#Falafel Machine
rhymeswithswaggness · 4 months
Weird question...but...
What do you call that gaint men who look like ice cream?
Uuuuh… I’m gonna need a little more description.
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The Ultimate Falafel Machine: Crispy and Delicious Falafel Every Time!
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ingravinoveritas · 11 months
Flew into to Vancouver today for a speaking engagement, and the guy sitting next to me on my connecting flight was watching Passengers. Looked over for one moment and there was Michael as the robot bartender. I can't escape...
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crowleys-hips · 1 month
Good Omens Themed Asks🐍 🍎
so last night i was trying to distract myself from The Horrors, so i thought about ducks and started wondering if they like strawberries and if so, can they eat chocolate covered strawberries? (looked it up. no they can't) and i thought how sad, but can they see the stars? (they CAN. they've got great eye sight. i went into a rabbit hole about it) so one thing led to another and i ended up making a Good Omens themed ask game 🦆 go nuts
bookshop - what's your happy/safe place? (physical or intangible)
hot chocolate - what's your comfort drink/food?
rain - have you ever been in love?
Queen - top 5 favorite bands/artists
record - a song that's very significant to you? what does it mean to you?
the Ritz - describe your ideal date
ducks - are you good with animals? could you lead a revolution with them?
sushi - have you ever eaten something illegal? by accident or otherwise
apple - what's your guilty pleasure?
Talisker - what do you do when you're sad?
ox rib - if you were some type of food, what kind of food would you be?
Châteauneuf-du-Pape - tell us about a funny/goofy time with someone
Bentley - what's your most prized possession?
french - do you and your loved ones ever get lost in translation?
plants - how do you deal with your frustrations?
laudanum - what's the craziest thing you've ever done?
prophecy - do you believe in fate?
holy water - have you ever had to do something extreme to protect yourself?
magic - what's something you suck at but absolutely love doing?
nebula - something you've done that you're really proud of?
polaroid - what's a bittersweet memory?
zombies - what are you most afraid of?
hell - what are some of your inner demons?
heaven - what has been the greatest loss of your life?
goats - if goats could speak, do you think they should be able to vote? why or why not? explain.
pot - a favorite childhood memory?
angel cake - are you a sweet tooth?
bathtub - if you could get away with murder only once, would you use that chance to take out someone? who?
falafel - what's a thought you can't ever seem to outrun
whales - what do you consider is your greatest accomplishment so far?
Jane Austen - what's your favorite book you've read recently?
fly - tell us a secret. shh it's okay we won't tell anyone (except all of tumblr)
vavoom - have you ever clicked with someone immediately? or are you more of a slow burn type? (platonic or romantic or anything)
turtleneck - show us (or draw) your hottest outfit
Alpha Centauri - where do you run off to when it feels like the end of the world?
South Downs Cottage - what is your ideal happy ending?
ball - what's something that's great in fantasy but disappointing in reality?
coffee - describe what you would do if you were in a coffee shop au with your crush and there was an apocalypse out there and all you had to defend yourself is whatever is at hand in the coffee shop (mugs, coffee machine, plates, cash register, desserts, chairs, tables, napkins, etc). the enemies are floating heads who want to kidnap your crush. go
Final Fifteen - greatest heartbreak of your life?
nightingales - what makes it all worth it for you?
tartan socks - hot or not?
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octuscle · 7 months
Hello support! I hope you can help me because I am not good with this kind of tech and I don't want to make a mess! You see, I have taking bad decisions all my life. I decided to ignore I was gay and lived a straight life for 40 years... I never took care of my appearance and now I am a 42 yo man with a bellly, and I don't seem to be making any progress at gym.
I think... I feel like it's too late. I feel that even if I change the way I live from now on, I have lost too much time, too many experiences... and I want to use Chronivac to turn my life 180º. I don't really have a specific type of life in mind, but I hope you have some great presets for me.
Can you help, please? Thanks!
Fuck, dude! You've been sweating out your sexual desires your whole life? And this pathetic body is all you've achieved in the gym? Okay, good that you came to me. It would be terrible if things got any worse. Lie down, get some sleep, I'll take care of it.
Since your wife threw you out on the street, you've been living in a small boarding house until you find something better. The bathroom is in the hallway and you share it with the other tenants. Most of them are plumbers and other tradesmen working on a construction site in the area. They wait in front of the toilet. It's occupied, of course. You hear the flush. The door opens. A mason of the highest caliber comes out. His dick is still sticking out of his pants, which he only closes casually. You make eye contact. A little too long. The synapses in your brain run amok. You go to the bathroom. You leave the door unlocked. You drop your pants. The door opens. Jackpot!
You did good for a virgin. You blow like the devil. And you know how to massage a cock in your tight asshole. The men waiting outside the toilet grin shamelessly as first the bricklayer and then you come out. One of them slips you a note with his phone number and tells you to call him. Shit, you forgot to piss because of all the sex. And you haven't showered either. What time is it anyway? Dude, you're a little out of it. It's only 6:30. Sure, the workers are already leaving. But you just got off work. Being a doorman is a hard job. Lie down first. Your landlady already knows. Breakfast is usually served at 16:00.
The first guests are already coming home when you wake up. Dressed only in your jockstrap, you shuffle across the hall to the bathroom. There are phone numbers on the walls. Usually with a crude drawing of a cock above it. You take your magnificent piece out of your underpants. 20 centimeters flaccid. With an impressive PA on top. Fits well in your calloused hand. As you pee, your eyes wander up your forearms. Were those tattoos there yesterday?
You're sitting in the breakfast room in your tracksuit. You're watching porn on your cell phone. One hand always on your dick. You're always horny. Hey, 42 is no age. You're at the peak of your manhood. You grab your gym bag, kiss the landlady goodbye, and head to the shabby basement boxing gym in the red-light district.
It's around 8 p.m. when you come out into the fresh air. Three hours of hard training, jumping rope, punching bag, sparring, technique training, lifting weights. And then a cold shower. No soap. No deodorant. Routine for more than ten years. And it shows. Fuckin' fit. A machine. You belong here, among hookers, pimps and drug dealers. This is your world. You go to your favorite falafel restaurant almost every night. Because the falafel is good. And because the chef's son is hot and horny. Dinner and a fuck - a good way to start the evening. And then you open your club. It was always your dream to create a gay club, bar and brothel concept. You had the right instinct. The concept has been successful for years. Partygoers love your place. Within an hour or two, the dance floor and dark rooms are full.
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You're one of the toughest bouncers in town. But it's also one of the hottest clubs in the city. And you're only at the door until two or three o'clock. Then you check the situation in the club. And if there's something hot to fuck, you check the situation in the darkrooms particularly carefully.
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
At the Museum
I am back for NOW I still have braincells which will be consumed SOON by my blorbo's. I changed the request slightly, so although the reader is from Camp Half-Blood, their godly parent is not specified! Closely based on this thing written by Riordan
Gods my thesis is killing me
Pairing: FAMILY! platonic! Magnus Chase and Annabeth Chase x FAMILY PLATONIC GN!reader Chase Request: could you do something where reader, annabeth, and magnus are cousins and readers a daughter of apollo or hecate. like her/their parent was natalie's twin. this has been in my mind forever and i thought i would share it. Word count: ~1.8k Warnings: same amount of death jokes as the Magnus Chase books
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You only ever had vague memories of your time with your family. Laughter, sand in your face, perhaps it was at a beach, maybe it was a sandpit. It didn’t matter anymore, for although those memories once were the only thing you had left of spending time with your family it no longer was. After Magnus ‘disappeared’ (read; ran away and died and then came back to life) you finally managed to stay connected with your cousin.
You see, although your parents always wrote the lack of connection to Magnus and his mom off as ‘religious differences’, but that didn’t mean it had to stay that way.
This weekend, Annabeth invited you and Magnus to come to New York for a visit. You had been staying at camp after summer, however with the newly revived and resurfaced cousin Magnus being able to come over you did not hesitate. Annabeth noticed that there was an exhibit at the Discovery Center in Times Square called The Vikings and decided it would be perfect to meet at. You know, given that Magnus apparently was the son of a Norse god, and neither you or Annabeth were too well versed in that pantheon.
“You bring me to New York and show me Vikings?” Magnus sighed, “I’ve got enough of those in Boston.” “Look I think it’s important to understand your world Magnus,” Annabeth smiled, “and I promise to take you to Mamoun’s Falafel and Shawarma afterwards,” “It’s a lot less boring than the Greek architecture exhibit,” You commented. Annabeth punched your arm softly. “I will just ask Percy next time (Y/n), no more bonding time for us.” She joked and you gasped. “Betrayal!” You exclaimed, and you noticed Magnus smiling. After a moment of hesitation, you spoke up again, “It sucks, you know, that we just,” you looked at your cousins sadly, “That we never got to be a family together. No holidays, or meetings. I barely even knew what you would look like Magnus!”
“But we can catch up now,” Annabeth softly grabbed your hand and squeezed it, “right some wrongs or something.” Magnus nodded. “I literally have all the time of the world now,” he shrugged, “most of the time anyways. We’ll be a family from now on, help each other and stuff.” “Yeah, that’s nice,” you sighed, “I’m glad.”
“Well, let’s get the exhibition over so I can get some falafel.”
One of the first things you saw was a full-sized reconstruction of a Viking River boat. The most impressive part? Someone made it with historical tools, meaning no saws and no machines. Magnus commented on how, if the boat would have been more portable, he could’ve taken it with him on his quest to stop Ragnarök. Sadly, unlike the one he got, which folds into a handkerchief, this one he could not carry around.
“Huh, life must have been pretty hard for Vikings back in the day then,” you joked, eliciting laughter from both your cousins. It was then that Magnus gasped.
“The Hammer of Thor! I found it! That was legit the easiest quest ever.” He pointed at a display case, “You know, this is the second time I found it.” You quietly laughed as Annabeth go a mischievous smile on her face. “This is just a silver replica,” she pointed out and Magnus sighed, “The Norse wore these all the time, kind of how Christians wore crosses.” “Dammit!” Magnus exclaimed. The security glared at him, and he looked apologetically at them, “sorry.”
As you were walking together through the exhibition, there was some comfortable banter between the three of you. At a depiction of Jormungand, Magnus noted how it did not look like the serpent at all, while you joked when coming across a necklace made from beads that that person must have spent a lot of years at camp. At one point, Annabeth looked a little melancholic when she saw a bracelet that looked like Thalia’s.
“Must be why Valkyries wear keys on their belts,” Magnus guessed. “So they can lock up their stuff and flog anyone who tries to take it.”
“I want to meet these Valkyries,” Annabeth said.
“I can introduce you to one,” Magnus offered, “You both can come to Boston and meet my friends,” he pondered, “Perhaps there will be a Greek Mythology exhibit, so I can get you back for bringing me here.”
“I will take you up for that, Magnus.” You cackled.    
Further into the exhibit, you stumbled onto bones from an actual Norseman. There was a lot of information about how the living situation of this person had been, however Magnus tried to lighten the situation. “I’m pretty sure I did Bikram yoga to the death with this dude last week,” Magnus squinted his eyes as if to examine the bones more closely, “he must be an einherji now.” “How do you do yoga to the death?” Annabeth asked, before her eyes widened, “Wait. I don’t think I actually want to know.”
Quickly after you entered the room with Norse instruments. Among everything there was something that looked, and sounded, suspiciously familiar.
“Is that a kazoo?” you guessed, “Did Vikings invent the kazoo? I am going to change religions.” “Ugh,” Annabeth said. “I got Percy a kazoo as a joke one time, and he would not stop playing it. It’s literally his only musical talent.” “Where is Percy?” Magnus asked. “I though I’d get to meet him.” Annabeth frowned. “He’s studying. He is not allowed to do anything fun until he passes his midterms.” “Ouch,” Magnus said, “His mom grounded him?” “Nope,” you interjected, smiling knowingly. “I did,” Annabeth said, “If he doesn’t graduate high school, he doesn’t get to go to college at New Rome with me. And if that happens, I will have to kill him with a kazoo.” “That is if he doesn’t die during the,” you flailed your arms around a little, “‘Godly entrance exam quest’ or whatever bullshit he has to do.” Annabeth sighed, “Yeah, because saving the world twice is not enough for a scholarship apparently.” Magnus looked at the two of you as if you were crazy, “You know that, even if it’s ‘to the death’ at least Valhalla has free education.” “I would rather not have Percy die yet, but thanks for the offer.” Annabeth sighed, “Are those Viking ice-skates?”
“They’re made out of deer bones, they used to be strapped to your shoes.” You mused, “looks pretty metal to me, to be honest. Just, whip out your bones, to your shoes and away you go!” “Sideways,” Magnus speculated, “straight into the nearest tree.” “I’d hate to see Viking skis,” Annabeth said. “You would need really big deer for those.” You commented, before moving along to the next display full of Viking swords.
“That’s sad,” Annabeth said, “Nothing is left but corroded metal.” “Oh, you should’ve seen Jack when I pulled him out of the river,” Magnus said, “He looked much worse.” “You named your sword Jack?” you questioned him. “No, he named himself that.” Magnus answered. “He … what?” “I’ll introduce you later. But I’m warning you, once he starts talking, he doesn’t shut up.”
“Your sword talks?” Annabeth asked and Magnus nodded nonchalantly. “Does he also talk to other swords? Or weapons?” you asked, and Magnus kept nodding. “I’ll let him answer for himself, I am sure he would love the attention,” Magnus grimaced, “just not here and now.”
You agreed to keep going forward. There were several pieces of jewellery, including a broach that looked amazing despite being on the earth for thousands of years. “I think it’s supposed to resemble the pendant on Brisingamen, Freya’s necklace,” Magnus mused, “It looks nice, but the real necklace is much fancier.” “Why are you blushing?” Annabeth asked. “I am not blushing,” Magnus insisted, “Freya just has a nice ear- uh, necklace. I mean necklace.”
You were already standing a bit further, reading the text next to some shoes with spikes in them. “Hey Magnus,” said boy turned to look at you, “did you know that if you die a dishonourable death and you go to Helheim, you are buried with spikes on your shoes like this? Apparently the road to Hel is icy and slippery.” “I did not know,” he remarked, “but wouldn’t deer-ski’s be faster?” he joked. “Personally,” Annabeth piped in, “I’d go for the deer bone ice skates. Can’t die by hitting a tree if you’re already dead, right?” All three of you laughed, before moving onto the next display. It contained a magic amulet, used for cursing your enemies or protecting yourself from rune magic.
“I wish Hearthstone was here,” Magnus said, “He would love this.” “Yeah,” Annabeth said, “Carter and Sadie would think that was pretty awesome too.” “Why does everyone know people that I don’t?” you said.
“Oh, Hearthstone is a friend of mine,” Magnus clarified, “He’s an elf, I guess. Likes rune magic.” “Yeah, and Carter and Sadie are some uh… Egyptian friends of mine.”
You looked at her, “Egyptian? Are you telling me-“ “Maybe we’ll talk about that at lunch,” Annabeth said, “Over falafel and a large bottle of Advil.”
As you moved further with Annabeth you both shuddered at a bunch of sickles. “I don’t like sickles. They remind me of a certain Titan,” Annabeth elaborated, but as you both kept walking you didn’t notice that Magnus lingered at this exhibit.
You see, the sickles were actually a talisman that was the symbol of Frey. They would be used for the harvest. And maybe it was Magnus’s imagination, but the light seemed to get brighter and warmer in the display case when he looked.
“Hey dad,” Magnus said, after which he reluctantly moved along.
One of the last displays of the exhibit was a bunch of little silver Valkyrie amulets. As Magnus caught up to you and Annabeth he spoke up, “Sam would love these,” “I’ve got to meet Samirah one of these days,” Annabeth said, “She sounds great.” “Yeah,” Magnus said, “Just try not to meet her the way I did, by dying.” “I think if we die, we get a different afterlife,” you commented, but Annabeth ignored you. “Deal,” she said, “Ready for some falafel?”
“The answer to that is always yes,”
And as you headed out to get lunch, a little bit of your family got repaired. It might be a while until you were as close as you were when you were little, but in time it will get better. That is, if no one died an early death (again).
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7-pines · 6 months
artisan item checklist
The amount of each artisan item you need to make. Artisan items are recursive (if you need to make juice and wine, it'll tell you to make 2 juices), but nothing else is (if someone loves a meal that involves an artisan item, it's not keeping track of that.) Loved items are included as "+1" for each person who loves it.
This is also made to be specific so when a recipe/crafting/offering calls for "Any ___" or "A or B", I picked the cheapest version of it to make. How things get replaced is under the Read More at the end.
3x Tulip honey [Bee house]: Apple pie, Assorted grilled platter, Jamu (Cooking)
1x Titan arum black honey [Bee house]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
8x Cheese [Cheese press]: Burrito, Eggplant lasagna, Gnocchi, Hawaiian pizza, Oven-baked risotto, Pizza, Summer burger, Sweet potato poutine (Cooking)
2x Syrup [Cheese press]: Es cendol, Es doger (Cooking)
1x Seaweed chips [Dehydrator]: Basic Artisan (Offering)
1x Large gesha coffee [Keg]: Loved by Aaliyah
2x Gesha coffee [Keg]: Loved by Aaliyah, Raj
3x Sake [Keg]: Fish soup (Cooking) Loved by Connor, Walter
7x Coffee [Keg]: Loved by Antonio, Emma, Giu, Groo, Joko, Raj, Randy
9x Green tea [Keg]: Kombucha (Artisan) Help Paul (Quest) Loved by Anne, Ben, Betty, Eleanor, Emma, Kenny, Raj
1x Cane nectar [Keg]: Loved by Erika
2x Cranberry juice [Keg]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Cranberry wine (Artisan)
1x Wool cloth [Loom]: Monster scarecrow (Crafting)
5x Cotton cloth [Loom]: Poci ghost scarecrow (Crafting) Kunti ghost scarecrow (Crafting) Ondel-ondel handsome scarecrow (Crafting) Ondel-ondel pretty scarecrow (Crafting) Loved by Emma
9x Butter [Mason jar]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Apple pie, Butter croissant, Cookies, Corn on the cob, Gnocchi, Minced jackfruit pie, Oven-baked risotto, Peanut butter (Cooking)
1x Kiracha sauce [Mason jar]: Vegan taco (Cooking)
2x Pickled corn [Mason jar]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Corn kimchi (Artisan)
3x Tempeh [Mason jar]: Fried tempeh, Herbed tempeh, Lodeh (Cooking)
4x Mayonnaise [Mayonnaise machine]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Fish taco, Rainbow sandwich (Cooking) Loved by Scott
4x Rice flour [Mill]: Es cendol, Klepon, Popiah, Serabi (Cooking)
10x Wheat flour [Mill]: Apple pie, Basil pesto pasta, Fruit tart, Pad thai, Peyek, Seafood ramen, Veggie ramen (Cooking) Gingerbread scarecrow (Crafting)
20x Amaranth flour [Mill]: Banana fritter, Bread, Butter croissant, Cauliflower casserole, Chocolate chip muffins, Cookies, Gnocchi, Hash browns, Hawaiian pizza, Kue kancing, Minced jackfruit pie, Mooncake, Pancakes, Pepper and mushroom flatbread, Pineapple upside-down cake, Pizza, Pumpkin pie, Red velvet cake, Spider tempura, Tortilla (Cooking)
11x Sugar [Mill]: Cenil, Donut, Egg custard, Fruit tart, Klepon, Kue kancing, Kue lapis, Pineapple upside-down cake, Pumpkin pie, Serabi (Cooking) Gingerbread scarecrow (Crafting)
4x Gourmet salt [Mill]: Herbed tempeh, Ketchup, Serabi, Spider tempura (Cooking)
3x White truffle oil [Oil press]: Rare Artisan (Offering) Loved by Alice, Connor
1x Black truffle oil [Oil press]: Loved by Alice
2x Almond oil [Oil press]: Loved by Alice, Emily
4x Olive oil [Oil press]: Hummus, Roasted mushroom (Cooking) Loved by Alice, Emily
11x Canola oil [Oil press]: Banana fritter, Beet chips, Donut, Falafel, Fried tempeh, Kale chips, Potato chips, Sauteed chard, Spider tempura, Sweet potato chips, Sweet potato poutine (Cooking)
1x Fermented goat cheese wheel [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
1x Kombucha [Aging barrel]: Loved by Kenny
1x Artichoke kimchi [Aging barrel]: Loved by Anne
1x Corn kimchi [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
1x Cranberry wine [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
These replacements only involve Cooking & Crafting, not Loved Items. So if someone loves Fruit Juice, that's not kept track of here.
Any flour -> Amaranth flour
Any oil -> Canola oil
Any cheese -> Cheese
Any butter -> Butter
Butter or Large butter -> Butter
Any honey -> Tulip honey
Any mayonnaise -> Mayonnaise
Any fruit juice -> Cranberry juice
Any wine -> Cranberry wine
Any pickle -> Pickled corn
Any kimchi -> Corn kimchi
Any dried scavengeables -> Seaweed chips
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deimos-awaits · 22 days
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
for Seraph?
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
She has the Machine Saint Voyager 2 in her ship. She has fought off repeatedly necron attacks to secure it from her. It's her most prizef possession.
If she was in a modern au I've image her as being Jamaican-Swedish
She has a Thing™ for techpriests though often gets annoyed by ecclesairchs
Bonus fact: Vashtorr has tempted her
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
She's incredibly lenient by inquisitorial standards, actually tries to gather evidence first before jumping to heresy, and is a deeply devoted lay member of the Jovian Forgecult
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
She is not at all magic or a pysker, she's got people for that with she has s skitarii control stave taken from a Gryphonne IV Marshall that allows her to subvert the enemies she most frequently fights.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
I think Seraph does eat regularly. She's one of the few folks in her sphere to have a relatively healthy relationship to food viewing it as the fuel she needs to continue going, and if it's enjoyable? That's a plus. I'm not sure what he typical dinner looks like but I know for her a comfort foods are space Jamaican patties and space falafel.
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
I think she's more of an introvert and has an incredibly blunt forceful personality
Thank you so so much for these asks
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catch-up tag!
@deneb-al-giedi tagged me, thank you!
fav colour: yelloooooooowww! (and I also really like green, especially for clothing, even though I don't have anything in proper green right now)
last fun activity: just now playing the piano, but yesterday evening playing a game with my parents, and a couple of days ago going to the pride together with d!
song stuck in my head: nothing completely but then also 5 modern church songs (they are ideal to practice playing a melody with accompaniment), night book and lady labyrinth by ludovico einaudi and for whatever reason, haven't listened to it in ages, rondò veneziano by rondò veneziano. it's like someone is playing randomly with the frequency control of my internal radio
fav food: yes. who has a clear answer to that?? i still love red cabbage with bohemian dumplings. but i also love salads and sushi and korean fried chicken and falafel-döner and curries and.
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet or savory! spicy can be nice as well, but i want a perfect amount of it that is hard to hit, too little and it's boring, too much and it just hurts.
last thing I googled: Katastrophenschutz (disaster management - perhaps they are looking for a mathematician? spoiler: they are not.)
current obsession: word of honor, but i feel like that might be slowly petering out TT_TT apart from that, i have short bursts of passion for mathy topics that i want to learn more about, like
optimization (it's useful! i love when you can optimize shit without machine learning! i hated it before!),
machine learning (easier to get a job with! and the theory is actually interesting!) and
geometric group theory (my long term love affair! it can be pretty! look at all those symmetries!)
but i very rarely act on it :(
something you're looking forward to: uh. a job? (okay, having money.) right now, i am also looking forward to physiotherapy, i am always curious what she comes up with next.
i am tagging @sirenofthegreenbanks, @apprenticesofdeweyhigh and @striving4mikey, if you are feeling up to it!
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corvidjuice · 1 year
“I knowwwww I’m intolerant to garlic and everytime I have a falafel I get soooo sick, but maybe this time it’ll be different”
*machine noise* [BAD ROUTE LOCKED IN]
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
Who invented falafel? Because I am willing to invent a time machine to go back and give them the sloppiest head as thanks.
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joy2paris · 11 months
Paris To Do List!
- l’arc paris (jorja and burna went) - can’t go if you’re short apparently
- silencio 2nd (kaytranada did a set)
- pamela - disco. not as picky with who they let in but go on a thursday as more relaxed
- carmen
- wanderlust
- aquarium de paris cinéaqua
- la machine du moulin rouge
- JAZZ - caveau de la huchette (€10 entry)
- humeur exotique club
- raspoutine
- madeline
- bridge
- supersonic (indie vibes)
- the pop up (bar and concert venue with a free jazz night every tues by gare de lyon)
- palais de tokyo (izzybozzy did a set there)
- Pachamama (latin american bougie) also mainstream, cash only but bouncers can be weird
- le tres particulier 18th
- la pelle
- saint gervais
- le progrès
- bar griffon
- no entry - speakeasy in the basement
- lavomatic
- le syndicat (on same studio road)
- chez prune: next to canal st martin (11/10 from nimue)
- la cidrerie du canal
- the cork and cavern (have pub quizzes every tuesday)
- le nouvel institut (fun student bar 5e and open till late)
- l’orée du parc (5e and recommends any of the spritz)
- au clair du lune (nice cocktail bar with happy hour)
- le balto (6e, great happy hour and vibes, right by christine cinema)
- ruprances - in le marie, lots of young people (louis)
- la perle
- la flèche d’or (kaytranada inspired night)
- Le pavillon des canaux - old house that has been turned into a bar/working space
- la cafe d’église near 10e
- sky drinks thing (vanessa)
- fanzone - place de la concorde. rugby match
- Benedict - eggs (4e)
- big mama
- bistrot victoires
- kintaro opéra
- chez janou
- le bonaparte
- Jah Jah Paris
- Zinga
- super smash burgers paris
- pho tai - 13 rue philibert lucot 75013
- big black cook
- passage à niveau
- le petit bouillon pharamond (1e)‼️
- le jardin du petit palais
- walyfey
- cook n saj
- flottes
- candide in belleville
- Shana/shosh (2e)
- Chateau voltaire
- mouffetard saigon - most incredible food nimue has ever had in paris
- amagat
- chambre noire studio
- gros bao - amazing chinese/pan asian restaurant next to canal
- bouillon pigalle/république - best cheap french restaurant. good for cheap birthday meal: €15 for starter, main, glass of wine or alternatively their 3 litre bottle of wine to share
Cafes/Food spaces:
- le mazarin
- le mansart
- le très particulier
- chez meunier
- café saint honoré
- SAFE (sunday, work space) near Amar
- espeletia
- 45 rue olivier de serres 75015 paris
- carré pain de mie
- cafe bogata
- a fole
- le carre voltaire
- carette, place du trocadéro (viral place w hot chocs)
- belleville market
- arabica coffee at beau passage courtyard
- oliera paris
- sonny’s pizza
- galerie paradis
- recto verso
- benchy
- café berry
- the coffee
- bar principal
- brasserie martin
- onii-san
- cafe charlot
- poilane bakery
- asian/japanese next to opera
- rue santan - known for asian food
- mouffetard - best road in all of paris: right by sorbonne/pantheon/ENS. filled with cheap takeaway places and cute bars
- Le Cèdre - great falafel wrap
- chez nicos - best crepes. good for a night out and open until 3
- trantranzai - yummy noodle chain, one right by pantheon
- nomas tacos - 2ere
- bobs bake shop - 18ere, english speaking
- bonjour jacob
- 207 rue du faubourg
- dumbo paris
- gramme (11e)
- Princess cafe (10e)
- boulangerie de quatre
- le pain retrouve
Cafes to work in:
- cafe husby
- cafe nuage
- l’anti-cafe
- maison fleuret
- la marelle 2nd - go upstairs
- come on eileen
- Nuovo (quite middle aged vibes)
- villa cœur
- bobbv
- acid violette
- merci
- at dawn
- relique
- louise gift shop
- puces de vanves
- puces de montreuil
- ^ best flea markets in my friend who has recommended me this’s life: enormous and so cheap and better than the central paris ones)
- life drawing in montmartre (class every sunday in a cafe, spenny but lovely vibes, coffee after, discussion, v social. go w a friend and then go to au claire de lune after)
- OFR Paris - magazine shop (3e)
- 8 cité d’antin 75009 paris
- bouliner les halles -
- freepstar
- la pharmacie des âmes - book store
- yvon lambert
- palais galliera 16th
- mad paris
- sis rue du pas de la mule july
- lacrapule
- 59 rivoli
- fondation h (closed sun, mon)
- YSL museum
- louvre
- tokyo palace
- LV foundation
- rodin museum
- musée de l’orangerie
- pino
- galerie angalia paris 3 - congolaise
- musée de quai branley
- albercon museum and gardens
- south side of siene - shakespeare book company english language
- abbey book store
- perrotin
- pompidou
- Galeries La Fayette
- Bourse de commerce - Pinault collection
- le sentier - beautiful passages
- montmartre
- the latin quartier
- place des vosges - marais
- PARK - parc de buttes chaumont (best park in all of paris, go at sunset with some beers)
- 9th - good vibes (louis)
- 18th, 6th, 7th nice
- 16th and 8th to avoid
- giverny (monets gardens)
- jardin lazare-rachline
- montparnasse cemetery - rue Daguerre nearby
- canal st martin + chez prune drink
- montparnasse for drinks
- sénat - palais du Luxembourg
- Place where you can see people dancing
- @moviesinparis
- UGC les halles
- MK2
- christine cinema (6e, show lord of old english language films, do student discussions too)
- the filmothèque (best cinema in 5e, showing old 35mm films)
- la librarie du cinéma du panthéon
- la cinémathèque française - museum dedicated to history of cinema, masterclasses, special screenings
- le forum des images - debates, master classes, exhibitions related to cinemas
- l’arlequin- special screenings and cinema club
- cinema en plein air de l’hôtel paradiso screenings on the rooftop
- On rue Champollion - queue outside cinemas for tickets - you won’t be assigned a seat
- Le reflet Medicis
- La filmothèque (€5 tickets) - shows lots of older films
- Le champ - best programming - usually does all nighters
- Le grand action - shows new releases and English films in a cool cinema
- Lost in Frenchlation - works with cinemas around the city to put on French films with English subtitles! Reccommended at sorbonne nouvelle so lots of students go to meet people
- L’épée de bois
- BNF - national library and €15 for national student pass. access to all their reading rooms. lovely cafe
- eiffel tower
- 21st JUNE la fête de la music
- Arts et mètiers
- saint german des près
- sacré cœur
- banlieue blues
- la villette jazz festival
- le popup du label
- le compte “movies in paris” on IG
- @miaousb
- @bishopnast
- @vsaulz
- @monsieurbonheur
- Pigale (la fete)
- châtelet
- 99 ginger Bercy
- poissonière
- colonel fabien
- billard nation
- bi urban pop play game @mr.glo_ tiktok
- picnic by eiffel at port du belli (mia in france)
- bateaux mouches (1hr seine cruise, €15)
- disney land
- petit palais
- père lachaise
- journée de patrimoine
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mariacallous · 6 months
When we conceived Goldie Falafel, instead of thinking of falafel as an ethnic specialty, we wanted to present it as a vegan alternative to saturated-fat-laden hamburgers, but still wrapped in the flag of the great American fast-food joint. Falafel and French fries — which are often stuffed into pita along with the falafel — were the easy part, since both are naturally vegan and fundamentally delicious.
But what about the milkshakes? How would we replace the sweet, rich and creamy milkfat with something equally decadent, satisfying — and dairy-free? Fortunately, when the fast-food gods close a door, they open a window.
We’ve said it before: There are very few culinary problems that tahini can’t solve. It’s mostly fat, it’s vegan and it has a delicious (if forward) flavor that is great in sweet application. Mixed with sugar and a combination of soy and almond or coconut milks and run through an expensive milkshake machine, it yields something that could be (and often is) mistaken for a milkshake. From the opening day of Goldie on April 1, 2017, tahini shakes were a runaway hit, perhaps surpassing the falafel itself in popularity.
No milkshake machine? No problem. Caitlin McMillan, our partner and the chef who developed all of Goldie’s recipes, including the tahini shakes, has adapted our process for ice cube trays and a blender.
Note: The Turkish coffee syrup will keep, refrigerated, for up to 1 month.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.12
Anne Frank Day
Bedstraw Day (French Republic)
Blue Galaxy Day
Children’s Day (Haiti)
Crowded Nest Syndrome Day
Dia dos Namorados (Brazil)
Flag Day (Brazil; New Zealand)
Ghost in the Machine Day
Grimace Day
Helsinki Day (Finland)
Idol Day
Indiana Jones Day
International Adobo Day
International DDX3X Day
International Dubbing Day
International Shia Day
Interracial Marriage Day
June 12 Commemoration (Lagos State, Nigeria)
Lancaster Day (UK)
Little League Girls Baseball Day
Lover’s Day (Japan)
Loving Day
Magic Day
Man of Steel Day
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg)
National Automotive Service Professionals Day
National Black Men Don’t Cheat Day
National Button Battery Awareness Day
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Chiropractic Health Assistant Day (Canada)
National Control Room Worker’s Day
National Cougar Day
National Dairy Goat Awareness Day
National Dame Day
National Esther Day
National Great Dane Day
National Harm Reduction Day (Canada)
National Hospital at Home Patients Day
National Magic Day
National X Day
Orlando United Day (Florida)
Peace Day (Kosovo)
Perfect Game Day
Portland Trail Blazers Day (Oregon)
Pulse Remembrance Day
Queen’s Birthday (Pitcairn Islands, Tuvalu)
Railway Day (Japan)
Red Rose Day
Rock Around the Clock Day
Russia Day (Russia)
Science Day (Turkmenistan)
Senior Race Day (Isle of Man)
Sharon Needles Day (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
612 Day (Minnesota)
Spoonful of Sugar Day
Spousal Abuse Day
State Protection Service Day (Poland)
Stock Market Employees Day (Ukraine)
Superman Day
Swiss Army Knife Day
Tear Down This Wall Day
Valentine’s Day (Brazil)
Welsh Bands T-Shirt Day (UK)
We Remember 612 Day (Hong Kong)
Women’s Veterans Day
World Day Against Child Labour (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chuy’s National Taco Day
International Cachaca Day
International Falafel Day
National Apple Cinnamon Muffin Day
National Jerky Day
Peanut Butter Cookie Day
Pink Spaghetti Day
Poultry Day
Independence & Related Days
Act of Settlement Day (UK; 1701)
Bill of Rights Day (Virginia; 1776)
Chaco Armistice Day (Paraguay)
Constitution Day (Turks & Caicos Island)
Democracy Day (Nigeria)
Philippines (from Spain, 1898)
2nd Wednesday in June
National Time Out Day [2nd Wednesday]
Worshipful Company of Vintners of the City of London Annual Procession [2nd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 12 (2nd Full Week)
California State Parks Week (thru 6.16)
International Listening Association Week (thru 6.16)
Raggedy Ann and Andy Days (thru 6.13)
Festivals Beginning June 12, 2024
Emmett Cherry Festival (Emmett, Idaho) [thru 6.15]
Ice Cream Days (Le Mars, Iowa) [thru 6.15]
Mattituck Strawberry Festival (Mattituck, New York) [thru 6.16]
North by Northeast [NXNE] (Toronto, Canada) [thru 6.16]
San Diego County Fair (Del Mar, California) [thru 7.7]
Taste of London (London, UK) [thru 6.16]
Teapot Day (Tea, South Dakota) [thru 6.15]
W. C. Handy Blues & Barbecue Festival (Henderson, Kentucky) [thru 6.15]
Feast Days
Adriaen van Stalbemt (Artology)
St. Anthony’s Day Eve (Portugal)
Antonina (Christian; Martyr)
Bannocks Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius (Christian; Martyrs)
Be More Paranoid Day (Pastafarian)
Bob Katz (Muppetism)
St. Charles Borromeo (Positivist; Saint)
Dave Berg (Artology)
Egon Schiele (Artology)
Enmegahbowh (Episcopal Church)
Eskil of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of the Blessed Polish Martyrs of World War II
Festival of Mut (Ancient Egypt)
First Ecumenical Council (Lutheran)
Gaspar Bertoni (Christian; Saint)
Gerard Hoffnung Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Gin Day (Pastafarian)
Guy of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Henry Scott Tuke (Artology)
Hildegard Burjan (Christian; Blessed)
Johanna Spyri (Writerism)
John of Sahagún (Christian; Saint)
Korean Rice Farmers Stream Hair Washing Day (Everyday Wicca)
Len Wein (Artology)
Leo III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver VII (Pagan)
Odulf (Christian; Saint)
Onuphrius (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Mount Athos (Christian; Saint)
Sparky Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Ternan, Bishop of the Picts (Christian; Saint)
Zeus’ Day (Ancient Greece)
108 Martyrs of World War II (Christian)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shavuot, Day 2 (Judaism) [6-7 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 163 [38 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [34 of 57]
Admission Free (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
All About Dogs (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Andy Warhol’s Blue Movie (a.k.a. Fuck; Adult Film; 1969)
Are You My Mother?, by P.D. Eastman (Children’s Book; 1960)
The Brighter Buccaneer, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1933) [Saint #12]
Bullet Park, by John Cheever (Novel; 1969)
Can’t Hardly Wait (Film; 1998)
Chesapeake, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1978)
Chuck Berry Is On Top, by Chuck Berry (Album; 1959)
Clash of the Titans (Film; 1981)
Cleopatra (Film; 1963)
Clockwork Angels, by Rush (Album; 2012)
Coming Up for Air, by George Orwell (Novel; 1939)
Deep Throat (Adult Film; 1972)
Donald’s Garden (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Donovan’s Reef (Film; 1963)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Bedtime Story (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Food, Inc. (Documentary Film; 2009)
Foundation and Empire, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1952) [Foundation #2]
Go Bo Diddly, by Bo Diddly (Album; 1959)
History of the World: Part 1 (Film; 1981)
The Horse Soldiers (Film; 1959)
I’ll Chase the Blues Away, recorded by Ella Fitzgerald (Song; 1935)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot (Science Book; 2010)
Jurassic World (Film; 2015)
Line of Duty (BBC TV Series; 2012)
Love and Kisses, recorded by Ella Fitzgerald (Song; 1935)
Mariah Carey, by Mariah Carey (Album; 1990)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (Film; 2015)
Moon (Film; 2009)
Palestrina, by Hans Pfitzner (Opera; 1917)
Predator (Film; 1987)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Film; 1981)
Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin (Orchestral Jazz; 1924)
The Sailor’s Home (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
She’s Not There, recorded by The Zombies (Song; 1964)
Some Time in New York City, by John Lennon (Album; 1972)
Speedway (Film; 1968)
Superman vs. The Elite (Animated WB Film; 2012)
Surfer Girl, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1963)
Swingers (Film; 1997)
Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, by Blink-182 (Album; 2001)
Testimony of Two Men, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1968)
Toreadorable (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1953)
2 Cool 4 Skool, by BTS (Album; 2013)
The Witches of Eastwick (Film; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Florinda, Guido, Leo (Austria)
Bazilid, Gašpar, Leon (Croatia)
Antonie (Czech Republic)
Balisius (Denmark)
Eskel, Esko (Estonia)
Esko (Finland)
Guy (France)
Florinda, Guido, Leo (Germany)
Onoufrios (Greece)
Villő (Hungary)
Basilide, Guido, Onofrio (Italy)
Ija, Narda, Nora (Latvia)
Anupras, Dovė, Kristijonas, Kristis, Ramūnas (Lithuania)
Sigfrid, Sigrid, Siri (Norway)
Antonina, Bazyli, Jan, Leon, Onufry, Wyszemir (Poland)
Onufrie, Pavel, Petru (România)
Zlatko (Slovakia)
Juan, Onofre (Spain)
Eskil (Sweden)
Onopriy (Ukraine)
Ahmad, Ahmed, Aisha, Asia, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 164 of 2024; 202 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 7 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 5 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 14 Blue; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 30 May 2024
Moon: 36%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Charles Borromeo]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 86 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 23 of 31)
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jdschecter · 2 years
I’ve been tagged two times by @daemrya (thank you sm, you’re truly the cutest!!) and @merlinaddams (omg I’m honoured, I love your blog and gifs! thank you sooo much) so I’m going to post both of them under the cut and tag a lot of blogs that I love <3
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags  (in no particular order)
dolores abernathy (westworld)
catherine (the great)
sansa stark (game of thrones)
anne boleyn (the tudors)
lucrezia borgia (the borgias)
cayetana grajera (élite)
barbara kean (gotham)
jenny schecter (the l word)
camille preaker (sharp objects)
ian gallagher (shameless us)
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you want to get to know better!
nickname: em/ems
zodiac: leo
height: 5'6ish (I’m tiny, lol)
last movie i saw: blonde (I hated it, no comments)
last thing i googled: how to distinguish AI art from human art (lmao)
favorite musician: placebo, halsey, taylor swift, the killers, florence + the machine, lana del rey, banks, mumford & sons, etc.
song stuck in my head: the loneliest by måneskin
other blogs: I’m a member of @candyshapes and have another one for my writing but it’s private, alongside some saved urls
do i get asks: rarely
blogs following: 265 (to be fair I feel anxious if I follow so many that my dash keeps on changing and I can’t keep track, lol)
amount of sleep: it’s a disaster, I have to improve my sleep schedule (I’ll keep your response cause it’s way too relatable)
lucky number: it’s not like it gives me “luck”, but I’ve always liked 5
what i'm wearing: black leggings and a beige sweater
dream job: anything related to the arts. especially graphic design (which I’m currently studying) or multimedia edition
dream trip: all europe, mostly
favorite food: a falafel plate with rice - no sauce
play any instruments: unfortunately, nope
languages: spanish, english and ein bisschen german
favorite songs: at this moment, I’m addicted to the whole midnights by tswift
random fact: I’ve been in this website since 2012, lol
describe yourself as aesthetic things: autumn, neutral/black/white, cats, night, coffee, books and cigarettes
tagging (no pressure or need to do it, I’ll just take the opportunity to give a shoutout to some of my fave mutuals/blogs!): @somosinevitables @lareinedefer @yourmarkonme @saltandsorrows @mercoledie @sansaes @lovandfear @attywoo @undomiels @poseidqn @sophturne @ravenrevyes @janebrvnte @snowhites @adamronans @daniels-gillies @harwinstrongs @foliques @sdyneysage @theresebelivet @danytargaryens @takeawaythepain @spookyballroomofmymind @ravenclairee @weirwolves @laurennbacall @tophbefong @qquicksllver @swifit and also both my taggers if you haven’t done the other one <3
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
Things about the DHA characters
Just wanted to make a list of stuff I know. If you know something I didn't list please let me know..This list will be continuously updated.
For Headcanon Purposes if you want to use it idk 🤷‍♀️
Is the last relative beside her grandma
Likes to read
Writes diary
Has various stuffed animals on her bed
Has a Nokia Phone.
She's left- handed
Her parents are no longer together
She likes Paris Hilton
Nancy Ninja is her favourite Super Heroine
She's a fan of Lady Gaga
Had two goldhamsters who died Hector and Öli.
Can't sing for a living
For some reason has a guitar in her room
Orange lillies are her favourite flowers
Her parents are from the Oman
Her father is an Athlete
She's allergic to feathers
She likes reading.
She likes karaoke
She likes horror movies
She has a half sister Malika who lives in Switzerland
Her sister and her wanted to live in Barcelona one day.
Likes Deco in the Oriental Style.
Stew with Sausage seems to be her favourite dish
Likes to stand up early
According to Luzy likes be alone
Is good in Physics
Is able to throw a candy in the air and catch it with her mouth every time.
Is seemingly physically strong
Has a stuffed animal called Mr. Schnuffel. I have no idea what animal it's supposed to be. She doesn't cuddle with it. It either sits on her nightstand or she has it stuck between the bedframe.
She likes old stuff becomes it tells a history
Is well organized. Is good at planning.
Does Camel riding when she visits her parents in the Oman.
She still has the lamp Magnus gave her in S2, in S3.
She likes Tokio Hotel
Her full name is: Luzy Rosaline Shoppa
She's a Scorpio
She has an aunt in Spain who she hates
She squeaks when she's excited.
She does Tai Chi to deal with her anger problems
Her hair used to be more orange but then she got bullied for it so now it's really red.
Her father is somewhat a famous scientist
She has a sewing machine in her room
6 is her lucky number
She hates clutter
She likes action movies
She doesn't really like romantic movies
Writes diaries but for some reason calls them Journals
Has a great memory.
Comes up with random statistics alot
For some reason has a thing that looks like modell car which she cleans with her tooth brush
A ciabatta bun with Roastbeef Mayo and alot of Pepper is her favourite Sandwich.
Likes Riddles
Likes to stand up early ( from the books)
Knows alot about Egypt
He is supposedly good at imitating voices.
He can speak Latein.
Has an uncle who lives near the house.
Soccer is his favourite sport
Falafel is his favourite food
He eats about 5000 calories per day
He wants to go to America for a sports scholarship
Always goes surfing during the Hollidays
Is able to do First Aid
Has a younger blind sister
Doesn't do his own laundry
Has a bad memory
His father is a member of the school council.
A ciabatta bun with Roastbeef Mayo and alot of Pepper is his favourite Sandwich.
Likes Karaoke but Hates Musicals
Likes Golf
Has two younger half- sisters aged 3 and 5
His father was innocent in prison
His father lives now in Malaysia
Only has one uncle who lives in Australia.
Seems to hate garlic and beside that seems to be very sensitive to strong smell.
Doesn't like Delia's perfume
Likes Horror Movies
Does or did Turnament Riding. Based on the loops in his room.
Likes Comic books
Is a long sleeper
Is somewhat impatient
Does good in school. Drama is his worst class
His birthday is on the 12. April. ( if I saw it right)
Likes to dress up in costumes but hates playing animals in Musicals
Always seems to win the Eating conquests he does with Mara or Felix.
Has a loud laugh
Sometimes mimics other people
Used to have mouse stuffed animal he couldn't sleep without
For some reason had two connected plush hearts in his closets. ( S3)
Has a Samsung Phone.
He's left-handed
Has strict parents
Has family who live in Switzerland
Is good with Computers
Set a Hotel room on fire one time
Likes,Horror Movies
Has various costumes in his room
His early morning breakfast consists of Chips and Cola.
According to the others he smells bad.
Likes Comic books
Likes Rihanna
Eats everything even if it doesn't taste good
Is a fan of Power Paul.
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