#ExT Recordings
ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
my video recorder extension isnt working for peacock anymore. these sites really dont want you sharing screencaps with anyone.
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occultopossum · 9 months
That strong desire to buy a bunch of unlabeled vhs tapes
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cnl0400 · 4 months
Ok so you know how Thirteen Is canonically tone-deaf and sucks at singing right
And in S2, Beelzebub gets cursed because he destroys Lucifer's cursed record as an accident.
This record (was) called The Hymn of the Reaper... A song that belongs to an Opera, sang by the reaper as they exting a life candle
What If this opera singer was Thirteen herself...? People heard the record and thought It sucked, so they would get rid of It. In a act of pettiness, she curses the record so people get better taste and "appreciate her talent more"
"But why would Lucifer have a record of a singer that sucks?" Because he collects records that are cursed, not because of their musical merit (If they're good, that's a bonus)
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canisxx · 20 days
Hey chat! I decided that I don't care if you care or not, I'll post it anyway. Because I'm a scientist nerd, and a TF2 fan.
So here you go, my theory on how the respawn machine actually works.
⚠️It'll be a lot of reading and you need half of a braincell to understand it.
The Respawn Machine can recreate a body within minutes, complete with all previous memories and personality, as if the person never died. We all know this, but I doubt many have thought about how it actually works.
Of course, such a thing is impossible in real life (at least for now), but we’re talking about a game where there’s magic and mutant bread, so it’s all good.
But being an autistic dork, I couldn’t help but start searching for logical and scientific explanations for how this machine might work. How the hell does it actually function? So, I spent hours of my life on yet another useless big brain time.
In the context of the Respawn Machine, the idea is that the technology can instantly create a new mercenary body, identical to the original. This body must be ready for use immediately after the previous one’s death. To achieve this, the cloning process, which in real life takes months or even years, would need to be significantly accelerated. This means the machine is probably powered by a freaking nuclear reactor, or maybe even Australium.
My theory is that this machine is essentially a massive 3D printer capable of printing biological tissues. But how? You see, even today, people can (or are trying to) recreate creatures that lived millions of years ago using DNA. By using the mercenary’s DNA, which was previously loaded into the system, the machine could recreate a perfect copy.
However, this method likely wouldn’t be able to perfectly recreate the exact personality and all the memories from the previous body. I believe the answer lies in neuroscience.
For the Respawn Machine to restore the mercenary’s consciousness and memories, it would need to be capable of recording and preserving the complete structure of the brain, including all neural connections, synapses, and activity that encode personality and memory. This process is known as brain mapping. After creating a brain map, this data could be stored digitally and then transferred to the new body.
“Okay, but how would you transfer memories that are dated right up until the moment of death? The mercenaries clearly remember everything about their previous death.”
Well, I have a theory about that too!
Neural interfaces! Inside each mercenary’s head could be an implant (a nanodevice) that reads brain activity before death and updates a digital copy of the memories. This system operates at the synaptic level, recording changes in the structure of neurons that occur as memories are formed. After death, this data could be instantly transferred to the new body via a quantum network.
Once the data is uploaded and the brain is synchronized with the new body, the mercenary’s consciousness "awakens." Ideally, the mercenary wouldn’t notice any break in consciousness and would remember everything that happened right up to the moment of death.
However… there are also questions regarding potential negative consequences.
Can the transfer of consciousness really preserve all aspects of personality, or is something inevitably lost in the process?
Unfortunately, nothing is perfect, and there’s a chance that some small memories might be lost—like those buried in the subconscious. Or the person’s personality might become distorted. Maybe that’s why they’re all crazy?
How far does the implant’s range extend? Does the distance between the mercenary and the machine affect the accuracy of data transfer?
My theory is that yes, it does. The greater the distance, the fewer memories are retained.
Could there be deviations in the creation of the body itself?
Yes, there could be. We saw this in "Emesis Blue," which led to a complete disaster. But let’s assume everything is fine, and the only deviations are at most an extra finger (or organ—not critical, Medic would only be happy about that).
Well, these are just my theories and nothing more. I’m not a scientist; I’m an amateur enthusiast with a lot of time on my hands. My theories have many holes that I can’t yet fill due to a lack of information.
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awful-little-goose · 6 months
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Ok ok ok I MIGHT have thought about what the doppelgängers from TNMN (not to confuse with TMNT, the show about funny turtles) may look like for real, and what their physiology may be like, so…YEAH
size (average) : 850 cm in length (27’8), neck and tail included
Number of limbs: from four to unknown
Sexes : unknown differences, supposedly without sex
Life span : unknown
Diet : strictly carnivorous
Intellect : varying from ext. low to ext. high intellect, notably bad at lying for most although highly manipulative and skilled individuals exist
fluids produced such as blood and saliva are acidic to some degree. Further testing may be needed. Each cleaning must be followed by a deep wash of the area with water. Agents are expected to proceed with caution.
Bone structure is mostly cartilaginous and sparse, allowing great agility
Not mammalian, unclassified
The “hairs” covering the largest parts of their bodies are actually tendrils, able to morph in shape, size, texture, color. Each tendrils has a nervous system
“Hands” appeared to be uncovered, probably for scavenging purposes. When transforming, the tendrils extend to the hands of the doppelgänger to cover them
Four to 10 eyes (maximum recorded, may be more)
Each individual seems to possess one to three “cores”. Destruction of the individual is only complete once all cores have been destroyed. Cores maybe be moved around by the individual within its body. Function of cores unknown
All recorded individuals are shown to be highly aggressive: never let your guards down. Failure to incapacitate the doppelgänger due to hesitation will be met with severe sanctions.
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professionalscrublord · 3 months
Rainbow Six (ft. Black Knight)
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Finally finished painting the mechs I magnetized with torso-twist actuators (the things that aren't represented on any record sheets :P) I couldn't decide on a unit color for these 7 mechs so I just did every color. I imagine they're a multi-national counter-terrorist Mechwarrior unit. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple would evidently be the five Great Houses, so that leaves Orange and Black. Let me know if you have suggestions for who those might be. (Clan Wolf? ROM?)
Individual shots:
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King Crab KGC-010
Cut off the LL and sculpted on flush-mount PPCs, nested in SRM-6 shrouds, and extra cooling vanes out the back. The red ink pooled up in a weird way in some spots which I'd like to avoid next time, but overall I like the color. Magma basing.
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Axman AXM-1N
Extra action-figure arm ax-tuator for hot choppy-choppy action. I thought about magnetizing the full-head ejection too just for lulz but decided it would be too hard to cut under it for removal. Rocky desert basing.
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Bushwacker BSW-X1
I cut off the LRM-5 pod from the LT and sculpted on a classic X-shaped one a la Mechwarrior 3. The old triangular one is being repurposed for a ground turret. The yellow looks a little green-brown IMO but I'm aware of how hard it is to make good yellow pigments, it works for a dirty look. Especially with the way the ink pooled into a burnt-looking brownish color in spots. Happy little accidents. Sandy desert basing, I added wash around the outside of the hexagon then dripped water into the middle to push the wash back out into a circular distribution.
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Highlander HGN-732
Lush vegetation basing. Some rocks under the grass flock, and some green ink soaked in around the edges to give it some depth. The base got super hot because of how quickly the glue dried when soaking into the sponge-like grass flecks. Exothermic reaction, yeah, Science!
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Nightstar NSR-9J
The blue color came through great. Silver primer, blue speedpaint ink, dark wash, and a gloss varnish ontop, adding up to a delicious candy-coat look. Yum. Marsh/wetlands basing.
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Exterminator EXT-4D
The previous colors were all a single speedpaint color over metallic silver, but as I didn't have purple ink I mixed red+blue for this one. The color came out a lil muddy, not quite as bold as the others when mixed IMO, but at least it's still purple. Volcanic glass basing.
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Black Knight BL-9-KNT
Moved the stock BL-6-KNT's head laser to CT and sculpted axe from scratch to create the BL-9. I felt the plain brown gravel basing looked close enough to where he was standing in the movie already.
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"It's just a flesh wound!"
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doingdathockey · 1 year
Dubas' participation in this event said a lot about his leadership style. As he is also handling general manager duties on an interim basis through July, Dubas could have left this portion to the amateur scouting crew. Instead, he made time to travel from Toronto to Buffalo to be involved in a couple long days of draft prep in the midst of a chaotic time for not only Dubas, but also his family - wife Shannon, son Leo, and daughter Lennon.
"I think number one, it was important for me to be here with the staff, because I haven't worked with them the whole year," Dubas said. "So be here in support of them, get to meet people who I don't have as long a track record with.
"But, more importantly, just to get to see the process that the team goes through and learn the way that they go about it, so that I can try to be helpful and help the process as we go through the next few weeks before the draft in Nashville."
And it wasn't just that Dubas was there - it was that he was completely engaged. On Dubas' first day in Buffalo earlier this week, he got to Pittsburgh's suite bright and early before the rest of the crew arrived. Once they did, Dubas greeted everyone warmly, and made it clear right away that he was deferring to them in this process, and that it shouldn't be the other way around.
Dubas was focused and observant during every session, with each player getting his full attention, as he really only looked away to make notes. He was true to his word about not wanting to interrupt the flow, only asking follow-ups here and there. For example, when a forward mentioned that he had driven his line last season, Dubas said, "what exactly does driving a line mean to you?" And when another said he liked listening to podcasts, Dubas wanted to know which ones.
Dubas did have one specific question he asked at the end, which was some variation of: "if I was going to watch one game of you at your absolute best from this year, what game would you tell me to watch?" Some kids answered without much hesitation, but there was one prospect in particular who thought long and hard. And instead of pressuring him for a response, Dubas offered him the chance to think about it more, saying he could text him with his reply by the end of the day, with the two exchanging numbers.
It was clear that Dubas relishes this particular area of the draft process, saying, "I really enjoy this part of it. Enjoy getting to know the players and who they are, in case you draft the players, so you know the type of people that are coming into the organization. And also, I know it's only been a few days, but start to identify the types of people that we want to bring in that are going to become great Pittsburgh Penguins."
And speaking of great Pittsburgh Penguins, Sidney Crosby was drafted by the organization all the way back in 2005, the year most of these kids were born. Having grown up watching him, they all possess so much admiration and respect for the captain, which definitely came across.
"I know there's no perfect people, but he's as close to perfect as it gets," one prospect said before wanting to know more about what sets Crosby apart from everyone else, as the Penguins gave the kids a chance to ask questions of their own at the end.
Dubas truly lived up to his stellar reputation as a leader who fosters collaborative relationships with everyone around him during his stop in Buffalo, leaving a great impression on the Penguins scouting staff, who appreciated having him around and getting the chance to have some good conversations.
"I think I speak for everybody that's here with the Penguins that we've enjoyed one, getting to know him, and two, learning from him," Pryor said. "Obviously extremely intelligent, and we can learn a lot from him. He's been really open asking us questions. We've been able to ask him questions as well and kind of pick his brain. So, anytime you get a chance to spend with him and get to know him and understand him and his path - he's been extremely successful and he's really intelligent, so it's always good to be able to pick his brain."
people gushing about dubas and sid… excellent
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todaysdocument · 2 months
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News from the U.S. Department of Labor, "Federal Stop-Order on Indio Farmer" (USDL-IX-59S56), San Francisco, August 3, 1959.
Record Group 174: General Records of the Department of LaborSeries: Records Relating to the Mexican Labor ("Bracero") ProgramFile Unit: Mexican Labor Program, General Correspondence
James P. Mitchell, Secretary
CONTACT: Tor Torland, Info Officer
630 Sansome Street, San Francisco
YUkon 6-3111, Ext. 647
[handwritten] Mr Robertson
Mexican Program [/handwritten]
[stamp] RECEIVED
AUG 4 1959
SAN FRANCISCO, August 3: Joseph Munoz, a member of the Coachella Valley Farmers Association in Indio, has been refused further authorization to employ Mexican farm workers in a decision made public today by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Under the terms of public law 78 and the international agreement between the governments of the U.S. and Mexico, Mexican nationals may be imported to work on our farms only if it has been determined by authorities that there are not enough American workers in a specific area to fill farm-labor needs there.
Munoz was found to be using Mexican nationals to sort tomatoes in his packing shed despite repeated warnings by the U. S. Labor Department and the California Department of Employment that American workers were available for the jobs.
Glenn E. Brockway, regional director of the Labor Department's employment security bureau, issued his decision in a letter to the Coachella Valley Farmers Association. Brockway said, in part:
"All authorizations issued to the Coachella Valley Farmers Association to contract Mexican national workers are hereby revoked with respect to the employment of Mexican national workers by the said Joseph Munoz."
The federal stop-order also specified that because of Munoz's "repeated failure to give preference in employment of United States domestic workers", no authorizations would be granted him in future to use Mexican nationals.
The move came as part of the U.S. Labor Department's continuing policy of strictly policing the foreign-labor importation program so as to ensure first preference for farm jobs to American citizens.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
We have all gone back and forth on if Tommy is coming back. The odds in my head changed every week, TBH. But now I couldn't even place a bet. I know you mentioned filming already starting ext. But I keep thinking about how Tim's interview was what 2 weeks ago??? And he said it out loud, so it was clearly something on the surface still. I have just never seen this happen in a fandom before. It's wild. And we know Buck and Natalia filmed, and it was all cut, and storylines were changed.
I just truly have no idea what to expect and I think all the rules are out the window. If they ever taught a class on this.. I would enroll in it eight. Chapter 1, how to media train someone you just dragged into kiss a boy.
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about this, but someone made a point, I think it was @leothil anon blog, but I can't find the post I want, but the thing is, when we think about the narrative the show actually established Buck as unreliable when it comes to Tommy, ao they kind of need Tommy to be present for a breakup, because since Buck is unreliable when it comes to this relationship, just having Buck retelling the breakup wouldn't work very well. They could do it, but there would be problems. But the situation is they have a pr nightmare in their hands no matter what, there's nothing they can do that's going to make them happy, so it doesn't matter how they write the breakup, shit is gonna hit the fan. They are going to go crazy so they are kind of backed into a corner no matter what. Because writing him off off-screen will create problems within the narrative because Buck's unreliable, they made an episode about Buck being unreliable, so they need him at least for the breakup but at the same time keeping him at this point is just asking for things to go wrong, yk? It is crazy that we got Tim on record talking about how ugly things have gotten, and he said that and things somehow got uglier. I don't doubt that they have someone monitoring fan reactions because it is part of the job, like, making sure they keep up with the audience is part of the pr thing and I think that they have been monitoring what we are doing to some level. I don't think they are in that deep because they don't need to appease people who are in too deep, people who are loud tho, they are listening, and unfortunately, they are very loud. So we are in a very delicate situation, I don't think Tommy is established enough for it to matter if they just write him off in the first episode but to do that with Buck again, considering that we had Natalia and we had something that was supposed to happen that didn't happen because the actress couldn't come back, to have this happen to Buck again and making him miss out on whatever development that they wanted to make because of the actor it's going to be a problem. I don't know how they are going to work around this because at this point keeping him is not worth it, it's really not worth it, this chaos is not good for the show. I don't doubt that the shows PR department had a conversation with the writers about how to handle him, and I think that conversation is happening again if they see what happened this weekend, we don't know if they actually saw what happened, probably but we don't know. What I do know is that they are speedrunning them getting him out if they actually need him. Because it's not a situation like with Marisol that the actress was problematic but she was staying in her lane, Lou created this situation, the cameos created the situation, everything about this chaos is going to be traced back to the cameos. So it's not a good look on him. And you would expect that someone who grew up in the industry because their father is an actor would know that they couldn't do what they did. I don't think it was against his contract but it was of bad taste of him to do that. I don't know, I am also going back and forth, but at the end of the season I was ready to deal with him at least throughout all of it 8a, now I don't even know if he's making past episode 1. But I do think that he has to come back for a breakup, I think that they need him for two scenes, they need him for a scene where tension is added and then they need him for a breakup. Ann the rest of the breakup arc can happen with Buck talking with other people. But that's just me.
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callmespikey · 11 months
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IT'S NOT ME ED is a Ed, Edd n Eddy fanmade heist webcomic. In it, The Eds in disguised as thieves, there plan is to break in the Candy Store at night in order to shoplifting as many as jawbreakers as they can. But of course they will meet a bigger threat how will try to stop them.
Created by CallMeSpikey and it was published on Tumblr on 21.10.23 ext.
We observe three shadowy figures against the backdrop of a luminous full moon. The Eds approach the Candy Store at midnight, and while Eddy notices a back alley behind brick walls, they spot a surveillance camera. To avoid detection, they shoot a spitball through bubble gum at the camera without attracting any attention to themselves. Meanwhile, Eddy directs Ed to fling the bag onto the roof. Without hesitation, Ed tosses it into the sky only for it to land directly on top of Eddy's head. Although impressed with himself, Ed receives an irritated look from Eddy who shifts focus and proceeds to explain his plan on how to break into the store and how he anticipates it will work out for them.
Ed seems to be on board with Eddy's plan for excitement, while Edd expresses concern about breaking and entering at midnight and committing a criminal act. However, Eddy interrupts Double D to convince him that this is not the same old scam as before and to stay calm. Ed joins in by taunting Edd for being the teacher's pet and suggesting that rules are only for nerds. This upsets Double D, who chastises Ed and Eddy for calling him a geek but ultimately agrees to go along with the plan.
The Eds get to work by climbing onto the rooftop and unpacking supplies such as an antenna, controller, butter toast, and Kevin's TV (which they most likely stole beforehand). Meanwhile, Double D prepares his new invention - the Lock & Roll 3000 - which includes spider-drones designed to transmit signals to Kevin's TV in order to record specific locations. Ed comments on how it reminds him of a video game he has played before.
Eddy couldn't care less about Double D's invention; instead he orders him to place one of the drones inside the vents, press the power button, activate it and start going through them. 
Initially, the drone appears to fulfill its purpose of scanning the area and ensuring safety for entering or exiting through vents. The Eds observe the transmission on TV while Edd is responsible for controlling the bot. As the drone navigates deeper into the vents, Eddy points to an air duct on the left, prompting it to zoom closer and directly view inside a sweet shop where jawbreakers are displayed. Further investigation leads to an eager rodent appearing out of nowhere and interrupting the drone's work. Double D attempts to scare it off by spraying with clean soap perfume, resulting in apparent victory when the rodent runs away and leaves them alone. The drone goes back to business as usual.
Unfortunately, matters worsen when more of these rodents appear seeking revenge against the drone teaming up by biting off cables as if they were legs that could fall apart at any moment. Regrettably, this leads to complete destruction of both cable connections and renders TV views useless as white noise dominates screens everywhere leaving no other options but going inside Candy Store in person according to Edd who tells his friends Eddy and Ed about their predicament.
The only means of accessing the interior is through the roof, descending down a vent. Edd imposes strict rules against entering due to an abundance of dirt, dust, bacteria and other allergens. Despite this, Eddy urges his friends to venture inside the vent with greater force until they all become overwhelmed. The trio are propelled at lightning speed through a labyrinthine network of passages, hurtling ever faster until an interminable hour has passed. Undeterred by the twisting maze-like passages, they persevere and eventually burst out into an open crawl space vent - careening in a dizzying ride that launches them completely outside of the ventilation system. After taking a brief interval to regain their composure, they inexplicably find themselves standing before an unfamiliar office room.
In a fit of fury, Eddy seethes with indignation as he realizes that they have mistakenly entered the wrong room. Edd promptly retrieves the planning map and scrutinizes their current location, informing his companions that gaining access to the sugar confections is impossible due to all doors being locked at night without an employee key. While Eddy appears on the verge of scrapping their entire plan, panic sets in for Edd who fears repercussions from his own parents for engaging in criminal activity - branding himself as a contemptuous burglar and bringing shame upon society under the guise of justice. 
As Eddy and Edd engaged in a heated argument, Ed espied an open door on their right. Intrigued by what he saw, he made his way towards it with the others in tow. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that it was a CCTV control and monitoring room replete with antiquated computers, outdated hardware, a well-worn telephone for convenience, remnants of sandwiches past, ten cups of coffee and eight TV monitors showing mostly B-movie monster flicks and black-and-white noir crime dramas. However, as they were about to delve further into their investigation, they suddenly became aware that they were not alone after all. A security guard sat in the chair before them watching something on television while munching on snacks simultaneously. As this happened, his personality quickly revealed its true colors as he began to unleash spiteful curses and insults at the TV screen before him.
Double D cautions the group about underestimating the appearance of the formidable guard. Upon spotting the keys on a desk, Eddy recognizes an opportunity but lacks knowledge on how to retrieve them. Ed's mind suddenly conjures up an idea inspired by a movie he has watched countless times called "The Revenge of Dr. Maize." Despite its absurdity, Eddy allows Ed to proceed with his plan as it is their only option. Ed distracts the security personnel by pouring a noxious mixture consisting of gravy and ancient cheese from his closet along with other unsavory contents straight into his coffee cup while placing a filthy cocktail umbrella atop it for good measure. After two minutes, the guard lifts up his cup and consumes all its contents which causes him to spiral into insanity and fall asleep due to hallucinations induced by what he drank. Surprised that their plan worked flawlessly, Eddy commends Lumpy's creative imagination but swiftly forgets about it as they focus on obtaining their target jawbreakers stored behind a locked door. The trio successfully retrieves as many jawbreakers as possible until they hear strange sounds emanating from within one of the vents where they discover that a previously damaged drone has inexplicably reactivated itself before careening out through another vent and landing squarely onto the panic alarm button causing it to wail incessantly in warning.
Naturally, the security guard awakens in a state of confusion as he is unsure of what has transpired. However, he does not dwell on it as he hears the alarm and rushes to the sweet shop. Upon arrival, he witnesses three amateurish youngsters attempting to pilfer the entire store. The guard's demeanor changes drastically as he unleashes his true nature and enters into an enraged mode, relentlessly pursuing The Eds. They proceed to wreak havoc on the shop as if playing a game of cat and mouse. Eventually, all three culprits flee from the scene through the exit door.
A tranquil morning is abruptly interrupted as The Eds gleefully exit the Candy Store with their hands full of jawbreakers, reveling in their victorious success. However, their elation is short-lived as Peach Creek's police officers arrive and apprehend them. To make matters worse, a fuming guard approaches from behind, causing The Eds to scream in terror at the impending punishment that awaits them.
As the next day goes by in Peach Creek Jr. High at The Football Field The Eds unsuccessfully didn't steal the jawbreakers as plan should be, they now have to do push-up all day while Frank is there as a gym teacher watching them very closely to make sure as the punishment is fulfilling for committed crime of burglary. Meanwhile, Kevin and Rolf arrive and proceed to deride them with disdainful laughter, as if their predicament could not conceivably deteriorate any worser.
Eddy’s thief outfit is the same one from Christmas special episode Ed, Edd n Eddy’s Jingle Jingle Jangle.
Throughout the comic, there is several references to real life film, theater, and TV shows are made:
Guard’s design and personality is inspired by the character Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from War drama film``Full Metal Jacket`` played by actor Lee Ermey when comes to his harsh, foul-mouthed and ruthless as an drill instructor.
When the guard is watching on the camera monitors, he says ``You ding-dong!`` This is a reference to the Tokusatsu film ``The Last Dinosaur``(1977) and the quote by the actor Richard Boone.
When Ed is distracts Guard on duty by pouring gravy, a very stinky old cheese being in Ed's closet for many years and taks of his shoe to his coffee. This is a reference to a scene in British comedy film ``Mr Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie`` (1997.)
The Webcomic Title IT'S NOT ME ED is a reference to the song ``It’s Not Me by Arthur Benson.``
There is a moral lesson in this webcomic. Do shoplift, but not like this." Under capitalism, much which is illegal is nevertheless ethical.
The Mechanical Crank is used as a tool to get up at roof top of the Candy Store, before it was use in 8th episode of Season 1 ``Virt-Ed-Go`` when The Eds build their own clubhouse.
In the left on top of camera monitor screen-on CCTV, is a cameo of Fish Bowl 2 which first appearance in 2nd episode of Season 1 ``Nagged to Ed.``
Please note that this project is a work in progress, as I am still learning my skills in various aspects of the craft such as drawing, writing, storyboarding, background and character design, dialogue composition and coloration. What you are currently reading is merely an idea that exists within the confines of my imagination. I am also going to rewrite the webcomic in order to improve upon any grammatical errors.
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allmoshnobrain · 7 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 35 of 35 | masterpost
word count: 2599 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
✦ on this chapter: james hetfield x female!oc, dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, romance, a happy ending of sorts
✧ I'm alright here in your arms, darlin' ✧
The weekend zipped by, and before I knew it, Monday had arrived again. Going back to Long Beach and parting ways with Cliff and the boys could've made me a bit sad, but the silver lining was that they were gearing up to pay me a visit soon; everyone was planning to catch my play the next weekend, and to top it off, of course they’d invited me to visit them in Denmark during the new album recordings. 
I'd likely be tied up for a bit, getting my ducks in a row for the start of my art studies, but I'd given my word to James I'd come hang out with them for at least a week. As soon as those words slipped out, he showered me with fiery kisses, his hands all over my body, gently urging me with his touch to change my mind and stick around just a little bit longer than planned.
I snuffed out my cigarette on the balcony rail the moment I spotted my dad's Mercedes rolling down the street. James let out a low whistle, clearly impressed by the sight, his hand wrapped around my waist.
"So, on top of the badass bike, you roll in this sweet ride too?" he inquired, and I chuckled.
"Dad's wheels, James. He doesn’t even let me near it ever since I totaled the last one."
Dad pulled up to the curb, and there was Mom, chilling shotgun, arm out the window with a cigarette in hand. He honked, and I hunched down to grab my backpack with a sigh. Quick goodbyes to Cliff, Lars, and Kirk followed before I turned to James.
"See you next week," I grinned, and James strolled over, snagging my waist before planting a long kiss on my mouth, making me blush like crazy. "James! My parents are watching!"
"So what?" he laughed, then dropped another soft kiss on my lips, saying, "Catch you next week, Nore. I'll miss you."
I let out a big sigh, my face on fire as I made my way to the car, yanking open the back door and dodging Dad's curious look in the rearview mirror.
"Oh God," Mom groaned dramatically, taking a slow drag of her cig, eyes locked on James, who was flashing a smile, chilling against the balcony railing. "It's always the long-haired ones, isn't it?"
I ignored her, cheeks still burning, and stared out the window as Dad revved up the car, leaving my friends behind.
"We've got one last thing to handle in San Francisco before we head home, Ellie," Dad chimed in all cheerful. "Hope you don’t mind coming with us."
I blinked, intrigued, and gave a nod. We cruised around the city for a bit until we hit a cute street with a bunch of wooden townhouses. Dad pulled up in front of one, and we hopped out. He fished out a key, popped the door open, and we stepped into an empty space.
I furrowed my brow, kinda puzzled, but tagged along as Mom and Dad showed me the place, enthusiastically talking about how good the neighborhood was. The house was indeed beautiful, with a big backyard, a tiny pool out back with a BBQ spot, three bedrooms and two baths upstairs, and downstairs, two living rooms, a bath and a big kitchen, along with a garage and a basement.
"So?" my dad asked after we wrapped up the tour. "Decent house, right?"
"A bit basic, but I guess it'll work," my mom threw in.
"Work for what?" I chimed in, now seriously puzzled. She huffed, and Dad shot me a grin.
"For you, obviously! You're coming back to San Francisco soon, right?" He reached out, handing me the keys. "It's yours."
"Dad… What do you mean, it's mine?" I blurted out, surprise heavy in my voice. "You're not telling me you guys..."
"We bought the house, of course," my mom replied, and I widened my eyes. "I think it'll be a good starting point for you, don't you think? Much better than that little apartment you had in LA."
"But this... Mom! " I blurted out, panicking at my parents' extravagance. "It's too big! What am I supposed to do with all this space?"
"Oh, we thought you could share it with Cliff and your friends," Dad chimed in, like it was the most obvious thing. "There's enough room for everyone, don't you think?"
I blinked, perplexed, staring at the keys Dad had handed me. Things are changing at warp speed for us, Nore. Cliff's words seemed to echo in my mind, and I realized they were true. Life had flipped upside down in the past year, big time. What was waiting for me in the future? Where was I headed? I had no clue.
But for the first time in forever, I wasn't scared to find out.
"Oh, right!" Dad smiled. "We had the basement soundproofed. It'll be great for the band’s rehearsals, don't you think?"
I just stared at him for a second, then out of nowhere, walked up and hugged him. Dad chuckled, looking a bit surprised but didn't miss a beat returning the hug. When I pulled away, Mom was watching us with a rare little smile on her lips.
"You've grown a lot, Ellie," my dad smiled.
"We're proud of you," my mom added, softly.
If this was a dream, I sure didn't want anyone waking me up.
Backstage at the theater, the usual chaos would get my nerves going, especially for a play I hadn't drilled as much as I probably should've. But weirdly, not this time. When the big day rolled in, a serene calm took over. Maybe it was the joint some of the crew had passed around before we kicked off play prep, or maybe I was just pumped as hell about reuniting with James, Cliff, Lars, Kirk, and Leanne real soon.
"Nore, you look beautiful!" Charlotte beamed, grabbing my hands, and I couldn't help but notice that the same was true for her as well; she had on the play's costume – a gorgeous green dress making her eyes pop, curly brown hair all braided and falling down her right shoulder, shiny makeup adorning her face.
I hadn't checked myself out in the mirror yet, but I knew I'd be rocking something similar – a bomb short shiny blue dress, my hair done up in a fancy bun with a few strands casually framing my face.
"I'm seriously over the moon that everything fell into place. Thanks a bunch, really," she said with genuine warmth. I couldn't help but grin, seeing how pumped Charlie was, understanding this meant the world to her.
"Hey, you'd do the same for me, right?" I tossed back, and she flashed a smile. "Feeling the nerves?"
"Oh, you've got no clue!" she burst out. "I'm gonna need another one of those joints the second we step off that stage."
"I'm down. Just hit me up, and we'll blaze together," I teased, throwing a wink her way. She cracked up, loud and free.
The play kicked off real quick, the lights in the theater dimming, the chaos backstage and the audience hushing up as the first beats of the musical soundtrack kicked in. I hung behind the curtain, catching Charlotte's opening monologue, biding my time for the cue to hit the stage.
Once I stepped out there, all my worries, pains, and nerves just melted away like pure magic.
I had always loved visual arts, but theater always had its own sweet spot in my heart too. The crazy rehearsals that used to be part of my life in High School had done more than just boost my confidence; they’d helped me make friends and fill the void Cliff left when he moved to another city. Rehearsing for a play was fun, but nothing beat that kickass feeling coursing through me when I owned the stage, knowing all the hard work had paid off.
When my bit wrapped up, I risked a peek at the crowd on my way out. A faint grin hit my lips when I spotted Cliff, Leanne, Lars, Kirk, James, and even Mom and Dad in the second row. I locked eyes with Cliff for a moment, and he smiled, the pride shining in his eyes warming my heart with happiness.
I popped up a few more times during the play, but the real star of the show was Charlotte. She hit us all in the feels with her performance, bringing most of the crowd to tears by the end of her story. When the crew gathered on stage for the applause, I noticed that even my mom seemed moved, a gorgeous smile on her face that made her look years younger.
I always figured I took after my dad more, but right then, seeing my mom genuinely happy and touched, it hit me like a ton of bricks that, shockingly, we looked way more alike than I’d ever let myself admit.
The scene after the play was a total whirlwind; we were all throwing hellos, hugs, and compliments around, and Charlotte was practically buzzing with joy at every little pat on the back for her killer performance. Later on, we ditched the fancy gear and chipped in with the stage crew, sorting out whatever needed sorting. It took me almost an hour to finally wiggle my way out from backstage, and there they all were: my friends and my parents, patiently waiting for me. I let out a soft chuckle when Cliff snagged me into a hug. 
"You killed it," he whispered, grinning. "So damn proud of you, Nore."
Once all the hugs and grins were done, it was party time. Charlotte was set to hang with the cast, but Leanne, the guys, and I had our own shindig by the pool lined up. Dad was on chauffeur duty, driving Mom, Leanne and me home. Cliff would roll in after, bringing James, Lars, and Kirk along for the ride.
"Well, shall we go then? I asked Alice to get the heated pool ready for you, and the coolers are already stocked with drinks," my dad tossed out, looking as excited as I was.
"Heated pool ," James teased, whispering in my ear, his arm pulling me in close. "What's next? You gonna tell me you're secretly royalty?"
"Are you intimidated, by any chance?" I quipped, arching an eyebrow. He grinned, planting a light kiss on my cheek.
"By you? Never," he shot back, and I gave him a playful shove. That just made him laugh.
Leanne and I got home first. Quick pit stop in the bathroom to slap on our swimsuits, and then, we were both pool-ready. When we hit the pool deck, Cliff, James, Lars, and Kirk had just arrived. I couldn't help but grin at the sight – Kirk and Lars had gone all in, cannonballing into the pool with their clothes on, splashing everyone in sight. They were all laughs, not a care in the world. James, shirtless, was whipping up a couple of drinks and talking with Cliff, who was already puffing away on a cigarette. Leanne and I strolled up, and she wrapped her arms around Cliff, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm itching to dive into that pool," Leanne chirped, all hyped, and Cliff flashed a smile. "Ready to make a splash?"
Off they went, leaving me to lean on the table, checking out James finishing up the drinks.
"I tried whipping up a Cosmopolitan," he spilled, handing one over with a grin. "Not sure it's a masterpiece, though. I'm clueless about these fancy drinks, but I wanted to impress my girl. Figured you deserved it."
My girl. I blushed at his words, my heart doing somersaults, a goofy grin spreading across my face. I took the drink, had a sip, and crinkled my nose – tasted like a bit too much vodka, truth be told.
"It's basically a Vodkapolitan," I quipped, and he cracked up. "But hey, you know you don't need fancy drinks to impress me, right?"
"So, what do I need, then?" he asked, sliding in closer with a grin, hand resting on the small of my back. I shot him a smile.
"Not much. You're already rocking it, Hetfield."
He burst into a big laugh, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a sweet kiss on my shoulder.
"How's your heart doing?" he asked. "Still missing Dave?"
I could read between the lines of his question. Do you still love him? Do you still want to be with him? Can I surrender to what I’m feeling? Can I hope you feel the same?
"Yeah," I sighed. No point in hiding that. No point in pretending. If there was one thing I’d figured out in the past year, it was that sweeping feelings under the rug and dodging the tough talks just lead to trouble. "I don't know if I'll ever stop missing him, James. And I need to find him. You understand that?"
"Absolutely," he said, grabbing my hand, our fingers weaving together.
"But I love you too," I said, and he flashed a soft smile. "And honestly, I'm done wrestling with that."
"Well, I love you right back," he grinned, his arms wrapped around my waist. I rested my hands on his chest, our foreheads touching. "Just gotta remember what Cliff told me and I’ll be okay."
"What?" I chuckled. "What's the Cliff wisdom?"
"That if I ever hurt you, he'd land a swift kick to my balls," he spilled, and I cracked up, throwing my head back. I sighed happily as he leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on my neck. "But, for the record, I have zero plans of hurting you. You know that, yeah?"
"Appreciate the thoughtfulness," I shot back with a smile, and he burst into laughter.
Later, when we were all a bit tipsy and wiped out, we ended up talking and laughing together over some brews. I smiled fondly, soaking in the sight; Lars and Kirk passing a smoke between them, still chilling in the pool with their arms draped over the edge. Cliff posted up in a chair, Leanne casually braiding a lock of his hair, perched on his lap while he slung an arm around her waist, nursing a half-empty beer. And James, right next to me, his hand resting on my waist, dropping lazy kisses on my neck when he thought no one would see.
It was perfect.
Finally, after all those months, I felt whole.
I wasn't the same girl who’d hopped on a bus to San Francisco that winter of '83. Life had tossed me around, and I’d come out the other side a different breed. I knew I would always love Dave, that I wouldn't rest until I found him, until I explained everything, until I knew he knew the truth, the depth of my love for him. I knew I would never stop missing him.
But there was also James. And James loved me. Where would that road lead? Man, it was a whole new territory, nothing like what I felt for Dave. Yet, I wasn’t afraid, 'cause I had James in my corner. My friends were there, Cliff too. Hell, even my parents were trying to be nice to me this time, and I appreciated it more than I could say.
Change was blowing in the wind. Everything felt fresh, but guess what? This time, I wasn't sad, scared, or angry.
Everything was perfect.
And I was happy.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9 @twice360noscope
✦ a/n: James and Nore had their happy ending, but what will happen when Dave comes back into Nore's life? You guys will know all about this in the epilogue, I promise!
I just gotta say, it means the world to me that I managed to finish this whole story, and I'm beyond grateful for all the love and support from everyone who's been following along. I'm so, so thankful from the bottom of my heart for all the nice comments and interactions and I really hope you've enjoyed following Nore's journey as much as I loved writing it ❤
About the epilogue, I had to split it into more than one part, because I didn't want to rush anything or leave anything unanswered. It turned out way bigger than I imagined it would 😭 And I'm not done writing it yet, but it's all planned so I know it's gonna be either.... 5 or 6 parts.... I'm really sorry for being such a verbose writer, it's more of a small sequel at this point lol
I will take a short break from posting this Monday and will start posting the epilogue next Friday, hopefully keeping the same posting schedule unless I get too busy to write or post on time.
Big thanks to everyone who stuck with the story this far! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. See you next Friday! ❤🌸💗💖✨
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
homestuck's fanbase is really making me feel like giving up on the story as a whole... Jesus, I might just call it quits soon. Listening to idiots try to defend how shit Homestuck's story became is too exhausting. It reminds me of when I was listening to lectures of, people who hardly counted as, writers go off about how important it is to prioritize representation over all else. They never realized if you do a terrible job with writing a story, you do a terrible job of representing women, different racial groups, gay men, ext. They don't want to write female characters like they're people who make mistakes and grow. Those authors wanted women to always be perfect and always in the right and her biggest obstacle is that men don't believe in her. You can see that in Star Wars with Rei or Captain Marvel as an example of the mindset I'm talking about.
I liked homestuck because so many of the female characters had challenges and flaws. Aradia, Terezi, Rose... They had amazing stories and their flaws made them interesting.
Homestuck could have been a story about different people who have completely different mindsets coming together for a common goal. Homestuck is just... soap opera drama and shitty teen romance at the end of the story where the characters just wait for the story to finish and most of the audience left. In the epilogue, it feels like all of the characters gave up. I suppose Kanaya did put in effort to find Rose and make sure she is safe, I'll give the story credit there. Dirk wants something too. Dirk's goal is just to close the loop and create the first universe in the first place but all you ever hear people talking about is how his motivations have something to do with the shitty meta fiction gimmick the story has going on. "Gotta keep the story going or else the characters fade out of memory" That is such bullshit concept. Sounds like a justification for why there are so many Star Wars shows now. Sounds like milking an IP. Quantity of quality kind of excuse.
And, for the record, my beef isn't with how the fandom represents it's own headcanons or interpretations of the characters, my beef is with how people talk about the canon. Fandom and canon should be two different things. But people act like the fandom should influence canon. I thought the point of both of the cherubs were to show that is a bad idea. Fanon being in canon feels like it derails the story, even the homosuck part that Caliborn came up with.
I'm getting tired of trying to even find a space in this fandom. It's occupying too much of my freetime now. I have so much nostalgia for homestuck but now it feels like trying to get back on the swings of a playground, too old for this shit. Fuck, I adulted too hard and I outgrew fandom I guess. Shit sucks.
Ah well, at least they fans are having fun. But how much fun can you really have when Rose screwed over Kanaya in two timelines? Kanaya felt like a better character in the epilouge cause she's given a challenge to face that is unique to her and her relationship with her wife. Rose's dad brainwashed(?) her to leave her wife, wow, Kanaya that's some shit. Just sucks that she is getting cucked AGAIN. Is it a universal constant that Kanaya is just going to keep falling for women who don't respect her? Maybe she should have stuck with Vriska. All of this Kanaya Rose drama is a bad sign of what's to come. I think it's disrespectful to the fans that are still sticking around. I'm not really included in this bunch. My horse tapped out of the race years ago. People who are still holding out for hope this story is going somewhere are either the most optimistic people out there or the most beaten down.
It's no wonder so many people who worked on homestuck abandoned ship. Toby looks like he's having a good career and Hussie looks like he's afraid of what he created. Maybe there is poetic justice to be gleaned from all of this.
It had lot of creative ideas and talent. But through it, there are cracks and messes that can't be ignored. Even now, the same kind of messes appear again in present times and I think people are scared to talk about it in fear that the thing they love was not as great as they though it was. We really are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Even when moments in the series and narrative itself that tells the audience that we were stupid to even care, we stayed because we loved it for what it was back then before the meta shit kicked in. The whole revival of the series so it won't fade away and being comparable to Star Wars is a good way to describe it. The team not taking risks to actually go outside of the Homestuck cast, tell a new story, or even trying to focus on the base webcomic alone that made it popular in the first place. They can't even put more focus on Hiveswap just yet because they know people know Homestuck first before Hiveswap, despite said game could make a better introduction or entryway for people to get interested in the webcomic. I'm not sure what is going on through Hussie or James Roach's mind for all this.
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hihelloheyhowdy · 2 years
Dating Shoto Todoroki Headcanons (including photos and songs)
a/n: reader is a hopeless romantic, some ooc, Todoroki loves Sanrio, gender neutral reader, afab reader for photos (i'll make an amab version of the photos if i get a request)
Category one; the written
Todoroki is the type to want to try every love language to see what he feels fits him best since he didn't express much love as a child nor did he express it
he then gets really into those diy gifts and small meaningful ones
cute origami paper rings, those cute paper records with spotify codes of love songs stuck to the back, ext.
would buy you random tiny things that made him think of you, like a keychain of your favorite tv show character, or a tiny plushie of your favorite animal, or even just some cute pens he thought you'd like to use
definitely the type to get you flowers and keep one from the bouquet to know when it's time to get you new ones
buys you expensive jewelry for your anniversaries, funded by Endeavor's black card of course
loves when you gift him things back
if you made him bracelets he would wear them every. signal. day.
they will never come off you can't convince him to take them off
the only time he does is to use his quirk so they don't get burned/frozen
other than that he will literally have to die and even then you'll have to unmend them from his decaying corpse
type to get matching jewelry like necklaces (less likely to be damaged by his quirk)
would get matching ear piercings, you guys get matching earrings, and he pisses his father off it's two wins in one.
quality time but he would be way too busy however since you're both students at UA you still get to see each other and hangout after at the dorms
his acts of service are things like helping one another with homework/training, helping with cleaning, making sure you eat, stay hydrated, and get enough rest
definitely the type to try to help you sleep anyway he can if you have sleep issues and need comfort (although it's a little awkward at first cause he doesn't know what to do)
struggled at first with wording when it came to affirmations but has gotten used to randomly whispering sweet nothings or writing them on little notes he'll leave in your dorm/bag
examples "i love you" "you look pretty today" "you did a really good job in training today i'm proud of you" ext.
he also will compliment you from time to time
call him pretty.
he will ABSOLUTELY love it, he's so used to people saying things like he's handsome and attractive but he's never heard really heard pretty, and especially likes it when it comes from you
blink and you'll miss the blush the lined his cheeks the first time you called him that
he will literally accept no other form of compliments on his appearance from then on
will literally text you a photo of his outfit followed by a "is this pretty?"
and when you start calling him "pretty boy" specifically "my pretty boy" he will have an internal crisis
just yes.
he is yours, you think he is pretty, he is your pretty boy
his brain chemistry is suddenly altered and in order to survive he needs you to call him your pretty boy every two business days
he NEEDS to be touching you in some way shape or form if you're next to each other, he is the absolute CLINGIEST but in the cutest way possible
not the biggest fan of pda tho so it's small things
intertwined pinkies before training as a promise to be safe
hand holding when walking together
hand on your knee/thigh or around your waist under tables
rubs your calf if you're seating behind him with you're leg stretched out
head on your shoulder and vice versa
rubs your shoulders when he is standing behind you
if you're alone he'll wrap his hands around your waist
he is also an AMAZING cuddler
will literally cuddle in whatever position he doesn't care, little spoon, big spoon, pretzel, sweethearts cradle, honeymoon hug, chest rest, he doesn't care he likes the comfort
def keeps you warm/cool with the help of his quirk depending on the weather
he just adores holding you as close as possible, he feels safe and loved, and he knows you're safe and with him and he can express his love to you in this way
loves it when you play with his hair while he's sleepy, especially if he has his head on his on your lap like it's so nice
he will literally feed into your pinterest couple fantasies
you think taking couple photos like that is cute? done. he will take as many as you like.
if you're going out for a date then their to places like cat cafes, picnics, aquariums, a new movie you really want to see, or a local cafe
at home dates would be cuddling up in one of your dorms, watching movies, doing skincare
he would actually really like to watch romcoms cause he's never seen any so he wants to know what they're like
his favorite would be Princess Dairies 2; The Royal Engagement
He would also love Studio Ghibli movies
you guys could also bake together especially around the holidays id imagine he looks really cute in a pastel pink apron with heart all over you lent him
everyone in 1-A would know you guys have romantic feelings for each other, you'd probably confirm it when Mina asks
was not shocking news tbh
like all it takes is for someone to notice one look he gives at you and you can tell he's down horribly
would play board/video games as you guys wear face masks
honestly Shoto is type that either doesn't catch feelings or catches them really hard
like he would be down BAD
so honestly he'll do anything you ask
he LOVES kissing, like any form of it
quick pecks as a good morning or a good night
forehead kisses when one of you is sleepy and laying their head on the other person
a cheek kiss you'd give him just cause you felt like it and vice versa
he especially loves slow, love filled, kisses.
his kisses are rarely ever driven by lust, and even if so it's small amounts of it they're always filled with so much love
he could actually just sit there cuddling and kissing you for days
please he is literally so whipped for your physical affection
fucking loves plushies, will cherish them forever
name them after each other, you just have one named "sho sho"
would literally cuddle it to sleep when you're not sleeping with him
he loves fluffy ones, squishmellows, CAT AND SANRIO PLUSHIES.
if y'all traveled together he would plan EVERYTHING and it would be on Endeavor's card
five star everything only the best for y'all
refused to pack anything but like five first aid kits SPECIFICALLY to have an excuse to spend Endeavor's money
Takes turns driving during road trips, listens to your playlist (he would just listen to all your favorite artists+albums) brings blankets and plushies to make it all comfortable, like a pillow fort in the car
it's a fancy car rented with Endeavor's money
if it's by plane it's a first class ticket, literally sets everything up to make sure you're treated like royalty
literally does whatever you want no matter how expensive, probably gets matching luxury items
at first you feel really bad but then you're like "mmm he's a horrible person and has money might as well spend some of it for Shoto's years of trauma"
Would plan a trip to Las Vegas to go to the famous Hello Kitty hotel (yes he is THE sanrio fan)
then has the ingenious idea to pretend to elope to fuck with his dad.
will literally buy you a tiffany and co engagement ring and gets a whole fancy suit when he asks you will full seriousness then of course buys you a matching dress/tuxedo
like it's a whole a plan of a fancy engagement, rented high end restaurant, gets your nails done, a pianist, a bunch of flowers, ext.
makes you think what his actually engagement plans would be
gets a photographer and takes extravagant photos to send to his dad
literally gets Natsuo and Fuyumi in on it (Natsuo was laughing, Fuyumi was gonna have a heart attack)
takes a nice "honeymoon" to Hawaii (he wanted to buy the special addition Hawaii Sanrio merchandise)
Natsuo sent you a video of Endeavor almost burning his phone at the photos
He would also love Disneyland like would get annual passes to go and you're like "we dont live in California" and he's like "buying a private jet on dads black card"
wants to try all the Disneyland special food and buys one of those books to get signed by all the characters
buys the matching Gucci x Disneynote books just to have an excuse to spend more of his dad's money (he thinks it's ducking hilarious and you can't convince him otherwise)
"we can use them for class" "Shoto Todoroki I'm not using a luxury notebook for class" "Why not?"
This was all durning whatever time of summer break he available to him
So you get back to UA still wearing your engagement ring (he refuses to let you take it off)
Midorya is the one who notices and he freaked out
Shoto is completely nonchalant about it he would probably even be like
"technically we got eloped"
a collective "WHAT?" rises through the dorm
"where?" "in America" "why?" "why not."
Bakugo is not having it
"and how would you know?"
you're just in the corner with a face of disappointment
"Guys we didn't actually get eloped, or engaged."
everyone calms down, then Momo asks
"why the tiffany's engagement ring?"
"long story, don't ask."
will then on randomly refer to you as his wife.
"Can I get a water and a juice for my wife"
don't even suggest the possibility that you won't actually get married. In his head it's a "you will marry me!" not a "will you marry me?"
when it comes to actually pet names he cringes at "bae" or "babe" but things "honey" or "sweetheart" make you guys sound like a 95 yearold couple so he has settled for "love" and "darling"
"love can you pass me the english notes" "darling did you get the answer to number 12?"
always looking for you in everything, and not just literally. When he is around you his eyes will always find a way to wonder over to you, when he isn't he always finds a way to relate everything back to you.
his thoughts are like "look at this spoon, y/n uses a spoon on our dates, i should text them"
texts using the Japanese keyboard emojis cause he's gotten so used to using them with Fuyumi
you're one of the first people he finds himself wanting to tell about anything good or bad
and he also wants to be there listening and offering advice and comfort when you need it
if you guys are going to a formal event he would literally rent a limbo and everything
he is just down really REALLY bad and wants to create so many memories together
on that note he has a drawer/box full of mementos. various types of tickets, polaroids, cards, notes, receipts, keychains, ext.
It literally looks like a shrine of stuff and he refuses to let anyone near the drawer until you discovered it one day
one of the very few moments he actually had a deep blush as you ranted about how euphorically heartwarming it felt to know he kept all that stuff
barely used social media himself but when you started using it would post you on his story every week or two
would be down to do couple trends with you
he is just a very much in love boy
Category two; relationship playlist
Money Honey - Lady Gaga
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Die For You - The Weekend
Something About You - Eyedress
Lover - Taylor Swift
Daylight - Taylor Swift
pov - Ariana Grande
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Call It What You Want - Taylor Swift
Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Willow - Taylor Swift
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
Daydreamin' - Ariana Grande
Lovers Rock - TV Girl
Let's Get Married - Bleachers
Pretty Boy - The Neighborhood
Lavender Haze - Taylor Swift
Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Harry Styles
Tokyo Love Hotel - Rina Sawayama
They Don't Know About Us - One Direction
18 - One Direction
Magic - One Direction
Last First Kiss - One Direction
First Date - Blink-182
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Blushing! - Between Friends
Better Friends - Between Friends
Love Me Like You Do - Little Mix
Voodoo Doll - 5 Seconds of Summer
Kiss Me Kiss Me - 5 Seconds of Summer
Cinema - Harry Styles
Daydreaming - Harry Styles
Touch Tank - Quinnie
Category three; relationship photos
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A Separate Peace Musical: The Summer Session
First of all, I want to say I'm overwhelmed and honored by the support you guys have already shown for this project. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
These are the lyrics for the first song. Again, I only have the melody and the lyrics, but no singer or accompaniment yet. But I’m working on hiring people to do that, so you won’t need to hear my awful singing to know what it sounds like. Yay!
Without further ado, here's the first song: The Summer Session!
The Summer Session
Military sounds—military DRUMBEATS, RADIO reports, PLANES flying over. Then it all fades. The big bell slowly RINGS.
Here at Devon
It’s the summer session
We might be stuck here but there’s freedom in the air
After our lessons
We play at our own discretion
Run around in the sun without a care
Things at Devon are different these days
The atmosphere is laxer lately
Substitute teachers are always less exacting
But this year it really feels that way more than ever
Cause I think they know our lives are almost over
Headed toward a dark and meaningless end
So why not let us enjoy our last year ‘fore we turn into men?
The world outside may be cruel and troubled
But we’re here in our own little bubble
Of peace, of fun, of mindless innocence
Here we stand on the edge of apocalypse
But we can just hang out on the precipice
Away from the bullets, away from the war machine
On the edge of seventeen
Here at Devon
It’s the summer session
We might be stuck here but there’s freedom in the air
After our lessons
We play at our own discretion
Run around in the sun without a care
Things at Devon are different these days
The atmosphere is laxer lately
Substitute teachers are always less exacting
But this year it really feels that way more than ever
And I believe it isn’t just the summer
And I believe it isn’t just the war
I’d say we owe it to one boy in particular
Why worry, why fuss when there’s fun to be had?
Why waste energy on feeling bad?
There are rules to be challenged
And games to be played
Records to be broken
Memories to be made
Summer is here, so let’s have fun
Feel the kiss of the blazing sun
Do whatever we want ‘til the day is done
Let’s go crazy
But not too crazy. The war is our duty, first and foremost. Then schoolwork and clubs, and then leisure.
Sure, Brink.
The war sets the stage
For our coming-of-age
Our book is just beginning, we’re about to turn the page
Here at Devon
It’s the summer session
Darkness lurks around the corner
The waters below are rough
And we’ll have to take that plunge soon enough
But for now let’s not worry about that depressing stuff, ‘cause…
The world outside may be cruel and troubled
But we’re here in our own little bubble
Of peace, of fun, of mindless innocence
Here we stand on the edge of apocalypse
But we can just hang out on the precipice
Away from the bullets, away from the war machine
On the edge of seventeen
Summer is here, so let’s have fun
Feel the kiss of the blazing sun
On the edge of seventeen
Summer is here, and here’s our plan
Live it up while we still can
On the edge of seventeen
Here at Devon
Here at Devon
We do whatever we want ‘til the day is done
In the summer session!
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cosmignon · 1 year
Pikmin headcanon: If any of the captains or castaways or rescue corps ect ect ext ever came across a human they would not immediately register that this is a person or even a beast.
They'll record in their logs like "Discovered a mysterious landmark that moves across the planes of this land like nothing I've seen before. I thought perhaps it was some form of alien transportation, but there were no riders within it, or even other creatures, when I scanned it on my radar. It has since vanished without a trace."
and it was like a normal man walking through a hiking trail.
They are not exactly incomprehensible but they are not being percieved as a people and no one's making the connections to start exploring that thought bc what kind of horrible beast could ever be THAT big. Not possible! Unbelievable! your scientific credibility is shoddy at best.
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9w1ft · 11 months
9wing! thoughts on #that part of the 1989 TV prologue?
this is me admitting im probably not going to be reading the room correctly so my apologies
coming from the perspective of someone who has been focused on building my understanding of taylor’s relationship with one person based on a continuing thread over years, amidst a sea of people doing precisely what taylor described, which is starting rumors about her and whoever she touches, i read this prologue and said, well… yeah! yep!!!
maybe one alternative way to look at it is to say that it’s just her saying “i thought i could take cover with men but i became too big to hang out so i decided to take cover with women but the same things happened!” which is true. and if you believe she had a relationship that she wanted to keep secret but still enjoy some semblance of life with, it is true that there was no combination of men or women that they hung out with that stopped people from assuming the secret was theirs to prove.
now, when i think about the prologue from a more meta perspective, i can understand how many had high hopes for a different 1989 tv era than the one we have been previewed as of late, and i recognize that that the thing is worded in a way that people who send hate to gaylors will take as permission to send even more hate to gaylors, and in the abstract, what this is is taylor choosing words that she should know by now will send hate to a group of people that is majority gay (umbrella term), and there’s something kinda wonky about that whole setup given the power imbalance.. although, it’s not one fan’s tweets against the biggest singer of our time, it’s a sea of people, and in some ways taylor is but one person. she has feelings. and just the same as you and i, it’s probably difficult to always feel like you have to take the high road simply for the principle of the thing, when the way people treat you or speak about you as if they know you might sometimes bother you. maybe sometimes we (the collective we, her fans) can’t have nice things because we break them, and she had to take them away. we are all going to feel different ways about that, but i don’t think taylor’s feelings are illegal for her to have.
i think about a particular span of time — back in the era in which she wrote the 1989 songs spanning all up through the 1989 era and until she disappeared —and how we all can see that she went through a singular hell because things were recorded and things were reported. i’m sure this hell will be punctuated again with stuff in the vault tracks. and part of her experience in that hell was finally finding someone who loved her for who she was and let her wear high heels and let her bejeweled, as it were, someone broad shouldered, a love that was really something not just the idea of something, only for it to be overexposed via a few grainy cellphone videos before taylor was ready for it to be. and people ran with it when she wasn’t ready to, and there were other people who might have wanted a heads up. and yeah she was drunk that night and yes she was dropping hints and screaming it every step of the way but every situation has nuance and gray and there was probably some unexplained line or implied boundary that taylor sees that we as fans may or may not see at any given time when it comes to what she feels is too much.
and it kind of reminds me of how taylor penned the lyric “talk your talk and go viral i just need this love spiral” which probably meant something close to “you can all profit off rumors of me all you want i don’t like it but i can’t stop it and im not going to stop loving who i’m with no matter how viral your claims get” when she probably could have anticipated a lot of people would have just taken “talk you talk and go viral” as some sort of manchurian directive to make all the content always every day 🙈 so for her to drop this sort of prologue right now where she highlights how people talk about her being with everyone probably feels extra hypocritical or unnecessary when you look at it from a certain perspective. but i can also recognize how multiple things, multiple feelings, can be true
and so to circle back to what it made me think personally, from a kaylor perspective, idk it made sense to me in some way 😆 in not gonna be like hey guys think the same as me, no. no, no. please think the way you need to but as for myself i’m just going to keep on in the way that i think is best and keep a lookout for signs of feedback about what she might want more of or less of from me and adjust as i see fit. so yes, these have been my thoughts.
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