#Fertility Awareness Counseling
shubhragoyal · 11 months
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Pre-pregnancy counseling: Your stepping stone to parenthood. Get expert guidance and prepare for a healthy and informed pregnancy journey.
Learn more: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/pre-pregnancy-counseling:-a-stepping-stone-to-parenthood
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onefertility · 2 years
All About Ovarian Cysts and Fertility
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 2 months
Saturday September 8th, 2012.
"You called it," Castle sighed as he climbed into his side of the bed. "A million questions."
"I think it was a million and one, actually."
They laughed, despite the total lack of anything amusing.
Alexis had taken the news exactly as expected. Tears had filled her eyes for only a second before she blinked them away and began a rapid fire of questions.
What type of cancer? What stage? What is the plan of attack?
Are the doctors nice? Do they explain everything properly or do they ramble on with a million medical terms you don't fully understand? Are they the tops of their respective fields?
How are you feeling? Are you getting any counselling? Can Detective Beckett handle this?
That last question had taken all three adults by surprise.
Can Detective Beckett handle this?
It - along with several of the other questions the girl had spit out in such a short amount of time - had gone unanswered. But unlike the other unanswered questions, this one seemed to linger in the air like a foul smell. It's presence made everyone uncomfortable, but there was no getting rid of it now.
Can Detective Beckett handle this?
Truthfully, she wasn't entirely convinced that she could. Already, she was grappling with this sense of losing all control. Castle was sick - really sick - and it was only going to get worse before it got better. The doctors had given him a thorough rundown of what to expect and it seemed grim. Nausea, pain, weakness. Not to mention the mental toll this was all going to take. And all she could do was sit by and watch as he fought this battle.
There was a heaviness in her chest that seemed to double in weight with each day that passed. Because, despite everyone's optimism, there was a very real chance that the treatment wouldn't work.
"Worst case scenario: we keep you comfortable," Dr Abebe said solemnly.
Castle had promised her it wouldn't come to that but they both knew that was out of his control. And she hated that. She hated that they were both helpless to change the outcome. All they could do was wait and hope for the best.
She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled, let her body melt into the pillows behind her.
"You know-"
She opened her eyes and turned to look at Castle. He was studying her, concern flaring in his eyes.
"You know she didn't mean it in a bad way, right?"
"I don't see how else it could have been interpreted," she responded. She wasn't mad at Alexis: it was a fair concern. "She didn't ask if Martha could handle it."
"She doesn't think that you're-" He hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Weak."
"I know what she thinks, Castle."
Castle sighed and placed his hand on Beckett's thigh. "This isn't exactly what you signed up for."
"Stop." She knew exactly where he was going with this conversation; she'd been expecting it since their discussions with Dr. Abebe on Thursday.
After the age of forty, the chances of recovering fertility significantly decreases.
She had kept her attention on the fact sheet in her hands but there was an ever-present awareness of Castle's eyes on her. His gaze burned her skin, hotter than the sun. They were yet to discuss the possibility of starting a family together. They thought they had all the time in the world. But now, in less than 40 hours, yet another decision could be taken away from them.
"We have to talk about it, Kate."
She closed her eyes and shook her head.
Why did they have to talk about it?
Why did this have to be happening at all?
"I understand," he said softly, his voice barely a whisper. "I know that you've never really been the kind of girl who dreams of their future children but-" He swallowed, tried to rid his voice of the emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. "One day you might decide-"
Beckett silenced him with a kiss. Soft, sweet, sad.
"I love you," she whispered. "In sickness and in health, right?"
Castle shook his head, but smiled. "That's marriage," he corrected.
"No," she argued. "That's us. The good and the bad, we do it together. Always."
Can Detective Beckett handle this?
Honestly, she wasn't sure. But she sure as hell would try.
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n3xii · 1 year
Your finances for the month of August
Hello! today's pick a card is about your financial situation for the month of august, we will be discussing the flow of your money, advice for you, and your overall mindset towards money. choose a picture from below using your intuition, then go to your pile!
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your mindset- king of cups
in the month of august, you will be approaching your finances patience and trust as well as more tolerance towards any fluctuations in your earnings that occur . I see that your attitude towards money will be highly influenced by your emotional intelligence and trust in your intuition. I also feel that your attitude will come from a place of demonstrating maturity when it comes to your boundaries with money, for example; you won't give freely to others just because they ask, you wont spend impulsivly or act on the desire to spend your money on something that doesn't hold long-term value to you. in other words, your spending habits will demonstrate your sentimental values and long-term goals for emotional stability rather than your short-term desires for gratification.
your money- the world
this month, you will be reaching a milestone or sense of emotional fulfillment with your financial goals. your money will provide you a sense of accomplishment and balance. this makes sense considering that we learned that your mindset towards finances is emotionally balanced and influenced by your desire to be mature with your spending habits. this means that because you're not allowing emotional impulses to dictate your actions, your mindset will be very financially rewarding this month. new horizons will be opening up for you this month as a result as well, new investment opportunities, being able to purchase something you've always wanted, being able to fund traveling.
advice- 3 of pentacles
the advice for your finances this month is actually quite practical. for one, seeking counsel from experts, advisors and highly skilled individuals will be very rewarding. this is because the three of pentacles emphasizes the importance of collaboration, so collaborating with people you look up to intellectually in order to expand your knowledge, insight and skillset will consequently expand your wealth. the following people or courses of action may be important to you:
-coworkers, counselors, financial advisors, workshops, classes, learning from videos or books, reaching out via networking.
the three of pentacles also talks about planning and attention to detail, so tracking your spending habits and placing extra attention to where your money is going, and how your money is helping you this month will help you reach the energy of the world card, which indicates massive success and achieving a big milestone.
your mindset- the sun
The Sun card indicates that your mindset towards money is optimistic, bright, and filled with a sense of abundance. in august, you will be approaching financial matters with clarity, confidence, and gratitude. to be specific, your mindset is fueled with confidence in yourself, you will exhibit a strong belief in the potential for creating abundance, i say this because the sun card is about fertility and positivity. so in a way, your mindset will be very fertile for growing your finances as opposed to being barren or negative, meaning your mindset is exactly what it should be. it will be a place where abundant thoughts and attitudes grow instead of a place where negativity thrives.
your money- judgement
im seeing that in august, this will be an important month for reviewing and assessing your finances. it makes sense that you got the sun card, as the sun card is about awareness. you will become more conscious and aware of your habits, spending, and attitudes, which may be why the sun card showed up to describe your attitude. I feel that this assessment of your values and feelings that you have towards money will motivate you to shift your values, thus creating a fertile and positive environment in your mind towards money. Im also seeing people in pile two pay off debts or any outstanding money owed, so for my pile two's, you will be receiving a clean slate this month whether it be in your mindset or literally with your debts
advice- nine of wands
Financial advice for the month of august is very much focused on remaining motivated and resilient. no one said maintaining a good mindset would be easy, in fact it requires authentic effort and evaluation of your current values to cultivate a positive outlook on life overall. when you arent aware of what you value then there will be little to no meaning behind the actions you take. so when it comes to your finances, having a clear idea of what you value longterm will motivate you to stay committed to your vision of success. im also seeing the need for spiritual protection. because you will be working towards a more positive mindset this month, your frequency will be getting higher and higher, thus more agitating to people who want to bring you down. find or maintain spiritual hygiene this month especially when it comes to the realm of finances. you are really close to your goals this month pile two, you will have moments of exhaustion and fear, you will have moments where remanences of past mistakes and financial decisions start to weigh you down, but the number one way to transform those experiences into something that thrushes you forward is to learn from them.
your mindset- strength
Overall, the Strength card portrays a mindset towards money that is strong, disciplined, and bold. You approach financial matters with patience, courage, and harmony. Your ability to control desires, make bold decisions, and trust your instincts will contribute to a positive and empowered outlook on your financial life. your mindset will be similar to pile one, it is of maturity and emotional intelligence, but for this pile, your outlook on finances comes from a more spiritual and primordial place. you will also have a bolder mindset, meaning you will want to make impactful decisions that cultivate wealth this month and you dont want to do that by playing it safe all the time
your money- two of swords
im seeing a state of paralysis when it comes to money because your desire to be bold and make courage's moves towards wealth will alternatively cause you analyze, probe and think deeply about your options. Overall, the Two of Swords indicates a period of uncertainty and indecision in your financial matters this month. It advises you to confront any financial challenges with an open mind, seek clarity with a balanced perspective, and avoid avoiding important financial decisions. By taking the time to understand your financial situation and seeking guidance if needed, you can make more informed choices and navigate any financial challenges more effectively.
advice- ten of swords
Avoid Extreme Pessimism: While the Ten of Swords can represent challenging situations, it's essential not to succumb to extreme pessimism about your financial prospects. Remember that difficult times can also lead to valuable lessons and opportunities for growth, this month is about embracing renewal and the inner strengh within you. i feel like this month, your mindset will start out really bold and strong, but become less certain the more you're confronted with opportunities to showcase that boldness. avoid pessimism and staying stuck in your mind all of the time. your mental habits will contribute strongly to your financial situation by creating fear and uncertainty.
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fahadfarooqi007 · 2 months
The Detrimental Health Effects of Smoking: A Comprehensive Overview
Smoking remains one of the most pressing public health issues globally. Despite widespread awareness campaigns, millions continue to smoke, often underestimating the severe health consequences. This article delves into the various smoking health issues, highlighting the extensive damage smoking inflicts on the body and emphasizing the importance of quitting.
The Respiratory System: A Primary Target
One of the most immediate and severe smoking health issues is its impact on the respiratory system. Smoking damages the airways and the alveoli, leading to chronic respiratory conditions such as:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): This progressive disease makes it increasingly difficult to breathe, significantly reducing the quality of life.
Chronic Bronchitis: Characterized by a persistent cough and mucus production, chronic bronchitis results from inflamed bronchial tubes.
Emphysema: This condition involves the destruction of the air sacs in the lungs, leading to severe shortness of breath.
Cardiovascular Complications
Smoking is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide. Key smoking health issues related to the cardiovascular system include:
Heart Disease: Smoking damages the lining of the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis—a condition where arteries harden and narrow. This can result in heart attacks and strokes.
High Blood Pressure: The chemicals in tobacco smoke can elevate blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Smoking causes the narrowing of blood vessels outside the heart, particularly in the legs, leading to pain and mobility issues.
Cancer: A Grim Reality
The link between smoking and cancer is well-established. Smoking is a leading cause of various cancers, including:
Lung Cancer: The most well-known smoking health issue, lung cancer, is predominantly caused by smoking. It remains one of the deadliest cancers worldwide.
Mouth, Throat, and Esophagus Cancer: Smoking affects nearly every part of the respiratory and digestive tracts, significantly increasing the risk of cancers in these areas.
Bladder Cancer: Harmful chemicals from tobacco are filtered by the kidneys and stored in the bladder, where they can cause cancer.
Impact on Reproductive Health
Smoking health issues extend to reproductive health, affecting both men and women:
Fertility Problems: Smoking can reduce fertility in both genders. In women, it can damage the ovaries and reduce egg production. In men, smoking can affect sperm quality.
Pregnancy Complications: Pregnant women who smoke are at a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and having babies with low birth weight. Smoking also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Other Health Issues
Smoking is linked to a host of other health problems, including:
Type 2 Diabetes: Smokers are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, and the condition is harder to control in smokers.
Weakened Immune System: Smoking weakens the immune system, making it harder to fight off infections.
Poor Oral Health: Smoking causes bad breath, gum disease, and tooth loss. It can also affect the sense of taste and smell.
Conclusion: The Urgent Need to Quit
The myriad smoking health issues underscore the urgent need for smokers to quit. Quitting smoking can dramatically improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing many severe diseases. While quitting can be challenging, numerous resources are available to support those who want to stop. Nicotine replacement therapies, prescription medications, counseling, and support groups can all play a role in helping individuals quit smoking for good.
In conclusion, the detrimental health effects of smoking cannot be overstated. By understanding the extensive damage smoking causes and taking steps to quit, individuals can significantly improve their health and quality of life.
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masllp · 9 months
Company formation in UK
Conquering the Kingdom: A Guide to Company Formation in UK So, you've dreamt of venturing across the pond and planting your entrepreneurial flag in the fertile soil of the UK? Fantastic! But before you unleash your business prowess upon the land, there's a crucial task at hand: Company Formation in UK. Fear not, brave adventurer, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the process with confidence.
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Step 1: Choosing Your Company Structure First things first, decide what kind of kingdom you wish to build. The most popular choice is the limited company, offering personal liability protection and distinct legal identity from yourself. Consider other options like partnerships or sole traders, but weigh their limitations against your ambitions. Step 2: Naming Your Noble Steed Craft a company name that resonates with your brand and is available for registration with Companies House. Aim for something catchy, memorable, and reflective of your business. Remember, this is your banner in the marketplace, so choose wisely! Step 3: Gathering Your Loyal Subjects Assemble your founding team - directors and shareholders who will steer the company ship. Each member needs to provide personal details like addresses and shareholdings. If privacy is a concern, consider using nominee directors and shareholders, but be aware of the legalities involved. Step 4: Establishing Your Royal Address Every company needs a registered office address within the UK. This will be your official postal and public record location. Opt for a reliable provider who can offer virtual office services if a physical space isn't your immediate need. Step 5: Registering with Companies House This is where your company officially enters the realm of existence. You can register online through Companies House or utilize formation agents to ease the process. Be prepared to pay a registration fee and provide your chosen name, structure, and director/shareholder details. Step 6: Taxing Matters and More Once registered, you'll need to set up tax affairs with HMRC, including registering for Corporation Tax and PAYE if you plan to employ staff. Additional legal and administrative tasks may arise depending on your specific business nature. Bonus Tip: Seek Guidance from Wise Counsel While DIY formation is possible, navigating the nuances of UK company law can be tricky. Consider seeking expert advice from accountants, lawyers, or formation agents for a smoother journey. Remember, dear entrepreneur, with careful planning and this guide as your compass, forming your company in the UK can be a thrilling adventure. Go forth, conquer the market, and establish your business kingdom with pride! Masllp your way to success! This blog post offers a lighthearted and informative approach to company formation in UK. You can tailor it further by:
Including specific information about Masllp and its services related to Company formation in UK. Adding personal anecdotes or experiences to make the content more relatable. Highlighting unique aspects of the UK business landscape that appeal to international entrepreneurs. Providing links to useful resources and further information for readers. With a bit of creativity and Masllp-specific details, you can turn this guide into a valuable resource for your target audience and establish yourself as an expert in the field.
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studymedicc · 9 months
Examining Reproductive Medicine in India: Progress, Difficulties, and Prospects
India has made great strides in reproductive medicine, positioning it as a global center for assisted reproductive technology (ART). India has emerged as a popular destination for people seeking fertility treatments thanks to its combination of cutting-edge technology, highly qualified medical staff, and reasonably priced therapies.
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Advancements in Reproductive Medicine
India has achieved significant advancements in reproductive medicine, providing a broad spectrum of treatments to address a variety of infertility-related problems. In vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and egg donation are examples of assisted reproductive technologies that are now widely used.
There are even more sophisticated methods available, like surrogacy, preimplantation genetic testing, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Numerous couples have been able to achieve their desire of motherhood with the use of these approaches.
Modern fertility facilities and knowledgeable fertility doctors who are abreast of industry developments are features of India’s medical infrastructure. Reproductive medicine practices continue to evolve as a result of the nation’s emphasis on medical education and research.
Challenges Faced
In spite of the advancements, the area of reproductive medicine in India faces certain obstacles. The societal stigma and lack of understanding regarding infertility provide a major obstacle.
Because of social pressure and false beliefs, many couples are reluctant to seek medical attention. By addressing these problems through counseling and public education initiatives, the stigma attached to infertility might be lessened.
Strict laws that guarantee moral behavior and safeguard the rights of intended parents, surrogates, and donors present another difficulty.
Although India has taken steps to control assisted reproduction, more changes and regulations are needed to create a thorough legal system.
Hopeful Prospects
For infertile couples, the state of reproductive medicine in India gives optimism. For both domestic and foreign patients, the mix of cutting-edge technology, highly qualified medical staff, and reasonably priced treatment charges makes it a desirable option.
In addition, the Indian government is aggressively pushing medical tourism due to its recognition of its potential, which has resulted in higher investments and the construction of infrastructure.
Significant progress in reproductive medicine has been made in India, offering hope to many infertile couples. The advancement of assisted reproductive technology in India, along with the commitment of highly qualified medical experts, has made the country a top fertility treatment destination.
Ethical standards and the advancement of the sector will be further ensured by addressing issues with awareness, stigma, and regulation. Reproductive medicine in India has a bright future filled with hope and fulfillment for those wishing to become parents, provided there are ongoing improvements and a supportive atmosphere. If you are planning build a career in reproductive medicine StudyREPRO is the best option to learn reproductive medicine.
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tarotlogy · 2 years
*With Any The Reversed Swords Cards, it can be an indication that the Health Condition Relating to that Particular Card, is in its very Early Stage (is incubating beneath the surface but has not manifested in the Physical just yet), is in the Final Stages or has been Blocked from developing any further and is losing Power. It can also suggest that the condition is not as bad as it is made out, or first thought to be. Surrounding Cards will need to be consulted.
This is a tricky one to Decipher but often becomes Clearer when a Second Reading is done off the back of the First Reading where the condition/s is originally discovered. It takes time and a lot of Practice.
Upright Ace – Virility, Male Fertility, Conception, Strong Spine and Neurological System, Good Posture, Accidents Caused by Sharp Instruments, Surgery, Beginning Medical Treatment or Hospital Attendance, Healthy Mental Faculties, Clear Thinking and Good Memory, Thinking About Your Health.
Reversed Ace – Impotency, Low Sperm Count, Also can suggest Conception (Check Surrounding Cards) Emergency Surgery/Surgery Unnecessary or Cancelled (Check Surrounding Cards, or  Injury by a sharp instrument, Sharp Pain, Stabbing, Migraines, Mental Confusion, Forgetfulness, Memory Issues, Spinal or Neurological Damage.
Upright Two – Coronary Blockages, Not Being Aware of Health Issues, Trying to Ignore Health Issues, Not Telling Others about Health Issues or Diagnoses, Difficult Decisions around Health Possibly in relation to Serious Surgery, Migraines, Eye Infections, Blindness, Stiffness in Upper Body, Paralysis, Warding Off Infectious Diseases, Withdrawn, Mental Distress,Fear, Get a second Opinion
Reversed Two – Natural Defences or Immune System Down, No Escape from Surgery, Coronary Problems, Facing the Truth about Health Issues, Admitting You are Unwell, Migraines Clearing or Intensifying, Mental Distress being Treated or Intensifying, Fear, Blindness or Recovery of Eyesight, Condition could benefit from a Second Opinion
Upright Three – Coronary Health Issues, Angina, Illness, Surgery, Trauma, Grief being Repressed/Expressed, Depression, Unable to Cry, Morbid, Stress, Wounds from Sharp Instruments, Sharp Pain, Psychological Issues Affecting Physical Health,
Reversed Three – Condition not as Severe as first thought, Surgery Unnecessary, Recovering from Surgery, Continued Illness, Receiving Grief Counselling, Tears being Released, Healing beginning to set in, Pain or Injury inflicted by another, Violence Mental Chaos/Breakdown,
Upright Four – Mental Exhaustion, Mentally Overwhelmed, Severe Stress, Seeking Counselling or Help, Stress Causing Illness, Unable to get out of Bed, Paralysis, Unable to Face the World, Taking to the Bed, Illness, Hospitalisation, Surgery, Emergency Dept., Committed to Psychiatric Unit, Intensive Care, Isolation, Coma, Refuge Centre, Retreats for Health Purposes, Becoming a Recluse, Hospices, Being Laid Out, Working with the Dead or Dying, Close to Death, Attempted Suicide (Check for Surrounding Cards)
Reversed Four – Slow recovery from Illness, Coming out of a Coma, Coming Out of Isolation/Intensive Care, Off The Critical List, Near Death Experience, Insomnia, Out of Body Experience, Benefiting from Counselling or Psychotherapy, Emergency Treatment Successful, Mental Stability improving/Worsening, Mental Breakdown/Collapse, Insanity, Not Following Doctors Orders or Pretending to. Not Following good Advice, Being Released from Psychiatric Care (this may be too premature depending on surrounding cards)
Upright Five – Violence, Aggression, Bullying, Mugging, Attack, Assault, Rape, Murder, Kidnap,Injuries from Stabbings, Pain both Mental and Physical, Mental/Physical Cruelty, Sociopath, Control Freak, Abuser, Psychopath (mentally unbalanced person if Reversed Magician or Reversed Sword Courts involved), Warped Personality, Surrendering to Disease or Illness, Acute Stress, Fear, Taking Action,
Reversed Five – Funerals, Mourning, Mental Exhaustion or Breakdown, Relentless Attack, Serious Contagious Disease, Revenge, Serious Violence, Brute Force, Bloodshed, Serious Personality Disorders, Criminal being Committed to Psychiatric Unit, Not Heeding a warning about danger or a Dangerous Personality, Putting Yourself at risk of serious harm, Self-Harm, Taking Action. With The Reversed Five of Swords, whatever potential Health Situation either begins to heal or gets worse. Surrounding Cards need to be taken into Consideration.
Upright Six – A slow Healing Setting in, A long journey to recovery, Try not to rush the Healing Process,  Coming through Serious Surgery, Psychological Issues Need to be Dealt with and cannot be Ignored, Making Efforts to get Well, If a Death is indicated then a gentle passing is suggested, Coming to Terms with a bad Diagnosis, The Slow Process of Grief,Mental Stability Returning, Feeling Less Stressed and Anxious, Weary and Exhausted but relieved that the worst is behind you, Taking a Vacation for Health Purposes, The tendency to quit Counselling or Psychotherapy before you are better, Thinking  you have dealt with all your Mental Health Issues. Psychological Baggage.
Reversed Six –   Diagnosis of ill-Health, Choking, Drowning, Boating Accidents, Realising you are far from recovered, Old Health Problems Returning, Relapses, Relapse may be worse than the Original Condition, Not out of The Woods yet where Health Issues are concerned, Being Re-admitted to Hospital, Severe Stress and Anxiety Returning, Feeling you are Mentally Going Under, Child Abduction
Upright Seven – Acting on The Professional Advice of Medics or Counsellors, Finding a new Approach to improving your Health, Reading books on Health and Scouring Websites to see how others are curing themselves of Disease and Ill Health, Being Proactive in Regaining Health, Making a Real Effort to get Well, Being Self-Disciplined and realising that the only one who can really help or change your Health issues is yourself, Deciding to Change your whole Lifestyle in order to Heal. Having to do it all on your own. Putting together  your own recovery plan,
Reversed Seven – Warnings or Advise about Health go un-heeded, Trying to Fool others that you are sticking to your diet or treatment plan, Going back to your old ways, Breaking a Diet, Finding Excuses to not follow a treatment plan, Buying all the Health Books and DVD’s but not following their advice,  Signing up for The Gym but only going once or twice. No Self-Discipline or Staying Power, Attack or Assault by a mugger or burglar, Accidents caused by Failing to Pay Attention, Not Looking where you are going, Carelessness and Clumsiness causing unnecessary Accidents
Upright Eight – Depression, Confinement, Claustrophobia, Hospitalisation, Mental Confusion, Delusional, Chronic Pain/Suffering, Stiffness, Trapped Nerve, Hallucinations, Paranoia, Fear of Illness, Anxiety, Fear, Paralysis, Blindness, Eye Infections, Migraines, Hysteria, Major Psychological Problems, Negativity, Pessimism affecting Mental Stability, Powerless, Need Professional Help, Kidnap, Tightly Controlled Life, Bullied, Can’t see a way out of Your Health Problems, Feeling Condemned to Suffering, Feeling Trapped by a Diagnosis.
Reversed Eight – Accidents, Mental Depression, Fear, Danger to Physical Health, Thinking of Suicide as being the Only Way Out, Having to Endure Chronic Health Problems, Counsellors and Psychiatrists beginning to make a Break Through, Getting the Help you Need, Coming to Terms with a bad Diagnosis, Mental Health Improving, Effort to Change Negative Attitudes and Pessimistic Outlook, Being Released from the care of your Mental Health Professional, Standing on your Own Two Feet, Eyesight Returning, Rehabilitation for Paralysis beginning to work, A worsening of any condition experienced in the Upright, Fear, Relapse of Condition, Mental Paralysis, Psychologically Overwhelmed, The need to be re-hospitalised, Unable to help yourself, Giving Up, Surrendering to  your Illness and Fate.
Upright Nine – Suffering, Mental Anguish and Torment, Mentally Overwhelmed, Grief, Loss, Mourning, Crying, Fear/Terror, Victim of Bullying or Violence, Confined to Bed, Not Wanting to get Up, Agoraphobia, Sick with Worry, Dread about Health our Test Results, Terrible Diagnosis, Guilt, Abuse, Miscarriage, Termination, Clinical Depression, Mental Breakdown, Hospitalisation, Sleep Disturbances, Insomnia, Physical Pain at Night, Migraines, Neurological Conditions, Eye Infections,Dreadful Loneliness, Insomnia, Exhaustion, Nightmares, Hearing Voices, Trying to Cope with Illness on you Own, Not Telling others how Bad things are, Bullying, Women’s Health Issues, Menopause, Night Sweats, Hormones causing feeling of Illness or Instability, Severe Paranoia, Refusing to Eat, Hypochondriac,
Reversed Nine – Insomnia, Sleep Walking, Sleep Deprivation, Night Terrors, Hysteria, Severe Depression, Sinking Lower, Psychosis, Hallucinations, Hearing Voices, Severe Paranoia, Fear of Everything, Feeling Under Constant Threat, Morbid, Negative, Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Doom and Gloom, Self-hatred, Self-Loathing, Self-Harming, Bullied, Abused, Suicidal Tendencies, Giving Up, Mental Collapse, Loneliness, Justifiable Fears about Health and Physical Safety, Coming Out of Depression, Seeking Professional Help, Hospitalisation, Sharing or Talking about your worries, Coming Clean, Regaining Mental Stability, Fears Unfounded, Getting The Support you need, Accepting and Coming to Terms with a Diagnosis.
Upright Ten – Being Afflicted with Health Problems, Ill, Back Problems, Spinal Injuries, Paralysis, Feeling you Cannot Go On, At Death’s Doorstep, Too Much Suffering, Chronic and Severe Pain, Being Run Down, Chronic Fatigue, Disabled, Paralysis, Blighted, Not Being Able to Go about Your Daily Routine, Mental Depression, Mental or Physical Collapse, Breakdown, Hitting an All-Time Low, Hospitalisation, Assault, Attack, Injuries from Violence, Stabbings, Bullying, Looking for Attention, Making Out you are Worse than you are, Martyr/Victim Mentality, Paranoia, Hypochondriac, Won’t Help Yourself, Waiting to be Rescued from your Situation, Health dragging You Down, Wanting Out or it all to End, Suicidal Thoughts, Feeling Persecuted.
Reversed Ten – Some improvement in Health, Recovery, Seeking Help for Chronic Back Problems,  Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Chiropractor, Taking Action, Not letting Your Health Get The Better of You, Fighting Back, Surviving a Serious Illness or Accident, Victim of Assault, The Worst is Over, Being Given a Second Chance, Changing Your Attitude towards Health, Taking Responsibility for Your Health, Pulling Yourself Together, Recurring Health problems, as in back, Chronic Fatigue, Relapse, Over exaggerating Your Health Problems, Collapse of Immune System, Near Death Experience, Unable to Survive, Suicidal Thoughts, Severe Paranoia, Hospitalisation
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ancestorsalive · 2 years
There comes a time in every woman's life when she embarks on an Underworld journey. Indeed, she will visit the Underworld more than once during the course of her lifetime. This journey may be precipitated by the loss of someone she loves, or by a life-threatening illness, or a grave disappointment in career or craft. When it happens, she feels that all is lost. She is separated from everything she holds dear. She is in shock. She despairs. She grieves.
She descends to the realm of the Old One, the Crone, the Cailleach, the Grandmother, Lady Death, Hecate, Baba Yaga, Erishkegal, La Santa de Muerte. The Old One has a thousand names.
Our Hallowmas Woman might find herself in a darkened wood, on a night when no moon lights the sky, not even a thin crescent. She sits cross-legged in the dirt at a place where three roads meet, a basket of offerings at her side. She shivers as she hears the mournful howl of a black dog, its red eyes glaring at her out of the thicket. She watches the silver-thin filament of spiderweb twist and turn in the starlight. She feels the rush of cold, quick air as a hoot owl flies overhead, flapping its enormous wings.
She waits.
She sits silently at the crossroads, knowing that the comfortable, familiar terrain of her life has crumbled away and is no more. But it is not yet clear where she will go next, or what shape her days might take.
She waits for the counsel of the Old One.
And while she waits, she reflects. She begins to dream. She sorts through her emotions. Yes! I want that. No! I don't want that. This is the life I want. Not that. She begins to have glimmers of ideas, a dream barely caught upon waking. What was that? An image, a scent, a feeling . . . it is shapeless, taking form, then shapeless again.
Even though she is heartbroken, she begins to find comfort in this liminal space, between here and there, past and future, now and then. She is poised on the threshold between her ancestors and her descendants, the Dark Moon and the New. She begins to sense that she is broken open, and her heart expands, light streaming out through the cracks. The veils between this world and the next are thin indeed.
We see the Hallowmas Woman in the stark November landscape, with its muted tones of olive, ochre, sienna brown. We find her in a cold statue in a graveyard, garlanded with dead roses, thorns, and blood-red rosehips. We see her in fogbound mornings when there is no distinction between sea, stones, and sky, and the Otherworld is just a step away. She lives within the brief days and long nights that draw us toward withdrawal and cocooning. The Hallowmas woman rests. She withdraws into herself. It is not a time of connection. She prefers her own company, turning down invitations to gather with others. The midwinter holidays will be here soon enough.
Perhaps, if she should be so lucky, a woman will live long enough in human years to embody the Old One literally. At 70 or 80 years old, she has walked the Great Round of life/death/renewal more than once. She knows how the story ends. Age does not automatically confer wisdom (there's no fool like an old fool) — but by 70 years old, our Hallowmas woman has learned a thing or two about her soul's purpose. She is well aware of the legacy that she will leave behind when she crosses the threshold.
Her body may be ravaged by disease or aging. Then again, she may be as flexible and strong as her 90-year-old neighbor who practices yoga and walks a mile or two every day. Keeping the physical body supple and healthy has never been as important as it is now, with a whole Underworld to explore. The Hallowmas woman has not had her moonflow in many years, and to be honest, she doesn't really miss it. She's content to be on the other side of the hormonal veil, and to leave the cycle of fertility and release to younger women.
When the time of All Hallows comes to a woman's soul, she begins to make her peace with Lady Death, and with endings of all kinds. She knows, as the Fates do, that all things must pass. She knows herself as Atropos, She Who Cuts the Thread of Life; as the Queen of Swords, who slices away negativity, confusion, and doubt; as the Blue Dakini, who severs ties. She makes choices: this, she will keep. That, she will let go.
She begins to live as if Lady Death is peeking over her shoulder. Life is stripped down to its essentials. What is really important? In the end, what really matters?
She sorts through the possessions left by her parents and grandparents, after purging and giveaways and purging again. What remains are photographs, wedding rings, a Welsh Bible, a fraying crazy quilt, a fishing hat, a cherished wooden chair...
When we suspect our time might be short, our priorities become quite simple. Finish that painting, that poem, that song; forgive him, and her, and that one too. Spend time with the ones we love; visit the edge of salt water and stones every day. While we're there, be sure to pick up beach glass, then give it away. Sing to the Blessed Mother. Light a candle and breathe a prayer for the wild and holy earth, for the benefit of all beings. Be present to the beauty that surrounds us. Every day is a gift of grace.
The Hallowmas woman has been sitting long enough at the crossroads. The Ancient One emerges from the thicket of thorns, the black hound at her side, a green snake wrapped around her arm. She offers the woman a sliced-open pomegranate, its ruby seeds spilling out. With her inner ear, the woman hears the ritual words: 'Take, eat: the fruit of death, which is life.' She swallows nine pomegranate seeds, savoring the tart, bittersweet flavor on her tongue. The Crone points a bony finger toward one of three paths, and the Hallowmas woman moves on. She casts one last look over her shoulder as she leaves the Underworld, then turns to search for a first glimpse of the New Moon.
On our deathbeds, when we've run out of time, and no more books will be written, no more songs will be sung, and no more canvases will be painted — when that time comes, and we are poised to cross the threshold into the Great Unknown — all that matters is love. The fierce love we've had for the sacred earth, for our friends and family and lovers, and the love that has flowed back to us in return. Our overflowing hearts have been cracked open, mended and broken open again.
All that matters is love."
-Joanna Powell Colbert, from her essay, "The Hallowmas Woman: On the Threshold," published on Witches & Pagans, October 2013.
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art | Kathrine Dorn (artist unknown. Based on study by Pierre Gonnord)
#midwivesofthesoul #joannapowellcorbett #hallowmaswoman #femininejourney
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Best Surrogacy Centre in Mumbai: Your Path to Parenthood
Surrogacy has become a viable option for many couples and individuals who face challenges in conceiving naturally. With advancements in reproductive technologies, surrogacy provides a solution for those struggling with infertility, same-sex couples, and single parents desiring to start a family. Mumbai, a leading city in medical innovations, is home to some of the best surrogacy centers in India, offering world-class treatments and care.
If you are searching for the best surrogacy centre in Mumbai, this article will guide you through the key aspects to consider when choosing a clinic and why Mumbai has become a top destination for surrogacy.
What to Expect from the Best Surrogacy Centre in Mumbai?
Choosing the right surrogacy center is crucial for a smooth and successful journey to parenthood. The best surrogacy centers in Mumbai provide comprehensive care from the initial consultation to the delivery of the child. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the best surrogacy centre in Mumbai:
Experienced Medical Team: The expertise of fertility specialists, embryologists, and gynecologists plays a significant role in the success of surrogacy. The top surrogacy centers in Mumbai are staffed with highly qualified professionals who specialize in reproductive medicine and surrogacy treatments.
Advanced Technology: The success of surrogacy heavily depends on cutting-edge technology and modern techniques such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). The best centers are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories to ensure the best outcomes.
Legal Support and Guidance: Surrogacy laws in India are complex, and it’s essential to be fully aware of the legal implications. The best surrogacy centres in Mumbai offer legal assistance and ensure that all procedures comply with the Surrogacy Regulation Act of 2021, protecting both intended parents and the surrogate.
Supportive Environment: Surrogacy is an emotionally charged process, and intended parents often need psychological and emotional support. The top centers ensure that counseling services are available to assist both intended parents and surrogates throughout the journey.
Affordable Packages: Cost is an important consideration, especially since surrogacy can be a significant financial commitment. Mumbai’s leading surrogacy centers offer a range of packages that are transparent and tailored to meet the needs and budgets of intended parents.
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Contact Us: +91–8447592299 Email us: [email protected]
Why Choose Mumbai for Surrogacy?
Mumbai has rapidly grown as a hub for fertility treatments and surrogacy due to its medical expertise, advanced technology, and professional support. Here are some reasons why the best surrogacy centres in Mumbai are highly recommended:
High Success Rates: Mumbai is home to some of the most successful surrogacy programs in India, with a high success rate for both domestic and international couples. The use of advanced techniques and the availability of skilled professionals contribute to the success of surrogacy in the city.
Diverse Pool of Surrogates: The best surrogacy centres in Mumbai maintain a database of healthy, pre-screened surrogates. These surrogates undergo thorough medical and psychological assessments to ensure that they are capable of carrying a pregnancy to term.
World-Class Facilities: Mumbai’s surrogacy centers are equipped with the latest technology and offer services comparable to international standards. This ensures that intended parents receive the highest level of care and success.
Legal Compliance: Surrogacy in India is governed by stringent laws, and the best centres in Mumbai adhere to these regulations to provide a secure and transparent process for intended parents and surrogates.
If you are considering surrogacy as a means to build your family, finding the best surrogacy centre in Mumbai is the first step towards realizing your dream. With experienced professionals, state-of-the-art technology, and comprehensive legal support, Mumbai offers some of the best options for surrogacy in India. The journey to parenthood can be overwhelming, but the right surrogacy center will guide and support you every step of the way.
For more information on surrogacy treatments and personalized care, reach out to Select IVF.
Contact Us: +91–8447592299 Email us: [email protected]
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shubhragoyal · 11 months
Pre-Pregnancy Counseling: A Stepping Stone to Parenthood
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Do you have a baby bump? Yes! Then, before you jump in the air with joy, you should take a look at pregnancy counseling, because expecting a baby requires a lot of acceptance and awareness, and that makes it a stepping stone to parenthood, a path of responsibility and mindfulness.
Pre-pregnancy counseling is a motto that pre-empts the certain risk factors pertaining a women’s, the fetus and neonatal health from entering an unfavorable phase. The one-to-one interaction with the professional can be a great aide in optimizing the health care of mother and child, which also extends to the family ties, as their care is invested from the first days.
Education about the pregnancy journey in pre-pregnancy course is open to all genders, sexualities and parents, as they offer a holistic approach to better parenting. Regardless of whether you are planning a pregnancy or using contraception, the pre-pregnancy counseling is applicable to both parties.
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As the saying goes, health status can't be the same forever, over growing time potential risks can occur anytime. Thus, pre-pregnancy counseling does not last for a day, but it occurs several times for ensuring a healthy and happy baby journey!
Day in and out whenever an expectant mother gets counselled, fresh knowledge is added to her advantage for handling the situation. There is a certainty of several chronic conditions viz; diabetes, hypertension, thyroid and mental health require monitoring during pre-pregnancy for a desirable outcome.
In the pre-pregnancy counseling sessions, a crucial assessment for examining STDs is a must with a vivid screening for any probable genetic conditions that might pass down to the life growing inside.
The other important matter of concern here is to debrief on possible strong addictions namely, liquor, nicotine consumption, drugs or any other medicines taken for some underlining or nonmedical reasons.
There is also a significant survey conducted on partner violence during intimacy during prepregnancy counseling as it has entirely a direct impact on the mother and child both.
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The expert guidance - Suggestions from the desk of the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists
The ACOG institute emphasizes the opportunity to stroke the iron hard and discuss overall wellness, and healthy habits as a routine irrespective of the patient for a successful outcome.
“Would you like to become pregnant next year?” Serves the purpose, of the right to speak out one's heart for suitable guidance without coyness.
The goal of prepregnancy counseling is to ensure a pregnancy that is away from the instructions and if any challenges occur one has the tact to handle it with expert guidance.
An annual influenza inoculation is mandatory for every patient unbiased as it is for additional benefit.
Prepregnancy is not limited to basic health checkups and discussions a patient's lifestyle and underlining conditions are crucial to tap on! If discovered to be a specific virus prone or any infection or allergies due to climate/ certain food types must be cautioned beforehand as travelling is a massive no.
Appropriate nourishment and vitamins are so significant for a healthy pregnancy tenure. Always fall back on your medical adviser for the proportion of food intake that suits your body the best during the prepregnancy period.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/pre-pregnancy-counseling:-a-stepping-stone-to-parenthood
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drritabakshi-blog1 · 8 days
Top Reasons World Fertility Services is the Best IVF Center in Dubai
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World Fertility Services, the Best IVF Centre in Dubai, provides outstanding knowledge and the latest equipment for your reproductive journey. Our clinic is unique because it has outstanding facilities, a group of well-known physicians, and exceptional success rates. We offer customized care that is provided to your particular requirements in order to achieve the greatest results. World Fertility Services is committed to helping to make your journey to being a parent successful and easy, offering affordable prices and wide services. Select us for the best IVF support and care available in Dubai.
1.Latest Technology
Latest Treatments for IVF
Using the most recent developments in IVF technology, we at World Fertility Services work to increase your chances of success. With its modern devices, our laboratory offers correct and efficient treatment. With current genetic testing and advanced embryo monitoring technologies, we make sure all aspects of your care are managed with the highest accuracy.
Specific Fertility Options
Our technology goes beyond what is typically used in IVF. We provide individualised reproductive options, such as embryo freezing and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), that are catered to your particular need. This specific strategy improves our abilities to handle certain infertility issues and increases the probability of a favourable result.
2. Expert Team of Specialists
Highly Experienced Specialists in Fertility
With years of experience, a team of highly trained fertility specialists, World Fertility Services is grateful to have. Our physicians are experts in the field of reproductive medicine, offering a wide range of skills and knowledge to each patient. We make sure that you will receive excellent treatment throughout your IVF journey because of our vast knowledge and expertise.
Complete Support Staff
Our support staff is just as important to providing complete treatment as our doctors. Our administrative staff, nurses, and counselors are committed to providing you with caring support, helping you with each phase of your treatment, and answering any questions you may have.
3. High Success Rates
Proven Track Record
Our high success rates are among the most powerful arguments in favour of choosing World Fertility Services. We regularly obtain better than average success rates for IVF treatments at our clinic because of our modern facilities, experienced staff, and personal approach. Our goal is to support you in realising your desire of becoming a parent in the best manner possible.
Our success stories provide witness to the excellent level of service we offer. Thanks to our knowledgeable staff and advanced therapies, a large number of our patients have gone on to start families. These successful stories witness our commitment and proficiency in the field of infertility.
4. Caring and Detailed Support
Modified Treatment Schedules
We at World Fertility Services are aware of the uniqueness of every patient's journey. For this reason, we provide specific treatment programs made to meet our unique requirements and objectives. With a focus on getting the greatest outcomes, our unique approach makes sure that you receive the most effective treatment for your specific situation.
Support on an Emotional Level
We understand that having fertility treatment can be emotional. Our kind staff is here to offer assistance and direction at every stage of your journey. We provide services, including support staff and privately counseling sessions, to assist you in managing the emotional aspects of their treatment.
5. Transparent Price and Financial Support
Transparent Cost Allocation
While it can be difficult to understand the cost of IVF, transparency is important to us at World Fertility Services. We make sure you are well-informed before moving forward by providing a transparent brief of the costs related to their treatment. Our mission is to assist you in properly making plans and budgeting for your reproductive journey.
Flexible Modes of Payment
We provide options for financing and flexible payment choices to make your treatment affordable. Together, we identify a budget-friendly option so you may focus on becoming a parent without having to worry about money.
6. Complete Fertility Services
Various Treatment Choices
Beyond IVF, World reproductive Services provides a wide range of reproductive treatments. We offer a wide range of services to suit your needs, including genetic testing, fertility preservation, and egg and sperm donation. We promise to provide you with the greatest care available all under one roof thanks to our overall-inclusive approach.
Ongoing Support and Care
After treatment, we continue to support you on your fertility journey. We deliver continuing support and care, as well as future visits and extra services as required. Our intention is to support you throughout the entire process, giving you the tools and attention you require to fulfil your goals of starting a family.
7.Focused on patients Approach
Wonderful Patient Experience
The patient experience is our top priority at World Fertility Services. Every step of your journey, from your first visit to the end of your treatment, should be as easy and comfortable as possible. During your stay with us, our friendly and skilled staff are committed to giving you outstanding care while helping you feel supported.
Feedback and Improvements
We appreciate your input and work hard to make our services better every day. Because we care about our patients' satisfaction, we regularly evaluate and improve our processes so they know that we're giving them the best care available. We are able to continue being the best IVF center in Dubai thanks to your feedback and experience.
World reproductive Services, the best IVF centre in Dubai, is fully committed to making sure that your reproductive journey is as successful and easy as possible. Exceptional results and an enjoyable experience are provided by our modern facilities, professional staff, and personalised care. We are dedicated to helping you in achieving your dream of becoming a parent, and we offer affordable prices and a variety of detailed services. Put your confidence in World Fertility Services for outstanding IVF care and start your family with an advance step.
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drharshala · 9 days
Pre-Pregnancy Counselling Clinic in BTM Layout, Bangalore — Dr. Harshala Shankar
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What is Pre-Pregnancy Counselling?
Pre-pregnancy counselling is a specialized service that helps individuals or couples prepare physically, emotionally, and mentally for pregnancy. The counselling sessions focus on assessing your overall health, addressing any pre-existing conditions, and providing important lifestyle recommendations to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby. By consulting a healthcare expert like Dr. Harshala Shankar, you can receive tailored advice on fertility, nutrition, and other factors critical for conception and a safe pregnancy.
Why is Pre-Pregnancy Counselling Important?
Pre-pregnancy counselling is an essential step in family planning, especially for couples who want to ensure optimal health before conceiving. It offers several benefits:
Health Risk Assessment: Identifying any underlying health conditions that may affect fertility or pregnancy outcomes, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, or genetic conditions.
Lifestyle Modifications: Offering recommendations on nutrition, exercise, weight management, and lifestyle habits (like smoking or alcohol consumption) that can impact fertility and pregnancy.
Fertility Awareness: Educating couples on fertility windows, ovulation cycles, and the best time to try for conception.
Emotional Preparedness: Ensuring couples are emotionally ready for the challenges and changes that come with pregnancy and parenthood.
Vaccination Updates: Recommending necessary vaccinations to protect against infections that may harm the mother or baby during pregnancy.
Services Offered at Dr. Harshala Shankar’s Pre-Pregnancy Counselling Clinic
At Dr. Harshala Shankar’s clinic in BTM Layout, Bangalore, comprehensive pre-pregnancy counselling is offered to address all the aspects of fertility, health, and pregnancy planning. Here’s what you can expect:
Comprehensive Health Evaluation
Dr. Harshala Shankar begins with a detailed evaluation of your health history, including any existing medical conditions, previous surgeries, family health history, and medications. This evaluation is essential in determining any potential risks that could affect conception or pregnancy.
Both partners may undergo tests to assess reproductive health and identify any underlying health issues that need to be addressed before pregnancy.
Fertility Assessment
Understanding your menstrual cycle and fertility window is critical for planning conception. Dr. Harshala offers guidance on tracking ovulation and timing intercourse to maximize the chances of conception.
If there are concerns about infertility or previous failed pregnancy attempts, further diagnostic tests and treatments may be suggested.
Nutritional Guidance
A balanced diet is crucial for both partners to boost fertility and prepare the body for pregnancy. Dr. Harshala provides personalized dietary recommendations based on your health profile. Key nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamins are essential for the development of a healthy baby.
Pre-pregnancy weight management is also discussed, as being either overweight or underweight can affect fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
Genetic and Family History Counselling
If there are genetic disorders or chronic health conditions in your family, Dr. Harshala may recommend genetic screening or counselling to assess the risks of passing certain conditions to the baby.
This service is particularly useful for couples with a family history of inherited diseases or recurrent pregnancy loss.
Vaccinations and Infections
Pre-pregnancy counselling includes a review of vaccinations to ensure that you are up to date on immunizations that protect you and your baby from infections during pregnancy.
Common vaccines recommended include rubella, hepatitis B, and influenza. Certain infections like rubella during pregnancy can lead to complications, so getting vaccinated beforehand is crucial.
Lifestyle Changes and Habits
Smoking, alcohol, and drug use can severely impact fertility and pregnancy health. Dr. Harshala provides guidance on how to quit these habits and recommends stress management techniques like yoga and meditation to promote overall well-being.
Regular physical activity is also encouraged to improve fertility and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Emotional and Mental Health Support
Pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster, and preparing mentally is just as important as physical readiness. Dr. Harshala Shankar offers counselling on stress management, anxiety reduction, and emotional support to help you face the challenges ahead.
Why Choose Dr. Harshala Shankar’s Clinic?
Dr. Harshala Shankar’s clinic in BTM Layout, Bangalore, is known for providing compassionate and comprehensive care to women throughout their reproductive journey. Her extensive experience in obstetrics and gynaecology ensures that you receive expert advice and personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Shankar takes a holistic approach, considering all aspects of health — physical, emotional, and psychological — to help you make informed decisions and have a healthy, successful pregnancy.
Planning for a baby requires careful consideration of health, lifestyle, and emotional preparedness. Dr. Harshala Shankar’s Pre-Pregnancy Counselling Clinic in BTM Layout, Bangalore, offers the support and expertise you need to start your journey toward parenthood with confidence. Whether you are planning your first pregnancy or looking for advice after previous challenges, Dr. Shankar provides personalized guidance to ensure a healthy and successful conception.
Also Visit :- https://maps.app.goo.gl/je7qZqDYcTcvLhBm7
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The Donor Egg IVF Market is projected to grow significantly from USD 3,326.8 million in 2024 to USD 5,889.26 million by 2032, reflecting a robust CAGR of 7.4%.The Donor Egg In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market is experiencing significant growth worldwide, driven by various factors such as increasing infertility rates, advancements in reproductive technologies, changing societal norms, and a rising number of same-sex couples and single parents seeking reproductive assistance. This market has expanded to meet the needs of individuals and couples who face challenges in conceiving naturally, and it continues to evolve as new technologies and treatments emerge.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/donor-egg-ivf-market
Market Overview
Donor Egg IVF is a procedure where eggs from a donor are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the recipient's uterus. This process is particularly beneficial for women with diminished ovarian reserve, advanced maternal age, genetic disorders, or those who have undergone cancer treatments that affect fertility. It also serves as an option for same-sex male couples or single men wishing to have biological children.
As of 2024, the global Donor Egg IVF market is valued at billions of dollars, with steady growth projected over the next decade. North America and Europe dominate the market, largely due to the presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, high awareness levels, and supportive legal frameworks. However, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth, driven by increasing awareness, rising infertility rates, and the growing acceptance of assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
Key Market Drivers
1. Rising Infertility Rates: Infertility is a growing concern worldwide, affecting millions of couples. Factors such as delayed childbearing, lifestyle changes, and environmental factors contribute to this trend. Donor Egg IVF offers a viable solution for those unable to conceive naturally, making it an increasingly popular option.
2. Advancements in Reproductive Technology: Technological advancements in IVF and related procedures have significantly improved success rates, making Donor Egg IVF a more reliable and attractive option. Innovations such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and cryopreservation of eggs and embryos have further enhanced the success and accessibility of these procedures.
3. Changing Societal Norms: There is a growing acceptance of diverse family structures, including single-parent families and same-sex couples. This shift in societal norms has led to an increase in the number of individuals and couples seeking fertility treatments like Donor Egg IVF to build their families.
4. Supportive Legal and Ethical Frameworks: In many countries, the legal and ethical frameworks surrounding egg donation and IVF procedures have become more supportive, enabling more individuals to access these services. This has encouraged the growth of the Donor Egg IVF market, particularly in regions where such procedures were previously restricted.
Market Challenges
Despite its growth, the Donor Egg IVF market faces several challenges. The high cost of procedures, ethical concerns related to egg donation, and varying legal regulations across different regions can act as barriers to market expansion. Additionally, the emotional and psychological aspects of using donor eggs can be significant for recipients, requiring comprehensive counseling and support services.
Another challenge is the limited availability of egg donors, which can be a significant hurdle in certain regions. This scarcity can lead to longer waiting times and higher costs for prospective parents, potentially limiting access to these treatments.
Future Prospects
The future of the Donor Egg IVF market looks promising, with several trends likely to shape its development. The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in fertility treatments could improve success rates and make the process more efficient. Additionally, the growing popularity of cross-border reproductive care, where individuals travel to other countries for fertility treatments, is expected to further drive market growth.
Moreover, as societal attitudes continue to evolve, the demand for Donor Egg IVF is likely to increase, particularly among non-traditional families. This will likely lead to further innovations in reproductive technology and more personalized fertility treatments tailored to individual needs.
Key Player Analysis:
The Cape Fertility Clinic
Medfem Fertility Clinic
Beacon CARE Fertility
Merrion Fertility Clinic
The Montreal Fertility Center
Shanghai United Family Hospital
Morpheus Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
KL Fertility & Gynecology Centre
Bourn Hall Fertility Center
TMC Fertility Centre
By Cycle Type
Fresh Donor Egg IVF Cycle
Frozen Donor Egg IVF Cycle
By End User
Fertility Clinics
Surgical Centres
Clinical Research Institutes
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/donor-egg-ivf-market
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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zany1122 · 24 days
Best IVF Hospital in Kolkata
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there may be several fertility clinics and medical facilities in Kolkata, India, offering In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments. However, keep in mind that specific details, services, and the availability of treatments can change over time.
If you are considering Best IVF Centre in Kolkata it’s recommended to research and contact fertility clinics directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Here are some general steps you can take:
Research Fertility Clinics: Look for reputable fertility clinics in Kolkata. You can use online search engines, healthcare directories, or seek recommendations from your primary healthcare provider.
Check Clinic Websites: Visit the official websites of the Best IVF Clinic in Kolkata to gather information about their services, treatment options, success rates, and medical professionals.
Read Patient Reviews: Patient reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the experiences of others who have undergone fertility treatments at specific clinics.
Consultation: Schedule a consultation with fertility specialists at the clinics you are interested in. This allows you to discuss your specific situation, understand the treatment options available, and ask any questions you may have.
Consider Success Rates: Inquire about the clinic’s success rates with Best IVF Hospital in Kolkata. Success rates can vary, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations.
Costs and Insurance: Understand the costs associated with IVF treatments, including consultation fees, procedure costs, medications, and any additional services. Check if your health insurance covers any part of the expenses.
Legal and Ethical Considerations: Be aware of the legal and ethical aspects of fertility treatments in India. Ensure that the clinic follows the necessary guidelines and protocols.
Ask about Support Services: Inquire about the counseling and support services provided by the clinic. Emotional support can be crucial during the IVF journey.
Second Opinions: If needed, consider seeking a second opinion from another fertility specialist to ensure that you are well-informed about your options.
Please note that regulations, available treatments, and clinic details may have changed since my last update. It’s always advisable to directly contact the clinics for the latest information. Additionally, discussing your specific medical history and concerns with fertility specialists will provide you with personalized guidance tailored to your situation.
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rsp-uae · 25 days
Genetic Counseling and Testing: Vital Resources for Avoiding Down Syndrome
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Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21, leading to developmental and intellectual challenges. While the condition is widely recognized, many prospective parents are unaware of the steps they can take to reduce the risk of having a child with Down syndrome. Genetic counseling and testing play a crucial role in providing valuable information and guidance for those looking to avoid Down syndrome and make informed reproductive choices. This article explores the importance of these resources and how they can assist families in planning for a healthy future.
Understanding Down Syndrome: Causes and Risk Factors
Down syndrome occurs due to a random error in cell division called nondisjunction, which results in an extra chromosome 21. The condition is not typically inherited, but certain factors can increase the likelihood of a Down syndrome pregnancy:
Maternal Age: Women over the age of 35 are at a higher risk of having a child with Down syndrome. As maternal age increases, so does the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
Family History: While most cases of Down syndrome are not inherited, having a family history of the condition may slightly increase the risk.
Previous Pregnancy with Down Syndrome: Parents who have had a child with Down syndrome have a higher chance of having another child with the condition.
The Role of Genetic Counseling in Avoiding Down Syndrome
Genetic counseling is a critical service for individuals or couples planning to conceive, particularly if they are at an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome/متلازمة الداون. Genetic counselors are trained professionals who provide information about genetic conditions, discuss testing options, and support families in making informed decisions.
Risk Assessment: During a genetic counseling session, the counselor will review the couple's medical history, family history, and any previous pregnancy outcomes to assess the risk of Down syndrome. This information helps in determining whether genetic testing is advisable.
Education and Awareness: Genetic counselors educate prospective parents about Down syndrome, including its causes, symptoms, and potential challenges. They also discuss the implications of the condition and the available options for managing it.
Testing Options: The counselor will explain the various genetic tests available to assess the risk of Down syndrome, helping parents understand the pros and cons of each test. They also discuss the timing and accuracy of these tests, which is vital for informed decision-making.
Genetic Testing: Tools for Early Detection and Prevention
Genetic testing can identify the risk of Down syndrome during pregnancy or even before conception. These tests are essential tools for parents who want to avoid Down syndrome or plan for a child with the condition.
Preconception Testing:
Carrier Screening: Carrier screening tests can be performed before pregnancy to determine if either parent carries a chromosomal abnormality that could increase the risk of Down syndrome. This information can help couples make informed reproductive choices.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): For couples undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization), PGD allows for the screening of embryos for chromosomal abnormalities before implantation, reducing the risk of Down syndrome.
Prenatal Testing:
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): NIPT is a blood test that can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. It analyzes small fragments of fetal DNA circulating in the mother's blood to detect the risk of Down syndrome with high accuracy.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and Amniocentesis: These tests involve sampling placental tissue or amniotic fluid to directly examine fetal chromosomes. While they offer definitive results, they are more invasive and carry a small risk of miscarriage.
Gender Selection and Genetic Testing: In some cases, parents may consider gender selection as part of their family planning strategy. Although gender selection itself does not prevent Down syndrome, it can be combined with genetic testing to ensure that only healthy embryos are selected for implantation during IVF. This approach allows parents to reduce the risk of chromosomal abnormalities while also choosing the gender of their child, which can be significant for balancing family dynamics.
Emotional and Ethical Considerations
While genetic counseling and testing offer valuable insights, they also come with emotional and ethical challenges. Prospective parents may face difficult decisions based on the test results, such as whether to continue a pregnancy if Down syndrome is detected. Genetic counselors provide support during these challenging times, helping families navigate their options and make choices that align with their values and circumstances.
Emotional Support: Genetic counselors are equipped to provide emotional support to couples facing the stress and uncertainty of genetic testing. They offer a safe space to discuss concerns, fears, and hopes for the future.
Ethical Considerations: Deciding whether to pursue testing or take action based on the results can raise ethical questions. Couples must consider their beliefs, values, and what is best for their family when making these decisions. Genetic counselors can guide these conversations, ensuring that families make informed and compassionate choices.
Genetic counseling and testing are vital resources for individuals and couples looking to avoid Down syndrome and plan for a healthy family. By providing comprehensive risk assessments, education, and testing options, these services empower parents to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. While the process may involve complex emotional and ethical considerations, the support of a skilled genetic counselor can help families navigate these challenges with confidence and care. As science and technology continue to advance, genetic counseling and testing will remain indispensable tools in the quest to ensure a healthy future for all families.
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