#Eric Callahan
tearyourpetals · 11 months
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Eric Erlandson and Courtney Love photographed by Kristin Callahan, 1991
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cloysterbell · 1 year
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I'm kind of happy that you two spent a minute in make out town before this whole Barn situation happened.
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synthesin · 8 months
Hazel as Eric Forman for Halloween feels pretty cute :)
no bc you’re absolutely correct! imagine she’d dress in his iconic roller disco outfit or his rockstar look !!
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fritextramole · 1 year
Gossip Girl Legally Blonde AU
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After her college boyfriend Tripp dumps her in favor of a "serious" life, Serena Rhodes devotes herself to law school to prove she's worthy of him. At Harvard, she finds a life outside her quintessentially-Californian upbringing, and learns to love this world without letting it dull her shine
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have The Ugly Truth 2009
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allweirdhere · 2 months
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@lcstinfantasy asked: ❛ who’s going to stop us, huh? ❜ elie @ eric
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"A number of people, if we get caught breaking in." While he wasn't exactly innocent, had a couple of minor offenses on his plate. Stuff that got him in trouble with his older brother who so happened to work at the local police department. It was the reason why he was a tad more concerned by the whole idea.
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falconcrestalbumphoto · 2 months
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Sophia Stavros (Julie Carmen) et Eric Stavros (John Callahan).
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kenttsterling · 1 year
#Colts hit pause on coach interviews! #iubb TJD Big 10 Player of the week! Purdue back to #1!
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hey so it's exactly 10 days after what i added to @cherrychapsticksteve's post, and it hasn't left my brain SO! Murphy, this is for you. i hope enjoy this full version!!!
pairing: steddie | word count: 7,536 | rated: T
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Eddie's chest heaves as he sprints farther into the woods.
It’s not the first (and certainly won’t be the last) time he runs from Hawkins’ finest. This time, Hopper and Callahan had busted him after he ran a stop sign (it wasn’t his fault, okay? He had to change the tape and didn’t see the sign or the patrol car stopped at the damn cross street).
The ‘failure to obey traffic signs’ was the least of his problems though, not after his damn lunchbox dropped out of the van when they asked demanded he “Take a step out here, Munson.”, and the last crumbs of the stock he’d gotten from Rick the week before last spilling out at Hopper’s feet.
They get him in cuffs, of course, but the second they turn their backs on him, he fucking books it.
Hands cuffed behind him, wallet chain jangling around his hip in time with the zipper of his jacket hitting the lowest button of his vest, both officers are wheezing way too soon after he starts playing getaway. He twists and spins out of the way of their grasps, but Callahan gets a second wind and nearly catches him, so he bolts; Tears off past his van and into the woods.
He's got some sense of where he's going, they busted him on Cornwallis and it should be a clear cut through the forest past Loch Nora and to the park, but it's even darker as he gets under the treeline. The fading twilight blocked out by the canopy above him.
Still, he took off into the woods on the west side of the street so as long as he keeps going straight, he'll be fine. 
Joke's on him though, nothing about him has been straight since before he came to live with Wayne (since he was born if what his science teacher Mr. Clarke once told him is to be believed), so it's no fuckin' wonder that he's gotten off course.
He dismisses it at first, the gradual incline he's following at more of a jog than a sprint now, but when he hears sirens go off way too close and he finds himself crashing into a meticulously trimmed backyard, it makes sense.
What doesn't make sense is why of all the gallivanting through the woods he'd just done, over and under fallen logs, rocks, through bushes and thickets, that his feet betray him on the half inch concrete lip of patio he hadn't yet slowed himself enough to avoid altogether.
The toe of his sneaker clips the very corner, his feet try to right themselves, but he's already hurtling toward this person's inground pool. 
In the split second he's falling, Eddie's brain does three things almost simultaneously: 1) realizes that whoever's house this is, there's only one light on. an upstairs window that must be a bedroom. Good. Maybe then he can pick himself up after this what-would-have-been super embarrassing fall and get the fuck back out of their yard without them noticing.
2) It has enough sense to turn his body to the left to take the fall onto the concrete on his shoulder instead of his face, though it means he'll definitely be rolling into the pool now. Damn. 
And 3) a simple thought of 'Aw, fuck.'
What his brain didn't account for was the edge of the pool. And that it should have considered its boney housing's downward momentum in the fall.
His temple collides with the edge where plastic meets stone, and Eddie Munson, freshly concussed and all but dead to the world, falls into the water.
The night Steve Harrington officially meets Eddie Munson is like every other.
At home, alone, waiting for it to be a reasonable time to go to bed. 
He’s leaning his desk chair back on two legs, his feet propped up on his mattress, flipping through the new June '85 edition of Vogue that came in the mail that day addressed to Linda Harrington.
Halfway through reading about Eric Stoltz in that new movie Mask (and seriously debating somehow guilting his parents into sending him one of these watches for a late graduation gift because shit that's a nice watch), he hears a splash from outside his window.
The sound makes him jump from how unexpected it is, and he would've for sure tumbled ass backwards off his chair if the wall hadn't been behind him.
He jumps up and yanks open his blinds to look out at the pool below.
There are fresh ripples weaving across the normally still top, and a shadow of something bubbling up from the bottom.
His guts twist up immediately; of course, it could be just some stupid deer, but it could also be any number of insane hell creatures, one of which had once used his pool as it's front door before.
"Shitshitshitshit," Steve snatches up his bat from under the bed and launches himself out his room and down the stairs in record time.
By the time he gets to the edge of the pool, the ripples have dispersed significantly, and the..whatever it is.. at the bottom is releasing bubbles slower than ever.
It takes about a second more for him to parse out the very obviously human shape crumpled under the water and--is that blood?
Steve dives into the water directly across from the bright red smear on the plastic lining.
His eyes burn with the chemicals, all he makes out of the person is a pale face and dark hair.
He hooks an arm under theirs and across their chest, and pushes up from the bottom.
Steve finds a foothold in the shallows and powers over to the stairs as fast as he can, pulling the limp man up onto the concrete.
He gets to work on them immediately, checking for a pulse, checking for breath..nothing.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck!" Steve starts compressions on his chest, counting in his head before sucking in a deep breath, pinching the guy’s nose shut, and sealing his mouth onto the blue lips below him.
"C'mon Munson," Steve starts counting compressions again. "Don't do this to me, man." It surprises him that this is when his brain pairs the pale features and dark denim to Hawkins' Super-Senior, but it's him alright. The vest is a giveaway, though he definitely looks like a completely different person without his bangs hanging over his forehead, or that dumbass grin he has when he's going on some tirade at lunch.
Steve closes his lips over Eddie's once again and this time, it works.
Eddie pitches forward, spewing chunky water all over the ground in front of him.
Steve supports his back as he does, "Shit, man, let it out, let it out." He looks down then, finally realizing Eddie's arms have been completely incapacitated by a pair of cuffs this whole time. 
His breaths are ragged, gagging while he takes in shaky breaths.
He continues to pat Eddie's back, smacking his palm over some demon-looking thing on the back panel of his vest.
"Breathe, Eddie, you got it." The older boy's dazed gaze turns to him then, "You back with me?"
"Harrington?" it comes out a wheeze.
“Hey Munson, you okay?”
Eddie looks around at Steve’s yard, to the pool, “Yeah I—Yeah..” he looks back at Steve, “What happened?”
“You fell into my pool, dude.” he chuckles, “I pulled you out and you weren’t breathing.”
That pulls another snort out of him. “Yeah, ‘Huh.’.”
Eddie looks off into the woods, then back to his face. “And what happened before that?”
Steve pulls lightly on the cuffs. “I was hoping you could tell me that.”
“I don’t–I don’t know what..” he glances around, panicked, “I don’t know why I’m in cuffs, I–”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay man. You’re okay.” Steve rubs gently over the same spot he’d been patting, “Let’s get you inside, alright? Get some food maybe?”
Eddie takes a couple more breaths then nods, “Yeah…yeah okay, Harrington.”
He leads Eddie inside after he’s calmed down a bit more, sitting him down on one of the chairs at the breakfast nook and dashing quickly to the laundry room off the kitchen for a towel.
"Eddie, hey, y'gotta stay awake." he says, wrapping him up and giving him a light shake, "I'm gonna make you something to eat soon, but I wanna get you outta your cuffs first. Can you tell me how to get them off?"
"Yea-yeah," Eddie smacks his lips dryly, thinking hard, "Do you have a bobby pin?"
Steve studies him while he quickly searches his brain for where the last time he might've seen one. He's still dazed, still out of it (which is fair, honestly, he almost died after all), and is starting to shiver despite the towel.
He goes to the sink and pours a glass of water. "I think my mom has some. Let me help you drink some of this, and we’ll get you upstairs, okay?" he says, turning back to Eddie and keeping his voice soft, as if he'd scare him off if he spoke any louder.
Eddie's face scrunches in confusion, so he continues, "I’ll get you out of those cuffs and into the shower so you can warm up."
He watches Eddie’s expression morph as he registers what was said to him. His eyes go hooded, his cheeks tinge pink, and a smirk tugs at his lips. "Y'wanna get me naked, big boy?"
Steve rolls his eyes, his own cheeks prickling with heat. Eddie's hot okay? Objectively. He doesn't have to be into guys to know that. And flirting is flirting.  Sue him. "Shut up man," he laughs.
He holds the glass to Eddie’s lips and lets him drink as much as he wants, then sets the glass down on the table. He pulls gently on Eddie’s bicep, hooking an arm around the other man's waist, under an arm, and when he finally feels like he's got a good enough hold on him, they head to the steps.
They make their way up the stairs slowly, Eddie mumbling to himself the whole way. Steve hears a grumbled "Naked..", something that sounds like "..Gotta be dreamin',", and his own name, drawn out as if in disbelief "Steeeve Harrington...".
Finally, they make it to the master bedroom and Steve deposits Eddie on the edge of the bed. He immediately falls over onto his right side.
"Ow! Shit.. that fuckin' sucks."
"Your shoulder?" Steve asks, grabbing up a pin from his mother's vanity and turning back to the still damp man on the bed.
"Yeah, I–I must've fallen onto it before I went in." Eddie reasons, "Also, my head hurts."
"I bet," Steve nods, climbing up behind Eddie, "Now, you gotta tell me what to do here, man." he turns the cuffs slightly where he can see the little keyhole. "I've never picked the lock on a pair of cuffs."
"Ya don't say..'' he drawls sarcastically, "Just put the pin in my hand and I'll do it.”
Steve watches Eddie's fingers fiddle with the bobby pin; twisting it every which way while he feels out which side is which, which end of it he wants, prying it open with only a couple fingers, twisting into his hair, the pads of them ghosting along his lips, how they might feel opening him u--
Steve jumps up off the bed, causing Eddie to complain about the movement fucking up his concentration or something.
He ignores him, heading into the ensuite to start the shower.
Holy shit.
What in the actual fuck was that? He shakes his head, hard, willing his brain not to think those thoughts again. He is not gay or anything, everyone has thoughts like that sometimes. Tommy said so.
After starting the water and grabbing a new towel from under the counter, Steve takes a breath and steps back out into the bedroom.
He lets the breath out in relief when he sees Eddie's hands separate from the other, one palm pressed to the left side of his face and his other hanging loosely in front of him off the edge of the bed.
His soggy white Reeboks have also joined him on the bed, feet dangerously close to the pillow.
"Up n’ at 'em, Munson, gotta get you cleaned up." Steve calls, relishing briefly in making Eddie jump in surprise. "Can you get up on your own?"
Eddie groans, but slowly lets his feet drop back down to the floor.
Steve is back on Eddie's side of the bed before he's upright, offering a hand.
His open palm is puzzled at for a few long seconds, then Eddie places his hand in Steve's.
"Okay, up we go," he pulls Eddie to his feet, singing his arm around the other man's waist again and pulling Eddie's arm over his shoulders.
"Dizzy." Eddie complains.
"I know, I know," he soothes in return, "It's this way."
They shuffle into the bathroom and Steve lowers Eddie onto the closed lid of the toilet.
"We gotta get you out of your wet clothes, okay Eds?" The nickname slips through his teeth, but Eddie doesn't seem to mind it, nodding slowly.
Steve kneels in front of him, "Shoes first. Can you get your jacket and vest off for me?"
“Pushy, pushy,” Eddie teases, starting to pull his jacket off, “You really wanna get me naked, don’t you.” 
“Oh yeah. I am just itching for ‘pale, scrawny asshole’.” Steve deadpans in return, unlacing Eddie’s sopping sneakers and placing them in front of the counter.
“Oh now you wanna see my asshole? Buy a guy dinner first, Stevie.”
Steve tries to ignore the soupy feeling in his stomach at the nickname. It’s not even a new one, Tommy’s called him that before too and it never made his guts all squirmy like this.
It’s gotta just be because he and Eddie aren’t friends like he and Tommy had been.
That’s all.
But that’s not all, is it? His brain betrays him again, taking only half a second to imagine going on a date with Eddie, taking him to dinner, a movie, whatever. Taking him home, giving him a kiss goodnight.
The scenario is imagined, but the swirling feeling in his stomach is all too real.
He’s felt this before, the nerves and excitement of taking out a girl he really likes, getting to talk to her, get to know her, the possibility of getting to kiss her (and maybe more) at the end of the night.
But now it’s Eddie Fucking Munson that his gut’s all soupy for. Does he like Eddie? Does he want to Date him?
Steve feels his face heat up, his knees feel wobbly despite being on stable ground, his stomach erupts in butterflies—aw fuck. He likes Eddie. 
“Be careful with this, Harrington, It’s worth more than you’ll ever know.” Miraculously, Eddie managed to get his jacket off with the vest still wrapped around it. He passes the bundle gingerly over to Steve, like it's breakable.
He looks down at the crumpled clothing in his hands; he can see a couple patches that are hand-sewn into the denim, a broken zipper on one of the sleeves of Eddie’s jacket that has been pinned shut, a single button worn shinier than the rest. He believes him.
“I’ll take care of it, promise.” Steve says, placing the bundle up next to the sink gently. “Now, do you need help with the rest?”
Eddie immediately looks like he’s going to say no, but he seems to think better of it. “Uhm, can you help with these?”, he pats his legs, “I’d do it myself, but they’re gonna be a bitch to get off since they’re all wet and I’m still dizzy and don’t really want to bend over to pull off the bottoms but–y’know what just forget it, I’ll—”
Steve interrupts his rambling, “Eddie, it’s fine! I offered, didn't I? Help me out?” he gestures to Eddie’s zipper with his chin and starts to pull at the legs of Eddie’s skinny jeans. “I don’t get it man, why squeeze into these–”
The jingle of Eddie’s belt buckle pulls his focus, his eyes darting up to catch a flash of the buckle being undone. He averts his eyes, but a split second later, his brain registers what he’d seen and his gaze snaps back to it.
“Handcuff buckle? Really?”
“Don’t diss the buckle, Stevie,” Eddie chides, working the buckle loose. It continues to jingle as he works at it.
“How good of a buckle can it be if you can’t even get it undone?” Steve says, getting the second leg of Eddie’s jeans pulled down under his heel.
“It keeps me virtuous.” Eddie grits out, then huffs out a “Finally..” as the mini handcuffs fall open.
It was a bad moment to be done with what he was doing. Because Steve looks up just as Eddie unbuttons his fly and pulls the zipper down.
Steve shoots up off the floor, “Need some help standing up?” He asks, trying to cover for his minor freak-out. Eddie didn’t seem to notice.
“Yeah, thanks,” Eddie takes his hand and pulls himself up, “Don’t let me fall okay? I’m still feelin’ kinda…loopy.”
“Sure, man.”
So Steve stands there, gaze averted politely, as Eddie shimmies his jeans off and pulls his shirt off over his head.
He leaves him to it after that, pointing out the shampoo and soap, where he’d hung the new towel for him, and escapes to go find Eddie some new clothes.
He fishes a pair of black sweats out from one of his drawers, a pair that had been too small for him since sophomore year, and a plain black undershirt. He grabs up his personal favorite hoodie too, a Hawkins High Swim one, and a pair of thick fuzzy Christmas socks Mrs. Henderson had given him this past year.
After agonizing over whether or not to grab a pair of boxers too (he does, a new pair from the back of his top drawer), Steve wanders back into the master bathroom and deposits the pile on Eddie’s vacated seat.
The frosted glass door and added steam cloud Eddie’s form, but Steve can see the vague outline of him, standing just at the edge of where the water must be falling.
“I’m gonna start a quick load of laundry with your things, okay? I left you some stuff on the toilet.”
“‘Kay.” Eddie says softly.
It’s after he’s gathered up Eddie’s chlorine scented clothes that he notices, thinking belatedly to grab the discarded towel off the bed on his way back downstairs, but when he turns to grab it, he’s stopped short by a darkening stain puddled up on one end.
Right where Eddie’s head had been.
It all clicks. The smear of blood on the edge of the pool, Eddie’s complaints of his head hurting, of feeling dizzy and lightheaded.. And now Steve’s left him standing on his own in a hot-ass shower?!
He’s not sure how he heard it, but there’s a soft “Steve?” called out from the bathroom before a loud thump echoes out into the bedroom. 
At first, the shower felt fan-fucking-tastic, but not long after stepping under the hot, wonderfully pressured stream, he’d started feeling (even) more light headed.
He takes a deep breath, and leans on one hand at the back of the shower out of the spray while his head clears enough.
Operating in much the same way through the rest of the shower, he scrubs himself down, washing the chlorine from his skin and hair, wincing slightly when he stretches his shoulder the wrong way and when he scrubs over his right temple. There’s a knot there. Great.
He continues through the motions, taking as deep of breaths as he can, but rinsing the shampoo out of his hair is what does it. His arm stretched up, the more concentrated steam, the tilting back of his head…he bobbles forward out of the stream, hand on the wall again.
Where the hell is Steve? He’s gotta get out of here, gotta turn off the shower..somehow? Eddie’s vision blurs. Fuck.
“I’m gonna start a quick load of laundry with your things, okay? I left you some stuff on the toilet.” Steve says, back in the room as if summoned by Eddie’s desperate thoughts.
‘C’mon coward, ask him for help! He’s right outside the door!’
‘No! Damnit!’ He’ll be fine, he just needs to breathe again, needs to sit down..
Then he’s out (again).
When he comes to (again), he’s back on the bed, under the covers, and still kinda damp. And dressed.
“What the fuck?”
The bedroom door opens then, and he tries to sit up. Shit, why is he so sore?
He blinks away the fuzziness in his eyes only to see Steve goddamn Harrington hovering over him.
Steve pushes him back down onto the pillows. “Oh no nono you don’t. You stay right there.” he chastises.
“What the fuck, what happe—” The memories of the last couple hours roll over him all at once, along with heavy mortification that presses him further into the pillows. He covers his face with his hands, “Jesus H. Christ..did I pass out in the shower?”
“I’m sorry Eddie,” 
“Sorry for what? That I’m a klutz?” he mumbles out from under his palms. “Don’t think that’s your fault, Harrington.”
“You’re not a klutz, dumbass, but you do probably have a concussion…” Steve snarks back, and Eddie feels the mattress sink beside him, “Though I don’t know, maybe you always pass out in the shower?” 
Eddie can’t help but laugh. He scrubs his face a couple more times, then drops his hands “Only in the showers of my own personal saviors.”
He swears Steve’s face tinges pink at that, “Well aren’t I a lucky guy.”
“Well, seeing as how I’m dressed, and last time I remember, I wasn’t..” Steve’s face is blazing red now. “I think you must be, if you got a look at the goods.”
He waggles his eyebrows teasingly when Steve glances up at him, “Shut up man, I didn’t look at your junk any more than I had to.”
Eddie sputters at that, “How much looking is in your definition of ‘had to’?”
Steve rolls his eyes, “You passed out in my shower man, I had to get you out didn’t I? And I’m not about to leave you cold and wet so..I wrapped you up in a towel and got you up here.” he gestures to the bed, “Got you dressed and under the covers so you could sleep somewhat comfy while I made you something to eat.”
Eddie continues to eye him suspiciously, “So you got into my pants and then got them on me? That seems backwards…and sounds kinda fishy, Steven.”
“Oh my god..” Steve throws his head back in exasperation and scrubs his own face with his hands. “I got your pants on while you were still wrapped up in the towel, asshole, now do you want something to eat or not?”
“Wow…the kiss of life, a personal scrubdown (“I didn’t scrub you down!”), and now I get breakfast in bed? If I’m dreamin’, don’t wake me up.”
“Your dreams include getting concussed and passing out?”
Eddie shrugs, “To be fair, there’s usually less clothes and more making out, but I’m holding out hope.” He waggles his eyebrows again and Steve’s face flushes red, scoffing lightly 
“Don’t hold your breath.”
He feigns being shot in the chest, hamming it up and falling limp further into the pillows, “You wound me Steven, am I to be laid up for the rest of my days? Does his royal highness not believe in true love’s kiss?”
“I’ve already kissed you once, dumbass, Is that not enough for you?”
“It musn’t be, for my head and heart still ache!” he continues to bemoan, flailing a hand to his forehead. He’s honestly not quite sure why he’s still keeping up with the bit, painfully straight jocks like Steve don’t normally take well to his dramatics, and he’s not keen on getting punched right now.
But Steve doesn’t punch him. He laughs. 
He laughs and says “How ‘bout you eat something first, and if your head and heart still ache after that, I’ll give you a smooch.” Steve says, standing from the edge of the bed.
Eddie gawks at him, but allows himself to be helped up after his stomach growls loudly not a second later.
Steve walks down the stairs in front of him half-sideways in case he decides to pass out again, then helps him up onto a stool at the Harrington’s long kitchen island.
“I made eggs and toast, but I can get you something else if you like?”
Eddie’s stomach rolls at the thought of eggs, “Just toast, thanks.”
Steve nods, and passes over a plate with plain buttered toast stacked at least a half a loaf tall and a new glass of water. He takes a slice gratefully and munches on it slowly.
Suddenly, something clicks. “Wait, rewind, concussed? You think I might have a concussion?”
“You hit your head didn’t you?” he asks, rounding the counter with a plate of his own and perching on the stool next to him.
“Well yeah, but concussion?”
Steve shrugs, “I mean, I’m not 100 percent sure, but you definitely hit it pretty hard,” he gently pushes the hairs of Eddie’s right temple up and back, touching the fingers of his other hand to the knot he’d felt in the shower earlier.
“Sorry,” he says when Eddie winces, “There was a cut there too, but it wasn’t that deep so I cleaned it up and used a couple butterfly strips on it. Definitely looked worse than it was, but you said you didn’t remember what happened, that your head hurts, you’re dizzy, and I’m guessing the thought of eggs made you nauseous didn’t they?”
Eddie blinks at him once, twice, “I think I have a concussion.”
Steve barks out a laugh, tossing his head back with it. He looks back down at Eddie, still grinning, and time seems to freeze for a long moment.
Steve Harrington’s always been attractive, okay? And Eddie is only a man. The soft swoop of Steve’s hair, messy and flatter than he’s ever seen it in any normal circumstance, but it still looks good, the moles he can see scattered across his neck and arms and legs that Eddie’s always seen a big ol’ ‘KISS HERE’ over each, the relatively new softer smile he’d seen after Hargrove showed up and King Steve was tossed from his throne..
Eddie’s been so gone on Steve for so long already, and now he’s literally saved his life.
He never thought he’d ever want to be the damsel in distress, but now is, and he’s here, and Steve Harrington is his knight in shining armor.
It’s not just the possible concussion making his head swirl.
“Thanks, Steve.” he says, coming back to the present again–was he always this close? Do not look at his lips, Munson, stay focused. “Never thought this’d be how I’d ever be in your house though.”
Steve’s eyes flash to somewhere below his nose (‘Wait.. did he just–’), then he takes his hand away, dropping it back to his lap from where it was all but wrapped around the back of his skull. He didn’t even register that Steve was still holding him (‘Fuck!’).
“How d’ya think you’d ever be here then?” he asks, taking a large bite of runny egg.
“Oh y’know me, peddler of wares for any manner of frivolities my liege may hold.” He attempts to give Steve a bow, but gets dizzy almost as soon as his head tips forward.
Steve’s hands reach out to steady him, but drop when Eddie sits back up. “Yeah I didn’t get any of that.”
“Party favors, Steve-o, pills, ganja..all that fun stuff.” Eddie continues on at Steve’s understanding expression, “That’s what got me cuffed earlier.”
“Ah, so you do remember.”
“For the most part. They wouldn’t’ve even pulled me over if my tape hadn’t ended. I was trying to swap it out and ran a stop sign.”
Steve snorts, “What, did you try to bribe them with drugs?”
“I wish; that'd’ve been a much better story,” Eddie laughs, taking another bite of toast, “My stash fell out at Hopper’s feet when I got outta the van.”
Steve winces, “Bad break, dude. So what, you just decided to run? Why not before they cuffed you?”
“I dunno, man, I just bolted into the trees. Those old men couldn’t’ve caught me if they tried.”
“So you got pulled over, got cuffed for having drugs in your car, evaded capture by running through the woods in the dark, fell into my pool shoulder first,”
“Well I rolled into it, actually. I tripped on your patio, couldn’t catch myself on my hands, obviously, so I fell onto my shoulder first and kinda skidded slash rolled into the pool. Must’ve hit my head then too.”
Steve winces again, “That’s why the “Sorry” earlier.. I saw that blood on the lining and I didn’t even check where you could be bleeding.” He shakes his head in disappointment, “I shouldn’t’ve put you into the shower like that, it’s not good for you. And I know my way around a head injury.” Steve mutters.
“Sportsball will do that to you.” Eddie nods, grabbing a second slice of toast.
“It wasn’t basket–” he sighs, “Nevermind, is there someone you need to call or anything?”
Eddie’s stomach sinks. “Trying to be rid of me already, Harrington?”
Steve waves him off, “Nah. Your clothes are still in the dryer.” he says, standing up and passing around the island to the far counter where a phone book lays open. He picks it up and brings it back to Eddie, “I looked up Munson in case someone would be wondering where you are, but the only Munson here didn’t answer. A Wayne Munson?”
“My uncle,” Eddie explains, “He wouldn’t, not at this time of day. He’s already at the plant for the night.”
“You can just give me a ride home, we stashed a key on the porch.” he tries to stand, pushing through the dizziness.
“Oh no you don’t. You’re staying right here, Munson. That’s an order.”
Eddie sinks back into his seat.
“Concussions are tricky, you know; You have to check on the person periodically while they sleep to make sure they’re not getting worse. If there’s not going to be anyone at home with you, you’d better stay here.”
“Whatever you say, Doc.” Eddie gives him a two fingered salute, and relishes in the feeling of making Steve smile again. 
It was easier than he thought it'd be to convince Eddie to get back to bed, this time in the guest room across from Steve’s own bedroom.
He’d thought the surprisingly charming weirdo (he was apparently already smitten with) would fight him on it, but he’d followed him back upstairs without complaint after a third slice of toast, though he had gotten a bit woozy about 2/3rds of the way back up.
“What, no smooch? I have to settle for common drugs?” Eddie grumbles as Steve shakes a couple Tylenol into his palm. Steve just rolls his eyes, ignoring him (and the giant swoop of his stomach), “I’ll be up for a little while longer, I have to get your shit outta the dryer and get ready for work tomorrow, so I’ll wake you up before I go to bed and wake you up again in the middle of the night.”
Eddie takes the offered glass of water from him, gulping down the pain meds, “I’m gonna be super grouchy at you, you know.”
Steve smirks at him, “I know, but it’s gotta be done.” He takes back the glass and sets it on the nightstand. 
Eddie’d nodded through a long cracking yawn, smiled, then murmured a light “G’night Stevie.” that made Steve’s heart squeeze.
“‘Night Eds, I’ll see ya in a bit.”
Steve, however, did not get to sleep as easily, lying awake in his room after waking Eddie the first time. 
He set his watch to wake him in three hours to check on Eddie again, and he’d already wasted a good half of it staring at his ceiling and thinking in circles about everything that had happened, everything he’d felt and thought about the town freak sleeping across the hall.
He’d started with gathering all of it up and trying to cram it away to some corner of his head and leave it there, lock it away from even himself, but to no avail. The…he supposed you could call them feelings...for Eddie had grown much too big already for any one of the lock boxes in the back of his brain.
Then he’d tried to rationalize them again like he had at first. Tommy had told him, very confidently, that everyone has gay thoughts sometimes, it’s normal to realize when a guy is just objectively attractive. To realize you’d totally hit that if you had the chance. 
Harrison Ford was the first person Steve’d brought up during that conversation, and Tommy agreed. So that was it, Eddie Munson was just the same as Harrison Ford. He’d definitely sleep with Eddie if there was ever a chance.
And was there? There’d always been rumors about Munson, at least since Steve’d started at Hawkins High, maybe even before, but were they true? How would he even ask that? “Hey Eddie, heard you might be..y’know..into guys and I think I might be too. Do you maybe wanna do something about that? Together?”
Yeah. Not likely.
And Eddie hasn’t looked at him any different than he ever had before, at least not in the handful of times he’s caught the older teen looking at him across the cafeteria or from down the hall.
Should he just..start flirting and hope for the best? What if he doesn’t like it and decks him for it?
Steve scrubs his face again, this is so much easier with girls.
…And that’s another thing, what about girls? He still likes girls. A lot, actually. So is he even allowed to like Eddie? He reasons it’s at least possible to because he does like Eddie. Wants to date him too, but that’s definitely not allowed.
He’s no closer to figuring out what he’s supposed to do when his watch beeps to life again.
Sighing, he throws his covers off, stands up, and sneaks across the hall to Eddie’s room.
“Eddie..hey! Eddie!” Steve whispers, gently shaking him awake. Eddie’s bangs are sticking straight out from his forehead, the rest of his hair fanned out in a mess below his head, his morning breath already starting to form…how can this be so damn attractive?
“Mmm…Hm?” Eddie’s eyes squint against the low light filtering in from the hallway, “Steve?”
“Hey, how are you feeling? Is your head feeling better?”
Eddie sinks back onto his pillow and lets his eyes fall shut again. “Uhm, it hurts, but less than it did earlier.”
“Good, that’s good.” A split moment of bravery comes over him then. “How about your heart?”
“Still aches,” He slurs sleepily in response.
Steve’s bravery and Eddie’s wakefulness fade with each second, so before they’re both gone, Steve leans forward and presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “See you in the morning, Eds.”
When Eddie wakes up the final time the next morning, it’s on his own and from an amazing dream involving an epic battle, injuries, and a healing kiss pressed to his forehead by a soft-haired paladin.
He sits up, already significantly less dizzy than he’d been last night, and chugs down the glass of water Steve must’ve left last time he was up here. 
He gets dressed slowly, grabbing his freshly de-chlorinated Iron Maiden tee and trusty black jeans from the neatly folded pile on the nightstand. 
He’s wondering where his jacket and vest are when the sweet smell of breakfast hits him, “Oh, fuck yeah,” he says aloud to himself like a loser.
Eddie pulls on his socks, mismatched but bundled together anyhow, and steps out into the hall.
Steve’s voice filters up the stairs with a mouthwatering buttermilk smell, “Good morning Mr. Munson, I’m sorry if I woke you.”
What time is it anyway? Eddie winces internally on Steve’s behalf if it’s anytime past 8. 
“My name is Steve Harrington, sir, and I—” Steve sighs, “Yes sir, that Harrington.”
Eddie actually winces this time, halfway down the stairs now.
“No, no no, of course not, no trouble at all Mr. Munson, I’m calling because of Eddie.”
Oof, nope, that’s not gonna help ya, Stevie.
“I didn’t—no, not complaining about—no, he got hurt an–”
Eddie can hear Wayne’s voice through the phone now, even from where he’s stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
“I think he might have a concussion and—no, no! I wanted to let you know so you can—”
He decides to save Steve from the Wrath of Wayne and walks around the corner into the kitchen. He holds his hand out for the receiver, and Steve gratefully passes it over, turning back to his waffle maker (a whole-ass waffle maker! Lucky sonofabitch…).
“--And if you don’ tell me righ’ this minute how he got hurt–”
“Calm down, old man, I’m fine. Though I think Steve would’ve denied me waffles if you went on any longer.”
“Theodore Munson, you tell me what’s goin’ on right this second.”
“Whoa! Full name privileges are revoked for you,” He jokes, unable to resist riling up his uncle more. He pulls the cord around the corner and back into the hall, “Wayne, seriously, I’m fine. I just fell into Harrington’s pool a little. No big deal.”
“No big deal huh? Why’n the hell were you concussed in Loch Nora?”
“It’s a long story, but short version is I fell into Harrington’s pool and smacked my head. Steve made sure I was okay, and,” he cringes, “and Hopper might show up on our doorstep in the next couple hours.”
Wayne heaves a long sigh, “Goddammit, boy.”
“It’s all good, I’ll be home soon. I’m gonna pilfer some breakfast and get Steve to drive me home.”
“Wait, wha’happened t’yer van?”
“Okay, bye Wayne! See you soon!”
“Theodore Wayn—”
He breathes a sigh of relief when the phone is back on its cradle.
“Your uncle is scary, man.”
Eddie turns back to Steve’s voice, sitting on the same stool he did last night. Steve passes him a plate with two large golden brown waffles.
“Nah, he’s a big softy. He just worries ‘bout me.” he picks up his fork, digging into the fluffy waffles. They are unfairly good. “Thanks for breakfast, Steve, this is great!”
“You’re welcome man, y’want strawberries?”
They eat quickly, it was later than Eddie thought and Steve has the opening shift at his new-ish job at Starcourt’s ice cream parlor.
“Oh, um.. Ice cream’s good, right?”
Steve grimaces, “I feel like it’ll be very not good after this summer. Plus I have a dumb uniform I have to wear.” he gestures to the backpack he’d grabbed on their way out and tossed in the backseat.
They’re in Steve’s BMW now; his shoes and vest are still kinda damp and he’s gonna have to re-condition his leather jacket after the damn chlorine got to it, but that’s a problem for Future Eddie. “No college for you then? I honestly figured you’d be outta here as soon as you walked across that stage.” 
“I uh, didn’t get in.” Steve says, “Dad decided I should get a job at Scoops to teach me a lesson or something. As if I didn’t feel bad about not living up to his expectations enough already.”
Eddie doesn’t quite know what to say to that, but his silence seems to make Steve nervous. “It’s whatever though, I shouldn’t be dumping this all on you, sorry.”
“Hey man, it’s cool, sounds like King Harrington of Hawkins expected a lot of the Prince.” They’re turning into the Forest Hills trailer park now; Eddie has a fleeting thought about how he’s finally made it to where he’d been heading last night, and something about how a twist of fate (of feet?) diverted him to a whole new course he hadn’t expected, but was glad had happened.
Steve snorts, “Yeah, don’t think he appreciated the Prince parading around pretending to be King prematurely, huh?”
Eddie grins at him as the wheels crunch on the gravel pad outside his home. “A savior and a Prince is better than a King any day.”
He gets a grin in return, then it falls slightly as he glances up at the trailer. “Well, here you are, Munson. It was, uh, weird? But nice to meet you…Officially, anyway” he tacks onto the end, “Just don’t accidentally fall into my pool again.”
“Hmm, I dunno Stevie, it was nice to be pampered.”
Steve’s eyes crinkle up again when he laughs, “How would you rate your visit to Casa Harrington, sir? On a scale of four to five stars?”
“Hmmm.. probably a 4.7 out of five.”
“4.7?! Ouch Eds, that hurts.” Steve clutches a hand to his chest, “After all the waffles and wakeup calls,”
“Hey, I didn’t ask for those wakeup calls.”
“4.7…” he mutters again, shaking his head, “What would’ve given me a full five then?”
“Well you gotta lay off the wakeup calls for starters,” Eddie says, starting to count on his fingers, “More options for toppings at your waffle breakfast bar,”
“You had strawberries and chocolate syrup! What more do you need?!”
Eddie continues on as if he hadn’t heard him. “There was no lifeguard on duty, my towels weren’t warmed up for me, I believe I was promised a True Love’s kiss at some point and never got it, the concierge antagonized my uncle—”
He’s interrupted from his rant by a quick press of something to the corner of his mouth.
He whips his head around and Steve’s face is mere inches from his. There’s a blush high on his cheeks, his eyes are wide (and they’re hazel, how’d he not know that?!), “Did you just—”
“Eddie! Get your ass up here, now.” Wayne calls from the porch, causing them both to jump.
“Better get goin’ Eds.” Steve whispers, swallowing hard.
“Yeah, I–” he glances down at Steve’s lips, he has a few seconds, right? Enough time to—
“Eddie!” Nope.
His eyes stay trained on Steve’s nervous expression while his hand scrambles for the handle. He finally finds it, all but spills out of the car, and closes the door behind him once he’s out fully.
Without any more preamble, Steve backs out of their driveway, and leaves the park.
Steve doesn’t see Eddie for a couple weeks, wasn’t even sure Eddie would want to see him again after that stupid move he pulled, but when he finally does, it’s just before closing on a random Wednesday at Scoops.
“You missed, Harrington!” Eddie calls from the entrance to Scoops. He sounds like he’s out of breath.
“You missed!” he walks forward at a normal speed, despite seeming like he’d rushed to get here. He’s also shaking his finger at him, chiding.
“Where’ve you been, man?”
“Had to take care of the whole ‘evading arrest’ thing, but that’s not important. You missed Stevie.”
“Stevie?” he hears Robin mutter in disbelief.
“Missed what? I mean, yeah, I missed you too man, but what—?”
He’s cut off when Eddie finally reaches the counter, grabs his face in both hands, and kisses him square on the mouth.
Robin yelps in surprise, but that is the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. 
Eddie’s lips are chapped, but they slot along Steve’s so easy it makes his head spin.
After forever and no time at all, Eddie pulls back, dropping back to his side of the counter. “There. A real lips to lips kiss. None of that sly cheek shit, Harrington.”
Steve’s still a bit dazed, “Much better than the first one.” He leans closer to Eddie again, lips searching, but he’s held still.
“Whattya mean, ‘the first one’?”
It clears his head a bit, “Uh, the one where I saved your life? Obviously.”
“That doesn’t count!” Eddie’s hands leave his face, and he misses them already.
“It was lips to lips! Isn’t that what you just said?”
“It was CPR, Steven!”
“I can count it as our first kiss if I want to, Edward.” Steve crosses his arms across his chest.
“My name’s not Edwa—”
The long squeal of marker-on-whiteboard cuts him off, and he immediately flushes red.
Oh yeah, Robin…aw fuck.
He turns slowly to the window behind the counter; a single tally mark has been drawn into the left side of Robin’s YOU RULE / YOU SUCK board.
She caps the marker, sets it down, smirks, and says “Congratulations, Dingus.”
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this is also on AO3!
tagging a few of the people in the tags of the original who seemed interested in more! hope that's okay!!!
@inthewychelm @tboyeddie @brbsoulnomming @henderdads @ajs624 @sleepy-steve @eddiesdoeeyes @steddie-island @themeanderingty @hammity-hammer @spicysix @steddieasitgoes @willowworkswithwords @farahsamboolents @shares-a-vest @klausinamarink @fortheloveofgodletmein @sharpbutsoft @perseus-notjackson @zombiethingy @tchackdaw @eddiethehunted @smoothiecas @donttellunclesam @allyricas @living-force @xandriumbat @himbosandhardwear @everything-is-the-answer @sidebarre @m-owo-n @warmsole @occasionaloverboy @whoopssteddiefeels @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @extra-transitional @cecil5683 @makeadealwithdean @huymadovan
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Queer Books Coming Out January 2024
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ Tentacle Wonderland by Reese Morrison 🧡 Cupid’s Revenge by Wibke Brueggemann 💛 Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver 💚 Soren by Miranda Page & Lina Ganef 💙 Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia 💜 Stars and Soil by Dax Murray ❤️ Deep Sounding Chaos by Adrian J. Smith & Neen Cohen 🧡 Minor Disturbances at Grand Life Apartments by Hema Sukumar 💛 Evergreen by Devin Greenlee 💙 Matsdotter and Adrastus (Adventures in Levena #2) by Aelina Isaacs 💜 Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu Vol. 3 by Meng Xi Shi and Me Mimo 🌈 Destined by Jen Carter
❤️ Her Spell That Binds Me by Luna Oblonsky 🧡 Her Mechanic Bear Mate (Crescent Lake Bears #3) by Arizona Tape 💛 That Bitter Sting by Melissa Polk 💚 Bioluminescence by Toni Duarte 💙 Lucky Bounce by Cait Nary 💜 Don’t Want You Like A Best Friend by Emma R. Alban ❤️ Bachelorette Number Twelve by Jae 🧡 How to Share a Cat and Other Life Lessons by Evelyn Fenn 💛 A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing by Amy Allen 💙 Bound by Kate Hawthorne 💜 Moonbreak by Lise MacTague 🌈 Falling All In by Laina Villeneuve
❤️ Murder on Castaway Island by Alicia Gael 🧡 The Butler's Vessel by S. Rodman 💛 Tadek and the Princess by Alexandra Rowland 💚 Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney 💙 Amid Our Lines by Zarah Detand 💜 Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa ❤️ A Doctor’s Touch by A.A. Fairview 🧡 So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole 💛 Never Be a Saint by Mark Runte 💙 Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge by Lizzie Pook 💜 Eli Harpo's Adventure to the Afterlife by Eric Schlich 🌈 City of Laughter by Temim Fruchter
❤️ Enthralled by Her by Chelsea M. Cameron 🧡 Knight of Staria by Iris Foxglove 💛 The Storm Gathers by Maelan Holladay 💚 Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang Vol. 2 by Priest 💙 Fence: Redemption SC by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad 💜 Dreamer by Kris Bryant ❤️ Not Just Friends by Jordan Meadows 🧡 Winter's Spell by Ursula Klein 💛 Two is a Pattern by Emily Waters 💙 All Things Beautiful by Alaina Erdell 💜 Curse of Souls by Niranjan 🌈 Voyage of the Damned by Frances White
❤️ The Principle of Moments by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson 🧡 Curse of the Dragon Shadow by Selina A. Fenech 💛 No Shelter But The Stars by Virginia Black 💚 Shards of Trust by Fox Beckman 💙 My Fair Brady by Brian D Kennedy 💜 The Summer Queen (The Buried and the Bound #2) by Rochelle Hassan ❤️ A Luminous Heart by Cailee Francis 🧡 To Cage a God (These Monstrous Gods #1) by Elizabeth May 💛 Out of Our League by Dahlia Adler and Jennifer Iacopelli 💙 Earth and Water by J.L. Gribble 💜 Rend Me, The Wayward Knight by Mary Vanalstine 🌈 Prince of Endless Tides by Ben Alderson
❤️ Sweet Wicked Thing by Jessie Walker 🧡 Ocean’s Blood by Thelma Mantey 💛 Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms by Sarah Wallace and S.O. Callahan 💚 A Reckless Oath by Kaylie Smith 💙 Fallen Thorns by Harvey Oliver Baxter 💜 Faded Moon by T.L. Morgan ❤️ Game On by Amy Aislin 🧡 The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers 💛 The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland 💙 Spark of Wrath by E.M. Lindsey 💜 Honeybloods by I.S. Belle 🌈 Love Me At My Worst by Adrian J. Smith
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aceghosts · 5 months
What is Your Core Theme?
I found this uquiz, and I decided to take it for a few of my OCs. Sending tags to @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @clicheantagonist, @captastra, @voidika, @alexxmason, @captmactavish, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @fourlittleseedlings, @nightbloodbix, @theelderhazelnut, @carlosoliveiraa, @cassietrn, @cassieuncaged, @strangefable, @direwombat, @amalkavian, @katsigian, @cloudofbutterflies92, @onehornedbeast, and anyone else who wants to do this! (Tag In/Out List)
Blue Murphy
the lover
your heart is full and bursting. there is nothing more in the world but your love. it is your only purpose. you ache to drench everyone you know with affection and praise and yet ache more to feel your own love. you have been surrounded by it so long that it means nothing to you anymore, it is perfunctory, it is too familiar to have any effect. you know you are deserving of it but cannot fathom it having an impact on you the way your love impacts others. you give to others what you have never felt yourself because it is so abundant in your heart. your purpose is to love and your desire is to be loved. your painting is "the cradle" by berthe morisot.
(Definitely fits Blue. They're just so full of love.)
Rooney Shepard
the faithful
you place your trust in your ultimate goal. commitment is running through your mind at all times. you must adhere to your moral codes. you must be good to people around you. you must be good at all times. never show hesitance, it is unbecoming of you. hesitance shows distrust. you tell yourself to love your goal at all times. you believe in your goal even if it swallows you whole. it tells you what you need to hear, you assume, because it wouldn't say anything else. it is the core of your best interest. should you follow anything other than your goal, you aren't sure what would happen. it is pragmatic to continue, is it not? your painting is "last prayer" by eric enstrom.
(Oh, this is very Rooney-coded. They feel strongly that they must adhere to their moral code and be good/perfect at all times. Duty is the thing that keeps Rooney going; it's the albatross around their neck.)
Hunter Delaney
the griever
you mourn your losses. it is as if something has been torn from your soul and you are forever a lost fragment seeking what you have lost. it will take you time to accept some things are better floating through the universe, taken from us with vice and leaving us incomplete. your corners will drift through the ocean and each grain of sand you brush by will sand you down. you will reach the beaches healed, and your sharp corners will become dull and smooth to the touch. your painting is "anguish" by august friedrich schenck.
(I mean, yeah. Hunter is grieving their old life and the perceived loss of their humanity.)
Sawyer Beaumont
the academic
"any fool can know; the point is to understand," says albert einstein. you are constantly seeking the secret of the world. your pen is on paper, your head is in a book, your life is on the line if your knowledge hasn't been sharpened to the finest point. your studies are on the level of being compulsive in nature. it feels wrong to pull a pen away from paper, as if the words on the page are incomplete, or the paragraphs are too short, so you must keep writing words to bring sense to it. one day, the pages will run out and you will be left alone, knowing everything and having nothing. the urge will come to start a new book. the urge will come to lose your mind to find knowledge. your painting is "studying" by maren jeskanen.
(This kinda tracks with Sawyer. They're definitely the kind of person to want to know it all.)
Riley Callahan
the friend
you love to feel the warmth of a friend's hand in yours. food tastes better when it is made by a friend. you are kind and forgiving, and you treat your friends with ultimate compassion. you love your friends. you are grateful for every friend that comes and goes in your life. you miss many friends. you wish more friends kept in contact with you. you wish that you were not so forgiving sometimes but everyone has their vices. your friends take precedence over everyone. you would not be anywhere without them. you want to, one day, hold them up, too. you want to be someone depended on - someone needed. you want to be needed by somebody. you want to be wanted in the same way you want. your painting is "the three friends" by sebastian straub.
(Riley is so friend-shaped. They just really love their friends.)
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decepti-geek · 7 months
okay listen Aziraphale has basically NOTHING in common with Elle Woods aesthetically but besides that minor detail a Legally Blonde (specifically: The Musical au) would be PERFECT for Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands????
And I wanna make a distinction right off the bat - if we went by the movie, Crowley would proooobably be the only one who really fits Elle because she's the only one with a real fish out of water narrative. HOWEVER. Musical!Elle is more overtly like... fish out of water but still with some safety nets (ha) to fall back on, which are highlighted within the story. And meanwhile Emmett gets his own fish out of water story with the specific focus on his comparatively underprivileged background, and when you put those two together, Crowley feels a lot more Emmett to me.
Like, Aziraphale has the two key Elle qualities of a) lots of shit going unexamined because he's never truly lacked power/privilege before, and b) belligerent determination to do the right thing even when people are telling him it will cause him personal detriment. Crowley's whole dynamic with Aziraphale in the Job and Resurrectionist minisodes is basically just Emmett in Chip On My Shoulder if you swap 'navigating the heaven/hell dichotomy' with 'navigating law school.' GABRIEL IS A DEAD RINGER FOR WARNER. THE METATRON WOULD BE CALLAHAN. Serious and Blood In The Water fit them both so well post-s2 I'm just [clutches face] (the reprise for Serious is probably even more fitting for Gabriel than the initial version tbh).
Also, What You Want is just concentrated Aziraphale energy imo - "So! I will get into Harvard, impress Gabriel, win him back, and then marry him! Wait, you really think I need more of a plan than that? Can't I just... charge ahead and do it anyway?" In some ways I think I like this AU because it's effectively Aziraphale walking up to Crowley and going 'god says it's MY turn to be the absolute hot mess'
Beelzebub can a) be Vivian and b) stay together with Gabriel at the end, as a treat for Gabriel (Gabriel still drops out to become a model). This is partly because I find the idea of Beelzebub becoming Aziraphale's personal cheerleader towards the end fuckin delightful. The Brooke thing feels like it would take some finagling but I am confident it can be wrangled into a good shape with the right choice of characters (Harriet Dowling is legitimately a frontrunner right now but I think that could very easily change).
I can think of multiple directions in which to approach the Paulette and Kyle subplot, and honestly multiple couples who would fit if you changed up the surrounding circumstances a bit? I like the idea of Nina and Maggie in a very drifted version, maybe where they both still own their canon businesses, because then TECHNICALLY Nina as the one with the horrible ex would be Paulette, and it would be fun to switch around who is hopelessly pining after who!!
I am also playing around with Delta Nu roles BUT I know in my soul that Muriel is Margot if only because then they get her line like "Keep it positiiiiiive~ As you slap [them] to the floor! :D" Please take a moment to imagine Muriel singing that in full earnestness, it's a delight.
(And having decided this I kind of want the frat boys from the bit in What You Want to just be like... multiple Erics).
These are the edges of the idea, where stitching it together into something coherent starts to get a bit shaky, but at its core is Ineffable Husbands content along such lines as!
Crowley getting Emmett's little moment of delight at the end of Chip On My Shoulder when Aziraphale makes his first successful argument in class! ('Fell' rhymes with 'Elle' we can get some scansion going here with 'little Miss Woods comma Elle' I know it)
For that matter, the "Where are your law books?" bit in Chip On My Shoulder would be extremely funny if Aziraphale's dorm room is just the bookshop in miniature, and then still under all of that the textbooks are plastic wrapped and completely buried and unread becase they simply do not interest him the way an antique bible does.
Aziraphale in the playboy bunny costume and Crowley doing the "What's up?" [excruciating pause] "... Doc?"
The proposal right at the end where Crowley gets the repeated little 'oh my god's!
So many things about Take It Like A Man!
"Swallow your pride for me, just nod yes" is just such an Aziraphale @ Crowley line, generally.
THE CHORUS "Here you'll become what you're supposed to be/You think you can't but you can/Think of the guy you want most to be/Here's your chance to make it..." I will FIGHT people on how much this fits, Aziraphale has always wanted Crowley to have a place where he can inhabit the wants-to-do-good parts of his personality without fear or punishment, which Crowley is convinced he cannot have. This is the same idea!! (And in this AU, a more seamless role in the establishment is... legitimately the best that Aziraphale has the power to offer Crowley, tbh).
"Why can I never say no to her?" is basically just Crowley's canon inner monologue, c'mon.
"That's the best part/The outside is new/But now it reflects what's already in you/Couldn't change that if I wanted to" Again, I am prepared to Fight about this being a brilliant fit.
And then finally with this song, "Don't watch me change!" would have added embarrassed Crowley Noises which is wonderful to think about.
AND!!! The part of this whole stupid concept that so deeply compels me!!!!!
The duet part of the title song from either side of the door!!
"What about love/I never mentioned love/The timing's bad I know/But perhaps if I'd made it more clear/That you belong right here/You wouldn't have to go/Cause you'd know that I'm so much in love"-
"We both know you're worth so much more"
"If you can hear, can I just say/How much I want you to stay"|"It's not up to me..."
[in chorus] "You are the best thing about this place-"
I am going to be thinking about this last one for days.
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Worldwide Privacy Tour Part 2, it seems, is well underway.
"Yes, the night was pure Meghan Markle: A manufactured build-up of anticipation, a highly dramatic entrance afforded no other actual activist — Meghan climbed on stage to the Alicia Keys she-ro anthem ‘Girl on Fire’ — and then... a whole lot of nothing...This crowd was checking their watches."
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"If anything, as the night dragged on and the event slipped an hour behind schedule – a sudden break announced so we could finally have dinner – the crowd bristled...Notably, not one person I spoke to nor one speaker or honoree mentioned Meghan. Not one said how exciting it was to have her there. Not one expressed the slightest curiosity at what she’d have to say."
"And this image, our renegade duchess without a palace-worthy advance team to prevent such cheap optics as the Hertz hiccup, set the tone for the evening: Fatuous, irrelevant, high on its own self-regard, all sense of purpose lost. Gloria Steinem, once the face of women’s rights, reduced to star-f***ery. It was a bizarre night."
MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Meghan's word-salad Manhattan gala appearance
She so badly wants to be the Queen of Hearts.
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But, as she arrived on Tuesday night, making her grand entrance in Midtown Manhattan, sauntering past that rental-car backdrop, it was more like the Queen of Hertz.
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Of course, as the world is now all too aware, Meghan Markle capped off winning a meaningless award with what we’re told was a ‘near catastrophic’, ‘two-hour’ car chase through the streets of Manhattan.
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Yes, according to a spokesperson, Meghan, along with hapless Harry and mom Doria, were the subjects of a wild, impassioned hunt by the paparazzi.
Some sympathetic commentators have already made the gruesome comparisons to Princess Diana’s tragic final fate.
But to echo the statements made by New York City’s own mayor Eric Adams and the police department: Perhaps it didn’t quite happen the way it was painted.
Recollections may vary.
Naturally, their mouthpiece Omid Scobie is whining that no one from the Palace has yet reached out.
Wonder why?
One also wonders what Gloria Steinem, the 89-year-old feminist icon who chose to honor Meghan as a ‘Woman of Vision’ at Tuesday night’s Ms. Foundation Gala, must be thinking now.
After all, the car ‘chase’ debacle soon stole all the thunder from her event, which I was lucky enough to witness first-hand.
Now, it was hardly the red carpet one might expect. Hardly the pomp and circumstance of, say, a coronation.
Yet Meghan forged ahead as she always does, as if this were her crowning moment, sheathed in gold as if to symbolize a crown.
Or an Oscar statuette.
Same difference, really, if your only goal is fame. That’s our Meghan, none too subtle as ever, literally going for the gold as Harry and Doria took their positions three steps behind.
Harry may be a prince of the blood, but never forget — Meghan is The Star. Her Norma Desmond-ing is among the great spectacles of our modern age.
And this image, our renegade duchess without a palace-worthy advance team to prevent such cheap optics as the Hertz hiccup, set the tone for the evening: Fatuous, irrelevant, high on its own self-regard, all sense of purpose lost. Gloria Steinem, once the face of women’s rights, reduced to star-f***ery. It was a bizarre night.
Upon entering the Zeigfeld Ballroom, guests were asked whether they were ‘VIP’ — seems even feminist movements have their echelons — and turfed to the lobby.
My $1,500 entry-level ticket got me a hard seat with a front-row view of coat check.
After ten minutes, circumstances having changed inexplicably, the riff-raff were allowed up to the second floor.
Here were two open bars serving top-shelf liquor and the shock of post-pandemic dress code slovenliness. One unkempt guest was wearing sparkly Birkenstock sandals and a black stretchy minidress under a pink puffer jacket.
These were the VIPs?
The only recognizable person I saw was Peloton instructor Ally Love, and that’s saying something. Where were the stars? Where were the notables of the movement? The Malalas? The Fondas? The Beyoncés?
Perhaps no one was meant to outshine Meghan. Only one feminist icon was going to enter via rental car office!
Down in the ballroom, the plated salads on our banquet tables were ready waiting for us – dry, unsightly, stringy greens that resembled nothing so much as regurgitated hairballs. Notably, not one person I spoke to nor one speaker or honoree mentioned Meghan.
Not one said how exciting it was to have her there. Not one expressed the slightest curiosity at what she’d have to say.
If anything, as the night dragged on and the event slipped an hour behind schedule – a sudden break announced so we could finally have dinner – the crowd bristled.
It says something when a table of size-6 women tear into their heavily glazed steak and buttery mashed potatoes with abandon.
Yes, the night was pure Meghan Markle: A manufactured build-up of anticipation, a highly dramatic entrance afforded no other actual activist — Meghan climbed on stage to the Alicia Keys she-ro anthem ‘Girl on Fire’ — and then... a whole lot of nothing.
Verbiage and word salad that were content-free, except when speaking on her favorite subject: herself.
Here, in real time, we observed Meghan’s inability to read a room. She thanked the ‘other honorees’ without naming them.
‘Congratulations,’ she said, ‘and frankly, well deserved.’
It was all so smug and supercilious, this glorified podcaster telling these boots-on-the-ground activists — no matter what one thinks of their politics — that they had, in fact, earned their place on the same stage as the great Meghan Markle. That ‘frankly’ was so typical. It was meant to redound to Meghan’s benefit, as the lone wolf daring to speak the unspeakable.
There was the cringe-inducing humblebrag, calling her new friend Gloria ‘Glo’.
It brought to mind the forced intimacy of meeting Kate Middleton barefoot and insisting that the pair share lip gloss.
It's 'Glo' to Meghan, but Meghan is 'Duchess' to us.
‘We all bear witness,’ Meghan continued of her fellow honorees, ‘to you standing in elegance and the power of your strength.’
This crowd was not convinced. This crowd was checking their watches. There were trains to catch, children to kiss goodnight. Alas, we were stuck with the vapidity of La Markle.
Her speech didn’t even deliver fresh content! She repeated the story, as told on her podcast, of poor little Meghan coming home from school to her TV dinner, cat collars and copies of Ms. Magazine strewn about courtesy of her mother — even though it’s well-documented that her father primarily raised her.
‘Having these pages in our home,’ she went on, ‘. . . signaled to me that there was so much more than the dolled-up covers and those images that you would see on the grocery store covers. It signaled to me that substance mattered.’
Says the former D-list actress and former briefcase game-show girl who used her looks to get ahead. Who has posed for those very same magazine covers.This warmed-over speech, less heated than our steaks, was Meghan’s greatest hits:
‘Change is just one action away.’
‘You can be the visionary of your own life.’
‘Daily acts of service, in kindness, in advocacy, in grace and in fairness.’
‘The imprints that were forged in my mind — I can now connect the dots in a much better way to understand how I became a young feminist and evolved into a grown activist.’
A feminist who, let us not forget, has publicly demonized her famous sister-in-law — ‘Waity Katie’ to Oprah and an audience of millions.
Kate made me cry! WAAAGH!
In truth, Meghan's a self-identified 'grown activist' who has done nothing. The pontification, her sing-song-y cadence as she luxuriated in her own praise, was as insufferable as it was revealing.
‘Ms.’ she said, ‘was formative in [my] cocooning. It piqued my curiosity, and it became the chrysalis for the woman that I would become and that I am today.’
Right: The woman who vilified the institution headed-up by Queen Elizabeth II in her final years. The woman who heavily alleged institutional racism until her husband finally backed away from that terrible smear.
A woman with no substance and no accomplishments as a feminist. A woman who is still trying to one-up the royals, even from a car-park adjacent ballroom with no red carpet. Meghan is the personification of Ms. as an organization that has lost its way.
Indeed, most of the night was spent advocating not for women but for trans rights and Critical Race Theory.
‘Abortion is racist,’ we were told.
Beware the ‘the white supremacist patriarchal system.’
Yes, even the Ms. Foundation – established for biological women out of a deep, and enduring, necessity – has been subsumed by men who identify as women.
How fitting then that the night was overshadowed by a grasping phony whose empty platitudes on stage failed to make headlines, whose spokesperson told a wild story of a high-stakes car chase.
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Pity Meghan, but recognize her strength. Admire her, but never laugh at her. And never, ever question her veracity.
Worldwide Privacy Tour Part 2, it seems, is well underway.
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hello I’m Vince!!
I am a writer who is open to writing requests for x reader
Just a heads up that English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar or wrong use of words :(
This is meant to be a blog for x male or non-binary x readers
I will not write for female readers as of now (but might change in future)
I will only write for series listed below
no smut (I am not comfortable with that)
There are characters listed below underage, all characters will at least be aged up to teenagers, but even so I will only go as far as kissing
I will not write any sort of NSFW for any character under 18 (what i mean when i say NSFW I mean in a sexual way, things like cussing or slight violence I can do)
I can write angst, fluff or both
If you see a mistake in my writing please inform me on it so I can improve in future :)
If i missed a TW or you notice something i should let the readers know before reading PLEASE let me know, i’d hate for someone to be negatively affected by my writing
Please be nice and respect everybody and there wishes!!
(If there is a character I have missed that is not on the list for a specific series and you would like a x reader for please ask and I will let you know whether or not I can write for them :))
South Park
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCornmick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Wendy Testaburger
Bebe Stevens
Heidi Turner
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentis
Jason Gideon
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Like Alvez
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Sam Cooper
Gina LaSalle
Beth Griffin
Jonathan Simms
Mick Rawson
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
Julie Powers
Wallace Wells
Lucas lee
Gideon Graves
Matthew Patel
Todd Ingram
Young Neil
Roxy Ritcher
Stacy Pilgrim
Stephen Stills
My Hero Academia
Disclaimer I have not watched the series recently, so I do not have everything up to date and can only write up to season 4 :(
Anyone from Class 1A
Anyone from Class 1B
Any Pro Hereos
Any Villians
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki
Shun Kaido
Aren Kuboyasu
Aiura Mikoto
Kokomo Teruhashi
Reita Tortisuka
Riki Nendo
Kineshi Hairo
Chiyo Yumehara
Metori Saiko
Chisato Mera
Hunter X Hunter
Disclaimer I am only caught up on the series not the manga
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Hisoka Morrow
Chrollo Lucifer
Any Phantom Troupe Memebers
Ging Freecss
Any Zodiac members
April O’neil
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max mayfield
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Disclaimer I have been trying my best to see the second movie but I have only managed to watch the first so I can only write for things relevant in the first movie :(
Stanley Uris
Ben Hanscom
Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrak
Miles Morales (earth 1610 & earth 42)
Gwen Stacy
Peter B. Parker
Jessica Drew
Miguel O’hara
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider Noir
Penny Parker
This Masterlist includes all works i’ve written on this blog so far!
That is all for now! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to request, I am new to tumblr so please feel free to let me know if I need to add or be more specific on something :))
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glowing-disciple · 6 months
Reading List - 2024
Currently Reading:
The Cairngorms by Patrick Baker
Champions of the Rosary by Donald H. Calloway
The Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Books Read:
101 Famous Poems by Various Authors
The Abraham Lincoln Joke Book by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
The Art of Computer Designing by Osamu Sato
The Broken Dice, and Other Mathematical Tales of Chance by Ivar Ekeland
The Codebreaker's Handbook by Herbie Brennan
The Complete Book of Kitchen Collecting by Barbera E. Mauzy
Dreaming the Biosphere by Rebecca Reider
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Funny Number Tricks by Rose Wyler
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
Hammer of the Gods by Stephen Davis
I don't care by JoAnn Nelson
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Gödel, and the History of Archetypes by Robin Robertson
Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
Reflections on Evolution by Fredrick Sproull
Roadie: My Life on the Road with Coldplay by Matt McGinn
Time for Bed, Sleepyheads by Normand Chartier
Future Reading:
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter
Adventures in Cryptozoology Vol. 1 by Richard Freeman
All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez
Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions by Philip S. Callahan
The Anti-Mary Exposed by Carrie Gress
The Arm of the Starfish by Madeleine L'Engle
The Art Nouveau Style by Stephan Tschudi Madsen
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Cubism by Guillaume Apollinaire
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Evolution by Nowell Stebbing
Expressionism by Ashley Bassie
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods by Hal Johnson
Found in a Bookshop by Stephanie Butland
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter
Fundamentals of Character Design by Various Authors
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Humorous Ghost Stories by Various Authors
Illuminated Manuscripts by Tamara Woronowa
The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells
Joan Miro by Joan Miro
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Keeper of the Bees by Gene Stratton-Porter
Light of the Western Stars by Zane Grey
Living by the Sword by Eric Demski
The Longest Cocktail Party by Richard DiLello
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
Otis Spofford by Beverly Clearly
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
The Silmarillion by J R R Tolkien
Strange Love by Ann Aguirre
Sweet Sweet Revenge LTD by Jonas Jonasson
The River by Gary Paulsen
Things My Son Needs to Know About the World by Fredrik Backman
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
We Are Where the Nightmares Go and Other Stories by C. Robert Cargill
The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology by Deena West Budd
The White Mountains by John Christopher
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Fics i have done!
Fandoms i write for!
Young justice
Megan morse/Miss martian
Connor kent/Superboy
Artemis crock/Tigress
Jaime reyes/Blue beetle
Cassie sandsmark/Wondergirl
Wally west/Kidflash
Barbara gordon/Batgirl
CSI Vegas
Sara sidle
Nick stokes
Mia dickerson
Greg sanders
Catherine willows
Warrick brown
Riley adams
Gil grissom
Benjamin hawkeye pierce
Margaret hot lips houlihan
B.J. hunnicutt
Margie cutler
Radar o'reilly
Kellye yamoto
John mulcahy
Stranger things
Nancy wheeler
Dustin henderson
Max mayfield
Jonathan byers
Robin buckley
Steve harrison
Jane hopper/el
Lucas Sinclair
Joyce byers
Mike wheeler
Barbara holland
Jim hopper
CSI Miami
Walter simmons
Yelena salazar
Ryan wolfe
Natalia boa vista
Eric delko
Calliegh duquesne
Horatio caine
Alexx woods
Jesse cardoza
Marisol delko
Kate bishop
Clint barton
Natasha romanoff
Cassandra lang
Sam wilson
Kamala khan
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Mortal kombat
Kung jin
Hanzo hasashi
Sonya blade
Kuai liang
Jaqui briggs
Johnny cage
Takeda takashi
Jax briggs
Cassie cage
Resident evil
Claire redfield
Carlos olivera
Sherry birkins
Leon kennedy
Jill valentine
Jake muller
Helena harper
Chris redfield
Chris laselle
Loretta wade
Sebastian lund
Hannah khoury
Patton plame
Sonja percy
Dwayne pride
Tammy gregario
Final destination
Clear rivers
Lewis romaro
Wendy christensen
Kevin horton
Carrie dryer
Kevin fischer
Kimberly corman
Thomas burke
Alex browning
The mighty ducks
Fulton reed
Julie gaffney
Adam banks
Charlie conway
Dean portman
Guy germaine
Dwayne robertson
Luiz mendoza
Connie monreau
Criminal minds
Emily prentiss
Spencer reid
Jennifer jareau
Aaron hotchner
Kate callahan
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Luke alvez
Tara lewis
Matt simmons
Trauma center
Derek stiles
Angie thompson
Gabriel cunningham
Elena salazar
Erhard miller
Naomi kimishima
Markus vaughn
Valerie blaylock
Susan lewis
Mark greene
Carol hathaway
Doug ross
Kerry weaver
Gregory pratt
Samantha taggart
John carter
Cate banfield
Luka kovac
Harry potter
Cedric diggory
Luna lovegood
Harry potter
Ginny weasley
Remus lupin
Narcissa malfoy
Ron weasley
Nymphodora tonks
Sirius black
Marlene mckinnon
Draco malfoy
Fleur declour
Blaise zabini
Hermione granger
Kingdom hearts
Charles xavier
Ororo munroe
Warren worthington
Kitty pryde
Kurt wagner
Illyana rasputin
Erik leshnerr
Raven darkholme
Marie d'ancanto
Peter maximoff
Pixie o'brien
Harland mckenna
Frank mccullen
Final fantasy
Cloud strife
Oerba dia vanille
Snow villers
Tifa lockhart
Hope esthiem
Oerba yun fang
Vincent valentine
Lighting farron
Zack fair
Aerith gainsborough
Lucy pevensie
Peter pevensie
Susan pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Mr tumnus
Prince caspian
Marty deeks
Shay mosley
Sam hanna
Kensi blye
G callen
Fatima nazami
Eric beale
Harley hidoko
Nell jones
Code lyoko
Aelita schaffer
Odd della robbia
Yumi ishiyama
Ulrich stern
Milly solovieff
William dunbar
Tamiya diop
Jeremy belpois
Triple frontier
Will "ironhead" miller
Frankie "catfish" morales
Benny miller
Santiago "pope" garcia
The night shift
Landry de la cruz
Joey chavez
Gwen gaskin
Kenny fornette
Jordan alexander
Michael ragosa
Drew allister
Shannon rivera
TC callahan
Ewan mcgregor characters
Catcher block
Dan torrance
Perry makepeace
Christopher robin
Rodney copperbottom
Robert lewis
Alex law
Edward bloom
Star wars
Cara dune
Luke skywalker
Aayla secura
Din djarin
Padme amidala
Cal kestis
Rey skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Qui gon jin
Ahsoka tano
Poe dameron
Leia organa
Iden versio
Del meeko
Misc 1
Jack mercer
Mason "mace" brown
Spike spiegel
Lu fox
Elizabeth martinson
Laney boggs
Max lewinsky
Flip zimmerman
Nani pelekai
Murphy macmanus
Lu fox
Samantha caine
Bill s prescott
Zack siler
David abbott
Jed eckhart
Tess finnegan
Ryan williams
Barbara novak
Ted logan
Eugene/vida boheme
Tris prior
Murtagh morzzansson
Stephanie speck
John wick
Viola eade
Jonathan levy
Evey hammond
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Casey jones
Elliot alderson
Misc 2
Chris chambers
Andie anderson
Michael perry
Beatrix "the bride" kiddo
Quinn fabray
Benjamin barry
Dani rojas
Daphne moon
Javi gutierrez
Allison reynolds
Hector villanueva
April o'neil
Ned tash
Don billingsley
Asami sato
Beau hutton
Monica long dutton
Joey coalter
Celine naville
Sam munroe
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