#Extraordinary Life
successinsider · 6 months
Success Insider - Navigating the Path to an Extraordinary Life
Knowing your true potential is the key that unlocks the doors to an incredible life and is the first step to success. Tim Han, the host of the Success Insider Podcast, talks deeply about the inner workings of the subject matter.
Success Insider serves as a beacon of light for those looking to unleash the latent capabilities that lie within themselves through thought-provoking interviews and conversations that are both insightful and thought-provoking. Get ready as this is where success stories will begin!
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Tim Han - Your Companion on the Road to Success
Tim is a seasoned life coach who shares his vast experience and knowledge with others. He provides essential insights into the attitudes and behaviors that have been shown to pave the way for success.
The Success Insider Podcast with Tim Han Success Insider is not merely a show but a journey with Tim as your companion, providing actionable advice and inspiration to propel you toward living an incredible life.
Practical Strategies for Personal Growth
Not only does the Success Insider Podcast serve as a source of motivation, but it also serves as a toolkit for personal development. Tim Han explores techniques that listeners may put into practice in their everyday lives and provides them with tangible advice. The audience of Success Insider is provided with the practical skills necessary to translate goals into accomplishments effectively. These tools range from morning routines to efficient time management.
Also, read a popular blog, Success Insider - Unlocking Potential & Navigating Path to Extraordinary Life.
Building a Success Mindset
Cultivating a mindset focused on success is one of the fundamental components of living an outstanding life. Providing insights into the power of positive thinking, goal setting, and the significance of self-belief, Tim deeply explores the psychology of success and comprehensively analyzes the subject. Through his thought-provoking conversations and interviews with industry professionals, Tim Han offers a road map that will help you rewire your mindset and adopt the mindset of a successful individual.
Community and Connection
The Success Insider Podcast with Tim Han Success Insider is a community of people who share similar values and are on a journey together to achieve greatness. By participating in the Success Insider community, listeners can interact with other individuals facing comparable challenges, exchange experiences, and provide mutual support for one another's development. The sense of community that Success Insider fosters adds a new layer to the podcast. This element transforms the program into a collaborative journey towards living an outstanding life.
Your Extraordinary Life Awaits
Success Insider is a guiding light of empowerment amidst the enormous array of podcasts on self-improvement. The podcast, led by Tim Han, presents a comprehensive strategy for success by addressing the internal and external elements that go into leading a remarkable life. So, grab a seat, turn on your speakers, and let Success Insider Podcast guide you as you set out to realize your full potential and forge ahead with an incredible life.
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imembroiderline · 1 year
For an Extraordinary one
Rasha Awale
the signs say this year is your year
So I decided to wish you a bad year
Good is ordinary at best
and ordinary doesn't suit you
that is why I wish you a very bad year
a year where you loose your keys, your wallet, your socks and your mind.
Your phone screen smashes so you will not be able to take a selfie
You will be late for work, on a daily basis and no one will even notice
a year in which you get chickenpox
your boss refuses to give you a sick leave
so you go to the work covered with rashes
The girl you love tells you she wants some space
The "some space" ends by her engagement announcement on a friend’s Facebook page you invest all your savings in a failed phone app
you get lost in the city but you don’t find a cab
In your bad year
the promotion you wanted so long, is given to another colleague
A colleague who has neither the experience nor the qualifications
But has a family name that can push his career
Your bad year
Will give a reason for your morning resentment
And your sleepless nights
It will be an excuse for your bad mood
And a justification for your absence
I have no hard feelings
it's just
"Good" is ordinary at best
And ordinary doesn’t suit you
I promise to keep all your secrets
I will not tell anyone that chickens make you scared
And that you snitched on your childhood friend for an extra grade
That you cry every time you don't get As
And that you cried when you watched fifty shades of gray
I will not tell your little brother that you wet his bed
I will not tell your mom that you were the one who broke her favorite porcelain set
I will not mention the girl you love or the girl that loves you
I will not tell your friends that you didn’t have a cold when you didn't join the soccer match
or a family commitment when you missed, watching the Spanish league
I will not even tell them that you’re not a soccer fan
And that you can’t really tell Barcelona from Royal Madrid
as I said
I have no hard feelings
And your year is already bad
Some time you may have doubts
You may think I was the one who put your car for sale
Or that I created an account for you in a gay dating site
with the name “FistMeDaddy69”
You might think I photoshopped your photo in a pro-ISIS march
Or that I shared 36 Al-Qaida videos on your facebook page
that I sent your email to the African banks
or added you to moms and housewives groups
that I wrote your phone number in a the wall of a public bathroom
Followed by some slutty offers
And the address of your work and your home
Don’t listen to those trying to come between us
you know I have no hard feelings
It’s just ordinary does not suit you
so here I am trying to give you an extraordinary life
like you.
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happy birthday to one of the greatest fics of all time <3 ( @bisexuallsokka , thank you for writing this masterpiece.)
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fairydrowning · 9 months
You believe romanticizing life means constantly striving to create a life extraordinary enough to romanticize. But the truth is it's not a matter of creating something extraordinary. It's a matter of realizing the beauty in the life you already have. When was the last time you appreciated the way gravity hugs you to the Earth? When was the last time you heard the wind and called it music? When was the last time you studied the lines on a stranger's face and tired to read the map of their past. Tell me, how long has it been since you submerged your head in the sea? How long has it been since you befriended the trees? How long has it been since you laid in the field and listened to the humming of the bees? There is romance in morning walks. There is artistry in a sunset sky. They is magic in late night talks. There is an entire universe in a person's eyes. So, if you are looking for extraordinary, you don't have to try.
– By "Whitney Hanson," Instagram account "whitneyhansonpoetry"
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thinkershipman · 1 year
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ahxiang · 2 years
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo + Tumblr Text Posts
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doctorcurdlejr · 2 years
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Woo Young Woo and Dong Geurami doing their greeting
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prehistoricopossum · 2 years
The growth!!!
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Uncomfortable hug from Beatrice who barely knows Ava, but, although hesitantly, still comforts her.
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Beatrice’s absolute pride in Ava’s success
(bonus: Bea realizing her feelings)
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The emotional support hug. They are grounding each other. They are each other’s person.
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The we did it! The oh thank god you’re okay hug. Both Ava and Beatrice latch on so quick and tight. They cannot bear the thought of the other getting hurt at this point
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The absolute relief from Beatrice that she did not loose Ava, and Ava so happy Bea is there to support her. (Bonus the little neck kiss)
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And finally the kiss. Ava has been pining over Beatrice all season. Beatrice who is struggling with her feelings because of her vows. But Ava is about to go, and she cannot leave her love without letting her know she loves her and just how much she means to her. While also simultaneously showing how much she has grown because of Beatrice (“once you realize everything is not about you”, and then easily dodging Bea’s attack to pull her into her arms in the the smoothest way possible. Lastly, her new faith. She tells Bea “in the next”. After putting on the crown she realizes that there is something else out there, something that will bring Beatrice back to her when Bea’s time comes. She isn’t running, not like she did before, she is saving her sisters and her love despite knowing she is going to die). Beatrice made Ava better, but Ava also made Beatrice better. Beatrice opened herself up to get close to someone again, not just her sister Warrior’s who, even then seemed to keep them at arms length. Beatrice in the first season would do anything for the OCS. In this season, Beatrice would do anything for Ava.
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So THIS, your honor, is character growth and slow burn at its finest.
Thank you, Warrior Nun.
In this life, or the next
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watcher0033 · 1 year
I love how Saiki’s creator introduced Satou the moment he expresses onscreen that yes, he finds Teruhashi’s advances annoying but he ofc care about her. It really went—
Them: *le GASP* He does care about her DoES tHaT MeAn—!?
Creator: Do you think he’s reciprocating? Fools. Meet his standard.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
Anne Jane Thornton, a 15-year-old girl, dressed as a cabin boy on a transatlantic voyage to find the man she loved, who had gone to America in 1832. On arrival, she found he had died so she took posts on other ships, calling herself Jim Thornton. On her return crossing to London on The Sarah, a crew member noticed that she was a woman and she was taken to the ship's captain, who kept her on as a crewman.
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"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
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Extraordinary 1.07
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gardenofwordss · 11 months
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Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
Sigmund Freud
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k-nonsense · 2 years
My updated rankings/reviews of all the k dramas I have seen so far (up to 55 now). I would recommend any show I gave a C grade or higher, which is most of them. I bolded recently added shows.
1. Hometown Cha Cha Cha: An absolute masterpiece. It’s a heartwarming fish out of water story about a big city girl who finds herself in the quirkiest little seaside town. I wanted to stay in Gongjin forever. Grade: A+(Netflix)
2. Extraordinary Attorney Woo (S1): Delightful! Never have I ever rooted for a lead harder. She is the most endearing lead you will ever find. And the male lead is so so swoony. Grade: A+(Netflix)
3. Alchemy of Souls: The wildest of rides and the perfect blend of fantasy, adventure, mystery, comedy, and romance. The characters are just so lovable, you’ll never want it to end. Season 2 just as good as Season 1. Grade: A+ (Netflix)
4. Lovely Runner: the most beautiful love story ever told. ImSol and Sunjae forever! In every timeline! My only wish is that the drama would never end. Grade A (Viki)
5. My Demon: This show had me utterly enthralled, it was so mysterious and suspenseful and yet incredibly goofy and romantic. My new favorite main couple in all KDrama land. Yes it wasn’t perfect but I enjoyed it so much, it really encapsulated everything I love in a tv show. Grade: A (Netflix)
6. Love To Hate You: New fastest binge of my life. 10 episodes and I didn’t fast forward at all. There were no bad/slow parts. Also the funniest KDrama I’ve ever seen. Just watch it. You won’t regret it. Grade A+ (Netflix).
7. Business Proposal: It’s got every trope you can think of and it does them all to perfection. Plus it’s hilarious. Grade: A (Netflix)
8. Healer: This super romantic action mystery drama will keep you on the edge of your seat. Ji Chang Wook is equal parts sexy and adorable which is a seriously winning combination. Grade A (Viki). One caveat: I was very disappointed by a certain wardrobe decision in episode 3.
9.Her Private Life: Super funny and charming. The romantic leads have incredible chemistry. The premise is so good! Might be the one of the most rewatchable kdramas. Grade: A (Netflix)
10. Castaway Diva: Just utterly heartwarming. An instant classic. Ultimate underdog, redemption, story that teaches us what real love and family is. Also Ki-Ho is the new standard by which all men will be judged. Grade: A (Netflix)
11. Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung: Great strong female lead. Very good messages. Couldn’t stop watching. The most adorable prince I’ve ever seen 💜Cha Eunwoo💜 Grade: A (Netflix)
12. Bad Prosecutor: Absolutely thrilling and hilarious. It’s like a heist, detective, lawyer, action comedy that will keep you wondering who is outsmarting who? Super shocking plot twists. Amazing OST. Stuck the landing with a truly satisfying finale. Grade A (Viki)
13. Sh**ting Stars: Probable the biggest turnaround of any show I’ve seen (The “Africa” part was so problematic). However it turned out to be one of the funniest and swooniest KDramas out there. There are 5 couples and you will cheer for all of them. Grade: A- (Viki)
14. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: The main couple is absolutely everything! Just fast forward through pretty much every side plot (they are not important) and you’ll love it. Grade: A- (Viki)
15. So I Married the Anti-Fan: It’s campy, fluffy, goodness, with a fierce female lead and a K-pop star enemy/love interest. 2nd fastest binge of my life. Grade: A- (Viki)
16. 100 Days My Prince: An absolute classic period drama romcom. Who knew D.O. could kiss like that? Such a great strong female lead. I LOVE a show with adorable, quirky, townspeople. Grade: A- (Netflix)
17. Romance is a Bonus Book: Might be the most romantic K-Drama I’ve ever seen. Nothing about the trailer or setup intrigued me but I’m so glad I watched it anyway. It was a truly beautiful love story. Grade: A- (Netflix)
18. Because This Is My First Life: This drama really does everything right for me… A slow burn romance built on mutual love and respect. Supporting characters who I genuinely cared about and had incredible side stories of their own. A critique of the patriarchy. Women supporting women. An adorable cat. Maybe a bit melodramatic at times but not too much. Grade A- (Netflix)
19. Start-Up: Exceptional acting, compelling storylines, intriguing plot twists, great cinematography, intense love triangle. It’s just all around high quality. Grade: A- (Netflix)
20. Run On: Cute, fun, silly and pretty light. I especially loved the supporting cast. Strange storyline but it was a fun easy ride. Grade: A- (Netflix)
21. Forbidden Marriage: This is a weird show, but weird in the best way. It’s like a comedy, horror, romance, fictional-historical. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s really fun. B+(Viki)
22. Soundtrack #1: Short and beautiful. I just loved it. No one does heart eyes better than Park Hyung-Sik. Grade: B+(Disney+)
23. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo: A bad-ass yet vulnerable female lead. The main couple just had a lot of fun together. Refreshing. Grade: B+ (Viki)
24. Doctor Slump: This show was a really nice journey of both mental health and romance. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
25. Welcome to Samdalri: Very heartwarming and beautiful story about love, family, friendship, and going home. It has quirky townspeople and Ji Chang Wook 😍 what’s not to love? Grade: B+ (Netflix)
26. My Lovely Liar: Creative and engaging premise, intriguing mystery, and a swoon worthy romance. A very fun viewing experience. Grade: B+ (Viki)
27. King the Land: This drama pretty much has no stakes or conflict and the main couple has THE MOST chemistry I have ever seen in my entire life. So if you just want to turn your brain off and be happy, this is the drama for you. I absolutely loved it. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
28.Law Cafe: This drama has so much to love, a strong/fierce/brilliant and morally righteous female lead, lovable side characters, steamy romance. But what I loved most was how the show spotlighted important issues like consent and abuse in nuanced and progressive ways. Yes it’s a fun rom-com but it felt like the beginning of a new chapter of more egalitarian storytelling which made me really excited for the future of k-dramas. Grade: B+ (Viki)
29. Not Others: A lovely Gilmore Girls type show about the relationship between an immature mother and her very mature adult daughter. It was a pleasure seeing them grow in their relationships with each other, others, and themselves. I want more! Grade B+ (Viki)
30. Cheer Up: Sports, comedy, romance, mystery, suspense, coming of age, this show had everything. The female lead was the lovable, feisty, driven, and brave. The male lead was adorkable, considerate, and sweet. It’s all very enjoyable and wholesome. Grade: B+ (Viki)
31. I Am Not A Robot: Zany premise but it was surprisingly pretty grounded for how crazy the set up was. It’s funny, emotional, good story telling. Great character development. Grade: B+ (Viki)
32. See You in My 19th Life: The shared experience of watching this mystical mystery drama week to week made it a really enjoyable watch. Not sure if it was totally satisfying, or that any of the couples’ chemistry felt authentic, but it was a very interesting and creative storyline. Grade B (Netflix)
33. Summer Strike: This show made me cry a lot. It’s heartbreaking yet healing. I’m still not sure if I liked watching it or not but it was a beautiful story of found family. Grade B (Netflix).
34. Shopping King Louie: Adorable! So many light fluffy feels for this show but it does drag a bit in the second half. Grade B (Viki)
35, Fight For My Way: Such lovable leads. Love the fierce female lead and adorable himbo male lead. It’s like a coming of age story but for 30 year olds. Storyline was ok. Second couple was skippable. Grade: B (Viki)
36. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim: More PSJ is always a good thing. This drama did all the tropes in ways that didn’t always feel fresh, but it was very romantic and hilarious. A true classic. Grade: B (Viki)
37. Touch Your Heart: If you can just stick it out through the first few very shaky episodes, you will enjoy this adorable, fluffy, series. Grade: B- (Netflix)
38. Doom at Your Service: It was sometimes real sad yet ultimately a heart warming mystical story. Grade: B- (Viki)
39. True Beauty: Fun, cute, teen drama however, it’s a little too “antsy teen” for me. Cha Eunwoo though💜 Grade: C+ (Viki)
40. Destined With You: The chemistry between the main couple was absolutely sizzling. Rowoon was both hilarious and next level adorable. However, the plot and the characterization of women occasionally made me very frustrated. Grade: C+ (Netflix).
41. Suspicious Partner: Great story, great characters, attractive actors, beautiful romance, interesting plot, sometimes funny, sometimes suspenseful, but with 40 episodes, the plot was dragged. Grade C+ (Viki)
42. Crash Landing On You: The first half is GREAT but the second half is way too melodramatic for my taste. It’s a very interesting storyline, the main couple has insane chemistry, and there are very lovable side characters. Grade: C+ (Netflix)
43. Secret Romantic Guesthouse: First few episodes were a fun scooby gang mystery, middle episodes were super boring, last 3 episodes were crazy fast paced and thrilling. It ended well- I’ll give it that. Grade: C (Viki)
44. Dear.M: It was inoffensive and decently entertaining. If you like school dramas, you’ll probably enjoy it. Grade: C (Viki).
45. A Good Day To Be A Dog: The storyline is bonkers but very intriguing. It started off so well but the storyline lost its way in the back half. But hey, Cha Eunwoo + dogs, it’s worth the watch. Grade: C (Viki).
46. Angel’s Last Mission: Love: This drama was very similar to Doom At Your Service but it was more a bit more redundant with all of the tragedy and crying. I LOVED the chemistry of the main couple but I found myself fast forwarding a lot. Grade: C- (Viki)
47. Marry My Husband: Episodes 1-11 were phenomenal. Such an interesting premise with shocking twists and turns. After episode 11 it seemed like there were new writers who had never seen the show. Very disappointing but top tier villains. Grade: C-
48. Our Beloved Summer: I LOVED V’s “Christmas Tree” OST however I struggled to keep watching. Boring storyline but great acting. Grade: D+ (Netflix)
49. Heavenly Idol: An absolute hot mess. It was completely convoluted and just low quality but I also weirdly liked it. I can’t bring myself to rank it higher because I know how bad it was but I actually enjoyed it better than many shows I ranked ahead of it. Grade: D+ (Viki)
50. My Secret Romance: The story of a total screw up female lead falling for a manipulative, gaslighting, hottie. It was problematic yet fun? So 🤷‍♀️ Grade: D+ (Netflix)
51. My Man Is Cupid: Pros: many cute dogs, sometimes those dogs wear human clothes, cute ending. Cons: Makes no sense, not much chemistry, murder plot takes up too much time. Grade D+ (Prime).
52. She Would Never Know: As handsome as Rowoon is, I found his character problematic at the beginning (no means no buddy) but he did get a lot better as the show went on. I just ended up skipping to watch just the scenes with the main couple, which made the show way more enjoyable. Grade D (Netflix)
53. My Love From the Star: I found myself fast forwarding a lot through all the parts that didn’t involve the main couple and most of the flashbacks. Grade D (Viki)
54. Goblin: The age gap is too disturbing for me, like call the police disturbing. However, the Grim Reaper who is one of the most adorable characters I’ve ever seen. Grade: D- (Viki)
55. Extra-Ordinary You: I have never felt so betrayed by a second half of a series as I did in this one. All of the character development that it seemed to be leading to was replaced by a pretty sickening codependent relationship. Grade: D- (Viki).
Currently Watching: The Atypical Family, My Sweet Mobster
Dramas I’m Thinking About Watching: Gaus Electronics, Bad and Crazy, Hospital Playlist, Another Miss Oh, Oh My Venus, My Roommate is Gumiho, She Was Pretty, Crash Course in Romance, Soundtrack #2
Dramas I just couldn’t Finish (I’m sorry I tried): Today’s Webtoon, Once Upon a Small Town, Love in Contract, Hotel Del Luna, Kings Affection, Record of Youth, Behind Your Touch, Sparkling Watermelon, Tale of Nine Tailed 1938, Strong Girl Nam Soon, The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract, Wedding Impossible
What are your thoughts on these shows? Do you agree or disagree with my rankings? Any k-romcom recommendations that are not on the list yet?
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All I’m going to say I think now that my brain remembered part of what it was thinking is that Taylor and Joe went through a lot together (good and bad) and regardless of how it ended or what led to it they both seem to be determined to keep that private and not throw each other under the bus and in the end they’re just two very, very different people whose outlooks in the long term were just never going to align and never has that been clearer.
#I AM NOT DEFENDING HIM JUST TO BE CLEAR#I’m just saying… he said a lot of nothing in those quotes beyond ‘people on the internet suck’#which is true#and both he and Taylor are keeping things close to the vest about it all#and just seems to me that whatever they went through together they are determined to keep it between them so that’s the end of that#(again in contrast to how she has no qualms about reading m for filth)#he’s just some guy and now he gets to be just some guy forever#and she gets to be extraordinary#like yes the loving committed thing raises eyebrows given how much pain she was in#but like he could have shaded her about how it ended too and he didn’t#AND I AM NOT DEFENDING HIM#we know he was a terrible partner and she felt like shit#I’m just saying neither of them want to delve into the specifics and i think they’re just moving into footnotes in each other’s lives now#like i want to make it clear AGAIN I am not condoning anything on his part here — clearly there were huge issues#I’m just saying just because he may have sucked as a partner doesn’t mean the internet being cruel isn’t also true idk#and yes it’s transparent why he’s choosing to speak out now (or rather why the Sunday times is choosing to reach out to him now)#but like… idk i just can’t muster up any feeling about this man one way or the other lol#and take cues from Taylor (and even him) she’s determined to keep it between them other than the broad strokes#so I’m following her/their lead#(like I have thoughts about why but that’s not important and ultimately is just… it’s the most normal of ltr breakups)#like he just sounds a little pretentious with his ‘real life’ which like… good on him keep living that real life you do you dude#meanwhile his ex is flourishing with every passing week and milestone and is living her unabashed best life#and they’re probably both happier for it now
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an ivory life
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Shine on, Bill. Peace and love indeed.
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