#Even if it's just to dip in a toe
kaizaed · 2 months
I fell from the sky
It hurt, when I hit the ground, quite a bit actually. I felt it give way beneath me, burying me, but more than that, cradling me. A crater carved in just my shape. I lied there for a long while. The jagged rock was comfortable, it fit me perfectly. The climb had been miserable, and the fall had been horrifying. The landing had hurt. But lying here, in the wreckage, I could stay here forever. Never feeling light nor warmth again. The cold, hard stone was fine enough. It fit me perfectly, after all. People told me that I was meant to sit atop. That my climbing was exceptional. I never saw it, personally. The tower never came as easy to me as everyone else says it did. But the stone fits me perfectly. I really ought to get up. Climb out of the crater and back up the tower. But it fits me perfectly.
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batsplat · 1 month
following on from this. not to always bring marc into everything (sorry marc) but if assen 2015 had happened against jorge, valentino would have very likely pulled something similar again imo. rather than what he actually did, which is approach marc almost immediately for a nice normal friendly handshake and backing off during the podium celebrations. should be noted that during laguna seca '08, valentino was very much committed to yapping at casey on the podium with the world's biggest smuggest grin on his face
partly that disparity is because jorge not marc was the direct title rival, partly it's because valentino was treating marc with kid gloves right until the second that he wasn't, which marc was seemingly entirely oblivious to. if anyone other than marc had said what he said in that presser, had then continued on with similar rhetoric during sachsenring, valentino would quite likely have gone nuclear. he's done it over less than that. his fondness for marc made him continue to exhibit uncharacteristic restraint... except that fondness unfortunately is what left valentino feeling so very betrayed when (to his eyes) marc could not leave well enough alone
#it's so delightfully tragic isn't it. a lot of 2015 played out the way it did because valentino genuinely wasn't looking for beef#but then felt backed into a corner and decided he had no other option than to blow this shit up#if casey says 'what I think is that we won the race' valentino would've torn him a new one then and there like...#if sete had called assen his best race of the season valentino would've reached for the chalk and incense even sooner#though fwiw I do think the relationship was basically doomed from that point. something would have happened sooner or later#2015 is so funny conceptually because there was already something *off* about it most of the way through. you have the familiar beats#but they shouldn't be HAPPENING with marc. they should be happening with the actual title rival - who vale never properly fought all season#assen 2015 should've been laguna should've been catalunya hell it should've been assen 2004 but it couldn't be#valentino kept accidentally inflicting the psychological blows on the wrong guy because jorge just refused to end up in a straight fight#assen SHOULD have been a pivotal race. but of course it couldn't be because what psychological blow was jorge lorenzo being dealt?#btw the unwillingness to beef doesn't just extend to marc. valentino makes a concerted effort to be uncharacteristically friendly to jorge#still think he would've rubbed assen in his face but. overall! he was trying! which again. very ironic#funhouse mirror ass season i love it dearly#//#brr brr#slowly dipping my toes into dropping 2015 hot takes on tumblr dot com... for so long these have been between me god and my google doc#i love jorge i think he's been involved in a lot of iconic battles i think it's funny not a single one of them happened in 2015#minus kinda phillip island but even there it did feel like the other three were Doing More than him#also just a different vibe to a proper one-on-one. a WEIRD title run where the third man that whole year walks away with the trophy
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andi-o-geyser · 23 days
not to interrupt my lotr queue but wtaf is going on with jjk. i feel like ive been given cursed knowledge. my friend convinced me to binge the whole thing and i finished 3 days ago. and now this. what the fuck.
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numbknee · 1 year
this isn’t a new hot take of mine but it still blows my MIND that I’m in the minority in the kyman fandom when it comes to thinking of Kyle as a dom/top and Cartman as a sub/bottom. From what I’ve heard from veteran kymans the fandom barely had ANY sub Cartman truthers in its earlier years, and dom Cartman is still extremely popular to this day. There's so much art/fics where Kyle is like... a pain slut (????) or gagging for Cartman’s giant dick (?????????) but any time I see that stuff I get a visceral, skin-crawling HELL FUCKING NO 😬😬😬 reaction and have to back out immediately.
A mutual once told me something like “I can’t write Cartman as a dom, I think I’d break out in hives or something” and that’s p much exactly how I feel lmao 😆
y'all do you ig, but it's not my cup of tea at all.
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alienpupy · 4 months
got lipgloss for the first time today :]
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wackywheel · 3 months
ok . hey followers what do i need to know about whats been going on on sdmp? in the event that my crafter may be confirmed to be getting airdropped into there within the next few days. maybe possibly. .?
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bugeyedfreaks · 3 months
Sometimes I feel like I should just bite the bullet and join Twitter because sometimes I end up lurking on there and find news about PPG related things I otherwise didn’t know about… despite the fact that I do have a network of amazing people who follow my blog who alert me of Big Events from time to time. I feel like I might end up being a little more in the loop if I just made an account.
…but it’s Twitter… 🤢
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rushinintolove · 3 months
higher resolution on tt or yt
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aho-dapa · 2 years
Worldbuilding Illyria + a sort of rant on sjm’s writing, again
I’m sorry but quick idea, yknow what would have been cool, (while the Illyrians were an actual collection of people in history from what I gather--groups of people that likely didn’t call themselves Illyrians at all), is some Sparta parallels with Illyria. Would have been cool is all I’m saying. Not only very warrior oriented but also treated women differently. Very matrilineal and all that and women were likely still expected to be athletic. 
But also would have been cool to highlight how even though women had some more freedoms than their other ‘greek’ counterparts, they still had their own disadvantages like not being able to be involved in politics and stuff. Would have been great actually to show how women with power can still be oppressed, would have been stellar and an actual conversation starter but eh. 
actually using the history of the people you named your people after. 
Or even parallels with Rome and the whole bar bar thing where the word barbarian comes from. 
Its giving: 
Velaris = Rome 
Hewn City = could represent the places Rome conquered / vassal type thing
Illyria = literally every unclassified tribe altogether known as barbarians 
Would have been great to actually show the different tribes of Illyria and their different customs like mini greek states or actual Illyrian tribes / poleis things or even mention that’s why they are so hard to control because of how different they are
this idea isn’t that thought out so a lot of stuff here might be wrong but I think its a cool thing to think about 
Also, kinda bothers me how the Illyrians are never given empathy in sjm’s narrative, they’re always brutes who hate women, where’s the nuance, where’s the tradition and the culture, what even about religions?? They're not even a people at this point, they're just a weak feminist narrative that doesn’t even try to tackle why this society is structured the way it is, and if you don’t understand the structure of something, how can even even begin to try to change it or even make judgements on it? You’ll end up sounding holier than thou, especially to the people your ‘trying’ to help
i’m just now realizing just how greek/rome everything is in sjm’s book, they don’t even get into anything truly celtic or irish even though a lot of the series’s lore is based on those cultures??? Don’t even get me started on the summer court, I have no idea what that’s supposed to be? Greek? Italy? African?? I don’t understand if Tarquin is supposed to be black or not (tbh it feels like just general POC rep but its very hard for me to understand what POC are in sjm world) some people see him as black but also brown?? (I also hate using those descriptors as if they mean more than just slapping melanin on a character and calling it a day) Idk, gods, helion??? Idk, idk, maybe I just don’t know enough to even make a sound judgement 
Not to mention so many of the names are so greek sounding
Like Helion, likely related to Helios, Greek god of the sun
We full stop got someone named Lord Thanatos running around in Hewn City
Does this mean Mor has Irish connotations?? Like my main frustration comes from that there’s very little identifiers for me (and maybe this is just me not knowing about Irish mythology) and if there are, it only feels like a cameo??
The fact the only thing I know about the ‘chinese’ land sjm wrote about is only the name of it, Xian. And Nuan, where only her appearance is mentioned to look like Amren’s. Which idk, tbh, it leaves a lot of room for irl interpretation. Asian, after all, is not just chinese. (And tbh if you didn’t know that Xian and Nuan are chinese sounding names, would they even understand that it’s chinese coded??)
The fact that Thesan also has ancestry to Xian means literally nothing to me, I don’t get to see that culture so it makes no bearing on that lineage, yknow??
I can’t believe I was so excited to think that sjm was going to actually do something with Xian, maybe even see some traditional outfits that would look different than the kinda europe medieval vibes we had going on... listen acotar was my first sjm book, I still had hope back then 
(gods, don’t get me started on Nehemia and Eyllwe, I haven’t even read crown of midnight yet and I’m still pissed off)
Again, idk, I would love to have a conversation about this especially since I’m very much speaking from a spanish/mexican perspective that grew up with a mixed family, so having culture behind the skin tone always makes it better to me when reading fantasy books, even if it’s made up, because people can have a skin tone that doesn’t match with that specific perception of a culture yknow 
Like what if someone grew up in japan and did all the culture things, but looks like a typical white lady, what then? 
I wouldn't even mind if sjm mixed some cultures around to make something new so that it wasn’t so one to one, but idk anyways 
what even is sjm’s calanmai
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thetypingpup · 5 months
*distant quick footsteps, they're getting louder and quicker the closer they get. Soon you hear someone's feet slamming against the ground as they run to you*
*breaks down door. Pants heavily as I adjust my hair*
ahh, about that 😅
first off, love this idea, adore this energy. corruption kink will always be amazing. but i do have different ideas in mind for everyone lmao. i'm about to update that masterpost i made with the ateez builds to include the reader inserts so far, bc there's three to pick from and i just finished up some details for the three of them. so good news there is a demon!reader involved, and demon!reader is a domme. but yea, reader is gonna be muuuuch more monstrous than a regular succubus i'm going full monster!reader. and then from there i have one good aligned reader (the cleric from the paladin!hwa thing i just wrote) and one evil reader. gimme some time i'll reblog the post once i have the updates.
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dragonologist-phd · 9 months
Owlcatober Day 3 - reading
Lilith is busy. Wenduag is bored. A battle of wills ensues.
The candle on Lilith’s desk burns low, casting flickering shadows across the neatly ordered stacks of letters that cover her desk. The hour is late, but the work never stops- not for the Knight-Commander. There are too many requisitions in need of categorization, too many council letters in need of response, too many field reports in need of tactical analysis. And despite the time-bending powers of the Aeon, there are somehow still too few hours in the day. Truthfully, Lilith does not mind the work. The powers of the Aeon have sharpened her focus- which she must say was quite impressive to begin with- and having spent far too many nights trudging through the field herself, she can testify that by comparison this is a perfectly pleasant way to spend an evening. The mongrel woman waiting in Lilith’s bed clearly begs to differ.
Continue reading on AO3
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
okay so this was a randomass thought that plopped in my head at 12 in the morning and I’ve decided to make it everybody’s problem, as usual!
I know topher and dave are a rarepair and personally one I never considered other than the occasional acknowledgement when I see a post involving them, but then this dynamic came to mind and now it won’t let go until I discuss it so here we are!
(we’re going off of the idea that both of them are rich kids--dave is def someone I hc as rich; topher is either a rich theater kid or a theater kid in the higher middle-class levels (but I see him more of the former simply bc of his canon demeanor))
so based off of what I mentioned above, literally dave and topher’s dynamic is the ‘rich boy x rich boy’ trope which is fucking funny in general, but it gets better when you take in their individual traits. topher is arrogant, he’s conceited, he’s dramatic, I bet he’s the type to flirt and expect the other person to be smitten immediately like he’s some sort of movie star (if he wasn’t so obsessed with chris); dave is more reserved, he’s awkward, he’s emotional, he can be rude, he’s a romantic, and he doesn’t rlly get the usual cues of society meaning he will misunderstand the heck out of anything.
so you get topher noticing dave through some out-of-the-blue means and casually flirting with him bc it’s what he does and it was just perfect for the situation, and he expects the usual reaction: either a blush or an eyeroll with a concealed smile, but dave gives neither of those; instead, he shoots topher a confused look and basically misunderstands topher’s one-liner immensely and makes the situation awkward. it’s never supposed to mean anything more than a oneliner, but dave’s lack of “proper reaction” gives topher whiplash and he’s all “oh, we’re playing hard to get, are we?” to himself and he decides to accept that challenge, and it’s just fucking shenanigans from there on. 
like yes, topher still is obsessed with chris and wants the guy to notice him, that’s still a thing and the whole deal with him wanting to host the show is also still there, but he also transfers more or less that same interest to dave too; he wants dave to notice him and be impressed and give topher that reaction he’s waiting for. but dave doesn’t, he just raises his eyebrows, or misunderstands more, and everyone else is so confused as to why topher’s all over this guy, flirting with him and shit, and they think topher likes dave, but rlly he just wants dave to fucking blush or smth goddammit (but when he says that to his team, everyone’s like ~oh?~ 🤨). meanwhile dave is a mix of confused and oblivious.
and then over time, without either of them realizing, they start to grow on one another. topher goes out of his way to find dave and talk to him not just for the reaction but also bc he likes seeing the reactions dave does give him, he likes engaging in petty back-and-forth with the guy; dave previously thought topher was being patronizing or just plain confusing, but then he grows on him, and that fateful day arrives when he’s like ‘oh shit, do I like him?’
and there’s bonding, ofc, bc since they’re both rich kids, there’s bound to be repressed issues relating to them--but that happens much later on; not only that, the two start to genuinely help each other, regardless of being on different teams, when previously they only initiated convo to tease each other, and that’s when things start to get serious, bc it’s not just lighthearted fun anymore, it’s getting deeper.
(legit I’ve a whole scenario partway hashed out involving these two during tdpi starting from the first episode to ‘three zones and a baby’ when topher is eliminated, which I lowkey wanna post too so I might if I get the time to actually write it all out!)
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
i like to think that there r a lot more subtle things that just became a little Funky after miguel Got Spidered... like-- he runs cooler, has worse circulation than he used to and now struggles to stay warm at room temperature. or, maybe, he scratches an itch one day, just to notice that he’s grown little itchy fuzzy urticating hairs on his legs. unknowingly becomes prone to accidentally staring for minutes on end without blinking because of his Special Special Spider Eyes. d’you-- y’know?? he’s spider-man!! i wanna see him be more Spider-y ,.,,
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jheselbraum · 8 months
There are eight heroines. And that's weird. One of them is a Link, the rest are Gerudo warriors. That's weird. Usually whenever Link has to go recruit party members there's seven of them and he makes eight. It's not weird for him to be the eighth of something, but this time it's weird.
There are seven heroines. And that's weird. Because usually when there's six of something in these games, Zelda is the seventh. And I mean, while it would be neat for Zelda to be a Gerudo one of these days, I don't think that's what's happening here. But Zelda is Hylia, reincarnated. And Hylia is still worshipped in Hyrule, her statues are everywhere.
But it's weird, because Hyrule's gods are usually pretty Hyrule specific, the Gerudo have their own religion and while there's a little of your typical neighboring polytheistic religion overlap in the form of "Yeah okay we'll incorporate Hylia into our belief system, at least for a little bit, no guarantee it'll catch on but it'll be a show of goodwill" and "Yeah sure your gods exist, same as mine," especially since the gerudo seem to have complete freedom of movement within hyrule, the Gerudo still have their own separate religion from the Hylians. They're doing fantasy ancestor worship in botwtotk, Urbosa prays to Zelda's mom after her passing instead of Hylia, the Gerudo in general worship the seven heroines with the understanding that they were at one point regular, if gifted, mortals. But they do have a goddess that presumably didn't start out as a regular human person.
It's weird that there are seven Gerudo working together with an eighth person who happens to be a Hylian. While the Gerudo are usually different, it's not like they're totally separate from whatever is happening in the neighboring country of Hyrule. We've had four Gerudo sages/champions/etc by this point, if my math is right, fulfilling Hyrule specific prophecies and such, helping Hylia with her whole endless reincarnation cycle and all that. It's not all that out of the question that eventually a Hylian would return the favor.
It's weird that there are seven heroines. Usually when there's six of something, the seventh is a goddess reincarnated as a mortal woman.
I don't know who the other six are, but I'd bet money that one of the seven heroines...
Is her:
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dullahandyke · 25 days
Like that one post abt 'find out who are you and then do it on purpose' but instead its 'find out how to activate weird insane computer options you stumble into by accident using a keyboard shortcut. And then do them on purpose'
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I posted my Mirage design once and was immediately so embarrassed that I didn’t draw him for 3 years, so time to rectify that.
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