#enchancia castle
sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
It's so funny to me like how in the opening of STF they show us the castle from above...
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...and you can clearly see that they didn't showed us the big space in the back because they would add more stuff there in the future, and you can clearly see that it's empty. But in season two, in the Enchanted Feast episode... (I'm watching this episode rn)
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...it's full of stuff there. And they changed the design of the isle, because that little tower in the left, with a blue roof, it's on the edge of the isle, and when you look into the first opening/once upon a princess movie, there's like a whole path around it (first image).
I just analyzed two images because I remembered it. There must be more variations of the castle out there, if you find them reblog the post and add them so we can create a chain of versions of the castle, it's gonna be fun
(And when they are in the ballroom it is possible to see Cedric's tower through the window, but looking from outside, his tower is very, very far from the ballroom, there is barely any space between the sorcerer's tower and another tower, it's just- almost facing a wall)
Edit: the whole design of the front garden changed oh my god
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majoresca · 2 months
Sorry guys, but the idea of the castle servants, trying to break into the royal sorcerer's tower, just so they could borrow the crystal ball to watch sports at lunch, has rented an apartment in my head.
As if the crystal ball were the magical equivalent of a portable television.
Maybe it doesn't even have to be sports, they can take turns watching distant theater plays and even "reality shows", by seeing the fights and gossip in real time, just asking where so-and-so are.
They all gathered together watching, until Baleywick and Cedric entered the hidden room, taking everyone by surprise.
While Cedric looks like, "See?! I told you someone was going through my stuff, Baleywick!"
While Baleywick is holding his own temple because he won't hear the end of that complaint ever again, because they need to show respect to the royal sorcerer, not taking belongings without permission and blah blah blah.
Baleywick scolds the servants in front of Cedric,so they don't do it ever again... Or at least, not in such a visible place next time.
Baleywick covers them up a bit, as long as he can choose the next entertainment on his lunch break. Probably something like fencing duels, galas, music recitals and stuff like that.
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teecupangel · 5 months
So a little funny idea I had last night is what if Desmond reincarnated in Enchancia? He could be born in a random family or better yet as Sofia's brother? Since it's a musical I bet the first time he heard someone singing he was wondering why and where the music was coming from
I was debating if it would be better for Desmond to be Miranda’s oldest son or Roland’s oldest son.
Then I remembered part of the whole backstory of Roland is that his first wife died because he wished for a family so, in this one, Desmond is going to be Sofia’s older brother from Miranda’s first husband.
He thought he was just living in some sort of fantasy world that was heavily influenced by Disney fairy tales but he didn’t know he was in a Disney fairytale.
He’s around 16 years old when Miranda married Roland and he and Sofia became prince and princess. He, of course, made sure to stress that he has no plans to aim for the throne and even made a contract that was magically ‘sealed’ by Cedric that shows his promise to never wish to become a king.
“I lived my life as a huntsman and I don’t see why I should stop being one.”
This, of course, sorta placed him a strange spot.
Because when they became royalty, that’s when the songs started. The first time he heard a song, it was Sofia’s song that showed how she’s worried she’s not cut out to be a princess and he honestly just assumed it was his sister singing to have an outlet.
Then the songs started to be accompanied by music that appeared out of nowhere when he began living in the castle.
Everyone just goes along with it as if it was natural.
When he asked his mother about it, she said “Our heart is our guide to the music that we sing. You just haven’t found your song yet.”
Desmond’s just “???” about the entire thing but this is a fairy tale world so okay.
But Desmond noticed the great divide between the nobility and the common people and, as much as he sees his step father as a good man…
The way he interacts with Cedric was certainly worrying.
But that’s not the worst of Desmond’s worry, to be completely honest.
Desmond is a strange man to everyone. He was kind and sweet but he showed that he knows when it He even treats Cedric with kindness and treated him as an equal, sometimes scolding the king about berating Cedric in public.
(Sure, Sofia did as well but Sofia was usually in school or away in some adventure or something while Desmond stayed in the castle, hunting or helping out his mother. He didn’t have lessons on how to be a royal but he can handle things his own way (his own way being a combination of fallen Italian nobility from the 15th century and posh Englishman that is technically a noble from the 18th century).
All of this culminates in Cedric throwing away his goal of taking the throne for himself and aiming to make Desmond the king.
And the first thing he needs to take care of?
That pesky contract Desmond had him make to show his disinterest with being king.
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moncey-imagines · 1 year
Reminder | Cedric the Sorcerer x Reader
i apologize for the lack of fem reader i left it open edned for all readers but i hope everyone likes it :3
no warnings i dont think, other than sad ceddy teehee
requested by: @bettathanyou
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Cedric sighed as he sat on his stool, resting his head in his hands. “Another spell fumbled…” he thought to himself. His recent failed attempt at impressing the royal family reminds him of a time he’d rather forget…a time he wishes he could’ve prevented.
Looking up at the potion he’s brewing, he catches a glimpse of his reflection in a jar. His bangs catch his eye…the silver color being a permanent reminder of his failure, and the years of ridicule he experienced for it.
Dropping his head back into his hands, he frees the lump that’s been building in his throat, his tears falling onto his spellbook.
“Cedric?” you say, peeking into his lab, worried for the sorcerer after hearing about what happened from Princess Sofia.
“Eh? Oh, [Y/N]...g-go away, you have work around the castle to do, don't you?”
He turns his body away from you, hiding his misery beneath a cold exterior. Despite his growing fondness of you, he just can't seem to bring himself to be vulnerable with you.
“You're crying, are you okay?”
You walk closer to the sorcerer, as he sighs in defeat at you seeing his tear stained face.
“Y-Yes, it's nothing…it's just a side effect from the griffin feathers I’m using in this spell…”
He tries to sit upright, to pretend he’s fine like he has for so many people.
Unlike them, though, you can see right through him.
“Cedric…I know sad tears when I see them…is it about what happened in front of Roland?”
Giving into your kindness, he reluctantly answers.
“...Yes, it is…I can't seem to hold it together in front of him…I always mess things up just when everyone's counting on me to do it right…”
He glances up at his reflection in the jar again, face full of sorrow.
“It’s alright Cedric…me and Princess Sofia can vouch for you, we know you're an amazing sorcerer…”
You kneel beside him, hugging him in an attempt to comfort him, though he continues to stare at his reflection.
“You don't understand, [Y/N]... everything I do is a failure…everything I’ve done is, too…”
“Cedric, is there something more to it? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to…”
Opening up to you, he tells you about what happened back in his childhood and what he did to his sister, Cordelia's, hair. He tells you about how, ever since then, everyone belittled and made fun of him. How he started to believe them…
“I have a reminder on my head of what happened now, it seems no one will ever forget what happened…”
“But…it's a reminder of all you’ve been through, too…”
Looking up at you expectantly and pleadingly, you sigh and hold his cheek in your palm, gaining a bit of a flustered reaction from the sorcerer.
“You endured all that bullying, all that ridicule…and yet, here you are…Royal Sorcerer of Enchancia…don't you think that, if you really were a terrible sorcerer, they would kick you out?”
“Hm…I suppose so…but what if it's all because of my father? They expect me to be just like him…”
“They could have hired Cordelia, Cedric, but they chose you…you also have me and Sofia, we believe in you…if you really were horrible, you wouldn't have any of this…”
“I suppose you're right…”
Leaning into your hand, he blushes, avoiding eye contact.
“Thank you…for giving me that, um, pep talk…of sorts.”
“It's no problem, Cedric. That's what friends are for…”
Wincing a bit at the casual friend-zone, he pulls away from you, putting on a stern, yet flustered face.
“Yes, yes, now, um, run off. I have…potions to brew and such.”
You giggle as you stand back, giving him a peck on the lips and leaving out the door.
“Alright, Cedric, you can do it! I believe in your magic ability!”
As you leave, he sighs contently, turning back to his work with the new-found confidence that you’ve given him in, not only his magic, but his chance with you.
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mushroomsie224 · 1 month
Calista is overjoyed to stay at Enchancia castle. For the duration that she Cordelia stay at the castle, she tries as often as she can to visit Cedric in his tower. Cedric, though quite withdrawn lately, is quite happy to see the little girl, especially since Sofia is a lot more busy now and doesn't visit his tower as much as before.
Calista often makes Cedric come with her out of the tower to play games or eat ice cream or whatever. She wants to make the most of the time she's staying at the castle. While Cedric is reluctant to go out, he does so to please her, and it does him good to leave his tower more. And Calista gets to spend time with her favourite Uncle Ceddy!
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ushsblog · 1 month
Cedlock as uncles, Headcanon
(This post is entirely a rambling of mine about my little imaginary Cedric and Greykock being a couple, so if you don't care about the ship, skip the post.)
Alright, I have a series of headcanons about the family dynamic of Calista, Cordelia, and Cedric if Cedric and Greylock were a couple (meaning both would be Calista's uncles). What do you call that? Ship-headcanon? Even though the ship isn’t, unfortunately, real?
For this, imagine that at some point after the end of the series, Greylock and Cedric meet again, resolve their issues (and all that complicated matter with the Order of the Wand and Rudistan), and become a couple.
Greylock eventually moves in with Cedric in Enchancia because, well, he wants to be with him. They become a little family along with their nieces: Calista and Sofia (Sofia declared herself as their adoptive niece and didn’t take no for an answer).
When Calista is visiting the castle, Greylock and Cedric play with her, and, secretly from Cedric, Greylock teaches Calista some spells for pranks.
Quickly, Calista develops a taste for pranks like her uncle (harmless ones, of course), which gets on Cedric’s nerves.
When Calista enters her teenage years, she starts to have a slight conflict with her personal style because she finds that, unlike what Cordelia would prefer, she doesn’t really like the dresses and elaborate headpieces she is expected to wear.
Cordelia doesn’t insist on changing her mind because she understands, somewhat reluctantly, that Calista doesn’t share her love for fashion. However, she notices that Calista feels a bit insecure about the matter, so she asks her uncles to talk to her.
Cedric tells Calista that it’s okay if she wants to wear something simpler along with her wizard robe. Greylock, supporting Cedric, advises Calista to wear whatever makes her feel comfortable and like herself, without worrying if it might be a bit unconventional. (Greylock uses himself as an example, who, now free from King Magnus’s control, has started dressing even more, in Cedric’s opinion, extravagantly).
Calista feels better and starts exploring what makes her feel comfortable until she develops her own style, which is a curious mix of her uncles’ and mother’s styles: a red wizard robe, a shirt and bow tie with a sort of vest over it, along with a simple skirt with a belt at the waist like Cordelia's. Her hair is half-styled and messy like Greylock’s, and she wears large star-shaped earrings like her mother. Additionally, Calista loves to wear the hat that Merlin gave her.
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reverseenchancia · 3 days
Headcanon: King Roland's Unlikely Detective
In the kingdom of Enchancia, King Roland is known for his wisdom and unconventional decisions. One such decision was appointing a female servant as the royal detective, a role traditionally held by men. This headcanon explores how this unique choice came to be and its impact on the kingdom.
The Servant's Background:
The servant, named Elara, was known for her keen observational skills and sharp intellect. Despite her humble position, she often solved minor mysteries around the castle, impressing those who noticed her talents. Her ability to notice details others overlooked made her an invaluable asset.
Roland's Decision:
King Roland, recognizing Elara's potential, decided to break tradition and appoint her as the royal detective. He believed that a fresh perspective was needed to tackle the kingdom's mysteries and that Elara's unique insights could uncover truths hidden from others.
Challenges and Triumphs:
Elara faced skepticism from some courtiers who doubted her abilities due to her gender and background. However, she quickly proved herself by solving a high-profile case involving missing royal jewels. Her success not only solidified her position but also inspired other women in the kingdom to pursue roles traditionally denied to them.
Impact on Enchancia:
Elara's appointment marked a turning point in Enchancia's history, promoting equality and challenging societal norms. Her success stories became legendary, and she paved the way for future generations of women to follow their dreams, regardless of societal expectations.
This headcanon highlights King Roland's progressive thinking and Elara's determination, showcasing how breaking barriers can lead to positive change in society.
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Season 1 episodes I think Cedric should have been in
Just One of the Princes - Cedric was obviously supposed to be in this episode, so I like to imagine that he conjured the piles of straw Sofia landed in white practicing.
Baileywick's Day Off - In Cedric's Apprentice it's revealed that everyone could hear Cedric singing. The whole castle was singing about the steward, so it would have been just like Cedric to appear in the halls complaining about how the noise was disturbing his work. Also, it would have been great if, instead of Baileywick, Sofia had seen Cedric in the garden and asked him to catch butterflies. Sofia was thoughtless to interrupt Baileywick on his day off.
Tri-Kingdom Picnic - Cedric was attending the celebration in Baileywhoops, at least until he had to entertain the kids, so why didn't he attend the picnic? Sure, he's an introvert. But it would have been nice to see him, even if he was sulking the whole time.
Finding Clover - Sofia threatening Boswell with the royal sorcerer instead of the useless guards would have been fun.
Holiday in Enchancia - Everyone else made an appearance, even Violet. So Cedric should have been there.
Four's a Crowd- One version of the song has a line about Cedric. It was cut, but we could have gotten a few seconds of him...
To be continued...
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Top 10 Sofia the First Songs
Fuck it, I know most of you dont give a shit about Sofia the First but this show has been a sheer delight for me so y'all gonna sit down, shut up and appreciate some good music. The music in this show is much like the music in Friendship is Magic. They both went way too hard than they needed to.
Here's the top 10 best songs in Sofia the First
10. King Cedric the Great
Villain songs are always fun and its even better when the villain singing it is about as dangerous as a rubber duck. Cedric is the true example of how to write a sympathetic villain. He's a hapless sorceror who's actually really good at magic but his anxiety combined with everyone (except Sofia and his niece Calista) viewing him as some kind of loser are the reason why he wants to take over the kingdom cos he thinks that's the only way he can get respect. As this song illustrates how he wants Sofia's amulet so he can use its powers, but as the episode goes on, he finds out he doesnt really have it in him to be truly evil for reasons I won't go into, cos the episode this song's from is SO good. Its called Cedric's Apprentice if anyone wants to look it up.
As for the song itself, its a homage to classic Disney villain songs but Cedric's plan is so childishly over the top its hard to take him seriously, which is the song's intention. Its a great juxtaposition. Jess Harnell's singing is just the ham on top of these cheese sandwich.
He really has a knack for playing characters that are totally wacko
9. Wendell's Way
Speaking of sorcerors, here's another villain: a kid named Wendell. A spoilt brat who stole all the flying horses of Enchancia for his birthday. He's like if Horrid Henry went to that terf wizard school. The song itself has a very boisterious energy, amplified by the hard rock drums and the lute/guitar solo?? which makes it all the more satisfying when Sofia, Amber and James get the upper hand in the end and Wendell's mother comes out of nowhere to ground him, its fucking great. Its nice to see a bully character actually stay a bully and not get force-redeemed by the writers so they can pull the 'everyone deserves a second chance' message , when in actuality, no, some people really are that mean and you're not obligated to give a shit about a bully. Wendell is, in retrospect, a breath of fresh air as the song doesnt pull some sad backstory out of the aether to make you feel sorry for this kid. No, he's just that selfish.
Also the lyric: 'That is a promise, but also a threat' is fucking great.
Its a simple song but a bop nonetheless.
8. Make Some Noise
Sometimes a song is good when its just plain fun. And this song definitely applies. In the episode this is from, Sofia befriends a bunch of trolls living under the castle that everyone warns her are dangerous and violent and here... theyre actually super chill. The fact that Sofia instantly gets into the groove is delightful and again showcases how compassionate she is.
The song itself has a fun, jazzy melody with the trolls using thier equivalents of piano, trumpets and of course their clubs. It's such a feel good song, almost like the voice actors just got up from the chairs and just danced like they dont give a shit and the directors just hit record. It really feels like a song you would hear at a party. Even the repeated animation doesnt bother me.
7. A Princess True
One of this show's biggest weakness is portraying people from different cultures cos its clear the show is made by mostly white people who have a limited understanding of non-white cultures and can easily fall into racist stereotypes without realising it. Its not by any means racist as the show features plenty of non white side characters (Khaled, Kashmir, Jun, Jin and Kari) that the main cast are on friendly terms with. But here, this song is relatively tame as this song is all about Sofia, a white girl, believing in Lani, a Hawaiian girl, as her actions throughout the episode are proof she's the real deal.
In the episode, Princess Leilani lost her family heirloom the Emerald Key into the sea after fighting an evil witch, where it gets washed up in Enchancia so Leilani goes to the castle to get the key back, cos its a key to help her parents find their way home from the sea. However, the witch Mamanu disguises herself as Leilani as well so she can trick the Enchancian royal family into giving her the Key. So Roland puts both Lanis to the test but the test involves the Lanis to act like THEIR cultural view of royalty. Sofia notices one of the Lanis aces it and the other competely fails at it and does something different instead. So Sofia thinks the latter is the real princess and this song is her showing her full support and belief that Lani is the true princess.
Its a very sweet song to a very meaty episode which is why I had to explain in full detail. Its not perfect but the song really encapsulates Sofia's and the show's earnestness towards non-white characters and I appreciate that. It helps the creator is Jewish and went on to make a show all about Latina culture and did actual research on it. So this song, and the episode itself is a good, albeit rocky start.
Even if they fucked it up with giving Lani powers in the next episode she appeared in, goddammnit why the magical native stereotype we were so close!!!!!
6. Me and My Mom
Creator Craig Gerber has stated many times that one of Sofia the First's core themes is teaching kids about blended families and how to adapt after getting new parents and step siblings in your life (since he was a child of divorce himself and had to adapt to having a new father and siblings). This song is about Sofia's struggles to adapt now that she has to share her mother with Amber and James. You really feel sorry for Sofia cos she's so used to having her mother being the only family she has and of course, is easily attached to her.
Its a very soft, heartfelt song that resonates with a lot of kids that are in Sofia's position. I bet they felt very seen by this episode.
5. Improvise
In the episode, Amber wants to join in Sofia's girl scout group but in typical Amber fashion, she brought nothing but dresses and jewellry to an outdoor trip and forgot to pack a tent. So Sofia and her friends teach her how to improvise via musical number. A cute lesson about being resourceful and a great example of Amber becoming a more versatile character as she grows to love the outdoors.
There's a very jovial, motivational energy to the song that really makes it stand out from the usual pep-talk songs in this show. What else can I say? Its a highlight of Amber's character development and a fun little song to boot. Whats not to love?
4. Two By Two
Amber's relationship with her sister Sofia is always expanded upon in the show but her relationship with brother James is a lot less so since Amber and James sparsely interact beyond typical sibling teasing. So its nice this episode, and this song helps establish how much Amber actually cares about her twin brother.
In the episode, Amber accidentally turns James into a toddler thanks to a botched magic spell cos Amber didnt want to share her birthday but as her and Sofia run around trying to find baby James. Sofia suggests to Amber to sing the twin song that James and Amber used to sing all the time when they were little. (which is just adorable)
I love how Amber starts the song in a very deadpan, almost annoyed tone until the second verse hits and slowly her singing becomes more melancholy and emotional, like the fact that her twin being lost is just now hitting her. Especially since she spent the whole episode wishing to have a birthday to herself for once, not realising that she's taking away James' birthday and thus losing him too. That small bit of her looking at the pocket watch with her and James' portrait it, finally finding baby James behind the throne, picking him up and hugging him and them finishing the song together
Its so nice to see a sibling relationship that's actually wholesome.
3. Dare to Risk It All
One of Amber's biggest flaws is her envy and her getting over being an jealous bitch to her little sister is a lesson that Amber has always had to learn in the show's earlier seasons. And while she has made some development, this is the episode where Amber makes the most change. And this song is emblematic of that.
Dare To Risk It All has Rapunzel appear to teach Amber that you have to put other's needs before your own to earn forgiveness, to prove you can change, which is a lesson not a lot of kids shows teach nowadays cos most shows like Steven Universe and even MLP put the pressure on the victim to forgive their bullies or let them off easy (especially if they're family) but in this episode, Sofia is rightfully angry at Amber for stealing her amulet and isnt afraid to snap at her for it the whole episode so Amber throughout this song (and the episode) realising how much Sofia means to her and it puts the pressure on Amber to be a better person and a better sister.
Its one of the few good Disney Princess songs the show has. The Disney Princess aspect of the show is honestly its biggest crutch cos Sofia always has a good role model with her mother and her dad to some extent and the princesses havent exactly had the best trakc record for teaching good lessons to Sofia since they either state the obvious or gaslight her. So its nice to see the princesses teach someone else for a change. And its Rapunzel, the best Disney princess.
Also bonus points for having a good song about earning forgiveness whilst flying dragons.
2. Princess Things
Sofia wants to do flying horse-racing even though mostly boys at her school do that sport and both Amber and Sofia's rival Prince Hugo are discouraging her from trying out the sport. Its your typical girl empowerment message. While the pilot episode established the whole premise, this episode (Just One of the Princes) and this song establishes Sofia's character: a pro-active princess who doesnt fall for anyone's bullshit, which is perfect for a moral center protagonist.
I love how Sofia's expression throughout the song goes from confused to smiling like she's internally screaming. And her verses are basically 'screw you guys i do whatever the fuck i want.' So not only did everyone waste their time singing to convince Sofia but in fact made her even MORE CONVINCED to try out the flying horse derby. Good job, guys.
Aside from that, the song itself is a bop. The repeated chorus really emphasises the peer pressure Sofia is going through. Second episode of the series and they're already making a hit.
1. All You Need
In the episode, Sofia meets Vivian, a princess who's a great artist and musician but is painfully shy and thus everyone is spreading rumours around her. Even Sofia was a bit apprehensive but she pushes through it to meet Vivian at her house whilst they work on their school project and this delightful song just pops up.
I love how it starts with Vivian nervously playing her lute and Sofia starts singing, whilst helping her IN SONG start brainstorming their ideas for a dream castle. Then after Sofia's verse is done: ending with the lyric, Ill paint all the towers blue, now the rest is up to you, Vivian immediately jumps and enthusiastically suggest her own ideas. The music even matches the tone of the characters. When it starts, its only Vivian's lute and a backing track but as soon as the bridge comes, the music swells when Sofia's singing motivates Vivian and its just chef kiss.
This song, as well as the episode this was from, made me really like Vivian as a side character and I always loved her interactions with Sofia whenever she made an appearance. I like how she retained her newfound confidence into later seasons, where she becomes just as pro-active as Sofia.
This song, to me, is what Sofia the First is all about. A girl who's just the sunniest child, befriending the shy kid in her class and having the most adorable musical number. Are there songs with better lyrics and theming? Absolutely. But the sheer serotonin levels this song has, as well as encapsulating the main character's compassion for others, is why this is the best song of the show
Thank you for coming to my TED talk about a bluebell princess
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moonypears-blog · 2 months
A while ago I shared my Sofia the first OC, Beau, but the picrew I used didn't look much like her, it was the best I could find for what she wears. I found a colouring page that represents her quite well.
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The nose is a bit off, but I'll never get something perfect. As I said previously, she's Baileywick's niece. After the events of the show, probably a few years after when the children are starting their teens, she comes in and joins the castle workers. She knew Roland, Cedric and Tilly as children, but only a bit as she lived in a different part of Enchancia. Her mother is Baileywick's eldest sister (Who canonically doesn't exist. As far as I know at least.)
Link to the colouring page.
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Need need NEED cedric and reader fic where hes all sauve and confident in front of her when everyone expects him to fuck up and shes all shy and bothered iykwim;);) bonus points if they're "friends" who everyone obv ships
I'm ngl, this ask was a little hard to answer because Cedric has such few moments where he's confident on screen ☠️☠️ he's such a dork, I love him 🫶
Either way, sauve Cedric is still a guilty pleasure to think about. I hope I can nail down the vibes like you requested! I also wasn't sure if you meant by "friends" they were in a pre-established relationship or not, so I left it sort of ambiguous 🌝 but don't worry there's still plenty of shipping content if that was your intention!
I also decided on a whim to make this a christmas-y fic, cuz Christmas in the summer! Why not!
Dance With Me
A Fic by Bettathanyou
. No trigger warnings, except tooth rotting fluff and the coy implications by our sauve sorcerer 🤭🫣 this fic is inspired by the episode Cedric Be Good, because seeing Cedric dance with Sofia makes me obsessed with the idea that he's a good dancer.
It was the week before Wassailia, and everyone in the entire kingdom could feel the excitement grow palpable in the air. Though Wassailia always brought out the mirth and child-like wonder in nearly everyone's heart, this year felt different; whispers among the castle maids promised a party thrown in Enchancia like no other.
Normally, gossip amongst your other castle coworkers was more unwelcome noise; however, you kept your ears perked as you caught wind that this year, the common folk of the kingdom were formally invited to the Wassailia ball.
You tried to dismiss the notion at first, unconvinced that your rulers were that altruistic.
To your surprise, the King made a public degree the very next day, confirming the rumors to be true.
As much as you would appreciate the royals efforts to bridge the gaps between nobility and the common man, the gesture seemed more of a burden than a blessing as you toiled with triple your usual workload on such short notice.
Sighing in contempt, you take a small moment to sit down to rest your aching joints and tired feet. You take a rag from your dress pocket, wiping the sweat from your face and neck. Your eyes trail lazily around the half decorated ballroom- multicolored streamers, bows and flowers slowly finding their way into every crevice.
Just as you were getting comfortable, younger servants entered the ballroom; the two of them chittering away at decoration placement off to your right, disturbing your peace and quiet. Biting back harsh words, you glare venom at their backs in a heated silence. You take in a sharp breath, exhaling slowly as you rub your temples with your fingers.
"What if we meet a cute guy from the village?" The taller girl spoke in between sheepish giggles, and her counterpart barks out a laugh that echoes off the walls.
"C'mon, get real! We're at a royal ball, darling," the girl chastises her friend, shaking her head. The tall girls face falls, but before she can reply her friend flashes her a toothy smile.
"We shouldn't be looking for village men, we need to find a noble one!" They both pause for a moment, then immediately start laughing together. Hugging their sides as their laughing fit ensues, the noise reaches a fever pitch and their laughter feels like stakes being hammered into your skull.
Normally, you'd at least laugh a little bit, albeit sarcastically. However the stress has been building fast between a few days, even moreso than you originally thought. Anxiety and rage do a dangerous dance in your chest, and you don't know whether you should cry, laugh, or scream.
You had to get out of here, and quickly. Somewhere where it's quiet, and no one will disturb you. At least for ten goddamn minutes.
As soon as you had set your goal, the perfect destination popped in your mind.
Cedric's workshop.
The thought instantly made you feel lighter, happier. Your mouth twitched in the ghost of a smile. While still overwhelmed and angry, the hope of spending time with Cedric already was soothing your shot nerves.
You shoot up from the floor, slinking off to the doors leading out of the ballroom and into the hallway. Luckily the girls were preoccupied with their conversation to address you, and you knew how to be inconspicuous. Reaching your hand to push the doors open, you quickly step forward, making your escape a success.
Shockingly, the route to Cedric's tower wasn't as busy as you had thought, given the circumstances. Polite greetings towards your peers were exchanged in haste, and you had to keep your hand glued to the cold stone walls of the servant tunnels to keep you grounded.
Taking the next exit that leads towards Cedric's tower, your footsteps quicken subconsciously. Exiting the tunnels a few minutes later, you scurry down the hall and up the staircase leading to Cedric's door.
With your destination finally in arms reach, you let out a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. Now, your body feels heavy, sluggish; the giddiness of seeing Cedric has finally worn off, and in place was an ache that set deep in your bones, straight down to the marrow.
You lean against the sturdy doorframe, knocking timidly on his door. You wait, hearing movement beyond the door. Footfalls creep closer, and you close your eyes and listen to the familiar shuffle of Cedric's pace.
A loud groan escapes the door hinges as it swings open, startling you from your stupor. You lazily straighten yourself upright, your hand still leaning on the frame to give you extra support. Plum colored silk fills your vision, your eyes automatically flicking upwards to meet warm mahogany irises.
"(Y/n)!" Cedric's brows rise in obvious surprise, his head cocking to the side like a slightly confused yet happy puppy.
Coupled with his rich brown eyes, it really sold the look. A small laugh bubbles up from your core before you could register what your response was going to be.
His previous puppy-eyed look was now replaced with a more common unamused stare, a slight pout at his lips. He leaned on the door frame, his usual slouched spine straightening to his full height. His head was angled down towards you, making his silver bangs frame his face in a way that made your knees weak.
"Well, darling, if I had known you'd come all this way just to laugh in my face, I'd at least put on a jester hat for your arrival."
Every word dripped with sarcasm and attitude, but the glitter of humor in his eyes and the corners of his mouth stretched into a smart ass smirk betrayed his bluff.
Your heart leaped into your throat at his pet name for you, but you swallow your reaction for now, opting instead to engage in Cedric's banter.
"You'd do all that for me?" You shoot back with a smile, trying to feign innocence as you look up at him through your eyelashes.
Cedric's biting smirk immediately vanished, his face becoming momentarily unreadable. He raises a gloved hand to his face, self consciously rubbing his cheek.
What wouldn't I do for you?
It was the only words that came to Cedric's mind; staring down at you, all other thoughts vanished within those (e/c) pools he has fallen for. He felt the heat of blush being pulled to the surface of his skin, so strong it permeated through the leather of his gloves.
It was then you both noticed that neither of you had said a word in a good minute, only staring into each other's eyes. You felt your skin tingle with embarrassment, and you both broke eye contact swiftly.
Cedric coughs awkwardly, trying to remedy the situation.
"So, what brings you here, (y/n)?" He offers the question gently, his hands wringing together in a nervous habit.
"Peace and quiet," you grumbled back, more irritation propelling your answer than you had planned.
He laughs dryly, shaking his head at you.
"So you came here?" Cedric eyes you incredulously, his whole body leaning on that last word for more emphasis.
"There was nowhere else I could go." You answer in a defeated tone, the pull of your tiredness making your body sag. You quietly sigh, staring down at the ground.
"I know you're busy- but if it's okay, I only need ten minutes." You ushered the words out quickly.
Before Cedric could respond, you continue speaking.
"I understand completely if you can't spare the time, though." You added apologetically, rubbing your arms to help soothe yourself.
"I always have time for you, (y/n). I didn't mean to come off as rude. I-I apologize. I only me-meant to say that-" Cedric tumbles over his words in a frenzy, and you cut him off with a small but reassuring smile.
"I know what you meant, Ced. You don't have to apologize." You cooed affectionately, your gaze now level with the sorceror.
Cedric stops and holds your stare, your voice sounding as soft as velvet to his ears.
"Right. Of course," Cedric nods to himself, almost in affirmation. After a beat, he wordlessly steps aside, his arm beckoning you inside.
"Thank you." You say with sincerity, your eyes momentarily meeting his again. A shy but sweet smile was his response to your thanks, and it was better than any words he could've said back. You burn the image of his smile into the back of your eyelids, along with the countless others you daydream about.
"I'm going to just head upstairs, if that's alright," You turn to Cedric, awaiting his approval.
"Go right ahead." Cedric waves you off, and you bound up another flight of stairs for the day. Just as you were going to sit down on the plush chairs that sat next to the wall of bookcases, Cedric's voice called out to you from below.
"Did you want something to drink?" He asked expectantly.
"I can't, I'm working tomorrow." You replied without thinking, then immediately as the last syllable left your mouth you realized that wasn't the kind of drink he was talking about.
"Haha, very funny." Cedric answers, and you swear you can hear the eye roll in his voice.
"I misspoke that time, actually!" You called down from the balcony, correcting him. He gave a quick hum of acknowledgement, then you heard a cabinet opening along with the soft clinking of metal utensils.
"So, is that a no on the tea, then?" Cedric asks you again, and you think about your response.
"...Yes! Wait, no, I mean-yes, I would like some tea... please." Your voice dies off at the end of your sentence, and you let out a groan of frustration at your lack of ability to speak.
Cedric says nothing, but you swear you hear him chuckling downstairs over the sounds of him assembling your tea.
"I'm tired, leave me be!" You jokingly scolded him, but he gave you no response. With a final huff, you settle into the soft exterior of the chair you sat in. You lean your body weight into the supple cushions, and you swear it almost brings a tear to your eye.
You close your eyes for a moment, the darkness bringing relief and the stillness of Cedric's workshop made your tense muscles finally unbind themselves. You already feel the urge to sleep weighing you down further into the chair, and for once you don't fight it.
You awake again with a startle, your eyelids flinging open. You whip your head around your surroundings, your eyes finding purchase against the warm amber glow of Cedric's own eyes. He raises his brow at you, continuing to drink his cup of tea.
Your eyes then fully take in the scene in front of you: Cedric was seated across from you, with a simple metallic tea kettle and two cups of tea was splayed out on the dark wooden end table.
"How long did I sleep for?" You ask hurriedly, your heart starting to hammer.
"Just long enough for your tea to cool down. Should still be warm though," Cedric nods towards your cup, and you take it into your hands. You hesitantly take a small sip, and you nod in affirmation of Cedric's comment.
You take another drink, bigger this time, and set your cup down gently. You feel a little embarrassed, having Cedric see you sleeping. You thumb the soft porcelain cup in your hands nervously, staring down into the rich tea inside it.
It's the same color as his eyes, you noted mentally, the realization so sudden that you couldn't help but let a soft chuckle escape your lips.
"What's so funny now?" Cedric prompts you, his body slightly leaning forward in interest. His eyes have taken on that sparkle, akin to a cat's, that surfaces every time he's curious about something.
It made your heart flutter.
"It's nothing," you smile coyly, shaking your head dismissively.
"Really..." Cedric trails off with an arched brow, his eyes not leaving you.
"You know I'm too curious and too stubborn to play this game with me, so out with it." Cedric shot back, his eyes boring into you with a mischievous and smug glimmer.
You sigh, knowing that you've been checkmated. You feel your skin flush as you summon your courage to speak your thought aloud.
"I just... I found it funny, that this tea is the exact shade of your eyes." You murmured pensively, picking up your cup to drink so you would have a distraction.
Cedric doesn't answer immediately, and you eye him from above the rip of your teacup. His normally fair skin took on a reddened hue, his hair falling into his eyes as he stared his cup of tea down.
Your lips curve into a smile against the delicate china, and you finish your drink.
"I... I suppose it is, yes." Cedric swallows thickly, and you try to bite back your smile. Cedric fidgets in his seat, clearly flustered and trying to play it off.
Seeing his reaction lights a fire in you, and the tea only adds to the warmth you feel growing in your stomach.
"Thank you for letting me sleep, by the way," you finally spoke, delicately trying to redirect the conversation.
Cedric's skin was still flushed, but you notice his body relaxes a little bit.
"No need to thank me- I didn't really do anything." He shrugs you off, but still offers you a smile.
"Well... You made me tea, at least, and I haven't thanked you for that yet. So... thank you," you nod to Cedric in thanks, and his smile grows across his face.
"...You're welcome, (y/n)." Cedric responds, his voice audibly softening at saying your name.
For a moment, you wish that the peace of this moment could last forever. You sigh contentedly, but soon after reality comes creeping back into your mind.
"Ah- will you be at the Wassailia ball, right?" You suddenly ask, your spine straightening.
"Of course- the royals need their entertainment, after all." Cedric snickers, and you snort in amusement.
"What do you have planned?" You prompted, but Cedric only gives you a pointed look.
"What?" You asked, and a laugh rumbled in his throat.
"You'll just have to wait and see, my dear. Can't give away all my secrets- I'm sure you understand." Cedric shrugs apologetically, and you agree.
"Then that means I'll have something to look forward to." You flash Cedric a cheery smile, and he immediately flushed again.
Before he stutters out a response, your eyes suddenly shift over to the clock on the wall nearby.
"Shit," you cursed under your breath, already rising to your feet.
"Time to go?" Cedric asks, his voice thick with melancholy.
"Wayy past time, I'm afraid." You say with a laugh, but you notice the light dimming in his eyes a little.
"But it's like you said before- I'll always have time for you." You spoke in an uncharacteristically bold voice, holding his gaze to drive home your point. You felt your cheeks light up, but you refused to shy away or hide them this time.
Cedric's eyes light up again at your words, but it was different than what you're used to. Instead of a mischievous glint, or a smug glimmer, or a curious sparkle- it was like a smoldering ember, searing holes into you with an unwavering look.
You were the first to break out of the stare, excusing yourself so you could leave.
You trudge down the balcony, your footsteps laden with dread at the workload you still have to finish. You sigh deeply, lingering near Cedric's door to say goodbye. You turn to the sorcerer, a somewhat longing look in his eyes that makes you shy away.
"I'll see you at the ball, then..." You trail off awkwardly, your hand resting on the door handle. You were never really good at goodbyes, and Cedric was even worse at it.
"Yes- I'll look for you after the magic show is done?" Cedric drawls out hesitantly, and the gesture surprises you a little bit. Cedric was never one who enjoyed parties; usually after he was done performing for them, he would retire back to his chambers.
"Of- of course," you stuttered, more out of shock than embarrassment.
"Then it's a plan." Cedric nods in affirmation, and swiftly turns to his workbench again. You smile a little, taking in one last look of him before turning back and exiting through the door.
Time Skip To The Wassailia Ball~
The crowd that gathered around the stage where Cedric stood erupted into a standing ovation, with the high walls and arches ceiling of the ball room making the cries and applause deafening.
You were cheering and clapping at first, but the volume has turned painful and you opted to cover your ears until it died down.
Cedric was standing in the spotlight, a huge Cheshire grin on his face. He humbly bowed in thanks, which made the people cheer again. He basks in the praise with an unparalleled joy you rarely ever seen out of Cedric.
You wore a smile so huge it hurt, but at the same time you didn't care. Seeing Cedric this happy was worth more than any jewel the cheering royals beside you could own.
He then turns to exit through the drapes behind him, stopping one final time to bow before the audience. You let out a laugh, which drowned in the sea of cheers and whoops.
Slowly, the crowd dispersed again, with people breaking off into larger chunks or turning to each other to chat about the show that was performed.
You decide to break off from your position, heading towards the sides of the stage to wait for Cedric. You stand restlessly for about ten minutes, flashing awkward smiles at passersby and trying not to look too obvious that you're waiting for someone.
Suddenly, a tap on your shoulder makes you yelp in surprise as your body whips around to the source. Cedric was standing there, an apologetic look already on his face.
"You scared the hell out of me...!" You exclaimed bitterly, more upset at yourself for being caught off guard than Cedric scaring you.
"I tried calling your name two times! But you didn't hear me..." Cedric insisted, his tone somewhat defensive but still apologetic.
"Sorry, I was just caught off guard." you huff, swiftly ending the argument.
"Anyways- your performance was amazing, Cedric." Flashing him a smile, you see the giddiness swell in his eyes.
"Did you hear the way they cheered for me, (y/n)?!" Cedric exclaimed in amazement, his hands clutching his heart.
"I sure did- I was there, cheering with them!" You nodded in agreement, relishing in Cedric's happiness.
"I know- I saw you there, in the crowd! I almost waved to you, actually." Cedric continues, speaking excitedly.
You chuckled at his comment, but before you could reply you spotted a group of about ten richly dressed noblemen and women approaching from your peripheral.
You silently point towards the crowd, getting Cedric's attention.
"I think some of your fans want to meet you," you say coyly, giving Cedric a catty grin. Cedric scoffs, but he still wears a huge smile on his face. You haven't seen this man smile so much, and it fills your heart in places you didn't think existed.
"I'll let you chat with them while I wait for you near the drink table." You give him an endearing clap on the shoulder, but there was a slight hesitancy in the way he looked at you. You shot him a look of puzzlement, and he adverts his eyes.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be alon-" he starts, but you swiftly turn his body around and give Cedric an encouraging push towards the nearing nobility.
"I'll be fine- you should enjoy this!" You hissed, your hands already leaving his back. You sharply turn on your heel, leaving Cedric no opening to run. Your feet carry you to your agreed spot, grabbing yourself a random glass of carbonated liquid.
You watch, your heart melting at the sorcerer mingling with the royals now surrounding him. Cedric definitely seemed nervous, but if the royals were talking about magic, then Cedric would definitely talk anyone's ear off about it. You see him laughing at something, and you chuckle in return.
You fix your eyes on your drink, raising it to your lips. As the liquid went down your throat, you sputter at the fire consuming your windpipe. You eye the glass with trepidation, quickly setting the rest of your drink aside.
"Well, I suppose it's Wassailia- they wouldn't want to spare any expense on the drinks..." You muttered, training your eyes back to Cedric.
Now he was actually talking animatedly, his hands gesturing with gusto. As you watch, you almost don't notice how the background music has changed into something more lively. You only noticed as the general crowd around you responded in turn, everyone shuffling to grab a dance partner.
Suddenly, you felt very aware that you were standing alone, in the middle of a Wassalia ball.
Your eyes shift again to the spot you last saw Cedric, only to find he was missing. Your heart dropped; the first mental image coming to your mind was the arm of a charming, wealthy, noble woman snagging Cedric for the first dance of the ball.
You grit your teeth, and you weren't sure if you were cringing at the idea of it or the way your body flew into a visceral rage over the thought. You shake your head to try and clear your mind, squeezing your eyes tightly for a moment. You listen to the melody of the music, the stringed and wind instrumentals soothing your nerves.
You slowly open your eyes again, and a splotch of dark purple immediately makes you stand at attention. Your eyes dart through the sea of cloth and silk, trying to find that familiar plum stained silk you caught a glimpse of before. You're itching to plunge into the sea of paired couples, but you restlessly stand in place, recalling your own instructions to meet at the drink table.
Then, as if by magic, Cedric appears through the masses, and you excitedly wave him over. His lithe frame slinks through the crowd with grace, his eyes never leaving yours.
If you were being honest, you were quite impressed by the fluidity of his approach. You watch with an amused smirk as he finally squeezes past the last wave of people, his tall frame coming towards you.
"I see you came back unscathed," you joked, chuckling a little.
"Would you like to dance with me?" Cedric blurted out, his eyes going wide; It was if he was just as surprised as you for offering. You both stare blankly at each other for a few seconds, actually processing the question.
"I-I..." You stammered nervously, your gaze shying away from his warm amber eyes. Even though your eyes were downcast, you could've sworn you saw his whole body droop in disappointment.
"No- Cedric, that's very sweet of you, but I- I can't dance. I got two left feet, seriously-" you force the words out of your mouth as quick as possible, trying to salvage the situation and not make Cedric upset.
A small part of you was screaming for you to take back your decision to decline- you were just upset about being alone in the middle of a dance, so why did you just pass up a good-no, perfect opportunity?
"W-Well... If your adamant about your decision, I won't pester you," Cedric fiddled with his robe sleeve nervously, and his eyes shifted to avoid looking at you directly.
You go to open your mouth, but Cedric speaks again, cutting you off.
"However; I just want to point out that as long as you have feet, you can dance. A matching pair isn't even required." Cedric looks at you with a pointed smile, one eyebrow raised-almost in a challenge.
The words you had prepared shriveled up in an instant, as you were thrown off by the unexpected comment. You finally let out a laugh, but it came out short and rough, almost like a bark.
"I-I don't know, Cedric. It's not that I don't want to... but I really don't know how to dance." You admit slowly, feeling your skin prick as you confess.
"If you're willing to learn, that's half the battle. I don't want to brag, but- I'm actually quite good at dancing. I'm sure we could get you familiar with the basics, if you'd like." Cedric offers again, this time with a more confident air.
"I've never seen you dance," you eyed him with a skeptical look, but a grin was already halfway spread across your cheeks.
"If we keep bickering, you never will." Cedric says in an exasperated tone, but you could see his lips twitch to keep himself from smiling.
"..Alright, fine." You reply, raising your hands up in mock surrender. You take in a deep breath, exhaling as you reach out your hand to the sorcerer in front of you.
"Perfect- just in time for the waltz to start from the beginning." Cedric says with a giddy hum, immediately taking your hand into his slender gloved ones.
He promptly turns around to face the crowd, practically dragging you to the dance floor. Each footstep you took felt like you were wading through mud, with weights attached to your ankles. Your heart began to beat faster, anxiety clawing its way from the pit of your stomach and nestling into every inch of your body.
You know your hands were starting to sweat, and you were grateful that Cedric always wore his gloves so he wouldn't notice.
Through the crowd, you miss all the surprised and shocked eyes on the two of you.
To the side, unbeknownst to both of you, Roland and Miranda watch from their thrones with amused glances.
"Looks like they're getting along well, Rolly." Miranda nudged her husband playfully, and he smirks in satisfaction.
"So it seems." Roland agrees with a nod.
I'll admit- throwing the ball so suddenly was a hard plan to execute, but this definitely makes it all worth it." Roland laughs, eyeing his wife.
"Does cedric- know how to dance?" Miranda whispers lowly, covering her mouth sheepishly.
Roland shrugs lazily, watching the pair part the crowd of his subjects like Moses and the red sea.
"I suppose either way, we'll find out." Roland snickers, and Miranda swats at Roland's chest forcefully.
"Hey-!" Roland protests, but Miranda dismissed his cries with an eye roll.
"Let's just focus on them being happy together, hm?" She tilts her head towards Cedric, and Roland agrees with a weary sigh.
"Alright- it's simple enough; one hand on my shoulder, the other I'll hold to help lead the waltz." Cedric instructs clinically, with you promptly following his instruction.
"Then, all that's left is to mirror my movements to the rhythm of the music- it'll help if you keep a metronome going in your head." You look at him, already feeling confused and you two haven't even moved yet.
"Right..." You feebly answer back, not fully meeting his eyes for fear they would betray your confusion.
"Here, like this; one-" Cedric shifted his foot backwards, gently pulling you towards him to prompt you to step forward.
"And two-" Cedric swiftly shifted his body to the side, his hand lightly squeezing your hip as he pulls you to match his movement. The gesture, while meant to just teach you the ropes, made your heart hammer wildly in your chest. You feel your face getting hot, and you feel a little light headed as you begin to sway per Cedric's instruction. You find your hands gripping onto Cedric's for better support, your eyes glued to your shoes in fear of tripping.
"Ah ah- eyes on me, (y/n)." Cedric tutted, his hand sliding off your hip to raise your chin up to meet his gaze. His fingers barely graze below your jaw, and it's like he somehow stole the breath from your lungs. You feel the heat from his hand, radiating through your flesh; or maybe, that feeling was from your blush- that had made your skin feel like it was on fire, creeping from your cheeks all the way down your neck.
Staring up at the sorcerer, you notice a sultry grin is now plastered on Cedric's cheeks. While his skin held the delicate rosy tint of blush, his eyes held that same blazing look from the last time you visited Cedric in his workshop.
You gulped, and while you opened your mouth to speak, your words failed miserably. Nothing but an involuntary giggle shot out, moreso from shock and being horrendously flustered.
Cedric chuckled at your speechless state, his hand leaving your chin to settle back to its previous position. You almost let your eyes fall back to the floor, but you were caught again by Cedric's honey golden gaze engulfing you.
"Very good; now let's try that again-" Cedric praises you, raising his brows to signal for you to follow with his step. You manage to copy it decently well, given your inexperience. Cedric shows you the rest of the basic steps to a waltz, and when you're finished, you notice the instrumentals changing once again- your eyes dart to Cedric, and you try to hide the look of fear you have behind your thinly veiled confidence.
"Just in time, it seems..." Cedric murmurs, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
"For what?" You glanced over him suspiciously, but you had a bad feeling you already knew what Cedric meant.
Cedric laughs, with a mischievous glint in his eye that is all too familiar.
"To show me how much you've learned, (y/n)."
Your eyes widened with horror, but before you could squeak out any protest, the couples on the dance floor were lining up to begin the dance over again. You hurriedly join the others lined up on the left side of the ballroom, squeezing through the inches of free space between two other servants you're acquainted with.
"Y/n!" The servant exclaims in an excited whisper, shock written all over her face.
You manage to give her a strained smile, turning your head back to listen for the change in melody as your cue.
"I saw you with Cedric- was his dancing as bad as I think?" She snickers, leaning in towards you for an answer.
You turn to glare at her, but as you do so the music changes. Your eyes pricked at the sound, and begrudgingly you whip your head back to attention. The waltz begins as you walk towards Cedric, and the words of your acquaintance ring through your ears once again.
With gritted teeth, you join Cedric's embrace, his hands meeting yours in the same way as before. Your hands grip onto his body tightly as you both began to dance together.
"Are you alright?" Cedric asks lightly, wearing a purposefully neutral expression.
"Of course, never better." You brush him off, not wanting to spoil the moment. You can see the doubt lingering behind Cedric's gaze, but he doesn't press you further.
Exhaling a tiny sigh of relief, you regain your focus back to dancing with the sorcerer in front of you. The two of you sway to the music, and your shocked at how easy you caught on to the waltz. You both glide across the polished tile of the ballroom, the music propelling your bodies together in sync.
Cedric gazes down at you, and you struggle to hold his stare. The lights that hung from the crystal chandeliers splayed out on Cedric face handsomely, accenting all of his facial features in a play of light and shadow. His bright brown eyes flickered in hue as the light hit them; a dizzying display of copper and gold, amber and honey. Coupled with the way his silver bangs glowed like a halo as he moved, to say you were spellbound was an understatement.
"You seem to be catching on beautifully," Cedric purrs, his eyes crinkling as he gives you a smug smile.
Snapped out of your trance, you rush to respond.
"You were always a good teacher, Cedric." You state simply, but your cheeks warmed from giving him a compliment.
"You think so?" He hums back, his cognac eyes lighting up at your words.
"You made a dancer out of me of all people. If anything, it's an understatement." You confirm with a cheeky smile, and he bashfully adverts his eyes for a second.
"You're too generous- but, thank you." He sheepishly replies, his fair skin now tinged pink.
You let a soft chuckle slip past your lips as he gently leads you into a twirl, his arms providing you an anchor as your body spins.
Feeling bold, you accelerate as you reach the end of your twirl, standing on your toes as you do so. Turning back to face him again, you suddenly feel your ankle give out from under you.
It happened so suddenly, you didn't even have time to react at all. All you could do was watch as the world moved in slow motion, and feel your heart drop as your body sinks to the floor. Accepting your fate, you await the pain of hitting the hard, cold tile of the ballroom floor.
However, it never does. Your brain doesn't register what happened, but instead of the harsh, unforgiving floor beneath you, you feel lithe arms and silken sleeves wrapping taut around your body. Your eyes slink upwards, meeting the frenzied state of Cedric's bright brown pools.
You both stare at each other, frozen and unable to reach for any words to say that could remedy what just happened. Your eyes feel as blown wide as Cedric's, and your jaw hung slack as you felt your body catching up with itself. His face was mere inches from yours, and a curtain of dreamy silver bangs just barely tickled your cheek. Though his face fell into shadow, you can clearly see the blush seeping into his skin. His lips were parted slightly, as if he caught himself before he could scream. Your fingers twitched, and you now noticed that one of your hands was practically buried into his scalp. You dared not move your hand, but even still you could feel the softness of Cedric's ebony locs in your grasp.
Your heart ricocheted from the pit of your stomach into your throat, where your pulse raced frantically; your empty stomach nowfilled with butterflies and twisting into knots.
With the new position you find yourself in, it looks as if he dipped you dramatically as the music reached its crescendo- which, to your surprise, made you giggle.
After another few seconds, you break into full laughter, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of it all. With the tension broken, you feel Cedric's chest vibrate with laughter, in turn egging yours on. Despite being in the middle of a ball room, you two continue laughing without a care in the world.
As your laughter finally dies down, Cedric slowly and carefully pulls you back up to a standing position. Your head swam as he hoisted you upwards, and instinctively you leaned into his chest for support.
"I suppose I spoke too soon, huh?" You grumbled sarcastically into his robe, and you hear the laughter he tried to hold back in his chest.
"Perhaps- At least, you could've warned me before trying to twirl like that." You feel his eyes on you, and shyly you step away from his embrace to stand facing Cedric.
"Right... Sorry- I got carried away." You apologized sincerely, the embarrassment now catching up to you. You couldn't think your body could feel any hotter than before, but you're soon realizing you're mistaken.
Cedric shoots with an unreadable look, and for a moment your flashing hot body turns to ice as you fear he's upset with you. You stall your breathing, eyes locked in his unnerving stare.
"W-what?" You finally ask, cringing internally as how pathetic your voice sounded.
"You know... This may sound strange, but-" Cedric pauses, staring at you a moment more before stepping towards you. You try to step back, but your body doesn't budge. You turn your head to decipher the problem- now realizing now that his arm has already found it's place against your back.
With his free hand, Cedric cups your cheek into his palm and directs your face back to his. You're completely speechless at this point, and your brain is so fried from being flustered that any motor skills you had are long gone.
"I think I like it when you get carried away..." Cedric chuckles lowly, his eyes holding those same sparks that make a fire light deep down in your belly. You try to crawl around in your brain for any comeback, quip, or smart remark- but all that's left of your coherent thought is how desperately you want to be even closer to Cedric's body.
Acting on that whim, you hook your arms around Cedric's neck. His brows shoot up in questioning, but he doesn't protest.
"Would you like another dance?" The words manifest on your tongue without thinking, and your heart felt giddy as you awaited his response.
"It would be my pleasure," Cedric spoke, his voice soft as feather down as his head dipped even closer to your own. Feeling your breath catch in your throat, all you can do is nod your head in affirmation.
Even though you both had agreed to dance once more, neither of you made the move to untangle yourself from the other's embrace. You knew that one of you had to give, yet you both clung to each other just as tightly.
After a few moments, you feel Cedric's body shift, and you follow to unbind your arms from his neck. He suddenly stops, and you follow suite. You feel Cedric tip his head towards your ear, and you swallow hard as he whispers to you.
"I was thinking... If it's alright- we stay like this." Cedric's voice now had a rougher tone to it, and it sent shockwaves through you. Instead of answering, you adjust yourself back into the position you were in previously.
You smile into his shoulder, letting yourself fully enjoy his embrace. Taking in a deep breath, you inhale the Cedric's scent. The smell of dried herbs, his sweet soap, and the musk of old books makes your head spin in the best of ways.
As if almost on cue, the music changes in the ballroom once again, to something more slow and moody.
You lift your head in response, eyes scanning the scene around you, and you catch the eye of Queen Miranda somehow.
She quickly gestures towards the musicians, then gives you a sly wink.
Biting back a smile, you opt to bury yourself into Cedric's shoulder again.
This year, Wassailia has shaped up to be one of your favorite memories yet.
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sweetmariihs2 · 13 days
If Cedric's experience at Hexley Hall was bad, why does he talks so fondly of it?
Watching the Hexley Hall episode recently, I noticed that Cedric seems proud of his old school and says a lot of good stuff about it to Sofia.
When they're arriving at Hexley Hall, Cedric sighs and says "Oh, Hexley Hall, my old sorcering grounds. I learned everything I know about magic behind these walls" with a huge smile in his face. He doesn't seem uncomfortable or anything, in fact, he seems quite happy for being there, walking proudly through the corridors.
When they enter the Hexley Hall, Sofia says "I've never seen a school like this. It's like Royal Prep, only..." and Cedric interrupts, saying "...Better. Much, much better."
In other episode, one that happened in the second season, "Substitute Cedric", Cedric also speaks fondly of his old school and the old tradition that they had, the prank day.
Which means: Cedric is really proud and nostalgic about Hexley Hall and the time he spent there.
But as we know, Cedric was constantly mistreated during his whole life, more specifically after the incident at Cordelia's birthday, where he was certainly less than 10 years old.
As we see Cedric growing up, during the "My Evil Dreams" song, we see that he was mistreated at his school too, and it seems like he grew different and an "outcast" based on his looks during his teenage years and adulthood, being constantly mocked by people.
At the song "The Sorcerer's Secret", he shows us that he was bad at magic when he was little (probably due to his lack of self confidence! because the spell he performed at Cordelia's birthday was said to be advanced for his age and he did it effortlessly). He needed a teacher's help to finally learn magic properly.
I don't need to describe it fully here, as you are already familiar with this story, but Cedric was mistreated (by parents, sister, the king (who was his childhood friend), the people in the castle, classmates, apparently other sorcerers at his sister's birthday), excluded, didn't have many friends, was lonely, bitter, and "looked weird" as it's implied. His reputation was terrible.
Still in the episode "Substitute Cedric", Hexley Hall students see him and say something like "at least you're not worse than that Cedric guy in Enchancia", and he says "I AM that Cedric guy in Enchancia!", which means that:
his reputation is bad around the whole EverRealm
his reputation is bad as an old student at Hexley Hall
both (the most realistic option)
If he's seen as a bungler EVEN in Hexley Hall, that means that people weren't so kind to him back then. It only reinforces the scenes that play durying the My Evil Dreams song.
The only characters we know that he knew during his time at Hexley Hall are Grimtrix and Greylock.
His experience with Grimtrix: He couldn't stand Grimtrix. He thought he was annoying, known for being too nice. In my opinion, it seems that Grimtrix gained people's attention for his false kindness, and Cedric was the opposite of that, despised and excluded, even before Grimtrix turned evil.
His experience with Greylock: He also found him annoying. Always getting his name wrong, and apparently they have class reunions from time to time, and Greylock annoys him about his hair, with jokes, getting his name wrong and everything. Cedric's memories of Greylock are also not good. Now they're friends, but I'm talking about back then.
Cedric's experience in Hexley Hall:
Difficulty to make spells, being known as a bungler, stupid, or similar adjectives
Lack of self confidence
Being severely bullied by groups of other people/students
Growing up as an "outcast"
He had bad experiences with Greylock and Grimtrix (the only people he knew that were studying there at that time)
It seems like his experience in Hexley Hall and in his childhood/teenage years weren't good... but why does he feel proud and nostalgic about them? About his school?
Perhaps it's because of that teacher, because the teacher helped him and everything. But honestly, I studied in the same school since 1st grade to 9th grade (6 years to 14 years), was bullied by the whole class, only had one friend, I didn't felt part of the class and I felt unmotivated with my studies so I was the worst in the class, people spoke that way about me, I basically lived like Cedric for a long time 💀 I'm still the black sheep in the family. And recently, because of my artistic skills, the new principal of this school asked me to do something for her, and I had to walk all those hallways to her principal room. The memories were bad, I felt bad, I felt strange for a long time after I left. That period of my life literally shaped my personality today, and most of the teachers weren't mean with me, so how the hell does Cedric feels proud of Hexley Hall?!? I only speak badly of the period I studied at my old school and the school management's lack of concern in dealing with bullying. (Don't need to worry, I'm much better now and have already overcome much of it)
Maybe the writters didn't went through something like that, or idk, Cedric probably has his reasons
@mushroomsie224 @majoresca @shychick-52
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majoresca · 2 months
Wow, these people at the castle depend so much on Baleywick.
I felt sorry for him in the episode about the day off. The guy works almost as much as Alfred from Batman! I think they should look for a union, or something like that. Look for your rights! He deserved to go on strike.
Even I found it strange that Sofia asked for his help near the end, I thought she would remember it was his day off ,since it was his birthday and everything.
They could have asked the servants to sing happy birthday to him!
Maybe even the servants could have raised some money between them to give him a gift, like a gold pen, maybe a new chain watch?
Wow, king Roland, how stingy you are! The guy who takes care of all your commitments , helps you and your family for years... And you don't even give a symbolic gift to him? Not even a souvenir?
( My grandmother isn't rich, but she always made a point of giving the most well-thought-out gifts she could give and make. One of which was a super expensive pen for a doctor, and he was a collector of pens all over the world! And once she knitted wool stoles, and they were so well made that they went to galas and weddings wearing them! That's because my grandmother made it by hand!)
At least Queen Miranda made Sofia reflect. And that's why she's the queen! She is the voice of reason almost always, Roland is lucky to have her by his side. Even more so, when his children They were the first to ask for Baleywick's help, even on his day off.
At least they tried to apologize After this, the king better make Baleywick's birthday a national holiday, without him the castle doesn't seem to work! The guy must have a backache from carrying everyone from the castle! And how old is he?
He must be a vampire hahahahaah! It is now Enchancia's historic heritage!
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izzys-summer · 2 years
Request: I have an OC that is a royal nanny for the kingdom of Enchancia. I was wondering if you could do a fluff story about her and Cedric
A/n: first ever oc x character fic. Constructive criticism is allowed enjoy 💗🍡🍨~☆
cedric was waiting in the garden right outside of the castle, juliana was the royal nanny. Meaning she has the duty of taking care of the children of the king, prior to meeting cedric she had been hanging out with princess sofia and princess amber and after the girls went to fencing practice she met up with her lover.
Juliana's pov:
After a day of taking care of the girls I headed to the garden where me and cedric agreed to meet at,I entered the garden and saw him picking a white rose! It one of my favorite flowers...'how sweet' I thought. I walked up to him "hello darling!"I announced "oh! Juliana! Your here. I have a flower for you" he said giving me a small sweet smile as he handed me the white rose. I smiled wide "thank you ced! How did you know it was one of my favorites?" I asked "my dear, I know you very well I must admit" he admitted shyly,I giggled at his adorable shyness "I love you so much..." "i love you to darling" he said lovingly. As you kissed him he smiled through the kiss "your so cute when your flustered" you admitted. his face blushed red like a cherry "i- uh- t-thanks I guess" he stuttered i rolled my eyes jokingly 'hes going to kill me if he keeps being this dang cute' I thought to myself. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the castle, after all it was almost nighttime. the insomniac I got to call my boyfriend needs sleep sometimes...
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sofiaanddisney · 1 year
Holiday in Enchancia is one of those episodes I've only seen a few times. I just watched it, and I love it.
It has a classic family holiday feeling to it.
I love the songs!
I love the family's holiday clothes.
It was so sweet of Sofia to give everyone a gift, even Minimus. But I do wonder how she isn't cold in just a shawl. She must be resistant to cold weather.
"Where's your holiday spirit, Baileywick?" "Back at the castle." LOL! Are you saying you can only be happy on the holidays at the castle?
Aurora appears. I actually like her appearance. She gave Sofia some very important advice that she would need later. If you really pay attention to what she said,it would make sense. Basically, I think she was saying. *You can always count on your friends to help you when you need it.*
The ending was so precious!
There's nothing I don't like, but I do wish they'd included that scene where Sofia saw Cedric in his underwear when she gave him a gift. My guess is they dropped it for time. It couldn't have been inappropriate because we later see Cedric make Roland's clothes disappear. LOL!
Beautiful episode!
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mushroomsie224 · 2 months
Rewatching Too Cute to Spook. Both Sofia and Calista's costumes are reallly cute! I especially love Calista's, she's absolutely adorable.
I was surprised at the lack of even a mention of Cedric from Calista in Too Cute to Spook. You'd think that Calista, Cedric's one-person fanclub, would at least say something about him. Maybe she would want Cedric to come trick or treating with her and Sofia, considering she is staying at Enchancia Castle and has a chance to go with her uncle!
It would have been nice to see him at the start of the episode with Cordelia. One could then see their improved relationship since Through the Looking Back Glass. But oh well.
Speaking of Cordelia, why does she still wear her wig in this episode? As far as I know, this episode takes place after Through the Looking Back Glass. Is she perhaps too used to the look of the wig? Maybe she doesn't want too many questions from everyone at her friend's party about her hair.
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