theelvenhaven · 1 year
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Vanifinwe x Reader  Caranthir x Reader Relationship
2.9k words
Request:  Hi , could I request for Vanifinwe bonding time with Caranthir's s/o? I lowkey have this idea of Vani being skeptical or unsure of the reader is perfect for Caranthir and then after spending time with them she warms up to them and knows they are the one for Caranthir because they are kind, patient and understanding? Caranthir can lool over the while thing? Thank you.
A/N: Honestly anon I don’t think you’re far off the mark at all about her being skeptical. I was happy to write this! I hope you enjoy! :)
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Your hands ran along the ball of clay that Vanifinwë had left on the table that was before you, with her clay sitting across from you while she milled about the room. This was the first time you were spending time with Vanifinwë that was not in passing or at a family even that you were invited too.
When you two did spend any time together at those events and dinners, Vanifinwë, while she was never cold, was clearly skeptical of you. Not as warm and invested in you as she had been with the significant others amongst your partners brothers. Though she was still very kind and polite, and not in a honeyed venom kind of way. So that much was a relief to know that you were somewhat in her good graces. 
“Have you ever sculpted before?” Her soft and lilt voice suddenly spoke up, pulling you from your thoughts as a basin of water was set next to you, and her rose perfume wafted into your face. You looked up at the Princess who held a neutral look on her face, hard to tell if she was pleased to be here or not. Or what it was she felt for you, but slowly you began to shake your head. 
“No I can’t say that I have, this would be a first for me.” You answered her in earnest, and you watched this time as a faint smile found her lips and she nodded her head. Walking around the table to sit across from you as she set her basin of water down next to the clay, rolling up her sleeves to her stained tunic and you began to mirror her seeing if the professional artist was doing it… well there must be some basis for why. 
“Perfect, hopefully you will find enjoyment in it.” She smiled to you, and you gave her a half-hearted smile in return, feeling a little nervous now. As you wanted to make a good and last impression on Vanifinwë as she seemed to be the only Fëanorian whose approval you didn’t know you had or not. 
“What are we going to do exactly with it?” You asked her, referring to the lump of clay,
“Sculpt anything you like, it can be a figure or an object if you wish it. I would’ve done pottery wheels… But I think this would be much easier for you to do. My only I suppose rule for this is try and add lots of detail.” She explained to you, still with that more charming smile, one that almost nerve-wracking reminded you of Feanaro and even Curufinwe. She was certainly her father’s daughter, and you suspected there was an ulterior motive to why you two were spending time together. Though you hoped it was because she wanted to get to know you personally. 
“Alright I think I can do that.” You answered her with some confidence, and without another word the two of you began to dive into your lumps of clay and began to sculpt away. A silence falling over the two of you, and you couldn’t tell if it was just your nerves getting the best of you, creating an imaginary tension or if there was a tension there between the two of you. 
Quietly you began to mull over what you wanted to make as you manipulated the clay between your fingers and hands, deciding that something simple would be more ideal. Perhaps a holder of some kind where spare quills or charcoal pencils could be stored, for Carnistir on his desk. With lots of little detail, but you honestly hadn’t the slightest clue how you’d put it together. 
But you weren’t going to let that stop you as you began to roll out some of your clay hoping to create a panel for the bottom. Then hoping to move on to create sides… Though you would need help for sure on putting it together. You were in your own world, focused on the clay panels you were creating that you forgot that Vanifinwë was even there in the room with you. 
She didn’t seem to be paying you any mind either, at least that was what you could assume until she finally opened her mouth to speak. 
“Y/N,” Her soft voice spoke up suddenly pulling you from your thoughts and you peered up to look at her, seeing how she was focused on the indiscernible object before her 
“How is it you and my brother came to court one another? I’m afraid I don’t remember or wasn’t present when it was told.” Being the last and youngest Fëanorian did have it’s drawbacks in the fact that sometimes she was forgotten or assumed to be present for all things in family matters or private speakings. Carnistir had never told her, and she assumed that he would’ve done so when he was ready, but he never did. Meaning everyone else but her knew and everyone assumed she knew. 
Piercing blue eyes peered up from the clay and looked over at you, and you could see the sparkle of curiosity in her eyes as she looked at you. Letting some of that impenetrable wall down in front of you, putting you a little more at ease to see her so relaxed with you. 
“Well…” You began with a fond sigh, picking up one of the clay tools in front of you that was to be shared between the two of you. 
“It came after one of the festivals that King Finwe hosted, we were out in the gardens when Carnistir pulled us somewhere secluded,” You began to smile as you worked, “He gently held my hand and asked me if I would court him. It was so sweet and endearing in the way he asked.” You tried not to gush and giving her the straightforward answer, you watched the way Vanifinwë seemed to smile some at your words. 
“Was it romantic? Or was he just his straightforward self?” She asked with more curiosity in her tone, and it certainly soothed you to hear her so curious in what it was you were talking about. Let alone about you as well, 
“It was more romantic, he… held my hands and brought them up to kiss. His voice was really soft and he stood really close and then he kissed me when I said yes. I was so nervous in that moment, but everything just felt so right and perfect.” You continued to gush more, and you watched as Vanifinwë seemed to wear some surprise at your description. 
“You are surprised?” You asked with your own confusion, wondering why it was she would be when Carnistir was a perfect gentleman with you. Romantic too especially when you two were in private with one another. Vanifinwë released a soft breath of amusement, as she paused in her work for a moment, leaning back on the stool and shifting to get more comfortable on it. 
“Yes, I am.” She answered you honestly, “Carnistir is usually so guarded and protective over how he feels, it is honestly hard for me to imagine him having such low walls with anyone else. Even with a romantic partner.” Now that was hard for you to imagine him being so guarded and protective in front of you, granted he wasn’t always the most forthcoming verbally, but he didn’t hide his emotions from you when you were present with him. 
“It is strange for me to hear you say that as I feel like he is always open with me about how he feels.” You said, your fingers gently cutting out square panels to be able to put on the bottom piece of clay to form your little miscellaneous holder. You watched as a fond smile found Vanifinwë’s lips at your words, unbeknownst to you Vanifinwë felt some relief to know that Carnistir trusted you so immensely. 
In truth she feared that you were just out to use Carnistir like many other elves had tried to do with before. Though he had thwarted them all, part of her could see what you meant to him and feared that you were no better than everyone else, she still had questions though before she’d make her final decision in how it was she felt about you. 
Nonetheless she already felt reassured by the words you were telling her, it was good to know her most guarded yet sensitive brother felt so good to be with you. She only hoped that you too felt the same way about him. Let alone the biggest trial which was dealing with his anger. As it ran off most other elves who finally got a taste of his wrath even if it wasn’t directed at them. 
“That is good that he trusts you so immensely to share his feelings with you, Y/N.” She said, offering you another smile as she began to continue working on her little sculpture before her. 
“Do you feel the same way? Like you can trust him with your feelings?” 
“If I am being honest, yes I do. I know if I tell him how I am feeling Carnistir will listen to me and support me in however I need it.” Your answer was reassuring to Vanifinwë, to know that it was reciprocal. She kept it to herself how many potential suitors couldn’t even answer that honestly, or how they’d immediately laugh out how they wouldn’t share such things with him. Or that it was foolish to attempt to do so. 
“I am relieved to hear it, if I am being honest with you.” Vanifinwë said to you as she continued to sculpt away, with another comfortable silence falling over the two of you for a moment while you two worked. But it didn’t last long as Vanifinwë opened her mouth to speak again. 
“What do you think of my brother?” She asked you, again there was a note of curiosity in her voice and for this you were excited to answer her, as you loved Carnistir and you loved being able to gush over him. You smiled widely as you looked to Vanifinwë and you watched as she seemed to soften tremendously at your expression. 
“I think he is wonderful, he is kind to me and such a gentleman.” You began, “I appreciate his kindness, I enjoy hearing his thoughts about things and he’s quite creative with some of the things he says. I think he is clever and I love to find a topic that gets him really passionate when he speaks.” You grinned widely with a fond sigh falling off your lips. 
“I love the way his face lights up when he gets to speaking about his favorite subjects. Though if I am being honest, I love the way his face reddens when he does something sweet and romantic.” Vanifinwë began to chuckle at your words, enthused to hear you speak so highly of Carnistir and that he had such a loving and adoring partner. It helped put her mind a lot at ease knowing that he had you. 
Vanifinwë was starting to feel silly that she had been so skeptical as Carnistir had always been so good at vetting those that didn’t care much about him. She should’ve trusted her brother on the matter, then again it was good to have confirmation for herself and having this talk and time to spend with one another. Though she had one final and important question for you:
“His temper, what do you think of it?” You were silent as her question, almost afraid to give your honest answer, it was becoming clear to you that Vanifinwë wanted to know what it was you thought of her brother. And if you were good enough for him and this question she posed made you concerned with the fact that it was hard not to be scared by Carnistir’s anger. Especially at its worst, you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t scare you. 
“It… intimidates me.” That was putting it lightly, “I have heard how bad it can get and I have seen it on occasion.” You answered her truthfully, you didn’t see a point in trying to hide it from her. There was the possibility that one day you could be siblings and you didn’t want to lie to her. It just wasn’t in your nature either. 
Vanifinwë nodded her head as she paused again in her work, and honestly you did too as the two of you looked at one another. There was a look of sympathy on her face as she hummed, 
“I understand entirely that his anger is intimidating.” She said to you in earnest and it brought relief that she too understood what that was like. If anything it surprised you too, because shouldn’t she be used to it? Vanifinwë did live with him and should be accustomed to all of his habits and outbursts. 
“Forgive me for asking… But shouldn’t you be used to it?” You asked with hesitation, but you watched as she began to chuckle at your question. Shaking her head no, making her long black ponytail swish at the motion, 
“Believe it or not no, I’ve never really… gotten used to his anger and wrath, and I don’t blame you for being intimidated by it. Though it says much that you would stay despite how intense it can be. But I hope he never aims it at you.” She said to you, and quickly you shook your head, holding your hands out as you did the motion, frantic to clear any of that up. 
“No! Eru no! Carnistir never aims it at me, it mostly seems to be at your brothers or other people who have gotten under his skin.” You answered her, and again Vanifinwë began to laugh softly at your reaction, with another sigh of relief leaving her lips. Nodding her head at what you told her, good she was glad that he didn’t direct his anger at you. 
“Good, I am glad for it. I am glad Carnistir cares so much about you Y/N and that you care about him.” Vanifinwë paused for a moment, and you didn’t speak, seeing as it appeared she might have something else to add. Your suspicions were confirmed a moment later, 
“I must confess, and must ask for your forgiveness, but I was… skeptical of you Y/N.” Her honesty surprised you and you couldn’t help but wear it on your face as you stared back at her. Vanifinwë gave you a more sheepish look, but she kept going. 
“It is just, Carnistir has had so many others view him for just his status or what he can do for them. Granted he has run them all off himself, I feared when he felt so strongly about you that he might be… blinded by his feelings for you I didn’t want him to get hurt. But I can see that is clearly not the case.” You were silent, and you felt an ache in your chest to know that Carnistir had been used before you. 
That so many had overlooked just how wonderful of a ner he was, and how gentle and loving he could be. Part of you, of course, grateful that none of it worked out, but you knew it must have hurt for him to have gone through those trials. 
“I can understand why you were skeptical hearing you say that… Poor Carnistir. That must have been difficult and painful for him to have gone through.” You watched Vanifinwë nod again with a more solemn and serious expression, her hands coming across the table to reach for yours that was sitting there. 
“Yes it was, but he has you. I shouldn’t have doubted you or his judgment. I hope that you are not upset with me, though I would understand if you were.” Gently you took her hand in yours to hold, and you watched as Vanifinwë gave you a warm smile at the returned platonic affection. You shook your head, 
“No, I am not upset, I understand. I would do the same for any of my siblings.” You said to her honestly and you felt her slender hand give yours a squeeze, and you smiled back at her. 
“I am relieved to hear you say that, Y/N-” As she spoke both of your eyes went to the square container you were making, only watching as the top began to cave in at the top of it and fold in on itself. The two of you snorted at the sight, interrupting Vanifinwë. 
“Now, let me help you with your project.” She laughed out, and you grinned nervously pulling your hand away to rub the back of your neck. 
“That would.. Be nice. I am pretty bad at this.” You mused to her, as Vanifinwë picked up her stool and walked it around the table to sit next to you. You scooted your stool some out of the way as she took her place next to you. 
“That is alright, I will help you.” Vanifinwë smiled at you, more warmly and friendlier, 
“Now here’s how we can fix this.” She began starting to show you what to do, and you couldn’t help but be relieved all that weird tension was gone. That she understood you better, so you tuned back into what she was telling you. Happy to spend this time with Vanifinwë, bonding with one another. 
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Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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theladyvanya · 2 years
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A GORGEOUS Vanifinwë portrait done by the WONDERFUL @noldorinpainter
I am SO honored that they drew such a beautiful picture of my Vani 💖 she looks absolutely stunning! Your art style is so so so beautiful! Thank you so so so much for this! And the little adorable picture to go with it! 💖
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god-blog · 6 days
My altar!
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Some of the images are my own, some are from the internet, and some are from the following artists: @eclipse89, @eluneth, @darkearthsuggestions, @hymntoapollo, @apolloforetoldus, @just-pagan-things, @obsidian-pages777, @etherealtrash
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simply-sithel · 2 years
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Trying to get back into sketching, working on filling the space. Started as a drapery study while on an art call with @eluneth and I just... kept going. So here's another Tumblr Saint-- the personification of the curator of a well themed reblog account.
Unpainted version below cut--
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I mean... I kinda' like it more B&W but the point of an exercise is to push oneself. Always be learning...
a tumblr saint has she blessed your feed? do you know who it is?
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eluneth · 7 years
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For the joy of dragons and miniature books! Final handbound book I put together this fall - bright saffron + Italian floral print + an inset print of my original illustration of a happy reader and her dragon friend. [Available on Etsy] 
All proceeds from my Etsy store are donated to environmental organizations and other charities. (Last year, for example, all proceeds went to the Sierra Club, Kiva, and Planned Parenthood.)
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fenharel · 6 years
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fenharel-archived · 6 years
9, 10, 13, 14 + 18 xx
9.What did you name your mabari(s)?
fang → nymerias dog
edgar→ caris dog
bear → eleanors dog
10.Favorite NPC?
mhhh… sandal & flemeth because both of them are so mysterious i wanna know everything! i also love abelas & ameridan a lot
13. Favorite class/race combo?
elf/anything tbh :/ but im going with elf/mage because i love to piss off the chantry
14. Go-to adventuring group (for DAO, DAA, DA2, or DAI)?
i live for banter but the go-to’s at least from dao-da2 are easy:
dao: zevran, morrigan, alistairdaa: anders, nathaniel, velanna or oghrenda2: anders, varric, fenrisdai: this one is harder because i mix it up all the time the only one who is always there is literally solas lmao. i do love the full mage squad solas/dorian/vivienne to hear them roast each other, or solas/sera/blackwall is funny n cute & powerful to kill bosses with, or solas/dorian/cole is very soft n nice and imo the most interesting party during main quests
18. If you could change one thing in the games, what would it be?
mhhh i wanna jump with solas into his eluvian during trespasser, obviously?no yes but honestly this one is too hard and i bet there are some valid stuff i would agree on if someone would point them out but the one thing i can think of rn is that i fucking hate that during inquisition its always implied that anders is a fucking villain it triggers me every timeedit: also especially romanced zev not getting any content in dai! bad & evildragon age asks (random)
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laura-lareine · 3 years
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@eluneth and I made an art trade!!! I drew for her a piece and she painted it, and vice versa 🥰 and this is the result!! A very cute faun!!, I loved to use my color green because I love the granulation!!! Thank you, Diana, for the wonderful piece !! It’s always lovely to paint nature 💚 Bless you! It’s a relaxing piece I could work while watching my garden. 💚 Also I tested brush linearting, I’m still getting used to it! #watercoloring #faun #fauno #greenshades #relaxingwatercolor #experimentalwatercolor #aquarelando #naturewatercolor #naturepainting #mythologyart https://www.instagram.com/p/CUuruNAr75w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zoesrepository · 4 years
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Cosplayer Eluneth as Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth. Like all of the Elizabeths.
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greatskyriver · 4 years
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Drawing Night (well, more like Day) with friends. I tried some values studies for the first time, using photographs of people. Talk about jumping into the deep end. Humans are tough!
Thank you to @eluneth + @simply-sithel + friend for a great time.
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leviiackrman · 6 years
hey jess, it's sophie. i've come back to tumblr and this is my new blog xx also congrats on the 1k!
Hey lovely! Just followed you! And thank you sm!!
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Pretty Negotiators
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Ambarussa x Vanifinwe
2.6k Words
Vanifinwë came running down the hallway as she spied Ambarussa walking into the household, squealing with excitement as she bounced and skipped in her run. A big beaming grin on her face, bringing the two from their conversation to see her coming full speed right at them. Pityafinwë leaned down to hold out his arms and lift her from the floor. 
“Vani! It is so good to see you!” Pityo said and Vanifinwë threw her arms around his neck as she hugged her hanyo snugly. 
“I misseded you so much!” Vanifinwë said to her Pityo before pulling away from him and leaning towards Telufinwë, who reached to take her from Pityafinwë. Her arms also came around his neck to hug him close to her, and Telufinwë rubbed her back tenderly as he held her. 
They had been gone on a hunting excursion for the last couple of weeks, missing out on a lot of the excitement that was going on in the household. So had Tyelkormo but Vanifinwë had seen her Tyelko already, who promised her that Pityo and Telvo would play with her when they got home. 
“Will you guys play with me?” Vanifinwë asked, Nelyafinwë was busy with their grandfather and Atya. Makalaure was gone for a recital today, and Carnistir was particularly in a mood now that Tyelkormo was back. And Curvo… Well Curvo never wanted to play with Vanifinwë. At least, not in the ways she wanted to play. 
“Of course we will nesa! We will have lots of fun together and everything!” Pityafinwë said not thinking about what she might have up her sleeve, and they both watched as a big and happy grin spread across her face at the idea that they were going to come and play with her. 
“YAY!” Vanifinwë squealed out, clapping her hands together and the twins began to chuckle at her reaction. The little one began to wiggle out of Telufinwë’s hold, forcing him to set her down and she was quick to grab both of their hands and begin to try and drag them along. 
“What are we going to play, Vani?” Telufinwë asked her and Vanifinwë thought for a long moment as they began their trek through the halls to her bedroom. Where there the games could begin and Vanifinwë had the perfect game in mind. She needed their help with talking to Tyelkormo and she was going to make them extra pretty for the occasion. 
“It’s a secret.” She whispered out to him, as she continued to drag them down the halls, the pair only exchanged a look between one another. They had an inkling as to where this was going and she didn’t want to get rejected. Both of them sighed out softly knowing that makeup was going to be involved undoubtedly. 
They only silently continued their trek through the hallway, both of them deciding it was best not to argue with her whims and desires seeing as she had been without them for so long. Before the finally came to her bedroom door, for it to open and there they saw chaos in her room. Stuffing was everywhere, dolls were torn apart, it looked as though her room had been ransacked, and the only thing that seemed to be safe was King Rabbit that she had Nelyo put up high when she left the room this morning. Knowing this was going to happen. 
“Vani? What happened to your room?” Pityafinwë asked as she continued to lead them in before letting go of their hands and pointing to the chairs for them to sit in. Both brothers exchanged another glance between one another and sighed out moving to pick up the knocked over chairs and sitting down in them. While Vanifinwë came over to her dresser to start pulling makeup out of it, before she came over to them with a palette in hand and stopped in front of them. 
“I needs to make you pretty, so you can talk to Tyelko.” Vanifinwë said beginning her explanation as she dug her finger into a copper shade on the palette and came to Telufinwë to smear it all over his eyelids. 
“And why do we need to talk to Tyelko? What does it have to do with your room?” Telufinwë asked her as she continued- generously- applying copper eyeshadow to his lids. Vanifinwë paused and sighed as Telufinwë opened his eyes, 
“Because his puppies keeps getting in here and tearing up my stuffs.” She said to him, before she moved over to Pityafinwë and dug her finger around in a deep chocolate brown shade and Pityo closed his eyes. 
“Have you tried talking to him about it Vani?” Pityafinwë asked her and Vanifinwë began to nod her head as she drug her finger over his eyelids and smearing the brown around wildly over his eyelids. Telufinwë only began to snort at the mess she was making on his twins face, at least now people would be able to tell them apart for a short period of time, 
“Yes, and he says I should just keeps my door closed. But Amme won’t let me close my doors ‘cause I can’ts open it by myself.” Vanifinwë said to him, and pulled away to march right back to her dresser indignantly, Pityafinwë shot Telufinwë a glare for his snorting. But it didn’t last long as he began to crack up at the copper bits all over his face too. At least he wasn’t the only one who looked crazy. 
Vanifinwë marched back over with a blush brush in hand and a palette of blush… or maybe bronzer as Amme had called it before. They knew enough about makeup now thanks to Vanifinwë and what little bit their Amme used, 
“Well that’s not very fair.” Telufinwë said with a frown as he watched Vanifinwë swirl the brush into the bronzer before she started on Pityafinwë’s cheeks, applying a heavy orangey brown to his cheeks, and jaw and temple. None of it blended in so he just had spots of “tan” applied to his face. Telufinwë grinned at the sight of him and his now orange face, oh this was just too good. Even if he knew he was next, it was hilarious to see what happened to his brother at Vanifinwë’s hands. 
“How do I look, Vani?” Pityafinwë asked her, and Vanifinwë paused to admire her work for a moment. 
“Very tan.” She said simply marching back to the dresser and pulling out a different palette of blush, this time it was absolutely a true orange. Telufinwë pulled his lips into a thin line as she dipped her brush in it and approached him and it was Pityafinwë’s turn to begin chuckling at the sight of what was about to happen. 
“Why thank you, are you going to make Telvo tan?” Pityafinwë asked, and Vanifinwë shrugged dragging the brush across his nose and cheeks. 
“No just blushes. But will you guys talk to Tyelko for me? Please?” She asked as she pulled the brush away from his face and looked up at him with big pleading eyes. Telufinwë felt his heart swell before he looked to Pityafinwë and they both began to nod. 
“Yes Vani, we will talk to Tyelko for you.” Telufinwë answered for both of them, and they both watched the way that she began to smile and jump up and down with excitement. 
“Thank you hanyo’s!” She squeaked out and they both began to laugh at her excitement, and probably relief that an adult was going to speak with him. Even if they only had eighty years on her, they were still indeed older than she. Vanifinwë hurried to go and put the blush away, before she began to dig around for jewelry in another drawer. 
Both twins held still as she attached clip on earrings and put necklaces over their head, layering so many that their necks felt heavy before she hurried off to her toy bin. Still they didn’t move, simply waiting to see what she would do, before she came out with a cape in each hand.
“Here put these on.” She directed firmly and they both took a black cape from her hands. A cape that was only Vanifinwë sized, but that didn’t stop them from doing as she said.Tying the cape around their necks and making sure the little bit of it draped down their backs. 
“How do we look, Vani?” Telufinwë asked, and Vanifinwë looked at them for a moment and hummed, placing a hand on her chin as her finger tapped her cheek. Her frilly pink gown swaying as she did so, 
“Beautiful! You looks amazing!” Vanifinwë finally decided bouncing in place for a moment, before she ran over to grab their hands and pull them up out of the chairs. The twins got up from their seats and let her pull them along out of the room and down the hallway. Vanifinwë didn’t say anything as she stood between them, holding each of their hands as they began to try and search for Tyelkormo. 
It was no secret to those that worked on the estate that the Feanorian brothers were an absolute sucker for their littlest sister and let her draw all over their faces very… um well creatively. But all they did was smile and snicker as they passed them by, or got the occasional awe from the lady servants who found it so cute that they’d indulge their little sister. It really was an endearing sight even despite how crazy and ridiculous the makeup looks might be. 
Finally Vanifinwë could hear Tyelkormo talking to someone and she hurriedly began to pull them along with her right in his direction. There he stood talking to Curufinwë, his back to them but Curufinwë’s eyes landed on Ambarussa and began to look them up and down, biting back the sneer at their appearance. 
“Tyelko!” Vanifinwë said, bringing the ner to swivel around on the ball of his foot and look at his siblings, with a grin spreading across his face. Laughing at the sight of the “well dressed” twins, and Vanifinwë the little ring leader in the middle. Oh this had worked out better than he thought it would by talking Vanifinwë into asking them to play with her. 
After all those weeks of being at her mercy it was nice to see that someone else was at her mercy for a change. His scalp felt relief at the sight of them, as did his face without having to wear anymore makeup. 
“My oh my Vanifinwë who do you have here?” He chuckled folding his arms over his chest as Curufinwë took his place next to Tyelkormo. Vanifinwë didn’t smile though, she pursed her lips and scowled some at him. Making him quirk a brow up at her reaction. 
“These are my neragotiatorers.” She said seriously, and it made Pityafinwë and Telufinwë begin to chuckle at her words. Trying to look serious as they cleared their throats and stood tall, nodding their heads in unison and in agreement of the little lady. 
“Negotiators? For what? To talk to me?” Tyelkormo asked with some surprise, seeing that they were going along with it. They only waited for Vanifinwë to nod her head again, 
“Yes, and theys can tell you why.” She said matter-of-factly folding her arms over her chest, and the twins looked down at her before looking back to Tyelkormo. 
“Well?” He asked, 
“We have come to negotiate on behalf of the Lady Vanifinwë, and her bedroom.” Telufinwë was the first to speak up as he oh so delicately steepled his fingers together. Pointing them in Tyelkormo’s direction, but he only raised his brows and began to shrug, 
“Allow me to elaborate, your.. Creatures.. Are wreaking havoc on the young Lady’s room.” Pityafinwë said and then it clicked for Tyelkormo, they were talking about his dogs getting into her room. Tyelkormo began to shrug his shoulders at her “negotiators” words. 
“So close the door Vani.” But Vani only stamped her foot down angrily and looked up at him in anger, but Telufinwë placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“The Lady’s mother has prohibited her from shutting the bedroom door as it is too hard for the Lady to open it.” Telufinwë said and Tyelkormo sighed out as he looked down at Vanifinwë who was staring intensely back at him. 
“I see, that is a problem.” Tyelkormo said nonchalantly, which only seemed to get a rise further out of Vanifinwë, but the twins kept her calm and relaxed. There was an air of reassurance that they were going to handle everything. That she’d be okay and alright to not have to worry about whether or not Tyelkormo would agree or not. 
“Yes it is, and you should help out by agreeing to keep the creatures at bay. We don’t need to lose King Rabbit.” At the mention of Vanifinwë’s new stuffed animal that had saved him all those weeks ago from being at her mercy his face dropped. Recognizing immediately where this could go wrong, like he needed another one of his pups to destroy that Rabbit. Carnistir would kill him too if his hard work was torn up and their sister heartbroken again. 
“Ah a favor for not only Lady Vanifinwë but for King Rabbit too? Well why didn’t you say so? I suppose I can take extra care to make sure that the pups are confined to a certain part of the estate grounds and keep you and King Rabbit safe.” Tyelkormo said to Vanifinwë who seemed to heave out a heavy sigh of relief at his words to know that she’d not have to worry about the dogs anymore. 
“Thank you hanyo.” Vanifinwë said in her relieved voice making everyone smile, though Curufinwë’s eyes were on Ambarussa still and not their littlest sibling. He didn’t and couldn’t understand how Vanifinwë could manage to rope them into playing such games with her. 
“Just one more final thing for negotiations, you should have to help pick up her room with our help of course… To make up for the atrocities.” Telufinwë added, and Vanifinwë perked up tremendously and unfolded her arms to go and grab Tyelkormo’s hand. Who didn’t look enthused, 
“Yes! I need help! Please hanyo?” She asked with big blue eyes, and Tyelkormo sighed out heavily and relented. 
“Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll help.” Vanifinwë released a shriek of a yay and began to pull Tyelkormo along quickly, practically running and making him speedwalk. Ambarussa only laughed and then playfully bowed to Curufinwë who began to scoff, 
“Why do you even let her bother? You two look ridiculous.” Curufinwë asked, almost looking down his nose at Ambarussa in their ridiculous makeup and costumes. But it was there turn to wear a darker expression on their faces, always was he making some underhanded comment about Vanifinwë dressing them up. Neither understood why it mattered to him, 
“And? She’s happy and that’s what matters.” Pityafinwë responded defensively, and Curufinwë shrugged at his words. Pocketing a small book that he usually kept on his person, a frown still on his lips as he looked his twin brothers over and their ridiculous makeup and costume. 
“Well I can say with confidence she’s never going to ensnare me in these childish games you all indulge her.” He said with a snort, before he brushed past the both of them. Telufinwë ground his teeth at his words, before looking over at Pityo. 
“I say we find a way to change that.” Telvo said in a soft voice as Curufinwë grew out of earshot. Pityafinwë turned his head to look at his brother with a smile at this, oh that was a perfect idea. 
“Let’s bring it up with Tyelko. After we help clean up the room as promised.” Pityafinwë said, beginning to formulate a plan in his head. They’d have to talk to him when they were alone, if not Vanifinwë would proverbially spill the beans about the whole thing and ruin their chance to get back at Curvo. 
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
Next time listen to me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CmcfEw
by Eluneth
Arthur and Merlin are stuck outside in the bad weather.
Words: 2335, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Merlin (Merlin), Sickfic, Sick Merlin (Merlin)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CmcfEw
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cityandking · 6 years
rules: choose 3 songs that remind you of your ocs ♪  
I was tagged by @eluneths ty sophie!!
take your guess –– tom rosenthal [I breathe in and then I breathe out / I've got a trillion doubts and that's fine / I took a road that wasn't a road / but it was something I chose, and that's fine]
out to sea –– pandas & people [send me out to sea / cause I was born to be set free / and in my wildest dreams / we were sails up in the mast, just blowing in the breeze / out to sea]
it’s not my time –– 3 doors down [cause it's not my time / I'm not going / there's a fear in me / it's not showing / this could be the end of me / and everything I know / oh, I won't go]
the wolf –– manchester orchestra [now I don't want to seem like it's split at the seams / see the pain on the wall? see the blood in the street? / there is nothing you've got when you die that you keep / you were all that you were, were you all you could be?]
trick of the light –– alexander wolfe [you tried to stand up tall so you would never have to kneel / but now you've got a wound that you don't ever want to heal / so you're going home, you're skin and bone / you're godless and you're loveless, don't believe in anything]
natural –– imagine dragons [cause you’re a natural / a beating heart of stone / you gotta be so cold / to make it in this world / yeah, you're a natural / living your life cutthroat / you gotta be so cold / yeah, you're a natural]
everybody wants to rule the world –– tears for fears [I can't stand this indecision / married with a lack of vision / everybody wants to rule the world]
forces of the unseen –– cloud cult [I'm gonna make it through, you'll see / I swear I'll prove you wrong / you haven't seen the last of me / I am way too strong]
severed –– the decemberists [I alone am the answer / I alone will make wrongs right / but in order to root out the cancer / it's got to be kept from the sight]
I’m tagging @bicleric @druidkestrel @darlingicarus @heeyrebecca @noswearwolves @emberarrows and anyone else who wants to do this! tag me if you do :)
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simply-sithel · 3 years
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So A and I saw Pig and really liked it. Would definitely recommend- ideally the less you know the better. That said, I enjoy referring to it as a John Wick-esque movie in terms of just... fun and world building.
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eluneth · 7 years
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Illustration for Suzanne J. Willis' "At the Still Point” in issue 14 of Lackington's Magazine. Watercolor on coldpress.
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