radama-zard · 11 months
Dungeons & Drabbles 2023
Day 6 - Sanctuary
(Fell a lil' behind there, oops!!!)
FCG/Imogen - ModernHuman AU
It was strange how great a difference two doors, a janky box of a lift and a little fresh air could make. Away from the hustle and bustle of the nightclub below, Imogen felt free to just be. And she wasn't the only one who seemed to feel that way, judging by the sigh of relief dropped by her sweetheart beside her.
“Glad to be free of the storm too, darlin’?” Imogen playfully asked, dropping down into one of the waterproof beanbags that the owner of Spire By Fire so graciously provided for their less than… wild patrons.
And by wild she meant the kind of people that enjoyed getting shit faced, surrounded by like, one hundred other drunk idiots, with music blaring so loud she could feel it in her teeth, as one stumbled around, blinded by the colorful, flashing lights.
If Fearne and Ashton hadn't insisted upon a ‘double date’, then neither of them would even be here. Clubs had never really been their thing.
“I’m still not sure I really get the appeal of it,” Fresh Cut Grass retorted, wheeling over to join Imogen with a soft little chuckle. Wordlessly he extended a hand, which she took in a heartbeat, steadily helping them to their feet before helping her date-mate to settle down on the beanbag beside her. “It's a whole lotta noise and strangers gettin’ too close without sayin’ so much as hi! And I’m sayin’ this as a people person.”
“I think it takes a particular kind of people person, or just person in particular to enjoy this kinda scene. You know, the kind that enjoys… grindin’ on strangers who smell like cheap whiskey. And not havin’ workin’ eardrums the next morning.”
Fresh Cut Grass hummed, shuffling just a tad before Imogen felt the familiar weight of his head resting upon her shoulder, drawing a tender smile to tug at her otherwise tired lips.
“You know, I think I’d like comin’ back here!” Fresh Cut Grass chirped, feeling Imogen's surprised scoff as she slipped an arm around his waist, fingertips tracing languid swirls as her hand came to rest upon their hip.
“You gotta be shittin’ me, Letters. You looked about ready to snap down there! Not that I’m blamin’ ya, I was damn well ready to start throwing fists after the third guy ’accidentally’ bumped into me.”
“Oh. No. Not down there! That’s a sensory and navigation nightmare!” They quickly assured her, hands waving nervously for just a moment. “I mean… up here. It's real nice. The moon’s out, we can barely hear a peep outta all the noise downstairs, and… it’s just the two of us. It's kinda like we got our own private sanctuary!”
The fairy lights that decorated the railings and trimmings all about this rooftop hideaway twinkled sweetly around them, reminding Imogen of the stars of her hometown. The big city was awful for stargazing, something she had whined about countless times to Laudna.
Right now though, light polluted sky hardly phased her, drowned out potted shrubbery and little trees, by the rainbow of blossoms and blooms that surrounded them, all only made that much prettier by the way they reflected in Fresh Cut Grass’ bespectacled baby blues.
The world had always looked so much prettier, shimmering back at her through his ever sparkling eyes.
“A sanctuary, just for you and me,” Imogen whispered, low and sweet. “I like the sound of that. Our own lil’ slice of heaven.”
A tender hand cradled Fresh Cut Grass’ cheek, and Imogen’s heart went absolutely aflutter as she felt them lean into it… and then began to race as he shyly turned to lay a press a fleeting kiss upon her palm.
“Bein’ with you always kinda feels like this…” Came his own whispered reply, an admission just dripping an adoration that left Imogen’s face hotter than the fenced off little firepit that flickered just a few feet before them.
“I guess… bein’ with you is kinda like a sanctuary all of its own!” Fresh Cut Grass finished with a warm, easy laugh, before dipping in and dropping a kiss right to the tip of their girlfriend’s burning nose.
A kiss that she swiftly stole, her lips upon theirs in an adoring mess of a sudden kiss.
Not that Fresh Cut Grass minded.
No, they didn't mind this at all.
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floweroflaurelin · 5 months
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How do you want to do this?
Goodbye, Faithful Caregiver.
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rann-poisoncage · 4 months
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some cr art I never posted here apparently ^o^;
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anaviarts · 4 months
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Episode 1 sketches, the adventure begins...✨
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loserwithanartacc · 5 months
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Hiii I’ve discovered that the reason my posts where doing badly is actually entirely my fault bc I had the wrong setting on because I have some problems reading lol(atleast I’m hoping that’s the case and this solves the problem)
i deleted the previous post and I’m posting it again. sorry if you had already seen it, I’m not trying to spam ):
This piece took me a long time (30h no joke) but I’m very happy with it, probably gonna do some more Lino after this bc atm I’m tired of digital art lol, but I’ve been needing to finish the Lino series anyway so it works :D
Edit: holy shit it worked, mad at myself for not figuring that out sooner lmao
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its-your-mind · 10 months
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Bells Hells as textposts 2/???
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calenthee · 5 months
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all together! so fun seeing them as a set
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
the reason critical role is so good is because every campaign features at least one cast member creating a character that they intend to be doomed by the narrative and matt and the rest of the cast going don’t be an idiot, Our Love Will Undoom Them. like in the explanation of percy’s final playlist, taliesin wrote, “Cheers to a happy ending for a character intended by his creator to be karmically irredeemable. May we all be so fortunate.” and just, Yeah.
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zhellers · 1 year
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Long rest
now as a print
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arclundarchivist · 1 month
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil-Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O’pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Scion of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exultant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call
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radama-zard · 2 years
Dungeons & Drabbles - 2022
Day 15 - Fetching
Fresh Cut Grass couldn't help but stare, caught by the breathtaking sight before him. Or at least, what he thought should be breathtaking, if they had the ability to breathe. Because- Just- Wow.
Catha’s light bathed Imogen in its gentle glow, all soft and sweet and… how was it possible for one to look so radiant under a light so small?
“Wow what, FCG?”
Imogen raised a brow, leaning back against the ship’s railing as she did.
“The moonlight. Just now you, with how it was shining on you, Imogen, you looked real… I don't know if there's a word good enough for what I want to say. Beautiful? Fetching? No… You're normally those. It was like that, but more, well, outta this world? Maybe ethereal? I think I heard Chetney use that word to describe Fearne once, he said it meant 'beauty beyond this world’ and I think that's the best word I could use!”
Imogen’s shocked expression in reply made little sense to them. After all, Imogen's beauty felt like a casual truth to them. Much like the brightness of the sun, or twinkling light of the stars, it felt like an indisputable fact. Couldn't she see it? Was she blind to her brilliance too? Her determined spirit? Her passionate defiance?
Would she be equally as shocked to hear Fresh Cut Grass compliment all these?
‘Well fuck, you're gonna get my cheeks glowing worse than that ruddy moon if you keep that up…’ Imogen replied in his mind, her inner voice sounding almost embarrassed. ‘You sure everything’s all tight up in that head of yours?’
‘I think so? Why do you ask?’
‘Just wondering if you have a gear loose or something. You’d have to to give a speech like that.’
If they could frown, Fresh Cut Grass was sure he would be doing so right now.
‘You shouldn't talk down on yourself, Imogen. You have many wonderful qualities! You're real smart and witty, incredibly patient, you have a strong spirit that refuses to back down! You're powerful and capable and magically talented, you're good at talking with people… You're all of that AND you're beautiful. Can't you see that?’
“Sweet talker…”
Fresh Cut Grass watched as Imogen ducked her head down, lavender locks falling to hide her ever darkening face. Which they thought was a right shame, he thought she looked lovely!
“I'm only talking the truth. You can dive into my mind, you’ll see I'm not lying!”
“No…” she stepped forward, bending down to lay her forehead against his own. “I know you're not speaking bullcrap. Your earnestness is just… a lot to take in.”
“I can be quiet if you’d prefe-”
“Please don't. I like what you have to say, FCG. You're incredibly sweet. It's enough to make one's heart warm.”
“Then you believe me?” Fresh Cut Grass asked, gazing up a bit to meet Imogen’s now unobscured gaze.
“I believe you think that, yes. I don't know if I feel as incredible as you see me, but… I believe your words,” Imogen chuckled, the sound both muted and oh so fond. “I hope you’d believe me if I told you you're real sweet. That I admire how you keep going on, despite what you've lost and found. That I think you're kinder than you give yourself credit for. That you're not the monster that you think you are. That… your soul is as beautiful as you see me as. And twice as precious.”
If they were human, Fresh Cut Grass was sure they'd be very hot faced by now. Perhaps a little teary eyed as well, touched so deeply by her words as he was. Those experiences were beyond him though, so instead they simply wrapped their arms around Imogen, pulling her in for emotional embrace.
“I don't know if I can really embrace those words… But coming from you they mean a whole lot. Thank you, Imogen. You're… I care about you, deeply.”
“Are you trying to say you love me?” Imogen teased, mostly joking.
“... I think I might be.”
“... Well fuck, I might just be saying it too.”
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teaweltzer · 9 months
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Everyone together with lvl 10 outfits! (yes even an imagined Dorian one)
Master post outfit breakdowns: FCG, Ashton, Dorian, Orym, Fearne, Imogen, Laudna, Chetney
Previous outfits + breakdowns
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marvelousbelladonna · 30 days
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My goodness 🫣☺️
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These dorks, before they even started dating 😂
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mintywolf · 9 months
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Bells Hells go a-wassailing.
✨ Happy Holidays! ✨
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suraelis · 1 year
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From Critical Role C3EP67
Gomen. The canvas I drew this on was way too small so it's super blurry. Just like the group's view on the Gods.
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noctiferdrawsstuff · 1 year
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the first fanart of c3 I do and of course it had to be the attempted fake orgy scene
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