#Everlark Children
enixamyram · 2 years
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livsoulsecrets · 6 months
The Hunger Games Fic: Peeta Mellark & his children - I won't let nobody hurt you, won’t let no one break your heart
Just a short reflection on Peeta Mellark breaking cycles and growing into the best father he can be.
“His children grew up faster than he could have prepared for, and, as young as they still were, he could already see the contours of who they would become.”
An old lady once stopped by Peeta’s side on the market and played with his daughter for a bit while he tried to juggle holding both her and his bags.
“She gets like this sometimes,” he explained, struggling with his cargo as the woman smiled kindly at him, “needs to be carried everywhere or else.”
The unknown lady laughed and then stepped back to stare at them one more time before leaving. “Enjoy, dear. The days might be long, but the years will go by far quicker.”
He had heard the advice before, received it countless times after becoming a father.
And it was true, to an extent.
His children grew up faster than he could have prepared for, and, as young as they still were, he could already see the contours of who they would become.
It was all there in the stubborn quality of his son’s grin, so similar to Katniss’, or in the glint of his daughter’s gray eyes when she was challenged to run faster or climb higher.
He could see himself too: his girl’s patience as she fed the stray cats of their neighborhood and gained their trust; his boy’s love for painting portraits. It scared him half to death some days — how hard his son tried. How much his daughter was willing to fight.
In the end, some days seemed to last years for Peeta, and that’s what most people didn’t seem to understand. Days when he couldn’t force his body to get out of bed. Nights when he felt too warm and too restless to get any sleep.
Katniss would tell him his fear was real but that the awful thoughts that followed it were not.
“What if I ruin them?” He questioned her once, and his wife laid a hand on his chin, forcing him to face her.
“You won’t.”
“I might–”
“You won’t.” She told him, matter-of-factly, and the touch of her skin against his was Peeta’s only tether to reality.
Katniss would not tell him kind lies. She would always tell him the truth, as ugly and painful as it could be.
That is what made it easier to believe her. He trusted he was good enough for his family because Katniss did. He knew he wouldn’t become who his father used to be because Katniss knew it too.
Then again, Katniss had her days too.
When she woke up in cold sweat and a scream dying down in her throat, reaching out blindly for Peeta. She would repeat the question that kept them both afloat through their darkest times. The question they had taught their children to ask when they were scared or unsure.
“They’re safe. Real or not real?”
She didn’t need to explain. He understood there were only two people in the world they were as scared to lose as each other.
“Real,” he assured, knowing it was the truth.
Their children would never know a world where the type of cruelty their parents endured was possible.
When he had similar nightmares, painted in red and sorrow, he would haunt their house’s hallways and find his children’s bedrooms. The only thing that could ground him was the sight of their peaceful forms sleeping soundly.
Tonight, though, it was no nightmare that kept him up. He had stayed up late to finish off his work at the bakery and decided to check on the kids before going to bed.
His daughter was sound asleep, upside down in the bed with one arm over her eyes and the other enveloped around her teddy bear. He chuckled quietly at the sight and pulled her blanket properly over her chest.
When he checked on his son, though, the boy was awake in bed, his blanket pulled up to his chin as his tiny hands held on to it for dear life.
“Dad?” He called out when Peeta stepped through the door.
“Hey, kid,” he answered, settling by his bedside. His son immediately threw his arms against his middle and placed his head on his lap. “Are you alright?”
He held on even tighter and whispered, “I heard something. It’s under my bed. I think it’s a monster.”
His son’s face had been overwhelmed by a grimace, and Peeta cradled his cheek carefully to say, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here.”
The lemon tree outside his window creaked loudly, and the boy startled, sitting up straight once more against the headboard. “I heard it again, dad!”
Peeta had half a mind not to laugh, knowing it would be of no help.
“Okay, okay. I’ll check, alright?” He said instead, dropping to the floor and lifting the blankets.
Peeta couldn’t help but be reminded of his own father’s disdainful laugh when he had a similar nightmare many years ago.
“Don’t be stupid,” his dad had blurted out, “Go back to sleep and stop bothering me.”
He had spent the whole night up, terrified that something awful was coming to get him. His father had hit him the next day when a sleep-deprived Peeta burned a batch of bread.
Peeta found no such monsters underneath the bed, as he had expected. He returned to the bed and caressed his boy’s hair softly, “It’s alright. There’s nothing under your bed.”
“Are you sure?” His blue eyes sparkled with tears as he worried his lip between his teeth.
“Yes. I promise.” Peeta reassured him. “Come on, I’ll stay with you tonight.” He settled under the covers, and his son was quick to place his head against his chest, enveloping his waist with his tiny arm.
“You’ll fight the monsters for me.” His son whispered, already tipping over the edge of sleep. “Real or not real?”
Peeta kissed the top of his head and vowed, “Real.”
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rainintheevening · 8 days
fandom: the hunger games
word: laugh
The best painting Peeta ever does is Prim's portrait, and we hang it in the kitchen, so I can feel her smiling at me as I cook, as we eat.
In the gentle brushstrokes, she turns from milking Lady, one hand on the goat's head, bucket in the other. The sky is blue, the trees are green, and she looks like she's about to laugh. Lady is nibbling on her skirt.
Through no prompting of mine, it becomes habit for the children, coming in to breakfast, to say, "Good morning, Auntie Prim!"
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whenthewallfell · 2 months
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~ a place for crows to rest their feet ~
local couple continues to be insufferable after two kids and thirty years of marriage
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kyyuis · 1 year
you can't tell me katniss "i used pattern recognition to destroy the arena in catching fire but can't tell when someone's being genuine" everdeen and peeta "oh i have to hide? guess i have to disguise myself as a rock with the icing skills ive aquired over the years" mellark weren't the blueprint for autistic x adhd dynamics
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googleincognitomode · 9 months
i know some ppl can see katniss as the strict parent, but it has never came into my mind. have you seen how easy she can be w prim? have you seen peeta in cf? strict personal trainer extraordinaire ??!! katniss would look right into her kid’s face- connect something w peeta like her daughters blue eyes or her sons face and would go ‘okay-just don’t tell your father this- please. i don’t want you in trouble my little ducks’ ! allowing them to get away w it. not to say peeta wouldn’t be a fantastic parent- he would just be the more strict on w rule and routine
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enobariasdistrict2 · 9 months
can we talk about peeta - the one that pop culture & probably most other characters within the universe itself misguidedly believe is weaker than katniss and a pacifist that refuses to kill - murdered brutus, the largest and most athletic/muscular tribute in the arena, a man both three times peeta's size and twice his age, with probably decades of physical training and bloodlust under his belt... and he did it because the love of his life was in danger??
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Will never, ever get over the Toasting exists. Collins literally created a wedding ceremony based on bread and fire...the literal two things her main character and her love interest are both tied to symbolically. Like she literally connected them to love and marriage and she could not be more explict with it if she tried.
Make no mistake as insane as we are about Everlark, the captain here will always be Collins herself.
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madeofjules · 2 months
Katniss in the first arena: *literally puts poisonous berries in her mouth so Peeta won't die*
Katniss in the second arena: *has an emotional breakdown when Peeta dies*
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mega-aulover · 6 months
Spiraling down an Everlark hole. Picturing Katniss missing one of her socks. Going into the freshly dried laundry pile and grabbing one, just 1 of Peeta’s because she can’t find her other pair.
Peeta folding laundry later on and discovering that another one of his socks has gone missing.
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moon-mirage · 1 year
Could you please draw everlark with their babies 🥺 thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Hi anon! I know you asked for the whole family but I was a bit pressed for time, so I focused on the Everlark babies.
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Nevertheless, I hope you liked how it turned out. Thank you for the prompt!
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diddlesnap · 3 months
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the peeniss children
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theymademesignup08 · 8 months
Finnick and morphling girl after dragging Peeta through the games:💀💀
Katniss after dragging Peeta through the games:😏👩‍🍼
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googleincognitomode · 2 months
peeta: Katniss, we said that there will be no dessert after dinner for the little ducks (toast babies)
katniss: IK! But they looked so sad, and it’s been a long day and they’re just babies!! I can’t say no to them, I just want them to be happy 😭🤧. They’re my baby ducklings
peeta: theyre 12 & 10 yrs old! 🤨 AND you gave us the idea of punihsment
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softchouli · 1 year
Katniss watches closely their firstborn, her cardbon copy with blue eyes, grow into an older sister like she used to be.
Their little girl is constantly generous with her patience, generous with her love, never letting go of her brother's hand first. Katniss can't blame their son for being so drawn to his sister, always following her around, in close resemblance of a tiny baby chick.
She's the one who can put her brother quickly at ease when Katniss is tending to his scraped knees or shooing a insistent flu away. There's no fuss in the simple task of trimming their baby boy's nails and hair when the little one uses her words. Always so talkative and eager to share her imagination, branching up stories from the songs their mother sings for them only.
Sometimes Katniss gets lost in her thoughts when looking at their children, brought to reality when Peeta reaches for her. But she has caught him staring too.
"She looks so much like you." she comments one day as they watch their children play with some of their father's paint.
"She looks a lot like us, both of them do." Peeta answers as he, with all the time in the world, pulls her close and places a tenderly kiss on her temple. Affection her body was already instinctively expecting to receive.
Katniss knows deep inside they did something right, that everything is alright when their daughter can offer and give so much without missing or lacking anything in return.
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Maybe a hot take....
But Katniss Everdeen having children and being married isn't agasint feminism. It's representing a kind of woman certein circles of feminism don't consider feminist.
Females wanting to be mothers and wives, and being extreamly HAPPY with that life is (or at least SHOULD be) extreamly feminist. JUST AS MUCH as woman wanting careers, or to be warriors, or leaders. The only way it's NOT is if it is potrayed one of these paths are the ONLY thing woman should want/can acomplish.
Katniss is able to choose the life that brings her joy and happyness as she works to heal. And that choice is backed up by many things in text that show that, given her own say in anything, she'd want a world where she can have these things.
That, to me, is FAR MORE feminist that half of the more recent "strong female characters" and I said what I said.
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