#tea dragon society AU
lemonmaid · 1 year
hey champ, could you do a omega male reader royal AU with any of the SnK men? Erwin, Levi, Eren, Reiner, Armin, Jean - anyone. Pardon for bothering.
Hey! I couldn't pick either of them, the possibilities are endless so I just did them all and picked out more scenarios. This is more than what you asked but still. I hope you enjoy!
Dragon Erwin
Apex Alpha x Omega
Imagine you're a prince on an adventure, why? To prove to your family that you are ready to take the throne. On your way, you find a small village in desperate help; they tell you a tale or an old prophecy of a hero coming and over-throwing a dragon and ending its reign of terror, well there's a slight problem...
"There is a dragon I say! We've seen it with our own eyes!"
(Name) nodded their head, 'okay lady, as if dragons haven't been extinct for hundreds of years' "Ma'am I would really love to help, but I see no dragon here nor any issues".
The old woman got red in the face, "Do you see any crops? Do you see the once gushing waterfall? No?! That's because a dragon has made our home their home! The land is cursed!!".
(Name) did look around the town, it was very dry, but that could be from numerous things, like maybe to the new build damn that kingdom had sent out a noticed to all the near by towns.
"What kind of hero are you? Do you doubt the people in need?". The crowd around the two agreed, bickering.
(Name) sighed, "Okay, I'll look for the dragon". Not wanting to tarnish his barely known reputation.
The town cheered.
"So where is this dragon?".
'Of course it had to be an abandoned castle with lava. Noooo it couldn't be a cave in a mountain or a crater in a field'.
(Name) carefully walked acrossed an old bridge, "for my honor, for my family, for the town filled with delusional citizens" he repeated.
The castle was barren, nothing but old family crest that used to mean something to someone, an old throne room, and skeletor remains.
'Wait... human remains?'. (Name) quickly pulled out their sword.
"So after 500 years of war, this is what they sent me? An omega?"
"You!- how can you smell my scent?! Show yourself!"
The voiced groaned, "I rather not, I was sleeping comfortably until you showed up. Can't a man get a few hundred years of sleep?".
(Name) gulped, slowly walking towards the voice. "Well I wouldn't call you a man...beast? Maybe, but you are far from a man".
The voiced sighed, "I do supposed you are correct".
"So are these bodies from your cause?"
"No. They were like this when I got here. Probably another useless war from you humans. They say we dragons are the greedy ones, when really all you humans take and take".
(Name) was getting nervous, it was dark, there was no light sources besides the red glow of lava that came from outside.
(Name) screamed, turning himself around, pointing his sworded at a tall blonde hair man.
The man smiled, moving the sword away from his face. "Of course, we "beast" can shaped shift".
(Name) just stared at the man confused.
"Would you like to join me for some tea?"
"How the hell do you have tea?"
"Am hundreds of years old, I have tea from all around the world and tea from dead societies. I also have a good friend who brings me some regularly".
The blond man started walking away from (Name), "Wait! What about that prophecy?!"
The man chuckled, "you fell for that scam? I almost feel bad now. Your stuff is probably already stolen if you did leave stuff".
(Name)'s face fell.
"Aww don't cry now mega, now come and join me and we can chat".
Guard Levi
Omega x Omega
Your parents thought that you needed a gaurd, so who do they choose? The best of the best.
Levi came from a family-long line of assassins. When (Name) was born, Levi only five was sworn under oath to protect the young heir.
When (name) started walking, he always held hands with Levi.
If Levi was training, (Name) was always close by watching.
Can't fine the young prince? Check the training grounds, he was probably watching the young knight.
"I want you to train me on how to be a knight!"
Levi looked dumbfounded, "not a chance".
"Eh! Why not!"
"One, you're an omega"
"Well you are an omega too!"
"Yeah, but I'm not an omegan prince. They can afford to lose me"
(Name) frowned, "don't say that...".
Levi sighed, "I won't train you how to be a knight"
"But, I will train you on how to use a sword".
(Name)'s face brightened.
As (Name) trained they were covered in bruises and their bones ache.
"Your form is off, again... which is why I can just stab you, right here".
(Name) felt the pointed edge behind their knee, sweat dripped down his forehead. "You know".
(Name) took a breath, "maybe go a little easy on me? Kinda never held a sword before" he chuckled.
"You can ask the next assassin to go easy on you when I am not around".
"Please, you aren't leaving soon, you're not dying of old age yet are you?" (Name) laughed.
Levi sighed and paused, "(Name)...they want me on the front lines of an upcoming attack on the south".
(Name)'s heart dropped, "you're kidding".
"Can't say I am".
Prince Eren
Alpha x Omega
An arranged marriage between two kingdoms that have been at war for centuries. You and Eren have been meeting/courting since you two were able to speak. As children, you two never understood why you were always around each other every holiday or summer break, but you two were best friends for the time being. Then Eren grew into being the rebellious teen, he always dismissed you or even flat out ignore your presence.
"Why do I have to be damsel again! Why can't you!?" Young (Name) whined.
"Because you're a snot nosed omega cub!"
"Am Not!"
"Are too! That's why my dad said we are going to be married when we are older" Young Eren scoffed.
"I haven't even shown any signs of being an omega! So how did they know I won't be an alpha and you an omega?!"
"Because all first borns in my family are alphas! Right Mikasa?".
(Name) looked over at Mikasa who just nodded their head.
"Whatever, I don't want to play this game anymore".
"You are just a late bloomer that's all, it just takes time for some pups to show their second gender". The (L/N)'s royal physician tried to reassure the family of (Name)'s gender. (Name) was already 12 and hadn't reach their growth spert or shown any signs of a scent change.
"Young Master, Master Eren is here for his visit".
(Name) and Eren sat in a field together, watching the citzizens below the hill carry out their day. (Name)'s face scrunched up, "You smell different".
"I am an alpha". Eren's face softened.
(Name)'s face fell, pouting.
Eren smiled down at them and pat their head, "It's fine, you still have time".
After a few years of being separated, the two changed. (Name) stayed the same while Eren and his family went under scandal after it being proven that Eren wasn't heir to the thrown but his bastarded older brother. To "celebrate" missing birthdays Eren's mother threw a party for her step son.
"Oh you actually came"
"Well... yeah I was invited by your parents..."
Eren tch, "Even though you are a disgrace to your family?"
"Excuse me?"
"You don't even have a second gender, you are disgrace to your family and kingdom, can you even run a kingdom when your body is messed up? Can you even make decision when your body cant".
"You know what Eren, I was invited by your mom to see what is wrong with you or even to cheer you up with all this teenage edge you got going on, but fuck you. I feel bad for Mikasa who does nothing but listen to your nonsense".
"Don't walk away from me (Name)!".
After a few more years, Eren's family was assassinated by his brother and his brother's army. Eren and his army have been taking over what little kingdom they controlled, making alliances with enemy kingdoms, and the use of dark magic.
"..Eren what have you done?"
"I did what an a king does. I protect my kingdom and my family. They started this when they killed my parents and made me king. I understood my place... it's time you did the same, omega".
Assassin Reiner
Alpha x Omega
As the only sole heir to a dying throne, you were the miracle of the kingdom. Due to being a precious miracle, you were kept up in the castle your whole life. Every family has enemies, you just happened to be the next target.
Reiner was undercover as a gardener, his next target Prince (Name), why? Because (L/N)'s kingdom was a dying one and Reiner's king thought might aswell take the family out while they are weak.
But every attempt to kill the omegan heir made Reiners heartstrings pull, maybe it was something in his DNA or how he was raised to treat omegas.
"Reiner! Look!". (Name) came running from inside the castle holding papers.
"I got a perfect marks on my lesson because of yout help in autonomy!". (Name) smiled so brightly .
"Thats... great". Reiner once again clenching the knife in his pocket.
"My teacher said that it was amazing because there wasn't even books about some of the things that you taught me! Where did you learn about vocal cords and that stuff about stomachs?".
Reiner started to sweat,"Oh... my mother was a doctor....".
(Name) looked puzzled, "huh, I guess where you are from it's okay to do autopsies then? Because I think the church would have our heads for that! Haha!".
(Name) looked down at the bed beside Reiner, "What flowers are you putting in today?".
"Oh... just some flowers that will grow in the winter and some that will grow in the summer"
"What kind?"
Reiner smiled softy, "marigolds and dry white roses".
Reiner needed to be careful more, for himself and for (Name).
Mage Armin
Beta x Omega
Armin was a young mage, or even a mage in training. In this world magic is very limited and only few people are born with the ability to use and read ancient texts. So when Armin is hired by a royal family to cure their only son from a curse that was placed on you as a baby. What is that curse? No one knows, not even the royal physician could see what's wrong with you. Is it paranoia or a real curse.
Armin was chanting the third scripture of the day, the intense was burning, salt around the windows, every precaution measure was taken.
As the meditation ended, the two sat in silence.
Armin coughed, "so do you feel any different?"
(Name) sighed, "nope".
Armin grabbed his checkboard, "so you are definitely not possession, so that takes that off the list".
(Name) just hummed while they stared at the ceiling.
"I can't find anything, even looking at your medical records, no diseases or counts of plague".
"That's not surprising. I'm pretty sure that my dam just imagined an old woman talking to me in the middle of the night. I mean what does no sleep do to a person".
"Hmmm, that could be a possibility but it is good to find out for sure".
"Well, it's been like this since that day and so far we've found nothing so far".
"Oh that reminds me". Armin went through his magic endless bag.
"Happy birthday (name)".
(Name) smiled fondly at the small present, "what is it?".
Armin smiled and took a seat next to (Name), "go ahead. Open it".
As (Name) opened the little box, he looked inside, "A necklace?".
"It's a special necklace, watch".
Armin took the necklace out of (Name)'s hands, putting on the bed. With a wave of his hand, the amulet glowed, then showing a map of the world.
"Woah! Is this where we live?".
Armin chuckled, "Yeah and here's where I am from".
(Name) looked fondly at the small holographic map.
"Once we figure out your curse, I wanna show you the world. You don't need to stay in this tower all the time, if you are going to be king, you need to see all the cultures and the world!".
Bounty Hunter Jean
Alpha x Omega
(Name) was the only mage in his kingdom, he was also apparently the only one the King was willing to hire, sending a Bounty Hunter to bother him until he was confined.
Another bottle of enchantment was gone, broken in front of a tree where many others lied. Jean huffed, "this would just be easier if you would come with me".
(Name) grabbed their broom and walked over. "I can't leave! I've got a farm of plants and chickens to take care of!"
Speaking of chickens, a flock came up right behind the man, following his every move.
"Are you going to take care of them?". (Name) glared at Jean, pointing his broom into Jean's chest.
Jean put his hands up in the air, "Listen, I'm only here-".
(Name) rolled his eyes,"To take me to see the King because he declared an audience with me, ya ya, I heard you all morning. Is that all?".
"Good". (Name) started to whisper.
Jean was blowned back to the beginning of the woods.
Sorry this took so long 'champ' anon! I really couldn't pick so I said fuck it and did them all! If anyone or the situations interest you go ahead and I'll write a couple out! Thank you so much for the request!. Also some of the people fo have shorter lengths because I was stumped on some, sorry if it looked more lazy! I will try my best next time!.
Yes, for many of you wondering I am still working on Isseki back into Twisted Wonderland, I just have extreme writes block if that one.
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yappingespurr · 1 month
Who is Alyssa?
Wonderful question I thought nobody would ever ask! I did. I asked
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Alyssa Drache is Cassahn’s guardian and older sister
She’s gentle, almost grandma-like in her mannerisms. The type that would bake you cookies if she knew you’d be visiting, or would have a gift and blankets ready for your arrival. The kind that would listen to your worries without a single judgement.
She’s a WHM and BRD. Not a big variety, but she isn’t a fighter. She prefers to stay in the back to protect others. She only picked up BRD as a way to protect her house believe it or not.
However, she’s an avid gatherer and craftswoman. Her personal cup of tea is a botanist, but you’ll always find her in her kitchen making something delicious to eat. Sometimes it’s freshly made bread.. yum.
She always works with her hands, always trying to create. Especially in the arts. If you can’t find her at her house she’ll be found at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheater singing for the children. A daily babysitter for those little menaces, a break for their guardians. She tries to teach them manners, and this group of kids would kill for their teacher… Especially her brother Cass.
If she asks the children to behave for the day, they will. Perhaps it’s her gentle nature that the kids want to protect. Either way, the Wood Wailers don’t worry as much about them anymore… Sometimes. Occasionally Alyssa would get sick and the children would become menaces to society for the few days she is gone. Gods forbid a certain Viera was in town. Didn’t he teach them how to pick-pocket? Who knows..
Speaking on that Viera, Alyssa is known to help out orphans around Gridania and the rest of Eorzea. When she makes food she often makes “too much” and hands out plates to any straggling adventurers or families in need. She’s a generous woman.
Ah right, the Viera. She keeps the man out of trouble…… More like keeps him alive. Irrelevant. Her and Miounne(Her best friend btw, they have tea together) talk about him often, he’s quite the topic for the Au Ra honestly. Miounne would think the girl is starting to like him. How interesting.
How interesting indeed. Turns out the two had a mutua—
Sorry. A different post.
Alyssa isn’t that tall, quite the small dragon. It’s hard for her to reach heights the average citizen could get to. Even the Elezens would get her a ladder or step stool if she needed it. She’s often soft-spoken about such matters though. Gods knows how embarrassed she gets standing next to everyone in Ishgard.
As stated, she’s a gardener. She prefers to wear more of a cottagecore-like outfit. Loose clothes that cover most of her body. Jackets to help warm her up. Cute but practical shoes. She has her fighting clothing of course, but at home she just wishes to be comfortable. She gets dirty out in the field so it’s easier even if the clothes stain.
Now then, her and her younger brother. She is quite protective over him. She knows he gets into a lot of trouble and can be quite mean. However, she also knows he still has a heart. He’s youn—
“She’s dead. Stop talking about her.”
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“…I wonder if he misses me too?”
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2024 Nominees Part 2
Here we continue to celebrate our wonderful writers and artist and share the next list of nominees under the cut
Best Dark Castle
Spy by @peacehopeandrats
Tea by @peacehopeandrats
Marble by @peacehopeandrats
Pages of Reverie by @chippedcupwrites
Shades of Blue by @ReyloAreHairGoals
His Little Wife by @Lady_Janes_Fics
The Weakness Inside Him by @Tickletorso
Best Storybrooke
Golden Thread by @enchantedflower
Symmetrical Simulations by @peacehopeandrats
War In Pieces by @peacehopeandrats
The Meeting by @peacehopeandrats
Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
Best Missing Years
Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure by @peacehopeandrats
Balloon by @peacehopeandrats
Unconventional by @Peacehopeandrats
Sacred Promise by @ace_cf_cups
The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @threepwoodmarley
Best Wish!Verse
Once There Was A Wish by @peacehopeandrats
Deception by @eirian_houpe
Special Categories
Best Golden Lace
One Lover, Many Dreams by @peacehopeandrats
War In Pieces by @peacehopeandrats
Wax by @peacehopeandrats
The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @ThreepwoodMarley
Weakness by @ThreepwoodMarley
Best Woven Beauty
Gift by Peacehopeandrats
Undefined Desires, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Background Swanfire
To Have and to Hold - @ThatRavenclawBitch
Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Afterlife fic
Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Belle's Promise by @bellerina98
Awakening by @eirian_houpe
Best Drama
Time’s Curse by @eirian_houpe
Love Me Before The Last Petal Falls by deliriumsdelight7
Ad Luceum by @reolf
Best Supernatural/Sci-fi/horror
No Light Over London by @lotus0kid
The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Mortuus Loqueris Ad by @Jackabelle73
Best Comedy
The Third Wheel by @tickletorso
Lacey and the Tramp by @chippedcupwrites
Best AU (Original)
Wretched Beginnings by @poorobscureplainandlittle
Wild by @Peacehopeandrats
Two Could by @eirian_houpe
Secret of the Seas by @eirian_houpe
Scattered by @eirian_houpe
Best AU (Based on Once Upon a Time)
Tales of Gold by @JurisLadyAnna
A Knack for Losing Everything by @AntiKryptonite
Best AU (Based on Other Media)
Rumbelle’s ‘The Princess Bride’ by @Trash_000
Modern Wonders by @eirian_houpe
The Black Swan by @DeliriumsDelight7
Time’s Curse by @eirian_houpe
Best Creature
The Finfolk’s Bride by @chippedcupwrites
The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Fallen by @eirian_houpe
Before the Storm by @reolf
Best Unexpected Twist
Contract by @Kelyon
His Little Wife by @Lady_Janes_Fics
The Price by eirian_houpe
Best Bobby Squared
The Gold Motel by mrgoldsdearie
A Blade For Belfrey by eirian_houpe
Best Trope
Love Me Before The Last Petal Falls by @DeliriumsDelight7
Wounds and Scars by @Peacehopeandrats
Beauty Compelled by @eirian_houpe
Premonition by @ace_cf_cups
Before the Storm by @reolf
Best English Language
To Nurse by @Charon53
His Ray of Light by @ace_cf_cups
Best Rumbelle Secret Santa
Wrapping Up Her Christmas Gift by @Kelyon
Gluttony, a RSS Fic by @thestraggletag
The Sweetest Dream by @threepwoodmarley
Christmas Secrets by @peacehopeandrats
If You Will Be My Queen by @eirian_houpe
Make Me Feel Alive Again by @cartoonjessie
Finding the Fun by @tickletorso
They Said it Was a Party by @of-princes-and-savages
There Can Only Ever Be by @notalwayslate
Mysterious by @reolf
Portrait of the Heart by @chippedcupwrites
Rumbelle Secret Santa by @99goosebumps
Already There by @Jackabelle73
Best Fluffapalooza Fic
The Tea Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Dragon Day by @importantgalaxyrimaway
Content Rumbelle #1 through #8 by @Jackabelle73
Best Fluffapalooza Art
Kiss Me Again, It's Working by @milaeryn 
Rumbelle (Something There) by @personinthepalace
Best Monthly Rumbelling
Encounter - Rumplerose (AO3)
The Landlord and the Princess - Rumplerose (AO3)
Honorable - Rumplerose (AO3)
Character Awards
Best Belle
The Not So Dark One by @CharlotteAshmore
Lady of the Lake by @rumplestiltskinsbulge
Beauty Enlightened by @eirian_houpe
Ingredients by @peacehopeandrats
Delivery by @peacehopeandratsThe Oldest Door by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark One!Belle
Rags to Riches by @alphashley14
Fallen by @eirian_houpe
And onward to part 3!
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
AU where everything's the same except instead of Lloyd being a kid who got aged up, he's a senile old man who gets aged down
Lloyd still having freakishly strong strength due to them Oni Dragon genes while he was under the tomorrows tea
He’s pretty fit for an arthritic senile senior citizen but still uses a cane for long distances
First episode when he appeared is just the citizens of Jamanakai ignoring his obvious false threats and having the ninja take him back to his care home
Senior Lloyd: Now listen Lunchbox, I want my butterscotch pudding and if I don’t get it in the next minute. I’m gonna send my army of very cuddly peanuts after you.
Vendor: Sir this is a flower stall.
Kai: It’s Mr.Montgomery from the silver alert.
Lloyd calls Zane tin man even before his reveal of being a nindroid
Cole is snack shack
Jay is hopscotch
Kai is hotdog
Nya is young lass
Ok but Garmadon meeting Lloyd while he was stuck as an old man without the two knowing each other’s identity too
[Mr.Montgomery is sitting in the living room watching his metalonian soap operas, his cane is nearby leaning against the armchair. Garmadon enters the room and soon snatches the remote from the old man’s reach and changes the channel to a horror film. Mr.Montgomery angered gets up and grabs his cane jabbing it into Garmadon’s chest.]
Lloyd: What are you doing weirdy? You made me miss Anastasia’s kiss!
Garmadon: Weirdy? Do you even know who I am? I’m Lord Garmadon!
Lloyd: You trying to cracking wise with me? I once went nine whole rounds with Clutch Powers!
[ Wu walks in noticing the commotion and separates the two. He changes the channel back to the metalonian soap operas and leads Mr.Montgomery back to the armchair. Wu then turns to Garmadon and guides him out into the bounty’s hallway closing the tv room’s door.]
Wu: Brother just ignore him he’s senile and relatively harmless.
Garmadon: Who is he? Wu I know we don’t have a third sibling.
Wu: Apparently he’s Misako’s great uncle. Since she’s disappeared and there’s no one on his side of the family willing to take guardianship. And since she hasn’t seen in him or done any actual guardianship duties for him in years. It’s defaulted to me and I’d rather not give him over to the state’s care. His previous living conditions were quite frankly barbaric and that was before the serpentine tribes took him in.
Garmadon: The serpentine tribes? That geezer released the tribes!
[Kai exits his room and notices the two chatting about Mr.Montgomery.]
Kai: Yeah he did release them. Monty’s actually very nice, once you get him chatting about Frizz Donnie.
Garmadon: He almost stabbed me with his cane. He’s a danger to society and I should know being one!
Kai: You broke Monty rule one; Never mess with his Metalonian soap operas! Or the wrath of the FSM will fly down hard on you through him.
Garmadon when he inevitably finds that this old man is the Green Ninja is horrified
Because holy shit this will be an easy victory.
But no it’s not after Lloyd gets cured of his magically induced senility and advanced aging.
Wu and Garmadon have a neutral meet up. Because crap that was our nephew/son.
Garmadon’s son has the mentality of a 30 year old man in a nine year old’s body and he kinda get it
But it’s tricky to relate too an extent even with Wu and his own weird aging situation
Lots of tears and hugs though because family reunion
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mashpotatoequeen · 1 year
You know how much I love your writing, so I immediately got extremely excited and my brain generated a bunch of MashpotaoeQueen-esque titles. Feel free to ignore any/all of these :)
Rainy Days
Sea Salt and Shells
Firefly Nights
In the Atrium
Birds of a Feather
Under a Deep Blue Sky
Purple Prose and Pink Roses
Constellation Making
Dragon Scales and Fairy Wings
As I said, I got super excited, so my apologies for being crazy. I can't title my own stuff for the life of me, but your writing is so inspiring <3
I hope you're doing well!!
Hello My Friend!
Okay so. You know me. I love writing fics about Sticky and then labeling them with obscure or peculiar words because it just tickles me pink. So Kismet would most definitely be a Sticky fic.
Maybe it goes like this: Sticky is able to see the strings of fate that tie people together. Like when you meet someone and you're talking and you realise, with all the strength of a sledgehammer to the face, that you're gonna be best friends. Like the ties that keep siblings who are at each other's throats every single day still completely and utterly do or die for each other. The little connection that keeps you calling your best friend even if you haven't seen each other in months. The ties that bind lovers and family and companions and all of it. All of them.
Sticky can see all of them, except for his own.
He gets used to watching them. These little strings of fate wrapped around people's fingers; some of them vibrant and hard as steel and some of them frayed around all their edges. Different colors, different sizes, different woven patterns. The string binding his parents together is a soft orange, almost amber. The threads are fuzzy with age but no less strong for it.
(He realises young that no one else can see them. He keeps his mouth shut. His own fingers are bare. )
Sticky wants to be wanted so damn badly, is the thing. Sticky is surrounded by the way people love other people, and sure in the knowledge that he's destined to have no one.
He's wrong, of course. It just takes new friends and saving the world to figure it out.
Constellation Making
This one immediately brings to mind an AU where Nicholas Benedict (and friends!) are literally in the business of the making of stars. They've got a workshop just south of the Pillars of Creation and a deadline for a new constellation every millennia or so.
Mr. Benedict is a being of magic. One of the Old Ones. He's got stardust in his hair and nebulas swirling in his eyes. He keeps getting chunks of meteors and comets stuck under his fingernails after gently guiding them on course. He sings lullabies to baby stars that are little more than superheated gas and has tea with old white dwarfs every Wednesday.
And then constellations start to go missing. One by one by one.
And that's where our adventure begins.
Bird of a Feather
This is DEFINITELY that wing fic I've talked about before. These winged humans, finding each other and finding a flock with one another, a family the can depend on.
Maybe this would be a one shot set in that universe, where all the Mysterious Benedict Society kids have odd conflated feelings about preening each other's wings. Maybe one of the Executives told them their wings looked messy and that's one of those rules that Are Not A Rule at the Institute- your wings can be however ruffled as you like, as long as the feathers are neatly groomed and in place. There's nothing for it. It's hard to groom your own wings, especially towards the back. They will have to help each other, even though preening someone else's wings is usually really intimate and reserved for close family and friends.
Reynie's never done it- and has never had it done to him. He's so so worried that he's going to do it badly, that he's going to mess it up. Sticky keeps remembering his parents grooming his own wings and feeling a mess of nostalgia and hurt and bone deep sadness. Kate's touchy about her wings, about trusting people with them- she can do everything by herself, she doesn't need anyone- and Constance doesn't even know how to start doing it. Because she is two. And her wings are almost entirely soft baby down feathers anyway.
(They all have soft baby down. They're fledglings at best. They are BABIES and it's very important to me that you know this.)
So anyway. It's a Mysterious Benedict Society Meeting. They are all so nervous. None of them know how to start. It's awful and tense in a way that their gatherings almost never are. But finally Reynie settles himself nervously by Sticky and asks for some help, his cheeks BRIGHT red. Sticky's hands are sort of shaking. He reaches up and starts gently shifting through Reynie's feathers anyway.
And it's- it's nice. It's really nice.
(They are all, coincidentally, also sort of touch starved.)
So it becomes A Thing. At Mysterious Benedict Society meetings, they sit and they talk, and they preen each other's wings. They don't mention it to the grownups, or make a huge deal out of it, but every last one of them definitely rank it as some of the best parts of their day.)
Sea Salt and Shells
I feel like a lot of the kids have never been to the beach. Like- yes. They've been to Stonetown harbour. But a harbour next to a rocky patch of grey city water is not a beach experience.
So I'd like to imagine that, after the events of the third book, the kids and their families go on a proper beach day. They load of the vans with towels and swimsuits and packed lunches stacked neatly into three separate coolers. They have to drive a solid three hours and Constance sings I Found a Peanut at the top of her lungs until Kate gets dangerously close to shoving a towel in her face for the sake of her sanity.
They arrive at the beach sometime around ten in the morning. The sky is clear and blue and the sun is shining and the seagulls are doing their best approximation of singing. It's a gorgeous sort of day that almost feels too picturesque- like it's something from a dream or memory.
But it's right here and right now.
The kids splash around in the water, wading deeper and deeper until their feet don't quite touch the ground and their past the point where the surf breaks. (Constance has a floaty, and a death grip on Reynie's arm. It took her approximately fifteen steps for her emerging doggy paddle to become a necessity.) They bob in the waves like little corks, laughing whenever one of their heads go under. Milligan floats a little ways a way with a set of sunglasses on, eyes closed. It's possible he's taking a nap.
They don't have any paddle boards, but they learn soon enough that you can catch a wave on your belly. Rhonda shows them how to dive under the bigger tumults of water so they don't get swept under, and Number Two hides under the largest sun hat known to man. Mr. Benedict's swim shorts are green plaid, and he's not much better at swimming than Constance - narcolepsy and big bodies of water don't tend to bode well- but he is having a grand time of it.
Reynie and Sticky make elaborate sand castles and Kate works on digging the deepest hole she physically can with a tiny plastic seahorse shovel. Constance, at one point, allows herself to be buried in it until only her head is visible. The others feed her chips one at a time and pour water into her mouth with a seriousness and dedication that defied the silliness of the situation.
(None of the grownups can look at her without laughing.)
They eat lunch on the picnic blankets. Sand gets everywhere, despite their best efforts. Sticky's father has to carry his mother into the surf, but she floats along quite happily once she's there. When Reynie next goes in, it's Miss Perumal who has a death grip on his hand while Constance clings to Kate's next as she cuts through the water like a knife. Sticky sits at the shore and starts identifying different types of seashells, happily mumbling to himself. He'll keep the best ones to be put on display in his room.
They go home wet and exhausted sometime around four, sand hiding in their swimsuits and salt drying on their skin. Most of them slip into sleep the minute the engine starts running, and wake up bleary eyed and starving some hours later. They eat leftovers for dinner in the front yard of Mr. Benedict's house, still in their swimsuits, and talk about going back sometime soon.
The evening sun dips low. The whole horizon is painted golden, and the family watching from below laughs and laughs and laughs.
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boregrief · 2 months
#BOREGRIEF: low effort & low activity writing blog for alicent hightower of hbo's house of the dragon. removed from book canon. show leaning but heavily influenced by personal interpretation, influx of creative liberties. written by jacy, she / her, 20+. affiliated w/ sunsrot & warfyre.
a study in: the motherless mother, giving birth to your own grief, chained to duty, my father is the worst man in the world and i am his favorite daughter, religion as both comfort & self - punishment, ambition rotted to guilt; poison drips through. . . . & being deeply closeted in a violently patriarchal society.
¹˒ i understand the show isn't everyone's cup of tea. while i am more than willing to entertain storylines that take the book's timeline or certain characters in mind, i will not portray an alicent from the book. the way i have perceived her from the series is very important to me and something i enjoy writing, especially as a lesbian myself. don't like, don't follow.
²˒ memes are always the easiest method of interaction for me to start with. however, mutuals are always more than welcome to message me about plots or dynamics they may have in mind!
³˒ multiverse & au friendly. as a more private blog it's easier for me to have a group of mains / affiliates to build plots with, but i will write with all mutuals. multiship -- even so, extensive plotting and chemistry is required to even entertain such. alicent is a heavily closeted lesbian and will not allow herself to become entrapped in another marriage after being unquestionably loyal to viserys for decades.
⁴˒ i shouldn't have to list the many triggers that often accompany asoiaf and its sister medias, and those that follow alicent specifically. while i will take care to tag where necessary and avoid writing partners' immediate triggers, please don't follow if common asoiaf themes make you uncomfortable! ( * note: this does not include the sexual exploitation of children or rape, as i refuse to write such themes. )
⁵˒ bigots dni. i should not have to elaborate, though you can always check my sansa's dni list if you're curious. i will exercise softblocking & hardblocking to my comfort. absolutely no lewd or incest.
⁶˒ psd used is ‘hightower’ by waatsoned on deviantart. everything else made by me unless stated otherwise !
⁷˒ disclaimer: i am not a fan of al1cole. i will not portray them romantically nor acknowledge their sexual encounters in the show without plot, and even then only with a writer i know and trust. regardless, my alicent doesn't harbor romantic feelings for criston.
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no one asked but I am going to detail my "Cole and Wu are the lone survivors in the First Realm" AU because screw you that's why. -So basically it's exactly what it says on the tin. The Ninja use the traveller's tea to escape the Colossus but it's too late and Kai, Jay and Zane are killed, leaving Cole and Wu alone in the Realm of Oni and Dragons. -Wu ages slower than in canon, at a basically human rate (which is still faster than his normal rate). -Cole decides that integrating into the Hunter society gives him the best chance at survival, so Wu is raised as "Dangerbuff Junior" the whole time. -Back in Ninjago, it starts out about the same as in canon but Garmadon ends up remaining emperor for 5 years as opposed to the like, month he had in Hunted. -Mystake gets to live as repayment for killing her off in canon and the Tea Shop AU. -The Resistance is even more depressed, especially since they know for a fact that at the very least Zane is dead. -How do they know this? Nya found Pixal sobbing in a corner covered in frost. -Lloyd's arm injury (from season 8) keeps flaring up and getting re-injured to the point where it's safer to just amputate it. -Eventually the Serpentine have to get involved because this whole evil takeover is going on for a lot longer than they thought it would. -Cole is initially very against the idea of killing/eating dragons but eventually it becomes clear that he doesn't have a lot of options and he ends up becoming a really good dragon hunter and he and the rest of the group grow very close. -Wu's memories are hazy at best and, again, he's ageing at a normal human rate. He makes friends with the other kids and stuff and pretty much just IS a hunter kid. -Heavy Metal ends up trusting Cole enough to reveal who she really is, at which point he also reveals who he really is and who his son is, at which point Faith is like "Wait he's the FSM's son?? And you didn't bother to mention it until now???" -Cole rallies everyone to overthrow the Iron Baron at some point idk. -Over his reign, Garmadon slowly starts to reconsider the whole "being an evil emperor" thing, but he's already pretty committed to the bit at this point. -His 5-year reign is ended when he's straight-up murdered by his son (because let's be honest, his character can't really go anywhere from here and there's no chance of reconciliation). -Cole and Wu (or rather Rocky Dangerbuff and Dangerbuff Junior) are in the First Realm for 10 years. anyway everything else is still in the works and I haven't fleshed it out yet but I just really like this idea.
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jknerd · 1 year
NIMH AU: Teresa
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Full Name: Teresa Brisby
Species: IM-Human + Human hybrid
Age: 11~12
Gender: Female
Other names: Miss T, Brisby Firstborn, Brisby Heiress
Occupations: Student
Residence: Fitzgibbon’s tenant house (former), Jonathan Brisby’s Wheeled Manor (currently)
Family: Jonathan Brisby (father; deceased), Elizabeth Brisby (mother), Martin (little brother), Timothy (youngest brother), Cynthia (little sister), Auntie Shrew (great-aunt)
Relationships: The Fitzgibbons (acquaintances), Drago “Dragon” Welker (acquaintance), Mr. Ages (acquaintance), IM-Humans (ally), Jenner (adversary), Sullivan (acquaintance), Justin (possible future stepfather)
Likes: Helping her mother, flowers, herbal teas, baking, dresses, singing, dancing Dislikes: Unwanted suitors bothering her mother, Auntie Shrew and Martin bickering each other, the disorder in house, Martin’s snarky remarks, whoever gives her mother hard time or mistreatments.
Teresa is the firstborn and first daughter of Elizabeth and late Jonathan Brisby. She is also an oldest sister of Martin, Timothy and Cynthia. She was growing in her mother’s belly when Elizabeth and Jonathan got married, but was born healthy. According to her memories with her father, she was often seen on her father’s lap as he tells her stories of diverse mythologies as she would be invested in them. Whenever it was only her mother in house as her father was out, Teresa helped her mother. Being the most resembling of her mother, she was admired by several boys in town. 
At one point when her father Jonathan died, she and her siblings joined their mother in attending their father’s funeral. Teresa was shocked with the will left by father announcing all the possession passed onto them, but was smart enough to understand that Jonathan must have expected his own death. Since then, Teresa has become more responsible in the household assisting her mother and Auntie Shrew in chores whenever she was not in school. When Timothy fell ill, Teresa was first person to notice and told her mother about the illness. Afterward, when her mother would leave for work, she would take care of her second little brother who would be bedridden for a while. When her mother took Jeremy in, she was initially confused but welcomed him when she learned he is a good friend of her father and helped them chasing away their mother’s unwanted suitors.
When confused that they will be leaving town and bringing their home along, Teresa and her siblings expressed shock when Jeremy used the magic in moving their family house. Arriving in the IM-Humans’ bund, they were hostile towards IM-Human society at first but was confused by many being very amiable to them. Along with Martin, she has shown concern when Nicodemus told them their brother is going through long therm of change in his body. Later, she was seen helping her mother serving IM-Human soldiers her cooking and was bewildered to see them in their emotional state as they eat. However, she didn’t question further. Along with her siblings, she witnessed the interaction between their mother and Justin, finding a possibility of their mother might remarry. Although Martin was still skeptical, Teresa expressed surprise when Timothy admitted he knew from the beginning Justin likes their mother.
During the moving day, Teresa, Martin and Cynthia stayed close to Timothy. When Jenner immobilize their house, they were locked in Timothy’s bedroom, held as hostages by Jenner’s men. However, she remained calm and continued to stay close to Timothy. When the house was about to collapse after the death of Jenner, she and her siblings were shielded by their mother who put her own life to save them. Yet, all of their lives were saved due to the ruby amulet around Elizabeth’s neck. 
At the day her mother woke up and looked for Timothy, she found Teresa and the kids with Nicodemus as they saw Timothy fully healed and finally conquered the sunlight. In tears of joy, Teresa hugged her siblings and their mother, but panicked when their mother passed out from exhaustion. Though, Teresa expressed relief when Justin carried their mother for further medical treatment by Mr. Ages. While excited with idea of adventures with their family house able to move and fly, she hoped her mother end up with Justin. Eventually, Teresa and her siblings promised to write letters to Justin, hoping for possible reunion in the future. 
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💎💎💎 (Also lots of hugs <3)
*Exaggerated grumbling as Mimble hunts for his teapot behind various piles of documents, books and bags full of scrolls*
The Au Ra gentleman? So starkly serious! So seemingly saturnine! And yet do you know, I think he’s rather fun…
*Muffled muttering from under the desk as Mimble finally locates the teapot, which currently appears small and made of dull pewter, engraved with a bucolic scene of sheep and shepherds*
Sorry where were we? Oh yes Drac Lusard. He certainly strikes an imposing figure, especially in his armour. I imagine he found his first few days in Ishgard rather trying, looking slightly dragonish and all. Yes I know Au Ra aren’t related to dragons, but you know how Ishgardians can be, especially during the war. Terribly insular lot. Half of them were convinced I was a pixie of some kind when I first arrived…
*Mimble pours the tea, which appears to have heated up unaided, into a small china cup*
And yet he seems to have won them over you know. Partly I think it was his heroism in the face of such danger, facing down Nidhogg as he did. But I think his close relationship with the House of Fortemps gave him a way into a society that must have seemed initially quite impenetrable. I understand that the former Count especially has embraced him fully.
As a matter of fact I saw him embracing him fully just the other day. Behind the statue of the Fury herself in St Reymanaud’s Cathedral. For really quite a long time actually. But in such inclement weather who could blame them for trying to keep their hands warm?
*Mimble smiles broadly and sips his tea*
Are you sure you don’t want any tea? It’s terribly nice with a biscuit. No? As you wish. So yes Drac Lusard. A mature and charismatic gentleman of noble bearing and yet I think he has discovered a happiness he perhaps did not expect to experience at such a point in his life. And just as Ishgard has opened itself to a bold new destiny, so Lusard has allowed himself to be opened to new experiences with Count Edmont. So to speak.
*Mimble places the now empty cup down on the saucer with a clink and grins*
Plus, he knows some marvellous jokes you know. I’m hoping he will write some down for me…
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
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what’s shaking, ladies and gentlemen! it’s been a while since i’ve had a proper celebration. i’ve been so busy with projects and exams and now that i’ve finally got a moment to breathe, i thought we could celebrate my reaching 1.8k on here! thank you for sticking with me through my inactive patches, i hope you all have fun with this little ‘chicago’ themed celebration!
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please consult the fandoms listed below before sending in a character.
please send seperate asks.
only sfw asks.
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fandoms: harry potter, the witcher, lord of the rings (legolas or aragorn for now pls), game of thrones, house of the dragon, stranger things, marvel, pirates of the caribbean, star wars, gilmore girls, dead poets society, bridgerton and outer banks.
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ᖇᗩᘔᘔᒪE ᗪᗩᘔᘔᒪE send me a character, book, show, movie, etc. and i’ll make a moodboard based off its aesthetic!
ᑕEᒪᒪ ᗷᒪOᑕK TᗩᑎGO send me a character + scenario or prompt and i’ll write you a blurb!
ᖴᑌᑎᑎY ᕼOᑎEY send me some tea and i’ll give you my opinion or some shitty advice!
ᖇO᙭IE send me a character and a fandom they aren’t a part of and i’ll make an au moodboard!
ᗩᑎᗪ ᗩᒪᒪ TᕼᗩT ᒍᗩᘔᘔ send me a character from my fandoms and i’ll make them a playlist!
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tagging moots! @velvetcloxds​ @oliverwoodmarrymepls​ @sheraayasher​ @gxtitobxby​ @letterstotheflre​ @leahsficemporium​ @leydileyla​ @saintlike78​ @gilmore-angel​ @spxllcxstxr​ @pinkandblueblurbs​ @lonelyhe4rts​ @natashxromanovf​ @moonlitmeeks​ @wonderfilworld​ @curseofaphrodite​ @cupids-crystals​ @sereinegemini​ @mendesxruel​ + anyone who would like to participate!
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indigayghost · 2 years
Ask game!!! I love games
"get to know me" ask game! Tagged by @zebrashavestripes <3
Fave Ships: I mean probably all of the wwdits ones ahdhdyudjdi my memory is shit so I'm really bad at remembering those... Oh oh! Recently I've been reading a loooot of S/D tier and Geraskefer fics so that counts right
First Ship: shit. Hm... Probably some self incert. OH YEAH WHEN I WAS LITTLE I HAD A SONIC X SELF INCERT AND I WAS OBSESSED WITH SHADOWS AND KNUCKLES AHDHDYSJ that says a lot about me I think
Currently Reading: Tea Dragon Society!!! Oh I read heartstoper recently and a comic about a vampire and werewolf couple but I don't remember the name :(
Last Song: I slept listening to a random sleep playlist and the last song was "Escapism" by A. Blomqvist but the last song I was awake to listen to probably was "Me Myself and I" by 5sos
Last Movie: yesterday I watched Wendel and Wild! And finished Disenchanted
Currently Watching: I'm LITERALLY watching Strange World right now I paused the movie to answer this ahdydusjs but I'm also trying to finish iwtv
Consuming: (off topic but consuming is a funny word I like it) I ate sopinha de bolacha for breakfast today. It's coffee and milk and then you take cornstarch wafers (we call it bolacha maizena I don't know if you have it where you live but it's very good I like it) and mix it all together like a mash it's very baby food makes me all fuzzy
Currently Working On: a lot. Like. A lot of things. That I'll probably never finish because I'm very bad at this ahdydusjs. I'm trying to learn how to knit it have been being a mess I don't have the hand coordination for this (people who knits always says things like ow crochet is so much harder then knit but like WHAT OF COURSE NOT I LEARNED TO CROCHET IN 30MIN AND I'M TRYING AND FAILING TO HOLD THE KNIT NEEDLES FOR TWO DAYS) I'm also writing my slayer au fic and a post s3 fic and a Nandor and baby Colin fic there's a lot of fics really also I'm sewing a blouse for myself it's really cute I just need to add the details now
Welp I'm not gonna tag people because I don't know if they like being tagged but anyone who wants to join feel free o love to know those things about people hihi
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dreamstormdragon · 2 years
The One where Mila becomes an Isekai Protagonist (Evil Ages AU)
So, this won’t be part of the main AU, I’m writing where Mila gets involved, but it will be a side oneshot to go alongside the story.
In this version, Mila winds up in an era of dragons, magic and knights along with Gibson and Otto, but separated. When they’re captured by the palace guards, they’re brought to the throne room, for their fate to be decided by the Queen of the land...
They’re floored, when they realize who it is, barely recognizing her at all.
“My, oh my, who do we have here?”
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“Ara, ara, what’s the matter you two? It’s as if you’ve seen a ghost!”
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Because rather than the dark middle ages, this is more like the world of an otome isekai. She’s basically in heaven and by extension, those around her are in HELL, because her head swells up big time. She LOVES THIS and never wants to leave.
Gibson: I can’t believe we’re going to have to overthrow a Queen...
Otto: I dunno, maybe she won’t be so bad.
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“OH, HO, HO, HO!” Gibson: We absolutely need to get out of here. Mila!! Mila: *completely ignoring him*
Gibson: *sighs of deep suffering* You’re Highness...
Mila: Yes? Gibson: We need to go home. NOW.
Mila: ... *sips tea* Two more days. 
Needless to say, for them the real issue is just getting her to LEAVE.
She feels bad about it later... but also, she misses that dress a lot. Mila becomes the Villainess for a day, though unintentionally. Because sometimes the real villain, is a 27 year old woman who just got a taste of the high society.
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19catsncounting · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @swamp-spirit
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: Mint green.
last song: Blue Lips by Regina Spektor (Spotify shuffle did not want my morning be bereft of existential dread)
currently reading: Just finished reading Dungeon Meshi and Oh Wow I Loved Them All. Very excited to see how unwell my wife becomes over Mithrun. Halfway through the Memoirs of Fanny Hill (Which I genuinely and seriously recommend to anyone who wants to write professional smut because if your FMC isn't as down to clown and doesn't have as much agency as a FMC written in the 1740's, then I'm not reading it.) Also reading "Where your love has always been enough (for me)" by classicequinox, The Todoroki Enji redemption fic.
currently watching: I finished the current season of House of the Dragon, and I'm back on my slow consumption and savoring of House MD. Up to the 6th season and I'm still in awe that three episodes were dedicated to the dissection of House's mental illness and personality at the very start.
currently craving: I've lived the past 17 years of my life with a persistent craving for the discontinued Raspberry flavor of Diet Rite because it tastes like playing Runescape at the height of my middle school era. More immediately, I could definitely go for a good cheese danish.
coffee or tea: Yes. Lavender oatmilk latte for energy and to infuse myself with homosexuality, cinnamon hibiscus tea with sliced oranges for a cleared mind, chrysanthemum tea with a touch of yuzu marmalade for calm.
hobby to try: Bread baking. I got a really good recipe and the person who gave me the recipe also made it for me several times and I have not managed to make mine reach that level. Also lawncare. I'm trying to subtly propagate a native species to take over the sunburnt patches where Kentucky Bluegrass died.
current AU: I'm multi-track drifting. On a lot of tracks. Two are original fiction - an older woman with a demon contract lives on Amtrak lines and gets asked to help resolve supernatural concerns even though her demon hates her and her old joints aren't much for fighting. Fake marriage omegaverse between a widowed duke and a nonbinary merchant's child, the duke is depressed and autistic but the enby IS brat summer. Two are MHA fics - 15 year old Disaster Aizawa Shouta, new to UA's GenEd course, tries to pick up a feral cat for his new apartment but accidentally finds a bloody and freshly traumatized Shimura Tenko - All Might will adopt both after Shenans Again. Then part two of Miasma Kids - most of Class 1-A plus Shinsou and Monoma get kidnapped and trained by a villain organization, then most of them get rescued, and now that most of them are rescued they're dealing with healing from trauma and survivor's guilt and reintegration into society Poorly. And then the last one is a House of the Dragon fix-it fic because Harrenhal's arc was a goddamn waste of a whole hour in a season that only had 8 of those, and Daemon and the Lads would absolutely decimate playing quads in Fortnite (Black Aly is substituting for Kermit Tully because she is 90% of the Lads' strength)
Answer if you want to: @lebirbybitch @magicalgirlmindcrank @maeofthedead @makeshift-moth @spinji @bluevicti @onemaebee @ghomor @ofekma
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justhereforeskel · 3 years
Dragon's Heart Tea Shop Art - WBB 2021
I got to work with the absolutely lovely @iboughtaplant for the Witcher Big Bang! She wrote an amazing story that combines Witcher and the Tea Dragon Society - which I was SO EXCITED to get to do art for and now we get to finally share it! 💜💜💜
I got a bit carried away so everything came out a little less refined than normal, but there were just too many good moments in the fic to pick just one! 😍
Please, please go read the fic! It's so so good and deserves all your loves, comments and kudos! 💜🐺
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rottedsoulx · 2 years
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I’m a little embarrassed to share this so,,,, be nice hahaha
Now before I go into WHY I made DILF Oni Cole and why he’s in LMK, I’m gonna go into the au I invented in my head. under the cut haha bc its... a lot
This AU takes place a few decades since the beginning of the ninjago series, the ninja are all retired. Jay and Nya have a family. Zane and Pixal run Borg Industries and are effectively the parents of all modern androids. Kai runs his own Dojo, and probably runs a smithy in a joint building. I can’‘t imagine him having kids, or starting a family. He visits the other ninja frequently and has a small family of employees at his dojo and smithy. Lloyd is still physically younger (being Oni/Dragon) and didn’t retire. He manages a new ninja team, taking Wu’s place as master while Wu is retired with his new tea shop.
Cole also ages slower than the rest of the ninja, because in this he’s also an Oni. I figure before the ninja settled down, but after they decided to retire, they did a world round trip, exploring different continents and whatnot. Cole ended up falling in love with the forests and mountains nearby Megapolis. He is visited monthly by the rest of the ninja, and calls them bi-monthly.
Cole lives there, built his own cabin and became a bit of a lumberjack again. As an earth elemental he has a lot of outdoor furniture made of earth/rock/etc. He also creates statues as a hobby, fine tuning his powers while also working his creativity. He also makes place for  rock climbing and goes on lots of hikes.
I also decided that it’s the same forest that surrounds Monkey King’s temple in that episode where MK tries learn focus.
So.... Monkeys! He feeds and talks to the monkeys. And oddly, after years of doing this, the monkeys actually entrust him to babysit and take care of the babies. So obviously this is where the DILF part comes in. He’s doing his part to Monkey society and raising generations of adorable little baby monkeys.
The Monkeys name him “Guardian”, for he guards the young and feeds the hungry.
Humans know him as several different Cryptids, but I haven’t really gone into details on how. He just never leaves the forest, and occasionally goes into the outskirts of town for supplies, and to use a payphone.
now. Why? I hear you ask. Why make this au? Why have you done this? Was it just to make Cole more of a Dilf than he already is? Is that it? Yeah kinda. Also I’m going to have Sun Wukong himself find him and imagine a 100,000 word slow burn roccshipping fic.
Cole can be the stubborn solid rocc to Wukong’s constantly rolling around pebble.
uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh I’m losing steam and have to get ready for work but he’s an uncle to MK after MK and Mei decide to investigate where Wukong is constantly disappearing to when he misses training. Turns out he found the forest cryptid aaaand- conversations with MK and Cole are very quiet mainly bc Cole is very quiet unless monkeys or kids are around, then his dad instincts kick in and he interacts with small creechur. It’s only after he learns MK is training to fight and basically be a hero that he offers MK a shred of his dad instinct and he helps with meditation and tells him to follow him rock climbing and spars and stuff.
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btschooseafic · 3 years
BTS-A03 Hybrid AUs
Hybrid AUs usually feature character who are part animal, part human. Sometimes the characters can shapeshift into animals, sometimes they have some animal-like features or characteristics. Sometimes the animals are supernatural (ie dragons). Some Hybrid AUs analyze society-wide prejudice. Some are mostly smut. Hybrid AUs have some overlap with omegaverse as sometimes hybrids have A/B/O Dynamics.
*I’m trying to organize my rec lists so they will be edited a lot!*
last edit: 11/17/22
*Completed Fics*
Meritocracy by saylilirose [completed]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au, polyam, reader is a hybrid rescue person
this author’s fics have like… strong crack energy, and some elements that aren’t my cup of tea, tbh, but their word building and plot development is super strong
Safely Together by saylilirose [completed]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au, polyam, a little more domestic than the above fic
Seeking Solace by starchase [completed]
hybrid!hoseok x witch!jungkook, magical realism, witches, hybrid au
I love how their relationship develops, all the friends that weave into their lives, and just their live style in general. jungkook introduces hoseok to ghibli movies, but this fic kind of feels like a ghibli movie :)
From Little Acorns Grow by starchase [completed] squirrel hybrid! hoseok x yoongi, cute/fluffy hoseok and yoongi have recently moved in with each other, and hoseok is storing nuts everywhere for the winter. 
Deep Down by SweetTae613 [completed]
ot7 x oc, hybrid au, polyam, completed, ongoing series
oc is sweet. I love a ‘we’re on the run’ kind of story.
completed sequel here
It Might Just Come Back To Bite You by Arobeebee [completed]
ot7, jungkook centric, vampires, hybrid au, supernatural creatures, polyam, college au
similar set up as the above fic with jk as a struggling college student who meets the others who are supernatural creatures in a polyam relationship. except in this one ot6 are all vampires. and jk is part bunny hybrid. starts tae x jungkook. Anyway, they have different writing styles that are both very good, interesting world building, and jungkook who works too hard and deserves all the love. both have somewhat overpowered seokjin tho, which I am now finding is a thing I like.
Underdog by whitesparrows97 [completed]
taehyung x reader, hybrid!taehyung, reader hits a dog with her car, doesn’t realize he’s a hybrid
also on tumblr!
Protection Squad by CheeWrites [completed]
yoongi x reader, hybrid!yoongi, main setting is a pet shelter
I like how the reader and yoongi help each other heal from their pasts
A Sea of Indigo by foxymoxy ♥ [completed]
Jungkook x reader, hybrid!jungkook, setting is a hybrid rehabilitation place
the world building and character development is great! I like the politics going on in the background. jungkook and the reader feel like real people. they have flaws and they struggle. however the story still has a lot of heart and hope :)
when you say okay by Curionenene ♥ [completed]
yoongi x taehyung, yoongi x jimin, jimin x taehyung, hybrid au, polyam, coffee shop au
the world building and characters are great. I love how the relationships between the characters develop. their backstories are interesting, and when they are able to communicate their feelings to each other, I felt a great sense of relief. also, ace!character :)
That Something So Pleasant Should Come From A Pheasant by violetfics [completed]
queerplatonic! aroace!fox hybrid!yoongi x aroace!witch!jimin, fantasy au, side ot5 polyam
warm and fuzzy fic :)
Redamancy by dalgi_jungoo [completed]
ot7 x reader, polyam, hybrid au
MC secretly inherits her grandfather’s wealth and finds a group of hybrids on his property./ the characters have cute interactions with each other. the plot with the MC and her mother is interesting!
The Day He Grew Wings by sleepydrabbles [completed]
ot7, namjoon x ot6, namjoon centric, hybrid au, dragons dragon!namjoon, soft, recovery
namjoon wakes up one day and finds he’s turning into a dragon hybrid. luckily his friend yoongi works to protect hybrids. / although there are a lot of painful moments, in general this writing is so soft and sweet. namjoon’s painful introspection is relatable, the way seokjin struggles to balance his different instincts is relatable, yoongi mourning his friend while still loving the new person he’s becoming is…
Folklore: The Jade Rabbit by Luminaraed [completed]
jungkook  x everyone, jungkook centric, namjoon x seokjin x jimin x taehyung x yoongi, hoseok x jungkook, dark themes, royalty, fantasy kingdom, war, slavery, assault, bunny hybrid! jungkook
okay, if you want to read this, be aware that there are some very dark themes, and detailed descriptions of… very sad and gross things. the author is very good at  painting a picture with their words, and some of the pictures are just not pretty. please mind the author’s tags! that said, it is super well written, and the character development and world building are amazing.
*Ongoing Fics*
A Hundred Percent Human by Wrienne [13/?] [hiatus?]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au, host club au
MC inherits her mother’s hybrids, but doesn’t know how to take care of them, and is worried about how society will view her, as people who own multiple hybrids are judged badly. / what is up with taehyung, I really want to know!
Kindness by AngelaRonin [2/?]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au
MC helps hybrid Jimin when he is injured.
Safeguard by Skyfright [21/?]
ot7, ot6 x hoseok, hoseok centric, hybrid!hoseok, human!everyone else, polyam
hoseok has been through a rough time :( I hope he’s able to develop his sense of self worth so the others can shower him in the love he deserves
My Deer, I’ve Got You by Purplemyheart7 [3/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, jungkook is a deer hybrid, everyone else is a magical being of some sort
idk, there are only three chapters so far. it’s cute tho. the setting intrigues me, also, i enjoy the pun title
Life Outside Those Walls by sleepydrabbles [27/?]
ot7, hoseok centric, hybrid zoos, trauma recovery, found family
hoseok leaves the hybrid zoo he’s been living in his whole life and runs into people who can help support his transition
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