#Fluff Overload
marilynthornhilllover · 10 months
Simply because, she cares
Larissa weems x fem reader
Warning: slight depressive talk, fluff and care
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Larissa immediately knew something was wrong when your entered her office. There was simply a shift in the peaceful air of tension of the atmosphere. You sniffed as you slammed the door harshly the rage building back up as you stormed into your shared bedroom with larissa. Larissa lifted her gaze making brief eye contact with you. Her heart sank completely.
You looked like you wanted to curl up and die, you had tears in your eyes threatening to spill out as your nose flared, clearly showing that you were on the verge of having a mental breakdown. You quickly averted your eyes from her gaze and disappeared into the room slamming the door.
You felt tired, hopeless, depression, utterly exhausted beyond sleep fixation, and mostly worthless. Before you could even reach the bed a loud painful sob escaped you. Larissa's heart was deeply troubled, it was at that point she placed down her pen and got up from her seat.
She sighed as she took off her heels and her jacket. She slowly approached the door and softly knocked.
" my love?" Her voice was soft and filled with deep concern. True sympathy - one you never understood. Larissa's love for you ran deeper than the ocean. She truly cared, she truly loved, she truly protected and provided for you.
"Y/n please don't shut me out again.... darling?" You were getting more agitated by the second. You wanted her to be mad at you.... probably because you were mad at yourself, or maybe it's because everyone else was. You needed everyone one, including larissa to scold you for making mistakes and simply being human.
You were far to harsh on yourself, you knew that obviously but you found comfort in that pain. You were your biggest rival. There's times where your soul desperately wanted to be happy - needed to be happy but that everlasting pain was all you knew, all you ever felt. So that's why when larissa came into your life with so much love and joy, sympathy, understandment it was hard to accept it. It was hard to understand it.
You didn't even know why she loved you so much, as if you died she would be the loneliest woman on planet earth. Maybe it's because you don't quite understand what love is because you never had it or practiced it on yourself.
Larissa twisted the door nob then finding out that the door was unlocked, from there she gently sneeked her way in. There you were on the bed curled up into a small ball crying. Your mascara ruined and your face completely tear ridden. Larissas shoulders dropped, as if she wasn't expecting what she saw - again with the sympathy.
" Oh darling come here" she cooed gently sitting on the bed and tapping her lap. You looked up at her from the pillow, the mascara remains taking the stain on the white material. You looked at her deeply. Trying to figure out if you were one, dreaming or two maybe she was lying.
Her deep caring blue eyes stared back at yours, truth,meaning and love shined through them. She looked like she had all the answers to your troubles and problems and was willing to help if you would just let her in. You couldn't help the feeling of feeling like an equation. Waiting to be solved and placed away in a box and labeled as useless. But larissa would never do that.
No one hurts you more than yourself, your a big overthinker and that's the sharpest part of the knife for you. You sniff as you carefully got up and laid in her lap. Larissa laid back against the pillows and placed pulled you up with her, making you lay on her chest.
She doesn't say anything. The silence was killing you. You needed to know what she was thinking. If she thought she should divorce you, go on a break, take you to see a counselor, scold you for being the way you are. But again that's not who larissa is. That's not the woman who proposed, the woman who's vows where to love you even in your illness.... she simply cared for you and you didnt know why your heart refused to believe it.
As If she was reading your mind she spoke up, her voice cracking as though she shared your pain - felt your pain.
" rest your mind, my love, it's been quite mean to you" she whispered kissing your temple. And there it was. The kiss of love. Her soft voice and cold gentle finger tips running through your hair as you slowly started to drift off to sleep. Your body fought against it, larissa is busy and has better things to do, your disrupting her work, you own her an explanation. Oh shut up mind, you stopped fighting the sweet desire and fell stead fast asleep.
You were slowly brought back from your depth when you heard larissas sweet voice mumbling some sweet nothings in your ear while her nails lightly strached against your scalp. Somethings like ' I genuine love you' ' your pain is my pain' ' your ok in my arms'. Your heart felt weak and fluttered. You felt like your were in heaven.
You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the lighting of the dim light on the bed side table. It was most definitely past 6, which meant you were probably laying in larissa ls arms sleeping for atleast 2 hours. Larissa is a busy woman who has almost a thousand things to do and for her to chose to lay here with you will always be appreciated and cherished from the deepest depth of your heart.
" she's back, are you feeling OK my love?" It was a stupid and rhetorical question, she knew that. Obviously you weren't ok, you didn't even tell her what was the problem yet.
Tha pain of the world immediately came back to you, and she noticed it. It was as of sleep was your only escape but she wanted it to be her, and only her. She wanted you to trust her with all of your problems.
She took your chin in her fingers and brought your face up to hers, sapphire eyes piercing into your dark soul setting light upon it. She kissed your nose and you gaved her a faint smile before giggling when she proceeded to leave pecks of kisses all over your face. It's a good thing her lipstick is stain proof or your entire face would be red right now.
She chuckled as she left one final kiss to your forehead.
" since i've got you to smile and laugh what monsters have been clawing at you?" She asked sincerely, your smile faded quicker than it appeared as guilt and that never ending cycle of pain filled your beautiful eyes. Your eyes started to gloss over again as you avoided larissas inetesene and worried stare.
She quickly grabbed hold of your face and forced you to maintain eye contact but you pulled away. You quickly got up and stood facing away from her. Larissa sighed in defeat, she really thought she was making progress but still she was not mad at you. And will never be.
Not because she has to put up with it but simply because she cares.
" darling come here" she spoke softly voice breaking as tears filled her own eyes. When she got no response she stood, still keeping her distance, choosing to give you the acquired space you needed.
" please my love, y/n just tell me what the problem is your breaking my heart!" She shouted, not intentionally but she did. You looked up at the mirror infront of you, meeting her gaze quickly. She looked stressed, you were adding to her stress. Your pain hurts her as much as it hurts you and possibly even more, and if not it leaves her scared.
You turned around and slowly walked up to her before hugging her. Wrapping your arms around her neck as she wrapped hers completely around your waist pulling you in to get you as close as she can. Her body heat brought your peace and harmony. Happiness even. You felt refilled, refreshed.
Her hugs always give you hope and possibilitys.
"I'm sorry for shouting" she mumbled and you shook your head pulling back a bit.
" I get it your upset and stressed, I would shout as me too" you said handing your head low.
" that doesn't justify my actions y/n, I had no right to shout at you regardless of my emotions, as your partner i should have control of that and not get upset every time your broken" she spoke sternly. She held your hand and placed it over her chest. Feeling her heart beat you smiled and looked up at her.
" my heart beats for you by y/n/n, it whispers your name and this is not poetry I'm speaking the truth. When your sad I'm not like oh my gosh this shit again, no, I always wanna help you in everything and with everything, so please don't leave me in the dark" her words were like a soothing melody. You sighed and sat down on the bed pulling her with you.
" have you ever felt like the majority of the things that happen or are said to you are your fault" you asked her and she looks at you like she's either confused or doesn't know how to answer the question without making you feel worst about the situation.
"ok like, I dont know how to explain it" you said in defeat sighing. Larissa held your hands clasping your fingers with hers.
" you don't have to know the answer to every problem my love and that's ok. Life is a dark unfair exhausting mystery and on some days it might get darker and harder to find that spark of joy and happiness but just know I'm always by your side no matter what and your not in this alone" she whispered looking at your reaction to her every word carefully.
" thank you rissa, I love you and thanks for supporting me and always going that extra mile" you whispered. She chuckled rolling her eyes playfully.
" I'd travel to the end of the world for you" she cooed kissing your temple.
" promise me something darling" she said all of a sudden in a very serious tone. You turned your body in her direction, giving her your undivided attention just as she always does. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear behind speaking up.
" stop being a monster to yourself." There's so much more she wanted to say, could have said but she chosed not to. She simply chosed to comfort you in this storm of pain and distress.
" I promise " you spoke confidently. She smiled brightly causing you to reflect it.
The both of you began kissing passionately, you slipped your tongue into larissas mouth in hopes to win for dominance but that's simply a game she was way to good at. She pulled you onto her lap and held the back of your head as she deepened the kiss making you moan before pulling away.
" there she is" she chuckled holding you tightly.
" here I am" your spok before she held you flush against her chest pulling you to lay down with her.
" hey what about your work?" You asked looking upbat her. She looked down and smiled at you.
" what about it, sweetheart? Now sleep" she muttered, slowly starting to drift off to sleep when her eyes began to get heavy. You smiled at her, slowly drifting off to dream land aswell. She simply loves you......
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avonne-writes · 6 months
It’s cliché, but I can’t get the image out of my head of Gale coming home, stoic faced, cat tucked into the front of his jacket, both of them soaked from the snow, and John suddenly finding himself in the fight of his life against cuteness aggression (he loses.) also - Buck: library frequenter?
*sobbing from fluff overload* I don’t care if it's cliché, it’s so sweet and adorable, we need this. 🥰
Bucky would first stand in the doorway, vibrating in an effort to hold himself back, barely keeping his voice steady. "What’s that, Buck?"
"A cat." Gale would just say, all stoic, snow melting wetly in his hair as he takes off his boots and tries to get out of his coat while still holding the cat to his chest with one hand. The poor thing clings to him and meows pitifully, and that's it, Bucky can’t take it anymore - he rushes to Gale and helps him out of his coat while cooing excitedly at the cat. And once Gale's coat is off, he just rubs Gale's arms through his sweater, pets the scared cat, tries to hug and kiss Gale and declares that it's their cat now.
So, basically, this is what happens:
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And yes, Gale loves libraries, they're his safe place! ❤️ We need library or bookshop meet-cute fics too.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Maybe daddy stucky x little reader in babyspace where she wants to give her daddies always paci kisses 🥺
OMG how cute would this be?? Like if Baby was feeling really young, she'd always have her paci in, but she'd get that mischievous twinkle in her eye, climb into their laps suddenly, and pop them on the cheek with her paci. And she'd giggle like it was the most hilarious thing ever and then tumble off their laps and run away, returning within thirty seconds to do it again....
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noxemma · 14 days
Chapter 7 for my Hot Summer Art challenge fic
Well, summer may be over, but my Hot Summer Art fic is not 😂
Dean, Cas, Sam, and Eileen finally get to enjoy a day at the beach and an evening on the boardwalk (lots of fluff and even a dash of smut thrown in)
Tags, Rating, Word Count, AO3 link, etc. at the bottom
Beside Your Side
Fic Summary: Dean convinces Sam to look into a potential case where people are going missing from a New Jersey beach town. Of course, they have to bring Cas and Eileen along, just in case it's not a monster. Dean is excited to get the case over quickly and enjoy a well-earned vacation with the people he loves the most. Nothing ever seems to go the way Dean plans it though, and this case is no exception.
Chapter 7: Picturesque (in Every Language)
Dean wakes first this time. Happiness bubbles up inside his chest making him feel like he’s floating at the memory of kissing Cas, of Cas kissing him back. The bubbles turn into molten lava when he remembers the noises Cas made while Dean sucked his cock. His own dick gives an interested twitch at the memory.
Down boy, if Sam’s not back by now he will be any second. It’d be just my luck for him to come barging in at the worst time, Dean cringes at the thought of his brother walking in on him having sex, much less sex with Cas.
His body gives an involuntary shudder, and Cas pulls him closer in his sleep, banishing all thoughts of his brother and drawing his attention back to the angel beside him.
His eyes roam Cas’ face and body, relishing the fact that he no longer has to sneak peeks or rush to avert his eyes so he doesn’t get caught.
“Cas. Baby. Darling. Honey. Sweetheart. My angel.”
Each pet name is whispered against Cas’ warm skin, sealed in with a kiss. Just because he can, just because he’s allowed to now.
Cas stirs and Dean meets his blinking eyes.
“’morning, Sunshine.” He smiles up at the sleepy angel and places another kiss on his skin for the new pet name.
“Good morning, Dean,” Cas rumbles softly, looking happy and content as he smiles down at Dean.
Dean can’t take the sheer volume of joy flooding his veins. It feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin or explode in a shimmer of glitter. So, before he dies of happiness in some disgustingly saccharine display, he makes a joke.
“It certainly was,” he teases, waggling his brows and licking his lips while glancing down at Cas’ woefully covered groin.
“Dean,” Cas chides and rolls his eyes.
Dean chuckles and pulls Cas into a tighter embrace which the angel reciprocates with enthusiasm. Cas’ hand goes back into Dean’s hair as if he can’t help himself. Dean sighs happily and they stay like that for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other’s embrace in the light and silence of the morning.
They might have ended staying in bed for the rest of the trip if Dean hadn’t had his ear glued to Cas’ skin and heard his stomach growl pathetically.
“We should get breakfast.”
“Hmmm,” Cas responds but Dean knows he isn’t really listening, his eyes hazy and crinkled.
“Which means we have to get out of bed,” Dean expounds, prodding Cas lightly in the side.
“Do we have to.” It’s almost a whine and Dean is about to mention his grumbling stomach when his own decides to join in, rumbling loudly in the quiet room. Cas gives a defeated sigh. “Fine.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Dean promises, thinking of the spread he wants to make Cas, but his thoughts turn dirty when Cas levels him with a heated gaze.
“I’m sure you will,” the angel whispers, low and suggestive, before he releases Dean and slides off the bed.
Who knew Cas would be such a tease, Dean thinks, squirming a little, his cock half hard just from those four words.
Despite having suggested it, he doesn’t leave the bed just yet, taking a few extra minutes to enjoy the way Cas’ back muscles ripple as he stretches. Cas pulls out another set of his new clothes before bending to pick up the pile of dirty clothes that was forgotten by the door.
“You start on breakfast while I shower and get a load of laundry running?” Cas asks as he arches a brow at Dean’s lack of movement.
It’s so normal, so delightfully domestic to be delegating chores, that Dean thinks he might just die from heart failure with the way his chest is tightening with overwhelming bliss.
“Y-yeah. Sounds good. You okay with eggs?”
“Sounds perfect,” Cas beams, taking Dean’s ability to breathe with him.
He finally manages to roll himself out of bed when he hears the shower turn on. He quickly discards his t-shirt and jizz crusted boxers, only just realizing how uncomfortable they are now that Cas isn’t distracting every neural pathway.
Standing naked in the room, he briefly fantasizes about joining Cas in the shower before shaking his head and pulling out clothes.
If I go in now, we really never will leave, and I want to get to the beach today.
He pads into the kitchen, humming AC/DC as he pulls butter, eggs, bread, and bacon from the fridge. Dean tries to focus on making the food, but he can’t help intrusive visions of a future he never thought he’d get to have.
Christmas as a huge family with Sam, Eileen, Jody, Donna, Alex, Faith, Claire, Kaia, Jack, Garth, and everyone else they love plays like a movie in his head as he pulls out slices of bread and looks for a juice cup. He pictures them watching movies, arguing about whose turn it is to clean or cook or do laundry as he uses the cup to cut out a circle of bread from each slice. He sets up two skillets, one for the bread and eggs and the other for the bacon.
He’s cracking eggs into the missing center of the bread and waiting for them to fry when he starts thinking of slow dancing late at night, of soft kisses once they realize they don’t have to rush, of learning each other’s bodies as well as their own. Of making love slowly with no worries of anyone walking in on them. For some reason Dean gets suck on Cas’ eyes glowing again and he curses a little that he was too caught up in finally being allowed to touch Cas and make him writhe and moan, that he didn’t focus on his eyes when he came.
I’ll have to pay more attention next time. The words ping-pong around his heart and his head like a promise and nothing has ever sounded so good to him as those two words: next time. And if I forget next time, there’ll be the time after that. Next time for the rest of our lives.
Dean finally blinks out of his daydreams at those words, shaking himself and flipping the bread and bacon before they both burn.
“The rest of our lives? Son of a bitch. I suck the man’s dick one time and I’m already thinking about marrying him. I’m so fucked,” he tells himself, but he can feel the goofy grin on his face as the brief flashes of suits and rings and carrying over thresholds that flash through his mind.
“Hmmm. That looks good. What is it?” Cas whispers into his ear as he slides up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing his face and wet hair into Dean’s back.
“Oh! Hey there. It’s uh, it’s Egg-in-a-Nest. Used to make it for Sammy when plain old eggs and toast got boring.”
“Hmm.” Cas hums, continuing to press himself as close to Dean as he can.
Has he always been so touchy feely? Dean ponders a moment, remembering every time Cas grabbed his shoulder, stood too close, touched him to heal him, every time he leaned into Dean’s hugs, every stare that held for a little too long. He wants to bang his head when he realizes that the answer is yes, and Dean is just a blind idiot.
“Alright, these are almost done. You wanna get us some coffee and do you want to eat inside or on the porch?” Dean asks, instantly regretting it when Cas lets go of him to collect mugs.
“Porch, I think. It looks like it's going to be nice and sunny today.”
They take their breakfast to the front porch. Dean bypasses the wicker chairs and sits straight on the top step, tilting his face up and enjoying the sun.
“You were right, it’s going to be a perfect beach day,” he says, exchanging the second plate he has for one of the mugs Cas holds as he sits down next to Dean.
“This is delicious, Dean!” Cas exclaims, with a moan that sends a shiver up Dean’s spine and has him flashing back to the morning blowjob. “Cas! If you keep making sounds like that we’re going to have to eat inside otherwise someone’ll get the wrong idea and call the cops on us,” Dean admonishes, only half serious.
“Worth it,” Cas quips back, tearing off a side of the toasted bread to dip into the runny yolk center. He shoves it into his mouth before licking the bit of egg that’s dripped onto his fingers and moaning again, albeit at a slightly lower volume.
“Shit, it’s just eggs and bread, Cas. If that excites you this much, you’re gonna explode when I get to do a proper barbecue.”
“I look forward to the challenge,” Cas smiles mischievously at him before using his last bite of bread to mop us as much yolk as he can and popping it into his mouth.
Once Dean finishes his food they head back inside to clean up. Cas takes over cleaning the dishes and Dean checks on the laundry, switching it to the dryer before going and stripping the sheets off the bed and throwing them, along with his dirty pajamas, into the washer. He comes back to the kitchen then to help dry any dishes that can’t go into the dishwasher. It all feels so perfect that for a second Dean has a moment of panic.
This is way too easy. When has any relationship, hell, anything ever been this simple for me?
“Dean? Are you alright?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” Dean says, surprising himself with his own honesty.
“It’s alright. I understand if you’re … having regrets about this morning or-”
“What! No, Cas. I don’t regret this morning. Fuck, the only thing I regret is not doing that sooner. It’s just that, this, us, it’s too … easy?”
Cas laughs, loudly and deeply, leaving Dean standing in complete confusion.
“Dean,” Cas finally manages to spit out, wiping tears from his eyes, “We have known each other for years. We’ve lost each other many times over; I’ve mourned you more times than I thought possible. We’ve fought and argued and come back to being friends after being separated by Earth, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. And all of that, all those long years, finally brought us together as … more than friends. I wouldn’t call that easy. We have worked hard for the relationship we have.”
“I guess you’re right. I didn’t really think about it like that.” Dean rubs the back of his neck, talked out of his anxiety for the moment, but now stuck on a new issue that Cas has inadvertently brought up. “Um, so, like you said we’re not really friends anymore. I mean not just friends, so, uh, does that make us-? Would you like to be-”
“We’re back!” Sam shouts as he and Eileen burst through the front door.
Dean groans, just barely restraining himself from banging his head against the wall. He glares at his brother as he walks into the kitchen, trying to determine if he just has the worst timing in the world or if his constant interruptions are less accidental than they seem.
“You’d help me hide his body, right?”  He stage whispers to Cas, ignoring his brother entirely.
“I would if it were anyone else, but I’m too afraid of how Eileen might retaliate,” Cas replies back not even bothering to pretend to whisper.
Like what you read? You can find the whole fic here on AO3
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 7/? (hopefully 9)
Chapter Word Count: ~12,000 (I know I'm "dingo ate my baby" crazy for that chapter length)
Tags: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Case Fic, Established Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Beach Case, Cannon when convenient, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Past Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con (Dean and background characters), Non-Consensual Touching (Not between Dean and Cas), Hurt/Comfort, I promise it's not as dark as it sounds, Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, clueless Sam Winchester, Chick-Flick Moments, Cannon typical misunderstandings, Angst?, One day I'll learn how to tag, WIP, JackieDeeArt's Hot Summer Art 2024 (Supernatural), Hot Summer Art, Greek Mythology if you Squint, No Beta, Everyone is bad with words, Except Eileen who is the only emotionally stable person for miles, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Angel Grace Dysfunction, Poor Coping Mechanisms, There was only one bed. blow jobs, masturbation, angel grace kink?
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opalalmighty · 1 year
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spnj2fanlw · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Chad Michael Murray Additional Tags: Schmoop, So much schmoop, seriously lots of schnoop, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Bottom Jared, Engagement, did I mention schmoop Summary:
The story of the boy who meets the love of his life when he is six.
Warning, this is so sweet it might cause health problems, lol
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carleighalpha · 2 years
Vixen By Nature Pt 2
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{Y/N} is dealing with morning sickness, but here comes McReynolds to the rescue!
Rating: T
Word Count: 460
Imagine: Fluff
Warnings: Fluff Overload
{Y/N} was currently feeling all kinds of sick as she rubbed her small belly. Being two months pregnant was something that came with drawbacks. Morning sickness and heavy cravings. She loved the sexual drive it gave her, but she groaned as she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom in her apartment. The sounds were a lot for McReynolds, but he came after her and held her {H/C} hair so it didn’t catch any vomit.
“ That’s it, let it out.” He said as he rubbed her back. Two minutes passed as {Y/N} upchucked her breakfast, but it soon ended. She pulled back and got up. She quickly brushed her teeth. {Y/N} quickly flushed the gross evidence down.
“ When does it end?” {Y/N} asked as she grabbed a tanktop and put it on.
“ Well being in your first trimester, it should end rather soon.” Glen said as he held her. She smiled as he walked her to the couch to lay down. He placed a hand on her belly and softly rubbed it.  
“ Looking all sexy.” Glen said as he looked deep in her {E/C} eyes.
“ Oh stop.” {Y/N} said with a small blush on her cheek.
“ You have such a cute glow on you. I see you absentmindedly rubbing your belly when I look towards you, even when you sleep. When you crave fruit, you have these cute little dimples that curve your smile when I bring it to you.” Glen said as {Y/N} began to slightly tear up.
“ Hunny!” {Y/N} said as she rubbed Glen's cheeks as she kissed his nose. He smiles at her before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.
“ Let’s plug in a movie, eat some strawberries and mango slices.” Glen said with a smile. {Y/N} squealed at this and Glen chuckled. He got her under her favorite fluffy blanket and went into the kitchen. He sliced up some big strawberries and mango. As he returned, he saw {Y/N} plugging in Rocky Horror Picture show, her favorite movie. He smiled and sat down next to her.
“ Tim Curry in this is amazing.” {Y/N} said as she saw Tim Curry show up in the elevator in full attire in front of Brad and Janet.
“ It's just a jump to the left.” Glen said as he lifted a mango slice up and {Y/N} smiled before eating it.
“ Such a musical head.” He said as {Y/N} smirked as tint in her cheeks lit up.
“ I can’t wait.” {Y/N} said with a smile as Glen held her close. His body heat pulled her into a deep sleep. Glen just smiled as her smile stayed on her face while she slept deeply.
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glcdss · 1 year
hehehe :)) new fic :))
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laroserie · 4 months
— Various x-men characters, baking with reader
— characters ; Scott Summers. Rogue. Logan Howlett.
— warning ; no particular tw. author is not great at baking but he had a baking phase so. very sweet / fluff and self-indulgent. can be seen as platonic or romantic. reminder that author has not read the comics (only saw the films + is watching the animated series, xmen evolution and 97) and doesn't know much about some characters ( ex Rogue ) so author is doing his best to characterise them. author has favorite and it's shows. author says a cake count as a pastry and a pastry is basically any baked goods (if you do not agree. soryr that suck)
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– Scott Summers.
Scott seems to be the kind of guy to be very open to baking, depending on what you want to bake.
Simple things like, cookies or a chocolate cake ? Sure. He is your man, he will be very happy to bake with you.
Now if you want to do something more complicated like, macarons or hell a pie, he will pat your shoulder and say 'Good luck with that' and walk out of the room. He is not even attempting to bake things that are too hard.
Why should he, when he can make simple things that taste good. There is no need to try some extravagant bakeries that most likely won't end up being very tasty the first time.
But with enough coercion and 'begging' (which you could call 'annoying him to no end') he will concede, but don't get him wrong - he is not at fault nor taking responsibility if it end up being disgusting.
Scott is the type to be very commending even in the kitchen, he is still the 'leader', here he will give you instructions and let you do it - until he does it himself because 'you aren't doing it properly' (he is trying to fix this habit up, don't get too angry at him).
He is also the type to follow the recipe and measurements extremely close, but if he's, for example, measuring flour and there is a bit too much but you have your back turned, he'll just let it be, let it slide, because no one else but him is aware of it, so it's fine !
He is still fun to bake around with, of course, but, he is still very, ... himself while doing so.
Once you are done, Scott is most likely to let you have the first bite - he is staring you down waiting to hear if you like it or not before trying for himself.
If the outcome isn't exactly the greatest - Scott will make it his personal mission to master it. He will not be beaten by something as simple as a pastry.
– Rogue.
If you have Rogue to bake with you, she will be overjoyed. She could be so happy that you want to bake with her, baking is an activity you usually do with people you are close to, so in her eyes you wanting to bake with her, show that you see her as someone you are close to in the very least.
She'll tell you to wait a few seconds, be gone and come back with a binder with handwritten families recipes and ask you if you wanna try one of them.
Unlike Scott, she is the type to not really care about measurements, she try to follow the ones from the recipes but if there is a bit too much flour, she won't scoop some out of it, because after all, that shouldn't change the outcome right ?
But that is, if you follow a recipe, if you don't ... let's just say there will be enough cakes - or whatever you both made - for weeks. She isn't really great at guessing how much is too much or how much is not enough.
She is absolutely the type to tease you while baking, if you are making something that requires meringues, she will do the meringue test (the meringue test is that if you take the bowl it's in and flip it upside down and nothing drop - it good, if it drop it's not) but not take any precautions, like doing it over the sink or counter. She will give you small heart attack.
Even if you don't really follow the recipes and have to change a few ingredients in the middle of the process because there isn't enough or because you didn't have it, the outcome will taste quite good most of the time. Rogue, will go and make everyone in the manor have a taste - because everyone should have a bit of what you both spend time on.
– Logan Howlett
Okay, now, baking with Logan is something that could only happen once in a blue moon. If you ask him to bake with you, he won't answer you and just give you a look that scream 'do i look like a fucking baker to you ?'.
Now that said, if you do go on your plan of baking - without him - there is a high chance that he will watch you do so, he will lean on a counter and watch you go about your baking.
He will comments on what you are doing and says snarky remarks about what you are doing - that's in his opinion - wrong.
Logan may help you when you are struggling - you are supposed to mix something together but it's a bit too hard for you, he will extend his hand and tell you to give it to him. But that's as far as he will go - and giving you the sugar that's in the cabinet next to him.
If you are making something like cookies, he will take one without asking, because after all he 'assisted' you (told you, you really sucked at mixing eggs and flour and telling you to be more organised when you bake because you are making one hell of a mess).
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underoospeterparker · 3 months
can’t remember if I already sent this in but tasm Peter Parker x reader who has sensory issues and gets overstimulated easily. n him just calming her down, giving her something to fidget with or chew on cause he knows that calms her, getting her into comfy clothes that aren’t scratchy or tight and just taking care of her. asking her loads of questions and giving her options to choose from so she feels more in control of the situation <3 ugh i love him
thank you for requesting!!
tasm!peter x reader / mcu!peter x reader, 0.8k words
tw: overstimulation
You're resting your head in Peter's lap while he tangles his fingers in your hair, scratching gently at your scalp. Peter's friends are sitting on the seats opposite to you, and the two of them are laughing about something rather loudly. Peter glances at you every so often, leans down to press a soft kiss to your temple. Every time he does that, you let out a quiet hum of contentment, press your head further into his lap.
You're exhausted from a long day of school and came home to Peter's friends. You'd given them both a hug when you arrived, but Peter already noticed you were out of it: Your eyes were unfocused, you had this dazed look about you, and you kept fidgeting with your hands, wringing them out.
Peter had given you a concerned look, clearly worried, as if asking 'Do you want them here?' You'd given him a gentle, reassuring smile, mouthed to him that it was fine. You were currently rethinking your decision as their voices grew louder. You began to hear the screeching of the kettle, the scratches your cat was making on the wooden table, the spin of the fan. You could feel your tight knit sweater sticking to your body, and you could hardly breathe.
You forced yourself to take deeper, longer breaths as you curled up in Peter's lap. His hand paused on your head but then resumed its ministrations, as he looked up in shock at something his friend had said. It all sounded like a blabber of words to you: You felt confused; disoriented. The air conditioner was on, but you felt hot. Boiling hot. You tried to pull at your sweater, wanting it off.
You resisted the urge to scream, and to calm yourself down you tried to focus on the ground, on the carpet, but you couldn't: Everything else was far too loud.
"(Y/N)?" Peter's voice cut through the noise. You press your hands to your ears, trying to block out the noise, to soften his words. You turn around to face Peter's stomach, try to hide in his hold. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" His hands reached for yours, helped cover your ears. You looked up through blurry vision, meeting his loving and concerned gaze. Peter tilted his head slightly, searched your eyes for a response to his question. You shook your head slowly in reply, let out a quiet whine as you burrowed yourself closer to him.
Something in his eyes clicks in realisation. He held out a hand to his friends to get them to stop talking; helping you stand up with a hand on your wrist, gently moving you to a quieter room. Peter shut the door behind the two of you, sat you down on the soft comforter. You mumbled something incoherent, struggled to get your sweater off, the tightness suffocating you, making it hard to breathe.
Peter's eyes soften as he reaches for the hem of your sweater, helping you pull it off your head. He squeezes your hand before moving towards the closet, grabbing your comfiest pyjamas as helping you slip in to them with two hands on your shoulders. He doesn't speak until then, knowing you needed to feel comfortable and snug before you would be able to fully converse.
He settled you on the bed, covers not on because he knew you were feeling hot. "Can I get you anything? Your fidget toy? Or your stuffed animal?"
His voice was soft, only a murmur, and you nodded gratefully. "Both, please?" You asked quietly.
Peter presses a lingering kiss to your forehead and untangles himself from you, nodding quickly. "Of course, bug." He returns in under a minute, giving you the two items and watching as you settle down with them. "Do you want me here, or should I go?" He touches your leg soothingly, rubbing a hand up and down.
"Here," I mumble, "please?" Peter melts a little, feels his heart squeeze. He climbs onto the bed behind you, careful not to touch or jostle you too much. When he remains quiet, you add, "Can I have a hug?"
He softens. "Absolutely, honey." Peter doesn't wait another second before wrapping you up in his arms, bringing you closer to his chest. He thumbs at your neck affectionately as you curl up in his hold, wanting to be as close to him as possible. "My poor, sweet girl," he murmurs softly. "You're doing so good. Are you feeling a bit better?"
"Mhm, yes," I say quietly, "thank you." You give him your best, most grateful smile. "Y' the best, baby."
Peter rolls his eyes affectionately against the crown of your head. "Says you, lovely girl."
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savannahsdeath · 9 months
this isn't smutty or anything (or it can be somehow??) but i honestly think it would be so funny if Ellie just.. googled herself 😋
lets say its modern!ellie and shes not a game character, just a goofy young adult, your roommate or something. this is a half assed drabble buut enjoyyyy&lt;3
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when she googled herself, there would definitely show up some random 40 years old ladies with the same name as her on facebook/instagram. she would scroll through them with her lips parted and wide eyes, showing you every single one. and shed be such a hater too😭 mumbling genuinely mean; "am i the only cool ellie williams?" and, i swear, its not like she does it on purpose. its just the things that come up to her head - hateful, highschool boys-type of comments. or the most random things (kinda like the headcanons tumblr writers make about her); "do you think her husband left her? she looks sad. i wouldnt blame him, tho" or "she looks like she cried while watching titanic" and when you nudge her, hissing; "i cried on titanic!" shed be sooo clueless. "i didnt say its a bad thing, did i? ....... but its weird."
she would be actually so invested — suddenly sitting up with a gasp when she reads that an ellie williams' (other williams, not her, of course) daughter died. "oh no!! she was my namesake's kid!! she would definitely be a genius if she got to grow up.. maybe she'd find the cure for cancer? or, even better, be an astronaut!!!"
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pseudowho · 9 months
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Fighting in a wet suit sounds like a sensory fucking nightmare
No wonder Higuruma Hiromi was so mad while throwing hands with Yuuji, smh, poor baby
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birdiescanfly · 1 month
Jake Seresin Deserves Nice Things Part II
I don’t really know how to connect posts, so imma just say again that this headcanon connects to the previous two posts I made about Jake.  You don’t necessarily need to read those to understand this, but they do play off each other. 
Anyway, back to Jake.  Right, so he’s so soft, a bit of a clean freak, and just like Bradley, he’s got a boat load of his own trauma. I’m thinking that after Bradley and Jake figure out their shit and get together, the softness is going to come out full force. It’s going to take a bit of work on Bradley’s part I think to make Jake feel like he can again trust him with that part of himself, but eventually, they make it there. 
The first time around in their relationship, Jake was trying really hard to keep it together, keep that part of himself tamped down, but as they are older and trying to be more open with each other, Jake is also trying to let down his own walls.  I also think that The Mission and Bradley almost losing his life has shaken Jake into ignoring his normal reservations.  So Jake is way more clingy than Bradley originally remembered. I think it starts small with Jake sidling up to Bradley and just letting their sides rest against each other, but that evolves to hands brushing and then resting his head on Bradley’s shoulder.
I think that at this point, Bradley is finally starting to catch on.  Their first relationship was fucked by them refusing to acknowledge anything about each other, so this time around, Bradley is trying, okay? He’s seen the way that Jake kept the rooster plushie for all these years, and even more than that, he sees the way that Jake leans into any and all affection and warmth.  Its like he’s a moth to a flame.  Anytime there is a fireplace nearby Jake is rushing to it and sighing in content as the heat encompasses his body.  Whenever given the chance, Jake is leaning into Bradley or absentmindedly playing with his hands when they are sitting next to each other.  The way that Jake hums happily when Bradley’s weight is pressed up against him is almost as telling as the wide eyed look of awe that graces his face whenever one of the daggers happen to high five him in excitement or grasp his shoulders in victory.  On rougher days, Bradley watches Jake casually stand at a distance from the group and even Bradley himself. He watches the way Jake wraps his own arms around his waist in a facsimile of an embrace and it sends a stabbing pain through Bradley’s chest. 
Bradley may not be good at a lot of things, talking and feelings being number one and two on the list. But, he thinks. This is something he can do. 
Suddenly, Jake is finding Bradley’s old college sweatshirts left behind in his things. Somehow they keep Bradley’s ever-present warmth and encompassing scent for days after finding them, and if Jake wears them around his apartment or after a long day at work, just letting himself sit in the safety of Bradley feeling so close, it’s not like his boyfriend will really mind.  He’s the one that left them behind, right? And maybe after a nightmare where Jake wasn’t quick enough, wasn’t good enough, to save Rooster and Mav from their untimely end, maybe, just maybe Jake pulls out one of the most worn sweatshirts that Bradley left behind. It’s the one that has holes around the wrists and faded text on the front. And maybe, just maybe, Jake tucks his nose into the fabric and lets the soft cloth soothe his nerves. No one but him will ever know, so it’s fine.
Then suddenly Jake is finding out that Bradley adores taking long hot showers together. (It shocks him that it’s not only for great shower sex. It turns out that Bradley just really likes to stand under the heat of the water with Jake, doing nothing but running his fingertips through Jakes short strands of hair).  If Jake basks a little in the hot water pounding against his sore muscles, and even more in the gentle caresses of his boyfriend’s fingers on the sensitive skin at the base of his skull, isn’t that just a happy coincidence?  
Then suddenly Jake is being gifted large blankets because Bradley wants to have something comfy for the couch whenever they have a movie night.  And if on those movie nights, Bradley, (despite running so hot he’s almost always a little sweaty) swaths both he and Jake is the fluffy blankets until he cannot even see Jake’s body and only his messy blonde hair peeking out the top of them, well, if that’s what Bradley thinks is necessary for a good movie night than who is Jake to argue? (Moreover, if Jake uses the big comfy blankets when Bradley isn’t even there, well, its fine. It’s what they are meant for anyway, right?)
Then suddenly Jake is being swept away to a nice coffee shop with the pretty garden landscapes and the silly comfy couches he’d always dreamed of when imagining his future when he was young. Apparently, Bradley has a new interest in trying out new places and having new experiences, because, “Almost dying puts everything into perspective,” but Jake is suspicious nonetheless. He knows his man okay? Bradley loves nothing more than predictability. He’d drank the same black coffee from the same old ass machine in his kitchen every day since Jake had met him, but Jake stands no chance against Bradley’s sleepy morning eyes.  The place they end up is picturesque and Jake absolutely knows that everything is going to be overpriced.  Just as guilt starts licking up his spine at the thought of spending so much so unnecessarily, Bradley is pinching him in the side and order a fancy ass iced matcha latte with strawberry puree poured on top. It’s over the top and silly, but Bradley is humming to the tune of whatever weird coffee shop cover is playing in the background, and Jake cannot think of anything, not even his own worth, when Bradley looks so content. He wants to freeze the moment or crawl inside his boyfriend and stay as close to him as possible forever. He resigns himself placing his icy hands up under Bradley’s shirt and watching the naval pilot squeal and squirm to escape Jake’s touch. And if he’s too busy laughing to notice as Bradley hands over the money for their coffees, well its just convenient timing, right?
Eventually, Bradley repeatedly, almost absentmindedly, starts wrapping around Jake from behind when in public.  It’s almost pavlovian, the way that Jake starts to crave Bradley’s warm hands in his body. And Bradley always, always is there to give them to him. Jake suddenly starts to feel itchy, starts to feel his ribs ache, just begins to tighten his own arms around his chest, and then, oh so gently, as if Bradley were just sliding into place like a puzzle piece, he’s wrapping around him from behind. Strong arms and even stronger chest carrying Jake’s weight as if he were made to do it.  And if Jake leans back into the embrace more than actually necessary, if Jake allows himself to be entirely encompassed by Bradley and his warmth?  Well, Bradley just holds him tighter.  
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
If TDP characters had phones, Callum would ABSOLUTELY post art of Rayla (only stuff that she approved, though, because he is a consensual king about everything) and then MILES of poems professing his love for her, and everyone (probably including her, tbh) would be in his comments like "WE GET IT SHUT UP." And the other would be the only thing they post about, maybe with some anime memes and sketches scattered about. The parents stalking their accounts like "Should we be worried? ...Eh" because the honeymoon phase is supposed to only last so long, but for Rayllum is eternal.
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st6rly · 1 year
wriothesley is definitely the type of man to hover his hand over your lower back when travelling in a crowd. he doesn’t make actual contact, but will lightly nudge you with his fingers when navigating around people.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
hope you don’t hate angst in ur mailbox but what about when Fee gets pregnant (just a matter of time lol) and when she’s in labor they keep him out of the tent :( and she’s screaming and in pain but he can’t go in there lest he angers the gods :( would he force himself in anyway??? curious to hear ur thoughts <3 ily
I love angst when it ends in fluff! 💕
Imagine König being in the most horrible, distressful situation in his life, hearing her cry and suffer and he can’t do a thing about it.
There are a lot of women inside their beautiful, sturdy little hut, and an evil looking elderly lady at the doorway. She’s guarding the entrance so he can’t get in, not without using force. And he can’t use force because the old crone croaks at him and starts to beat him with a thin rod every time he approaches. Bad luck! Bad for the baby if he goes in! His woman could die too; why is he being so ignorant and foolish?! Bad man! Go away!
He’s just nonplussed. He understands, somewhat, that a man should never be present at birthing lest he wants to anger the gods, but he’s about to crawl out of his skin soon! He turns away, only to hurl back when he hears another scream that turns into an inhuman wail. He would rip all these people apart with his bare hands if it meant he’d get to be with her, but that would surely anger the gods too :( He’s the biggest, strongest male in the area, but he can do nothing to help his little fairy who has to suffer so much when giving birth to his child.
For a moment he spirals into deep, hellish thoughts of whether he has done a terrible thing, taking a fairy woman for his wife.
What if she dies in childbirth because the baby is too big? What has he done!?
When the crying ends, he’s sure he has lost her forever, and finally pushes the hissing old woman aside – she even tries to bite him, the cursed, mean old crone – ready to meet the horrible sight of his little Fee, bloody on her deathbed.
And there’s blood, alright, but everybody’s silent only because they’re looking at a wondrous sight.
Every woman, including his beloved Fee, is staring at a breathing, living miracle: the child of a giant and a sprite. It’s the smallest, chubbiest little thing he has ever seen, and it’s looking up at the mother who just gave birth to her – or him, König doesn’t care, as long as they’re both alive.
“Little one…” he stutters, completely taken aback by the amazing sight of his smiling wife and their newborn child. She only now notices him, an idiot who broke the rules because he thought he had lost her forever. Her face is flushed and puffy and tired and so incredibly beautiful when she breaks into a beaming smile.
“You silly brute, you shouldn’t be in here yet. But now that you are… Come look what a beautiful girl we made!”
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