#Especially when in wet cat mode
princelancey · 11 months
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The girl has been rendered speechless 👁️🫦👁️
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moorishflower · 2 years
Dirty Talk (Dreamling, Explicit)
This is because of @landwriter making me realize I don't have much practice writing dirty talk. This is still pretty tame in that regard.
"I don't think you're even capable of talking dirty," is what Hob says, one fine winter evening, comfortable and a bit comfortably tipsy, sat at his regular table in the New Inn with Dream of the Endless sat across from him, and he knows by the way Dream rears back like a cat whose nose has been flicked that he's made a mistake in saying it. It's only been a few months since Dream has come back into his life, since he's gifted Hob with information and explanations and finally, in the trenches of autumn as the leaves had crumpled from the trees in red and gold splendor, the rare sight of his smile and a trembling lower lip, and a soft, My friend, but in those few months Hob's come to the realization that he would do anything, literally anything and everything, to hold Dream's friendship. To make him feel safe. To keep him here.
And maybe mocking his friend's mode of speaking isn't the right way to go about it but, again, he's just pissed enough for it to not seem like a big deal, and Dream doesn't seem upset so much as he seems offended. Mates give each other shit all the time, Hob reassures himself, and it's not like they were talking about something life-changing. Dream had only been complaining about his sibling interfering with his realm, which has apparently caused some sort of imbalance in the Dreaming, and from there had followed a great lot of metaphysical and esoteric explanations that boiled down to 'wet dreams are on the rise' (pun intended). It explains why he's had so many in the past week. It doesn't explain why so many of them have featured dark hair and skin like cloaked starlight and eyes bluer than the Aegean Sea, but that's his albatross to bear, not Dream's.
And then Dream had said something along the lines of how sex dreams had used to have poetry to them, there'd been an intimate back and forth, not just of bodies but of words, a build-up and a climax. One thing had led to another, and Hob had said what he said, and he stands by it. Still stands by it, even as Dream's eyes turn flinty and the corner of his mouth turns up into a smirk that would shame the devil.
"I am the Prince of Stories," he murmurs. His voice is a laser that cuts through the raucous din of the New Inn. There's a van's worth of footballers a few tables down, either celebrating or commiserating, it's not clear which, and the entire pub is lousy with the noise. Hob doesn't have to lean forward to hear his friend, so tuned is he to that purring baritone, but he does so anyways. It gets him closer to Dream, who also leans in, like he's about to share a secret. "Do you truly believe me incapable of crafting words titillating enough to bring one to completion?"
"I don't think you've ever said the word 'cunt' in your life," Hob says, doubling down like the idiot he is. He's never claimed to be a wise man, and especially not when he's in his cups. Besides, it's the winter hols, he's got nothing to do tomorrow, and if he ends this night with nightmares that make him piss the bed he'll concede that Dream has won this round.
"You would be incorrect."
Hob can't imagine Dream ever speaking in a way that's less than dignified. There's such power to him, all the time, such staid and solemn surety, and there's no room in that sort of denseness for telling your partner how much you'd like to suck their brains out of their prick. More's the pity, because he thinks if he could imagine it, the shape of his stranger's lips around the word 'cock' would surely be a fine feature to add to his repertoire of fantasies.
It's at this point that Hob makes the stupidest decision he's made all night.
"Prove it," he says, and takes a sip of his drink, secure in the knowledge that six centuries of swiving has rendered him immune to embarrassment, even in such a public setting. There is a long pause during which the only sound is the ambient riot of the Inn around them, the clink of glasses and the cheering -- or bemoaning? -- of the footballers, the nearly-incomprehensible drone of the sound system piping Top 40s Modern Rock into the kitchen behind the bar, Marv the bartender swearing as he uncorks a bottle of champagne for a mixer.
Then Hob feels something brush against his foot beneath the table, and the rest of the pub goes silent.
Or rather, not silent, but…muffled. Like someone's draped a great blanket over the both of them, and now it's just him and Dream, as it's always been, as it always will be, facing each other across a worn, wooden table, as much of the original wood as Hob had been able to salvage. He's worked it into the foundations, into the bartop and the tables and the floor, trying to preserve the stories he'd told for his stranger, the history, like it was ale that had soaked into the floorboards. Dream's eyes are focused on him, impossibly blue, and he feels another soft touch, this time higher up his leg. Like a foot stroking up his calf, except no game of footsie has ever left him feeling this breathless before, this yearning.
"Would you have me prove it to you with words of prose, Hob Gadling?" Dream's voice is a thing with texture. It'd be prosaic to compare it to such human stuff as velvet or fox fur, but Hob's limited in his petty human understanding, and to his ears it's plush and warm and welcoming. It's a voice to bury your face into, a voice that drips down the skin like warm honey or candlewax, with just enough bite to be interesting. "Would you have me woo you with poetry? Shall I compare thee, not to a summer's day, but to the wild bounty of the fields? More comely than all of autumn's fruits and grains, thy hair rich as the loam and the fertile earth?"
Fertile is an unfair word for him to use, Hob thinks. His brain's scattered out his ears in an attempt to try and hear better, but he doesn't have a choice, because if he wants to not hear he's going to have to get up and leave. And not listening to this just…isn't an option. Not with how Dream is looking at him, head cocked like a bird and his mouth red as garnets shaping around words, words, words.
"Shall I opine about the shape of your body? How broad and virile your chest? I have seen you at sport, Hob, and I know what you hide beneath sweaters and cardigans. I have seen the daydreams of those who lust after you. They imagine you coming in from your war games, stripping the shirt from your back and drinking the sweat from your body. They imagine what it would be like to sink to their knees and bury their mouths into your most intimate places. Worshiping you with hand and tongue. Would you have me describe these fantasies, Hob?"
Oh, please, he thinks, and wonders if it must show on his face, how dry his mouth's become, how tight his trousers are now, because Dream's little smirk grows wider. His pupils are blown so large they nearly eclipse his irises, and there's only a thin ring of startling blue outlining a sea of infinite void.
"Or would you prefer it in cruder terms?" The light pressure that's been dragging up and down his leg inches higher; it feels like fingers kneading into the soft insides of his thighs, and Hob's legs fall open to give the phantom hands better access. The Inn looks and sounds like it's moving in slow motion, but maybe that's just because he can't look away from Dream.
"Would you like me to describe how beautiful your cock is?" Dream asks, and he says it with the disaffected expression of someone asking about the weather and the deep and growling voice of a jungle cat, and Hob is fairly certain he makes a noise of his own, something undignified and stifled by how quickly he bites his lip. "How the weight of it would fit perfectly in my hand? You are made for pleasure, Hob. Thick. Heavy. Better still, to hold the shape of you in my mouth."
"Oh, fuck," Hob says. He's barely aware that he says it, but Dream's eyes light up with fiendish inner fire. There's no blue anymore. It's just black, and stars, and Hob drifting in them like a rogue comet, burning up.
"Yes. I could describe how you would fuck me. How you would turn me inside out. I would want to ride you first, to see the shape of you inside me. I would want you to fill me with your spend until I could taste it in my throat, and then, when I had found my pleasure, I would want you to bear me down into the bed. I would want you to break me in half, Hob Gadling, because I will accept no less than the most ardent lover, and if I do not finish the night with your cum leaking down my thighs and my arsehole gaping for you, I will not be satisfied."
The ghost-touch that's been drifting higher and higher along his thighs presses firmly against his groin, and Hob makes a strangled, gasping little noise, swallowed up by the thick syrupy slowness of the Inn, and comes in his pants. It's an orgasm so sharp and sweet and high that it feels like the prolonged note of a flute, and leaves his thighs quivering in the aftermath, and his breath coming in heady little rasps. He hadn't even been aware he was that keyed up, but then, he hadn't been aware of anything but Dream, and Dream's voice, and now how Dream is staring at him across the way, eyes glittering like a thousand diamonds set in velvet. Hob watches as he slowly lifts his hand from beneath the table, spreading his fingers. They're covered in cum, little beads and drips of it sliding down to the second knuckle, and Dream holds his gaze like a fist around Hob's heart as he raises his hand to his mouth and begins licking his fingers clean.
There's another noise, an uncomfortable whimper, that Hob doesn't want to think is him but probably is.
"Have I sufficiently proven myself?" Dream asks, popping his fingers free of his mouth with the most obscene, wet sound that Hob has ever heard. He imagines those fingers spearing into him and making that same sound from all the lube dripping out of his arse, and Dream's nostrils flare.
"Dunno," Hob manages to say, when he finally finds his voice. It's a thready, needy voice, but it is there. "Could use some more convincing. Don't suppose…you fancy coming upstairs to continue this conversation?"
There's a gentle stroke along the inside of his thigh, making his poor, spent cock twitch, and Dream smiles at him. "Yes. I believe there is more I could tell you, Hob Gadling."
And there is. A lot more. That night, and into the morning, and the next, and the next. Hob needs a lot of convincing.
He's grateful Dream seems up to the challenge.
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pynkhues · 22 days
Something about this shot, with his beautiful teary eyes and Armand's hand on his face, really gets me
I love it too, especially because Assad has just theee most beautiful hands. Like they all have great hands, but Assad has such long, elegant fingers and there's something about the way that he acts with his hands that really brings Armand to life for me? Like there's a gentleness there but also a clear intent in the way that he gestures / wields his fingers and hands?
It's clearer in this gifset, but like, the way he goes from chin touch, to the softest cheek caress, to framing Sam/Lestat's jaw and jerking his head sideways to drink from him is just like...such great acting choices. That sort of tenderness and desire, but also real display of power and control that Armand (when not in feral traumatised sopping wet cat mode, lmao) really encapsulates. It works for meee.
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itshomobirb · 6 months
cw pet illness
one of my cats is having urinary problems. emergency vet diagnosed it as feline idiopathic cystitis, possibly crystals, pending a urinalysis, but no blockage. they gave him pain meds there & some to go home, and he's already gotten one dose at home. he's still urinating, but i can tell it's painful, he can't seem to settle down, keeps trying to groom the area, tries to walk with his legs spread wide. ive given him extra bowls of water, put extra water in his wet food, get up to pet him whenever possible, but otherwise there's not much i can do.
and it's in the wee hours of the mornin and im just. so freaked out and tired. he won't settle and so im having trouble settling. my guts have been whacko mode all day. pelvic pain engaged. a general flare of symptoms, and if i dont rest well enough to recover from having to leave the house today, it's possible i could crash. and lack of sleep is not helping.
but i just.... they told me to keep a watchful eye on him, that if he starts straining, isn't urinating, if he's acting lethargic or vomiting, then i need to bring him back. bc that's an emergency, could be an obstruction, could be fatal. how can i, who needs 9-12 hours of sleep a day, sleep? especially when my boy is pacing around? what if he starts showing one of the emergency signs and im asleep? i know i need to be well rested so i can actually be there for him if he needs it, but my exhausted and stressed brain is making that difficult.
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nakitengoku · 4 months
Hi I see u reblog posts all the time with 'vex' and 'vance', who are they?
I'm so glad you asked! Buckle up, this'll be a long one.
In Short, Vex is my cyberpunk 2077 self-insert turned oc through Character Development and Quirks that I don't possess! You can find all the posted drawings I've done of him here, here and here, but I can give you a rough summary bc I love talking about him and he makes me ill <3 I've even made him his own Spotify Playlist
First off, Vex's original concept came a while ago when I had first watched Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. (Original designs below) I named this self insert Ghost and he was supposed to operate as a shady BD dealer
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I wouldn't come back to this idea for a whole year, where a friend of mine who had been posting about the game convinced me to play. I decided to revamp Ghost, including his Name Change to Vex (to fit the theme of the main characters name starting with V). Through many back and forth a between me and my friend, and through playing the game, I had eventually fleshed out Vex.
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Crash course in Vex Lore, due to rough circumstances and having no other options, he signed a contract with an upstart xbd (hyper-realistic 3d experiences plugged straight into your brain. Vex's specifically was in the pleasurable kind (he's a pornstar)) producer. For Nine year, Vex worked under this Producer, slowly becoming more and more of a hit star, especially among fanatics. But he wanted to be done with it and move on with his life, and lean into his side gig of being a Merc for hire. The producer, learning that Vex was gonna quit, begged him for once last recording. During which, the Producer tried to have Vex killed by the hands of his co-actor. Vex learns this in the middle of a scene and flips it around, instead Killing his co-actor and his producer.
He then hides the body, moves and tries to make a job for himself in Atlanta, but after nearly 2 years of miss after miss, he's forced to return to Night City, thus kicking off the start of the game!
Other than his backstory, he is part of the Worlds worst polycule composed of the Canon Characters, Kerry Eurodyne, River Ward and Johnny Silverhand, and the Non Canonical (though they're both canonical in my heart) Vex and Vance.
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You may now be at the point of 'Phoenix, you've only been speaking about Vex, who the hell is Vance' Well, my dear beloved Mutual, Vance is @mail-me-a-snail's V! They're more inclined to talk about him and if you're really curious, they have an entire tag about him on their blog! Just know that I love Vance so strongly that Vex has to deal with it
(They've also recently posted one of their drawings of Vance and Vex and I'm over the moon about it)
There's also our mutual Bad Ending for Vance and Vex that you'll occasionally see me mention in Tags. That's the ending where Vex never escaped his Producer, instead continuing his work and becoming extremely popular and Vance never leaving Arasaka (a huge corporation). This ending is just for the two of them to rip each other apart in mutually assured destruction done out of love, commitment and understanding <3 (of which has its own Spotify playlist)
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General rule of thumb is if you see a Vex with short hair and a blue collar, that's normal Vex. If you see him with long hair and he's missing his collar, That's the Bad End Vex.
That's it for Major Plot Points! He's a pretty kind and caring guy, but Hates Johnny's guts and will only refer to him as Silverhand (for multiple reasons). He's main weapon is a katana. He'll eat random food off the street bc of ingrained habits and won't think twice about how nasty that it. His preferred mode of transport is a motorbike bc he can't drive a car for shit. He's my sopping wet cat of an oc that I shake around like a limp piece of prey between my teeth.
Hope you enjoyed this rant about him! Thank you so much for asking ! (And feel free to keep asking, I love talking about him)
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Prince Lionhead from Umbrella of Hope in Pittsburg, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Umbrella of Hope’s main website.
11 yr old purebred Doll-Faced Persian with limited vision and High Blood Pressure (NEUTERED MALE) available for ADOPTIONMeet Prince Lionhead Rabbit IV, Esquire aka 'Pea-Elle' Prince Lionhead (Prince, Princey, Lion, Lionhead, Liony-head, Simba-Doo, Mush-Mush, MRAOW-MRAOW) is an 11 yr old Doll-Faced Persian. He is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and has had senior labs. P-L takes a daily medication for high blood pressure. The medication is stupid-cheap but he will require regular vet checks to monitor his blood pressure so his new owner must have the budget for that. After trial and error, he prefers the pill version in a pill pocket (over the liquid version which he said did NOT taste like tuna as promised). He will come with a year's supply of his current dose which seems to be working well for him (for anyone who cares, it is amlodipine 2.5 mg and he takes 1/2 tablet per day). Our vet recommended a pouch food that helps with hydration (ProPlan Veterinary HydraCare available without a prescription on Chewy.com) as BP meds can be hard on the kidneys (his kidneys are currently fine). P-L eats this with Weruva low phosphorous wet food and dry crunchies as a side. His current dry food is ProPlan LiveClear that helps with human allergies as his foster mom is allergic to cats but he can eat whatever senior dry food you would like him to be on or what your vet prefers. He does not seem to be picky. The supplement and the wet food cost around $100/month plus the cost of dry food and we buy them on Chewy.com (no prescription required). Prince Lionhead came to us from SFACC where he was relinquished after his 90-year-old owner fell ill suddenly and ended up in a nursing home for end of life care. We have many pages of previous veterinary records and it seems that his owner was doing her very best to care for him when she was having trouble even caring for herself. Due to having high blood pressure that went untreated during the time that his owner fell ill, it has damaged his vision. He CAN see, but he does not see well. His vision has improved over the several weeks we have had him in foster care and our vet says it is 50/50 if he will continue to improve. He does fine and we consider this a non-issue. Due to his need for regular blood pressure checks, his wet food and supplements and his grooming needs, he is NOT a cat for an owner on a budget. He's perfect with his litterbox, a sweet and gentle soul with an easy purr and a love of petting (even belly rubs!) and cuddling He's never had a bad day in his entire life - he was VERY loved in his previous home and it shows He loves snuggles, belly rubs, butt rubs, petting, brushing, snuggling and love. He has five canine companions, and he hates them. But this is just presented as hissing and avoidance. He has learned to co-exist with the two little dogs who LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE him. So he could probably live with respectable dogs especially if he has a place to retreat away from them when needed. He DOES lay on the bed with them to sleep with the humans. The 4lb dog thinks he's winning P-L over with his invitations to play and P-L seems less and less annoyed with him but has not responded to the invitation to play. Stay tuned, we feel the little dog will win him over eventually like he did the resident grumpy dog (LOL) He recently discovered a love for catnip and loves to have the area above his tail 'patted' to initiate his play mode. He loves to use his 'murder mittens' to make kitty biscuits on your tummy and will sometimes offer you a face bath with his rough tongue -- especially in the middle of the night We think he'd feel the same about cats. Kids? Yea-party type yes. Superhero-type, ehhh probably not
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Sorry to hear you're also sick! Gute Besserung!
From the 30+ ask game:
4. Favorite chore?
7. Any groceries you've been getting into lately?
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
15. Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from?
25. Favorite old person activity?
32. How do you take your morning coffee/tea?
39. What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
42. What's an unjustifiably expensive appliance that you really want?
43. Favorite book you've read recently?
48. If you could build your home from scratch, what outrageous feature would you want to build into it?
56. Favorite low-effort meal that you make?
64. Last time you visited a farmer's market?
66. Do you get your taxes in as soon as possible, at the last minute, or late?
Or like.. any subset you feel like doing <3
4) Favourite chore is probably folding laundry, ever since I watched Marie Kondo. It's kinda calming and I can listen to a podcast or audiobook while doing it😊 7) Another grocerie I discovered is non-meat Wiener Würstchen. Pretty good, I probably wouldn't notice the difference taste-wise and I actually prefer the consistency with a less noticable skin. 8) Not a product, but having a spray bottle with diluted soapy cleaner was a game change in the kitchen. Way more accessible than having to wet a sponge and get the soap for cleaning up a little mess in the fridge or on the stovetop or whereve. Just "pffft pffft, swipe, done" 15) at Aldi or drug stores I really enjoy roaming ALL THE AISLES even if I have a specific plan of what I want to get. It's very enriching😌 25) old person activity besides crocheting and naps is checking the new Aldi Angebote the moment they come out on sunday (which I call Alditag bc it's the first thing I do after getting up). My favourite is when they have DIY products. 32) I can't stand coffee and find tea pretty boring to drink, so I start each day with an instant chocolate cappuchino (sometimes with a little cinnamon, or hazelnut flavour, or extra chocolate). Being a night owl, I have a very hard time entering awakeness mode, and adding a little bit of coffein helps tons. 39) My little treat I often get is Capri Sun. I think it's bc mom refused to buy it when we were little, so now, just like Fruchtzwerge, it has this aura of rebellion and special occassion. 43) Due to my daily 3+h commute each workday I get a lot of reading done, but the last one I finished was especially good: Sarggeschichten ("casket stories") by a German funeral director and a grief counsellor. It's a little like my favourite youtube channel AskAMortician, but with more focus on how to deal with a loss on a practical and psychological level on top of the "what happens with a body". While reading, I felt like I was getting the best possible preparation for one day having to deal with the death of a loved one again. It won't ever be easy, but I genuinely feel more empowered to make helpful and informed choices now. On top of that they really make sure to be inclusive in their advice and anecdotes: there's mention of poly relationships, an extra chapter about/for trans people, inclusive language throughout, additional advice for especially difficult losses like miscarriages or suicides... Just. 10/10 and a definite recommendation 48) apart from SLIDES EVERYWHERE, I'd want extensive cat furniture on the walls. Platforms and cat trees and bridges and tunnels! Let them go hogwild! 56) It used to be toast Hawaii, but alas I havent found a good substitute for ham yet:/// So now it's probably pizza baguette made with prebaked baguette, canned tuna in sauce and sliced cheese. All I have to do is half the bread, spread the tuna sauce stuff, add cheese and bake for 15 minutes.👍 64) like three weeks ago during my lunch break to get 2 kg of dried worms for the chickens 66) A wild mix: I start early bc I actually enjoy doing the taxes for me and the Mosswife. I'll get it 95% done in one go and leave the details that need further thought. Then I'll procrastinate on that for weeks until I've forgotten everything I planned to look into, so at that point it would be a whole lo of work to get into it again. Which is why I ignore the task for more weeks. At some point I have to admit that I probably won't do it properly anymore bc it's been too long and I'd basically be equivalent of having to start all over again. From there I need a little while to come to terms with this fact. And THEN, when it's really about time to hand it in, I just do it, 95% finished. So far that worked well for me XD Thank you for sending asks, that was fun! Luckily my sickness mostly consists of feeling like I'm filled with lead all over, without any additional ailments.
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chopzoe · 1 year
If anyone's interested, here are my headcanons for fem!Levi [will probably add some hcs to the list]:
- bi, but only sexually interested in men if they are tall, blonde and are called Erwin Smith.
- if with women, she is the dominant one for the majority of time.
- she doesn't really like to receive oral (because she has trouble to relax), but she will suck Erwin dry on every occasion there is
- she doesn't like being kissed after receiving oral
- she prefers a rough and spontaneous fuck over loving, sweet sex
- also, it took her a while to rewire her brain to actually want to have sex after the experiences she made as a bystander to her mother's profession and that love and sex can belong together.
- she gets wet easily
- contrary to her being received as a clean freak, she is not that disgusted with body fluids that are involved in sex (still, the taste and consistency of cum makes her skin crawl but she can ignore it)
- she is flexible, so most of the positions are manageable and enjoyable
- her neck is extremely sensitive, and in 98% of the time, she can't bear being kissed there (and only Erwin is allowed to grip her there)
- her breasts are rather small, she doesn't need a bra so B cup it is on the max (they're not flat tho, even if she likes to pretend)
- speaking of breasts, her nipples are also sensitive but she needs the stimulation to orgasm
- speaking of orgasm, she will be a complete mess, so sleeping after is normal for her lol (Erwin knows and has often used that knowledge to make her sleep, especially since she is an insomniac)
- interestingly enough, she generally needs vaginal stimulation as well, only rubbing her clit will not suffice
- she would absolutely peg Erwin
- she rides like a pro and it's her favourite position too
- in theory, she is not against bdsm, but she would never hit Erwin or let herself get hit. The whole preparation and sorting out of that whole thing is something she simply lacks time.
- she's 1.53m which is 5'0" I guess
- In general, she is more soft with women because in canonverse most of the men she met in the Underground City were pricks, and she has bad experiences, so she will most likely be in a whoop ass mode when it's a guy.
- in canonverse, her periods are irregular before she joined the survey corps due to the malnourishment she experienced. After she joined, you can add painful to the mix. Sometimes, they are so strong she has to vomit and she tends to faint. It's the exception though and is more likely if she overexerts herself.
- in modern au, she uses contraceptives so she doesn't have that much struggle
- she has a small, slender but sturdy build (people always attempt to help her carry stuff but are surprised when she lifts like a pro)
- she does not wear make-up
- she has sort of a skin care routine going on and knows about the importance of suncream
- speaking of sun, she got a sunburn once while on expedition.
- she has chin long hair at the max, if they reach her shoulders, she'll get the scissors
- she does cut her own hair, in every universe
- her hair tends to get oily
- (in canonverse) before she joined the Survey Corps, her hairstyle was the og undercut. Kenny made her hide she was a woman so as not to get hit on or worse. Later on, she let it grow to chin-length
- she doesn't particularly shave but she is all in for a nice trim bc it just feels more hygienic (but let's be real, time is scarce in canonverse) When she first shaved, she felt like a child and it was creeping her out so much she let everything grow again
- she is really good in maths and hates arts because she can't draw for shit lmao
- she is terrified of mold
- rodents freak her out as well, it's embarrassig, she'll shout and climb the highest place
- she is more of a cat person. In her opinion, dogs are naive and dirty
- her voice is low (and probably the most sexiest thing lmao)
- she can sing and will murder everyone at karaoke
- she doesn't like chocolate, as well as sweet stuff in general BUT
- she likes everything with mint, so mint chocolate would probably be a thing nevertheless
- She isn't a great eater and has a limited appetite but she will enjoy and always finish every bite because food is valuable
- her favourite fruits are wildberries
- she takes a habit in collecting berries, herbs and the like when off duty and in calm moments during expeditions. Usually, she will dry the herbs and make tea out of them as good quality black tea is very rare and usually available in the inner districts which they maybe are visiting a handful times a year.
- she has a hate relationship with dairy products; when she first heard about how cheese is made, she had to hold on to her not to gag (in canonverse it's a rare occasion just like with meat, so when there is any, she will still be grateful)
- like og, her alcohol tolerance is through the roof, but in the few instances she does get drunk, she will be uncharacteristically sweet and lighthearted. Only two people in the world know about that (Erwin and Hanji)
- she is ambidextrous, but prefers the right hand
- in canonverse, wounds heal considerably faster because of her ackerblood
- she dislikes winter; her first snow above ground absolutely ruined her day, even though she finds snowflakes beautiful
- she gets cold easily and adamantly seeks Erwin's warmth
- she wears the pieces of her fallen comrades clothes and sews/tailors them to make them fit her better if she has to
- she talks in sleep, and it's creeping Erwin out because she randomly talks loud and clear, lmao
- her favourite colour is dark green
In modern au:
- she is a great car driver...
...she needs glasses when driving and people are absolutely astoundished whenever she puts them on; while she used to wear them, she doesn't trust contact lenses.
- she fixes her car herself as far as the resources allow
- she works as a barista
- while being intelligent and having good grades, she almost dropped out of school because she was a rebellious student
- she hates to lose and will sulk for a whole day if she does in any game
- mostly listens to rock
- she listens to metal, but only when she's alone
- she used to smoke but stopped when she started to date Erwin
- martial arts, because she is kicking ass in every universe
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honeybeewhereartthee · 8 months
"his being dramatic." Kuma commented now in his human form. He held kitty in his arms while looking at the pinky around him. Especially at Doll who's glaring at him while eating mochi given by purple for the bday celebration of every pinky. 75% discount (he cannot give free things this month, his boss going to grill Him)
"I'm not!" Doll denies. "Calm down doll. What happened anyway. Also why are you sulking wet cat right now?" Reaper says as he continues to dry doll wet locks but it seems to still be drench still. His going to mistake doll as the merman in the group instead of sea now.
"dollmaker x phantom isn't real now." He mumbles as still surprised by this. "Huh." Reaper raise a brow at the statement. "Honest it's fine if so. Hmmp." He added.
"his shocked cause he realize it's dollmaker x Kanata all this time. AHAHA." Kuma suddenly said the real fuss about and in short time his in a choke hold of doll who's screaming again. "SO YOU REALLY FUCKING KNOW ABOUT IT!!"
"I guess--ackkkk....."- Kuma.
"doll stop it!" reaper pulled doll away from the poor cat. Doll was given sweets again to calm him down.
"what's wrong with that through...?" Purple thought about his world Mayoi and think that there's nothing wrong with those couple. Neither would a Kanata one would be a bad one. If they are soul mate, it's a blessing and who to change that fact?' the demon who come from the world of soul mate cannot understand the problem at all.
"cause his not originally Kanata of our au." Kuma smiles as he drop the bomb. Everyone look at him in a BOOMBOZIL and bombastic eyes. "The Kanata Shinkai of MDD long have disappear from existence in favor of the stronger existence of the current one. " He explains. He remembers very well the words of that amongus fish boy from before.
That Kanata always says everything if his dear dollmaker ask for it, the problem is the stupid dollmaker doesn't ask that kind of information in daily basis.
"oh, that still doesn't explain why doll is drench still." Reaper is worried dolls going to end up sick after a while being a drench wet kitty for hours now.
"cause it keep raining when I calm back to my world. It was rainin pretty bad and it been like that for a long while." Doll explain finally calm down after being comforted by his friends.
"Some of da dolls were gone odd like mentally they weren't there." He remembers the dark sky and how it keep raining when he wakes up back to his own au, thinking everything in kkoma as a dream.
He heard from Rinne that the fish doll ( Kanata ) have taken the doll body that everyone work for and it was follow by Himeru, natsumi and the all first batch doll disappearance. The storm began when the last person -- Ritsu ( Kuma) disappear after that chat with Kanata.
When doll think about it. He realize his world seems to be frozen inside of a water, and endless rain.
Preserve for something. For someone in that moment. He wonder at times if his seeing colors around him as it seems to fade on black and white world.
He wonder what's really going on, he thought everything would come back to normal but it seems some stuff went different.
It was scary.... His world seems to be effected by something. He only understand a bit of it when an aira from another au come by and told him what happened since he was send to the au to fix some problem in the present of the time space.
' cause you accept help from some nutjob crazy lunatic that call himself a doctor. Now your au is in safe mode and it's only because of delulu hopeless furball from another world.
Your lucky that in our multiverse, love can make people do such weird shit and some of them are good.' he then proceed to hit doll in the head and the last sentence he heard is. ' go back to the world of kkomas for now. Even as a favor world, hateful one at that. I'm ask to help you by my flower.' then doll found himself in kkomas.
More confuse than ever. But more than that he was having a breakdown about it's his fault this happened. Kuma was around that time to comfort doll who doll realize knows what's up with the world and hence the current event.
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chiisana-lion · 9 months
you said you wanted my thoughts so you're now my unwitting subject of gushing about this amazing manga!!
one aspect im really enjoying is playing with the "secret identities" within the love square!! like all the combos of meeting up between hana(e) and (shuu)mei
my fave so far has been the fake dating chapters between mei and yuuma :3 literally so cute. its like 4 tropes in one couple!! plus the contrast between the badass mei and the shy (but still dependable) hana(e) is adorable!!!
something i've noticed thaat i really enjoy is that hana(e) whille in "girl mode", does a complete personality 180, while mei seems to basically act the same no matter how she looks, simply just more smiley around hana , and i find that contrast really cute! its like hana is hana(e)'s "true" self, or at least the self she wants to be, whereas (shuu)mei is able to be himself no matter what she looks like .. or at least thats the way i've been analysing it
i'd love to hear your thoughts about the two's personalities in "boy mode" versus "girl mode" <- speaking simply about their presentation
!!! GLAD TO HEAR ANON this is gonna be quite long my apologies
the fake dating chapters were SO cute i get it!!! yuuma standing up for them even if he'd probably get his ass beat afterwards was everything to me. and mei tossing them back into the river msdkgjhjkthksjdgdh her approval of him at that time was so cute too wagh. i think my personal fav set of chapters were the horror movie date and and the mei reveal to yuzuru!! i love shuumei and yuzurus bond so much, its not often i see a deep platonic friendship like that portrayed without it turning into "oh its bc ive had feelings for u the whole time" kind of thing yknow. also terrified mei is just the cutest thing in the world to me i love him!! shes having an awful time!! hana i understand
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hana definitely does do a complete flip in personality and becomes more outgoing and comfortable around people as a girl and its rly sweet, presenting as a girl does so much for her and the person he's always wanted to be like i wish her only the best. love how supportive hiyoko's been going so far as to let him keep her girl clothes in her closet djkgsjkgsdh both little sibling charas mean the world to me actually
mei on the other hand definitely isnt much different from his usual shuumei persona other than maybe less rough in line with the "girl" image (though i adore when she starts going beast mode also. i love u mei) and even if at first he only started to become mei in order to get to know hana it seems shes started to enjoy herself in general and its super neat to me. i think about the mei and pride bonus chapter every day of my life its ok girl you can have fun. free yourself!!
though the few interactions between yuuma-mei and shuumei-hana r also super sweet, seeing them let a bit of their hana and mei tendencies slip during those times is super cute i absolutely cannot wait for them to figure it out/reveal themselves at some point :'] also this parallel in particular super funny to me you can really see the yuuma behind hana and shuumei under mei. silly guys
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also especially liked the shuumei gang hostage chapter mdskgjdksghj girl went in more excited to investigate paranormal activity forgetting the initial goal then really just walked in and asked to pick him up from an entire gang of violent punks. and actually did. iconic. and shuumei the wet cat ever kjsdgkgdshkj she was rly cute in that chapter he just wants hana to hear him out :']]] lil guys ever
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Don’t worry, I went to sleep and I’m at university and a whole adult so you aren’t corrupting the youth or anything.
Jubilee is a gold dragon sorcerer, and I have a hell of a lot of thoughts surrounding that she jokes that she’s biologically obligated to worship Bahmut but maintains that Justice really isn’t her thing. Her companions usually tease her about this because she’s generally such a goody two shoes but she maintains that compassion and justice are extremely different and compassion is the superior option by a lot.
I also think most draconic sorcerers have keener than normal senses with her large ears Jubilee is practically a radar dish and her sense of smell is on point. It’s very useful and actually is great because most illusions don’t account for smells so she’s quite good at sniffing them out. Unfortunately these overly keen senses can lead to some pretty severe sensory overload and she has to bury her face in someone’s shoulder and try too block everything out, I like to imagine Karlach bought her earmuffs at one point trying too help but Jubilee’s floppy rabbit ears are too big for them.
I also think that if Jubilee uses too much magic (aka runs out of spell slots) feral dragon brain takes over. She still retains her personality as a sweetheart so the worst she ever really does is hiss at someone and lay on Karlach like she's a warm rock but it's absolutely hilarious to watch their normal overly chatty and charismatic leader just go creature for a few hours. Jaheria and Halsien will wild shape to join her so it's bonding time.
The best and most practiced draconic sorceress in the lore of D&D can sometimes ascend to become actual dragons Jubilee has no real interest in this however Lae’del found out and is constantly badgering Jubilee to do it and be her Dragon mount. She maintains that since Astarion didn’t get to ascend it is only fair that she doesn’t either.
She says “my friends are my horde” like it's a joke, it is not she loves them, treasures them and guards them as fiercely as any Dragon would protect its horde. Other thing in her hordes included various insects (because she thinks they are neat little guys) and recipes (because she is a baker and cooking for people is her love language.)
I can not stress how much Jubilee adores each and every one of her companions because she does to pieces, even astarion (he is lucky Jubilee has more love in her heart than I do)
She seems so lovable, She is really keen on showering all the companions with all the love they never got, which honestly yeah. Love is the best medicine especially after traumatic events.
Halsin, Jaheira, and Karlach would probably adore her creature mode. First two because they can relate and Karlach because she thinks it's absolutely adorable.
She seems like the kind of person who is immune to being teased or bullied because she is so sincere and pure hearted that the offender just feels bad or backs off. Like if someone was mean to her, she'd disregard it and ask if they're okay or need help, completely taking people by surprise and making them feel ashamed of their actions.
Maybe she can be a sister or a friend figure to Asterion, god knows he needs platonic love so desperately. He is akin to a wet cat in a basket with a soggy cardboard cutout saying "adopt me" above it.
She does seem very selfless to a self sabotaging degree, Minthara would try to half a talk with her about it maybe. Halsin might encourage it or make it worse because he is like that too.
And the companions as her hoard thing, yeah, I relate to it! My sorcerer did the same thing, except it just resulted in them being more controlling, possessive, and protective.
I don't care what Mystra says Gale, you belong here.
Shadowheart sit your ass back down, I'm talking to Viconia when we get down there.
Vlaakith can suck my massive cock, Laezel, the gith hunters can claw you out of my cold dead hands.
Also, the second they unlocked level 11, they just flew everywhere. Even places that are walking distance, they just kept flying on buildings and forgetting their companions back down.
I made them carry my 100,000 gold worth gem pouch because it got too heavy, it was a privilege to the most favourite of the day tho.
Mostly Halsin, no one else really had the inventory space tbh. The dead clown body parts couldn't carry itself.
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So what could be more interesting than to imagine ...
The Boulder Brothers joining their most unlikely of cousins, Captain Caveman by name, on a freedive among coral reefs off the Florida Keys, and being so stunned by their beauty that they wind up having sudden "wet dreams" underwater (almost like an offering to their gods, as it were)?
Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy sensing the sheer joy of from-scratch macaroni and cheese (with some sliced kielbasa sausage and bacon bits in the bargain) for dinner?
Loopy De Loop having his nephew Bon-Bon join "ze good wolf" on a sunset dive between the two, mainly as a bonding and friendship exercise?
Penelope Pitstop managing to come up with a coffee blend for her convenience-store chain of choice Puerto Rican and Hawai'ian coffees (those being the only two areas of the United States as actually grow coffee in marketable quantities)?
The sheer comfort and beauty of nakedness in the Hair Bear Bunch during their annual mating-season road trips, especially in the water?
Having the crews from The Funky Phantom and Goober and the Ghost Chasers cross paths with each other almost spontaneously, yet on different missions?
The prospect of ABBA's "Super Trooper" playing in the background when The Banana Splits' Drooper goes into "Super Drooper" mode?
Deputy Droop-Along Coyote being so famished to the point of eating no less than five bowls of chili for lunch on one occasion, and yet not feeling stuffed in the end?
Yogi Bear's forays into the Jellystone Park picnic areas including one run-in with a Jewish family on vacation insisting on "keeping kosher" all the while, even if the vacationers include some Yiddish into the conversation?
The Skatebirds actually managing missing Skat Cat and his klutzy attempts at chasing same?
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leonawriter · 25 days
Granted, I haven't played through the game yet myself, and my experience of it is: fandom osmosis, a friend or so talking about it to me, and attempting to watch a playthrough where they sped through the dialogue (why even DO that when you're recording for upload?!) so take some of this with a grain of "I'm aware I've yet to experience a lot of things here and there may be inaccuracies" but-
My favourite character just from what I do know is Dimitri. His sopping wet cat energy and feral nature enamour me, what can I say? But seriously, I really do love him and everything I see of him and especially all of the post-timeskip stuff.
Like, yeah, he basically went feral for a while there, and a thought that's crossed my mind is that in regards to the Dimileth ship, it sort of evens them out - she spends several years in a coma/locked away from the world, and he sorta does too. They both miss the normal passage of time for a while.
Byleth's my favourite ship for him because I love the dynamic of, well - he sees himself as an irredeemable monster, but with her he can start to see that he isn't. That he's human too. And the important thing is, that it doesn't matter what he has or hasn't actually done; if he can start to see himself differently, both with help and through the eyes of someone he trusts, then he can become the person he sees. He can become better by being with her. Softer, calmer, happier.
As for others, I do also like what I see of him with Felix mostly platonically but I'm open to other interpretations, because... Felix has a LOT of issues. Specifically about Dimitri, their past, and his fears and anxieties. But that doesn't stop him from being a good and trusted friend. I feel like I know less about their dynamic, but I'd love to see some of the communication that'd happen there.
Then as well as them, I just really like Claude. Because yet again I have a weakness for sunshine bright characters who are literal rogues who can plot and plan and be a real trickster and from what I've seen and heard, that's him. Like, I don't know nearly as much about him as I'd like, but if what I've heard is right then I keep wishing that I could just do a "Let's Lions and Deer Team Up" run. Just full on Alliance Mode.
Tbh Alliance Mode would probably save Edelgard for me, because from what I've heard she's a good character. I'm sure she is. Just... a couple of things made me go "ehhh" while I was watching the "pick your team" in the playthrough, and there's this one thing I know about her route that really sours it for me which wouldn't be a problem if they could work together (and no, I'm not counting Hopes in this- I've heard mixed reviews but ultimately the dynamic is totally different given Byleth's distance from the plot).
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bellamonro3 · 2 months
Office fantasy
I wonder if he’s in today? I ask myself as if I don’t already know the answer but I do and i can’t lie I’m a little excited to see him. At first him staring at me used to bother me not because it creeped me out or anything it’s because he never makes a move. Sure he speaks or flashes a sexy smile from time to time but that’s about it.
Today for lack of a better phrase was a complete shit show and it’s only 11:30am so I’m kinda looking forward to this cat and mouse game we play. I always catch him staring at my toes lol my Spidey senses are telling me he has a bit of a foot fetish but that could just me projecting but I still make sure I have a fresh pedicure just in case.
He always looks so nice in and today was no different . His black tailored suit fit in all the right places. I can tell his been in the gym not that he needed it. I know he doesn’t show it off on purpose but his dick can’t help but make an appearance in those pants. I’m not an underwear girl unless it’s lingerie but find myself so turned on by him sometimes I wish I had a pair on. She gets pretty wet especially at the thought of him.
He compliments me all the time, and although I make it a point to look good in the office, something about his compliments rolling off that tongue of his just makes me instantly want to take his clothes off.
The other day I caught myself in my office using his pen. When I looked down and realized his name was on it I rushed to his office to give it back. He simply smiled and thanked me, bit his lip a little as he often does which sends my pussy into instant ocean mode and I went back to my office .
As I sat in from of my laptop all I could think about was sliding in front of him while he sat back in his chair , climbing on his lap and tongue kissing his soul. Then I’d begin unbuckle his bet and slide it out of each loop slowly. I’d never bring my handcuffs to work, but I need him restrained so the belt it is. Once his hands are secured I unzip his pants with my teeth as I look back up into his eyes . I make him watch me swallow every inch of his rock hard dick. My mouth is sooo wet and the first taste of it. He leans his head back and moans in ecstasy then instantly looks back at me in amazement at how deep I have him down my throat. My mouth becomes a swimming pool his dick feels sooo good going in and out of my mouth I want to swallow him whole. I pick up the pace going fast then slower using one hand then two . He’s cussing and moaning becoming more and more undone with every stroke. He whispers “Good Girl” as I deep throat him not event knowing how that feeds the sex goddess inside me. My instant thought is “ Finish him” and so I proceed to suck the fuck out of that dick and snatch his soul. I taste him starting cum so I steady my pace . I want him to enjoy every last minute of this. Is cum tastes good but I’m not surprised based on his diet. He’s a gentleman and hands my tissue but I had already used my hand ( I’m a pro) I smile sweetly, get up , untie him and head back to my office leaving him stuck.
Suddenly I hear a voice ……. It’s his
I instantly snap out it and look up to see him standing in the doorway wearing the most devilish grin.
He caught me in my office playing with my pussy. Something I’ve done countless times thinking of him.
What did I do next you ask?
I looked him dead in the eyes and sucked my sweet cum off my soaking wet fingers.
The next move is his …..
0 notes
Title: The Little Protector of the Family's Fireplace
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami
Pairing: Iori x Kyo
[Sequel to Little Oreo's Big Rescue Mission] [This story was made as entry for June's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.]
Life is not easy when you live together with your human cat-dads and have to take care of them. Especially, when you are just a small kitten.
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Life is not easy when you live together with your human cat-dads and have to take care of them. Especially when you are just a kitten.
All this time, the tuxedo kitten Oreo has a lot of responsibilities about his parents don’t have even the slightest idea. From making sure that he hunted every toy down, checking every corner in the house, to protecting his cat dads.
The little fellow loves his adoptive parents - Kyo and Iori because they love him and pamper in attention. However, he doesn’t like when his cat-dads may argue or even ignore each other.
Fortunately, these two stubborn men’s fights don’t last long, and most of the time they make up in the same way. Although, Oreo cannot understand why his parents shut in the bedroom while making weird noises and Kyo nearly meowing like a cat behind the door.
Nevertheless, the tuxedo kitten does his best to keep the peace in this household and the family’s fireplace warm and without the smoke.
However, one day, Oreo had to deal with another difficult mission.
It is a rainy afternoon outside, and the tuxedo kitten rests on Iori’s lap in the study room. He enjoys how the redhead strokes his fur before falling asleep during this kind of weather.
Some time passed. Suddenly, the little Oreo lifts his head and carefully listens to something. As the tuxedo kitten jumps from Yagami’s lap, letting out a short trilling noise, he rushes to greet his other dad.
‘‘Maybe the dad will give me more treats before my other daddy shows up?’’ The little kitten innocently thinks to himself while marching into the living room.
As soon as Oreo notices the brunette, he widens his eyes and slightly back-offs.
‘‘Dad, don’t come near me. You’re so scary and wet!’’ Or so, the little fellow would say while keeping his tail close to his little body. Yet, all his talk was just one loud meowing.
Soon enough, his other cat-dad shows up and nags on Kyo, who is soaking wet. Yet, the Kusanagi doesn’t take his partner’s words seriously.
‘‘Oh no… Are they going to ignore each other again?’’ Oreo wonders, as he observes his parents.
Fortunately, Iori only asks the brunette to dry himself and change clothes.
Later on the same evening. Little Oreo plays with one of his cat dads. However, the tuxedo kitten gets startled by the brunette loudly sneezing.
The poor little creature is even concerned about how Kyo instantly leaves the couch while covering his mouth and nose and desperately looking for the tissues.
As the redhead rolls his eyes, he leaves the room. After a couple of minutes, Iori returns with the paper tissues and a thermometer.
Meanwhile, Oreo feels relieved watching over how his daddy takes care of another one.
It is a late night. Little Oreo peacefully rests near the redhead on the couch. Tonight, Iori decided Kyo should lie in the bed without leaving it unless it’s necessary. Lastly, the brunette should follow such a strict mode until he recovers.
Of course, he and little Oreo would nurse the brunette in the meantime and make sure that he would act like a good patient.
Meanwhile, the tuxedo kitten stretches out and yawns, and he leaves the couch without waking up his cat-dad and goes to visit his other parent.
After reaching the bedroom, Oreo jumps on the bed and curls into a ball next to Kyo while he hopes it will cheer up his still ill dad.
Some time passes. The little kitten wakes up by the sounds of the brunette whining and murmuring something.
However, Oreo can sense that his dad is in pain because of nearly crying and calling Yagami during his sleep.
The more the kitten observes the suffering brunette, the more he feels bad for him. He is not sure whether he should call his daddy to help Kyo.
Yet, little Oreo refuses to leave his dad’s side, even if the brunette rolls on the side and curls into a ball while sobbing during his sleep.
In the end, the tuxedo kitten tries to comfort his dad in his way. After Oreo rubs himself near Kyo’s face and neck, he lays next to the brunette.
A second later, Kyo furrows while wrinkling his nose and groans. When he slowly opens his eyes, he notices a small ball of fur sleeping near his face.
The brunette is confused about where he is. Yet, it took some time until he realized that what he had seen and experienced before wasn’t real.
‘‘So, it was just another dream?… Oreo, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your dad?’’ The Kusanagi’s heir asks in a half-asleep voice as he sits up.
Yet, little Oreo is worried about how his dad grasps his chest around his heart area and looks about to burst into tears.
Of course, the tuxedo kitten has to do something about it! He would do anything that none of his parents would be upset or in pain.
As Oreo jumps on Kyo’s lap, he kneads and purrs. While the brunette strokes the tuxedo kitten’s fur, he asks ‘‘What is it with you? I’m fine, Oreo. So, go and check how your dad is doing.’’.
However, the little fellow shows his stubbornness by curling into the ball and purring. Even he can feel that the brunette needs someone to cheer him up until he feels better.
Kyo lies on his back while commenting ‘‘Fine. You won this time, pal.’’. In the end, the tuxedo kitten gets up and stretches out.
When the Kusanagi’s heir thinks Oreo will leave him in peace, the kitten proves him wrong. That’s right, the little Oreo finds a new spot to rest on Kyo’s chest.
While the kitten comfortably lies, the brunette complains ‘‘So, this is how are you gonna play, huh? Fine. I don’t mind this.’’.
Even if the Kusanagi cannot escape the traumatic past, the little Oreo makes him realize he is not alone, and neither the blood curse corrupted Iori nor hasn’t met a tragic end.
However, each time reliving these memories in his dreams hurts him.
Suddenly, the brunette can feel how the tears run down his cheek. For now, he continues gently stroking Oreo’s fur. To think of, do Kyo and Iori pick up and adopted Oreo? Or is it the other way?
Either way, such a small creature made a significant impact on their lives and allows them to grow. So, a little tuxedo kitten is like the most precious gift given to them.
In the end, Kyo admits that Oreo’s purring also has a relaxing and calming effect. Besides, the tuxedo kitten dragged him out from the same dreams which haunt him for years.
However, without realizing it, Kyo feels how his eyelids become heavier within each moment until he calms down and falls asleep.
Meanwhile, Iori checks where his precious little angel is gone, and at the same time, if his partner is doing fine or needs anything.
After entering the bedroom, the redhead notices how the brunette and the tuxedo kitten peacefully sleep together.
When Iori gets close to Kyo, he carefully touches his forehead while observing him. In the end, the redhead notes to himself that he should prepare fresh clothes and help him change into them. But for now, he goes to the bathroom to get a bowl of cold water and a small towel.
Besides, who else will take care of that reckless idiot if not little Oreo and the redhead?
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bestdogfoodex · 2 years
How to Make Dog Food Feeder and Storage Out of a Kitty Litter Container?
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If you are wondering how to make a dog food feeder and storage out of a kitty litter container, you are not alone. Many pet owners are looking for ways to recycle their old kitty litter containers to help save money. Here are some ideas to get you started.
It can be hard to find the perfect dog food feeder and storage, especially if you live in a small space. Luckily, the solution is relatively simple. Using a kitty litter container can help you repurpose your existing pet feeding solution.
The main goal is to store your pet's dry kibble in a safe and secure environment. This can be done in a variety of ways. A plastic bin with a clipping mechanism can make it harder for birds and other critters to get at your pet's kibble.
Another option is to place your kibble in a bottle. If you use a bottle, be sure to seal it. Doing so can prevent the greasy oils from contaminating your new kibble.
As a pet owner, you should also wash your pet's water bowl after every use. Excess moisture can lead to mold and mildew. These can cause your pet to become sick or even infected.
It's not a bad idea to have a dedicated dry pet food storage bin. This can be achieved by purchasing a specialized, multi-function plastic bin. One that can be cleaned out easily is a plus.
Aside from being a good way to save space, a pet food storage bin is a great way to keep your pet's food fresh. Having it at hand can save you from wasting money on unintended ingredients. You can also save on the expense of buying more food.
For example, using the right plastic bin can preserve the nutrients in your pet's food and minimize the risk of ingesting toxins. Using an airtight bin can also help to avoid mold and other pests from spoiling your kibble.
Finally, the most important thing to do with your pet's kibble is to read the label. It's important to know what's in your pet's food, as well as the company that makes it. Also, be sure to read the "best by" and "expiration" dates, as well as any other information included in your kibble.
In addition to the above tips, you should always store your pet's dry kibble at a temperature of less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your pet's food in a warm room can speed up the degradation process of its nutrients, making it go bad faster.
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When your cat has an issue with grazing, a dog food feeder can be a useful accessory. Not only does it keep your cat out of the litter box, but it also keeps the cat's food fresh.
The SureFeed is one of the most innovative dog food feeders on the market. It has a variety of features, including a training mode. This means it can be programmed to respond to your cat's microchip frequency or a tag enclosed in the cat food dish.
Its main feature is the ability to control the portion of food that your pet gets. In addition, it has a battery backup that makes sure it will operate if the power goes out.
The SureFeed isn't exactly the cheapest dog food feeder on the market, but it does have some impressive functions. One of these is the fact that it can be set to open and close as your pet approaches and leaves the bowl.
Another useful feature of the feeder is the tamper proof lid. This prevents your cat from opening the lid and causing the contents of the container to spill out.
You can use the SureFeed to store up to 8 oz of dry or wet food. Depending on the type of food you're storing, you might need to purchase additional bowls. A 12-ounce stainless steel bowl is included with the unit.
Other cool features of the SureFeed include a retractable plastic door and a BPA free tray that can be placed in the dishwasher for easy cleaning. However, the best part is that it's also designed to catch any food that spills out.
While the SureFeed doesn't have an ice pack, it does come with a split bowl for wet and dry foods. There is also a scale that can be used to weigh the contents of the bowl.
If you're looking for a more comprehensive dog food feeder solution, you might want to try a DIY product. A variety of styles are available, including ones that can be purchased at the local hardware store. Some are even designed to be used with batteries.
>>> This page bestdogfood is dedicated to helping you find the best dog food for your pup. We'll give you the lowdown on ingredients, cost, and where to buy the best dog food brands.
Cat Mate C500 Digital 5 Meal Dog & Cat Feeder
If you are looking for an automatic cat feeder to use with your wet or dry food, the Cat Mate C500 Digital 5 Meal Dog & Cat Feeder may be a good option for you. This feeder comes with a new, improved design that provides an ideal space for your pet.
The automatic feeder is a great solution to serving your cat when you are away. It features a timer to automatically serve your pet meals at a pre-programmed time. You can program the feeder to feed your cat three times a day, or for four separate meal times.
The Cat Mate C500 is a very sturdy and reliable feeder. It features a lid that fits securely to keep your food fresh. Even better, the tray is dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning.
Unlike other programmable feeders, the Cat Mate C500 is designed to be tamper-resistant. In fact, it has a sealed bowl to keep flies and other insects from flying into the dispenser.
The ice packs help keep the food cool. This feeder has five compartments for wet and dry foods, which are separated by a rotating lid. These compartments hold 11 ounces each.
One of the features that makes this feeder so great is the LCD display. This display shows the meals that are scheduled to be served. You can even record a 10-second message for your cat.
Another feature is the tamper-proof lid. This design helps to prevent your cat from getting his or her food stuck in the corners. A third feature is the three-button control panel.
The Cat Mate C500 is rated to last up to 12 months. To keep your pet's food fresh, it has twin ice packs under the food tray.
Another great feature is the battery indicator. You should change the batteries every 30 to 60 seconds.
The Cat Mate C500 is an excellent product for the price. But it may not be the best option for serving wet food.
Choosing the right feeder is essential to the life of your pet. You need one that is made of strong, safe materials.
Puzzle feeders
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A puzzle feeder can be a fun and engaging way to feed your pet. In addition to providing physical and mental stimulation, puzzle feeders can help your pet lose weight. They can help a cat who's on a diet by encouraging more activity during eating.
Puzzle feeders come in different shapes and sizes. There are tube-shaped ones that require your pet to pull out a lever, or a ball-shaped toy that pops open when rolled in the right direction. Some have hidden compartments. These can be filled with dry or wet kibble, or treats.
There are also interactive feeders that target cats. Many of these can be shaped like a fishbowl or mouse hole, and you can hide small treats inside them. Others can feature swiveling leaves that pop open to reveal hidden food spots. You can even add voice-calling to your feeder. This keeps your pets happier and healthier.
Another great option is the puzzle mat. These are a great introduction to the world of interactive feeders. The mat can be used for both dogs and cats. It helps keep your food in plain sight while offering three different challenges for beginners.
Dogs naturally play with food. So, it only makes sense to give them a challenge. Plus, it doesn't make a mess. Using a PVC-based container is not recommended.
Interactive feeders are a great way to reward your pet for solving the puzzle. Your pet may have to pull a knob, tug a rope, or slide a drawer to get the food. Once your pet has figured out the puzzle, it'll feel accomplished.
While most veterinarians say to start with the more basic and simple feeders, you can switch up the puzzles to keep the challenge fresh. For example, a timed feeder pops open at set intervals, while a rolling ball will release the kibble when rolled in the correct direction.
When choosing a puzzle feeder for your dog or cat, it's important to find something that doesn't make a mess. It should also be kept supervised.
When selecting a puzzle feeder, choose one that's easy to clean and has a small drop zone. That way, your pet will have an easier time dropping the kibble into the bowl.
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