#Everybody Wants Some McReynolds
carleighalpha · 2 years
Vixen By Nature Pt 2
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{Y/N} is dealing with morning sickness, but here comes McReynolds to the rescue!
Rating: T
Word Count: 460
Imagine: Fluff
Warnings: Fluff Overload
{Y/N} was currently feeling all kinds of sick as she rubbed her small belly. Being two months pregnant was something that came with drawbacks. Morning sickness and heavy cravings. She loved the sexual drive it gave her, but she groaned as she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom in her apartment. The sounds were a lot for McReynolds, but he came after her and held her {H/C} hair so it didn’t catch any vomit.
“ That’s it, let it out.” He said as he rubbed her back. Two minutes passed as {Y/N} upchucked her breakfast, but it soon ended. She pulled back and got up. She quickly brushed her teeth. {Y/N} quickly flushed the gross evidence down.
“ When does it end?” {Y/N} asked as she grabbed a tanktop and put it on.
“ Well being in your first trimester, it should end rather soon.” Glen said as he held her. She smiled as he walked her to the couch to lay down. He placed a hand on her belly and softly rubbed it.  
“ Looking all sexy.” Glen said as he looked deep in her {E/C} eyes.
“ Oh stop.” {Y/N} said with a small blush on her cheek.
“ You have such a cute glow on you. I see you absentmindedly rubbing your belly when I look towards you, even when you sleep. When you crave fruit, you have these cute little dimples that curve your smile when I bring it to you.” Glen said as {Y/N} began to slightly tear up.
“ Hunny!” {Y/N} said as she rubbed Glen's cheeks as she kissed his nose. He smiles at her before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.
“ Let’s plug in a movie, eat some strawberries and mango slices.” Glen said with a smile. {Y/N} squealed at this and Glen chuckled. He got her under her favorite fluffy blanket and went into the kitchen. He sliced up some big strawberries and mango. As he returned, he saw {Y/N} plugging in Rocky Horror Picture show, her favorite movie. He smiled and sat down next to her.
“ Tim Curry in this is amazing.” {Y/N} said as she saw Tim Curry show up in the elevator in full attire in front of Brad and Janet.
“ It's just a jump to the left.” Glen said as he lifted a mango slice up and {Y/N} smiled before eating it.
“ Such a musical head.” He said as {Y/N} smirked as tint in her cheeks lit up.
“ I can’t wait.” {Y/N} said with a smile as Glen held her close. His body heat pulled her into a deep sleep. Glen just smiled as her smile stayed on her face while she slept deeply.
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deedala · 4 months
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The Best Cheese on Campus Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
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feelsforsterek · 8 months
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faircatch · 7 months
So, I had only started watching Teen Wolf back in the day because of Tumblr posts and gifs that were flooding my feed. I can't say I discovered Tyler Hoechlin because of Teen Wolf, because I'd seen him in other things, but certainly he caught my attention again.
I didn't think I would start watching anything else because of Tumblr... But then, I guess because the new season of 9-1-1 is starting soon, all these 9-1-1 posts started. Specifically the Buddie gifs and posts (Buck and Eddie). So I figure, "what the hell, let's see what this is about..." It's a good show, but then Eddie arrives in season 2 and I am... well... charmed is what we'll say.
Of course, once I looked into the actor, Ryan Guzman, what do I see but that he was in "Everybody Wants Some" with Tyler Hoechlin!
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Just look at these two adorable people.
I can't say that this connects 9-1-1 to Teen Wolf, but for some reason, it made my being pulled to watching 9-1-1 by Tumblr feel justified somehow.
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msmoony7 · 4 months
just watched everybody wants some and i am DISAPPOINTED that there’s like no fics on here. (yes i’m finding some but i expected there to be SOOOO many more. like these men r so hot). GET TO WORK!!!!
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lazywolfwiccan · 8 months
My favorite thing in Everybody Wants Some is when Mac loses the ping pong game, Kenny immediately holds out his beer for him knowing he was gonna get angry. Boyfriends
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bradshawssugarbaby · 9 months
tyler hoechlin in everybody wants some is literally the hottest thing i’ve ever laid eyes on
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cherry bomb pt 2 - glen mcreynolds x reader
everybody wants some 2016 - Glen McReynolds x reader.
In 1980s Texas, college athlete Jake Bradford moves into the communal house of his baseball team. The roommates soon begin to navigate the ups and downs of growing up unsupervised. The houses are in need of renovation bringing in the new landlord that quickly takes Glen McReynolds, captain of the team interest.
Word count – 20,996 in total
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With a firm knock at her door (Y/N) scrambled with her shoes swiftly opening it with a bright smile. "Holy shit." She heard him mutter. She was wearing an ivory, silk dress with shoulder sleeves, a tie in the middle and a tight bottom finishing mid-thigh. Her heels were delicate and brown matching his trousers. "You look amazing." He spoke grabbing hold of her hand and pulling her lightly out her door frame. Once she locked her door her attention moved quickly to him linking arms as they walked down the metal steps of her apartment complex. "Thank you. You look handsome too." She smiled. "Are we meeting the guys at the sound?" she asked watching him nod his head. "Thought you would want a little alone time." He whispered. "I also thought we could actually get to know each other instead of flirting." (Y/N) was shocked at his words not believing he actually wanted to get to know her as a person and not her body. "Well, what do you want to know captain?" she asked masking her state of shock. "Everything. Your major, your family, your interest. Who is (Y/N) landlord (S/N)"
"Well, I'm a senior, I major in business studies. I also study interior design on the side. I work for my dad in the building industry, but my main focus is the design side. I learnt the construction side if I take over the business. At the minute it's just me and Dad but I have an older brother, but he studies away." She paused for a moment worrying Glen. She smiled lightly memories flooding her brain from her childhood. "Surprisingly I really like baseball." His eyes widened with a big grin. "Seriously." He asks, she nodded. "There wasn't a girl’s team where I grew up, so I helped my brother when he was on the team. I had a really good swing before we stopped playing." Her smile quickly disappeared at the thought of her end to baseball wishing she had continued even if the industry was in favour of women's teams. "I wish I kept going." His mind was planning something for her as soon as she admitted to missing the game, hoping tomorrow he could help her.
The two quickly reached their destination following the line in and finding the group all attempting to pull a girl for the night. "Oh, yeah, 95 on the gun, official." Glen rolled his green eyes at the sound of Jay’s annoying voice hoping he wouldn't cause trouble for him tonight. Glen quickly pulled (Y/N) towards the table slipping her into the last seat and standing by her. "Could've gone to anywhere in Texas. I had a stack of offers about that high, that high." (Y/N) tried to pretend she liked Jay not wanting to hurt his feelings as she found him as annoying as the group did. "Were you drafted?" Finn asked knowing full well he wasn't. the blonde slipped the two late friends a beer smiling with a wink towards his captain. "Yeah, yeah. The Blue Jays almost picked me up, but I told them I'm going to college for a couple of years." (Y/N) looked up towards the gobby pitcher annoyed at his lie. "that's not true." She confirmed all the attention going towards her. "Oh yeah how would you know that princess." Jay mocked. (Y/N) placed a hand on Glen’s leg squeezing lightly before he could jump to her defence. "The blue jays don't draft high school graduates. They go after college graduates only, so their teams are of similar ages. They also go for a size which you clearly don't have." Her final comment hit Niles hard as the group laughed. "McReynolds was." Kenny interrupted. "Got drafted by the diamond backs last year." Glen finished. With the final comment, Jay marched away in a huff. "Fucking loser," Glen grumbled.
The night was slow for the rest of the group but Glen and (Y/N) enjoyed their time together, drinking laughing and dancing. For once in his life, Glen felt whole. Like the missing piece in his life had finally been filled by her. Her angelic smile, addicting laugh, glowing skin and perfect body. She was everything he could have dreamed of. And he was for her. In such a brief time he was able to wiggle his way into her broken heart, healing it with each touch and smile towards her. She loved it and hoped it would last a lifetime. "I wanna ask you something." He spoke twirling her before clutching onto her waist in a fast waltz. Before the two could converse, the room erupted in shouts. Their attention went towards the bar watching the team wrestle staff out of the way. Jay had started a fight. "Come on let's leave before they get dragged out." He ordered holding onto her tight as they raced out the doors.
"Don't bring your ass around here!" the group quickly followed the couple out being pushed and dragged by staff. Glen kept hold of (Y/N) the chilly air nipping her lightly realising she hadn't thought to bring a jacket or covering. "Bunch of fucking numb nuts!" Jay growled. "What the fuck, Niles!" Kenny argued smacking the pitcher across the head. "Well, that was ugly."
"I don't know, just based on an outsider's perspective, totally avoidable," Finn spoke. "Well, I'm a fucking raw dog, all right? Anybody who fucks with me, they don't get fucked with the back! They get fucking killed!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes at his statement soon catching on that all he did was lie and cause problems. "The only thing you killed tonight was the prospect of any of us getting laid!" coma argued. "Your fucking junkyard dog routine from fucking Detroit might make you feel tough, but it's not helping out any of your fucking teammates. Watch that shit in the future." Glen shouted. "Oh, shut up and walk your whore home!"
"Excuse me!" (Y/N)'s voice forced the group to shut up rage plastered all over her face. "don't start insulting me just because you've been caught out of your bullshit raw dog performance. The only thing you've got is a god complex dipshit."
"It's crazy we're fucking defending this guy," Jake spoke. "Let's go back to your place." Mac suggested, "Ignore him don't waste energy on that moron." She agreed to lead the two out of the carnage of Jay Niles.
Locking the door behind them, (Y/N) set her shoes down by her door sighing in relief. Glen walked his way towards her record player flipping through each album. (Y/N) raided her fridge for any sort of beverage finding her last two beers. As she closed the door, Glen picked a song. Nights in white satin. "a slow song?" she questioned passing him one of the two beers. He took the bottle reaching over for her own and placed them down on the coffee table. "One last dance for tonight?" he asked. She nodded her head quickly wrapping her arms around his neck. He took charge swaying their hips as they did at the sound machine. "You were gonna say something back at the sound?" she muttered, her glittering eyes never leaving his green pair. He smiled lightly at her, loving the feeling of her skin on his. It felt better in the confines of her home, they were alone, free to do as they pleased. And all he desired for once was to have this girl swaying to the music with him. "I was gonna ask you if you would consider with me." Her tilted head straightened itself out in shock. "Seriously?" she breathed her styled hair falling the cover her eyes slightly. Glen took his way out of her own for a second to swipe the fallen strands away, feeling the heat from her reddened cheeks. "Yeah. I know I don't have a good rap, but I want to change that. I really like you (Y/N), like I'm totally into you in a way I've never been with any girl." She smiled widely a little giggle escaped her lips. "I wanna prove it to you. If you'll let me."
The two had stopped swaying, completely focused on the conversation. She paused before speaking, trying to figure out what he really intended. She eyed his body language. His eyes were focused on her own, legs frozen in place and arms clutched to her like he was going to lose her any second. He was panicked and stressed. worried she would ask him to leave. But (Y/N) didn't want him to leave. She never wanted him to leave again. "I'll trust you Glen But seriously, any funny business and I'm gone. Don't make me regret it." McReynolds, a smile grew wide under his facial hair before moving his arms to wrap around her waist locking her in. "I promise, you won't regret it," he vowed placing a well-desired kiss on her cheek.
With a click on the door, Glen marched into his frat house with pride. The majority of the boys had split taking a girl into their rooms for the night. But Kenny and Plummer were left downstairs, drinking the remainder of their beers in light conversation. "Well here comes the man of the night. Where's our landlord?" Kenny smiled drawing the attention to Glen as he joined them on the sofa. "Miss landlord is at home. and your captain has got himself a captainess." He joked. The two teammates smiled widely patting his back with pride. "Dude congrats. How do you do it?" Plummer asked. "We went back to her place and just danced to her music. I asked her to give me a chance to prove I can change my ways." The boys watched their captain intensely, his demeanour had completely y changed from the arrogant senior to a man in love. Neither of them was brave enough to suggest the dreaded l word but deep down they knew their captain was in love. "So, you're gonna stop it all. the flirting the sex. Everything?" Plummer questioned. "For her? Fuck yeah!" Glen smiled.
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The hangovers quickly had to be ignored as the team got ready for practice. Glen, Finn and Kenny all agreed to take (Y/N) to practice giving Glen much-deserved time with his new girlfriend. His two friends knew they were gonna lose their best bachelor to their landlord but gladly accepted it knowing he was happier around her than fucking the other girls that lined themselves up. "So (Y/N) what's your plan after college?" Kenny asked watching her through his wing mirror. Glen sat by her in the back their thighs brushing from the tightness of the back seats. "Nothing major just work for my dad. It depends on what he has planned. The idea was that my brother and I would go to college for business, and he would choose one of us to take over the business but I'm not planning on getting my hopes up." Finn turned to the back looking at her like she had insulted his own mother. "Are you shitting me! You're amazing. If he doesn't pick you to take over, your brother must be really fucking good." She smiled lightly as the other two laughed along with her. "Actually, he's terrible. But he also has to put into account most contractors we employ don't want to work with a girl let alone have a girl as a boss." The three sighed heavily at the idea of her losing her chance due to her gender. "Fucking assholes." Glen muttered. "that's the way it goes. I'm used to it. it was a lot harder to get their respect at the start but when I did a better job on my own than a whole group of guys it puts them in their place." Mac chuckled admiring his girlfriend's independence. "What about you guys? Planning on doing baseball after college?" she asked as they pulled into the field’s car park. All four of them stepped out into the sun and stood to wait for the rest of the group. "I'm assuming, Glen, you're really good to be drafted by the diamond backs." She smiled picking up her bag and following the trio into the dugout. "Well, I'm a captain for a reason." He teased with a wink. "If you wait here (Y/N) we’re gonna get changed. Be right back." She nodded her head lightly covering her eyes to block out the sun. Before she sat herself down, Mac jumped towards her sliding his dark shades onto the bridge of her nose. "can't have the sun in your eyes when I hit a home run." He smirked. His confidence seemed to rise allowing him to quickly place a kiss on her reddened cheek before catching up to Finn and Kenny.
"It's this physiological phenomenon where if you close your eyes, and someone puts a finger just below your chest bone, in your solar-plexus, it semi-paralyzes the upper torso... you can't sit up." Finn was in the middle of trying to convince Jake they had paralysed Nesbit. But Glen was in a world of his own as he hit his bat against his feet. The girl waiting outside wouldn't leave his mind. He knew he had to act on what he had promised her, planning their next date in his head. She was different to the typical flowers and dinner date. She wasn't high class expecting the world. But she was expecting him to try. And try he would. He just needed a bit of help. A hard smack snapped him out of his trance watching Brumley's bare ass rise from the floor it was once at. "Dude, did you see that?" Kenny asked. Glen shook his head turning back to the bat. "Come one man. you've been acting weird since last night." His friend sat beside him as they watched the group mingle before the game. "I like her Ken, she's different." He confessed. "Well, you've got her where you wanted her man. Take her out on a real date. Show her you're taking this promise seriously." He questioned once again he shook his head. "How about you invite her to the party next Saturday? Get some alone time with her, maybe do a bit of skinny dipping in the river." the two chuckled lightly. "Why don't you ask Perkins how he got his girlfriend to go out with him? if he says anything about feeding her from a trot, run."
The team had finished their warmup and had moved on to batting practice. Jay had made himself the pitcher making everyone groan wishing Willoughby was back from wherever he had gone. "don't watch (Y/N) he's like a kid having a tantrum." Jake joked making her sigh heavily. "I don't think he's very fond of me." She muttered not sounding very sad about the statement. "He just doesn't like it when he can't get his way. He wanted to try something with you and Glen put a stop to it. He called dibs on you like you were some toys." (Y/N) watched as Glen stood to bat next swaying the metal bat to get ready. "Glen did that the first day?" she asked. "you're kidding right? He might as well be in love with you. You do realise he hasn't even spoken to another girl since you came over since coach introduced you?" she shook her head biting down on her lower lip, her chest warming up at the thought of Glen. "no. I didn't know that." She whispered a newfound confidence in his promise.
"Hey, Detroit!" she snapped herself out of her daydream at glens angry shout. "Those fucking goggles, you can't use those to read. The schedule says, "batting practice." Scrimmage is later. What the fuck, man." Jay smacked his glove down to the ground creating a puff of dust as he did. "Yeah. All right, well, I'm not afraid to get this over with right here, right now." The whole team stopped everything turning all their attention to the two. "Get what over?"
"I'm a fucking pro prospect, too, and you know it. I'm not afraid to challenge you, man. And everybody else on this team. I'm sick of you getting all the girls, all the drinks. I'm better than all of you. I'm drafted. I'm a leader. in the raw dawg. And that prude you call your girl is pissing me off. Fucking bitch is all over you distracting us, fucking slut" (Y/N) neck snapped towards the pitcher, anger growing in the pit of her stomach. "I dare you to insult me when I'm closer Jay." She shouted, Jake, blocking her way onto the field. "it's not worth it." he reminded her holding her arm as Plummer held back Mac. "Shut his mouth, Mac," Plummer whispered. Mac looked back towards the dugout, (Y/N) rageful glare ruined by her eyes brimmed with tears. "All right? Okay, meat, you wanna try to make that starting rotation on your first BP session, huh? Be my guest." He aimed once again. (Y/N) watched from Jake's grip. She slid down the sunglasses eyeing his stance as the ball came flying towards him. with a hard swing, the ball went soaring into the sky ending up just outside the field marking a home run. "Go, Mac." She shouted clapping her hands.
"I think you've had enough, raw dog. Is that the best shit you got? That am not close to touching ninety, son. Whom are you fooling? Get that ball, I'll fucking sign it for you." The captain marched towards the dugout trying to ignore Jay's grovelling. You know, I will get the fucking ball. Do you know what I'll do? I'll shove it up your ass and I'll sign it! How's that sound?" the metal bat went down to the grass with a clank, Mac turned with force his anger getting the best of him. "Yeah, hey, do you know what, do what you do best, Niles, keep running that fucking mouth, 'cause it makes you feel better, right? Do you get your teammates in a fight and kicked out of a bar, 'cause you wanna look fucking tough? You insult a woman who's been nothing but good to us. You're fucking selfish, man! It's not about you! Go fuck yourself."
Glen finished his speech just one foot out of the dugout before marching down the steps towards (Y/N). She sat down, knees to her chest and he fought back the anger bubbling inside her stomach. "Ignore him," he spoke softly. "Please don't listen to him. you're not distracting us you're not a prude and you're not a slut." He situated himself down next to her placing his large hand on her knee looking for a sign he was doing something right. "I'm sorry if I'm distracting you all," she muttered into her legs just loud enough for him to hear. "Fuck no! If anything you make us work harder. I'm glad you're here." She looked up into his fern eyes with a light smile. "Jake told me you stopped Jay from trying anything with me. Why so early on?" he sighed heavily pulling himself closer to her to the point the warmth of her body was radiating onto him. "Because I knew he wasn't gonna treat you right."
"Is that it?"
"Well, I can't deny...you had my heart from day 1." He spoke with a wink. "I told you (Y/N). I really do like you. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right." Her smile grew wider knowing everything she had told him over the last few days had stuck in his head. He was different from the rumours. He was kind and thoughtful. Almost loyal. That part she couldn't tell just yet. "We’re gonna go swimming after practice, Roper offered to swing by your apartment if you want to join?" she nodded her head lightly as he stood up placing a warm kiss on her forehead. As he leaned back, she pulled him towards her again, her lush lips brushing his own. His confidence grew closing the gap between the two. He had never felt a kiss so powerful but yet so innocent and light. she had never felt so much emotion through a single kiss. There was no lust, no smugness. Just pure innocent, teenage love. And they both loved it.
"All right, boys. All right, bring it up, bring it up! All right, listen up, good first practice. This is where it all starts. We're out here, ahead of all the other teams in the country, and we're gonna keep it that way and work hard all year, right?" the practice had finally ended with sore-muscled and trained freshers but not everything was done for their big welcome to the team. "All right then, boys, y'all be good." Perkins was the first to try and escape not being one to enjoy hanging out with the rest of his team. He failed his plan miserably with Dale wrapping his sweaty arms around the country boy. "Uh-uh-uh! Not so fast." He laughed maliciously. "We have a little tradition out here welcoming in the new guys," Finn explained. Kenny grabbed hold of two duffle bags unzipping them. "It's called a little bit of freshmen...Batting practice!" he picked up a roll of duct tape passing them around the group as they all laughed. "And a slight change of the rules. For your gobby mouth Niles, you'll also be joining them." Glen smiled grabbing the transfer and slamming him into the metal wall in the field. "I'm gonna enjoy every second of this." He growled pulling the tape apart to get started.
All five boys have finally taped up the wall each one at different heights and distances apart. (Y/N) had leant herself over the side of the dugout laughing loudly as the boys pelted the freshers with baseballs. "Woo!" she watched McReynolds enjoy his revenge, each ball he hit aimed straight at Niles which pissed off the lying raw dawg even more. "Hey (Y/N)! Your turn." Glen smiled swigging another bat towards his girlfriend. She smiled widely and quickly joined the group in their torture. "Hey Nile! Be very grateful you're wearing a guard right now because this ball would be going straight for your dick." She chuckled. "Like hell, you could aim that good!" he mocked. "Well see about that." Glen aimed, swinging the ball into her path and with a mighty clash the bat made contact with the ball. Each guy froze, the girl’s ball being the main focus. It quickly collided with Jay’s stomach earning a growl of pain. "Fucking bitch." He groaned. "that's my girl." Glen muttered, his strong arms around the front of her collarbones, his body resting on her back. "Told you I was a good hit." She smiled ignoring the looks from the team.
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"Holy shit," Finn muttered as he, Glen and Kenny all entered her apartment one by one. The studio apartment was full of colour the only pieces of white were the small bits of wall peeking through all the decoration. "Sorry it's a bit...vibrant." (Y/N) laughed placing her bag on her dining chair. "I'll go grab a swimsuit. There are snacks under the record player if you want anything." As soon as she left to go into the bathroom the trio sat down on her mustard-coloured sofa moving hot pink cushions and zebra stripe throws from their seat. "Is she still upset about what Detroit said?" Kenny asked pocking the cactus that sat on the coffee table. "I don't think so. I think I distracted her enough." Glen chuckled. "Dude, you need a game plan."
"I'm gonna set the party up and walk to hers to meet her. I'm thinking to spend some time at the party and then go down to the river or maybe the field for some alone time. She doesn't strike me as a girl that likes dinner and a movie." the two teammates completely agreed with him seeing her as more of an adventurous type rather than a romantic, passionate person. "she's smart glen, she needs stimulation to stay curious, give her something to be curious about. And I don't mean your cock, I mean your brain. Give her a taste of what it's like to be with you. Again, I don't mean your cock."
Before Glen could reply, (Y/N) stepped out of the bathroom. Switching the light off as she folded a pink towel into a wash bag. "Ready to go?" she asked untangling her bikini strap underneath a light blue playsuit that hid her swimsuit underneath.
The team quickly descended into the river one by one. Each doing their own heavy splash into the water and wrapping themselves in the pool rings they had bought specifically for the river. "Say cheese, baby!" Kenny yelled wearing only his groin gear. Glen's attention moved towards the hill as his girl stepped carefully down. Her bikini was a pastel colour block design cupping her skin to push everything up. Finally, after questioning the dark design on her inner thigh, he could see the whole thing. Two cherries with the words cherry bomb top and bottom. He smiled widely as she dove in going deep into the water. Soon she resurfaced in the ring next to him wrapping her legs and arm to secure herself in. "Jesus it’s cold." She laughed. The couple quickly started their conversation ignoring the distance going bigger between them and the group. " Five bucks says hell fuck her tonight." Nesbit laughed. "Dude, you heard him," Finn groaned. "he's taking it slow. God, you just want to go, broke dude."
"Do you seriously think he'll wait? This is Glen McReynolds we’re talking about here." Plummer added. The group watched their captain, his smile growing wider at the sound of her angelic laugh. "he's changed." Finn muttered. Kenny dove down with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. After a couple of seconds, he resurfaces flinging the landlord into the freezing water. "Kenny!" she squealed her arms quickly wrapping around herself. Kenny turned towards his captain with a wink signalling him a chance to pick her up with a squeak of surprise. He placed her body on his own feeling her thighs against his own and her ass just brushing his hip. "Comfy?" he smirked watching the blush spread across her cheeks. She nodded her head lightly before resting her head on his toned shoulder. "So, cherry bomb?" he asked gaining confidence and brushing his fingers across her tattoo. "It was a drunk tattoo. My friends in high school dare me to since I played the sound on repeat for the full year." her grin grew at the memory remembering it was a pain to heal due to her thighs rubbing against each other. But she wouldn't get back to change it. she loved it. "I love it, cherry," he growled into her hair kissing and nibbling her ear as she blushed harder.
The group finally decided to step out of the water, Glen being first and grabbing her pink towel before his own. He wrapped the soft fabric around her body securing her into a cocoon-like grip. As they entered the house, he led her to the bathroom letting her dry off in privacy. "My shower stuffs still in there from last night you can use it if you want." He offered. "Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer." He nodded his head quickly leaving the room. He stepped upstairs into his room the flooring was finally complete enough for him to move back in. She rummaged through his drawers grabbed his biggest shirt and went back downstairs. He knocked lightly on the bathroom door listening to the sound of the water falling on the tiled floor. "(Y/N) I've got a shirt you can wear while your stuff dries off." He offered. "I've got a towel covering the window you can come in. Don’t get cocky." She spoke. He lightly stepped inside the steam escaping the small crack he left in the room. The only thing left of her for him to see was her legs making him weak at the knees. "This is torture, you know that right?" he joked placing the folded shirt on the side with her bag. "Good things come to those who wait." She smiled peering out from behind the makeshift towel curtain. "I can feel it, you're gonna be the best I've ever had." He smiled placing a kiss on her moist lips with a groan. The kiss was like nothing she had ever experienced before and on her nights the sound kisses were the main things she only felt comfortable giving out. But this was more than a kiss. Somehow, Glen had shown exactly what she meant to him through a simple kiss. Love, respect, confidence it was like she could taste it all. especially the arousal that was latching onto her. She quickly stopped the kiss holding back her own desires. He she couldn't give in just yet. It had only been a weekend. "It's been one day Glen." She whispered pushing him lightly with her wrinkled fingers. "Be patient." He nodded his head smiling lightly from his thoughts. Oh yeah. This girl was gonna drive him crazy.
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When classes hit, (Y/N) expected to see Glen less and less. Knowing he preferred to get classes done and get training as soon as possible. But that wasn't the case. His romantic, teddy bear side had sprung out of nowhere. Flowers taped to her locker, waiting for her outside her classes, joining her for lunch, and study dates. The whole shebang. And she did the same for him. made sure he wasn't bunking off classes, joining the team in the dugout to watch him play, making sure he ate enough of the right food instead of leftovers and beer. Their favourite thing to do was go to the baseball field at late hours taking turns to bat and pitch in between making out in the dugout almost going all the way like teenagers in high school. (Y/N) knew she wanted him, probably more than he wanted her now. But she was waiting just a little bit longer. I little more time with him showing her he could go without her body. The little thigh touches, neck kisses and light heavy petting were enough for now. And glen was also okay with the arrangement. He knew she was slowly breaking down her walls and he could tell how much she was trying for him. it was all he could ask for. Especially now she had lost friends because of him and his reputation. All he could do was worship the ground she walked on and so he did.
The two had quickly become a power couple on campus. And his usual flings didn't like it one bit. One by one the girls in her classes stopped talking to her, ignoring her when it came to classes, study groups and potential projects. But (Y/N) didn't care too much, the girls were stuck up. The only thing she did mind was the names she was being called due to the knowledge of (Y/N) making Glen wait to have sex with her. Prude, princess, diva. She knew from the names they used jay had spread it around, especially when they started calling her the baseball slut. That one she hated the most. The only nickname she answered to was Cherry. His cherry
Friday classes were almost finished for Bev and (Y/N), they decided to sit in the canteen as they both waited for their boyfriends to be done with their classes. The two enjoyed their frozen yoghurt in peace, books spread out for their upcoming maths tests. "I wouldn't worry too much about your test Bev, they go easy on the freshers." (Y/N) reassured. "I know but I don't want to be seen as a slacker. Speaking of slacking, I need your help deciding on ideas for Oz." the business major nodded her head finishing off her portion of her yoghurt knowing Glen would finish it straight away. "I promise ill to come help but don't expect me to do this elaborate performance. I quit drama for a reason. I sucked." The auburn-haired girl laughed lightly; her eyes focused on the two boys joining them at their table. Like (Y/N) predicted, Glen, scooped up the remainder of her yoghurt, throwing away the container before sitting down by his woman. "Afternoon ladies." He joked kissing her cheek, his moustache brushing against her cheek. "How was class?" she asked closing her study books. "No more talk about school, please." Jake groaned. "Okay Saturday night, we’re having a house party, as 'members' of the team, you are obligated to attend." The girls sighed lightly knowing it was gonna be a typical night of frat parties. "Okay fine." (Y/N) sighed. The two boys picked themselves back up turning to the salad bar and grabbing themselves a snack. Before the two girls could continue with their conversation, Glen came marching back with a task on his mind. He tilted (Y/N)'s head with his hand making her lips accessible to his own. With a light butterfly motion, he kissed her passionately pulling as much emotion as he could into it. once he released her, he looked down at her small smile her eyes twinkling back at him. "Missed you, Cherry" He whispered pulling her bottom lips with his teeth before catching up to Jake.
"Well, there goes my plan." (Y/N) muttered. "Oh, and what plans were those?" Beverly asked tidying her study guide before Jake could spill anything on it. "I think Glens waited enough." She whispered. "But it's only been a month? Come on (Y/N) he can wait a bit longer." Bev tried to convince her friend, not trusting the captain to do anything stupid to hurt her. "I know I know. But to be honest. I can't wait." She admitted. Her friend's eyes shot up shocked at the idea of (Y/N) finally feeling comfortable with someone. And that person being Captain Glen McReynolds of all people. "Seriously?" She nodded her head. "He wouldn't be doing all these things with me if he didn't want to be with me. Right?"
"I mean I guess not." Bev admitted, "If you're okay with it then go for it. just be careful, okay?"
The party had quickly been set up with different activities for the guys to enjoy their usual party guests. Girls. Lots and lots of girls. (Y/N) was quick to adjust to the number of women surrounding the boys, not minding it unless Glen did something stupid. But he never did. He didn't even speak to them anymore. (Y/N) and Bev stepped into the house instantly being drawn to the mattress slide they had made on the staircase. Thank God that wasn't one of the things (Y/N) needed to fix because that would have been a big problem. "Welcome to the party ladies, Jakes is in the backyard with Justin and Mac on the balcony." The two girls thanked Nesbit as he picked up another girl to take down the 'slide.' "This is gonna be the best." She heard Plummer speak. The balcony was full to the brim with different bottles, fruit and buckets full of jungle juice. Glen, being one of the teammates to help with the punch. "That's some pussy shit. It tastes like fruit punch." Coma groaned. Glen sighed heavily picking up another bottle of vodka to please him. "All right, so this is about done." The group agreed, taking a swig. "Well, if I want to get blackout drunk, I know what to drink." (Y/N) joked drawing Glen’s attention towards her.
Once again, she matched what he was wearing, red. Cherry red tight trousers with black pumps, a white crop top pushing her breasts up and a black leather jacket. He was stunned. "Damn, baby." He groaned quickly wrapping his strong arms around her waist. His hands clutched her ass tightly making her smile brightly. "Hello to you too tenant." She giggled placing her painted lips on his own, lipstick sticking to his facial hair. "You look fucking amazing, Cherry." He grunted. "You're killing me (Y/N). You're killing me." The girl pulled herself away brushing the red tint off his lips. "Well, enjoy tonight. Come find me when the party dies down." As Bev pulled her along Glen watched her tight ass walk away, making their way to the kitchen for their stash of drink he hid the night before. "Do you think you'll get lucky tonight?" coma asked. "God, I hope so. She's really testing me." He murmured finishing off the bottle of vodka in his hands.
The two girls enjoyed their time, taking a turn at the mattress slide together and attempting the dizzy batting practice Jake and Justin were doing. For a bit, Glen joined them clearly the drunkest he had ever been. She was glad he had enjoyed himself, but he clearly wouldn't be in the mindset to have sex for the first time which upset her. but she knew at the sound of her approval he would come running to her. "(Y/N) I bet you could do a keg stand," Nesbit asked setting up a new keg that Alex tried to finish. "Not a chance in this outfit id flash everyone." She smiled finishing her beer. "I'll shield you Cherry come on give it a go." She shook her head taking the drink away from Glen before he could get any drunker. "No way I draw the line at getting as drunk as you are tonight." (Y/N) quickly chucked the remainder of his drink away into the bushes. "Why don't we get you some water Mac?" she asked brushing his hair out his face. He tried his best to nod his head as she sat him down on the steps of the porch "I'll be back in a sec." she quickly wandered off into the kitchen filling a glass of clear liquid. "how's it going?" Beverly asked leaning against the counter with Jake following close behind her. "I don't think tonight's the night." She mumbled disappointedly. "he's so drunk." Bev agreed reassuring her the time would come eventually.
(Y/N) walked back over to where she had left Glen realising there was no sign of him. "Glen?" she called getting nothing back. She followed the wood floorboards to the stairs seeing no sign of Glen so far. As she made it to the landing sounds of moans and groans entered her ears. Someone was clearly enjoying themselves. She finally made it to the room she had just finished renovating that week the sounds of moans grew louder. Shocked, she placed her ear to the door, someone was definitely in there. (Y/N) attempted to open the door. Locked. Glen never locked the door. Ever. She stepped back downstairs panic radiating off her body. "Kenny?" she called hoping to God it was him in the room and not her 'loyal' boyfriend. The co-captain leaned out of the living room his attention focused on the frantic girl. "what's up?" he asked marching towards her once he noticed the fear in her eyes. "There are moans coming from your room. And the doors locked." She stuttered. Kenny's brows arched in confusion. His hands entered her trouser pocket in worry feeling around for something in particular. "I had the key." He explained. "Glen wanted it locked so nobody could trash it." (Y/N) quickly put two and two together realising it must have been her boyfriend in the room. "Only he knew where the key was." Kenny sighed. "It's gone from my pocket."
The two raced back up the stairs praying it wasn't true. Kenny had such hope for his captain. The girl he had pinned over had brought out the best in him. He had stopped caring about sex, and girls and focused on her and even more focused on class and baseball. His attempts to impress her helped him and the team. And Kenny didn't want Glen to ruin this for himself. Kenny leaned against the door, hearing the same sounds as (Y/N) had earlier on. "It might not be him (Y/N) don't panic straight away please ill find the key-" Before he could say anymore, a name was moaned. "Oh fuck, Glen." The voice spoke earning a sigh of anger from Kenny. He turned towards his landlord, the tears already streaming down her once-painted face, mascara following the tears like tar. "(Y/N)." He attempted to speak but he was too late she was already racing down the stairs to escape the party. "Beverly! Jake"
Halfway down the road, (Y/N) held her pumps in her hands, arms wrapped around her for some sort of support. "(Y/N)! Wait" a voice shouted. She turned around seeing Bev out of breath and just as angry as Kenny looked. Without uttering a word, be wrapped herself around her friend. The two of them fell to the ground in defeat. "I'm such an idiot." (Y/N) cried. "I'm so dumb." Her once-walled heart had completely shattered into millions of pieces at just a simple sound. A moan of her man’s name had her crumbling like a crumb on the ground. She never wanted to feel like this again. But here she was once again because of a boy. A heartless, selfish boy she thought he wouldn’t be. For once in her life, she wished she had listened to the girls around her all begging her not to get attached, not to engage. But she did and now she was paying the price.
Back at the house, Kenny walked around hoping what he heard was bullshit. But he couldn't see Glen at all, and until the door opened, they wouldn't know for sure.
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elenaazra · 2 years
Just one chance meeting of old friends...
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It's been a long, long time coming...
2024 | Ryan Guzman on the Success of ‘9-1-1,’ Finding Family in His Costars and What’s to Come for Season 8
“[Eddie having a mustache] is something I pitched a long, long time ago when I first got on the show. I wanted to do a mustache and it didn’t make it then, but it came back this year,” he told Us of how the look came to be. “Kenny [Choi] saw it. He loved it. He goes, ‘Are you gonna do it?’ I said, ‘Man, if they let me do it, I’m there.’ So I sent a picture to [showrunner] Tim Minear, and he loved it. Next thing you know, we’re publicizing this mustache like it’s its own character.”
2016 | What it's like hanging out with the cast of 'Everybody Wants Some!!'
About Guzman’s lost mustache. Blake Jenner: I thought Ryan was going to keep his mustache. Glen Powell: The problem is that he and McReynolds looked the same. He begged Rick not to make him lose it. He really wanted a mustache.
@coldbam @singitforthegirls
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carleighalpha · 2 years
Late Night Ride
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{Y/N} wants McReynolds’ attention so she offers a late night drive.
Rating: M.
Word Count: 1.2K
Imagine: Smut.
Warning: Nothing I can think of.
{Y/N} was bored in her new apartment. It was a Saturday and she wanted some attention. She had a good idea that McReynolds wouldn’t turn her down. She got up and brushed her {H/L} {H/C} hair.
“ Might as well.” {Y/N} said with a cute mischievous grin on her face. She put on a {F/C} tank top and some {S/F/C} shorts. She grabbed a pair of {S/C} boots and walked out. She got down to her beautiful 1967 Chevy Impala. She started the engine up and her car roared to life. It was about 6, so she knew he would be up. {Y/N} rode the baseball house. She shut her car off and walked up to see the team just either drinking or smoking up.
“ Hey Roper?” {Y/N} called out to one of her friends. He smiled and gave her a hug.
“ You know where he is?” {Y/N} asked as he nodded.
“ Kitchen.” He told her as she nodded and walked into it. Glen saw her walk in and smiled.
“ Where has your sexy ass been?” Glen asked as she just smiled. He loved her smile.
“ Been moving into my new place. Wanted to see if you were up for a drive.” {Y/N} says as she bites her lower lip. Glen smiles at this. The two of them had a lot in common and they knew what each other liked.
“ Who's this?” A boy with some long brunette hair asked as he looked up at {Y/N}.
“ Oh! I’m {Y/N}.” She said as a blush crossed her cheek.
“ I’m Jake.” He said as he smiled.
“ We were just heading out.” Glen said as he took {Y/N}’s hand in his and led her out.
“ What with him?” Jake asked Finn.
“ That’s {Y/N}. Her and McReynolds have a history. Enough said.” Finn said to him. {Y/N} smiled as Glen led her to her car.
“ New details on your car?” He asked as {Y/N} nodded.
“ New seat covers, now I’m wanting some attention, so keep it off my car and on me.” {Y/N} said with a slight purr in her tone. Glen growled slowly at the remark.
“ Let's go.” He said as he pulled away, {Y/N} got in the driver's side and started up her car. The two of them drove off and as they drove, they talked and caught up on the two days they haven’t chatted.
“ Long days of submitting writing for erotic purposes are long and frustrating when I can’t see you.” {Y/N} said as Glen rubbed her inner thigh, {Y/N} bites her lip.
“ Well, I can help with that.” McReynolds said as he laid a ghosting kiss upon her neck. The two of them go to the river as the night grows. {Y/N} parks her car and Glen smirks over to her before placing a kiss upon her lips.
“ God you are sexy.” Glen said with a smirk.
“ Back seat now.” {Y/N} said as her core was becoming wet. The two of them shifted quickly over the seat. {Y/N} and Glen quickly began losing their clothes. The moment the tank top came off of {Y/N}, Glen began to carefully move her chest to the point the girl underneath was becoming a wet mess. Glen was kissing her neck with a deepening lust. {Y/N} pulled his hair so she could breathe, but then began kissing his neck and leaving marks after she had removed his shirt.
“ Fuck me.” Glen growled low as {Y/N} smirked. Glen removes her shorts and panties in one shot and begins to remove his pants as well.
“ Don’t make me wait, McReynolds.” {Y/N} said with a mischievous smirk. Glen smirked before lining up and slamming inside her core. {Y/N} gasped as he settled deep within.
“ God you are fucking tight. How is that possible?” Glen said as the feeling of her walls surrounding him was tight and almost made him orgasm, but by sheer will, he stopped himself. {Y/N} also had to stop herself from cumming right then and there. Glen then began to move. The car window began to fog up to stop anyone from seeing what was going on in the Impala.
“ God fuck!” {Y/N} said as the heat in her belly was growing with every thrust that Glen was giving her.
“ Fuck.” Glen said as he had one hand on the window and let it slide down. The hand found itself on one of {Y/N}’s breasts as he began to fondle the nipple. The stimulation from that and the thrusting was too great as Glen then began to suck a mark on her neck. {Y/N} moaned out as her walls began to quiver around his member. {Y/N} let out a gasp that gave Glen the knowledge that she had come by his moves alone.
“ God this is fantastic!” She said as Glen kept moving. Her smell, her skin, her sounds all worked for him and he was close.
“ Where?” He asked as {Y/N} smirked.
“ You know where.” {Y/N} said as Glen smirked, kissed her hard as he pounded deep inside and came deep with her with a hardy grunt. The two of them panting hard as the warm heat entered her core.
“ That was even better than last time.” {Y/N} said as Glen smirked. He lifted up and removed himself from her. She whimpered at the loss of being filled up.
“ Oh, I’ve given you a hickey.” {Y/N} said as Glen smirked.
“ I’ve marked you up myself.” Glen said as he lifted her chin. {Y/N} blushed a mighty red upon her cheeks. The two of them got dressed and sat on the trunk of the car.
“ Think you have enough material?” Glen said as he smirked at her.
“ Think I do have enough before I need some more help.” {Y/N} said with a smirk.
“ I love this.” Glen said as {Y/N} pulled out a joint and began to light up.
“ It’s better than being a sober bitch.” {Y/N} said before puffing up.
“ You think that college will be good as this is my senior year? I mean what’s next!” {Y/N} said as Glen smirked.
“ Whatever you want it to be.” Glen said before {Y/N} kissed his cheek.
“ Let me get you back.” {Y/N} said as Glen smirked. She got him back before 12 AM. She drove off and Glen smirked. Glen walked in the house, Roper and Glen saw him.
“ Wow, she tore you up!” Roper said with excitement in his voice.
“ What can I say? She wants the attention. I give her attention.” Glen said as he went upstairs and laid down. Back at {Y/N}’s apartment, she lit up another joint and sat at her typewriter. She began to type out her newest chapter. All she could do was type and smile. She was glad that she and McReynolds shared that bond.
“ I might hit him up for some more tomorrow. After all, a girl does have her needs.” {Y/N} said, smirking proudly.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
No seriously I’m only okay with Buck in shorts like those from the 80s if it’s one of these ⬇️
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Everybody Wants Some!! for anyone curious btw (it has Ryan & Tyler Hoechlin in it as Roper and McReynolds respectively
Look, I'm a basketball person, so I was legit envisioning this, but honestly, sure, anything works, the shorter the better jspaksoskspakaoak
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Do you have any Recs for Everybody Wants Some? Preferably for Roper, McReynolds, Finn, Dale, & Plum
i only have one rec for finn here by the wonderful @callsignvalley!!
unfortunately i haven’t read many others and or found them, i’m sorry i couldn’t be of more use dear anon but i hope you enjoy none the less!! 💌
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d4r32bstup1d · 2 years
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everybody wants some!! characters as shit i have saved on my phone pt. 2/?
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
I'm cackling at Finn dragging the cowboy look - I just know it killed Glen our resident cowboy inside
The cunnilinguist spiel was hysterical and he delivered it perfectly
Fuck Roper babes, you can make me a drink and ramble on about the ingredients all you want all day
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eusuntgratie · 3 years
Sometimes I remember that hoechlin and Ryan guzman did a movie together and become entangled in a thirst spiral
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