#Eti Answers
eti-mun · 11 months
Did you use the crabs 🦀 🦀 🦀
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etirabys · 11 months
// looking at spreadsheet for wedding invitees, one section of which contains the text from my mom on which relatives I should invite
the giant: so what is these people's familial relation to you
me, a person who left Korea at 19 and blotted out all of it as hard as possible: I don't even know
me: I know John and Nathan are cousins. The other ones I don't know
the giant: first cousins, or?
me: the ones it's incest with
the giant: what
me: you know, there's a level of cousin where it's incest and it's bad, and the level beyond that where it's not incest and it's fine? They're the ones it's incest with
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etysky · 1 month
Was productive and did A ThingTM today instead of just lying in bed all day and feeling miserable.
Then why am I still feeling miserable af and feel like crying???
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coffinprinz · 1 year
Gheist would totally be friends with my girl mervie……. She studies decay :)
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"1t only f33ls prop3r to g1v3 a g1ft wh3n try1ng to Mak3 acqua1ntanc3s,,, y3s??? th1s on3 coM3s stra1ght froM My............... old3st coll3ct1on..."
+ + +
rotting body parts makes good first impressions, right? she doesn't have much experience with talking to the living.......
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pettyeti · 10 months
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type? (For both)
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Eti sleeps in a pair of the worlds most velvety soft briefs with a lace finish. He also sometimes wears a seamless bralette to help support his chest. He sleeps a lot overall, so he splurges quite a bit of gil to make sure his pjs are the finest quality.
Vrai sleeps in the nude. It helps regulate his body temperature a bit more because he runs very cold, lukewarm at best. It's something he's done for as long as he can remember, maybe even before he became a voidsent. When they sleep together, Vrai sometimes wears a classy pair of briefs to make Eti more comfortable. The need for that is rarer these days though.
ty for sending in a question <3
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sovietsoldier1120 · 1 year
Coming from an avid Estinien lover, you have to admit he's a bit of an idiot in every aspect that isn't combat
Well... yeah he is. But that only adds to his charm!
Even if it makes you facepalm every now and again.
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
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He's still wary of you, and you don't really mind it one bit- you know where he's coming from, considering his species. And hey- at least he chose a relatively neutral planet to drop you off at. Or so you thought.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, little angst, little tense, slight fluff?
Length: 2k I think
-> Masterlist
T H E R E I S N O T A G L I S T-
A/N: boo
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When you wake up, it's way too quiet- ship no longer steadily buzzing, engines turned off it seems like as you sit up on the bed, looking around. Energy was still running, since lights were still on, and there was an almost unnoticeable humming from an AC unit, but other than that, everything was still.
"Hello?" You call out- but the only response you get is the slight echo off the steel walls of your room. Nothing else.
Did he really leave you alone? What are you supposed to do now?
You flinch when the hydraulic door hisses loudly, the alien entering the room with a serious, though slightly surprised expression. "You're awake." He observes. "Good. Eat." He commands, throwing a pack of… something at you, a little harshly so, but you still accept them. "I had to get what I know is safe for human consumption. Can't really run around Etis and bark something about humans, after all." He mumbles to himself more or less, cracking his neck. You notice the scratches on his face, as he looks into the small mirror near a cupboard to clean them and place some butterfly tape on the bigger one up his forehead.
"…what happened?" You ask quietly, testing the waters as he clicks his tongue.
"Nothing." He simply answers, continuing to fix himself up before he sighs, and sits down in the corner of the room on a chair, one leg over the other and his arms crossed. His entire body language screams defense- even if he wants to look tough. "Where is your preferred destination?" He asks, and you shrug, deflating visibly.
"..you know, like I said." You shrug. "You can always just leave me here. I don't have a plan." You admit, and he watches you for a moment.
"I don't believe that." He shakes his head, denying your words even though they're true. "I will ask you again. Where is your-"
"Nowhere!" You respond a bit more agitated, though you can feel tears of frustrations well up in your eyes. "I don't know where to go. Throw me out wherever." You tell him.
He, yet again, observes, silently. He doesn't say anything- his eyes simply a grey-ish yellow as he watches you from his spot. You're not sure what that means, though you've seen them change sometimes depending on his mood, so it might be connected to that. He's definitely not human, in that case, if his height was anything to go by already. Great- he probably hates you because you're human, just like most alien species' do.
You can't even blame them.
"What made you leave earth." He questions now instead, and you're confused.
"I already told you-" You start, but he shakes his head, watching you intensely with a piercing gaze.
"I know, and I'm not asking that." He clarifies. "I am asking for what the.. reason was that made you act." He defines more clearly, and you look down at your hands, thinking.
What made you act?
"There.. was a family." You mumble, voicing out your memories. "A mother, alone. Two kids, maybe around four or five." You explain, eyes unfocused as you remember their faces. "She was pleading with an older man, and police. Begging. 'Don't take them', she'd said. 'they're all I have', she'd said." You recite.
It's quiet for a moment too long in his opinion, as he prompts you to continue. "What happened?" He asks, voice surprisingly calm.
"They took them." You say, as if it was obvious- but he notices the distance in your voice. "She'd lost her name, just like me. And therefore, she was no longer a registered citizen- and the children automatically got placed in government care, no matter if she was able to care for them or not." You explain, before you look at him- his eyes a clear but pale yellow as he listens to you.
"I'll never forget her cries." You tell him. "Her.. just, screaming for hours. No matter where I went, I could still hear her."
"I will attempt to verify this incident." He tells you, almost like a threat.
"Then you won't find anything." You smile somberly, laying back down on the bed, curling in on yourself in an attempt for comfort. "Things like these obviously aren't allowed to be published in the media." You say, closing your eyes.
"Convenient." He simply offers, and you nod, before you hear him sigh, and stand up- leather of his pants making distinctive noises as he moves around. "Our next stop is Vao Q4. I will be leaving you there, since it's a relatively neutral planet for humans." He says, before he leaves the room.
And you just fall asleep in silence, barely noticing the engine of the large spaceship starting.
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When you wake up again, you move into the bathroom area to clean up and use the gauze Jungkook had left you to at least provide yourself with a makeshift pad for your period. It's when you're just about done, walking out the small room, when the door opens, Jungkook entering with what looks like a metal collar,a small black box-like item attached to the side of it. "Here. Put that on." He orders, and you're not sure what he means- though you comply, having no other choice but to click the collar shut behind your neck. "It has a tracking device. For now, I've set my name as your current owner in case someone asks." He informs you, before looking around. "Put on your shoes." He says, turning around to leave the room.
"Wait- why?" You wonder, and he just turns his head for a second, staring at you.
"We'll be passing by Vides in a few hours." He simply tells you. "And since I don't know what you need, I'll be taking you out with me." He informs you, and you look at him a little longer, making him roll his eyes. "Can you put on your shoes now?" He reminds you almost as if annoyed, and you nod, scrambling to put them on before following him out of your tiny cabin you've been living in.
You're not sure for how long. Time isn't really your strong suit, and without night and day, it's hard to really pinpoint how long you've been on this ship.
"You have a spending limit of 100 currencies. Do not exceed that." He tells you as you both walk through another large door, most likely the main operating room where he lives and watches over the whole ship. There's so many buttons, noises and screens- you're both fascinated and overwhelmed.
He watches you for a moment, before the whole airship shakes, making you fall flat on your butt, before everything stills-
And he chuckles, finding your rather clumsy mistake funny.
"I'll warn you next time we land." He clears his throat, before he rather roughly pulls you up into a standing position by your arm. "Now stay close, and don't talk. You humans only cause trouble the moment you open your mouths." He says, before he leads the way out, large cargo door opening with a hiss.
The moment you're outside, things are bright- and you're greeted with the wet, cool climate of the foreign planet you're on. Many different species are walking around, sounds a little distorted sounding- but Jungkook leads the way, and you follow wordlessly.
"Hey, how much for the slave?" Someone with big lower canine teeth asks, his skin a deep blue. "Looks young. Can it work?" He wonders, and Jungkook turns towards him with a deep red-ish brown gaze.
"She's not for sale." He answers, pulling you close by the back of your clothes. "And can't work for shit anyways." He explains, and you have half a thought to feel insulted by that-
But you're too worried by all the unfamiliar things around you, so you just stay quiet like jungkook had told you to.
The man leaves with a shrug, before you walk with Jungkook down the dusty street, white particles floating without any sense of gravity around. As you enter a large tent, you find yourself recognizing a lot of the items- cartons full of random things in bulk standing around. "Go search for what you need. But stay within my sight." Jungkook orders, and you nod, hesitantly walking around to take a look.
The mood feels tense. It doesn't feel like Jungkook is making sure you stay with him- but rather as if he's guarding you instead.
"Oh, what an adorable guest!" A tall.. being says, clapping her four hands once, jewelry clattering loudly as she looks around with her snake-like head. "Is it yours?" She asks Jungkook, who nods, wary, arms crossed.
"I'm not selling." He says instead of anything else. "I just need things to accommodate for her menstrual cycle." He informs the alien, who nods once, twice.
"Ah yes, I remember humans have quite a complicated one.." the female sounding being says, trotting around before she looks through various boxes. "Little gem, what about these here?" She wonders, and you look at Jungkook first-
Making his eyes flash an orange glow for a second, before they turn brown again as he nods.
When you look into the box, you find the entire box full of thick looking pads, still in their plastic wrapping. You nod quietly to her to tell her that these are what you'd like, and she nods eagerly back. "A quiet little thing." She says, before making a clicking sound in her throat.
"Not really.." Jungkook mumbles to himself. "How much for the entire box?" He wants to know, walking closer to you both, boots heavy on the floor, throwing dust around.
"Hm, I'll make 50 currencies, but just because she smells lovely." The alien grins with her multiple rows of teeth, before she turns towards Jungkook with an outstretched hand.
He some small but thick metal cards into her hands, and she counts them, before she nods. "Jimin!" She yells suddenly, making you hold your ears, and much to your surprise, Jungkook seems to have gotten startled as well, as he..
Holds you close?
A human man walks into the tent, clothes dirty but otherwise well put together. "Bring this box to their ship, yes? And go fetch me Johrta, I need to have a word with that scammer.. " she orders, and the human named Jimin nods, closing up the box before he lifts it-
Waiting for you and Jungkook to move.
You both break apart like burned by hot metal, before you walk up front towards his ship, where Jungkook takes the box from Jimin to place it inside himself- offering him one of the metal cards.
"Is she still treating you fine?" He asks, and Jimin nods.
"I managed to get my own home underground. I'm doing very well- thanks to you." He nods gratefully, before he looks at you. "A new companion?" He asks, and Jungkook scoffs, eyes a suspicious blue.
"Absolutely not." He denies. "Snuck on my ship illegally, now I can't seem to get rid of her." He sighs, making you look at him almost in anger.
What is he talking about?
"Well, I wish you both good luck. And, don't worry." Jimin looks at you, smiling brightly. "He looks all mean and angry but he's real soft on the inside." He snickers, and laughs especially when Jungkook's eyes turn bright pink.
"Shut up!" He snaps back, grabbing your wrist to tug you back into the cargo ship-
Jimin happily waving as the door closes again.
It's quiet for a good moment, before Jungkook moves to lift the box to bring it into your room on the ship. "Are we already leaving?" You wonder, and he nods, dyes calming down slowly.
"Its tense on this planet. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling we shouldn't be here too long." He simply explains, before the door to your room opens. "I'll leave them here. You can.. change now, or whatever. I'll inform you about our next destination." He offers, before he turns to leave.
"Jungkook-" You say, making him stop in his tracks. "..thank you." You tell him, and he simply nods.
Leaving you alone again.
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apesoformythoughts · 19 days
«Question: Why is Carl Sagan so lonely?
(a) Sagan is lonely because, as a true devotee of science, a noble and reliable method of attaining knowledge, he feels increasingly isolated in a world in which, as Bronowski has said, there is a failure of nerve and men seem willing to undertake anything other than the rigors of science and believe anything at all: in Velikovsky, von Daniken, even in Mr. and Mrs. Barney Hill, who reported being captured and taken aboard a spacecraft in Vermont.
(b) Sagan is lonely because, after great expectations, he has not discovered ETIs in the Cosmos, because chimpanzees don't talk, dolphins don't talk, humpback whales sing only to other humpback whales, and he has heard nothing but random noise from the Cosmos, and because Vikings 1 and 2 failed to discover evidence of even the most rudimentary organic life in the soil of Mars.
(c) Sagan is lonely because, once everything in the Cosmos, including man, is reduced to the sphere of immanence, matter in interaction, there is no one left to talk to except other transcending intelligences from other worlds.
Thought Experiment: You are Sagan and you are monitoring the Cornell University radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, when, after years of reception of random noise, you receive a signal which can only be interpreted as representing the prime numbers, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23… Communication is established! The source of the transmission must be Alpha Centauri because of the direction and the transmission time: four years. Years pass. A code is agreed upon. But time is running out. You are growing old. What with the difficulties of encoding and decoding and the period of transmission, there is only time for five simple questions. Which questions would you ask, and how would you answer these five questions from Alpha Centauri?
Are you in continuity with other organisms on P-3, S-G2V (third planet = earth, star G2V = our sun)?
If not, what is nature of discontinuity?
Are you in trouble?
If so, specify.
What information do you need? (E.g., what can we do for you?)»
— Walker Percy: Lost in the Cosmos
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windsweptinred · 1 year
@maelstroms-blog and @remolinop I promsied you a wee Eternity short from Metamorphosis. So here it is, full to the brim with fluff. 💖😅
A cool night breeze drifted gently into the nursery through the open casement windows. 
Within an ornate oak cot, engraved with beasts, both fantastical and nightmarish in form, a tiny hand reached upwards, grasping at the air with glee. The gust swept down, caressing the little fingers lovingly, then withdrawing with reluctance, drawing back to skies with a  silent promise to return. 
A small babe, just past his first year of life, staggered clumsily to his feet. Toddering  to the bars of his cot, little fingers grasped tight upon the railing for support, looking towards the night sky longingly. Stepping on wobbly tip toes, he stretched his right hand towards the window, left clutching a small blanket of raven feathers possessively to his chest. "Ma-mi?" He called questioningly into the air. Above, two stars flared brightly down upon him and a great, beaming smile spread across his face. His little feet, stomping excitedly against the soft mattress. 
So enthralled was he, he missed the soft, swirl of sand materialising on the corner of the room, and the pale figure who stepped forth from it, tread quiet and considerate of the occupants within. 
"Do you not wish to visit my kingdom tonight little brother?" A soothing voice enquired. 
The young boy turned abruptly, swaying slightly on his unsteady legs as he did. Three teeth flashing proudly in a wide grin as his clapped his hands together with glee at the sight before him. 
" Deeam! " He cried, reaching now for the new arrival enthusiastically, chubby fingers curling in a grabby motion. Luminous, gold irises dancing and twisting in loops and figure eights on dark eyes at the sight of his older brother. 
Two slender hands reached down, carefully lifting the child and blanket and cradling them to his chest. "Why do you not sleep tonight Etie?" Dream asked. Fingers carding through the boys' silky black locks.
Little hands waved once more towards the open window. "Ma-mi" He called again. 
Dream looked through the frame to the night sky, blazing with unrivalled beauty over the rooftops of London. He reached out in greeting, feeling a wave of love sweep over him in return. 
"He will be back soon, Eternity. He crafts a new galaxy into existence tonight. Is that not exciting?" 
In answer, the young Endless shoved his blanket into his mouth, gumming at the dark, iridescent feathers with determination. 
Frowning slightly, Dream pulled at the blanket, releasing it from his brother's mouth with a soft yank and trail of drool. Earning an angry cry and teary eyes in response. 
"Be careful, Eternity." He scolded gently. "This belonged to your big brother. You must treasure it." 
Tubby legs swung and kicked as the littlest Endless looked at his brother thoughtfully. 
"Pffffiieeess?" He asked. 
Dream smiled indulgently, sitting his baby brother back upon his tiny mattress. "That's right, Orpheus. He wraps about you while you slumber and keeps you safe and warm. Are you not lucky?"
Eternity bounced on his bottom enthusiastically, smile, a carbon copy of his father's, "Cat Deeem?" He enquired loudly. 
Dream shushed him calmly, staring at the antique Elizabethan bassinet, engraved with songbirds, which stood opposite the cot. Within, a baby, only shy of newborn, with a riot of minute auburn curls already sprayed about her head, slept soundly. 
"Be careful Eternity, do not wake your sister. Euphoria plays in fields of Fiddler's Green. Do you not wish to join her?" 
"Cat, cat, cat!" The boy demanded, swaying his little arms too and fro as if to emphasise his point.
Dream raised a white eyebrow, unimpressed at his display. "I have duties to attend to, little brother." 
Eternity's little mouth formed a familiar, forlorn pout, eyes wet in a tiny replica of his mother's hard done by expression. 
Dream sighed, knowing the fight was lost. 
"Only until Mother returns," He warned sternly. And with a slight shift in the air, where once had been a fair young man, now a large white cat, hair long, thick and soft, sat upon the cot mattress. 
With a loud, rumbling purr it sauntered gracefully towards the child. Rubbing itself around the boy as he squealed in glee, clutching at the white tufts of his fur eagerly. 
Kneading happily at the soft bedding below, purr all the louder, Dream graced Eternity's forehead with a single, tender lick. Before settling demurely, legs tucked under himself, letting out a yawn, fangs glistening in the moonlight. 
The baby boy followed suit, little mouth wide as he yawned, snuggling into his brother's fluffy belly, a contented smile upon his lips. 
A few hours later a second form would materialise within the room in a cloud of starlight, long robe awash with magnificent, multicoloured nebula. Behind him, two owls came to perch elegantly upon the sill, as he gazed adoringly into the cot. 
"Dusk, relay a message to Lucienne in the Dreaming." He instructed quietly. "Tell her, Lord Daniel rests, safe and well in our care and will return to her in due course. In his absence, might she send Matthew to watch over my children's dreams?" 
He gave one last glance to the occupants of the cot as Dusk disappeared with a great waft of her wings. Little Eternity, head nestled into his brother's furr. Dream, head propped upon his baby brother's head in peaceful slumber. He checked next upon his daughter, green eyes, so like Dream's, closed tight in sleep. Little body curled up blissfully in her brother Robyn's lovingly restored oak cradle. 
With a quiet whisper to Dawn to keep watch over them, he took in his children one last time. 
"Sweet dreams" He wished them tenderly, before exiting the room to seek out his husband. 
Thank you to @danimydear (I hope I've linked the right blog there 😅) For the suggestion of Euphoria for Eternity's sibling. I loved it as it fills the gap left by Delight perfectly. I really liked Entropy and Evolution too... I sense the second coming of the chaos twins!
If you've got any more mini promots from the Metamorphosis verse you'd like me to tackle, feel free to send me them. 😊
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yanderefairyangel · 9 months
Fire Emblem Emotional Damage summary
Here is a recap of all the Engage post I did.
My gripes with Engage / some correction
Story Analysis
Is Engage story really all cheese ?
Fell dragon chart : how are the Dragon tribe working in Engage ? Fell xenologue x Main story
The timeline of Engage's story vs The Fell xenologue's timeline
The childhood of the Fell dragons comparison with additional data
Nel and Rafal's age.
Engage's villain deep dive : The Four Hounds / Rafal part 1 and part 2 /Additional content on Zephia 1 and 2 / Sombron is the perfect villain for Engage.
Focus on Brodia / About Firene / Is banditry in Firene caused by poverty ? my answer
Fell dragon fashion / part 2
Duality in Engage : part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 (centered around Veyle)
On why Xenobron is bad
A defense of Engage's cast 1 / 2
Morality in Engage and follow up
Hope and despair
Engage's songs : Opening translation + commentary + Ending translation
Engage's worldbuilding
The Somniel is better then the Monastery
Theories on Engage's world :
Fell Xenologue theory about Nel and Rafal : Are Fell twins splitted version of One fell child in Elyos ? Commentary on 片割れ / Theory about Nel and "Nil"'s design.
Does Alear have rubrism ?
Crazy Engage theories
Comparing Sombron and the Fell twins : different Fell dragons
Was Sombron a Divine dragon in his world ?
Were Elusia worshipping Divine dragon before ?part 2. part 3. Tei's answer to the Engage interview confirm it ?!
Nel, Rafal and Corrin are cousins ?!
On Alear's S Support : four-loose-screw's answer and my additions.
On Alear's character specifically : subonsicous memory / Is Alear a coward part 1 and 2 / Alear's speech / Why Alear doesn't want to die / Alear in Heroes / More on Alear's memory / About Avatar worship / A new perspective on Alear's "Let's run" scene
Connection in Engage
Veyle's speech 1 and 2
Praying and Casting a spell /part 2
About the use of " "
"I am the thirteenth Emblem ? The Emblem of Fiery Bond ?"
Oneechan or neesan ?
Some of my thoughts : Overall, my opinion on Engage's character design
About the localization : Why I use the jpn version / About chapter 24 / Nel's comment on the time / Censorship on Sombron's ritual / Alear's cue in chapter 20 was changed because of language reasons /Etie got changed / Are the highwaymen in Alear and Céline's support chain from Firene ?
My response to the video ""When Art Becomes an Obligation: a Critique of Fire Emblem Engage" (check reblogg for additonal notes)
additonal debunk for someone who tried to debunk my response
Fanfiction :
Fell Xenologue rewrite : The story of the Fell siblings.
Why Lumera put the rings in Lythos Castle and not in Somniel (putting this one because for some reason this question is waaay to often asked...)
Commentary : Chapter 10 / Lumera's death scene (check reblogg for additional notes)
Not my posts * : on Engage's worldbuilding 1 / 2 /3 / 4 / Timerra focus / Alfred focus / Engage's writer / Alear's speech / About Alear (with my additions) / Love ? In my DLC ? / Analyzing the Emblems rings design
People who talk about Engage (feel free to reblogg this one to promote yourself or your mutuals)
So for those who aren't familiar with my blog, I am mainly doing Engage analysis because I am tired of the constant negativity around this game and that I wanted to see what works and what doesn't works in Engage's world. That's why I took in me to make a deep dive and dig as much as possible from Engage's universe.
Please, if you enjoyed this game, take a look and don't hesistate to share with me your opinions or share those post. I hope you'll enjoy them
*Those are post made by blog who also made Engage post and discuss the story that I decided to include for the sake of recomendation, don't hesitate to give a look
** I might add some others post in this one in the future, so stay tuned
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etincelleart · 25 days
Eti I am telling you this here because I know I am not close to you and I know the internet ends up making anyone defensive in general, and forgive me for assuming, I feel you still feel some concern for how you feel about an issue and decide to throw out a justification but you don't need to because you don't owe anyone an explanation for why you do things the way you do, again I apologize for assuming the above and I know I am no one to tell you what to do but and forgive me I feel worried that this need to justify yourself will end up burning you up inside. you don't need to respond or anything and i swear to stop the topic after this. just take care of yourself and raise that confidence in your beliefs you are amazing sis
You're probably right,,,, I often overexplain myself a lot and that's really a bad habit of mine. Honestly I know about it and I "know" when I shouldn't just justify myself to people who don't even have to ask for a justification in the first place. I'm not saying this is uni's fault but still, the mentality there doesn't help because you have to justify everything, your choices, your ideas, because it helps others to understand your thoughts so idk I guess I just kept it. But I totally agree on the fact that I shouldn't justify myself that much.
Tiny little story about that (for example) is for a group project at uni. I told uni I had medical issues with a probable endometriosis in january, so they know I might be absent sometimes but am still available to work with others even remotely every single time. I told my classmates about it too without saying what I had. And lately for the group projects I've been absent a few times but the class literally decided to attack me as a whole pack for not showing up enoug EVEN if they know about what I have : I tell them I have public transports problem or health issues, and they send me messages to tell me they checked and I'm supposed to have transportation, or that this is bullshit, and they're being REALLY aggressive about it and I ended up having a lot of breakdowns because no matter what I did or said they just were so hard and have no empathy at all. And my only defense and acceptable answer to them is when I justify myself, so I basically have to tell my whole life or they never leave me alone. This escalated pretty high lately, I talked to a girl and cried in front of her because life, I can't take more of it idk. I'm not saying that to have pity but like, I always have to justify myself because otherwise it's just worse and people keep attacking, and I can't just close myself and stop all discussions because it makes things worse.
I know internet is not comparable to a uni group project, but that's still a process I keep with me and I hope I can take myself out of it once I'm done with uni. Because uni gave me a LOT of bad habits that is a very big problem to me and people I love and that's very fucked up :')) I just want to rush see a therapist once I graduate idk aha
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eti-mun · 1 year
Eti become tumblr famous speedrun
I made a sans undertale meme by drawing over it during my Chara blog days and that hit like 3k notes I think
Some people were butthurt that I was memeing about it and I was just "I'm actively trying to get out of it's path by leaving my college to stay at my parents, this is how I fucking cope"
It ended up collapsing one of the dormitories connected to my college so =)
Had to disable replies to the desteil post though because people don't read and I was tired of reading the same thing
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silveredfeathers · 5 months
hi m r sil ber my si lver is asking i f you r pk kemon pa rt s hur ttoo som eti mes but yoj sonnt have to answer i f it make s uou un cofmfy
I'm guessing you're referring to when I'm only halve shifted, let me know if that's not the case.
Sometimes yeah... It manly happens if I shift after a long time of having not shifted, or general soreness that one would get after running hard for a while, but with flying instead.
Oh and the pain that comes with shifting in general for me, though it's minimized through practice since it gets me more used to the shift... Either that or I'm so used to it that I barely notice it anymore which wouldn't be good.
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hrodvitnon · 9 months
You know, Abraxas being a half-Ghidorah Titan who remembers Ghidorah's extraterrestrial past, can communicate with humans, and isn't actively hostile? Once SETI scientists put two and two together, it'll only be a matter of their passion and curiosity overriding their fear of the Executioner Titan, and then they'll be scrambling to try and quiz Abraxas for as many answers as they can get out of them. Finding out that San has witnessed not just one but a whole host of alien worlds that had complex life and civilisations on them will only increase the ETI-paparazzi's enthusiasm a thousand fold. Though Abraxas probably won't be afraid to use a snarl or a display to scare the paparazzi off whenever they get on their nerves too much. Stanton can probably relate to the scientists since he's ex-SETI himself.
The San half might be happy to share his memories of the alien species and worlds he's seen, for as much as he can remember of them before the whole planetary exterminations occurred, and for as long as his patience lasts. Who knew humans could be so persistent? Plus it's difficult for him to give as detailed explanations as possible before the inevitable "and then I killed them" ending happens, which is such a bummer because then things get quiet and awkward. Things might get to the point where Monster X gets so annoyed with the constant bombardment of questions that all it takes is a little Glowing Eyes of Doom to discourage the ETI-paparazzi.
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Stanton definitely shares the curiosity about alien life, but also wishes he could give Monster X a drink.
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Ooh, nice. An opposite of an idea expressed in Abraxas of mankind joining their voices with ancient practices; where this would be a symbiotic connection, the "becoming voiceless" is explicitly a show of dominance/submission.
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pettyeti · 2 months
Character Details: Etienne
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Name: Etienne (True Name: Haruhisa no Kaifu) Nicknames: Eti, Haru Age: 36 Nameday: March 1, First Sun of the Second Astral Moon Race: Raen Au Ra Gender: Cis Male Orientation: Bisexual Profession: Warrior of Light (Retired), occasional mercenary.
𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔
Hair: Inky black with blue highlights. As he gets older, his highlights turn blue-gray. Eyes: Ice blue. Right eye is serpentine and glows slightly. Colloquially, people refer to it as a "Demon Eye." Skin: Tan. Tattoos/Scars: Following the events of Pandaemonium, Etienne was gifted "tattoos" by his Azem, Selene. These aren't actually tattoos, but serve as conduits for him to channel Ancient magics for brief periods of time. Eti didn't acquire many scars during his time as a WoL. It was only during his final confrontation in Ultima Thule that this changed, having received a pretty dire stab wound on his stomach (thanks Zenos.)
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Parents: Chihaya no Yatsurugi (F) [Deceased] Born to the noble family of Yatsurugi. Chihaya was reclusive and quiet by nature, preferring to remain hidden from the public eye. She was known to suffer from severe bouts of melancholia which progressively got worse as she aged. Chihaya loved her son dearly, and Etienne was all but attached to her at the hip as a child. Sadly, she grew more and more apathetic until she withdrew from Etienne completely. Gyokusei no Kaifu (M) [Deceased] Head of the Kaifu clan. Etienne's relationship with his father was resentful at best. Gyokusei saw potential in him, but believed he suffered from the same "laziness" his sister had in abundance. He hated how timid and sensitive Etienne was, and would often push his son to the very brink in order to mold him into someone deserving of his birthright. Despite everything, Etienne still loves both his parents. He just doesn't enjoy talking about them. Siblings: None Grandparents: To be continued.... In-Laws & Others: In-laws are deceased, but if Noelle and Hemlock (Vrai's Moms) were still alive they would like him <3 Etienne's only surviving family member is his aunt on his father's side - Sayo no Kaifu. Etienne visits her once a year and they have a good relationship.
Abilities: A master martialist, Etienne possesses impeccable stamina and strength. He's particularly adept with daggers, katanas, and greatswords, and hand-to-hand combat. (NIN, SAM, DRK, MNK) Thanks to Perfect Alexander's weapons, he also has some mastery over time magic. While he can't alter the flow of time itself, he can perceive it differently, allowing him to move at speeds that should be impossible. Hobbies: LOVES FISHING. Gardening, painting landscapes, and writing poetry. Will talk your ear off about Korpokkurs. Genuinely enjoys training and fighting.
Most Positive: His honesty. Etienne will never, ever lie to you. He would rather count every grain of sand in the sea than resort to deception. Need an honest opinion? He's your man. Need a straight answer? He will give it to you. (He's not book smart at all, but for good friends he's emotionally intelligent and highly empathetic. He speaks so little because he listens veeerrry intently, and he considers every. single. word he says before it leaves his mouth.) Most Negative: Destructive and cruel. When his melancholia is at his worse, he gets EXTREMELY cold and ices people out. Impossible to read, he shutters his emotions until he inevitably explodes on the battlefield or in his room.
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Colors: Black, white, grey, and (light) blue. Smells: The ocean. Faint floral scents (hyacinth). Polished steel. Incense. Clean linen. Textures: Silk. Sand. Flower petals. Serpent scales. Feathers. Pearls. Drinks: Tea (green, chamomile)
𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: Yes. Owns a kiseru and smokes kizami. Only smokes after particularly stressful days. Drinks: Rarely. Only enjoys wine. Drugs: Somnus (VERY rarely.) Mount Issuance: Unicorn and Ixion. Both are Azem's creations and so hold an affinity for Etienne. Been Arrested: No.
Tagged By: @thefreelanceangel and @desertdragon
Tagging: If you see this, you are tagged. Yes, you.
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oh gods oh no oh no how could you do this to me Intelligent Systems [A'lear part 3]
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(Spoilers up to Chapter 3 of Fire Emblem: Engage.)
A'lear has a weird dream in which everything is on fire and she's red (hair, eyes) and she's grinning menacingly at Lumera.
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It unsettles her, but Marth is there to comfort her. He's there because he was watching over her as she slept. She wore his ring to bed, which he doesn't mind, and after a thousand years together it would feel weird to be apart.
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Historians would later say Marth and A'lear were besties.
But never mind that! The castle is under attack! Unknown enemies have breached the defences and now they're almost at the Ring Vault! Where the Rings are!
But... how!? Wasn't this castle supposed to be magically warded against the Corrupted? And isn't it a castle? Like, an extra secure, extra-defensible building?
To answer the first question, it's humans attacking. As for the other questions, let's have Framme explain:
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Queen Lumera is up ahead in the Ring Vault, fending off invaders. To reach her, A'lear and co. will need to fight their way across a long bridge-hallway full of soldiers.
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They begin making their way there, trying to avoid the attention of the pegasus knights hovering outside the breached walls. It doesn't work, and at the end of turn 1, a lot of enemy soldiers start swarming towards them.
Thankfully, the cavalry arrives in the form of the crown prince of Firene and his retainers.
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Prince Alfred (lance cavalry) is a gentle soul who's obsessed with strength training and putting on muscle. Etie (archer) is a gym junkie who attaches weights to her teacups so that she's always training. Boucheron (axe infantry) is a kindly big fellow who is not obsessed with workouts, but is already kind of buff.
They're fun characters, and I expect they'll mostly be on the backbench by Chapter 10 (*). 🥲
We're introduced to a few more types of unit class here. Of the four we've already seen, Cavalry is self-explanatory, Mystical is for infantry mages and ignores enemy terrain bonuses, Qi Adept is for special supports and grants Chain Guard, and Dragon is for dragons (really cool OCs with two-tone hair, and Queen Lumera) (**).
Archers are Covert, a designation shared with snipers and thieves. Covert units get twice the usual Avoid bonus from trees/etc, which this map has exactly zero of.
Axe fighters, and most generic melee infantry, are considered Backup units. They have access to Chain Attacks — when an ally attacks an enemy in Boucheron/etc.'s weapon range (adjacent, in the case of Boucheron's iron axe), he'll throw in a free attack before his ally's first attack. A Chain Attack is always 80% hit, 0% crit, and chips away 10% of an enemy's HP (***). To be clear, this ignores everyone's stats except for enemy HP, making it an amazing tool for taking down enemies with stupidly high Def/Res.
(On the flipside, the existence of Chain Attacks means you can't just throw a tank or dodge tank into an oncoming mob and expect them to last the turn. This is an amazing addition to the Fire Emblem formula and I love it.)
The battle begins in earnest.
A'lear has Etie kill a few enemy fliers here and there, but only when the numbers need thinning.
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Framme punches a pegasus so hard its rider falls off, which is pretty sick.
And the whole team fights its way to the far end of the bridge, where the enemy leader tries to cut us off.
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The boss has Veteran+, which makes her unbreakable and negates effective damage against her. (For example, Marth's "effective against armour" rapier is no better than the Libération.) The majority of the bosses we encounter in Maddening mode will have this skill, which is... infuriating. Saddening, even.
Thankfully, it's possible for everyone to do a bit of damage against Abyme, chipping away at her health bar. And Clanne the mage can pummel her around, because like most armored units, she has next to no Resistance to magic.
Abyme is defeated, to be seen again.
Finally, to the Ring Vault! Where the Rings are!
(To recap: this vault accounts for nearly half the world's Emblem Ring supply. Whoever collects all twelve Emblems gains untold power.)
In a cutscene, A'lear encounters a creepy dark mage. How creepy, you ask? Well, they use magic to disappear... and reappear behind her!
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The creepy dark mage has little time for banter, and casts a spell at A'lear called Major Character Death.
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(actually the spell appears to be Obscurité, the same one Sombron was using in the Prologue. It's characterised by that purple cylindrical shape and the miasma-looking effect. Perhaps... could this attacker possibly work for Sombron, the only character known to covet the twelve Emblem Rings?)
Anyway, A'lear stands there in shock. Don't just stand there, A'lear! Move!
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Thankfully, Lumera is there to throw A'lear out of the way and...
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...oh, oh gods, that looks like it hurt. They're... they're not going to kill her, are they? Intelligent Systems wouldn't just kill off the protagonist's parent like that, would they?
Lumera then scares the dark mage off with some form of dragon laser attack. With that, the attack on the castle is over, but... at what cost?
A'lear cradles her wounded mother in her arms. In the scarce moments they have left, mother and daughter weep.
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The others arrive. (Framme tries using a staff on Lumera. It doesn't work, but now Youtubers can't add "just use Heal!" to their unimaginative "Top 58 Plot Holes" listicles.)
How could a Divine Dragon be unable to heal from this? In the scarce moments she has left, Lumera explains that she gave most of her lifeforce/power to A'lear, over the latter's thousand countless years of convalescence. "I hoped it would be enough to bring you back to me someday..."
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"...but now, it would seem that I am completely spent."
And so that's it.
In the scarce moments she has left, Lumera tells A'lear not to blame herself. This is an expression of her unending love for her, that there is nothing she wouldn't do for her beloved daughter.
And here: the Ring of the Holy Knight. May Emblem Sigurd protect A'lear.
Lumera says she had really hoped to give A'lear that red and blue ring at some point, but...
Oh, the Emblem Rings! Don't forget about those!
Lumera uses the scarce moments she has left to entreat her daughter to collect the remaining Emblem Rings. Do not allow Sombron (presumably) to collect the other rings. Collect the 12 Rings and seal Sombron away. Only... with the power of the Twelve Emblems...
Then, through choked sobs, Lumera says:
“When your scattered memories return to you, you must fight on with the utmost divinity. I believe in you, my child!”
And... that's it. Lumera is dying. There's nothing to be done.
In the scarce moments she has left, Lumera reassures A'lear that no matter how brief their reunion, her heart is so full. She's so happy and full of joy.
Lumera pinkie promises A'lear that she'll always be with her. The two of them. Always.
Her grip slackens. "Mother!", A'lear cries out, but there is no answer.
(Before today, Lumera was the last of the Divine Dragons. Now, that woeful title falls to A'lear.)
In the scarce— nah, I'm messing with you, there's only so much death scene Lumera's allowed to have. She's gone now.
(*) The problem is growths (and the lack of Greenhouse). I like Etie's personality, but besides her good Strength growth she has median-or-worse growths for every other stat. (IIRC the only thing stopping her from being the worst return-on-investment unit in the game is that Vander exists.) Boucheron has the opposite problem — his strength growth is lower than everyone but a few of the mages. His HP basically always increases on level up, making him pretty tanky, but if he can't occasionally hit hard then tanky alone doesn't cut it.
Alfred's growths are actually ok, with his default special class suggesting a "heavy cavalry" defensive build. The problem is that he doesn't start with enough Def to fit that role at first, and by the time he catches up on defence he's behind on all the offensive stats.
(**) Dragon classes—which really just means A'lear's personal classes—get bonuses when Engaged with any Emblem that range from "okay" to "pretty good". Of the non-DLC Emblems, only Corrin or Byleth are noticeably different when engaged with A'lear like this.
I will probably be moving A'lear to Paladin in the mid-game. She'll be weak to dragon-slaying weapons and anti-cav weapons, and I'll miss her combo with Corrin, but I'll take the trade-off.
(***) barring DLC emblems and one niche case I will mention when I get there
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