#Eskel Big Bang 2021
kittynannygaming · 3 years
[Fic] My Summer Big Bang
This year, I’ve been a part of two Big Bang: @eskelbigbang and @geraskierbigbang.
First of all, thanks at those who made them possible. It is probably a lot of work!
Second, thanks to @zmezagain and @midnightmagpies for working on me on those and making wonderful art out of it!
Here, you’ll find the links to the Masterpost of each fics! Don’t forget to like and reblog the art!
Eskel Big Bang - Daughter of Fire
Geraskier Big Bang - Again? Better!
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witcherbigbang · 3 years
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for years or for hours
Author: ghostinthelibrarywrites
Beta Reader: maya-the-yellow-bee
Artist: thewonderfulthingaboutfish
Rating: E
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 52,278
Pairing: Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Established Eskel/Jaskier | Dandelion, Past Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Developing Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, Curses, Canon-Typical Violence, Mutual Pining, Identity Porn, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs
After Geralt vanishes on a routine hunt, Eskel searches for him in vain, grieves, and moves on. Nearly eight hundred years later, he lives a quiet life as a farmer outside of Oxenfurt and is in a serious relationship with Jaskier, an adorable college professor.
But when Geralt wakes from a centuries-long sleep into an entirely new world and Jaskier finds him on the side of the road, the arrival of Eskel's lost love brings with it heartache, peril, and the chance for a new love.
Link to Fic | Link to Art 
Edit: Now with art!
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justhereforeskel · 3 years
Dragon's Heart Tea Shop Art - WBB 2021
I got to work with the absolutely lovely @iboughtaplant for the Witcher Big Bang! She wrote an amazing story that combines Witcher and the Tea Dragon Society - which I was SO EXCITED to get to do art for and now we get to finally share it! 💜💜💜
I got a bit carried away so everything came out a little less refined than normal, but there were just too many good moments in the fic to pick just one! 😍
Please, please go read the fic! It's so so good and deserves all your loves, comments and kudos! 💜🐺
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Well well I feel the need to say something about this PR mess for this event, too. First of all I signed up as a writer for this EBB and I am still looking forward in participating, hoping a lot of great stories and art will emerge out of it.
However I do not agree with some of the points they are making, and hoping some constructive critcism will help for future events (if they choose to do any).
As far as I understand it this is the first big event (big bang) the mods organized and I think they are really dedicated and try to make this as much fun as possible.
If you do not agree with mods on certain topics do not shout at them, and mods please listen to suggestions and criticism in the right tone. Mods are organizing this for free for us so respect is due where it is due.
As I see it there were simple some organisational flaws leading up to all this. Easy avoided next time, dear mods, just release your event guidelines as soon as possible, so people do not get hyped up with expectations your event is not going to fullfill and never was intended to.
What really rubbs me the wrong way is the exclusion of certain content on the ground of including as many as possible.
Quote:"We're not trying to kinkshame or judge anyone here! we just don't want anyone driven off by dead dove/kinkier things, because we're trying to be welcoming of as many people as we can, and some people are uncomfortable with those things."
I personally won't miss much of what is excluded in this event. But that does not mean it should be excluded in the first place.
In my book "don't like don't read" is the best rule fanfiction has come up with.  Tags are your best friend. Read the tags, take them serious and if you really dislike what a tag is clearly warning you about move on to the next fic and check the tags. Trying to include as many as possible can not be done in my opinion with banning topics. That said  if the event was specified from the beginning for a certain theme e.g. non sexual fluff and comfort eskel big bang, everybody would know what to expect from the start.
If you do not want to set the tone as a mod you could do a poll and  ask the participants (potentional participants) what they want from the event. (This is a suggestion for future events done:)) 
If you do a open character themed event in my book it is best to let it open. Let the tags and personal responsibillity do their magic.
This way everyone can feel truly welcomed and find their personal gem in an  honest big "bigbang".
Wish you all a good day, take care!
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eskelbigbang · 3 years
Eskel Big Bang 2021 Masterpost
Here are all the fics and art made this year for the Eskel Big Bang. Congratulations on the hard work, everyone!
AO3 collection || #ebb works tag || #ebb art tag || #ebb fic tag
Below the cut is a full list of all EBB works:
Uprooted (T, No Pairing, 12k) by @rachofspades, art by @drachedraws
When a nondescript notice begging for a witcher's aid catches Eskel's attention on his way back to Kaer Morhen for the winter, he finds himself drawn in by his own curiosity despite his initial reservations. Once he arrives, it quickly becomes apparent that there's something more sinister going on than typical monster attacks, and he's determined to figure out what it is. Fic || Art (1) (2)
These Clay Hands (T, Eskel/Jaskier, 4.7k) by @aalizazareth, art by @hobbart-art
Eskel is a shy pottery instructor who meets Jaskier during one of his lessons. The two hit it off. Fic || Art
The Empty Safe Job (M, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 18k) by @iboughtaplant, art by @gods-no-longer-tread-here
A team of thieves with complicated pasts take down the rich and powerful to help those that get left out from justice. Their latest job should be simple, but an unexpected adversary has Eskel confronting his past. Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys. Fic || Art
the broken vines are an open door (M, Eskel & Geralt & Yennefer, 5.2k) by @trissmarrygoals, art by @flyingyarn
Traveling through Aedirn with his newly acquired child surprise, Eskel stumbles upon a dead body - and with it, a mystery. Fic || Art
With you I'll never be alone (T, Eskel/Geralt, 5.8k) by @dat-carovieh, art by @mondfuchs
From their first meeting, through their whole long life Geralt and Eskel have always been there to comfort each other when one of them got hurt. --- Or five times Geralt and Eskel comfort each other through some kind of hurt and one time they're just comfortable. Fic || Art
Eskel Has A Good Day (G, Eskel & Wolf Witchers, 9.3k) by @gods-no-longer-tread-here, art by @phoenixandjacob
The Wolves (and bard) of Kaer Morhen go on a vacation to the coast, and have a good day. Fic || Art (1) (2)
Tu Me Manques. (T, Eskel/Jaskier, 8k) by @etcorsolus, art by @cvbeebop
In which, Eskel meets a bard who calms him. Body, mind, and soul. Story title is how the French say 'I miss you.' The more literal translation is 'You are missing from me.' Fic || Art
Little Red (M, Eskel/Lambert, 6.1k) by @miahclone, art by @llwynbleidd
Eskel helps Lambert while he's recovering from a serious injury. To distract him from the pain, Eskel tells stories of past hunts. Fic || Art
Constellations (M, Eskel/Geralt, 7.2k) by @dredshirtroberts, art by @dat-carovieh
Eskel loves Geralt but their soulmarks don't match - he'd know. They're witchers, and scars are their business. As he joins Geralt in retirement, Eskel figures whatever he can get with the other witcher will be enough. He might get a little bit more than he thought he was bargaining for, but Eskel's never passed up a good deal. Fic || Art (1) (2)
Trial By Fire (Eskel and Aza's Wild Ride) (E, Eskel/OFC, 11k) by @janzoo, art by @liaonyxrayne
When Eskel rescues his succubus acquaintance from witch hunters, their reunion becomes something more as they're drawn into the hunters' plot. What can they do against a twisted idealist and the danger he presents to witchers and non-humans? Fic || Art
Pardon Me While I Burst Into Flames (E, Eskel/Jaskier, 29k) by @ghostinthelibrarywrites, art by @wolfgeralt
When Eskel is hired to kill an incubus who ruined a noble wedding, he finds that his target is far from a bloodthirsty beast, a too-pretty court bard. Eskel spares Jaskier and they go their separate ways, with Eskel expecting never to see the incubus again. But Jaskier has other ideas. Fic || Art
I Could Eat the World Raw (E, Eskel/Jaskier, 7k) by @buttercupsanddandelions, art by @gods-no-longer-tread-here
“This is Eskel.” He pushes him slightly forward, “And he just had his conduit moment.” After becoming a mage, Eskel finds that he's been soul-bound to a little lordling. Fic || Art
Something we bury (M, Eskel/Geralt, 10k) by @heartoferebor, art by @craftgamerzz
“Where’s Eskel?” Ciri asks Geralt, frowning a little. “He went out to do more hunting and gather some potion ingredients. Should be back any moment,” Geralt reassures her. “Ah. Good.” She hesitates a little before deciding to forge right ahead with her next question. She’s asked everyone else in the keep, of course she’ll have to ask Geralt, too. “About his scars…” * Ciri wants to know where Eskel's scars came from, so she decides to ask everyone at the keep about them. Except, they all seem to have different stories... Fic || Art
Lord What Fools These Witchers Be (T, Aiden/Eskel, 21k) by @jayofolympus and @frenchkey, art by aviixrc
When Lambert brings Aiden to winter with him in Kaer Morhen, Eskel is catapulted straight into his own personal hell. It would be easier if he didn’t like the Cat. Instead, he finds himself falling head over heels for his brother’s boyfriend and trying to hide it from a pack of nosy Witchers. If only Aiden would stop flirting with him... Fic || Art (1) (2)
A Moment of Comfort (M, Eskel/OC) by @merpancake
An attack at a brothel begins with blood and carnage, but Eskel finds an unexpected peace in the arms of Cenna. As their paths continue to cross, Eskel carries that same peace within him on his journey through monsters and men. Art
Toussaint's Finest (M, Eskel/Geralt, 9.1k) by @kate-river, art by @justhereforeskel
Eskel is still roaming the Continent. But in recent years the Path has become harder and harder. Eskel has made it a habit to come by Corvo Bianco around vintage and this year's events might change a few things in his life forever. Fic || Art
Beneath the Shadow and the Soul (E, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 32k) by @vix-spes, art by @buffskierights
Eskel had the strange feeling that everything was going to change when he passed through Dol Blathanna one year on his way back to Kaer Morhen for winter. He had been passing through a town and, instead of running away from him, someone had exclaimed “You’re a Witcher,” and proceeded to sing at him. He just hadn't realised how much of an impact it would have on him. Fic || Art
Daughter of Fire (T, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 4.9k) by @kittynannygaming, art by @zmezagain
Witchers are sterile, that's a fact. No female human can bear their child. Well, the keyword here is 'human' and a succubus is very not human. And Eskel now has a sweet 7 years old daughter. Fic || Art
Break It Recklessly (E, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 22k) by @anonymousblueberry, art by @nol-nol
From teenage tearaways to successful adults, Geralt and Eskel have always been inseparable. To the extent that when Geralt accepts a wedding invite with Eskel as his plus one, there’s the assumption that they have finally sorted their shit out and got together, forcing them to keep up the facade or cause chaos for the happy couple. What follows is a crash course in emotions, dating, and working out that love can burn long and slow for a very long time. Fic || Art
The Question (M, Eskel/Istredd, 40k) by @eskelchopchop, art by @stars-in-my-damn-eyes
Eskel's in Ohio when Yennefer calls. He’s reluctant to pick up; he’s still not over Geralt, and he's got zero desire to chat with Geralt's new lover. Turns out Yen isn’t his lover anymore, and this isn’t about Geralt. It’s about witcher’s work. Yennefer owns Portal, one of New York City's most popular gay clubs. A Post-Conjunction Entity (PCE) is hunting her clientele, leaving a string of withered corpses in its wake. The police are doing jackshit. Will Eskel come back to a city full of bad memories and take a job off the books to stop it? He'll sure as hell try. Along the way, he’ll cross paths with Istredd, a man with sorcerer’s eyes and a painful past of his own. If Eskel doesn't work fast enough, they both might become the PCE's next victims. Fic || Art
Is It Cold In The Water? (E, Eskel/Jaskier, 12k) by @jennyloggins, art by @jerry-of-rivia
His horse is tied to a branch a few trees out, and that’s where Eskel heads to grab his water skein, taking a deep drink and soothe his dry throat. Patting his horse’s backside affectionately on his way past her, Eskel feigns a stern voice to say, “Zuzanna, keep watch for me.” Her tail twitches as if to swat him away. Fic || Art
Everything I Want (I Can Find in You) by @eyesofshinigami, art by @phoenixandjacob
Eskel didn't think he'd ever see Jaskier again, sure the Cat witcher was only looking for a night of fun. But then he keeps showing up, taking Eskel to bed and leaving him little presents. It takes Eskel a bit, but eventually he realizes that maybe, just maybe, Jaskier means it when he says he wants to keep him. Or Eskel doesn't think he deserves nice things and Jaskier is determined to show him otherwise. Fic || Art
One Stop Shop; Tattoo's Piercings, And Love (M, Eskel/Jaskier/Lambert, 7.4k) by @jesheckah, art by @moondrunkart
When Eskel fumbles an invitation at a party to come into his tattoo shop, Jaskier and he move towards an explosive love. How many tattoo sessions does it take for the heart to know what it wants? Fic || Art
Entanglement (and other words for a mess) (E, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 31k) by @violaceum-vitellina-viridis, art by @merpancake
Eskel has a hundred marks on his body, but a soulmark isn't one of them. Fic || Art
Beneath Each Other's Bones (E, Eskel/Geralt, 7.6k) by @pressedinthepages, art by @drachedraws
Winter at Kaer Morhen can be brutal. But Eskel and Geralt find warmth in each other in an effort to stave off the cold. Fic || Art (1) (2)
#9fe2bf on the Shore (T, Eskel/Jaskier, 4.5k) by @buffskierights, art by @phoenixandjacob
The sea roars with a vengeance, something angering the waves even as the stars shine brightly overhead in the clear night sky. If Eskel were a poet he’d say it almost sounded like a wail of mourning, the way the whitewater crashes upon the night black sand and the gathering foam, the sea frothing furiously. But Eskel’s always hated his poetry lessons so being a poet is firmly off the table. Fic || Art
lion in the wolf's den (T, Coen/Eskel, 5k) by @patchwork-doublet, art by @justhereforeskel
eskel is nervous being around ciri, afraid things will go south like they did last time. Fic || Art
Sugar Baby Blues (E, Eskel/Jaskier, 24k) by adevinecomedy, art by @pastelrune
Jaskier’s mind slipped back to a night several months ago when he was all worked up but had nowhere to go and a mountain of school work to get through. How it was just so much easier to log onto a camming website and watch someone perform seemingly just for him. The gorgeous, confident man on the other side of the screen had been so accommodating, even though Jaskier had been shy and hadn’t typed much into the chat. Modern au where Eskel is a Cam boy and runs into a bit of a financial bind. Enter Jaskier who just might be the answer to all his woes. Fic || Art
Winter Comfort (T, Eskel/Jaskier, 10k) by @myidlehand, art by @liaonyxrayne
Jaskier comes to Kaer Morhen to spend some time with Eskel, after briefly meeting him in the fall. And while both of them seem delighted to see each other again, Eskel starts to shy away from Jaskier's comments and flirting. It doesn't take a genius to see Eskel is having body image issue. Jaskier aims to help him through it. Fic || Art
The Subtle Knife (M, Eskel/Jaskier, 26k) by @major-trouble, art by @cylin-aka-ankamo
There's an assassin haunting the Continent. No one knows their name, everyone - that is, everyone in the know - calls them The Specter. If you want a rival out of the way, a political opponent disposed of, or a strategic target taken out, contacting The Specter gets the job done. For a price, of course. There's an art to subtlety, after all, and it wouldn't do to risk the attention of law enforcement. So there's no obvious cause, no knife to the back, and the deaths aren't usually remarked upon. The Kaer Morhen Agency, however, has noticed. One of their agents has been hired to protect potential victims, people scared that they've been targeted. And they have reason to worry. When Eskel's first assignment winds up dead of no discernible cause, it starts him on a search for the elusive Specter, hoping against hope to track down the assassin before they're hired again. Setting a trap for a ghost is something Witchers are used to. Setting one for a trained killer may prove beyond them. Fic || Art
No Funny Business (M, Eskel/Jaskier, 11k) by goldendaydreams, art by @nanero11
Eskel had long given up on finding his soulmate, his soulmark nothing but scar tissue from a house fire he’d survived as a child. Knowing that most people wait for their perfect someone, their destiny, didn’t stop him from falling in love with Jaskier, the nurse he met after a hunt gone wrong. Fic || Art
Stronger Than My Storm (E, Eskel/Geralt) by @rawrkinjd, art by @nol-nol
Eskel and Geralt were friends from the very beginning. They added the benefits later. It was another way to offer comfort and companionship when the rest of the world closed in around them, and Eskel was content with it for years. Until he wakes up one day and realises it’s become something more. He touches Geralt’s silver hair, wreathed in a halo of yellow sunlight, and allows himself to feel the cracks spreading through his heart. Witchers can’t love each other. It would only lead to suffering. Eskel realises he must weather the storm inside or let Geralt go forever. Fic || Art
Full of Life (T, Eskel/Jaskier, 6.3k) by @sternenstaub28, art by @llwynbleidd
When Eskel gets hired to solve the case of people disappearing in town, she didn’t know she’d find a friend and maybe even something more. or Beauty and strength don't necessarily make your life easier, a companion and love however do. Fic || Art
choices are the hinges of destiny (T, Eskel/Geralt, 7.5k) by @lutes-and-dandelions, art by @cassandrasartworld
After rescuing a fae from the clutches of death, they repay Eskel by helping him make a choice. -oOo- A story about what would have happened if Eskel had claimed his child of surprise. Fic || Art
Eskel Vs The Continent (And His Feelings) (M, No Pairing, 47k) by @chibitabathasloves, art by @zmezagain
Eskel decides he needs to leave Kaer Morhen after the fight with the Hunt. Where will it take him? And will he be able to face his feelings he desperately tries to ignore. Fic || Art
lookin' to the sky to save me (T, Eskel/Geralt, 10k) by @torynickles, art by @trissmarrygoals
Geralt slides his hand from Eskel’s shoulder to his back. And then. Then he keeps moving it, outwards, away from Eskel’s torso, where there should be nothing but air, but— “What the fuck?” he chokes, because he can still feel Geralt’s hand, sensation where there should be none. He shakes his head wildly, twisting his arm to reach for his own back. His fingers connect to something, but—it’s not his body, it can’t be his body, even though he can feel himself touching it. Because he’s made up of skin and flesh, bone and muscle, and this thing has all of those, but— It’s covered in sticky, damp feathers. Fic || Art
A Fine Night at the Faire (M, Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, 12k) by Elensule, art by @liaonyxrayne
Eskel has been hurt by the world and hides for refuge in his little goat farm. He's found no reason to look for love, or much of anything else. But encouragement from his brother sends him to an unfamiliar locale; the renfaire! Maybe stepping out of his comfort zone was just what he needed. Fic || Art
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kueble · 3 years
2021 Year in Review
I wanted to do a fic roundup for the year. I posted a total of 271,996 words to Ao3 this year! That's crazy to me! Below you'll find my two favorite fics from each month (one sfw and one nsfw). Some months were harder to pick than others, but I'm very proud of everything I've accomplished this year. Let's hope 2022 goes just as well!
I am well aware that the majority of these are Geraskier, but that's my bread and butter, so it is what it is lol.
My overall favorite is the Geraskier Big Bang I wrote and posted in July: It's a Hungry World, Explicit, 25,000 words, Prophecy claims to have a lot in store for Fae Prince Julian. As the younger prince, he's not destined to rule, but is meant to lead his mother's troops to victory. He wants no part of it, and finds himself enamored with the human realm instead of his own. He doesn't mean to fall in love with one of them, especially one who doesn't love him back, but it turns out no one can escape their destiny...or love.
Bit of a Mess - Geraskier, Teen, 1300 words, Jaskier helps Geralt take care of a new scar.
All Dolled Up - Geraskier, Explicit, 2700 words, Jaskier gets dressed up for himself.
Imagined Flaws and All - Geraskier, Teen, 1200 words, Geralt has a rough day and Jaskier can't help making him feel better.
Glowing - Geraskier, Explicit, 2500 words, Jaskier accidentally finds out Geralt has a thing for being spanked.
Perfect Pair - Geraskier, Gen, 1100 words, Jaskier is hurt on a hunt, and Geralt thinks this is how he loses him.
Like Vines, We Intertwined - Geraskier/Leshen, Explicit, 1500 words, A leshen comes across Geralt and Jaskier while they're going at it. Everyone has a good time.
Guilty Pleasure - Geraskier, Teen, 2800 words, Ciri begs Geralt to take her to see a local band and the singer is really something else.
Let's Use Them Up 'til Every Little Piece Is Gone - Geraskier, Explicit, Mass Effect Crossover, 6200 words, Jaskier knows the minute Geralt Rivia steps foot on Omega.
Rubies in the Sun - Lambden, Teen, 2100 words, Aiden had made him promise that if he ever got seriously hurt, he’d get him into the nearest body of water.
Indulgent - Geraskier, Explicit, 3500words, Jaskier books an afternoon at the private baths in the hopes that he can convince Geralt to transform for him.
If You'll Let Me - Jaskel, Teen, 1400 words, Jaskier is quite taken by the shy witcher.
I Wanna Live a Life From a New Perspective - Geraskier, Explicit, words, Jaskier can't help admiring Geralt's body while he bathes after a contract gone wrong.
Stars in His Eyes - Jaskier/Dandelion, Teen, 1500 words, Jaskier has been secretive all day and Dandelion is heartbroken over it.
I'm Trying to Keep From Going Under - Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, Explicit, 3800 words, Incubus!Jaskier goes into heat and Geralt knows he needs help riding it out.
Drenched - Geraskier, Teen, 800 words, Geralt tries to cheer Jaskier up after he gets dumped.
No Matter How Lovely - Geraskier, Explicit, 6700 words, Geralt does his best to ignore the growing feelings his has for his pint sized companion. Spoiler: it doesn't work.
Just Kitten Around - Geraskier, Mature, 2000 words, Jaskier isn't sure how Geralt will react when he brings up kitten play.
I Wanna Hear You Sing the Praise - Geraskier, Explicit, 3200 words, Jaskier wants a mating bite, but Geralt can only do that in his werewolf form. Thankfully, nobody minds.
Out of Commission - Geralt/Eskel, Teen, 1100 words, Eskel wakes up in a bed, not quite sure how he got there.
Hold My Hand (Oh Baby, it's a Long Way Down) - Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, 4200 words, “You need to mate?” Geralt asks, and he can practically feel Eskel vibrating next to him. How does he end up in these situations?
So Easy - Geraskier, Teen, 1100 words, Jaskier has a bad day and Geralt helps him relax afterwards.
Forget Me Knot - Geraskier, Explicit, 1500 words, Jaskier has a new toy and an afternoon to himself...or so he thinks.
Tactile - Geraskier, Teen, 1600 words, Jaskier has always been a very tactile person, and the lack of casual touches has started to eat away at him.
Stay - Geraskier, Explicit, 2400 words, Instead of hugs or apologies, they fuck.
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omaano · 3 years
End of Year Questions for Writers and Artists
Was tagged by @eredins-a-king-aint-he thank you for that! ❤️ (and I'll finally answer in a timely manner XD)
Tagging @traumschwinge @dazedandinked @do-androids-dream-ao3acc and @rawrkinjd if you want to that is :) Or anyone who wants to look back on their 2021 projects (tag me in that case pls!)
1. What project are you most proud of and why?
2. Which project did you have the most fun making?
3. Which project was the most unexpected and/or challenging and why?
4. Which project would you like to receive more attention?
5. Is there a project you intended to work on but couldn’t find the time? If so, what is it?
6. Have you noticed an improvement in your skill this year? Did a specific project help?
7. If you could remake any project you’ve created this year, which one would it be and why?
8. What project would you like to make next year?
Answers under the cut:
And again with the answers:
1. What project are you most proud of and why?
That's difficult to say because there are so many pieces where I'm very proud of certain details or aspects of the creation process. But the one I'm proudest of for carrying through the entire project was the 5+1 collection of Geralt being picked up and carried around. It had so many pieces that I wasn't sure I was going to finish all of them, especially considering how legs are very hard for me ^^;
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2. Which project did you have the most fun making?
The one above. I generally suffer and whine a lot during the process of working on a project, because I try to force myself to use colours (and I regularly forget my brush and colour palette settings orz) so technically that's less fun. But the poses were fun to try and figure out and alter for armor and the different body type of the characters (even Geralt went through some changes, especially with Letho lol), and it was ultimately funny to keep squinting at my figures and wonder "when did your legs grow that extra mile, my dude?"
3. Which project was the most unexpected and/or challenging and why?
The Geralt and Duny chilling in the cave by firelight I made for the Witcher BB. I'll be honest, even with my fascination for Emhyr and his curse I did not actually expect that I would end up drawing a hedgehog. Ever. But here I am. I pushed myself on textures and mood and lighting and background, and it was a lot of panicked scrambling in the beginning, but it turned out unexpectedly cool, and I'm real proud of it. Especially for the 3 hours I'd spent on all the furs on Duny's shoulder and in the bg. (and the rock texture, god that was fun!)
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4. Which project would you like to receive more attention?
All of my big bang pieces tbh, because I do try to really push myself on them and they get little attention compared to that, I think?, but if I'm being very honest it's this one. I mean, it did one of the best amongst my Geralt/Emhyr pieces, but I love this one so much, I really would have liked if it got a little more attention. We all have our darlings, you know?
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5. Is there a project you intended to work on but couldn’t find the time? If so, what is it?
Yeah, plenty. A lot of them are fic illustrations where I have a very rough sketch outline, but something just refuses to work and I just didn't have the time or energy to figure it out (there are 3 of those in the below compilation of wips I really wanted to work on this year). (It's mostly patience that I lack tho.) There is the one with Geralt and Eskel - which I plan to figure out in January, as I'm planning to dedicate that month to him; and further prompt fills for the Witcher Rareship Summer Bingo that I didn't have time for. That includes Geralt and Regis and Dettlaff sharing only one bed (there are so many limbs and pointy elbows there omg); Eskel, Lambert and Geralt howling at the moon for the 'Serenading' prompt that I imagined would have been best in a little comic strip kind of format and would end up a little sappy (I don't have a single line laid out for that one); Geralt and Emhyr cuddling after a nightmare and Geralt still having his toxicity lines showing.... I really had big plans this year. Way too big.
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6. Have you noticed an improvement in your skill this year? Did a specific project help?
Yeah, definitely. I've improved a lot this year in many, many aspects. I've learnt a lot of anatomy (it's a big jump from zero to some but it still felt like a lot, even though I only just noticed how little I actually know lol); and while I forgot how portraits work, I think I can finally put the eyes in their right place and right-ish size. Most of the time. It's been a huge issue that still haunts me from previous years. Umm... I did a lot of drawings for the drawer (and Traum), because I'm not willing to go to twitter to post them (so you might guess what those drawings are), and they helped a lot. Lots of limbs and muscles in action, that's all I'm saying. They are very helpful.
7. If you could remake any project you’ve created this year, which one would it be and why?
It would be this one, with Geralt and Emhyr. I still very much like the accidental texture of the armour and cloth folds, and there is a charm to how rough it is, but I'd really love to see it a little more smoothed out (now that I'm familiar with the brush as well) and fix some anatomy issues with Emhyr. His arm is bugging me.
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8. What project would you like to make next year?
As I've mentioned above, I would like to draw a lot of Eskel in January. I'll never forgive how TWN did so dirty by him in season 2, and I feel very bad for having pushed him back in this year's project line-up. (I'm open to ideas and proddings ;)) I would also like to work on the rarepair bingo prompts and see where they take me. As well as finally finishing this piece I started back in January for Anomalous Elixirs. It's almost done, only missing the lines and colours for the last panel with Geralt and Dettlaff.... and my courage to look at the other panels to rework some details, because hoo boy, is it obvious that I've been working on it on and off throughout the whole year.
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Aside from those, I'd probably set the same goals for myself as I did for 2021. Push my working process so that a piece wouldn't take weeks to complete; learn how to do backgrounds (that's not just a bed); work on simplifying my style into something more illustrative and less semi-realistic, if that makes sense? I feel like that's trapping me a lot. Also I want to do some cute sticker designs, i'm really looking forward to those ^^
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saltytransidiot · 3 years
Looking for a Beta
Hi folks! 
I don’t post much here, but you might know me from my witcher fics like Ode to Fury, Sweet Sorrows, or Sweet Nothings! 
I’ve been taking parts in quite a few witcher-related (mostly geraskier tbh) bangs in the last two years, and while until now everything worked out perfectly, the latest one I took part in kind of fell apart for me. Despite having a finished fic, I have no beta, and I know myself: there is most likely a lot of mistakes in there and some things probably don’t make sense :’) However, I really love this fic, and after having worked on it for nearly all of 2021, I would really love to publish it! So I’m looking for someone to help with that. Since it’s a long fic, I’ll say it’s a pretty big time investment, so I wouldn’t expect it to be done quickly. 
Here are the details of the fic, if anyone is interested: 
Title: Wolf Coven Ratings: M (mostly for violence, and a few sexual implications, but nothing really explicit) Tags: Fae AU, King Geralt, Fae witchers, + more but i don’t want to give away all the spoilers  Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier, Cirilla, Yennefer, Renfri, Lambert, Eskel, Aiden Relationships: Renfri & Jaskier, Jaskier/Geralt, Yennefer/Renfri Wordcount: 37.5k Summary: After yet another poor decision made by wayward heir Julian Pankratz, the traveling musician finds himself stepping into the court of the Fae King. If he had simply left, the faes might have left him with only a hole in his memories. But Julian Pankratz is not a smart man. Going by the name Jaskier, he asks for shelter in the court, only to be faced with tasks by the King. King Geralt demands that the strange man accomplishes seven tasks, if he is to stay in his kingdom. What Geralt isn’t expecting is the headache that follows every moment spent with Jaskier — or the fact that he is actually starting to like the man. Amidst taming of magical beasts, songs sang and magic undiscovered, Julian Pankratz stops being an heir and starts becoming Jaskier, the persona he created to not feel trapped in the fae court. Moreover, he finds himself actually liking himself better in this court. His mistaken stumble might yet be his greatest success. 
If anyone is interested, shoot me a message here ! 
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another work for the witcher big bang 2021- this time, for @ghostinthelibrarywrites‘s amazing fic For years or for hours! the fic is a wonderful and brilliant geralt/eskel/jaskier, go check it out!
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kittynannygaming · 3 years
[EBB 2021] Daughter Of Fire
HERE, you will find my entry for the @eskelbigbang​.
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Thanks to @zmezagain​ for the wonderful art! Sent her love this way!
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witcherbigbang · 3 years
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Please find what I lost... (me)
Author: Tirthurin
Beta Reader: zmezagain
Artist: kenwave
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Word Count: 52,931
Pairing: Eskel/Geralt
Tags: a specter, Hurt Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Near Death Experiences, Medieval Medicine, Witcher Contract Gone Wrong (The Witcher), allusion to attempted child-molestation (saved by the teacher), Swearing, geralt's low self-esteem, Angst, monster-fighting, Medieval Surgery practices, Wiedźmin | The Witcher-Typical Violence
When a monster hunt turns into a disaster, Geralt is convinced that this ist the contract that will cost him his life. But if he has to go down, he'll make sure to take the final monster with him - resorting to drastic measures that are more effective than he would have thought.
A day later, a strange boy with Witcher's eyes and sketchy memories appears before Jaskier and Lambert and asks them to rescue a not-quite-dead-yet Witcher with whom he shares a confusing connection.
Add Eskel, who had been seeking Geralt for reasons of his own, to the rescue party, and you have three-and-a-half people that set out to safe the Witcher, who’s a friend, annoying brother or beloved - depending on whom you'd ask.
Will they get there in time? And if they do - will they actually be able to save Geralt, or will there only be time for a final goodbye?
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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trissmarrygoals · 3 years
Here's my fic for the 2021 Eskel Big Bang! Amazing art by flyingyarn!
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octinary · 3 years
End of Year Questions for Writers and Artists
I was tagged by @heartoferebor to talk a bit about my year in writing!  I was very happy to hear that you like my writing, but I can guarantee you I am no one to be in awe of. XD I am a very social person and I love talking, so feel free to message me whenever to talk about whatever.
I’ll tag: @lohrendrell, @major-trouble, @round--robin and @impsane if you want to play!
Questions and answers under the cut.
1. What project are you most proud of and why?
 What You Didn’t Know You Wanted! It was my first big bang ever and I think it went pretty well overall.  It’s also one of the longer fics I’ve ever written.  I’m usually more of a one shot person as opposed to multi-chapter, so somewhat successfully pulling off something that big was an achievement for me.
2. Which project did you have the most fun making?
Running the flash fics is definitely the project I had the most fun working on!  In terms of writing, my most recent flash fic entry, The Portraits of the Witcher as an Old Man, was a blast to write.  It was one of those fics where as soon as I got the idea, everything just worked out very serendipitously.  The fic wanted to be written.
3. Which project was the most unexpected and/or challenging and why? 
A Thousand Years really fought me and it only exists at all because when I got very annoyed at it and was going to throw it out and give up, @lohrendrell saved it.  I just couldn’t get the emotional beats to fall in the right order.  It spent way too much time feeling like a soap opera as opposed to anything genuine.  After much wrangling, I think it ultimately turned out okay.
4. Which project would you like to receive more attention? 
Oh, that’s a hard question.  I think the projects from me that received less attention this year probably deserved what attention they got.  XD  If I had to pick, I guess I would say Like Real People Do (The Day Before the Night of Remix) which I wrote for the Remix Revival 2021 challenge.  It’s based on before those hands pulled me from the earth by limerental which is a very good read.
5. Is there a project you intended to work on but couldn’t find the time? If so, what is it?
My failed attempt at Nanowrimo. XD  I have an idea for a huge epic based on an exceedingly minor villain, but, as I mentioned before, I’m not great at the multi-chapter stories so I keep stalling out.
 6. Have you noticed an improvement in your skill this year? Did a specific project help? 
I’ve been trying to work on improving my descriptions this year, since I do usually lean pretty heavily on dialogue.  I don’t know if any particular fic exemplifies this though...  But when I look at some I wrote near the end of the year, like My November Guest and Dziady, I feel like I did get a little bit better.
7. If you could remake any project you’ve created this year, which one would it be and why? 
Oh, Torchbearer.  Easily.  It was a huge idea and I tried to write it inside 48 hours for flash fic and the whole thing got unfairly compressed as a result. XD
8. What project would you like to make next year?
Ideally? My failed Nanowrimo about the exceedingly minor villain!  Realistically, I’d like to finish up a few WIPs that have been haunting me for a while, like the Geralt/Jasker & Eskel/Valdo shenanigans which is about 60% done, the Gaetan/Lambert I’ve had on the brain for literally months and the Gaetan/Letho cutagens porn that @round--robin inspired so long ago but which I still haven’t actually written yet. XD
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lamburrito · 4 years
Witcher Masterlist
Last updated: 6th March 2022
(Cursive titles are only on ao3)
Art of kissing
I love you
“We´ll face this together”-kiss
Pre relationship Geraskier
Beautiful in the rain
Worthy of Love
Lemon equals Jaskier
Geraskier x Reader
One word prompt:Warmth
Lost and Found
Prompt: I dare you
A Special Anniversary
Preparing for Reunion (focus on Geralt&Jaskier though)
Keeping Quiet (headcanon fic about Jaskier having to keep quiet and Vesemir teasing him, nsfw)
The colours of my heart (burn brightly for you) 
Not what he expected (pre relationship)
Others/Multiple Pairings
Revenge (Radovid/Geralt, d/s undertones, mcd)
Swimming lesson without much swimming (Geralt/Damien de la Tour)
Not Another Thing To Regret (Lambert/OC, Geralt & Lambert)
'Tis The Season Of Romance (Eskel/Letho, Ciri/Hjalmar, Geralt/Damien, Lambert/Yennefer, Vesemir/Jaskier)
No romantic ship
An old Wolf meets a Buttercup (Vesemir&Jaskier)
About Witchers and Spies 
My new horse Greg
I need a muse
Random snippet
Dying Protecting
The horse called for him again (AU where Jaskier is death/the Fourth Horseman)
Unexpected Post Mountain Reunion 
The Outcome He Wanted...Right?
Lambert & his mother dialogue
Are you going to collar me?
A bad day (or is it?)
Cake of Death
When a Griffin saved a Wolf (Lambert Big Bang 2021)
Of Rescues, Regrets and Reunions (Witcher Big Bang 2021
Forget-Me-Nots (Eskel &Jaskier,future Geraskier) (ao3 link)
Bad Moon Rising (Lambert centric, game universe, canon divergence)
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myidlehand · 4 years
Writing Masterpost
Most of my fics are Safe for Work and have no major warning except for one. It’s usually either Fluff and Soft or Angsty and/or Hurt/Comfort. Everything is properly tagged on AO3.
Everything is quite short and stand-alone. 99% are Witcher related things.
Anything in the Headcanon section is free of use by anybody (you don't need to ask if you can use it or credit me for the idea). But feel free to tag me in so I can read what you wrote!
The Witcher Fics
○ Tonight I Belong to You
Eskel/Jaskier, Explicit, Fluff and sweet, PWP with feelings
○ A Little House by the Coast on Tumblr | AO3
freeform, implied Geralt/Jaskier part 1 (Geralt's pov)
○ (New!) A Witcher on the Hill on Tumblr | AO3
freeform, implied Geralt/Jaskier part 2 (Jaskier's pov)
○ Winter Comfort + art
Eskel/Jaskier, Hurt/Comfort, dealing with body image issues (not the scars), getting together, cute, Eskel Big Bang 2021
○ What I’m Meant For on Tumblr | AO3
Geralt/Jaskier, Hurt/comfort, dealing with feelings like adults, Post-Episode: S01E06 Rare Species, injured!Jaskier, Protective!Geralt, happy end
○ A Promise to the Wind
Geralt/Jaskier, Triss Merigold, Hurt/Comfort, Sad, borrowed Slavic mythology, Post-Episode: S01E06 Rare Species, Major character death
○ The Empty Space Between Us
Jaskier/Geralt, Post-Episode: S01E06 Rare Species, freeform, bittersweet, Jaskier is pining, soft ending
The Witcher Shorts
○ Something New, Starting Again on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt & Jaskier, Hurt/Comfort, hopeful ending)
○ Unspoken Apologies on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt & Jaskier, Hurt/Comfort, fix it)
○ Cold You Feel The Love Tonight? on Tumblr | AO3 (Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, soft, silly)
○ Twas the Ignight Before Christmas on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Jaskier, silly, fluff)
○ The Butt of the Joke on Tumblr | AO3 (Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, soft, silly)
○ Petals on Tumblr | AO3 (Jaskier/Geralt, soft, just super soft and fluffy)
○ Paper Skin on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Jaskier, soulmark au, fluff)
○ The Mountain on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Jaskier, post Rare Species, fix it)
○ The Cave on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Jaskier, a prequel to The Path, happy ending) 
○ The Path on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Jaskier, angst)
○ White Hair on Tumblr | AO3 (funny)
○ Fear (Companion piece to Senses) on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Eskel, Baby Witcher, angst, mind control and improper use of Axii by other Witchers)
○ Senses (companion piece to Fear) on Tumblr | AO3 (Geralt/Eskel, Baby Witchers, Hurt/Comfort)
○ Godling on Tumblr | AO3 (immortal Jaskier, Norse mytho)
The Witcher Headcanons (free to use by anybody)
(New!) Jaskier will starts fights he can't finish
Geralt can't take it when Jaskier is silent
Jaskier always remembers conversations
Eskel & his first Sign + art
All the things that will never be on Tumblr | AO3 (sad Eskel flicet)
Lambert tells stories about the scars
Hiring Geralt is... weird (Witcher 3)
Noir Detective AU (more of a concept)
Wanking Competition
The Coin (for a longer work, see What I’m Meant For)
The Bedroll
Baby Eskel helps train the other + art
Jaskier is lucky
Lambert is fucked (I have plans to turn this into a fic)
Body Swap
Arabian Nights (immortal Jaskier)
Sitting at Camp after a brutal hunt
Sleepy Time (fluffy as hell)
Jaskier is Vesemir Child Surpise
Eskel is self-conscious
Eskel has very powerful Signs
Witcher Star Trek AU
Jaskier sings in his sleep
Various old Headcanons
Russian (The Man from U.N.C.L.E)
Lacross (teen Wolf)
Tony and Jarvis (Marvel)
Marvel (older works)
His Curse  (Loki, Thor, Angst, Dark, Mental Abuse, Possession)
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witcherbigbang · 3 years
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Sleep Deeply
Author: minutiae
Artist: liaonyxrayne  
Rating: M
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Word Count: 3,825+
Pairings: Coën & Lambert
Tags: Trial Of The Grasses (The Witcher), Trial Of The Medallion (The Witcher), The Inherent Tragedy of Witchers (The Witcher), Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Malicious Teasing, Depression, Winter at Kaer Morhen (The Witcher), Ghosts, Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death, Mild Blood, mentioned gambling, mentioned drinking, Past Character Death, mentioned child death, Suicidal Ideation, Sacking of Kaer Morhen (The Witcher), No Characters Die On Screen, Platonic Relationships, Family, Pack Bonding, The Fall of Kaer y Seren, Hair Braiding
Lambert has a habit of going out alone. It took years for the other wolves to notice, but when they did all they found was an empty, dank cave. Why would Lambert prefer to hide out in the valley, in what they teasingly referred to as Camp Sulk?
He was the youngest wolf witcher by decades now, but still held himself separate. It isn’t until he brings a friend home that the wolves get any answers. Coën finds himself asking, have they really teased him about this all these years?
Link to Fic | Link to Art
Note: Will be updated with link to full artwork
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