asg-stuff · 1 year
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The hierarchy of foreignness exemplified by the expatriate versus immigrant dichotomy is key to understanding what makes a TCK: while “immigrant” is overwhelmingly used to refer to a person of colour living in the west, “expatriate” refers to a white person living in the East [or Global South]. (via Immigrant vs. expatriate: on being a third culture kid | Gal-Dem)
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drmicrochp · 1 year
Lo que sabe el chucao
This article is in English further below. Here I am posting it in Spanish.
Lo que sabe el Chucao
En Chile hay algunas aves cuyo vociferante saludo hace que todos se detengan y presten atención. Por supuesto, la bandurria, con su constante graznido como el de un camión retrocediendo, nunca será olvidada. Pero aquí, en lo profundo del bosque lluvioso patagónico, el pequeño chucao es memorable. Su “cheep cheep cheep” me recuerda a un pequeño dispositivo electrónico calentándose, su pequeña caja de altavoz expulsando decibeles más fuertes de lo que su tamaño sugeriría. Pequeño, de color dorado, con un pecho a cuadros blanco y negro, prefiere correr por el suelo en lugar de volar por el aire. Este pájaro, junto con todos sus ruidosos amigos en el bosque lluvioso, canta porque están felices. Cantan porque son libres.
Necesito documentar todas las vistas a lo largo de este increíble viaje para nunca olvidar cada uno de los momentos que lo han convertido en el viaje de toda una vida. Hace 26 años no había carreteras abiertas donde estoy parado ahora. Los chilenos de una cierta tenacidad han atravesado montañas, excavado túneles, construido puentes y nivelado carreteras para hacer que esta ruta sea transitable. Transitable, apenas, con vehículos de tracción en las cuatro ruedas necesarios para la mayoría de los tramos. Eso o mulas de carga o burros de montaña. Una vez embarcados en esto, "prepárate".
Puerto Varas, Hornopirén, Chaitén, Puyuhuapi, Lago Elizalde, Coyhaique, Cerro Castillo, Puerto Tranquilo y Puerto Ibáñez. Lugares que nunca había escuchado antes de venir aquí. Raquel, mi esposa, leyó todos los sitios web, consultó a todos los que conocen estos lugares y llamó a todos los servicios de ferry públicos para descubrir cuándo podríamos cruzar los ríos y lagos con nuestro fiel Subaru. Resulta que la mayoría de las reservas de hoteles y transbordadores deben realizarse con dos meses de anticipación, no con el mes que habíamos previsto. Con persistencia e innumerables llamadas telefónicas, ella llenó todos los pequeños cuadros del calendario.
Entrando al denso bosque lluvioso y las imponentes montañas, albergaba sospechas (nunca expresadas) de que ni nuestra resistencia ni nuestro Subaru estarían a la altura de la tarea. Para sumar a mis dudas, estaba padeciendo una grave dolencia estomacal que nunca mencioné, no queriendo arriesgar la posibilidad de que se cerrara la ventana en nuestra cuidadosamente planificada empresa. Sabía que mi indigestión pasaría. Ninguna gran aventura viene sin algún sacrificio.
Pequeños valles tallados por la erosión de los glaciares en retroceso marcaban nuestro camino. Las puntiagudas cimas de las montañas nos miraban desde arriba, monstruos con dientes de sierra que asomaban sus cabezas sobre la tierra, custodiando los pasos de montaña. Nubes de polvo, cortinas de ceguera, seguían a cualquier vehículo que nos adelantara. A veces, detenerse para una fotografía valía el riesgo de que otro vehículo se acercara sigilosamente. La "Carretera Austral" es un nombre equivocado, a menudo una carretera de grava de un solo carril, donde los vehículos que se aproximan deben negociar un punto estrecho para pasarse uno al otro. La conquistamos cuatro horas a la vez. Los hostales, las posadas rurales de la Patagonia, eran nuestra recompensa al final de cada pequeño viaje, una oportunidad para disfrutar de café y algún pequeño pastelito.
Hornopirén fue lo primero, donde compartimos una habitación con una familia, quitándonos los zapatos al entrar. El uso de mascarillas era obligatorio y las heridas de la COVID eran recientes. La supervivencia, después de la pérdida de años de turismo, los había dejado más que cautelosos. Paneles solares flanqueaban el techo y la mezcla futurista de una oficina de computadoras, juguetes infantiles y una estufa de leña me recordaba a una familia de sobrevivientes postapocalípticos. Aquí también conocimos a nuestro primer chucao, que estaba muy emocionado por recibir visitantes en su hábitat remoto.
Puyuhuapi y el hostal Ventisquero fueron una vista bienvenida. Viajeros entrando y saliendo. Conocimos a los locales "Ángeles del Infierno" (motociclistas) en la cocina comunitaria. (En realidad, su club se llamaba "Aysén") Con sus formidables motocicletas, chaquetas de cuero negro y barrigas de cerveza, serían bienvenidos en cualquier bar de motociclistas. Una vez más, incluso un refugio comunitario, era un santuario en la carretera.
Usando coordenadas GPS, encontramos nuestra siguiente parada cerca de Coyhaique. El lugar se llamaba Lago Elizalde y era un castillo encantado en comparación con nuestras anteriores estancias. Como siempre, con la precisión de nuestras indicaciones de búsqueda del tesoro, tuvimos discusiones animadas sobre qué camino tomar o cuál era la dirección correcta. Encontrar el camino correcto sin marcar (típico) fue una cuestión de consultar a los leñadores locales. Por supuesto, llamar a alguien estaba fuera de cuestión. En el interior, el servicio celular es irregular. Encontrar este lugar maravilloso fue nuestra recompensa.
Carmen, la ama de llaves, recepcionista, cocinera y lavandera, siempre tenía una sonrisa a pesar de sus tareas interminables. Era un alma ligada por contrato, atendiendo a un flujo interminable de visitantes. Cojeando hasta la cafetería, otro edificio y otra colina desde nuestra cabaña, me dio la confianza para caminar hasta una cascada cercana, a menos de un kilómetro de nuestra ubicación. Sorpresas mágicas esperan a aquellos con el coraje de seguir adelante, a pesar de las dificultades y obstáculos.
Al regresar a Coyhaique, pasando por campos amarillos y las bocas hambrientas de piedra que nos flanqueaban por todos lados, descubrimos nuestra primera ciudad de la región Austral. El BnB "Raíces" parecía sacado de una revista. Muebles suecos modernos, paredes blancas como el cascarón de huevo y superficies de madera pálida de álamo. Vistas de ventanas de pared a pared de un jardín inglés. Iluminación desplazada. Un baño completamente blanco de cerámica. El desayuno por la mañana era solo para nosotros y tenía todo tipo de delicias, desde huevos y frutas hasta pan casero y bollos de canela. El almuerzo fue en una cafetería vegana artesanal con comida y ambiente excepcionales. Nos rodeaban mochileros extranjeros de todas las naciones.
A partir de ahí, fuimos en busca de una heladería especial, probando sabores que nunca soñamos. Lucuma, calafate, maki, fruta de pepino y chirimoya son algunos de los sabores locales que hemos descubierto aquí.
Viajando a Puerto Tranquilo, que habíamos imaginado como nuestra primera área de lanzamiento para muchas de las excursiones que habíamos planeado, nos encontramos con los muchos visitantes de la "nación Austral Woodstock". Estoy exagerando, pero este "pueblo de una sola calle" (Lonely Planet 2015) se ha convertido en un paraíso para los viajeros con excursiones a glaciares, las cuevas de mármol y la laguna San Rafael. Los tres podrían calificar como "maravillas del mundo" y todos son accesibles desde aquí. Sin embargo, muchos deben haber volado desde Santiago a Coyhaique y luego viajaron la distancia más corta. Hice una caminata con Raquel y nuestro hijo, Joaquín, a través de un bosque naranja y rojo de árboles arrayan, salpicado de escarabajos rinocerontes muertos, y vi a una comadreja salir de su madriguera. Joaquín se entretenía hablando con los pájaros, usando la aplicación Merlin en su teléfono celular. Algunos se relacionaron con él, pero la mayoría no se inmutó.
Imagina una cueva de rayas de caramelo en el borde del agua, estriada y retorcida en formas increíbles. Este es el lugar de las famosas "Catedrales de Mármol" o las "Cuevas de Mármol". El Lago General Carrera (Puerto Tranquilo) fue el sitio de una cantera de mármol, pero luego se abandonó porque el mármol extraído era demasiado suave, inutilizable para la construcción. Sin embargo, el lugar rayado de cal y blanco se volvió famoso a medida que el mármol poroso se erosionó en extraños agujeros fundidos, cuevas y salientes. Aparentemente, el agua ha estado disolviendo el mármol durante millones de años. Pilares de mármol erosionado sostienen techos de roca y mármol verde y pasajes hacia las cuevas se pueden navegar en bote o en kayak. Sin embargo, las aguas del lago son tan traicioneras que solo en días de clima perfecto se permiten las excursiones. Tuvimos la suerte de visitar en un día de verano tranquilo, brillante y soleado, cuando el mármol verde brillaba como helado de pistacho. Helado, derretido en formas extrañas donde todos los que los ven imaginan algo diferente.
Otros dos destinos notables, el glaciar "Exploradores" y el Lago San Rafael, todavía están más allá de mi alcance, ya sea por mi capacidad de escalada limitada o por la ocupación completa en todos los tours. El primero promete la oportunidad de saltar por encima de un glaciar con crampones y entrar en algunas cuevas de hielo. El segundo es un lago que bordea un glaciar donde los icebergs de colores del arco iris flotan sobre el agua, algún capricho de la naturaleza y la luz que colorean el hielo como conos de nieve vendidos en un día de verano.
Quizás hay más descubrimientos por delante para asombrarme y deleitarme. Después de todo, aún no hemos llegado al destino más al sur de nuestro viaje. Aves, escarabajos, flores, lagos, volcanes y montañas siguen atentos a nuestro paso, invadiendo sus santuarios, mientras miramos más allá del telón del dominio del hombre.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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A Navy SEAL Story of Becoming an Expat in Lisbon, Portugal Ever wonder how America's best known instructor of Navy SEAL snipers ended up living in Portugal? Read on to find out from the man himself. #SOFREP #Portugal #BrandonWebb https://sofrep.com/news/a-navy-seal-story-of-becoming-an-expat-in-lisbon-portugal/
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ginocox · 6 days
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Dating in Thailand
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mylittleyuna · 2 months
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Don’t buy into the propaganda guys.
I don’t want to discuss politics here.
This is my safe place. This is where I come to get away from all the noise. I’m not invested in the game anymore. I just want to be able to live my best life as a human. And I don’t think that place is in the states anymore. I haven’t thought so for a while.
But the last few days have escalated those thoughts for sure. It’s been something I’ve been looking into for a few months, in earnest,
However, it’s a lifelong fantasy I have had, of living overseas. So this is not a “knee-jerk” reaction.
I honestly would pick Switzerland if I could, but idk if that’s an option for me financially rn.
I hate the term “expatriate”.
It implies I was a patriot at one point. But that’s not really the case in my instance. Anyway. If anyone has advice on how to move out of the country, I am open to it.
That’s part of why I’ve decided to study A.I. - it’s a growing field regardless of what country you are in, and a desirable type of expertise to (hopefully) help in getting sponsored to relocate.
I’m smart enough to figure this out if I have to.
But god, I hoped the stakes wouldn’t be this high when I was looking to leave.
Keep your wits about you and
Just Breathe
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stuartmarkw · 6 months
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Escape the ⁣Ordinary: Unlocking the‌ World's Career Hubs for Global ​Adventurers Step into the vibrant tapestry of global destinations where career ambitions take flight. In this captivating blog pos... https://bit.ly/4cj8Ou6/
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daystold · 7 months
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pocketexpats0 · 1 year
🌍 Exploring French Guiana as an expat or digital nomad?
Here's the scoop:
🌞 Tropical Paradise: Bask in the beauty of pristine beaches and lush rainforests.
🌎 Diverse Culture: Immerse yourself in a blend of indigenous, European, African, and Asian influences.
🍲 Culinary Adventure: Taste unique flavors like cassava bread and local seafood dishes.
🌐 Connectivity: Stay connected with decent internet infrastructure in urban areas.
🌳 Eco-Wonders: Embrace eco-tourism and explore the Amazon rainforest.
🚫 Socioeconomic Disparities: Be aware of existing challenges like poverty and limited services.
🚧 Infrastructure: In some areas, you might encounter inadequate infrastructure.
🌩️ Climate: Prepare for the tropical climate with its rainy and humid conditions.
💰 Cost of Living: Some areas can be expensive due to import costs.
🤝 Cultural Adaptation: Adapting to a diverse cultural mix can be both enriching and challenging.
Ready for a unique adventure? French Guiana awaits with its own set of pros and cons! 🌴
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Top 10 States to Relocate to in Nigeria
Nigeria is a country with diverse cultures and numerous states, it is also the world's most populous black nation and one of the most important African countries. Because large numbers of people tend to settle in popular places, the best states to relocate to in Nigeria attract people from all over the country and the region. Relocating to a new state can be challenging, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and adventure. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 best states to relocate to in Nigeria based on various factors, such as economic opportunities, social amenities, and quality of life. 10 Best States to Relocate to in Nigeria1. Abuja 2. Lagos State 3. Ogun State 4. Rivers State 5. Akwa Ibom State 6. Enugu State 7. Kano State 8. Edo State 9. Oyo State 10. Cross River State
10 Best States to Relocate to in Nigeria
1. Abuja Abuja is the beating heart of Nigeria and a city of immense opportunities. As the country's capital, it serves as a hub for government activities, foreign embassies, and international organizations, making it a bustling center for commerce and trade. Beyond its administrative functions, Abuja is also renowned for its upscale neighborhoods, excellent schools, and top-notch healthcare facilities. The city's safety record is impressive, boasting a low crime rate that is reassuring for both residents and visitors alike.
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Abuja's infrastructure is equally impressive, with well-maintained road networks and other essential social amenities. However, this level of comfort comes at a cost, as the city's high standard of living translates to high prices, particularly in areas such as housing, transportation, and utilities. ALSO READ: Abuja Real Estate: A Booming Market with High Returns 2. Lagos State Lagos State is the most populous state in Nigeria and the commercial capital of the country. The state offers a plethora of economic opportunities, ranging from the financial sector to the entertainment industry. Lagos is also home to some of the best universities and healthcare facilities in Nigeria. One will be amazed at the cultural diversity after visiting the Island and its suburbs, including Lekki, Victoria Island, Ikoyi, and Victoria Garden City. Are you a thrill seeker? Then Lagos offers you the best adventure you could ever want for in daily life. Additionally, the state boasts a vibrant nightlife and excellent social amenities, such as shopping malls, parks, and recreational centers. However, the cost of living in Lagos is relatively high, with exorbitant housing prices and high transportation costs. This is one of the best state to relocate in Nigeria if you're a business oriented individual. 3. Ogun State Ogun State is located in the southwestern part of Nigeria and is known for its industrial and agricultural sectors. The state offers good economic opportunities, with major industries such as cement, manufacturing, and food processing. Ogun State also has excellent schools, healthcare facilities, and social amenities such as recreational parks and shopping malls. The cost of living in Ogun State is relatively low compared to other states in Nigeria.
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4. Rivers State Rivers State is located in the southern part of Nigeria, Rivers State boasts of a thriving oil and gas industry that provides excellent economic opportunities. The state is home to a substantial proportion of Nigeria's oil reserves, making it a significant contributor to the country's economy. Alongside this, Rivers State boasts some of the best universities and healthcare facilities in Nigeria, a bustling nightlife scene, and outstanding social amenities. However, concerns about security in the state have been raised, with incidents of cultism and kidnapping being reported. Despite these challenges, Rivers State remains an attractive destination for those seeking economic growth and development opportunities. The government is taking steps to address security concerns and make the state safer for its residents and visitors alike. ALSO READ: Best Places to Live in Port Harcourt Peacefully 5. Akwa Ibom State Akwa Ibom State is located in the southern part of Nigeria and is known for its oil and gas industry. The state offers good economic opportunities, with some of the major oil and gas companies operating in the state. Akwa Ibom State also has excellent social amenities, including good roads, hospitals, and schools. The cost of living in Akwa Ibom State is relatively affordable, with a low cost of housing and transportation. 6. Enugu State Enugu State is located in the southeastern part of Nigeria and is known for its coal mining industry. The state offers good economic opportunities, with major industries such as coal mining, agriculture, and manufacturing. Enugu State also has some of the best schools and healthcare facilities in Nigeria, as well as excellent social amenities such as recreational centers and parks. The cost of living in Enugu State is relatively low compared to other states in Nigeria. 7. Kano State Kano State is located in the northern part of Nigeria and is known for its textile industry. The state offers good economic opportunities, with major industries such as textile manufacturing, agriculture, and food processing. Kano State also has some of the best schools and healthcare facilities in Nigeria, as well as good social amenities such as shopping centers, parks, and recreational centers. The cost of living in Kano State is relatively affordable compared to other states in Nigeria.
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8. Edo State Edo State is an ideal state to relocate to in Nigeria. It is located in the southern part of Nigeria and is known for its agricultural industry, which offers good economic opportunities. The state is home to major industries such as rubber, oil palm, and cocoa production. Additionally, Edo State boasts some of the best universities and healthcare facilities in Nigeria, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking higher education or medical attention. Edo State also has excellent social amenities such as shopping malls and recreational centers, providing residents with a great quality of life. Moreover, the cost of living in Edo State is relatively affordable compared to other states in Nigeria, making it an attractive option for those looking to relocate. 9. Oyo State Oyo State is located in the southwestern part of Nigeria. Ibadan, the state's capital, is the largest city in Nigeria in terms of geography. Oyo state is a great place to relocate if you're seeking a peaceful life or business opportunities. Agriculture is the major contributor to the state's economy, which explains why food prices are relatively cheap. The state produces various food items such as plantain, cocoa, millet, cassava, yam, cashew, and palm oil. Compared to other states, Oyo offers a low cost of living, making it an excellent place to settle down for those looking for a quiet and affordable lifestyle. The state is home to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria's first university. Other places of interest in the state include the Ibadan University Zoo, Agodi Zoological Garden, Mbari Arts Center, Africa's first university teaching hospital, and traditional festivals like Egungun and Ode-Ibadan. Oyo state's GDP is about N6.69 trillion ($16.12bn), indicating a thriving economy. With its affordable cost of living, thriving agriculture sector, and diverse tourist attractions, Oyo state offers a lot of potential for those looking to relocate or invest in Nigeria. 10. Cross River State Cross River State is located in the southern part of Nigeria and is known for its tourism industry. The state offers good economic opportunities, with major industries such as tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. Cross River State also has excellent social amenities, including good roads, hospitals, and schools. The state is also known for its beautiful scenery, with attractions such as the Obudu Cattle Ranch and the Calabar Carnival. The cost of living in Cross River State is relatively affordable compared to other states in Nigeria. Lastly, it is worthy to note that Nigeria offers a diverse range of opportunities and experiences for anyone looking to relocate. The top 10 states to relocate to in Nigeria offer economic and social opportunities, excellent schools and healthcare facilities, and good social amenities. However, it's important to note that the cost of living varies from state to state, with some states being more expensive than others. Therefore, it's essential to consider your budget and lifestyle before deciding on the state to relocate to in Nigeria. Read the full article
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kool--things · 2 years
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Yoo Seung-jun The Attorney Is Treated Worse Than Foreign
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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drmicrochp · 5 months
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The first storms of winter bring life to the grass and turn the harvested fields to mud. Rainbows promise hope. Snug in our homes, listening to the patter of rainfall in Victoria.
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billionairesdigest · 2 years
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Casa Grande Residence reflects the exclusivity of smart urban Living in The Heart of Jakarta's Golden Triangle. Phase 1 Consists of 4 towers, which are Tower Avalon & Mirage (2 Towers) and Tower Montana & Mirage (2 Towers). Phase 2 Consist of 3 towers : Tower Angelo, Tower Bella, and Tower Chianti. Info Property ID Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. 👉 https://bit.ly/3pzhN3d 📲 +62812 411 5678 #infopropertiid #infopropertiterkini #infopropertiesrealestate #infojualproperti #agenjualproperti #situsjualproperti #jualapartemen #jualapartemenjakarta #agenjualapartemen #carajualapartemencepat #sewaapartemenbulanan #sewaapartemen #sewaapartemenjakarta #expat #expatjakarta #expatriate #expatriates (at Casa Grande Residence) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-Y_92Oa9n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thebignouhson82 · 2 years
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#Green_Tea 🍵 + #Mint 🍃 + #Lemon 🍋 + #Cigarette 🚬 + #Marvel_Movie 🎥 = #Thursday_Night for the #Expatriate 🤐 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj81-FrIltj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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instructorschool · 2 years
According to HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey, 75% of respondents (21,950 respondents worldwide) say: their finances have become more complicated since they left their home country.
So to avoid some regrettable mistakes, we have put together this guide to help you choose rightly.
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stuartmarkw · 6 months
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Welcome to⁢ the Expat Oasis: A Guide to Thriving in⁢ 2024 Embark on ⁣a captivating journey​ as we unveil the nine supreme destinations for global careers in ⁢2024. From breathtaking natural wonders t... https://bit.ly/4cj8Ou6/
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