howlingdemon13 · 1 year
Can we talk about Trevor’s sass and bully energy in CoD? Please? Please, I really want to talk about the sassy boi so bad!!!!!!
I have so many ✨thoughts✨ as to why an otherwise open guy who makes friends exclusively with fellow misfits would be so hostile to someone like Hector (a misfit trying to do the right thing).
I know some people have pointed out that it’s because Trevor is slightly affected by Dracula’s curse, but I feel like that kinda takes away from a more core/interesting take that you can make an argument for.
While I like the idea of even a Belmont being susceptible to dark magic to some degree (we see this happen with other Belmonts like Simon and Richter), I feel like it takes away from something that I think is a little more obvious?
Man’s is pissed, bro.
Trevor and his family have gone through hell up until this point. His ancestor basically doomed the clan to forever hunt the most evil being on earth for what will end up being centuries (looking at you, Leon). Which is good, considering they’ve made themselves the most qualified, but it cost them basic respect from the people they’re protecting and they’ve lost so much more because of it. But they’re noble and don’t seem to complain. You’re lucky, Leon.
Now, we know Trevor probably doesn’t care what people think about him so long as he can keep them safe. It’s his duty, and we see time and time again that he’ll literally do anything to make sure people are alive so that they can think their stupid silly thoughts about him and his family. By his time, he’s exiled, excommunicated, and shunned but he never once complains. Even when people come crawling to him for help, he doesn’t hesitate to do so. This is what he was called to do: kill Dracula and bring peace. He’s noble like that. He’s a knight like Leon in his own way.
As far as he knows, Dracula cannot come back after he and his friends defeated him in CV3.
Until things start looking… off. There’s a creeping darkness and uncertainty that feels so familiar. But that’s impossible, right? Dracula is gone, so how…?
“You’re telling me Dracula’s employee - some fucking guy - wants to bring Dracula back from the dead!?”
Would you not also be fucking pissed? To have your family endure centuries of pain and trauma - to have experienced it for yourself - and finally done what you have prepared your entire life to potentially do, only for some fucking guy to try to fuck all of that up? Would you not rush out of your home to go kick their ass and pummel them for daring to plunge the world into darkness? That same darkness you yourself expunged and went through hell to do???
Uh, if you say no you’re a liar.
From canon, we know that Trevor and Sypha have either started a family or are at least thinking about it at this point (I assume it’s the former since I am 110% certain she would have tagged along. Things would have been so much easier with her magic. And I personally think that would be a fun date idea - beating the tar out of Dracula’s unhinged employee - but I realize I’m not most people). Point being, Trevor not only has to worry about all of humanity (again), but his family. And, considering he was the last known member of his family when Dracula bit the dust, he’s going to fight tooth and nail to keep this.
If you say you’d play nice and try to be understanding when the lives and futures of your kids are at stake, you’re lying. Idk what to tell ya.
Trevor obviously takes initiative and it borders on impulsiveness, but he’s not going to make the mistake of letting this situation get to a point that all hell breaks loose if he has any say in it. I do like to think that he’s inherently a little sassy anyway, but let’s ramp that up to 100 when he’s livid.
But anger leads to getting sloppy and making mistakes. He doesn’t give Hector a chance to explain himself. That would take too much time. The Forgemaster could deceive him and cost him time or worse. He gets distracted and lets Isaac get away. He gets distracted again and nearly gets himself killed.
Maybe under different circumstances Hector would have at least gotten an apology. Like “aw fuck, sorry. I forgot there were two of you. My bad. Wanna help me out with this one?” Ultimately, he does help Hector despite his initial skepticism, and I think it’s a mix of feeling at least a little bad about beating him up and realizing that he works better with a team.
Going off of how he talks down to Hector after beating him up, one could argue that maybe Trevor is just kinda full of himself? Like he’s riding the high off of being the hero? Well, you’re wrong. Trevor is very quick to hype his friends up and give them equal credit in kicking Dracula’s ass. Sure, maybe he jokes about it with his friends, but he’s not full of himself to the degree that he’s going to hype himself up when his friends aren’t around. He’s humble like that. Fight me behind Waffle House about it.
Trevor isn’t incompetent, but he does let his emotions control him. Again, he works better with a team, but he’s so impulsive and pissed at this point that he probably just ran out of the house to go and do what is (up until this point) his job; keep people safe. Keep his family safe.
So, yeah, maybe the curse feeds into his emotions and decisions, but I think it’s more compelling for Trevor to be a very tired, traumatized, and livid dad doing what he thinks is the right thing to do to make sure his kids (and other people, sure) have a future in which they don’t have to go through the horrible things their mom and dad (and uncle Grant and uncle Alucard) went through. If he could see what became of future members of his family and see the hells they faced, I genuinely think it would break his heart.
So yeah, Trevor is bitchy, but I think he has a right to be bitchy when someone is threatening to blow down his metaphorical house of cards that he went through hell to stack up.
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batcavescolony · 4 months
I feel like comic writers and some fans have forgotten that Young Justice is mostly about the girls. The main storylines were about Secret/Greta, Cissie, and Anita. The boys were there but they had their own runs. Take Young Justice Dark Crisis, yeah it's all about the boys IF you only read the first 5 ish comics. After that it's either big comic events or about the girls. Really the girls are the main characters of Young Justice, the boys are there to draw people in.
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plutonicbees · 1 year
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young just us: the game 👾
based off of the scott pilgrim video game, i wanted to play around with the idea of what the yj98 team would look like in the same style.. mostly i just wanted to draw everybody as silly little pixel sprites
(character sprite pngs + mount justice landscape under cut)
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lemonlimestar · 3 months
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she needs to fight!!! here’s my redesign for anita :)
i felt like something was lacking in her costume and i wanted to take a stab at redesigning her so! here she is!
explanation will be under the cut :]
when i started this redesign, i knew i wanted to incorporate her cultural background a lot more. she is implied (i don’t believe they outright specify it) to practice specifically haitian voodou & both of my parents practice african traditional religions. so, i talked to my dad about different ways to connect that to her costume and he brought up west african masquerades.
i was sent many, many videos (thank u dad 🫡) of masquerades as well as celebrations of junkanoo, which is a festival that started in north america rooted in west african festival traditions & they both have bright colors & masks that i felt really lent itself to the empress costume
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i knew i wanted to keep her general silhouette, but i tweaked it to better suit the masquerade & festival costumes e.g. her glove and boot cuffs being flipped.
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the stripes were a common aspect, and i based the masks more on junkanoo than masquerades just because of the important meanings behind masquerading that i am not qualified to apply to a dc comics characters ajhdjsja. i also made her under armor a lot more yellow to have less people confuse it as her skin? which i’ve seen a few times.
speaking of, now onto her actual appearance. i think anita has a very cute design, but like many non-white comic characters , it is a bit of a struggle. but! that’s an easy fix.
first, i gave her knotless french curl braids, bc all the black vigilantes i draw have to have protective hairstyles apparently lmao. but also it’s a nice mix of the braids she wears in yj sometimes and her usual hair. yippee
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(+ i just made her empress hair a wig, bc it’s very much more convenient & plays into the festival costume aspect)
and, finally, i made her skin tone a lot deeper bc, especially compared to her white teammates, her skin is super gray 😭 which is common for a lot of brown comic characters unfortunately. i could’ve just made her og skintone more saturated but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s a free country.
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and that’s a wrap :^) ty to anyone who actually sat through my rambling! if anything came off unclear i’ve open to questions about it. bring back anita fite 2k24
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hijinxinprogress · 6 months
Whenever the JL starts complaining about YJs public image YJ just straight up gaslights them
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strawberrysoop · 10 days
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cissie + the people who feel some kinda way about her being arrowette + the fear of being pressured to fit a part youve outgrown
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thepastneverforgets · 5 months
no but seriously, it's tommy's karaoke bar trivia night. it's tommy that apparently has enough interest in it to go to trivia night regularly, and he obviously happens to invite eddie along because they're bonding and becoming friends. and then eddie only informs buck of this because buck takes the initiative to ask when he's seeing tommy next. just for eddie to ask buck to babysit l o l. and like.... what do you mean buck's best friend is getting in between him and the badass firefighter pilot that makes terrible, brazen fake mouth static and enjoys competitive trivia??
his soulmate was literally blocking him from his ideal husband.
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revasserium · 1 year
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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vampiregokudera · 7 months
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YoungJusticeFashionWeek2024 EXTENDED day 4 - Ballet and other dances
This time with a panicky Slobo and a guest appearance from Cassandra Cain :D
Dance performance costumes are so beautiful!
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six-demon-bag · 4 months
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SCHMIDTY textpost (11/?)
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roseworth · 2 years
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i just think all my favorites should be friends even if it doesnt make any sense is that too much to ask
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planetoflovers · 7 months
I hate the way people will yj98 fanart and then completely exclude Anita. Like if you can add Greta and cissie then there’s no reason why you can’t include Anita. I’m just so tired of the fandom glossing over the existence of black characters
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nitrozem · 6 months
Wait, Sid can get rid of the annoying weeds cause he has the garden spell
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hijinxinprogress · 5 months
YJs ability to piss people off occasionally backfires (But they’re still gonna do it again)
Imagine YJ pisses off a telepath with a stupid costume so the villain with a habit of telepathically tormenting mfs starts targeting yj by making them hear things they’re afraid of and everyone else’s is like regular run of the mill shit like their family/friends dying or telling them they hate them, sometimes they hear them listing every bad quality they have and every mistake they’ve ever made, they know it’s not still happening but they’ll hear a loved one or a civilian they couldn’t save using their last breath to blame them for their deaths in the middle of the night which is usually followed by the voice that reminds them that ‘they just don’t quite measure up to their peers or predecessors so really, wouldn’t it be for the best if they just disappeared? No one would even notice and if they did, how likely is it that they’d care? What could they possibly be contributing to the world that can’t be done better by someone else?’ And that’s normal for yj but what causes them to lose it is when they start to hear the sound of someone clicking their tongue and humming in disapproval whenever they’re doing something ill advised but they only figure out who fears that sound when Anita loses her shit so they find her and they’re like wtf?? you live like this?? but she’s fucking petrified and muttering to herself
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wormholxtreme · 9 months
Where are my X-Men and Avengers playing baseball together and having a yearly game instead of the bullshit AvX shit we always get???
Hot take, fuck comics for always pitting them against each other. Gimme my A+X storylines
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Finally cracked into Metroid Prime Remastered last night. So far it’s been a mix of me whipping through the gameplay because I’m very familiar with enemy behaviours and gimmicks, and me standing around admiring the scenery and geeking out about the level of detail introduced. Played all the way up to the second visit to the Ruins after getting Spider Ball, utterly in my glory, before getting tired and having to stop.
There are some details that I miss, which I'm sure everyone has heard by now (beam lighting is a sore loss with the thermal visor changed to a blurry mess, the doors don’t look quite right, no reflection in the Ruins mirrors did make me a little sad), but some of the work put into visually sprucing up the game had me giggling with delight if not gobsmacked with awe.
Some of the things that stuck out to me were:
Parasite Queen got a makeover; she’s much more plated and creepy now.
Flaahgra got some texture upgrades; its flower is now distinctly fleshy and you can spot a new idle animation through the door rather than the bloom being a static model.
They actually animated Samus doing a proper roll in the Flaahgra intro cutscene, where it had been a brief duck into morphball mode previously. Both are good but the effort pleases me.
Stone and architecture textures look great, more distinct markings on a lot of stuff in the ruins, including a few new decorative textures. (Notably the base of the halfpipe in the Ruins plaza; it looks like they’ve taken some cues from the SkyTown aesthetic for their fill-in decorative textures which is a very nice nod)
Columnar basalt in Magmoor! Which may have appeared in some capacity in the original but it is lovingly sculpted and appears in a handful of rooms, flowing naturally out of the smoother lava-rock formations. Neat stuff.
Dynamic heat-shimmer in Magmoor. For an example, the room just before the first elevator to Phendrana abuts a room with magma in it; closer to the magma there is heat-shimmer, but further away there is not. Again, this may have appeared in the original and I just never noticed, but the effect is much more pronounced here and it looks good
Rain effects remain gorgeous on the visor. The artifact temple’s window has an animated ‘rain on glass’ texture that had me staring at it for a while.
Moving clouds! Notably in Phendrana but other areas may have them as well, the skyboxes have an extra layer so they’re not just static painted images but have some cloud movement to them that looks decently realistic.
The snow-on-stone texture looks great. I don't know how to describe it but it has a realistically wind-scraped look, which adds a lot of life. GC Phendrana had very neat snow-caps on everything, which to be fair has aged well, but the gradient shown by the new textures feels very real.
The Switch appears in the options menu. Maybe this is a silly thing to marvel at but there’s a very detailed model of a Nintendo Switch where once was a GameCube (Or whatever was in he Trilogy version, I don’t actually know.)
Will report more as I go through. Needless to say I am deeply enjoying myself.
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