otakusparkle · 2 years
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is Eli Clark
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Santa told me that he's really there
Santa has hear me, I've been so good this year
All I want is one thing, my true love is here
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year
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meowordeath · 6 months
A/N: I love Identity V!! especially Eli Clark!! I attempt to make it as gender ambiguous as possible, besides one having the word boob just replace it with pec! i didn’t know a gender neutral term for boob, sorry! :3 btw I'm not sure if someone else has already done this!
Characters | Eli Clark , Ganji Gupta , Naib Subedar and the lovely lady Patricia Dorval
Content warning : fluff , reader with boobs but no specific pronoun, not too inappropriate, jack the ripper And Breaking wheel if those count?
Identity V characters reacting to their s/o clothes getting ripped! :3
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Eli Clark
Before the match started Eli got to view your new costume. It looked very ninja like, the clothes were very skin tight. You two chatted while preparing for the match “Remember, just called out and I'll send brooke to your aid, okay?” He whispered to you laying his gloved hand atop yours. “I know, don't worry if I need you I’ll shout”
You smile before pecking him on the cheek. Brooke hoots happily, as Eli gives you one more loving look, before everyone's sight fades.
For first few minutes of the match you had been decoding. Feeling more relaxed as Luca shouted the hunter was on him, making him first kite. Your cipher was a little over half way done, as Luca started kiting toward you. At first you assumed he was just kiting in the area so you didn't bother to get off the cipher.
Your heartbeat started to get more prominent, but you were still very lax, thinking Luca and whoever the hunter was were just getting closer, when a shout rang out through the map. “Beware! Hunter has changed target!” You lifted your head abruptly from your cipher, accidentally messing up a calibration in the process making you shield your face from the explosion.
Soon after you messed it up you felt blades run from your back to your side. You cry out in pain bumping into the cipher as you sprint away, unfortunately the cipher snagged one of the slashes he had made in your shirt. A dark chuckle sounded behind you as you ran.
“This chase is already way more exciting than chasing that decoder,” Jack said licking the blood from his blades. You ran vaulting windows, throwing pallets for distance, you even led him back to Luca. Luca had a flustered look watching you pass him.
Eli knew you were currently kiting and trusted that you’d call out for help, so he didn't want to waste his spectate. “Help me!” Your shout rang out through the map. Eli was quick to send brooke to your aid. Looking through brooke's eyes he was shocked at the condition of your current costume. His face turned a little red.
Jack had only meant to slash your back, but since you messed up the calibration his slash went down your side, slicing open your shirt. It would've been fine with thin slashes, if your crash into the cipher hadn't caused your shirt to snag. It tore and your right boob was pretty much exposed.
You were trying to hold onto some dignity pulling the shreddings of your shirt over to cover it, but vaulting and pulling down pallets. You needed both your hands. Jack definitely had a great view of you each time you pulled down pallets. Eli was quick to find the teams other assist, William, and asking for his help to get The Ripper off you.
William was quick to assist. He stunned Jack allowing you to escape and hide, forcing him switch targets. Eli set brooke to find you, so he could help.
When he did find you, you were crouched behind a pallet, making a pathetic attempt to save your shirt. Eli crouched in front of you, not looking at your chest, instead checking over the wound. “It’s gonna be okay s/o, you can have my trench coat” His voice was slightly flustered, as he shed his coat.
He was left in his white long-sleeve button-up and black tie. You couldn't be more thankful for him wearing his recluse costume. “Thank you, Eli. God, this is pretty embarrassing!” Both your guy's faces have a faint blush, as you button up his trench coat finally covering your exposed flesh.
Eli's nervousness faded as he smiled. Lifting his hand to cup your cheek. “Don't worry, if they say anything, I'll have brooke rose peck out their eyes” he jokes, brooke hoots in agreement.
Ganji gupta
You and Tracy are both hanging out in the manors workshop. She was originally tinkering until you came in, wanting to show off your new costume to her. It had this futuristic theme, and Tracy was quick abandoned her invention to mess with the small gadgets they stuck to you as accessories.
On the front-side of your shorts, you had some sort of tablet with buttons and fun looking controls. It was attached to some belt that had other gadgets, they were all locked to the belt, which was attached to the shorts. Tracy was crouched down messing with them all.
“How mad do you think Miss Nightingale would be if I started taking this stuff apart?” Tracy said with a small grin. You look down and it seems she had already took her screwdriver to a few things. “Well, I guess we will find out” She laughed at your words.
Everything was going fine you were standing as you watch Tracy dismantle each piece of futuristic tech on the belt. Ganji knocked before entering the workshop. He sighed looking at Tracy crouched next to you. “How much longer are you gonna keep my s/o, Reznik?”
Ganji was told this was only gonna be a quick visit to show off the costume. Yet He’d been left waiting out there for at least 20 minutes. “Calm down ‘Gupta’ your s/o came here to show off their costume to me not you!” Tracy taunted, while saying his name is a mocking tone. Ganji scoffed, setting his cricket bat down at the door.
“Who do you think they showed it to first, Reznik.” Ganji sounded like he was subtly bragging, at being the first person to see you in the new costume. Tracy rolled her eyes. “Darn, the screen to this thing just doesn't want to come off!” She said trying to get the screen off, to get the wiring.
Ganji started to walk toward them reaching to pull Tracy off his s/o. “Okay Reznik, I’ve had my fair share of sharing my s/o.” Before He could reach Tracy she had fell back as her force caused your shorts to rip.
Tracy honestly didn't see anything with how fast Ganji was to cover you, He scowled down at Tracy. “I'm sorry...?” She said with a sheepish smile. “Find my s/o something to cover up with Reznik” He said firmly. She was quick to bolt out of the room. “Right! I'll be right back!”
She didn't look back in fear of seeing Ganji's harsh gaze. You could help but rest you forehead against his back laughing. “What are you laughing at? You’re currently in your underwear, if you hadn’t noticed.” He said turning toward you with a slight frown.
“I can’t help but laugh at the silliness of this situation my love. I never expected Tracy to rip my shorts, all so she could get the tablet!” You found this situation pretty funny. Ganjis frown turned into a small smile with your amusement.
“Glad you find this amusing. Though I’d rather be the only one to see my lover without pants on.” His words made your face slightly red. “Okay, perv.” His gaped slightly. “… I’ll remember that the next time your clothes rip. I won’t cover you.”
You smile squeezing his cheeks. “Yes you will, because you love me!” He sighed as you squeezed his face passive-aggressively. “… Yes I will.”
Naib Subedar
You know your lover hates Murro with an burning passion. Mostly because he hates boars, but you thought Murro’s boar was kinda cute.
Unfortunately Murro stayed very far away from you, making it so you barely saw his boar outside of matches.
It was a very nice day at the manor, survivor matches going smoothly, not that you had any matches to participate in today, Naib had about one or tw. With him on the team you didn’t doubt they would win.
In the manor there is an outdoor area, and due to you not having any matches today you want to go walk around in the sun for a bit.
On your way out you were wearing loose fitting loungewear. Not being in a match you didn’t want to put effort into putting on one of your usually costumes.
The sun felt good especially after being inside for most the day, you would take what you can get before Naib decides to ‘lowkey’ glue himself to your side. The outdoor part of the manor was pretty big enough to have a small forest, with a gate surrounding the whole area of course.
In the distance near trees you saw a tail and decided to investigate. Upon getting closer you realized its nust Murro's boar.
“Oh, I wonder why you’re out here by yourself. Is Murro around?” You said crouching down in front of the boar. It kind of just stared at you chewing on grass.
“Right, you’re an animal you can’t talk…” You felt a little awkward as the boar stared you down. “Well… I’m gonna go back that way…?” You stand dusting yourself off. As you stand the boar approaches you. You got back down wanting to pet it.
It did let you pet it for a moment, you got to even rub its stomach. It was fun, until you decided to go back inside and it grabbed ahold of the back of your shirt.
You and the boar had a short staring match. “Hmm, as much as I would love to spend more time with you Murro’s boar i’m sure my boyfriend is done with his match.” You said trying to tug the shirt from its mouth.
The boar refused turning it into a game of tug-a-war. “Let. go!” You huffed out fighting against the animal, you could hear the fabric starting to tear from you two pulling on it.
With one last tug you fell backwards, grunting in pain. It had a good chunk of fabric in its mouth as its trophy. You heard hurried footsteps. looking up you saw Murro. “I’m sorry! I didn't realize my boar had wandered away, forgive me!” He reached out to help you.
Unfortunately Naib had just arrived at the scene to see Murro’s boar with some of your shirt in its mouth, and Murro himself standing over you. In a moment a blade whizzed past, slicing Murro’s cheek causing him to fall on his butt in fear.
Looking behind you, he could see a very angry Naib hauling ass toward you all. In fear he quickly abandoned you. Hopping on his boar he left, running in the opposite direction.
Naib almost ran past you to chase Murro if you hadn’t gotten up quickly to grab the back of his shirt. “Wait, don’t chase after him!” You struggled to hold on to the man.
“I’ll gut him and that boar. How dare he sica damn animal on you.” His voice wasn't a shout but he was definitely furious. He was very strong actually draggjng you as he tried to pursue Murro.
You pull on his ponytail dragging his head back. “Hold your horses, who said anything about him siccing his boar on me?!” You let go of his hair as he stopped for a moment. “What do you mean, his boar was standing over you with some of your clothes in it mouth. How could that not be an attack on you?” He finally turned toward you head tilted slightly in confusion.
Sighing, you lightly pat Naib's cheek. “I wouldn't say it was an attack, I was originally playing with the boar. It only was trying to stop me from walking away, and Murro said he ran over after noticing it was gone.”
Naib’s eyebrows were still furrowed, eyes slightly closed, as of he was trying to see if you were lying for the sake of Murro. “Fine, I won't chase after him, for now.”
You grin pinching your lovers cheek. “Good! Now lets go inside you smell like shit” You say looping your elbow with his to lead him back to the manor. He rolled his eyes. “Whatever dear.”
Patricia Dorval
“Breaking wheel...! That son... sons? Of a bitch!” You say irritated, cursing his name to the sky quietly. He had been chasing you for most of the match before you lovely, kind, sweetheart patricia, took kite.
Inside your head you gushed about your girlfriend as you were trying to remove his spikes from not only your clothing but from your skin, as it had penetrated through the cloth into you.
Pulling them out was a huge pain, It hurt like hell. If only someone could help. You couldn't reach the ones in your back. Your mind drifted to Patricia as you pondered how her kite was going.
“You need help?” A raspy voice spoke out from behind you causing to yell and jump. Quickly turning around your faced wth the sneaky bastard who turned out to be Kreacher.
“Damn it Kreacher, you don't just sneak up on people like that!” You shout at the man hand over your heart. Other one raised as if you were going to hit him.
He back away from your shouts ready to coward out, and run away from your aggression. “Wait! Yes, I need help...” You say embarrassed about having to ask Kreacher of all people, to help you.
He was a little hesitant to come toward you, he had a sketical look toward you as you were just shouting but he did anyways. “Stay still and Ill get them removed” He said hand already painfully pulling one lodged in your back.
You try to hold in your pained shouts, refusing to show that this bothered you in front of Kreacher. They were pretty thin the spikes, but very sharp with tiny barbs that makes sense them hard to get from your skin.
Kreacher doesn't exactly have the gentlest hands while removing these from both your clothes and skin. You couldn't tell if he was trying to hurt you or help you.
“You could slow down damn it! Stop removing them fast you asshole, It hurts!” You hiss pulling away as he pulled another one carelessly out.
“Maybe if you could actually dodge breaking wheel..” You heard him mutter under his breath. “What did you just say!?” You say ticked off. “Nothing!!” He quickly says pulling one out to distract you.
He was pulling out the last one when both your hearts started to beat slightly, though it was barely anything to make you fret, polun didn't even know where you two were.
Coward freaking Pierson on the other hand grabbed ahold of the last spike dragging it down your back as he pulled away, bolting.
The specific spike he pulled was at the top so it tore all the way down, making the shirt go forward almost exposing if you hadn’t held it up with your hands. You grind your teeth slightly, turning to curse out to Kreacher.
As you turned your eyes met Patricia's, who had wacked Kreacher down with her ape skull, making his head bleed as he dizzily sat on the ground.
“Sorry I wasn't here sooner s/o, but at least I crushed this roach.” She said walking past him to you. She pecked you on the cheek getting her lipstick on your face, before looking at your back which was now exposed.
You had some blood drops rolling down from the sprike removals. She cut some more of your shirt so that she could tie a not in the back so it wouldn't fall off.
“I would take Kreachers jacket and give it to you, but I'd rather none of his filthy items touch you” She said as she gently caressed your back, careful of the small wounds.
You blushed at her caring gesture. “I should've warn a different costume one with a jacket, that's my bad.” She put her arms around your neck. “Well, I for one really like this costume, too bad it gonna be temporarily out of commission”
She makes it so hard for you not to swoon when shes this sweet. Kreacher groans reminding you two he was there.
Patricia unhooks her arms from around your neck. “Let's leave that thing and go decode the last cipher. Polun will find and kill it” She says loud enough for him to hear.
She grabs your hand pulling you away toward a cipher, while you follow her happily. Patricia was right about Kreacher as he was found & killed after Ganji led the hunter to him. At least the 3 of them escaped!
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a018233 · 6 months
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Captor! Yandere! Eli Clark headcannons .
Tw: Yandere content, Stockholm syndrome(?), Victim blameish, GN reader.
AN: you guys.. should totally fill my request box.
• Eli tries to justify this, saying how dangerous the world is. Telling you how he can't protect you if your out there.
• Eli loves you, and he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you!
• He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he can't help himself!
• Eli loves you so much it hurts, he eats, sleeps, and breathes for you. He wants you to do the same for him..
• He's feels like God himself is punishing him when you scream and hurl insults at him, when you look at him with both horror and disgust. But he's sure you'll return his feelings soon enough.
• In hopes of making you return his affections, he'd let you have free roam of his home. Of course, with the windows and doors bolted and various locks.
• I don't think he'd keep you restrained with any bindings. He wants you to feel as if this was your home as much as his.
• But if you were to try to escape? That's another story.
• To say he's disappointed would be an understatement. He'd use chains, long enough to walk around, but not long enough to escape.
• You lose some privileges you didn't realize was luxuries previously.
• He used to respect your boundaries by letting you have your own bed, trusting you enough to bathe yourself and dress yourself.
• But now, he sleeps alongside you, spooning you, the chains are off, but your hands and ankles are tied together with soft cotton binds.
• You can't even bathe or dress yourself, he does it for you. You have zero control of your life. He even tries to brush your teeth for you.
• You began to feel immense regret as your seated naked in front of of Eli in the bathtub, he'll hum to you as he messages your scalp with shampoo.
• He thought that you'd fall for him the more this goes on, but he could feel his heartstrings snap when you recoil from his touch.
• Why can't you love him? He's been oh so very patient, hasn't he?
• He tries to cheer you up by bringing you little tickets from town, maybe some pastries too.
• But nothing works, you don't even scream obscenities anymore . You have that vacant look, like your always somewhere else.
• He just wants you to react, to anything. Even if it's hatred towards him. But you don't even have the energy for that.
• He tries to give back your 'luxuries', letting you sleep in your own space, letting you bathe and dress yourself. But you don't even have the motivation to eat these days.
• Now you need him, but even then you still don't *want* him.
• Eli doesn't want to remove your chains or binds, but eventually, he does. Giving you free roam.
• Your eight month anniversary is coming up, your still distant. But at least you aren't spending the majority of the day rotting in bed.
• As a little reward, Eli places an order for a cake with some literature books. He kisses your hand before departing.
• As usual, you only ever wander around the house when he's not here. He's like hawk when you do.
• the soft pitter patter of rain hitting the window. Another ugly depressing day.
• But that's when you spot it, a way out. A window that was unlocked. A window that wasn't fucking deadbolted. This isn't a trick, is it?
• You waste no time before sliding through the window, you took quite a fall, you didn't even bother to grab your shoes.
• You'd wince as you stepped on rocks, sticks, you couldn't care less if your foot was bleeding or not. It didn't matter if it hurt with each step you took. You were out, free. You were actually outside.
• The white clothing Eli gave you all wet and stained with dirt from slipping on the mud, your hair wet from the pouring rain. You couldn't care where you were running, you just needed to get far, far from him. The only real danger was that captor of yours.
• That is until you found yourself face to face with a wolf. It snarls as it corners you.
• The moment your have your freedom back, your faced with death. It was a cruel joke, a cruel joke from life.
• Your going to be ripped to shreds, to unrecognizable pieces of flesh. All because you couldn't stay put.
• The world is dangerous, maybe you should've stayed put. You can't tell if your paralyzed by fear, or if you exhausted yourself from running so much. Even if you could run, you can't even move from all the fear. Genuine fear.
• Fear you've never felt before, you should've stayed put, stayed put in that house you despised so much. Your gonna die, because you couldn't listen.
• Before the wolf could come any closer, a flare goes off. Scaring off the wolf elsewhere.
• Your so exhausted, tired, your eyes watering from relief. To turn to your savior, Eli.
"Are you okay my love? What did I say about leaving? This world is dangerous..--" Before Eli could scold you more, all you could do was sob and fall into his arms, clinging tightly to him after your scare with death.
All he could do was smile, finally. You realized you wanted him, that you needed to be with him. He's the only one who can protect you in this world.
• After your little brush in with death, you put up no fight. Eli wraps his robes around you, carrying you bridal style back home.
• A nice warm shared bath soon follows, filled with suds and bath salts. Your sniffles echoed in the bathroom as he washes you throughly.
• Eli dresses you up in comfortable pajamas, then lays you down in bed. Before he could leave, your found yourself clinging deathly tight to him. Asking him not to leave, much to his surprise as much yours.
Eli's expression softened as your grip tightened around his wrist, so much it was hurting him. Before he could ask what's wrong, he heard the words he never thought he'd hear.
"Please stay.." You whispered through quiet sobs and hiccups, poor you. You hadn't stopped crying from the moment he found you.
Who is he to turn down his beloved? Eli hums in response before joining you under the covers. Wrapping his arms around you, spooning you as you willingly buried your face against his chest. Your tears staining his shirt.
"See? I told you the world is dangerous, as long you remain here, with me. Your safe. That's what you get for not listening, now, now. Go to sleep, alright my love?" He didn't mean to smile, he couldn't help it. Now Eli was certain you wouldn't want to be leaving. It's only a matter of time before you return his feelings.
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uovoc · 9 months
2023 Media consumption
God tier: media that invoked blorbo-induced euphoria, mini-obsession, or just haunt me
White Cat Legend (大理寺日志, Dali Court Journal) - donghua, seasons 1 and 2. The new vice minister of the imperial court of criminal justice is, unfortunately, a cat demon. Tang Dynasty workplace comedy/political intrigue. Lovely animation, sick fight scenes, and catboys.
Scissor Seven (刺客伍六七) - donghua, seasons 2-3. Netflix summary: "Seeking to recover his memory, a scissor-wielding, hairdressing, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among feuding factions." Season 1 was just ok at best, season 2 was great, season 3 was phenomenal, season 4 was meh.
Derkholm duology by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
God Troubles Me / Hanhua Riji (汉化日记) - donghua. Cringefail loser girl Su Moting, her cringefail smartphone god, and her cringefail cat (demon) have to save the world. But first she has to go to work. And get takeout. And watch dramas. The premise sounds SO cringe but it's well-executed and hilarious. And actually a pretty sharp but good-humored window into the delights and horrors of modern everyday life in china.
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt (reread). At the peak of the California gold rush, hitmen Charlie and Eli Sisters are hired for a job that Eli is liking less and less. 1st-person perspective of a stone-cold killer, where it turns out the killer is just Some Guy. Who is kind of awkward. And pathetic. And maybe not very bright.
Gobelins graduation animated shorts: "Chroniques de l'Eau Salée" (2021), "Last Summer" (2022), and "Go Fishboy" (2022). Available to watch on YouTube. Got caught up on 2021 and 2022 and these are the ones that will haunt me.
Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi - manga (reread). Teenage martial artist is cursed to transform into a hot girl whenever he's splashed with cold water. Still some of the funniest and most deranged comedy I've ever read.
"Golden Age" - short story by Naomi Novik set in the Temeraire universe. Hilarious and delightful Feral Temeraire AU.
Just ok: media that I didn't hate, and maybe even enjoyed
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore
Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings by Christopher Moore
Glass Onion (2022) dir. Rian Johnson
Puss in Boots: the Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford
Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead
Witch's Business by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones (reread) - Charmed Life, The Lives of Christopher Chant, Mixed Magics, The Pinhoe Egg
Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Sharyn November. Faves: "Beauty" by Sherwood Smith, "Little Dot" by Diana Wynne Jones, and "Remember Me" by Nancy Farmer.
All Systems Red (异星危机) by Martha Wells, Simplified tr. by 黎思敏
All Saints Street (万圣街) - donghua, seasons 1-3
Moira's Pen by Megan Whalen Turner
Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
The Game by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Selected Discworlds: Thief of Time, Unseen Academicals (reread)
The Confessions of Max Tivoli by Andrew Sean Greer (reread)
The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer
"Louise", Gobelins 2021 graduation animated short. Pretty good, but not god tier.
The Time of the Ghost by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Less by Andrew Sean Greer. Most of it was a slog, but the ending was wonderfully tender.
The Merlin Conspiracy by Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore
The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke
Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Spinning by Tillie Walden
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (reread)
The Mermaid (美人鱼) - movie (2016)
Exhalation by Ted Chiang. Fave: Exhalation
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
Motorcity - cartoon (rewatch)
Sing 2 - movie
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - movie
White Cat Legend (大理寺日志) manhua through chapter 186
A Monster in Paris - movie (rewatch)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - movie
Lionboy trilogy by Zizou Corder: Lionboy, The Chase, and The Truth (reread)
The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms (封神第一部:朝歌风云) - movie
Our Flag Means Death - season 2
Skellig by David Almond (reread). Even more unsettling and magical than I remembered.
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (人渣反派自救系统) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Savvy by Ingrid Law (reread)
The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry
Golden Age and Other Stories by Naomi Novik. "Golden Age" alone was amazing. Every thing else: meh.
Wonder by RJ Palacio except that the ending sucked
蓝溪镇 (Lanxi Zhen/Blue Creek Town) - manhua (reread), through chapter 112
Translation State by Ann Leckie
Disliked and often DNF'd
House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds
A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro
Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn
The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley
Phoenix Rising by Karen Hesse
Palimpsest by Catherine Valente
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nhi Vgo
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots. Genuinely creative concept, enjoyable characters, and horrifying (affectionate) ending! Writing was just very, very bad.
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore
Stowaway by Karen Hesse
Nirvana in Fire (狼牙榜) - ok objectively it was fine. It was just SO long that I started losing patience at multiple points.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes on (2021) dir. Dean Fleischer Camp
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
Suzume - anime movie
Fairies Albums (百妖谱) - donghua
Link Click (时光代理人)- donghua
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn by Tri Vuong - webcomic
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo
Journey to the West: Demons Strike Back (西游伏妖篇) - movie
Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Others Writings by Jorge Luis Borges
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
Frozen 2 - movie
Logan - movie
The Three Sisters of Tenmasou - movie
The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Nothing new.
Bewilderment by Richard Powers
Nimona (2023) - movie
Prophet by Helen MacDonald and Sin Blache
One Piece - the live action Netflix series
Good Omens season 2
Birdwing by Rafe Martin
Blue Eye Samurai - netflix cartoon
Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto - anime
System Collapse by Martha Wells
The Cay by Theodore Taylor (reread)
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
Bottoms (2023) - movie
Daily Life of the Immortal King (仙王的日常生活) - donghua
Witch King by Martha Wells. Actually I enjoyed the Kai/Bashasa storyline a lot. The present-day storyline I found extremely boring. Which was unfortunate because it was more than half the book.
The King's Avatar (全职高手) - donghua
The Apothecary Diaries - anime
Assorted nonfiction
The Electricity of Every Living Thing by Katherine May. Bored. DNF
Alone in the Wilderness (2004) - dir. Dick Proenneke. Documentary of Proenneke's year spent living alone in the Alaskan wilderness. Neat look at one dude building a cabin, furniture, and all his accompanying household implements by hand.
A River Lost: The Life and Death of the Columbia by Blaine Harden. The human and environmental significance of the Columbia dam system.
Gifted Earth: The Ethnobotany of the Quinault and Neighboring Tribes by Douglas Deur. Guide to key native species and their traditional uses.
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life by George Saunders. Four classic Russian short stories with accompanying technical analysis of their narrative construction. Great look at the process of writing and analyzing stories.
Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin - animal behavioral psychology
Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin - more animal behavioral psychology
Crying in HMart by Michelle Zauner. DNF. Felt like the book could have been 1/4 of its length. Mostly nothing new.
Wood in American Life: 1776-2076 by WG Youngquist and HO Fleischer. Wood use in America. Really makes you realize just how many things are now made out of plastic but used to be wood. And how much more difficult and expensive it was to make and replace objects.
Authentic Diversity: How to change the workplace for good by Michelle Silverthorn. Concise and nicely concrete. Would be a good starting place for an executive.
Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil - how some big data algorithms reinforce preexisting inequality, and how to improve them.
The Relationship Cure by Joan Declaire and John M. Gottman. The classic originator of the "bids for attention" approach. Pretty good, most helpful was the part where it identifies the styles of responses.
Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults by Sara Zeff Geber
A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs
the excellent hyperlocal nature guidebook I bought after encountering the author at the mall
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. 2018 ed.
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oletusfragments · 2 years
✉️: A letter for the seer
I just wanna say that I admired you, Clark. I really do, the fact that you're willing to sacrifice and go out to play a dangerous game for your fiancée is beautiful but you realised the danger it will do to you and you still go forward for it, for Gertrude. You are an amazing man Clark you really are.
- from an old friend
Eli Clark has received your letter! 🔔
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It's a promise. Eli promised his fiance a life of wealth and peace. And after breaking his oath, he had also promised to the gods to follow the voice that told him to enter the manor.
He saw what was in store, the danger he had to encounter, what would become of him. But yes, he still chose to continue. There's no time to dwell on past choices, there is only the future that you must face. And there is a promise he must keep.
Is it because he has the ability to foresee the future that he is confident? Or is it his love for Gertrude that pushed him forward?
Eli saw it. What would befall on him. Even if he has obeyed the gods' will, he'll face misfortune anyway?
But he accepted it. This was the consequence of his own choices. He has only his pathetic existence to blame.
Admired him? Perhaps the bravery he has is pretty admirable. But what if he's not brave and is all but just a fool?
Eli accepted the future, but he failed to understand. He saw what was in store for the future, but he forgot that even with his extraordinary ability, he doesn't have the ability to alter what is to come.
He could try, but fate will just do what it wants. And the future he attempted to change becomes the present.
If you saw his failures, would you admire him still?
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— Eli replied to your letter!
My dear old friend,
Thank you for thinking of me that way. I admit that all that you said about me motivated me to keep pushing forward.
The future has a lot in store and there are many possibilities. Perhaps I might not even come back.
I have to persevere. I can't give up here. After all, she is still waiting for me. So I will do my best to come back. I would rather fight the future than losing her. I would rather lose myself.
Thank you for the support. I hope you're fairing well, my friend.
Take care,
Eli Clark
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[ I don't know if I wrote this man right hhhhh I'm sorry ]
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Shadowhunters OCs Masterlist
Life And Death Timeline
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Name: Alicent Shaw
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Witch
Story: Multi
Quote: She wasn't just pretty. She was otherwordly and vaguely threatening.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Lily James
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Name: Beleth
Pronouns: they/them
Species: Demon
Story: Don't Fear The Fall [+ Others]
Quote: I don't enjoy hurting people. I don't enjoy it.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Joseph Morgan
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Name: Brian Lockwood
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Werewolf
Story: See The Heavens; Rise Hell
LI: Lydia Shaw
Quote: You wonderful boy. You brave, brave man.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Noah Centineo
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Name: Camie Evans
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Half-Mundane, Half-Fairie
Story: Don't Fear The Fall [+ Others]
Quote: I was tame, I was gentle 'till the circus life made me mean.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Claire Holt
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Name: Cassandra Blackthorn
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Nico Lightwood & Vice Verlac
Quote: How can we not talk about family when family is all that we got? Everything I went through, you were standing there by my side.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Malina Weissman
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Name: Cressa Wayland
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: In The Middle Of The Darkest Night [+ Others]
LI: Matthew Fairchild
Quote: You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter, you are the best thing that's ever been mine.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Nicola Coulghan
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Name: Dealindeh
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Faerie [Seelie]
Story: Don't Fear The Fall
Quote: Everything I've loved became everything I lost.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Taissa Farmiga
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Name: Elys Herondale
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Sebastian Morgenstern; endgame Marceline Seymour
Quote: She's a badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She's the type of woman you go to war beside, not against.
Pinterest: X
FC: Kathryn Newton
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Name: Farrah Merryweather
Pronouns: she/her
Species: former Nephilim; Ghost
Story: Multi
LI: Henrik Kade
Quote: You can never be wise and be in love at the same time.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Hanna Dodd
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Name: Henrik Kade
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Warlock
Story: Multi
LI: Farrah Merryweather
Quote: And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God and I'd get him to swap our places.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Ben Barnes
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Name: Jack Herondale
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
Quote: It's not my fault I have my father's eyes.
Pinterest: X
FC: Walker Scobell
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Name: Jackson Milligan
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Mundane
Story: See The Heavens; Rise Hell
Quote: I wish I could just protect you from everything.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Paul Rudd
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Name: Leah Harlan
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Vampire
Story: Multi
Quote: Tell me where to put the anger.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Candice King
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Name: Lenni Clarke
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Mundane
Story: Something Wicked
Quote: She may look innocent but she knows how to leave her mark.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Ella Purnell
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Name: Lydia Shaw
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Witch
Story: See The Heavens; Rise Hell
LI: Brian Lockwood
Quote: I am pretty sure you have stardust running through those veins.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Savannah Lee Smith
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Name: Marceline Seymour
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Mundane
Story: Don't Fear The Fall
LI: Elys Herondale
Quote: You can put your strength down. I'm sitting here with you at your kitchen table. You don't need to say anything.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Holland Roden
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Name: Morrigan Rowe
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Witch
Story: Multi
LI: Reign Proctor
Quote: A woman will return, looking for the girl she was.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Amita Suman
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Name: Nico Lightwood
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Cassandra Blackthorn & Vice Verlac
Quote: Isn't it amazing how people can feel like home?
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Finn Wolfhard
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Name: Reign Proctor | Hector Rosewain
Pronouns: he/him
Species: former Nephilim; Werewolf
Story: Rise Hell
LI: Morrigan Rowe
Quote: I am not who I once was.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Freddy Carter
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Name: Pepper Orla
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Vampire
Story: Multi
LI: TBD (but a lot)
Quote: I am mine, before I'm anyone else's.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Tati Gabrielle
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Name: Sagan
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Faerie [Unseelie | Wild Hunt]
Story: Don't Fear The Fall
Quote: I was raised feral, and i mostly stayed that way.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Thomas Brodie Sangster
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Name: Samuel Milligan
Pronouns: he/him
Species: former Mundane; Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Violet Lightwood
Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Luke Newton
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Name: Selene Carstairs
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Theodore Clarke
Quote: And here you come with a shield for a heart and a sword for a tongue.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Hailee Steinfeld
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Name: Theodore Clarke
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Mundane
Story: Champagne Problems
LI: Selene Carstairs
Quote: I won't be in the history books, that's for you. But I loved you first and as long as they get that right, I don't care what they say.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Timothée Chalamet
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Name: Vice Verlac
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Cassandra Blackthorn & Nico Lightwood
Quote: Can you understand? Someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little?
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Charlie Gillespie
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Name: Vienna Lightwood
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: Deck The Halls (That We Once Walked Through)
LI: Simon Lewis; endgame TBD
Quote: She's a badass with a big heart.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Shelley Henning
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Name: Violet Lightwood
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Nephilim
Story: Multi
LI: Samuel Milligan
Quote: When you are young they assume you know nothing.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Ella Hunt
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7.7.24 Sunday
12:39 am
Still,have windblow...
I saw my book review list on classic stories...
See... 157 classic stories...
Ehem2x aside from Edgar Allan Poe ;) I deserve to be a Queenish ;)
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Aside from these oldies authors books of Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steel, Joy Fielding, Sue Grafton, Mary Higgins Clark( Books of Aunt Teresa--My adoptive mother ).
It is always good to book review!
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1:41 am
Still, have windblow...
Still, thinking of money and I feel bitterish,super bitterish!!!
8:05 am
This somehow? bonjing Uncle DD went here to invite my nana to go there in their house to have breakfast with the mother of Aunt Karen. The mother of Aunt Karen said that why my nana is not going out anymore, to go there in their house beside us here...
Last night around 11 pm I saw that he fed Neko... Then, he just said that he went out with Neko this early am for his image, I think so...
11:13 am
Still,have windblow...
Before I forget, Uncle DD with his gang are cleaning outside....
Uncle Jun just woke-up few seconds ago and now in the kitchen. He looks as if there is an another person inside him...
11:43 am
Still,have windblow...
Nothing but egg and you!
I'm thinking of money and how to pay my loans and my vanities and my love life with my cousin-white, how to get him or to pull him away from other and be with me.... Crazy situation I have...
Tomorrow my medical for my job again and again. I hope and pray there will be no bad people on a particular organization to kick me out again and again in work-force! I badly need money!!!
I want vanities... :( I do feel fat,ugly and old without a story. Longing to have new good friends along the way and hoping to meet uppish to pull me up or help me to lift fairly, good friends...
11:52 am
Uncle Jun went to the bathroom masturbating, I said he should close the door... Saw him accidentally bobbing his penis... Then, he closed the door.
See, I was right,he is having a different spirit and soul when he woke-up awhile ago...
1:16 pm
Still,have windblow...
I wanna have this in the house, even here... I feel frustrated here angels...
I want a "Starbucks Feels" ambience... It is a big embarassment for me and I feel intimidated by some old friends for being perfect and we are really poorish these days...
I wanna have it as hanging-out space or living room that feels like in a coffee shop..
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1:35 pm
Still,have windblow...
Supposed to be this way... Before we had an genuine "bermuda grass" outside and we had helpers and 1 boy assistant for dogs and for maintaining the garden.
It supposed to be this way until these days...
For John can run and exercise for some small gathering... You can do some yoga or stretching or tanning perhaps...
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1:43 pm
Still, have windblow...
My original persona I was very "family oriented" and I love some of my old close friends...
Watching on a projector outside,under the moon and stars effect...
I feel embarass and bullshit and frustrated...
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1:56 pm
Stayin' alive,that what's important now...
2:10 pm
I wanna get my cousin-white... Can someone ask him if it is "Mmmbopp"? Garret is an inspiration...
Cousin white can you be "Mmmboopp"?
2:34 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel bitterish and self-pity... I wanna do a nose perfection or botox....I aged for nothing... I wanna travel... Hope my job this time will be long-lasting... I feel frustrated...
I feel really,really ugly coz I will be 46 this October...
3:13 pm
Credit Peso called me about my loan... I just asked Mr. Ben to pause my interest... Thank God he will assist me for a waive of it,after a month. I checked th Credit Peso the daily interest is 0.02% or 50 pesoses....
I will just asked for a waive by next month due to the high amount of service fee extracted from my original amount that I applied.
3:29 pm
I'm reading the Credit Peso now...
6:20 pm
I went to Ely awhile ago for the back-up of toiletries, my creditz on Ely is around 4k already angels... We tried opening his Tagged and he streamed looking for a date hahah....
6:31 pm
Uncle DD gave nana an atchara and some soap for nana only...
0 notes
corvology · 3 years
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eli? eli
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
Hello! if u don't mind, can i request some hcs with Eli and William spending time with their sibling? (platonic ofc) ty <3
here you go anon! sorry for the long wait ToT
eli clark and william ellis spending time with their sibling hcs🦉🏈
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eli clark🦉
loves bonding with you! not as energetic as william but he sure is enthusiastic
makes a small bucket list of things he wants to do with you when you're free
^most of the things on it include nature and relaxing outside ! however he's not opposed to watching a movie together or something
he would love if you wanted to go birdwatching with him, he doesn't want to ask you first though since he thinks it's generally seen as a boring hobby
as an older sibling (i really can't imagine him as the youngest one nfdbbf eventually the middle child), eli is more protective of you but in a loving way
prepared for absolutely everything when you two go out - snacks? checked. med kit? checked. extra clothes? checked
his eyesight is weird since he sees through brooke - he can see everything in third person and it feels odd so you two have a mini inside gimmick thing? where you can let him know if you're near him, like two taps on his shoulder or something so he knows it's you
has really vivid dreams and hes SUUUPER enthusiastic about them and tells you everything that happens in them
"and then the - you wouldn't believe it - giant spider fell down onto the floor and morphed into a whole new creature, and the environment changed too and i suddenly got turned into a mous-" "eli, i'm starting to think you do drugs before you go to sleep every night"
also quite passionate about astronomy so you two often spend your summer nights watching the night sky, especially during a meteor shower
he likes to knit in his free time and for your birthday he gifted you a similar scarf to his :)) finds it cute when you two match clothes and go outside
eli is a really good listener! no matter if it's you just venting or asking for advice from someone more experienced, he's always there for you
likes building snowmen during the winter!! he'll make a snowman resembling you
has insomnia and frequently wakes you up to ask you some question he thought of
"___, you awake?" "jeez eli of course i am when you woke me up, it's like 2am, what is it?" "do you think that dogs ever think of the colors they can't see??? like do they just live without knowing pink exists?" "go to sleep oh my god"
very ticklish. use that to your advantage whenever possible 😈😈
feeds stray animals frequently and would love if you accompanied him! during the winter he sets up those bird feeders and he often brings local stray cats and dogs food
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william ellis🏈
super energetic big bro!!!! it's never boring when he's by your side
you two would definetly have a secret handshake hehe
obviously his favorite way of spending time with you is sports! they improve cooperativeness between people and are so much fun
even though he mostly plays football and rugby you two will often play basketball, tennis and other sports together
if you're too short to reach the hoop he's going to pick you up and hold you higher so you can shoot, he has been doing this since your childhood
really bad at table tennis though😭 actually more clumsy than bad
basically your bodyguard when you two go out, especially if he notices someone from your school or work mocking you, he's just going to give them a dirty look so they stay away from you
yk how usually older siblings are allowed to go out and the younger ones have to stay at home? well that's not happening with him - you're always tagging along and he's going to make sure you have a good time (and that you're safe, obviously)
likes taking you out to get food! shows you the best place to get whatever you're craving
in general he's often going outside and likes showing you various cool places he finds
you two had a secret hideout as kids and he's still visiting it frequently even though both of you are a bit too big for that🥲
pillow fights‼️ he's always extra careful since he's really strong and doesn't want to hit you too hard
you know his bunny onesie? he'll get you a similar one
when you were younger he'd let you hang off his arm and he's still working out actively just so you can keep doing it
he's the type of person to stand in front of your bedroom door like 🕴 and wait for you to wake up just so you two could play videogames or do something together (it scares you every time but he still does it hes a menace)
camping and outside sleepovers enthusiast!! even if it's just your backyard or a treehouse he still tries to make it extra entertaining - although he's not a big fan of scary stories
william cares for you lots and wants the time you two spend together be fun and enjoyable :)
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otakusparkle · 1 year
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I'M GLAD I MARRIED HIM 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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leafvy · 4 years
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𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
here’s a list of short names to coincide with my long names list :)
[ disclaimer: my sincere apologies if there are any spelling/meaning/origin mistakes in any of my name lists, i am by no means a professional in this area, i just like creating lists to help aid storytellers. i do try my best to find each name’s corresponding origin/meaning/spelling but i am a human who is prone to make the odd mistake. p.s, i take requests! ]
Ada - German - First born female
Ali - Arabic - High, elevated, champion
Amy - French/Latin - Beloved
Anne - Latin/Hebrew - Favour, grace
Aria - Hebrew/Italian - Air, song, melody
Aura - Latin/Greek - Wind
Ava - Latin - Bird-like
Aya - German/Japanese/Hebrew - Sword, colourful, beautiful, bird
Ayn - Hebrew/Finnish/Russian - God has favoured me, grace, eye
Bay - English/French - Auburn-haired
Bea - Latin - Bringer of happiness
Beau - French - Beautiful, handsome
Belle - French - Beautiful
Bia - Latin/Italian - White, fair
Bindi - Noongar - Butterfly
Blair - Scottish - Plain, meadow, field
Blanche - French - White
Blythe - English - Joyous, kind, cheerful
Bree - Irish - Exalted one, strength
Briar - English - Bush of wild roses
Brook - English - Small stream
Bryn - Welsh - Hill
Buffy - Hebrew - Diminutive of Elizabeth, my god is an oath
Cara - Latin - Dear friend
Chloe - Greek - Blooming, fertility
Cia - Greek/Hebrew - Light,
Clair - French - Bright, clear
Coco - Portuguese/Spanish - Diminutive of Socorro, help, relief
Cora - Greek - Maiden, girl, daughter
Cove - English - Small coastal inlet
Dara - Hebrew/Irish - Pearl of wisdom, gift, compassion
Dawn - English - Sunrise
Doe - English - Female deer
Dot - Greek - Diminutive of Dorothy, gift of god
Dove - English - A bird
Eden - Hebrew - Delight
Edie - English - Prosperous in war
Ella - Greek/Norman/Hebrew/German/Spanish - Beautiful, fairy maiden, goddess
Elle - French - She
Elm - English - Elm tree
Elsa - Scandinavian - Joyful, Noble, god is my oath
Emi - Japanese - Blessed, favour, beautiful
Emma - Germanic - Whole, universal
Erin - Irish - Peace, from the island to the west
Esmé - French/Persian - Esteemed, beloved, emerald
Etta - Latin - Of noble birth
Eva - Hebrew - Giver of life
Eve - Hebrew - Giver of life
Faith - Latin - Confidence, trust, belief
Faye - French - Fairy
Fern - English - Green shade-loving plant
Fiona - Gaelic/Scottish - White, fair
Fleur - French - Flower
Flo - Latin - Flowering, flourishing
Gia - Italian - God’s gracious gift
Grace - Latin - Gracious
Greta - Greek/German/Persian - Pearl
Gwen - Welsh - White, holy
Hope - English - Desire of fulfillment
Ida - Scandinavian - Labour, work
Isla - Scottish/Gaelic/Spanish - Island
Ivy - English - Fidelity
Jade - Spanish - Stone of the colic, precious gemstone
Jae - Korean - Ability, talent
Jane - English - God is gracious
Jessie - Hebrew - He sees
Jill - Latin/English - Child of the God’s, youthful
Joan - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joy - English - Happiness, joyful
June - Latin - Born in June
Juno - Latin - Queen of heaven
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kat - English/Greek - Clean, pure
Kate - English/Latin/Greek - Clean, pure
Kim - English/Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese - Gift of God, gold
Kira - Russian/Japanese/Persian/Greek - Mistress, ruler, leader of the people, beloved, light
Kyla - Hebrew/English/Scottish - Narrow channel
Lacy - English/Latin/French - Lace, cheerful, unbridled
Lake - English - Body of water
Lana - Slavic/Gaelic - Little rock, light
Lark - English - Songbird
Lea - Hebrew/English - Delicate, weary, meadow
Leda - Greek - Woman
Leigh - English - Delicate, meadow
Lia - Greek - Bearer of good news
Lily - English/Latin/Greek - Pure, passion, flower
Lisa - Hebrew - God’s promise
Liv - Norse - Shelter, protection, life
Lois - Greek - Superior
Lucy - English/Latin - Light
Lula - German/English - Famous warrior
Luna - Italian/Spanish/Latin - Moon
Lux - Latin - Light
Luz - Portuguese/Spanish - Light
Lyla - Arabic - Night
Mae - French/Latin - Month of May
Maeve - Irish/Gaelic - Intoxicating
Mara - Hebrew - Bitter, strength
Mary - Aramaic/Latin/Hebrew/Greek - Bitter, beloved, rebellious, marine, drop of the sea
Maude - German/French/Hebrew - Powerful battler
May - English - Month of May
Meg - Greek - Pearl
Mia - Scandinavian - Of the sea, bitter
Mila - Slavic - Gracious, dear
Mina - German - Love
Mira - Latin/Slavic - Wonder, wonderful, peace
Moon - English - The moon
Mya - Greek/Arabic/German/Persian - Sea of bitterness
Nelly - Greek - Light
Nia - Gaelic/Swahili - Lustrous, goal, purpose, resolve, brilliance
Nina - Spanish/Hebrew/Russian/Babylonian - Enclosure of fish, little girl
Noa - Hebrew - Motion
Nora - Irish/Latin/Arabic - Honour, light
Nova - Latin - New
Nya - Swahili/Gaelic - Purpose
Opal - Sanskrit - Gem
Ora - Latin - Pray
Paige - Latin/Greek - Assistant
Paris - Latin/Greek - Pouch, wallet
Pearl - Latin/English - Smooth round bead formed by a mollusk
Pia - Latin - Pious, reverent
Pixie - Celtic/Swedish/Cornish - Fairy
Quinn - Irish/Gaelic - Counsel
Rae - Hebrew - Ewe, female sheep
Rain - English - Rain
Reese - Welsh - Ardent, fiery
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rita - Spanish - Pearl
Rose - Latin - Flower
Ruby - Latin - Red gemstone
Rue - English/Greek - Regret, herb
Ruth - Hebrew - Friend
Sadie - Hebrew - Princess
Sage - Latin - Wise
Shae - Gaelic/Irish - Admirable, full of majesty
Sky - Norse - Cloud, scholar
Sloan - Irish/Gaelic - Warrior
Sue - Hebrew - Lily
Suzy - Hebrew - Lily
Tara - Sanskrit - Star
Tate - English/Norse - Cheerful
Taya - Japanese - Young
Tess - English/Greek - To harvest, to reap
Teva - Hebrew - Nature
Thea - Greek - Goddess
Tia - Spanish - Aunt
Uma - Hebrew/Sanskrit - Nation
Una - Irish - The personification of truth, beauty and unity
Velma - German - Determined protector
Vera - Slavic - Faith
Wren - English - Small bird
Zara - Arabic - Radiance
Zelda - German - Grey fighting maid
Zia - Arabic - Light
Zoe - Greek - Life
Zuri - Swahili - Beautiful
Ace - Latin - One; unity
Amir - Arabic/Persian/Hebrew - Prince, chief, immortal
Araz - Arabic - Provisions, commodities
Arik - Norse - Eternal ruler
Arlo - English - Fortified hill
Arris - Greek -Best
Asa - Hebrew/Japanese - Healer, physician, born in the morning
Ash - English - Ash tree
Atlas - Greek - To carry
Axel - Hebrew - Father is peace
Bane - Slavic - Glorious defender
Bear - French/German - As strong and brave as a Bear
Beau - French - Beautiful
Beck - Norse - Small stream
Blaire - Scottish/Gaelic - Plain, field
Blake - English - Fair-haired, dark
Bodhi - Sanskrit - Awakening, enlightenment
Bolt - English - Bar, arrow
Bran - Scottish/Irish/Gaelic - Bramble, thicket of wild gorse
Brock - English/Celtic - Badger-like
Brody - Scottish - Broad eye, broad island
Bron - English - Son of a dark man
Buck - English - Male deer
Cade - English - Round, barrel
Cain - Hebrew - Something produced, spear
Cash - English/Latin - Hollow
Chase - English/French - To catch, to seize, hunter, huntsman
Clark - English - Scribe, secretary
Cody - English - Helpful, pillow
Cole - English - Swarthy, coal-black, charcoal
Colt - English - Young horse
Crew - Latin - Chariot
Dane - English - From Denmark
Dax - French - Leader
Dean - English - Valley
Drake - English - Dragon, snake
Duke - English - Leader, son of Marmaduke
Eden - Hebrew - Place of pleasure, delight
Eli - Hebrew - Ascent
Evan - Welsh - Youth, young warrior
Ezra - Hebrew - Help, helper
Felix - Latin - Happy, lucky
Fig - English - Fruit
Finn - Norse/Irish - Finn, Sámi, white, fair
Fox - English - Cunning, sly
Gage - French - One who is defiant
Gale - English/Greek - Jovial, tranquil
Grant - English/Gaelic - Tall, big
Grey - English - Grey-haired
Guy - French - Guide, leader
Heath - English - Someone who lives by a moor or heath
Hugh - English/French/Germanic - Mind, spirit
Ian - Scottish - The Lord is gracious
Ike -Hebrew - Laughter
Iker - Basque - Visitation
Jack - English - God is gracious, supplanter
Jax - English - God is gracious
Jay - Latin - Bird in the crow family
Jeb - Hebrew - Beloved friend
Jed - Hebrew - Beloved of God
Jet -English - Black, airplane
Jody - English/Hebrew - Jehovah increases
Jon - Hebrew - God is gracious
Joss - German - One of the Goths
Jovi - Latin - Father of the sky
Judd - English - To flow down
Jude - Greek - Praised
Kade - Scottish - From the wetlands
Kai - Hawaiian/Japanese - Sea, ocean, shell, restoration, recovery
Kiam - Unknown - Unknown
King - English - Monarch
Kit - Greek - Bearing Christ
Knox - Scottish/English - Hillock, round-topped hill
Koa - Hawaiian - Warrior, brave one
Kye - Welsh/Scandinavian/Gaelic/Greek - Keeper of the keys, earth, narrow, straight
Kylo - Latin - Sky
Lane - English - Small roadway or path
Lars - Latin/Scandinavian - From Laurentum, crowned with laurel
Leif - Scandinavian - Heir, descendent, beloved
Leo - Latin/Greek - Lion
Leon - Latin/Greek/French - Lion, son of a Lion
Levi - Hebrew - Joining, attached
Luka - Italy/Slavic - A person from Lucania
Luke - Latin - The bright one, the one born at dawn
Max - Latin - The greatest
Milo - German - Soldier, merciful
Nash - English - By the ash tree
Neo - Latin - New, gift
Nico - Greek - People of victory
Noah - Hebrew - To comfort
Oak - English - Oak tree
Otis - German/English - Wealth, son of Otto
Pax - Latin - Peaceful
Piet - Dutch - Rock
Pike - English - A person who lives on a sharp hill
Poe - English - Peacock
Quana - Native American - Aromatic
Ray - English/German - Counsel, mighty protection, guards wisely
Reed - English - Red-haired
Remi - French - Oarsman
Ren - Japanese - Water lily, lotus
Rhett - English/Dutch - Advice
Roan - Gaelic - Little red-head
Rory - Irish - Red-haired King
Ross - Gaelic - Promontory, headland
Roth - English/German - Red, wood, renown
Roy - Gaelic - Red
Rudy - German - Famous Wolf
Ryan - Irish - Little King, illustrious
Saint - English - Holy person
Saul - Hebrew - Ask, question
Sid - French/English - Wide meadow
Slade - English - Valley
Tate - Norse - Cheerful
Teo - Spanish - God
Tim - English - One who honours God
Toby - English - God is good
Torin - Gaelic - Chief
Troy - Irish - Descendent of a foot-soldier
Tye - English - Someone who lived near a pasture
West - English - Western stream
Wolf - German - Travelling Wolf
Zane - Hebrew - God is gracious
Zeke - Hebrew - God strengthens
Zen - Japanese - Peace
Zev - Hebrew - Wolf
1K notes · View notes
case-electris · 3 years
|| Denial of love ||
{ Andrew, Naib and Eli in denial over loving you} [M!reader for drama]
also happy new year peeps :D take my first idv fic ever the childe fic will hopefully be finished by tomorrow
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|'Naib Subedar'|
The fact he likes a guy isn't the main problem for naib, the problem is the fact he likes someone in general
Naib is still in the mindset of 'I can't like anybody cuz if they like me back and someone finds out they'll be in danger" even tho no one is out to get him due to being in the manor
After alot of contemplation he would come up with the idea of ignoring you till he no longer has feelings for you
His plan doesn't work out as intended, turns out completely ignoring someone you love is actually kind of hard to do
If you realize that he is trying to ignore you and confront him about it he'll just confess that he loves you right then and there
what else could he do? run away like a coward? hell no
So problem solved if you do group to him and ask
but if you have decided not to the guilt of ignoring you will slowy eat naib up from the inside till he gives in and goes back to normal
It would take months before he even thinks about confessing his love to you tho
|'Andrew Kreiss'|
Andrew is in complete denial and is entering the stages of greif the second he even has a thought about you being cute and or hot
Oh how dirty he feels for thinking that a man was hot due to andrew strongly believing that being queer is a sin andrew is in absolute shambles
Praying and begging for forgiveness from god when he could
When you look at him he will act normal and perfectly fine but the minute you are gone and out of earshot andrew starts freaking out and thinking that he is definitely going to hell just for looking you in the eyes
Eventually andrew will get over the fact he thought you were hot once
If you want to be in a relationship with andrew you'll have to do the first move, Andrew will just crawl into his room and start praying non-stop if he even had a thought about you in more than a platonic way ever again
But if you went up to him and told him you liked him he would most likely reply with "uh- oh- um- y-you like me? uh well please give me a bit of time to think about it" and then he would walk away
Then he would retreat into his room, collapse onto his bed and scream into his pillow
|'Eli Clark'|
Eli is a mix of both, both not caring about the gender of the person he likes but at the same time caring
For one eli still loves Gertrude and thinks it to be wrong that he has eyes for another person at the same time
On top of that now he has to question his sextuality was he really straight? or was he gay?
But there was always the 'what if' questions that taunted him 'what if Gertrude doesn't even love you anymore?' 'what if y/n does like you back?' 'what if you do like men?' so many questions so little answers
There wouldn't be many behavioral changes to eli, he knew how to not give way how he was feeling (unlike some people *cough* andrew *cough*)
Although the more Eli would talk, hang out or just be near you the more he wanted to deny all romantic feelings for you
Not as an insult but more like "The friendship we have right now is really nice and i don't want to ruin it by bringing my feelings into it, hell, i'm not even sure of my own feelings..."
Soon enough eli will just throw caution to the wind, letting himself into the mindset of "Well i know i have feelings for him and letting them well up in me only for them to be unrequited wouldn't be the best scenario so i might as well"
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zevexsii · 4 years
eli clark x reader sfw + nsfw hcs (gn s/o)
obligatory mention of how much i LOVE this man
cut for length and nsfw content
mom friend energy. eli probably has some of the healthiest behavior, at least comparatively, considering the rest of the manor is an absolute trash fire(loving). 
not saying that eli hasn’t witnessed his fair share of trouble! there’s a lot that he has to deal with- mainly guilt, considering he has a fiance and… feelings for someone else. any sort of relationship would happen very slowly, and you would have to be very open and honest- communication is absolutely key. 
eli lowkey worries that his feelings for you are temporary, seeing as he has no communication with gertrude, the next thought he has is that he’s using you in place of her. it’s terrifying for both of you. 
he isn’t, though! it’s definitely hard to stop thinking about; eli can tell when you’re upset or worried (part of his abilities is being able to perceive the emotions of those around him, to an extent), so please sit down with him and talk it out. eli’s anxiety rises with yours, and it pains him when he can’t comfort you :((
eli would like to continue wearing his engagement ring if you're alright with that. the entire arrangement is complicated and needless to say, eli has a lot of feelings about the subject.
moving on! eli's favourite forms of intimacy involve physical intimacy and words of affirmation <3 i hc that seeing through brooke rose saps a lot of energy out of both eli and brooke, so eli likes to keep his arm linked in yours, even if it isn’t all about having a guide. so pda… but not really? he isn’t opposed to sweet kisses on the forehead or cheek in public, just nothing big. 
eli kind of zones out a lot?? you’ll be in the mess hall, and eli will abruptly lean his head on your shoulder, no matter what you’re doing, humming contentedly under his breath. he’s not trying to stop you from eating, no, not at all! eli just has airhead tendencies and you love him for it. 
if you tend to overwork yourself, or just have trouble taking care of yourself in general, eli won’t be having any of that. since you can’t prioritize yourself, he’ll have to do it for you. 
when eli goes to bed or notices that you haven’t eaten yet, he’s right at your side, gently tapping your shoulder and handing you a glass of water or offering to bring you something up from mess hall. eli understands if you’re working on a deadline, but it’s still concerning enough for him to drag you off for a short nap or two. 
eli is the best cuddler around. lay down with him once, he’ll be pretzeled around you in no time- you’ll never want to get up and that’s the point. he’s not really picky about positions, but his favourites involve ones where he can gently run his fingers along the outline of your facial features (if you’re alright with that, of course). his smooth fingers ghost the outline of your lips, and eli’s smile outshines the sun.
he isn’t the best cook, but he’s more than willing to help out or learn! it’ll be a little more difficult, but eli isn’t opposed to trying things that make you happy or help out.
it may not be too noticeable under eli’s thick robes, but he’s got a really soft tummy and is pretty chubby! his cheeks are real round too- hold them and he’ll lean into your palms, nuzzling gently into your touch. 
pull him onto your lap or hold him!! please don’t let him pull the “i’ll crush you,”. if he does, simply shush him and rest your arm around his waist, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head every now and then. he’ll be asleep in no time. eli goes soft if you want to hold him on your lap or vice versa. when he’s got you in his arms, your head nestled in the crook of his neck, there are no words for the warm, protective feeling he gets in his chest.
he prefers holding you most of the time, but if eli’s craving reassurance and comfort, your arms are his hideaway. 
eli is an oblivious petname enthusiast (going both ways), his favourites being dear, darling, and love. hearing the soft tone of your warm words alone makes his heart melt- regardless of what you’re saying. 
another thing that makes eli indescribably soft is seeing you interact with brooke rose. if eli’s companion isn’t with him, it’s common for miss rose to be found perched near you, either being fed or keeping a careful watch over your shoulder. 
brooke also keeps a close eye on you during matches! she knows eli holds you in high priority. if you’ve perfectly timed a calibration or kited the hunter for an impressive run, you’ll hear a faint hoot of support off in the distance as brooke flies back to eli. 
eli is normally very confident in his qualities as a partner, but every now and then, something completely throws him off and into a puddle of self-doubt and crippling fear of inadequacy. during these times, eli needs a lot of one-on-one attention and verbal reassurance. 
he’s also sort of obtained the role of “therapist friend” among the manor inhabitants and sometimes finds himself bending over backward to help others. this trait is exposed in the way that eli will try to brush over the severity of his emotions and problems when he vents to you. 
make sure to interrupt him there and encourage him to discuss things thoroughly. he’ll be truly grateful that you noticed. 
eli really enjoys couple baths :) he’s a little insecure about his body at first, but reassure him, or give him privacy to join you in the sea of bubbles and sweet-smelling oils chosen specifically for their relaxing aromas. 
eli is a very soft lover. rather vanilla, but isn’t opposed to indulging you in any of your lighter kinks. he’d rather not touch anything that requires a safeword. sex with eli is about love and pleasure, going both ways. 
big switch energy and will take whatever role his partner needs for the time being. eli’s a little hesitant about initiating, but he’s stellar when it comes to picking up on seemingly minuscule hints- the lingering touches and hazy look in your eyes when you look his way. it drives him insane, but eli waits for the safety of a  private space to nestle himself close to you, his hands slipping lower and lower before one of you finally plants your lips on the others.
as far as libidos go, eli’s sort of casually horny all the time. he’s not going to pressure you into doing anything prematurely though, don’t worry- it takes a while for him to even consider having sex with you, and even longer for the worst of the guilt to subside. 
loves it when you ride him. especially after a difficult match; eli is sore and tired, all he wants is your warmth and a reminder that you adore him. 
seeing as his sight definitely isn’t the best, and there’s no way in hell he’s going to bring brooke rose into this, eli would prefer a more vocal partner. whimper about how good he feels as you bounce up and down on his cock. eli lives to have you go to town on him, using him completely for your own pleasure, milking him for all he’s worth, while your mindless whimpers give away how close you are to cumming. 
eli has an obvious praise kink. worship his body or murmur out your need for him, and his round face flushes completely, precum drizzling from the tip of his dick. he’s decently sized too, roughly fifteen cm in length and twelve cm in girth.
not too fond of oral- receiving, that is. it feels too harried and impersonal for eli to be satisfied with it completely. the only time he’ll ask you to suck him off is when he’s completely exhausted or he’s jealous. on the other hand, one of eli’s favourite places to be is between your legs, caged in by your shaking thighs and driven on by your gasps and moans of pleasure. eli is completely enamoured by all parts of your body, but your thighs are one of his greatest weaknesses. 
when eli tops, he prefers missionary. that way, he’s got the sight of your beautiful face pinned down beneath him burned into his brain, your mutual devotion to each other immortalized in indescribable ecstasy. he has to be as close to you as he can get, too. 
without realizing it, eli begs for you quite often. neither of you really see it as begging, but either way, eli’s breathless pleas of “y/n, please, i need you,” send you reeling. 
eli’s pace is slow and sweet, gaining momentum as he reaches climax and/or you signal him to speed up.
can go for a max of three rounds. eli’s massive creampie kink is activated when he pulls out; the sight of his seed leaking from your soaked hole leaves him seeing stars. most times this leads to an impromptu second, or even third round if you’re up for it.
if you’re feeling a fair bit more dominant, eli is completely fine with penetration. he’ll be extra vocal if you tease him lightly while you prep him. every curl of your fingers inside of him coaxes breathy whines and desperate groans from eli’s heaving chest, and he wouldn’t have it any other way <3
interlock your fingers with his while you milk eli’s prostate, his chest heaving with heavy pants and moans in perfect tandem to the rocking of your hips. remind him how beautiful he is, totally full of you and lost in every slight shift of your cock or strap-on. 
eli won’t bring it up, but it becomes pretty obvious early on that he’s super into overstimulation. you’ve corrupted his thoughts entirely, every sense has been washed over by mindless requests of “more, more, more, please, and oh god i can’t take it anymore, y/n, please-,”
yeah, you’ve completely destroyed him. 
aftercare is tender and sweet, just like eli. depending on who’s subbed, eli will softly work shampoo into your hair, letting you lean back against him, or you’ll gently run a washcloth over eli’s back, applying pressure to any residual tightness in his shoulders. afterward, offer to grab some snacks or water from the kitchens and crawl into bed with your exhausted lover, snoozing off to whispered praises and lovely nothings.
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Video Game One-Shots and Drabbles Master List.
 -Drabbles are up to 300 words and less than 1000
 -One-Shots are more than 1000 words
- ✦ means it is a drabble
- ★ means it is a one-shot.
- ♥ means it has sexual content or implied smut
-💔means it is an angst fic.
-★ means it is a Headcanon.
-⚜ means it is a Mini Series.
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Assassin’s Creed:
Uncanny || Jacob Frye ||-✦
Smooth Talk || Deimos!Alexios ||- ✦ + - ♥ 
Marry me || Jacob Frye ||- ✦ + - ♥ 
Patching up a wound || Edward Kenway ||
Beautiful Music || Jacob Frye ||
A Scared Kiss || Ezio Auditore ||
Fierce Moon || Jacob Frye || - ♥ 
Bang Bang || Jacob Frye ||  - ♥ 
tall buff characters opening pickle jars (◕‿◕✿) || Jacob Frye ||
Tall Buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Connor Kenway ||
tall buff characters that are afraid of breaking their lovers || Shay Cormac ||
The Five Senses-Hearing || Alexios ||
Did you hear? I’m going to be a dad! || Samuel Drake || ✦
You can call me Daddy Drake || Nathan Drake ||- ✦
Snowball Fight || Nathan Drake ||-✦
It’s just an Epilogue || Nathan Drake ||-✦
Mr. Wonderful || Nathan Drake || *Rewrite*-✦
Mr. Wonderful || Nathan Drake ||
Raging Storm || Sam Drake ||.
Being Pregnant has it quirks || Sam Drake ||
Turkey Trouble || Sam Drake ||
What if I'm a bad dad? || Sam Drake ||
Red Dead Redemption:
Tonight We Dance|| Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
I’m Crazy About You || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
I’m Gonna Be A Daddy? || Arthur Morgan |||- ✦
I’ll Be The Best Father Around || Arthur Morgan |||- ✦
Stage 1 — The Meeting || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Stage 2 — Courting || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Let Me Stay Here By Your Side || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Mistletoe kisses || Modern!Charles Smith ||- ✦
Just Some fun in the camp || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦-♥
Arthur Morgan’s 25 Day’s of Christmas {{ Full List }}- ✦
A Bambi Kiss || Arthur Morgan ||
Arthur Morgan  Sex Headcanon.- ♥ -✨
Resident Evil / Day’s Gone:
To The Man Who Let Her Go || Chris Redfield ||
So Many Kisses || Carlos Oliveira ||
I’ll never stop living you ||  James O'Brian || 
So many kisses || Carlos Oliveira ||
First Kiss || Carlos Oliveira || 
Sleepy Hug || Carlos Oliveira ||
The Little Things || Carlos Oliveira ||
She Wouldn’t Be Gone || Leon S. Kennedy ||.
The Lift hug || Carlos Oliveira ||
A Forehead Kiss || Carlos Oliveira ||
My Life ; My Princess || Carlos Oliveira ||
I’m going to hug you now || Carlos Oliveira ||
Fuck IKEA || Leon S.Kennedy ||
You look! I’m to Nervous || Rookie!Leon ||
Get your dad jokes ready || Rookie!Leon ||
Get your dad jokes ready || Leon S. Kennedy ||
Silent Comfort || Rookie!Leon ||
A kiss…. in relief || Billy Coen ||
Jealousy || Leon S. Kennedy ||
A kiss … …to pretend.|| Leon S. Kennedy ||.
an adrenaline kiss || Rookie!Leon ||
Summer Bike Rides and Picnics || Deacon St. John ||.
Hallway Sex is the best kind of sex || Deacon St. John ||
Supermassive Games: { Little Hope / Until Dawn / Men Of Medan }
Forget-me-not’s & Foxglove’s || Mike Munroe ||-✦.
Don’t You dare throw that snow ba-” || Mike Munore ||- ✦
First Date || Mike Munroe ||- ✦
I think I might be Pregnant || Josh Washington ||- ✦
It’s Not Just Make Believe || David Milton || - ✦.
He’s One Of The Good One’s || Anthony Clark ||-✦.
Keep Bleeding Love || Abraham Alastor || Pt I-✦.
Keep Bleeding Love || Abraham Alastor || Pt II-✦.
I’m so sorry || Daniel ||-✦.
Just kiss already || Abraham Alastor ||-✦
Love In The Mountains || Josh Washington ||
Lovin In The Forest || Wendigo Josh Washington ||
You’re Safe Now || Mike Munore ||
Take it off || Josh Washington ||
I think i might be pregnant || Josh Washington ||
Devil May Cry-
Baby Hog || Dante Sparda || - ✦
Please Don’t Cry || Nero ||
Baby’s First Kicks || Nero ||
What a wonderful Christmas Surprise. || Dante Sparda ||
Silent Night || V ||
Just this once || Dante ||
I said a book…not a poem || V ||
Leave it To Dante || Dante ||
Do you think they’ll have your eyes?|| Vergil ||
Expecting || Nero ||
Miscellaneous Games: { Wolf Among Us / Detroit Become Human }
Ralph likes to kiss! || Ralph x Reader ||- ✦
“Am I too old to go trick-or-treating?”|| Connor ||- ✦
It’s getting hot in here || Connor ||-✦
Romantic Kiss || Connor ||-✦
You want me to what? || Hank Anderson ||-✦
Sweet Boy || Connor ||- ✦
December 3rd: Snow || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Morning Kisses || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Cuddles || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Christmas Morning || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
First Snow || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦.
Amortentia Bigby-★.
Then you kissed me || Bigby Wolf ||
Little Red Ridin’ Hood || Bigby Wolf ||
Everyone Needs a little lovin || Bigby Wolf ||
'So... Hypothetically, if we were to have a baby, how would you react? || Bigby Wolf || 
tall buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Bigby Wolf ||
What A Handsome Wolf || Bigby Wolf ||
Miscellaneous Games 2: {OverWatch / Mortal Kombat  / Far Cry 5}
Heelllloooo || Johnny Cage x Reader |||- ✦
Vampire!Gabriel Reyes - ✦
Bats || Jesse McCree ||- ✦
Laughter || Gabriel Reyes ||- ✦
First Kiss || Sub-Zero ||- ✦
Oh My God || Kenshi ||- ✦
You’re Alive || Eli Palmer || -✦
I’ve Missed you || Sharky Boshaw ||-✦
The Dragon’s Nest || Hanzo || 
Miscellaneous Games 3: {Call Of Duty / Marvel Avengers  / Ghost  Of  Tsushima}
Bambi Kiss || Steve Rogers ||
Tall buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Daniels ||
I’m so sorry. || Steve Rogers ||
When I am dead || Taka ||-💔
but it’s all coming back to me || Jin Sakai ||
Friendship is the Best Medicine. || Jin Sakai / Ryuzo ||
Pure love. || Jin Sakai ||  
It’s Just A Kiss || Jin Sakai ||
I’ll make you feel better || Jin Sakai ||
Be The One You Need || Joseph Turner ||
The Ghost & The Kitsune. || Jin Sakai ||
The Last Of Us:
Amortentia Joel-★
A kiss to bruised skin || Joel Miller ||
Baby’s First Kicks || Joel Miller ||
You’re My Light || Joel Miller ||
tall buff characters || Joel Miller ||
Final Fantasy:
A kiss on the nose || Tseng ||
You’re glowing || Cloud Strife ||
The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || The Date-⚜
A Kiss…Out Of Love.|| Biggs ||
Just a little confession of love || Biggs ||
The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife ||-⚜ Part 1 || Part 2. || Part 3 || Part 4. || Part 5.
I’m Scared || Cloud Strife ||
Cheiloproclitic || Cloud Strife ||
Sleepy Kiss|| Cloud Strife ||.
427 notes · View notes
stra66otkiller · 4 years
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he’s a darling, truly. he was something akin to a kicked puppy when you first arrived to the mansion. meek, yet intimidated, he was someone you felt that needed taking care of
poor thing looks like he’s having a tough time on a cipher? here you come with your overzealous and overbearing parental love for him.
the whole manor can see how you view him, and really, they all think you’re clinically insane
eli clark was one of many men, but he was not the weak or the lost at all
in fact, he was someone with a tendency to act passive aggressive or have a short temper at a cipher if something wasn’t going right. he was the type of person to ignore you if he feels that you’ll disturb him in the future, the type of person to avoid speaking to anyone at all costs because he thinks he’s higher power (although he’ll never show it)
surely, he is kind, he’s sweet, but there are his moments that the other survivors can see that you don’t get to see
eli loves your personality. loves how you attend to his every response or move. he loves how you take care of him. he finds it adoring when you worry over simple injuries or when he goes out alone and he finds you waiting for him anxiously
he treats you like a god. his god.
everything you do he is unimaginably amazed by it that it’s almost annoying to watch
whenever he’s not near you, he sends brooke to watch after you, but sometimes he forgets brooke is watching you and tries to find you himself which leads to a lot of interaction with the hunter
not to mention, he loves it when your smile, which is cliche in a sense but he loves it. he immediately responds with a smile of his own, whether a small or huge smile on your face, one will find its way onto eli’s face no matter what
he unconsciously leans into your warmth and feels bad when you shuffle to get away. as if a boundary was established that was never there before, yet it washes away the moment you start to coo over him again
and by all means, eli is NOT the funniest. he can’t be unintentionally funny like norton or naturally good at cracking unneeded jokes like kevin, of which you always laugh to (unfortunately), but he does try
his attempt at humor that matches your humor always goes horribly wrong that others cringe watching it. while you find it adoring, and he finds it as another reason for a nervous breakdown when you’re not around
around the other survivors he’s simply that nice one with the owl that occasionally cracks from stress. but to you, the other survivors can tell he looks like an angel descent from heaven and blessed upon you as a babysitter
it was the day of his former fiancé’s birthday, gertrude, that he had realized what was happening
you were so kind when he would vent to you, and you to him, but when he spoke about his past fiancé he wanted a reaction. call it selfish and him a horrible man but he wanted something that showed you had interest in him — just something
but alas, he saw nothing but genuine comfort, raw sweetness dripping from your voice that he so dearly wished to be words that expressed jealousy over his past lover
you saw him as a child. someone who needed supervision. the realization hit him when the other survivors would call you his mother or laugh between your interactions
it only made him cry into your hands, he tried to guise his sudden despair with remembering gertrude, trying to push himself into your lap as if it would help. all the while, fat tears rolling down his face because he feels worthless — he feels alone — and stupid
so then he chooses to do something stupid and spills everything
it’s complicated when he explains it, but when you finally understand the words that were coming out in sobs and stutters, and the tears pooling at your clothes, you then press a soft kiss to the under of his eye
albeit its almost awkward, for you, doing that aloof smile on your face when you’re lost is what makes him confused, but your hands on the side of his head numb that confusion down to silence, and his skin burns where your lips touched
you tell him he’s adoring. literally. there isn’t enough synonyms for adorable to describe him
he questions shyly, sniffling even, that if the relationship could be more
and you agree, although, hesitantly
you saw eli as courageous, cute, hardworking, and sweet, but none of those traits or himself made you scream for romance. and maybe the guilt ate you up, and that’s why you agreed
however, he worked hard to change that perception of him as time passed
he increasingly became more active and bashful during your new relationship. he had a tendency of asking for hugs and small kisses here and there, his cheeks would blossom with red when you would just stare at him long enough
he’d try to prove to to you that he didn’t need supervision. as much as he loves you around him, he wanted you to see him as dependable
sometimes he would coo over you which certainly made the manor erupt in fits of laughter when your face deepened to dark reds never seen before
eli, occasionally, would slip and mention something of gertrude, but you usually don’t pay mind to it. you’re understanding of his situation and you don’t find the need to fight over it when you’re both stuck in the mansion
he finds his occasional slip ups as death. he profusely apologizes and follows you around anxiously to make sure you don’t go to anyone else but him (you can tell he sends his owl at unneeded times), he tip toes around you but becomes blunt when he feels as though you’re mad at him (you’re not, but his anxiety-driven head thinks you are)
the only way you assure he’s fine is by staying by his side and talking to him a lot. and i mean a lot.
eli relies on communication, even if he’s horrible at it, he wants to make sure he’s doing everything right, something you truly adore
sensitive and sloppy. that’s it.
when you kiss him on the cheek it makes everything inside of him twist and burn, his legs wobble when he walks sometimes, but on the lips he truly feels as though he’s going to pass out
he moans into the kiss, trying to follow desperately but ultimately submitting and shaking under you when you pull away with a smile
kisses are usually very sloppy, not that he’s trying to but your simple peck on the corner of his lips makes him go haywire, drool collecting at the sides of his mouth
refuses to touch you. will not lay a hand on you. he’s so scared of hurting you, as though he’s too rough or you don’t like it. he worships you, he wants you to feel like a god when you are one
sometimes his hands ghost over your head or hips in fear of hurting you, you can only watch as his orgasm makes his hands flinch or scrunch up his clothes with an immeasurable amount of strength to avoid touching you
he loves initiating small acts whenever too
occasionally, coming to wrap his hands around you and shoving his face into your neck to pepper kisses along your collarbones, but he’s always too scared to go further and needing your guidance for the rest
you love to give him head at any given moment. tears start to pool into his eyes when you suck particularly too hard at the skin of his cock, or when he feels the tip hit the back of your throat
he loves it when you swallow his cum but also hates it. he apologizes and says it’s dirty but he can’t help feel more aroused when you swallow around him
eli’s favorite position is cowgirl or doggy-style
you being on top allows for you to lead and him to submit to you. whining when you go too fast or too slow, and you only laugh meanly before speeding up
he also loves cockwarming. something about being connected to you so intimately is really arousing to him. sometimes you’ll find his hands trying to push you further down his cock to hold you into place, crying about how good it feels to be inside of you and how warm, and how your walls are milking him
doggy-style, even in a more submissive position, you still have power over him
again, eli loves communication, just telling him he’s fucking you so good, calling him pup, or even baby, his hips are immediately stuttering into yours like a dog in heat
��it feels good, right?” he questions with a stutter, letting out a sharp grunt into your neck when your walls clamp up against his cock
unlike others, he doesn’t curse. but he will call you beautiful while he’s pounding into you. and sometimes he’ll call you his
even if he came already, he’ll listen if you tell him to keep going. the sensitivity leaves him spinning and coming once more
something you find cute is that jealousy sex is nothing rough. in fact, it’s so tame. eli takes his time to kiss you and thoroughly remind you that you both were dating, even if it means he’s crying into your shoulder while fucking you slowly
he’s so vocal to the point you’d rather just listen to him during sex. he whines uncontrollably when you slowly sink down onto his cock, praising about how big it is and how it might not fit
loves being called pup!!! during sex!!! outside of the bedroom it’s disheartening, but when he’s fucking you so sloppily after a bad day, drool coming from his mouth, and he’s whining into your ear, hearing you call him pup has him coming inside of you immediately
sadly, he does not like coming inside of you. he worships your body and thinks of his cum being inside of you is dirtying you. he tries to avoid it and comes into his hand
he basically treats you like a god outside and inside, so when both of you are finally spent, he’s the one getting up and cleaning everything. his aftercare is so intensive, especially if he came inside of you, he wants to make sure everything is out and you feel comfortable
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Can i request how different idv characters would act as roommates? Eli, Helena, Luca, Edgar, Vera, Norton and Fiona if thats alright with you :DDD
warnings? kinda suggestive, crack fic, cussing
mod toby and mod bread helped me do this fic, its a bit all over the place but it was fun so no regrets
Eli Clark
I feel like being roommates with eli would be pretty pleasant
everything would be clean all the time
he’s the type of kid that everyone wants on their team because of how good he is at everything
so if you scored a roomie like him, you got super lucky
if you left a mess he wouldn’t get mad, he would probably just clean it up himself and leave a sticky note that said to clean up ur mess next time(but not like, passive aggressively)
ofc you would clean up after the cute sticky note, bc who can say no to this bb? 
If you don’t clean up tho, brooke rose will probably shit on your hair when u sleep
tbh you’ve always wondered what eli looked like without his eye mask
so one time when Eli was sleeping, you went next to his bed to try and take his eye mask off and see what he looks like.
You took off the mask and found out it was a dummy 
a few seconds later you heard footsteps and you turned around
Eli came up behind you and knocked you out with a bat
you two don’t speak of that day.
Brooke kept screeching last night, and you got no sleep at all, so I guess we’re having chicken for dinner 
Unless you had a good reason, then eli and brooke prob won’t mind cleaning up after u
I can imagine you going back to your shared room in the manor after a rough match and seeing eli just sweeping the room in an apron and a cloth covering his hair looking like cinderella
“Honey, I’m home!”
basically if you lived with eli, you basically had a husband/mom/wife???
If you came back to the manor, beaten up and bruised from the last match he would prob pester you and nag you
while cleaning up you wounds he would prob say, “You have to be more careful, im always worrying. You’re gonna give your mom a heart attack!”
seriously tho, don’t worry this bb, he would actually have a heart attack
Helena Adams
i think living with helena would probably feel like some sort of kdrama
she might be a bit clumsy and trip over a few things, falling into your arms bc of her blindness
though she might be doing it on purpose
If you moved things in the room without telling her, she would probably get mad
for example, you move the sofa chair a little bit to the right bc you thought it looked better
helena walks in the room, sits down on the sofa chair and ends up accidentally sitting on the sofa chair arm rest instead
resulting in her bottom hurting and a very long talk with you
she got her revenge weeks later
she had asked you to check under her bed for monsters because she couldn’t do it herself
you were teasing her for still being afraid of monsters but looked underneath anyways
low and behold, 
she put a mirror there.
will even wack you with her cane if you’re being annoying
Her cane is pretty affective in shutting you up lol only sometimes
“Hey Helena, are you braille? ‘cause i can read you like a book when i touch yo-” *wack* *moans*
helena: ...
you: ...
helena: ...im leaving
you: heleNA WAIT-
One time everyone at the manor was celebrating Helena’s birthday with a piñata, 2 seconds later she was beating the shit out of Luca with her cane
even after everyone’s been yelling that he wasn’t the piñata
One time you and Helena had a staring contest because you were both bored.
She won.
sometimes to get her close to you, you would sit on the sofa chair super quietly and still
And then you’d wait for her to come and sit on your lap thinking it was the chair
and it would work 
she would probably sit on your lap for a few minutes, confused as to why the chair felt elevated
and then she would feel your arms snake around her waist
and she would- “whAT THE FUCK- SCREEEEEEE”
she would probably make a cute bird noise and then just sit there, not knowing if she should leave or not
in real life, “let go of me you pathetic mortal”
you’d beg her to stay on ur lap longer and she would cave in
but she didn’t stay because she liked you! baka
Luca Balsa
living with luca will probably be the opposite of eli’s
messes, everywhere
inventions, everywhere
at one point though you had a sneaking suspicion he might be a bunch of rats.
 you saw him outside crouching beside you guys’ room with a bunch of rats coming out his sleeve and running into a crack in the building
“its for science!”
he’s also super scared of helena
Luca doesn’t like to admit it, but he got his purple eye from Helena after he made a bad pick-up line for the blind. 
She’s been chanting “one of us” and threatening to “finish the job” ever since.
he’s basically a big baby that needs to be taken care of
i feel like he might break down sometimes from not doing his invention right, or feeling insecure
but i guess his rats are there to help
but since he had a roomie, he wouldn’t be able to cry on his own
and its a good thing because he doesnt have to do everything by himself anymore
he learns to ask for help when living with you
you’d help him through his episodes and he would slowly start to become more reliant on you
if he was feeling a bit moody, he would unconsciously try to find you to cuddle with
if you lived with him, you’d probably have to be very responsible
luca would have his own bed that he would never sleep in because he wouldn’t be able to sleep without you in his arms
everytime he shifts in bed, you’d feel a tiny shock
it kinda bothered you so
you pranked Luca by touching him with those zappy ring things you’d get from a dollar store.
You just wanted that mother fucker to get a taste of his own medicine
he would basically be a puppy that follow you around, he would constantly old your head
probably refers to you as his
like if you downed a shot that barmaid made for you, he would be like, “EYYYY THATS MY BABy-heurghrhgh”
now you have a drunk baby that you have to take care of
You tried giving luca a shower afterwards, now you know how it feels getting electrocuted.
And trust me, Luca and water do not mix.
good luck have fun
Edgar Valden
living with edgar would consist of 
1. edgar being super specific of what was his and what you can’t touch
2. big tsundere baby
3. sketches of you hiding in his sketch book
if you lived with edgar, you’d have to be super patient with his nagging or else you’d have to find a new roomie
he’s constantly nagging you
but if you are tired of it and give him the silent treatment, he’d probably just nag you even more for attention
you need to give this man attention or else
you ignored him for a whole day once because he said something mean
he decided to give you some milk and cookies as an apology
the ‘milk’ was his muddy paint water and the cookies were expired
i feel like one day you two would be arguing about who moved his stuff, your argument being he unconsciously moved his stuff, his argument being you moved his stuff
you guys were so heated up you didn’t notice how close you two were getting
edgar ended up pouncing on you like a feral dog
though when you woke up, you both agreed that you ended up winning the argument
when you’re reading or just doing nothing, he’d ask to sketch you or paint you
i-its not because he thinks you’re beautiful or anything
its just because he thinks that your whole self is aesthetically pleasing and pleasing to the eye- but not because he thinks you’re pretty!
sometimes when he was super focused on his art, he wouldn’t notice your figure slowly approach him
you’d boop his nose and watch as he froze
secretly tho, he really loves it when you do that.
do it more
please or not whatever
Vera Nair
Vera would probably be a bit anxious when she heard she was gonna get a roomie
but she would do her best to be at her best behaviour
she’s very well mannered and is very polite
she’d kinda be the type to silently care for you
like, she’d notice the little things that bothered you and made sure they wouldn’t bother you ever again
like, if you stubbed your toe alot, she would give everything that you could stub your toe with, rubber covers or socks
but she wouldn’t tell you it was her even though it was obviously her
if you fell asleep on your desk instead of your bed, she would probably but a blanket on ur shoulders and a pillow underneath where you left your head
she’s the thoughtful type
before you went for matches, she’d give you a cheek kiss for good luck
and if you did the same, she would probably play it cool but then panic a second later.
im sorry this is short idk what to do for her-
Norton Campbell
oh BOY
once norton starts to warm up to you, you guys are basically married
like there was no proposal, just “do you take this man to be your husband- you can’t say no”
he would probably take care of you alot
even when you didn’t need it
i can do it mysel- no
but actually, before he warmed up to you he was pretty cold, 
he felt himself growing feelings for you
and he didn’t want to because he was afraid he would lose you and he would have to go through the heartbreak of losing someone all over again
he would leave the room to go hang out somewhere else
he would keep his distance and not talk with you much
but there was this one time where you woke up with him around you, you just pretended you didn’t wake up and relished in the feeling
it took some time, but eventually he warmed up to you
though he still constantly worries about you, he doesn’t want you to get hurt
during matches he would always take hits for you, and just stay closer to you in general
he wanted to make sure you got back to the manor safely, it didn’t matter if he was sent back via rocket chair
he always put you as his #1 priority
he also gets jealous super easily, he’s scared someone will swoop you away from him
so to make sure everyone knows that you belong to him, he’d give you his clothes to wear
not only do his clothes look adorable on you, everyone will know that you’re his
probably pester you a lot if you tripped or got a paper cut
Once, Norton got stuck to the fridge like a magnet for 5 hours
He’s been using that as an excuse to force you to bring him his snacks every since.
pick up lines are a definite yes
sometimes you’d be shitting and you’d hear outside the bathroom door a faint,
“My love for you is like Diarrhea.” “norton what the fuck im shitting-” “i just can’t hold it in” cue camera zooming in on his face and him smirking into the camera “OH MY GOD WHY”
like Luca, his bed is useless. he always needs you in his arms when sleeping, he wants to protect you and just feel you closer to him
puts him at ease
kisses? hell yes.
if you had to go to a match without him he would send you off with a ton of gross wet kisses on your face ew
He might even try to seduce you into staying
“norton I’m gonna lose morality points!” “fuck your morality points, i wanna smash”
Fiona Gilman
I feel like fiona would probably super psyched when she heard about sharing rooms with you
I headcanon her to be super bubbly and social but when she is alone with her thoughts she’d probably regret everything 
“why did i say that why did i say that why did i say that-”
probably prays to god, “please kill me”
she tries her best to make sure you’re comfortable
she doesnt make a big mess and she makes sure she cleans up after herself, overall a pretty cool roommate
except for those times for when she tries to babtize you while you’re showering-
this has happened too many times^^^
one time she accidentally created an ultra portal in the toilet. 
Y’all still have no idea where it leads, and no intent of finding out. 
Although, Kreacher has been complaining of some nasty stuff appearing in his room
i feel like during matches she would always call you with her portals to say hi or just give you a small kiss
it stopped being cute when she went through the portal and ended up seeing the hunter instead of you
mentally scarred from that
sometimes things would disappear in your shared room too, not only the toilet
you’re convinced she has a bunch of hidden portals in the room
like, one time you dropped a pencil and it went through the ground.
you never saw it again
Or you know that missing sock?
i dont know what this turned into
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