#Even if it isnt outright hateful it is like oh my God shut up
whosplayerthree · 2 years
Me, a jew, the moment podcast hosts mention something even jewish adjacent
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franflam (they are not sisters)
ahahahahaHAHA this is exactly what i was expecting people to send in when i said "controversial ships". no one is ready for one of my signature franflam tangents
under the cut:
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you know the last time i did this ship bingo thing someone asked me about franflam too and i just flat out refused to respond because i didnt want to touch the discourse with a ten foot pole. either me putting my opinions here will get me cancelled or it will summon some people hopefully sane about this discourse. i love gambling
to preface, my honest opinions on the matter are that whatever the hell those two got going on in canon is queerbaiting. i say this as someone who bought star allies on a whim at gamestop as their very first kirb game like two years after it released, not even knowing kirby still made games at that time, and thus played the game with zero biases towards anything but yeah those two were written with a weird attachment to each other and it would be stupid to outright deny that. do i think franflam is canon though?: absolutely not and also i hate everyone who claims that with a passion. you could make a claim with a reasonable amount of evidence for either side of the argument and the fact that its even remotely possible both could be true at once, along with kumazaki himself either refusing to elaborate or confirm, or giving even More support to Either side is absolute bullshit and any sort of grey area here is totally his and the writers faults so hey can we all stop arguing about what the "correct" answer is when there literally isnt really one
anyways with that out of the way, heres all of the reasons i hate franflam without mentioning "potential incest" as a concern even once
their dynamic in canon is stereotypical angry black woman is overprotective of stereotypical dainty elegant white woman. hate that. gives me bad vibes. the whole "to show one character is in love with the other, they talk about their love interest nonstop every half second" trope is absolutely HANDS DOWN my absolute least favorite romance trope EVER. it drives me absolutely insane. thats the #1 way to get me to hate both of the characters and their relationship the fastest. holy shit shut up and focus on the story and whats happening around you instead of shoehorning mention of the other person into your words nonstop. hate that. i also hate the "person a is overprotective of their love interest" trope too, esp when it extends into jealously of the other person hanging out with others (sparkling pupupu world does this, for example). feels gross. can feel infantizing. if people see that as romantic good for you but i can not see it ever. its overly possessive. i think having a trio of mages and having two of them being separated and off fucking around on their own all the time as their "happy ending" is bad writing, especially when it comes to zans character being so heavily affected by her isolation from others and how hyness treated her AND YOU JUST GO AND SEPERATE THEM INTO FRAN+FLAM AND ZAN+HYNESS ALL THE TIME FOR SOME REASON HELLO. JUST MAKE ONE MAGE CHARACTER IN THAT CASE IF TWO OF THE TRIO HAVE NO DEVELOPMENT OR PURPOSE OTHER THAN TO FUCK OFF BY THEMSELVES. and then people who ship franflam also often end up shipping hynzan cause of that EWWWWWW GROSSSSSSS. also fran+flam being more close because the jambacult is a broken family that needs to heal Or them being more close because flam is an overprotective older sibling are INFINITELY more interesting to me as concepts than: "fran+flam are closer to each other and not zan because theyre dating and thus inherently dont care about zan as much because platonic relationships are always secondary to romantic". hate that. and the fandom. oh my God as people might be able to tell by all of the arrows on the bingo sheet i have fucking FEELINGS about this this needs a whole new paragraph
okay so. so 😍. i have this thing i call "red flag ships" where the ships are fine as a concept on paper but for some reason the shippers are just absolutely Rancid and that throws me off from liking the ship in its entirely and i get really sussed out by anyone who ships it. franflam is a red flag ship. i think the shippers have gotten so used to being yelled at by people who think theyre siblings that theyve pavlov'd themselves into being insanely hostile and aggressive to anyone who doesn't ship them. at least thats what i can tell from anyone whos Open and remotely loud about shipping them. istg i am not joking in the slightest when i say 95% of my interactions with people who Happen to be big or even decently into shipping franflam have been godawful. the convos dont even have to be around franflam i just think the ship inherently attracts awful people because its only aggressive toxic people who arent scared about shipping it openly. is that generalizing?: Yeah but thats just my personal experience. i have never met someone loud about liking franflam or who makes content for it that wasnt an awful asshole or yikes person in some way
that said, people who really like the ship but are quiet or lowkey about it usually end up being super chill and cool. its just the goddamn Fandom i have an issue with really. so anyone whos normal about it i am so sorry for you lmao
in a somewhat unrelated manner, i used to be somewhat close with someone who had franflam as their ultimate otp and God they fucking sucked. apart from redirecting every convo ever to be about franflam, they were also insanely nasty to anyone who even remotely saw them as siblings because they inherently saw it as an attack against franflam, so theyd always be making comments like "can you believe anyones stupid enough to see them as siblings" and "kinda misogynistic and lesbiophobic that metadede and marxolor are more popular than franflam when franflam is so blatantly canon" and yadayadayada they would say that shit completely unironically even right in front of me when they knew i hc'd them as siblings. i could complain up enough of a storm about that person and all of the insane things they said and did to fill up another 10 paragraphs but in general they were awful and really awful to me and multiple friends and you know what. i fucking hate the ship because of that too. sue me i cant stand seeing it around and i get grossed out by it.
on another note if i see anyone trying to push franflam as canon i will kick your ass. it might seem like im complaining about a problem that doesnt exist since tumblr is very anti-franflam, but on other sites its the opposite and if i had a nickel for every stupid "franflam is definitely canon and the only canon option and here's why" argument ive ever heard and could Easily debunk i could buy a fucking mansion. how to tell franflam shipppers its Okay if their ship isnt canon challenge: impossible (generalizing ofc, this whole rant is generalizing. take with a grain of salt. man i hate franflam)
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
oh my god im sorry but i HATE reading analysis discourse so fuckgin much. its so annoying and unnecessary and cruel bc per usual ableists just Scream over everyone and manipulate the view by focusing on the wrong points. disrespect towards this issue is never gonna work and yall would get that if you actually listened to the way the (usually nd) people felt about it and why, but ur too busy mocking them so you look good for consuming the Proper Medias tm. i mean you literally have to know this isnt productive, yall keep going bc you get a kick out of laughing at ‘unintelligent’ people.
‘uu ur teachers didnt oppress u by making u read to kill a mockingbird instead of the hunger games” ok listen 1. media you dont personally care abt can still definitely hold depthful value and be analyzed. oh my god lmao. the people who prefer ~that kind~ of media arent stupid and dont prefer easy thinking, its your own fault for Not looking into it yourself and just assuming its worthless, literally judging a book by its cover. LITERALLY avoiding the analysis skills you claim to have by assuming anything you read in highschool = smart, valuable and anything mainstream = stupid and useless. most books inherently contain symbolism and morals, a lot of these people CAN understand it, theyre just criticizing the inaccessibility of the writing that was forced on them academically. the people analyzing those medias instead of your favs are still taking in lessons even if they prefer to do it in a different format, i mean for instance THG is literally about fucking classism and racism and war you dumb hypocritical tunnel vision bitch, young adult media usually has a Lot of real world parallels in it that very much pertains to how teens see the world, thats the literal POINT, just cuz ur too elitist and dont respect children enough doesnt mean some books are ‘too stupid’ to analyze with any real social value, and 2. A BOOK NOT BEING EXCITING... OR EASY TO UNDERSTAND... IS LITERALLY SMTH VALID TO CRITICIZE IN MANY CASES, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GIVING IT TO CHILDREN.... if a kid says “this is boring/too long/uses words that i dont know, so i cant make any sense of it” that doesnt always mean theyre lazy or w/e, if its not a book made for kids (bc kids can understand mature themes but that doesnt. mean you can just throw all the other skills they arent experienced with yet at them, they still need writing tailored to them), Thats your first problem, but sometimes ur book is just fucking boring all together. a book can have as much symbolism as it wants, if its not there to open the mind and provide necessary depth, but to feel self important and make you feel self important for getting it, thats not a good book. and with books i do respect now like TKAM i remember outright saying, “i literally cannot read this and dont get it at all” at like 10 yrs old, and my teachers didnt do shit to explain it or help me or give me any skills at all, they were just like. :) keep trying!! according to your scores we know you can do it!!! so, i did not keep trying, i gave up, and i guarantee if it had been a few years later it would have been easier. if i had been given the opportunity to read stories with similar morals that were made for my age range that i WANTED to read, i guarantee i wouldve gotten so much more out of that. but i was literally DISALLOWED, bro if i grabbed a book that actually interested me, i was told i couldnt check it out at ALL unless it was in the ‘range’ i was assigned, which was college level since i was in 4th grade. so if you think i shouldve kept reading, im being unironic rn, you need to go get a degree, become a teacher, and if a kid or teen says to you what i said, sit them down and TEACH THEM without shame, and fight for better regulations of what reading levels can be pushed on what age groups. if lit analysis is this important to you, FUCKING TEACH IT PROPERLY, that is literally the ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the problem you have, NOT SHAMING the people who were ALREADY FAILED BY THE SYSTEM.
the problem is not ‘idiots think symbolism is stupid’ the problem has ALWAYS been ‘the education system is flawed and how and when children are taught certain skills is so corrupted and damaging, the children growing up with it cannot Help but struggle later in life, and your issue should be with the system”. like can i be real. learn how to Emotionally ~analyze~ posts from sad kids with mental illnesses saying smth as basic as “i wish i wasnt forced to read mature books as a child without any themes pertaining to me at all bc it hurt my already fragile motivations for learning :/” without your ass getting defensive over the classics. bitches stan ‘the door is red to symbolize anger’ but think thg is just a stupid dystopia love triangle book................ ur not even that smart like yall are just elitist like LITERALLY just elitist if you mock the values ppl see in other books and claim theyre too stupid to understand ~real books~. a fucking mickey mouse cartoon could hold the exact same moral lesson as a 1200 page novel written by a college professor of 30 years, like the Exact Same Conclusions CAN be drawn no matter how many words and analogies and metaphors are thrown on top!! for many those fancy details make it more enriching but its literally possible to get the same concepts from “EASIER” material, that is not Lesser it is ACCESSIBLE and it should be ENCOURAGED all the same. yall are gatekeeping and its stupid, if you actually want ppl to analyze media then you’d applaud how they analyze their passions even when you dont share it, not shame them for struggling with understanding other stories. this rly boils down to either ‘i hate ppls preferences and wanna make them feel stupid’ OR the ever so lovely ‘i hate whiny disabled ppl and kids who were pressured to the point of burnout, and wanna make them feel stupid’. its fucking exhausting. idc how you guys feel, you talk to hear yourselves talk and its all just talk and nothing helpful, your disrespect doesnt work bc its an echo of the root problem. for gods sake shut up already lmao
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wongiemei · 5 years
iKON Relationship with New Girl Member
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Basically, her dad
Takes care of her the most dealing with her problems
He’s the oldest and he is used to dealing with the boys’ shit so he can handle hers too
But sometimes, it can be overwhelming
The girl member would listen to him like he would for her
Whenever she gets in trouble, he would always defend her (which annoys Bin a lot)
When she’s in that *cough* time *cough*, she would be the most comfortable with him
Jinhwan wouldn’t hesitate but go to the store 2 streets down and buy her chocolate, medicine, heating packs, chips, and tampons/pads
out of all the boys, she would trust him the most
if she needs something, she would go to him first
jinhwan loves to brag about that to the boys
he also loves the fact that someone is finally shorter than him
the boys still call him short but the girl defends him saying he’s taller than her
if anything, they should call her short
the first time it happened, jinhwan almost cried bc finally someone stood up for him
whenever he’s upset or hurt by what the others said, he hides it but she can usually tell 
the only one he speaks his problems to
she experiments with makeup on him since he’s the only one who lets her
ngl, she’s actually pretty good
‘i didn’t spend 2 all-nighters watching jeffree star and james charles for nothing’
but as long as he sees that bright smile, he’s happy
i think he would be the im-never-letting-you-go type with her because he sees her as the girl he saw for the very first time
shy and innocent
and he will be damned if someone corrupts her
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if Jinhwan is her dad, he’s her mom
makes sure she does laundry, gets up early, goes to bed on time, showers before the boys
will feed and cook for the girl even when he’s tired
thinks shes the cutest little thing
but he knows that if he finds chanwoo and her are talking amongst themselves, shes gone
gets pranked on the most
the boys would use the girl to take advantage of his kindness to her for a prank
then the girl would be guilty later on and secretly tell song what theyre planning
believe it or not, yunghyeong is pretty scary when he’s mad
so she rats the others out bc she knows he wont punish her and she could watch the boys suffer
its like killing 2 birds with one stone
but really, she appreciates him
without him, she would be stuck eating delivery and ramen every night
since she rooms with him, chanwoo, and hanbin, hes always cooking something
ikonics see her a lot in his vlives and YT channel
when he went to the jungle, she was very worried
‘hyung, you’re going to get sick there! who’s going to feed me when you’re gone? you know Bin can’t cook for shit!’
‘yah! do you only see me as your chef?!’
‘what do you mean i can’t cook?!’
he looks out for her a lot
during ikontv, she was the only one excited for the mungap trip
out of all the boys, she appreciates him the most
okay, maybe she appreciates him and jinhwan the most
but, he was the one who made her feel welcome and tried the most to help her fit in and make sure she was comfortable
will never forget when he left her a tray of food at her door when she refused to leave her new room
there was a post-it note with encouraging words and she still has it to this day
just a wholesome mother-daughter relationship that will never be broken
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oh, my baby
as i mentioned in the earlier post, he wasn’t very upset but he wasnt happy
but he wasnt upset enough to make her feel uncomfortable
bc jiwon is such a baby and so nice that he subtly helps her
over time, they build a cute relationship where he is like her older brother
steals her food all the time
‘no! song-hyung cooked that for me! Only for me!’
‘yah! it’s rude not to share with your elders!’
‘*mumbling* wdym elder. you’re practically a 5 year old’
jiwon has no mean bone in his body and you were practically an angel to him
well, when you’re not fooling around or goofing off
although he thought you wouldnt survive in iKON, he tries to help you as much as he can
even though bin is literally a big butt and gives you a hard time, jiwon helps you
like the time bin screamed at you because you couldnt get the dance right and you, being a strong woman who wouldnt let people push you around, screamed at him too
it resulted to you having a screaming match and the elders having to push you back because you were so close to punching him in the face and the youngers holding bin because he wouldnt hesitate to come at you
more on that in a sec
but you slammed the practice room shut and walked to the river to cool down
granted you were new to korea and didnt really know where you were going, you went to the place the guys took you to
bobby found you crying there and hes a very awkward little bean so it was hard for him to comfort you
since youre a girl and all
but you wrapped your arms around him and cried to his chest *cue confused and frozen bobby*
jiwon slowly wrapped his arms around you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear
since then, hes vowed to protect you bc youre basically the little sister hes wanted
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okay, lets get this bread
as i said in the beginning, he didnt like you
aT aLL
he wanted to give you a hard time bc he wanted to see how long you would last
these boys have been with him since their survival days and suddenly this girl comes in? no thanks bitch
but i think bin is just really frustrated bc he couldnt figure you out
the others, he knows like the back of his hands
but you? he doesnt know shit about you
*cue his bratty self*
we all know bin is actually a soft little puppy who needs to be protected by iKONICS and will sacrifice himself for his boys
and dont worry, he will soon come to love you too
when you locked yourself up in your room, jinhwan grabbed his ear and pulled him outside to scold him
but it resulted to bin and jinhwan arguing
‘if you dont get your shit together, we’re going to have some problems. you’re the leader arent you? then act like it’
every day you try to be nice to him but he just shrugs and sometimes even outright ignore you
but as time goes on, hanbin slowly figures you out
youre still scared of him and thinks hes a douche but you can see hes trying
he really is trying
he picks up your weird habits like unintentionally pout when you dont understand something or the tip of your nose sweating when youre nervous
before, he used to not ask for your input in any tracks but it has come to the point he would knock at your door in the ungodly time of 2 in the morning, asking if the draft is good
love scenario was your guys’ combined efforts
there will be an imagine with that^
since you came in bling bling era, he didnt really give you a lot of lines because he couldnt figure out your voice and your strengths
but now, he knows you very well too
‘yah, be careful. dont be eating a lot of that ice cream. you shouldnt even have any in the first place. youre lactose intolerant, remember?’
‘yes, bin. i think id remember if there was something wrong with me.’
there are petty little fights between you guys that used to be mean and hurtful but are now playful and downright cute
but that dreaded day of your biggest fight yet
in love scenario during bobby’s rap, there’s that fast move that even the others struggled in
but hanbin already got it nailed down bc hes a GOD
but you were struggling the most and hanbin tried to be patient and help you
it was just hard for you and you couldnt get it right
by the 100th time of him repeating it over and over again, he exploded
‘yah! how are you a dancer when you couldnt even get this right!’
you looked down ashamed while mumbling ‘sorry’
he yells again and you mess up 
he throws his hat down and gets up towards you
‘if you cant do it correctly, why bother with it? go home. you’re done’
jinhwan nervously puts a hand on his shoulder and goes in between them to try and difuse the situation
‘hanbin-ah. we’re having a hard time too. its not just her. the dance is just hard.’
‘i dont get we’ve done WAY harder choreo than this’
‘well, hanbin, remember. she wasnt here for that.’
‘maybe it was a mistake to put her here then. she isnt ready.’
you look up at him with flaring eyes
‘listen, you dont know anything that ive been through to get to where i am today so dont even say im not ready. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!’
everyone stayed silent, even the maknaes bc theyve never seen her lash out like that
hanbin scoffed.
‘maybe if you actually opened up yourself to us and not hide in your damn room all day’
she stomped to him and pushed him
‘no MAYBE if you pulled your head out of your ass and take the time to get to know me then maybe you would! but NO! you decide to be a little bitch and throw tantrums just bc a girl joined your group. was your ego hurt that yg sent a girl to you? that you would need someone to make sure that this group doesnt crumble to the ground? bc with the way youre acting, the guys arent here just because youre a good leader. YOURE A TYRANT! THATS ALL YOU WOULD EVER BE!’
Hanbin was FURIOUS
he pushed her back and the guys held on to them
you pushed them away and sent one last hateful glare before you made your way to the door
‘but dont worry, kim hanbin. because ill send my resignation letter to yang in the morning. im not putting up with your shit any longer’
there will be a whole ass imagine about that so it will contain when yall make up
but after that, yall are so cool
his sister loves you and he might start having a ‘thing’ 
more on that in a sec
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oof my baby sunshine
previously stated, he was the only one excited for your arrival
so obvs, yall are very tight
you, bob, and dong do vlives together a lot and ikonics look forward to it all the time
always cheers you up
remember that prank for ikon tv where dong literally started comforting the girl?
well, he does that to you
he knows when you start to get upset and he rubs your back
sometimes, just a hug from him makes it all better
did i mention that he gives out the warmest hugs?
ace dancers
both of you love to do covers as bonding time
whenever you can’t sleep, you just go to the other dorm and go under the covers while he sings to you
he sees you as his little sister and reminds him of his own little sister back home
btw, he loves to give you gifts
but so do you
when yall were filming ikon tv, he always picked up something that reminded him of you
like when he went shopping with bobby for their studio, he got you a little cute figurine that you still have to this day
or when you went to lotte mall for your day off and bought him a little necklace
fans get excited bc they always see matching yall have
the two of you wear the most fan gifts
like when someone gave hanbin a shirt, you snatch it and wear it
like how dong takes bobby’s clothing
yall are so cute together and fans wish they had a brother or a sister like yall
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this hoe
jk, but he really looks hot in this one
yes, he hated you in the beginning but once he found out similarities between you, he started tolerating you
also to him, i think he oesnt like the fact that him and the others worked so hard to get where they are and he doesnt really know what you went through to get there
junhoe has the personality that may seem very cold at first but he easily opens up to others and that causes them to open up to him
he knows the struggles you went through to be in ikon
you’re older than him by a few months and you treat him like your child
‘junhoe-ah! dont forget to take your makeup off!’
‘yah! clean your room! its like a pigsty!’
he gets annoyed with it but he knows you just look out for him
he calls you ‘noona’ with that cute ass smile if he wants something
how can you say no to that
yalls laughs are so loud and yall are just loud in general
one time, yall had a competition on who could sing louder and the guys almost banned you from the apartment complex
the neighbors weren’t happy
he always asks you for fashion advice even though you don’t have a good fashion taste
you have the habit of spoiling him of clothes and shoes
‘noona, you don’t need to do this. take them back’
‘wtf they’re from busan. i’m not about to take a train ride there to return those. keep them.’
his mom absolutely adores you
always tells you to look after him and junhoe blushing like a maniac
‘mom, i’m bigger than her. i think she’d need more protecting than me’
he turns red whenever you pinch his cheeks together 
ngl, he had a crush on you but it faded away when he saw another member having a crush on you too
hes scared of him so hed rather back off
but you love him a lot and comfort him bc hes a little baby that really needs to be looked after
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fuck, so cute
at first, chanwoo ignored you and made sure you were uncomfortable
even going as far as to disrespecting you
like being rude and being un-chanwoo
lets just say yunhyeong beat it out of him
as the youngest member, you baby him the most
‘oh, my little baby!’
initially, he was uncomfortable with it 
but now, he lives for it
pouts when you give another member too much attention
teases you about your short height all the time
helps you grocery shop mainly for him to carry the bags
‘dont worry, noona. im strong’
you find out that chanwoo actually joined the group last and had a hard time fitting in
you used this to your advantage to get closer to him with your similar situations
‘you know, being in an unfamiliar environment is hard. but having someone who understands your feelings makes it easier’
and he just looks up to you with those big brown eyes and you just melt
gamer buddies
love to go to pc cafes even though yall have your own respective computers at home
only goes for the food
always calls him when you’re stuck in one level
*cute Hanbin’s voice*
even though he might act like a bitch sometimes, hes actually so soft and cute
hes your little baby and will always be your little baby even though yall are like 80
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 5 years
just gonna rant about my health issues to no one in particular for a bit under the cut sooo
im just so fucking tired of being sick all the time like. its been almost 2 years now of actively Going To Doctors And Having Tests Done And Trying To Get A Diagnosis and fucking!!! nothing works!!! and i only have until the end of this coming school year to get it figured out before my insurance runs out otherwise im just fucked!!! because im sure as hell not gonna be able to afford a fucking mri every six months making 10 bucks an hour at some retail shithole but so far ive seen SIX different fucking doctors (not counting 2 ER visits) because they all just keep shuffling me back and forth like “idk maybe have someone else deal with this? weird lol” or like “have you considered that maybe you might have anxiety :) you seem stressed :)” 
like yeah its a fucking stressful situation getting progressively fucking sicker for two goddamn years wasting thousands of dollars and reaching the end of a fucking ticking clock because almost every doctor ive seen is an incompetent jackass who does NOTHING but waste my time and money and then fucking condescend to me about anxiety like!!! yeah i probably DO have anxiety and depression and autism and what the fuck ever else but this isnt THAT 
and the literal ONE TIME i had ANY treatment that worked AT ALL helping with my eye spasms (literally One of Many Symptoms that i deal with on a fucking daily basis that still manages to completely fuck up my life) is something i cant take anymore because it damaged my fucking eyes!!! possibly permanently!!! i already HAD issues wtih light sensitivity that this medicine made WAYYY fucking worse and guess whats one of the WORST things at setting off my eye spasms??? anything to do with fucking light so YEAH thANKS for that @ the opthalmologist who had me take those damn eye drops for two months straight, which other neuro opthalmologist said was bullshit when i saw her again, not that im letting HER off the hook either since she REFERRED me to that incompetent bitch in the first place and then had NO solution other than “hm well you definitely shouldnt take that medicine again, but theres literally No Other Treatment, maybe blow another $400 in a few months to come see me again so i can continue to Not Help You In Any Way”
and its getting wORSE ALL THE TIME!!! and the best thing doctors can think of is “hm well maybe wait a bit to see if it gets worse? and maybe then we’ll know what it is?” well its getting worse!!!! but they still dont seem to know what it is!!! like at first it was just my vision going out of focus for a few seconds at a time, then it was a few minutes, then i was having visual distortion (or maybe hallucinations? who knows! certainly not any of the fucking doctors ive seen!), then awful fucking eye strain headaches, then spasms in my neck, then my jaw, then my arms, then my legs, now all fucking over, and now i get sick and dizzy just by moving my HEAD too far or too suddenly and like at work earlier today i was just stumbling around for two hours bc there was too much pressure in my head and everything felt tilted and i was just grabbing at every surface trying not to fall with my head like on my shoulder bc keeping my neck straight was too fucking hard and i swear to fuckign god a couple nights ago there was this weird buzzing on the side of my face??? and like it felt like my mouth was moving slower than it should??? but i dont even KNOW if thats a Real SymptomTM or if i was just freaked out and tired and imagining things or if i really am just getting to be a paranoid delusional nutcase about my health because every little thing terrifies me at this point, like ive been coughing for a couple weeks and instead of being like “oh its a bad cold” im like “maybe now my immune systems fucked up too maybe this is A New Symptom” i literally cant tell anymore i have no fucking idea 
and i dont WANT to think about all this All The Fucking Time but i do!!!!! i literally HAVE to bc it affects my life in every fucking possible way and i cant escape it like even rn the light from the fuckign computer is hurting my eyes and i cant even see what im typing half the time bc my eyes keep going out of focus and my teeth keep chattering and my head hurts or ill go to get a drink of water but then just Stand there for a few minutes bc i dont trust myself to hold a cup full of water and not spill it bc im having spasms or ill have to wear sunglasses at the dinner table bc my fucking idiot asshole dad got the BRIGHTEST possible lightbulbs for the dining room and i physically cant stand them 
or like im already dreading having to explain all this shit to my professors this semester about how like “oh so i probably wont be able to keep up with daily readings, especialyl not if theyre on physical paper and i cant scale up the text because my eyes just spontaneously stop working and i cant read..... and ill need a computer to take notes, i can Usually hold a pencil but one time i had a spasm in class and flung it across the room and it was super embarrassing and i ltierally skipped that class for weeks because of it so id really rather not deal with that again.... and even though im a fuckign AMAZING public speaker like, state champion debate level public speaking, ill still probably get super fucking nervous and suck at any kind of in class presentation bc ill just be thinking about my spasms the whole time and wont be able to focus....... and ill have to wear sunglasses all the time too so hopefully thats not an issue........ and also ill probably miss a lot of class bc whether or not i can handle walking half a mile Varies Wildly from day to day and also i have a lot of doctors appointments and sometimes im on medicine that completely ruins my sleep schedule so you know... looking forward to a great semester, hope i dont completely fail your class” 
and i have fuckign work tomorrow where ill have to deal with trying to pretend like even the most minor tasks arent painful and difficult and deal with awful btichy entitled customers complaining that im not SMILEY enough for you like the motherfucker who asked me how i was and i said fine and he was like “jUuUUuuuST fINE” like shut the everlasting FUCK UP with that ive met my obligation leave me ALONE my day isnt FINE im in awful pain and i HATE you and everyone like you or ill have to deal with my coworkers giving me weird looks while im having spasms or outright MOCKING me for them like the asshole that called me TWITCH (and a whore, but thats Another Fucking Story) or just not knowing how to deal and making bad taste jokes like when my teeth are chattering bc I Physically Cant Make It Stop like “haha are you chewing an invisible piece of gum lol” like no bitch im a neurological nightmare and my brain doesnt work and im Barely Holding Together would you PLEASE shut the fuck up 
and most of the time i just feel like everyone thinks im a fucking freak like even just sitting in the waiting room to see the neurologist or opthalmologist or whatever and everyone else there is Old and im the only person even remotely close to my age there and even the doctors dont seem to take me that seriously bc of it like “oh shes young, cant be that bad, all these old people out here are gonna die like tomorrow so why worry about this girl, its probably just anxiety from being on her period or having a test to study for lol” like straight up when the movement disorder neurologist was examining me she was like “im not used to seeing anyone this young or healthy’ and i know she meant it relatively speaking but like!!! clearly im NOT healthy or i wouldnt BE here like obviously something is wrong with me and its ruining my life and its serious and id like it fixed thanks!!!!! 
and i feel like No One Gets It like, obviously there are people wayyyy sicker than i am who suffer a lot more or people in similar situations but like. i dont Personally Know someone like that i can just talk to and like, of course i have friends who can Listen but.................................. theres a difference from being able to listen and being able to actually Understand and sometimes you just cant Get It unless youve gone through it like i really dont think ANYONE in my life has any idea how serious this is or how much it affects me and i know i cant expect everyone to just Always Think Of My IssuesTM but little things!!! like maybe NOT having the brighest possible lightbulbs in the dining room!!!! my brother NOT having his birthday party at dave and busters, which i had TONS of spasms at last time i went (and im even worse now!) AND the staff gave me shit about wearing sunglasses so now im nervous about That too or just! idk! people respecting and listening to me when i tell them that i Cant Do Something or that Doing That Thing Hurts and not just brushing me off or telling me im overreacting and then getting all shocked pikachu face when their dumbassery actually physically HURTS me and i get pissed with them for it!!!!
i dont think anyone gets how much it scares me all the time or how its Always on my mind and i literally cant think about anything else like. this could be the rest of my life. this could end my life. i dont know what i have. i might get diagnosed in the next month and have it completely cured, i might get a diagnosis and still be sick forever, i might not find out until its too late and i have LITERALLY NO FUCKING IDEA WHICH ONE!!!! ITS GREAT!!!!!!!! WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Must you always slam the fucking door?
When i just breathe a little too hard for you apparently handle
Im not the one always starting the tensions and anger
You do it to yourself too
Why cant you just for once remember im your child who was diagnosed by the childhood doctor you trust with horrid anxiety and depression and remember i have all the feelings you do too?
I accepted and take and bare through all the bad days at work you have and bring home to take out
I read.your mood and body language and realize and accomdate those bad days
Why cant you accept that as a fellow human being i have bad days at work too?
Why cant you bother to even read the mood in my room, my body, my voice, my expressively dead and pained and upset fucking face and realize ive had a bad day and ease the fuck up for once?
Why cant you be fucking understanding when i reply to you fucking asking if im going to do any cleaning in my room today with CLEAR OBVIOUS distress and pain and sadness and hurt and upsetnessin my voice" i HAVE been"
Why do you have to get angry of all things at those three, undefensive and clearly upset words and give me that angered sigh and leave slamming the door?
Do you even remember anything ANYTHING my therapist said to you, to your fucking face?
About how constantly ragging and nagging and repeatedly ordering me to clean my room every single fucking day every. Single.FUCKING. DAY. IS. A. TRIGGER. FOR. MY.EXECUTIVE. DISFUCNTION. AND. ANXIETY. AND DEPRESSION. AND. THAT. I. HATE. IT. AND. YOU. NEED. TO. STOP. CONSTANTLY. HARPING. ABOUT. MY . SPACE. AND. GIVE. ME. TIME. TO. BE.ME.
did you forget everything i finally admitted to you about how your actions and words and tones and mood shifts and quick snaps to anger and annoyance hurt me
But YOU cam throw hissy fits and tantrums and give harsh attitudes and yell and get angry all you fucking want
But im not even allowed to fucking BREATHE too heavily for fear of it coming off as a heavy sigh and setting you off
Just like i can never seem to DO enough or BE enough for you right??
Never matters if you never SHOWED YOUR VISUAL LEARNING ADHD DIAGNOSED CHILD how to properly organize and clean and put things away at a young age and now expect me to do it myself exactly the way you want things
Never matters im my own goddamm broken person whose definition of things like "clean" is different from yours
Never matters if i sometimes find comfort in my own mess because holy shit this is MINE i did this this isnt someone elses this is MY things im MY room scattered where I put them for later and that fact that something in this fucking prison of a house is wholly and fully MINE AMD MINE ALONE is comforting to me sometimes.
Never matters that i try my fucking hardest to please you and make you fucking happy with me and what i do and that never seems to be enough for you
Never matters when i DO listen to you orndo as you ask when you ask no matter how many times i do so to please you one slip up of not doing so sets you off on a fucking tirade of how i NEVER listen i NEVER do what im told i NEVER do my household chores without being nagged on right
Even though my therapist told you to your face that negative enforcement is making my issues worse and i need positive reenforcement and validation to help start fixing it.
Doesnt matter right.
Because its all about how YOU want things isnt it.
You who never notices how i feel half the time or makes me feel like i cant tell you how i feel without feeling stupid or childish or even worse unwanted amd annoying to you.
You who cant understand that i have trouble easily adjusting to big changes amd getting a job that has me starting work at 4am one week then 7am the next will take major adjustments to my shedule
Who cant understand that setting a plan to do the same thing every day is a fucking schedule.
God i could go on forever with things cant i?
But most of those are MY fault right?
Its always my fault isnt it...even when its not...
For sighing
For "heavy sighing"
For having any kind of negative response or reaction whether verbal or not
For having an "attitude"
"You always do this" oh do i?
You mean like how normally im always the one who has to apologize for fights and arguements?
And dont even get me started on weight.....
So must you, must you really always slam my fucking door as you leave the room?
Because im fucking human and get hurt amd upset when i feel slighted and my efforts are outright ignored
Or when i understandably defend myself which makes you mad
But im not allowed to yell and slam things shut
So why are you allowed tonget angry at me for being a person and you get to walk away while im left curled up in my room hurting and crying and feeling like shit
Why do you get to do these things to me while im not allowed to even defend myself or be upset
I thought we'd gotten past this after the therapist
I thought youd gotten better...
Why do you always get to slam the fucking door shut?
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chamaelhyun · 7 years
so i just finished reading stephen king’s it...
... and i have too much feelings for it i think i have to write everything down, more for myself than for anything else lmao
first and foremost, bill loves georgie so much just thinking about them makes me so fucking soft??? and georgie kissing him on his cheek that day legit brought tears to my eyes knowing what’s gonna happen to him
also, stanley did not take that fucking bath i refuse to believe it no sir
“it was easier to be brave when you were someone else” - richie tozier
eddie my dear boy why would you marry your mother smh
ben loves beverly so much okay!!!!
i feel like bill and eddie’s friendship is so underrated so let me just put it right here -- bill thinks of eddie as his only real friend prior to everything that happened that summer and eddie "would have died for bill", if bill had asked him he would have just responded: “sure, big bill.. you got a time in mind yet?”
"..richie’s mouth was like a half-tamed horse that has a way of bolting for absolutely no reason at all” uhHHH IF THIS AINT THE TRUEST THING LMAO
“maybe sometimes things didn’t just go wrong and then stop; maybe sometimes they just kept going wronger and wronger until everything was totally fucked up”
eddie loves bill like a big brother or a father if this isnt the purest thing ever im crying
RICHIE LIKES PINCHING EDDIE’S CHEEKS OKAY DO NOT TOUCH ME “i hate it when you do that, richie” “ah, you love it, eds” 
i’m such a trash but richie!!! winking!!! at!!! eddie!!!
uhh richie telling eddie about his ambition when they were hanging out in eddie’s garage??? good shit right here
from eddie’s pov -- richie has an “enchanting, often exhausting charm” okay
the savage bill that usually comes out when richie is being such a little shit, i love it!! “best part of you ran down your father’s leg” kids pls lmao
stan “i think that must have been my father” the man
“it was just richie. he could drive you bugshit.. but it was still sort of nice to have him around” oh eddie spaghetti
isn’t it adorable how whenever richie says something which eddie thinks is bullshit but he isnt really sure is bullshit, he just turns to bill for confirmation??? “is there such a thing as a sift bill” 
“you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” uhhh richie dont corrupt my innocent little son like this??? (tho of course my son is well aware thanks to this taliendo boy?? whoever he is??)
uh ben is such a genius??? youngest architect y’all. this. my son. right here.
that time when they were caught by mr. nell building the dam and everybody -- even richie himself -- was like, “shut the fuck up richie gdi!!!” and stan was holding on to richie’s arm ready to squeeze him hard if he starts being a little shit it’s like one of my faves of them idek why it’s just so funny to me??
also, richie is such a trash for bill istg??? “..maybe just seeing bill’s eyes light up with their own excitement was enough” ???
ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE RICHIE MOMENTS (and there’s a lot considering he’s my fave loser) -- him making bill feel better and less guilty about georgie’s death and then comforting bill, tho awkwardly, when the latter started crying 
uh idk if i maybe missed it in the book or in the movie but why is almost the entire fandom saying that his parents dont give a shit about richie?? cause i think out of all the losers, his parents are fairly regular (bill said so himself) he even gets to joke around with them?? and from richie’s pov: “he could read both of his parents like books -- well-worn and well-loved books” so im really kinda confused??
“they’ll pinch my cheeks and tell me how much i’ve grown” “that’s cause they know how cute you are, eds -- just like me. i saw what a cutie you were the first time i met you” uhh richie how many times are you gonna call eddie cute?? well i dont really blame you, my son is a reaal cutie
also!!!! bev and richie’s frienship??? hello why was it not in the movie????? cigarette buddies??? my badass babies??? 
richie: “likes bev a lot. well, he likes her, but not that way.’
also richie: *blushes and flustered when bev teased him if he was asking her out on a date*
ben not believing himself when he told richie to shut up, oh child you have all the right in the world to make him shut up lmao
bill and richie are like two of the bravest losers but after escaping the werefolf from the neibolt house they both just hugged each other and cried and oh my god my poor sons they do not deserve any of this theyre just kids ffs
uhhh beverly on the plane on the way back to derry was just a mess who couldnt stop laughing and just?? if i could smack tom rogan i would gladly do so and her father too for good measure
ben and bev and eddie just hysterically laughing is my aesthetic my kids deserve all the happiness in the world pls
ben always stands up for bev he’s so sweet?? he doesnt even care much what others say to him as long as they arent disrespecting bev and i just????
my pure innocent eddie not understanding why bev isnt allowed to have boys into the house when there inst anyone else there oh boy so precious
what’s worse than frightening stan uris? offending him, that’s right
the losers have forgotten about each other for more than twenty years but when they remembered and met up again its like nothing has changed at all????
uhh richie trying to calm eddie down but the latter just rounded on him telling him not to call him eds!!! and not to pinch his cheeks!!! cause he hates it!!! and richie recoiled and just?? my heart hurts
“i wish stan was here” you and me both mikey
“she wouldve died for him” why are they all willing to die for bill oh god these kids
“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”
dafuq richie is really so funny istg??? im not playing favorites with my kids here but he’s so funny?? his voices are so funny i hate him lmao
The Apocalyptic Rockfight (need i say more?????)
excuse me but richie (and bev) taking care of eddie after said rockfight
bill is like the president of the losers club and richie is his right hand man am i right or amirite
I JUST LOVE HOW THESE LOSERS KEEP SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER??? they’re so vocal about it and just??? idc if they were, like, brought together by this turtle to fight it,, their friendship is one of a kind and they deserve all the best thinsg in life
“stan did not have much sense of humor, and the bit he did have was sort of peculiar” UHH I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING THIS HARD
“i don’t call you dick, as in ‘you got any gum on ya, dick?’“ OHH EDDIE STRIKES BACK YES
uhm excuse the fuck outta me but richie called eddie “my love” do not fucking touch me
“the losers are still losing, but stanley uris is finally ahead” uhhh fuck you pennywise???
I JUST LOVE IT WHEN THE LOSERS ARE BEING KIDS AND JUST PLAYING AROUND TOGETHER HAPPILY this is how it shouldve been anyways they should all just be happy and protected 
stan catching the losers’ crazy yup
richie being so proud of them, of his friends?? losers or not losers?? he;s just proud that theyre all together?? im so soft
"he shouldnt be down here” - richie when he heard eddie coughing when they were in the smokehole im such a reddie trash i feel like i notice every little thing between them lol
bill is eddie’s hero it’s canon
uhh when the losers visited eddie in the hospital and not even richie was smiling uhh why dont you just step on my heart???
“no good friends. no bad friend. only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.”
"it hurts, doesn’t it?” “yeah, why, sure. it hurts.” RICHIE CRYING CAUSE OF STAN SOMEBODY HOLD ME
richie asking for eddie’s aspirator and the others doing the same before they entered the house on neibolt street
UHH EDDIE IS LIKE THE LITERAL BABY OF THE LOSERS DON’T FIGHT ME ON THIS he’s often called cute (by richie of course) and often described as fragile, vulnerable and beautiful. and also,ticklish. so yup. a baby. The Baby.
“sure i can. i was alone last time. this time i’m with my friends.” SEE AN ACTUAL BABY THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
“anyone who tries to steal your aspirator, we kill him. but we kill him slow.” oh richie just say outright that youll protect the baby itsokay son say it
“hey eddie needs help okay?” richie making sure the baby is properly assisted by the losers (ok im such a trash really, sue me)
stan,,,,, makes me so sad istg yes he’s like the weakest among the losers in some ways but he was brave enough to go with them that summer okay and that says so much about my poor baby!! “i don’t have anything” YOU HAVE YOUR FRIEMNDS SON PLS DONT HURT ME LIKE THIS
uhh can i just say,, i love all my children,,, but no to cheating pls????
these kids are such,,, kids lmao that part where eddie wanted a lick on richie’s ice cream (i think) and richie’s like no??? germs??? sharing??? your mom wouldnt like it?? then began to eat faster and eddie’s just like, i’ll chance it. so richie reluctantly let him have a taste but snatched it away quick lmao then stan offered his to eddie
“she says henrys gone crazy” “shit you mean he used to be sane??” richie istg
baby eddie!!!!! richie’s like no eds youre not going your arm is still broken and bill’s like he has to so walk with me eddie ill keep an eye on you (and protect you and carry you on my back and)
that moment when eddie called the others fucking pussies cause he’s doing that mashed potatoes all over it and he’s got a broken arm!!!!! ahhh i love this kid so much?????
and then after when the eye is gone and richie is mimicking eddie and was like “not too shabby, eds” and eddie was all “i hate it when you call me eds” and richie just goes i know and HUGGED EDDIE and says, “but somebody has to toughen you up, eds...” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
FUCKKKKKK it’s the part when my kid’s arm got cut off and my heart just hurts so fucking much????? he doesnt deseve this?? none of them does????
‘richie was weaving and tumbling toward him like a drunk at the end of a long hard night’ “--eds--” STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU
 “richie, don’t call me eds. you know i..i...” FUCK YOU ALL I HATE YOU ALL
uhhh lets not talk about that thing that happened so they could get out of there im still so fukcing disturbed??? 
“son, you did real good” i wouldve smacked this turtle thing or whatever had i been a loser,,, i mean???
“we gotta get him out of here” “it’s too dark, you know.. it’s too dark. eds.. he.” RICHIE MY POOR BOY MY SON MY MOST PRECIOUS SOBBING OVER HIS BELOVED
“fuck you, bitch!!!” 
ben and beverly yes its what they both deserve
“even if we forget each other, we’ll remember in our dreams”
mike went through so much,,, i mean he was the only one who stayed in derry and looked into all that happened there beginning from god knows when. he was scared as fuck when the killings started again but he put off calling the others cause he wanted to be absolutely sure it is back before he disrupts the other losers’ lives??? he wasnt envious whatsoever of the success of the other losers even though the difference between him and them is so fucking vast?? he accepted it -- that he stayed in derry for a reason and that is to call the others back to finally end it hwen it comes back. he has done all these and more. let us not sleep on him. my boy deserves all the love and recognition he deserves. 
YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH IT’S NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY KIDS it’s the fact that after everything theyve gone through together, they forgot about each other in the end
but maybe it was better for them too. to not think about the nightmares. to not think about the lives lost. but is forgetting really better than not knowing at all?
they went thorugh so much together and in the end they’ll forget
maybe cause as richie said, “nothing lasts forever”
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staboteur · 7 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
//oh boy here we go… Under a read more bc length and… there isnt triggering material but people might get pissy bc it is, after all an unpopular opinion
//so I follow a couple rp confessions blogs, right? And of course people submit problematic confessions that are not seen as problematic by the mods but seen as “problematic” by a certain group of random rpers who run around there (i don’t know if they know each other, but they seem to make it a life mission to call anon confessors out and generally make the blog toxic and unsafe to submit things to). And my unpopular opinion is that these people who are policing the blog need to shut. the fuck. up. because people are allowed to submit whatever the hell they want so long as it is not hate speech and I have yet to see hate speech get filtered past the mods. And these people? God, these people are the most toxic bunch I’ve ever met, the police. They give out their own problematic opinions, expect no one to argue with that, then dish out name calling, flat out flaming, and all sorts of hate-ridden speech that isn’t even amounting to an argument it’s really just them shouting “OMG I’M RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG SO SUCK IT BITCH” and I’m so fuckin tired of these whiny bitches okay, they’re calling us whiny? I think they’re the whiny ones who are reblogging and commenting on some anon’s post and literally proving that you cannot even put the most innocent thing about ‘oh, i think that rules pages should be legible’ or ‘i think it’s a little mean to have a password on the rules page’ or whatever, and suddenly there is shade being thrown in the tags, a bushfire being started in the comments, and fuckin WWIII going on in the reblogs like chill the fuck out y’all does this really fuckin effect your life that much???? Seriously??? I had this kid come up to me, call my morality “pigshit morality”, then proceed to argue that they were right just because they are right (and that I am wrong because they are right. Why are they right again? Because they are right!), and then oh my god then they tried to play the victim and say that their gif that literally said ‘noooooooo. nooo!!!!!’ was not attacking the OP. How. How is this gif
Tumblr media
not an outright attack especially when you’re posting a whiny comment about “oh not everyone should be able to express their opinions because I think they’re shitty people for disagreeing with me!!!”
//no bitch
//an “opinion” is that apples are cooler than oranges. Sure, you might think oranges are cooler than apples or that apples are cooler than oranges, but is this something to like… die over? no. Like this kid took it wayyyyy too far like I honestly thought they thought their life depended on that little fight. Seriously. Pulling out the names, the shade, the whatever. I brought up blocking, they just responded with *insert whiny voice* “pigshit morality” and I just replied with “bitch im out, if you want to call names go back to day care because you are fuckin blocked” and yeah that’s that, but I’m still super salty about it because bOY these kids… Are literally horrible. They think every opinion is a battle to the death. NO. ITS NOT. REALLY. The Republicans and Conservatives have twisted the word ‘opinion” so much that even we believe it now. Seriously??? You believe that liking apples vs oranges is an “opinion” in the same way pro choice vs pro life is an opinion???? GET YOUR FUCKIN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. GOD. Seriously, it was like their life depended on it or they were having a bad day or something because gOD
//anyways tldr: kids are entitled to their opinion and think they’re always right, then they turn around and call you pigshit. And they don’t realize that if they have a problem with a post and don’t think it should be posted, they should hit up the mods and ask why the post made it through the filters. Yep. Then they’ll get told that “oh you know what you can’t control what other people do, and it’s not hate speech, so they can post it” and then. oh my god i have a good one. Then I want these kids to get told that if they dont like what other people say? THEY CAN FUCKIN BLOCK THE CONFESSIONS BLOG OR UNFOLLOW IT!! WOW!! I’m a total genius aren’t i? God anyways there’s my shitty opinion of the day, if you dont like it, at least pretend to be decent and respectful and don’t call me names when you talk to me about it. I’ve had plenty of nice debates where we ended up on a relatively nice note. We talked, we tried to convince each other of something, and we walked away. There’s no shame in learning kids, and admitting that something you believed is now different based on something you learned in a debate. Seriously. I used to think that being raped was the victim’s fault. Yeah. I know. Shitty, right? But I didn’t know any better since thats what school told me until i turned to tumblr and I was shown how that believe is absolutely horrendous in that it turns the victim into the culprit and is denying the victim their basic right to happiness and life. Yeah, so I used to have shitty opinions, but I changed. I just hope these kids who are arguing on the internet can grow the fuck up and be the adults they pretend to be because I am a little kid still wet around the ears and I feel more mature than most of this fuckin website sometimes it’s just sad because I know i am not mature at all.
#{ ooc | out of cloaking }#//boy i had a lot to say about this#//put under a read more so yall dont have to bleed out over my shittiness#//it's about confessionsofa-roleplayer and how a lot of the people following them#//are the 'im so edgy im so tumblr look how cool and edgy i am wow' blogs#//that go around and act like the america of tumblr aka they police everything everywhere always all the time anywhere#//its really shitty to be calling people dumbasses for liking something innocent like pineapple pizza or whatever#//its a joke to call people dumbasses for it sure but this kid i talked to?#//they sounded serious#//really serious#//about calling people dumbasses for inconsequential things like...#//rp preferences#//a blog aesthetic#//like please guys just chill out if you wanted to post your opinion get your own fuckin confession goddamn#//im not even like#//trying to defend my own confessions#//im literally going out there and saying#//yall need to chill#//yall need to realize#//that if yall try to go out there and police people#//yall are the real assholes here#//this isnt an opinion#//this is a fact#//... i guess im just as bad lol but seriously it is kind of asshole-y to go up to someone tell them they are shit#//and insert your unwanted opinion that you totally have another outlet for#//located#//literaelly on the same blog#//anyways thats the latest shittiness thats been going on lately#//... at least with one confession the replier was semi nice about it until the end when they called me a heartless bitch which i am but it#//or something to the effect probably something meaner that i dont care to remember
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unlikely-savage · 6 years
Xavier: -clears work off coffee table and throws it under something somewhere-
Xavier: -puts champagne glasses and snacks on coffee table-
Xavier: Okay I think that's everything.
Aurora: *smiles and hugs him from behind* You're such a good host. It's really cute
Xavier: I'm just nervous your friend will hate me. -sighs-
Lux: *walking with Rosemary* What if I dont get along with your friend's boyfriend?
Lux: What if hes a republican?
Aurora: Dont worry, silly! *turns him around and kisses his nose* she'll love you! I havent met her boyfriend yet though
Rosemary: If h-he's a republican th-then we can both tell A-Aurora she needs to s-stop seeing him. -nods before giggling-
Xavier: -pecks aurora on the lips and smiles- As long as he isn't republican it'll all be fine.
Lux: *smiles* Can we get into an argument with him first if he is? I'd like to at least mess with him a little *nudges her and laughs*
Aurora: *lightly hits his arm* even if he is, be nice!
Xavier: If he's a republican, no promises.
Rosemary: -bites her lip and giggles when they get to the door- -rings doorbell-
Aurora: Ill get it! *runs to door and opens it*
Lux: *holds up bottle of wine* Greetings!
Xavier: -walks behind her and goes to the door-
Xavier: -wide eyes- Lux?!
Rosemary: -looks at Lux and then Xavier- Y-You two know e-each other? -confused face-
Lux: *blinks then smiles* Xavier! I didnt know this was your place! *walks in and gives him a bro hug*
Aurora: Oh uh *smiles* I guess we can skip that intro then! Uh Rosemary, this is Xavier, Xavier this is Rosemary
Xavier: -bro hugs- Good to see you! So I see you're doing well then. -chuckles and nods at Rosemary and holds out a hand for hi to shake- Hi.
Rosemary: -blinks and shakes Xavier's hand- H-Hello.
Xavier: Come on in. -leads everybody into apartment and closes the door-
Rosemary: -walks in and is prolly standing awkwardly coz shes rosemary- S-So how do y-you guys kn-know each other?
Lux: *smiles at Xavier* lets just say, we helped each other out
Aurora: *clasps her hands together* Oh well how wonderful! I'm so glad everyone can get along now
Xavier: Wait. I never asked. Lux, you aren't a republican, right?
Rosemary: -starts giggling and ends up laughing like a maniac bc thats what lux was worried about-
Lux: *laughs with Rosemary and leans on her for support because hes laughing so much* Oh god *wipes eye* never. I'd rather lose my magic
Xavier: -looks at them like they're crazy but chuckles- Good.
Aurora: *giggles* See, Xavier? Nothing to worry about
Xavier: Right. -smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders-
Aurora: *grabs Rosemary's hand and starts yanking her into the kitchen* Come on! Help me finish up the food
Rosemary: -is dragged to the kitchen- B-But I c-can't cook!
Aurora: *giggles* Thats alright! That's what magic is for
Lux: *stands there with Xavier and chuckles* I see you worked out your woman troubles
Rosemary: -goes into kitchen and sighs- B-But I don't h-have magic!
Xavier: -grins back at him- I see you did too.
Xavier: I mean I know I made a guess about what she was like but I'm surprised I got everything right. Even down to the stutter. -chuckles-
Aurora: *starts using magic to move ingrediants and stuff around as she pours them something to drink* *smiles* I like Lux! You two look like youre realling in love
Lux: *chuckles* Yes, shes a real doll. I happen to think her stutter is cute *laughs*
Rosemary: -smiles and blushes and leans against a counter and plays with her hair- W-We do?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes and laughs- Of course you do.
Aurora: Mhm! *hands her a glass* Im so happy things for you both worked out. I can sense how happy you both are. Its like you two even have the same mind, I mean you both started laughing at the same time *giggles*
Rosemary: -smiles and takes the glass- I-It's just th-that he was worried X-Xavier would be a r-republican too. -giggles-
Lux: Isnt she adorable though! *tries to peak into the kitchen* Thanks for knocking some sense in me *nods, smiling* Youre a true friend
Aurora: *laughs into her hand and takes a sip* Really? How funny. Our boys have like the same mind
Xavier: Same goes to you. -chuckles when he tries to look into the kitchen- If it weren't for you I think I'd be breaking her heart. Thanks.
Rosemary: -giggles and drinks a bit- I'm not sure i-if that's hilarious or t-terrifying.
Lux: *gives him a noogie* You would be! And youd be sad because you let her get away!
Xavier: -chuckles and pushes him off- Thanks for kicking my ass into telling her, though. Sex is /so/ much better without the pretense of no feelings.
Aurora: A mix of both *continues waving her hands to do magic* I mean, they both hate republicans and enjoy coitus *giggles*
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks more- -how she still finds sex embarrassing is a mystery to us all-
Lux: *nods all proud* Anything for a fellow brother having lady troubles! *laughs* I agree though. Its nice to be able to tell Rosemary I love her now and not be afraid of what she'll say
Aurora: *giggles* Has it gotten better since you two started dating?
Xavier: -hands Lux a drink from the coffee table and gets one for himself and holds up his glass- To being able to tell our women we love them.
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks and nods and tries to hide a really big smile-
Lux: *clinks drinks with him* Salute! *takes a sip* Howd you finally do it?
Aurora: *squeals and playfully pokes her* I can see it on your face!
Xavier: -drinks before sighing- It wasn't pretty. I mean the catalyst was her having a fling with her ex but then she told me she loved me and I couldn't say I didn't love her back because I was tired of lying.
Rosemary: -giggles and playfully slaps her hand away-Sh-Shut up!
Lux: *sucks in air* Sheesh, thats harsh. At least she cares for you more though, thats what matters. My psycho ex tried to convince Rosemary I was just using her *sighs* so then thats when i had to tell her the truth about how I really felt. i couldnt have her thinking any of that bullshit was true. It was just the right time to tell her how i felt
Aurora: *smiles and whispers* to be honest, I feel the same with Xavier and I's sex life
Xavier: We're stronger for it. -thinks for a second- Is your ex the girl that moved in and after a few days was sent a vibrator with a note saying "it's not as good as the original, but that one's mine"? -is in the news and knows everything that goes on shhhh dont question it-
Rosemary: -blushes- L-Lux is just r-really... -bites lip- g-good at what he does.
Lux: *laughs* Yeah.. that was Rosemary's doing *chuckles as he takes a sip of his drink* Howd you know?
Xavier: -chuckles and takes a drink- Lucky guess.
Aurora: *giggles* .... say, Rosemary, have you ever thought of having kids?
Rosemary: -looks up at her and thinks for a second- N-Not really. Why?
Lux: Youre good at guessing, my friend. You're two for two right now *laughs* Ugh *tries to look into the kitchen again* I cant believe they shut us out for girl talk. I want to see Rosemary try and cook! Itd be adorable
Aurora: *starts manually cooking and shrugs lightly* Oh uh I just.. i dont know, it just popped into my head the other day
Xavier: -outright laughs at him- You really love her, don't you?
Rosemary: -tries to help and is awkward and stuff- Wh-What? Are you thinking of h-having kids?
Lux: *smiles like an idiot* Can you tell?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes- You're like a lovesick puppy I swear.
Aurora: *hands her a spoon* I er.. I had a scare the other day *covers her mouth* Shhhh! Dont say anything to Xavier or Lux! But uh *bites lip* it was a false alarm but you know...
Rosemary: -wide eyes- -hushed yell- RORA! -hushes and goes up to her- Are you sure it was only a scare?
Lux: *chuckles* Shes more of the puppy than I am (haha get it cause werewolf) *sits down on couch and grabs a snack* You cant tell me you dont think shes absolutely beautiful! *chuckles* Shes so damn cute
Aurora: I er.. I-I dont know... *bites lip*
Xavier: -sits on the couch next to him and eats a bit and chuckles- She's very pretty.
Rosemary: -wide eyes- H-haven't you been u-using p-protection?!?
Lux: Shes more than pretty! *chuckles and nudges him* You cant make fun of me though, youre a little bit love sick too if Aurora turned you from a cold sex addict to a boyfriend *laughs*
Xavier: -chuckles and shoves him- Shut up.
Aurora: Yes!.. Sometimes! M-most of the time! A-and its never been a problem because usually i just use a spell but I-I dont think it works over time though
Lux: *wiggles eyebrows* Admit it, you're just a teeny bit whipped
Rosemary: R-Rora! -hugs her- H-Have you been s-sick?! A-Are you late with your b-bleeding? -wide eyes and is super worried-
Xavier: Little bit. -laughs and drinks-
Aurora: I-Im late but *shakes head* I-Itll be fine! *rubs her stomache* Ill just uh *bites lip* ill terminate it
Lux: *gives him a look* Bullshit *laughs*
Rosemary: W-Without telling Xavier?
Xavier: -chuckles- Okay, I'm whipped. -sighs and takes another drink- What can I say? I'd do anything for her.
Aurora: *shakes head* O-Oh god no! I-I couldnt tell him!
Rosemary: -tilts her head to the side and looks at her confused- Why?
Lux: *chuckles* Same with Rosemary. I'd protect her no matter what. I'd give my right arm before I let anything happen to that sweet angel
Aurora: *looks down* B-Because he has work and he probably still wants to live his life, n-not have a kid
Xavier: You know I used to never sleep? I would always stay up working myself sick until I passed out from pure exhaustion. -sighs and smiles a bit- Since I've met Aurora, I've been able to get to sleep because she's with me and she makes sure I don't work too hard and -sighs and smiles- she keeps me sane.
Rosemary: But he l-loves you. I-If that doesn't m-mean he w-would drop everything f-for you, wh-what does?
Lux: Really? *smiles* That's really sweet *nudges him with his elbow* that's cute that you care about her that much that shes like sort of your relaxer. *smiles* Rosemary does the same thing. She calms me down, and well I do my thing *smirks and takes a sip of his drink cause eyyyy sex*
Aurora: I-I couldnt ask him to do that though! T-thats not fair! *sighs* Besides, I'm only twenty...
Xavier: -chuckles and drinks- You really are shameless.
Lux: *smirks and shrugs* Shes not complaining
Rosemary: I-If you are p-pregnant... You sh-should tell him. Wh-Whether or not you keep it sh-should be a decision y-you make t-together.
Xavier: -covers his face and groans- Please stop.
Aurora: *bites lip* I-I dont want him to get mad though! *puts face in hands and sighs* Its all my fault. I wasnt being careful enough..
Lux: Hey, Im just very proud of the exquisite sex life I have been blessed with! *raises his glass*
Rosemary: -hugs her and kisses her forehead- He won't get mad.
Xavier: -laughs and raises his glass- To sex! -drinks-
Aurora: *frowns and hugs her back* He'll think im an idiot...
Lux: To the coitus! *clinks glasses* I was thinking of asking Rosemary to move in with me. I mean, she practically lives in my home now anyway *laughs*
Rosemary: -sighs- No he won't.
Xavier: I've been thinking about the same thing for Aurora. I mean, her clothes take up most of my closet space, and my apartment is closer to her first class most days than her dorm is. Besides, I like having her around.
Aurora: I-Im just afraid to lose him.. I love him so much and just... *sighs* everyone leaves. I just want him to stay...
Rosemary: -lightly bonks her on the head- Y-You can be s-so silly. -shakes her head- H-He won't leave you. Ever.
Lux: *chuckles* Rosemary always leaves something at my house when shes in a rush to get out. Its really cute. I made a drawer for her stuff so she might as well move in. I love waking up to her next to me in the morning and having the smell of her in my bed. Itd be nice to have that everyday.
Aurora: *frowns* thats what I thought about my dad and Kade..
Xavier: When are you gunna ask her to move in?
Rosemary: N-Not everyone i-is like th-them. -small smile- I s-see the way he l-looks at you.
Lux: *smiles down at his empty glass* Maybe when the ball drops? I think thatd be a nice start to the new year. Whaddaya think?
Aurora: *holds hand to her chest* I just dont know who will stay and who wont anymore..
Xavier: You are so corny.
Rosemary: He will. Trust that.
Lux: And you have a better idea to ask Aurora?
Aurora: *sighs* S-should I tell him soon?
Rosemary: Wh-When the ball drops.
Aurora: *gulps* Y-you sure?
Xavier: Not sure.
Rosemary: Y-Yes.
Xavier: -looks at the time- GIRLS! GET IN HERE! -turns on tv- Five minutes to the new year!
Aurora: oh god *gulps and walks in squeezing Rosemary's arm*
Rosemary: -squeezes her hand and smiles before walking over to Lux and pecking him on the cheek-
Lux: *countdown starts* Its almost time! *hugs Rosemary super tight and attacks her cheek with kisses*
Rosemary: -giggles and kisses him back-
Aurora: I uh *lightly tugs and Xavier's sleeve and whispers* X-Xavier I have to tell you something
Xavier: -holds Aurora close and smiles at her and kisses her nose- What is it, darling?
Lux: 5.. 4... *whispers in Rosemary's ear* You want to do me the honor of being my new years kiss? *kisses her neck a little and chuckles*
Aurora: I u-uh *bites lip and looks up really nervously at him*
Xavier: -looks at her concerned- Are you alright darling?
Rosemary: 3...2... -smiles and kisses him when the ball drops-
Lux: *kisses her backs and spins her* *chuckles and puts his forehead against hers* Rosemary, my love, would you like to move in with me? I'd enjoy waking up to your beautiful smile every morning each day of this year *kisses her nose*
Aurora: *ball drops* I-I'm pregnant.
Rosemary: -gasps and giggles and jumps into his arms- Y-Yes!! Of course!!
Xavier: -wide eyes for a second before he smiles and picks her up and swings her around and kisses her really sweetly-
Lux: *chuckles and kisses her* I can just expand my house with magic, itll be wonderful! We can decorate it however you like *kisses her*
Aurora: *bites lip* Y-youre not mad..? Y-youre not breaking up with me?......
Rosemary: -giggles and smiles and kisses him- I-I love you.
Lux: I love you more, angel *kisses her jaw and chuckles* More than you could possibly imagine
Xavier: -looks at her like she's insane- Why the hell would I be mad? -smiles like an idiot and kisses her- You want to keep it, right?
Rosemary: -wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him for a bit before she snaps back to reality- R-Rora! -grabs Lux's hand and runs over to her and Xavier- D-Did you tell him?
Aurora: *frowns* Because... my dad didnt want kids when my mom told him she was pregant. And also you have work and I dont want to hold you back from anything..... I uh.. c-can we talk about this alone?
Aurora: *looks over at Rosemary* Y-yeah *nods*
Lux: Tell em' what? *tilts head*
Xavier: -looks at Rora- Should I tell him?
Aurora: *smiles a little and nods* G-go ahead
Xavier: -looks at Lux and grins like an idiot- She's pregnant. Now, if you'll excuse us for a bit we need to talk. -smiles and takes Aurora's hand and leads her to the bedroom so they can talk about things and closes door-
Rosemary: -nods and shoos them away and smiles-
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