#Extra Kudos
merrymerpy · 1 year
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typicalopposite · 4 months
Aight… apparently I’m in a scenes I hope we get mood, but…..
Imma need the team to be planning something… an inspection, a party, a… a ceremony idk IDC! Because they are in shambles ok?
Bobby’s not there and he is their structure. He’s the one who molded the 118 into more than just a team, he molded them into a family. But he’s.. not.. there! And everything is falling apart. And not only that it feels like everyone is falling apart as well, and no one knows what to do to get back on track…
“Guys…” Chimney says, face solemn and dread-filled. “I think I know what I have to do… I just— I don’t know if I’m strong enough to do it.”
“No,” Hen gasps, catching on when Chimney gets up and walks to the supply closet.
“You can’t be serious,” Eddie chimes in as Chimney rummages through bins and supplies. It takes him a minute to find what he’s looking for; he hid it very well after the last time...
He walks over to Buck and sighs, handing him the clipboard — Hen, Eddie, and Ravi stand in the background with looks of absolute terror on their faces. “Don’t you make me regret this, Buckley…” Chimney says…
Because if ANYONE can whip the 118 back into shape in Bobby’s absence… it’s Clipboard!Buck..
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 year
Four ways to become an Avatar:
1. Being chosen by an already existing Avatar: This is how majority of Avatars become Avatars, even Jon went down this path (that's right Mr. Sims, you're not special 😂 - I'm sure he's relieved about that).
2. Becoming an Avatar without connections - This one is harder an often involves a Leitner book. Often involves a search for power. Eventually these Avatars will get connections or meet another Avatar to help them along or they'll die fast.
3. Getting chosen by the Entity - Very very rare. Almost never happens. Entities are worse at communication than your toxic Ex.
4. Getting born FOR an Entity - The rarest one. You would think getting born the personified version of an Entity would come with lots of benefits (and it often does because these people are often more powerful than any other Avatar - Agnes and Peter), yet for some reason I think these guys are worst Avatars in general. 😭💀 It's not like they're bad at their job, they are very good at burning and making people lonely, but that's also the only thing they know how to do. 😭😭 Outside of their field they are lost (Agnes even had an identity crisis when she couldn't burn things anymore). I don't know how to explain it but they're really pathetic at manipulation as well. 😭🤣💔 They also seem to have an identity crisis when they get into complicated situationships.
TMA spoilers in the tags.
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simelune · 2 years
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it's nice in brindleton bay, when it's not storming
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mrghostrat · 8 months
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oh my god 🙈 don’t fuckin look at me.
i missed the bit at the bottom but obv Good Omens now. have also written for hannibal, sherlock (sorry), RTAH (way more sorry), mighty boosh (slightly less sorry), TAZ, and ofc where it all started: 08 warped tour era bandom.
tagged by @indigovigilance and @phoen1xr0se!!
show yourselves @thewolveswolf @bunnakit @foolishlovers
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wdiao · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!
To celebrate, have the horror bros in costumes~
..... Well, mostly Paps. Sans is absolutely bare effort.
(super messy sketch that I threw color on to...)
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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ninacarstairss · 3 months
the squeak that came from my mouth when benedict kissed colin on the head was absolutely not human. i love my bridgerton boys
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pomgach · 2 years
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They don’t know they’re about to meet the love of their lives
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sunny-porridge · 7 months
bro at this point @not-freyja could break into my house to eat all my cheese and I’d still leave a nice comment at the end
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ranray · 9 months
Since I wanted to share a few works of mine here's my last ShinRan fic's rough translation. It's called "Do you remember that sunset?" and were inspired by "Eternal Eternity" from Sailor Moon. So it some references to that song.
I'm really sorry for all the grammar mistakes or strange phrases (if there's so), I'm not good at English.
“Do you remember the first sunset we saw together?”
'I'll never forget that' Shinichi almost said. Even if he lived forever, he would never be able to forget the glitter of the setting sun and the gentle smile of little Ran. They were sitting on his bed and looked out the window, just like now, but when they were seven years old. When Ran's mother left her with Kudo’s.
Shinichi just took a look at the pale Ran to guess why. Kogoro and Eri's quarrel again. Each time stronger than the previous one. Each time, Ran stood aside and twirled her favorite pocket mirror in her hands.
Ran hoped it would stop. That two or three quarrels would be enough, but she had to cry more and more. Everything is not the same as it used to be - it's a new truth, it's hard to accept. Only Shinichi's sad look remained unchanged.
Shinichi could feel his anger growing. Two adults couldn't be so stupid. He couldn't move away from Ran in those years. Shinichi covered Ran with his small hand. The icy gaze of his eyes hurled spears at his negligent parents.
Even if it was late at night and his mother told him to not worry, he would dive under the covers with his phone, knowing that Ran couldn't sleep. He didn't talk about Holmes, he didn't bother Ran with detective stuff he loved. He listened to everything Ran had to say to her father and mother. Their mothers were angry tomorrow, and two children laughed together, discussing yesterday's events.
Ran grumbled with him and Sonoko about everything that happened, everything she wanted to say. Resentment, discontent, loneliness, everything that had accumulated in her young soul. Sonoko promised that she would take her with him to unwind at the sea, she was about to persuade her parents. Shinichi promised to go with them, even if he knew that the three children would never seriously go anywhere.
Days and months passed. Spring came after winter as well as new year at school. Shinichi remembered the terrible wind that tore off Ran's favorite hat. He remembered the tall tree he had climbed for it and the bruise he had received. Ran’s quiet "thank you" was all he wanted at that moment.
To Ran, every day seemed like an eternity. Every word of the parents brought the quarrel closer. One day is like another, and time has passed without waiting for Ran.
Ran, Mouri's only daughter, was left alone. She could spend the whole evening playing toys, plugging her ears with headphones to hide from her parents' quarrel, but, in an instant, she would inevitably grab her phone.
Through her tears, she searched for Shinichi's number, trying to catch his first or last name. She accidentally mixed it with Yukiko’s, but Yukiko understood Ran. She promised to persuade Eri to keep Ran with them.
It was easy for her. Shinichi didn't expect that in a few minutes he would see Ran in the living room with a small bag in her hands. As soon as their eyes met, Ran rushed to him. She wanted to see him so badly.
To hear his carrying words to her again. If Shinichi is around, if she could touch his arm, there are two of them. It's not scary if they’re together.
They enjoyed the sky. Yukiko scolds them, but tomorrow, now, the sunset is important. Shinichi squeezed Ran's hand. "You can count on me, Ran, always," Shinichi smiled. His cheeks flushed. Ran didn't need to know that this phrase was from a romance novel.
"Whatever happens?” Ran hesitated, but Shinichi squeezed her hand without the slightest hesitation. He was able to find Ran when they were playing hide-and-seek. And he believed that he would solve all the riddles if it saved her.
"I'm sure. No matter how much time passes, I'm there. It doesn't matter when," he whispered phrases from books. He said every one he could remember, just to make Ran smile. And he was telling the truth, even if it was like this.
And Ran believed. I believed that Shinichi would be there. He will be the one who comes if it is bad, as it is now. As always. As if it were meant to be. As if it was meant to be. Ran could rely on him.
"Lean on me," Ran whispers softly at the end of the sunset. Their slight smiles... A difficult moment that brought them together. Since that sunset we've always been together.
"Still, you lied to me," Ran sighed, noticing that Shinichi’s flashbacks ended. He pouted. "I've been waiting for you for a year, but you...”
"I'm sorry," Shinichi averted his eyes. I knew that ‘I'm sorry’ is not enough. After all, he was there all the time, unable to let go of Ran. While she didn't get more than a phone call.
"I don't know how I didn't figure it out," Ran was smiling now. Forgiveness had to be earned, but it was worth her gaze and their intertwined fingers. It was all worth it. "Conan-kun's hand was like yours... As if deep in my heart I knew...”
"I've gone crazy every time," Shinichi wasn't lying. Every tear Ran shed was his pain. The pain of an idiot who believed he could protect Ran like this. "Your gaze spoke more than words," he sighed. A sad question that had stuck in his head burst out. "Don't you regret forgiving me?"
"No," Ran smiled slyly. This is his first serious mistake. And the remorse in his eyes is enormous. “We have a long way to go. And I want to go through it with you, this time together. Like back then.”
"Together," Shinichi whispered. A single word breathed more warmth than the setting sun. "Together," he repeated, squeezing his hand on Ran's shoulder.
They seemed to be back in childhood among that similar seven-years-old days. Again, the sunset they met together. A sunset that they noticed separately in their rooms when they did not want to fall asleep. Their shared moment is timeless.
"I haven't told you that I missed you yet?" Ran chuckled. Shinichi didn't have to ask. He could see it in Ran's eyes. Her pain and loneliness. "I've thought so many times to go look for you...”
"And you'd found me many times," he exhaled languidly. How many times Ran exposed him? I had to go out of my way to deceive her. Every time Shinichi wanted to admit his defeat. “Do you remember that?”
“Yes... Even though you denied everything, I felt like you were nearby," a breathless whisper, a smile on his face. Ran clasped her hands around Shinichi's waist and squeezed them so tightly that he let out a low gasp. "It's like you've always been there... Like in your phrases from romance novels.”
“Did knew what I was repeating from the books that time?” Shinichi let out a small chuckle. Instead of hugging Ran back, he sat Ran between his legs. Ran blushed thicker than the sunset. Shinichi held her so tight that she couldn't move. "It may seem strange to you, but... Thank you. I’m happy that I’m important to you.”
‘What an idiot!’ Ran wanted to say. From the moment he soothed her as a child, Ran knew that he was important. That feeling was from love, but it's something similar. Friendship. Trust.
She knew she could run over to play with Shinichi if she felt sad. She could call him if she needs to talk. Only his presence made her feel better. All she had to do is find Shinichi.
And even though time slipped forward without a trace, as long as she didn't see him, he was there. In a message, call or a trinket gift - valuable part of his feelings and him. Always with her, no matter how time has passed.
It doesn't matter if fate existed. Ran wanted to believe in the thread on their little fingers. Still, Shinichi's smile at the sunset warmed her heart even more. Shinichi hugged her with a childish smile, not hiding his nostalgia for the sunset. Happy, that they’re a couple now.
Ran turned to Shinichi. A red ray of the setting sun descended on his face. Ran pressed her hand to his warm cheek. Together again from now on.
"Ran, if you'll stare at me, you'll miss the sunset!" Shinichi only teased her. He was thinking of something else, and you could see it in his eyes. "Afraid you won't be able to find me when it gets dark?"
"Don't tease me!" Ran chuckled. She held him with other hand. And didn't want to let go of him. "No matter when, we would still meet again?"
"Trust me. Until the very end, I will watch every sunset here with you," Shinichi whispered softly. He lifted Ran's hands to leave a light kiss on her small fingers. “You won't be lonely.”
"And you promise that you won’t leave me alone anymore," Ran loved to tease him back. Shinichi didn't mind it, he laughed. He deserved it. “Promise?”
"I promise that if something happens, we'll deal with it together," it is no longer a cliché from romance novels. A sincere promise, whispered only to Ran and Ran alone. For her and silent sunset.
"Let's share everything like this sunset," the phrase broke by itself. With a smile, Ran turned to the sunset, a faint arc of the great sun floating over the horizon.
"Then let me share something," the predatory tone of Shinichi voice made Ran laugh for some reason. As soon as Ran turned to him, Shinichi pulled her into a kiss.
Their hands were intertwined, just like when they were children. A small silk thread seemed to tickle their little fingers. It was getting hot in Shinichi's arms.
Sun went below the horizon. Soon they can observe the moon and the stars.
"Ran," Shinichi licked his lips. Whatever he said, he wanted more kisses. "We making stargazing our new tradition? If one of them falls…"
"What you going to wish?" Ran smiled. ‘For us to be close,’ flashed through her mind.
"We've already promised to be together forever," Shinichi's breath tickled his nose. He didn't believe in fate. Any fate, except his and Ran's. “Let's think about what else we can wish.”
"Hmm," it was hard to hide Ran’s red cheeks. As much as she denies it, Shinichi are pretty romantic. Probably too much. “We have a long night ahead... Let's think about it together!”
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merrymerpy · 1 year
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COM Route
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ROM Route
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lunar-wandering · 21 days
how many wips are you currently working on?
its at LEAST 12. im not sure. ive got so many that are just hidden within folders and google docs and stuff and im SURE im forgetting some of them cause im just insane-
is there a scene or anything in a wip you're struggling with right now
your honour i am always struggling. everything is a struggle. i planned on having one of these fics done a whole entire month ago. i suppose my current dilemma is that im not quite sure how im gonna transition from the silly shenanigans ive got going on now, to the angst, and then back to the silly shenanigans, but i'll figure it out eventually
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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simelune · 2 years
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befriending stray dogs early in the morning
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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when Yisan met Eunsan
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