#Fear Factor
muppet-facts · 10 months
Muppet Fact #923
In an alternate universe where Kermit is never born, Rizzo works as a prop on Fear Factor.
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It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie. 2002.
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midnightmorpher · 1 month
🍒 MM’s Daily Update: 1/08/2024 - 12/08/2024 🍒
Oh my gosh, I’ve been away for far too long! I got a bit burnt out by a bunch of things and fell offline for a good while, but now I’ve scraped together enough energy to push this “daily” update out!
Sooooo, first of all. I made a thing:
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I made a Sun-themed bracelet with a little bell attached! And let me tell you, I have NO idea how Sun wears two bells and not go insane, because this little thing constantly jingles whenever I so much as twitch my wrist and it’s driiiiving me up the wall! :D
I’m also making a few other projects such as this:
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And this:
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Fanfiction-wise, I am ready to push out Chapter 5 this month! Haven’t decided on which day yet - maybe sometime next week - so while I ponder, I’m doing my part in sharing the love to other people’s fics and writing a bit for Chapter 6 in the meantime! Look at this bad boy, I’m proud of it!
Tumblr’s kinda freaking out on me now so I’ll leave this post as is, but I’ll talk a little more tomorrow! So good night folks, and have a wonderful day! ♥️
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littlefleamart · 1 year
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noodlenoises · 1 year
5 Analog Horror Series to Keep You Up at Night
Analog horror is a growing horror subgenre, but what IS it exactly? And what is it that makes it so chilling to watch? Join me on this journey exploring five popular analog horror series and what makes them so effective.
What is Analog Horror? Analog horror is a rather niche (but quickly growing!) horror genre that utilizes 90s-esque technology and media to evoke a sense of fear, paranoia, and/or dread. Described as “cryptic” or “vague,” analog horror clips are often presented out of order, appearing normal and somewhat mundane at first and getting progressively more sinister over time. Existential dread is also…
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gummybugg · 1 year
How well would your OCs do against a cockroach tag game
🚧Fear Factor Edition⚠️
Tagged by @digitalsatyr23 here! Thanks! Do not mind me being extra!
Rules: rate your OCs by how well they'd do against a cockroach. Bonus: write an entire scene out of it if you want!
I shall do this with my Crater City characters. It only makes Sense that cockroaches Survived the story's apocalypse, yeah?
Imagine a world where your greatest fears become reality…….
Camera pans around 6 contestants, who stand near the barricaded entrance. It's dimly lit except for an orange glow coming from above the tank. The warehouse is relatively vacant, save for heaps of folded cardboard stacked up against the walls, large empty boxes used as chairs, and a glass tank about 3 yay’s big at the center of the room covered with a tarp. You can hear scratching noises from within the tank.
A cardboard cutout of Joe Rogan explains the rules to our 6 contestants: Blair, Elijah, Rose, Darcy, Frasier, and Melony (more info on them here). Royalty free, super-cool action-packed music plays in the background as the names and close-ups of each participant displays on the screen.
Joe Rogan Cutout: You six people have been brought here from all over the city for one reason. Stare fear in the eye as you compete for $50,000. If you're too afraid to attempt this stunt, you're eliminated. If you succeed, you will move on to the next round.
Blair: Sounds like a good deal to me. (placing his hands on his hips) You guys up for the challenge?
Elijah: God, this is so crazy, Blair, you know that?
Blair: Dude, you agreed to this.
Elijah: But they promised to help pay my debt, I couldn't just say no…
Darcy: I'm not really sure how that thing is even talking. Must be a hidden mic. There's no telling what else they've hidden here to track us all…
(Joe Rogan Cutout continues to explain the directions in the background, as if pre-programmed. Our 6 contestants don't seem very interested.)
Rose: I think this guy’s voice is kinda “much.” Who's he trynta to impress?
Melony: Probably cardboard cut-outs of his fans.
Frasier: Listen, everyone! You’re all missing the part where he told us we have to pair off!
Darcy: So, we're really taking orders from a slab of cardboard? All of you are insane!
Blair: (Jabbing a thumb at Darcy) Yeah, let's all trust this guy's moral compass.
Rose: Drag ‘em Blair!
Darcy: I'm not sure why I expected Rose to be more reasonable than this imbecile.
Elijah: What was that?
Blair: (staring up at Darcy) Whatcha gonna do when you have to bathe in a pool of insects in that Versace suit of yours? Cry?
Darcy: (staring down at Blair) I could bathe in a vat of insects and still come out five times more sane than you.
Blair: Since when was prolonged bug-to-skin exposure an indicator of someone's sanity?
Darcy: Blair—
Melony: (pops up from between Blair and Darcy) You didn't hear? There's actually been a recent study—
Darcy: (rubs his temples) God, not again…
Frasier: Everyone, please! I'm guessing the sooner we comply, the sooner we can get the hell out of here. What do y’all suggest?
Rose: Yeah, that's probably wise. But I'm not pairing off with him. (Glaring at Darcy) I'm still onto you, pal.
(Darcy appears cross.)
Blair: (quickly) Dibs on Elijah! (they high-five)
Rose: (linking arms with her brother) Me and Frasier!
Melony: (Beaming) Well, that leaves you and me, Darcy! We do have a lot of catching up to do.
(Darcy wears an expression of “Look, you're my best friend, and I love you, but I'm not sure if I'm going to remain sane this entire game when I'm paired with you”)
Melony: I'll take that as a “yes!”
Blair: So whoever was listening, can you give a tl;dr?
Elijah: I think it involves that tank over there
(Above "that tank over there" hangs an orange spotlight, beckoning the contestants with its misty mystique. The tank, covered, rests on a platform, accessed by a ramp. A dank, musty scent hangs in the air, causing Blair to pinch his nose. This mist machine reeks.)
Melony: Any idea what could be inside? Ooh, I bet it's a bunch of nightcrawlers…or maybe something else with scratchy legs!
Rose: Doc, I don't think nightcrawlers have legs.
Darcy: Rose, have you been in a bunker for the past thousand years?
Elijah: I haven't, but I'm starting to wish I was in one…God, what if there's spiders in there…?
Blair: Whatever it is, just watch the pro show you how it's done.
Joe Rogan Cutout: …stick your hand in a tank of cockroaches to search for the key to the detonators I strapped around your necks while you were unconscious so you can pass onto the next level...
(The screen displays each of the 6 contestants’ shocked reactions at rapid fire, not unlike an anime. Everyone begins to tug at the collar around their necks, while Darcy paces around, trying to come up with an escape idea.)
Joe Rogan Cutout: Any questions? (pauses for a moment) Good, then the timer starts…now!
Elijah: (touching his neck) Holy—what, now? Since when—?
Blair: And I was about to compliment you on your new choker, man…
Frasier: We have to get moving. Alright, who wants to go first?
Darcy: (arms crossed) And just how the [CENSORED] will this Joe guy know we've done what he's asked after we take a chance to find this supposed key? Is there one key or multiple? How do we know they'll even work?
Frasier: (irritated) What other choice do we have, Darcy?
(Darcy and the rest grow silent. The sound of the ticking 5-minute timer above the tank and the scratching from the now unveiled tank of cockroaches can be heard. The super awesome action music continues, seemingly louder than before.)
Melony: Looks like we'll have to give it a shot! I'm sure after each round, the tank resets and we have to find a new key in a different location in the tank!
Rose: How are you so sure?
Melony: I'm not!
(Well, that was reassuring... But little does Melony know that she's right and that the Narrator did not think about the logistics before writing this! Oh, lucky day!)
Frasier: (turning to Blair) You said you wanted to go first?
Blair: Y-yeah, of course! Come on, Elijah. (Tugging him by the hand) Let's show these [CENSORED]!
Elijah: Couldn't you do this round and I'll do the next…? I-I promise!
Blair: What, you chicken?
(Elijah looks back at the others as they make their way to the tank. Rose & Frasier whisper and laugh to themselves, probably about how Darcy is a buffoon. Darcy and Melony chat about installing a similar security/lockdown system to the mayor's office. Elijah looks at Blair, whose fear he can sense even behind his false heroism. This doesn't make him feel any better.)
Elijah: (voice cracking) No, yeah, let's do it!
(The others shout encouragements from about 20 feet away)
Rose: The sooner, the better, guys!
Darcy: Yeah, don't mind us standing way over here in case you spontaneously combust or something!
(Frasier nudges Darcy in the ribs.)
Frasier: Don't listen to him!
Melony: Go team Blijah! Or is it…Elair?
(Blair and Elijah stand at the tank as if waiting for the bugs to disappear. Good luck with that, man.)
Blair: Ready? On the count of three—
Elijah: (puts his hands on his head) I dunno, man, I can't do this!
Blair: Aw, c’mon, don't back out on me now!
Elijah: I know our lives are on the line, but I'd rather die like this than shove my arms in a container of insects!
Blair: For real?
Elijah: Let me have my one selfish arc!
Blair: (sighing, grabbing Elijah's hand) Gimme your—
Elijah: Blair, I swear to God--
(Blair takes Elijah's arm and they both plunge shoulder-deep into the tank to feel around for the keys.)
(Not long after, You witness the travesty of our fallen heroes first hand. Tears stream down their faces, as they are overcome with abject horror. Their cries reverberate off the cold, stone walls of the warehouse: “Ew ew ew get it off of me!”, “I think one climbed in my ear!”, and “Can you get rabies from a roach bite?” A truly horrendous, yet laughable display, indeed.)
Blair: (amidst their cries) If I die this way, I just wanted to tell you that I think you really do pull off that choker pretty well!
Elijah: (with tears & snot running down his face) You do too!
Blair: You think so?
(Their hands meet in the shifting pool of cockroaches.)
(The camera zooms in on the two, who stare into each other’s eyes for a hot moment, enchanted at the sight of each other, despite the sight of cockroaches crawling into their orifices. Cue the romantic music.)
Elijah: I think I found a key!
Blair: Great! I found mine, like, 10 seconds ago.
Elijah: Why didn't you tell me?
Blair: Because you had to go and make me flustered!
Elijah: (arms extended) You idiot. Come here...
(They continue to snivel as they peel bugs off each other, promising each other to never agree to anything like this again.)
(Amidst their blubbering, Darcy silently appears right behind them, making them jump.)
Darcy: Are you two done? You've wasted 2 minutes!
(Blair and Elijah finally unlock their chokers, which clatter to the concrete floor.)
Blair: Yeah, but you can't try our keys.
Darcy: Why would I…? (face drops) Wait.
(Blair puts his hand over his mouth.)
Darcy: Don't you dare [CENSORED] swallow.
Elijah: (concerned) Blair…
Rose: Spit it out, Blair! Heel! Roll over!
Frasier: Blair, you're not thinking straight!
Melony: None of us think straight!
(Blair swallows both his and Elijah’s keys. Everyone sighs, irritated. Also that's kinda disgusting since it touched all those cockroaches. Ew.)
Rose: Well, this isn't the first time he's swallowed someone’s keys.
Elijah: How did they taste?
Blair: (spitting out an antenna) I dunno, cockroach-y…metallic…
Darcy: (face-palming) You are what’s wrong with our world.
Tagging @angry-kid-with-no-money @elshells @hallwriteblr @wrenofthewords @enchanted-lightning-aes @oh-no-another-idea @faelanvance @moonluringfrost @comicgoblinart @rubywrite @jay-avian & anyone who wants to join :')
🚗 Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (ask to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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academicelephant · 7 months
Here's Penn & Teller in Fear Factor. Teller got so exited at one point that he shouted out loud "yes!" Also it's pretty funny how (assuming they know nothing about him) no one would believe if you'd tell them that Teller is an ex high school Latin teacher who loves Shakespeare and Bach 🤭 I mean, he's afraid of absolutely nothing!
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briceterry04 · 5 months
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And also it was a friday night, and Vortexx was still airing on that time and i wanted to watch Sonic X and Yu-Gi-Oh. But I can't watch Fear Factor because I'm squeamish as all hell. But yet I keep watching it... I don't know why. My fear of Leeches came from Fear Factor actually, Mostly the 2012 reboot where one of the stunts was to sit in a bathtub while someone pours a bunch of Leeches in the tub and on the person *Insert Def Leppard parody here*, then one of the people has to get the leeches off of the person's body by using their mouth, after watching that episode, I was shaking that night because my location to hang out in when I was a kid was the creek in my backyard... Imagine how I felt when my dad said that leeches were also in our creek.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
does anyone get that intense and completely irrational fear about accidentally copying someone to the extent that you disallow yourself from reading anything remotely similar until you finish writing? CANT JUST BE ME SURELY
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mordacitatis · 1 year
made the mistake of taking my meds b4 eating and now im staring down an uncrustable like it's some kind of horrible fear factor food
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flipflopslapfight · 7 months
The Greatest Albums of 1995
Even if 1995 didn’t coincide with my high school years, it would still stack up as a pretty great year for music. If you are my age, it is beyond great… Continue reading The Greatest Albums of 1995
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axelwolf8109 · 7 months
I want to know who was crazy enough to cross Deal Or No Deal with Survivor and Fear Factor to get Deal Or No Deal Island??
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sportsandlaughs · 7 months
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redpandarascal · 2 years
Want Joe Rogan to eat my pussy like it’s a bowl full of worms and bugs
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Just finished TMNT is was awesome!
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51collective · 1 year
*watching fear factor* i could never do this shit my dick would be wayyy too hard 😪
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alanangels · 2 years
I'm watching rerun of Fear Factor,and look who was in it🥲
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