#Exiled Kingdoms
shalmonsgamons · 2 months
yesterday's gamin (lots of caps under the cut)
i ended up quitting this Khimera puzzle for another time--idk if i'm so much stuck as just sleepy. but getting stuck at picross is pretty rare for me 🤔 LATER: ????? once again, KPI apparently did not actually close as i moved on to other games;; how does this keep happening, i thought for sure i exited??
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did a small quest in Exiled Kingdoms ur welcome markus
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did some more Euclidean Skies puzzles i am really having some issues with the unresponsive controls (i thought i was stuck, but it turns out i just...clicked wrong? i guess? sometimes clicks do stuff, sometimes they don't 🙃 very fiddly. i guess this really was meant to be played with touch controls) but gosh i just love looking at it
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look how cool this is 😭
had to do some domin' after this week's update!
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lol idk how i feel about this menu style i bet there's probably a toggle to make it behave more normally cute tho
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oooo new place? 0: (i'm still kinda new to DK, so maybe this was there already)
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new things? (that resource portal is SO helpful)
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oh!! i actually didn't know this was even a thing (i am playing on easy tho lol)
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(omg i just noticed the cute li'l critter corners on the UI here, or maybe that's new?)
played some more fate; it's fun & i can definitely see why ppl are nostalgic for this one ran into a Bird Alert that i can't afford 😭
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then i died & got the Title Drop;;
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anyway here is Eck's current appearance: (the hulk hands;;;)
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wardsix7 · 6 months
И так всем лучшего настроя. Хочу предложить вашему вниманию ММОРПГ,к сожалению без онлайн. Игра для одного. Но,игра имеет огромный мир
Огромный мир,ждет тебя
На данном скриншоте один из многих городов. В каждом городе есть квесты,торговцы,а в некоторых городах можно купить даже свой дом
В этой игре есть четыре класса
Первый класс конечно же Воин
Что можно рассказать про воина? Всеми известный танк. Много хп,много урона,но не такой быстрый персонаж как другие.
Второй класс Плут
Такой вот персонаж,что-то вроде вора. Можно использовать лук,одручные клинки,кинжалы. Быстрый,мало хп,отравляющие способности
Третий класс Клерик
Он же паладин я считаю. Танк-маг. Может хилить,а может и в лоб дать молотом. Данный персонаж порадует разнообразием квестов от послетователей Трех(боги у них такие)
Четвертый класс Маг
Как же без него. Много урона,очень мало хп. По моему мнение самый крутой вариант,так как за него больше всего квестов
Данная игра дает возможность погрузиться на множество часов сюжета. Есть как основной сюжет так и побочный. Например я в качестве классового квеста решил стать магистром магии. Самая трудная ветка квестов.
Решил идти по пути воина?Добро пожаловать в гильлию наемников
Решил стать вором? Добро пожаловать в гильдию воров
Решил стать клериком?Добро пожаловать к последователям «Трех»
Решил стать магом? Добро пожаловать в «Магический орден»
Для каждого класса есть своя гильдия. Можно улучшать и ухудшаться в зависимости от ваших действий. Каждый ваш шаг,влияет на сюжет.
В завершении хочу сказать,что графика старенькая,но разнообразия сюжета затягивает. По началу прийдеться привыкать к сюжету
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karlsanada13 · 2 years
Best RPGs for Android
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RPGs have become bigger and better for the mobile platform. Now, we can have highly detailed RPGs that you can play on-the-go such as Genshin Impact. Of course, let us not forget about the OG RPG that was ported to mobile as they actually place very nicely with optimized touch screen controls.
If you are looking for the best RPGs to play for your Android device, then we have a list for you!
Link: https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/best-rpgs-android
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prideprejudce · 6 months
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AU Reds Poster: Alicent joins Rhaenrya as her advisor and wife after escaping her father's influence.
She escapes Kings Landing with Helaena and her grandchildren just in time. Unfortunately, her father has already sunk his teeth into her two sons who are ready to fight for their right to the iron throne. How will Alicent choose between her family and her beloved Rhaenyra when the time comes?
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ellilyre · 2 months
*rocking back and forth repeating myself that Diomedes does eventually get a happy ending Diomedes gets a happy ending Diomedes gets a happy ending Dio-
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Night had fallen now, the rain had stopped. The pale black sky still seemed liquid. In its dark, transparent water, low on the horizon, stars were beginning to flare. They flickered out almost at once, falling one by one into the river, as if the sky were spilling its last lights, drop by drop. The thick air smelled of water and smoke. And they could hear close by the murmur of the vast, motionless forest.
Albert Camus, Exile and the Kingdom (The Growing Stone)
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academic-vampire · 3 months
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𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚜. 🚬
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baharn83 · 2 months
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ainosgarden · 1 year
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was it real? was any of it real?
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raayllum · 3 months
me holding ezran's concern for his kingdom like "maybe i can help the world better from the throne," and "these are real people, bait" and "but katolis needs me" and "so many people are counting on me to do my duty" and "[my crown] isn't worthless, it's really important to me!" oh so gently in my hands
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ramlionbam · 27 days
missing babka the way one craves manna in the desert
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Part of the appeal/characterization of the Pines is their poverty and class struggles leading the next generation to a comfortable middle class lifestyle, but damn it if I don't want to make a royalty AU for Gravity Falls
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hornyforpoetry · 2 years
The Five Stages of Reading Albert Camus
 1. The Discovery – ”The Stranger” (1942)
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 „The Stranger” is unquestionably the best choice for anyone who wants to get to know Albert Camus. It's so simple that it fools you at first. You think it's going to be an easy read, but when you finish the book and put it down, you don't even know your name or if it even matters to have a name. It will probably keep your mind busy for months and make you think about the true meaning of life. You will most likely never be the same person again.
 2. Falling in Love – ”Betwixt and Between” (1937) // ”The Fall” (1956) // ”Exile and the Kingdom” (1957)
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After "The Stranger" has had time to settle and stick in your mind (a process that takes about six months to a year), it's time to explore other writing. Camus doesn't use the same language in every book, so it's important to be careful what you choose to read after. The best options to fall irrevocably in love with this French philosopher are ”Betwixt and Between”, which is his very first published book, ”The Fall”, which offers a very interesting narrative perspective, or ”Exile and the Kingdom”, his only collection of short stories. After going through these, your heart will be caught in the nets of love for Camus.
 3. The Surprise – ”The Plague” (1947) // ”A Happy Death” (written 1936–38, published 1971) // ”Summer” (1954) // ”Nuptials” (1938)
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After the reader has gone through the above books, he will have the impression that he knows Camus. Now is the time for him to have the surprise of his life. Camus managed the feat of not giving the audience the same thing twice. That is why each of his writings is unique. Some are easier to read and digest, some are not. At this stage, it is time to get acquainted with its more difficult side. "The Plague" is a story that shakes you to the core and is difficult for even the best readers to get through. ”The Happy Death” should never have seen the light of day, being the first version of what we now know as The Stranger. "Summer" and "Nuptials" are dubbed essays and are similar in format to ”Betwixt and Between”, but here Camus approaches a completely new language, so poetic and refined that it instantly wins you over. Only after the reader goes through these books can he say that he understands a part of Camus.
 4. Not just a writer – ”The Myth of Sisyphus” (1942) // „The Rebel” (1951) // Theatre Plays // Journalism Articles
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 Camus was not only a great French writer. He was also a philosopher (though he never called himself that), a journalist and a playwright. If you are interested in fully understanding Camus, you must also understand his writings in other fields. "The Myth of Sisyphus" is the essay that formed the basis of the formation of a new philosophical current called absurdism. "The Rebel" continues the work started by "The Myth of Sisyphus", going much deeper into the issues related to the meaning of life, art, war, etc. Plays like "Caligula" (1938) or "The Misunderstanding" (1944) are wonderful pieces of art in the history of the theater, while summing up the entire philosophy of Camus. His journalistic articles reveal a Camus involved in society, trying to change something in one way or another through writing. "Reflections on the Guillotine" (1957) for example was an important work that contributed to the abolition of the death penalty in France. Camus never confined his writing to a single specialization, and this can be seen in the skill with which he explored the power of the word in its various forms.
5. Camus the Human – ”The First Man” (incomplete, published 1994) // ”American Journals” (1978) // ”Correspondence (1944–1959)” // ”Notebooks”
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At this point, after going through all these readings, we also want to find out who was the man behind the word. Camus put many things from his personal life into writing, but in this selection we have the most personal point of view. ”The First Man” was supposed to be an autobiographical novel, but Camus died before he could finish it. The remaining manuscript was revised and published years after the author's death. "American Journals" captures a highly sensitive moment in his life, an existential crisis in Camus's life. ”Correspondence” is an exchange of letters between Camus and the woman with probably the greatest influence in his life, Maria Casares. Finally, the "Notebooks" are a collection made from the notes that Camus wrote over the years in his countless notebooks. Every intimate thought, beginning of a novel, reflection, trace of feeling, all these complete the image of Camus as a man.
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Congratulations! If you have reached this point, you have managed to go through all the stages of knowledge and you can call yourself a true fan of Albert Camus. Now go and spread his teachings to other little outstiders. And don't forget, the only purpose of life is to be happy (reading Camus together).
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randomnameless · 1 month
Land 1 done!
Without crossing the bridge to get rekt'd by the final boss and trigger a bad ending, of course :p
I know the game puts more emphasis on gameplay than on characters, unlike, say, FE 8x2, but damn if every little situation you recruit random characters makes me think of past FE events in different titles and it just... fits? Somehow?
Like, evil empire has trouble conquering a party of Cornia, but behold! A mysterious plague pops up, that is totally not tied to the shady as fuck necromancer who works with the evil empire and says it'd be annoying if people find a cure.
So we have some guy and his army of cleric wearing plague doctor masks trying to find a cure by, uh, experimenting/working on people who already caught the plague, even accepting to work with the evil empire because curing the plague is more important, right?
Ends justify means yadda yadda... save for the part I earlier mentionned, that it is heavily implied the evil empire is the one who created that plague to begin with!
Now, imagine in a FE game if, in the background, we had to rescue people or hear about people being afflicted by a strange and unknown disease... and if that disease was engineered by people for a further motive...
8x2? Nah.
We also have quests where people are fighting for the evil empire who is occupying their land because they believe as long as they obey their people won't be put to the sword...
(I watched my bro play the final chapter, we know how it ends lol)
Not!Cyril fighting against bandits, finding and helping a witch fend off people who are trying to "catch her" - we even get a flimsy excuse for a bikini attire in the process and an answer to the "why do i use spells to rejuvenate myself in a sexy body? It's because I won't be able to move as fast as I can now if I was a crone" other flimsy excuse, etc etc.
Now it's time to enter the land of fucked up siblings relationship (sure Virginia is Alain's cousin - who looks like his mom - and can end up with him, but this is not the kind of Jugdralian stuff I had in mind) and let me tell you, all those plot bunnies I had in Jugdral about Lester believing he was going to become Lord of Jungby all of his life, only to have his role/throne snatched before his eyes by a bum who's apparently his cousin and can use the legendary shiny bow of legend is... basically Drakengard (Drakenhold in english?), but up to eleven.
Ah, and it wouldn't be a post from me if I don't find a way to rant about the localisation lol
Josef, upon meeting Virginia, basically goes in the audio "it's been a long time since I last saw you". In the english version?
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Like what are you implying Josef, she wasn't a princess when you saw her last time or didn't have the "standing" fit for a princess?
Besides, I hope the release of the october book won't blow a hole in the Josef's "you were a teenager when we last met" by releasing character ages, but that's not really that important.
This however
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Alain greets his long lost cousin, nothing wrong here right?
Well, in the JP audio, he calls her with the "hime" suffix, showing as much deference as Josef, who is a retainer of the royal family. Virginia doesn't use any suffix because that's her, but in Alain's various support convos, we learn that he had to learn and to behave like a proper noble after escaping from his castle 7 years ago, and all this noble/formal stuff is something he doesn't use with his commoner friends.
Ergo, this minor thing here is important, especially in the Drakengard themes : siblings/relatives used to be close, but reuniting after a long period of time or several life changing events, they are changed and even if they want and try to, cannot be as close as they once were.
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The Exile: Who are you?
Kreia: I'm what's left... or maybe I'm all there ever was.
The Exile:
The Exile: I meant your name.
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allottavabassa · 1 year
Congratulations to Hyrule for being one of five countries with women as both head of state and head of government
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