#Emmett does art
emmettspeakz · 7 months
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Hazbin Sketch dump from the weekend!
I know the colors are wrong (I don’t have the correct markers for them) and I still need work, but I’m very pleased with how they turned out 🥺
(I’m still figuring out my style, please be nice!)
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terrorpyjamas · 1 year
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i've been playing unleashed
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meandmypagancrew · 2 months
The measure of a production of Death Note is actually determined by how many characters sing I'm Ready. By this metric, the 2023 Korean production is the winner, as it featured FOUR different characters singing it.
Japan comes in second with two (and I'll give them a half point for Ryuk having a whole dance routine to it) and West End comes in last with only Misa.
Information from the Russian production could not be found.
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cheriboms · 11 months
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doctober day 20: rear-view mirror
the REAL reason that the cops and jennifer got to the house before they did is bc they were stuck circling the block for like ten minutes ://
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okay, please do one more of the tired Marty and the group of Doc’s….PLEASE
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Ask and you shall receive. I hope this silly thing shall suffice :)
Transcription and details under cut
The transcription for my terrible handwriting -
(@ the garage)
Doc: Marty! I came as soon as I-
Doc (cont.): -could.
Marty: Your turn.
(Arrows: Half Asleep, On Fire (literally), covered in soot)
(Fun fact! Not a single party of Marty’s current state (aside from the lack of sleep) is the Docs’ fault! Good ol’ McFly luck strikes again!)
Docs: MARTY!
So this came to me in a dream today and well it works so behold. This is about an hour after the initial phone call thanks to Jules and Verne asking many questions as Doc was trying to leave and he’d rather they not follow him this time. As for what I mean by the McFly luck- Marty and his ancestors are extremely unlucky. Let’s be honest. To some degree all of them have either directly been unlucky or had their choices result in mild to severe disaster. In this instance specifically it means while trying to move from point A to point B Marty fell half asleep, tripped, knocked a dustpan of ash onto himself, somehow lit himself on fire, and damn near collapsed onto the doorframe. Someone force this kid to take a nap. Please.
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akimao · 2 years
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More portraits of Cillian Murphy
Emmett from A Quiet Place II
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mockturtleillustrates · 4 months
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Some concept art/sketches for my Alice in Wonderland retelling! I recently finished the first draft of the novel and have been working on editing it, so these are mostly about the sequel I have planned. Just vague scene/setting/character design stuff
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Could you do the cullens with a mate who is a painter?
The Cullens with a Painter! Reader
I haven’t painted in YEARS omg, I moved to using my iPad a couple of years ago but I still remember the basics so here we go
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He’s also an artistic person
So he understands what drives you to create
His favorite thing to do is to play the piano while you paint
It just makes him feel so warm inside
He loves watching you paint as well
It’s so fascinating to watch what you see in your mind and then as you translate it onto the canvas
And he loves your artwork
He hangs it up all over the walls in his room
Genuinely thinks you should enter in a contest
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She loves your artwork so much
It’s so fascinating to her how you can just conjure up something so amazing
She also loves to buy you new paints and canvases
Every time she’s out buying new clothes or something she sees a new paint and she’s like “ooh that color’s pretty”
Keeps every single thing you make for her
Loves watching you work
She doesn’t care if she’s being creepy
She just loves you and wants to hang out
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He’s fascinated and enamored by your emotional state when you work
He loves when you paint faces because your mind flickers to whatever emotion you’re trying to convey on the paper
It’s a very interactive experience for him
He almost likes tuning in to your mind more than your actual artwork
But he does obviously love your paintings
He does whatever you want him to
You need a life model? Well it’s a good thing he can stay still for hours
Want more paint? He already has his car keys in his hand
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She used to be really into painting and drawing
But she always thought she was bad at it so she just stopped
So when you come around she falls in love with it again
She wants you to teach her everything
She’s always hard on herself
She thinks her stuff is never as good as yours
But she loves painting with you
She can almost overlook her own hatred for her artwork
And yes she hangs up everything that you make in her garage
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I don’t think he’s a very artsy person
Unless you want to call the fact that he can gut and skin a bear in less than 30 seconds an art form
But he can appreciate good art
So when he sees some of your paintings for the first time he is blown away
“You made these? Like actually? That’s so fucking sick”
Proudly displays anything you give him
You doodled on a paper during school and he stuck it in the front pocket of his binder
And he tells everyone who asks exactly where it came from
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She’s a painter
I don’t make the rules I just follow them
All of the artwork currently hanging up in the Cullen house is her work
And yes she’s very proud of the grad cap piece
So she is so excited when she finds out you also love to paint
Two peas in a pod
Painting dates are a must
And she is more than happy to take down some of her stuff to make room for yours
You don’t even need to ask
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I feel like he’s a jack of all trades
He’s been around long enough I sure hope he knows how to do everything at least a little bit
But he’s nowhere near as good as you
He’s so proud that his SO is such a talented artist
He convinces the clinic to hang up a couple of your pieces in the boring exam rooms
People compliment them all the time and he tells them exactly who made them
Don’t ever worry about buying art supplies ever again btw
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Vampire! Bella:
I don’t remember if she ever drew during the books or movies, but she just screams art kid to me
She had a phase in middle school, thought she sucked so she stopped
So she’s astonished when she sees what you make
“I couldn’t make that even if Van Gogh himself taught me”
She loves watching you work
It’s so calming to her
If she could sleep, she would fall asleep watching you
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hermitcraftx · 19 days
Actually, no, I'm not done talking about the Minecraft Movie. I'm so incredibly angry about what could have been. Rant incoming, sorry to any and all witnesses. All ye who enter here abandon all hope.
The Lego Movie was a good movie because it was an homage to animators and the community it had built up during the years, was genuinely very well animated and had good plot points despite maintaining its humor, and was a good watch to people who didn't even like Legos. It did have a couple big name actors placed in there to draw views (i.e. Will Ferrell) but for the most part the movie was completely animated with very sparse real life moments that worked very well to tie into the narrative the movie was creating. You're a little kid and the world is so big and angry and full of structure, and you just want to create the things you want to see without being told what to do. Emmett is an ordinary guy told he's special as a lie to get him to comply with what Vitruvius wanted, the same way he complied with orders his entire life, and he defeated that cycle of thinking by showing kindness despite his terrible treatment, unlike Lord Business (i.e. Will Ferrell). It worked astoundingly well to create something that ticked a lot of boxes: narratively sound, incredibly pleasing to look at, funny, and capable of handling serious topics despite being a Kid's Movie.
The Minecraft Movie... does none of that. There are no well placed homages or tributes to a loving community that has been built up for well over a decade. There are no callbacks to Minecraft animations, to any of the Minecraft covers that were a staple of early Minecraft, no references or respects paid to anybody that has been a big name in the community. For fuck's sake, they didn't even put Herobrine is. Herobrine is, to be frank, the most basic Minecraft reference they could have input into this movie as a subtle nod to the community that almost everyone would have understood, and I remain disappointed.
The art style isn't respectful of Minecraft animators at all, instead vaguely resembling AI slop where they tasked it to make Minecraft in real life with realistic shader packs as the references. To be quite frank, it is a spit in the face of almost every creative person in the community. It's disrespectful to the animators, the parody creators, the modpack creators (highly unlikely but I really hope they get in deep shit for using some of them as references, because it's almost uncanny how similar they look), the Minecraft content creationists, everybody. I know they let a scant few Minecraft youtubers on set, but still.... no well hidden easter eggs? No CaptainSparklez logo? No Yogscast? No EthosLab tnt slab? Not even any of the newer youtubers that have made the Minecraft scene up for the past several years. (Not talking about the green guy, god, no, I'm very grateful for that in fact. But nobody at all? Seriously?) I get that it's a MINECRAFT movie, not a Minecraft youtuber movie, and is supposed to be well-digestible for the average audience that isn't familiar with Minecraft, but there are very easy ways to implement this. Most people would at the very least be happy to see a couple seconds of community references, regardless of what they were. Again, NO HEROBRINE? What the fuck are the Warner Bros doing.
There appears to be no strong structural narrative that ties into the base game either, despite there being a... relatively straightforward way to implement one? Look, man, the game literally has objectives for you, despite being relatively sandbox. You spawn in, you chop wood, mine for diamonds, and fight monsters, you go to the Nether, you beat the dragon. The piglins as an element outside of the Nether don't make sense as gameplay wise they zombify, which has been mentioned a lot, true, but I haven't seen ANYONE mention that they could just... I don't know... Go to the fucking Nether!? Why is the plot line being pulled from Minecraft Legends, a game that everyone thought was boring and forgot about instantly? Why are Mojang and Microsoft trying so hard to branch out from base game Minecraft? So far it looks to just be a bullshit poorly carried out isekai movie with a bunch of big name actors, one liners, shitty quips and "he's right behind me isn't he"s. There's no SERIOUS plot beat at all, not even getting a feeling that this might be any more than "uh oh, they're stuck in Minecraft and piglins are trying to kill them!"
The CGI is terrible. Just incredibly poorly implemented. The people look gigantic at the start and it's not immersed at all, it genuinely looks like some of the worst green screen work I've ever seen. They look like they're standing on a rug.
I don't know. It just makes me incredibly angry. There's a deep lack of understanding and appreciation for the game, and that sounds childish, but I think it is decently imperative to at least understand the basics of Minecraft before you make a game on it. Most people under the age of 30 understand at least a little bit about Minecraft, and if they don't, it is your job to make it enjoyable for them! You can make a story about a man that washes up in a strange world and goes to kill a dragon. Everyone can understand that. That's a very basic story that we've been milking for literally hundreds of fucking years. Nothing in the trailer resembles Minecraft at ALL, it was genuinely unrecognizable and alien to me when I first saw it. The trailers don't have a strong resemblance to Minecraft either, but it's there, and they could have honestly just based it off mostly the trailers and that would have been better? Making the movie fully animated would have given it charm and appealed to kids in the same way, and they could have pulled a Lego Movie and done an in person sequence with Jack Black at some point. I don't know. I don't understand a single cinematic decision in making this film.
A lot of people wanted a deep somber animated film about Steve exploring the loneliness and solitude of the world he's in, trying to thrive and create in spite of that, and while I agree that would be incredible, there is just no universe where that would happen in. But that doesn't mean this is excusable. There are so many better ways to execute and implement the ideas that would do well in big theater for a kid's game and it looks like they spat on those ideas and put them in a blender. It's almost comical how bad the movie is: and such a huge, SAD fucking jump from Warner Bros blowing it out of the water with the Barbie Movie last year. My young cousin finds the pink sheep scary and wanted me to turn it off when we showed it to her. There is truly no audience that I feel this appeals to in a meaningful way, and I hope it flops like Morbius. I hope Microsoft and Warner Bros go bankrupt from this.
All in all, it's a terrible example of a game that has been near and dear to a lot of people's hearts and a significant portion of a lot of people's childhoods and makes a mockery of the people that enjoy it, I feel. It's like if The Mario Movie and Jumanji had a terrible, terrible baby. Unless their plan was to get so much negative attention that hoardes of people go to hate watch it, I have no fucking idea who the hell let any of this be released to the public.
Don't go watch it. Don't give these people your money. Demand better for your community and your fans. Hold Microsoft and Warner Bros accountable for bad quality. Microsoft has been a fucking nightmare since... forever, really, but Mojang has really suffered under their iron fist rule for a long time now. Microsoft has been trying to push Mojang to other games and Mojang, due to Microsoft's restrictions, is unable to function as it's own entity anymore. Any drama with updates? Updates too long? Missing out on content from certain updates? Caused by the copyright being owned by Microsoft. Make no mistake, I'm not defending Mojang, they aren't a small little indie company like they say they are- they're owned by one of the biggest goddamn companies in the world. Microsoft has been working on this movie for a goddamn decade and has been working on this concept specifically for almost four years, and this is what they came up with? It's nightmarish. Knowing them they'll try and push it onto the people that actually play the game too, god forbid.
Don't let them ruin our game. Don't give them your money. Watch something worth your time.
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 14 days
If I could slip in a request! This is rotting my brain-like I can't get the Mother Knows Best song out of my head.
So Emmett finds his mate but her mother's much like Mother Gothel(from Rapunzel or "Papunzel" as the little one I nanny says). Very controlling and tries to keep her from believing that Emmett is actually interested in her, trying to make her believe she made it all up in her head but Emmett's not having ANY of that!
Please and thank you! <3
Mother Knows Best, Unless She Doesn’t
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Pairing: Emmett Cullen x fem!reader.
Warnings: Not beta nor proofread. Insinuations of sexual intentions. Use of an insensitive joke.
Format: Drabble.
Word Count: 770
Note: Hi, sweetheart! I’m so sorry this took me so long, life has been really catching up to me. I hope this turned out how you were hoping. The little one sounds absolutely adorable! @twilightlover2007
| mother m-list
Emmett’s hand smooths over your hair with a tenderness unfamiliar to you. His marble skin is ice against the tear stricken heat of cheek, rest against the bare muscle of his chest beneath you.
Your tongue is heavy in your mouth, thick with the confession your mate just pulled free from you. There’s a suffocating silence radiating your proximity, broken only by the scratch of his fingers against your scalp and your steadying breaths.
Emmett’s quiet is all consuming in the way it opens your mind to your mothers taunts.
“You really think a boy like him is interested in anything but what you can give him?” She croons, cradling your cheeks between her cupped palms. There’s something in the way that she thumbs your cheek that makes you flinch.
“Emmett’s different.” You defend, glaring down your nose at her feet.
Her grip tightens around you. “Different?” She scoffs, mocking. “They all want the same thing, sweetheart, and it’s not your heart.”
There’s a moment you believe her, mind rampant with all the times her warnings came backed with half-truths made to keep you safe. But Emmett streaks through your thoughts like a live art piece, wild and free and imprinting so deeply into your soul that he marrs the very essence of all you are and all you’ve ever been.
“You don’t know anything of what he wants.” You snarl, lip curled into a sneer.
Her hand drops as quickly as her face does. A cloud of dark dilutes her eyes, once too sweet now unforgiving. “Oh?” She asks, rhetorical. “Is that how it is?”
You can only swallow.
“Fine. When he breaks your heart don’t come crawling back home to me, simpering for attention.” Her voice is as rough as her gaze. “I’m sure because you’re so in love he won’t mind you living with him.”
When. Not if.
“Trust me,” Your lower lip betrays your squared shoulders, trembling in a fashion not unsimilar to your heart. “I won’t.”
You’d shown at his home in as much a disarray as you felt. Overflowing bag rucked over your shoulder, cheeks wet and flushed and your nose running. He was the only one home aside from Esme, who left your side with a reluctant glance in Emmett’s direction, and you were led to his room without question.
The story fell from your lips through wet blubbers and soft sniffles that calmed only when he’d pulled his shirt over his head and forced you against his chest.
His lack of words is stark from his ever running mouth and the worry gnaws that your mother was right. That now was when he’d give up the ruse and tell you you weren’t enough, weren’t giving him the one thing he wanted.
The tingle of his skin against yours wages you free, sparking only through the lack of your completed mating. Emmett wants you for much more than physicality, proven by the brush of his large palm down your spine. By the grin he bears when he hands you the lunches he made, by the flowers he planted you out by your favourite tress of trees, by the pillow beside his head, cased in your favourite colour just because it was your favourite.
“I’d wait a thousand lifetimes.” Emmett’s voice is a tragically delicate caress against the wary shields of your heart.
“What?” You utter, soft and frail as you feel.
“To touch you.” He clarifies through a humane swallow. “To love you in that manner. I don’t need that from you, I just need you to be here, existing with me. I’ve lived lives without you and none of them have come even close to worth living then the one I’m living with you.”
“What?” You repeat. This time with much more choked awe.
“You’re not going back there.” He diverts. “You’re staying. She can’t take you back if you don’t want to go, you’re legally allowed to refuse now.”
“Em,” You shake your head, swallowing thickly.
“No.” He continues. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. I can find you somewhere. But if you think I’m letting my mate go back to a woman that speaks to her the way she does then I’m speaking to Carlisle about getting you on crazy people meds.”
You huff a laugh despite yourself. “That’s insensitive, Em. You know the correct term.”
“Maybe,” He smiles widely. “But it made you laugh.”
“Was that your goal?” You ask with a shake of your head.
Emmett lowers his head, lips skimming yours with every toying word. “That’s always my goal.”
His lips meet yours.
~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~
Likes, comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated and very encouraging!
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emmettspeakz · 7 months
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Attempt at drawing Aang
(yes I know his body is too big, I’m still learning, please be nice!)
Still learning my style so please be nice
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Eight
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None except for like one cuss word
Notes: Hot off the press - I just spent my day packing my house up to move tomorrow and I’m up past midnight to get this out... You guys have been so freaking supportive and I’m excited for this story to pick up!
Word Count: 3158
Series Masterlist
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• March 11th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Emotions.” Jasper says by way of greeting, placing his backpack on the picnic table that no doubtibly contains his art supplies.
“Everyone has them, yes?” I reply, my forehead wrinkling in confusion at his peculiar single-word statement.
“I can control them.” He answers, visibly nervous as if he were afraid he just opened a can of worms.
I watch him pull out his well-worn sketchbook and pencils as I decide how to respond to this new bit of information.
“Say something, doll.” Jasper looks almost pleading, worry setting in on his face.
“How does it work?” I question him, I’m in shock that he volunteered such important information in the middle of a school day at lunch as if it were a typical topic to talk about.
“Well, it started off as just being able to sense the emotions of humans and vampires in my vicinity,” he lets out a sigh as he begins shading whatever it is he’s working on. “Then I quickly figured out I can influence them. I can either enhance what someone is already feeling, take away their emotions altogether, or replace them entirely and give them something completely different.”
“W-wow,” I stutter, “that’s honestly impressive.” I raise my eyebrows as his eyes meet mine.
“I can also do small things since I’ve had time to hone my power, like it’s easy to find people I’m familiar with in a crowded area, within a reasonable distance. As long as I can get to know the person, orient myself with their emotions, it’s quite easy.” He glances down at his drawing as he finishes his explanation.
“That has to be rough, feeling everything everyone else is feeling all the time. You can turn it off though, right?” I muse out loud, I can’t imagine having a power that doesn’t come with an ‘off’ switch.
“Unfortunately I can’t, my family is usually pretty good at regulating the intensity of their emotions when we’re gathered at home. At school though… Sitting out here alone with you during lunch is a welcome reprieve.” Jasper turns back to his sketch as he admits that last tidbit of information.
“Do any of your other siblings have super powers like you?” I tease him, not ready to dive into that nugget of information about how spending time with me makes him feel.
“Rosalie and Emmett don’t, neither do Carlisle and Esme. Unless you want to count the staggeringly strong self-control my adoptive father possesses.” Jasper pauses, “Alice can see the future, subjectively though - she has to be searching for that person’s intent and as long as they make a decision, she can see it and the immediate effects. Edward on the other hand, can-“ but he’s interrupted by the bell signaling the end of the lunch period.
“You’re not off the hook now that you’ve enlightened me, I expect to finish this conversation.” I tell him as I stand and meet him on the sidewalk leading towards the school building.
“I would never leave business unfinished with a lady.” He says rather cheekily, trying to get a rise from me, but all it earns him is a huff of a laugh as we walk in a comfortable silence.
“Thank you for sharing that information with me, I promise not to tell anyone.” I vow soberly, meeting his eyes as we stand outside of my next class.
“I was never worried.” Jasper replies, backing away as students finish milling about in the hallway. “See you in History, darlin’.”
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I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in front of my open locker, quickly shuffling through the books I needed for my last class of the day. It’s almost like his gaze seemed to burn me alive as I felt it travel across my skin, the hair on the back of my neck rose due to my heightened state of awareness I had towards this gorgeous man. Does he know the effect he has? Is he even aware that I am utterly at his mercy? I hate to fall in line with all the other girls that must throw themselves at his feet, most of them much prettier than I, so why me? Why does he want to take me on a date?
I glance over my shoulder in the direction I know his own locker is in and sure enough, liquid gold is locked onto its target. A steady unwavering gaze stares back, so solid and intense that it constricts my chest for a moment with the pure force of it.
I turn back to my locker and grab a pen before slamming the door shut, the warning bell signaling one minute before everyone still occupying the hallway is tardy. As I turn to hurry my way to History, Jasper has made his way to stand right behind me.
“Do you like baseball?” He blurts out quickly, as if to not lose his nerve.
“It’s probably the only sport I understand, so yeah. Why?” I counter, tilting my head in question.
“My family and I were thinking of playing a game Sunday. Would you like to tag along and spectate? Bella Swan will be there, I’m sure she would love your company.” Jasper tacked on the last part as if I needed more reason to go than just spending time with him.
“As if I could say no to you and your family.” I tell him with a smile.
“Good, so you’ll want to meet them tomorrow?” He asks with more confidence than the last request, slowly taking steps backwards down the empty hall and I gravitate with him.
My mind blanks, not prepared to be sprung with such a big step in… whatever is happening between us. First he tells me he wants to take me out on a date, now I’m meeting his family? Is this some lucky alternate universe where the insanely attractive boy falls for the incredibly average girl?
No-no way, friends bring their friends over to meet their entire family before a family outing, right?
“Noon tomorrow, they’ll love you.” Disappearing around the corner of the hallway with a smirk in place, probably because I was gaping at him in the middle of an empty hall.
I glance around - an empty hallway! I’m late for class! I can’t even be mad, Jasper Hale has effectively monopolized my weekend and I’m more than happy about it.
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• March 11th, 2005 • Home •
“Hey, mom?” I ask, poking my head in her open bedroom door.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Putting down the book she was reading and pushing up her reading glasses, my mother sits up in bed to give me her full attention.
“So,” I take a seat at the end of her bed, “Jasper Hale invited me to his house tomorrow, to have dinner with his family and just hang out I guess.”
“Oh?” My mother sounds intrigued, eyebrows raising. “A date with a cute boy?”
“Not a date!” I immediately correct her, “it’s just dinner, or whatever.”
She laughs as I pick at her bedspread. “Honey, of course you can go, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Well, what?” She questions.
“He also asked if I wanted to play baseball Sunday with his fa-“
“You? Play baseball?” She blurts out, incredulously.
“Mom!” I draw out the word. “He’s invited me to hang out with his family this weekend - you’ll be cool, right? When he picks me up? No interrogating?”
“Me? Interrogate the cute boy stealing my daughter for a weekend? I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you.” She teases me with a wink.
I stand and begin to leave, “You are insufferable, woman.”
“I love you, sweetheart!” She yells after me as I round the corner to my room. Flopping onto my bed with a smile, I’m both giddy and equally nervous for the next two days.
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• March 12th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
“This is my adoptive father Carlisle and his wife Esme.” Gesturing to the two beautiful adults patiently waiting in the foyer as we walk in their home.
Thankfully my mom was at work when Jasper picked me up, giving me another day to prepare myself for the potential train wreck of them meeting tomorrow.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.” I give them a smile as I shake their hands.
“Trust me dear, the pleasure is all ours!” Esme responds excitedly, her smile wide and beaming.
“The others are in the living room, beware of what you’re throwing her into.” Carlisle warns Jasper with a smile.
Throwing me into? I glance up at Jasper with my brows furrowed, a little concerned.
“C’mon, I’ll protect you.” He jokes with me, I must be missing the punchline.
As he leads me to the living room in his house, I gape at the beautiful artwork spaced throughout. “This is gorgeous, Jasper.”
“Esme is pleased you like it.”
Not having heard his mom speak, I turn from where I was ogling a painting that appeared to be ancient. “But she-“
“Can hear you from her study and I can feel her emotions, remember?” He winks at me, show off.
Finally we walk into the space where his siblings are and I realize what Carlisle meant: Mario Kart.
Alice and Emmett are sitting on the edge of the couch, deep in concentration while Rosalie seems bored from her perch in the corner by her significant other.
“You’re fucking cheating!” Emmett bellows, frantically mashing buttons on his controller.
“It’s not cheating if you’re playing someone that sucks.” Alice taunts him, a wicked grin on her face.
“You can see the future Alice, cut him some slack.” Jasper chides his sister as he leads me to an empty section of the couch.
My eyes widen in amusement as I observe the small dark haired girl, “That’s right! You can-“
“See everything I try to do!” Emmett yells, frustration setting in as his character is hit with a shell.
It’s almost laughable, Emmett’s character Bowser and Alice as Princess Peach. I sit down next to Jasper, a few inches between us as I cross my legs and he lays an arm behind me on the back of the couch. I try to keep my breathing even as I sit here, but the excitement to be spending time with him is almost overwhelming.
I watch as Princess Peach zaps the other players into miniature size and Rose reminds Emmett not to throw yet another remote at the ground, when Jasper leans in close.
“Want a tour of the house?” He asks in a whisper, creating goosebumps down my arms.
“Yes.” I respond, probably sounding breathless, but he’s standing and offering his hand before I have the chance to feel embarrassed.
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“And this is my room.” His tour coming to an almost close, since I’m still patiently waiting for a peak at all their cars.
I walk in the doorway he pointed to, stopping just inside. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bookshelves lining the wall opposite of the floor-to-ceiling windows that seemed to be a theme throughout the house. His room was much darker than all the others, warm and inviting with the shades of black and dark wood tones. Stepping closer and skirting the immaculately made king size bed, my eyes close in on some familiar titles on the shelves.
“I always see you reading and since I have quite a bit of free time, I thought I’d pick up a few.”
I turn to look at him with my mouth parted in surprise at his thoughtfulness, his hands are clasped behind his back like he’s bashful for getting found out.
“Jasper-“ but he interrupts me.
“The garage is next.” I watch him turn on his heel and disappear down the hallway.
I look down and brush my fingers on his black comforter as I smile to myself before following him, so Jasper Hale isn’t immune to his own feelings - he just doesn’t like to show them.
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Walking into the garage, my eyes skip over the beautiful cars and land on a sleek little thing in the back. A Ducati 848 to be exact, it draws me in like a magnet. Immediately I knew it had to belong to Jasper, no one else seemed like the type. Rose had her red convertible, Emmett had his Jeep, and Edward had his mom-car. Alice and Esme didn’t bother with vehicles and Carlisle had a reasonable, albeit expensive, commuter.
“Wow,” my voice quiet as my fingers brushed the gas tank, “I’m impressed, Hale.”
“You know bikes?” Jasper asks with a hint of curiosity.
“Not really, but I know enough to know that this Ducati is basically a rocket and that it must’ve cost you a pretty penny.” I replied, eyes still glued to the beautiful machinery. “Why didn’t you tell me you drove a motorcycle?”
“Not many parents let their ‘teenager’ drive death traps around.”
“Touché.” I pause, “Take me for a ride?” Swinging my leg over to straddle the beast, I lean over the tank and glance at Jasper.
I know I’ve successfully distracted him by the amount of time it takes for him to respond. Grinning, I sit back and look at him expectantly.
“Absolutely not, darlin’. No way I’m risking-“
“You have safety gear, don’t you?” I tease him as I get off and walk behind him to snag the helmet placed on the counter along the back wall.
Jasper groans and tilts his head back in mock-frustration as he fishes the keys from his pocket. I squeal as I pull the helmet on and hop excitedly towards the bike.
“You’re wearing my protective gear or no deal, sweetheart.” He lays down the law as he stalks over to a cabinet, retrieving a thick coat and gloves.
I almost protest, but he’s pulling the jacket over my arms and zipping it up my chest leaving me breathless before I know what’s happening. Even with the helmet covering my face, I’m sure he senses the heat in my cheeks as he finishes checking me over.
“You sure about this?” Jasper asks, finding my eyes under the visor with his supernatural vision.
“Are you sure about this?” I counter, the unease floating around is practically choking me in this enclosed space before it vanishes in a snap.
He flips up my visor, “Riding with someone requires trust-“
“I trust you, Jasper Hale. Completely and without any reservations or doubt in your abilities to keep me safe.” I swear my words stunned him, his mouth parted slightly as I blurted the confession. As if he realized the doubt that was flowing earlier was from him and not me.
“You are…”, he mutters his response low enough that I can’t hear as he swings a leg over the motorcycle and turns to me seriously. “Number one rule, don’t let go of me. Lean with me on turns and stay tucked in. If you need to stop, tap on my chest. Any questions, doll?” Jasper asks.
“Where are we going?” I climb on behind him and scoot close enough to wrap my arms around his waist lightly, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to be this close to him and it’s amazing. I let out a small gasp when he grabs the backs of both knees to tug me closer, bracketing my hips around his to tuck me in close. He then grabs my arms and places them over his chest, the side of my helmeted head coming to rest on his large back.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, ready?” I feel a teasing chuckle rumble in his chest, so I simply nod, excitement tingling all over from where my body touches his.
The Ducati roars to life in the enclosed space and I feel it lean to the right as Jasper taps the garage door button on the wall to open our exit. My arms squeeze him a little tighter as we launch forward down the driveway, I’m tempted to wave to Esme smiling from the porch, but I decide against it remembering his number one rule of not letting go.
This is single-handedly the best idea I’ve ever had.
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This girl will be the death of me, I know it for certain.
She could ask me to bring her the moon and I would have it in her hands in a heartbeat. Taking her out on my motorcycle? Easy in theory, extremely difficult in practice. I’ve never felt as I do right now with her arms around me, her completely pressed against my back and squeezing me at every jolt and turn I make.
Heaven and Hell, having my greatest temptation in such close proximity.
She trusts me. Completely and without doubt - her fucking words. I’m positively speechless, I’ve never had someone to myself that trusted me so wholly without needing any kind of explanation or-or proof-
And her leaning over my bike in the garage? I nearly swerve us right off the road thinking about the arch in her back, the way her chest pressed against the tank, her toes barely able to touch the ground… it took nearly every ounce of control to remain rooted while she was seated atop my motorcycle.
My only regret is not showing her the garage sooner, that image of her will forever be seared into my mind. On second thought, I’m sure my mental images were extremely loud and clear in the garage - it’s a mystery how Edward can manage to be around the couples in our family. For me at least, the emotions get too much sometimes and I need breaks.
I’ve noticed that I’ve needed them less and less since Y/n literally slammed her way into my life - breaks from everyone else that is. She not only elicits a physical reaction that no one else has ever managed to coax out of me, but she has also become a mental safe-haven. Being around her energy is as easy and mindless as breathing, if only I could breathe around her without inhaling molten lava. Everything about her completely consumes me, tears me apart and builds me back up, unmakes and makes me over and over, infinite bliss and unending torture. My singer, her blood is a symphony and I am her rapt audience hanging on to every beautiful note and praying for an encore.
My singer.
The revelation clangs through my soul and grants my body with a new purpose; her. She is mine to protect, from this day onward. My left hand reaches up to anchor myself where Y/n’s hands rest on my chest, her arms not quite long enough for her fingers to meet in the middle. I smile to myself, maybe I can allow myself this one bit of happiness, to let her in.
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cooliogirl101 · 3 months
What do the rest of the Cullens think about Mia? Do they know why Edward is so invested in listening to her thoughts? Does he later retells the stories he hears to his family and they also get invested?
Also, lmao at Jasper. Poor boy, being hit by a fuckton of angst without ever knowing why. Can’t Mia think up some sappy fluff to go with her hurt no comfort fic?
(Damn you for getting me invested in Twilight out of all things)
Rosalie: Is pissed af because ain’t no way Edward is seriously considering giving away their secret just so he can ask about the next season of Whatever-The-Fuck-Is-Going-On-In-Mia-Chen’s-Brain
(Edward protests that he’s only ever considered divulging his mind reading ability, not the vampirism).
That being said, she’s mainly pissed at Edward and not Mia. She warmed up to Mia significantly after Edward told her Mia used her face as inspo for a fantasy race of devastatingly beautiful Heavenly warriors.
Emmett: Finds this whole thing hilarious. Keeps bugging Edward to see if Mia has used him as inspiration for any characters of hers.
(She has— all the Cullens, flawless and captivating by design, are fantastic sources of visual inspiration to imagine angels, demons, fairies, elves, and pretty much every fantasy race out there. Sardonically, Edward notes that she’s never once used them as inspiration for an ordinary human).
Jasper: Alternately annoyed and impressed at her emotional range.
(Edward can’t help but wonder why Mia keeps referring to Jasper as “the Southerner” in her thoughts. Like sure it’s a part of his backstory they’ve provided but not a prominent one.
Little does he know Mia’s expending significant mental effort not to refer to Jasper as “Jasper-the-Confederate” every time she sees him).
Alice: The only one with a legitimate reason to interact with Mia. They share an art class together and at first, Mia was going to do her level best to avoid the hell out of her (yes, yes, she’s always imagined what it would be like to meet characters from the books she’s read, the Cullens included— that being said, she’s since discovered she would much prefer to only meet them in her imagination, not in reality).
Then they got assigned to do an art project together. Alice suggested something to do with fashion, which Mia readily agreed to. Somehow, the conversation shifted to a discussion over, hypothetically, the differences in fashion that would exist between deep sea mermaids vs shallow water/reef mermaids, in the event that mermaids existed.
Alice somehow manages to wrangle a promise out of Mia to come over to the Cullen house (“Oh, this’ll be so much fun! What a fantastic idea! We’ll play mermaids— or design mermaid clothes, at any rate. Don’t worry about the materials, I’ll have everything arranged”). Mia, so caught up in their discussion that she temporarily forgot the whole vampire thing, agreed without thinking.
(Edward is not jealous. He’s not).
Esme: Honestly just loves that Edward is interested in something again (he’s been idly composing soundtracks for his favorite scenes).
Mia, who was always kind of pissed that Esme’s (who had a pretty interesting backstory, all things considered— SM was always decent at coming up with those) entire character had been basically reduced to “wife and mother”, decides that since she’s stuck going to the Cullen House anyway, that by God she’s gonna find out what this woman’s passions are outside of devoting her entire life to her husband and kids. Otherwise the whole thing offends her character development sensibilities.
By the end of the visit, Esme is bemusedly shopping for a car alongside a delighted Alice and a fuming Mia because “What do you mean you’re the only one in the family without a vehicle?!”
(She ends up rather fond of Mia).
Carlisle: Confused but supportive. Mia, side eyeing him, keeps dropping hints about how much she loves sleeping and eating and animals and going out in the sun, just in case he starts getting any funny ideas.
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cheriboms · 11 months
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doctober day 29: 2023
remembered this exchange from ahsoka show and uh yeah QwQ
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
Art History
Pairing: (cis)fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cursing, the most mild nsfw (basically intense kissing and references to sex), minor choking, general tomfoolery.
Summary: A certain doctor helps you find resources for your college art history class.
Spotify Playlist: Art History
A/N: Aaah okay my first fic on this blog!! I'm so excited to get back into writing, especially with my favorite characters and people. Also, I'm sorry, I love Esmé as much as everyone else does, she does not exist here and Carlisle is the Ultimate Single Father™. And God, I did not expect it to be this long!!
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The way that you met the Cullens was, at best, not ideal. A broken down car here, the offer of a ride there. It wasn't a bad thing - the friendship you had with the family had lasted all through high school up to a local community college.
When they told you the truth about who they were, what they were, you thought it was a joke.
"Yeah, very funny. Halloween isn't for another two months, and you can't all go as vampires, that would be so stupid." You snorted, returning to the homework that was scattered on the dining room table.
"(Y/N)... Think about it." Alice placed her hand on your shoulder, forcing you to listen.How are you just now noticing her hands are so cold? "Have you ever seen any of us eat? Go into the sun?"
You didn't want to think about it, you knew they would never lie to you like this. It's too insane to be a lie. But didn't they lie and pretend like they were human? It was just all too confusing, so naturally, it took you a few days before you starting going around their house again. They answered all your questions, even when you decided to punish them all a bit for not telling you sooner.
"So, have you ever thought about the ecological damage you might be doing with all the hunting?" You had been interrogating them for hours, but honestly? They were grateful. Grateful that you didn't run off and tell the entire town, or worse, flee from Forks and lose you forever.
"Honestly, we all have different preferences." Emmett replied cooly, as if you were chatting about movies. "I prefer some of the bigger stuff: Bears, wildcats. It's mostly deer, though."
"Never people." Carlisle confirms with a smile, and you almost immediately regret giving him a chance to speak. Before their confession, the pounding of your heart was a fun secret, a dream you knew would never come true. The scenarios have run through your head all the time, anytime you looked at him. And those rare moments where you felt brave enough to make eye contact? But now, you knew that it was basically a public confession. You never talked about it. The Cullens never did, either.
"I know one of you has to know something about the Reliquary of Sainte Foy." You sighed, dropping your bag at your feet.
"Please, (y/n), come in." Edward quipped from the living room.
"I mean, this whole thing makes no sense!" You continued, thinking back to every single time you've used Edward to complain. "First, she starts off the semester with the Renaissance, then goes to modern minimalism, then back to freakin' Jesus times?"
"You know," Alice strode in, reading over the same paper, "When I have questions about art history, I usually ask Carlisle." She leaned against the counter. "He's the oldest of us." The look her and Edward shared were lost to you, as you already began to think of excuses as to why you shouldn't be alone in a room with him. The fear of looking and sounding stupid overcame the desire to just do anything with him. The desire to mess up that stupidly perfect hair of his, or his cold hands roughly wrapping around your-.
No. Absolutely not.
"Ah, no! I wouldn't want to bother him. He's probably super busy, with all of his... doctoring stuff-"
"Nonsense." Edward smiled. "He would be overjoyed to help."
"Edward, seriously, don't-" You pleaded, but it was too late. Carlisle's name echoed throughout the house, but it felt like a death bell.
"I hope you find your answers!" Alice quickly took her exit out the front door, with Edward following right behind her, with a polite "Excuse me."
"(Y/N)!" He greeted you fondly, noticing Edward and Alice's backs as they walked deeper into the forest that surrounded the house. "Didn't Edward call for me?" He was watching them, but you were watching how he saw you and immediately smiled, and the way his arms flexed on the table.
"Yeah, he did. They insisted that you could help me with art history, but this is old, old crap, and like, yeah, you're old, but you're not that old, so it's not really..." He began to smile again. "Super important." You finished, suddenly very aware of how you were standing. And how your hand rested so close to his. And how hot your face suddenly got.
"Well, what is it you need my help with?" He took your assignment paper. "The Reliquary of Sainte Foy. Around what time was that?" He looked back at you.
"Uh, the- Jesus times. Like upper double digits for the year. Which, I mean, I don't know when you were born, but I don't think you're that old, I mean you're still fun and pretty cool." God, why couldn't you just stop talking!
"Come on." He turned his back, taking your picking up your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I think I have something in my office."
His office? He's taking you to his office? You've been inside of it before, but it wasn't just him and you, it was him and his kids. Just keep reminding yourself: You are his children's friend. You're friends with every single one of this man's children. You're probably not even on his radar! A (publicly) mid-30 year old local surgeon, and men that looked like him in this part of Washington was rare. And to be going after a college student? Pull it together.
The steely resolve quickly crumbled as he held the door open for you to walk past him, and if you had any doubts he could hear your heart before, they were absolutely gone. You could hear your pounding heart in your head. The office was gorgeous, a few lamps and some candles gave the dark office a warm glow, and you could see he had been actively working on... something?
"I'm so sorry, did I interrupt something?" You glanced at the papers on his desk.
"Oh, no, I was just going over some old files. You could never interrupt me."
"Now." He began scanning a section of his large bookshelves. "I unfortunately was not born in 'Jesus times,' but I was born in 1640, and my father was an Anglican priest, so I might have something about early Christian relics." He finally pulled a large dark blue book from the shelf and handed it to you. "What about The Book of Sainte Foy? Written in 1010 A.D. and translated in 1995."
"Yes, please, that would be amazing." You replied quickly, eager to spend as little time in this room as possible.
"(Y/N), you seem stressed. If college is getting to be too much, you could always take a break." His eyebrows knit together and set the book on his desk. Your eyes followed his hand and you swallowed. This cannot be happening.
"Uh, no, it's not college! College is fine. It's just... other stuff." Your hands clasped together to try and ease some of your nerves.
"Well, (Y/N), if it's something more personal, you know you can always talk to me. I've enjoyed having you around and I hate to see you upset." You knew he was trying to ease information out of you, but his words just made it harder.
"Carlisle, I-" Oh god. No. Stop talking. His hand came to rest on your upper arm, his icy hand almost burning your hot skin. You've imagined this so many times "It's you!"
Wait. No! Keep talking! The look of slight shock and confusion on his face combined with the gentle grip he had on your arm had wiped your brain of whatever you were going to say. His hand relaxed and fell back to his side.
"Me? (Y/N), did I make you uncomfortable?" His voice was soft, but serious. Fix this, now!
"No! Well, sort of. But no! Just... listen." You rubbed the back of your neck, shifting your weight between your legs. He leaned back against his desk and looked at you.
This was going to be hard.
"It's just... You make me nervous because you know, you're like a genetically modified beauty of a human being. I mean, have you seen yourself? Actually seen yourself?"
Carlisle opened his mouth to respond but he couldn't get the words out before you continued.
"You are... gorgeous. And I know, Edward's complained to me about that whole 'Oh, our beauty just lures in innocent prey so we can destroy them,' thing, but you're just a... a genuinely beautiful person. You help people in need, you go to some extreme lengths to help people because why? Because you're a doctor and it's what you do, damn it! It's amazing. You're amazing." You took a breath, filling your lungs with all the words you've kept to yourself. "And I like your hands."
And you like his hands? That's what your confession is ending on? Okay, own it.
"You like my hands?" He questioned, biting back a smile. Of course that's what he focused on. "Tell me about my hands." He stood up off his desk and moved closer to you. You felt like the breath was being sucked out of your lungs as you tried to organize your thoughts.
"Well, they're..." His hand came up to your face, thumb grazing your cheekbone.
"Go on."
"I like the way they're..." In an effort to look anywhere else but his eyes, you glanced down to his chest. His face seemed to inch closer to yours as you searched for words you knew you wouldn't find. The hand on your face traveled to the back of your neck, and his other hand found the small of your back. Your hands rested on his biceps, your last attempt to try to cover up your attraction towards him.
"Tell me you want this." Carlisle whispered, pressing you closer to him, encouraged by your racing heart.
"I want this so bad." You admitted, and those were the words that broke the both of you. He pressed you against a bookshelf as his lips met yours, and the amount of passion coming from Carlisle was shocking. His thumb came around your neck to wrap around the front, and the simple weight of his hand caused you to moan in his mouth. He smiled into the kiss and your hands went to his hair, tugging as gently as you could.
"Jump." He whispered in between kisses. The faint taste of spearmint lingered, and you whined at the loss.
"What?" You pulled back and stared at him.
God, please let his vampire strength come in clutch. You wrapped your legs around his waist and his hands found the bottom of your thighs. He placed you on top of his desk, careful as to not disturb any documents or books, and pulled you in again. this time, there was something different. The kiss was more insistent, more demanding.
"More." He groaned, and slotted his head into the curve of your neck, biting gently, and kissing the same spots.
You had never seen Carlisle like this, never this... out of control.
"So, when is this paper due?" He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. He walked back to the door of his office, laying his hand on the doorknob. You simply stared at him, still catching your breath. Did he seriously just ask that? Now? "Is it tonight?"
"Good." He grinned at you, and turned the lock. "Because it's not getting done."
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therealvinelle · 1 month
Why do you think Jasper also slept with Peter and Charlotte?
Because @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I differentiate between fic and canon.
We write our thoughts on canon on tumblr, but in fanfiction we are free to make our own rules and have fun.
Lines become blurred, however (bullet pointing for legibility):
What we extrapolate from canon impacts the canon of our fics Fun fact, therealvinelle only exists because people kept asking me questions about my choices in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, and I thought replying to the same questions in the comment section was silly. So I made a blog, which became a beast unto its own. In other words, fic is impacted by how I view canon, and when people ask me my opinion on canon I tell them my view on canon. Example: Carlisle and Aro are not intended by Meyer to have been anything more than friends, but we think it's there and write metas with that starting point, and have it explicitly canon in our fics.
We keep our fics consistent with one another, sometimes using a minor tidbit from canon to justifty it and sometimes making it up Muffin and I are very stringent about this sort of thing. Our view on the characters is fixed: if something changed from one AU to another, the question is "Why?". If it just changed for no reason and the people remain the same, they're no longer real people and nothing really matters. Example: the Volturi guards all having consistent personalities, life stories staying the same, nevermind that we made up Demetri's personality or Aro's ridiculous collection of Carlisle art.
We write metas explaining our fics on our tumblrs See my fic meta tag. Anon asks "Why did character do thing?" and we go "well, character is a person who does things like that thing, remember in canon when they did that thing? So we had them do this thing in our fic." Nevermind that character didn't actually do thing in canon, because this was all in a fic. Example: see the fic meta tag on my blog or Muffin's masterpost.
Now to answer your question: to my recollection Jasper/Peter and Charlotte is first mentioned in For the Love of a Woman, where Bella learns that not a single one of the Cullen men are straight and she despairs (as does Emmett, who wonders what this means for him).
It was justified as a "Jasper was in a state of ennui, they were all beautiful, they went for it" type of thing, and perhaps more to the point it tells you, the reader (and the scandalized Cullens, per fics like Bleach on the Brain) something about vampire sexual norms being different than 21st century western humans and those humans already have plenty of casual, recreational sex.
So, canon doesn't indicate it, but we had Jasper/Peter and Charlotte be a thing that happened in our fics and the argument for it can be made (I do believe sexual norms among vampires, being excempt from diseases, pregnancies, children, and the type of obligation and routine human lives have, would be... recreational).
(As it is I recall this coming up on the blog before, but I think whichever of us got the question responded with essentially the above - "We don't know, but possible".)
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