#Metamorphosis verse
windsweptinred · 1 year
@maelstroms-blog and @remolinop I promsied you a wee Eternity short from Metamorphosis. So here it is, full to the brim with fluff. 💖😅
A cool night breeze drifted gently into the nursery through the open casement windows. 
Within an ornate oak cot, engraved with beasts, both fantastical and nightmarish in form, a tiny hand reached upwards, grasping at the air with glee. The gust swept down, caressing the little fingers lovingly, then withdrawing with reluctance, drawing back to skies with a  silent promise to return. 
A small babe, just past his first year of life, staggered clumsily to his feet. Toddering  to the bars of his cot, little fingers grasped tight upon the railing for support, looking towards the night sky longingly. Stepping on wobbly tip toes, he stretched his right hand towards the window, left clutching a small blanket of raven feathers possessively to his chest. "Ma-mi?" He called questioningly into the air. Above, two stars flared brightly down upon him and a great, beaming smile spread across his face. His little feet, stomping excitedly against the soft mattress. 
So enthralled was he, he missed the soft, swirl of sand materialising on the corner of the room, and the pale figure who stepped forth from it, tread quiet and considerate of the occupants within. 
"Do you not wish to visit my kingdom tonight little brother?" A soothing voice enquired. 
The young boy turned abruptly, swaying slightly on his unsteady legs as he did. Three teeth flashing proudly in a wide grin as his clapped his hands together with glee at the sight before him. 
" Deeam! " He cried, reaching now for the new arrival enthusiastically, chubby fingers curling in a grabby motion. Luminous, gold irises dancing and twisting in loops and figure eights on dark eyes at the sight of his older brother. 
Two slender hands reached down, carefully lifting the child and blanket and cradling them to his chest. "Why do you not sleep tonight Etie?" Dream asked. Fingers carding through the boys' silky black locks.
Little hands waved once more towards the open window. "Ma-mi" He called again. 
Dream looked through the frame to the night sky, blazing with unrivalled beauty over the rooftops of London. He reached out in greeting, feeling a wave of love sweep over him in return. 
"He will be back soon, Eternity. He crafts a new galaxy into existence tonight. Is that not exciting?" 
In answer, the young Endless shoved his blanket into his mouth, gumming at the dark, iridescent feathers with determination. 
Frowning slightly, Dream pulled at the blanket, releasing it from his brother's mouth with a soft yank and trail of drool. Earning an angry cry and teary eyes in response. 
"Be careful, Eternity." He scolded gently. "This belonged to your big brother. You must treasure it." 
Tubby legs swung and kicked as the littlest Endless looked at his brother thoughtfully. 
"Pffffiieeess?" He asked. 
Dream smiled indulgently, sitting his baby brother back upon his tiny mattress. "That's right, Orpheus. He wraps about you while you slumber and keeps you safe and warm. Are you not lucky?"
Eternity bounced on his bottom enthusiastically, smile, a carbon copy of his father's, "Cat Deeem?" He enquired loudly. 
Dream shushed him calmly, staring at the antique Elizabethan bassinet, engraved with songbirds, which stood opposite the cot. Within, a baby, only shy of newborn, with a riot of minute auburn curls already sprayed about her head, slept soundly. 
"Be careful Eternity, do not wake your sister. Euphoria plays in fields of Fiddler's Green. Do you not wish to join her?" 
"Cat, cat, cat!" The boy demanded, swaying his little arms too and fro as if to emphasise his point.
Dream raised a white eyebrow, unimpressed at his display. "I have duties to attend to, little brother." 
Eternity's little mouth formed a familiar, forlorn pout, eyes wet in a tiny replica of his mother's hard done by expression. 
Dream sighed, knowing the fight was lost. 
"Only until Mother returns," He warned sternly. And with a slight shift in the air, where once had been a fair young man, now a large white cat, hair long, thick and soft, sat upon the cot mattress. 
With a loud, rumbling purr it sauntered gracefully towards the child. Rubbing itself around the boy as he squealed in glee, clutching at the white tufts of his fur eagerly. 
Kneading happily at the soft bedding below, purr all the louder, Dream graced Eternity's forehead with a single, tender lick. Before settling demurely, legs tucked under himself, letting out a yawn, fangs glistening in the moonlight. 
The baby boy followed suit, little mouth wide as he yawned, snuggling into his brother's fluffy belly, a contented smile upon his lips. 
A few hours later a second form would materialise within the room in a cloud of starlight, long robe awash with magnificent, multicoloured nebula. Behind him, two owls came to perch elegantly upon the sill, as he gazed adoringly into the cot. 
"Dusk, relay a message to Lucienne in the Dreaming." He instructed quietly. "Tell her, Lord Daniel rests, safe and well in our care and will return to her in due course. In his absence, might she send Matthew to watch over my children's dreams?" 
He gave one last glance to the occupants of the cot as Dusk disappeared with a great waft of her wings. Little Eternity, head nestled into his brother's furr. Dream, head propped upon his baby brother's head in peaceful slumber. He checked next upon his daughter, green eyes, so like Dream's, closed tight in sleep. Little body curled up blissfully in her brother Robyn's lovingly restored oak cradle. 
With a quiet whisper to Dawn to keep watch over them, he took in his children one last time. 
"Sweet dreams" He wished them tenderly, before exiting the room to seek out his husband. 
Thank you to @danimydear (I hope I've linked the right blog there 😅) For the suggestion of Euphoria for Eternity's sibling. I loved it as it fills the gap left by Delight perfectly. I really liked Entropy and Evolution too... I sense the second coming of the chaos twins!
If you've got any more mini promots from the Metamorphosis verse you'd like me to tackle, feel free to send me them. 😊
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spokenitalics · 2 years
top 10 books i read in 2022 (in the order i read them)
the master and margarita by mikhail bulgakov: in the 1930s, the devil comes to moscow; chaos follows. almost 2000 years earlier, pontius pilate sentences the mild preacher jeshua to death. also: kind witches, fireproof manuscripts, the greatest love story ever told;
here by richard mcguire: the corner of a living room from 3,000,500,000 BCE to 22,175 CE, the illusion of time, the joys and sorrows of life, the magic of comic books;
lilith's brood (dawn, adulthood rites, imago) by octavia e. butler: humanity is saved from a nuclear apocalypse by a species of hideous aliens who offer an impossible deal to ensure the continued existence of life on earth. in perfect bulter fashion, tons of discussions about hierarchical structures, gender, language barriers, consent, and the vital need to embrace transhumanism;
the faggots & their friends between revolutions by larry mitchell & ned asta: somewhere in between a fairy tale and a utopian political manifesto, a sacred text from days long gone -- the story of a declining empire ruled by the fascist patriarchy, where gay men, lesbians, feminists, and drag queens live communally, produce art, have sex, and await the next revolution;
earthlings by sayaka murata: three young people become aliens to survive the horrors of modern life. provocative, utterly chaotic, equal parts hilarious and sad;
to the lighthouse by virginia woolf: the epic portrait of a family and of an artist;
nona the ninth by tamsyn muir: god is a man, the divine is most definitely feminine, eating someone is the ultimate way to say 'i love you' -- of bad puns, mismatched families, and the horror of your exes becoming besties;
dolore minimo by giovanna cristina vivinetto: the poetic dialogue between a self-born daughter and her mother-self;
the city and the pillar by gore vidal: a gay man in 1930s-40s america grapples with society's (and his own) prejudices and chases an idealized version of his high school best friend and one-time lover down a path of self-hatred and destruction;
loaded by christos tsiolkas: 24 hours in the life of an angst-ridden gay greek-australian boy as he travels through melbourne in search of drugs, an escape from responsibilities, and something resembling love.
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iholli · 1 year
J'onn J'onzz is a huge dragon nerd, in this essay I will--
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nonhumen · 1 year
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you know kafka is quite easy to slam into bsd considering she's already based on an author. her spirit whisper is her ability and while i don't think she's a member of the doa, she absolutely partners with fyodor. they're besties.
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ninelivesastrology · 2 months
I played this at my child's baptism
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zorkaya-moved · 10 months
🎁 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝: @sunlessea & 81.
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Indulgence comes fully after life of a mortal is cut short, when there is no end to one's life. Even after countless deaths, you might as well indulge and enjoy. Creatures of the night, hiding in sunlight. Creatures of the water, hiding under the ground. Admiration for love and the longing for it remains, even beneath the ground within the fallen city. Dramatics, beauty, and newfound interests. Even in this land that lacks the sun, eyes of gold will shine in search. A book of poetry in her hand, reading off the words of love written for someone who is not her: "Oh the sun and moon both know such love can only grow. Je vois la vie en rose," Zarina reads with emotion, bringing forth the very meaning the author wished to leave on these pages. "Feel the magic in the air, enchantment everywhere. Je vois la vie en rose!" But can [it] feel the same beauty? Write it down on the paper and indulge in life's most romantic bliss? It is ancient, is it not? It must've seen enough. "It's such a waste to have these books gather dust instead being read out loud. Allow me to indulge in reading before it will be given to you, it's one of my favorites. What if I'll never see this book again, Mr. Pages?"
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— loving la vie en rose by path to nowhere.
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lesbian-i-ching · 1 year
At last, when all of the world is asleep You take in the blackness of air The likes of a darkness so deep That God at the start couldn’t bear
And sit unseen, with only the inner upheld Your reflection can't offer a word To the bliss of not knowin' yourself With all mirrorin' gone from the world
Still the mind, rejectin' this new empty space Fills it with somethin' or someone No closer could I be to God Or why he would do what he's done
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche Trína chéile; Le chéile, claochlaithe Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche Is claochlú an ealaín Is ealaín dubh í Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíchе Trína chéile; Le chéile, claochlaithе Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche Is claochlú an ealaín Is ealaín dubh í
[Actual translation of the irish verse thanks to this anon
you're all bright ease but you come on like night topsy-turvy; together, transformed you're all bright ease but you come on like night art is metamorphosis it(f) is a dark art you're all bright ease but you come on like night topsy-turvy; together, transformed you're all bright ease but you come on like night art is metamorphosis it(f) is a dark art]
[Old Translation of the irish verse
Although your bright and light […] You arrived to me like nightfall, you come like nightfall You and I sort of mixed together You and I metamorphosized So that same idea of you can’t see where one begins and where one ends that, that is some kind of metamorphosis of some kind]
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demonogeny · 11 months
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II — Savathûn — Imago Unfurl — Verse 8:2 — The Witch:
"My brother's greatest acts of navigation were his metamorphoses. That was his tactic: he would change everything about himself so that he could survive this universe."
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butchniqabi · 1 year
Do you have books recommendation about comunism from non-white people? I will also love to know if there’s a place to see the books you read since they look interesting. Have a nice day
i dont have a storygraph or anything, so unfortunately i dont have any way to show you what im reading or anything, sorry!
as for communists of color this is really @journeysendinlovers 's department, since she is well versed in all that. and what im currently reading (Black Metamorphosis New Natives in a New World) is definitely Not about communism as a focus, but is very astute and cutting in its observations of how capitalism is a function of white supremacy and how it was strengthened by the slave trade, so its a good (if sometimes visually confusing) read.
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bi-peanut · 1 year
with hozier recently releasing de selby part 1 I've seen lots of translations of his Irish verse and many of them have been quite inaccurate. but the thing about the Irish language is that often there is no direct translation back into any other language as it is a language that is based a lot on context and proverbs etc. so here is my take as a native Irish person on the translation of the verse
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha - although you are light and bright
Ach tagais ’nós na hoíche - you come to me like nightfall
Trína chéile; - confused/going mad
Le chéile, claochlaithe - together, transformed
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha - although you are light and bright
Ach tagais ’nós na hoíche - you come to me like nightfall
Is claochlú an ealaín - its the art of metamorphosis
Is ealaín dubh í - it is a dark art
for the trína chéile lime there is two sides because the direct translation would be confused bit its also used to say someone is going mad so in the context of the song i think going mad makes a bit more sense
obviously the only way we can get the true words and meaning is from hozier himself but as someone who studies and speaks the language here is my understanding and translation of the song after listening many many times and seeing other irish peoples views on it. I am in no way saying I'm correct but this is just my take!
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satoshy12 · 11 months
"Brides" of Pariah dark and "Mothers" of the heir
The few times the Justice League and similiar needed help, they summoned those beings from the contract they found. Be it to make all of Darkseid's army gone; they couldn't hurt Darkseid, but all of his parademons were gone from earth. The flying eyeballs just wanted them to sign the papers; it has nothing to do with souls or anything similar. Just being the "brides" of a dead and sealed king, nothing else, free will, and all that they would still just stay there. After a few heroes, magical and similar looked over and said a magical vow. Yes, their contract is just on paper, but they have no idea why. The heroes accepted, and a few females signed the papers. +
The Observants were happy, making sure the new young prince, after his metamorphosis phase (think of the JJK Cursed Womb where Danny is inside), would be able to take the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire. And not be turned insane. That means they can finally give someone else the paperwork! What the people didn't know was that the contract changed Danny's DNA again and again, so he could bear the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage easier. So Danny had many extra moms next to Pariah.
The people in DC started summoning the observers and others for easy things too, like Villainess used poison ivy for extinct plants, Circe for a Magic Book, and even Talia al Ghul used them. Or important things like Hawgirl used their help against the Gordanians armies; the robots seem to have a huge joy in hunting them that they had sent. The Thanagarians won the war! While they are only on paper "married" to King Pariah Dark, they didn't see many problems with it. Then summoning stopped! They didn't come anymore. +
In the Ghost Zone The young prince had woken up from the metamorphosis, able to take the ring and crown without problems. They no longer needed the mortars. So they kind of forgot and ignored them for the time being. + DC verse After a time, the people who signed the contract saw an invitation to a wedding for their child! They really should have read the full contract!
That was how they learned they had a child, as Danny got married and the Box Ghost sent the papers of invitation to the wedding to the parents of the groom and bride. A/N For marriage Either Danny x Sam and or Val Or A Dc Character danny x Zatanna or Cassie
Good meaning Observants
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colormepurplex2 · 3 months
The Demon Is In The Details | Sweet, Sweet Soul
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↳ Demon!Jimin x Human!f.Reader ⤜ Crossroads Demon AU, Accidental Enthrallment ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 9,928 ⚠️ Crass language, soul sucking, dick piercing, cock sucking, kissing, biting, mild nipple play/biting/there is blood involved, blood drinking, face fucking, hair pulling, choking, body worship, enthrallment/instant infatuation, begging, vaginal sex, creampie, cum play/eating, insatiable lust, lost soul, demon metamorphosis
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You’re not sure what you expected—but, a lavish bedroom complete with a four-poster bed and sitting area with plush upholstered furniture wasn’t it. It all feels so…human. You can almost pretend like you are just on an extended vacation, staying at some ritzy hotel.
“So, this is where demons live, huh?” You try not to let too much sarcasm thread into your words. “Was expecting more fire and brimstone and less velvet and lace,” you say, plucking at the lacy fringe of the canopy drapes that are pulled back on the bed.
The demon sniffs, his chin turning up in mild indignation. “Fire and brimstone? What utter nonsense,” he mutters, but you can tell he’s just sure to be loud enough for you to hear.
That prickles a bit. It’s not like you’re precisely well-versed on the whole demon thing. Are you supposed to know that demons enjoy the lap of luxury instead of broiling in sulfuric pits of steaming sludge? Everything you’ve ever read, heard, or been taught hinges on the idea that demons are hellish monsters that dwell in Hell. And considering Hell is supposed to be a place of fire and brimstone, well, put two and two together, and you don’t think your assumption is a stretch.
“Is this even Hell?” you ask.
Red eyes cut your way, and the demon’s top lip curls in disgust. “This is a hell, yes.”
“A hell?”
“Mm,” he hums lightly in acknowledgement. “One of many.”
Many? Interesting. “Like the different circles?”
The demon sighs, his red eyes rolling in annoyance. “Whatever it is you think you may know, forget it. There are no ‘circles’, no pits—unless you count the sanguine pits, but you probably don’t want to go there,” his top teeth sink into his bottom lip for a moment, his eyes turning mischievous, “or maybe you do. Another day, perhaps. Anyway, this is the…Inferna is the best human word to use to describe it. But, you may call it home, considering that is exactly what it is now; your home.” He chuckles, but you think it’s a poor joke.
“Home. Okay, sure, very funny.” The sarcasm helps to bolster your mood a bit, knowing that you can still spit words with at least a little venom.
That’s all you’ve been able to think about since the understanding of what was happening dawned on you. The fear of not being able to think for yourself, that your free will and ability to think would be stripped from you, and you’d become nothing more than some mindless demon slut.
The fact you’re able to hold this conversation is promising. But you are curious. With the deal settled between this demon and Dominique, you feel like you’ve been put in an ambiguous limbo of sorts. Dominique’s deal included you, but as she said, it wasn’t your own deal.
So, do you even have a deal with this demon? But, before you can express your curiosity further, a loud knock echoes from the double doors on the other side of the sitting area that you hadn’t noticed before.
“This should be fun,” the demon says, and it almost seems like he’s…pouting? “Come in.”
The doors swing open on a blast of hot air. Clouds of grey-blue smoke curl through the space before dissipating and revealing what you can only describe as evil incarnate. At least, that’s the feeling you get, like happiness and joy can not exist in the presence of this being. Your energy immediately wanes, so much so that it makes your knees weak.
Pitch-colored eyes set in an angular face framed by thick, inky hair give way to taught lips drawn in a severe line. His body is hidden by the billowing folds of a robe that seems made of gossamer and iron, with its constant shifting in the room's ambient lighting.
A voice as deep as the darkest chasm in the ocean and just as cold hisses through the room. “What have we here? A pet?”
“Dark Lord,” the demon at your side says, bending at the waist and bowing deeply. He straightens, casting a quick glance in your direction. “A pleasant mistake is all, My Lord. A soul come to me by the blundering of a supposed friend.”
“More fiend than a friend, it seems, if the result is this.” A smirk curls the pale pink lips of the man—demon?—standing in the doorway.
You want to jump to Dominique’s defense and argue that she’s not the fiend here, but a scathing look from the male at your side silences anything you might have mustered in protest. The look on his face says opening your mouth is probably the last thing you want to do right now. Whoever this ‘Dark Lord’ is, even the demon laying claim to your soul is intimidated by him.
“Very well,” the newcomer says before sucking in a deep, drawing breath as if scenting the very air around him. “Yes, yes, I think she’ll do well. A strong spirit, but not so strong that she won’t break. Perhaps…you might find it in you to share.”
“Share?” The word is gritted out between clamped teeth, stilted and forced. “Of course, if that is what you desire.”
“Please, Jimin, I aim only to tease you,” the being chuckles, wafting a hand complete with blackened nails and spidery purple veins. The billowing robes bend and sway with the act, stirring long shadows along the walls to either side of the doors. “Keep the little mouse. Enjoy the luxury of a pure soul for once. You’ve earned it.”
With that, he turns to leave, vanishing in a swirl of grey that disappears as the doors swing closed once more. Even though he’s gone, there is one thing that he left behind. A word. Or more so, a name.
“So, Jimin, huh?”
A low growl rumbles from the demon before his ruby eyes slice your way. “You will not use that name.”
Despite your lack of belief in demons and all the abracadabra nonsense prior to this, you’ve read enough to know there can be power behind knowing a demon’s name. However, you’re not sure how much power there is. But you’re willing to find out.
“What’s the matter, Jimin—” you twist the name with emphasis, “—don’t like it when someone might have power over you, Jimin? It is a taste of your own medicine, perhaps, Jimin?”
You part your lips, tongue poised to continue your taunting tirade, but in a flash, a warm, rigid hand is clamped over your mouth. Fire burns in the deep recesses of Jimin’s eyes. It's not just a pseudo-flame trick of the light, either. Real flames dance within the blood-colored irises. They undulate and grow brighter with each rise and fall of his chest until you’re certain smoke is going to start pouring out of his ears at any moment.
“You know, I thought I quite enjoyed your fiery spirit. But now, I’m not so sure. Maybe just a little tweak, a little taste, and you’ll…be…just…right.” As he says the words, drawn out and slow, you feel a little tug in the center of your chest.
The feeling starts out light, barely a string’s caress between your breasts. But gradually, it turns into a thick line of yarn that you’d swear was slowly unraveling your soul the way it would from a skein. There is an ebbing clarity, a fleeting thought that this is something you’re certain you should be resisting.
But you can’t seem to tear yourself away from staring into those flaming depths. Simply a moth drawn to the flame, heedless of the blaze threatening to engulf you.
His body presses against yours, hard and hot in contrast to your soft and freezing. The fact your body is chilled right to the bone only registers now. The trembling starts at the tips of your fingers and toes before your entire body shudders against his. Yet, you still can’t will yourself to look away.
“W-what are y-yo…you do-doing to…to me?”
The words sound hollow to your ears, thin and thready, like a weak pulse compared to the hammering of your heart that’s forcing your blood to woosh with staccato punches. The edges of your vision darken, and you struggle to blink or look away, to do anything to break the fevered contact.
“Perfect,” Jimin purrs, the sound registering the second before whatever is holding you in place diminishes, and you slump forward. Strong arms cradle your body, an arm sliding under the backs of your knees to lift you bridal style. Whereas your eyes wouldn’t close before, they now refuse to open. The darkness, such a contrast to the fire you were captured by before, makes your eyes ache and water. You can feel the trails of your tears cut through your hairline and blend with the perspiration gathering there.
Hot and cold. Light and dark. It’s hard to tell up from down at this point—warring emotions, seemingly endless confusion. You feel like you’re floating weightless in an abyss, though distinctly aware of how your body curls against smooth silk covering warm flesh.
With a sigh, you find the strength to open your eyes, meeting those crimson rings once more. Except, this time, there is no fear…no confusion…only peace, deeply rooted and infinitely spread through every fiber of your being.
You can see yourself reflected in those endless, vermillion depths. And what you see is…different; still you…but different—hungrier, a feral tinge that you know should frighten you.
The taste of your soul still lingers in Jimin’s mouth, making saliva pool under his tongue. It was the tiniest taste, just a sampling of what’s to come. But, fuck, if it didn’t make his cock hard and his chest ache from the restraint he used to hold himself from draining you completely dry while sucking the marrow right from your bones.
You are quite possibly the most exquisite creature he has ever laid eyes on, much less had the pleasure of savoring. His anger at Yoongi is quickly dissipating, replaced by the erotic thrum of the call of your soul. It beckons him to drink more, to devour you completely.
Jimin didn’t want to do this so soon. He’d intended to drag this out as much as possible, playing a game with his own constraint to see how long he could withstand your allure. This is Yoongi’s fault. If the Dark Lord hadn’t come in here sniffing around things that were not his, letting things as precious as names slip, Jimin wouldn’t have been so forced to jump the gun.
He had little choice in it, he’s sure. If you had continued to twist his name with your perfect lips, you would have indeed begun to wield the power behind it. With each additional drop of his name, he felt the knot forming at the base of his spine. The one that triggers his survival instincts and forces his hand.
Perhaps it’s for the best, he thinks, as he effortlessly carts your limp body over to the bed and lays you out. Your head lolls from side to side, eyes fluttering as they adjust to what Jimin knows must be an unpleasant ache deep in your psyche. It might be millennia since he became forsaken, but the memory of how it felt has not diminished.
Not that he’s going to let that happen to you. As it is, he’s undecided on how this is going to play out in the end. He has a deal with your friend that you will remain unharmed, and sucking out your soul until you become a demon doesn’t necessarily harm you. It’s mildly uncomfortable, but all together, not exactly harmful. Well, not to you physically, at least. That’s not saying much for you emotionally…spiritually.
Dominique should have been more precise in her demands—unharmed can mean anything. Though, he knows there could be room for argument that he was being deceptive. He shrugs to himself. He’s a demon…it’s to be expected. Words hold all the power. They are Jimin’s preferred weapon of choice for a reason. It’s why he’s so good at what he does, why Yoongi bestowed the crossroads task upon him all those centuries ago. Yes, if your so-called friend had truly cared, she should have been far more specific in her request and should have read between the lines before offering her blood and sealing your fate.
Jimin looks down on you from beside the bed as you slowly regain your senses. He has to adjust himself in his trousers, his arousal growing with each barely audible mewl that whimpers from your lips. If he were a lesser demon, he might not be able to keep himself from pouncing in your weakened state. As much as Jimin likes to dominate, he’d be curious to see what comes naturally now that a part of you resides in him.
“Mmm,” you moan softly.
Your eyes slide closed once more before finally popping open, wide and full of clarity. They find his, and what Jimin sees there has his whole body going taut with anticipation. You look like a feral wolf about to spring on an unsuspecting rabbit, and Jimin just so happens to be said rabbit. If you keep looking at him that way, perhaps he won’t mind being the prey for once.
“Whoa,” Jimin chuckles as you lurch upright in the bed, swinging an arm wildly in his direction, fingers hooked into claws. “Give yourself a minute.”
There is a thick, sultriness to your voice that wasn’t there before as you say, “I…I feel—I want…what did you do to me?” You bring the hand you swung at him up in front of your face, flipping it from front to back again and again as if somehow you’ll be able to physically see the change in yourself.
“Only what I’m entitled to.”
Your eyes snap to his, sharp and calculating. He’s intentionally cryptic, but he knows you can see straight through his deliberately obtuse response.
“Entitled to? The deal was for you not to harm me!” you snarl, teeth barred in his direction. Jimin decides it’s a cute look on you, like a stray kitten gearing up for a hissing match. Too bad for you, Jimin’s trained in the prowess of being a lion.
“You are unharmed,” he snaps back, eyes flashing.
You cringe, and Jimin almost wants to take it back. But that won’t do. No, not for what he has planned for you. As appealing as your defiance is…no, Jimin needs this far too much.
He realizes just how hungry he is.
Absolutely, ravenous. And he knows exactly what he wants to satiate the ache.
You mutter something under your breath, and if Jimin didn’t have the super hearing of a demon, he’d surely miss it. “Why am I so gods damned horny? Now is not the time to be jonesing for a joyride on a monster dick.”
“I think now is precisely the time to be, as you say, ‘jonesing for a joyride on a monster dick’.”
The surprise on your face is second only to the way your heart lurches in your chest, so intense that Jimin can distinctly hear the upbeat roar it launches into at his words. Both make Jimin feel powerful, in vastly different ways. Your lips form an enticing tiny opening as you gape at him, and the blood rushing through your body notches up the pulsing thrum he knows you can feel spiking through your clit now. The mere notion of riding a dick has your body primed and aching already.
“What did you say?”
“I merely repeated what you said. I don’t typically fuck on the first date, but seeing as how this isn’t a usual first…I think I can make an exception.”
In fact, Jimin is almost sure that if he doesn’t find himself in one of your holes in the next five minutes, he might make a fool of himself, similar to something a teenage human boy might experience. Typically, he doesn’t get to enjoy the tender confines of a human, not unless it’s part of the demon deal they make—which, thanks to the influx of paranormal romance stories out there, has increased somewhat in the last handful of decades.
The tip of your tongue pokes out and absently moves over the roundness of your bottom lip. “I don’t know if I understand what you’re saying.”
That’s cute; you trying to play it off like Jimin’s proclamation didn’t just create a wave pool in your panties. He can smell it, the light, tangy scent of your arousal. It blooms in the air as you shift to your knees on the bed; you’re unknowingly filling Jimin’s lungs with the smell of your dripping cunt.
He takes a deep, appreciative breath and allows a moment of tense silence to hang in the air between you. The thread snaps, thin as gauze. You’re on him in the next instant, one hand fisting in his hair and the other ripping at the buttons on his shirt. Your knees slide over the silk of the duvet as you simultaneously pull Jimin until his thighs knock the side of the bed and your front is pressed to his.
“Take your clothes off,” Jimin states, and you immediately stop your frantic groping of him and begin to shed your own clothes. “Bare yourself to me.” Jimin’s top lip quivers as his mouth forms around the commands, power bubbling in his veins as the small piece of you burns his insides; pain-laced pleasure threads through his every fiber, and he wants more.
Jimin follows your movements, watching as you strip off your long-sleeved shirt, tossing it aimlessly to the side before doing the same with your bra. You roll back onto your ass and kick your legs out in front of you across the bed and tear at the zipper and button on your jeans. It’s cute, the way you snarl and hiss at the offending denim as you wrestle it, along with your panties, down your legs. You finally kick free of them and, in the process, send a cloud of your heady arousal right into Jimin’s nose.
It’s enough to make him feral. The moment your last article of clothing falls to the floor, you splay yourself back on the bed, knees wide and arms extending above your head. Like a present, freshly unwrapped, and his to play with. Your hooded gaze meets his, like a challenge daring him to let his eyes drink their fill; and, oh boy, do they.
You are utterly divine. Jimin wants nothing more than to lick and kiss every inch of your striking skin, starting with the tender flesh behind your ear and ending with the points of your toes, mapping out your body like the temple that it is. Your nipples are tight peaks straining toward the ceiling, and your pussy lips are already slick and swollen with want; you paint the picture of perfect sexual carnality.
Jimin watches as your mouth tries to form his name. When it doesn’t come, a line forms between your brows, and you manage to gruff out a different word instead, “Demon.” It’s nowhere near as seductive as his name, but he’ll consider it a term of endearment all the same.
He chuckles, gripping your ankles and using a flex of strength to flip you around and position you on the bed just how he wants you. Your head hangs off the edge, hands raising in surprise to brace on his hips. Your chest rises and falls in quick succession, your breathing so harsh he can feel the thick exhale of your breath through the linen of his trousers.
“I’ll show you ‘demon’,” Jimin purrs seductively.
The button on his pants pops under his thumb, and the zipper slides down swiftly. Before Jimin can push them down, you’re hooking your fingers into the waistband of his pants and shoving them down. It’s an awkward angle for you; with your arms bent how they are, you only get them down his thighs. But, it’s enough. With a sway of his hips, Jimin gets his pants to drop to around his ankles.
He could use his power to disrobe instantly, but he finds this far more entertaining. Jimin revels in the slack-jawed look on your face as you take in his rigid length protruding in front of your face. The piercing in the tip glints in the ambient light, the first pearly string of his arousal already beaded and webbing along the silver ring.
Placing a thumb against your bottom lip, Jimin gently pries your jaw open until you’re stretched wide enough he can tease the tip of his cock inside. Your chest convulses, nostrils flaring as you continue to suck in greedy breaths through your nose, considering your mouth is growing fuller by the second as he continues to feed himself into the hot, wet confines. Using twin fistfuls of your violet hair, he holds you steady.
You swallow around him, the contracting of your throat sending tingles down Jimin’s spine and making his balls draw up as his whole body shudders. His control slips the tiniest bit, siphoning a sliver of your soul. It slams into him, causing him to jerk forward and drive even further into your throat, cutting off your air.
“Fuck!” Jimin roars, his eyes squeezing shut as he denies his body the release that nearly swept him away. This can’t be over yet; he’s just getting started.
You gag, effectively choking on his cock as his pelvis presses flush against your chin, and you can feel his heavy balls crowd in close to your nose. There was a moment there, where you felt connected to him in a way that should scare you, but a different kind of fear quickly replaced that feeling. Panic looms heavy in your chest as your lungs protest the lack of air, but you can’t bring yourself to shove Jimin away.
It’s infuriating to be able to think his name but not be able to utter it aloud. “F-fuck you,” you rasp when he finally withdraws. Saliva strings from your parted lips to the glistening head and shaft of his cock, the tip heavily leaking pearlescent drops that mix with the glossy strands. His cloying taste lingers, and you want nothing more than to stretch your neck up and scoop those milky beads away with your tongue.
Every second since Jimin did whatever he did to you, you’ve barely had a hold on your desire to burrow into him, get beneath his skin, and pick away at his insides until you figure out how he ticks. You want to be inside of him and have him inside of you, anything to diminish what feels like a miles-deep trench between the two of you.
You’ve never felt such a visceral desire to fuck. It’s not that you’re a prude; if anything, you would consider yourself to have a healthy sexual appetite. However, this is different. This is you wholly and utterly wrecked, wanting Jimin in all possible ways.
“Oh, I plan to. But first—” Jimin teases, a wicked grin curling his plush lips. He forces you to watch upside down as he finishes disrobing. With each additional inch of flawless porcelain flesh he reveals, you grow wetter until you’re a whimpering, slick mess staring at his naked body, “—you’re going to choke on my cock some more while I taste that pussy.”
Jimin’s dirty words are like gasoline in your veins, and his hands slapping against the insides of your thighs to pry them open is the match. Heat boils beneath your skin, sweat beads and pools between your breasts, and glides down the slope of your neck to tickle your hairline.
Your mouth is open, and your tongue sticks out flat in welcome as Jimin juts his hips forward. The thick length of his cock slides past your lips, velvety smooth and tasting faintly of hot metal. His body molds along the front of yours, slick chest resting against your stomach.
The warm fan of his breath hits a second before the molten lick of his tongue slides from your clit to the cleft of your ass, his hands gripping the meat on the back of your thighs to raise your hips. Your scream at that initial contact is muffled by the thickness of his cock in your throat. Jimin buries himself in your esophagus, pistoning his hips in and out so relentlessly that you only manage tiny gasping breaths.
He doesn’t let up, pounding into your mouth with manic abandon. You have to brace your hands against his thighs, fingers digging into the muscles and nails leaving deep, crescent divots in the flesh. Sensations assault you from both ends as Jimin buries his face between your thighs.
Jimin feasts like a man—demon—starved. His tongue swirls, slides, and dips in intervals between his lips sucking and teeth dragging. Pleasure builds, starting at the base of your spine and moving up until even your tongue writhing on the underside of Jimin’s cock feels like a direct line to your clit.
“Mmf–uh!” you garble a moan that ramps into a shriek as your orgasm barrels through you.
“That’s right,” Jimin murmurs into the wet folds of your pussy, “cum all over my face and tongue, just like that.” He continues to lap at you, suckling and humming his delight.
He grunts and moans a litany of guttural words you can’t understand before emptying himself down your throat. Hips stuttering against your face, he throbs in your mouth, his piercing sliding along the roof of your mouth as he begins to pull out.
You lick your numb lips and work your aching jaw when Jimin fully withdraws from your mouth, but not before gripping the base of his swollen cock and tapping it against your tongue a few times, smearing his still-leaking arousal across your lips. You know you should feel mildly degraded, being used as a proverbial cum rag, but if anything, it turns you on even more.
“Fuck.” The word comes out like a whimper, your body clenching in the aftermath of one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever experienced.
Jimin chuckles, “I’m getting to that part.”
“What are you doing to me?” you ask breathlessly. It’s not a question you expect an answer to, more a rhetorical musing that drifts from your muddled brain. So, it surprises you when Jimin steps back and cradles your upside-down face between his hands, lifting your face until it’s inches from his.
His scarlet eyes have taken on a golden ring around the edges. They pulse in tandem with each of his breaths. “I’ve laid claim to you is what I’ve done. And before you even think about spouting off about the deal, being that you are to remain unharmed, you are. You can feel it, you know I’m speaking the truth. My claim on your soul has nothing to do with your well-being. If anything, you are now stronger and more resilient than you’ve ever been before.”
He’s right. You can feel it in your bones. Not just their additional strength but the way your muscles cling to them, and you’re sure they would neither snap nor tear no matter how far you bend them. You are no longer the delicate mortal you once were. And you’re not sure if you care, either.
If anything, the strength is addicting.
You. Want. More.
“More,” you tell Jimin. “I need more. Please.”
You’re pretty sure you would do anything at this point for another taste, another dose of whatever this is that’s now zinging beneath your skin. Jimin drops his hold on your face and stretches his arms in the air above his head, lithe body stretching in all its glory before you.
It’s rapturous watching the way his body moves. Wanting to see the vision of him properly, you roll over and push up onto your knees. Jimin slowly brings his arms back down, threading his fingers together in front of him and pushing his palms out. The distinct crack of his knuckles sends chills down your spine.
A predatory glint catches in his eyes, eliciting another visceral response from your body, this one of desire. Not caring how desperate you seem, you once again throw yourself at him, hands gripping and tugging until you’ve wrestled him on top of you on the bed. He lands in the valley between your thighs, and you wrap your legs around him, holding him in place.
“Tell me your name,” Jimin whispers in command, lips brushing over yours.
It forms on the tip of your tongue, your impulse to give him exactly what he wants. But, perhaps you’re not as far gone as you thought because you are able to resist this. Slowly, you shake your head, and a sly grin forms on your face.
Jimin’s brow pinches and his top lip curls in what you’ve realized is a tell, indicating that his patience is thinning. You roll your hips against his, thrilled by how the action makes the line between his brows disappear, and his lips pop open with a soft grunt.
“You’re not the only one that’s clever here, Demon. If I can’t use your name, you won’t have mine.”
You can see the challenge in his eyes, the pure delight at the prospect of the battle ahead. “So be it, little mouse, but be warned: you’ll break long before I do.”
His mouth covers yours, silencing any protest you might have made to his statement. The vehement denial turns fleeting the instant his tongue presses between your lips and invades your mouth.
The tangy taste of your own arousal mixes with the intoxicating natural heat of the demon himself. He tastes like blood and ash but also like a crisp drink of water after days in the desert, both your salvation and your demise.
“Ah!” you yelp as Jimin fists a hand into your hair and cranes your head back, breaking the kiss and exposing the length of your neck to him.
“Pay close attention, pet. You don’t want to miss a second of this.” His words are murmured, so soft against your skin as he says them between open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat.
With every press of his mouth, his hips swivel in lazy circles that rub the thick shaft of his desire over your clit. It’s just enough pressure to drive you mad but not nearly enough to give you what you truly want.
Jimin takes first one nipple and then the other into the wet lock of his lips, lashing the pert tip with his tongue. The hand that was tugging your hair loosens, sliding down the side of your face before clasping around your neck like a five-fingered necklace.
You can feel the moment he begins to squeeze with his fingers and thumb, as they are so precisely placed on either side of your neck that they press against your jugulars. It creates a subtle pounding in your head, a lightheadedness that makes you hyper-aware of the way his teeth scrape over the tender flesh of your right breast before lightly piercing the skin.
A moan comes out in place of a scream as your body gives in to the depraved pleasure. This shouldn’t feel as good as it does, but it’s like Jimin is turning your entire body into one giant, throbbing erogenous zone. Pain is no longer something your body tries to pull away from. Instead, you find yourself arching your back so the points of his teeth pierce your flesh once more.
You can feel the heat of your blood pooling between your breasts for a moment before Jimin is lapping it up the same way he was licking at your pussy just moments ago. The sharp scent of hot copper punches the air when Jimin lifts his face and laughs, the sound dark and gravelly.
Peering down the slope of your nose the best you can, you catch a glimpse of his face before he dives back down to once again ravish the tight buds of your nipples. But that one glimpse is enough to paint a vivid picture of Jimin bathed in your blood, red eyes ringed in black, crimson smeared at the corners of his mouth, coating the tips of his teeth as he opened his mouth to laugh.
It does something to you, something primal and instinctive. Your body goes limp under him as your muscles coil before you snap. You throw your weight into him, shoving up with your hips and using the hold you have with your legs wrapped around him to your advantage. One moment, Jimin is buried between the mounds of your breasts, feasting on the tiny rivulets of crimson from his bites, and the next, he’s beneath you with a pleasant surprise on his bloody face.
“Look at you,” Jimin croons, his hands landing firmly on your hips. Using his hold, he undulates your hips, forcing the wet slit of your cunt to rub along the length of his dick, the ring in the tip catching on the hood of your clit with every pass. “You’re making a mess all over my cock.”
Bracing yourself on his chest, you let his hands encourage your hips with ease, luxuriating in the silky glide between your thighs. You’re relatively certain with just a few more minutes of this, and you could get yourself off, Jimin’s own pleasure be damned. But, it seems he picks up on that, and with a scoff, he uses his grip on your hips to force your body still.
“Don’t be an asshole!” you whine, digging your nails into the muscles of his chest. His dusky nipples stand out, and without thinking about it, you lean down and capture one between your teeth the same way he did yours. The skin pulls tight, and you love the sharp sound Jimin makes; something between a moan and a grunt.
A fist buries in your hair, and your head snaps back as Jimin wrenches you up, your teeth snicking free from his nipple. Black blood oozes from around the small rip in the bud, filling the hollow between his pecs and the notch at the base of his throat. The wound closes right before your eyes, sealing closed almost instantly. “Look at this mess. Clean it up,” Jimin growls low in his throat, the words barely above a whisper.
You immediately stick out your tongue, and with the grip on the back of your head, Jimin guides your mouth down to his chest. His blood is hot and thick, tasting strongly of rich spices, like the fiery notes of a mulled wine. You feel unhinged, so completely removed from who you were before Dom buried that little box in the woods. Maybe it’s delirium, and you’ve snapped, or perhaps this is just who you’ve always been…whatever it is, you can’t seem to stop.
Lips swollen and covered in demon blood, you leave a trail of macabre kisses up the length of Jimin’s neck before covering your mouth with his once again. The mix of your blood and his is heady and addicting, the perfect match of iron and spice.
“Why can’t I stop?” you whisper against Jimin’s lips, not giving him time to answer before you’re licking into his mouth again. “Why don’t I want to stop?”
You’re not the only one who doesn’t want to stop. It’s never been like this for Jimin before. He’s never once experienced something so raw and carnal. He is wholly and utterly fucked. Or, well, he will be in just…one…moment.
“Be a good girl and give us what we both want,” he commands you, using his grip on your hair to pull your lips off of his. “Ride my cock, and don’t stop until I tell you to.”
Jimin watches as you rear up, head cocked back because of his continued grip on your hair, reach between your thighs, and wrap your fingers around his rigid length. You stroke your hand up, thumb toying with the ring there, before sliding down. Continuing, you work your hand from root to tip a few more times until Jimin is sure he might explode.
The command to stop fucking around and start fucking him is on the tip of his tongue when you finally comply. You take him in one swift plummet, impaling yourself on his cock with a strangled cry that echoes through the room.
Cracks form in the dried blood around Jimin’s mouth. He can feel it pull and tug as his lips part with a groan. Your body moves over his, hips and tits bouncing. Loosening his hand in your hair, he slides it down at the same time he brings his other up. You fit perfectly in his hands, and the soft mounds of your breasts mold around his fingers as he squeezes them appreciatively.
“I can f-feel you so deep.” You’re mewling, panting and whining, the sounds a symphony of eroticism and pleasure to Jimin’s ears.
The bite marks on your chest have stopped bleeding, but Jimin still appreciates the way the dried crimson smears of his feasting look under his hands. Everything about your body drives him crazy and turns him into a barely-restrained animal.
The only reason he hasn’t shoved you face down on the bed and rutted you like a beast is because he wants to enjoy you a little bit longer before completely destroying you. He knows he would lose control of his abilities, gobbling down the rest of your soul in one gulp.
“Look at you, taking my cock so perfectly,” he grunts, digging his heels in and flexing his hips up as you drop down, forcing himself even deeper. You keen, increasing your pace as he continues to meet you stroke for stroke. Slipping his hands down, one latches on your hip, and the other presses to your lower belly, thumb finding your clit and swirling in precise circles.
“I, uh, fuck! I’m going to—”
The cresting of your orgasm cuts off your words. Your body shudders with the release, walls intensely contracting around his cock. Warmth floods Jimin’s body. He can feel every pulse of your body as if it’s begging for a reward.
Keeping his hold on you, he redoubles his effort, pistoning his hips into you at a manic pace. His thumb continues its assault on your clit, earning him delightful whimpers and moans from you.
“Give me another one. Fuck!” he grunts. Tears streak down your cheeks at the overstimulation, but your body gives him exactly what he wants by clamping down on his cock with your next orgasm.
Jimin can feel the way his tip pulses and his shaft grows engorged before his body succumbs to the pleasure, and he explodes, filling you so completely that torrents of cum leak from around his cock and string across his pelvis and your thighs.
The release rips his control to shreds and before Jimin can stop himself, he’s taking another hefty draft of your soul. It settles along the fibers of his being, coating his insides as thoroughly as he just coated yours.
There is no regret or remorse for the accidental slip. Jimin luxuriates in the euphoric aftermath. Post-soul sucking is nearly as good as post-orgasm, and he just so happened to experience both in the span of mere seconds. Reaching with one of his hands, he scoops a thick drop of cum up with his finger and lifts it to your mouth.
You don’t hesitate, wrapping your tongue around the offered digit. The moan you release is soft and sweet. Jimin drags you down, capturing your mouth once more in a devouring kiss.
He’s wholly and utterly satiated…for now.
He only hopes you’ll be as amiable to his new revelation because he’s finally made up his mind. Jimin plans to keep you…no matter what he has to do, no matter the words he’ll have to twist or who he will need to manipulate.
You will be his…
You try to resist Jimin as the weeks pass by, but your resolve is as formidable as wet paper. You’ve lost count of the times you’ve had him inside of you—welcomed him within the confines of your body and subsequently fed him slivers of your soul.
After a while, you begin to seek it out…hungry for his touch or rousing him with your lips around his cock, swallowing whatever he’ll give you. It’s unclear where the line was or when you crossed it, but here you are…lost in some in-between limbo.
You roll over, shoving away from Jimin’s naked body, and slide off the bed, his taste still clinging to your tongue. You’re still feeling the aftereffects of whatever just happened. Whatever it was, it wasn’t sex. At least, not regular sex. It was something…just something else.
Each time, it feels like a whole new experience. He shows you something you never thought possible and has you so wrung out you forget to question it. You can still feel him inside you, not just the phantom girth of his cock, but somewhere deeper. It’s like he’s permanently etched onto your bones now. As weird as that sounds, it’s exactly how it feels.
Crossing the expanse of his room, you stare at yourself in the mirror above an ornate chaise. You prod a finger beneath your eye, pulling the bottom lid down. No matter how much you poke and rub, the distinct red ring circling your pupil doesn’t go away.
From what little Jimin has told you over the weeks about what’s happening, you understand that you’re now a few pieces of your soul lighter. He assured you that you’re unharmed and as long as things go well, then when the deal with Dominique is complete, your soul will be restored…if you want it to be. Those were his exact—cryptic—words.
If you want it to be?
“What is that supposed to mean?” you ask, not for the first time.
Jimin shrugs, not having to ask you what you mean because somehow he has this innate ability to just know what’s on your mind. His nonchalance as he lounges against a mound of pillows on the bed grates. He’s acting like a cat that’s gotten the cream…and you suppose, maybe he has.
“It means exactly what it means.”
Dropping your hand from your face, you turn and bracket your bare hips with your hands, eyes narrowing in his direction. His answers are nonanswers, and no matter how much you try to muster anger at him over it…it doesn’t come.
You’re frustrated, yes. But anger isn’t something you’re able to grasp right now for some reason, and that should make you even more angry…yet, it’s as if you’re incapable of mustering one ounce of vitriol.
“Why can’t I get mad at you?” you ask instead of pressing your previous question, hoping maybe he’ll afford you some semblance of an acceptable answer.
Jimin laughs softly. “Because you don’t want to. And before you open that pretty mouth of yours to tell me differently…think really hard about it, and you’ll see that I am right. You love being here. Dare I say you might even love me.”
Now you’re the one laughing, though it’s a bit more hollow than you intend. “That’s absurd.” You taste the lie on your tongue as soon as you say it. “Go to hell,” you mutter under your breath.
“Already here, sweetheart.” Jimin slinks off the bed, very reminiscent of the way a serpent moves, all smooth lines and sinuous fluidity. “You’ll find some new clothes in the chifferobe. Get dressed unless you want to go to your little rendezvous like that.” His eyes sweep your naked body, and you can feel the intensity at which they smolder.
To avoid potentially missing your meet up with Dom, you rip your gaze from his and approach the aforementioned wardrobe. Within, you find an entire arsenal of clothes, all in your sizes. That’s one thing you’ve grown to really enjoy: the pure magic of the endless possibilities. You can have anything you want as long as it doesn’t go against Jimin’s wants and desires.
 You may have put on a fashion show or two at the expense of Jimin’s powers. With a simple snap of his fingers, he'd manifest it for you no matter how ridiculous the garment. It’s helped to pass the time. Between the endless fucking and having nothing better to do, well…
It’s been a month since that fateful night with your best friend at the crossroads. A lot can happen in a month. A lot that you’d never have expected. The muttered assurances and pleas you made to one another before you left with Jimin linger in your mind. Her promise to find a way to free you, your unfailing belief and assurance that she would and could do it.
And now? Well, now…you’re not so sure. Should you want to escape your ten-year fate? Probably. Do you? The jury is still out. There is one thing you do know, though. Every day you spend here with Jimin is one more day you get to enjoy the power and grace of whatever connection there is between you. You get to lose yourself in the contours and planes of his impossibly immaculate body; whether it’s human or not, you’ve decided you don’t really care because it just feels too fucking good.
The red ring in your eyes is a small price to pay in the grand scheme of it all. Your fingers flick over some of the newer garments, taking in the sleek feel of silk and the soft brush of leather. Everything in here exudes sex. Something you might have once been embarrassed by, but not now.
Grabbing an off-the-shoulder emerald silk top, you pair it with a simple pair of black jeans. The thick-soled Docs you wore the night of the deal go on after you pull on a pair of socks. The lilac of your hair has remained despite the numerous times you’ve washed it over the last month. Jimin just chuckled and fingered a lock of your hair when you asked him about it, saying something about how much he likes the color on you.
You’ve chalked it up to a flex of his power. After the first week of oddities, you stopped questioning it. The bathing chamber connected to his room offers a variety of luxury products, none of them ever seem to run out. Jimin enjoys soaking in a bath, something you’ve done with him more than a handful of times after a rough but fun session. Sessions such as dirtying up his sheets—which are always pristine and clean once more with just a flick of his wrist.
That little taste of power may make you no longer eager to escape your situation. Who you were before, the responsibilities you held, the people in your life…they all seem like a dream now, hazy and unclear. With the exception of Dominique, of course.
You’re excited to see your friend, but that’s about as far as your enthusiasm goes. Sighing, you turn to face Jimin. Who, in the span of however long it took you to get ready, has cleaned the entire room and dressed himself in a suit similar to the one he wore the night you met him.
His black hair is mussed in a way that looks sexy, tendrils falling from the coif to frame his ruby-colored eyes. Eyes that you have lost yourself in countless times and that are starting to mirror your own. You watch as a cherry lollipop appears in his hand, the wrapper already gone. It shouldn’t be so seductive, the way he using his tongue to seat the candy past his teeth. But you’re desperately turned on by the display.
“Fuck you,” you gruff, knowing he’ll deny you if you proposition him for a quickie before the meeting because it’s never just a quickie with Jimin. No, he turns anything into a full-blown, hour-long experience. Not that you’re complaining.
“Don’t pout…or do. I like the way it makes your lips poke out.” Jimin gestures toward you with the lollipop. “I’ll make it up to you when we return, little mouse. Promise.” He pops the stick into his mouth once more and then holds out his hand to you, one eyebrow raising in silent command.
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It doesn’t hurt, necessarily, sliding through the space between Jimin’s world and the other—the one you used to call home. Used to? You’re not sure when that became the distinction.
The moment your feet find the solid ground of the crossroads clearing, you anticipate a forlorn feeling or for an intense desire for salvation to slam into you. Only, it doesn’t come. But maybe seeing Dominique will be the key; unlock the floodgates or something.
She appears a few minutes later. The sound of her boots crunching through the underbrush draws your eyes to the two trees across the clearing through which you followed her just a month ago.
Dominique yells your name before breaking out into a run. Jimin squeezes your fingers where his hand is still wrapped around yours. In all the time you’ve been with him, you still haven’t given him your name. But, now…he knows.
Irritation colors your insides. You snatch your hand from his, earning a soft chuckle from him, and try to plaster on a smile as Dom closes the distance and throws her arms around your neck.
“Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods,” she chants, voice on the verge of hysterics. “Let me,” she begs, her hands sliding to your shoulders so she can hold you at arm's length. Her eyes sweep you from head to toe, clearly checking to make sure you’re unharmed.
“Not a hair out of place, I believe, is what you said,” Jimin says coyly. “Even the color is the same.”
Dominique ignores him, keeping her focus on you. “Your eyes,” she whispers. “What happened to your eyes?”
“Side effect of my time there.” You shrug. “I’m okay, Dom, really.”
When you were first taken, that would have felt like a lie. Now, however, it’s so far from that. You are okay—more than. You glance at Jimin over your shoulder, trying to gauge whether or not he’s listening. He’s absently twirling the lollipop's stick and humming softly, seemingly wholly tuned out.
Still, you let Dominique pull you further away. She pitches her voice low, pulling you in for another hug to disguise the fact she pushes her mouth close to your ear and whispers, “I’ve figured it out. Grann knows a way we can entrap the demon. All I need is his true name. Do you know it?”
You’ve been able to say it for the last two weeks now since Jimin lifted the demand for you not to use it, but for some reason, you don’t want to tell her, so it doesn’t feel like a betrayal. You subtly shake your head. “Sorry.”
“Fuck. Okay. I know you didn't ask for this, but you're handling this better than I thought you would. I mean, I was prepared for something like this for me, but you had no idea what would happen. Not that I think you’re handling it better than I would…I just, yeah, I’m glad you’re alive.”
Dominique pulls back a little so she can look into your eyes but still remain close. The skin around her eyes is darker, her hair a bit disheveled and the purple strands completely faded and washed out. She looks tired, exhausted, really. But what she just said sparks something in you, tickles a niggling you had in the back of your mind from a month ago that resurfaces now. She was prepared for something like this for herself? Interesting. Before you can think further on the matter, Dom sighs heavily, and your attention draws back to her tired expression.
You pause for a beat, waiting for the concern and love for your friend to come crashing down on you. Much like your anger, it doesn’t so much as tickle through your mind. If anything, you’re feeling restless and eager to finish up this meeting and return to Jimin’s quarters in the Obsidian Fortress. Quarters that, you realize now, feel more like home than Dominique’s arms do.
“Maybe I can try, though. For next time.” You try to offer her somewhat of a reassuring smile, but you’re not sure it lands. Her eyes flick over your face, searching…for what, you’re unsure. Whatever she finds there, though, must satisfy her enough that she nods.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispers.
“I’ve missed you, too, Dom. You need to take care of yourself. Can’t rescue me if you can barely keep your feet.”
“...rescue me…”
Jimin admits he was barely paying attention. His own fault, really. But those two words ring in his ears as if you’d shouted them for the entire world to hear. He had really thought you were coming around, enjoying your time with him.
But this? You’re still maintaining some sort of fantasy where your little witchy friend comes to your rescue? Oh, that makes Jimin’s blood boil. How dare you. He’s done nothing but satisfy your every gods damned need and desire.
His plan for forever jumps right to the forefront of his mind. Apparently, he can’t continue to dawdle over this. It’s time to make his move, consequences be damned.
Jimin watches as you giggle and chat with your friend, completely unaware of the fury brewing a few feet away from you. He hopes you’re enjoying yourself because this will be the last time you ever do this again.
The hour drags by. But, when it’s finally time to say goodbye, it doesn’t take much effort on his part. If he hadn’t overheard the little bit of your conversation earlier, he’d almost think you were coming to him willingly—eager, even.
After the fifth time Jimin tasted your soul, he found it hard to read you. Your mind was closed to him; otherwise, he would shove right in and scour it for any morsel of information. Clearly, he’s coddled you too much. So unbecoming of a demon, and there’s only one way he can think to rectify his folly and move forward with his plan all at once…one way—or demon, more precisely—that can give him what he wants; the deal with Dominique be damned.
It feels right, sliding your hand into Jimin’s. You give Dominique one final, half-hearted wave, and then your breath is stolen by the sensation of falling. It sweeps through your belly, and when you blink, you expect to see Jimin’s lavish room, but instead, you’re somewhere else, somewhere colder and more bleak.
“Where are we?” you ask.
“Jimin, what a pleasant surprise,” comes a dark, familiar voice behind you. Chills cascade down your spine, replacing the confusion from seconds before. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Jimin tightens his grip on your hand and turns, pulling you with him to face the same being from the first day you were brought to this realm. “I have a favor to ask.”
Coal-black eyes meet yours, and they widen in surprised delight. “My, my, Jimin, you’ve been busy, haven’t you? And yet, her soul is still mostly intact. Restraint and commitment, I’m impressed. What’s the favor?”
“I want to keep her.”
“Keep me?” you ask, startled by this revelation. 
Ignoring you, Jimin continues, “Forever. Dissolve my deal, make her mine in all ways.”
“Interesting,” the dark figure coos. “So very interesting.” With a swirl of dark fabric and smoke, he’s standing before you, so close you can see the purple-black pallor around his eyes and the fine points of his teeth as he smiles. “Mm, I’m intrigued. What’s brought about this request?”
Jimin opens his mouth but closes it again before clearing his throat and tightening his grip on your hand. “I’ve taken a liking to…her.”
“More than a liking, it seems,” Dark Lord chuckles. “Though, it doesn’t seem like you really need my interference. She seems willing enough.”
“What?” Jimin asks, finally looking at you for the first time since pulling you here. “But, I heard—”
“What she wanted the human to hear.”
A long, pale finger hooks under your chin and angles your head, tilting your face from side to side. “Yes, quite willing. Isn’t that so, kitten? Ah-ah, don’t lie to us.”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“If she’s a willing soul, then there is no need for protection. By that account, the deal is void,” he continues, slowly examining your face. “All you need to do is take it all…every drop of her willing soul.”
Without responding, Jimin whisks you away. You suddenly find yourself standing in the middle of Jimin’s room, with him standing right in front of you and his eyes boring into yours so intently.
“Say it.”
“Say what?” you ask.
Jimin gathers you against his chest, arms banding around your waist. “Tell me he’s right.”
“He’s right, Jimin. I’m willing. I-I don’t know…what happened, or when…maybe you’ve manipulated me somehow, and this is all your doing—but, fuck, somehow he’s right.”
His reply is hesitant, uncertain, “You want to be with me?”
Instead of reassuring him once again, you turn the question back on him. “Only if you want to be with me. Tell me I’m more than just part of a demon deal, that I’m not some coveted prize that you’re going to toss away in ten years.”
“No, no, I’d never do that. Even if I had to force you, I’d have never let you go.” At least he has the sense to look sheepish at admitting he’d use force if necessary.
“Wouldn’t that have hurt you somehow, breaking the deal?” Worry creases your brow, even at the mere thought.
Jimin shrugs, pulling you impossibly closer. His warm breath fans over your face as he says, “What’s a few years of punishment in the sanguine pits for breaking a deal compared to an eternity with you?”
You can’t help but laugh softly, shaking your head at the crazy turn of events. “So, what now?” you ask, voice a little shaky at the sudden prospect of what he might say.
“Say it again,” he requests, breathy and fervent in his need to hear it once more, just to be sure.
It comes naturally now, saying precisely what you want.
“I’m willing.”
Jimin responds by cupping your face in his hands and slanting his mouth over yours. You recognize it the instant he starts to sip from your soul. With deep, long swallows, Jimin pulls at that little place inside you…and you let him.
You open yourself to him, accepting this as your fate. Maybe he truly did manipulate you and took away your free will all those weeks ago, but right now, in this moment, you can’t bring yourself to care. Because it feels right…this feels right.
“Sweet, sweet soul,” Jimin murmurs against your mouth. He’s greedy, tongue and lips working as he continues to taste you through the last few drops. “You’re now mine forever, little mouse.”
With eyes of vermillion and honey, you come alive…perhaps for the first time in your life.
All because your friend buried a box.
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mothvalentino · 3 months
@cup-0fp0isonx liked for redemption verse starter
It was his first night out after leaving the Vees, after abandoning everything that had once been his afterlife in Hell. No more soul contracts, no more sex work, no fancy penthouse to retreat to, and significantly weaker powers. If Valentino were to tell a past version of himself about this decision, he would've called himself crazy.
And yet, the moth felt freer than he had in years, the next stage of his metamorphosis unfolding by increments as he adjusted to the changes. Starting new took time, and without the financial support of Voxtek, Val had to rely on his own savings. Which were by no means little but finite nonetheless.
Still, old habits didn't die easy, and so he found himself in one of his favorite sex clubs, eager to indulge and find distractions. Which came in the form of several drinks and smoke, inducing a high that brought him to the dancefloor, only to bump into one of his former employees.
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ཐིཋྀ "Holy shit.", Val blurted when he turned around, staring into a familiar pair of magenta eyes.
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mello-t-befan · 5 months
The video accompanying this project (turn the subtitles ON ^^)
Partially inspired by this post ^^
Like a lot of people, I was disapointed by Disney's "Wish", even more as I read more and more about what it could have been. So I try and comfort myself with my own version, partly inspired by @annymation's fanfic "Kingdom of Wishes".
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Name : Asha Lucero
Age : 18 Species : human Wish(es) : becoming a storyteller; freeing Rosas and giving the wishes back to the people Power(s) : her magical pen materialize her drawings
Name : Valentino Lucero
Age : 1 month Species : baby goat Wish(es) : protecting Asha and thanking her for taking care of him Power(s) : on-demand human speech
In "Kingdom of Wishes" Asha's wish is to make other people happy and becoming a great artist. And even though I like this take, I'd like Asha to be a symbolic representation of people inspired by Disney productions into becoming artists (writers, filmmakers, ect) themselves. Hence why I would like her to be a storyteller with her drawings. And of course, she'd have her cute little romance with Najm (my starboy). And Valentino would be a cute baby goat actually helping Asha and being an actual funny emotional support for her, instead of being useless and unfunny.
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Name : Najm (pronounce "n-ah-j-uh-m"; arabic for "star")
Age : 17 rotations (17 earth years)
Species : wishing star
Wish(es) : none (truly; becoming human)
Power(s) : communicating with animals/plants and giving them speech, growing plants, levitation, animal metamorphosis, influencing dreams, infusing his magic into objects, human camouflage, purificating corrupt wishes, empathy
@annymation had the excellent idea of making her starboy a 2D character evolving in a 3D world and being able to hide themselves has a 3D character with a off-animation, kinda like Hobie in "Across the Spider-verse". And while helping Asha, he'd became more and more engrossed by humanity up to wishing he'd be human himself. I find almost nothing to add, except that I wanted Najm to be a shapeshifter so here it is !
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Name : King Magnifico of Rosas Age : mid-50s Species : human Wish(es) : reign supreme with Amaya (truly; being needed) Power(s) : levitation/fire/dark magic, materializing wishes and corrupting them Name : Queen Amaya of Rosas Age : early-50s Species : human Wish(es) : reign supreme with Magnifico (truly; being loved for herself) Power(s) : alchemy, emotional manipulation Name : Charo Age : 2 years old Species : eurasian lynx Wish(es) : protecting his masters and eating Valentino Power(s) : human-like intelligence
In "Kingdom of Wishes" Magnifico is the latest of a long line of magician royalty protecting Rosas and the Wishes and he poisoned his brother with the complicity of his evil wife Amaya. It's a great idea and all, but I wanted to stay simple and distinct enough so I got rid of the fratricide part and just made him the rotten apple of what was a rather decent batch. Other than that, they would be just like @annymation made them be.
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nonhumen · 1 year
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" shall we play a game while we wait? " she knows better than to rush the process of a hacker. " i can teach you a game i play with silver wolf often. " / @giftandguile
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Avaloketishvara with the thousand arms / hands is one of the most known bodhisattvas.
In the vast realm of Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara emerges as a beacon of compassion, a celestial figure celebrated across diverse cultures. This intricate exploration embarks on an odyssey through the layers of Avalokiteshvara's essence, unraveling the origins, various interpretations, and the profound symbolism encapsulated in the Thousand Arms manifestation.
Essence of Avalokiteshvara Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate Bodhisattva, embodies the very essence of Karuna—a boundless commitment to alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings. As we embark on this journey, envision Avalokiteshvara's form, standing as the earthly manifestation of the eternal Amitabha Buddha. His compassionate gaze spans the cosmos as he guards and protects the world during pivotal transitions, such as the departure of Lord Buddha and the anticipated appearance of the future Buddha, Maitreya.
Interpretations of Avalokiteshvara: The name "Avalokiteshvara" is not a mere label but a doorway to myriad interpretations. It resonates as "the lord who looks in every direction," reflecting his all-encompassing compassion. Yet, as we traverse cultural landscapes, his name transforms—becoming "Spyan-ras gzigs" in the lofty terrains of Tibet, "Nidü-ber üjegi" echoing in the vast Mongolian steppes, and "Lokeshvara," reverberating through the temples of Indochina and Thailand.
Origin in Mahayana Buddhism Within the embrace of Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara emerges as a central figure—a Bodhisattva of profound significance. Dive into the core teachings as Avalokiteshvara, with unwavering resolve, vows to assist those in the throes of adversity. A pivotal decision unfolds as he postpones his own Buddhahood, choosing the arduous path of the Bodhisattva for the sake of sentient beings. The Mahayana Sutras, sacred scriptures revered in the Mahayana tradition, unfold a tapestry of wisdom surrounding Avalokiteshvara.
The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika Sutra): Amidst the vast literature of Mahayana Buddhism, The Lotus Sutra emerges as a treasure trove of teachings. Avalokiteshvara takes center stage within its verses—a compassionate Bodhisattva, depicted with profound care for sentient beings.
Tibetan Tradition Avalokiteshvara's narrative takes on hues of mysticism and devotion in the highlands of Tibetan tradition. Delve into tales that weave dual origins—one from the heart of a compassionate monk and the other as the universal manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas. Each story, a brushstroke on the canvas of Tibetan spirituality, adds layers to Avalokiteshvara's celestial portrait.
Thousand Arms Avalokiteshvara As we stand on the precipice of profound transformation, Avalokiteshvara's vow reverberates: "Should He Ever become disheartened in saving sentient beings, may his body shatter into a thousand pieces." Witness the symbolic metamorphosis as Avalokiteshvara becomes the Thousand Arms Bodhisattva—a visual symphony of overwhelming compassion and unwavering determination.
Symbolism and Miraculous Transformation: Marvel at the symbolism encapsulated in Avalokiteshvara's Thousand Arms and Heads. Amitabha Buddha, witness to the Bodhisattva's unwavering commitment, grants a divine intervention. Eleven shattered heads are replaced, not merely for aesthetics but as instruments to hear the cries and pleas of suffering beings. Thousand-fold arms unfold, not as a display of power but as a manifestation of compassion—reaching out to touch, heal, and uplift.
Mantras for Spiritual Connection In the sacred realm of spiritual practice, mantras serve as resonant chords connecting devotees with the divine. Here, we explore the melodic nuances of mantras associated with Avalokiteshvara, each a celestial invocation fostering a profound connection.
Notable Mantras:
O Mai Padme H: Within the cadence of this six-syllable mantra, Avalokiteshvara's compassion echoes through the chambers of Tibetan monasteries, a harmonious call to enlightenment.
Nama Saptn Samyaksabuddha Kon Tadyath o cale cule cunde svh: In the intricate brushstrokes of Shingon Buddhism, practitioners intone this mantra, unlocking layers of mystical significance.
On Arurikya Sowaka: The resonance of this mantra within the Shingon tradition unfolds like a sacred dance, each syllable invoking Avalokiteshvara's benevolent presence.
Namah Srimadavalokitesvaraya: Across the serene landscapes of Himal Pradesh, India, devotees chant this mantra, seeking solace in the compassionate embrace of Avalokiteshvara.
1000 Armed Chenrezig Avalokiteshvara Thangka
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