#FF - 35
jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 35
"Andrew, wake up." Andrew felt a hand on his shoulder and he lashed out as he always did. He found himself rocketing towards consciousness as he heard Neil's pained grunt. Panic lances through him as he realizes what he had hit instead of the intruder and he's glad they compromised when he and Neil had started to sleep in the same bed.
Andrew pulls Neil in closer to protect him even as Neil groans at the sudden jolting movement.
He needs to get-
"I already moved your secret pillow knife Andrew." The intruder says as Andrew's hand grasps at nothing. He has a second one but the intruder is now armed and Neil-
"Erik and the Hans Moretti Sword Box are the only combination of me, another guy, and blades being stabbed at me that I will accept. Now, wake up." The familiar sounding intruder says.
Andrew blinks awake.
Nicky's frowning face is staring down at him.
"I need to borrow the Maserati, or you need to drive me to Abby's house. Right now." Nicky says without a hint of the fear.
Or, at least, not fear of Andrew.
"What's wrong with Smith?" he asks holding out his hand for his pilfered knife as he rubs Neil's side where he had lashed out instinctively.
Nicky looks at him for a long moment before handing the knife back to Andrew, "There's...I just feel like something isn't right. I want to be there with him, I shouldn't have left him there." Nicky says.
Andrew didn't disagree.
FF had been relaxed and at ease, drinking the disgusting smoothie that Kevin had forced on him, and Andrew had noticed a hint of a smile on his friend's face.
Then that fuckface showed up and FF had looked worse than when Andrew had stabbed him. He still remembered the garbage that piece of shit had spewed and Andrew hated knowing things about his friend that his friend hadn't told him.
Hated that his brain could piece moments that made a horrible amount of sense now. FF staring at his car the first time before climbing in, how he had requested that Andrew focus on the road, Nicky looking at all of them exasperated "Smithy was going to walk back", and-
“See, you’re still upset over what that guy did. Why are you clinging to the last name of the guy that did this to you?” Fuckface asks from behind them, “He almost killed mom and you. He did kill our two-“
Andrew makes himself stop thinking about it. It wasn't something FF wanted to talk about.
"The keys are where I always put them." he says because he thinks if he gets out of bed he might go hunt fuckface for sport. The thought of seeing fuckface's well fucking face as he hits him with the Maserati is not a bad one.
"Thank you Andrew. Sorry Neil." Nicky says and Neil waves it off having mostly drifted back to sleep as Andrew had rubbed his back mindlessly.
Nicky leaves without another word. Andrew settled back into bed hand still mindlessly rubbing Neil's back. He closes his eyes. He thinks about how FF had looked at those two kids a few weeks back.
He'd looked like a good older brother.
He holds Neil tight, focuses on the feeling of his even breathing on his neck, and listens to Kevin's snoring to think about a monster consuming Daniel whole.
Sometimes Matt feels like he misses out on things with his friends. It didn't happen that often and he doesn't regret the Thanksgiving he spent with his Mom and Dan. Not a single atom regrets making hand turkeys with Dan or holding Dan and his Mom's bags during their Black Friday spree.
He still felt ice in his stomach when he heard that some of Nathan's men had come for Neil and that FF had gotten hurt. FF hadn't seemed overly bothered by the injury and Matt was looking forward to having the freshman as a roommate once he was fully cleared by Abby.
FF was a good kid and Matt had a hard time disliking someone who so obviously looked up to and liked his best friend. He'd told Dan about the 'Captain Neil' title and the two of them had just about died talking about how sweet they both found it.
Which is why he feels a certain kind of way when he finds out his Skype date with Dan had him miss out on a face that, based on what he heard from an incensed Aaron, was in desperate need of a punch.
"Where's Nicky?" Matt asks.
"He couldn't stop worrying about Smiths, he doesn't have Friday classes so he mentioned something about sticking with Smiths." Aaron explains over his oatmeal and Matt turns his head towards the wall they shared with Neil, Andrew, and Kevin's room as he hears the blender going. Aaron shovels the remainder of his oatmeal into his mouth, "I gotta go. I'll see you later." he says.
Matt waves his roommate off and wonders what the sudden rush was but it was hardly three minutes later that Kevin Day was bursting into their room without knocking. "Aaron, I need your-" Kevin stops gaze settling on Matt. "Where's Aaron?" he asks.
Matt looks at him, "He just left." he says. Kevin looks to the ceiling in obvious frustration, "Anything I can help with?" Matt asks while at the same time cursing himself for asking.
"Have you had breakfast?" Kevin asks immediately.
"Uh...no?" Matt says.
"Perfect. Drink this." Kevin says shoving a smoothie into Matt's hand. Matt looked at the blue-ish smoothie in his hands and then back up to Kevin. "You asked if there was anything you could help with. Tell me how that tastes." he points at the beverage and Matt recognizes the distinct smell of one of Kevin's health shakes.
"I don't want to do this." Matt says setting the smoothie to the side.
"I'm trying to improve the flavor." Kevin says, "It was brought to my attention that it isn't very...good tasting." Kevin adds sounding like the admission costs him something.
"Just now? You just figured out they taste like butt, just now?" Matt asks incredulously.
Kevin flushes, "Smiths drank it without complaint!" he exclaims.
"Yeah, 'cuz Smithster is nice! Also I think his face is just stuck like that." Matt says.
"There was no way I could have known they were gross!" Kevin argues.
"Kevin, most people TASTE the things they're giving to others." Matt points out and Kevin only grows redder.
"Are you going to help me improve the taste or not?!" Kevin demands pointing at the smoothie, "that's phase one right there." he points at the beverage.
Matt considers it, "This is to make these god awful smoothies taste better for Smithster?" he asks finally feeling like there was something he could offer his friend.
"Yes." Kevin says.
"And you can't just taste them yourself....because?" Matt asks.
"I need multiple datapoints, it can't just be me." Kevin answers immediately.
Matt rolls his eyes but he was not one to deny the scientific process, "Fine." he agrees and grabs the smoothie, "You said this was phase one of improving the flavor?" he asks.
"Yes." Kevin says.
Matt nods and brings the smoothie to his lips.
Bitter. Slimey. Why is it spicy? So Bitter. It's liquid how is it chalky?
He immediately spits it out, "Why does it taste like that?!" Matt demands immediately. "You said it was phase one?!" he hisses.
"That's the control. I needed your opinion on where I was starting." Kevin jerks his head to the side towards the entrance of Matt's dorm, "C'mon, we've got work to do." he says leaving the room without taking his godforsaken smoothie with him.
Matt looks to the ceiling like Kevin had earlier. Honestly, the world had been a darker place since Kevin had to take the required science course last year.
****** There was no singular more 'freshman' thing that FF had done, in Nicky's opinion, than the fact that the kid had early Friday classes. Nicky had gotten to Abby's place late and hadn't slept before, too caught up in a conversation with Aaron.
FF had been awake when he'd gotten to Abby's, staring blankly into the fridge and based on how cold his friend's pajamas were he couldn't help but wonder how long FF had been there. So he herded FF back to bed and FF had pressed his face into Nicky's shoulder and hadn't let go. So Nicky had crawled into bed after FF had nodded his consent.
Nicky had slept terribly.
Still, he woke up with FF's alarm. FF's gaze was about a thousand miles away but he got ready for his two early Friday classes robotically. Nicky shot a text to Aaron and Andrew to let them know that he'd stick with FF for the day to make sure that if Daniel showed up he wouldn't bother FF.
FF walked into a wall as he was texting. "Aw, bud." he says and sets him on a new course.
Andrew texted to tell him that Neil was going to talk with Wymack about not giving Daniel a chance.
He heard another thud, "Oh, Smith don't run into that." he hears Abby say worriedly.
Nicky puts his phone away.
He gets FF through breakfast and through the walk to campus. He takes a seat next to FF in his Math class and ignores the narrowed eyes of the person who's usual seat he has obviously taken. He turns in FF's homework, pays attention, takes some notes, answers the clicker questions for FF, and guides him out and over towards his next class.
He sees Daniel being shown around campus by Jack.
He texts Aaron for back-up. The two of them manhandle FF across campus just in time for his Japanese class and Nicky and Aaron swear up and down that they are just there to look in on the class. Nicky hands the clicker off to Aaron since the future doctor's handwriting left a lot to be desired.
Eventually it was done and Nicky and Aaron had to maneuver FF through a truly STARTLING amount of people who wanted to 'have a word' with FF. Nicky remembers that kid from months back. 'The Adonis of the Foreign Language Department'
Eventually through a combination of Nicky's polite declinations, Aaron glowering, and FF walking into another wall they managed to escape the Foreign Language department of Palmetto State University.
"I think we deserve a treat." Nicky says, "Everyone who agrees raise your hand." he adds and raises his own hand before lifting FF's hand up and looking to see Aaron lift his own hand up.
"Are we sure he's okay in there?" Aaron asks waving a hand in front of FF's face as they made their way to an ice cream shop that had excellent waffle cones and was the place that sold FF's favorite triple berry milkshake.
"Yeah, this happens sometimes." Nicky says even if it had never gone on this long with FF having to reboot his system. It feels like his friend may have blue-screened but Nicky's willing to wait it out.
"If you're sure." Aaron says expression giving away how unconvinced he is but he moves along, "Did you do what we talked about last night?" he asks.
"Yeup." Nicky says popping the 'p' at the end.
"Good." Aaron says as he opens the door to the ice cream shop.
****** Andrew is walking to Abby's with Neil, Kevin, and Matt to pick up his car. Nicky had texted Andrew that he and Aaron were hanging out at Abby's trying to get FF to snap out of whatever daze he had fallen into.
"We have to let him tryout and there will be someone from the university there making sure it's all fair." Neil spits the word out with obvious disgust. "Like any of this shit is fair!" Neil kicks a pebble on the sidewalk.
Andrew keeps his thoughts to himself that if Daniel just doesn't make it to the tryouts then there's no issue. This whole mess kicked off because he stabbed FF and Andrew wanted to make it right. FF may not blame Andrew and may still reflexively tell anyone who asks that Romero did it, but Andrew can't forget the moment he looked over and saw his knife in FF's stomach and realized that the blood on his hands was his friend's.
"He might be a good addition to the team." Kevin says.
"Kevin, if you say that one more time I'm going to dump phase 3 down your throat." Matt hisses.
Kevin recoils in visible disgust and notably keeps his mouth shut. Andrew will have to get the recipe off of Matt if it's that effective at shutting Kevin up.
They make the final turn onto Abby's street and Andrew's eyes narrow as he looks at Abby's driveway where there was only one car.
"Where the fuck is my car?" he asks.
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davidisnotmyname · 4 months
btw every time you headcanon Medic as being in his thirties an angel loses its wings
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Ryazan, august 2024
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saikkunen · 8 months
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Anyway I finished Final Fantasy IV 3D Remake
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zarophod · 1 year
V: 5 Demons and Angels literally confirms that Rimmer is queer.
i’m sure everything i’m about to say has been said before but i’ve been on Red Dwarf tumblr for approximately 2 days so have not seen it aha. i’ve been obsessed with this show for 3 years however and i am obsessed again and need to talk about Rimmer. (however i have not seen past the old seasons. i never watched the new ones, but i am this time around! basically don’t spoil anything please aha)
As we all know, the low/evil version of Rimmer in this episode is a pretty offensive portrayal of Rimmer as an evil gay man. The outfit, the attitude and everything he says points to the fact that he’s queer (he literally says he’s going to “have” Lister)
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Kryten explains earlier in the episode that the two versions of themselves, the high and low versions, are both just parts of them as people if the opposite part didn’t exist. He only says it in regards to their higher selves, but we can safely assume that the rule is applicable to their lower selves as well.
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With Lister’s lower self, the other characters’ lower selves explain to him all the aspects of him that make up Lower Lister; they’re all things he is and has done in his life. Everything they list we either know about Lister (“lusts for meaningless sex”) or is very plausible for Lister.
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You get what i’m trying to say. If Lister’s lower self is made up of aspects that are entirely a part of him, everyone else’s lower selves must be too, including Rimmer. so why is Rimmer’s lower self queer?
Clearly, Rimmer is queer. when i first watched the show three years ago, i immediately thought he must be queer. this episode confirms that for me. Him being gay is a part of his identity, and so it manifested in his alternate self.
But why the evil self? that’s seems a bit homophobic surely? Well, possibly, the episode was made in 1992. but i’d take a different view of it.
Good and Evil aren’t objective. sure, there are some actions that are congratulatory or deplorable, but “good” and “evil” are just concepts created by society. in this episode, who decided what aspects of themselves went into their lower and higher selves? I reckon it was their own subconscious.
Lister views his desire for meaningless sex as negative, as lower, so that part of himself manifested in his lower self. We know that he wants love and wants to be committed, but obviously has some issues with it (we see this with Lisa Yates in Thanks For The Memory).
For Rimmer’s lower self to be queer, Rimmer himself must also be queer, but he views that part of himself as negative. this is unsurprising knowing what Rimmer’s childhood was like and what he thinks of himself now. Red Dwarf is great at showing how bloody traumatised Rimmer is, and this episode is no exception.
As for his lower self wanting to shag Lister, i’m not saying that’s canon. buuuuut… could be.
Maybe i’m reading too much into it. Red Dwarf is literally a scifi show where the stupidest shit happens for no apparent reason. but Rimmer being queer is something i’ve firmly believed since i’ve known the show, and Demons and Angels properly confirms this for me.
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djevelbl · 3 months
I don't need nor do I want children — look at the world rn, it almost feels illegal to bring children into this shitshow that has no beach episode for anyone but the rich 😐
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queernoctis · 2 months
anyone in chat play ff12
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pierre-reads-comics · 9 months
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Fantastic Four (1961) #35 — Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
"In the past, my potions were imperfect--but now, I have had time to study them, to improve them! Now they are infallible!"
Uh-huh, sure.
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altfire · 14 days
keep wanting to post shit like "not me reading a book 🤪📚🤓🧠" since i got my kindle but im sparing u all. ur welcome
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
THIRTY-FIVE | S02 E01 - Rumor Has It
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog @quarter-life-crisis2 @jub-jub @pb-n-juju @jeonxgoogiee @sugaluvmyg
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @astronaut-jin-moon @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
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A/N - DK was talking about something that happened 12 years ago… 👀
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Unused Memes - Part 35
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princemick · 11 months
when its a spidypool fic and it says mcu...like bro I thought we agreed that thats a no go buddy
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Ryazan, august 2024
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keepthedelta · 3 months
i used to think u were exaggerating about the commentators but after what will buxton said earlier i get why ur always so annoyed at them
sometimes people tell me that i'm too mean about people like will buxton but then he says shit like "the one point lando lost to oscar in the sprint could affect the entire championship" and i realise that i haven't been mean enough
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saifahname · 1 year
U know you get old when the tiktok edits with the "think i need someone older" are with kpop guys. Who are AT MOST... 30?
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