#but it would have done wonders for my confusion
edgeray · 2 days
I just read your dragon arle x dragon hunter reader fic and I can't stop rereading it. Can I request either the dragon sibs & arlecchino's pov of the fic or a continuation of the fic (either of just reader's daily life now that they've been adopted by a dragon family or of arlecchino and (maybe) the dragon babies having human forms and surprising the reader with them (maybe both))?
Also could I be 🏹 anon? (I'm not the one who requested dragon arle x dragon hunter reader but damn do I wish I was)
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Dragon Hunter Mother Part 2
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N -  Part 1 here I'M BACKKKKKKKKKK. Okay, wow, uh, hi, anons! Yes, you can be 🏹 anon, I added you to the list a while ago. To the anon that was asking for readers to fight off other dragon hunters, if you request again, give yourself a name/emoji like my other wonderful anons :). 🍎 anon, I'm not sure what you mean by real form, but I had the real form for Arlecchino as her human form.  If it wasn't clear, I thought I was just going to combine all three of these into one part, hopefully that's okay with you guys. I wrote this as best as I could. I didn't think the dragon au! would be so liked but guess the world building I pulled from my ass paid off. Reader will be fem just like the first part. Hopefully you guys like this sequel! And hope the world building for this is okay. I don't know why, but I decided to put an excessive amount of stupid world building that probably doesn't make sense… Also made the babies smaller (and I changed this in the first part too) so cuddling them can be better <33 sorry this took so long... hopefully the length makes up for it. 🫶 this makes the longest request I've done so far, and somehow I wrote all of this today... Content warnings / info - creature x reader, arlecchino is a dragon. fem reader, graphic violence, you get called a bitch (sorry), 3.9k words
Being kidnapped adopted by a family of dragons was not on your bucket list, but here you are. At the beginning, you considered running– after all, you had no idea if you were just going to be emergency dragon food or something, though logically you knew that dragons didn't eat humans. You were a hunter, and you were on a job, but you couldn't find it within yourself to pick up the sword again. Not only would that be foolish because there was no fathomable way for you to beat the Father dragon, but the trio of younglings had grown on you in such a short amount of time. It's only been a few weeks, and you feel like you've quickly adjusted to this weird, but cozy family nonetheless. 
The first night you met the dragons quickly became a fond memory to recall back to. What transpired during that night was this: after the babies had successfully calmed down their Father, their Father sat up, growling something to the hatchlings. The large dragon began striding in the direction of where it came from, and the babies left your side to follow. Confusion struck you and you approached the Father dragon.
“Hey, wait, where are you guys–” your own yelp interrupted you as the larger dragon's tail coiled around, picking you up like you were no more than a leaf. You squirmed in its grasp until you were dropped onto the Father’s head. Your eyes widened upon realizing what they were going to do, and you cling onto one of the spikes on the dragon’s head for dear life. The Father dragon flaps its wings a few times, striding backwards, and then begins running. The movements nearly threw you off of the dragon had you not white-knucle gripped onto it, and then you feel the rushing of wind all over you, threatening to blow you away. Your eyes burned from the oncoming torrent, and you shutted your eyes as the frigid night air whips around you, just praying to your archons that you remain alive after this. 
You didn’t know how long you squeezed your eyes shut, but by the time the icy gusts stopped pricking at your skin–only just caressing your skin like a gentle embrace–it’s when you finally opened your eyes. A black canvas dotted with various bright specks greeted your vision, and you gaped silently. You’ve always thought that the night was beautiful, but up close, you were sure of it; it’s entrancing and no short of magnificent. The beating organ inside of your chest thumped rhythmically, and you thought that if you reached out your hand, you would be able to feel the stars on your fingertips. 
You heard a croak beside you and you recalled that you were among dragons. You looked down. The dragon below you tilted their head towards you, glaring back at you over its wings, piercing crossed eyes scrutinizing you. Sheepishly smiling, you rub its head gently with your hand, and you could physically feel it shiver. You relaxed your hold, leaning forward and allowing your front to press against its scale to rest. Turning your head to the side, you watch miniature dragons fly, somehow keeping up with their father. You tentatively peeked down to see how high up you are, and your stomach churned uneasily. Distracting yourself from the terrifying height you’re at, how you can barely see the peaks of the coniferous trees, you try to think where they were taking you. Surely… you weren’t going to be stowed away in their den as emergency food… right? The babies would protect you… hopefully. 
The rest of the ride was smooth; somehow you had not fallen off. They took you to a cave at the base of the mountain in the center of the forest. Inside the cavern, the ground was matted with wool. This must have come from the sheeps that the Father dragon reportedly stole from the nearby villages. You assumed that this is a nest. The red one (should you just give them names instead of referring to them by their colors? You'll call the red one “Ruby” for now), nudged the back of your leg towards the nest, before its siblings leapt into it. Like cats, “Aqua” (short for Aquamarine) circled around a certain area before laying down, its sibling, “Amber,” following it and curling beside it. 
You gazed at “Father” to check for any signs of protest, but it too steps towards the nest before laying down. Its massive body took up the majority of the nest, and it used its tail to gently push “Aqua” and “Amber” closer to it. Seemed like there was no protest from Father. Hesitantly, you approached the nest, feeling like you just stepped onto sacred grounds you didn't belong to. Tentatively, you laid on your side and Ruby went to snuggle against its other siblings. 
Soon, the babies’ snores filled the cavern. Sleep was hard to come by, especially since you were still in your armor and the matting wasn't very comfortable. The cold didn't help either. You ended up just gazing at the wilderness beyond the cave, observing the crescent moon. Eventually, your body became sore from the uncomfortable position, and you figured that slumber wouldn’t come to you soon anyways. Standing up, you made your way towards the exit, just to stretch your legs and take some fresh air. 
Leaning against the entrance, your thoughts ran rampant with wonderings. 
Should you run away? Did you even want to run away? What about your family? What about your job? Well… your family cared about your other siblings more anyways and it wasn't like you liked your job–you've always wanted a break from it. You doubt you could run away from them if you did; dragons had an impressive sense of smell and you wouldn't get very far in this terrain anyways. The babies specifically seemed especially fond of you, and their father tolerated you enough… maybe they had adopted you as their family? If so, then… What was wrong with having a serene life with dragons? 
Well, assuming, again, that they didn't want to eat you. But you didn't want to go back. That life of glory was for someone else. You'd rather live quietly and cozily, even if you were dirt poor. 
“Do you not intend on running away?” 
Your blood froze from the sudden voice, coming from behind you. You whipped around to see a human–no, something that looked like a human–advancing, and you took a step back. You notice the missing large dragon from the nest, only the hatchlings remain, unaware of their missing father. This… creature looked human (a rather pale, tall, and handsome female human) with two spiky, blackhorns peaking above her predominantly white strands, a draconic black and red tail loosely curled around her legs, and black forearms and clawed hands. But the moment you locked eyes with red x-eyes, you knew who she was. Or more like, what she was. 
She was, perhaps, the most breathtaking being you've ever seen, the moonlight making her seem elysian. The embodiment of perfection, for both human and beast, with her voice belonging to those of angels. 
But she was still a dragon, and that thought threw you back to reality. 
“You're human… but a dragon,” you stated matter-of-factly, your flusteredness apparent in your voice.
Her face remained as stoney as her dragon form. “You're correct, Miss Dragon Hunter.” 
This was new. Even if you had extensively researched dragons, you never knew of this. “How?”
“Is that something I should be telling a dragon hunter?” 
You bit your lip. “Is this how ancient dragons were able to stay hidden from us?” You wondered out loud.
“If your human form is female-presenting… Does that mean you're a female dragon? But why? Female dragons take… well, a maternal role, but you serve the paternal role. I thought… that you were a male dragon.” 
“I am indeed a female dragon. However… I never sought out a mate, and so I could not produce my own children. The children,” she gestured at the sleeping hatchlings. “were runts when I found them. Like myself, they had no paternal figure, and the maternal figure naturally abandoned them after birth, so I stepped in.”
You nodded. “Why… did you not kill me?” 
“You fed them. And, with that, I believe they saw you as the maternal figure they lacked. They would be saddened if I killed you. But… considering that you’re a dragon hunter… it's quite a shame,” she remarked threateningly as she extended out her claws, nearing you. Your heart thundered in your ears, fear pumping through every vein. She was going to kill you? 
“Wait, wait. I'll give up. I won't go back. I swear,” you state, stepping back. 
“And why should I believe you?” 
Quickly, you removed the chainmail armor off of you, and with great effort, ripped out the patch stitched onto your shoulder pad. You chucked the armor into a forsaken direction, before you offered the patch to her. “This… this is a symbol of my occupation as a dragon hunter. Without it, I'm nobody. It’s my proof that I'm a dragon hunter. If I don't have it, I can't get any kill orders or receive any weapons or additional aid.”
The dragon raised her brow. A clawed hand took the patch from your hand, before a fire erupted from her palm, effortlessly burning it into ashes. “But how do I know you won't attempt to hurt my family?” She growled.
“I wouldn't. I've… never wanted to be a dragon hunter. I was born into a prestigious dragon hunter family, and I was expected to hunt myself. But… I never wanted to kill dragons.” You tilted your head down, breaking eye contact from her in favor of looking at your feet. 
The dragon stalked towards you until she was only a few inches away. Even in human form, she still towered over you. She pulled you with her tail, which winded around your midsection tightly until she was flushed against you. She gripped your chin in between her clawed fingers. 
“I'll be watching you myself. For now, my children enjoy your presence. But if a single one of them cries so much because of you, know that you will be killed, mercilessly and painfully. Do you understand that, human?”  
“Yes…” You paused when you realized you didn't have her name. You looked at her expectedly. 
“It's Arlecchino.” 
“Yes, Arlecchino. I understand.” Her name sounded right on your tongue.
“Good. Come now, the children are rather quick on noticing my absence from the nest.” Arlecchino expressed, turning back.
“I think I'll stay out here for a while. It's hard for me to fall asleep… it's a bit cold for humans,” you sheepishly admitted. “I'll come back when I'm more tired, I promise.” 
Arlecchino turned around to observe you, noticing your shivering form and the goosebumps on your skin. “I believe I have a solution. Come,” she said, offering her hand towards you. 
You took her hand, and she laid you to the nest again. She laid down on her side first, before urging you to follow her. The nest was comically large compared to the two of you and the baby dragons now that she was in her human form. As you set yourself down, back facing her, clawed hands found their way around your waist before hauling you towards her, her chest pressed against your spine. You hear the flap of a wing, and then the wing is casted over the two of you, acting as a makeshift blanket. You gasped as her hot breath tickled your earlobe, the tips of your ears burning. “Warm enough for you now, human?”
You still had trouble sleeping that night, but for a different reason. 
You learned of the hatchlings' names the day after. Translated to human language from the draconic tongue, “Ruby” was actually Lyney, and his siblings Lynette and Freminet, “Aqua” and “Amber” respectively. Their personalities shone through pretty quickly the longer you stayed with them. 
Lyney, undoubtedly, was the most energetic and clingy, in an endearing way. Always the first one up and stirring up trouble, alongside his younger brother, Freminet–even though Freminet was the shy, considerate one. Lynette was quiet but always present, comparable to a cat when Lyney acted the most like a puppy, and Freminet, a deer. Lyney had once nearly burned down the nest out of sheer eagerness when you surprised them by arriving at the cave with fish when they had just woken up. It didn't take you long to realize that cod was Lyney's favorite, even when you didn't understand dragon language. 
Arlecchino warmed up to you eventually. The first night helped a lot, and so did the children. Standoffish at first, once she realized you had the best intentions in mind for her children she was begrudgingly softer with you. The ‘nestling’ (as the children resorted to calling it after Freminet saw it, having woken up in the middle of the night when Lyney's tail accidentally whacked him) became a nightly occurrence, and you couldn't say that you were complaining. It became evident to yourself that you were attracted to Arlecchino. She was wordlessly sweet, and attentive to you, but especially the children. A powerful, ancient dragon practically bowing down to dragons five times smaller than her was amusing to witness. 
You were able to dissuade Arlecchino's attempts from visiting the nearby villages now that you were able to get the food for the hatchlings. Arlecchino had stopped visiting villages once she was able to obtain a human form, which allowed her to more efficiently metabolize food unlike beforehand. However, upon taking care of the Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet, she needed much more than what the forest could provide, hence the frequent visits. 
Arlecchino did eventually tell you how her human form came to be. Dragons are, first and foremost, creatures created with magic, and so also hold magic. There are two different maturities that dragons reach in their lifetime. The physical maturity, which is when their wings are fully developed and they reach the age when they no longer have to be sheltered. Then, there is the magical maturity, when they learn to properly utilize the magic they're born with once enough magic has been culminated internally over the years. Dragons reach magical maturity after their second molt, and shapeshifting is the most common application; though most dragons like Arlecchino use human forms in order to assimilate into human society. It explains why ancient dragons are rarely ever seen. Draconic magic is unlike anything you've ever seen, incomparable to how humans use it–you couldn't even wrap your head around it. Either way, once Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet reach of age, they too will have human forms. You wondered what they would look like. 
Your life is simple, albeit a bit boring, but nonetheless, you couldn't love it more. You have children that keep you on your toes, and you have… well, Arlecchino, your personal heater at night. It's the cozy life you've always wanted, though you'd like for the nest to be more comfortable, and considerably warmer. 
It's why you’re currently at a nearby town, buying more wool with the money that you had when you were still a dragon hunter. You had traveled with Arlecchino to your hometown to retrieve the money you secretly stashed away, which could have bought a large house in the center of the town. At least, being a dragon hunter wasn't entirely useless. 
You buy your wool and head towards the edge of the forest that bordered the town. The children were waiting for you there, wanting to see what new treats you were getting them. Last time was grilled steak. This time it's dried fruits. It'd be the first time that they tried dried fruits, you hope that they'll like them. As you treach back to where you told them to stay, you notice footprints in the dirt– footprints that weren't yours, and there were multiple of them. All of them seemed to belong to men. Terror struck you in an instant. Why were there people here? People rarely come here. No, it should be fine, it’s just foragers, right? 
Anxiety grips at you as you continue, but it's quickly dispelled once you find the dragons, all safe and sound. You exhale and giggle as Lyney leaps into your arms, while Lynette brushes against your leg and Freminet perches on top of your head. 
“Freminet, you're heavy–” you stop when something snaps behind you. Immediately, you set down Lyney and Freminet before turning around, and your worst fears come to fruition as your sight lands on a group of men coming from the bushes, familiar swords and armor gleaming in the sunlight. Your stomach drops upon the realization. Dragon hunters. And there's about ten of them. Ten of them versus one of you. 
You step in front of the dragons immediately, your hand trailing to the small knife in your pocket. 
“Hey, the old man was right. Following that bitch would lead us to the dragons,” one of them said. “How much is for each head?”
“Well, babies are rare. So a few million Mora per head. Can be ten times more if we get them alive.”
“Get your Father,” you whisper to them, as you push the dragons. They croak worriedly at you, their teeth tugging on your boot for you to come with them. 
“Go!” You yelled a little more assertively. Lynette and Freminet fly off to the direction of the cave, while Lyney remains. You were about to shoo off Lyney too, but then you hear the sound of a bow being drawn. 
It's like you suddenly become possessed, your body moving on automatically as you charge at the archer, short knife in hand. You knock his hand away, making their arrow shoot astray instead of at one of the dragons still flying, before you slit his throat. You narrowly dodge one of the swordsmen's strike, his long-blade an inch away from your chest. Another one from behind you swings, and this time it cuts your side, only shallowly so. You're thankful that your dragon hunter instincts and reflexives are still imprinted on your body, as that's the only thing keeping you alive and allowing you to dodge them. Though they all seem like amateur dragon hunters, compared to you who was the best out of your year, there were still many more of them than you
Another archer draws his bow, but you're still preoccupied with dodging. This foraging knife can barely do shit, and you're hardly able to fend off against the ones surrounding you. The group of dragon hunters split off, half of them chasing towards where Lynette and Freminet went while the other half is currently fighting you.  
No, no, you can't reach him in time, what if he hits Lyney or Freminet–
Fire abruptly emerges, scalding the archer's face making him cry out. The fallen archer's scream successfully distracts the men around you, and you weasel your way out, grabbing Lyney who’s in the process of breathing out fire again and running. You drop your backpack to allow you to run better, but not before making sure you chuck it at one of the hunters. 
“Good job, Lyney,” you praise the hatchling in your arms, stroking his head. 
You had to make sure the group in front didn't find the cave. Lynette and Freminet aren't fast flyers, their wings aren't nearly developed yet. You fear that more archers are with the group in front. Thanks to the lack of weight on you, you're able to evade the ones behind quickly, and catch up to the half of the hunters that had run off earlier. 
The sound of their own footsteps mask yours, and you’re able to stab the swordsman that's lacking behind in the neck, before stealing his sword. His scream attracts the attention from the other hunters and they spin around to face you. Good, they won't be focused on the other dragons now. 
“Lyney, go, please. Your siblings need their big brother,” you whispered, giving the hatchling one more stroke on the head before throwing him up in the air. Lyney, this time, obeys you, flying away but not before giving you one more glance back. It’s just you and five hunters in front of you, another three coming soon. The archers are the most pressing concern, as you rush at them. However, two swordsmen block you from them. 
“No!” You scream as the archers take aim, their arrows aimed at Lyney. You throw your knife, past the blade-wielding hunters and into the back of the head of one of the archers. However, that action cost you your arm getting cut, a long slash down the side of your forearm. You hiss, backing away, but the three of them quickly surround you. There’s still a single archer left. 
“Fuck, what are you even protecting those stupid reptiles anyways? Just tell us where they live and we'll let you live!” 
You only grit your teeth and ready your sword. The only way you can get to the last archer is if you brute force your way, but you can't. You hear footsteps approaching from behind, and the remaining three are already here. 
“We need her alive for now, so she can tell us where it is,” you hear one of them say.
The idea starts settling inside of you–that you're going to die, if it continues like this. You’re not going to tell them where the cave is obviously, even with whatever sick torture they have in plan for you. But were you willing to die now? After you've just achieved the life you had always wanted? You just wanted to live a peaceful life… was this your karma for being a dragon hunter? You swallow thickly, trying to imagine not seeing the hatchlings again or even Arlecchino. In the short time you’ve spent with them, you really have seen them as your own, your family. Ironic that you end up dying for dragons when you yourself were a dragon hunter, huh?
Continuing fighting would be pointless. You’re dead either way, why struggle more? Still… the children are safe. It'd be okay. It'd be okay. They've survived before you, and they'll continue to survive after. Dying would be okay. 
You close your eyes, trying to blink the tears away. It'll be okay, it'll be–
A roar booms through the forest, and then a loud boom, the ground shaking violently underneath you, causing you to tumble onto the floor harshly. In front of you, on top of the crushed bodies of the former dragon hunters, the dragon form of Arlecchino appears. You quickly run to her side, grasping onto one of her legs. Soon, dark red flames escape out of her throat, enveloping the last of the hunters and then, all ten hunters are dead, just like that. 
Once the last hunter falls, Arlecchino immediately turns into her human form, holding you in her arms. You collapse into her arms, the exhaustion from the running and fighting weighing down on you as the adrenaline quickly disappears. 
“The… children?” you're able to pant out as you look up at her. 
“They're safe.” Her eyes hold gratitude towards you. “I thought I lost you.”
“I'm okay, Arlecchino, I promise. Just a few cuts,” you reassure her with a smile, nuzzling into her neck. She sighs and kisses the top of your head. 
“I’m not letting you go anywhere without me anymore.”
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ao3commentoftheday · 3 days
To the anon who has been struggling with engagement recently: I've been going through a dead spell in terms of comments or engagement too. I feel your pain. Mine extends to tumblr too, has me wondering if folks have blocked me for writing too much or something. It's a sad and scary feeling, and confusing, especially when betas say your fic is good.
I guess all we can do is to look back at the source material that originally got us into our fandoms. Also, maybe taking a break would help. When I felt super down last week, I took a week off writing. This week, I'm feeling much better. The stats are still dismal, but I got a chapter I've been procrastinating on for ages done. That's a win right there.
I don't have any more advice. Mainly, just comisseration and wishing you the best. Hey, drop the fic in response to this ask and I'll give it a read, even if it's a fandom I don't know. I comment on everything I read, so I can guarantee you one at least.
This response is from a few days ago so I'm not sure which ask it's referencing, but I think it's a good approach no matter what.
Remember that you never know why someone else is or isn't doing something. You just know that they are or aren't. When you start drawing conclusions (my writing is bad, this story was stupid) you're basing those on your own insecurities rather than on any actual evidence that you've got.
Taking time away can be really helpful in providing perspective. It can also make the sting of what feels like a rejection hurt a little bit less. Reconnect with other parts of your life that make you feel joy or give you a connection. Writing will still be there a week or a month or a year from now ❤️
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 hours
Natural Breeding Clinic - Prologue
warnings: MDNI, breeding kinks, general sex, mention of infertility and insemination methods
a/n: It's here. Finally.
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Teaser - Prologue - Chapter 1
You take a deep breath and sit down in front of the laptop, waiting for the other person to join the call. Never in your life had you heard about such a unique reproductive center but lately, you’d been feeling the pull to start your own family. You’d discussed this with relevant people in your life. Everyone had said if you really wanted a child, then you should go with the options you thought were right for you.
You’d done the research, looking into different doctors and fertility clinics, but this one just stood out. There were testimonials from several happy families, saying their methods, though unconventional, were effective, and the doctors showcased on the website were all incredibly striking, each one handsome in their own way. But it was the success rate that caught your eye. A 98% guaranteed rate that you would be pregnant, and that pregnancy would be healthy. The site didn’t go into too much detail on their method, but the wording caught your eye.
“A natural breeding clinic” they’d called themselves. You’d finally bitten the bullet and called, requesting an information session. The screen suddenly lightens and you focus your attention as an attractive woman with shoulder-length brown hair comes into view. She smiles in a welcoming way before speaking.
“Hello. Am I speaking with Mrs. L/n?” You nod and smile back, trying not to look awkward or uncomfortable. 
“Perfect! My name is Shoko Ieiri, I’m the main coordinating nurse here at Jujutsu Fertility. Thank you for scheduling an information session with us.”
“Yes, of course. I just needed more details before I booked an appointment.”
“Indeed.” Shoko claps her hands together before continuing. “Let me start by telling you a little bit about ourselves. We’ve been around for almost 6 years now. What sets us apart is that we focus more on women’s comfort than most other clinics. And we are sought out by people who are willing to use a sperm donor. We do not perform insemination services with sperm that are not from our own stock.”
“Your own stock? Are you associated with a sperm bank? And screen all the donors yourself?”
“Not a sperm bank in the conventional sense. We have 5 doctors who keep excellent health and their sperm is regularly screened to ensure quality. They are the only stock we allow for insemination.”
You blink to make sure you haven’t misheard. “The…doctors? Are you saying the fertility doctor I’d be meeting with will also be my sperm donor?”
“That is correct.” Shoko nods her head to confirm. “You will be meeting with the doctor of your choosing for at least 5 sessions. They will need to be at least once a week. Some women take the week off and come in 5 days straight.”
“5…sessions?” you ask, confused by the wording.
“Yes. It’s to ensure the insemination process has occurred an optimal number of times.”
“Wait…so…I’m going to be inseminated multiple times? How much downtime do I need in between each insemination?”
“Hardly any. Our method isn’t like a typical clinic. Most women leave feeling very normal and a lot more satisfied than when they came in.”
“Not like a typical clinic? So…you don’t use the catheter method?”
“We use minimal medical equipment in our inseminations.”
“Minimal…so what does the procedure entail?”
Shoko clears her throat and continues. “So it begins with you choosing one of our doctors. We highly recommend spending some time on this part. It’s essential that you feel attraction towards your doctor. Once you make a choice, they will reach out to discuss how your insemination experience can be optimized for you. You will receive a biodata on their sexual profile, their preferred methods of arousal, and other relevant details.”
“I’m sorry, but what?” You are at the edge of your seat wondering if you’ve entered an alternate dimension. Surely, this was all being made up? “Arousal, sexual profile- why would I need all these details? I thought sperm donors only gave information like height, weight, medical history and stuff like that.”
“Why wouldn’t they? You’re choosing to be bred by them. They would have to make sure their patient is satisfied with the experience.”
“Bred?” You bleat the word stupidly.
“Yes. We are a natural breeding clinic. We use the method nature has provided to us to ensure a pregnancy.”
The gears in your brain start turning and something finally clicks.
“Are-are you saying…I would be having sex with my doctor?”
“That is correct.” Shoko smiles gently at you, pleased that you have finally caught on.
“The human body doesn’t necessarily enjoy having medical equipment inserted into it. All that cold plastic, and the mechanical methods of insertion. It puts the body in a state of stress. Not good for implantation. So our doctors will inseminate you through the process of intercourse.”
 Her words fall like a fog around you. You can feel your heart racing, a flush creeping into your cheeks. It was…insane. The doctor of your choosing was essentially going to fuck a baby into you. As your mind starts pulling up the images of their doctors, each one impossibly handsome and striking, you feel a familiar throb starting between your legs. Wetting your lips, you try to talk to continue with the information session.
“I see. And…there are benefits to this?”
“Yes. Intercourse allows the body to relax, releasing happy hormones. In this stress-free state, in addition to the knowledge that your doctor is someone you’re attracted to and trust, the chance of an implantation doubles.”
You gape at Shoko, your mind reeling from all the information.
“And…when you say the insemination process will be optimized for my best experience…?”
“The doctor you choose will ask you extensive questions about your preferences. What turns you on, positions, dislikes, toys. It’s to determine if they will satisfy your breeding experience. If they feel they might not be a good fit, they’ll recommend another one of our doctors.”
You swallow, your mouth going dry. “I see. And…what else do I need to know?”
“We will start by collecting your medical history and run some blood work to make sure your body is ready for an insemination process. Women who have a domestic partner will need to get both a waiver and a consent form signed by their partner that they have been informed what happens for the insemination.”
“Of course. Makes sense.”
“You will be assigned an emotional support companion during this process. It will either be myself or Mr. Ijichi Kiyotaka. We are there to help ease your nerves and ensure you enjoy the process. And all patients must think of a unique safeword to use during the insemination process.”
“Safeword?” you parrot back, still processing.
“Yes. At any point during the process, should you feel uncomfortable, your safeword ensures all actions cease and your doctor will give you some space to breathe and reassess the situation.”
All you can do is nod along. Shoko gives you a look of reassurance. “I can guarantee that most women are pleased with the results. And our doctors are quite skilled in what they do. It’s natural to feel a little shy and embarrassed but at the end of the day, we all share a common goal- a healthy baby.”
Despite your initial shock, you feel some of your trepidation fade away. Shoko continues.
“If you are ok with all of this, I can send you the forms to get the process started. Once those are filled, you can take some time to decide on your doctor. Then we’ll set up a call with them.”
“Thank you.” You make a split-second decision. “Please go ahead and send the forms.”
“Excellent. I’ll send them to the email you put in your inquiry. Was there anything else?”
You shake your head no. “I think I have all I need.”
“Great! I look forward to assisting you again.” Shoko ends the call and you immediately go the the website again to look at the doctors, one of which will end up fathering your child. Such a hard decision. How will you ever make the choice?
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@thesunxwentblack @kentocalls @actuallysaiyan
@belle-oftheball34 @jesssicapaniagua
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a business proposal, p. 5
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» part one, part two, part three, part four - ⟡⋆˙
» contents - ⟡⋆˙ fluff, crack, angst, au, satoru gojo x f!reader, ceo!gojo, fake dating, curse word, reader going through some shit, gojo being soft, they're finally warming up to each other??? mmm slowburn, chaotic, unrequited love, reader pining for nanami
» word count - ⟡⋆˙ 5.2k
» notes - ⟡⋆˙ we're back at it again!! welcome, dear readers, to part 5 of the business proposal inspired series! :D it is currently 3 am as i write this. i actually just finished this part so it has been cooking for a whole day now >.< i chose to end this part a little happier instead, seeing how the previous parts end so intense and sad >.< and in case anyone is wondering, i'm aiming to have around 10 parts? probably? the business proposal series has a lot going on and it has proved to be quite challenging to write some of the stuff from the show into the fic, so i hope that y'all understand that there's a lot of things from the show that i haven't touched upon and chose not to write in order to not make this series too long T-T anyhow!! enough with my yapping, enjoy and happy reading! if you want to be added to the taglist please let me know (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
» m.list - ⟡⋆˙
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A few days had gone by and the morning dawned with a knot of embarrassment and anxiety tightly wound in your chest. No matter how hard you tried, thoughts of Gojo refused to leave your mind. His presence lingered like a specter, reminding you of the awkward events from that specific night.
As you moved through your morning routine, the memory of Gojo’s intense reaction replayed in your mind. Why did he get so heated about the story involving the rain? What had happened to make him react so strongly?
With a frustrated groan, you tried to push these thoughts aside, hoping the busyness of work would distract you. But even after you arrived at the office and settled into your tasks, the questions continued to nag at you.
And no matter how hard you tried to focus on your work, his words echoed in your mind. “This relationship is nothing but a simple contractual exchange of money.” The sting of his harsh tone lingered, adding to the unease you felt.
As noon approached, you sought refuge in the cafeteria, hoping a quick lunch would clear your head. Lost in your thoughts, you navigated through the bustling crowd, barely aware of your surroundings. In a moment of distraction, you collided with someone, the force knocking your tray to the ground, food scattering everywhere.
“Oh no!” you gasped, a wave of panic sweeping over you as you realized the mess you had made. 
Looking up, your heart sank even further as you saw Satoru Gojo standing before you, his pristine attire now adorned with splatters of food. Panic surged through you as you kept your head low, scared out of your mind that he would notice you.
“I-I’m so sorry, oh god—” you stammered, hands shaking as you scrambled for napkins to clean up the disaster. The cafeteria seemed to hold its breath, all eyes trained on the unfolding scene between you and the CEO.
Gojo, for his part, remained surprisingly calm as he looked down slightly to assess the mess on his clothes. “Don’t worry about it.”
The cafeteria buzzed with quiet whispers as they watched the scene unfold. His eyes lifted to meet yours, and a moment of silence hung heavy between you.
“You…” He started softly, confusion etched on his features as he scrutinized you. “Have we met before?” His voice was calm and curious.
“No!” You blurted out, your heart hammering in your chest. Without thinking, you bowed deeply, a rush of embarrassment flooding your cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You repeated, barely able to meet his gaze as you continued to clean up the spilled food with trembling hands.
Once you were done you hastily gathered the dirty napkins and practically fled from the scene, cheeks burning with humiliation. As you retreated, the image of Gojo’s shocked and amused expression burned into your mind, leaving you to wonder how long the memory of this embarrassing encounter would haunt you.
“Suguru,” Gojo turned to look at his friend with a quizzical look, “who was that?”
“Pretty sure she works in the marketing department based on her employee badge.” Suguru replied calmly.
“Did you catch her name?” Gojo inquired further, his interest piqued.
“Unfortunately, I did not, Satoru.”
Gojo’s gaze drifted back towards the direction you had hurriedly departed. His expression was thoughtful, as if he was trying to recall something. After a moment, he sighed softly and nodded. 
“Hm, alright then.”
As evening settled, you decided to clear your mind with a brisk walk around your neighborhood. You replayed the day’s events in your mind, the encounter with Gojo looming over you, making you cringe inwardly. Your phone buzzed, breaking your train of thought. A text from Gojo popped up on the screen.
Archaeopteryx: “My grandfather asked to meet you again. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. 12 p.m.”
The message brought a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. You paused mid-walk, glancing around at the familiar surroundings now tinged with the soft hues of twilight. The invitation to meet Gojo’s grandfather again was unexpected, yet not entirely surprising given the circumstances of your fabricated relationship.
You narrow your eyes slightly, noticing a familiar figure emerging from an apartment complex up ahead. It was Nanami, his presence eliciting a small smile from you. You hadn’t seen him since his last visit at the bakery, and a part of you felt a rush of warmth at the sight of him.
However, your smile faltered as you watched Nanami lean in to kiss a woman standing by the door. Hana. The realization hit you like a sudden gust of wind, chilling you to the core. They are back together. 
Shock and confusion washed over you, blending with a sharp pang of devastation. You stood frozen in place as Nanami and Hana exchanged affectionate gestures and laughter.
Hana’s voice interrupted your thoughts, pulling you back to the present. “[name]! It's been a while!” She greeted you warmly as she and Nanami approached you, her arm linked around his.
“I-It’s good to see you too,” you replied, trying to maintain a natural demeanor despite the unease creeping into your thoughts. “How have you been? I hope your trip to Korea has been pleasant.”
A wide smile spreads across her face, “It’s been amazing, thank you! The food, the sights—everything’s been incredible,” she gushed, her enthusiasm almost infectious. “Oh, and thank you so much for the cake by the way, you always make them so delicious!” She beamed at you appreciatively, her words sincere despite the underlying tension you felt.
“It’s no problem. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you replied softly, your gaze briefly flickering towards Nanami before returning to Hana. “I-I should get going, I have um.. Work tomorrow.”
As you bid them farewell, their cheerful chatter fading into the air, you resumed your walk home, the encounter leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. The familiar route back to your apartment seemed longer tonight, each step echoing in the quietness of the night. Thoughts raced through your mind, the unexpected sight of Nanami and Hana together reopening wounds you thought had healed. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as your movements came to a stop, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you. Your hand instinctively covered your mouth, trying to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape. The pain of seeing him with someone else was unbearable, a stark reminder of the unspoken feelings you had harbored for him.
The suffocating silence got cut off by the insistent ringing of your phone as Gojo’s contact name flashed on the screen. You hesitated, fingers trembling, debating whether to answer or not. But before you could make a decision, in your haste to cancel the call, you accidentally dropped the phone. The sound of it hitting the pavement was like the final crack in a dam holding back your emotions. Tears started rolling down your cheeks uncontrollably as you sank down to your knees, overwhelmed by a flood of heartache and loneliness.
Each tear that fell felt like a betrayal of your composure, a raw exposure of the love you could never voice. The ache in your chest was unbearable, a physical manifestation of all the suppressed longing and hope.
“I didn’t think it would hurt so much,” you murmured in between your sobs, your voice trembling with anguish, “god, it hurts so much.”
In that moment of profound vulnerability, with your heart and your pain laid bare, you felt utterly alone.
Unbeknownst to you, the call had connected, with Gojo on the other end, hearing every broken sobs and muffled cries. Gojo’s expression softened as he listened, his usual confidence faltering in the face of your raw devastation. He hesitated, uncertain of how to intervene or if he should intervene at all. The vulnerability in your voice tugged at something deep within him, a compassion he hadn’t expected to feel so strongly.
After a long moment of silence, Gojo sighed quietly to himself. And with a heavy heart, he made a difficult decision, hesitantly ending the call.
The morning arrived with the soft rays of the sun filtering through your curtains, casting a muted glow across the room. You stirred awake as the events of the previous evening flooded your mind once more. With a sigh, you pushed aside the lingering emotions, focusing instead on the day ahead. Gojo’s text about meeting his grandfather echoed in your thoughts, urging you to prepare despite the weight on your heart. Without hesitation you start your morning routine, moving through the motions of showering and dressing.
Once you were done you plop down in front of your vanity, hesitantly glancing at your reflection in the mirror, noticing the puffiness and redness around your eyes.
“Shit.” You muttered under your breath, “Looks like I’ll need extra makeup today.” 
Without giving it much thought, you rummage through your makeup drawer, hoping to conceal the evidence of your intense crying. As you sift through the array of cosmetics, your fingers brush against something unexpected—a small, unassuming envelope nestled among the lipsticks and eyeliners. Your heart skips a beat as you recognize it instantly: the envelope Nanami had given you days ago, containing tickets to a concert.
You picked up the envelope with a mix of sadness and curiosity, turning it over in your hands. As you did, a rush of realization washed over you—the date of the concert was today. For a second the thought of inviting Gojo crossed your mind, but you dismissed it immediately, knowing he would likely decline.
“Forget it,” you murmured, slipping the envelope into your bag. “I could just ask Rin.”
A while later you stood outside, waiting for Gojo to arrive, dressed in your usual disguise—elegantly dressed with a long, styled wig that framed your face. The morning breeze played with the loose strands as you glanced through your phone absentmindedly. Your body stiffened once your gaze fell upon the recent call log with Gojo from last night. Confusion knitted your brows; you don’t recall making that call.
A flicker of panic surged through you as realization dawned.
“Oh, god. Did he hear that?!”
The thought made your chest tighten with anxiety, and you frantically scrolled through your phone, hoping there were no messages or voicemails left behind.
Just then, you spotted Gojo’s car approaching in the distance. With a deep breath, you composed yourself, tucking away your phone and putting on a polite smile as he drew near.
“Good morning,” he greeted surprisingly warmly, his eyes briefly scanning your appearance with approval. “You look lovely today.”
“T-Thank you.” You bowed quickly before getting inside the car.
As you settled into the passenger seat, silence enveloped you, the rhythm of the road beneath the wheels matched the tempo of your racing thoughts. Finally, unable to contain the question any longer, you turned slightly towards him, your voice tentative yet determined.
“Did... Did you call me yesterday?” You began, your words breaking the tense silence. “I-I had no idea, but I saw that I had a call with you last night.”
Gojo glanced at you briefly, his expression thoughtful. “Yeah, I did,” he replied gently, his eyes briefly meeting yours before returning to the road. “I called to talk about our plans for today. But I hung up because I couldn’t hear anything.”
Relief washed over you momentarily, grateful for his straightforward answer. “Oh, I see,” you murmured, your gaze drifting out the window. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
As you stared out the window, lost in thought, Gojo stole another glance at you, a flicker of concern in his eyes. He had heard more than just silence on the other end of the line last night—he had heard the vulnerability in your voice, the rawness of emotion that you hadn’t meant for him to witness.
Yet, he chose not to mention it. Instead, he focused on driving, his mind racing with unspoken thoughts and emotions.
“Ah, Miss Mei,” Gojo’s grandfather greeted warmly as you entered the grand mansion. “I’ve heard from Satoru that you have quite a fondness for steamed buns,” he continued, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he regarded you kindly.
A blush crept up your cheeks at the unexpected mention of such a trivial detail. “Oh, um, yes,” you replied with a small smile, grateful for the lighthearted turn in conversation. “I do enjoy them.”
“Well then, I must take you to a little place in Kamakura,” Gojo’s grandfather said with a genuine smile, “They make the most exquisite steamed buns you’ll ever taste. It’s a family favorite.”
“Grandfather, Kamakura is far away from here—”
“Hush, boy. I was talking to her.” He shot his grandson a sharp glare before turning to you with a warm smile, “now if you’ll excuse me.”
Gojo’s grandfather walked away to prepare himself for the trip, leaving you and Gojo momentarily alone.
“So,” you began tentatively, turning towards Gojo with a curious expression, “you remembered that?”
Gojo paused for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. “Oh, um,” he started, attempting to sound casual, “of course. You kept rambling about them during that one meeting.”
“I only mentioned it once during that meeting.”
Gojo’s usual composed demeanor faltered as you pointed out the discrepancy in his explanation. He paused, his gaze drifting away momentarily as he searched for the right words. But before he could explain himself further, the elderly man came back, interrupting the moment between you.
“Now, shall we go?”
As you stood outside the quaint restaurant in Kamakura that sold the renowned steamed buns, Gojo’s grandfather wasted no time in engaging the owner in a cheerful conversation. His enthusiasm was infectious as he exchanged pleasantries and shared anecdotes.
The bustling street around you hummed with activity, locals and tourists alike weaving through the narrow lanes lined with shops and stalls. You turned towards Gojo with a curious expression, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
“We really went all the way to Kamakura for steamed buns?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Gojo chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “When my grandfather has a favorite, he’ll go to great lengths for it,” he replied with a small smirk, glancing over at his grandfather fondly. “And it’s not just about the steamed buns, it’s about the memories associated with this place.”
You looked at him, struck by the sincerity in his words. It was clear that this outing meant more to him than simply enjoying a local delicacy. Before you could respond, Gojo’s phone suddenly rang, interrupting the moment. He glanced at the screen briefly before excusing himself with an apologetic smile and stepping aside to take the call. You watched him go, feeling a pang of disappointment at the abrupt disruption.
Meanwhile, Gojo’s grandfather noticed the lull in conversation and turned his attention back to you. “Come, Miss Mei,” he beckoned warmly, gesturing towards the restaurant. “Let’s not keep the steamed buns waiting.”
With a nod, you followed him inside the cozy space, the aroma of freshly steamed buns enveloping you as you entered. The owner greeted you warmly, offering a selection of their finest buns. You thanked him graciously, choosing a few varieties to sample, eager to experience the flavors that had captivated Gojo’s family for generations.
As you savored the delicious steamed buns in the company of Gojo’s grandfather, a comfortable silence settled between you. After a while, he cleared his throat, his expression thoughtful.
“I must apologize, Miss Mei,” he began earnestly, his voice tinged with regret. “For the way I acted during our first meeting. It was... abrupt, and I realize now that I may have come across as imposing.”
You blinked in surprise at his unexpected apology, touched by his sincerity. “Oh, no,” you replied quickly, shaking your head. “It’s quite alright, really. I understand.”
“And I want to thank you.”
Surprised, you looked up from your food, meeting his warm gaze with curiosity. “Thank me?” you echoed, unsure of what he meant.
He nodded slowly, a small smile playing on his lips. “For making Satoru happy,” he explained sincerely. “I can see it, you know. He cares deeply for you. So please take good care of him.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his unexpected words, a warm and fluttery feeling stirring in your stomach. “O-Of course.” You replied softly, nodding in affirmation. 
As you glanced out the window at Gojo, with a gentle smile forming on your lips, you became momentarily distracted. Unbeknownst to you, your hand brushed against your bag, causing it to slip from your lap and tumble to the ground. The sudden crash startled you, and your heart skipped a beat as your belongings spilled out onto the floor.
Embarrassment washed over you as you hastily knelt down to gather your things, fingers trembling slightly as you reached for your scattered items. You managed to grab your phone and a few loose items, but as you hastily gathered them, your wallet that held your ID card slipped from your fingers and slid across the floor.
Before you could react, Gojo’s grandfather was already beside you, his movements swift yet gentle as he helped collect your belongings. His kind eyes met yours briefly, offering reassurance amidst your flustered state. In your haste, you snatched up your wallet, fearing he might catch a glimpse of your true identity. However, as he reached down to retrieve a stray item, his hand brushed against the envelope Nanami had given you earlier. His curiosity piqued, he picked it up and examined it briefly. His eyes widened slightly as he noticed the tickets inside, neatly tucked away.
Gojo came in suddenly with a composed expression, his phone call apparently resolved. “Sorry to interrupt, but we should head back to Tokyo. I have some business to attend to.” He announced, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.
His grandfather, still holding the envelope with the concert tickets, frowned slightly. “Business to attend to?” he chided gently, his voice laced with a hint of disapproval. “You never seem to have time for the simpler things that Miss Mei can’t even ask you about things like this.”
Gojo’s eyes widened in confusion. “What did I—” he paused for a moment, knowing that arguing with the old man would be futile, “what are those?”
“They’re concert tickets.” The elder man responded in a matter-of-fact kind of tone, waving it in front of Gojo’s face, “seeing as how they’re for today, she must’ve bought them to go with you. Right, Miss Mei?”
Caught off guard, you blinked rapidly, trying to keep up with the unexpected turn of events. 
“Um, well, I...” you stammered, searching for words as Gojo's grandfather fixed you with an expectant look.
“What?” Gojo interjected, confusion etching on his features.
“Stupid, boy. We need to get going now!” His grandfather commanded, slapping the tickets into Gojo’s hand with a forceful gesture before he started making his way towards the car. “Come on, let’s go.”
You finally arrived at the concert venue, the bustling energy of the crowd filled the air with excitement. The driver pulled the car to a stop at the curb as the elderly man turned to face you both as you and Gojo stepped out of the vehicle.
“Have fun, you two,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Now, go!”
Gojo, ever the dutiful grandson, attempted to protest. “Grandfather, you really didn’t have to drop us off here. We could have—”
“Nonsense!” his grandfather interrupted, waving a dismissive hand. “You think I’m stupid, boy? If I hadn’t done this, you’d have found some excuse to sneak off to work.”
Gojo opened his mouth to retort but then closed it, realizing the truth in his grandfather’s words. 
“I want to see the two of you head inside.” His grandfather mused, waving his hand to urge you both along.
Gojo sighed, a hint of resignation spreading across his features. “Alright, alright.” He conceded, turning towards the concert entrance.
You quickly bowed to Gojo’s grandfather, a gesture of gratitude and respect. “Thank you, sir,” you said sincerely, before hurrying to catch up with Gojo. “Let’s just go in and then come back right out when he’s gone.” You whispered to Gojo, turning to take a quick glance back at the car.
To your surprise, the car was still there, parked at the curb. Gojo’s grandfather was watching you both intently, a knowing smile on his face. He waved his hands once more, urging you further inside.
Gojo glanced back as well and let out a small groan. “He’s not going to leave until he’s sure we’re staying,” he said, shaking his head. “Just give up.”
As you and Gojo made your way deeper into the venue, you could still feel the eyes of his grandfather on you, ensuring you followed through with the plan. Finally, you found your seats, settling in as the lights began to dim and the first notes of music filled the air.
Gojo leaned closer to you, his voice barely audible over the excited murmurs of the crowd. “Looks like we’re committed now,” he said, a rare and genuine smile spreading across his face.
You let out a small, nervous chuckle as you nodded to his words. 
As the concert progressed, the artist on the stage suddenly pauses between the songs, a bright smile spreading across their face. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” they began, their voice amplified through the speakers, “tonight we have something very special planned. We’re going to take some song requests along with their special stories.”
The crowd murmured with excitement as the artist pulled out a small stack of papers from a box. “We’ve received so many wonderful stories, and I’m so thrilled to share one with you now,” the artist continued, unfolding a paper and beginning to read.
“I bought tickets for today’s show and gave them to a close friend of mine. We’ve been good friends for seven years now and she’s always been there for me through thick and thin, from consoling me with drinks when my girlfriend broke up with me to celebrating every small victory. She doesn’t have a boyfriend yet, but I’m hoping that she’ll find someone special soon and maybe attend the concert together. Please play her favorite song tonight; it means a lot to her.
And to top it off, she bakes the most incredible bread at her bakery, which I absolutely love getting from her.”
As the artist read aloud the heartfelt story from the paper, your heart sank. The words struck a chord deep within you, resonating with a painful familiarity. Nanami’s thoughtful gesture was unmistakable, and it was about you—his words echoing in your mind, reminding you of the unspoken feelings you harbored for him. 
A whirlwind of emotions swept through you—panic, sadness, and longing. You felt a lump form in your throat as the artist continued, mentioning details that only Nanami would know—your role in comforting him, your bakery, and your shared moments of support and friendship.
The artist suddenly announces the row and seat number associated with the story, the spotlights suddenly shining on you, confirming to everyone that the heartfelt story was about you. You glanced around nervously, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable in the midst of the crowd. Nanami’s face flashed in your mind, imagining his gentle smile as he wrote those words, oblivious to the depth of your feelings for him.
“You came with a gentleman today!” the artist beamed upon seeing you and Gojo together. 
“I-I— no he’s not—” you stammered, trying to protest, but the artist continued.
“I guess your friend’s wish came true! I’m sure he’ll be happy. Congratulations to his friend of seven years.”
As the song began to play, chosen especially for you, the music seemed to surround you with its bittersweet melody. You dared a quick glance at Gojo, who was watching you with concern, unaware of the turmoil within you. You wanted to disappear, to escape this moment of emotional reckoning that Nanami had unwittingly triggered.
Memories flooded your mind like a relentless wave. You couldn’t help but reminisce about all the times you had spent with Nanami—starting from high school when you first began harboring feelings for him. You remembered the moments of laughter, inside jokes that only the two of you understood, the way he listened intently to your rambles about your dreams and fears, the comfort of his presence during challenging times, the late-night conversations that lingered in your heart long after they had ended. Each memory stung with the ache of unrequited love.
The weight of Nanami’s gesture at the concert, his heartfelt words read aloud to the world, intensified the flood of emotions within you. Tears welled up in your eyes, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Gojo glanced at you from the corner of his eye. His expression remained outwardly composed, a mask of nonchalance that could barely conceal the worry that started to etch into his features.
Without a word, he subtly retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and extended it towards you. It was a small act, yet it conveyed his understanding of your emotional turmoil, showing you a depth of concern and compassion that spoke volumes. 
You slowly accepted the handkerchief with a grateful nod, dabbing at your tears as discreetly as you could manage.
Once the concert was done you found yourself walking with Gojo in the quiet streets of Tokyo, the lingering emotions from the evening weighed heavily on you. 
Gojo glanced at you quickly, his expression still composed but with a subtle shift of concern beginning to show. The silence stretched between you until he finally spoke, his voice soft against the backdrop of the city’s murmurs.
“Do you cry easily?” he asked, his tone gentle yet probing. “You bawled yesterday too.” He continued casually.
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, realizing he had indeed heard you cry. Heat rose to your cheeks as the feeling of embarrassment washed through you.
“B-But you said you didn’t hear—”
“It seemed like you didn’t want me to know, so..”
The admission hung in the air between you as you walked on in silence once more, each step carrying the weight of unspoken thoughts and emotions.
“Thank you… For today. For everything.” You began softly, “for pretending that you didn’t notice that I cried yesterday. And for coming to the concert with me, which I could’ve gone to all by myself.”
“Not only that,” Gojo started, taking a quick glance at you, “I almost looked like a really pitiful person when you cried like that at the concert.” 
Gojo chuckled lightly. “I overheard someone saying that I was just a replacement for your friend.” 
Your heart sank at his words, guilt washing over you. “I-I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, offering you a reassuring smile. “Don’t apologize,” he said firmly, his tone gentle but firm. “I mean, it’s not like I’m your real boyfriend anyway.”
His words caught you off guard, a mix of relief and confusion washing over you. It’s true that he’s not your real boyfriend, but why did his words make you feel… Sad?
“I know.” You replied softly, averting your gaze from his.
“Did you have a crush on him for seven years?” He asked suddenly, his curiosity evident in his tone.
“Was it that obvious?” you replied with a wry smile, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at the thought of how transparent your feelings might have been.
Gojo chuckled softly, a sound that carried both amusement and sympathy. “Maybe a little,” he admitted, glancing at you with a knowing look. “Besides, anyone with eyes would’ve figured that out seeing how much you cried over his words.”
“Yeah, I guess I wasn’t exactly subtle.” You replied with a sheepish smile.
“Well, at least you got some closure, right?” Gojo said with a reassuring nod.
You nodded back, a small, hopeful smile forming on your lips. “Yeah, I’m just going to accept that I just got rejected,” you admitted with a light chuckle. “Besides, the friend of mine ended up getting back together with his ex-girlfriend.”
Gojo watched you silently, a contemplative look on his face as he processed your words.
“But I don’t regret it, though,” you said with a knowing smile, “I was really happy for those seven years.”
His expression softened, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Someone like you who can’t tolerate wasting time, can’t understand that, right?” you teased lightly, nudging him playfully.
A small frown slowly spread across his face. “It’s not always that way.” 
“There are some things where you see results quickly,” He began, his voice taking on a serious note, “and others where you have to risk losses and stay committed for the long run. So, it’s hard to judge the value of something solely based on how much time it takes.”
You let out a small laugh, causing Gojo to turn to you with a surprised look on his face.
“That’s a weird way to comfort someone, you know?” you chuckled, shaking your head in amusement. “It’s funny that you compare things to your job even in situations like this.”
Gojo scratched his head sheepishly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “Yeah, I guess I’m not really used to comforting people.” He admitted with a wry smile. “I tend to approach things from a practical angle.”
“Don’t worry, it was comforting enough,” you reassured him sincerely, your laughter fading into a warm smile. “Thank you.”
After a moment of comfortable silence, broken only by the soft sounds of the evening around you, you felt a twinge of guilt nagging at you. Clearing your throat softly, you turned slightly towards Gojo.
“Um, Gojo, I wanted to apologize,” you began hesitantly, “for telling that story to your grandfather during the dinner. I was feeling a bit down so I overdid things a bit so it wouldn’t be obvious… I think that’s why I said some things I shouldn’t have said.”
Gojo looked at you with surprise, his expression softening. “It’s okay,” he responded gently, shaking his head slightly. “I should apologize too. I was being a bit too sensitive about it.”
As the night deepened and the streets grew quieter around you, Gojo slowed his pace until the two of you came to a gentle stop beneath a canopy of trees. A comfortable silence enveloped you, allowing the cold breeze of the evening to soothe the edges of today’s emotions.
You stole a glance at Gojo, noticing the mix of contemplation and calm in his expression as he gazed thoughtfully into the distance. His features, illuminated by the gentle glow of the street lamps and moonlight, appeared serene yet striking. In that quiet moment, you couldn’t help but admire him— how he looked, the way he stood close to you, it all stirred emotions you couldn’t quite explain.
Quickly pulling yourself out of your thoughts, you turned your attention to the surroundings, taking in the serene atmosphere of the neighborhood.
“Where are we right now?” You asked softly, breaking the silence with a gentle inquiry. 
“I don’t know,” Gojo’s eyebrows quirked up at your question, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I was just following you.”
“But I was following you.”
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» taglist - ⟡⋆˙ @megumisthirdog, @inluvkai, @ieathairs, @roscpctals99, @laviefantasie, @snwvie, @sanriosatoru,@cc1306, @pinkprincessglitterzombie, @keaugh, @eolivy, @peachesnoranges, @indicatom, @jayhyunglover, @lunasolac
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bcacstuff · 2 days
With him in SF in early September I wonder if they'll shoot S8 without any break. They are filming the 6th episode, with 4 weeks/block=2 eps. + 1 week for all table reads they should be done by end of August. The end is near & 12 years in the making by the time S8 airs.
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I received a number of these similar asks in the last weeks already but didn't get to answer it in the way I wanted (sorry for the delay)
First of all to avoid some confusion, as far as I know he said he was gonna receive the SWF Award at Top Shelf event in October! I don't know why people keep saying September?
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Caitriona's movie The Amateur was scheduled to be released on November 8, 2024, however the release is delayed and will now be on April 11, 2025
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I do (of course) not have a filming schedule, so the short answer on will they have a summer break is; I don't know.
But we can speculate and think about a few things I considered. No facts of course, purely speculation.
Previous seasons we always could find some little clues and hints from time to time during filming, but this season it's extra hard. I shared what I could about location, but it's not always clear if it concerns OL S8 or BOB. That goes also for the clues we often would find on IG from the crew, which it seems are switching being busy on both series. The cast from BOB posts more little hints and clues than the cast from OL. Sometimes the supporting characters do, like today Kieran Bew
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Kieran Bew IGS 21 June 2024
I also considered that S7 part 2 might have been altered a bit from how it was originally planned. As we were wondering during filming of S7 that there was no Fersali on set. Lauren and Cesar both were busy on other projects. But lately we've seen them again in Glasgow, and I really wonder if they filmed some extra scenes we will see in S7 part 2. It's hard to imagine how the storyline about Claire returning to the US, Philadelphia for Henri Christian's health problems (Fergus and Marsali's child) could omit Fersali. So perhaps they added scenes to S7 part 2, hence the long delay for it? (I could be completely wrong but we will know when it airs and if we'll see Fersali in S7 part 2 we know)
Anyway, we don't know where S7 part 2 ends, but if we are still in 3 different time periods (which does look that way given Diarmaid (Buck) seems to work on S8 as well, I figure not all cast is always needed on set. I do think, well actually am quite sure, some already had some time off in May. So perhaps, depending on the characters needed they scheduled it that way that people can have a wee break. I do wonder though about crew members, but perhaps BOB, which already started filming earlier this year will be done by July or so, and crew can take a wee break as well.
As for Sam, I do have an idea why his schedule didn't fit the Highlander con in July... but I keep that for my self for now. When time comes I'll see if I was right about it or not.
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zzoguri · 1 day
four-letter word ➵ myung jaehyun
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myung jaehyun x gn!reader
you’d go anywhere so long as jaehyun’s there
genre/warnings ➵ friends to lovers, fluff, kissing, loser!jaehyun, reader is around the same height as jaehyun, minimal plot just vibes
word count ➵ 1k words
a/n ➵ me and my obsession with the beach... i don't even like it that much (yup so self-insert) anyway, making my offical debut in onedoorblr!!! please accept me… i love bonedo so much they have been taking up my life and my delusions so badly </3 i love this loser so much and i love writing loser bonedo!!! so if u guys do like that, i have an upcoming loser!leehan fic as well :33 if you enjoyed this, please do reblog and leave feedback!
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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there were many reasons behind your dislike for the beach; the scorching heat that makes you itch, the sand that clings on wet feet, and the salt water that stings your cheeks. with every beach trip you were seemingly forced to go on, you’d prefer to stay away from the shore.
yet, you find yourself by the sea—wearing an oversized jacket and shoes—watching the dim, cloudless sky with jaehyun. fingers interlocked. synched heartbeats.
you look over at him and see him staring off into nowhere as he breathes in the salt air, and you wonder what’s rummaging through his mind.
it’s been two years since jaehyun came into your life, at a party you don’t even recall who hosted. with a goal to refill your cup, you stumbled upon the boy who was mixing up drinks for his friends. you were going to wait until he let go of the vodka, throw in that liquor with any chaser you could find in the kitchen, but there was a moment where his laughs died down—and his wide eyes settled on you. they shine like the sea that glistens on a sunny day, and you can’t help but hope to witness it once more.
that night was only the start. for a series of smiles. for the quiet exchanges of laughter. for a warmth that would accompany for you a lifetime—only if you let it.
over the course of knowing jaehyun, you learned of a boy past the grins and silly antics. beyond the extroverted persona is a boy who lives by the four-letter word: care. every action he makes is one done with such purpose. if he were to crack a joke, it’s done to uplift the mood. if he were to scold his friend, it’s done to look over their wellbeing.
if he were to hold your hand, during the colder season at a place you didn’t like, it’s done to keep you warm. to hold you close. to tell you, thank you for coming with me. to show you how much of the four-letter word he had stored in himself—all for you.
and you don’t know why it took you so long to accept it. all the nights you two spent at his place with arms interlocked. times when he joined you in shopping for groceries. the moments where you two allowed yourselves to simply exist.
yet, he waited.
without a second thought, you close the distance between you two—your lips meeting his cheek—for only a second, and jaehyun’s calm expression morphs into shock. his shoulders still as his mouth parts open. once you giggle, jaehyun looks back at you, and he crumbles. he faces down to the sand beneath his feet, knees bent, but he continues to hold your hand.
“why?” you ask as you crouch beside him. with his flustered reaction, you can’t hold back your giggles. so you close the distance once more, this time kissing the tips of his ears that have gone red, and he yelps. you laugh once more before asking again, “why?”
before you know it, he looks up from the sand, his shocked expression threatening to turn into a smile. you both know that he can’t hide how he feels about what you did, so he pulls his hand away from yours as he stands up straight. for a moment, you frown in confusion until he bolts into nowhere.
you try to chase after him. “jaehyun! what are you doing?!” still, he continues to run as squeals leave him.
jaehyun’s reaction is a reminder of how much of the four-letter word he has in store for you—a testament to his love for you. 
you find yourself getting tired, pants starting to escape you, so you give up on trying to catch him. as he spots your steps faltering, he runs towards you. his arms wrap around you, holding you close so you can bask in his warmth for you.
“you can’t just do that and expect me to be normal about it,” he points out which only causes you to laugh.
“who says i wanted you to be normal about it? you know i like it when you’re a loser,” you move your lips close to his, and his eyes turn wide over the distance, “especially for me.”
and he can’t hold back his smile. because he knew from the moment his eyes landed on you that he would do anything to make you laugh. to have you rest. to let you feel the warmth of his love.
unfortunately, that only became clear to you now, but jaehyun wouldn’t have it any other way.
he beats you to it, his lips meeting yours. his hand reaches for your neck and his thumb draws circles over your cheek. the action feels familiar to you, almost like you’ve kissed him before—but he explores you like he’s waited a lifetime for this moment. to drink you up like the remnants of wine at the bottom of the barrel. your head starts to spin over how soft his lips are. the brush of his nose against yours only has you breathing him in, and he can’t help but want more. his breathing turns short, almost like a fire would start in his lungs, but he can’t imagine letting you go.
it’s a kiss out of desire. out of yearning. out of contentment.
you pull back, trying to catch your breath as you lean your forehead against his. an exchange of laughter leaves you two before you meet his eyes once more. they shine the same way you first met him. it’s funny how they resemble a piece of a place you hate, but it’s the one thing you can’t deny its beauty.
and maybe you’ll continue to dislike the beach for all the same reasons. all the times you found yourself uncomfortable from the heat and sand remind you of why you would never like going to the beach.
but this place is an exception. you’ll go to any place so long as jaehyun is there.
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taglist: @kflixnet @blankjournal
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joemama-2 · 10 hours
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Midnight Baking
megumi x reader
a/n: a little cute fluffy drabble after my last megumi post, he's so lovely.
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"move over". megumi's gruff, but tired voice startles you, almost causing the whisk in your hand to fall to the ground. you turn you head over your shoulder, it's dark and late at night so you have to squint your eyes to actually see him. he's rubbing his eyes, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. only then do you realize that he wants you to scooch when he lazily motions with his hand.
confused, you move a bit to your right and he walks to the sink, turning the water on and getting started on washing the several dishes you already had in there. he wants to scold you about the number, especially since you obviously just started. but everytime he does, you hit him with a "i'm baking, obviously i'm gonna dirty dishes".
"did I wake you up?" you ask, voice quiet in case he actually is just sleepwalking, which would explain this. never has megumi helped out with your late night baking scandals, considering he wasn't an insomniac like you and he was a pretty heavy sleeper.
"no." he mutters, a lie. "i was awake for a while, figured i'd help you." his hands work diligently at the dishes, lathered in soap suds. and you can't help the small flutter of your heart and grin forming. but, he quickly adds on. "don't wanna wake up to a shit ton of dishes to wash either."
"hey!" it's a little too loud since he gives you a side glare, causing you to lower your voice. your attention turns back to whisking. "i always clean up after myself."
a huff. "you mean I do." you want to roll your eyes, but you know he won't see it, so you hold back.
a small silence envelopes you too and he finishes washing, wiping his hands. "brownies?"
"mhm." you nod. "but i'm adding some matcha in them, cause remember you said you had them that one time at that cafe you didn't invite me to."
a sigh is held back from him. you two have gone over this already, he says it was a lunch invite from itadori, but you say it was a date and he's cheating on you. "didn't think you remembered that."
"why wouldn't i?" you look at him, setting the whisk down. "i remember everything you tell me."
god, he feels his cheeks heat up. he fights back a smile, instead huffing. "yeah, yeah, whatever." he reaches up to grab one of the trays from your cabinets. a thought goes through his mind that makes him wonder how you would reach it if he wasn't there.
setting the tray down, you begin to fill it with the matcha brownie mix. "you need to start just reading a book if you can't sleep." he says.
you scoff. "i'm not you."
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"it means you're a bookworm." he frowns, that cute one that makes you kiss it off his lips every time. after the mix is successfully poured in, he opens the oven and places it in. you already had it preheating.
he leans up and see you licking the whisk clean, like always. and like always, he allows you to offer him some, tongue swiping over the same areas yours just did. "a cute bookworm, though." you say, gently chuckling as you welcome his arm around your waist to bring you closer.
"i'm not cute." he holds the whisk out for you to get the last few licks, because he knows you'd throw a fit if he took it all. been there done that. his thumb absentmindedly rubs soothing, small circles along your hip.
"uh huh, sure you're not, cutie." he grimaces and you laugh, hand cupping his cheek as you two share a light kiss to one another's lips. at least that's what you think before he dips down for another. and another. and ano--
"okay, okay." you huff playfully hand squeezing his cheek. "don't get ahead of yourself, you'll hurt yourself."
his face buries itself into the crook of your neck, inhaling your oh so sweet scent, placing a small kiss to your pulse. "shut up." he grumbles.
you two move to the couch, laying on him and idly playing with the hem of his shirt as you discuss mundane things to pass time until the pastries finish. you tilt your head up to meet his eyes and he's already looking at you.
he stares back. "what?"
"nothing, just thinking."
"how much i love you."
and you always knew just the right things to say. his ears heat up again. "why are you being so cheesy right now?"
"can't i express my love to the greatest, bestest boyfriend ever?" you scoff.
"i'm your only boyfriend." he retorts. his eyebrow raises as you look away, holding back a smile. "don't do that." he nudges with his shoulder.
"do what?"
"not agree with me."
you roll your eyes now, looking back at him. "don't get your panties in a twist, you already know you're right." he says nothing and you let out an overdramatic sigh. "you're my only boyfriend."
he hums in approval, it's your turn to nudge him. "your turn?"
"tell me you love me and that i'm your only girlfriend and i'm the best." now, he turns his head away, inhaling a hiss as if you couldn't be further from the truth. "megumi!" you say, lifting your body up slightly.
he lets out a small chuckle, pulling you down and kissing your lips, thumbs caressing your cheeks. "you're my only girlfriend, you're the best, and i love you."
you smile. "i love you more."
he lets out a small sigh, but gives into your cheesiness. "i love you most."
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achaotichuman · 1 day
#6 🙏🏼
WIP Tag Game
6- A Court of Deceit and Decay
EEE this is my first Neris fic, and I am very excited about it.
Here is the snippet!!
“My actions brought them embarrassment.” Nesta said simply, “They hated what I did in my own time.” “Which… was?” Eris raised an eyebrow, eyes flicking around her face, from her smooth forehead, to her high cheekbones, sharp jawline, thin pink-tinted lips, and always returning to those flame-filled eyes that burned holes in his sockets.  “Drinking and fucking with no regard,” Nesta answered, her expression remaining carefully neutral, but face flushing red with her own admission.  As if she was ashamed, or had been made ashamed.  Eris furrowed his brow.  “That's… it?” Surely, surely she did something else. Murdered a man in cold-blood, or kidnapped children, because there was simply no world in which one was sentenced to a life underground in a terror-filled city because they drank and fucked.  If that were the case, Eris was clearly at risk for being locked down here too.  “I spent their money.” Nesta looked away, towards the fire, “500 marks.” “Thats…” Eris must be being locked down here as well, if that was what the Court of Night considered worthy of being punished for.  “That’s it?” Eris repeated as if his mind had broken from the absurdity.  Nesta levelled him with a confused look, “I… I insulted Morrigan, as well as Rhysand and Amren. Argued with them and refused to join them often. I offended them?” She said it with such a confused tone, as if trying to incriminate herself.  Now Eris was fully convinced Rhysand had only invited him to be locked down here with Nesta. He’d have to invite Kallias next as well, considering that male spent a lot more than 500 marks on a good night. “That’s it?” Eris attempted to chastise himself, especially for Nesta’s confused expression at his repeated remarks.  “Yes?” Nesta blinked.  Silence took hold, as Eris reigned his tongue back in, but his next words could not be shielded by centuries of careful courtier training, his filter seemingly broken by sheer confusion.  “Nesta, I don’t believe there is a single Faery in the world that hasn’t spent more than that on a good outing. I don’t believe there is a single Faery in Prythian that hasn’t insulted Rhysand’s sacred Inner Circle more than once either.” He blinked, if it were anyone else he would assume they were lying and hiding some other crime to save face. But from Nesta’s mask breaking off and showing pure and utter confusion, he understood that no, Nesta was telling the truth.  It made Eris wonder what else Rhysand had done, if he allowed his own sister-in-law to be sentenced to a life like this for something his own Court did on a regular basis. 
This is from chapter three, you can find the fic on my 'Dark Autumn' blog @achaoticalien
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toriluvsnickwayne · 2 days
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Getting Hooked
Chapter 7
Hook x Reader
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Tyler’s POV
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I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease after storming out of Andretti's place. I knew I had to calm down and clear my head. I decided to take a walk along the beach, hoping the fresh air would help me process my emotions.
As I walked, I couldn't help but think about Y/N and the mark on her face. Who could have done such a thing? And why was Andretti flirting with her like that?
I felt a surge of protectiveness towards Y/N, and I knew I had to find out what happened. I turned around and headed back inside, determined to get some answers.
When I returned, Y/N was still working, her face still bearing the bruise. I approached her, my heart racing with anticipation.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, trying to sound calm.
She looked up at me, her eyes hesitant. "Sure, Tyler. What's up?"
I took a deep breath, my mind racing with questions and emotions. "What happened to your face? And why was Andretti flirting with you like that?"
Y/N's expression changed, and she looked around nervously. "Let's talk outside," she whispered.
I nodded, and we stepped out into the night air, the tension between us palpable.
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Tyler led me outside, his eyes fixed on mine with a mix of concern and anger. The cool night air hit us as we stepped into the parking lot, the only sound being the distant music from the bar.
"Who did this to you, Y/N? Tell me the truth," Tyler asked, his voice low and urgent.
I hesitated, not wanting to escalate the situation. "It was just some guy at the bar, Tyler. It's not a big deal," I said, trying to brush it off.
But Tyler's grip on my arm tightened. "Don't lie to me, Y/N. I can see the fear in your eyes. Who was it?"
I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep it from him. "I don't know his name, okay? He was just some drunk guy who got out of hand. He was yelling at me, and then...and then he hit me."
He paused, taking a deep breath. Then, his expression suddenly turned stone-cold, his eyes glazing over with a calm intensity.
"Don't worry about it, Y/N. I'll take care of it," he said, his voice eerily calm.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against my forehead in a gentle kiss. "I'll see you later, Take care."
And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me stunned and confused. His sudden change in demeanor left me wondering what was going on in his mind.
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Uhhhhhh hey sorry I’ve been gone 🥲. I’ve been rlly busy the past few weeks and things r js now settling down for now. I’ll try to update a few more parts before I go on vacation for 3 weeks😂. But srsly thank u guys for being patient n not flipping out. That’s rlly all I have to say for now I promise I’ll get at least 2 more parts out by Tuesday cuz that’s when I leave for vacation n hopefully schedule some posts the come out (no promises tho). Anyways lots of love- Tori😘😘
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aho-dapa · 2 years
Worldbuilding Illyria + a sort of rant on sjm’s writing, again
I’m sorry but quick idea, yknow what would have been cool, (while the Illyrians were an actual collection of people in history from what I gather--groups of people that likely didn’t call themselves Illyrians at all), is some Sparta parallels with Illyria. Would have been cool is all I’m saying. Not only very warrior oriented but also treated women differently. Very matrilineal and all that and women were likely still expected to be athletic. 
But also would have been cool to highlight how even though women had some more freedoms than their other ‘greek’ counterparts, they still had their own disadvantages like not being able to be involved in politics and stuff. Would have been great actually to show how women with power can still be oppressed, would have been stellar and an actual conversation starter but eh. 
actually using the history of the people you named your people after. 
Or even parallels with Rome and the whole bar bar thing where the word barbarian comes from. 
Its giving: 
Velaris = Rome 
Hewn City = could represent the places Rome conquered / vassal type thing
Illyria = literally every unclassified tribe altogether known as barbarians 
Would have been great to actually show the different tribes of Illyria and their different customs like mini greek states or actual Illyrian tribes / poleis things or even mention that’s why they are so hard to control because of how different they are
this idea isn’t that thought out so a lot of stuff here might be wrong but I think its a cool thing to think about 
Also, kinda bothers me how the Illyrians are never given empathy in sjm’s narrative, they’re always brutes who hate women, where’s the nuance, where’s the tradition and the culture, what even about religions?? They're not even a people at this point, they're just a weak feminist narrative that doesn’t even try to tackle why this society is structured the way it is, and if you don’t understand the structure of something, how can even even begin to try to change it or even make judgements on it? You’ll end up sounding holier than thou, especially to the people your ‘trying’ to help
i’m just now realizing just how greek/rome everything is in sjm’s book, they don’t even get into anything truly celtic or irish even though a lot of the series’s lore is based on those cultures??? Don’t even get me started on the summer court, I have no idea what that’s supposed to be? Greek? Italy? African?? I don’t understand if Tarquin is supposed to be black or not (tbh it feels like just general POC rep but its very hard for me to understand what POC are in sjm world) some people see him as black but also brown?? (I also hate using those descriptors as if they mean more than just slapping melanin on a character and calling it a day) Idk, gods, helion??? Idk, idk, maybe I just don’t know enough to even make a sound judgement 
Not to mention so many of the names are so greek sounding
Like Helion, likely related to Helios, Greek god of the sun
We full stop got someone named Lord Thanatos running around in Hewn City
Does this mean Mor has Irish connotations?? Like my main frustration comes from that there’s very little identifiers for me (and maybe this is just me not knowing about Irish mythology) and if there are, it only feels like a cameo??
The fact the only thing I know about the ‘chinese’ land sjm wrote about is only the name of it, Xian. And Nuan, where only her appearance is mentioned to look like Amren’s. Which idk, tbh, it leaves a lot of room for irl interpretation. Asian, after all, is not just chinese. (And tbh if you didn’t know that Xian and Nuan are chinese sounding names, would they even understand that it’s chinese coded??)
The fact that Thesan also has ancestry to Xian means literally nothing to me, I don’t get to see that culture so it makes no bearing on that lineage, yknow??
I can’t believe I was so excited to think that sjm was going to actually do something with Xian, maybe even see some traditional outfits that would look different than the kinda europe medieval vibes we had going on... listen acotar was my first sjm book, I still had hope back then 
(gods, don’t get me started on Nehemia and Eyllwe, I haven’t even read crown of midnight yet and I’m still pissed off)
Again, idk, I would love to have a conversation about this especially since I’m very much speaking from a spanish/mexican perspective that grew up with a mixed family, so having culture behind the skin tone always makes it better to me when reading fantasy books, even if it’s made up, because people can have a skin tone that doesn’t match with that specific perception of a culture yknow 
Like what if someone grew up in japan and did all the culture things, but looks like a typical white lady, what then? 
I wouldn't even mind if sjm mixed some cultures around to make something new so that it wasn’t so one to one, but idk anyways 
what even is sjm’s calanmai
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thedrotter · 1 month
Re:Kinder Fun fact time!! Did you know? 😊
Yuuichi's theme song (the one that often accompanies his entrances with "Vamos Cantar!"), 新しい夏のナナ, is not in any latin language such as Spanish or Portuguese, despite its lyrics sounding as such. It's actually in Hanamogera, which to put it simply is nonsense speech based on japanese syllables. So the song's lyrics are essentially gibberish meant to imitate the sound of latin music! 😊
It is listed as such in the source site for the song, oo39.com, where the song can be found as "YS068" in the hanamogera category.
Additional fun fact! The song can also be found in Spotify as Vien Nana by Oo39.com themselves alongside a few other select songs from the site. So you can properly enjoy the song on the platform without having to import it from your local files.
Those are the fun Re:Kinder related fun facts for today... Use them to entertain your friends at parties ! ☺️
#re:kinder#not art#now tiny storytime in the tags!!! 😊...#what prompted me to look into this months ago was the fact i genuinely thought it was in spanish at first#AS A SPANISH NATIVE SPEAKER. I HEARD THIS SONG VAGUELY AND WAS LIKE... WOW... i wonder what it says!#because i thought i didnt understand it as i was mostly paying attention to the text or because of my computer's speaker#plugged headphones in and heard carefully... i didnt understand anything. but it sounded just like it i was so confused#for a second i wondered if it was portuguese but there was no way it was because even then i would have known😭#the magic of knowing either language of spanish (at least latin spanish) and portuguese is it makes the other very recognizable#this was not it looked for the opinions of other latin speaking language people THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING#and thats how i ended up looking into the source and finding this out 😊#i was very pleasantly surprised to see it was gibberish because IM NOT SURE HOW TO EXPRESS TO YOU ITS VERY GOOD#VERY WELL DONE GIBBERISH SO WELL DONE IT MAKES A PROPER SENTENCE AT ONE POINT#gibberish so well done it fooled native speakers into thinking it was their own languages . so good im so obsessed with this#i had to share this fun fact eventually somrwhere other than yourjbe comments#and i remembered i could acrually speak here about the game and not only post art of it teehee😊#so thats your awesome fun fact micht also drop more if im confident in doing so and their validity because theres more tbat are in japanese#and im trying to figure em out watch as i study the inner workings of a language so i dont have to learn how to actually speak it#(i love conlangs so this is a good excuse)
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pendraegon · 1 year
also. maybe it's because i was a hot fucking mess until i hit like 25-26. so im like...how are you 22 and having your shit together. genuinely like. if ur 22 years old and u have even an OUNCE of an idea of what you're doing. you're doing fucking golden. if you don't, you're still doing fine and there's an entire world waiting for you.
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creature-once-removed · 5 months
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I think I'm glad I survived but I don't know if that's true, all I know is that if I had to relive those years a second time, I wouldn't be able to make it. At least the first time, I never knew what was coming next, I never knew how much worse it would get.
Knowing all that would happen, I don't think I could have reasoned with myself that it was worth it. All I can do is thank my past selves for giving me the opportunity to have the wonderful life I have now.
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vogelmeister · 1 year
one of the worst things i have ever done in the name of art is decide that the final monologue would be in poorly written dutch and then have to translate that into English and then decide how you’re going to display this bc its way too much dutch for the little footnotes you have been including when a character does use a dutch word but also you also like,, need to translate this into english so now you have an appendix and that's way too fancy but it's still in Dutch and you still need to put it in English and it's not even hard Dutch like its basic yet your head hurts still looking at it even though you know what you did and what you wrote and words are hard and you simultaniously know and don't know and this long ramble is exactly how your brain was operating at the time so yay. me.
#and before you wonder why it's in dutch i'll tell you the worse my dutch is the better my point comes across#its meant to represent the moment where you have been hurt badly and you struggle to understand your feelings about it#so yea literally the worse it is the better the point of “i don't understand how i feel right now and i can't express it” comes across#anyways yeah felt wrong. hated doing it. but it had to be done.#i feel bad for whomestever has to perform merel in any form#bc if the two page monologue i wrote in a previous work isnt enough. bc lbr thats evil.#like I look at that monologue and go. oh. oh boy thats intimidating#if you have been here a while you know what i mean#i think this may be worse even though its shorter#purely bc its written in my poor dutch#at LEAST theres no monologue in goud that makes me go 'the convincingness of this character relies on this monologue's delivery'#at least not for merel . maybe for anne-fleur#but eh write the monologues that if i was asked to perform would make me shit twenty two bricks yeah whatever#also like i know een beetje nederlands i may as well use it or try no matter how shit it is thats why its in my brain#this makes it seem impressive. its not. its really basic. which is again the point#and it confuses merel to no end#bc like writing is her thing! so to suddenly not ge able to write emotions and simply be like ‘im angry’ would indeed be shocking#if you read it u would see what i mean#dagboek (english version) is the new taylor's version and we fight at dawn.#at least maybe i know tuesday in dutch. maybe. we will see. i mix her and thursday up#dutch language found dead
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#last night i dreamed that i was trapped in my same patterns as i am while awake but the building i work in was bigger#and i was so dizzy and disoriented that i kept stumbling from room to room. up and down stairs. running into people who would stare at me#in confusion until one grabbed me in the way u do when someone is being concerning and incoherent and he made me sit in an auditorium#with a doctor who already knew my name. but then i was back in my messy apartment staring down at a lizard id let die because id forgotten#to feed it. part of my brain was in contact with my mum and she said i should come home so i did. i appeared there but i seemed somewhat#transparent. liked id been there a long time so no one noticed my being there was out of place. they were there but doing other things#i wandered into a room where some ppl i knew from hs were performing surgery. i went to wash my hands and the soap came out as blood#my sister tolerated my presence. which is out of character. she seemed to sense something was wrong. then i walked back into my current#apartment halfway across the country. caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror and became transcendently angry#uneasy dreams. but at least i didnt have to get up at 6. i mean i still only got like 7hrs sleep at most but better than 6 i guess#its probably bc i spent so much time hysterically crying and staring off into space yesterday. by the end of the day i felt so awful i#wondered if i might b getting sick. dizzy in that way thats not quite dizzy#but today should b pretty laid back. still doing things but probably ill hace time to get some non work bullshit#done. hopefully. then its back to 11hr days until Monday#then the experiment is over and i havr to deal with the consequences. and finish my other destructive project#which has at least 11 days left#well see what happens 🫠#unrelated
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