#Femshep x Javik
finchmarie · 11 months
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These two are my roman empire tbh. 🖤
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kc-the-artist · 8 months
You and I, Commander... War is our sculptor, And we are prisoners, To its design.
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(This took me like 12 hours :'D)
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danypooh80 · 1 year
All I ever wanted, Ch. 104
Thessia, concluded
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her-devils-advocate · 1 month
Pillow Talk
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pairings: Femshep x Garrus
genre: fluff, comfort
summary: Shepard has finally been convinced to take a break from her work. Meanwhile, Garrus reflects on his relationship with Shepard and comes to the realisation that they both had feelings for one another a lot earlier than he initially thought.
Set during ME3.
word count: 1,517
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58434538
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The quiet hum of the ship's engines echoes around the quiet room, occasionally broken by the bubbling of the fish tank’s filters when Garrus lets out a quiet sigh of relief, it had been a war of its own to convince Shepard to get some rest. He's still surprised he managed to get her bundled under the soft blankets with him. Now he only needs to get her to actually sleep, but knowing her, he will take what he can get. He can’t complain considering that either way, he gets to hold her for a few hours and she’s not running herself ragged with work.
It’s better to have her mind resting in any way it can, especially when she all but refuses to sleep.
Garrus looks down at the smaller woman, idly fiddling away with her omni-tool, the object casting a warm orange glow upon her face. A part of him thinks that he will never come to terms with just how lucky he is while another part of him fills with concern that she might be working still, but her reports don’t usually cause her to smirk at the orange screen, so he’s ready to let that concern die as quickly as it arose. While they cuddle in a gentle silence, he can’t help himself from subtly admiring her; from the way her silky hair brushes against the bare skin of her shoulders, down to the way her odd amount of fingers glide over the virtual interface around her arm. 
Back when he first got to know her, he had pushed down the flickering flame that ignited whenever she flashed him a gentle smile, fully convinced she would never have a flame of her own, not for him, at least. They had more important things to worry about at the time, a stupid thought in comparison to the not-so-stupid things they worry about today. 
He wants to smack his younger self for letting the chance to kick things off early go to waste. But as he watches her chew on her lower lip in thought, her eyebrow creasing slightly before typing away, he wonders if things are better this way. Sure, they haven’t gotten the chance to experience a relationship without the constant stress and anxiety that a suicide mission or war happens to bring, but they were both different people back then. Their strong relationship was built upon the back of such a close-knit friendship, after all. Despite that logic, Garrus’ mind can’t help but replay those tender moments from their hunt for Saren back to him, what-ifs filling the gaps in his memories when he thinks of the way she would gently rest her hand on his bicep after a particularly rough mission. The way she always sought him out first during her rounds of the ship, even though it would have made more sense to start with the crew deck. Or the way she would always extend an offer to him whenever she had a sliver of extra time to kill on the Citadel, usually while the Normandy was being refuelled or when they needed to stock up on supplies. 
His mind comes to a sudden halt and for a brief moment, Garrus would admit to being an idiot, just this once. A small giggle breaks him from his musing and he gives her a questioning look as she turns to gaze up at him.
"Joker's placed a bet on who's going to be the first to pick a fight with Javik. I'm not going to encourage that one, but I can't exactly say that I blame him." She explains, waving her hand dismissively.
Garrus lets out a chuckle of his own, muttering his agreement as he shuffles their positions, shifting to hold her in his arms from behind. She grins before turning off the omni-tool and leaning back to be as close to him as possible.
"Were you flirting with me?" He lowers his face to nuzzle her hair, causing his voice to come out muffled despite the embarrassed hum of his subvocals.
"You're going to have to be more specific, love, considering we're currently lying in bed together." Her voice is light and he doesn’t need to see her to know she’s smirking.
"I mean back on the SR-1, when you would come and chat with me while I worked on the Mako." He watches her fidget, burying her face into his arms wrapped firmly around her, almost as if it could hide her from his sharp eye.
"Oh..." She mutters quietly, her face flushing crimson.
"Are you really getting embarrassed over flirting with me back then, considering we are, and I quote, "lying in bed together"?" Garrus brings his hands up in front of her, making sure she can see the exaggerated air quotes while he pitches his voice up a few octaves, earning him a small scoff as she resurfaces. She gives his shin a playful kick with her heel before wiggling out of his grip so she can turn to face him.
"Hush, Vakarian. Yeah, I did flirt with you here and there. It wasn't the most obvious, but I had no idea you were that blind to it, are you really just noticing?" She tilts her head to watch his reaction intensely, a catlike smile taking over her expression as she notices the blue tint taking over his neck. She does her best to stifle her chuckle and reaches up to gently stroke one of his mandibles, "...Now who's the one getting embarrassed?"
“Yeah, well, I caught up in the end, didn’t I?” He does his best to sound confident, full well knowing the retort she was preparing, ready to shoot his way.
“Sure, but only because I had to risk an HR incident with you to test the waters.” The groan she gets from him in response causes her eyes to light up with glee, she then shuffles closer to rest her head against his carapace, sneakily stealing most of the covers as she does. He lets her get away with it, just this once.
He gently glides a talon up and down the length of her arm, never growing tired of the way her skin reacts to the touch, before pressing his mouth plates against her forehead. If anyone were to tell him back then that Commander Shepard would look adorable within the arms of a turian, Garrus probably would have laughed in their faces. If anyone were to tell him that she would look this adorable within his arms, well, Garrus would probably have passed out from laughter instead, not once believing that he of all people would be her choice. Now, he simply thanks the Spirits each day for the sight.
Shepard slowly rises in the bed, instantly catching his attention and before he can question her, she not-so-gently bumps her forehead against his and holds it there. Despite the adoration overflowing in his chest, he can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes him. He catches the confusion in her eyes and holds the back of her head before she can pull away, not wanting the moment to end so soon.
“You really need to stop hanging around Wrex and Grunt. A turian kiss is supposed to be gentle, not a krogan headbutt, sweetheart.” He lectures, subvocals humming with amusement as she rolls her eyes at him.
“That takes the fun out of things,” she retorts, her voice taking on a songlike tone as he lets out a small snort before she continues, “But yes, I was flirting with you back then. I wasn’t entirely sure if you weren’t catching onto it or if you were just not interested. Guess I got my answer there in the end, though you can see where we were both going wrong considering my own flirting skills were basically non-existent.”
“Were?” Garrus mutters, earning him a collision with one of the spare pillows.
“Hey, I’ve improved since we first started dating! Besides, you wouldn’t have me any other way.” She declares as she wraps her legs around his own and clings onto him tightly.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t” He punctuates his point by taking the blanket and re-arranging it, making sure she’s properly wrapped up as she begins to let out a small yawn, “Looks like it's time you tried to get some sleep and no arguing, I’ll be right here.”
She instantly goes to argue, despite his words, only to be stopped when he lightly presses his finger against her lips, effectively silencing her protests. She gives a small huff of defeat before nodding and he searches her eyes for a moment before dropping his hand, placing it between her shoulder blades and holding her close.
“If it distracts your mind and helps you fall asleep easier, you can just think of ways to improve your flirting techniques,” Garrus suggests flippantly as his own eyes flutter shut for the night and as unhelpful as his suggestion is, Shepard finds herself taking the advice and letting a dozen scenarios flood her mind, just for him.
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vorchagirl · 1 month
Vega/femshep 🌩️
So this is a Vega x fShep fic I'm writing with the mega talented @bioware-bard. Most of the fic is very flirty and smutty, but there is this one funny moment! Enjoy!
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Sienna smirked and nodded towards the stairs. “Come on, we need to be quiet.”
“Quiet? But-” James’ confusion dried up as he moved closer and followed her line of sight: Javik was passed out on the stairs, his angular red armour making him look like some kind of angry red starfish which had washed onto a rock. “Oh.”
“Oh, indeed.” Sienna raised an eyebrow at him. “Think we can make it through enemy territory without alerting him, Lieutenant?”
He nodded in mock seriousness. “Stealth mode engaged, Commander.”
She grinned, and before James could wave her on, she took hold of his arm and tugged him along with her. His forearm tingled where she had told of him, and he swallowed hard to hide his nervousness as they crept up the stairs like guilty teenagers sneaking back into their house after a wild night out. Just as they drew level with the prothean the step under Sienna creaked faintly, and Javik let out a loud snore, rolling over on the stairs and muttering under his breath in a voice which seemed painfully loud in the silence.
“Mmm, not bad for a primitive, Doctor T'soni. Yes, keep going…”
Sienna covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the giggles that threatened to spill out as James dragged her up the final few steps, hauling her across the landing and into her bedroom just as she dissolved into laughter. He closed the door and couldn’t help but chuckle himself as the thought of Javik harbouring secret desires for Liara. The prothean was so prickly and standoffish that he couldn’t imagine him warming up to anyone, let alone someone as mild mannered as her.
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tealenko · 5 months
Ooh, can I ask about Golden Hour and Shore Leave from your WIPs?
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Like A LOT!!! Really love talking about all this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Golden Hour
This is (or will be) the first chapter (I think) of a post Dragon Age Inquisition fic (because I really want to do a massive saga, like I'm doing for Mass Effect)
It's a femMageHumanInquisitor x Cullen Fic, of course, and just covers how Ferelden (and all of Thedas) is after de events of DAI
This chapter is about Sybil (my inquisitor... well, ex-inquisitor) on her way to meet with Cullen after work. All very soft and warm, enjoying the sun as she walks there.
She travels with her eyes nearly closed, taking this opportunity the Maker rarely gives her to sunbathe, as she keeps her slow but steady pace. No bag, no luggage. The only thing Sybil is carrying with her is the thin cape she was wearing until the temperature of this early scenery started rising, now folded and resting on one of her arms. The beams of he sun embrace her from every angle, tinting of honey her light brown hair and accentuating its natural golden highlights as the wavy waterfall spreads through her shoulders and back, almost reaching her waist.
Shore Leave
Continuation of my "Didn't Have the Heart" fic (Mass Effect - femShep x Kaidan)
This is going to be my main take on the Citadel dlc + leviathan (which I always do near the end of ME3)
I'm gonna add tons of things and fix a bit of cannon stuff too (I said it before, I do not like the clone plot, at all)
It's going to start with my Shep depressed after Legion's death and I'll go from there. This fic will be my way of having her deal with some of her trauma, and answer some of the things I left opened in previous fics and set future ones. Also will increasily have more and more fluff, of course, that's a given.
Here are some of my notes:
Fix the shenko date -> gives her back the ring -> Flashback to tell how she gave her to him when the 1st Normandy is destroyed
Mention the apartment was in part paid thanks to Shepard (all the betting Anderson did back on her training days) and when she tells him he’s like: I already knew that… and I also know about this too (gives her back the ring)
Slow dancing at the citadel party
Garrus teasing her about Kaidan and she getting him back about Tali
She tells Garrus about Van and her ptsd with the bff thing.
Add a conversation with Javik, kinda apologizing after reading about akuze
Talk about Legion (and maybe Thane because funeral) -> this can be a good thing to join Steve story and tell him about Van 
Definitely neglect the clone thing ever happened, like she doesn’t go to the sushi place or something like that -> Brooks is the main villain, no some stupid clone (yeah, I'm still mad about this lol)
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thessiansunfish · 8 months
People you'd like to get to know better
Was tagged by @illusivesoul - Much appreciated, darling.
I'll tag @vorchagirl & @that-wildwolf
Only if you feel like doing this, of course. Sorry if you've already been tagged <3
(My answers to the below prompts are below the cut!)
Three Ships
Last Song
Last Film
Currently Reading
Currently Craving
Three Ships:
OC: FemShep x Kaidan
FemShep x Javik
Darth Maul x Ahsoka Tano (fight me)
Honorable Mention:
FemShep x Captain Kirrahe
Last Song: Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Nancy Sinatra
Last Film: Willy's Wonderland
Currently Reading: Tender Is The Flesh - Agustina Bazterrica
Currently Craving: Stability (Not to be dramatic; I'm currently moving across the state.)
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lithnin · 9 months
Just finished a playthrough of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which I finally picked up a few weeks ago, and it got me thinking about a partially-written fic that I'd started just after finishing the original release of the series. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell that one is lost to the digital ether... I haven't been able to locate copies on any of my hard drives, and the one website where I know I had it posted as a draft has since gone offline :<
Since I doubt I'll ever truly rewrite and finish it, here's a quick synopsis:
Femshep x Liara, mostly Paragon run. Control ending – my Shepard would not destroy all synthetics because it would mean sacrificing the newly-friendly geth as well, and also wouldn't force Synthesis on everybody in the galaxy without their consent.
The Reapers withdraw from Earth but initially stay mostly inert, as it takes Shepard's massively expanded digital consciousness time to reintegrate and get a handle on controlling them without totally losing her identity and values. In the meantime, the allied fleets are basically stranded in Sol system, as the mass relays are still damaged and none of the nearby systems reachable by non-relay FTL flight are as developed as Sol. The quarians set up farming colonies in several domed craters on Luna to start producing food that they and the turians can eat; Tali and Garrus serve as liaisons to their respective species to coordinate the effort (and are also dating, which they think they're keeping a secret but basically everybody twigs to it immediately). The krogan get Mars and love it, a few volus try to colonize Venus with middling success, the geth spread out into the asteroid belt, and everyone else pitches in to help rebuild Earth.
Normandy crash-lands on Unnamed Jungle Planet, carrying Liara, Javik, Joker and EDI, and the rest of the crew, banged up but with no fatalities. The crash leaves the ship mostly intact and is useful as a shelter and source of power, but its engines are too damaged to repair using local materials. The crew elects Liara as colony chief as they settle in for the long haul, not knowing if rescue will ever come or what the fate of the rest of the galaxy turned out to be.
After a few years, Reaper-Shepard manages to reintegrate her memory and consciousness and is able to start giving the Reapers more complex orders. She first directs them to rebuild the mass relay network (I started writing this before the Extended Cut was released, and I was amused to see they came up with the same solution), then loads all the collected Reaper knowledge into a single vessel with its weapons removed and has all the other ones self-destruct by flying into the nearest star, so she won't ever be tempted to use them for aggression. She scours the galaxy for Liara and Normandy, eventually finding them and constructing a new mass relay in the system so the new colony can rejoin the galactic community. The galactic economy is in shambles after the war, and a few minor border conflicts have broken out in the major fleets' absence, but mostly everyone's attention has been focused on rebuilding and things are starting to slowly get better.
Reaper-Shepard declares herself retired from warfare and makes the stored Reaper cultural and non-military scientific knowledge available on an equal basis to all. Some of the stored minds in the Reaper consciousness elect to download into independent geth-made platforms, while others choose hybrid organic/synthetic bodies to fit in better with organic life. Synthesis is also made available to any organic who wants it, and a few do opt into the process, although at least at first it remains a minority as most people are still wary of the Reapers and synthetic life in general.
Shepard herself creates such a hybrid body and uses it as her avatar for interacting with organics, in much the same manner as EDI does with the Eva platform. In this form she is finally able to properly reunite with Liara, and the story ends with them celebrating the birth of the first of the little blue children they had imagined years before.
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rbrownillustration · 3 years
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I’m almost done with the Mass Effect trilogy about a decade late but I’m still not ready for whatever ending I’m going to end up having. Did I make sure I have max paragon and war assets? Yes. Do I draw renegade art to experience a side of Shepard I will never see? Also yes.
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nananarc · 3 years
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Citadel DLC Afterparty
a smol comic strip because i was livid when Shakarian wakes up to Javik in the bathroom the whole time
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ashalle-art · 3 years
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Happy N7 Day everyone <3 It's my very first, and I wanted to throw lots of love to Dicci and @hobo-apostate by including their Sheps and LIs in this picture, too <3
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wallkettle · 3 years
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“I suppose it’s back to the fight.”
“At least we threw one hell of a party. Probably the last one.”
Better quality at https://www.deviantart.com/wallkettle/art/Citadel-Party-Group-Photo-885352212
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danypooh80 · 1 year
All I ever wanted, Ch. 103
The team reaches the temple, but they find more than they bargained for
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halesshepardn7 · 3 years
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Leviathan DLC screenshots
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supervoldejaygent · 3 years
Hold My Girl
Fandom: Mass Effect
Pairing: Kaidan Alenko x fem!shep, Thane Krios x fem!shep
Word Count: 1K
Summary: After destroying the Reapers, Shepard engages in one last fight: finding her last love.
A/N: Hello my lovelies! So, yesterday I finished my first official playthrough of Mass Effect (Legendary) and it was cathartic and upsetting but I got through it with this fic that was supposed to be a quick summary of how I feel my Shepard’s story would’ve ended. I did romance Thane and then Kaidan as I’m sure y’all could guess, but in case you didn’t (which is okay), that’s what I did. I’m excited for my next playthrough, but I will first be completing a new playthrough of Andromeda (don’t come at me, I love Andromeda). Alrighty that’s all. Now please enjoy! (:
~ ~ ~
Darkness surrounded her. Cold, sweet darkness with little specs of light appearing slowly in the sky. She was floating, body suspended above all things around her. Peace enveloped her like little pricks all over her body. When the pricks reached the tips of her fingers and toes the lights grew exceptionally, filling the whole area. Shutting her eyes tightly, Shepard clasped her hands shut, squeezing them and praying that she was going to find home, wherever it was. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes to find water surrounding her from the waist down. It was warm, unlike the darkness she had previously been in. The air was fresh, with birds chirping and calling to each other throughout their flight. Clouds roamed the skies, attaching themselves to each other as their lives depended on it. And just on the other side of the shore sat a green figure. He looked warm in the sand, content with the peace he had reached as he laid in it.
Quickening her pace to reach the man, Shepard pushed against the waves that insisted on pulling her back. She was getting closer to the shore when she shouted his name, calling him out of his relaxed state. He looked up at her, locking eyes before rushing to meet her in the water. Once they finally made it to each other, they embraced, holding each other like there was no tomorrow.
However, too quickly Thane pulled away. Slowly, he looked at Shepard, his hand on her face. He smiled, "It is not your time, Siha."
Shepard shook her head. "What are you talking about?"
"You have more life to live."
"No, I'm here. I'm with you."
Thane shook his head. "There are people waiting for you, Siha. They need you."
"But I need you. I want to stay."
Smiling again, Thane brought Shepard’s head to his lips, before kissing the top of it. "I know, but they need you more than I do. I love you, Siha. I always will."
She nodded. "I'll come back. I promise."
"I know." Taking her hands, Thane brought them to his lips. "Now wake up. Wake up, Shepard!" 
Caught in a haze of lights and noise, Shepard's eyes began to open. There was no clear way for her to pinpoint one thing, only the chaos that raged among her. But it's not the chaos that the Catalyst had talked about. No. The synthetics were no more, and the organics could live peacefully for the remainder of this cycle. 
The chaos, however, came from the nurses and doctors surrounding her. She couldn’t make out what they were saying, only that they were trying to push her back into bed. But she couldn’t stay in bed. Not with her mind homed in on the man she last loved. The man she had to find: Major Kaidan Alenko.
"Kaidan," she said, but it hardly came out with her hoarse voice.
"Ma'am we need you to stay calm and please try to settle back down."
"No, Kaidan."
"Ma'am, please!"
"I need to find him!" With the last bit of any energy she had left in her, Shepard released a wave of dark matter, launching everyone into the walls. Slowly getting up, Shepard limped her way to the door. However, before she could make it, she felt her eyes droop and her body go limp as the last thing she saw was an asari doctor with a needle. 
Kaidan couldn't be sure how much truth was in the call he got. There was no way that there was another N7 soldier who survived. Admiral Hackett sent them the list of soldiers that made it out of London and much to Kaidan's dismay, Shepard wasn't one of them.
So how come he got a message reporting that she might still be alive?
Walking into the hospital he was called to, Kaidan looked around, trying to find someone to lead him to his girl. If it was truly his girl. Lost, yet somewhat hopeful, he walked to the reception table where a young salarian sat, ruffling through stacks of paper.
"Excuse me," he started, his nerves catching themselves in his voice. "I'm looking for an N7 soldier that was found in the Citadel rubble."
The salarian looked up at him, seemingly now noticing him. "Major Alenko?"
"That's me."
"Right this way." Standing up, the salarian walked in strides, Kaidan running slightly to catch up. "We're not sure what happened or how it's possible, but we found her a couple of weeks ago, body almost burnt to a crisp. We weren’t sure it was actually her until she woke up."
Kaidan swallowed. "When was that?" 
"Yesterday.” The salarian shook her head and sighed before she continued. “She was scared, understandably."
“What do you mean?"
"When one of the nurses tried to calm her down, she launched them all into the walls with her biotics."
N7 soldier, check. Biotic, check. She, check. Please, oh please be Shepard, Kaidan thought.
"This is her," the salarian said, stopping outside a lonely door at the end of the hall.
She was about to walk back when Kaidan stopped her. "Why'd you call me?"
"Isn't it obvious? She wouldn't stop asking for you. Said she needed to find you."
That gave Kaidan chills. This mysterious N7 soldier wouldn't stop asking for him? It had to be her, who else would it be? With his heart now in his throat, Kaidan approached the door, praying to anyone that would listen that it was his Shepard.
Turning the nob, Kaidan walked in, expecting the worse, but praying for the best. It almost seemed like too much to ask to hold her again, but here he was, hoping. Looking up at the soldier in bed, he couldn't help but let the tears that pooled in his eyes, roll down his cheeks.
"Kaidan?" The voice asked. She was charred, yet still beautiful. And that voice, no matter how raspy it was, he’d recognize it anywhere.
It was her. It was..."Shepard."
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masseffect-gifs · 4 years
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