#End to End Implementation in SAP
ganondoodle · 5 months
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so, this is what i was working on before i was .. distracted-
its not connected to the totk rewrite, but born out of the idea of rauru being a full blown villain (like i thought for a good part of the game .. lol), had the idea of him giving you his arm so he then stays with you as a companion, and tells you stuff that isnt true throughout the game without you knowing its all false, the more you folow his advice the more those arm tattoo things spread (just like those weird falling rocks do to their environment in the game)-
at first i though it would be neat to have him slowly try to take over links body- sort of like dormin in shadow of the colossus kinda deal- but that would be hard to implement, so maybe hed just sap your energy until he has enough to fully rebuild himself at the end (or maybe even use ganondorf for it instead idk, didnt get that far) all the while you go around collecting the enigma stones not knowing hes making you do the dirty work for him on his path to reclaim ultimate power over this world and rebuild his ancient dreamland fantasy
not gonna work any further on it, already got too much to do and after all that i have lost interest in it :/ i really like the idea of villain rauru though ..
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l-lellal3ee · 1 month
🪦 Possible spoilers ahead, maybe…? 🪦
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So, I’m not saying our new giant skelly pal is essentially a necromantic mech… But I am going to heavily imply it.
(I was kind of hoping someone else would pick up on this and post about it, because none of my posts are showing up in the tags, but here we go anyway [I think I have fixed that problem, now… I hope].)
I thought it was kind of strange that Emmrich was heavily featured wearing a completely different outfit than what we’ve seen him in so far, meanwhile everyone else is wearing their usual garb. I think that particular getup is directly linked with our new, enormous friend. Literally and figuratively. But we’ll get back to that in a moment…
Something that I didn’t notice until my third watch through the trailer, where I slowed things down to look at the details, was the way the movement of Big Skelly’s hand seemed to sync up with Emmerich’s. I then noticed the glowing thing in the skeleton’s chest that at a first glance, looks like a battery of sorts.
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The next time you see our huge buddy, there’s a group of what definitely appear to be Mortalitasi (judging by the visible jewelry and armor silhouettes that seem similar to Emmrich’s original outfit), or maybe specifically Mourn Watchers if this is a ‘high-clearance’ event, standing before the rising skeleton. Between their body language and the green beams of light, it appears they are giving their power, spirit energy, etc. to Big Skelly. You can see it literally being sucked out of them and into the battery-looking component in the chest cavity.
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”Hiiiiiiiii~ probably Johanna!”
(Goals, tbh.)
This brings me back to Emmrich’s armor, and is where my heart-eyes for the Big Boney Friendo start to fade into concern for my future necromancer boyfriend.
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Not only did the jarringly different armor confuse me, but the not-so-subtle prongs made alarm bells start ringing in my head after what I had noticed seemed to be going on with Manfred’s Enormous Cousin.
To me, the prongs look very much like implements for channeling/outputting magic or energy, either from a distance or by literally plugging into something… I’m sure you’re picking up what I’m putting down. I think Emmrich is going to basically be the pilot for the big dude. Which is where I get worried because there’s different ways that could work, and different repercussions that could come as a result.
This could be something he can do from a safe distance, where the prongs basically ‘broadcast’ his movements to the skeleton, or he may have to physically be inside it somewhere, somehow for it to work. In either circumstance, this could either be just a big, badass Emmrich moment, or it could be a potential point of no return.
We don’t know if this skeleton is one of the huge, dangerous anomalies from the depths of the necropolis with a level of sentience or will of its own that they’ve managed to study and can dredge up, and essentially leash, in be-all, end-all situations - or if it’s purely a construct that lies dormant as a last resort for when shit really hits the fan with an unknown-to-us cost to power up. It may sap so much power and energy that it greatly threatens, or requires, the ultimate sacrifice of whoever is controlling it. Maybe also those Mortalitasi who seemed to power it up, who knows how great the cost was to them.
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This brings me to the last time we see our giant friend in the trailer. They look much worse for wear; their neckpiece/face covering is gone and the capsule in its chest that held the battery-esque piece appears damaged, and the battery itself looks to either be missing, or like there’s a dark shape/figure in front of it or in its place. It’s too hard for me to tell or even try to guess if there’s a person in the capsule here. It certainly is the right size for it, though.
Taash (judging by the horns and the braid) is below as the big guy attacks, but I can’t tell if it’s attacking Taash, or if this scene is cut/cropped specifically to keep us guessing or not give anything away, and they’re both fighting a shared, offscreen enemy. This kinda feeds back to “we don’t know if big skelly is a sentient creature or just a construct” and we don’t know what it would do if something happened to the ‘pilot’ and control was lost, or if the battery/container of energy (possibly also a source of control in some way?) was damaged or lost - would the big boi just start attacking everyone/everything rather than “shut down?”
This post is a mess, I’m sorry, but it’s been driving me insane all day. I kept going back and re-evaluating the clips and screenshots over and over.
BioWare, you’re going to dangle my dream old man necromancer in front of me, then heart-wrenchingly rip him away, aren’t you? AREN’T YOU?!?!!
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Global South countries are currently experiencing a debt crisis wherein governments like that of Sri Lanka are unable to service the debts they hold that are denominated in a foreign currency. Such debts began to balloon across the Global South in the aftermath of the oil crises of the 1970s. Following the Volcker Shock—and the accompanying steep rise in interest rates for dollar-denominated debts—countries that held those bonds found themselves in a situation similar to that of today. At that time, Global North governments, acting through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), agreed to a series of bailouts conditional on Structural Adjustments Programs (SAPs). SAPs allowed these institutions to intervene directly in the fiscal policy of indebted countries and to implement neoliberal reforms which reduced public spending and opened up economies to transnational corporations. The explicit goal of SAPs was to kickstart growth, as the only means for indebted countries to pay back their loans and to lift communities out of poverty—the implicit goal being the creation of societies mirroring those of their former colonisers. Yet the last forty years have yielded the opposite result: an explosion of inequality both within and between countries and debts at their highest level this century. To understand this trend, we need to recognise that loans to the Global South were never about achieving prosperity; instead, the intention was to reassert neo-colonial control over the decolonising world. Decolonisation reduced the Global North’s access to the cheap labour, energy and raw materials that colonialism had ensured for centuries. Debt relationships between the former colonisers and colonised recreated the conditions for the plunder of the Global South. It turned poor countries into captive markets for companies based in the Global North and created a race to the bottom in environmental and labour standards meant to attract foreign investors. Under this arrangement, indebted countries need to grow their economies to service their debts. Growth relies on exports priced at disadvantageous rates that create ecologically unequal exchange between the Global South and Global North. Economies centred on the export of low-value-added commodities prevent the Global South from achieving full decolonisation. Fortunately, scholars of Modern Monetary Theory have shown that it is not necessary to prioritize growth for the sake of growth before investing in what countries actually need. Instead, what matters is a country’s productive capacity determined by social and ecological boundaries, and here the Global South is far richer than the Global North. To invest in necessary programmes like a Job Guarantee and Universal Public Services, however, countries must first free themselves of colonial currencies and end the cycles of debt that trap them in poverty. Given that stopping ecologically unequal exchange is a cornerstone of degrowth, the need for debt restructuring is clear. The only question is how to achieve this revolutionary reform. 
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mbti-notes · 6 months
Anon wrote: Hi, I have a complicated history with a friend. We've hurt each other a lot and we've tried working on ourselves and starting anew but still keep having fights. Recently in another fight, I realized I have been a terrible friend. I'd say I'd do better but then life happens and I ghost the friend bc I can barely handle my own plate. I feel horrible about myself. I realize realistically that I can't handle my life and working on this relationship. And we both feel misunderstood/hurt by the other person. It's a draining negative cycle and it's sapped all the will out of me, on top of all the other things happening in my life. I feel like I am my worst self in this dynamic and I just want a reprieve from it all. I want to ask for a break or even to end it. I don't think I'm the right person for this friend and vice versa but I don't know if I'm just acting in a hurtful way again, as he has pointed out many times.
What is your question exactly or what kind of response are you looking for? It's not my place to make such a judgment for you. Since you didn't explain the exact nature of your disagreement with your friend, I can only make some general comments.
Relationships with a "complicated history" are surely the most difficult ones to maintain, but they are also the ones you should be most reluctant to give up.
1) Close friendships are rare due to the time and effort and luck required to make them happen. It gets harder and harder to make close friends as you get older, which means, as you get older, you're likely to regret not appreciating the ones you've lost. An important part of maintaining close friendships over the long term is learning how to focus on the positive rather than nitpick the negatives, such that you're able to cherish each other despite the disagreements. If you have an issue of easily getting bogged down by your feelings moment to moment (i.e. being too narrow-minded), then it's important that you learn how to have a longer term view of things.
2) Close friendships are the perfect training ground for improving relationship skills. Since friends are generally flexible and forgiving, there is room to make mistakes and learn from them. If you keep repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over, is running away the best solution? Is it not better to learn how to actually solve the problem? In what ways are you contributing to the problem and shouldn't you want to improve on that? Are you certain that the problem is isolated to this one person/relationship and won't reappear in other relationships?
3) Close friendships form the backbone of one's social support network. You say you can barely handle yourself, let alone this friendship, which makes me wonder why you must draw such a distinction in the first place. Close friends tend to go through life together and are intimately involved in each other's lives. Do you have an issue with not being able to let people in to help or support you (e.g. due to fear of intimacy or fear of vulnerability)? There is a difference between someone "bringing out the worst in you" versus someone "exposing the things about you that you don't want to see". If it's actually the latter, then the real problem isn't the relationship dynamic but your own defensiveness. Overcoming defensiveness is a key component of personal growth, so giving up this relationship could be giving up a perfect opportunity to grow.
I've made the above points not to convince you to stay but to ensure you're seeing the bigger picture. All that being said, it takes two people to make a relationship work. Both parties have to be willing to give a little, to compromise, to implement necessary changes, to work toward something better, etc. If you're not willing to commit, walk away. Do you not have every right to choose your friends?
It sounds to me like you're experiencing frequent breakdowns in communication. A lot of disagreements can be successfully resolved through learning how to communicate your way through them constructively (see the related article). However, there are certain disagreements that can't be resolved, such as deep disagreements about fundamental moral values.
The takeaway point: The best way to deal with a breakdown in communication is to learn better communication skills. Close relationships are bound to have disagreements and conflicts. You must be able to accept this fact and learn how to resolve conflicts maturely. Being a poor communicator is something that will follow you into every relationship, so it behooves you to improve on this front. Whether improving communication will be enough to mend this relationship is your judgment to make.
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aggrus · 1 month
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Theme: Cream
Setting: The Archive
\Resonance: [STABLE] \Attunement: [MEDIUM] \Variance: [LOW] \Begin: Y A book titled "101 uses for dragon" written by [____] and from initiality [____]. The chosen page today, as all others are misaligned, is the recipe for "dragon's milk." A relatively simple concoction provided one can find the ingredients. Let us begin the transcription.
"Ah dragon's milk. A treat for all ages really, even if some [____] want to think they're too "ascended" for it nowadays! Back when I was just a wee sprot it was always so nice to go to the ma's house, pull up a chair with some nice and bad friends, and help them make the dish. Of course some of youse reading this might gawk at letting any sort of sprot, finling, or todder around such a potentially dangerous dish but that's just how it was back then. The taste of ichor really did add to the flavor, ha, ha! You're free to keep it out of this version of the recipe though. I've gone through extensive research and brainplumbing to acquire the simplest, most pure version for y'all to try for yourself. Now let's stop the gabbing and get to it."
"Keep a pot of water at 180 decins exact for at least 30 tin. The temperature will burn out any spiritual impurities in the water. Of course if you can get your hands on a few salvos of already clarified water feel free to use that but do put it on the heat for a little to help with the emulsion. Next you'll need to take 25 sR (Salve-ratio for those who don't know. Check the conversions at the beginning of the book for help!) of tonic sap and put that on the heat as well. The heat doesn't need to be exact but bubbles do need to form on the surface of the mash! If you don't have two heating implements (I know the difficulties) just be sure to stir the sap for the entire time the water is attaining clarity. That should provide enough stimulation to get what we want out of the sap."
"While you wait (if you can take your eyes off the water that is!) you can prepare a few other ingredients as well. Since this will be a bare bones version of dragon's milk you won't need to get anything especially difficult like duck's hoof or carmon. We'll save those for the other version later in this book! No all you'll need is a bag of wrot. Not even the whole bag. Just 5 caches from it. Whisk lightly until fully dusted then set aside. Next you'll need 1 sprig of fallila. You don't need to do anything other than leave it out to get ripe while we prepare everything else."
"Once the water and sap are ready mix them together into a separate pot so you don't contaminate either with impurities. Toss the fallila and wrot inside. Now it's time for the most important ingredient. 3 shedscales from a dragon. The exact variety won't matter much for the actual baking but will drastically change the flavor profile. For a more tart taste, go with any color from ochre to crimson. For something more "refreshing", a cerulean scale does wonders. Don't use any scale below 4 lums without treating it first or you'll need some extra steps from the more advanced recipe later in the book!"
"Preparing yourself mentally, toss the scale into the mix and quickly cover up the pot. If you have latches, use them to keep it closed. If not, well, that's why I always ate with friends when I was younger, ha, ha! No matter what do not remove the lid until the activity in the pot achieves a more mellow burbling rather than the frantic thrashing it will be doing. This should, on average, take only 5 tin but it can take longer. Once it's died down, go fetch a large bowl (We used to use the one for hopgrass) and pour the now finished dragon's milk inside. Feel free to eat with just a spoon but I've become partial to using it as a dip. Just be sure the dragon's milk doesn't bite you while you do! Now onto our next tasty treat."
What drivel. Honestly I don't understand the curiosity with eating. I've never done it and I'm fine.
\End: Y
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bonefall · 1 year
Do the clans implement a trading system for the spread of technologies and food?
✨Cat economy ✨
It's less of a system with coins and currency, and more of a bartering-type exchange. It's also usually leaders who lead these exchanges!
There are also occasionally individual cats who trade with others. For example, Birchfall and Weaselfur are known buddies, and like to swap sap and blackberries. This is less common, because if Birchfall was just randomly showing up with firkins full of field maple sap or tunnelbuns, he would be suspected of stealing and be prone to inquiry.
So trade is simple, but definitely would have gotten more advanced if the Forest Territories were never destroyed. Clanmew doesn't even have a concept of straightforward numbers, but Townmew has a base-5 system that definitely would have ended up getting adopted if the Clans had kept trading with BloodClan.
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amelikos · 1 month
Some character notes and episode notes for HZ061, writing them down for future reference.
The episode starts with the trio heading to Fridge Town. Roy and Hogator are singing and Roy reaffirms his bond with Hogator, stating that he feels like they were destined to be partners. The trio also talks a bit about Roy and Hogator's song, and how it feels like they're growing stronger when they sing. After reaching the town, they come across two people who tell them a bit about the history of the town and the events happening (such as concerts). Roy asks them where the gym is, so the trio heads to the gym only to find out that Rhyme isn't there. As the trio heads to the stage plaza to look for her, they come across Ghost Pokemon (Bochi) who sap their life essence. They go to a restaurant to eat to replenish their strength (Liko is worried about Roy being too tired to take on his test but he assures her he'll be fine after eating). Terapagos gets distracted by Fuwante and gets taken away by two of them, so the trio has to run after them to save him. Nemo happened to be there so she manages to catch Liko's bag before it's too late.
Afterwards, they head to the stage plaza again with Nemo who explains that Rhyme will be performing and that her concerts include battles sometimes so Nemo came for this. As they reach the stage, Roy calls out for the MC and introduces himself, explaining that he is there for his implementation test. The MC suggests they both have a battle so Roy accepts. Rhyme was watching their battle, and Nemo also paid attention to how Roy was battling (and she didn't know Roy sings during battles). The battle ends in Roy's victory. Afterwards, Rhyme shows up and sings for the crowd. Roy was surprised to find out who Rhyme truly was since he met her in HZ052 (and he brings it up to Liko and Dot). Once Rhyme finishes her song, she asks the crowd who feels ready to bring heat to the stage and Roy volunteers.
Second part of the ep is about the battle between Roy and Rhyme. Before they begin, Roy and Rhyme talk a bit and mention past events. Roy says he ended up meeting Konoyozaru (in HZ053). Rhyme says she'll be okay battling him if they have a rap battle first. Roy accepts and they "battle" using words (really felt like Hypnosis Mic tbh ww). Roy was able to come up with lyrics and Rhyme took on his challenge. As they get ready to battle, Rhyme asks Roy what Terastal means to him. Roy says that it's something he needs to get closer to his dream, the black Rayquaza. Rhyme says she'll test his guts.
The battle starts with Hakadog VS Taikaiden. Rhyme seems satisfied that Kaiden evolved into Taikaiden. This confrontation was a bit short and Taikaiden was quickly defeated but gave Roy a hint as to how to handle Hakadog. He does eventually manage to defeat Hakadog with Hogator and feels unbeatable with Hogator. Rhyme feels that Roy really seems confident and asks him another question. She wants to know what singing means to him, why him and Hogator sing and what brings them to sing during battle. Roy says that it helps them get stronger, and help them win. Rhyme sends out Strinder after hearing his answer. Roy was overwhelmed by Rhyme during this battle, as Strinder reduces damage taken from sound moves and could block most of Roy's attacks. Roy and Hogator's song didn't help them either. In a fit of desperation, Roy uses Terastal but it doesn't help him either since Rhyme quickly defeats him after that. Rhyme tells Roy that he can't make use of Hogator's fiery vibes and that he is a failure of a partner. Roy didn't pass his test either. Rhyme tells Roy to come back once he's washed his soul. At the end, Roy joins Liko, Dot and Nemo. He apologizes to Hogator for not making him live up to his potential and ponders on the words Rhyme said to him, that he is a failure of a partner.
Overall, good episode. Good continuity, nice interactions between the characters and set up next ep well. This was the kind of conflict I wanted to see for Roy. This ep made me think back about the Corni and Lucario arc in XY. Corni took her bond with Lucario for granted and thought they were always in sync so she didn't deem it necessary to communicate properly with him, when she should have. I'm bringing this up because Corni has the same VA as Roy and I think there are a few similarities. I think Roy is taking his bond with Hogator for granted on some level (they don't really have the same glaring communication issues that Liko and Nyarote have sometimes for example). He thinks that they are in sync but maybe they need to make sure they are on the same wavelength.
I think Roy's answer to "why do you and Hogator sing" was a bit lacking. He only talked about his own dream and getting stronger/winning when answering Rhyme's questions. He didn't talk about Hogator's dream or about Hogator's pure love for singing. In a way, it feels like singing became a means to an end to getting stronger instead of helping him bond more deeply with Hogator. Singing is what brought them together in HZ004 and they sing together because they love it. I think Rhyme was expecting an answer more along these lines. In the first place, Roy set on a journey intent on fulfilling both his and Hogator's dreams back in HZ006. Roy's dream is to chase after Rayquaza and catch him, while Hogator's dream is to become strong and cool like Lizardon. Roy's grandfather made sure that Roy valued Hogator's dream before giving him his blessing to go on a journey in HZ006 and he pointed out that it was a good thing that Roy talked about his partner's dream and not only his own dream.
Either way, it was nice having Rhyme ask those kinds of questions. Made me think a bit about Chili asking Liko questions back in HZ056. Having characters think about these things is important. I didn't expect Rhyme to be so harsh and strict but I like that she is taking the tough love approach to teach Roy. It works well with a character like him too, since he doesn't easily give up and we know he'll train before facing her again.
I also liked that they showed that there is a reason the rule "using Terastal at the right timing" exists. Roy used Terastal hastily and didn't think too much before doing it. So this rule feels meaningful knowing that they do pay attention to the timing of Terastal use and will point out whether the character properly thought the situation through or not. And that it cost Roy's implementation test to not pay attention to this. He didn't use his Terastal phrase this episode either, so it showed that he was hasty and his heart wasn't fully into it.
Also, I enjoyed the rap battle between Rhyme and Roy. The lyrics were really good and flowed well. I think Fuma no KTR worked on the rap in this episode. He is a Japanese rapper and musician and he also worked on the Rising Volt Tacklers Rap endings.
Overall, I liked it. Previous episode reaffirmed Roy and Hogator's bond and that singing is important to them. This episode showed that sometimes, singing isn't enough and deconstructed it a bit. So I guess next ep will truly answer the question "why do you and Hogator sing", which I'm looking forward to. Part of me is expecting Hogator to evolve next episode because it really feels like they set up an appropriate situation and timing here. Though now I'm starting to doubt it a bit because the preview didn't really tease it, and they hinted at it for Nyahoja and Kuwassu's evolution scenes (the whole glowing light, etc). Though maybe they just want to hide it longer. If Hogator doesn't evolve now, I guess they have another situation in mind which would feel appropriate for it. When Nyahoja evolved, it was during the climax of chapter 2 and Friede, Amethio, Rayquaza were around (among others). So assuming Hogator's evolution doesn't happen next episode, maybe it'd be to save it for such a setting. I guess we'll see.
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dragon-communion · 1 year
Okay so I was joking in an earlier post about how Elden Ring needs some properly fucked up vampires, but I think I may have found something more disturbing.
My joke involved the most blasphemous creature being a sapsucker woodpecker, since they eat tree sap and it’s heavily implied that the Erdtree’s sap has something to do with reincarnation. I’m... not entirely sure how, and I keep imagining little pod babies falling like meteors from the Erdtree’s branches to crash through some unsuspecting peasant’s roof, but I digress.
What we know for a fact is that there are basins around the Erdtree, and the Minor Erdtrees, for collecting tears of resin/amber. We can collect crystal tears from them ourselves, in fact. A few ghost NPCs seem to almost be begging for the sacred dew to fall from the trees, and Melina implies that burning the Erdtree will end the cycle of new births.
So. Assuming the sap that falls from the trees becomes babies, what’s the difference between the creation of human children and the presumably infertile crystal tears? They are infertile, right? Not babies? It disturbs me that I can’t immediately answer this with a solid no, because we do have a case of a piece of amber being referred to as a child. Rennala’s egg. Or perhaps the rune inside was the child. I’d need to look over the dialogue.
Further complicating this is the description of the Flask of Crimson Tears (and by extension the blue one, too).
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A sacred flask modelled after a golden holy chalice that was once graced by a tear of life.
I need to sit with this a moment.
Essentially- this flask looks startlingly similar to the flask seen in multiple images of Marika, as well as the unknown chthonic statue of a woman we see frequently associated with the sword-holding statues. For ease of access, I’ll be looking at the talisman Erdtree’s Favor.
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The first thing to note is the positioning of the flask in relation to Marika’s body. It’s a womb reference, plain and simple. She’s pouring an endless stream of life out of a vessel held over her lower abdomen, hands cupped in a very careful and maternal way.
The description reads as follows:
A talisman depicting a special blessing of the Erdtree.
Slightly raises maximum HP, stamina, and equip load.
It is said that when the Age of the Erdtree began, such blessings were personally bestowed upon their recipients by Queen Marika herself.
While the blessings- and tears- of the Erdtree seem to come in many forms, the most special blessing it could grant would most likely be life itself. The whole womb-flask situation certainly implies some specifics. And, while I must indulge in a deep cringe here, the “holy chalice graced by a tear of life” sounds appropriately Catholic. This is fantasy eldritch Catholicism, after all.
I’m extremely convinced that the flasks we use in game to heal ourselves are ritual implements of the Golden Order involved in the gestation of tree sap babies. Maybe not as literally as a womb, but they’ve phrased it about as bluntly as my abstinence-only sex ed classes ever did. If the flasks are only modeled after the true holy chalice- probably the one Marika is depicted with- it’s still the equivalent of eating out of a cradle shaped bowl or something, and my questions about the sacred tears have still not been answered.
Do we eat babies? Soup of baby? Infant broth? It’s unclear. We do seem to consume life itself, perhaps even souls. The nature of what exactly runes are is something to explore in another post. Either way, thank you for coming to my TED talk, I’m going to go make myself a sandwich.
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exonerin · 2 months
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? 29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Two more questions from the list. Thank you so much! And they're fun questions, too.
17) That's actually a difficult question. For the obikin ones on AO3 right now, I don't think I had to do too much research.
In general, though, I have found Hanahaki fics are incredibly exhausting to write because I implement a number of additional rules. I don't want to spoil the fun yet, but you easily end up in an endless loop of research where you have the book of flowers and their meanings (language of flowers by Kate Greenaway is the best resource) on one hand, then google on the other hand to field questions like: 1) how big is this flower? Am I just choking my characters here? 2) is it edible? Am I willing to give my characters a severe case of the runs? Do I want them to be killed by these flowers through poison? (typically, the answer is 'no' at the start, and then near the end I'm actively looking for flowers that kill).
My main problem here is that it's generally speaking difficult to find the toxicity of flowers. You would assume people stuff everything in their mouths they can find, but oh well.
For another fic, I tried to figure out how English law worked in the Gregorian era. Let me give you one recommendation: don't. All these sources were too succinct and the more detailed ones contradicted each other. It was an exercise in futility, and frustrating, too.
29) Share a bit from a fic I'll never post. Funnily enough, I talked about the nightmarish fic in another post. Now, I have 3554 words to pick from in that snippet, and I'll have to be a bit selective.
It's a bit weird to share this anyway, actually. Either way, in this fic I kill Anakin at the start. So, Anakin is a ghost but he's bound to the dusty battlefield where he died. Since he can't leave, he never knows that the Republic falls and all Jedi are killed.
Through some events, during which I give Anakin hope and then crush it again quite cruelly, he ends up on Coruscant (as ghost). There he learns the Jedi are mostly dead, save some fugitives. This includes Obi-Wan. Thus, Anakin starts looking for Obi-Wan, only to eventually learn Obi-Wan was also killed when the wanted posters are updated to reflect this.
And then, Anakin's soul dies, too.
In my defense, I was in a terrible mood that day. It seemed a constructive way to deal with it. Usually, I delete these snippets, and I genuinely do not know what compelled me to save this.
I picked a snippet after the opening scene to avoid some graphic details. Nevertheless, there is a big trigger warning for Character Death here. So, proceed with caution. Also, I never looked this over again, I did a very rudimentary spelling check, but it will be a rough read.
There was no death. There was the Force.
All living beings eventually reunited with the Force, only to be remolded and born again. Yet, he woke up. Although he had been cold, he was pleasantly warm as he woke. His eyes were still closed, watching the backs of his eyelids. There was no hurry, he didn't think so.
He had collapsed on his side, and orange dust stuck to his cheek, reminding him of sand. As he sighed, he could feel the grains on his tongue, gritty and dry.
Slowly, he opened his eyes.
The ringing had stopped, but his vision remained blurry. He wasn't concerned, though.
There was no emotion. There was peace.
His mind was blissfully empty, sapping from the panic, the loud ringing, and the knowledge he would faint. His breathing was still shallow, but slow, and his lungs expanded again. He imagined droids felt similar when they were rebooted.
As he sat up, however, he fought a wave of nausea. While he felt more relaxed than he had in a long time, he felt squeamish. Something was off. His gaze dipped to his abdomen, but the weight of the beam had disappeared. Not a trace of the wound was left. Suspicion made him glance around him.
Okay. That explained the absence of a fatal wound.
His body was still on the battlefield, pierced through by a durasteel beam. The pool of blood around him was already absorbed by the dust, staining the orange around him a brown halo. The wound looked grizzly, he noted with a dull detachment. Yet, that wasn't what drew his attention.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was curled around Anakin Skywalker's dead body, sobbing.
Around them, the battle still raged on, but Obi-Wan didn't pay them any mind. Curiously, Anakin lifted to his feet, swaying before collapsing on the sand again.
"That was a terrible idea," he scoffed, closing his eyes briefly to ground himself. Waking up after fainting, he had felt grounded, but that was clearly a lie. A low-level nausea remained, settling nicely in his stomach. Anakin breathed through it before opening his eyes again.
Although Obi-Wan still clutched Anakin Skywalker's body to his chest, his gaze seemed to be on him. Anakin tilted his head. Obi-Wan mirrored the motion.
"Hello there," he said, stealing Obi-Wan's catchphrase.
He had never seen Obi-Wan so distraught before, and his heart clenched painfully at the tear tracks that ran down his Master's cheeks.
"Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked. "Is that you?"
Confused, Anakin tilted his head in the other direction. Obi-Wan didn't follow his example. Dread grew like poison ivy, filling every square centimeter in his body with its tight grip. Had he imagined the eye contact?
"Obi-Wan," he said, louder.
Obi-Wan didn't react. Panic had never felt so acute and all-encompassing before.
Obi-Wan's gaze passed right through him as he turned his head to study the smoke surrounding them. Ignoring the nausea, Anakin crawled closer, lifting a hand to place it on Obi-Wan's shoulder and passing right through.
His fingers raked through fabric, flesh, bones, and even stone as he tried to touch Obi-Wan.
"I'm here," Anakin yelled in Obi-Wan's ear, but Obi-Wan didn't react. Unable to do anything, Anakin watched Obi-Wan cradle Anakin closer to his chest, muttering apology after apology, smothering the corpse with featherlight kisses on the forehead, and soft strokes through his matted curls.
Anakin's eyes burned, but he refused to cry. He blinked rapidly to clear his vision from the tears that welled anyway. Obi-Wan's white plastoid armor was coated in blood, but he didn't seem to realize or care. Feeling too small for the body he no longer inhabited, Anakin lifted to his feet, trying to see through the thick haze that had settled over the battlefield.
Watching his Master grief felt wrong, but Anakin was powerless to stop it. Instead, he was forced to watch every emotion, usually hidden behind a carefully curated mask and thick shields, play out on his Master's face. He swallowed thickly, feeling so utterly helpless.
Eventually, the din of battle stopped, replaced by an eerie silence. Clones gathered around Obi-Wan and Anakin's dead body. Anakin could hear the murmur of conversations in identical voices. It took an eternity before Commander Cody could convince Obi-Wan to return to the ship. Jealous of the brief hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, Anakin started after them. He knew Obi-Wan needed every bit of support he could get, but that was Anakin's place.
After a few steps, his body stopped progressing. Although he still walked, the procession of clones and Obi-Wan left him behind. An animal sound escaped him as he realized they were leaving him behind. Wildly, he clawed at the air, but the fog offered no resistance. Helplessly, he watched Obi-Wan retreat into the fog, still carrying his limp body. Howling and wailing, he tried to reach them, but he was powerless to watch them disappear. Clones walked around and through him, following Obi-Wan without a problem.
He was chained to this place!
His throat was raw, and the silhouettes of the vanguard gone, when Anakin slumped on the ground. As he clenched his hands into fists, the dust didn't move, unperturbed by his motions. He screamed until his voice gave out, a hoarse and painful gurgle in the back of his throat.
"No," he pleaded with the Force, his lips shaping around the world as he breathed it. "No, no, no."
They were the Team.
Crying ugly tears, and sobbing loudly despite the lack of voice, Anakin curled into a fetal position, ignoring the rough press of dust against his body.
In a meaningless scuffle on an Outer Rim planet, Anakin Skywalker was killed in action. His story ended here, doomed to haunt the dusty planes. Too numb to muster any anger, he closed his eyes, curling tighter until his forehead touched his knees.
Eventually, the dust settled, coating him in a thin layer of dust. Anakin had cracked one eye open to confirm he could see the sky before closing them again.
He fought against the tears again and again and again, but he always lost. His eyes were raw and swollen from the tears and his nose was permanently stuffed. There was no one to comfort him.
For many rotations, Anakin Skywalker didn't move. Although a part of him had decided he would never move again, a loud sound startled him from his mourning. As he sat upright, his eyes grew wide in horror.
The decomposed bodies of clone troopers littered the wide open plane. Parts of battle droids were strewn around, already rusting, exposed as they were to the dust that swirled lazily above the ground, obscuring the rocks underneath.
Although he knew it was futile, he reached for a helmet. He gasped as the bucket rolled away under his touch. His fingers trembled as he hurried after the helmet to pick it up.
Disbelief left him speechless as he twisted the bucket in his hands, his leather gloves left white traces in the orange dust that coated the helmet. Carefully, he placed the helmet on the ground again before trying to lift a rifle.
He turned the blaster in his hands, fingers gliding over the ridges and scope. Stunned, he placed the blaster back on the ground.
What else could he do?
A brittle hope brewed in his stomach, mixing with the perpetual nausea. His gaze flitted over the battlefield, looking for other things to touch. There wasn't much. Only the dead were left behind.
Cautiously, he turned into the direction Obi-Wan had headed in. It was unwise to foster any hope, he knew. Letting reality crush the fragile feeling was better. Inhaling deeply, tasting the dust in the air, he took one step.
Then, a second.
A third followed after.
Each step led to another one until the battlefield was well behind him. No invisible barrier had stopped him, and Anakin was filled with incredulous hope. As the day passed into night, Anakin continued to walk. Eventually, he would find some form of civilization, he knew. At the time, he hadn't read the mission briefing, so he couldn't remember why they had fought over this planet.
Resources, he decided. And if there were resources, then there were also people exploiting those resources.
For many days, he walked, first randomly, then in a grid. No human could hope to cover every square centimeter in their search, but Anakin didn't have an alternative. If he wanted to return to Coruscant, he would need some form of transport.
One day, he was back on the battlefield. His shoulders slumped. He shook his head wildly, but it couldn't stop the tears. Legs, which were already unsteady from his long trek, gave out under him. Sharp rocks dug into his knees, leaving abrasions on his skin through his pants as he fell onto the ground.
He had hoped. And reality had crushed his silly, foolish hope. He had known from the start that his hope would only lead to bitter disappointment, but he couldn't have imagined how much it would hurt.
Pain and desperation made Anakin gag, but he hadn't eaten anything in eternity, so his dry heaving only irritated his throat.
"Obi-Wan," he whined, wishing his Master was here. Without Anakin to keep up the act, all his secrets would have been exposed, he judged. He wondered whether Obi-Wan would treat him kindly, despite knowing everything Anakin had done.
He was chilled to the bone, the goosebumps almost painful as they formed.
"Obi-Wan," he whispered, but no one would hear him. He inhaled raggedly in a last attempt to stop sobbing. It didn't work. Of course, it didn't.
Everyone had been hopeful the war would be over soon. Blindly, Anakin stared at the ground, wondering why he still existed on this desolate planet.
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quick-win-strategie · 5 months
Streamlining IT Service Management: A Review of ITSM Prozessbibliothek deutsch für SAP Signavio
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I recently implemented the ITSM Prozessbibliothek deutsch für SAP Signavio digital software into my IT department, and it has revolutionized the way we manage IT services. For years, our ITSM processes relied on a patchwork of outdated documents and tribal knowledge. This led to inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and ultimately, frustrated employees and customers. The ITSM Prozessbibliothek deutsch für SAP Signavio has transformed our approach to ITSM, bringing much-needed structure and clarity to our operations.
Pre-Built Library Saves Time and Ensures Consistency
One of the biggest advantages of this software is the pre-built library of ITSM process templates specific to SAP Signavio. These templates provide a strong foundation for our core IT services, including incident, problem, change, and configuration management. The pre-built nature saved us countless hours compared to building these processes from scratch. Furthermore, the library ensures consistency across all our IT service offerings, eliminating the risk of variations that could lead to confusion or errors.
Visual Process Modelling for Improved Understanding
The software utilizes a visual process modelling approach, which has been a game-changer for our team. Complex workflows are depicted through clear diagrams that showcase the sequence of steps, decision points, and responsible roles. This visual format makes it easy for everyone, regardless of technical expertise, to understand how IT services are delivered. This fosters better collaboration between IT staff and other departments, as everyone has a clear picture of how their requests are handled.
Customization Options for Tailored Processes
While the pre-built library provides a solid starting point, the software also allows for customization. We can easily adapt the templates to reflect our specific IT environment and service offerings. This flexibility ensures that the processes we implement are truly tailored to our unique needs. Additionally, the software allows us to document best practices and service level agreements (SLAs) directly within the process models, providing a central repository for all relevant information.
Integration with SAP Signavio for Seamless Workflow
For organizations already using SAP Signavio, the ITSM Prozessbibliothek offers a seamless integration. The pre-built templates are designed to work flawlessly within the SAP Signavio environment, eliminating the need for data migration or complex integrations. This streamlines the process of implementing and managing ITSM processes, allowing us to leverage the existing capabilities of SAP Signavio.
Enhanced Collaboration and Improved Efficiency
Since implementing the ITSM Prozessbibliothek deutsch für SAP Signavio, we've witnessed a significant improvement in collaboration and efficiency within our IT department. The clear and consistent processes have empowered our staff to handle service requests more effectively. Additionally, the software has facilitated better communication with end-users, as they now have a clear understanding of how IT services are delivered. Overall, this has resulted in a noticeable reduction in service resolution times and a more streamlined IT service experience.
In conclusion, the ITSM Prozessbibliothek deutsch für SAP Signavio is an invaluable tool for any organization looking to streamline their IT service management processes. The combination of pre-built templates, visual process modelling, and SAP Signavio integration makes it a powerful solution for improving efficiency, communication, and overall IT service delivery.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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rhsoftech2024 · 9 months
sap hana admin online training in Mumbai
The Effectiveness of SAP HANA Administrator Online Training SAP Master HANA Administrator Training is a renowned certification program that will help you grow your career in the business world. This course will provide you with a wide range of technical skills, practical knowledge and insight, which will give you an edge over other candidates trying to land similar jobs. SAP hana Admin online training is far more effective and practical than the regular classroom training. It provides comprehensive knowledge of all features of SAP HANA system, which makes it much easy for the trainees to learn it according to their specific requirement. The SAP HANA Admin Training Course also goes beyond the basics to cover advanced topics and advanced customization of SAP HANA with full hands-on exercises. SAP HANA Administration Online Training provides you hands-on practice and a better understanding of SAP HANA Administration. This course will help you to master the topics through hands-on exercises and by practicing with virtual SAP HANA installations. SAP Hana Admin Online Training helps you understand the major components of SAP HANA and their functioning. At RH Soft Tech, we provide the complete knowledge on SAP HANA that will help you to establish your business with this software in a smoother way. Hana Admin Consultant - SAP Business Analyzer: you have the ability to design and implement complex SAP Business Analytics and Cloud based solutions. You will drive more than one project simultaneously with different business needs and models, working closely with organizational colleagues. Key Responsibilities: Develop and manage SAP Business Analytics (BAP) projects on SAP HANA, iSUPPORT, Clientapp and all client platforms; Deliver an end-to-end, strategic approach to the delivery of SAP BW multi-client analytics solutions in a timely manner by leveraging knowledge of industry practices, deliverables; Drive execution of solution concepts into functional specifications/deliverables ensuring that functional specifications aligns with business requirements; Monitor processes and ensure modification activities are executed as per strategy driven plan Hana Admin Consultant - SAP Business Analyzer: you have the ability to design and implement complex SAP Business Analytics and Cloud based solutions. You will drive more than one project simultaneously with different business needs and models, working closely with organizational colleagues. Key Responsibilities: Develop and manage SAP Business Analytics (BAP) projects on SAP HANA, isupport, Clientapp and all client platforms; Deliver an end-to-end, strategic approach to the delivery of SAP BW multi-client analytics solutions in a timely manner by leveraging knowledge of industry practices, deliverables; Drive execution of solution concepts into functional specifications/deliverables ensuring that functional specifications aligns with business requirements; Monitor processes and ensure modification activities are executed as per strategy driven plan
For More Details Please Visit our Website -
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gokul07 · 10 months
Unveiling the Strategic Impact: Understanding the Uses of Learning SAP MM Course at SAP Training Institute
In the realm of enterprise resource planning (ERP), SAP MM (Materials Management) stands as a critical module that plays a pivotal role in managing an organization's materials, procurement processes, and inventory. The SAP Training Institute offers a comprehensive SAP MM course designed to equip professionals with the skills necessary to harness the full potential of this module. In this exploration, we will uncover the multifaceted uses and strategic implications of learning SAP MM at the SAP Training Institute.
Efficient Materials Management
At the core of SAP MM lies the ability to streamline materials management processes. Professionals undergoing SAP MM training gain insights into the efficient handling of procurement, inventory management, and logistics, ensuring that an organization's resources are optimally utilized.
Optimized Procurement Processes
Learning SAP MM empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of procurement. From the creation of purchase requisitions to vendor evaluation, the course covers the end-to-end procurement cycle. This knowledge is invaluable in enhancing the efficiency of procurement processes and reducing costs through effective supplier management.
Inventory Control and Visibility
The SAP MM course at the institute delves into the intricacies of inventory management. Participants learn how to maintain optimal stock levels, track goods movements, and implement inventory control measures. This not only prevents stockouts but also minimizes excess inventory, contributing to cost savings.
Integration with Other SAP Modules
SAP MM does not operate in isolation; it integrates seamlessly with other SAP modules such as SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) and SAP PP (Production Planning). Understanding these integration points is a key focus of the training, providing participants with a holistic understanding of how materials management intersects with other business processes.
Vendor Relationship Management
Effective vendor management is crucial for organizational success. SAP MM training equips professionals with the skills to manage vendor relationships efficiently. From vendor selection to performance evaluation, participants gain insights into fostering collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships.
Compliance and Documentation
In the ever-evolving landscape of regulations and compliance, the SAP MM course emphasizes the importance of adhering to industry standards. Participants learn how to generate accurate and compliant documentation, ensuring that the organization meets regulatory requirements and operates ethically.
Cost Savings through Strategic Sourcing
Strategic sourcing is a key aspect of SAP MM, and the training program focuses on enabling professionals to make informed decisions in the procurement process. This includes identifying cost-effective sourcing strategies, negotiating favorable terms, and ultimately contributing to substantial cost savings for the organization.
Real-Time Reporting and Analytics
SAP MM training goes beyond transactional processes and delves into the realm of reporting and analytics. Participants learn how to generate real-time reports on materials usage, procurement trends, and inventory turnover. This data-driven approach empowers organizations to make informed decisions for future planning.
Career Advancement Opportunities
Completion of the SAP MM course from the SAP Training Institute is not just a skill acquisition; it opens doors to new career opportunities. Professionals equipped with SAP MM expertise are sought after by organizations across industries, positioning graduates for roles such as SAP MM consultant, materials manager, or procurement specialist.
Continuous Learning and Updates
The SAP MM course is designed to foster continuous learning. With regular updates on the latest features and functionalities of SAP MM, participants stay abreast of industry advancements. This commitment to ongoing education ensures that professionals remain valuable assets to their organizations.
Learning SAP MM Course at Study Giant SAP Training Institute is an investment in acquiring skills that extend beyond the confines of materials management. The strategic uses of SAP MM span procurement, inventory control, vendor management, and compliance, positioning professionals as strategic assets in their organizations. As businesses increasingly rely on SAP solutions for efficient materials handling, professionals equipped with SAP MM expertise are well-prepared to contribute to organizational success and navigate the intricacies of modern supply chain management.
Study Giant Academy is not just a training institution; it's a hub for transformative experiences. Whether you're starting your SAP journey or looking to upskill, we invite you to be a part of our thriving community. Unleash the power of SAP, embrace digital transformation, and redefine what's possible in your career.
Embark on this journey with us, and let Study giant Academy be your guide to unlocking the potential within you. Here's to many more years of empowering careers and shaping the future of digital excellence!
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rhsofttech1 · 1 year
The Effectiveness of SAP HANA Administrator Online Training
SAP Master HANA Administrator Training is a renowned certification program that will help you grow your career in the business world. This course will provide you with a wide range of technical skills, practical knowledge and insight, which will give you an edge over other candidates trying to land similar jobs.
SAP hana Admin online training is far more effective and practical than the regular classroom training. It provides with comprehensive knowledge of all features of SAP HANA system, which makes it much easy for the trainees to learn it according to their specific requirement. The SAP HANA Admin Training Course also goes beyond the basics to cover advanced topics and advanced customization of SAP HANA with full hands-on exercises.
SAP HANA Administration Online Training provides you hands-on practice and a better understanding of SAP HANA Administration.  This course will help you to master the topics through hands-on exercises and by practicing with virtual SAP HANA installations.
SAP Hana Admin Online Training helps you understand the major components of SAP HANA and their functioning. At RH Soft Tech, we provide the complete knowledge on SAP HANA that will help you to establish your business with this software in a smoother way.
Hana Admin Consultant - SAP Business Analyzer: you have the ability to design and implement complex SAP Business Analytics and Cloud based solutions. You will drive more than one project simultaneously with different business needs and models, working closely with organizational colleagues. Key Responsibilities: Develop and manage SAP Business Analytics (BAP) projects on SAP HANA, iSUPPORT, Clientapp and all client platforms; Deliver an end-to-end, strategic approach to the delivery of SAP BW multi-client analytics solutions in a timely manner by leveraging knowledge of industry practices, deliverables; Drive execution of solution concepts into functional specifications/deliverables ensuring that functional specifications aligns with business requirements; Monitor processes and ensure modification activities are executed as per strategy driven plan
Hana Admin Consultant - SAP Business Analyzer: you have the ability to design and implement complex SAP Business Analytics and Cloud based solutions. You will drive more than one project simultaneously with different business needs and models, working closely with organizational colleagues. Key Responsibilities: Develop and manage SAP Business Analytics (BAP) projects on SAP HANA, iSUPPORT, Clientapp and all client platforms; Deliver an end-to-end, strategic approach to the delivery of SAP BW multi-client analytics solutions in a timely manner by leveraging knowledge of industry practices, deliverables; Drive execution of solution concepts into functional specifications/deliverables ensuring that functional specifications aligns with business requirements; Monitor processes and ensure modification activities are executed as per strategy driven plan 
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pb-dot · 1 year
My Horror Nerdery: Why it works for me
I love horror media, but I feel I love it in a kind of unusual way? People, as best as I understand it, watch horror for any number of reasons. Vicariously experiencing and learning to master real fears, the adrenaline thrill of vicarious danger, the morbid fascination with blood and gore, misanthropy, the list goes ever on. Most of these are entirely fine, but one perspective I don't see represented so many places is what I've come to call the "Monsters For Slaying" philosophy of horror movies.
You see, when I say that I watch horror movies to try to cheer myself up on occasion, that's the kind of thing that could read as a red flag to someone. Without context, I wouldn't even argue. Then again, it is true. I watch horror movies because I want some form of fear made manifest, turned from a shapeless everpresent, ever-illusive feeling into a thing that dies hard, but at least it can die.
I want a monster to represent the fear of being hunted by predators long extinct so the protagonist can show it why humans made it to the top of the food chain. I want the fear of crowds to turn into ravenous walking dead so the poor sap who has to get through them can turn them into an upholstery disaster with power tools. I want the fear of the unknown manifest into some hideous thing from beyond the stars to our hero can introduce the eldritch fuck to the gentlemen Smith & Wesson. I want to see the fear of strangers put on a mask and stalk the world of man with a stabbing implement so some plucky coed can shank it with it's own weapon.
In short, I want to see man go up against the monsters of our minds, and I want us to win. I want them to suffer and experience doubt, loss and despair, but I want them to ultimately win. I want this because that makes me feel like I too can win against my own fears and formless anxieties.
Now, if it wasn't obvious, I prefer movies where the heroes win and the monsters slink off into the shadows for the inevitable sequel. That said I don't mind heroes faltering and darkness winning out once in a while either. Why? To establish genrewide plausibility of failure. If I'm watching the kind of movie where a hero could concievably bite it in the end, it allows the actual triumphs where the hero succeeds to feel all the sweeter.
Now, the kind of horror I just can't abide is the ones where resistance is futile or even counterproductive. Some times horror creators, recognizing that people are watching their movies to see blood and gore and/or other dark subject matter, and thus makes a scenario where all of that happening isn't only a possibility but an inevitability. This usually makes for fairly passive protagonists going through a parade of horrors, and a very annoyed peebs. I believe a story is a story first and a genre experience second, in addition to my abovementioned preference.
It occurs to me as I'm writing this that there's also more than a trace of a need for control in my movie preferences in general, which needless to say also impacts my view of horror movies. I will not claim to have lived the most disenfranchised life, but there certainly are periods of my life, time of writing included, where it feels like I've just been kicked around by life rather than navigated it, but I believe I will discuss this revealation with a mental healthcare professional before I dig on for the implications in this case.
To get us back on track, why horror? Isn't, after all, most cinema an attempt at mythologizing or commenting on everyday struggles? Well, granted, but Horror is the only one to do it primarily through fear, which I believe makes it uniquely fitted for handling the terrors and anxieties of living. You don't really have to tell someone The Thing plays on the fear of your community being subverted, that's just a vibe you catch as you watch the movie, you don't have to have it explained that It Follows is about the fear of intimacy because the fear of intimacy currently is stalking the protagonist as an invisible (to everyone but the protagonist) shapeshifting intimacy ghost. There is something refreshingly direct about the metaphor language there. This i believe is because it deals in the language of fear, an emotion our ancestors came to trust implicitly on account of the cost of a Type 2 Error when the question is "is there a lion out there ready to pounce?" or something similar.
So in short, I like horror movies not because they scare me, but for how it tells me that the things that I fear are things that can be overcome. Granted, being good enough at inducing fear for it to feel "real enough," is important for that to happen, so it's not like it's irelevant whether I find it spooky or not.
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techwave1 · 1 year
SAP CX Commerce Cloud | CX Implementation
Title: SAP CX Commerce Cloud: Elevating Customer Experience with Seamless Implementations
Introduction: In today's competitive digital landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences has become a critical differentiator for businesses. SAP Customer Experience (CX) solutions, specifically SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Hybris Commerce, are at the forefront of empowering companies to achieve unparalleled customer engagement and loyalty. Let's explore how these solutions enable seamless CX implementations and the comprehensive CX services that drive success.
SAP CX Commerce Cloud: Enhancing E-Commerce Experiences SAP CX Commerce Cloud is a powerful cloud-based platform designed to transform e-commerce experiences. It provides businesses with a flexible and scalable solution to deliver personalized and consistent shopping experiences across various touchpoints. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, it enables seamless integration, real-time data insights, and exceptional customer journeys.
CX Implementation: A Roadmap to Success A successful CX implementation is pivotal for businesses aiming to provide outstanding customer experiences. SAP Hybris Commerce, now known as SAP CX Commerce, offers robust capabilities to help companies seamlessly implement and customize their e-commerce solutions. Through meticulous planning, streamlined execution, and effective change management, businesses can optimize their CX strategies and stay ahead of the competition.
SAP Hybris Commerce: Powering Omnichannel Experiences Formerly known as SAP Hybris Commerce, SAP CX Commerce Cloud empowers businesses with a unified platform to deliver consistent and personalized customer experiences across various channels, including web, mobile, and social. The platform seamlessly integrates with back-end systems, enabling businesses to efficiently manage their online storefronts and optimize inventory management.
SAP Customer Experience Hybris: Elevating Customer Engagement SAP Hybris Commerce, now part of the SAP Customer Experience suite, is a leading e-commerce solution that allows businesses to elevate customer engagement. By leveraging customer insights, intelligent marketing tools, and robust analytics, businesses can understand customer preferences better, enabling them to deliver tailored offers and personalized experiences.
CX Services: Comprehensive Support for CX Excellence Techwave's SAP CX Services offer businesses comprehensive support to ensure the successful deployment, integration, and ongoing management of SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Customer Experience solutions. From implementation and customization to post-implementation support and optimization, Techwave's team of experts assists businesses in harnessing the full potential of their CX solutions.
SAP Customer Experience: Unifying Customer Touchpoints SAP Customer Experience encompasses an array of solutions, including SAP CX Commerce Cloud, SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP Sales Cloud, SAP Service Cloud, and SAP Customer Data Cloud. This integrated suite empowers businesses to deliver consistent, contextual, and meaningful interactions across the entire customer journey.
SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud: A Future-Ready Solution SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud, now SAP CX Commerce Cloud, is a future-ready platform that ensures businesses can quickly adapt to changing customer needs and market demands. With continuous innovation and upgrades, businesses can stay at the forefront of e-commerce excellence.
Conclusion: Embracing SAP CX Commerce Cloud and SAP Hybris Commerce is not just about keeping up with the trends; it's about revolutionizing how businesses connect with their customers. These solutions, combined with expert CX services, enable businesses to deliver unforgettable customer experiences, drive loyalty, and secure a competitive advantage in the digital era. Partner with Techwave for a seamless CX implementation and unlock the true potential of your e-commerce strategy.
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atorix-it-solutions · 2 years
Atorix IT Solutions is the leading industry expert in providing SAP software and services. It has unrivalled experience in providing robust, business process solutions for successful clients. It’s approach empowers the clients to realize their goals. It provides complete end-to-end innovative business solutions to companies around the world. Dedicated to providing expert advice and unrivaled service and support.
Atorix IT Solution is a certified global IT & ITES services provider in consulting, technology, and outsourcing solutions.
To Know More Please Do Visit The Website.
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