sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
It's so funny to me like how in the opening of STF they show us the castle from above...
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...and you can clearly see that they didn't showed us the big space in the back because they would add more stuff there in the future, and you can clearly see that it's empty. But in season two, in the Enchanted Feast episode... (I'm watching this episode rn)
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...it's full of stuff there. And they changed the design of the isle, because that little tower in the left, with a blue roof, it's on the edge of the isle, and when you look into the first opening/once upon a princess movie, there's like a whole path around it (first image).
I just analyzed two images because I remembered it. There must be more variations of the castle out there, if you find them reblog the post and add them so we can create a chain of versions of the castle, it's gonna be fun
(And when they are in the ballroom it is possible to see Cedric's tower through the window, but looking from outside, his tower is very, very far from the ballroom, there is barely any space between the sorcerer's tower and another tower, it's just- almost facing a wall)
Edit: the whole design of the front garden changed oh my god
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princess-ibri · 2 years
So I've noticed you've found some very clever and downright brilliant ways to weave Sofia the First and its lore into your Disneyverse, which makes me wonder if you have any headcanons about what Sofia and the other child characters from the show might be like as teens and adult.
Thanks!! I'm glad you're enjoying them :) I'll admit I don't currently have any real story ideas for them apart from Sofia continuing her roles as the Storykeeper and as a Protector. But here's some designs for the Enchancia siblings as adults!
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And adult Storykeeper Sofia
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Actually, though I don't have any headcanons about Sofia's future I have had one about Enchancia's past for a while now. Basically I've decided in my DisneyVerse it was the home of the girl from the "Girl Without Hands" fairytale, who found sanctuary in the magic tree that would become the Secret Library, and her son, inspired by all she had to overcome, dedicates his life to ensuring as many happy endings as he can for others and becomes the first Storykeeper.
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For those who don't know, The Girl Without Hands is a fairytale where a man sort of accidentally trades his daughter to the devil (in this it would be the demon Voland, a main background villain in my DisneyVerse). But since she's pure the devil can't take her, but through a series of unfortunate events due to him she ends up losing her hands :s (they'd probably be magiced off or something in this, but then again Disney has gone dark before, but either way no gruesomeness would be shown on screen).
The girl wanders for a while but comes under the care of an angel who helps her (a Windwalker in this version since they're the Everrealm version pretty much) and eventually causes her to meet a kind young king who falls love with her and makes hers her a pair of silver artificial hands.
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They're happy for a few years until the King is called away to war and the Queen has her first child. At which point the devil comes back and makes trouble again thar causes them to be separated for several years, the queen forced to flee with her child far from the kingdom to save their lives. They end up under the care of the angel again, (lead by the Windwalker to the magical tree) and yeats later are reunited with the King who never stopped hoping they were still alive. And they live happily ever after.
(Added things in my version--the girl, named Manon, has her hair turn white after escaping Voland due to the trauma she's endured, and years later her son Sorrow (his actualname in the fairytale) ends up trapping Voland in a magical mirror, which is in fact the Magic Mirror that ends up in the Evil Queen's hands centuries later)
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calysticollision · 3 months
STF Modern AU / OO1
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WELCOME TO, calysticollision's stf modern / celebrity au. Where the gang are no longer royals, just some very influential people.
— pictures here are all from pinterest, and are most definetly not mine (i struggled with the pictures omg)
— the social media profiles you see here are all fake and edited.
— includes ships (Hugfia, Desamber, and Vivames. And some others coming soon)
— introductions will come a few characters at a time. (soo keep a look out after this one, and also feel free to request characters! I'll try my best)
��� and personal thanks to stormikitty for helping me with what these people do for a living
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𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ vetenarian — i imagine sofia post alot on social media, and she enjoys sharing her days (the vet-log where she just post the animals she checks-up on). And Sofia stil very much enjoys ice skating like she did as a child but she kept it as a hobby, and she likes to share that aswell.
𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 ★ ice skater — hugo would be the type of person to barely post (he has a secret dump account where he post like 3 times aday). But when he does post it's like a full on slide show, different days of the week with different people and places.
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𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ astronomer — queen of being aesthetic, her post are aesthetic pleasing to look at, and every single one is pinterest worthy. She is very active and post alot i imagine, and is an influencer in inself with like probably lots of brand deals. Was also the one who set up the winslowsforpalestine funds to help all those suffering (sadly it is a fake link, but go check out the links in Hugo, Desmond and Vivian's!)
𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍 ★ author and scientist — Desmond is definitely one of the smaller bok authors but he is still very well known. And plus his book series is still fairly new so he is still growing in popularity. He was mostly known through Amber's Instagram as she post desmond alot (as her boyfriend). And Desmond was also quite well known on bookstagram— what can i say he's a man of many interest. (Desmond will forever will brunette in my head, i refuse to acknowledge him being a blond, he is just.. i imagined him as a brunette for the longest time.. and he wears glasses)
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𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ hockey player — Captain of the royals (i suck at naming things). He and his siblings are very popular as there family are the founders of the Winslow Corp. James barely post himself on his instagram, mostly posting pictures of hockey, His siblings, his friends, or his girlfriend (he post Vivian like alot, even though Vivian gets shy most times and often tells James not to post her but he post her anywayyyy (ugh i love vivames so much otp))
𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 ★ singer-musician — Vivian is definitely more of an Instagram story girl rather than a post girl. She is very active on her story and has alot of highlights to make the memories last (and yes the feather is feather by sabrina carpenter, cuz.. Vivian was voiced by sabrina carpenter and it was just such a nice opportunity i couldn't miss). Definitely more faceless, and post's photos from the back or side.
end / for now
— uhh yea, this is all i have so far, i'll make more, if i have motivation.. when i TELL YOU i struggled so hard with the pictures like bro how do people get such good graphics what in the world are you guys searching.. but yea.. i tried..
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reverseenchancia · 14 days
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Amber's Future Vision
Amber occasionally has prophetic dreams about the future of Enchancia. She dismisses them as silly nightmares, but they often come true in unexpected ways. This gift might be tied to her royal bloodline, suggesting that other members of the family could have latent magical abilities.
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rwbyangst12 · 2 years
I wanted to see more of the protectors and see Vega, Orion, and the giant guy cuz isn't Orion the leader? We should've seen him give Sofia advice and tell her stories of how Chrysta started out
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squishmellowmallow · 1 year
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bleachanimefan1 · 2 years
EverRealm Part Four
A Celebration to Remember,
The group watched the two girls run off, heading to the game stands. Cordelia turned to Elora. "So, what brings you to Enchancia?" Cordelia asked her. Elora shook her head.
"I-I don't know." She replied, looking away from three.
"You don't know?" Winifred frowned, confused.
"She lost her memory." Cedric told his mother, father and sister. All three looked at Elora with shocked looks.
"The thing is, I can't remember. I don't remember a thing. Not where I came from, my name, nothing. It was Cedric and Sofia who found me at the castle." Elora explained to them.
"You poor thing. I'm sure your memories will return. But in the meantime, why not have some fun." Winifred said. 
"Okay." Elora smiled. Then Cedric noticed that something was wrong when he saw band performer approached King Roland. Elora noticed as well and the two and walked over to them. Cedric's parents and sister left to go enjoy the festival. As Elora and Cedric approached the king, Elora also overheard his conversation with the man.
"Your majesty, we have a problem." He told the King. 
"What's wrong?" Roland asked.
"One of the band players have sprained their wrist. They cannot perform." The man explained gesturing over to his band, showing one of his players holding his injured wrist.
"Oh no, that's terrible." Roland said, disappointed.
"Did something happened?" Elora asked them. King Roland and the man turned, seeing Cedric and Elora in front of them.
"Oh, it's you. Yes. One of our performers have hurt their wrist. I'm afraid that if we don't find anyone soon, we'll have to have no music for the festival." Roland explained.
"Is there anything you can do, Cedric?" He asked the sorcerer.
"I could make a potion, but it'll take too much time." Cedric told him. Elora stepped up.
"Um, I don't mind helping, if you need me." King Roland blinked in surprise as did Cedric. One of the performers walked over to her.
"Do you play? Here. Try it out." He handed Elora a guitar before she could answer, and she took it from him. She began to play a few notes testing it out, playing a little song. Then something strange happened. With each note she played as she plucked the strings on the guitar. Notes began to appear floating the air. Elora began to play a little faster and the instrument began to sound more an electric guitar. King Roland and Cedric watched in surprise as did the band as they listened as Elora continued to play. Some villagers that passed by stopped and listened as they have never heard the sound before. Elora looked up as she finished playing seeing everyone staring at her awestruck as well as fascinated.
"You're in!" The man shouted, happily.
"Wow, you're really good." Cedric said in awe. Elora blushed a little and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Thanks. Hey, maybe I was a bard and that's why I was able to play so well." Elora said, smiling. 
Later that day, Elora performed with the band as played out to the villagers who watched and listened to them play while some listened as they passed by. Sofia sat with her friends, Ruby and Jade and Lucinda, with Calista, along with Amber and James as they ate some candy from the concession stand, watching the band. They cheered along with villagers as the performers and Elora finished up the song. They all bowed as the crowd clapped with a standing ovation.
"You should join with us on our travels! What do you say?" The performers asked her. Elora smiled, shaking her head.
"Maybe another time. But it was fun!" She told them as she left the stage. Elora walked over to Sofia and her friends and sat down next to them to rest.
"You were Ah-mazing!" Sofia exclaimed.
"Thank you." Elora smiled at her.
"I can't wait to see what Cedric is going to do for his show." James said, excitedly.
"Me too. I can't wait either." Elora replied. Then Baileywick walked up and onto the stage announcing to the crowd that Cedric's act was about to start. "Now for what we've all been waiting for. King Roland's royal sorcerer, Cedric the Great." The curtains opened revealing Cedric as he stepped out onto the stage with several of his magical equipment behind him. The crowd clapped as he walked out while some snickered and laughed and pointed their fingers at him as they whispered amongst themselves. Cedric magically made a rabbit appear, Clover, with the flick of his wand. Then as he attempted to make the bunny disappear, Cedric accidentally said the wrong spell! Clover began to float as his ears turned into a propeller then began to bounce around on the floor like a ball. Elora frowned as saw a few whispering, quietly, as they talked about Cedric, gossiping very rudely.
"He's quite a bungler, isn't he?" One snickered.
"More like a royal fool!" Another one laughed.
Sofia noticed as well. Cedric stopped for a moment, getting a little nervous, but continued. 
"Now for my final trick! I will produce the largest creature that none have ever seen before!" As Cedric flicked his wand saying the spell, Elora noticed the backdrop behind the sorcerer starting to smoke a little with a faint glow behind it. She gasped and stood up when she saw instead of just one, but five large lava creatures as they melted through.
"Cedric! Behind you!" Elora screamed.
Cedric's eyes widened and he turned around seeing the creatures, as well, backing away from them. "Oh, merlin's mushrooms!" He hopped off the stage when one creature tried to swing at him. The crowd screamed as they ran away from the burning stage from the lava creatures wild rampage. They looked like they were searching for something.
"Cedric! I thought you said that you were going to make one creature appear?" King Roland shouted.
"Believe me, sire! This isn't me!" Cedric cried out. Elora stared at the lava monsters as they continued their rampage. These creatures looked familiar to her. Then Elora groaned when a sharp pain rushed through her head.
Elora was standing near the edge of a cliff and below it a raging river, surrounded by these same lava creatures. Elora tried to fight them off as she backed away from them, trying not to get burned and engulfed by their flames. Then she lost her footing and slipped over the edge of the cliff. Elora saw another person, a woman, peered over the edge of the cliff, as she fell into the ravine. Elora tried to swim but she wasn't a great swimmer, and the currents were too strong and felt a sharp pain when she smacked her head against a rock. She blacked out after that and ended up washed up along the banks of the shore in the land of Enchancia.
Elora's eyes widen. Aelerus? That sounded so familiar as well. Was that where she came from? It must be! She saw the lava creatures were now inching closer towards her when they spotted her.
They were after her!
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tanasha-not-yet · 1 month
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it's kind of a cedric version of this piece
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bambiilooza · 2 months
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early teen designs for them cuz, canonically, they look like cocomelon characters
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majoresca · 1 month
Holiday in Enchancia
I know that Cedric didn't appear in this episode, which I find strange.
If the royal family had asked Cedric to use his crystal ball to find Roland's location while he was missing, they wouldn't have needed to go looking for him in a blizzard and risk their own safety.
Maybe a locator spell would even end up finding him.
I don't think Cedric would have neglected to look for Roland, even if they weren't such good friends anymore.
Indeed Cedric wanted the throne, but I don't think he would be so cruel to let his childhood friend get lost in the snow to die, especially considering that in addition to being king, Roland is also a father of a family.
The script could have given an excuse that the crystal ball was being interfered with by the blizzard, and that it wouldn't be able to find Roland accurately.
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ladies-of-fiction · 5 months
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Princess Sofia
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inamindfarfaraway · 8 months
Inspired by the Disney Princess villain song series by Lydia the Bard, here’s my idea for Princess Sofia’s own dark version of a Sofia the First song and the backstory and animatic script accompanying it. There are mentioned dead bodies and a little blood. I’ve really tried to keep her in-character, despite the very different circumstances and tone. She’s more of an anti-villain here.
I’d love to hear feedback on this and talk to other fans, of Sofia or Lydia.
I’ve written one for Princess Elena too!
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calysticollision · 4 months
the sofia the first fandom is coming back and i couldn't be happier
man this fandom did something to me, i stumbled upon a fanfiction of it on wattpad and now im way to far deep into the fandom (i also watched the show as a kid!!) yea, and im also a down right down hard hardcore you CANNOT change my mind, but i am a james x vivian shipper so hard!!! I will eat up the opposite attracts, sun x moon, black cat x golden retriever EVERYTIME AND THEY ARE JUST SO THAT AND MUSIC X KNIGHT IS JSISBDJ there's something about it. Okay thank you i will fight
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reverseenchancia · 3 days
Headcanon: King Roland's Unlikely Detective
In the kingdom of Enchancia, King Roland is known for his wisdom and unconventional decisions. One such decision was appointing a female servant as the royal detective, a role traditionally held by men. This headcanon explores how this unique choice came to be and its impact on the kingdom.
The Servant's Background:
The servant, named Elara, was known for her keen observational skills and sharp intellect. Despite her humble position, she often solved minor mysteries around the castle, impressing those who noticed her talents. Her ability to notice details others overlooked made her an invaluable asset.
Roland's Decision:
King Roland, recognizing Elara's potential, decided to break tradition and appoint her as the royal detective. He believed that a fresh perspective was needed to tackle the kingdom's mysteries and that Elara's unique insights could uncover truths hidden from others.
Challenges and Triumphs:
Elara faced skepticism from some courtiers who doubted her abilities due to her gender and background. However, she quickly proved herself by solving a high-profile case involving missing royal jewels. Her success not only solidified her position but also inspired other women in the kingdom to pursue roles traditionally denied to them.
Impact on Enchancia:
Elara's appointment marked a turning point in Enchancia's history, promoting equality and challenging societal norms. Her success stories became legendary, and she paved the way for future generations of women to follow their dreams, regardless of societal expectations.
This headcanon highlights King Roland's progressive thinking and Elara's determination, showcasing how breaking barriers can lead to positive change in society.
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naoisbroke · 1 month
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Tried to line this, but my pain is kicking my butt, so have this WIP instead
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I have to tell myself not to be afraid to post my oc Lyra that this fandom is loving warm and exceptionally loving, and I'm hope she'll be accepted and shipped
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