#FanFiction review
and now i have to find myself a tower in a forest near a wall ...
... and look for a black, dark sorcerer !
You love fairy tales? You love Good Omens? You loved Aziraphale and Crowley in medieval clothes? Then you will love this not so little fanfic i dearly recommend to you!
Villainous by @ineffablepenguin
What it is about:
Once Upon A Time…
There was a red-haired sorcerer who lived alone in a high tower, and a blond prince who lived in a palace full of people. And they were both of them desperately lonely.
The Kingdoms of Empyrion and the Sorcerers of Apollyon have hated each other for hundreds of years, ever since the Great War. They do not interact, other than to occasionally try to kill one another. And they certainly do not make friends.
Crow is an exhausted sorcerer who just wants everyone to leave him the hell alone: for the Sorcerer’s Council to stop harassing him to live up to his potential, and for wannabe Empyrion Heroes to stop attacking his tower to try and kill him. Until one day when he meets Prince Azra of the High Fells, who doesn’t behave anything like he’s supposed to…
Part fairy tale, part fantasy, all love story. There’s magic, and grand romantic gestures, and Heroes and a handsome Prince, and a Villain. There are even some wild heroics, though not necessarily from who you would expect. At its core it’s simply about two (relatively) sane people living in a mad world who find each other.
What i love about it:
🫅🏼 I mean - fairytales? And a lot of them? I found it very nice to guess all the tales when stumbling upon a hint. Nice touch: in the epilogue there is a list of all the fairytales which have kind of flown into this fanfic and i am quite proud that i only missed 1 i actually know (and of course those i dont know).
👑 This story is RICH - and i mean really rich. It goes into details over everything and sometimes it reminded me of books written bei Hermann Hesse because of all the little things that kept coming and being mentioned. On my e-reader it was 566 pages! And yes, it took them about 200 pages for their first kiss 😅 That said, its always drawing a picture and reading the story is kind of seeing in your imagination. Obviously nothing is ineffable for @ineffablepenguin 😉
💪 The action scenes: oh my, its like a Schwarzenegger-movie, you cant stop reading, its fast, its furiuos ... oh, thats another movie, ngk.
🩷 The character development: both of our beloved angels start out being insecure of their roles, their place and their worth. But - this is the first fanfic i ever read, where both of them get to be BAMF !!!!
🩷 The plot: i love being suprised - i mean we do know a lot already, diving into a GO-fanfic with the tag "happy ending", right? So there were some really interesting turns and sometimes i wondered "ok, just how will this play out? How will the author get to unknot THIS?" And i have to admit, sometimes i really didn't see it coming. Very nice!
🩷 The healing: i dont know if it was on purpose or the author just felt like our ineffables needed to hear and think stuff, but actually the way their characters develop and how they help each other with it, what they are thinking etc ... reminded me a lot of trauma-therapy. So as one of those few (ähem) people who really spiraled after the big 15 of S2, this was such a nice feeling.
💫 the epilogue - this story doesnt end at happily ever after. Instead we get to know, how they make a living for themselves and sneak a little into their daily lifes. I truly appreciate that, its a nice way of comforting the Reader out of the story.
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This wonderful art is from @pinkpiggy93! 🩷
Most beloved quote:
"And i love you too, my dear," he said firmly. "You are so very easy to love."
And isnt this quite a sentence, we all need to hear?
So if you are into good omens, fairytales, long fanfics to really dive in to for several hundred pages, some surprises and of course a happy ending - this is quite the story for you.
Reading is not a hobby, its an attitude.
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bpdbenrey · 6 months
I’m going to start reading everything in the hlvrai fandom on ao3. Starting with benrey/gordon. I’ll going to post my opinions here and a general rating! I’ll also try to include some fun things like songs I think would fit well with it, or other generally fun inclusions.
I will not be posting reviews of explicit fics that contain nsfw material as I’m a minor. But I’m going to lose my sanity either way! Fic recommendations are always welcome, and I’ll do all I can to get to them when possible. <3
Wish me luck! This fandom is crazy sometimes.
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bluesilkwing · 1 month
so the longest fic i've managed to find in the assassinsphere is The Death of Innocence and Hope, which is. Lee Harvey Oswald x John Wilkes Booth
and yknow what I bucked up and I read that shit
this is my review
There was implied Booth x Balladeer, which is. no. no. dislike. we all know the balladeer HATES john wilkes booth with a fiery passion
balladeer would inhabit the assassins' minds as their conscience as they lived, and I actually liked that
the way the balladeer dies is very odd, he dies because booth pretended he wanted to be good but then when it turned out he was lying balladeer was sad? I was very confused.
I actually kind of like the prose in the later chapters, I think it was raw and pretty
I understand why Lee cares about Booth but I don't understand at all why Booth cares about Lee
there was. a grand gesture. i wasn't expecting a grand gesture.
the guy who killed oswald was the proprietor in a different form. i like that.
all in all it was horrible. 10/0.
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Ominis x F!Reader FanFic Review
This is a fanficiton review for Thicker Than Water by CelestialHearts
Status: One-Shot
Rating: T
Word count: 3.9k
This sweet read is so heartwarming. I loved this headcanon for Ominis since the Gaunt line dies out in the mid 1900s. This fic explores him escaping from his family’s fate. Ominis is the most adorable father in this and the whole trio is just one big happy family. It is mostly written through Ominis’ POV.
Score: 5/5
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
fanfic reader: [apologizes for writing a long comment]
me: [framing up their face in my hands, squishing their cheeks] look at me. look at me. never apologize. you are perfect. you are a slice of peach pie during a summer sunset. you’re a little strawberry on the vine. you’re a bible-accurate angel and i love you. the gift of your comment is the first golden-hearted crocus in winter. i - a wordsmith - cannot tell you how much it means to me. you are a balm made of honey in a cruel hard world. never doubt it. never forget it
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 5 months
Fanfic Recommendations, Installment #1!
This is a long one! But even if you don't read all of my words here, you should definitely read theirs!
. ★.`.☆...☆.`.★ .
It feels as though it would be some sort of terrible crime not to highlight the most wonderful fic series that has been circulating its way through the Hazbin Hotel fandom over the last little stretch of time. Yes indeedy, I’m speaking of nothing other than the meteor shower series by spoondrifts on A03 (and ofc as @cringefailvox here on lovely tumblr!)
               This enthralling little series is currently comprised of two parts; time has changed the metaphor and its sequel, dragging its tail in the sea.
Herein we get the most delectable example of polyam, QPR, label-less goodness that I dare say there has been a gaping lack of up until now! (and if I am mistaken, I am happy to be so so wrong so long as you send all those good fics my way!!! My perceptions are fallible)
And who might make up the delightful QPR trio featured in this story? Why, none other than our most beloved Alastor, Rosie, and Vox!
I will admit to you, my dear reader, that I was skeptical of how this trio would function together. A fool, even. But the fanart (here for pt.1 fanart) (and here for pt.2 art) drew me in, it delighted me, and the writing, well, the writing simply blew me away.
How lovely it is to sit down and read such gorgeous, thoughtful, and perfectly complicated renditions of these characters. One that deeply explores the bounds of non-traditional connections, and the twisting, complicated ways we can come to find others in our hearts. Because it seems that even in hell, there can be things that make you feel foreign amongst your peers. That is, if you don’t let yourself be known.
The way Spoondrifts dives into the mentality of the three characters is such a joy to read that I scarcely think I have adequate words to express how exactly it is I feel.
To be Queer in any form is such a varied array of experiences, indescribably vast; and while labels can often be a freedom for some, especially as a place of belonging, or a reaffirmation of identity – or even simply that labels often act as a gateway to community and support – there are many that feel labels restrict them. That those labels are another set of rules they don’t fit neatly into, a chafing reminder of common-society’s boundaries in a place that is supposed to offer refuge.
This is precisely why many have embraced and reclaimed the word "queer" itself as a catch-all term for ‘outside the cis-het bubble’.
Yet, we often jump, especially in fiction, to labeling exactly who and what a character may be. Defining their relationships with immense detail, and fighting ruthlessly over canon vs. fanon vs. fanon-but-less-popular. Yet, here in this fanfic, we see a shining example of the complicated web of queer experiences. Of connection. Of love and care.
A refreshing lens to be sure.
It is a story that says ‘these characters are enough, as flawed and rotten and lovely as they are, and so are you.’ – and isn’t that the very crux of this fandom itself? Is the commentary on Christian religion and the people that claim to uphold it, not in and of itself a similar thing? A story that says ‘you can be terrible and wonderful. You can be awful and be loved. You can be different and be whole.’
In watching the series itself, there was something cathartic for me, too personal for me to write in too great of detail in the here and now. But it made me feel loved. It made me feel like even if I wasn’t perfect, I could still have worth. That I could make mistakes, and still be allowed the grace of second chances if I’m willing to learn and grow from any of the mistakes I'll inevitably make on this complicated journey of life. And so, so much more.
That is how this fanfiction made me feel. Loved. Warm. Safe. Free to be a mess of a human (because aren’t we all?). And still at the end of the day be worthy. To, someday, be loved and cared for in whatever ways I need. That none of us are too much or too little.
I’ve been straying away from labels myself over the years, knowing I fit into a few different nooks and crannies within our vast umbrella, but not quite vibing with a lot of the words anymore. Life is, after all, a journey of discovery; and I’d be a fool to say I know and understand all of myself when I’m not yet even 24 – and fics like this, this fic, made my chest ache in the way the thought of kissing a woman once did. Maybe there’s something there for me to discover, maybe there isn’t. Perhaps it’s just my neurodivergences and my queerness aligning into a desire - and deeply rooted fear - for being seen.
But regardless of how you do or don’t identify, I think anyone would feel a deep fondness for the bonds within this story – though if you align with any of it yourself, it may of course hit you even more profoundly.
The pacing of the story is beyond impeccable and it never once feels stuck in a ‘set of locations’. The world of the pride ring feels sprawling and alive within these words despite spending most of our time within Rosie’s domain.
The care and thought that was given to each character and their depictions - just, damn. Every action felt grounded, understandable for each individual character, and kept you wanting more of each and every bit. Elements of canon were woven into a beautiful tapestry of fanon that feels so real and so right, that if Viv said it was true in a parallel version of Hazbin-Hell, I would believe you in a heartbeat.
The three characters play off of each other beautifully and enticingly, without sacrificing an ounce of what makes them (particularly Al and Vox) ripe for a good ‘you fucking dumbass, get it through your head’ shoulder-shake.
I can’t say too much more without simply gushing over every sentence and ruining the experience for those who have not yet read it, but let me just say: wow. As well as: Thank you, Spoondrifts. What a lovely gift you’ve given us. Thank you for your words. For this exploration of relationships, and hearts that beat a little funny.
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wiseabsol · 5 months
And the review for "Chapter 17: A Kindness" is here!
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eponastory · 6 months
Heya! Me again! XD I might need some writing advice.
First of all, I'm trying to get back to writing something, but I want to write an ATLA AU retelling where the characters are older and it's Zutara/Sukka/and Taang-based! :) Problem is, I have like 23 unfinished stories on AO3(four more on FF.Net), and I don't want to like, make another story to add it onto the pile, but...well, in your expertise (I mean, I hear that you write really well), should I just focus on the ones I've written now?
Secondly, how do I get back in the groove of writing? I feel like when I get myself going back to it, it just makes my head feel heavy or something, or I'm just tired. ^^; I don't know, maybe I'm writing too much. I just got other stories to update that I haven't for a while and I want to like...not let everybody wait for the next update on those stories, and...well, I just need some advice on procrastination, I guess. ^^;
I hope I'm making sense. I want to write, but I can't seem to get it going. Maybe I'm distracted too much. What do you do when this happens? What should I do? :O
(Also, no worries about the crossovers! I have two one-shot fics of ATLA, but they're both Taang-centric. ^^; They also have Zutara and Sukka in them, but they're only minor. XD I also did some Taang Week stories that I did in 2020. :) Either way, if you don't do crossovers, there are those to read! :D )
I will definitely check them out!
When I can. Because I've got like... four papers to edit for these people in college that are too lazy to edit their own. That's okay, I get paid for it.
And then there is my current fic I'm obsessed (it's unhealthy, I know) with and then I have to start planning for ZKBB...
Please have mercy on me.
I'm also pretty hungry for Chicken Shawarma for some reason and I really need some ice cream. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
@omegansamurai *edited because I am a dingus*
I totally missed the middle part of this ask. I apologize for that... I feel like such an idiot for missing that.
So, a neat little trick I like to do is a word avalanche. It helps get the thoughts going and keeps you on track. You just start with one word, and then you find the words, emotions, or senses that go with that word. It helps with creating scenes and prompts, you name it. I've been doing it for years, and sometimes, it ends up being a whole outline for an epic adventure.
If you have the opposite problem of too many projects at once, cut back on the stories that you feel aren't cutting it. Don't try to force something if you get stuck. Let it sit. Think about it while working on another project. Then go back. I like to keep a journal of all my thoughts that randomly pop up when I'm having a difficult time with a story. I write down those thoughts so I can go back to them later. Most of the time, especially with some of my original works, I get really stuck, and they sit for months. With fan fiction, it can be years before I go back to them. But when I do decide to pick them back up again, I have a journal with everything written down on where I wanted to go with it.
Prompts are also a good thing to practice getting better at introspective and character analysis if you are having issues with that. Putting characters in sticky situations tends to develop them more.
Also, it's totally okay to let go of stories you don't feel connected to anymore. You can always go back to them later on if you ever get the drive for it.
But rule number one is always do what you can make the time for. Overwhelming yourself will cause burnout. One idea at a time. Develop it, write it down. Make it work. But don't try to do too much at one time.
Again, I'm sorry for totally missing the point of your ask... I think I had just finished up that chapter and was posting on both my phone and computer.
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yippeecheapdvds · 7 hours
A Few weeks ago I read Ghost Boy by turbomun. Fanfiction/Drama. Originally written Nov-2012 to Jan-2013.
Never thought id be reviewing Fanfiction on this blog (I haven't been involved in any fandoms for years) but this did take me 2 days to read and I enjoyed it so...
This is a Wreck-It Ralph fanfiction with the classic fanfiction trope of "bad guy character looses their memories and forgets they were evil, and then the good guys get to interact with them and try to fix them".
I thought the beginning was the best part, where Turbo is in a bar angsting about how his creators made him look like a weird zombie and also physically and mentally 15 forever. and how everyone treats him like shit. and he's about to be replaced. the part where he wakes up what feels like the next morning and is told "yah you've been dead for like 25 years and your friends are also dead yah sorry." and him wondering why everyone is treating him like they think he's gonna do something bad.
I liked his interactions with Vanellope, they were very cute. i also liked his arc of feeling like he can act like the kid he is and not forcing himself to act like an adult. oh also I really liked the part where he puts his coin in the cup and it spits out his other name.
Now getting into the stuff i thought was mid: the Jackel & Hyde fanfic trope has never been my favorite, it's very emo and kinda cringe (in a bad way). i wasn't bothered to much by it's inclusion but i did groan when it showed up and i kinda wish the story hadn't gone in that direction. I didn't love the way a lot of the characters, especially Turbo, were super aware of what they were feeling and why, and said it out loud in these weird speeches. it felt very unsubtle and not how real people act, especially teenagers. the prose in this story were nothing to write home about. they weren't bad, but they wernt a highlight ether. they got the job done.
A decent fanfiction. Flawed but still enjoyable. 7/10
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bingereading · 8 months
For me, this is a 10/10. 10/10 plotline, 10/10 writing, 10/10 grammar. I could go on.
As a sucker for both crack fics and Serious Feelings Time, this fic has been one of my favorites for quite some time. It manages to stay fairly consistently lighthearted and also touch on serious topics.
Despite any touches on serious topics, it's a well-written, lighthearted, fun times fic where we get to read Fox sticking it to the senate with the sheer undiluted power of his chest. Life is good.
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And now i will never again hear a certain song
without thinking of a certain demon and his angel 🩷
I know that i have read a wonderful book when i dont want to start the next story right away. This is what exactly happened - again - with this wonderful fanfic.
Find the light
by klikantuna
This is the second book i read from @klikandtuna, the first one broke my heart - you absolutely have to read it. She promised me her other books are more fluffy and she absolutely kept her promise.
Whats it about?
Its a human AU with Crowley being a rockstar and Aziraphale the headmaster of a private school. So basically they don't have anything to do with each other - except that they go back a looooong time. 😉
What i love about it!
The author interweaves past and present again, as i already know from another story of her. So it slowly unfolds on 2 different timelines and it will grip your heart, i promise! 🤍
And this story is so so so romantic that its very likely going to break your heart too, but in a good way.
I know some people out there are into watching reactions to GO, well mine would have been actually crying, deep deep sighs, sometimes stopping to read the book and press it to my chest with teary eyes, going back to reread some scenes several times and twice i actually fetched my diary to copy some passages in my journal.
The tenderness the 2 characters show each other is absolutely breathtaking. And i do hope i dont spoil too much (STOP READING HERE IF U DONT WANT TO KNOW) but there is a scene when Aziraphale is picking out clothes for Crowley, that is SO thoughtful and careful and attentive that i absolutely want someone to do that in exactly the same way for me. Read it and come back to scream with me!
This book also gave me a lot to think of.
Her characters tend to cry a lot - this irritated me in the beginning. Until i realised: i would have cried in all those scenes myself - hell, most of the time i absolutely did. It was just my (toxic?) picture of men simply not or at least only rarely crying. I really had to let this belief go, it was time. Thank you for this wake-up-call.
And secondly its the way they treat each other. i don´t know if that even is possible in real life, if the author draws from her own experiences or a brilliant imagination. But i absolutely fucking want that kind of romance and love and care in my life, too. oh and if i ever should get married, if think i want the author to write my wedding-vows. 😂 least i can say "i have standards" now that are probably unreachable ;)
There are other really really important messages in this fanfic, on how to treat kids in school, on gender-topics and it couldnt be a better coincidence (was it?) that it was completed in pride-month.
All in all - this fanfic is incredibly written and for anyone who has seen David and Michael on Stage at "Pub in the Park" - this picture is literally the book!!!
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So there is also fanart with the fanfic and from what i understand even a printed version available.
So if you are into big big big emotions, go read the book and come back to sing with me 🤗
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bpdbenrey · 6 months
oh for the hlvrai fics. read cloud nine the freelatta fic please/nf
Okay! I finished this today, and boy… it was one of my favorite reads across all fandoms. This was a really sweet fic that I’m definitely going to be rereading from time to time. @chaotic-solutions is the creator, and I’m just going to say that reading this was a nice boost to my day. (Ask to untag, it’s no issue!)
Anyhow! Onto the review!
Rating: T
Notable tags: slow burn, (oblivious) mutual pining, hurt/comfort, first kiss
Pairing: Freelatta
Words: 18k
Summary: Black Mesa is gone. Everything’s over. Everything’s new.
More below the cut!
The details, as well, are a big part of why I’d want to read the again. The descriptions and scenes are beautifully written and I loved rereading them over and over.
I also loved the descriptions of his affection for Gordon, as well. It’s so heartwarming to see how in love Tommy is, even if he doesn’t realize it. It’s such a cute dynamic.
All in all, this fic is amazing. There’s nothing I don’t like about it! The writing is beautiful, the scenes and diaglogue are so realistic and immersive, and overall the characterizations and approach to the story is to die for. The plot and rising action is also just perfect. I feel like this is just the right amount of ‘slow’ burn. Not too slow, but also not rushing.
Overall, this is a 10/10 in my opinion. I had so much fun reading this, and it’s definitely one of, if not my favorite fic I’ve ever read. Thank you for suggesting this!
Some of my favorite lines:
“It’s easier to ground himself like this, with Gordon warm and gentle against him, holding him like he’s something worth taking care of.”
“He hates that it’s almost impossible to turn down the chance to have Gordon pay attention to him.”
“Gordon looks up at him, before glancing away. He’s not going to push it- and Tommy’s almost grateful for that. (Another part of him wishes he’d pry, just a little. Just one time).”
A song I associate with this fic: Um, It’s Kind Of A Lot, by Will Wood!
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the-most-faithful · 10 months
"The Rat and the Snake" by @artemisia-absinthium-blog
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I finished reading this story, the first part, yesterday and I must say that it was a great discovery. It's a very interesting What if that investigates what would have happened if Snape had started actively spying for Dumbledore within the Order. He arrives to discover Peter's betrayal in time. Snape is absolutely in character. I found him very credible. He is a tormented, dark boy looking for his place in a world that has trampled him. The relationship with the members of the order is as tense as a violin string. The contempt that James has for him is palpable, as is Severus' difficulty in relating to Lily and little Harry. everything is just perfect.
Recommended story. You can find it on Ao3
Book Cover by @multi-fandom-au
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Looking for Hogwarts Legacy Fic Recs!
These are the type of fics I’m looking for:
1- Ominis or Sebastian centric fics as Aurors
2- Dark Sebastian coming after MC & Ominis
3-Ominis/MC fics of any kind
So please send any of your recs my way! Going to write reviews on the ones I like!
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morguethemighty13 · 8 months
Review: From Ashes to Embers
3.5/5 Stars
Author: ladyalinora (AmbitiousWitch)
Rating: M
Length: 187,730 words
Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV)
Tags I was using to find it: Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Time Travel Fix-It
Summary: Rhaenyra goes back in time, arriving in the past just after her mother's death, on an unwilling quest on behalf of the Gods to prevent the death of dragons.
Review: The first thing that stood out was the story formatting. Each paragraph is indented and this is a personal pet peeve of mine. However, I am glad I pushed through this. This story has one of the best takes on Alicent's character arc I've seen in a while. She felt like a full character, not just a cardboard cut-out or plot device.
The plot addresses enough of the time-travel fix-it tropes, such as taking on Mellos, to feel like it is a time-travel fix-it but makes Rhaenyra struggle for her victories. It doesn't feel like Rhaenyra now has god-level power in addition to her foresight. Instead, she is doing the best she can with the information and power she currently has. Ladyalianora does an excellent job of keeping the readers in suspense. We can feel Rhenyra's anxiety as she tries to save the future of her line and herself.
This story is the first in a three-part series. By the end of the first part Daemn and Rhaenyra weren't together yet, despite being tagged as such. I look forward to reading the next two parts to see what happens.
TL;DR Paragraphs are indented, Alicent is well-written and compelling, Rhaenyra/Daemon doesn't happen in the first book. Would recommend.
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phanficlovep5 · 11 months
Oh, Summer Child
Author Name: Xachyn
Rating: T
Mod Rating: 11/10
Two Sentence Summary: Post Canon Thieves hang out at Leblanc. Akechi is the center of discussion much to his dismay.
Spoilers Under Cut
LISTEN. This is. so sweet. Everyone feels in character and very much a part of the cohesive unit. Akechi’s reactions going from “you’re mocking me” to closed off to slowly allowing himself to feel even the slightest bit of acceptance is *chefs kiss*
Making fun of Akechi for having a Moe Gap is spectacular as well.
My absolute favorite bit is Ryuji complimenting Akechi’s physique only for Ren to shatter a coffee cup by being either caught off guard or horny or both. I laughed out loud!
reviewed by Chaos
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