juney-blues · 2 months
okay think that's as finished as i can be bothered to get this grahhhhh this was my first time seriously using a tracker, i didn't know tracking on the default speed of 6 ticks per row wouldn't give me the proper temporal resolution for a lot of stuff!
lesson learnt,,
+ i did a lot of things weirdly because i don't know what i'm doing, which'd make cleaning things up take so much effort it wouldn't be worth it </3 had fun making this though!! :>
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zerojanitor · 2 months
The Ballad of Jiggle E. Puff
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afniel · 4 months
There, I did this!
I have more room on Tumblr to ramble than in a Youtube description that nobody's gonna read, so...if you're real into pointlessly technical things, read on, I guess?
I learned some tricks that aren't all that interesting to anybody who isn't using Famitracker while messing with this. Like that you can replicate some heavy slap bass on the sawtooth channel by using V00 for normal volume (0-F as usual) and V01 to achieve MAXIMUM EARBLAST volume with no option to regulate it until you set it back to V00. It seems like volume output-wise, the VRC6 channels are treated as one category that compete with each other for a share of the volume, and the default 2A03 channels are a separate category, so if there's not much going on with the other VRC6 instruments, slapping the V01 command on the saw channel will be overpowering as hell. However, if you're using the other channels, it's not too bad, and you can use it as kind of an F+ volume. As far as I can tell it just expands to fill the remaining volume allowance for the VRC6 channel set.
I used a fairly moderate 10 instruments on this, mostly because VRC6 channels use separate instruments.
As for the sprite art, it's FFIII-based, and the Magus Sisters are heavily heavily edited from their FFIV incarnations. The Tower of Zot background is entirely from scratch, though, as are the weapons everyone's holding. It actually obeys foreground palette rules! It does, however, break the background palette rules by one palette extra. I could have resolved that with fewer colors in the Magus Sisters (swapping the yellow/purple/brown/transparent palette for more yellow/red/brown/transparent would do), but hell naw. I don't think anybody but me will care that much anyway.
Other than that, you could in fact display this on an NES if it were set up properly for it. You'd be sacrificing a kind of ridiculous number of background tiles for the Magus Sisters, but that's okay, they're cool. The music would similarly work if you threw it on a cart with a Konami VRC6 sound chip.
Kinda cool, right?
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kaasiand · 1 year
made with famitracker (base NES limitations)
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 07/09/2023
Bigger at Night (Chung Yard)
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Wii U
Ripped by MtH
BIG CHUNGUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's kind of funny to see just how naturally Big Chungus, the demon itself, slotted into being a core part of the SiIva meme line-up. The meme, obviously, has cemented itself due specifically for how unfunny and Reddit-coded it was, something with no real comedic value beyond making fun of its oversaturation akin to something like Pickle Rick. During Season 4 Episode 1, Big Chungus suddenly showed up in a couple rips in April - a solid four months after the meme had effectively exploded and already became tiresome to a lot of people. KFaD2 took advantage of this and turned the meme, along with a certain bandicoot and echidna, into a joke contestant - a character representing the idea of "dead memes" being remembered purely out of irony. And as I've said before, if Season 4 Episode 1 was the competition, then Season 4 Episode 2 was the celebration.
After the tournament was over, and Cool Meme Team had made themselves known to the SiIva audience...Big Chungus started showing up again. More than even during the tournament, he sort of just became another meme in the roundup, and at this point most everyone was on board. The four or five songs used in association with the characters offer such a wide spectrum of melodies to use in interesting and funny ways, and rips like Bigger at Night (Chung Yard) show how the meme had gotten past just having ironic appeal. Its a genuinely incredible, authentic-sounding arrangement, to the point of even being used in its album release video's list of examples of just how good rips have gotten over the years. MtH has this touch for quality that is just indescribable.
As mentioned before, a big appeal of Big Chungus rips in particular to me is just how many songs the meme comes packaged with - its mainly using the aptly named Big Chungus song by CG5 as its lead melody, but later switches in elements of both BIG CHUNGUS | Official Main Theme by Endigo and Big Chungus by The Slopster as the rip progresses. A kind of variety gets to be injected into this already high-quality arrangement without having it lose focus from the core joke.
That joke, of course, being the very sensible and sane "What if Big Chungus was in Shovel Knight". SiIva truly is wonderful for enabling things like this happen - and for it to always be of such high quality.
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christerious · 1 year
do kinda be beep boppin' though 😳
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just-jammin · 6 months
i did a thing on famitracker
cover arrangement is based on the original song, as well as a musescore sheet
yt version coming up soon :3
(all links will be listed in subsequent reblogs)
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o-berriesandhotsauce · 9 months
here's the "wip music thingy" I was working on!! I compiled all my NES covers into a little EP-- some I've posted here, some are new :]
Also if you wanna check out the other music on this new music channel of mine, feel free to!! I've been uploading bits from my backlog. I may or may not have another club penguin tune coming soon 👉👈
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sl33py-g4m3r · 1 month
[2A03+N16X]Battle! Sada/Turo 戦闘!オーリム&フトゥー Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Famit...
Awesome remix I found and had to share~~
It’d honestly be cool to see a demake of these games on the SNES/Super Famicom/Nintendo 64/etc... It’d be so neat~~
Maybe merge it with OG SMT gameplay and have gyms and other areas like titan/team star spots dungeons with enemies?
idk, lol. Demakes would be fun~~
Area Zero would be neat as an SMT dungeon maybe....
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naaattie · 28 days
I made a classic-style tracker video of the main theme for Party on Hallow Grove, Death's Mansion! I used Milkytracker, using custom generated waveforms and some free samples. This was my first tracker song in Milky after not using it or making music for about 6 years. I'm very proud to be getting back into music and learning more about this awesome program in the process! Hope you guys enjoy the tunes! Will be trying to post more soon!
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mendelpalace · 4 months
Hylics 2 - Fancy Meat Computer [Famitracker VRC6] by MoxieCat
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juney-blues · 2 months
okay i finished and cleaned up that rainbow tylenol famitracker cover i said i wasn't gonna finish!!!!
was a lot of fun working on this :>
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zerojanitor · 16 days
Apparently they changed the name of the Rogueport Sewers to the Rogueport Underground in the remake... which makes more sense I suppose. It's not that sewery in there.
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bigbopsodapop · 8 months
i’ve had the pleasure of participating, and helping out in a MASSIVE chiptune collaboration album called “FAMATTACK 2”!
it premieres on youtube this weekend! and i’m so excited!!! :D
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clairestrogen · 4 months
So i have released two new things! You can take a listen or not (pwease do)
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 23/09/2023
From The Shad​-​slows (Plains of Des​-​passing​-​tú)
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Wii U
Ripped by UUN4
Exactly one week ago, I covered what I believe to be one of the most legendary rips in the channel's life - Plains of Des-passing-to. In that post, I tried to explain just what makes Despacito such a fun source for SiIvaGunner to use - that its overexposure paired with its genuine good qualities as a catchy tune makes it something every SiIva viewer will immediately recognize and begrudgingly vibe to. Paired with the infectiously fun instrumentation and overall style of Shovel Knight, it resulted in a banger many still return to frequently.
Two years later, though, UUN4 would return to that very same concept for a rip and make what's effectively its direct sequel. In the same way that From the Shadows sought to reimagine the original Strike the Earth! into a more sombre, melancholic piece, From The Shad​-​slows (Plains of Des​-​passing​-​tú) takes a similar approach to the original Despacito arrangement. Its slower, moodier, almost atmospheric in a way, despite still using Famitracker and a lot of similar instruments as its base and despite still, yknow, being Despacito of all songs. Yet it follows through on its concept from start to finish and is, just like the original From the Shadows, in my opinion a much more interesting listen - even though the original in this case was already one of the most fun listens on SiIva. Every note placed is perfect, every cue from the original rerendition is translated in such a purely authentic way - its all so good and so natural, its as if it was produced right alongside the original rip back in Season 3.
My affection may also be in due part to how recently I discovered this arrangement: the original track sits at close to 200 thousand views, wheras this sits at barely over 25 thousand. Its not a rip I see shared around nearly enough given its quality, and I'm hoping this shoutout will do it at least a little bit of justice.
Quality of From The Shad​-​slows (Plains of Des​-​passing​-​tú) aside, it plays into a part of SiIvaGunner that I really do love - that these kinds of becks and calls even exist within the channel to begin with. It wasn't as if Plains of Des-passing-to was a momentous occasion in the channel's life that would therefor obviously be paid tribute to in the future - UUN4 simply realized on his own how fun it would be to expand upon a joke he told amidst hundreds of others during Season 3. The deeper you go into SiIvaGunner, and indeed the deeper you'll go on this blog, the more fascinating examples like this you'll find on the channel - rips paying tribute to one another despite releasing several years apart, and despite sometimes not even being as popular as Plains of Des-passing-to was.
Nothing on SiIvaGunner is ever forgotten. Not even if its a hit Latin pop song from 2017.
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