#FF8 fanfic
gardengalwrites · 2 months
Seiftis Forever Festival 2024
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The Seiftis Forever Discord Community invites you to create fanworks celebrating Seifer x Quistis! 1) Your work must feature the Seiftis pairing. 2) Your work must be previously unpublished. Other than that, there are no content restrictions. All genres and ratings are welcome, as well as alternate universes and crossovers. Anything goes, as long as Seiftis is the focal point of your work! Posting runs from September 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 on AO3. Simply add your work(s) to the collection here.
• Happy Birthday • Holiday Cheer • Vacation • Incognito • Secret Relationship • Return to Balamb Garden • Reinstatement of Instructor's License • My Wingman Irvine • My Best Friend Xu • The List • The Orphanage • Troubled Past • Second Chance • The Trepies • Tried for War Crimes • Resignation from SeeD • Nightmares • Oblivious to Love • Amnesia • Critically Wounded • Mission Partners • Bad Habits • Redemptive Love
Bonus Prompts (Reverse Tropes):
♥ Hate at First Sight ♥ Too Many Beds ♥ Instead of Fake Dating, everyone is convinced that they are NOT Actually Dating
Do I have to be a member of the Discord Community to participate? This event is open to everyone but we would LOVE for you to join us. Can't wait to connect with you there!
Do I have to use the prompts? The prompts are completely optional. If you do use any, please mention them in your notes.
Does my submission have to be a fic? What if I don't have an account on AO3? You may submit art, crafts, cosplay, and any other type of fanmedia! Submissions will be accepted outside of AO3. Just make sure to send your link to Garden_Gal so that she can include your fanwork on the Master List (to be released at the close of the Festival).
What if I don't finish in time for the posting period? That's okay! While the goal is to submit your work(s) to this collection from September through December, we will happily accept late submissions in the New Year. We know you're busy so we appreciate you participating in this event.
Can I submit more than one work? Yes, absolutely. Feel free to submit as many works as you would like to!
Can I cross-post to another event? Cross-posting is acceptable, as long as the other event allows this too.
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redfoxline · 9 months
ao3 wrapped [reader edition]
Do you know how many works your read this year? Around 2021 according to my AO3 history
Longest work you read this year? Didn't check but Once Upon An Eclipse by LeeRyder is likely the longest (a Genshin Ragros fic I highly recomment)
Shortest work you read this year (not including art published on ao3)? Not a clue I'm too lazy to check the 101 pages of my history to find out.
Do you have any works you read that are between you and your web browser? Nope, I'm shameless.
Did anything you read make you cry? I can DEFINITELY name a few. Angst is so tasty.
What's your absolute favorite works you read this year? Once Upon An Eclipse (quoted above) and Interlude: tightrope ballet, a wonderful Genshin fic focusing on Collei's and Cyno's relationship by Lilith-writes (the 3rd installment of a series I HIGHLY recommend), Into Esthar (a running FFVIII SxS story) and naturally Et au matin se fâne, a fantastic KavehxAlhiatham story written in French that has stolen my heart.
Did you read through any authors entire works? I certainly did: Shakekp (French) and their beautiful Genshin stories and Hazel-Athena with their incredible (and massive) collection of ZoroxSanji stories in the One Piece fandom.
Pairing you read the most for? AlhaithamxKaveh
Favorite rare pair you read works for this year? Surprisingly I don't think I've read rarepairs this year?
Largest fandom you read for? Genshin Impact
Smallest fandom you read for? Sasaki To Miyano
Did you as a reader receive any works as gifts? Nope.
What trope do you think you read the most of? The Getting Together tope. I even filter my search with this tag! xD
Favorite AU you read this year? Modern AU
Favorite canon concept you read this year? I honestly don't have an answer to that question.
Were your comments coherent or mostly screaming? Both (both is good)
Did you leave any comments that had to be in more than one part? Dude, even with my best effort the AO3 comment section limit is HUGE so obvioulsy no.
How many works did you bookmark this year? Around 80.
Did you read any works published before this year? Of course! Commented on it too. <3
Did you download any works? Yes! I like downloading stuff to listen to them as I do m chores.
WIP's or completed works? Both (Both is still good!)
Category you read the most of? Hurt/Comfort
What time of day do you read the most during? Evenings.
Where do you read the most? At home
Do you read on your phone or on your computer? Both although I think I use my phone more.
Did you do any beta reading for anyone? Nope.
Do you listen to anything while reading? Yes, I like some music or ASMR sometimes.
Did any line/passage stick with you after you read it? I can't remember which fic it was, but I think it was a KavehxAlhaitham's fic where the author quoted an Arabic poem with the following: 'You ask me if I love her to death. Speak her name above my grave and watch me be brought back to life'. A shame I can't recall the poet's name.
Do you have any works you think are required reading for (fandom)? No. Reading is a hobby and being part of a fandom is not a job. You don't need to have read/watch any specific works to be part of the fun.
Biggest surprise for you as a reader this year? Une fleur en ce monde qui n'existe pas by Shakeskp. I've stopped reading in my maternal language ages ago, whether it is in fanfiction or published book, and finding this little gem reminded me how beautiful my own language could be, up to the point where I wrote a little thing in French myself (and enjoyed myself immensely).
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ehdrmfahs · 1 year
who’s eyes pt 3/3
Deling City always had a strange effect on Squall. He often blamed it on his time here in the past, when the city was exactly the same but the people were different. NOt him, but Laguna. Not his friends, but Kiros and Ward. Not Rinoa, but Julia.
Othertimes, it was the weight of what they almost did to Edea. Now, he felt like he just wasn't made for the big city.
He focused on Rinoa's hand in his palm. She knew where she was going. He let himself be led through the crowd of people and just drifted. Trusted. Once he felt the cool air conditioning blow his bangs back, he opened his eyes and found himself back at Deling Hotel.
"Can we stop for a drink?"
Squall and Rinoa got more than one drink, so they got a hotel room as well. The sheets were cool, Rinoa was warm, and everything was soft. Squall didn't really like drinking much, but tonight he could understand why Zell did. Rinoa whines a little when he pullss back from their kiss. Resting on his haunches, he takes his shirt off, pulls his zipper down, pants off. Rinoa grabs onto his forearms, gripping hard.
"Are you okay?"
She nods. Another kiss before he pulls her dress up and off. Squall turns to toss it on the chair, and Rinoa pounces onto him, straddling his thighs. Rough, sword-worn hands ran up and down her milky, smooth legs while she shakily lowers herself onto him.
After they've both finished, showered, ate, and Squall smoked (twice), he still wasn't ready to fall asleep. Rinoa's head rests on his chest, rising and falling with his breath. His fingers comb and card through her hair, enjoying it just for the sensation. Rinoa hummed appreciatively, closer to sleep than him.
Rinoa rolls over, bright eyes locked on his. Squall can't match her gaze, but gets a playful pinch on her cheek in before sliding out of bed.
Rinoa tracks him from the bed, to his jacket, to his pants, to the window. Squall lits up a cigarette he never wanted to smoke, and the acrid stink of it in his throat almost makes him gag. Instead, he hocks a loogey outside.
The nicotine, the fresh night air, and the post-nut clarity all mix together to sober Squall up. From his vantage, he can see all the way to Rinoa's house. They hadn't stopped in to see Fury in weeks. He and Rinoa both knew he wasn't ready, that he would do or say something he would grow to regret.
"I actually didn't like that song for a long time."
Squall faces Rinoa, wrapped up in in sheets and looking for all the world like a Renaissance painting. His heart races — he had gotten away with not talking about the song for months now. "I thought everyone liked it."
Rinoa's lips tease into a not-quite smile. "Everyone's mom didn't write it. You've met Dad, you can imagine how he felt about hearing it. He was too scared to feel anything about her."
Squall just nods. Blows smoke out the window. Curses Fury Caraway to hell and back.
Rinoa continue. "Now, listening to her music makes me feel close to her. I played it a lot during our mission."
"I oughta say thank you to her."
Rinoa smiles privately. Squall would do anything for her. He puts his cigarette in the ashtray and dropped from standing to kneeling betweeen her legs at the end of the bed. He feels her arms rubbing up and down his back.
He hears her take a deeper breath than normal. When he looks up, he's surprised to find Rinoa finishing off his cigarette. She doesn't cough or hack, just smiled down at Squall.
They sat there in silent stasis while she finishes smoking. And then after. Squall doesn't know how long it was before Rinoa picks up humming again. The melody was familiar to Squall, but he couldn't place it exactly. Not before she finally sang the lyrics.
"Did you ever know? That I had mine on you."
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pinnadraws · 3 months
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The penultimate one!
Zell Dincht! Our favorite fighter!!
I really like this design. What do you think about it?
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aleheartilly · 1 month
[FANFIC MILESTONE] 10k hits on AO3!
Last night I reached a total of 10000 hits on AO3!
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Thank you, everyone, for your support, be it through silent reading, through kudos, through comments, or through bookmarks. It means so much that you like my little stories enough to follow/comment/bookmark/leave kudos :)
To celebrate, I chose a random story with the help of random.org, and the selected one is Pieces. This is a story that is very dear to my heart because it is dedicated to my loved ones who are not in this world anymore: my mother (passed away in 2008) and my grandmother (passed away in 2022).
For this story in particular, I also asked for a commission from @pinnadraws and the result was so delicate and wonderful that I feel it deserves another share:
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So thank you everyone once again. Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️
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batshieroglyphics · 2 months
AO3 Scene Breaks - Final Fantasy Style!
Following from my set of FMA scene breaks, I've been working my way through my works to add scene breaks that are both screen-reader friendly, and just generally more fun.
This batch is for my Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy X fics (not including the crossovers, those will be a different post). This has been shared previously with my patreons here. (The below is basically copy&pasted from the Patreon post, they just got it a few days sooner.)
Image descriptions are either in the image alt text, or shared below, if tumblr wouldn't let me add alt text. 🙄 Most of these are larger versions of the breaks used on AO3, but I don't have larger saves of the first two, so you're getting the smaller versions.
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[Image Description: Final Fantasy 10 logo of Yuna sending bracketing the Zanarkand Abes logo; all are in colours of blue and yellow /end ID]
Final Fantasy X line break, which I actually created...last year? Ish. It's the Zanarkand Abes symbol, the fatter version that Tidus wears on his shorts, between mirrored versions of the Yuna sending logo for the series in the original sunset ombre.
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[Image Description: Seymour Guado's chest tattoo bracketing the Zanarkand Abes logo; Seymour's lions are black outlined in purple, the Abes symbol is dark grey outlined in teal]
I also created an alternate, which is the thinner Abes symbol that Tidus wears as a necklace between Seymour's chest tattoos, which I'd halfway through to use for a Tidus/Seymour fic, although I prefer the above for Crooked Wings, and I haven't really done any other FFX fics that require scene breaks and have them as main characters.
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Not actually using this one anywhere, yet, but one of the holiday card ficlets for this year is a non-shippy FF8 piece, and I seem to recall it having a scene break, so I decided to make a break that could be used no matter the ship. In this case, the Balamb Garden yin-yang symbol with the white halo. With, I think, light grey outline? So it can be seen against a white background.
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Standard Seifer/Squall shippy break of the Balamb Garden yin-yang between Hyperion and Revolver. The Hyperion I ended up using is the 'costume' Squall has in Dissidia, because I'd otherwise have had to use the pixelated version from the base game. And that wouldn't have looked terrible in the small scale, but the pixelated base game version of Revolver doesn't have the Griever keychain and the embossing on the blade is...a disaster, so I ended up going for two higher-def gunblades, even if Hyperion's handle is wrong. Highlights of red around Hyperion and blue around Revolver were mostly because of my long-held headcanon that Seifer leans more towards fire (thanks fireball in the opening scene spar) and Squall leans more towards ice magic. Which meant this scene break worked very, very well for Zyxt, where the two blast Adel's Tomb in space and end up inheriting her magic.
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This one is 100% created for my Sorcerer!Squall fic, Silver Wings, because there was no way I wasn't going to find a pair of spread wings and recolour them silver for this fic, come on. And then the Griever necklace in the centre, because of the backstory this fic attaches to it.
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For Noblesse Oblige, I wanted Lion Heart as a sort of nod to how advanced Squall is, that he's already done all this before, and the crown for the title's meaning, that Squall (and Seifer, to a large extent) are the nobility of Garden, having been some of the original students and, in this fic, very much paving the way for generations of SeeD.
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For Sins of Our Young, I knew I was going to go with the gunblades again—they're really the best way, I think, of implying about Seifer and Squall's relationship without using the character images, which I was sort of half-consciously avoiding—and I crossed them at the handles. But I wasn't certain how to bring in the implication of the title—namely, the 'Sins' bit. I tried finding blood drips or splatters I could add to the gunblades, but I wasn't really coming up with the vague image I had. The bloody hand print wasn't terrible, didn't hate it, fully intended to use it, and then I remembered I had a sort of dripping font and decided to just type 'Sins' and recolour it red. So, the left one is the version you'll actually see used in the fic.
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For Kissing It Better, I honestly thought about just using a line of kiss marks, lol, but then I did a quick re-read of the fic and remembered the bit about Seifer giving Squall the Griever necklace, so I decided I'd just use that charm again. And then a calligraphy swirls line break I stumbled across got re-purposed as a sort of necklace chain, because I wasn't having a lot of luck, otherwise.
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I actually almost used the gunblades with the Balamb Garden yin-yang for Broken For the Scars I Forgave, except, part of that fic is that Garden isn't really welcoming for them, after canon, so they have to find somewhere else to go. Too, Rinoa's relationship—both the Sorceress/Knight bond with Squall, and the friendship/mutually-hated persons thing she has going with Seifer—is...so important to this fic. And I wanted to recognise that. So, gunblades crossed at the hilt in front of Rinoa's Shooting Star.
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sapphic-sasquatch · 7 months
midnight love
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I can't be your second best, close but not your favorite
Kairi x Selphie, implied Sora x Kairi
Summary: In which Selphie feels like she's competing with a ghost
Contains: WLW pairing, angst, implied mention of eating disorders
Word count: 1.2k words
A/N: This is my first work on here woo!
Kairi was on the floor, completely blacked out. Panic spread through Selphie's body and she knelt down next to the unconscious body.
'She seemed fine a minute ago! Shit, what do I do?' The brunette palmed Kairi's forehead, feeling for a fever but her temperature was normal. Thoughts of confusion and concern swarmed through Selphie.
Pulling Kairi onto her lap, Selphie stroked the redhead's auburn hair not knowing what else to do. Her eyebrows narrowed, silently pissed off at Kairi for looking so peaceful in her sudden state.
"What the hell happened to you?" She whispered. This was a question for many reasons: one, her physical state. Has she not been eating or sleeping properly? No, Kairi would've told her, right? Although she has been looking slimmer lately...
The second reason was Kairi's new strange obsession with another boy, another boy who supposedly played with her, Selphie, Riku, and the other kids. Another boy who supposedly joined Riku and Kairi on their strange journey that Selphie knew nothing about. Another boy who supposedly was closer to Kairi than anyone else. Closer than her.
Kairi had always been a bit of a fanatic, dreaming of great adventures and stories where she was the great heroine, so that's what Selphie tried to brush it off as at first.
But then Kairi would grow to be more descriptive of how the boy looked ("spiky brown hair and red clothes" is what Kairi would say she remembered the boy looking like; there was never too clear of a picture of him in her head, she explained) and how the boy behaved ("he's a bit of a goofball but he's way too friendly for his own good" is what Kairi would beam with energy saying).
Kairi would grow to be more obsessed and more convinced that this boy did indeed exist. So Selphie decided to be the contrarian to what people would normally do and entertain Kairi's thoughts and conspiracies about this mystery boy. It was harmless, right? Kairi would eventually realize maybe this was going too far, right?
Over two months had passed since this mystery boy was initially brought up and the redhead only grew more mesmerized by the idea of him. She talked about him in ways she talked about Selphie, she made gifts for him in ways she made gifts for Selphie, and she directed attention to him in ways she directed attention to Selphie.
This ghost, Selphie decided, became the reason Kairi would get out of bed when she was feeling depressed, while even Selphie couldn't accomplish that.
This ghost became the reason Kairi looked forward to the day, in hopes she'd somehow recall more details about him when she wouldn't even do that for Selphie.
This ghost also became the reason that Kairi stopped going to the play island, Selphie learned.
"I'm not going back to the island until I remember everything about him." Kairi declared, just moments before she blacked out on the dirt-infested ground.
Now the brunette was holding onto the redhead, not too loosely, not too tightly. While Selphie oh so selfishly hated the idea of someone meaning more to Kairi than she did to her, she knew that if learning more about this ghost-boy-whatever-he-was made her happy, then Selphie had to let that be so.
Because as much as Selphie could be blunt and tell Kairi that she was delusional, there was some gut feeling telling her that this ghost was real, this ghost had at some point meant so much to Kairi, and possibly meant so much to Selphie herself.
The brunette stared down at the girl on her lap and cupped her jaw, still unsure of what to do. Kairi had no fever and her heart was beating normally, so there was no need to get any medics involved, but she was also far too heavy for Selphie to carry back home.
Before Selphie could think too much about what to do, the sight of Kairi's eyes blinking open caught her attention, and a wave of relief washed over her.
The two girls shared a look that Selphie wasn't quite sure of what it meant but there was an underlying comfort in it anyhow.
But Kairi quickly and almost hastily turned her attention away from Selphie, and she soon realized the redhead was looking at the play island. The play island that Kairi just said she'd avoid but was looking at with determination and longing. A longing that wasn't for the girl right beside her, but a longing in the same way Selphie longed for Kairi.
That's when it hit her. Kairi definitely loved Selphie and cared for her, but her heart and feelings belonged elsewhere. They belonged with this ghost of a boy.
This past year with the fleeting moments of a fear of being caught, the intimate moments they shared that never made it past small kisses and desperate holding of each other, Kairi's birthday party where Selphie was finally able to give her a gift rather than the other way around, that was all for Kairi to give away to someone else.
All because of an obsession with a ghost.
Before Selphie could express her relief about Kairi's regaining consciousness, the redhead suddenly stood up with the brunette following after and ran off, in which Selphie couldn't help but reach out a hand of desperation, as if that would somehow pull Kairi back to her.
Quickly realizing Kairi was heading in the direction of the play island, the brunette wasted no time to catch up.
Watching the sheet of paper float away in a glass bottle, Kairi and Selphie knelt down near the shore.
"What's that?" The brunette questioned and looked at the girl beside her only to see the same expression of longing from before.
"A letter," Kairi responded and then quickly clarified herself. "To the boy I can't remember. I told him that no matter where he is, I'll find him. One day."
Kairi's eyes narrowed and she almost seemed sad, which made Selphie's heart sink.
"When I stopped writing, I remembered we made a promise, something important. This letter is where it starts, I know it." Kairi ended her mini-speech, her expression filling up with hope.
Selphie wanted to be happy for Kairi, to cheer her on, and fill her up with even more hope, but there was this underlying presence of jealousy. She hated it.
So with as much energy as she could muster, Selphie wore a smile and stared out at sea with Kairi, reminding her of the times they shared just watching the waves crashing onto the shore.
"Wow... I hope he gets it."
"He will." The redhead claimed gleefully, which made Selphie's insides twist and turn uncomfortably. She looked at Kairi and saw just how happy she was.
"Starts with an 'S'." Kairi blurted out suddenly. "Right, Sora?"
'Sora... sounds familiar.'
The next day, Kairi was gone. There were no traces of her anywhere; not at school, not at her house, not at the play island, not the secret cave, and not even the one corner of the island Kairi and Selphie would use to hangout to get away from everyone else just because the secret cave was no longer that much of a secret.
After school ended, Selphie was the one watching the shore. Selphie was the one refusing to go to the play island because without Kairi it wasn't the same. Selphie was the one waiting for nobody to come back.
Selphie was now the one obsessed with a ghost.
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uncanon-xiv · 11 months
Under the Moonlight
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Ficcies! I have fic! Writing! Uh.
Anyway. Seifer lands in Eorzea during the Calamity and Sicard is annoyed by it. What follows is the most likely of unlikely pairings. Enjoy!
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marmolita · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Seifer Almasy & Squall Leonhart Characters: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy Additional Tags: Memory Loss, Non-Linear Narrative, (the memory loss is GF memory loss) Summary:
"Did I ever tell you 'bout my romantic dream?"
Squall laughs. "Only about a hundred times. Sorceress' knight, right?"
Seifer frowns. "How did you know that?" he asks.
I started this fic years ago but finally finished it up and got it posted the other day!  Squall and Seifer and GF-related memory loss, and I’m also counting it for the free square on my @ffviiibingo card!
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tellmeallaboutit · 7 months
ff.net still has the fanfic I wrote when I was 13, for Final Fantasy 8, in 200X. In English. Which is not my first language. A darkfic too, of course. Sometimes I try to read it again, but die of an uncontrollable attack of cringe at about the third paragraph, but damn, it is also a very endearing memory. I cannot take it down anymore because my co-author had the creds but I don’t even know if I want to.
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summonerluna · 1 year
Peeking out of hiding to share this. If you're in the FFVIII fandom chances are you've at least heard of Kris/Ashbear. She lost her son at the beginning of the year and now her mother is struggling, and their family could really use some help right now. Times are hard for everyone, so if you can't help donate just sharing/signal boosting this might get them what they need!
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gardengalwrites · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Thank you for the tag, @angelosearch!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern! (Or however many fics you have!)
I decided to skip my 3 most recently updated fics as they are not yet Complete. This is everything after that in reverse chronological order:
Seifer Almasy is more or less stuck in the friend zone when it comes to Quistis Trepe.
You fool.
Twenty-one days.
Quistis knows it is Seifer
"We have a serious problem," announced Squall.
We talked.
I know there's something wrong the second I see a flock of students huddled around the bulletin board.
Selphie's work computer houses a folder called Events.
"I hope you don't mind drinking instant coffee."
When I was fifteen, it was easy to look presentable in class and be noticed by the boys—not that I tried to get their attention, at least not yet.
My Thoughts:
Side note: #4 is a poem which is why there is no punctuation at the end.
In all honesty, I've NEVER thought about first lines before. I'm very much into last lines but not first lines, so this was a very eye-opening exercise for me!
I can't say for sure whether there are any consistent patterns...? 😂 I definitely favor shorter sentences, sometimes fragments of sentences. POV is tricky to pinpoint—for example, Squall is not the protagonist of fic #5 but Selphie is absolutely the center of fic #8. Finally, I have to agree with @angelosearch that my first lines aren't always the best representations of what the stories are about. 🤔
To everyone reading this, feel free to participate in this tag game if it interests you! 🙃
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts: The Brightest of Hearts - Table of Content
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
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ehdrmfahs · 1 year
who’s eyes
post ff8 fanfic
part 1/3
The air in the Balamb Garden's library was musty, like always. Squall watched as Laguna rummaged through stacks of old tapes. Just over an hour before, Laguna had finally admitted to squall that he was his father. The newness of his father's confession and the uncharged nature of the library seemed to crash against each other in Squalls head. He inhaled that stuffy, aged air, not realizing that he had been holding his breath.
Squall had to wait for a week after the battle at Ultemechia's palace for Laguna to contact him. The hints dropped by Kiros and Ward were enough for Squall to put the pieces together, but the ball was still in Laguna's court.
As the days passed, Rinoa began to supply potential reasons that Laguna hadn't reached out. Everytime Squall told her he wasn't bothered, that she didn't need to concern herself. This was a truth with a lie hidden inside. He hated seeing her worried, and was always bothered by her guilt. This guilt was inherited from Rinoa's father, but Squall knew the origin was Laguna. He was sure that Laguna knew it too. Even so, it was hard for Squall to even feel resentment towards Laguna. There was a hollow pit where his feelings for his father should have been. Sanded away by time, maybe. Or war.
Laguna finally fulfilled his promise to call Squall. They met at 9p.m. outside of the Deiling City Hotel bar. The night passed entirely without major incident. Squall drove him back in the Ragnarok, and couldn't miss the pong of historical feeling that passed over the older man's face when he was lifted up into the cockpit.
They met in the Deiling City Hotel week after week. Julia's bar served as a sort of limiter for their relationship. Laguna knew that Squall had been to Winhill. Atleast, if he wasn't a total idiot. But the Deiling City Hotel kept them in conversations about sorceress and war, deftly avoiding family. And home. Laguna drank progressively more each week. Squall did the opposite, having just one glass of beer before switching to water. He didn't hide it, but Laguna never noticed or let on. It took about a month for Lagmato work up the tolerance to be drunk enough to have the courage to finally admit his relationship to Squall. He threw the confession away, unable to even meet his son's eyes.
Squall had no idea what to say. He motioned for another beer, feeling grim when he noticed Laguna do the same. Coming face to face with the son that did what Laguna never could triggered something in the President. He began to hum the time to an old Julia Heartlilly hit, something Squall couldn't quite place.
Thanks to Lagunas drunken state this eventually escalated to him on singing and dancing on the bar. A few short minutes later, Lagunas arm was wrapped around Squall's shoulder as Squall led his father back towards Ragnarok. "What do you mean youve never heard it?" Laguna was insisting they seek out a tape of this apparently rare and underappreciated Julia Heartilly b-side. "Were you living under a rock?"
Not for the first time since he had begun these weekly meetings with Laguna, Sawall found the idea of mahood pathetic. Laguna's desperation to share a piece of his youth had him obsessed with poring ownership over Julia. It wasn't just Laguna. Cid, Fury. Even Seifer. These men couldn't protect their women, or the world. That had fallen to Squall. They certainly didn't protect him. And now, after Squall fixed their messes, they look to him to perform friendship for their benefit. As if he was the one that had proven himself good enough to join their club.
Laguna shouted, bringing Squall out of his thoughts "I found it!" He excitedly carried over the tape, labeled "Eyes on Me."
Squall couldnt help himself. "This is what you were looking for?" But Laguna didn't wait for squall to finish his line of questioning, happy instead to trot off in search of an appropriate player. Squall wondered what Rinne could have possibly seen in him. Wanted, not for the first time, the chance to meet his mother as himself.
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pinnadraws · 2 months
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Today is Monday.
A new week begins, a new cycle.
And why not start it with Rinoa Heartilly?
I love characters with wings (although I kinda hate drawing them...😅)
What do you think about it? Do you like this Rinoa design?
I look forward to your comments
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aleheartilly · 22 days
A few days ago, my first smut in English, Surrender, reached a milestone!
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First 100 hits on AO3 💪 I was nervous about this one but it seems you like it, so thank you 😊 If you wanna read, you can find it on AO3 and FF.net as usual!
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