdom to the heroes, have some vast knowledge and solutions to any situation concerning the Devil. However, Misterie is a being with a physical form and is able to get about, Quadratus is a spirit who resides in a small pool of water that resides somewhere in the Inkwell Woods and has to be summoned by making the water fizz with either a bath bomb or a jawbreaker. And while Quadratus had formally be in possession of the last ball of invisible yarn to be knitted into an impenetrable invisible sweater, Misterie has an endless supply of magical beads and charms when needed.
Friendly Shopkeeper: She is very warm and welcoming as she is professional with her customers. She most especially sells her merch at a fair and reasonable price.
A Girl and Her X: Technically a wolf woman and her martial eagle Palisman, Aren.
Good is Not Soft: She is the Big Good and a great ally, who is generous and helpful to her friends, but when the gloves are off, she can be just as brutal to her enemies.
Hardcore Teacher:
Hot Witch: She’s a magic user and in some ways, she’s very beautiful for a painted wolf of her age.
Magical Accessory: Her bracelet serves as some sort of Crystal Ball and a communication device of a sort on separate occasions.
Magical Barefooter: A furry who Does Not Like Shoes and is a magic user.
Magic Staff/Wand: It carries her Palisman, Aren, is able to transform into a bow and doubles as a Flying Broomstick like in Disney’s The Owl House for her to get around
Meaningful Name: Misterie means “mystery” in the Afrikaans language, which suits someone with a very mysterious origin and just as mysterious connection with the girls’ past.
The Mentor: To Katie, Lexie and Natty.
Nature Lover: She has a deep compassion for all living creatures and she personally enjoys living close to nature.
Noble Wolf: She’s an anthropomorphic painted wolf and a powerful ally to the Dreamstones.
Noodle Incident:
Offhand Backhand:
One-Woman Army:
Only Sane Woman: She was the only one (sans Elder Kettle, who was taking a nap at the time) to quickly forgive Ms. Chalice for using her charm to con people out of free stuff and suggests that she should be punished humanely and reasonably.
Shaming the Mob: She had stepped in to assist the girls to defend Chalice and the Cup Brothers by calling the angry mob out for threatening to beat the Cups up over Chalice’s abuse of her charm by conning them.
Silver Vixen: Although she never specified HOW old she is, but she still looked beautiful for her age.
Solitary Sorceress: In a way. When she’s not at her shop, she lives in a hut in the Inkwell Woods during her stay in the Cuphead universes.
So Proud of You:
Trademark Favourite Food:
Vague Age: Her actual age is left ambiguous but she is an adult much older than the Dreamstones and is very Wise Beyond Her Years.
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DC Justice League: Dark Rebirth
In a universe where Darkseid won, effectively ruining the Earth, leaving husks of cities and towns. He killed Superman, and took control of the rest of the big league members of the Justice League. Darkseid even brought the planet Apocalypse to replace the Moon. But he left one hole in his plan empty… he didn’t capture Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and Redhood, alongside a few other heroes and villains, which include the likes of Zatanna, Question, Batwoman, Batgirl, Artemis, Green Arrow, Bane, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Captain Cold, Black Manta, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Mr. Freeze, Cheetah, and Solomm Grundy. Together they survive the wastelands, killing and avoiding parademons who wander the dead planet. The team also looks for other survivors, who are scattered around the world. Little do they all know though, a new being is about to step into the limelight, with a goal to save Earth… _______________________________________________________
This being is named Deathjaw. He’s a necromancer from Hell who has always dreamed of redeeming himself from the wrongs he’s done in the efforts of good. So he studied for centuries but when millions of lives began to enter Hell, Deathjaw became suspicious of the now swarming new waves of tormented souls being thrown to Hell. While the Righteous Demons judged them, Deathjaw questioned a few until he learned of what happened in the mortal realm. It was then Deathjaw decided to leave the realm of the Dead to fix the problem, taking his personal assistant Dark Cyber, a powerful knight infused with the powers of dark magic and demonhood. Deathjaw used a powerful spell to enter the mortal realm, stepping out into the ruins of Gotham. He ran into Killer Moth and Clayface who were trying to escape the Parademons. While Deathjaw couldn’t save Killer Moth, who was eviscerated by the demons, he and Dark Cyber were able to save Clayface, who told them everything that happened. Deathjaw began to plot while escorting Clayface to a safehouse, run by the surviving heroes and villains. Deathjaw left the safehouse, leaving Dark Cyber to help guard. _______________________________________________________
Deathjaw came up with a plan that would require a lot of magic but if he could pull it off, Deathjaw was sure he could help face Darkseid. During his travels, Deathjaw would come across a lot of survivors, who he’d direct towards the various safehouses he would come across, sometimes helping defend them from the eyes of the parademons and Darkseid. Eventually he came to the ruins of Metropolis. Where LexCorp once stood was a massive crater, and in the center was the body of Superman. Darkjaw had decided to resurrect the symbol of Hope using a spell he had learned and manipulated slightly by Trigon himself. Superman had been torn apart by Darkseid, but with the spell, Superman would be able to regenerate himself from tremendous damage. Alongside that, Superman would achieve various other abilities. But Deathjaw also knew that by reviving Superman, Darkseid’s attention would be gained, so Deathjaw took the body to the living planet Io, who while the rest of the Green Lanterns had been slain, still lived thanks to some last minute thinking by the Guardians. Io helped gather the magic required to summon the massive spell, and Deathjaw used it all to revive the mighty Superman. While Superman wasn’t exactly happy, he accepted the facts and with Deathjaw they returned to Earth, where Deathjaw executed the next phase of his plan. _______________________________________________________
Once they arrived on Earth, Darkseid appeared, annoyed that Superman was alive once again. The two clashed once more, now on equal footing. While they fought, Deathjaw teleported to Apocalypse. There he used his magic to track and fight the various controlled Justice League members. There was Wonder Woman, who’s body had been turned into a cyborg. Then it was the Flash, who was forced to have his arms replaced and his eyes removed, replaced with a visor. Green Lantern was turned into Dark Lantern, his ring corrupted with Dark Matter. Martian Manhunter was turned into a Super Parademon, having all his abilities but a deadly hunter instinct. Aquaman was also turned into a Super Parademon, with fish-like features. Finally, Batman… they were turned into Darkseid’s military general, his body mainly unaltered, mainly his legs and eye being replaced. Deathjaw took each one out using his magic, and then reversed the mind control forced upon them. With the Justice League freed, they returned to Earth to see Superman and Darkseid still fighting. The fighting had brought the survivors out as well, mainly holding off the parademons. The Justice League hopped into the fight to save Earth. Deathjaw joined Superman to fight Darkseid. _______________________________________________________
During the fight, Darkseid would taunt Deathjaw, questioning why Hell spawn would even want to save Earth. Deathjaw explained that in life, he used Necromancy to defend his family and friends, but the king who ruled the kingdom Deathjaw lived in forced Deathjaw to raise an undead to serve the king, and in their first battle, many innocent lives were lost to the chaotic army, causing Deathjaw’s family to be killed. Enraged, Deathjaw killed the king and was hung for the act. Deathjaw explained further that Darkseid reminded him of that king, and if Deathjaw had to die once again in order to not only save Earth but redeem himself, he would. Deathjaw then activated his true form, a Fallen Archangel, and helped Superman fight the dark tyrant. Nearing the end of the fight, Deathjaw decided to use a move that would surely kill him, but also end Darksied’s threat forever. With Superman’s help, they were able to stun Darkseid long enough for them to summon a wormhole to something Deathjaw called to Fallen Graveyard, a universe that swallowed anything and anyone whole. With help from everyone, Deathjaw and Superman were able to push Darkseid into the wormhole, and forced all the parademons to follow suit, all being eradicated almost immediately. Deathjaw would fall onto the ground, feeling the spell take its toll. But Dark Cyber is able to reverse the effects, truly allowing Deathjaw, alongside the rest of the living members of Earth, a second chance of living on Earth. And so began, while Grim and Dark, a Hopeful Rebirth. _______________________________________________________
DC Justice League: Dark Rebirth is something I came up with relatively recently, and I really wanted to somehow write a somewhat dark but hope filled story about a Darkseid invasion. So this is what it became! I’m very happy with what I did with this!
Okay now to the basic facts one should know:
This plot would go around for a few “episodes” due to the extensivity of the story. 
Characters like Lex Luthor, The Joker, Sinestro, Black Adam, etc are most likely dead. 
Deathjaw and Dark Cyber ARE my own original characters for the DC AU.
Is Deathjaw very powerful? YES. That’s the point of his character, he’s supposed to be this powerful figure who limits himself due to his past. He only really goes full power against Darkseid.
This plot is HEAVILY inspired by some of the Animated DC Universe’s concepts of Darkseid’s invasion and such.
Is Alfred alive? Yes. Yes he is. I ain’t killing the lovely old bastard.
The “designs” for the manipulated members of the Justice League are heavily Borg/General Grievous/Ultron inspired, with obvious inspirations for Darkseid’s army itself.
To all wondering, yes Trigon taught Deathjaw. To an extent. It was really just Deathjaw examining Trigon using his powers.
Will I do short stories or art with this universe? Yes but most Epilogue stuff. It’s funner that way.
(Yall I made a youtube playlist just for this lol. And yes I just wanted to post something a little different.)
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mangolon · 2 years
List of All Kamen Riders’ Final Forms
Will not count extra final forms. If a final form only appeared in a movie or special, it will be counted. Under the cut
Stronger → Stronger Charge Up
Kuuga → Ultimate Kuuga
Agito →  Shining Agito
G3 → G3-X
Gills → Exceed Gills
Ryuki → Ryuki Survive
Knight → Knight Survive
Ouja → Ouja Survive
Faiz → Faiz Blaster
Kaixa → Next Kaixa
Blade →  Blade King
Garren → Garren Jack
Chalice → Wild Chalice
Hibiki → Armed Hibiki
Kabuto → Hyper Kabuto
Gatack → Hyper Gatack
Den-O Sword Form → Den-O Liner Form
Zeronos Altair Form → Zeronos Zero Form
Kiva → Emperor Kiva
IXA → IXA Rising
Decade → Decade Complete
DiEnd → DiEnd Complete
W CycloneJoker → W CycloneJokerXtreme
Accel → Accel Trial
OOO TaToBa → OOO PuToTyra (or TaJaDor depending on who you ask)
Birth → Birth DAY
Fourze → Fourze Cosmicstates
Meteor → Meteor Storm
Wizard Flame Style → Wizard Infinity Style
Beast → Beast Hyper
Gaim Orange Arms → Gaim Kiwami Arms
Baron Banana Arms → Baron Lemon Energy Arms
Ryugen Budou Arms → Ryugen Yomotsuheguri Arms
Zangetsu Melon Arms → Zangetsu Kachidoki Arms
Gridon Donguri Arms → Gridon Lychee Arms
Knuckle Kurumi Arms → Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms
Drive Type Speed → Drive Type Tridoron
Mach → Chaser Mach
Ghost Ore Damashii → Ghost Mugen Damashii
Specter → Deep Specter
Necrom → Necrom Yuujou Burst
Ex-Aid Mighty Action X → Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid
Brave Taddle Quest → Brave Taddle Legacy
Snipe Bang Bang Shooting → Snipe Bang Bang Simulations
Lazer Bakusou Bike → Lazer Turbo
Genm Mighty Action X → Genm Zombie Action
Para-DX Perfect Puzzle/Knock Out Fighter → Para-DX Perfect Knock Out
Cronus Kamen Rider Chronicle → Gamedeus Cronus
Build Rabbit Tank → Build Genius
Cross-Z Dragon → Cross-Z Magma
Grease → Grease Blizzard
Rogue → Prime Rogue
Evol Cobra → Evol Black Hole
Zi-O → Grand Zi-O
Geiz → Geiz Revive (Gouretsu and Shippu)
Woz → Woz GingaFinally
Zero One Rising Hopper → Zero Two
Vulcan Shooting Wolf → Rampage Vulcan
Valkyrie Rushing Cheetah → Valkyrie Justice Serval
Jin Flying Falcon → Jin Burning Falcon
Horobi Sting Scorpion → Horobi Ark Scorpion
Ark-Zero → Ark-One
Saber Brave Dragon → Xross Saber
Blades Lion Senki → Blades Tategami Hyoujuu Senki
Espada Lamp do Alangina → Espada Arabiana Night
Calibur Jakku Dragon → Calibur Jaou Dragon
Saikou Kin no Buki Gin no Buki → Saikou X-Swordman
Revi Rex Genome → Ultimate Revi
Vice Rex Genome → Ultimate Vice
Live Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Evil Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Jeanne Cobra Genome → Invincible Jeanne
Demons Spider Genome → Imperial Demons
Vail Kabuto Genome → Crimson Vail
Over Demons Kuwagata Genome → Get Over Demons
Geats MagnumBoost → Geats IX
Tycoon Ninja → Tycoon Bujin Sword
Naago Beat → Naago Fantasy
Buffa Zombie → Jyamashin Buffa FeverZombie
Punkjack Monster → Punkjack FeverMonster
Gotchard SteamHopper → Rainbow Gotchard
Majade SunUnicorn → Twilight Majade
Valvarad → Valvarad Kurogane
Legend → Legendary Legend
Dread Type Zero → Dread Type Three
Gotchard Daybreak Daybreak SteamHopper → Gotchard Shining Daybreak
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cobrastrikes421 · 2 years
Halloween monster and other scary thing
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Bat are winged mammals that have forelimbs adapted as wings, they are the only mammals that they can fly.
Wendigo where once human and turn into cannibal monsters they have strong magic to hide in plain sight.
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Madremonte is the guardian of the rainforest who keeps her jungle and her animals safe from evil trust past her in the forest.
Spell books are textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magic and magical objects like talisman and amulet, including potion making as well.
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Spider have venom and have spinnerets that extrude silk.
Asmodeus is the king of the lust realm and have 3 heads of a bull, ram, and a human with it.
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Scorpion are predatory arachnids of the order scorpion.
A cheetah is sitting on somebody graveyard and chilling in the Halloween vibes the year at a cemetery.
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Medusa is a Gorgon that was human but now a snake monster that can turn people to stone with just one look in the eyes.
Arachne was once human but now a spider monster because of the goddess that made her like this in a challenge that she lost in.
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Hobgoblin are small, hairy little creatures, often found within human dwellings, doing odd jobs around the house while the family is asleep.
A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous creatures that appears in the folklore of multiple European cultures.
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An antelope is digging into some gravestone and something is coming out of it tombstone already.
Skeleton are the human remains and they my not be living humans anymore when they die but they still can have a good look.
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Mummies are dead human or animals rapped in bandages and their body don’t decade in the tombstone.
Imps are similar to fair and demons, frequently described in folklore and superstition.
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Me and my sister are having candy and flying on our broom sticks with our cats.
Her style @brose1229
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steeiydan · 2 years
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trying to catch up a bit, though he’s still rushed. originally, i was planning this character to look different, but posing him like this was easier, so i guess he’s showing his true colors lmao my anatomy skills are bad as fuck lately, everything looks wonky, but.. oh well lmao
meet Atticus!
A cheetah-familiar from the Demon Realms, and a bit of a noble through some turns of events. He’s a king cheetah, so he’s more striped than spotty, but since I didn’t draw his feral form, you’re just gonna have to take my word for it.
He’s tall and lean and usually likes to put on a proud, stoic to almost commanding facade, but he’s actually suffering from really bad anxiety and extremely insecure. He feels more comfortable in the commoner-like clothes he’s wearing in the picture as compared to the more noble, strappy, uncomfortable ones he’s supposed to wear. They just end up making him feels worse when his anxiety is already through the roof. The persona he puts on when he’s out takes a lot of energy to mantain out of him already.
Aside from that, he’s kind, though he has trouble connecting with others. If he likes and trusts someone, he tends to feel better in their company, though.
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orielyn-stories · 2 years
Schöne Nacht
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Characters: Husk, Siren Ship: SmokinAces Summary: Husk returns home after an early night of feeding but his vampiric nature still won't be silenced. He had promised himself he would never drink from his lover but when she gives permission all bets are off.
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Crimson hair cascaded across the large king pillows as the female cheetah demon slumbered within the large four poster king size canopy bed. Her breasts created several large mounds of the ebony sheets as the material gathered in time with her gentle rhythmic breathing. Her hands laid within the folds of the sheets as one hand laid across her stomach. The other gripped the pillow she had pulled close to breath in the scent of her lover. The female cheetah slumbered in a darkened web of dreams as the scent from the pillow rocked her from one dream to the next.
The curtains that covered the large glass doors to the small balcony just outside their threshold fluttered in the gentle breeze of the night. Their thin ethereal bodies swirled as a dark figure swooped down to land on the railing of the balcony.
His golden orbs were harsh as they faded from a deadly crimson upon his landing. His legs landed as his hands gripped the railing between them, giving him the impression of squatting as his wings began to pull themselves against his back. Their normally feathered texture took on a leather texture in his form now. His eyes pierced through the thin curtains as his golden orbs landed on the sleeping female demon.
A soft smile started to curl over his lips as he leapt from the railing. His paws settled quietly on the balcony floor as he slid himself through the open crack of the double glass doors. His ears flickered as golden hues, bathed in ebony, glowed softly in the dark room. Soon those golden hues were gazing intently upon the cheetah demon as she stirred in her darkened sleep.
".....Husk," her quiet, slumber filled voice broke through the silence of the room.
Husk smiled showing his vampiric fangs as he faded away from the balcony doors. As he appeared once more, the bed shifted with his weight. His golden eyes watched her body as he slowly crawled over her. His toned arms holding himself just barely above hers. Husk lowered his head where his face was mere inches from the face of his lover. He breathed in softly as her scent crashed into him as if a surge of electricity. It was intoxicating.
"Siren," he showered her name with the charm of a thousand fallen angels.
He felt her stir as she shifted her body under his. A lazy grin appeared as he pressed his lower body gently against hers. He watched as her eyes snapped open revealing those crimson hues as they stared straight into his glowing golden hues. Husk couldn't help but feel that lazy grin turn into a smile as he stared into those crimson hues as they were only his.
He chuckled softly as he caught the surprise that flashed across her face as he spoke, "Are you surprised to find me here so early my love?"
Siren's gaze continued to hold his own gaze as she couldn't seem to find the words she needed. She could feel the sense of being held captive by those glowing golden hues. Her ear twitched slightly as she noticed the crimson hue slowly shifting at the edges of his eyes. She knew then he hadn't fed enough to keep the vampiric nature controlled before his return.
Husk's smile still held as his eyes scanned over her face and down the column of her neck. His ear flicked as with her having still not answered his question he could feel another idea starting to swarm within his mind. He lowered his face as he pressed his muzzle softly against her cheek before he paused. His star-lit gaze looked to find the female demon smiling warmly as she pressed her head against his.
"I trust you," she whispered as she arched her head to the side, giving more of a view of her neck.
The vampiric natured chimera gave a soft groan as he heard the pulse of her crimson life as it flowed through her veins. Husk pressed a gentle kiss against the soft flesh that created a barrier between him and that delicious liquid. He heard the call of his vampiric nature as he pulled away for a few split seconds. The male chimera fought to keep control as she so willingly gave him permission. His fangs flashed plainly from his lips as they curled slightly into a smile as he looked at her once more.
Siren nudged his head gently as once more her neck was out of his line of sight. His eyes seemed to glow a crimson fiery as she once more knew she was held in the grasp of his deadly nature. There was no fear in her crimson hues as she stared into those warring hues of her lover. Husk nuzzled her gently as he pushed her head to the side. Siren felt a low, soft purr escape her throat as he once more lowered his lips to press against her neck slowly.
When those lips met her flesh a soft gasp was heard. Husk was amused as he started to lick at her neck gently. As he was carrasing her flesh, Siren closed her eyes as she breathed out softly recovering from the gasp that had escaped her. She felt her body drifting as Husk's licks and kisses turned to nibbling. A moan of pleasure bubbled from deep within her chest at his actions. Husk continued his caressing as he felt himself get lost as fangs started to prick at the delicate flesh beneath his lips.
Siren opened her eyes as she felt Husk stop his movements all together. She cast her gaze towards him as she brought her hand up to rest on his shoulder. It was enough for the male chimera to look in her direction. A pleading, aching expression plastered across his face. Husk pressed his head against hers once more as he seemed to beg for permission once more. It was a silent plea that did not go unanswered.
"Husk, if you need this I won't stop you."
The male chimera, driven by blood-lust, lowered his head once more, cupping his lips gently around the side of her neck. A soft groan escaped him at how close he truly was to losing himself to his lusting nature. His eyes flashed crimson as he started to pierce his fangs into the vein just beneath her flesh. His ears pinned back against his head as he felt liquid push against his lips.
Husk started to push away when he felt Siren's hand wrap into the fur at the back of his head, right between his ears. She kept him pinned there with his fangs sinking slowly into her neck as her fingers flexed gently within his hair. She knew he needed to feed and she wasn't about to let him get away without doing so.
"Husk, you need this," she said softly as her hand moved up towards where his ears were pinned. Her fingers gently rubbed at the base of the right ear that she could reach.
Husk felt his body relaxing as he didn't think twice anymore as he pushed his fangs the rest of the way into the vein. Blood rushing to meet his lips as he suckled against it. The female demon felt blood bubble from around his lips as it seeped down her neck and towards her chest. Her once soft ashen grey coat stained a dull pink as the blood soaked into her fur.
A cry of pleasure escaped the female cheetah as she felt his lips press harder against the side of her neck. Her fingers started lacing around the base of his ear before they shifted for a better grip at the back of his head from the pleasure her body was riddled with. Husk pushed his arm up under her shoulders as he brought her up towards him, having him shift as he cradled her against him. He couldn't stop the slaughter upon her blood as he just held her close.
His eyes were nothing but crimson hues as he couldn't shake the feeling of craving her life-stream. The taste was rich and pure, nothing like that of the tainted taste of his other victims he had found that night. Husk couldn't help himself as he came under the power of the seven deadly sins of Gluttony. He continued to drip from her as her hand was slowly losing its grip. 
Soon enough as her hand fell away Husk forced himself to pull back from the blood-lusting nature. He gently pulled his fangs from her neck as he licked the wound he had caused. The pin pricks dripped for several seconds before starting to dry up.
His golden hues, bathed in ebony, found the closed eyes of his lover as she laid against his body. He shifted slightly as he laid a hand upon her chest. He could still feel a heartbeat causing his nerves to settle some then. His blood stained lips pressed several kisses across her cheeks as he waited.
"Yeah Kid, I'm here."
Her eyes opened slowly as they focused on those golden hues that had lost the blood-lusting nature. She knew it was still there but in his feeding it had sustained enough to hide away for another day. She pressed her head against his as a soft purr emanated from deep within her chest. Husk settled himself on the side of the bed with her sitting in his lap as his crimson feathered wings showed themselves once more. The feathery curtain encasing the couple as Husk showered more kisses upon the female demon's cheeks before pressing a kiss against her lips.
He chuckled softly as Siren pulled him back in, finding her lips once more pressed to his own. His arms tightened their grip as he felt her body tremble from the loss of blood. She pulled away as she gasped not just from loss of breath but her head was starting to spin.
The male chimera stood up as he held the female cheetah bridal style before turning to lay her back down on the bed. She gripped his arm as he turned to head towards the bathroom. His golden orbs looked to her with a gentleness, "Easy Kid. I'll be right back."
Her hand fell away from his arm as her body shifted on the bed. Her head was swimming as she laid it heavily on the pillow Husk always used. His scent once more calmed her as her mind settled from the storm she felt. Her crimson eyes started to slowly close as Husk came back from the bathroom with a warm washcloth. She felt him wash the blood away from her neck and chest as she seemed to drift.
She was sound asleep when Husk came back from washing out the cloth in the bathroom sink. He chuckled softly as he settled himself on her side of the bed. His body leaning up with hers as he curled around her. Husk placed his arm around her, pulling her close to his chest as a soft sigh escaped her in her sleep. He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek as he laid his head beside hers. He inhaled deeply as her hair played against his face.
The sun creeping into the room by the closed balcony doors found the lovers wrapped in an embrace of pure love. The world was awaking with the aftermath of Husk's blood-lusting but inside the darkened room nothing but peaceful dreams existed.
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Ocean Eyes Pt. 3
Collin watched Kieran’s father out of the corner of his eyes. The weekend was over and they were finally leaving to go back to Kieran’s place. While Kieran’s father said nothing throughout the entire weekend, he was expecting the older demon to say something now that they were leaving.
It wasn’t until they were all packed and heading down the driveway that he was able to relax. He never ran into the other demon the rest of the weekend but every time he left Kieran’s room alone or Kieran left the room, he always looked around, expecting him to be there.
Throughout the weekend, Kieran and him talked and got to know each other and true to his word, Kieran didn’t so anything but kiss and cuddle with him. He found out that Kieran was 178 years old and he had asked why he didn’t find a mate sooner and Kieran told him that his demon hadn’t accepted anyone and like werewolves and vampires, demons also mated for life until somehow their mate passed away. Kieran also told him he hadn’t been ready for that commitment and had still been in his teen-aged rebellious age and wasn’t ready to settle down. Then for the kicker at the end, Kieran had kissed him and said that he was glad he waited, smiling like he had won the lottery. He had gotten embarrassed by that which only made Kieran tease him even more.
They even talked about what they were going to do about his friend Lennox. One the day of Lennox’s shift, they were going to wait on the edge of the old pack’s territory where they had promised to meet and pick him up. Kieran even promised that Lennox could stay with them for as long as he needed. He had been so happy that Kieran had been so understanding that he nearly cried and Kieran had held him until he felt better.
Collin looked over at Kieran, watching him until Kieran noticed him staring and glanced over him.
“What is it? Like what you see?” Kieran asked with grin.
Collin smiled and reached over, taking one of Kieran’s hand from the steering wheel and interlaced their fingers together. “Thank you.” he whispered.
Kieran gave him another curious glance before turning his gaze back to the road, “Anything for you darlin’.”
Kieran opened the door to his flat, letting Collin shuffle in first only to have him stop in the doorway and stare inside.
“This is your place?” Collin asked, amazed.
Kieran didn’t think it was anything special but from what Collin came from, it had to look like a palace to him. He got a place with an open floor plan where the living room, dining room and kitchen were all connected. Right when you walked in, there was a staircase that went to the second floor where his room and a guest room were. There was even a guest room next to the kitchen. A few feet from the stairs sat the couch with a TV and stand out in the middle of the floor. Behind the TV was just a wall of windows and a sliding glass door that lead out to the balcony. It wasn’t nearly as big as Keir's and Cyprian’s places but he liked it and had it for quite a few years.
Kieran walked up behind Collin and wrapped his arms around the pup’s waist, “Don’t you mean our place? You live here not too ya know.”
Collin turned his head, “It’s still so hard to believe sometimes. I feel like I’m dreaming.’
“Believe me, this is not a dream.” Kieran nipped Collin lightly on the neck lightly. The young pup tensed slightly and then squirmed out of his grasp and into the living room. Sure they had been close all weekend but he knew Collin was still getting used to things and it’d take longer than just a few days to do that. Now, Collin was in a new environment and his wolf was probably going ballistic at the new sights and smells and his scent was all over the place.
Collin looked around, slowly almost hesitantly walking farther into the living room. Everything was so new and he wondered how long it was going to take him to get used to thinking that he lived his now with Kieran. At least he wasn’t going to have any issues with getting lost unlike Kieran’s parent’s place. There were also so many new smells that caught his attention yet Kieran’s scent seemed to layer on top of all of them so he mostly just smell Kieran’s scent, which he wasn’t complaining.
Walking out onto the balcony, Collin looked over the city and he could see the mountains in the distance and he probably stared at them for a good ten minutes alone before Kieran joined him, handing him a glass of water.
“Never thought you’d see something like this huh?”
Collin took a sip from the cup before shaking his head, “Never, I only dreamed of something like this. I didn’t think I’d make it in the wild but I like to believe in reincarnation so I hoped I’d be reborn into someone or something that could have the freedom so see sights like this.”  He blinked away the tears when Kieran put an arm around his waist.
“Just think of this as a re-birth. You are no longer the white werewolf outcast you were in your old pack but now just Collin, a werewolf and my mate. Nothing is going to change that so remember you get to see this every morning you wake up and every night before you fall asleep. Besides me of course.”
Collin couldn’t help but laugh at the last statement, “Why is everything about you in the end?”
“Because I’m your mate and you should only have eyes for me.” Kieran answered.
Collin looked up at Kieran, “You’re jealous of a mountain.”
Kieran grinned, “Damn right I am, how would you feel if I spent all my time staring at a mountain than you?”
Narrowing his eyes, Collin growled softy, “I’d make you look at me.”
“Now who’s jealous?” Kieran questioned.
Collin only smiled and turned back to look over the city, “You’re all I have so you don’t have to worry about my eyes wondering to anyone or anything.”
Kieran pulled Collin closer and he leaned down to rest his forehead on top of Collin’s head, his demon purring in appreciation. Collin then suddenly tensed and his face got flushed.
“You’re purring.” Collin murmured, sounding slightly surprised.
Kieran purred louder in response, turning slightly to pull Collin to his chest, “I am a cat demon so that is one of the things I can do. Does it bother you?”
Collin shook his head and his face got a shade darker, “No, I kind of like it. It’s cute.” He mumbled softly.
“I’ve only purred with you,” Kieran whispered, “It means I’m comfortable and my demon is happy that you’re near.” He smiled when Collin looked up at him and happiness shone in the werewolf’s blue eyes, a big smile forming on his face.
“Really?” Collin asked as his heart raced in his chest. No one had ever said that they were happy he was around. His family had barely said two words to him unless they were telling him to do something. They didn’t praise him when he did in school or thanked when he did something without being asked and never once did they say they loved him.
“Yes, really.” Kieran answered and his eyes softened when Collin’s eyes filled with tears.
“I don’t know what I’d do if this turned out to be a dream.” Collin’s voice shook and the tears fell down his face.
Kieran wiped the tears away as they fell and he grabbed Collin’s hand, placing it on his chest. “It’s not a dream love. I’m right here and I’ll always be here. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
“Thank you.” Collin whispered before burying his face into Kieran’s chest and he wrapped his arms around Kieran’s waist, hugging him tightly.
“You’re welcome baby.” Kieran held Collin tightly. Collin deserved the world and that’s what Kieran is going to give him.
- 3 -
“Keir, can you come by this afternoon, I need to talk to you.” Kieran said into his phone as he watched Collin rummage around in the kitchen making them lunch.
“Of course, any time in particular you want me to drop by?”
“Any time in the next few hours would be ideal though Collin’s making lunch so if you’re hungry, you’re more than welcome to come by sooner. I just gotta tell him to make extra if you do.”
“That will be nice. I just have to finish up here and I’ll be right over. I’ve been wanting to meet the werewolf father has been going about.”
“So you’ve talked to dad? I bet he did say anything good.”
“Not entirely, I’ll tell you more when I get there. See you soon.”
“Yeah, see ya.” Kieran pushed the end button, tossing the phone onto the couch. “Collin.” He called. Collin paused what he was doing and turned to face him.
“My brother Keir is dropping by, could you make enough for three?”
Nodding, Collin smiled and went back to what he was doing. It didn’t take him long but now he knew his way around the kitchen and probably knew it better than Kieran did.
Kieran continued to watch Collin move about the kitchen. Collin had taken it upon himself to make their meals from now on and while he told the pup it wasn’t necessary since he had his own personal cook. Collin had insisted though, saying it was something he liked to do and who was Kieran to deny him that. He also couldn’t lie when he liked seeing Collin smile when he said what Collin made was better than anything his cook had made.
Kieran was very curious as to what Keir was going to tell him and he could only imagine what his father had said without them around. He knew it wasn’t going to make him happy and probably make Collin upset but he need to be prepared when he confronted the older demon. He didn’t plan on talking to his father until Collin and he mated, making it official but he didn’t want to pressure Collin into anything he didn’t want to do and he couldn’t avoid his father forever. He was sure his father would make an appearance in the next few weeks and he will not be happy to find out that not only did he have Collin still with him but another white werewolf living with him.
He already knew that was surely to cause another fight and his father won’t back down so easily this time. He just wished his father would just accept it, that Collin was here to stay and also that he wasn’t going to become clan leader. That position was rightfully Keir’s and if his father kept pushing the issue, he’d eventually take it up with Lucifer to make his father back down. That was his last resort and he hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
It was a good half an hour later when Kieran heard the door to his loft open and Keir walked in carrying in a bag. Keir’s eyes briefly shifted over Collin before meeting Kieran’s.
“It’s good to see you Keir.” Kieran said, “What did you bring?”
“A cake from downtown. I’d thought I’d being dessert since you’re offering lunch.”
Kieran smiled, “Do you buy cake for you gang too?” he asked jokingly.
“Every once and a while if they ask.” Keir answered with a straight face.
Chuckling, Kieran took the bag from Keir’s hands and placed it on the counter. Opposite to how he acted sometimes Keir was a softy. He could only imagine how Keir was going to treat his mate once he got one.
Keir was a few inches taller than him with golden blonde hair and peridot green eyes. Keir was also very straight-forward and didn’t sugar-coat things but underneath his poker face and monotone voice, he was a great guy and did everything in his power to make the ones close to him happy.
Kieran waved Collin to his side, “Collin, meet me eldest brother Keir and Keir, this is my mate Collin.”
Keir held out his hand and Collin hesitantly took it, shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you Collin. My brother is treating you right?”
Collin flushed, nodded his head and he pulled his hand away. “It’s nice to meet you too and yes, I couldn’t be any happier with Kieran.”
“That’s good.” A small smile came onto Keir’s face, “Don’t be afraid to tell him off sometimes. He likes to let things go to his head every once a while.”
“Don’t tell him that.” Kieran said, punching Keir in the shoulder and Collin nodded quickly before darting back into the kitchen saying something like that lunch was almost done. He motioned Keir to the couch so they could talk while Collin finished.
“I see you haven’t mated with the pup yet.” Keir said as he sat on the couch.
Kieran said beside him, leaning back, “No, not yet. We’re taking it slow and waiting until its right. I might be Collin’s mate but we’ve only known each other for less than a week. I told him I didn’t mind waiting until he was ready.”
Keir nodded, understanding, “Must be hard on him. When werewolves find their mate no matter what age or how long they’ve known each other, the urge for them to mate is strong.”
“Yeah I know and what’s really hard is that he’s not used to anything affection wise since he was the outcast of the pack so I try not to push him so much. There is only so much someone can get used to in less than a week. I’d be more concerned if he was ready to mate with me at this point but it’s getting harder and harder to keep my hands off him now that my demon has accepted him.”
“I don’t blame you, he’s cute. You’ve got yourself a looker and when he grows up a bit more, he’s going to be gorgeous.”
Kieran looked back to Collin and smiled, “Is it bad I hope he stay like this forever, like a puppy?”
“Of course not but you’ll love him either way right?” Keir asked.
“Of course I will.” Kieran answered, his eyes softening when Collin noticed him staring and smiled back at him from across the room. No matter, what, he’d always love Collin.
“You’ve really piss him off this time Kieran, he’s threatening to disown you if you mate with Collin.”
Kieran groaned and ran a hand through his hair as he leaned back, “I figured it’d come to that eventually but he won’t go through with it, mom won’t allow it. He’s more afraid of her than we are and if he tried to disown me, she’d kill him.”
Keir smiled, “That is very true. Even if he tried with that threat, Cyprian and I will tell him he has to disown us as well and when that’s on the table, he’ll definitely won’t go through with it.”
“Don’t do that, you never know what he’s going to do and might just disown all of us. However, it wouldn’t last long since mom would never let him do that. I’m still holding onto the hope, he’d just drop the whole thing.” Kieran glanced down at Collin who was staring at his hands either listening or off in his own little world.
“I don’t care what he says or does, Collin is here to stay and I wouldn’t let him go for anything in the world.” Collin now looked up at him with curious eyes and he wrapped an arm around Collin’s shoulders, pulling him close.
“Dad said you were only using Collin to get out of marring Vanessa but I can see that’s not the case and you truly care about Collin.”
Kieran growled lowly, “I’m not playing this game with him. I’m Collin’s mate and my demon has accepted Collin and if he doesn’t believe that, tell him to come over and I’ll prove it to him. Collin is mine and I don’t want anyone else nor will I ever. Tell him that the next time you talk to him.”
Keir held his hands up in defense, “I never doubted you but you know how dad is when he had his mind set on something. I’m still trying to figure out why he’s in such a hurry to make you clan leader and for you to have cubs.”
Shaking his head, Kieran sighed, “I have no idea and why Vanessa? Is the Ives clan special in some way I don’t know about? If he really wants more king cheetah demons, you’d think he’d try and set me up with Lilith from the Degray clan, she’s still unmated and I would have had been more likely to have king cheetah demon cubs with her. The Ives clan has no king cheetah demon.”
“Exactly,” Keir responded, “I don’t understand why Vanessa either. It’s not like we have any trouble with the Ives clan.”
“We won’t know unless we ask him but the likely hood of him telling us is nonexistence.”
Keir frowned, “Most likely and mom probably doesn’t know either. Though it is safe to say that she approves of you and Collin, she just wants you to be happy and if Collin makes you happy, she’s okay with that.”
Kieran smiled at that. He was unsure how she felt through the weekend but he was glad she approved of them. She wasn’t as selfish as their father and always told them she wanted what was best for them and the fact that she knew that Collin was best for him made his chest swell with happiness. Now, if only their father felt the same way.”
“Do you have any plans this weekend or had Cyprian talked to you already?”
Kieran shook his head, “Besides getting Collin’s friend on Friday, we’re free all weekend, what’s going on?”
“Cyprian and Vanessa are having a get-together at their new place Saturday and are inviting family and a few friends from the clan to come. You’ll probably be getting a call from him some time soon.”
“Wow, they already got a home, that’s great. As long as Collin and Lennox can come, we’ll stop by.”
“Lennox?” Keir questioned, looking confused.
“Lennox is Collin’s friend from his old pack and since Lennox is a white werewolf too, when he shifts on Friday, they’ll be kicking him out. So when that happens, we’ll be going to pick him and I’m letting him stay here.”
“Dad won’t be too happy about that.” Keir murmured.
“To hell with him,” Kieran hissed, “I’m not a child anymore and whoever I let stay here is none of his concern. Let him try and stop me. Collin’s happiness is my top priority and if it makes Collin happy to see his friend safe, I’ll do anything in my power to make that happen.”
Keir smiled softly and nodded in agreement, “I was so afraid that dad was going to turn you into his puppet and it makes me happy to see that you have a mind of your own. If I saw you heading down that path, I was going to take you to live with me so you wouldn’t be in his control. I’m so glad it didn’t come to that and I would have done anything to see that didn’t happen.”
Collin’s eyes got wide at the look of love in Keir’s eyes. He was always told that demons were vicious, heartless creatures and didn’t care about anything but themselves and now he knew that was the farthest thing from the truth. Demons seemed to have a deeper bond with the ones in their family and clans than maybe even werewolves. He couldn’t see demons kicking someone out of their clans for something petty like fur color or even what animal demon they were. He couldn’t stop the tears from blurring his vision or the small sob that escaped him. Next thing he knew he was being turned to face Kieran and his tears were wiped away by a warm hand.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Kieran’s voice was filled with concern and Kieran’s eyes were searching his.
“Everything I learned about demons were a lie,” Collin took in a shallow breath, trembling, “He really cares about you and I wish I had that in my old pack. It make me realize I never had a true family, that they could have never loved me as much as Keir loves you.”
“Oh, darling,” Kieran whispered softly, “Please, don’t cry.” He cupped Collin’s cheeks and kissed him, “Don’t think about them anymore okay? I’m your family now as well as mine and I love you more than you could ever know just the way you are. God, you’re perfect baby.” He said breathlessly, happy to see Collin’s eyes light up at his words, “They don’t deserve your tears, hell even your thoughts. Just know that you are my everything for the rest of our lives.” He pulled Collin onto his lap, holding him close and Collin’s arms came around his neck in return. Be damned if Keir was watching them, he wasn’t ashamed to comfort his mate with others around. He breathed in Collin’s scent, the smell of campfire and wild flowers, the most addictive smell he had ever come across. He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of Collin’s scent.
Glancing up, he gave Keir a sheepish smile, he didn’t expect the conversation to turn to this but after a few minutes, once he calmed down Collin pulled back, blushing as he slipped off Kieran’s lap.
“Sorry.” Collin whispered.
“Nothing to be sorry about baby.” Kieran whispered in reply and he reached over to squeeze Collin’s hand.
Collin gave him a small smile, “I’m going to go wash up, and I’ll be right back.” He pulled his hand away slowly, brushing his fingertips across Kieran’s palm before he went upstairs.
Kieran watched Collin until the pup disappeared into their bedroom before turning back to his brother, “Not what you were expecting I’m sure, sorry about that.”
Keir merely shrugged his shoulder, “Not the first time I’ve seen something like that. Most of the members have mates and it’s not a weakness for anyone to show love or compassion to the ones around them in front of others. I don’t understand werewolves and why they do what they do but that doesn’t make them the bad guy. All of us in our own way are also the bad guy, remember that we’ve all done things aren’t proud of.”
Kieran nodded, “I understand. I’ve always been wary of them but now that I know what they are capable of doing to their own kind, how can I look at them the same?” he questioned, waiting for an answer.
“Just like us and vampires, werewolves do things their way. They don’t say anything about what we do and we don’t say anything in return. It’s how it is and how it’s always been.”
Kieran narrowed his eyes, “Not always, I was young but I remember.”
“That’s the past and we are in the present. We’ve learned from our past mistakes and we won’t repeat them. I have to go though, things I need to check up on but thank you for lunch.” Keir paused to look up at Collin who had made it to the middle of the stairs, “It was nice to meet you Collin, I hope to see you this weekend.”
Collin looked to Kieran for a brief moment, “It was nice meeting you too and I hope so as well.”
Keir nodded before making his way out of the apartment.
Kieran hadn’t moved from the couch so he pulled Collin into his lap before the pup had the chance to sit down beside him and held him close. “If Cyprian says it’s okay, would you and Lennox even want to go, I won’t force you if you don’t want to come.”
Collin tucked his head under Kieran’s chin, “I can’t speak from Lennox since he’s never met a demon in his life or hell, I’m the only one besides his family he’s ever met. His family never even let him go to school so I was the one who taught him how to read and write. They were 10 times worse than my family and I wouldn’t put it past them to hurt him when they chase him off to make sure he doesn’t survive.”
“Do you really think they’ll do that?” Kieran reached over and grabbed Collin’s hand, interlacing their fingers together.
“I wouldn’t put it past them. I overheard his parents talking to mine about just killing him to save him the trouble of surviving in the wild, saying that a quick death would be merciful and they’d feel a little less guilty about the whole thing.”
“If they knew they were going to feel guilty, why do it in the first place?” Kieran hissed, tightening his hold on Collin, “I can’t believe they didn’t let him go to school, did they keep him in a cage or something?”
Collin tensed and squeezed Kieran’s hand, “They thought he didn’t need to experience those kind of things since he was never going to live that type of life. He was the youngest so he didn’t have any siblings to take care of like I did so he was locked in his room all day and it was the size of a storage closet basically. The only reason why he met me was because my parents convinced his that it'd be a good idea for us to become close so if we stayed in the wild together, we’d have a better chance at survival. He’s going to be worse than me at adapting, meeting others and now demons. Growing up, I was told that demons were vicious, awful creatures that ate humans for the hell of it, killed others if they didn’t get their way and that they didn’t care about anything but themselves so that’s what I told him when he asked about other creatures in the world. I doubt he’s even seen outside, doesn’t know how anything works and it’ll take him a longer time to adjust to anything and everything.”
“That’s just awful.” Kieran whispered, “I’ve never heard anything like this. It’s takes a lot for a demon to get kicked out of the clan, more than just not listening to the clan leaders and vampires are the same way. It’s extremely rare for them to kick someone out of their clans. I assumed werewolves were the same way since the more wolves in the pack, the stronger the pack was as a whole.”
“I guess they’d rather be a weaker pack than risk having a cursed wolf around on the off case they bring a curse that wipes out the pack.”
“Is there even proof that white werewolves being bad luck after their shift?”
Collin only shrugged his shoulders and he nuzzled his nose against Kieran’s neck. He knew it was because Kieran was his mate but he loved the demons scent, the smell of rain and grass. He found it odd yet addictive. Odd because he assumed that Kieran being a cheetah demon, he wouldn’t have such a strong scent not that he was complaining. With Kieran’s scent all over the place, it was getting harder and harder to ignore the urge to mate with demon.
He learned a little bit about mating from the older kids in the pack when he went to school. He was told that your mate was your other half and nothing would be the same once you met them, you’d never be able to live without them and you’d go insane from being separated from them. Also, that the urge to claim them would hit you like a literal freight train and god did it. It took everything he had not to pounce Kieran when he walked into the hospital room and even now he didn’t know how long he could hold out.
Collin shifted on Kieran’s lap to where he was straddling Kieran’s lap, legs on either side of Kieran’s thighs and he wrapped his arms around Kieran’s neck, watching closely to Kieran’s reaction. He shuddered when Kieran’s hands came up to rest on his hips and he noticed that the demon’s eyes darkened slightly, pupils shifting to slits.
“Collin.” Kieran whispered.
Collin’s eyes briefly fluttered shut at the sweet tone in Kieran’s voice and when he opened them, Kieran’s eyes had bled to a dark red. He tilted his head, leaning in until their lips were only a breath away and he waited until the right moment, pulling back right as Kieran leaned in to close the distance. He couldn’t stop the smile forming on his face when Kieran growled softly.
“You damn tease.” Kieran muttered before flipping them on the couch so Collin was now on his back, Collin’s legs wrapped around his waist at the sudden movement. It was his turn to smile at Collin’s wide eyed, shocked expression, “Don’t test me pup.” He purred.
Collin’s face flushed and his breathing quickly got heavy, his heart racing in his chest. He wasn’t sure if he was fully up to having sex yet but he couldn’t hold his wolf back from claiming his mate.
“Collin, I want you to tell me the truth. Are you ready to have sex with me? This is a big thing and if you aren’t ready, I want you to tell me and I don’t want you to think you have to rush for my sake, we can wait.”
Collin shook his head, “But I-”
Kieran kissed him softly, cutting off his next words, “No buts darling, I know it’s hard, trust me. My demon wants to claim you just as badly but you control the pace, not your wolf or my demon. It’s not a rush okay however, I do know of a way for you to claim me without having sex just yet, do you trust me?”
Eyes softening when Collin nodded his head, Kieran sat up, running his hands over Collin’s thighs as he did so. Collin sighed breathlessly as heat filled his belly, his eyes glazing over. He watched Kieran grab the hem of shirt and lift it over his head, throwing it to the floor before leaning over to hover above him. His hands itched to touch the demon above him but he held back, digging his fingers into the couch.
Kieran noticed what Collin was doing and gently grabbed Collin’s wrist, bringing his hand up to the pup’s palm was pressed to his chest. He grinned as Collin’s hand begun to tremble.
“You’re gonna have to get used to touching me, baby. Don’t be shy, you can’t do anything wrong.” Kieran whispered.
“I-I’ve never done this before.” Collin stuttered.
“I know love but you have to start somewhere and maybe someday, you’ll take charge.” Kieran said with a wink.
Collin blushed at the thought, his body shuddering and his eyes moved to his hand on Kieran’s chest, brushing his fingertips against the demon’s skin. He hesitantly ran his hand over Kieran’s abs, feeling ever dip and warmth of the demon's skin before coming up to rest it against neck. This feeling was foreign to him, the feeling of warm skin of another and he could only hope he’d get used to it.
Kieran leaned against Collin’s touch and he begun to purr, taking into notice at how Collin tensed. He slowly slipped his hands under Collin’s shirt, watching the pup’s reaction before moving his hands to Collin’s sides, brushing his fingers over his belly. He stilled, meeting Collin’s eyes and he waited for Collin to get his approval to continue. Collin’s blue eyes shone with anxiousness and most importantly trust. With a small nod from Collin, he moved his hand down to the edge or Collin’s pants, watching for any reaction that told him he was going too far. With nothing of the sort, Kieran unbuttoned Collin’s jeans and pulled down the zipper.
Collin’s breath hitched as Kieran’s warm fingers brushed against him and he noticed he could hear every small noise, the sound of his heavy breathing and Kieran’s soft purring to comfort him. Everything was so new to him, the feeling of Kieran’s hands, the warmth in his belly and the fog in his head that muddled all his thoughts. He couldn’t help but wonder how Kieran was feeling. He took in a sharp breath, eyes going wide and back arching when Kieran slipped his pants down slightly, hands coming to rest on his thighs and out of instinct, his hand snapped to Kieran’s wrist, stopping him.
Kieran instantly stopped and looked up at Collin, eyes softening at the slight fear that swim behind blue irises. He didn’t remove his hands but he leaned down, kissing Collin’s gently. “It’s okay baby. I just wanna make you feel good.” He purred lowly.
Collin’s eyes wavered, “I- I um, I mean, I’ve.” He hesitated, his face growing warmer, “I’ve never.” He whispered as he shyly met Kieran’s gaze, hoping the demon understood without him actually saying it, it was embarrassing.
“Never?” Kieran’s eyes widened slightly when Collin shook his head.
“I was the 3rd of 10 siblings, I never had privacy, even in the bathroom.” Collin murmured as he averted his gaze. It was silent for a few moments and he couldn’t help but think Kieran didn’t want him anymore because he was so inexperienced. Tears blurred his vision and he squirmed in discomfort.
“Baby, don’t cry.” Kieran said softly as he wiped away the tears, “I don’t like seeing you cry. There is nothing to be ashamed of so look back at me and believe me when I say that the fact that I’ll be the first one ever to give you that kind of pleasure makes me extremely happy.” When Collin looked back to him, their gazes locked, he leaned down kissing Collin breathlessly and only separating when Collin’s legs tightened around his waist. “Darling, I don’t care about that. I just want to give you the pleasure you deserve, I want to make a mess of you and see your face as you come for the first time, Can I?”
Collin’s face took on the shade of a cherry, flushing to the tips of his ears and Kieran was concerned the poor pup was going to pass out but Collin squeezed his eyes shut and nodded his head.
Kieran smirked, “Thank you.”  He whispered quietly as he moved down to Collin’s neck, nipping at the skin he found there. Collin gasped, his leg jerking against Kieran’s hip and he tilted his head back to allow Kieran more access. Kieran wasted no time and continued to nip at Collin’s neck, moving his hand to cup Collin’s erection through his boxers.
Collin’s back arched, a small whimper escaping and his hips stilled as pleasure raced up his spine. Eyes blurred over from the pleasure and he wondered if he was feeling this much already, what it would feel like if Kieran touched him directly.
When Kieran could tell Collin was close, he moved up so his shoulder was in front of Collin’s face and so he could purr in Collin’s ear. At some point both of Collin’s arms had managed to wrap around his back and Collin was digging his now lengthened claws into the back of shoulder. It didn’t hurt but he knew he’d have to get used to it with having a werewolf as lover. He couldn’t blame Collin either, he assumed Collin was drowning in so much pleasure that he had no idea what he was doing anymore.
Collin couldn’t believe his ears at all the noises he was making, whimpering and moaning with every movement of Kieran’s hand and it embarrassed him like nothing else not even getting naked in front of the pack for his first shift.
“Just let it go baby, cum for me.”
Collin vaguely heard Kieran whisper in his ear and something snapped, his back arched and he practically screamed, moaning loudly as his vision went white.
“Bite my shoulder darling.”
Collin’s eyes went wide as his vision instantly came back, gold eyes locked onto shocked red ones as he did what he was instructed, his canines sinking into the demon’s skin, claiming him. His body trembled with the after-effects of his orgasm, pleasure still numbing his body when the sweet taste of Kieran’s blood over-powered him, his hips jerking up as a second orgasm washed over him. His head fell back onto the pillow once his wolf was satisfied with the claim and his body shook, his breath caught in his throat. His arms fell limply to his sides and he was soon learning that it was hard to keep his eyes open and it wasn’t until Kieran whispered that it was okay for him to sleep, did he obey his body’s demand, eyes slipping shut and he fell asleep surrounded by comforting arms, a hand running through his hair.
- 3 -
When Kieran opened his eyes, he noticed that Collin wasn’t cuddled to his chest anymore but was cooking in the kitchen. As he stood from the couch, he could feel his shoulder aching from when Collin claimed him, the pup sure didn’t know how to hold back. Making his way into the kitchen he snuck up on the unsuspecting pup by wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him back.
“How are you feeling?”
Collin nearly jumped out of his skin, jerking his head around, “I-I ’m fine.” He answered quickly. His face begun to heat up as he remembered what happened just hours earlier and he glanced at the bite mark on Kieran’s shoulder, “Does it hurt?” he found himself asking.
Kieran chuckled, nuzzling the back of Collin’s neck, “Nah, it’s just a slight burning sensation. It takes more than just a love bite to hurt me. Is your wolf feeling better?”
Collin nodded and turned back to what he was making. His wolf seemed plenty satisfied and even though it wasn’t a full claiming, it felt nice to know that Kieran was his.
“I hope you don’t mind that I changed your clothes. I didn’t think you’d want to wake up in dirtied boxers, it’s not a pleasant feeling believe me.”
Collin felt his blush returning, “It’s fine, thank you.” He whispered. He was grateful but embarrassed all the same and now he didn’t know how he should face the other.
Kieran tightened his arms around Collin’s waist, still nuzzling the pup’s neck and he begun to purr in hopes of getting Collin to relax. Collin was tense, eyes way to focused on the task he was working on and he knew Collin was embarrassed but this was something he was definitely something the pup was going to have to get used to. Everyone he had been with in the past, he had been very affection with and now that the pup had partially claimed him, his demon was anxious to complete it. His demon wasn’t known for patience but he himself had plenty of practice.
“Baby, there’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, okay? Sex is a natural instinct, more so in our species and you were perfect so don’t think too hard about it.”
Collin nodded and finally relaxed, leaning into Kieran and he closed his eyes, “I know and I know I sound like a broken record yet, I’m still not used to things, such as the act or even the affection you’re showing me right now. It still feels weird sleeping in your arms at night.”
Kieran pulled back slightly, “Would it make you feel better if we slept in separate rooms for a while?”
Collin turned in Kieran’s arms, shaking his head, “I might not be used to it but that doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I can’t get used to it if we give up and your smell comforts me, helps me sleep.”
Kieran brought Collin closer, pressing his forehead against the pups, “I know darlin’ which is way we’re taking it slow, letting you get used to everything at your own pace. You trust me right?”
Smiling softly, Collin raised his gaze to meet Kieran’s, “I do trust you,’ he then dropped his gaze, “But that kind of scares me. Is that normal?”
“Very normal pup, trust is a scary feeling for anyone and a big step for you. The fact that you trust me in such a short time makes me extremely happy.” Kieran tilted his chin up and kissed Collin softly before releasing him. “Thank you. I can’t wait for dinner.”
Collin watched as Kieran walked back to the front room. It hadn’t even been a week and Kieran had given him so much, most he didn’t even think he deserved since he couldn’t give anything back in return but for the first time in a long time, he was happy.”
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godbirdart · 5 years
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zumitlg · 5 years
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satansplaguedoctor · 6 years
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This is one of my Sona’s Makarios done by CallyCat on Deviant art https://www.deviantart.com/callykitty
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wip of a babie..
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