#English isn't my first language and I wrote this while walking so sorry if anything is wonky i guess
vanteguccir · 7 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is a medium and Matt's girlfriend. She is invited to participate in the collab between Sam & Colby and the Sturniolo Triplets but ends up being targeted by ghosts all night.
WARNING: Paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, mediumship.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: Another version of this same "universe" that I wrote.
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"Guys, today we have some very special guests. You literally spent months asking us to do a collaboration with them." Colby said as he walked through the Driskill Hotel Hall with Sam at his side holding the camera. "The Sturniolo Triplets and Y/N!" The brunette finished, pointing to the four mentioned while the camera lens focused on them.
The duo had just finished their initial presentation of the channel and the place where they were, happy to finally do something that their fans had asked for so much.
"Are you guys excited?" Colby asked, clasping his hands in front of his chest as he looked at them with excitement on his features.
"Super excited." The triplets responded at the same time, smiling broadly.
"Very!" Y/N responded from beside Matt, her left hand rested on the brunette's covered back while Matt's right arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Are you guys scared, nervous, or just excited?" Colby asked again, looking briefly at the camera.
"I'm scared." Chris responded quickly, his hands resting on his waist.
"I'm terrified." Nick admitted without reservation, receiving laughter from everyone there.
"I'm super excited, a little nervous, but super excited." Y/N spoke, nodding as a smile spread across her face.
"We wanted to ask this to you specifically. You're a medium, right?" Sam asked from behind the camera, adjusting it in his hands so that the lens caught the four of them and Colby, but with the focus on Y/N.
"Yes I am." The girl nodded.
"She's Lorraine Warren herself." Nick interrupted, pointing briefly at Y/N with his left hand.
"It's not that big of a deal, Nick." She rolled her eyes, not holding back her smile when she saw the boys laughing at the oldest of the triplets' joke.
"But you're good, right? We watched some videos and podcasts of the triplets, and they commented a few times in them about you being a medium." Colby took the lead, looking at her carefully, hoping she could help them with the investigation of that video.
"She is great." Matt spoke before Y/N could open her mouth, carrying a big smile on his face and a proud look in his eyes.
"I don't consider myself great." The girl rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's comment, feeling her cheeks heat up. "I've always had this 'power'." She made the quotation mark gesture with her hands. "I can see, hear, and feel. I remember that when I was a child, I didn't understand anything, and I was scared to death, especially because people said that only I could do those things, I felt crazy. Until my mother took me to my grandmother when I was 9 years old, and they explained it to me together. My grandmother was a great medium, and apparently, that passed on to me." She explained briefly.
"So you can do all three? And you have control over them?" Sam asked from behind the camera again.
"It depends on what the spirit or demon wants. I can feel anything, both energy and proximity. As for hearing or seeing, it depends on whether the spirit wants me to see or hear them. But when they want, I do all three perfectly, everything becomes very clear to me, as if they were really there in the flesh." Y/N explained, receiving nods from Nick and Chris, who were next to her paying attention to her words, even though they already knew that.
"And how do you react to that? You live together, right?" Colby turned to the brothers, bringing their attention to them.
"Yes, we always knew that Y/N was a medium since we all grew up together in Boston. When we moved in together after moving to LA, we not only knew, but we started living it." Nick began explaining, his eyes going from his brothers to Sam and Colby.
"Yes, she never went into much detail about what she saw or heard because we were always a little scared-"
"You're all pussy's." Y/N cut Chris off, releasing the sentence with a smirk on her face. Colby laughed loudly, shaking his head.
"Thank you, my love." Matt scoffed, getting a "your welcome" in return.
"It has become normal for us to be talking to her, and out of nowhere, she looks at a specific point that, for us, has nothing. Or she stops paying attention to what we are saying to listen to something that someone from beyond is saying." Chris continued after rolling his eyes at his sister-in-law, already used to her jokes.
"Yes, it's scary. Sometimes, she wakes up in the middle of the night and stares into space, sitting on top of our bed. I just pull the blanket over my head and pretend I'm not seeing it happening." Y/N slapped Matt's arm after his comment, muttering a "best boyfriend ever".
"Do you think you'll be able to capture the movements here well?" Colby turned to her, looking at her with a curious look.
"I hope so. I'm hopeful that they will be open to me and show me what I need to know." Y/N nodded, breaking into a smile.
Matt moved his right hand down to Y/N's left, intertwining their fingers and caressing his girlfriend's soft skin with his thumb, knowing how much she was looking forward to the video and wanting to feel helpful, even if she didn't need to be a super medium for this.
The six were now standing near the staircase where Samantha had apparently died after chasing a ball and tripping, rolling down the stairs.
Sam was standing on the second step while Matt and Chris were on the left side of the staircase, Matt leaning on the handrail, and Nick on the right side as they listened to the blonde's explanation.
Y/N was a little further away, Sam's voice was muffled to her while her ears picked up indecipherable whispers from all sides, as if many people were trying to ask for help, explain what happened at the hotel and sending hateful comments at the same time.
Matt's presence approaching her broke her from her trance, making her look up at him, seeing his worried expression.
"Is everything okay, baby?" He asked in a low voice, not wanting to attract the attention of the others.
"Yeah, I'm just trying to get a feel of the environment." Y/N responded in the same tone of voice, smiling softly, trying to calm her boyfriend and herself.
She was already used to seeing and hearing spirits since she had done it all her life, but this experience was different from any other she had ever had.
Nick looked at her momentarily, asking her if she was okay with just a move of his lips, receiving a nod in return.
Y/N decided to get closer to the others so she could focus on their main mission there, receiving answers from the spirits through the lanterns.
"Samantha, are you the only one up here on the stairs?" Matt asked after the boys asked several questions, his right hand holding Y/N's, trying to convey comfort.
"No." Y/N replied seconds before the red flashlight turned on, receiving looks from the five on her.
"Do you see any other ghosts up here?" Sam asked, watching Y/N's reactions carefully.
"Yes, I can't see them all clearly. Many are blurred, but I can see at least three up here, besides Samantha." The girl explained, briefly pointing to the spots where she saw the three aforementioned ghosts before turning her attention to the boys.
"Can you see Samantha?" Chris asked, raising his eyebrows, his blue eyes wide in curiosity.
"No, she doesn't want me to see her. But I feel her... Here." Y/N counted, closing her eyes briefly before pointing to a specific spot between Colby and Nick.
Nick looked at the indicated spot, moving away and going to Matt and Chris' side, feeling shivers run up his spine. Colby focused the camera on there, as if waiting for something to reveal itself to the lens.
Matt looked up at his girlfriend, watching her carefully, trying to make sure she was okay.
The six were now on the mezzanine, ready to stand in front of old mirrors, which were very expensive, while they tried to call for spirits through them, specifically for Carlota.
"Hey Carlota, we have five men here, but only four are single, and one of them is off limits." Matt began, looking around briefly as his right arm held Y/N close to him by her waist, not wanting to lose sight of her in the dark of the room.
Colby and Chris began to say pick-up lines into the air as they looked around blindly, causing Y/N to laugh. She couldn't believe they were actually doing that.
The scent of roses intensified around the group, making the girl divert her attention from the boys and also look around, looking for a source of the smell.
An intense tug on her hair made her take a step back, her hands flying to the spot as if she was trying to feel someone there, turning around abruptly.
"What was that?" Colby asked, stopping in the middle of one of his nonsensical pick-up lines.
"Someone pulled my hair." Y/N responded quickly, keeping her gaze firmly on the space where she felt a presence.
Matt turned to look at where his girlfriend was looking, keeping his hand in contact with her body, wanting to make sure she was still there.
"Are you sure that-" Chris began, stopping mid-sentence when he saw Y/N stumble forward, causing Matt's hand to lose contact with her body.
"Why don't you appear in front of me instead of pushing me around, Carlota?" Y/N spoke out loudly, her tone angry while her eyes rolled across the room, feeling several presences and trying to look for Carlota among them.
"Wow, calm down, baby." Matt asked, moving closer and touching her shoulder, only to have Y/N pushed to the side again.
It was obvious that that spirit, Carlota, if Y/N's intuition was right, didn't like the girl there for some reason. This was made clearer by the fact that she only pushed Y/N but didn't even touch the others.
"Are you sure it's Carlota?" Sam asked from behind the camera, zooming in on the lens and moving it so the camera captured the entire place.
"I can't see her, but I feel her presence. And it would make sense. She likes to be pampered and praised by men, having another woman in the same room as her might offend her." The girl explained.
"Or make her feel threatened." Nick added, receiving a nod from Y/N, who was still looking at specific points in the room.
"Get out." A whisper echoed directly against the girl's right ear, making her turn around abruptly, seeing only the female silhouette for a few seconds, before it disappeared like smoke.
Matt approached Y/N quickly as he saw her begin to show her nervousness, wrapping his arm around her waist firmly again, marking his territory and taking on a serious expression, looking around as if confronting whatever was there.
“You are not allowed to touch Y/N.” Matt stated, his voice echoing in a serious tone, tightening his grip on the curve of his girlfriend's waist.
The six stood in silence for a few minutes, waiting for something to happen again, but nothing happened.
"Matt took a firm stance, which probably proved to Carlota, or whoever was doing it, that they shouldn't touch Y/N." Colby explained to the camera. "If it worked so quickly, it probably means you have an aura similar to mine." He turned to Matt, who looked back at him with a confused look, not understanding what that meant.
"It is said that the spirits are afraid of Colby because he has a very "firm" aura, which scares them and makes them obey him." Sam explained, lowering the camera a little so he could get a better look at the couple.
"That explains why the manifestations at home lessen when Matt is around me." Y/N contemplated, bringing her right hand to Matt's left on her waist, stroking the area lightly in gratitude.
Colby resumed his explanation of what they would do in the room after noticing that nothing else would happen to Y/N, focusing his attention on the camera lens.
Matt brought his face closer to the top of his girlfriend's head, sealing his lips in the area for a few seconds, before moving away and exhaling the smell of shampoo and perfume that Y/N exuded, calming himself down.
"You guys are so cheesy." Nick interrupted their moment with a smile on his face, getting closer to feel some sense of comfort.
Y/N just laughed as she rolled her eyes, resting her head on her boyfriend's covered chest, feeling grateful to have him there to protect her.
"Do you want to do it yourself?" Sam asked Matt.
Matt and Sam had just gotten out of the elevator after doing the ritual, which brought no results. The boys that stayed behind were surprised, saying that the ritual lasted just a few minutes, less than they expected.
Y/N was next to Nick, looking carefully inside the elevator as if expecting something to appear there, but there weren't even any traces of ghosts, which left her confused.
Matt looked at Sam for a few seconds after his question, shrugging as if to say, "I'm already here, why not?"
"Babe, can I come with you?" The girl's voice sounded among the group, making everyone look at her briefly.
Matt nodded quickly, feeling relief fill his heart, knowing that he wouldn't have to do it alone anymore. He raised his left hand in the air, waiting for his girlfriend to take it, intertwining their fingers tightly.
"What if you never come back?" Nick began, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"I promise I'll bring him back intact." The girl interrupted the drama. "I'm Lorraine Warren, remember? I'm going to protect my Ed Warren." She added, making everyone laugh.
"Send me the numbers." The brunette asked, looking at Sam as he fished his phone out of his jeans pocket.
The couple entered the elevator, Matt holding the camera in one hand and his phone in the other.
"Don't forget to say "take me to another world"." Sam remembered before the doors closed, the two of them repeating the words being the last thing he heard.
"Okay, let's do this." Matt unlocked his phone screen, opening the messaging app and clicking on Sam's chat, seeing the texts with the numbers.
Y/N read over her boyfriend's shoulder before leaning over and clicking the button for the first floor, taking a deep breath.
"Are you okay, baby?" Matt asked in a low voice, arranging the camera in his hands so that the lens framed the two of them before turning his head to look at her.
"Yeah, just nervous." Y/N began, turning to face her boyfriend while putting on a nervous smile, cracking her fingers in an act of anxiety. "It's just been too much, I've never felt so many presences at the same time."
"I know, baby. I'm here-"
Matt stopped mid-sentence when the elevator door opened, the two of them turning to the it quickly, their eyes traveling down the hallway, scanning the place.
A sigh escaped Matt's lips when nothing happened, his hands relaxing and the camera moving slightly as he leaned in to click the next button.
He reread the texts sent by Sam before putting away his phone, taking his free hand to Y/N's shoulders and pulling her close, the warmth of her body calming him.
"You're brave today. I like this new Matt." The girl commented a few seconds later, looking up, her eyes meeting the blue ones she loved so much. Matt smirked, lowering himself momentarily, sealing his lips over Y/N's forehead.
The two remained in that position, their heartbeats accelerating each time the elevator doors opened again, before they relaxed when nothing happened.
Until the fifth floor, where supposedly a "lady" should enter the elevator. Y/N stood still when the doors opened, the hair on her arms stood up and her heart seemed to freeze for a few seconds before speeding up, feeling like her entire body trembled with each beat.
"Matt." Her voice sounded broken and weak. "She... She's right there." Y/N muttered, raising her right arm and pointing out of the elevator. Her gaze seemed to be glazed over.
Matt swallowed hard, tightening his hand around his girlfriend, wanting to make sure she didn't leave his side. He arranged the camera so that the lens was focused outside, although neither he nor the camera were capturing anything.
"She's not coming in. Something seems to be stopping her. But she's so angry." The girl said, her voice full of emotions, looking like she was about to cry.
"Alright, that's enough. Let's go back." Matt interrupted, leaning in and clicking the button to go down, placing himself in front of his girl, with the intention of protecting her or taking her attention away from the figure.
The elevator began to slowly close, the doors appearing to be held by something.
When it finally did, Matt turned to Y/N, lowering the camera momentarily and focusing all of his attention on her.
"Baby, are you with me? Are you back?" The boy asked in a low, soft voice, afraid of scaring her even more. His blue eyes looked into his girlfriend's, hoping to see them come into focus again.
Y/N blinked repeatedly before finally looking at Matt.
"Yes, I-I'm sorry." She asked, her voice coming out weak. She closed her lips in a thin line, trying to hold back the post-adrenaline crying.
"Hey, don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Are you okay, baby? I just need to know this." The brunette was worried, he felt his heart tighten at his girl's features, and if he could, he would pass on everything she saw and felt to himself, just to spare her from all that.
"Now I am. I promise." The girl responded, nodding her head and offering him a small smile.
The sound of the elevator doors opening interrupted them, making Matt turn his back to Y/N and face the boys waiting for them, Colby already with his camera in hand and the lens focusing on the inside of the place.
"Wow, don't tell me you guys were- Wait, is everything okay?" Nick started the joke, believing that they would be kissing due to their position, but stopping in the middle of it when he noticed the expressions on Y/N's face.
"Y/N saw the "lady" who was supposed to enter the elevator on the fifth floor." Matt said, taking his girl's hand and guiding her out of it carefully.
The group was now in room 525, ready to do the Estes Method.
Y/N was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Matt, and facing the chair where the other two brothers would do the method. She had a soft smile on her face as she saw her boyfriend and brothers spouting barbs, creating a pleasant atmosphere, before Nick and Chris got under.
The girl kept her eyes glued to the duo, refusing to look around her despite hearing whispers. The words that Nick and Chris repeated, she could hear seconds before, sometimes even phrases, but she didn't want to pay attention to the ghosts there. Y/N wanted to know what they wanted them to know, and she would only get it if she heard what Chris and Nick heard.
The words came disconnected and fast. It seemed like the two were in an argument, often even complementing each other's phrases.
"Y/N." Nick spoke suddenly, his nose wrinkling under the red blindfold as if trying to understand where that came from, or hear better what it meant.
Matt quickly brought his right hand to Y/N's left thigh, maintaining direct contact with her as he kept his eyes fixed on Nick, a serious expression on his face.
"Unwelcome here." Chris spoke next.
Colby felt his fingers on the camera shake slightly. He knew well what was happening here, having already been through the same situation with Sam and their psychic friend, Amanda. He looked at Y/N with a worried expression, followed by Sam, who went over and sat on the bed next to the girl.
Matt pressed his fingers over his girlfriend's covered skin, taking a deep breath. He couldn't believe this was really happening.
"Yeah, it seems like the ghosts hate me." Y/N spoke with a nervous smile, letting out a low laugh, trying to calm the tense atmosphere that had settled.
She finally looked up and around the room, easily finding the ghost who had said that.
The "lady" from the elevator was next to Chris, staring at her with the same anger as before, showing her hatred for the girl's presence there. It was obvious that she didn't want Y/N in her hotel, but no one there understood why.
"What the hell?" Y/N exclaimed milliseconds after Chris said the last word, turning around abruptly when she felt something grab her arm and let go seconds later, but curiously, her eyes didn't catch anything.
"Okay, I think that's good for now." Sam said after seeing her reaction, getting up from the bed and touching Nick and Chris, making them take off their headphones and blindfolds.
"Apparently, I'm unwelcome here." Y/N was the first to speak after getting the attention of the other two brothers. "Something just touched me, I swear."
"I just don't understand. Why would they try to attack Y/N? It doesn't make sense." Matt asked, turning to Colby in hopes of him having an answer, as he moved closer to Y/N on the mattress, trying to give her some reassurance.
"I don't know, sometimes spirits just choose one person to terrorize or attach to, and only they know why. Sam went through something similar once." Colby explained, pointing briefly at the blonde, who nodded.
The girl sighed, it's obvious that they would choose her, after all she could see and hear them. She looked around the room again, drowning out the sound of the boys' voices. Her attention was drawn to the bathroom, which had its door opened by Matt earlier.
She felt a presence there. It certainly wasn't evil, and it seemed to be calling for her, as if it needed her to come in there.
"Guys, why don't we try again, but in the bathroom?" Y/N interrupted Nick's sentence - without even knowing what he was saying -, turning to the boys with a firm look.
"Baby, are you sure? I think we're past your limit." Matt asked, uncertainty settling into his gaze as his blue eyes ran over his girlfriend's features, as if searching for any sign of fear there, but finding nothing but firmness.
"I'm sure, I feel like there's something there that needs to talk to us."
Minutes later the six had organized themselves in the small bathroom; Colby was standing in the bathtub while Matt sat on the edge of it, Nick was sitting on the closed toilet and Chris was leaning on the sink, both looking at his brother. Sam was standing in the doorway, still with the camera in hand, while Y/N was sitting on the floor, between Matt's legs and looking up, her eyes focused on her boyfriend's blindfold covered face.
Y/N had her right hand on Matt's thigh, caressing the skin carefully, trying to reduce the boy's anxiety and nervousness, knowing that despite him trying to be thought, he was afraid of what might happen, or if he would even be able to hear anything.
"A very deep breath." Matt spoke for the first time after going under, his voice coming out loud before mimicking the breath he heard.
Y/N frowned, looking around but seeing nothing. Seconds later, she felt goosebumps run down her arm and a wind on her right side, as if something had passed there and settled next to Matt.
"Love." Matt got the first word out.
"Is that why you're here? Because you love the hotel?" Sam asked from behind the camera.
"Are there any couples here with us?" Colby asked, pinching his lips with his fingers as he tried to think of possibilities, but there was no response from the boy.
“Are you referring to Y/N and Matt?” Chris asked suddenly, causing Y/N to look at him quickly, her eyes wide.
"Do you think they're both beautiful together?" Nick asked this time, resting his left foot lightly against Y/N's thigh, trying to keep her calm.
"Are you angry because they are a beautiful couple?" Sam asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Wait, that makes sense. There was a woman in the room while Nick and Chris were doing the Estes Method, it was the same lady from the elevator, and she was very angry about something, just like she was when I saw her in the actual elevator." Y/N explained, lifting her head and briefly looking at Colby, who carried a concentrated look. "She was staring at me with hatred, as if I had done the worst thing in the world."
"Wow, that's the fourth time tonight that the same word has been repeated." Colby murmured, his eyes wide.
"Is the woman in the room mad that Matt and I are a couple?" Y/N asked with uncertainty in her voice. She didn't understand why a many years old ghost would be angry at their relationship.
At that moment, Y/N felt a new presence in the bathroom, as if something had left the room and entered there, it being filled with hatred. The girl looked up and saw the same woman, this time closer, looking at her with the same look as before, but for some reason she didn't try to touch Y/N, or she couldn't.
"She's-" Y/N's sentence was cut off by Matt, who repeated words again.
"Touch. Hurt. Y/N." Matt spoke the words without pause, his hands flying to the headphones and quickly taking it off, followed by the blindfold. "No, you can't touch her. She's not yours." Matt growled angrily, standing up and pulling Y/N by her arms, making her stand beside him, before pulling her tightly to his side and wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulder. "You're not allowed to touch any of us, especially her." The boy finished, his blue eyes traveled around the bathroom, as if he was trying to find where the entity was.
"What the fuck dude?" Sam quickly lowered the camera, looking at everyone there in shock.
Chris and Nick took a rigid stance, as if they were ready to help their brother if necessary, despite there being nothing they could do against a ghost.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Nick turned, looking at her with careful eyes, trying to read the girl's expressions.
"Yeah, she didn't actually touch me, but it was intense... I'm just scared. At least she's not here anymore." Y/N sighed, leaning into Matt, who patted her shoulder affectionately.
"That was crazy man. I didn't think the night would turn into this." Colby muttered, stepping out of the tub.
"It's okay, it's over now." Matt whispered in Y/N's ear, embracing her into his arms. She took a deep breath, breathing Matt's scent in, calming her nerves down.
The ghosts really hated her.
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bubuslutty · 2 years
Frankie loves his girl
pairing: Frank castle x fem!reader
word count: 843 words
tags: nsfw brain rot, p in v, male receiving, female receiving, size difference, stomach bulge, possessive frankie, obsessive frankie, he loves his girl very much, clothed sex, blowjobs, car sex, reader is mostly refered to as 'his girl' or pet names such as darling & angel, use of the words pussy and cock, Frank spits in her mouth heh & other nasty tags okay
warnings: under 18s pls dni, overuse of the word 'love', I wrote this on my phone so I'm sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language as well. also this is my first fic posted on tumblr. pls be nice :(
summary: Frank loves his girl very much. He loves her mind and heart, but also her cute ass and sweet pussy.
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Frank's the type to live in a cottage, maybe in the woods, with his girl. He's the type of man that would wake up early, kiss his sleeping baby and go walk around the property, checking everything just to make sure nothing happened overnight.
Frank knows they're safe, he made sure of it, getting rid of anyone who'd hurt his girl and their peace.
But he still has to do it, his little daily morning walk, to ease his soul.
Yeah, he's protecting his girl, she's safe because of him, happy because of him, and that makes him unbelievably happy, knowing she can sleep as much as she can, without having to worry about a thing.
Oh, how much he loves his girl.
She's his girl. Even thinking about it gives him butterflies and a hard cock. She's his, and nothing has sounded so good before.
He loves her so so much. He loves her smart words, her creative mind and her heart.
He's so in love with how she speaks to him, how she isn't scared of teasing him, of playing with him and being a little bratty. She's so smart and fun and beautiful in every sense.
Frank loves her mouth, her plush lips and tongue, he loves that he gets to kiss her everyday, loves that he gets to spit in her mouth and watch her eyes get all glazed over.
Frank loves her hands, loves holding them and kissing them. He loves it when she gives him back scratches, when they're lounging on the couch. He loves her hands when they're wrapped around his hard cock. And Frank's big, he's big. And every time his angel has her hands around him, the size difference makes him breathless, makes him cum almost instantly.
He loves her soft skin, running his rough hands all over her soft body. Her breasts, stomach, back, ass, thighs, neck, everywhere. He's obsessed and starved every time he lays his eyes on her.
It's embarrassing really, how every time he looks at her, his body reminds him of the nights and days he spent between her legs, either dick, hand or face buried inside of her sweet pussy.
And she's so wet, always so wet for him. Her thighs sticky and her pussy dripping for him.
She doesn't even wear panties that much anymore when he's around. Sometimes it's thigh length summer dresses with cardigans, tight cropped shirts and short shorts that would expose the bottom of her ass when she stretches, barely decent enough to wear out in public.
All she wears is clothes that Frank can easily take off, slide his hands in to wander on her skin and grope her. And even if she wore something hard to take off, they both know he wouldn't hesitate to rip it off.
Fuck clothes, he wants to see his girl naked and pretty under him.
His girl is beautiful no matter what she wears or looks like. Frank loves her in anything and everything. But he does have preferences, after all, he's just a man.
He likes her in just one of his t-shirts, with absolutely nothing underneath. He loves her wrapped in his coat, wearing a stupidly tight t-shirt and shorts underneath. He likes seeing his girl show off her body for him. Especially when nobody else is around to look at what is his.
He loves fucking her while she's wearing one of those stupid tight white t-shirts she likes to wear, the cropped ones, that leave her stomach naked, with no bra underneath. Her sweat, and his sweat would make the fabric obscenely see through, making her nipples visible. And if he's feeling in a certain mood, he might just cum on her chest, over her t-shirt and on the lower half of her face while his girl is crying and cock drunk.
Frank loves shoving his hands in her shorts, through one of the leg holes, groping her ass and squeezing. You see, he's a possessive fucker and he likes to touch, a lot.
He loves feeling her shake and throb, clench and shiver. He likes to see her beg for his cock and try to swallow him while being all messy on his lap, his balls wet from her saliva. He loves it when she grinds her sweet little ass against his crotch, smiling coyly up at him. He loves folding her while he fucks her to the point of passing out, so hard that he'd be able to see her tummy bulge from the size of his cock.
He loves having her on his lap, in his truck, holding onto the hat he placed on her head while riding him, moaning and babbling nonsense while his cock is splitting her in half. Shorts thrown at the back and panties held in one of his hands.
Frank loves his girl and her sweet pussy very much. And he'd kill anyone with his bare hands if they try to take her away from him <3
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Saw (2004)
A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP: Adam Faulkner Stanheight x fem!reader
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Summary: Adam fell asleep in the darkroom again, and it's up to his lover to get him to bed...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Honestly, I've been writing this in my head for days and then I finally had the courage to sit down and write it. Now it's finished so I'm ready to share it with you guys.
To be fair it's just my way of dealing with the ending of the movie that caused my first heartbreak in 2023. I've been living in denial ever since.
This man deserves some fluffy moments so I've written some fluffy moments...
(Also, I'm no photographer so if something isn't correctly written or described: I'm sorry.)
Warnings: swearing, just some cute, tooth rotting fluff (completely ignoring the fact that Saw is a horror movie)
She hugged herself tightly against the cold air as she walked around the apartment, looking for her lover who wasn't in bed next to her when she woke up. When she found the kitchen empty, she knew she'll find him in the darkroom. It wasn't anything unusual. It happened quite often if she wanted to be honest, but just because it was frequent, it didn't mean that she has to accept it or get used to it. And not because she didn't respect him or his job, but because she liked lying next to him at night and because she wanted him to have a good night's sleep so he won't be tired the next day.
She found the right solution for that pretty soon, which she happily did whenever she had the chance to. Whenever Adam came home after work and she was already at his place, she was right next to him, following him to the darkroom he had set up and helping him develop and print the photographs. She never thought about those moments as extra work - it was never extra work. Those moments were spent together, sometimes with some joking around and laughter. There were times when she almost dropped the tongs with the fresh photos after he tickled her or when he almost pushed the trays off the desk because of the sudden hug she gave him. But then again, most nights were spent with the two of them standing close to the other while sharing the earphones, listening to some music. She thought about those times like short dates - and she really adored them.
They didn't really go smoothly at first, mostly because she didn't know a thing about what she had to do. At first she was only putting the pictures away to dry or carefully putting them in the trays so the print can flow around in the chemicals, while she made sure Adam didn't fall asleep while waiting for the pictures to develop.
Nowadays, however, she could do the whole process alone with her eyes closed. She had seen Adam do it so many times she could do it without his assistance - not like he let her. Neither of them stayed alone in the darkroom for the past few months. Today was the only exception.
She fell asleep while she was waiting for him to come home, and it seemed like he didn't have the heart to wake her up after he arrived. She found the gesture both cute and stupid - she told him many times that she enjoys developing the pictures with him and she'll gladly help anytime.
She didn't bother knocking on the door, knowing he won't answer. He'd either fallen asleep or is currently listening to music, so it's better to just go in and ask him to come to bed. Or rather drag him to bed, because she cares about his health.
Opening the door she met with the sight she was expecting to see. Adam was sitting at the desk with the trays of chemicals, in which the fresh prints were floating. His hands were on the desk and his head was resting on top of them. He was asleep; his chest was slowly raising then lowering, his breathing was slow but steady.
She didn't move for a few seconds. She was just standing in the doorway admiring him and the peace the sight held. Then she pulled her shirt's sleeves up and put the remaining prints up to dry, hoping they weren't in the chemicals for too long. After all of them were hanging from the strings, she looked around to see what Adam was working on. There were pictures of different, to her unknown men and women matching the looks of people on the photos she put away seconds ago. There were couples kissing, hugging or leaving motel rooms - nothing she hasn't seen before in the darkroom.
But then, in the corner closest to her sleeping lover were completely dry pictures of her. She smiled as she looked at them, feeling like she looked in a mirror. He developed these first, the ones he took this morning.
There was one where she was still asleep, her lips slightly apart, her hair messy. Another where she's making coffee for both of them, still in her pajamas, laughing because he insisted on taking another and then another photo.
"You'll use all of your films on me, you need those for something more important." she remembered herself saying.
"Nothing can be more important than you."
God, he could say cheesy things sometimes, but they were working regardless. She was usually smiling with a slight blush and then he was taking another photo hiding a slight blush.
He never hid the pictures about her and them. They were all around the apartment, because as he said they made the shithole of an apartment look like home. And even if he never said it, she saw the photo of herself in his wallet.
She looked at the sleeping figure and then as gently as possible she touched his shoulder.
"Darling..." she said, doing her best to wake him up without startling him. "Baby, you need to wake up, then we can go to bed and lie down."
It only took a few seconds and a few words until his eyes opened. He sat up, straightening his back, while he rubbed his eyes and forehead. His hair was messy, but it became even messier after she ran her fingers through it.
"Come to bed with me, okay?" she answered to his quiet 'what'. "You fell asleep in here again."
The only answer she's gotten was humming, but he got up and gave her a tired hug, hiding his face in her neck, taking in her whole presence.
"What time is it?" he mumbled his question and she had to really listen closely to what he was saying to understand it.
"It's past one. So let's go to sleep, yeah?"
Adam nodded as he mumbled a quiet 'yes'.
She stepped back, getting out of the hug to take a look at him and making sure he's standing steadily on his legs. His eyes were glassy and tired and she was sure they were also red, but she couldn't tell for sure in the red light.
She gently stroked his cheek and then was about to grab his hand and lead him to bed, but as he looked at her he asked:
"Is that my shirt?"
She looked down at herself, looking at the striped shirt she was wearing over her t-shirt because she was cold, then she looked back at her lover with a soft gaze.
"Yes. I might've stolen it after you left this morning."
She felt her heartbeat change at the way his expression lightened up, a small, still sleepy smile slowly forming on his face. She always found it adorable how sometimes the smallest and simplest actions or things made him smile.
A few moments later they were on their way to bed, hand in hand. And after they were both lying in bed under the covers close to the other, she ran her hand through his hair again after she left a kiss on his forehead.
"You should've woken me up. You know I like to help you in the darkroom."
"Didn't want to. You looked adorable."
She didn't know what to say to that so she remained quiet.
"I love you."
"I know, I love you too." she muttered after. Saying I love you back became a reflex to her, because she soon realized that line alone and the taking millions of photos of her thing were both part of his love language. And she found that adorable after she found out the true meaning behind them.
She pressed a kiss to his neck as one of his hands found her waist under the stolen shirt, holding her close. And when a few seconds later Adam's grip on her lost its strength, she knew he fell asleep again, comfortably and peacefully.
She just smiled as she hid her face in his chest, feeling both happy and calm, knowing he is next to her and he'll have a good night's sleep as long as she was in his arms...
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miaoua3 · 4 days
Hiiii!! How are you doing?? I hope you are doing great! I just wanted to ask if you can write about Seungkwan husband hcs? and I also wanted to say that I really love your account it is an absolute masterpiece, I always check everyday if you posted anything because I am excited to see what you wrote ❤️❤️✨️
(Sorry if my message isn't understandable English isn't my first language 😅)
hiii! omg FINALLY a request for our boo, i’ve been waiting for this day, of course i can do it, it would be an honour. and thank you so much for saying that, as well as loving my account so much, i love you all more😭❤️
(btw, your english is perfect, have more trust in yourself and your abilities🫶)
anyway, enjoy this!
Husband! Seungkwan Headcanons:
•(sfw! hcs):
proposed in such a romantic and…seungkwan way lmao just imagine-his members of course had to be a part of it, so they have been dragging you around the whole city the entire day, making sure that you look absolutely perfect for the showtime. seungcheol took you to get your nails done, before jeonghan stole you away from him to get your dress ready, and then joshua and jun were the ones to take you to get your makeup done and- you get the idea lol, but then, as you walked with hansol and chan up the stairs of the building that you and kwanie live in all the way up to the roof, you already started crying because you knew what’s coming. and you were right because once the door of the roof were opened, you see the love of your life standing at the end of the long red carpet, right in front of an altar made out of flowers in a shape of a heart. and because it’s boo seungkwan, of course he serenaded you the song you two were listening the night you two kissed for the very first time. the rest is history❤️
has his wedding ring constantly on him, be it in his ring finger or on a necklace around his neck-the ring is one part of an outfit that is not negotiable, he will wear it no matter what
constantly talks about you when he’s a guest on talk shows, he will find any way to make any story be about you, he could be asked about the thought process behind the song he cowrote with woozi and he will just be like “oh well it’s actually inspired by my wife! she’s always my inspiration behind anything i do and write- i remember distinctly, on that day i was just-“ everyone is low-key annoyed by it because…can he go on for two minutes without saying the words “my wife”? lol
so so so very affectionate- he will hug you all the time, doesn’t matter if there’s people around or if one of you is busy, if boo seungkwan wants to hug and kiss his wife, he will do as much, even when you’re washing the dishes or vacuuming or doing skincare- he will just sneak up on you and hug you from behind as he nuzzles his face in the curve of your neck, he fr sometimes remind you of a cat
is very big on jokes in your relationship, he will try to make you laugh as much as possible, that’s why you two have so many ongoing inside jokes, god forbid someone says one word that will remind you both of one of your jokes, you two will start cackling, leaning onto each other as you two try to control yourselves but with no avail (jeonghan is so sick of you two, he had been enduring this ever since you two started dating and seungkwan was still living with him)
his favourite nights are when you two get drunk on sweet sweet wine from italy and start jumping and dancing around the apartment, all while singing (read: screaming) the lyrics of your favourite songs together, naturally using your hairbrushes as your microphones. something about this makes seungkwan feel…like he will live on forever, if not in other people’s minds and he in books of records, then at least in your heart and memory❤️
because this is boo seungkwan we’re talking about of course, expect little harmless and useless fights (more like bickering) to happen at least twice a day, he sometimes does it because he genuinely doesn’t agree with you but sometimes he does it just to see you pout at him lol, from fighting about which sort of tomato tastes the best to who the best marvel character is, expect him to start shit at any topic you try to bring up lol
•(nsfw! hcs):
his words are always so sweet, they taste like honey both on your and his lips, but then his actions would be so dirty, a complete contrast from what he’s saying- he could be asking in that deep voice of his that he always pull on you in the bedroom “who is my good girl?” but in the same second he would be landing such a hard and nasty spank on your ass cheek that has you throwing your head back in pleasure- his words so affectionate and full of praise, but then his actions look as if it were a punishment, he dances on that thin line so well
prefers fucking you either in missionary or when you ride him, he loves seeing your face scrunch in pleasure as his dick is pounding into your heat, your muscles tightening around him-there’s just something in the way your eyebrows furrow and your mouth open on their own while he’s bringing you pleasure, plus it’s only a bonus that this way he gets to kiss you anytime he wants to (or a louder moan threatens to spill out of his mouth)
and his fingers? gosh his beautiful fingers…the only reason why he isn’t eating you as much as he would like to is because you prefer to have his fingers instead, so long and so pretty and perfect, curling inside of you just the right way, his little nails scraping against you sweet spot which brings you to your finish way before you’d like- and when he licks the very same pretty fingers clean and then wraps them around your pretty little neck? gone. gone and done for.
surprise surprise-boo seungkwan is a talker in the bedroom. shocker, i know. half of his honey sweet words won’t even register im your mind due to the pleasure, but he will still talk, going from kissing your neck and nibbling on your ear and talking, just like “fuck, your sweet pussy feels so good around my dick baby, you’re gonna make me so fast. would you like that, hm? does my sweet girl want my cum? want me to fill you to the brim? fuck, if you don’t stop clenching around me like that, i really will do it-“ KNDKABAPA BOO SEUNGKWAN
loves placing your legs on his shoulders and bending forward, it makes your pussy feel that much tighter, which then makes you both feel how good he’s stretching you, the burn making you moan even louder which makes him fuck you even harder and faster
isn’t a boob person per say, but he will leave so many hickeys on your chest, you will lowkey look like a mess lmao, they would be littered all over your soft tits, ranging from purple to blue and yellow in colour- i mean seriously, don’t even think about wearing something a little bit more revealing or people will ask if you got mauled by a bear lol (that night is something jeonghan will NEVER let you live down lol (seungkwan was low-key proud of his artwork though lol))
LOVES it when you grab him by the hair and redirect his mouth where you need him the most, the sting of the pull, the neediness that is displayed through your actions, the way he doesn’t even want to tease you or reject you- it all gets him feeling so hot and bothered, he will literally moan as you pull him by his hair from between your legs to your face so you can kiss him i- i need him SO BADDDD DJKWKXKSJAB
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thefiery-phoenix · 10 months
Hi. English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I make grammatical mistakes. I read almost all of the marvel and viral hit series and had a lot of fun. The things you wrote are very nice. Could you please write yandere young seong hansu x reader? If you don't want to write, feel free to ignore it.
You know what, sure and thank you so much for liking my work, I really appreciate it
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Hansu seong as a romantic yandere? It would be a blessing for you and a damn nightmare for the other people around you. We all know Hansu was the poster boy and the epitome of bad boy behavior, his son Taehun doesn't even match the rebellious things he used to do when he was younger. However he genuinely loves you and cares for you, too much rather to the point that he's willing to kill people for even looking at you for a second too long for his liking
Despite his stoic tough exterior he's a soft man at heart when it comes to you. He just wants to come home to you after a long day and melt into your gentle loving touch as he wraps his arms around you shielding you from the harsh realities and cruelty of the world. He's endured a lot and he'd rather burst a blood vessel than let you go through the same pain and burden as him. All he wants to do is just shower you with his love and affection keeping you safe from all those scumbags who dare to take advantage of you. He's had a lot of experience already so he's kind of justified with wanting to protect you and keep you safe, even if he has to wrap you up in silk and keep you all for himself that is
Hansu didn't undergo all that brutal and harsh training with his teacher for nothing you know. There's a reason even his friends Kim and Jincheol are a bit scared of him secretly, he's known to be a walking time bomb when he's enraged and coming from THOSE two, that's actually saying something. Alas, it's not like you'll be able to ask them for help either, they just want to see their dear friend happy with you and will do whatever the hell it takes to ensure that you remain with Hansu. So, congratulations, you also have two more soldiers with insane kill ratios and years and years of war history after you who're platonic yanderes for you now. Escape? From Hansu? Oh, you poor sweet innocent little one, how naive you are if you think you'll be able to escape from someone like Hansu. Clearly, you have no idea the extreme lengths he'll go through to get you back safely in his arms and when he does find you, he won't be too amused about the whole situation
Like I've said before, he values your safety and prioritizes it a lot. The idea of you being somewhere without him, your man, to protect you is enough to send him into a spiral of worry for you with his over protective tendencies skyrocketing through the roof even more if that's possible. He won't yell at you or anything nor will he ever hit you, he doesn't believe in hurting the one he loves. He'll just firmly tell you with a stern expression to never do such a thing again, it's like a parent scolding a child but don't worry, he'll shower you with lots of love and affection later on. He can't afford to be mad or angry at you at all, he loves you too much and before you know it, you'll be on his lap cuddling him while he wraps his around your waist possessively ensuring you'd never leave him. Oh, but don't think you're off the hook yet, he'll baby proof the whole house and lock the windows and doors and hide the key somewhere and there'll be a few secret cameras here and there without your knowledge of course, to keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe
I want to be sympathetic to the person who's trying to take you away from Hansu but honestly, they should just know better. If Hansu's icy cold glare isn't enough to send the other person running in the opposite direction screaming with fear, he'll have to get physical. We all know what happens when Hansu gets mad and gets physical, he's not above killing the other person like I've mentioned before. The only person he cares for and lives for is you, so if someone takes away the very reason he's alive, he feels like someone's ripping his heart out. You're his everything, his heart and his soul. No way he'd ever allow someone to lay their filthy hands on you, they better be praying to all the gods above and hope the fates are kind enough to ensure they won't get murdered or brutally attacked by a livid raging Hansu and wake up the next day in a hospital room. Actually, scratch that, they should be praying he even leaves them ALIVE in the first place
Of course, Sir Cho Pyunggyeon would know about you being Hansu's darling and he's amused that the stoic Taekwando obsessed boy who showed up at his bar years ago finally found someone for himself and honestly, he's impressed and amused. Oh, which reminds me, unless you want a whole freaking mafia group after you if you ever try leaving Hansu because Sir Cho will obviously come to his aid, don't try escaping Hansu. He just wants to love you that's all. Hansu would treat you like a precious fragile doll about to break at any second, he's so gentle and caring and kind towards you, you'll almost forget he literally kidnapped you
He can't bear to see you crying or scared or upset, you're his precious darling after all and seeing you in any kind of discomfort hurts his heart. He doesn't mean to be controlling and stern all the time but this one time he caught you reading a gory and dark and gruesome murder novel and his eyes narrowed at you as he demanded to know what you were reading. His jaw clenched as his fists clenched shut tightly that his knuckles became white. You could literally see his angry veins protruding and bursting from his fists however he forced a smile and gently took the book away from you as he tried to distract you with something else. Later on when you went to get back to the book, you found a pile of ash sitting where the book previously used to be there as you looked at Hansu in suspicion who just looked proud at what he'd done with no ounce of remorse or regret on his face. "Hansu...you're not supposed to burn books like this, they're an epitome of knowledge, it's wrong... and besides, I didn't even make it past the first chapter anyway and it was listed as a best seller" you pouted and looked at Hansu reproachfully. Hansu pulled you onto his lap as he looked at you with a love sick obsessive gleam of love glinting in his eyes as he gently caressed your cheeks and softly but firmly replied "This is for your own good my love... I will not have my sweet darling get corrupted by such dark and negative thoughts and acts like this. I don't want your innocent pure mind to be tainted by such dark material like this which will only make you sad and it hurts my heart to see you sad....'' as he kissed your lips softly and passionately
You're going to be babied and spoiled by him. He won't allow you to miss out on any meals and will ensure you follow a strict bedtime and sleep on time. With him, on the bed as you're in his arms, right where you belong. One stern look from him is enough to make you swallow down your protests. Oh, you won't be allowed to cook in the kitchen either, it's off limits for you since he's worried you'll hurt yourself but don't worry, Hansu can take good care of you and whip up some delicious meals for the two of you. Starving yourself isn't an option of course, he'd literally tie you down and make you sit on his lap and feed you and yes, he has done this before and isn't above doing this again, it's a matter of your health and well being after all
He knows you weren't too happy when he literally kidnapped you and you were angry and scared and honestly, he doesn't blame you for your feelings. He'd never hurt you or be mad at you whenever you screamed at him or just threw things at him demanding to be set free, he gets how you feel. However he loves you too much to let you go, he'd rather walk through hell than ever let you be in the arms of someone else other than him, your rightful husband. He knows and he's certain you'll love him one day just as much as he loves you, he's confident in it and when you finally do admit your feelings, he'll be over the moon with happiness and pure joy. He's such a soft man only for you though...you're his world and his heart, he'd do anything to keep you safe, you're HIS after all....
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myzzjolanda · 8 months
Welpz, I finished something.
I'm sorry if it's weird, I'm sorry for mistakes, English isn't my first language, bladiebladiebla. I'm just tired, wrote this in just over an hour because I wanted it written. It's cute at least. I guess.
Show: Wednesday
Wordcount: 1776
Warnings: slight mentions of horror I guess?
Pairing: platonic Larissa Weems x reader
It had been an increddible long day. An incredible long week even. Flu-season started, so on top of her normal workload, Larissa had to make sure classes of 3 different teachers were covered since they got ill as well, the heating system failed last Tuesday ánd Wednesday and on top of that, she had to pick up Wednesday Adams from the police station today. “Breaking into the curch? On broad daylight? What wére you thinking, miss Adams?”, she asked the girl angrily when they got to the car. She closed the door a bit too hard. Who can blame me, she thought; it’s Friday. I just wanted to get to bed after classes ended. “I was just testing a theory.”, the girl answered. Despite being angry, Larissa couldn’t resist being curious. “Theory? What kind of nonsense-theory did you want to tesr now?”, she answered impatiently when she started the car. “You know that Maria statue? I've been told that when the sun shines on her face in a right way at certain times, some discoulorations make it look like she’s crying blood. I wanted to see that for myself.”. Larissa shuddered. “That’s the… weirdest story I’ve heard in a while. Especially since you decided to break into the church for it! I wont accept such nonsense, you’ll meet at the church tomorrow morning at 8:30, as we have promised the curch and the police, so that you can help clean up the mess!”.
When Larissa entered her rooms next to her office an hour later, she leaned against the door and closed her eyes first. She sighed and put her face into her hands. “that was embarrasing…”, she whispered. She walked to her chair and took of her coat and shoes. She sat down for a moment. She still had so much to do, but she felt tired. So tired… She didn’t have much time to sleep this week. Not even to relax. Although all problems were fixed quite well and quickly, she still felt quite stressed. Larissa felt her lower lip tremble a bit. Perhaps just a little nap? She walked to her bedroom. A little nappy wouldn’t hurt anyonr. She had been quite big this week, she deserved it. She didn’t even bother changing or removing her make-up. When she hid under her blankets, Larissa her arms automatically reached out for Kitty. But now… Larissa’s eyes were wide open immediatly. “Kitty?”. Her lower lip trembled again and her eyes started to water. “Where’s my Kitty?”
When the last students of your class left, you burried your face in your hands. It was flu-season, and you surely felt like you almost had the flu. Your head hurt, your throat hurt, your face hurt, everything hurt. Slowly, you packed your stuff. You wanted to go to sleep quickly, but you first had to go to Larissa first. You promised her to go to town together tomorrow, but feeling as you did, it wasn’t a good idea to go out tomorrow. You walked to Larissa’s classroom first, since that was closer to your classroom than her office. It was still open, but it was empty. Except… for a black kitten plushy on Larissa’s desk? She walked to the plushy and picked it up. There wasn’t a name or anything on it. You decided to bring it with you to Larissa her office, since she could tell you who the plushy belonged to. When you knew, you could return it.
Luckily, the walk to Larissa’s office was short, since you started to feel tired from walking already. You knocked on her door. And waited. And knocked again. You frowned. It was Friday afternoon. Larissa never had any appointments at this time… had she? You heard footsteps behind you. “She just had to pick up Wednesday from the policestation”, you heard Vlad say. “oh! Of course.”, you said. You looked at him and gave him a small smile. “thanks.”
When you were in your rooms, you raised the plushy to eyelevel. “oh, what to do with you?”, you said to the plushy. You frowned a bit. Eventually, you decided to make a picture with it and send iy to Larissa, asking whose plushy it is and telling her you kept it safe untill the owner reclaimed it. When you sent the picture, you picked up the plushy again. “Well, wanna make some new friends for the time being? Come one, I’ve got some cute friends for you!”, you said enthousasticly. Although you felt quite sick, the thought of your own plushies made you quite happy. “Look, I got a guard bear over there, from my visit to London, he protects everyone… and look! My me to you bears, they are cute and fluffy, and that big brown bear over there I got from my uncle when I was two… I think you’ll fit in his lap quite well!”, you told the plushy quite happily. You jawned. You were really tired. “wait for me when you want to sleep. I’mma get changed. I need a nappy!”, you told your plushies and the new kitten. When you crawled under the blankets a few minutes later, you fell asleep almost immediatly.
Larissa paced around in her office worried. What happened to Kitty? She had brought her to her classroom that day, simply because she didn’t trust the new cleaner. What if she decided to steal her Kitty, or just throw her away? Larissa was nervous about bringing her plushy, since the chance of anyone finding out she had a plushy or the fact that she could lose her was too big to her, but she wasn’t letting her in her rooms with that mean cleaner. But after class, she got a call that Wednesday was arrested again and she had to run to the policestation to pick her up, and she couldn’t remember what she had done with her plushy. She remember rushing to pack her stuff, but Kitty wasn’t in her bag, so Kitty must’ve been still in the classroom. But when she went to her classroom, Kitty wasn’t there either.
Larissa started to panick. Were was her Kitty? Was she alone? Was she scared? Who knew. She wanted to call you about it. Ask for your help finding her. But she was scared of your reaction, since you didn’t know about her Kitty yet and het normaly perfect make-up was ruined from the crying and tantrums she had because she couldn’t find Kitty anywhere. She looked at her phone on her desk, doubting if she should call you or not. Precisely at that moment, her screen lit up. Slightly suprised, she walked to her phone. It was a message from you, with a picture of –
“KITTY!”, Larissa almost yelled out hapily. “Hey Riss, I found this cute plushy in your classroom, do you know whom it belongs to? Can you tell them I bring it to my room and that they can pick it up there?”, she read aloud softly. She had do read the message multiple times before the realisation came her plushy was safe. “She’s save, she’s save, she’s save!”, Larissa almost sang when jumping around in her room. “But know I have to tell y/n that the plushy is mine.”. Now, Larissa frowned a bit. “oh well, she wouldn’t mind I guess. And if she does, I don’t care. I want my Kitty back.”. And with that, she quickly put on her shoes and walked to your room.
You quickly woke up from a knock on your door. You looked at the time on your phone. “Oh shit, 9 already!”, you mumbled. You stumbled the door and saw Larissa standing there. She looked like a complete mess. “Larissa? Come in, are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying!” “Yes… Yes, I’m okay now, thank you.”. She stepped in. “Are yóú okay though? You sound horrible.” “Nah, I think I’ll have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. I’m afraid I cought a flu too. But tell me Riss, why have yoj been crying?”. Larissa opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it again. She played with a ring on her finger nervously. “The kitten plushy you found? That one is mine. I lost her. I got her ages ago and I grew fond of her, and then I thought I lost her for good because l couldn’t find her anywhere, and then I got upset because my Kitty is just the sweetest and I was so tired and I just wanted my Kitty and…” Larissa stopped talking. She looked at her feet nervously. “Ooh she’s yours! Don’t worry, I can understand you were scared!” “Do you? I’m certain you think I’m chidlish.”. You took her hand and almost pulled her to your bedroom. “No I don’t! Look, I got to show you something!”.
When they walked into y/n’s bedroom, Larissa could feel her eyes get big. Her bed was full of cute plushies, and there, on the lap of a big brown bear was her Kitty. “Look Rissa, your Kitty wasn’t alone here! No reason to be scared!”. Y/n pulled Larissa closer to the bed. “Look, Bear was cuddling her. And Guardbeary protects all the plushies. And look! So much friends!”. Y/n sounded happy as a child, despite not feeling well. Larissa watched as she climbed under her blankets again. “Here, there’s your Kitty!”, y/n said, after which she grabbed a plushie to hold for herself. Larissa smiled softly and planted a kiss on Kitty’s head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wont ever lose you again.”. Larissa noticed y/n looking at her. “What?”, she asked her. “Do you sometimes feel little as well?”. Larissa thought about that for a moment. “Yes. Mostly when I’m alone with Kitty in my room. It works well with loneliness and stress…”. Y/n smiled. “it does, doesn’t it! Why do you think I collect plushies?”. Larissa giggled. Y/n was cute like this actually. In the middle of all her plushies. “Should I tuck you in, my sweet y/n? You’re still ill.” “Yes please! But who is going to tuck you in?”. Larissa thought about that for a moment. “Tonight I’m going to manage myself I guess. I got Kitty back as my support!”. Larissa smiled when she saw y/n immediatly grab for a plushy and close her eyes when she was fully tucked in. “Goodnight, Y/n.” “goodnight, Rissa. Don’t forget your Kitty.”. Larissa stood up and walked through the door. When she opened the door, she heard her name again. “Rissa? Can we have a playdate tomorrow? With our plushies?”. Larissa hugged her Kitty tighter hapily. “I’d love to.”.
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mihstar · 9 months
This constant noise all the time (or 'Ellie dies instead of Joel' oneshot)
Hey! First of all I just wanted to say that I'm not a writer and didn't even intend to post when I wrote this. But yesterday, someone here was talking about the possibility of Ellie dying in Joel's place, and and I said something about this little draft of mine, and two people said to me that they would read it and it would be cool if I post... And now I'm babbling, sorry. Anyway, I hope you like it. @ranna-alga thanks for the boost of courage <3 And English it's not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
Summary: Winter arrives for the residents of Jackson, bringing a snowstorm, foreigners survivors, and darkness.
Since a little after Ellie was gone, Joel felt heavier.
He would wake up in the morning, surrounded by the walls of his room. Or sometimes in her place, something he's been doing a lot lately. He can tell Tommy worries every time he sees him walking some nights to there instead to his own house, his little brother thinks it wouldn't bring no good. Maybe it wouldn't. But he does anyway - let the warm scent of the sheets make it's way into his nostrils 'til his body feels numb. - He would eat something. Lukewarm coffe with some old toast or bittersweet fruit. Or sometimes nothing. Some days, he would get up and go through the day. Dutties. Patrols. Plans. And some other days... Some of them he wouldn't even leave his porch. Or the inside of his house. Would be still all day, waiting for it to pass so he could close his eyes again. Sometimes, he has dreams with her. Things they did together and things he wish they did. Those are his favourite.
Another times, he would wake up in the middle of the night sweating and calling for her name in the dark. Crying and sobbing. Skull cracking noises ringing vividly in his ears. Choked throat and heart overflowing with bitterness.
It was strange, kind of.
When Sarah died, Joel closed and locked up himself like a door, becoming a heartless man that would rather spend his time killing his way to Boston and fighting with his brother than to remember any fragment of his dead daughter. But now at the dead of his second one, Joel found himself revisiting all of his memories, fragments, anything that would feel like his Ellie again. Maybe because then, Joel couldn't alow himself to be vulnerable about Sarah like that while trying to survive the first years of the outbreak. Not that he wanted to survive by that time, though. He was trying for Tommy. Now, Joel feels like he isn't quite the same. Part of it is Ellie's fault- That kid changed him in so many ways. That blinding rage that used to take control of his body doesn't make him impulsive like it used to do. Salt Lake is still his last big sin in his history. Instead of, he was letting this, his girl's ghost haunt him 'till the rest of his days.
He's not sure if remembering her stops him from putting a bullet into his brain or just kills him slowly like a cancer. Maybe both. But he can't fucking help it.
He can't help but try to remember every single freckle of her face, the way her little bony fingers would strum the guitar he gave her. He tried to remind himself of every single joke or random facts about space she read somewhere. The sound of her laugh was his prayer that he would imagine in his head everynight. Keep with him like a treasure and make sure he would never forget that sound. He couldn't forget, she deserves to be remembered.
Joel also usually thinks about the day before Ellie was gone too. He wasn't hoping to see her at the Community hall that night when Tommy invited him. He saw her almost everyday, but after their fight, there were times he would look at her and feel like he haven't seen her in ages. Like he lost too damn much. By the years, ellie got taller and her features matured with her age. She lost some of her baby fat and she was beginning to look more like the adult folks in town - even when all Joel could see when looking at her was the little girl following his steps on the road, years ago. His heart aches to think he would never see her turn into the beautiful woman she sure would have been.
Remembering about their last day in Jackson was the memory that most hurts to think about. Because of the fact that, in that day, none of them knew what would happen in the next one. She was dancing with that kid Dina by the sound of a song about God, not having an ideia that it would be her last dance, her last night, her last kiss. If she knew about that, or at least had a bad omen, would she have done diferently and opened up her feelings to that girl before It was too late? Before she would end up being burried in dirt at Jackson's cemetery?
And Snow, he recalls thinking it when they buried her. When he buried her. Small and heavy weight wrapped in a white sheet. Too limp and quiet in his arms when he found it too hard to let go-
When winter arrived for the first time after they settled in town, Ellie would always be a little more cautious about this particular season of the year. Not that she used to say to him, because she didn't. Even If he asked to. He doesn't know if It's because that would be breaking the "tough girl" persona she liked to be, or if It's for Joel's sake: Ellie knew he already felt very responsible about everything that happened after they were ambushed in Colorado, she probably wouldn't want to make him feel worse. So she used to say she was fine. But Joel knew her enough to notice her posture change and her quiet behavior; fingers always moving and the urge to spend more time at home, and not just brcause of the cold. Think about it now, gives chills down to his spine.
Poor kiddo, It's almost like the kid could sense winter smelled like her death. Bright red all over the floor. Bare limp arms as they took off her sweater 'cause they wanted to make sure she was who they thought. Metallic smell invading his senses and his scream tearing his lungs. Strong arms lift and pick up momentum one last time, the wind outside whistling as death opened the door. 'Please she's just a kid!' and 'Ellie, baby, get up' just before...
It's so hard to associate the small body, bloody and shrunken like a fetus on the floor of Baldwin mansion with the green eyed girl in his porch, stabbing his heart with daggers and saying she would enjoy to have him in her life again - even when her heart was still so broken by him. And, at the end of that night, Joel turned off the lights and went to bed, not aware that that would be the last time he spoke to his babygirl. Because her skull would be split in half by a fucking golf club in the next morning.
He wonders if she called for his name at any moment during that. Godammit, she must have been so scared and lonely, Joel knew It. Her whole body must have hurt so much, being spanked in that cold floor, she must have been in so much pain, crying and confused about why those fuckers were doing such a thing. Joel is not sure if those cowards did even brother to explain anything to her. Did she think about him once? Was waiting for him to be there sooner?
Sarah's last (and agonizing) moments of pain lasted a minute or two, and Joel was there with her all the time, holding her and looking into her eyes until any sign of life fade through them like dust. The fact that he heard Ellie's screams even though she was almost dying and too weak to open her eyes indicates that her torture began well before his intervention. And when he finally came to rescue, his body was hold against the floor five feet away from her. And he had to watch her last minutes, unable to touch her, while her body let out one last painful breath. So fragile, so gore and tragic. Like a baby deer slaughtered by a pack of hungry wolves.
And, even at death, Ellie would still be the top of his worries. He can't watch a movie he already seen before cause her reactions were still vivid in his head, neither watch a new one cause then he will wonder if she would've liked or think it's bullshit. He does plays guitar, but doesn't sing 'cause that's something he only used to do to his baby girl. Hurts to be with Jesse in patrol because he looks at that kid and reminds him so much of his own. Seeing other people was the worst part. They laughing. They living, talking, fucking doing things because she used to be one of them. Ellie would be disappointed to see him like this. Miserable, worse than when they met, a dead weight, guilty...
He feels guilty because he knows he is, in fact, guilty. Tommy says other wise, says there's nothing he could've done. You gave her a home and people like me 'nd Maria who truly cared about her. She may have been mad at you at some point and things were not fuckin' great between you two but she recognized that. So now, if you wanna say her death it's on you, go on... that ain't fine by me neither but there's nothin' I can say to handle you of that. But don't say you weren't good to her because we both know it ain't true. Ellie died, Joel. But she had the best years of her life. Accept that, brother.
But Tommy doesn't get it. He only saw these last couple of years, but he hasn't seen all of it. Not they journey, not their start. He never failed anyone.
Joel was her protector during years, he was her guardian, he always had some kind of sixth sense whenever became to that kid, in the road or not. He should've know. He should've done something, somehow prevented that from happening to her. It was him in the first place, those people were there for his sins. Not hers, she didn't have any.
'I will never leave you alone again' was the exact same words he said that day, cupping Ellie's cheeks when that building was almost falling in their heads by the flames. But he did, he did left her. Cold, broken, gone. It was stupid from him to think he wouldn't fail with this kid when he already failed with another one before, and even more cruel to make a little girl believe in a promise he wouldn't keep. She saved him on that winter with all her strength, but he didn't save her in this Winter. If the memories of the girl is not a Cancer to his heart, this thought may be.
Spreading on him like a fungus.
Joel have never been a very religious man, but he likes to think that If there's really a place reserved for good-hearted souls worthy of eternal rest, Ellie is there. Maybe exploring bright sacred places or good memories. Probably even finally being able to meet another girl that both have knowledge of a person in common. Joel is not very sure that he would Join them someday, though. Even If he would like to think about it if he had time. Pretend. Like it isn't impossible.
Because sure as hell would be once he find out the lair of the hungry wolves. Salt Lake City was big sin, but It wasn't his last. Joel was going to make sure It wasn't.
Iit's not perfect but I think it turned out pretty good as a person who doesn't really have writing skills... Right?🙈 Please share and don't forget to say what do you think about it. @elliespuns Come see this before I regret.
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7ndipity · 9 months
Hiiii! Happy new year love! 💞 I hope your shipping game isn't over. So let me introduce myself. 🫶🏻
Sun - taurus
Moon - Pisces
Rising - Sagittarius
I tend to be very introverted, however if I meet someone who's also very introverted, I kind of take the lead and become very extroverted, especially in situations where someone has to take action about a certain thing.
I like to think I'm open-minded, trying to understand everyone's perspective no matter what. I only respect and appreciate people who respect me too!
I overthink a lot and I get pretty self-conscious about myself. Im also very stubborn. I wouldn't say I'm very ambitious considering that I get demoralized easily and I need someone to support me especially emotionally. As much as I try to keep calm, I lose my temper very easily, but I'll quickly get over it if I get a few minutes to spend alone and really process the situation. I get overwhelmed a lot and I'm in constant stress. I have severe trust and abandonment issues.
English is not my first language and I'm a polyglot. I speak my mother language (I don't want to say what language it is), English, French, German, mandarin, Italian, basic Latin (I had to learn it in school 😔) and I'm currently learning Korean. My major at uni is history and I'm living in the balkans. (Maybe the last part wasn't necessary 💀)
I love history and foreign languages and cultures, I also love writing, drawing, fashion and reading!
Since I was 14, I do many fashion sketches.
My love languages (that I like to give to my s/o) is drawing them, physical affection and words of affirmation.
I also would love to receive praise and physical affection but if my s/o isn't okay with that then it's alright. I can live without it as I've been doing until now.
I like to read non-fiction, history, thriller and fiction literature and you can ask me anything about history and I will tell everything you like I'm some voice narrator on a documentary 😭
I watch mostly just documentaries and thriller dramas.
So as I've said at first, I'm introverted, but if I'm comfortable I quickly am very loud and social, however my social battery dies fast so I will at some point become suddenly silent. I also have adhd and anxiety. I used to suffer from depression since I was a little kid. I've got plenty trauma 😊 and I'm very scared of the dark and insects, like spiders for example.
I don't like dancing and singing, mainly because I'm bad at those 💀 and I also don't like painting.
Usually I'm the therapist friend and I never share anything about my personal life to my friends, I keep my problems to myself.
I love cats and skincare and I listen to music constantly ever since I was a baby.
I'm not very fond of petnames that couples use. However if someone calls me "love" or "darling" I will simply die
I can get quite possessive and jealous, but I don't usually show that to my partner or do anything about it at all. Mostly because I know it's a toxic trait so I keep it to myself as I don't want to potentially hurt or make my s/o feel bad.
I'm very loyal and loving. When people yell, don't let me speak or interrupt me while I'm speaking I get either very pissed or i simply just cry 🫠 I can get very triggered when someone yells at me
When I'm hurt, affected or upset about something that someone did to me, I will isolate myself and not tell them what's wrong until it's too late.
I dont like people telling me what to do.
I'm sorry if this was very chaotic written and not organized at all, I just wrote whatever came to my mind about myself (watch me forget to mention some important details about myself 🤦🏻‍♀️) but yeah, basically this is me. 🫶🏻
I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi!
You and Yoongi have super similar personalities imo, so I feel like you would understand each other really well! Like even the way you described sounding like a docu narrator reminded me of how Army joke that Yoongi’s a walking encyclopedia on so many topics!😭(also Pisces are really great matches for earth signs like Taurus)
Yoongi and Hobi both have very supportive, reassuring energies, and tend to be the therapist friends as well, so I think they would be good at helping you open up and making you feel safe. I also feel like they would lowkey be a bit protective over you.🥺
I also kinda feel that you and Hobi would be a pretty good match! You have several similarities, and he also has this ability of bringing out the best in people and making them feel really comfortable, so I feel like he would be your ultimate hype man!😊
Hope this was okay💜
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
RING: Eric King x fem!reader
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Summary: The Colonel isn't wearing his ring anymore - she wants to know why.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This story has been in my drafts since December, because for some reason I couldn't find the motivation to finish it. Now it's finally done, and it's my gift to all the people out there who still think about Eric King and House of Ashes - like I do.
Warnings: nothing, just pure fluff
She didn't know when the sudden change happened - not for sure. The only thing she noticed was that last week Eric King was still wearing his wedding ring on a necklace around his neck, but this week it wasn't there. It was missing. No necklace, no ring.
If she wanted to be honest curiousity was slowly eating her away, but she didn't dare to ask the reason for this change. She wanted to and she knew she could calmly ask, because Eric wasn't a man driven by anger. It was just the timing... There wasn't a single moment this week when she could make some small talk with the man and then ask the reason for the missing jewellery.
After Caelus' success came the fuss around the briefing what was about to take place in Camp Slayer a former palace in Iraq. And of course the success made the man happier than ever - and he deserved to be happy, because he was working on the software for years. Therefore it really wasn't the right moment to go and snoop around. The briefing on the other hand made him nervous, but after he made sure she'll be the one to accompany him to Iraq, he seemed to calm down a bit.
Her relationship with the Colonel was not the kind others would expect from the two of them. Their friendship was too close and unprofessional from time to time to be fully accepted - and the military men and women seemed to think she was just trying to climb up higher through the Colonel. So because of that they were professional whenever others were around, but when they were able to get a few minutes for themselves they were happy to call the other by their first name and talk about whatever they wanted to.
When the day to go to Camp Slayer came, they were alone in Eric's office to get everything they'll need. There was still half an hour left until departure so they were looking around the room calmly, not wanting to leave anything important behind.
Now that she was alone with the man she couldn't keep her curiousity to herself. Her palm was itching to know the truth and her throat felt dry as she kept herself back from talking.
"You don't wear your ring anymore." the sentence came out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
"I'm sorry?" Eric asked as he turned around to look at her.
"I'm sorry if it's too personal, but- I noticed that you don't wear the necklace with the- you know, ring on it." she tried to avoid his gaze, but he made sure she looked at him as he walked towards her.
"Yes, I thought it was time to get rid of it."
She looked him in the eye with confusion on her face. "But why?"
"You know about my relationship with Rachel. You know how it is and how rocky it has become." he explained. "I thought it was about time to really put an end to it."
She looked up at him to examine his features, but the attempt was unsuccessful. She completely froze and her mind was trying to answer the question why - why now? -, so she was unable to process what she was seeing.
Did they talk about it? Did he find someone else?
Her heart slightly ached at the thought. He didn't say anything about meeting someone or getting close to someone. They were friends, weren't they? He would have told her, right?
"I see." she said after a while not daring to ask around more, afraid that she'll get an answer what will hurt her deeply.
"I didn't think you'd notice."
"Why wouldn't I?" she asked with a confused expression. "I know you well."
"Yeah, you do."
The silence sat in again and she put a few important documents in Eric's briefcase. As she rearranged the remaining papers on his desk, she noticed that he didn't get back to work.
"Are we ready to go?" she asked and looked up at him again.
"I think we'll get a divorce. Rachel and I." he started, finding his strength to get everything he wanted to say off of his chest.
"Right, that explains the ring I guess."
"Not exactly. I think I found someone who helped me get through Rachel and the accident and-"
"Oh." she looked away from him, doing her best to process what he was saying.
He found someone else. Someone he didn't tell her about. Someone she didn't know. For a moment she had to think about what hurt more: that he found a love interest or that he didn't tell her about it?
Eric has always been her anchor and she was sure he felt the same about her. Even when things got hard to get through, they still had the other to lighten the mood or to say something funny (or in his case - nerdy) what made the sadness in the air disappear. They were great together - great friends, great soldiers... So why can't he be honest with her?
"Well, I'm happy you found someone Colonel."
"- and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me after we come back from the briefing and after we solve everything with Rachel."
Now that was something new and unexpected.
She blinked a few times, trying to process what he just said. Dating? They'll go on a date? They think about the other as something more?
She thought about all the times they spent together, about all the times her friends teased her about the Colonel - maybe they do have something more than pure friendship.
"A date?" she asked and a smiled formed on her face.
She was about to continue, but there was a knock on the door.
"Colonel? Are you ready to go? The chopper is here."
"I'll be out in a moment. Thank you."
Getting back to reality was harsh. She didn't want to go, she wanted to continue this conversation, she wanted to quickly finish the briefing so they can finally go out on that date.
"We should go." Eric said, his voice full of disappointment.
She didn't like how he sounded. She didn't like how his smile disappeared and how his shoulders seemed tense.
"I'd love to." she said quickly. "I'd love to go out on that date- if it's okay..."
"After the briefing?" he asked, not letting her finish what her inner insecurities wanted her to say.
"Sure, after the briefing. And after you and Rachel sorted things out."
Before leaving the room, Eric gently put his hands on her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead. It was careful and unsure, but it was a great promise.
A promise she hoped he won't break.
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tarraxahum-ish · 5 years
I, for one, think that Noelle's "Adora is a Slytherin" is a valid take. We're just looking at it from a wrong angle. May I offer you my take:
First of all, yes, I also headcanoned her as a Gryffindor prior to yesterday's evening (time zones), but I'm very curious to see where Noelle is coming from. Because "i said it once at the con wrong and it keeps bugging me so here have the right version" implies that she gave it a lot of thought actually, and saw it as important to clarify.
Now, I don't think it's right to look at this whole thing solely from the viewpoint of "typical qualities of the house".
I mean, the world of Harry Potter itself encourages us not to do that. While not even touching on obvious example of Hermione who in-universe is read by other characters as "You're such a Ravenclaw why aren't you there", because she's proven time and again that she is Gryffindor to a fault - there's also an example of Neville, who seemed foreign to his house at the beginning, but grew into its definition beautifully with time. And then there's Pettigrew, who actually never did grow into that definition. Look at him and his character's arc. Would you just look at him at face value and guess where he was sorted in?
In the "Hogwarts Mystery" game we're also given an example of Barnaby Lee, a Slytherin who's basically a giant naive teddy bear, excited for friendship and being treated with kindness, always ready to throw hands for his friends and is, like, a counter-definition of cunning. He and Scorpia could be the best of buddies at this rate, honestly. And yet - a Slytherin. And right in the same game is Ben Copper, a Gryffindor who's framed as the biggest damn coward.
Back to Adora's case - the line between Gryffindor and Slytherin is actually much more blurred than we like to pretend. (That's coming from a self-proclaimed Gryffindor who used to hate Slytherin as a child on sole basis of Draco Malfoy).
And the best example, I think, is Harry himself. You know, the whole "Not into Slytherin!" dillema? One can argue that it was the horcrux ((i hope i spell that right i didn't read hp in english really uuugh)) influencing the Sorting Hat, but then if you look at the scene itself - Sorting Hat is listing "courage, not a bad mind, and lots of talent" before starting to think where to put Harry (fits Adora? I think it does. The "mind" part, too - she might be a "dumb jock" but she's not like actually dumb). And when presented with "not into Slytherin" plea it just asks "are you sure? it could help you achieve greatness" and only when receiving no active interest in that - sends Harry to Gryffindor.
Now, are Adora's ambitions to be great a result of SW's A+ parenting and then a crushing pressure of world-fixing destiny? Yes, of course (thanks a lot for fucking up a perfectly good child look at her she has anxiety). But - I do also believe that those seeds fell on a right soil. Adora is competitive by nature. I mean I don't believe that comes from just the Horde upbringing (look at Kyle. Look at Scorpia, even). I mean mundane things. Like, look at her and Huntara. There's no real point (not for destiny, not for personal hierarchy, Huntara does not threaten Adora's actual status in the slightest) for Adora to be so hellbent on beating Huntara in running (and eating sand) other than her knee-jerk reaction to being underestimated being "UH-HUH, RIGHT".
Plus, Adora loves being loved by people around. Whichhh also comes from inner issues and anxiety, but still - freaking look at her showing off in front of Plumeria as She-Ra because "people love me better as She-Ra". Yes, that comes from her belief that people don't love her as Adora, but she also clearly loves the attention - until it becomes overwhelming, of course. Which comes out again with the whole "ME CAKE" episode. (Also - fucking good for her, girl terribly needs some love). I can see a Slytherin in that. If we, like, throw away all the negative associations.
(Also let's not forget that brief moment in the fake reality where for a short moment Adora believed everything was as it should be and she clearly enjoyed intimidating the hell of that soldier who confronted Catra. "oh force captain, please don't hurt me!")
Plus, to me (to me) a Gryffindor is someone who much easier goes "okay yeah fuck the plan for my friends" and Adora is notorious for letting the things she has to do cloud her vision and not hearing what her friends are actually telling her. Which is not her fault per say, but definitely a prominent trait.
As for the "cunning" aspect - well, to quote Noelle herself, Crabbe and Goyle are also Slytherins, "so the bar can't be that high". Same for Barnaby, mentioned above.
THE POINT IS - There is a take on Hogwarts houses that basically goes like "it's not your most prominent qualities, it's what you value/desire most". Which makes sence, because there are people who are brave AND smart AND ambitious AND loyal, etc. We're not all easily separated into four categories.
However, Pettigrew admired bravery in his friends, even if he himself wasn't a model Gryffindor. Neville probably dreamed of being stronger. Same goes for Ben. What led them to Gryffindor wasn't their bravery (or just their bravery), but their desire to be brave.
What led Crabbe and Goyle and a sweetheart Barnaby to Slytherin wasn't their ability to be the best or cunning or whatever, but their desire to be that way (planted in them by their families, no doubt).
And when it comes to Adora - she is already brave, she knows she's a capable soldier, but she's conditioned by her upbringing to strive to be the best - and that's the part of herself she believes she's lacking (especially later as She-Ra).
Would she say "no" if Sorting Hat offered her an option of "the House that will make you great" if she wasn't told that Slytherin is "bad" as Harry was, but was raised by SW as she is? Would she?
(This angle also explains Hufflepuff Catra imo, since we already established that power and greatness aren't what she really wants or ever wanted. She pretended to want that. She pretended to "be a Slytherin". She values loyalty, she values love, she wants her actual hard work to be acknowledged, she covers for Adora and Scorpia before SW and Hordak. She's a Hufflepuff.)
Anyway, just my take on this controversy Noelle shocked us all by :D
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almostloosingit · 2 years
Did you find your bi*ch in me?
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I wrote this while listening to:
(English isn't my first language so please ignore any grammar errors if you find them😗✌️)
GN reader
TW: anxiety attacks , Reader thinking that they are imaging stuff ( Derealisation )
You loved him.
And he loved you but he also loved her.
You never met Emma but you heard stories about her and she seemed like a sweet girl. You’re also fully aware she was your boyfriend's first love that he never got the chance to confess to.
Since you two have been together you have seen him cry in his sleep multiple times. It hurts. It hurts to see the man you love cry but it also hurts to know he still hasn’t moved on after all of those years. You wish he did, you hoped one day he would just get over her.
It would save him and you so much mental health.
“Did you get some ice cream?” You asked your boyfriend who just came back from a quick trip to the shop. “Apparently it’s gonna be super fucking hot later on today” you looked at him with already tiered expression.
“Of course, I mean how can I forget to get the main thing .” He laughed as you came up to him.
You looked into the bag to see one big box of ice cream as well as two ice cream bars.
Strawberry and Chocolate?
“You got yourself a chocolate one? I swear you said before that you don’t like chocolate.” You looked up at him with confusion.
“No that’s yours babe” he looked at you and laughed as he took out his strawberry one. “Chocolate is your favourite after all.” He walked off while eating his.
Chocolate wasn’t your favourite.
You actually disliked it.
It was Emma’s favourite.
And you know that because you remember Ken telling you about how he took her out for ice cream once.
“Right” you put the chocolate ice cream and the one in a box into the freezer.
“You’re not gonna eat your ice cream?”
“I think I will pass for now”
“You okay?” He looked at you concerned.
“Yeah, I just remembered something.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing important.” You said while sitting down on the couch next to him as he puts his arm around and you lay your head on him.
“If you say so oh also babe wanna watch a movie? Mitsuya recommended a really good one.” You nodded your head which was a sign for him to start the movie.
It hurts like hell. It hurts so much to get mistaken even compared with a girl that never even dated him. It’s normal to miss someone you loved and you’re fully aware of it but for fuck sake can it fuck up your relationship. You never had a problem with him going to her grave and stuff like that because you understood why he did it but you never understood why he kept mistaking you with her. Is it because he loved you both? It can’t be because you two look alike because well the two of you look nothing alike. It’s annoying, it’s annoying that you're literally losing your boyfriend to someone who is dead. Will you ever be enough to make him forget about her? Were you just not enough to make him feel loved? Will he ever love you the way he loves her? Never in your life did you expect yourself to get mad over a dead person. If someone told you a few years ago that you would have to worry about a dead person stealing and ruining your relationship you would think that they were crazy yet here we are.
You don’t remember anything from the movie, you were just too busy overthinking this relationship. You were hoping that maybe he will release the mistake and apologise for it. You know normally people would just get over it, you know it was a simple mistake! But for you it wasn’t. It’s not the first time it happened for fuck sake. But it hurts the most when he calls you her name.
“She would have liked that movie” He said with a sad smile on his face.
He’s joking right? He can’t be serious right now.
“I’m sorry?”
“What?” So he is serious.
You know you were the wrong person in the wrong room and place.Let’s be honest you both knew he wanted her to be with him there. He wanted to have his hand around her. He wants her to be the one he comes back home to. He wanted to wake up every day to the sight of her next to him. He wants her in his arms. He wants her. He loves her. He needs her.
You were the other lover even though you were in his arms, you were the one he wakes up to every morning,you were the one dating him. Yet you were the other one. Not her but you.
Suddenly it was hard to breathe. You need to get away from him at least for now. It’s too much for you.
“I- you know what, I think I’m just tired” with that you stood up and started walking to the shared bedroom.
“Alright I will take a shower and then join you” he said, getting up from the couch and heading to the room opposite across the hallway.
While you were sitting on the bed you saw your boyfriend across the hallway brushing his teeth in the bathroom. You hate that he doesn’t realise the mistakes he makes. You hate the way it makes you feel. Your head felt so heavy from all of this.
“Babe could you please pass me some clean clothes”
It almost felt like you were on autopilot when you got up to get the clothes. The moment you threw them to him you came back alive. His simple yet so beautiful smile brought you back to life.
You remember when you first saw his smile, your heart melted every time you saw it from that day on. Then the day he asked you out on a date. He looked so shy you remember his face and his ears being red yet the moment you said ‘yes’ he gave you that smile yet it was so much brighter or when you agreed to date him. And let’s not forget how happy he was when you agreed to move in with him, he literally picked you up and started to spin you around. You thought the longer you will be with him the less he will call you by her name.
“Thank you, God I love you so much Emma” he said as he turned around to put the clothes away.
You felt your whole world collapse.
Are you imagining it?
Are you loosing your fucking mind?
Did he just say that?
The moment he turned back around he saw you standing there looking at him with tears streaming down your face.
“Babe come on what’s wrong?” You saw him starting to walk in your way. He sounded worried and almost scared. “Come on babe just talk to me, what's wrong?” You started to walk back begging for him to get the hint that you need space, that you need to be far away from him.
You were finding it hard to breathe.
You felt watered down.
You felt like your life was just sucked out of you.
You felt your heart being shattered.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” You said devastated.
“Babe what do you mean?” He looked so confused. ”I literally said ‘I love you’”
“Ryuguji did you not hear what you just said?”
“Babe don’t call me that” he said that with a sad yet angry tone.
“You think that’s bad? You literally called me HER name again !” You weren’t sad at that point and if there was any sadness left it was overshadowed by the anger.
“I didn’t do that-“
“Yes you fucking did. Ryuguji don’t pull that shit on me”
It’s always babe, you don’t remember the last time he called you your name. Y/N. Why can’t he call you Y/N? Was he calling you babe so he doesn’t have to say anyone's else’s name? It hurts.
“Don’t call me that”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Call me by my name”
“Babe come on-“
“Please for fuck sake just stop.”
It was killing you.
Is he gonna call you by her name again?
Is he gonna leave?
What if he never actually said anything about her?
Maybe you were losing it after all?
“Y/N please hear me out, if I did I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to.” He stopped to compose himself. Did he do that? Did he call you by her name? “You know it’s hard for me-“
“We've been dating for 2 year! She died 12 years ago. There is no excuse for you to call me by her name and make such simple mistakes like even buying the wrong ice cream! Chocolate isn’t my favourite flavour. I don't like it even a bit! Yet you got it because it was her favourite. I was willing to ignore it even though it did hurt a little but saying ‘I love you Emma’ to me is too far!”
“I know I’m sorry but you know I miss her”
“Why did you ask me out then? Were you that desperate to fill the hole that you asked out first person you fucking saw?”
“No, that’s not the case I-“
“Then what? Do I remind you of her? Is that the reason? Is it because you find your Emma in me? So you dated me hoping I wouldn’t say a thing and play along with your little game” You wanted him to say you were wrong and that’s not the reason. But all of this made so much sense the way he asked you to wear specific clothes sometimes to do your hair in a specific way and don’t forget when he would keep saying stuff like.
‘I think this shade of blond would suit you’
‘You should go blond”
It does make sense and you hate it.
But he had no words left. He was looking at the floor with his eyebrows frowned.
You could see the little amount of tears that gathered in his eyes. He looked like you solved his little plan.
“So I’m right that is the reason”
He stayed silent and you hated every second of it.
“I'm gonna come back tomorrow to pack my stuff” you started to walk out of the room. You were hoping for him to grab your hand and hug you. You were still hoping you were wrong. But he didn’t do anything like that. He stood there like he was frozen.
You can’t be in the same room as him, you can’t be in the same house as him, you need to leave before the tears that came back to fill your eyes will fall down your face yet again. And you did that. While he stood there. He couldn’t believe it. He ruined it, he ruined the relationship he was so happy in. He hurt the person he loved so much by mistaking them with a person he used to love. Or so he thought. He really thought he was over her.
He moved the moment his phone vibrated.
It was a text from you that said:
“Next time you date someone, make sure you're over Emma first.”
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legends-of-apex · 3 years
Disclaimer from me: this is not in any way my work as it was written and submitted by anonymous (Tomisaburo anon ⚔️ aka Jess) who did an absolutely amazing job!! Please check it out!!
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Sequel to ‘the Ninja Prince’s bodyguard’ by Anonymous
Word Count: 1110
Warnings: nudity, tears, Tommy being soft, possible typos because english isn't my first language
A/N: happy belated birthday, katy!! i've wrote this this last weekend and i'm so sorry i'm just sending it to you right now. i really, really hope you enjoy this - and that it doesn't suck lol it's up to you if you would like to tag this as a sequel to "The Prince Ninja's Bodyguard" series or not. anywayyy, happy birthday ❤️
- x-
"I lay in the fire, cry and I cry over nothing I make a monsoon, and it's about you What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone?"
The room was silent. Lights off, fireplace illuminating your skin as Tomisaburo gently played with your fingers. He hummed a slow melody, softly tapping his feet on the floor. What was the name of that song again?
You moved inside his arms, laying now on your side and feeling your body shiver from the contact with the cold floor. Your exposed nipples got hard, and you instinctively turned yourself into a little ball with your knees on your chest.
Tommy pulled you closer, also switching to his side so his bare chest was now pressed to your back.
"You're cold. You wanna go to bed?", his deep voice echoed on your ear.
"No. This is nice", you softly spoke.
Laying down on the wood floor with no clothes on wasn't something someone would usually consider "comfortable", but that was the only word you could find to describe your feeling at that moment.
The high flame from Tomisaburo's fireplace and the warmth of his body, that's all you would ever need, you figured out as the two of you made love on the floor on that cold autumn night. You didn't need anything else. Actually, you could let go of the fireplace, on a second thought - what good use would you make out of it on the summer?
So, only Tomisaburo. Only Tomisaburo Arashikage was enough for you to live.
You smiled at the thought of just you and him, living together, forever and always. No material things, no one else to interfere. Just you and him. It was what he promised you, when you begged him to let you stay and leave behind all the life you've built. It was all that he wanted, when his selfish being agreed to have you all to himself.
Months have passed, the clan did came looking for you on Tokyo, so you two decided to stay on the run. New York seemed the perfect place, all crowded and never sleeping. "We can hide there", you remember telling him, as he bought the tickets and you worked on your fake IDs, so really no one would find you.
Your smile got bigger, as Tommy's humming sound brought you back to the present.
"Shit", he cursed when he forgot once again how the song went.
That was it. That moment, that softness irradiating from you two, that closeness. That's how it was meant to be from day one, from the moment your eyes met Tomisaburo's when you were welcomed to the clan as his and Sen's bodyguard. Every moment you two faced together, every fight, every danger you put yourself into for him, and him you - they only made it clear that you two belonged together, even if you couldn't, at the time.
Staying away from Tommy, when he was so close to you every single day, was the worst nightmare you ever had to live it through. Following his steps around the forest while you wanted to walk right beside him, holding his hand; training with him while all you wanted was to get on top of him and kiss him so hard he would get dizzy afterwards. The pain you felt all those years, not being able to have him. You didn't wish on your worst enemy.
Suddenly, you felt a single tear running down your face. Too many followed its lead, and while you tried to stop you also tried to understand why were they falling in the first place.
"My love?", Tomisaburo called you, feeling the arm that rested bellow your head getting wet. "Are you crying? Why?"
Tommy grabbed your arm with the most delicate touch you ever felt. He pulled you softly, so you were now on your back, staring at the ceiling. He hovered you, face all filled with concern coming into your sight.
Then you understood why you were crying.
"Have I done something?", Tomisaburo asked, afraid he might have hurt you. No matter how bad he tried to be gentle with you, it never felt like it was enough. For him, you were the most precious thing that ever walked upon Earth, so no careful was careful enough.
"No", you managed to say, through tears. His face was getting out of focus and you desperately tried to stop the tears from rolling down, so you could see him crystal clear.
"Then what?"
Tomisaburo's voice was desperate too. He hated to see you cry.
"I... I don't wanna lose you", you said. "I've spent so many years so close to you but not being able to touch, to truly touch you. I don't ever wanna go back to that again. It hurted so much, and when you went to LA I thought it would get better because I wouldn't see you everyday so I could maybe move on with my life. I tried to lay myself with other people, but it didn't work - because they weren't you. And I wanted you. And I want you. I can't ever, ever be parted from you. The idea of not having you, of not..."
You were shushed by Tommy's lips on yours. He couldn't bare listen to one more word, because the feeling you described was exactly like the one he also used to feel when he was trying to fight his own heart, to make it fall out of love with you. A feel he locked inside a big box and pushed to the back of his heart, of his soul - he swore, on the moment you came looking for him and asked to stay, that he would never open that box again. But your words... your words were making the box crack and he couldn't allow that.
Tomisaburo rested his forehead against yours, thumb gently wiping your tears away. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled him close, closed enough that you felt his chest pressed against your breasts.
"I know", he whispered. Of course he knew that feeling. "But I promised you once, and I'll do it again: I will never, ever leave you. I can't. You are my life."
You looked deep inside his eyes, trying to find the comfort they always brought you.
"Do you trust me?"
"With my life", you promptly answered.
"Then please, know that I will always be right here with you. I'm not going anywhere! There is no force on this world that can separate us anymore, okay?"
You nodded, slightly turning your face so you could kiss the palm of his hand.
"I love you", you said it firmly like a prayer against his skin.
"I love you."
He didn't need to answer, though. You knew he did.
Tagging: @icy-spicy @noobsaibots
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Shall We Dance, Sunflower? (Elliot 'Mirage' Witt x GN Reader)
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Author's Note: Hello! I wrote this because it has been on my mind for a while, so I wanted to let it out. I hope you like it! Please, excuse my writing, if anything is misspelt it is because English isn't my native language, but I did my best, :D
Warnings: SLIGHT SPOILER OF THE BOOK, if you have not read it yet it contains a bit of the lore on the book, mainly about Mirage's past.
Word Count: 2397
(Y/N's POV)
‘Meet me at the bar tonight? Got a surprise ;)’
I looked over at my phone, ‘Elliot’ was written on it and I felt my heart skip a beat.
Ever since I joined the games, I have grown close to all the other legends, however, I’ve had a soft spot for the curly haired man for a while now. We’ve been getting closer ever since we got teamed up the first time, Mirage has always been there for me, had my back in every game, even when we’re in different teams, he manages to get to me.
We’ve been meeting often at his bar, after each match. Lately, I’ve been staying a little longer than the rest of the group, even after Wraith and Rampart, Elliot and I have been talking back and forth about our lives outside of the games, getting to know each other, and surprisingly, his company is really good, and I started looking forward to our little chat at the end of each night. Most of the times I even help getting the bar cleaned and he walks me home. Slowly I’ve started to like him more and more.
It’s obvious that I find Elliot handsome, but his ways are the ones that really get to me, he may be an idiot, but sure as hell he makes me laugh like no other, and deep down he cares a lot about his friends, his family. He’s been through so much in his life, yet he still manages to have a positive view of life.
I got my phone and texted back.
‘Sure thing, handsome. What you got for me?’
‘Well, sunshine, it’s a surprise, so you’ll have to wait and see. Come by at 9 pm. :D’
I smiled and looked over at the clock, still, a couple of hours to go, so I got in the shower, got a nice set of clothing and some light makeup, nothing too fancy and then order some dinner.
When it was time, I left my apartment and went to Elliot’s bar. I noticed that the door was closed, it’s a bit weird since he usually has the bar opened at this hour. I knocked on the door and heard him urging me to go inside.
Once I got in, I saw him cleaning some of the cups, as soon as his eyes landed on me, he got a huge smile on his face.
“Welcome to the Witt’s, sunflower”
“Hey, handsome. Where’s everyone?”
“What do you mean everyone?... OH, the bar! Right, I closed it early today, didn’t have a lot of customers, so…”
“I see… So what you got for me, Witt? I’ve been looking forward to your surprise.”
I sit down on one of the stools near the counter, right in front of Elliot and let my chin rest on my hand.
“Someone’s pretty eager… Well, I… drumroll please!” He made little movements with his fingers as drumsticks while hitting the counter “I made a new bevi… bevere… cocktail!”
Elliot cheered as he shows me a couple of bottles.
“And I want you to be the first to try, sunshine! I mean, I’ve already tried it, but I want someone else’s opinion.” He said as he took out a glass and some drinks.
“Am I going to die, Elliot?” The amount of alcohol he was pouring mixing with other fruits was unbelievable.
“I’m still here, so I don’t think so. Plus, I´ll kill you in the ring, not outside. Although, I think Revenant might kill all of us in our sleep.”
“I believe he might kill Loba first, to be honest” I grinned a little “Though I think he’ll have to face Bangs first, and she won’t go easy on him.”
“You think they are a thing? Loba and Anita, I mean.”
“I don’t know, but sure as hell, they look like it, and they look cute together.”
Elliot muttered something under his breath as he finished preparing the drink.
“What was that?”
“What was what? I didn’t say anything” Elliot nearly spilled the drink when he put it in front of me.
“I didn’t know that the great Mirage was afraid of speaking what’s on his mind. Guess you are afraid of something.”
“I don’t fear anything, sunshine. Now, you are the one afraid of having a taste, right?”
“No, no, I’ll taste it… eventually.”
I smiled. The drink had a yellowish colour and the smell seemed to burn my nostrils due to the alcohol, but I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip. Elliot was looking rather nervous at me, biting his bottom lip. I took another sip.
“So… How is it? C’mon, don’t leave me hanging, (Y/N).”
I laughed a little. “It’s great, Elliot, as surprising as it may seem, it tastes really good. You should definitely put it on the menu, the guys are gonna love it.”
“Really?? You don’t think I should add anything else, lemon or…”
“No, I like it the way it is, really.”
Elliot had the widest grin I’ve ever seen.
“Do you have a name for it yet?”
“Name? No, not really, I didn’t think about it.”
“You could name it ‘The Unwitty’” I laughed.
“What does that mean?” Elliot looked confused.
“Unwitty? It usually refers to someone who’s not clever, and I believe that after a few of these, you are definitely not the brightest person in the room” I said as I looked at the half-empty glass “Also, it rhymes a little with your last name, so it could be a pun, since… well… you know… you made the drink…”
“Well, that’s a lot cleveree… cleverir… more clever than what I thought”
“And what were you thinking?”
He looked at me and ended up scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, something in the lines of sunflower, maybe… or sunshine…”
“Oh, because of the colour! I get it! Never knew a drink with a name like that, but it should work.” I smiled.
“Yeah… the colour…”
Elliot started to pack up the drinks and clean what was left on the bar. He turned his back to me as I finished the drink, so I jumped over the counter and started to clean the dirty glasses in the sink.
“Hey, you don’t have to do that (Y/N)”
“It’s alright, you know that I like helping you out, plus I got a free drink” I smiled and bumped against his shoulder.
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
We finished cleaning the rest of the bar and I leaned against the counter, Elliot did the same on the other side. However, he did have a foolish grin on his face, like he was up to someth…
“I got an idea!” he clapped his hands and smiled at me.
“This can’t be good…”
“Of course it’s a good idea! I only have good ideas, sunshine!”
“Hm… No, not always, remember that one time on the zipline across Airbase…”
“No, no, no, no, no. That doesn’t count! It was all Crypto’s fault, not mine!!” He whined at me, pointing his finger like he was schooling me which made me laughed out loud “ANYWAYS, it is still pretty early to take you home, so…”
Elliot grabbed the Bluetooth controller for his sound equipment at the bar and started to go through the songs.
“What are you doing, Elliot?”
“Choosing a song.” He smiled.
“For what, exactly?” God, I think I know where this is going…
Elliot picked a pop song, one of those popular ones that are on the radio stations and stretched out his hand, bowing slightly to me.
“Shall we dance, sunflower?”
“No, absolutely not, sorry. Not happening.”
The look on his face was hilarious, I would’ve laughed harder if it wasn’t for his genuine heartbroken expression.
“But why…?”
“Elliot, dear… I don’t dance, I’ve never danced in my life, and I know I’m terrible at it. So, I’ll spare your toes and I won’t step on you.”
“I don’t mind it. Plus, I’m a pretty good dancer, I’m sure I can lead you through it.” He smiled and this time he took the liberty to take my hand and guided me to the centre of the bar.
“Elliot, this is not a good idea.” I shook my head in disbelief.
“Shhhh… I’ll guide you. Let Mirage take the lead.”
We started slowly moving at the rhythm of the song, shifting weight from one foot to the other and soon we were swinging backwards, dipping low and then soaring into the air. Elliot never let go of my hand and guided me through every move. I never felt so carefree and happy, in a small space it was just him and me having one hell of a good time.
I have no idea how many songs went by, my heart was pounding against my chest rapidly like I was in training. And then a slow melody came into play, Elliot’s smile grew wider, and he pulled me against him, one hand on my waist, the other holding my hand.
I looked up and his face was close to mine, my heart was beating faster than before, and I thought it wasn’t possible, and all the butterflies started to fly in my stomach.
Elliot started to guide me through the song once more, this time in a very slow rhythm, one step at a time.
“You’re doing great, sunshine.” He praised.
I felt my cheeks getting warmer and I looked away, anywhere but his face.
He then tried a turn, however, he stopped midway through, and pushed my back against his chest, the arm on my waist circled all the way as he hugged from the back, his other hand still holding on to mine. He leaned his face against mine, so our cheeks were touching. I felt like my breath got caught up in my throat and everything around us stopped.
We were still swinging slightly, but I could feel him moving his face, and then slowly he left a kiss on my neck.
And then another kiss.
And then another kiss.
And the last kiss had me shiver all over. He noticed.
“Seems like I found a sweet spot… Right?”
I smiled.
“Hm… I don’t know, maybe you should try it again, just to make sure.”
He chuckled, turning me back to face him. This time we were much closer than the last, so much that the tips of our noses were barely touching.
We stood still for what it felt like an eternity, I was too afraid to move, I didn’t want to ruin anything.
Elliot looked down, staring at my lips as he gulped.
“Damn… I want to kiss you so bad…��� He whispered.
“Why don’t you…?”
“I’m scared, (Y/N).”
I tried to look back into his eyes, but Elliot held me closer, and I had to rest my forehead against his shoulder.
“All my life, (Y/N), I saw the ones that I care about, the ones that I love, leaving me. I saw friends die, disappearing, leaving. It started with my father, who barely even knew me. Then, my brothers I couldn't even have a proper goodbye, because no one cared to try to find them. My mom is slowly leaving me, with each passing day her memory gets worse and I fear the day she won’t remember me at all and I…”
He was shaking a little which had me hugging him even more, trying to encourage him to talk to me.
“I can’t stand the thought of you leaving me, (Y/N), in any way. Makes my heart sting, my breath disappears, and my all body physically hurt. If anything happens to you while you’re with me, I’ll never forgive myself, I want to keep you safe, but it seems like I bring bad luck to everyone that I’m close to, and I can’t do that to you, (Y/N), not you…”
“Elliot, look at me.” I tried to push him lightly, but he wouldn’t let go. “Please, please look at me.”
He loosened his grip on me a little. I manage to look back into his eyes, and I realise that I’ve never seen those eyes that sad, bearing so much pain, that it started to hurt me too.
“Elliot, listen, I’m not going anywhere. I know how to defend myself and I’m here to stay, you’re stuck with me, at least as long as you’ll have me. If anything, you’ve been my good luck charm, ever since I joined the games you’ve had my back, you’re there for me every single time, you make me laugh more than anyone has ever made me, when I’m with you I’m genuinely happy like I have no cares in the world. We all have our ghosts, but we’re here to fight them, I’m here to help you, Elliot. You are the life and soul in every place you go, how could you ever be bad luck? You have a golden heart, and don’t tell yourself otherwise. Please, Elliot… I…”
He didn’t let me finish.
He held my check in his hand and leaned in, kissing me.
I never felt anything like that before, like he was made for me, all my thoughts were clouded by the feeling of his lips on mine. I reached my hand to the back of his neck, pampering with the hairs there.
I felt his tongue pushing its way into my mouth, and I let it. My heart was beating louder in my chest, my hands were shaking, but I wanted him to know how much I cared, how much I wanted him, how much I loved him, just him.
We fell breathless and broke the kiss, leaning our foreheads against each other.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted that, and how much I needed you, (Y/N).”
I smiled and hugged his neck, pulling him more to me. His hands were massaging my back, up and down.
“My heart is beating so fast, it feels like it’s gonna jump out of my chest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before, with anyone… Can we do it again?”
“Oh, Elliot, you don’t have to ask that. Of course, you can.”
He leaned in and we kissed once more.
If this is dancing… We definitely need to do that more often.
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atalho-s · 3 years
Light Up The Dark
Part 3 | I am fused just in case I blow out
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pairing: bartender!tom x famous!reader
warnings: smut +18 miniors dni, swear words?, drinking, mention of anxiety crisis, let me know if anything else!
words: 4.3 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake! If you want to be tagged in the next chapters let me know!!
PART 3 if you want to read part 2 click here!
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Y/n sat down with her coffee at a cafeteria table. She took a deep breath and opened her notebook, double-clicking the document and revealing the page she'd been trying to write for some time. It couldn't be happening again. It was already the third writer's block in a row and to say she was starting to get angry was an understatement.
It was becoming a constant problem and she didn't know what to do anymore. It was getting embarrassing how many times she had gone to her neighborhood coffee shop. Staying in her apartment alone was making her completely claustrophobic, which was ironic given her apartment was so big and spacious.
But what was making her so upset and with that lack of creativity? That's what she wanted to find out. Maybe it was the story, maybe it would be a sign that that story shouldn't be written.
She took a deep breath and rested her chin on her palm looking at the screen. She didn't want to give up on June, her character, so easy. She really want to finish this, had she already invested too much time in something that in the end would come to nothing? That didn't sound like her.
But if that were the only way, she would have no alternative, she would have to give up and maybe come back one day when her creativity shines again.
She felt her cell phone vibrate in her coat pocket and caught it looking that was Milla. She slid the screen and answered.
- Hi Mil... - she said a little discouraged.
- Hey Lovey! Why the sad voice? - Milla said and Y/n smirked.
- Just discouraged with the new book...
- Nothing yet? - Mila already knew about the extensive Y/n block’s creativity since she kept calling asking for tips on teas or candles that would bring inspiration (since Mil was an expert in these crazy things about spiritism and nature), which obviously didn't help.
- Nothing, actually I'm thinking about giving up this time...
- Hey Hey hey! No giving up, are you crazy? - Milla said and Y/n sighed. - You just need a little push, it will come back eventually.
- I don't know Mil... It seems that the inspiration went away for good.
- Since when did you lose your ideas? I remember that weeks ago you were all excited, you even wrote three wonderful chapters, maybe if you try to do the same thing you did in these weeks the ideas will come back... - Milla said and Y/n started to remember the weeks that passed. What had she done? Well, she had spent more at home as usual, a few days meeting with the director of the series based on her book, chatting a bit with Emma Brown, and the other day doing an interview for a famous magazine, but that was it. She hadn't done anything big...
Y/n thought some more. Emma Brown and her birthday party, after that day she had a flurry of ideas where she wouldn't stop writing, but then what happened to make everything suddenly stop? Well, there was an obvious incident... And by incident she meant: Tom. That waiter had really messed with her the two nights she had been with him. But she hadn't seen him since and she was super okay with it, it wasn't like she was thinking about him, his smell, his smile, the way he knew how to touch her... Ok, that was going too far.
But why since she saw him she started having her lack of ideas again? It wasn't possible. What if he was inspiring her in some way or another? Maybe the way he relaxed her and made her forget about everything made her creative.
- Y/n? Bestie? - Milla asked on the other end of the line. - Are you still there?
- Hi Mil! - Y/n said out of his thoughts. - Sorry, I went out of orbit for a few seconds.
- I noticed... What are you thinking about huh?
- Oh no big deal... Just... I have to prove a theory and if it works out I'll tell you.
- Theory? What theory? - Milla asked curiously.
- I have to go, but I'll call you later ok? - Y/n said and didn't wait for Milla to answer, hanging up the phone and hurriedly packing up her things.
She had to prove she wasn't going crazy. Maybe Tom really was her energy charge in some way, she had to prove if her creativity would come back. And if he was, she really wouldn't know what to do. She couldn't sleep with him every time her lack of ideas came up. But, she was desperate and despair brought drastic attitudes.
So she ran back to her apartment to change her clothes. To think that she had sworn to herself that she wouldn't go after him, was humiliating, but she didn't care at the moment. As soon she got home, she went straight to her closet, wanting to impress him, but at the same time she wanted him to think that she went there to get someone else, it would be less pathetic.
She spotted a white dress, one that she had never worn before, presumably because she didn't like to show too much of her body, but she decided to take a chance with it. She dressed, put on her high-heeled sandals and did her makeup (the basic one she knew how to do) and when it was almost 11pm she was heading towards the Seven Devils bar.
Arriving there, she saw the same security guard who had let her through, a friend of Tom's. She nodded to him and entered. The bar was a little more crowded, maybe because it was friday night. He felt butterflies in her stomach, what if someone recognized her? She doubted they would, but even though she wasn't doing anything wrong she hated being in the media. She took a deep breath and went deeper into the room. It was dark and the dance floor was open, crowded with people dancing and few people sitting at the table. Only the bar light was visible, where she immediately looked for someone with brown hair and a bar uniform, but she didn't saw him, just Sally, the other bartender. Maybe he has a day off?
She headed towards the bar to order a drink, leaning against the counter and looked around, no sign of him. Maybe she had gone there for nothing. Sally approached and Y/n smiled asking for a drink, she didn't want to ask about him because it would be too much and besides Sally didn't recognize her, or pretended not to, so it would be weird.
- Special night? - Y/n asked when she delivered her drink, indicating the number of people and why the dance floor was open.
- Yeah, we do it every friday, the bar ends up turning into a club. - Sally replied taking some glasses and turned to serve other customers.
She picked up her glass and headed out onto the dance floor. It wouldn't hurt for her to have a little fun. Weaving through the crowd, she started shyly dancing for a few long minutes alone, until a guy approached.
-Hey ...-he said smiling and stopped in front of her.
- Hey... - Y/n said suspiciously and looked around drinking her drink.
- I saw you're alone... Can I stay here? he asked and Y/n bit her lip thoughtfully. Well, Tom clearly wasn't there and what if his ideas didn't just depend on him? But of her hooking up with someone? Anyone...
- Of course! - she said smiling at last and he approached dancing with her while the lights flashed. He was handsome, had those piercing eyes that wouldn't stop watching her every move.
Another song started to play and Y/n started dancing more sensually. The boy came even closer placing his hand on her waist and she smiled, satisfied with her effect. Everything was going well until she glanced at the bar and found a pair of brown eyes staring at her.
Tom. So there he was, wearing his uniform, his hair pulled back as usual, he was gorgeous and with a shaker in one hand shaking furiously. He didn't take his eyes off hers which made her shiver.
He just looked away when he had to take care of the next customer, and Y/n looked at the guy in front of her, where she now had a hand on his shoulder. Who was she kidding? She wanted Tom... At least she would try to have him that night, because she was curious to test her theory with him.
- I'll be right back. - she said and the guy opened his arms disappointed as she walked away, taking the rest of her drink and heading towards the bar again.
She leaned against the counter and saw Tom saying goodbye to a customer looking at her from the corner of his eye. She approached her and grinned when he stopped in front of her.
- This is getting embarrassing darling... - he said wiping the counter with a towel.
- What are you talking about?- she asked raising an eyebrow.
- You coming here just to see me? Tsc tsc... pathetic - he said with a smirk and Y/n felt her stomach turn with anxiety as he looked up at her.
- And who said I came here for you? - She said trying to hide it.
- I don't know, maybe because you could have gone to any bar better than this one in the entire city, but you chose this one, strange isn't it? - He asked taking her glass and preparing another drink.
- Funny, I only came here because I liked the place last time... Besides I was even flirting with another guy seconds ago, so your theory doesn't make sense. - Y/n said ironically and did not take her eyes off his trying to be firm on her tone.
- Yeah, I know... But it's funny that you didn't take your eyes off me while dancing with him... - he said putting her glass, now full, back on the counter.
- I was just surprised to have seen you, since I had even forgotten that you worked here. - She said drinking a sip from her glass and he laughed ironically.
-Of course love ... Of course ...-he said tilting his head to the side and approached his face to hers leaning on the counter. Y/n stared at him a little lost in his scent coming in waves to her nose and she could now see his freckles up close, as well as the arrogant smile that never left his face.
- I bet you came here for another round, right? he said quietly, his breath hitting her face and she almost closed her eyes. -Getting dressed like that, dancing sensually while watching me...-he said biting his lip looking her face up and down and stopping at her lips. Y/n swallowed, ok he had an almost paranormal effect on her.
- I-I... - she stuttered and he smiled even more seeing her disconcerted. - I don't know what you're talking about. - Y/n said finally and walked away a little, wanting to get out of that situation. She wanted him, but she didn't want to give out so easily.
- Of course you don't know sweetheart, but I can remind you later. - He said, winking and then walking away, heading towards another customer who had arrived.
Y/n let out the air she didn't even know she was holding, tooking a big swig of her drink and set the glass on the counter heading back to the floor. Tom was very arrogant, but denying that she didn't like it was a lie.
She arrived on the floor and went back to dancing closer. The guy from before now was talking to another girl which made her a little sad, she wanted to have fun with Tom's face some more. She stayed there for a few minutes, until three people approached her, surrounding her.
- Hey... Aren't you the Y/n? - a girl said and Y/n wanted to hide for a moment.
- Erm... I am. - She said smiling.
- I saw you in an interview last week! I love your books! Take a picture with me? she asked taking her cell phone out of her pocket.
- Of course! - Y/n said and posed with the three people while they took pictures.
- Hey! You are Y/n aren't you? I saw you in Emma's birthday pictures! -a guy said right behind approaching too and some people around her start to look at her.
- It is true! I recognized her from somewhere! - another girl said also approaching and Y/n started to get a little scared. She didn't see the harm in taking pictures with some fans, but being buried by them was a nightmare.
- Take a picture with me? - another also said.
- Your books are terrible! - another one shouted laughing.
- I bet the next one will be even worse! 
- Who is this? Never heard of it!
- I bet it must be some actress wanting attention.
And when she saw she was surrounded by a crowd almost being suffocated, but more people kept surrounding her and filling her with questions about her book, or cursing her in some way, which started to make her sick and claustrophobic .
-Please, guys...-she started to speak, but her voice broke and was lost with the loud music and with the people talking loudly around her. For a moment she thought she was going to pass out. Until she felt someone putting a hand on her waist and guiding her out of the crowd hurriedly walking beside her.
The crowd started to follow them and Y/n just stared at her feet, still feeling her heart beat fast. The next thing she saw was this person pulling her to the side of the bar through a door and then closing it.
He looked around when the light was turned on and saw some boxes on the floor and shelves. She was in a warehouse and Tom was standing in front of her.
- You are okay?- he asked looking at her worriedly.
- I...- She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. - I'm fine, it was just a scare, thank you for saving me...
- It's ok darling... - he said approaching to check if she was really ok and Y/n felt dizzy, staggering a little and he held her by the waist preventing her from falling. - Whoa, I don't think you're okay, love.
- It's ok, it was just an anxiety attack with drinking... - she said putting her hand on her temples, feeling her vision rotate a little. - I just... I really want to leave.
- Okay, how about we walk slowly and I take you home? -He said still holding tight to her waist and she looked at him.
-O-ok...- she said nodding and they started walking slowly.
After passing through the warehouse, Tom opened another door that opened into the backyard of the bar, where he could see his car. He helped her in and sat down next to her.
- Tom? - Y/n asked when he started the car and starting to move.
- Huh? -he said turning his face towards her.
- Can you... Can you take me somewhere else? I don't want to go home... - she said feeling a little pathetic. But she didn't want to face her gigantic apartment right now, wanted to be with someone somewhere else who didn't remember what she'd just been through.
- Sure darling... - he said stopping at the red light. - Where you want to go?
- Could be your house? I mean, I don't want to take advantage or anything, I just... I need to calm down somewhere else... - She started to say hesitant.
- Hey, fine, no problem. -He said putting his hand in hers, that was on her lap, comforting her and she shook her head, seeing him to remove, putting back on the steering wheel. She wanted him to keep his hand there, but obviously she stay quiet, leaning her head against the window, trying to calm down.
After a few minutes they reached his building, where Tom parked and helped her to go out of the car. Y/n followed him to the front door and they took the elevator. She was still silent the whole time and he didn't want to say anything either, just glanced at her time to time, maybe checking her if she was okay and looking away afterwards.
They arrived at Tom's apartment and Y/n looked around. It was small but cozy. There was a living room with a small kitchen and a hallway leading to another door that appeared to be his bedroom.
- How about you stay in my room and I give you some clothes to make you more comfortable? -He said putting his hand on her back guiding her while she nodded.
They entered the room and Y/n sat on the edge of the bed. As Tom opened his closet, taking off his shoes and choosing a comfortable T-shirt and pants for her to wear. He approached her again putting the clothes beside her.
- Well, you can make yourself comfortable ok? I'll let you... - he start to said.
- Tom. - Y/n interrupted him. - Please stay here. - She said feeling her heart start beating fast and her breathing quicken. She thought back to the horrible comments and the crowd that had surrounded her. Maybe now pictures of her were all over the internet and it made her anxious again. She closed her eyes feeling tears wanting to flow. She opened them again and the tears finally spilled out, rolling down her cheeks.
- Hey, hey darling. It’s alright, I'm here. -he said getting down in front of her, putting a hand on her cheek wiping away some tears.
- Sorry, I just... That's ridiculous, sorry...
- Shh... - he said calming her and looking at her. - It's not ridiculous ok? You don't need to apologize for anything. -He said caressing her cheek.
- It's just... I keep thinking about those horrible comments and how my picture must be all over the place. - Y/n said wiping some tears that insisted on falling.
- Darling... You don't need to think about it, okay? Those people who said that are terrible, I don't want you to think about anything now how about that? - he said and Y/N looked at him.
- I wish I could turn off those thoughts. -she said sniffling a little, averting her eyes and Tom stroked her leg slowly comforting her. For a moment she felt her body shiver, but it was because Tom was touching her and not because of her crisis. He stopped pulling his hand away and Y/n looked at him. - Tom... Can you continue?
- What do you mean? - he asked confused looking into her eyes.
- Touching me... I mean, you were doing a good job distracting me. - She said smiling slightly and he smiled back.
- Sure…- he said getting down on his knees and taking her calf slowly and kissing her lightly, not taking his eyes off hers at any time. Y/n wanted to close her eyes, but at the same time wanted to look at him, so she decided to keep them open.
Tom took off his sandals slowly, and was kissing from her calf to her thigh, stroking lightly with his hand that held her, and she felt shivers down her spine. . He reached her inner thigh and took a small bite causing her to sigh and bite her lip in response. He lifted his head to look at her and smiled. Y/n not resisting, bent down kissing him with desire. He placed one of his hand on her face kissing her back while his other hand still rested on her thigh squeezing.
She kept kissing him until she felt she needed of air and they parted, out of breath. Tom touched his nose to hers lightly and Y/n closed his eyes feeling him.
- Tom... I want to feel you... - she said approaching her mouth again. - Make love with me? - she asked quietly and she could feel him smile against her mouth.
-Whatever you want sweetheart... - he said and stood up suddenly with hush, bringing her along  by her legs, making her gasp in surprise, putting her down on the bed and lying on top of her afterwards.
He went back to kiss her, exploring her mouth eagerly and she placed her hand on the back of her neck, pulling his hair. He paced his hands over her body and she hurriedly took his shirt off, running hers over his defined bare chest.
- I didn't tell you this before, but you look wonderful in that dress, teased me all night, but I confess I'd rather see you without... - He bit down lightly below her ear making her moan low, he raised the hem of her dress, stepping away and helping her get it off and throwing it aside.
Now he was kissing her collarbone, lowering the kisses to her breasts making her arch her back a little wanting to get even closer to his mouth. When she reliase he had removed her bra and smirked looking at her.
- I have to be honest...I missed that image. - he said and Y/n almost hid by the way he looked at her, it was like she was a sculpture, it was a look of admiration and desire. A look that made her forget the world.
He kissed her breasts and positioned himself between her legs, meanwhile taking off his pants, along with his boxers, while still paying attention to each of her nipples, sucking them making her moan low. He returned his kisses to her lips again kissing her more slowly this time, moving his hand to her panties and running his fingers slowly through the fabric, setting aside and feeling how pathetically wet she was for him. Y/n moaned against his lips again and he groaned pulling back a little.
-I love how you're always ready for me darling...-he said making his lips touch hers lightly and she could only moan in response as he made slow circles on her clit.
- Tom... - she said weakly and he smiled seeing how she was vulnerable for him. - Please, I need you inside me, now... - Y/n managed to said between moans, arching her waist against his hand.
- So demanding and desperate love ... - he said taking his hand of her making her protest with the lack of contact. - But I have to confess that you get even hotter that way. - He said stretching to get a condom in the drawer on the side of the bed and opened the package adjusting on his member right after. Y/n ran her hands on his arms, meanwhile, just admiring his body and how lucky she was. He looked back at her and smiled seeing that she was admired him with concentration. - Still with me darling?
She looked him in the eye again and nodded, kissing his neck then making him bite his lip. Tom took his cock closing his eyes and penetrated her slowly, so that she got used to his size. When he was fully inside her he turned to look at her closely and stroked her cheek lightly as if asking permission to move, which she readily agreed.
He started to move slowly, making her feel every piece of him by wich thrust he was doing, until he picked up a fast pace that made her moan with pleasure gripping his shoulders tightly and even scratchin him a little. He made her feel like she was flying and he penetrated her so deliciously it felt like a dream.
Tom took one of her legs and wrapped it around his waist, making him penetrate her even deeper, which made her almost combust. He was silent the entire time, as well as her, what could be heard were just the moans of the two that echoed through the room.
After what seemed like an eternity. Tom slowed his pace a little. Putting one of his hands on the side of Y/n's head, squeezing the sheet and the other on her leg, squeezing it willingly.
- Fuck Darling... I’m gonna come... - he said breathlessly lost in his pleasure.
- Tom... - Y/n could only said and he took his hand from her leg going to her clit again stimulating it with his fingers and increasing his pace again, until the two reached the orgasm together between moans and low breathless curses.
Tom placed a few kisses on Y/n's neck returning to his senses and Y/n closed her eyes just feeling his touch. He then got off her and lay beside her looking at the ceiling. Catching his breath. After cleaning themselves in silence, the two returned to bed lying side by side.
- You ok? he asked finally breaking the silence looking at her.
-More than ok...- Y/n said lying on his side towards him. -I'm just tired...-she said lazily starting to close her eyes and the last thing she felt before falling asleep was Tom kissing her forehead.
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taglist: @usuck​ @petesrparker​
71 notes · View notes
swordofpevensie · 4 years
Kissletoe (Peter Pevensie x Reader Fic.)
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my masterlist is here.
warnings: slightly(?) angst. fluff. peter is such a baby. susan, edmund and lucy try so hard. it almost turned out to be a susan fic. it is sort of a slowburn. childhood lovers to idiots. communication is the key folks.
word count: 4456
a/n: aww this is my first fic and i'm so excited and i sincerely hope you like it. this fic is inspired by 3oh!3's song kissletoe.
happy christmas to everyone who celebrates it!
and my native language is not english, so if there is any mistake, feel free to correct me.♡
❝𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓
𝑰𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒘𝒂𝒚
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔
𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒕-𝒐𝒇-𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
𝑺𝒐 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝑰 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒐 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆?
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰'𝒎 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖
𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒆
𝑶𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.❞
“Don't be so desperate.” Susan said when she entered the throne room, finding her elder brother sitting on his throne, alone. “She is coming home. She promised she would in her letter.”
“I don't know what you are talking about.” Peter said, watching his sister as she was approaching. “And I'm not desperate.”
Susan smiled as she sit on her throne. “I know you miss her. We all do. But she is coming. She always keeps her promises.”
“You know she didn't keep one promise.” Peter replied. His voice sounded sad.
“Peter,” Susan held her brother's hand. “You both were so young. You didn't understand what you were dealing with. You didn't know how serious love was and it required sacrifice. You shouldn't blame her. She thought she was doing the best for herself and we know she is happy now. Isn't it all that matters?”
“Yes...” Peter whispered. “I wish I could forget her, just like she forgot me. I wish I could be happy.”
“You don't know whether she forget you or not yet.”
“What do you mean?” Peter asked as he frowned. He was confused.
“It's Christmas.” Susan said merrily. “Miracles can happen any time.” She stood up to leave, ignoring her brother saying her name.
.*・。゚ ༘✧
Walking in the hall to the throne room used to make you feel like going home because you knew you'd see your boyfriend. But now, it made you feel sick, you just wanted to disappear. You didn't know how things'd be and it made you nervous. You, a great fighter, a free woman, the former general of the Narnia army, had never felt such a big stress before.
You were about to give up and go back when you heard doors opening. You saw Susan and Lucy coming out of the throne room. Susan had a beatiful, big smile on her face as she approached you. You couldn't move. After those years, seeing her felt very strange and but amazing. Susan immediately hugged you as she said your name merrily. “I've missed you so much!” She said as you hugged her back.
Then you saw Lucy. She was a beautiful young lady now and you were amazed by these sisters' beauty. They grew up, they looked gorgeous and their smiles welcomed you home.
Lucy hugged you too. You did the same. “Oh, I can't tell how much I've missed you!” She said. You smiled and said, “I've missed you both too.”
“How are you?” Susan asked. “I hope you didn't have any problems coming here.”
“I'm good. The journey was good too.”
“Aw, I'm so happy to see you here, again!” Lucy said as she hugged you again.
You smiled at her words. You felt like all the stress left your body. Seeing them again was amazing. You missed them when you were away but you never understood how much until now.
“Come,” Susan said and grabbed your hand. “Let us show you your room so that you can rest and clean yourself up.”
“Okay.” You almost whispered as Lucy grabbed your other hand and they took you to your room.
You couldn't stop yourself from looking behind, expecting him to show up but he didn't. The sadness and disappointment crushed your heart.
.*・。゚ ༘✧
You did as Susan told. You cleaned yourself up, rested a bit but most importantly, tried to not think about the past. You were sitting on the bed, combing your hair now. No matter how hard you tried, your brain kept betraying you, reminding you your memories in this castle, with him.
You both were young, he was nineteen while you were eighteen back then. You were in love, you still were sure about that but you both didn't know what exactly love was or it may require sacrifices sometimes. You two were just messing around, having fun, laughing, reading, fighting, training, playing together. Hugging, kissing, touching, loving each other. Your brain made sure you remember how soft his lips were, how gentle his touches were, how beautiful his words were, how he looked at you, how he smiled at you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You hated remembering all those beautiful and precious memories when you were the one who left him and Narnia behind and ran away.
But you were scared, you knew that and it helped you to forgive yourself a little. When Peter asked and wanted you to stay with him, you were so scared. You didn't want to be stucked in one place, no matter how beautiful it was. You thought you both were too young to make such decisions but he insisted, he loved you and didn't want to let you go. You had to escape without saying anything to be free.
When Susan wrote and told you that she invited you to the Christmas Ball, you began to wonder if he would ever forgive you or want you back. You knew how bad you broke his heart but you couldn't stop wondering tough. Or would you stay with him this time? Would you keep your promise this time?
As your thoughts choked you and you felt you were getting stressed again, the door was knocked and you were totally, and thankfully, distracted. You opened the door and saw Susan, Lucy and Edmund.
“Welcome back, Y/N.” Edmund said as he smiled at you. “We've really missed you.”
You hugged him back when he hugged you. “I've missed you too.” You replied, smiling.
‘He could at least come and say welcome.’ You thought.
“Well,” Edmund said. “I'll leave you with Susan and Lucy. I have to check the preparetions.”
“See you,” You said. He nodded and left.
“Now,” Susan spoke. “It's time to prepare you for the ball.”
“Susan-” You attempted to say but Lucy interrupted you.
“You can't stop her, just give up already.”
You laughed at her words and did as Lucy said.
Once again, you realized how much you missed and needed them.
.*・。゚ ༘✧
“Everything looks perfect.” You said, looking at the ball room. “Your decoration and preparetion skills have improved.”
Susan gave you a big smile. “You are still very kind.” She said. “You've always been. Do you remember the time I cut your hair bangs and you prentended you liked them because you didn't want to break my heart?”
“I really liked them!” You said, couldn't stop smiling.
“Oh, okay now you are lying!” Susan said as she hit your arm and you both started to laugh.
“Oh, Y/N,” Susan put her head to your shoulder. “We really missed you. Everything feels perfectly complete when you are here.”
“You'll make me cry, Susan.” You said. “But I really missed all of you too. And I know I never said that before but I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that I left you without saying anything. I should've let you know or at least write a note. Also, thank you for finding me and writing to me. Thank you for forgiving me.”
“I admit that I was mad at you, we all were but as we grew up, we understood you and believe me, none of us is mad at you or blame you for leaving.” Susan kissed your cheek. “You are always welcomed in Narnia, Y/N.”
“Thank you.” There was pain in your voice and Susan noticed that. Therefore she took your hands.
“Dancing is about to start, come with me.”
She took you to the middle of the room, where Lucy and Edmund were standing and talking to Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.
“Oh, Y/N!” You heard Mrs. Beaver's merry voice. “Welcome back my dear!”
You smiled and bowed to her.
“Look at her! Sweet, beautiful and kind as always. Welcome back, honey.” Mr. Beaver spoke. Seeing them made you feel so happy.
You thanked them both.
“You look magnificent, Y/N.” Edmund said, you turned to him.
“Thank you, Ed. So do you.”
“Do you know who else looks magnificent? Peter. Peter does look magnificent.”
You frowned at his unexpected words. Edmund smiled nervously and left without saying anything.
You looked at Susan and Lucy suspiciously. Susan pretended to be talking Mr. and Mrs. Beaver while Lucy just smiled at you but knew her well enough to understand that it was a fake smile.
“Okay,” You said to yourself and took a deep breath. They were up to something but you couldn't tell what.
The music started to play and before you could do anything, you realized that Susan and Lucy were gone. You were confused. Where and why did they go? You looked around and saw them. They were in line for dancing. Lucy was holding Mr. Tumnus' hands and Susan was holding Edmund's.
You gave them one of your ‘You'll pay for that.’ looks and decided to dissappear. You never liked balls, you never liked Christmas and you never liked dancing. You really needed to dissappear.
You turned around to leave the room but a body standing in front of you made you stop.
‘No,’ You thought. ‘Please, don't be him. No.’
But the body was his, you saw his face when you lifted your head.
You used to look face to face but he was taller than you now. And his chest was wide. You realized how massive he'd become.
While you two were looking at each other, you couldn't say anything. You didn't know what to say actually.
He seemed calmer than you. His face didn't change while you felt your face was burning and your heart was beating so fast.
“Y/N,” Hearing your name from his voice after those years made you feel strange, but good. It was like no one had said your name as correctly and perfectly as he did. You wanted to hear it again. His voice felt like home. “Hi.”
“Hi,” You said but it was more like a whisper. “Your highness.” You added as you bowed.
“You don't need to call me that, you know.”
Of course you knew. He never liked to be called ‘your highness’ or ‘your majesty’ by you or any of the Narnians. He didn't like to wear his crown around you because being the High King made him very nervous. You always thought he was too young to carry such burden but despite everything, he'd always been a perfect king.
You just nodded. You couldn't find enough strength in you to talk. You were scared if you opened your mouth, your honest feelings and words would escape.
“And welcome back.” He said. His voice was distant and you hated hearing it in that tone. It used to be joyful and completely in love when you were together. He always smiled while he was talking to you. His eyes always shined while he was looking at you. But now, you were like strangers and you realized that he gave up on you and forgot you, moved on.
“Thank you.” Your voice was low.
The rising voice of the music interrupted you while you were just looking at each other.
You looked around to find an excuse to leave but everybody was busy with dancing and you and Peter were the only who didn't dance. You knew he didn't like to be in balls so you hoped he'd leave.
You realized Edmund, Lucy and Susan were looking at you two. Also Mr. Tumnus and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. Oh no, you realized everybody was looking at you because, obviously, you and Peter weren't dancing although it was a ball and it was time to dance.
Peter saw them too. He took a deep breath.
“Shall we dance?” He asked. “They want me to dance. They know I don't like balls, therefore they always insist until I dance.”
“Okay.” was your answer because the stress inside you was increasing incredibly.
You were scared of his touch because you knew it might wake your old feelings up and you didn't want to fall for him again. You did it once and the ending was bad because of you. You didn't want to suffer again.
But to dance, he put his hand you waist, you put yours to his shoulder and your free hands found each other. Your hand was inside of his big hand. The excitement in you kept growing, you felt your knees shaking. After all those years, his effect on hadn't changed at all. Your fears came true, you realized your feelings never faded away, they were always there, buried in your heart. You just tried to hide them, not feel them, ignore them.
You looked at his face but you saw nothing. Your heart was broken because it was obvious that the dance meant nothing to him. To be honest, you wanted to cry, knowing that it is your fault.
You gulped and looked away. Meanwhile, Peter's looks were on you. They were never off you actually, since the moment he entered ball room.
He missed you every single day after you left. There was a pain that he could never get rid of. The feeling of yearning sometimes drove him crazy. You were on his mind everytime. What were you doing? Were you safe? Were you healty? Were you happy? Did you miss him too? Did you forget him? Did you move on and love somebody else?
However, now seeing you and holding you again made him realize that he'd missed you much more than he previously thought. And his feelings were still alive. It was embarassing, or pathetic like Susan said, that after all those years you were apart, and although you were the one who left him and turned him into a mess, he still loved you. But his whole heart, whole soul, whole exsitence wanted you back. Because he finally felt complete when he took your hand into his and he didn't want to lose this feeling.
Although you did your best to look at somewhere else, his looks were on you and he never looked away. All he cared about was you. All he saw was you. He'd endure this ball just to be able to hold you and see you.
His eyes started to examine your face and your whole body. You'd changed, he could tell. You'd grown up, your face seemed older and wiser. You were still beautiful though, just like he remembered. And the aura of your whole existence, that strong and captivating aura, was still there. He loved it, he'd always did. Your selection of dress didn't change either. A dark green dress, simple but impressive and elegant. It was his favorite colour and he began to wonder if you wore this dress on purpose.
But his favorite change was that although you were taller now, he was taller than you. You used to look face to face but now you had to lift your head up to look at him and he absolutely adored that.
Despite this intense feelings he had inside, he was too nervous to show them. Because he couldn't see through you. Did you still like him or were you dancing with him just to be nice? Did you forget him and move on or did dancing with him make you feel something?
“I'm surprised that you agreed to come to a Christmas ball.” He said to break the tension in the air and his nervousness. “You used to hate Christmas.”
“I still don't like it.” You answered, at the same time he made your bodies turn. “But I didn't want to turn Susan down.” And I missed you so much, you wanted to add but you didn't.
“I see.” He said as he nodded.
“You hated balls too.” You said.
“I still do. Actually I was in my room but I was informed that Edmund needed me. That's the reason why I came here but Edmund seems a bit busy, dancing with our sister.”
“If you don't dance with me, I totally understand.” You tried very hard to hide your sadness.
“No, I didn't mean to imply such thing.” He said hurriedly. “I will be honest with you, Y/N. I'm happy that you decided to come back. I'm not bothered at all. Please don't think that I don't want you here.”
“You didn't even come to see me.” You said, obviously blaming him.
“I was too nervous.” There was a little smile on his face. “I couldn't leave the room. I'm sorry if I offended you. I assure you that I didn't do it on purpose.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “It is really good to see you again, and talk with you.” You were smiling too.
“I think so too.” He said. “Susan and Lucy missed you so much.”
“What about Edmund?”
“He also did.”
“Oh, it's good to know.”
He smiled. “And I also missed you too, m'lady.”
You smiled with satisfaction. “I missed Susan and Lucy too. And Edmund. Oh, I really missed Edmund.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed. “I deserved that.”
“You absolutelt did.” You laughed too and it felt so great to talk and laugh with him again. At least he didn't hate you like you feared. You'd be glad to have his friendship. You just didn't want to lose him.
“I might have missed you a little.”
You had to look at your feet to not step on his foot. He was such a distraction. You almost forgot how to dance because of the excitement and happiness.
“A little?” He said as if he was shocked and he raised his eyebrows. “Come on! I deserve more than that.”
“Alright, I missed you as much as you missed me.”
“Oh, in that case, it must be so much.”
He panicked when he realized what he'd just said but the smile on your face calmed him down. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable because of his feelings unless he got a signal from you.
“How are you?” He asked to change the topic. “I mean, have you been good? Is there any problem?”
“I'm good.” You replied, looking at his curious blue eyes. “I've been travelling, seeing new places and meeting new people. I really enjoy my life, however sometimes I wish I could share this journey with someone. But solitude has never been a big problem for me.”
“I know,” While he replied you, made you spin around and then pulled you toward himself again.
You loved how your bodies moved in harmony, as if you'd never been seperated. You never stepped on his foot, he never did a wrong move. Everything was just perfect and for the first time in your life, you enjoyed dancing.
“You liked to be left alone when you first came to Cair Paravel.”
You smiled, remembering those days.
“And I remember someone was always interrupting my solitude, was always inside of my personal space.”
“I'm sure he had his own reasons.”
The music changed and you knew it was time to change partners. You tried to step back and move away from Peter but he held your hand and waist very tight. You looked at him, feeling confused and surprised.
He then realized what he was doing and immediately let you go.
You began to feel sick again. Every word he said, every move he made and the last thing he did had an effect on you, making your nervousness and confusion grow. You needed some fresh air and to be alone.
You left the room fastly and without saying anything.
.*・。゚ ༘✧
You heard the door open.
“I knew I'd find you here.”
You weren't surprised that he found you. You and him used to come here to be on your own when everything was overwhelming.
“Y/N,” He was slowly approaching to you. He put his hands to the balcony banister, just like you did. “I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”
You didn't answer because you didn't know whether you were uncomfortable and upset or you felt very good and were mad at yourself because of that.
You watched the snow falling down from the sky. It was piling up on the trees which were decorated with golden and shiny balls. You were sure Lucy did all of this decoration. You'd helped her for a few times. The view was green, white and golden and you loved it, for the first time in your life. Maybe the reason was Peter, maybe you just missed Narnia too much.
“Do you remember how we used to play?” He asked with a soft voice. You knew he was anxious because he didn't get any answer from you, therefore he was trying to make you speak to see if you were angry.
“I do,” You replied. “And I also remember beating you.”
“You are mistaken, m'lady. I chose to lose to you.”
“Oh, you did?” You couldn't stop giggling. “Would you like me to remind you the truth?”
“Oh no, absolutely no.” He laughed and you felt butterflies in your stomach. “I don't want them to see their High King losing a snowball fight.”
“But you'd lose to the former general of Narnia Army. I think it wouldn't seem that bad.”
He heard the tease in your voice and it made him smile more. He loved to be able to talk to you again, like this. Playful, cheerful and totally easy going. Since your childhood and the moment you fell in love with each other, the communication between you had always been smooth. He listened you and you listened him with a beautiful smile on your face, all the time. That was one of the charasteristics of you he definitely loved.
There was, of course, so many things he loved about you, but the way you listened him, cared every single word he said and understood him was something else. He always thought you and him were so alike. You almost shared the same soul because you were very talented at empathizing with his emotions and understanding his struggles. He had never been reluctant or timid when it came to speak with you.
“Well, you may be right.” He answered you as he took a short breath to get rid of his thoughts that had been distcracting him.
“Who is the general now?”
“Oh,” You nodded. “He was an excellent warrior. It's not surprising that he is the general.”
“Yes,” He turned his hand and looked at you. “Y/N, look. I'm really sorry if I annoyed you with anything I did. I swear my intention was not to make you uncomfortable. I promised myself to be as neutral as possible. You may not like me anymore, you may have someone new in your life, or you may be bothered because of the things that happened between us. I am sincerely sorry, I really didn't want to bother you.”
“I've been on my own since the day I left Narnia.” You said. “In the way you mean.” Then you looked at thim, his blue eyes were already on you. “And it's alright, I'm sure I, too, have done things I didn't mean to.”
“Yes, yes you did. I mean, you couldn't stop looking at me throughout the dance.”
“What?” You laughed as you hit his arms jokingly. “Sir, I looked at a Christmas tree for minutes. I know I was able to stop looking at you.”
“Why don't you just admit that I look absolutely beautiful and charming tonight?”
“After all those years,” You said in a serious manner. “I realized that you, High King Peter, are not my type at all.”
“What are you talking about? I am totally your type!” His hands were pointing his face.
“No,” You shook your head. “No, not at all.”
“Oh, come on!” He objected to you but there was a smile on his face. He looked like a child who just lost a game and was objecting to the rules. “Is this a defense mechanism you use to stifle your desire to kiss me?”
You laughed at his words. “Peter, I am not kissing you.”
“But you should.” He pointed to the mistletoe which was hang up to the soffit of the balcony above you. “You know, we are under the mistletoe.”
“No, techinaclly we are-”
Everything happened too fast. He took a step back and meanwhile he held your waist and pulled you with him. You were now under the mistletoe. Before you could said anything, he kissed your lips.
You answered the kiss back. Actually, it was not your reaction, you didn't even think of kissing him back. It was your body's immediate reaction but you were glad that you were kissing him back. You missed how soft his lips were and how wonderful his kiss was.
He was the one to break the kiss. He looked at your face but you didn't let him say anything because you kissed him this time.
As your lips danced, you felt over the moon. After all those years you spent alone, despite the mistakes you made, you were rewarded. His kiss, his lips, his hands' soft touches on your cheeks, and shortly, everything about him was a gift to you. Maybe returning back to him was your Christmas gift. You met Santa when you were younger and he seemed like a man would do such thing.
“Peter,” You put your hands to his nape after breaking the kiss. “I know I broke your heart. I know I am mistaken and you have every right not to forgive me. But if you want to me stay, if you still feel the same, I want you to know that I'm willing to stay with you this time. I am ready to stay with you this time.”
His eyes shined and his blue eyes became brighter than a summer sky. A smile appeared on his face. You couldn't stop looking his lips whose color was like a fresh cherry's color now.
“My feelings have never changed.” His thumb caressed your cheek. “Y/N, of course I want you to stay with me. I want you more than anything.”
You smiled happily. “Then, I am staying.”
He kissed your lips again as he hugged your waist and lifted your body. You laughed when he spun you around.
While you two were busy with kissing and laughing, you didn't realize Susan, Lucy and Edmund watching you from the other side of the corridor. Thanks to the big glass windows of the balcony door, they'd been watching you since Peter came to talk to you.
“Yes!” Susan said merrily and excitedly.
Edmund and Lucy were just watching their big brother and smiling.
hii loves! i hope you like it. please feel free to tell me what you think.
love, andrea. ♡
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stuckwthem · 4 years
PETER PARKER ONE SHOT x random original character
summary: violet has anxiety and peter is her safe heaven.
warnings: sadness, anxiety, fluff
authors note: hey! english isn't my first language, sorry for any spelling mistakes
this is a comfort tale that i wrote when i was feeling sad and wanted a another reality where i could cry in peter's arms. feel safe and comfortable to be vunerable here.
requests open! send me yours and i will gladly make it!
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her heart was beating stronger than she could possibly perceive. the girl tried to repress the tears as she hurriedly walked the streets of queens, cursing at the thought of what people would think of her appearance or her clumsy manner as she ran through a crisis. looking like a real mess, a tornado. but people at least noticed, trapped and scattered too much in their own world would never look the other way.
her cold, sweat-soaked hand touched the door three times frantically, and her mind came to judge even the way she had touched the wood. it didn’t take long for the door to open and unravel a paralyzed and confused peter. in a matter of thousandths of seconds, the boy without yet processing what was happening, just hugged her, pulling her in, while the girl sobbed, and her cry intensified further by despair.
parker had no idea what had happened or what to do, but just stood there beside the trembling body of the blonde, caressing her, for about half an hour until she took her face off the now soaked boy’s shirt. to see her in this way was totally devastating, peter would like to suck out her pain and make it no longer hurt the girl.
— hey. i'm here. it’s okay. - the brunette one whispered, trying to reassure her. - you want to tell me what happened? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
violet breathed for a moment, trying to look at the boy, but the stubborn tears still ran down her face, leaving her ashamed and making her hide her face in her hands.
— i'm sorry, peter. i shouldn’t have come. i don’t want to disturb you. - she said, quickly regretting when she heard her own voice choked.
— no! please, you don't bother in any way, violet. - peter exclaimed, visibly worried, and so he set himself toward the door, making a barrier for the girl.
she sighed, not knowing at least where to start or if she should put it out. she couldn’t trust anyone. her chest weighed as much as if all her thoughts had moved there weighing a ton. her throat hurt with the formed knot, which seemed impossible to be undone.
— i just...i'm tired. - violet said, sounding uncertain. peter knew there was a lot more to dig up, but he waited for the girl to feel comfortable admitting it.
meanwhile, he sought her a glass of water and sat her on the couch, comforting himself by her side, stroking her hair. the silence was not uncomfortable, they understood only by the energy they emitted to each other.
— i can’t stand feeling like this anymore, pete. it’s exhausting to live in this aspiral every day. i don’t recognize myself anymore, i don’t want to do anything anymore. - she vented in his lap, she did not want answers or solutions, just wanted to be heard. so the boy just nodded, kissing her forehead. - i only have you. you are my safe haven. that’s why i came here, i just needed you. thank you for making me feel safe. thank you for not giving up on me. i hope you don't get tired of this mess that i am, but if it happens, do not hesitate to leave me. i don't want to upset you.
— violet, i love you. nothing would make me like you less. - he replied, sincerely, with his voice lavishing sentimentality. - i won't give up, you are my motivation to continue being who i am. i need you.
peter pulled the face of the girl gently, staring at her startled eyes. he loved them and could get lost in that brown storm.
— i’m sorry that it’s been difficult. and i’d like to help you, and i know you’re strong and will find yoursef again. we still have a lot of time, and i'll be here by your side. - the elder assured, letting a smile escape his lips.
god, he loved that girl more than anything, he loved her so much that it hurt. he understood it as his obligation to protect her from everything and everyone, even from herself. peter would do anything for her, do whatever it took to get a smile stamped on her face at the end of the day. he would burn in the sun for her shine. they would bleed dry for each other. no doubt both were made from the dust of the same star. they understood each other like no one else, the connection was inexplicable.
violet felt comforted and belonged. she would never know how to thank the universe for having someone as amazing and loving as peter, her peter.
— i don’t know what it would be like without you. - she muttered, burying her face in the boy’s neck, hugging him as if she could entangle her body with his.
peter passed his hand over her leg, pulling her closer to him as if it were still possible, holding it like a baby and kissed her lips gently, closing his eyes and getting lost in the sensation. gradually, violet stopped crying, returning to breathe normally. now her heart was slowed down paced with peter's, a little quieter. if observed for a moment, neither of the two could understand the depth of their feelings, they felt overwhelmed with affection.
— can i take you out? - the elder asked, genuinely. violet nodded without even thinking, as long as her was in his presence was enough.
— we can go on top of a building. the higher, we will feel infinite. and then, we will go to your favorite restaurant. and we will do everything we want to do. - stated, kissing the girl’s nose.
and they went, up to the tallest building in new york. shouted their frustrations, let the wind take it away. they got lost in the city, kissed at every corner, laughed at every stumbling, charmed those who were attentive to the real world, teased each other, loved each other infinitely for one more day. and in the end, it was all right, was him and her. at every end, if peter had violet and violet had peter everything would be aligned.
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