#Pregnancy Readiness Consultation
shubhragoyal · 11 months
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Pre-pregnancy counseling: Your stepping stone to parenthood. Get expert guidance and prepare for a healthy and informed pregnancy journey.
Learn more: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/pre-pregnancy-counseling:-a-stepping-stone-to-parenthood
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starryevermore · 5 months
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand ✧ azriel
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: azriel x vanserra!fem!reader
summary: azriel tries to fix the mess he made. you almost let him. 
word count: 4,529
warnings?: angst city™ bitch, dual povs, threats of death, traumatic childbirth, azriel begging for forgiveness, open ending, there will be no other parts to this, not proofread
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As the only daughter of Autumn, your relationship with your brothers was quite different than their relationships with each other. You were no threat to the throne. A female could never be High Lord. Yet, that did not let you free from Beron’s iron tight grip on his family and their perception by Prythian. The only thing a female was good for was marrying well and producing children. If you ever proved yourself to be an embarrassment to the Vanserra family, you learned the limitless bounds of the former High Lord’s wrath. Your brothers would be there to help mend you, offering comfort in the best ways they could. It wasn’t much, but it meant a lot to you. 
It damn near broke your heart when you realized you had to leave them behind to be with your mate. Beron would never—ever—allow you to be mated to an Illyrian brute. Knowing that your brothers would only be hurt if you told them, you decided that Eris was the best option in confiding your plan to run. Together, you left a note saying that you were leaving to be with your mate and he helped you cross Autumn’s border. You prayed to the Mother that Beron was not too cruel to him, or your other brothers, when he discovered your disappearance. You knew you would likely not see them again, and you hoped they might forgive you for that. Then everything Under the Mountain happened—you were trapped in Velaris for fifty years, all too aware that you would never find out if they did. 
That was the one blessing, you supposed, of returning to the Autumn Court all these decades later. With Beron gone and Eris as High Lord, it was easy to fall back in with your family. Though Eris was ready to march down to the Night Court and burn Azriel where he stood, and your other brothers were ready to follow, things calmed down in the end. The rage still simmered, hovering just below the surface. All it would take was one wrong move by the Night Court and any alliances Eris had previously forged would go up in smoke.
Despite your request for no further correspondence, the Night Court continued to periodically reach out to you. Mostly Feyre because she had been your friend, but occasionally Rhys who would inquire about the status of your pregnancy. Though he never said it outright, you knew it was to find out if your babe had wings. His motives, you were unsure. Was it out of concern for your wellbeing? You recalled how panicked he had been during Feyre’s pregnancy. Perhaps he was worried about you for your sake. A larger part of you thought it was out of concern for his brother. That if your babe had wings, then it would mean you would surely die. And if you were to die, could you find it in your heart to let your mate be by your side one last time? Your skin itched at the thought of Azriel anywhere near your babe. 
Truthfully, you didn’t know. Whenever your healer, a kind elderly fae named Brigid, would ask if you wanted to know, you would always decline. You didn’t want to experience your pregnancy knowing there was an expiration date. You wanted to live it, to enjoy it. Because Nesta could not bargain with the Cauldron any longer. Not even her, in all her power, could save you. You would rather spend your final days healing from Azriel’s betrayal and preparing for the birth of your child than worry about the inevitable. 
Besides, you were worried that the loyal shadow wound up wrist would run to Azriel at the first sign of harm to you. 
Eris was not fond of that choice. He was certain that he could find a way to save your life should it come down to it. You were less convinced. But he was a prideful male, and you had learned long ago to not get in the way of a male’s ego. If he wanted to be delusional, so be it. That didn’t mean you had to feed into those delusions. 
Today, however, was a day of celebration. The Fall Equinox had come and so the Forest House was alive with fae from across the courts. The Night Court wasn’t present—hadn’t even been extended an invitation, if Eris was to be believed. You admired his loyalty to you, but you knew the Night Court was not an enemy to be made. To be their ally was to be protected. In a land still wrought from the effects of Amarantha and the King of Hybern, it would be too costly to be making enemies of a court so powerful. 
You ignored those concerns today, trying to focus on the festivities. It was hard to enjoy them. You were at the end of your pregnancy. Brigid had warned against your attendance, arguing that you needed to rest. But you were stubborn like your brothers. If you wanted one more night of revelry, you should have it. 
That was, ultimately, your downfall. 
You were dancing with one of your brothers, Crispin. Or, at the very least, dancing the best you could. You were sure it looked pathetic—a far cry from the elegance Beron beat into you. You were having too much fun to care. So much fun, you almost missed the pain shooting through. 
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips. Crispin froze, extending his arms out to help steady you. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Do you need to sit?”
“The babe—there’s something wrong with the babe,” you manage, keeling over from the pain.
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“Give me one godsdamned reason not to gut you where you stand.”
Azriel barely glanced up at the male in his house. It was only a matter of time, he mused, before one of your brothers came for him. For some reason, Lucien hadn’t been particularly high on the list he made, ranking the likelihood of each brother to come breaking down the door. Mostly because Lucien spent most of his time in the mortal lands, far away from news of what Azriel had done. But, eventually, all word gets out. 
“Because I deserve a more painful death than gutting me would provide.”
Lucien’s hand wound itself in Azriel’s hair, yanking it back. A blade pressed against his throat. “Damned right you do. She was always too fucking good for you.”
“I know.”
“Do you know how many males would kill for a mate as kind as her? Do you know how many males begged Beron for her hand? You are lucky she ever spared you the time of day,” Lucien hissed. 
Again, Azriel said, “I know.”
And he did. Mother above, he did. Every day of the last nine months, Azriel had been kicking himself for treating you the way he did. How had he misread all of the signs? Why did he let his anxieties, his worries of not being good enough for you, cloud his judgment? Azriel found himself wishing he could turn back time, stop himself from ruining the best thing he ever had. 
Now, he was left in the dark. His friends scarcely spoke to him. Ever since Feyre and Rhys learned of his accusations, word spread among the Inner Circle. Cassian looked at him like he didn’t even know his brother. Mor sneered the first time she saw him. Amren hadn’t said a word to him. And Nesta…He was sure she was going to rip his wings off and throw him off the House of Wind. Even Elain looked at him as if he were a monster. Sometimes, though, Feyre would fill him in on the few replies you sent to her letters. And if he asked pathetically enough, Rhys would send you inquiries about your wellbeing. Those never got a reply. 
Azriel almost wished he had a mission to go on to distract himself. To able to take his pain out on another helpless soul. But Rhys had barred him from his work. A punishment for his actions, Azriel was sure. Rhysand would never call it that. Always said something about giving Azriel time to reflect. But Azriel was tired of reflecting. Reflection wouldn’t undo what he did. Reflection wouldn’t bring you back. 
“You’re a pathetic excuse for a male,” Lucien spat. “Hybern should have killed you. It would have spared the rest of us from your waste of a life.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. It would have killed you, he was sure, if he had died. But at least you would know he loved you. At least you wouldn’t be aching because your mate proved he didn’t trust you. You wouldn’t have your babe, but at least you could be assured that Azriel would never accuse you of infidelity. 
“Have you seen her?” Azriel croaked. 
Lucien released his hold on Azriel’s hair. He fell forward, but didn’t turn to face the male. He could hear Lucien’s snarl as he said, “Color me surprised when I return from the mortal lands to learn from Elain that you cast my sister aside, made her leave her home, because you refused to listen to her. You’re lucky that Eris answered my letter with haste, explaining she was safe in Autumn. Consider yourself even luckier that the High Lord made me wait to come here before I got that answer. Do you have any idea how far she had to travel on foot? You made a pregnant female—your mate—travel through Winter alone.”
Azriel held back his sob. 
“A farmer had to be the one to bring her to Forest House. She would have died if not for his kindness.” Lucien’s hand curled around Azriel’s throat, his nails digging in. “Their blood would have been on your hands if they did.”
“I-I didn’t think—”
“No, you didn’t—”
Hurt,a shadow whispered. Azriel’s head snapped up. He wrenched himself out of Lucien’s death grip, searching for the shadow he hadn’t seen in months. Most of the others had stuck around, hissing their disapproval in his ear. But he knew one had gone missing, prayed to the Mother that it was making sure you were safe when he couldn’t. Come quick.
“What?” Azriel breathed out. No. No. It couldn’t mean you. You were safe, in Autumn. You were under your brothers’ protection. No harm should ever befall you there. None…Unless—
She’s hurt. The babe is stuck. Come—quick.
Azriel jumped out of his seat, moving faster than he had in months. This couldn’t be. The babe didn’t have wings. Surely, if the babe had wings, you would have told Rhysand. You would have told someone. Unless, you didn’t know. He had to get to you. He had to see you. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“She’s gone into labor,” he managed. The room felt like it was spinning. Was he about to lose you forever? No. No, he couldn’t handle that. He could handle you alive, hating him forever. But to lose you like this…For you to not know how deeply sorry he was, he couldn’t live with that. He would sooner follow you in death than live in a world without you. “The babe has wings.”
Lucien’s eyes narrowed. “They’ll kill you if you go. They’ll make me look like mercy.”
“I-I need to get Madja. She has experience with this. I need to give her a shot.” Azriel sniffed, praying the tears wouldn’t fall. Not now. “Even if she never lets me see the babe, I need to do everything in my power to give them a chance to live.”
Azriel half-expected Lucien to drive his dagger into his heart. Instead, his lip curled. “Go. Before I change my mind. I’ll warn my brothers of your arrival. They will welcome Madja’s help. But whatever they decide to do with you, I will not interfere.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you.”
“I know. But…thank you.”
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Your screams do not sound like your own. It sounded like, felt like, it was coming from someone else. Nothing about this, truthfully, felt like it was happening to you. You were vaguely aware of your mother on your right side, Eris on your left. Brigid was between your legs, trying to help the babe into a proper birthing position. Somewhere beyond the closed, oak door you could hear your brothers Crispin and Heath shouting at someone. Oh, you hoped they were terrorizing the servants. 
“You’re alright, my love,” your mother was saying as she stroked your hair, “you’re doing so well.”
Your scream was your only response. Fuck. You had never experienced pain quite like this before. Not even Beron’s flames compared to this. It was a miracle you hadn’t passed out yet. Though, the thought of shutting your eyes and closing out the rest of the world was quite tempting. No. You needed to stay strong. If not for yourself, then for your babe. You had to give her a fighting chance. 
Her. You were so certain your babe was a female. Brigid had never told you, because you had never asked. If you had known, the gender or the status of wings, you would want to tell Azriel. It would be the one thing, you were certain, that would break your resolve. You weren’t sure if you ever wanted the shadowsinger back into your life, but…Well, he had always want a babe that looked just like you. A little princess to dote on. To show how to fly. 
Another scream ripped through you. It felt like your soul was being torn out. Like sharp talons raked down your body, gripping at your essence, ready to take you back to the Mother. You wouldn’t go back. Not until your babe was born. After that…If the Mother wanted you, she could take you. Your babe would be in safe hands with your family. 
Desperately, you tried to search out for the shadow that not left your side in nine months. It had become a source of comfort. Its cold nature soothed the flames of Autumn burning inside of you. It reminded you of home. But when your eyes flicked to your wrist, then down your arm, it was gone. How long had it been gone? Why did it abandon you when you finally needed it? Where did it—
Something slammed against the oaken door. 
Eris’s head snapped up to glare at the wood. “What in the Cauldron is happening out there?” he hissed. 
“Go, check,” your mother said. “We need to keep this room as calm as possible. If your brothers are picking fights out there, then they’ll only make it worse. She cannot afford any unwarranted stress.”
Eris gave a tight nod and stepped away from your side. He didn’t even make it halfway across the room before the door slammed open, the wood splintering. A body hit the floor. Your vision was too blurred to make out who, or the person who stepped over him, approaching your bed. That is, until she was close enough for you to recognize the all-too-familiar face. 
“Madja?” you managed. “How—”
“He brought me here,” she said, stepping in between your legs. Brigid made room for you, taking the opportunity to move away to grab some fresh towels. Madja tutted at the sight of you, then got to work. 
“I don’t want him here!” The words tumbled out before you could stop them. 
You barely caught Madja glancing over to the fallen figure. In the haze, you finally recognized the wings. Azriel. He was here. Your breath caught. That was why the shadow had left you. It had gone to find him. Was it out of loyalty to its master? Or was it out of concern for you? A little shadow escaped from Azriel, speeding back to you. The cold thing stroked your face, as if to comfort you, to apologize for leaving you alone. 
Azriel’s head lifted. You were grateful you couldn’t see the hurt in his eyes. Crispin and Heath each grabbed an arm, dragging your mate back up to his feet. Though you all knew he could easily fight them off, he didn’t make a single move. Purple was already beginning to blossom on his exposed bits of skin. Had that been why you heard your brother’s shouting? 
Too pained to stand the look of him, you focused back on Madja. “Better or worse than Feyre?” Your voice was tight. It took every bit of your energy to not roar in pain. 
“The babe is starting to come out, but her wings are stuck,” she said. “We’ll have to break bones to get her out.”
“Mine or hers?” you nearly cried. 
“Both.” Madja glanced up at you. She masked her sorrow well, but you saw through it. You knew the next thing she was going to say, and you knew your answer, too. “I don’t know that I can save you both.”
“Her. Save her.”
“NO!” Azriel shouted. 
You barely processed Eris’s body slamming into Azriel. He let out a low groan at the contact. If you weren’t already in so much pain, you would have been able to feel how much that hurt through the bond. You wondered how much Azriel could feel. For the last nine months, you had kept your end closed. But after going into labor, it took too much effort to push him away. 
“You are the last godsdamned person who gets to make decisions about her,” Eris hissed. “You’re lucky I don’t throw you in the fucking dungeon—”
“I already gave him the whole speech, brother.”
Lucien? How did he get here? How did he know? 
Azriel ignored your brothers. To Madja, he pleaded, “Give her a chance—both of them a chance.”
Eris’s fist landed square on Azriel’s jaw. “Don’t even look in her fucking direction.”
“All of you, out!” your mother shouted. The males all froze in place. “What did I say about removing unnecessary stress? Eris, take him to the library and let him stay there until this is over. The rest of you, make yourselves useful.”
Your attention turned back to Madja, ignoring the sulking males, as her cold hand touched your knee. “We have to make a decision, dear.”
From the corner of your eye, you watched as Azriel stiffened. He wouldn’t be pleased with you, you were sure. And perhaps it was cruel to subject him to the cold pain of losing a mate. But that was mercy compared to what he did to you. 
To Madja, you said, “Do what you must.”
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Azriel stared at the oak doors of the library. Eris and Lucien had been left at his guards while Crispin and Heath disappeared to gather more supplies for Madja and Brigid. He paid them and their snarls no mind. Nothing could distract him from your wails of pain echoing through Forest House. Every inch of him, every fiber of his being, called for him to go to you. To be by your side. It was only your words that kept him still. 
“I don’t want him here!”
Five words was all it took for you to rip Azriel’s heart out. How you did it so succinctly, struck him right to the core, when it took an illogical rant from him to break yours was a mystery to him. Worse yet, Azriel wasn’t sure you were even aware of what you were saying. You looked like you were barely processing Madja’s appearance. Did you truly want him gone? 
Visions of your near-lifeless eyes looking at him flashed through his mind. He was going to lose you today. Was it a kinder fate for you to die than live in a world with him? Would things be different if he hadn’t fucked things up so spectacularly? Azriel imagined you in your shared home, your family—the Inner Circle—surrounding you. Love for you would be in the air, not contempt for him. Would that have been enough to save you? 
He shook his head. He was being ridiculous. Your family—the Vanserras—loved you, too. Perhaps more than the Inner Circle. While his family was content to ignore his existence, yours was willing to strike him down where he stood for even deigning to show his face in Autumn. He was sure Crispin and Heath would have actually killed him if they hadn’t drove his body through the door first.
Azriel flinched as another scream ripped down the halls. 
“Don’t act like this is painful to you,” Eris snarled. 
Azriel managed to lift a glare to him. “I can feel everything she does. If she is hurting, so am I.”
“That mattered little to you when you accused her of being a whore,” Lucien said. 
“And I will regret to the day I die. I will spend the rest of my days atoning for what I did.” Azriel lifted his chin. “But would killing me save her?”
Eris stepped closer to him. “Don’t even pretend to care about her. Where have you been these last nine months? Where were you when her morning sickness left her unable to leave the bed for days, unable to keep anything down? When she would go to Brigid for updates on the babe? When she couldn’t even pick out things for a nursery because the perfect one was left behind in the Night Court?”
He jerked like he had been slapped. Sometimes, he could still feel the sting of Feyre hitting him. Until today, she had been the only one brave enough to hurt him for what he did. Azriel would take every beating, though, if it meant you would live. 
Azriel opened his mouth to respond, but fell short. Silence rung through Forest House. Your screams—they had stopped. The cries of a babe did not fill their place. He tugged desperately at the bond, hoping to feel your pull. Nothing. There was nothing. 
No, he couldn’t lose you. 
Against his better judgment, Azriel fled from the library. He raced down the hall, the eldest and youngest Vanserra hot on his heels. He needed to see you. He needed to know that you still lived. Perhaps you were asleep. Birth was exhausting. Azriel remembered Feyre slept for hours after having Nyx. Perhaps you were doing the same. But then why wasn’t the babe crying? 
The door was ajar when he reached it. It took little effort to push it open, to open himself to the scene on the other side. On the far side of the room, Madja and Brigid had the babe. A beautiful little girl. His beautiful little girl. Azriel’s eyes flicked back to you. Your mother was covering your body with a blanket. Were you truly sleeping? No, you were too still, even by fae standards. Your chest didn’t rise. Your eyelids didn’t flutter.
Azriel’s gaze fell to your limp hand hanging from the edge of the bed. He sank to his knees, reaching for it. He half-expected Eris or Lucien to rip him away, to throw back back over the border. But no one touched him. 
“Let him mourn,” he heard your mother say. 
“He doesn’t deserve it.” Whether that was Eris or Lucien, he wasn’t sure. 
“It matters little what he deserves now.”
You couldn’t be gone. You couldn’t be. Somewhere beyond, a faint cry rang through the room. A weight lifted off his chest. At least the babe survived. At least Madja managed that. But…None of that mattered if you weren’t here, too. None of it mattered if you couldn’t hold her. 
A hand touched his shoulder. He lifted his head to stare up at your mother. “Her name is Bronwyn.”
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
“We’re going to take her to a wet nurse. But…you may stay for as long as you like. Ignore my sons. They are in pain, too.”
“Thank you,” he said again. 
Silence filled the room again. Azriel was certain he was alone again, until he heard padding of footsteps along the wooden floor. He didn’t have to look up to know it was Madja. 
“She could still live. It is not…It is not the worst birth I have seen. I have seen weaker women pull through from more horrible circumstances.”
“Why do you tell me this?”
“We believe, when people are in this state of limbo, they can still our world. Talk to her. You might be able to pull her back.”
“She wouldn’t come back for me.”
“Then why did she nearly tell her mother to come get you?” Madja patted his shoulder. “Food for thought. Do as you wish, Spymaster. I will be back to check on her later.”
Azriel did not move for three days and three nights. Despite what Madja had said, he couldn’t find any words to share with you. Everything felt wrong. What was he supposed to say? Apologies would scarcely suffice. Should he beg? It was tempting, but he wasn’t sure his pathetic snifflings would return you, either. 
Every so often, your mother would come in, Bronwyn in her arms. She would lay the babe on your chest and coo about how much she was growing already. Lucien would come in to tell you about what he had been doing in the mortal lands. Eris was rant about the politics of being a newly minted High Lord. Heath would talk about the latest book he had read. Crispin came once—sobbed about how he should have realized what was happening, should have gotten you help sooner. 
Everyone else had something to say. Something more moving, more earth-shattering, than whatever grovel he would wretch up. 
But on the fourth morning, as the morning sunlight began to stream onto you, he lifted himself from his knees. There was just enough space beside you that he could curl up to. It cramped his wings, but he was willing to ignore the pain. 
“I should have cherished you,” he whispered. His throat was tight. “I should have trusted you. I do, trust you I mean. Before you, I never knew unconditional love. Even through the last few centuries together, it still boggled my mind that you could look at me and find something worth loving. When I came home that day, I was so scared that you had finally found something better. It will never excuse what I did.”
He reached up, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “Come back, my wildfire. Not for me. I could spend the rest of my life making up for that mistake, but it would never be enough to warrant your forgiveness. But your family…They shouldn’t be hurt because of what I did. Come back for them. Come back for Bronwyn. Come back, and you will never have to see me again unless you so wish it. Just…live.”
Azriel’s eyes squeezed shut. He felt wetness drip down his face, onto your soft skin where his face was pressed. “Please, live.”
Your eyes opened. 
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
Our New Beginning
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This small mini series is inspired by this anons' request here!
I found this absoloutely adorable to write and I hope that you all like it as well!
pairings: leah williamson x reader
summary: leah and reader have always wanted to start a family and that day finally comes true.
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You remember the day that you and your wife first planned to have a baby, just like it was yesterday.
For as long as you and Leah had been together, you had always been certain that you both wanted the same thing, which was to start a family and grow old together.
It was a forseeable dream that you both shared and you both knew it was only a matter of time before it happened.
"So, I was thinking," Your wife began, you were sat in your living room as the crisp autumn air filled the room, both of you sat with your fingers interwined. "I think we're ready," she stated.
"Oh, ready for what?" You couldn't hide the amusment in your voice.
"I think we're ready to start our own little family," Leah said, her eyes bright with anticpation at the thought.
You smiled and felt a surge of excitment mixed with nerves, "It's a big step, but I think so too. I can't imagine doing it with anyone else but you," you told your wife honestly.
Leah leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, "I love you," she whispered, "Lets' do this, let's have a baby," she said.
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In the weeks that followed, you and your wife drove headfirst into your preparations for journey towards parenthood. You had both done extensive research on fertility clinics, consulted with doctors and meticulously planned every little detail.
You decided you would be the one to carry, Leahs' football career was at a high right now and you didn't mind putting your career on the backburner to start a family with your wife.
It was clear that you were both just excited as one another, when one day you sneakily caught Leah browsing online for baby clothes.
"Really?" You asked your wife, a hint of amusement in your voice, "We're not even pregnant yet, love" The reminder from you was gentle, at the end of the day, you knew your wife was just looking forward to starting this journey together with you.
And the fact that your wife was a die-hard Arsenal fan, so of course she would be adamant that her own baby would therefore have their own kit, be damned.
"There's no harm in just looking," Leah waved off your tone of voice, "You can't not expect me to not get them one, our baby is going to be a Gooner, following in their mummy's footsteps. Arsenal runs through their blood," she joked with you, playfully.
"What if they don't even like football?" You challenged, amusedly.
Leah gasped and clutched her hand over her heart, "Arsenal will through their blood, whether they like it or not," she declared with a certain determination in her voice.
You couldn't help but chuckle and imagine your future together with your wife, filled with football games and family outings, "They'll be the cutest little Gooner," you replied, pulling Leah into a tight embrace.
Leah's excitement was palpable, already evisioning their little one wearing a tiny Arsenal shirt, "I can't wait to take them to their first match," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy.
Finally, the day arrived for you both to undergo the first IVF procedure, nerves fluttered in your stomach as the two of you sat in the waiting room, your wife holding your hand in comfort.
As you both were called into the doctors office, Leah squeezed your hand, her excitement was tinged with her own nervousness, "Whatever happens, we're in this together," she whispered, her voice steady with determination.
"We're in this together," You repeated with the same determination.
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You thought the IVF procedure would be the part that you were most worried about, but instead it was the the anxious waiting around for the results, that wait was the longest for sure.
Or at least it felt like it was.
Every single day with the lead up to taking the pregnancy test, the anticipation mounted and your nerves felt like they were never settled.
So many times, so many times you wanted to pick up the test and try it earlier than the recommended 2 weeks after the embryo transfer, it was hard to not do it.
You could say it was the same sort of feelings for your wife, especially when you found her up at all early hours in the morning, pacing back and forth with that small frown planted on her face that you would always teased her about, until the day where you could take the test.
You would always remember that special day, the day that changed both of your worlds' for the better.
Your dream had come true, finally.
"Le, come look at this a minute," You motioned your wife to join you, where you stood in the bathroom with a white stick balanced on the counter, the results clear as day.
2 very bold lines, you were pregnant.
Your wife was quick to bolt up from her seat on the sofa to join you in the bathroom, setting her eyes on the test as she gasped, "We're pregnant?" Leah whispered, tears of joy starting to stream down her cheeks as she stared down at the test in her hands.
"We're pregnant," You repeated, your voice trembling with emotion.
Leah's heart swelled with happiness as she wrapped her arms around you, holding you close, "We did it," she murmered, the tears still flowing down her cheeks.
In that moment, all the planning, all the nerves and the waiting faded away, it was replaced with an overwhelming sense of love and grattitude for your new addition to your little family and you both couldn't wait to welcome your little bundle of joy to the world.
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leahwilliamsonn and y/nwilliamson posted
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Liked by liawaelti, alessiarusso99 & 87,233 others.
leahwilliamsonn: So, we've been keeping a little secret to ourselves for a while now, that we'd like to share with all of you. Our dream of starting a family together has finally become real!
We can't wait to meet you, baby Gooner ❤️
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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oddballwriter · 6 months
Moon Boys with a Pregnant Reader
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Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and reader being pregnant 
Author’s Snip: Something wholesome to go with the previous headcanon about calling them your husband.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
Absolutely over the moon
I've said it before I will say it a million times more, Steven wants to be a father SO BAD and he wants as many as you two can manage. So when you're pregnant he shakes with joy
Steven makes it his job to make sure your pregnancy is the easiest it can be
He looks up remedies for any symptoms to help ease them and consults on mom forums to ask for advice on what he should be doing
Steven also researches the development of babies in the womb, like their size at each point in time/stage, what they're able to do, all that
To him, the best and most important part is when they start to kick and hear. Once the baby can hear he makes sure to talk to your bump so that they're used to their voice. It's as wholesome as you think it is, man is just yapping like he always does.
"When you're out here it's going to be great. We have everything ready and set for you."
Steven starts making a picture book so that the baby can look through it when they're older and also have memories. Marc and Jake make fun of him for it but they look through the photos that he's put in already like the first sonogram and the progression of your bump with side notes like "You're about the size of an apple in this one."
Steven gets a bit of a spending addiction once it's time to start buying stuff. He can't help it. He'll be there at the store and passes the baby aisle and he sees all the cute onesies, clothes, mobiles, and the tiny little shoes. My goodness, the tiny little shoes.
You have to tell him no and it breaks your heart a little to say no to him, but you already have like three baby mobiles and plenty of clothes.
Steven is honestly the dream father. All the women in the vicinity of you will see you and him out together and come up saying that it's so nice to see a man taking care of and being so involved in the pregnancy
When you're close to being due Steven can hardly sleep. What if you go into labor right now? Or in the middle of the night when he's out. Or what if you sit down too fast and that triggers it to start. Honestly, you need to tell him to calm down
Marc Spector
Marc makes it his job to take care of you and protect you
You know the deal. Marc's anxious about being a dad and that he's going to do it wrong or not protect them, so he starts being protective of you while pregnant to feed his need to be protective and prepared. It's nice and all but when you first started out he was a bit in your space
Eventually he tones it down but he is still being a bit of a guard dog
He closely checks all the food while you're at the grocery store to make sure nothing is in there that you and the baby aren't meant to have
Also, you will always get the lighter bags. Always. Marc will carry all the heavy ones and no, you can not convince him to let you carry one bag. You're carrying the baby, that's the only 'heavy' thing you should be carrying
He's also very picky and methodical. Steven said that pregnant people 'nest' but it seems like somehow Marc has taken most of that
He cleans everything until he deems it clean enough and places things in spots that "seem right". However, when it comes to the placement of things in the nursery he always asks you for your opinion because you, as the one carrying the baby, get the final say
When your baby starts to kick and your baby bump gets more prominent he gets all soft and mushy, emotional even. He was just preparing for something that he was expecting but now he knows that this is real. You're actually pregnant. You're going to have a baby with them and raise a child together.
It actually makes him cry, in a good way, because this is his chance to prove himself of being worthy of having joy and happiness to himself
For a good long while, Marc spends his free nights laying with his head next to your bump and just basking in the feeling. He talks to them too.
"It's just crazy to me because... you're there. You're actually real. You can hear me and you can kick and all that. And when you come out I can hold you and you can make noise and cry and squirm around. It's crazy. You're real, and I'm your dad and I'll get to see you grow up and teach you how to be a person."
When you're close to being due, he and the boys make a go bag so that you can be ready for when you go into labor but Marc sort of falls back into the intense need for preparation that he gets anxious over it and will check the go bag over and over and over again to make sure everything is in there
You need to tell him that it's alright and that the things in the bag aren't going to sneak off somehow
Jake Lockley
Jake makes sure you're happy
In his mind, there's no need to stress over the baby's growth because the doctors and check-ups take care of that. If something is wrong or needs to be done then they'll tell you and you can do what they said to do. But otherwise, he's more focused on you.
That's not to say he isn't doing anything. Of course not! He makes sure you're comfortable and healthy and that you aren't taking on any stress or workloads that might cause strain
Jake 100% is the one who builds everything, and he's good at it, and fast as hell. He built the whole baby crib in like five minutes and then started the next thing
I do feel like he takes on making the pregnancy more fun though
And by that I mean he makes stupid jokes to make you laugh
He quotes the how is prangent formed video all the time and says "pregananant" and "pregante" regularly
When you're in your final stage of pregnancy and are very pregnant he picks up everything that you drop because he knows you can't do it because the bump makes it impossible to bend down
He's seen you try before, and it's funny to him. You look like Chicha from Emperor's New Groove. That or you sit on the floor to be able to get it and then can't get back up.
He's very wholesome though. He's got the sonogram in his wallet as a keepsake to look at from time to time while he's at work
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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alotofpockets · 9 months
From dreams to diapers | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Arsenal!Reader & Lotte Wubben-Moy x Best Friend!Reader
Prompts: "Twins? We're having twins?" & "You're great with kids."
Warnings: Pregnant Alessia, morning sickness, and a whole lot of fluff :)
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.3k
You had met Alessia when the both of you made the squad at UNC. You found comfort in being surrounded by a piece of home in both her and your other teammate Lotte, the three of you being the only girls in the squad that were from the UK. The connection with both girls was great, over time Alessia had become your girlfriend, and Lotte your best friend. 
The three of you made it to the England U15 squad together, and continued to grow up together moving up all the way to the seniors team. While you all played together for country, you had signed with different clubs in the UK. Lotte was the first that signed with Arsenal, you followed a few years later, and Alessia had signed for the club last year. Playing for the same club, and all living in the same city was such a great feeling.
Ever since you started dating Alessia, the two of you had talked about wanting children together in the future. Alessia made the move to Arsenal, when the talk of starting a family started to get more real. Sure, it had always been real but now you both felt like you were ready to actually start a family. The talking started to be less about the general idea, and more about the practical side.
After many consults, and conversations between the two of you, you had decided that Alessia would carry. The striker was more than happy to put her career on hold to get your little family started. You had started the process of getting pregnant a few months ago now, a box of pregnancy tests always present in the house. So far you had only gotten negative results, you both knew it wasn't likely for her to get pregnant right away, so you patiently waited for the day that a test would show a positive result.
A couple weeks later, you wake up to Alessia running to the bathroom. You quickly follow her, and hold her hair up as she’s leaned over the toilet, your hands rub soothing circles over her back. Your wife leans her back against the wall, relishing in the coldness of the tiles against her back. Before you get up to get her a glass of water, you place a soft kiss on her forehead. “Should we check?” A question you had asked her many times over the past few months. 
While you wait for the pregnancy test to be ready, you cuddle up in bed together, holding your wife close. Your alarm lets you know that the test is ready to be checked. Alessia grabs the test from her bedside table, the result face down. “Ready, baby?” You smile at her, before you lean in and kiss her, “Now I’m ready.” Alessia slowly turns the test around, it feels like time stops for a moment when you read the word positive. You slowly lift your head up to look at your wife, who looks at you with matching teary eyes. The both of you are too overwhelmed with emotions to speak, so you just fall into each other's arms. “We’re going to be parents.” You say still in disbelief, when you finally find your voice again. “We’re going to be parents.” Alessia says back, the smile on her face growing.
The two of you stay in the bed a lot longer than you usually did on days you had training, neither one of you wanting to end the moment. But as training got closer, you knew you had to. “Do you feel okay going to training? If not I can call Jonas.” Alessia pecks your lips, “I’m okay to go, thank you though.” She could already tell that you were going to be very protective of her during this pregnancy. 
You kept exchanging love sick glances with Alessia, while the both of you were basking in the moment of the two of you being the only ones in the world that knew that Alessia was pregnant. However, the love sick glances didn’t go unnoticed to your best friend. “What’s up with the two of you?” She asks as the two of you walk up the water bottles. “Nothing.” Your reaction was way too quick for Lotte to believe a word that was coming out of your mouth. “Oh, something is going on.” Her mind starts going over the list of things that her two best friends could be up to, until her eyes widened with a possible explanation for your quick response. “Omg, are you preg-” Your hand was on her mouth before she could finish her sentence, sending her a warning look before you slowly removed your hand again. You weren’t able to hold back the smile that was forming on your face, enough proof for Lotte to know that she was right. She pulls you into a hug, “I am so happy for you both.” She whispers in your direction before joining the rest of the girls again. 
Lotte went with the both of you to all of the doctors appointments, she declared herself the videographer of your journey, and you accepted her role glady. That’s how the three of you found yourself in the doctor's office one morning, ready for an ultrasound. You sat by Alessia, holding her hand, while Lotte stood to the side with her phone ready to film. The doctor applied the gel to Alessia’s belly, and started moving the machine around. Both of you look at the screen in awe, trying to figure out what you were looking at, but knowing that it was a little miracle whether you were able to figure it out yourselves or not. 
“So, here we have the baby.” She points to the screen. Tears start filling your eyes, it was still early in the pregnancy, so you hadn’t seen the baby on the screen just yet. You give Alessia’s hand a squeeze and kiss her forehead. “And then here we have another baby.” Your jaw drops, "Twins? We're having twins?" The doctor smiles at the two of you, “Yes, you’re having twins.” Alessia’s emotions get the best of her as well, as her tears start flowing as well. “I’ll give you all a moment.” The doctor says as she hands you the sonogram. You both stare at the pictures in disbelief. “We’re going to have two babies.” Alessia says in a whisper. You nod with a big smile on your face. The two of you share a long hug, meanwhile Lotte is filming the interaction with tears in her eyes. She was overjoyed for her two best friends, having been along on this journey between the both of you since day one.
The next day at practice you had told the team, and showed them the sonograms. Everyone was overjoyed for the both of you, hugs and congratulations were shared in big numbers, and you couldn’t be happier. After you had told both your families, there was only one more thing to do, and that was to tell the world.
alessiarusso99 and y/nrusso posted
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alessiarusso99: We've got some exciting news to share. I can't believe our dream of starting a family is finally coming true❤️
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y/nrusso: So ready for this new adventure with you❤️
lottewubbenmoy: I'm gonna be an autie!
↳ alessiarusso99: The best auntie :)
↳ leahwilliamsonn: Already playing favoritism...
↳ lottewubbenmoy: Best friend privileges😋
Liked by y/nrusso
↳ user2: OMG y/n liked
leahwilliamsonn: Congrats to the both of you 😘
arsenalwfc: more baby Gooners!
The response to your announcement was incredible, the overwhelming amount of love and that was thrown your way enough to make you tear up. 
After talking with your OB-GYN and with your own trainers, you had set up a schedule for Alessia. She could continue her training for a while longer, but since soccer was a contact sport, the OB-GYN recommended to stop playing matches two weeks from now, and that in the meantime, Alessia could still play, but not a full match.
That’s how you found yourself the next week, the last match Alessia would play before the twins would arrive. After consulting with the trainers, you had decided that Alessia would start and play only the first half. You were happy to walk the field with Alessia by your side, knowing that was going to be something you were going to be missing dearly over the next few months. You walk up to the side line of the field and wait for Alessia and Lotte to join you. You stand in the middle of them and link your arms with them, jumping over the line together. A pre-game ritual the three of you had started back in college, followed by national team matches, and since you all played together for Arsenal, the ritual was brought there too.
The match was going well, you were glad it wasn’t a very physical match so far, for the sake of Alessia and the babies. You manage to intercept a ball and run towards your opponents goal with it, lifting your eyes to see who was with you, when you saw that Alessia was running forward as well. With a calculated kick, the ball goes flying to her feet. You watch as she kicks the ball to the back of the net, running her way to celebrate the goal with her. After a quick hug, you fall to your knees, and place a kiss on her belly. The first goal you ever dedicated to the babies. Alessia pulls you back in for a hug, before you are met with your teammates from all angles. 
Just five more minutes left in the first half when your team earned a corner. Katie takes it and the ball comes flying your way at the back post. You jump up and head the ball into the goal, just slightly out of reach of the goalkeeper. Your eyes met Alessia’s and you knew what you needed to do. You slide down and place another kiss on her tummy, now both babies had a goal dedicated to them. The rest of the match went great and you ended up winning 4-1. All in all, a great match for Alessia to end on. 
While you continued training and playing matches, you were also taking care of your wife, and getting the house ready for the twins. The girls came over often, helping you out. You were forever grateful for them, helping you paint the nursery, and helping the two of you to gather all the stuff that you would need. 
Amidst all the shopping you kept stumbling on pictures of dad’s on baby products, parenting books for fathers, at first they were just things you noticed, but eventually it started to get to you. You didn’t want to bother Alessia with your emotions, as she was literally growing two humans inside of her but being the amazing wife that she is, she noticed your change in behaviour instantly. “Baby, what’s going on?” She asked softly. “It’s nothing, love.” Alessia knew all your tells, so she knew you weren’t being truthful. “Hey, none of that. If something is going on, you can always tell me, baby.” You cave in after she brought out the puppy dog eyes. “I’ve just been in my head about not being related to the twins. What if my maternal instinct won’t kick in? What if I won’t have a connection with them the same way that you will?”
Alessia takes your hands in hers, “Sweetheart, you already have a connection with them. You talk to them, sing to them, and read to them every single day. These kiddos know your voice by heart already. You’re going to show up for our babies, and you’re going to love them, you’re going to care for them, and that is all they will need. You are great with kids, baby, you might not realise it but I think that your maternal instinct kicked in the moment we saw the positive result on the test. You are going to be the most amazing mother to these two little nuggets.” Alessia always knew the right words to say. “Thank you, my love.” You place a kiss onto her cheek. “I needed to hear that.”
The day your baby girls were born was one with many emotions, all of the best kinds. When you held them for the first time, everything you had been worried about faded away. Their little hands holding onto your fingers, and you had never felt more ready to take on motherhood. Alessia was tired but so in love with the two little bundles of joy. Ever since you had found out that you were going to have two girls, you had known what you wanted to name them, and Alessia had loved your idea.
Lotte, Beth, and Viv were the first of your teammates to come visit your family in the hospital. You hadn’t told anyone the names yet, saved for this special moment. After the four of them have admired your girls, you take one of them from their little crib. “This is Mia, named after Alessia’s middle name, since I’ve always loved it so much.” You hand Mia to Beth, Viv is quick to snap a picture. Then you picked up your other little girl, and walked over to Lotte, handing her the baby. “And this little girl was named after our best friend.” Lotte’s eyes quickly shoot up to you. “Meet Mae.” Lotte could not believe that the two of you had named your child after her, as tears started rolling down her cheeks. “I’m so honoured, thank you so much.”
In small groups the rest of the team, and your families came to meet the little girls. You were so grateful for having such a big group of people you called family, knowing that the girls had so many bonus aunties warmed your heart.
y/nrusso and alessiarusso99 posted
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Liked by viviannemiedema and 87,458 others
y/nrusso: Mia and Mae Russo. Welcome to the world, my sweet girls, I love you both so much. P.S. My incredible wife is doing well❤️
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lottewubbenmoy: Like I haven't cried enough yet.. Forever grateful to have one of your little girls named after me. Love them both so much already!
viviannemiedema: The best mama's! 😍
bethmead_: The cutest!
You quickly got used to life as a family of four, and you were loving every single moment of it. The gallery of your phone was filled with pictures and videos of the twins, wanting to capture every moment, so you could hold onto the memories forever.  
The twins were very loved, not only by Alessia and yourself, but also by your friends and family. Your home was often filled with visitors, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
y/nrusso posted
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Liked by alessiarusso99 and 63,785 others
y/nrusso: Life lately 🥰
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
New Neighbor | Jaime Reyes x Plus-Sized!Reader
Requested ● Fem!Artist!Reader
CW: 18+, minor blood and injury, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, rough sex, Scarabs being Scarabs, Reader's scarab is like an overprotective older sibling, pregnancy, strangers to friends to lovers, probably more. (unedited)
A/N: I added some details to this that weren't in the og ask. They just kind of slipped in there, so I hope that's okay. I also gave the other scarab the name Rami because it was all I could think of.
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It started off as being neighborly. Nothing more, nothing less, but it was enough for Jaime and Reader to notice each other. She was moving into the apartment next to his and he offered to help her move some boxes in. She was curvy and capable, seeming to lift the boxes without any trouble, but he was a gentleman and he'd still offer no matter what. The least he could do was hold the door open for her, but she smiled and accepted his offer.
"It'll move things along a lot faster," she laughed.
Once all the boxes and furniture were in her apartment, he offered her something to drink from his place since she didn't have much more than some convenience store bottles and snacks. She accepted and they spent an hour talking, getting to know each other. He worked as a law consultant for Kord Industries while she was a waitress at a new restaurant in the city. They talked about their families and why they decided to live in the city, both agreeing that it was easier to get to their jobs that way. Reader admitted that waitressing was just a temporary thing because she had bigger dreams of being an artist.
Then she had to leave to get ready for work. As soon as she was gone, Khaji Da started:
"Based off of your elevating blood pressure and hormone levels, I can tell you're highly attracted to Reader," it said.
Jaime groaned as his face began to burn. "Don't say stuff like that!"
"It's the truth," it said, continuing its analysis of what just happened without missing a beat. "I'll need to collect more data, but it appears the two of you would be compatible together."
"I'm not having this conversation with you," he told it, shaking his head. He cleaned up the glassware and pushed Khaji Da's ideas out of his mind, at least as much as he could.
In the apartment next to his, Reader was having the opportunity conversation with the pink alien weapon that had attached itself to her over a year ago.
"I don't like him," her Scarab, who'd chosen the name Rami to go by, said. Only she could hear its voice, which didn't bother her much. If anyone else could hear what it said, they'd be offended. It was fiercely protective of her, usually warning her about all sorts of people and their supposed intentions. Reader had gotten used to blocking it out when necessary. "He's hiding something."
"Everyone is entitled to their secrets," Reader told it, stripping down to get in the shower. "Like me. I have you to hide from the world."
"This is true, however, I do not like this Jaime character. He's too nice and obviously hiding something bigger than you think," Rami said. Though its voice was monotonous, it used every word smartly to get its point across.
Reader thought of Rami as somewhat of a brother figure despite it being a sexless war weapon that had bonded to her every fiber of being. She mostly thought this because of the masculine tone it had. The authoritative nature of its words and knowledge lended itself to the idea. It constantly reminded her of its engineered origins so as to not humanize it but she constantly reminded it that it cared for her, which was a human emotion. so, no matter human or biomechanical, they were complex beings.
However, its constant nagging over guys made her wonder why she had to be the chosen one. Why did she have to have a scarab attached to her back? What had she done that made Rami so sure it wanted her as its host? All questions she had asked herself before with little to no answers to be given. She let it be, accepting that this was her life and she'd keep it to herself, because surely there wasn't anyone else who could possibly understand her situation.
Over the next month, Reader and Jaime crossed paths now and again. They saw each other in the hallway or elevator up to their apartments, while getting the mail, or on the balconies right next to each other. They exchanged hello's or see-you-later's, sometimes more than that. Each time she saw him, Reader was a little more smitten by him. Each time he saw her, Jaime fell a little more for her. However, their schedules didn't always align.
Jaime's job, and his cover, as Kord Industries' law consultant, took up his mornings and sometimes his nights. He constantly helped his friend Jenny with something related to the company or the crime rampant throughout the city. He didn't mind, of course, he was being paid to help run tests even though he didn't always understand what they were doing. Reader worked evenings and nights. She raked in tips like no other waiter or waitress at her job, but she always came home tired from the constant pleasantries even if some customers had been rude to her. She kept smiling but after a particularly bad night where she'd gotten yelled at by a man for supposedly giving him the wrong drink on purpose (despite that being what he ordered the first time), she thought about quitting. Especially after Rami wanted to start a fight with the man, not that anyone else knew about that.
On her Saturday off, Reader was sitting on her balcony with a book and a lemonade. The sun was shining bright and it seemed like a night day to just relax, take things easy, and breathe. Jaime, unaware that she was outside and his door was open, was having a small spat with Khaji Da. It had decided to bring up Reader again, finished with it's "data collection" and it had come to the determination that Reader was the perfect "mate" for Jaime.
"You can't just say stuff like that! Do you understand how strange that sounds?" he asked, having been taken off guard by the statement.
Reader looked up, wondering who he was talking to. Sometimes she heard him talking to someone occasionally, but she just assumed that he was talking on the phone since he lived on his own. However, she'd never heard him arguing with them before and it seemed to be in intense one at that.
After a few more minutes of the back and forth, trying to explain to Khaji that certain words shouldn't be used to describe a relationship, he walked out onto the balcony for some fresh air. He was startled to find Reader sitting on the balcony next to his, though he didn't know why. It was her's, she could sit there all damn day if she wanted to. He just hoped he didn't just sound crazy to her.
"Everything okay?" she asked softly.
He nodded, leaning on the railing. "Yeah, everything's fine."
She smiled. "Were you on the phone with your sister?"
He nodded almost too quickly. "Yeah, she's always trying to tell me what to do in the weirdest way possible."
Reader laughed softly, but let it die down as Rami spoke to her; "He's lying."
She wanted to tell it to shut up but bit her tongue. Instead, she spoke to Jaime. "Well, advice from others is usually only that. Advice. The only thing you can really do is decide what you want. No one else can do that for you."
He nodded. "You're right, as usual."
They talked across their balconies like that until they couldn't. He had other engagements to attend to as lunchtime approached. She slipped back into her apartment once he was gone, which was when she called Rami out.
"You can't keep doing this," she mumbled, shaking her head. "He's a great guy. He hasn't done anything to us, so you can't go making assumptions about him."
"He's a liar," Rami stated, almost like a stubborn child. "Do not trust him so easily, Reader."
She rolled her eyes and started prepping to make lunch.
That night, she was watching TV. The news was rampant with coverage about a nasty bank robbery that had taken place downtown. Luckily, only a few people were hurt and were recovering in the hospital thanks to the local hero Blue Beetle. He'd seemingly swooped in just in time to rescue the hostages, take out the robbers, and ensure everyone's safety. The robbery had started not long after 1pm and things were only just beginning to cool down as night settled.
As Reader switched from the news to something a little more upbeat and cheery, a noise came from the balcony. She stood up and took a defensive stance facing the door, Rami ready to armor her if need be. She'd pulled the curtain over the door because the morning sun was a bitch, so she couldn't see outside. However, they were on the fourth floor. No one should be on the balcony. Reader was convinced the news had just gotten into her head a little bit and that there was nothing to worry about.
Except when the door began to open. Reader gave the command in a low voice, "Hands."
Rami armored her hands so she could easily make a weapon to defend herself with. A bat was easy enough and formed between her palms as soon as she thought of it.
The figure was walking into the room, pushing the curtain out. They were slow, easing their way into the dark apartment. Reader quietly made her way over. Once she was close enough, she swung and hit the person over the head, knocking them down.
They groaned and fell from the curtain, revealing the blue-clad superhero. Her eyes widened as she got a good look at him, shocked to see that he was there in her apartment.
"Oh my god!" she said, still holding her bat up. "What are you doing here!"
"I live here," Blue Beetle groaned. He held his head, a little rattled. His armor was in shambles and in need of some repairs. He'd been through a lot, a lot more than what was shown on the news. He obviously needed some help and some rest, but Reader knew one other thing was for certain: he didn't live here.
"I live here," she said, sighing. She lowered the bat, aware that she couldn't exactly let it go or put it away without giving herself away. "You must've hit your head or something."
"No head injury until you hit me," he said. He sat up, leaning back on his arms.
She winced. "I'm so sorry."
"I can't blame you," he said and looked around the apartment. "You're right, as usual. This isn't my apartment."
She nodded, then stopped as she caught what he said. "Wait, what did you just say?"
"You're right," he said, holding back.
"As usual," she finished, looking him over. She replayed his voice over in her head. "Jaime?"
"Shit," he cursed and retracted his mask, able to breath a little better. "I'm so sorry, Reader. This shouldn't have happened."
"Well, at least we know what he's hiding," Rami said.
"Why are you sorry?" Reader asked, leaning some of her weight on her bat.
"I've put you in danger simply by you knowing who I am," Jaime said.
Then Rami said, "That's a scarab."
Reader choked on air. "What?"
Jaime's eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet. He put his hands out in an assuring manner, sure that he'd freaked her out. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I swear, I'll do everything to protect you should anyone come after you or try to hurt you."
At the same time he was talking, Rami was explaining how the armor Jaime wore was the same as she would if it would let her show her all it was capable of. It had been a long time since the pink scarab had been allowed to fully use its host, but the beginning of their partnership had been rough and she'd been resistant to the whole body armor thing. They hadn't tried again since they first bonded. It had never been necessary either.
"Stop, just stop, I can't listen to both of you at the same time!" she shouted, bringing her hands up to her head. The bat retracted into her hand and the armor that Jaime had thought were gloves in the dark disappeared. "Just shut up for a minute!"
Jaime stood in shock, wondering what was going on. He listened though and everything was quiet. Khaji was down needing as much rest as he did, so it was truly quiet.
After a moment to collect her thoughts, Reader looked at him. "You're Blue Beetle."
He nodded. "Yeah."
"And you have a scarab."
He nodded again. "How did you know that."
"Because," Reader said and turned around. She rolled up her shirt, exposing her rolls and fat, but also the pink scarab embedded along her spine. It was a sight Jaime was sure he'd never see on another person. "I have one too."
The conversation would have gone on if Jaime hadn't collapsed on Reader's couch. It obviously wasn't the time to talk about it. As soon as she saw that he didn't have as much energy as he'd like to show her, she jumped into action to get him cleaned up. His armor retracted and he was naked on her furniture, but she didn't bat an eye at it. She covered him up and got a warm rag to start cleaning up a few injuries he had on his side, where his armor had been cracked. He was still conscious and talking, which was a good sign. She kept his talking, asking him how this had happened.
He explained that the bank robbers were on some sort of enhancement drug that made them nearly indestructible. He had to hand the case over to the Justice League once that little tidbit had been revealed by one of the overconfident robbers. It was supposed to stop others from capturing them, but they hadn't accounted for a hero like Blue Beetle to show up. Despite that, he'd got slammed into the bank counter somewhere near the end of the fight and a lot of his scarab's energy went to trying to repair it in time, but the fight still went on. Nevertheless, they'd been taken care of and were on their way to a highly secure prison where they couldn't hurt or scare anyone else.
Reader bandaged him up and put a pillow under his head. "Well, I'm glad you're okay."
He frowned. "I still put you in danger."
"No, you just made Rami a whole lot more protective of me," she told him, smiling. "With the both of you on my side, I couldn't possibly get hurt. Not that I can't take care of myself."
He gave a tired smile. "Right. You've got one Hell of a swing."
She giggled and kissed Jaime on the head. "Rest up. I'll go get some clothes out of your apartment."
And that was how they got even closer. Knowing the other had some world-destroying biotech embedded in their backs opened up a lot of doors for them to confide in each other and get even closer. Jaime told her about how he became Khaji Da's host and of his father, who he'd looked up to all his life. Reader told him the story of how she'd found her scarab while backpacking in the jungle; she'd thought she found some ancient fossil, not a rock from outer space that held an alien war weapon.
They spent more time at each other's places, especially after Reader had enough of getting treated like shit after a new manager was put in charge at her job and quit. She'd saved up enough money to get by for a while and it gave her time to work on her art. It was a nice change of pace and she was happier because of it. Months went by of them hanging out, inside and outside of their apartment building, but the more time they spent together, the more Khaji encouraged Jaime to make a move.
Or rather, mate with Reader.
It didn't come up in those terms, but Khaji constantly brought up how great of a mate Reader would be. It was talking all the time the two spent together as proof that it was right about this. However, every time it came up, Jaime shut it down almost immediately. Because while he did like Reader, he didn't want to make a move too fast. He wasn't even sure if she liked him.
Reader was in a similar dilemma, though her own scarab could care less about Jaime. She liked him but didn't know if she wanted to go through asking him out. What if he said no? She'd make things awkward between herself and the only other person who understands what she goes through daily.
Rami disagreed. While it didn't like Jaime, it saw things Reader seemingly didn't. "He's staring again." or "This is the seventh time he's offered to do something for you in four days." It's very obvious to Rami that Jaime has a crush on her, more than a crush it will argue.
"He is highly attracted to you, Reader," it said one day while she was painting. "You're as equally as attracted to him as he is to you. Just look at what you're doing."
When she blinked and actually looked at what she'd been painting, it was a famous Blue Beetle. It was artistic and colorful and produced with admiration. She set it aside and decided to go on a walk to clear her head.
As she passed Jaime in the hall, Khaji Da noticed something. "She's happier and free of stress, making this her more fertile cycle yet."
Jaime could have died right there on the floor. He hurried to his apartment and slammed the door shut behind him. "What are you talking about!?"
"Reader. Her fertility is at its highest now that she has removed herself from a stressful work environment, allowing her to become happier. As a result, she is far more fertile than before and in the perfect position for breeding," Khaji explained.
Jaime felt like he was going to lose his mind. "We aren't even in a relationship! You can't assume these things are going to happen when we're just friends! I'm not talking about this anymore, mostly because this is a huge violation of Reader's privacy!"
The conversation might have ended there, but Jaime's mind couldn't stop thinking about it. Ever since they'd met, he'd been undoubtedly attracted to Reader. She's beautiful, kind, and smart. It was helpful that her voluptuous figure was so eye-catching. She was purely gorgeous and sometimes all he wanted was to grab a handful of her ass or squeeze her wide hips so he could pull her into him. He wanted to kiss her lips and feel her body against his, fat tits squished against his chest. But for the most part, he pushed those thoughts down because Reader was his friend and friends didn't think of each other like that.
The following evening, they were hanging out at his place. They'd had take out together and were cleaning up when he brushed up against her as she put the leftovers in the fridge. He only meant to grab another drink but he accidentally pressed up against her ass while she was bent over and it sparked something. Things grew hot quickly and both of them didn't know what to do or think for the longest time.
So, because of their inability to take charge of their destinies, Khaji and Rami (both on different wavelengths but somehow on the same page) forced proximately between their hosts. Khaji pushed Jaime forward and Rami moved Reader into just the right position. Their lips met in a surprising, hard kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was long enough for the two to want more of each other.
They threw themselves at each other and wrapped their arms around the other. They kissed feverishly, moaning into each other's mouths hotly. Jaime's hands roamed and explored Reader's body, squeezing her sides and hips to pull her closer. One of her hands laid on the back of his neck while the other pushed into his hair. He groaned as she gripped his hair and she took the chance to dart her tongue into his mouth. She took charge until he started leading her through the apartment, barely parting from each other to see where they were going. She giggled as they tripped over something on the floor, only for him to pick her up, throw her over his shoulder, and carry her to his bedroom.
He tossed her onto the bed and she looked up at him, seeing the dark look in his eyes. It was lustful and needy, fell of admiration as she lay on his bed. She sat up quickly and pulled her shirt off, followed by her bra. Her body was revealed to him in all its glory, making him hard as a rock in his sweats. He pushed them down and kicked them off with his boxers, making her lick her lips as she saw him. Her mouth looked so pretty and warm, but it wasn't what he wanted in that moment.
No, the idea of breeding her had been planted in his head and he had to go through with it. He had to fuck her deep and thoroughly to ensure she was full of him and that they'd reproduce strong, healthy young.
He couldn't even push those terms out of his head, too clouded by need and lust for Reader. Under any other circumstances, he'd never use words like "reproduce" and "young" when even thinking about sex, let alone at the idea of getting his girlfriend pregnant. (Did this mean they were together? He hoped so).
"Do you want this?" he asked her, ready to help her out of her pants.
She nodded. "Yes, fucking yes. I need you, Jaime."
He tugged her pants off and slowly slid her panties down her longs afterward, making her whine as he seemingly decided that he now wanted to take his time with her. He threw his shirt off and dove between her legs, throwing them over his shoulders so he could eat her out properly in preparation for what was to come. He licked a stripe up her folds and used his thumbs to spread them, pushing his tongue into her already wet cunt. She moaned and shuddered under his touch, hands combing through his hair until she found a nice grip on it. She tugged on his dark locks with just about every movement he made, getting her riled up as she cried out his name. She came a few minutes later and Jaime lapped up most of her juices, selfishly tasting her. Her thighs squeezed his head and he swore he could almost die happy like that.
Almost. It would have been a nice way to go but they were nowhere near the end
He stood on his knees after throwing her legs off of him. He fisted his cock, a small bead of pre cum leaking from the tip as he looked down at her. She had to catch her breath after her first orgasm of many to come that night. He used his other hand to reach down and fondle her tits, which he was already imagining swelling with milk.
Even though the primal need had wormed its way into his thoughts, that he wanted this so badly, he still needed to ask her. If he was thinking rationally without being horny as fuck, he wouldn't phrase it like this. It was absurd, but it was all he wanted: "Can I breed you, please?"
Was it smart? Probably not, but Reader nodded. She couldn't see herself with anyone else, especially now that they've had this special bond between them, this thing that no one else will ever fully understand. And because of it, she could say she felt like she'd known Jaime for years, as opposed to ten months. Her answer probably had to do with her ovulation, but she wasn't thinking about that at that very moment. All she was thinking about was Jaime and his fat dick he was prepping for her.
He grinned and leaned down, kissing her hard. She moaned into his mouth as he pressed into her, the head of his cock popping into her tight pussy. She threw her arms around him to keep the kiss going, but it was hard when he continued to push into her. Her head fell back and she moaned, feeling the way he stretched her out. His hands held her hips, angling them up so he could press as deeply into her the first time. Once their hips met, her eyes rolled up and she gasped.
"So fucking deep," she sighed, looking up at him. "Holy- oh my- Jaime!"
"You take me so well, hermosa," he told her, kissing her head as she got used to his size. He held back for that reason, knowing that they had to get used to each other. "Fuck, you're so tight."
She giggled, pulling his head down to kiss him once more. They made out for a while until she told him it was okay for him to move. That was when he tightly gripped her tender hips and slowly pulled back but not out. He then drove into her hard, hips smacking into hers harshly. She threw her head back to moan loudly, feeling the way he hit deep inside of her, somehow immediately finding that spongey spot that made her go crazy.
"Right there, right there! Oh fuck!" she cried out.
Jaime made a note of her reaction and thrust into her hard and slow, hitting that spot repeatedly. She was already high from her last orgasm, so it didn't take him long to make her come again, this time on his cock, making it easier for him to slide in and out of her. He upped his pace, making sure to hold her hips in place so he could fuck her perfectly. He grunted with each thrust, resting his forehead on hers. She stared up into his eyes and he watched her lovely eyes be full of nothing but lust and admiration.
He was so worked up that he came not long after her. She wrapped her legs around his waist when he said he was going to come and pulled him in close. He sheathed himself in her pussy to the hilt, firing off the first of many loads he'd fill her with. His cock throbbed with each shot of his thick cum he gave her. He kissed her sloppily, making a mess of their already slightly swollen lips. They moaned into each other's mouths, holding each other close, pressed together.
When he pulled away, they caught their breaths as he tapered off. He pulled out of her slowly, looking down at her pussy. Nothing happened for a moment, then a small trickle of his cum leaked out of her. It was beautiful seeing her like that, but he wanted more.
He turned her over and grabbed her ass, squeezing it hard and making her moan his name loudly. She was hardly on her hands and knees, mostly laying there with her ass up in the air. He gave it a quick smack before fisting his still-hard cock. "I can't wait until you're full of me."
She gave a hazy, happy smile as she heard this. She pushed herself up onto her hands and shook her ass at him, biting her lip. The little bit of rest she got between coming on his cock and now was enough to regain some energy. She reached back and spread her ass, then hit it with a loud smack! "Then fill me up, Jaime."
He wasted no time fulfilling that order, grabbing her by her hips and pulling her back into him. He slid into her with ease. He used his knees to make her spread her knees further apart and he pushed her back onto the mattress so she was properly presented to him. She grabbed a pillow to rest her head on and looked at him over her shoulder, grinning at him. "Fuck me."
He fell into a fast pace, pulling her back into his thrusts. One hand held her hip and the other wandered up her back, gently tracing the scarab embedded in her back. To anyone else, it would look rather unpleasant, but to him it was beautiful. They were alike in this way and there was no part of her that was not absolutely gorgeous to him. He wanted her to know that even though she said she didn't feel bad about how her body had changed to accommodate the scarab. Maybe in the beginning she had some thoughts about it and didn't think highly of herself for it, but after so long with it, she was at peace with it. Jaime just liked the idea of showing her he loved that part of her too.
Loved. Fuck, he loved her. Since he met her, all he'd been doing was falling in love with her. Her mind, her body, her kindness, her smile and laugh, the way she always greeted him and read on her balcony, or how she always offered him food when she cooked too much for herself.
He wrapped his arm around her midsection and pulled her up to him. He buried his face in her neck and kissed her scalding skin, making her tilt her head to the side. His hand wandered her body, starting at her tits and giving them a rough fondling before traveling down to her belly, where he groped it gently. His voice came out gruff and needy as his lips caressed her ear. "I can't wait till you have my babies in you. You're already so beautiful, but you're gonna be so fucking hot round and filled out with our babies."
She moaned, reaching behind her to put a hand on the back of his head, fisting his hair. Her other hand went to lay over his on her belly and he grabbed it, holding it there with his. All she could say was his name, enamored by every word he said.
"I'll take care of you. You can paint everyday, all day long, and grow our pretty little babies. I'll keep you pregnant and you can sit back and I'll take care of you," he mumbled into her ear.
She leaned her head back on his chest, closing her eyes as he fucked her toward another orgasm. She tried to tell him she was going to come, but it rocked her body before she could get all the words out. But that was okay. He knew, and he drove into her harder so he could come with her and fill her pretty, fat cunt up like they both wanted.
She shook in his arms as she came, crying out for him and that pretty little life he'd painted for her. It was so nice, so pretty. She turned her head to look at him, only for his lips to crash into hers.
After a few minutes, he laid them down and pulled her back into his chest. She relaxed against the sheets and rested her head back against him, only for his hips to start again. She moaned lowly, overstimulated but it wasn't bad. If she really wanted to, she could push back into his thrusts, but she was tired. Maybe next time.
She let him do his thing, feeling how lazy these thrusts were in comparison to the others before them. They let out soft moans and grunts, didn't speak this time, only let their actions speak for themselves. They held hands as he came again and he kissed her neck. She was so close to falling asleep, smiling as things began to settle. The heat of the moment eased into coolness and they laid together like that for a while. At some point, Jaime pulled a thin blanket over them and they fell asleep together.
Reader never went back to her apartment after that night. The morning after, Jaime made her breakfast and they ate together, then fucked again, and in the middle of that passionate romp admitted their feelings for each other. He told her he loved her and she told him she didn't know if she could live without him in her life. He never asked her to move in, that was just a given. He did, however, take it upon himself to move her things into his apartment and talk to the landlord about the whole situation, since her name was on a lease and blah blah blah.
They didn't talk about the whole breeding thing and instead let fate take the wheel on that one, even though they both liked the idea and wanted it. They didn't even get pregnant that first time, and thankfully so because, aside from meeting his sister when she came to pester him and get out of the house, she had yet to meet his family. It seemed to happen as soon as she was accepted by his family, though, before a few months after that, Rami was telling Reader the great news.
"Last night, I performed a physical evaluation for you after you're, as you put it, 'feeling under the weather', and have found something you'll be elated to hear," it said one morning while she was brushing her teeth.
She hummed and spit. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"
"You are pregnant," Rami said.
She'd just been getting ready to rinse and spit the water out, hitting the mirror with an alarming shot. She realized why the taste of her toothpaste had might have made her gag earlier. "What? Are you sure?"
"I am positive," it said, then started going over her blood and hormones, a bunch of doctors talk she didn't care to really hear. She stared at herself in the mirror, a smile slowly growing on her face. Then the scarab said something else: "And it appears the egg has split, meaning-"
"Yes, that's correct."
Jaime was in the next room getting ready for work and was unprepared for Reader to come running in. She practically jumped on him and would have taken him to the ground were it not for Khaji and Rami's quick reflexes that caught them.
"Jaime!" she all but cried.
He held her, looking at her with a bewildered smile. "Yes, mi amor? What is it? Why are you charging in here like you've won the lottery?"
"I pretty much have," she giggled and took his hands from her waist and put them on her belly. She didn't have to say anything else.
His eyes widened. "Are you serious?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I've got the best pregnancy test on my back. I'm pregnant!"
She jumped for joy and Jaime pulled her into a firm hug.
Rami was less than impressed. "Reader, be more careful. You are now in charge of precious offspring. Your body is delicate."
Reader scoff and huffed. "I'm not delicate."
Jaime had to stifle a laugh, sure that the scarab on her back had somehow offended her. He kissed her cheek and said, "Rami, be careful. You do know mood swings come with the territory of pregnancy, don't you?"
Rami, though knowing Jaime couldn't hear it, said to Reader, "Does he think I do not know how to take care of my host. I have already done my research on human pregnancy. As soon as I knew you were indeed pregnant with offspring, I plugged into the internet to find out more of how to properly care for you."
Reader sighed and nodded, still holding onto Jaime in a gentle side hug. "I'm sure you did, Rami. That's... wonderful, but we've talked about hooking into the internet router."
Jaime had to laugh this time and shook his head. "Come on, let's go to breakfast. You two can argue about internet safety later."
"But I thought you had to be at Kord this morning," Reader said.
He shrugged. "They'll understand I had to take my beautiful girlfriend out for celebratory waffles."
She smiled and giggled. "You know me so well, but I have to go finish brushing my teeth."
As she hurried out the room, Jaime watched her with a bright smile. And a little voice in his head said, "I told you the two of you were compatible."
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scary-noodlesblog · 2 months
You and EJ have a daughter...
Trigger warnings: pregnancy, c-section, mentions of sex
Sorry this is reeeeaaaally long
AFAB Reader
Hes honestly probably the best dad out of them all
The entire pregnancy he was worried, hes a demon, or at least partially, honestly he had to consult Slender to make sure youd even survive
The faceless man reassured him that you should be fine
To be honest Jack knew you were pregnant before you knew, he could smell something off about you
He just didnt know what it was till you announced your pregnancy to him
You did it in such a cute way too 🥺 you bought a little black hoodie and a card that said "what is a dad" on the front. On the inside it said "you. You is a dad"
He threw his mask so fast and picked you up, spinning you in a hug. He was crying
He never thought he would see this day
The amount of research he does is absolutely insane
Jack has a primal instinct over you, protective, and dare i say sexual
We all know he has a breeding kink
He gets so horny even thinking about you being pregnant
Your pregnancy goes decently smooth, mild morning sickness, not really any mood swings
Until the 3rd trimester, that was hell, on both you and Jack
You were in a lot of pain. It was normal pain, hips, muscles, back, breasts, all achy.
Jack only got more nervous as the pregnancy progressed, not so much about your health anymore but more so for after the birth
Now unfortunately he isnt home when you go into labor
He was out getting food for himself, knowing he wouldnt want to leave you and the baby for a while, he even got a deep freezer for it
Thankfully Jack has a cell phone in case of emergencies, Jeff called him frantically
He rushed to the mansion so fast he almost forgot his duffle bag, by the time he got there you were in a hospital gown in the infirmary with Dr. Smiley
A device that tracks your contractions was on your belly, Dr. Smiley informed Jack you were 6 centimeters, not ready to push
Almost immediately after that your water broke, labor got more painful almost instantly, and Dr. Smiley put in an epidural and catheter, Jack holding you still while it happened
You and Jack waited patiently for it to be time. But it never came
It had been hours, you only made it to 7 centimeters, Dr. Smiley informed you both that you had gained an infection from your amniotic fluid, it had spread to the baby and that he needed to do an emergency c-section right that second
Jack feared the worst, that it was his fault, because the baby was half demon
Once you said yes, within minutes you were on an operating table, Jack was scrubbed up, along with Dr. Smiley and Nurse Ann
You were numb from the waist down, all you felt was tugging and pulling while Jack held your hand, his mask was off
Within minutes your daughter was born, she looked beautiful
Dr. Smiley handed her to Jack after the cord was cut and she was cleaned, who was crying again, he looked at her with the most love you've ever seen
You started to cry seeing her, her skin was (s/c) with a hint of her father's grey tone, she had a full head of Jack's hair, though unlike her father she did have eyes, and they were (e/c)
After you were sewn up, you were transferred back into a hospital bed, still a little numb
Jack had helped you scoot so he can sit next to you, holding your newborn baby girl
Let me know if you want a part 2! Also give this little girl a name in the comments <3
135 notes · View notes
Last Updated: 2024-05-26
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite BBC!Sherlock Holmes stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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Summary: "..."
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✑ A Bit More than Friends by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F〕 •
✑ Adorable Otters by bakerstreethound • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Always on My Mind by stark-hero • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Babysitter by megs-mostly-past-random-fandoms • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Bedside Manner by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Bet, the by poppyisnotaflower • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Brother? by way2geeky • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Comfort by stark-hero • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Confessions by worldofheroes • 〔F〕 •
✑ Desperation Calls by bakerstreethound • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Drunken Confessions by sherlocks-blanket • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ First Time by fandom-puff • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Fixation by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F〕 •
✑ Forever Yours by bakerstreethound • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Good to You by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Hair Pulling by bakerstreethound • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ His Remedy by stark-hero • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Love You by strangelockd • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ I Took Care of It by stark-hero • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Keeping Track by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Love Notes by bakerstreethound • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Lust by geeks-universe • 16+ • 〔E〕 •
✑ Mind Palaces by way2geeky • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Miss You by sherlocks-blanket • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ More Important by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Type by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 •
✑ Pancakes by aephereal • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Pillow by thebaileybugle • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pregnancy Hormones by thranduilsperkybutt • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Reservation for Holmes by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Sherlock by make-me-imagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Stuck with Me by specialagentlokitty • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Thursday Thrill by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Trying to Tie a Tie by theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction • 〔F〕 •
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✑ Dating Sherlock Holmes... by make-me-imagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Getting into Trouble w/ Sherlock... by geeks-universe • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Sex w/ Sherlock… by fandom-puff • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Sherlock Being Affection… by fandom-puff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || BBC!Sherlock Master Index
Authors: @a-cup-of-earl-grey-please || @annesthaeticc || @aephereal || @bakerstreethound || @bitternessismyname || @fandom-puff || @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds || @futureplayboibunnie || @geeks-universe || @high-functioning-lokipath || @iamsherlocked1479 || @imagines--galore || @ladyalicesbookstore || @make-me-imagine || @megs-mostly-past-random-fandoms || @poppyisnotaflower || @sherlocks-blanket || @specialagentlokitty || @starks-hero | @strangelockd || @stupidthoughtsinwriting || @thebaileybugle || @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction || @thranduilsperkybutt || @way2geeky || @worldofheroes || @writefortherain-blog ||
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
🔢 Your 2024 Prediction (Numerology) Part 2
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To Calculate Your Personal Year > Refer here
Personal Year 5
Get ready for some exciting changes in your life! Things are about to shake up and nothing will stay the same. From unexpected travel opportunities to new romantic relationships, there will be plenty of chances for you to break free from the monotony of your routine. In your personal year, Mercury will lead the way, bringing forth endless possibilities and even the chance to start your own business. When the Universal year (Saturn) combines with your Personal year (Mercury), get ready for a thrilling ride. This combination will bring excitement and fun moments into your life. However, don't forget that Saturn also brings a sense of seriousness and responsibility, which may lead to some conflicts.
You may find yourself yearning for something different in your job, business, or even your relationship. If you're in a relationship, this is the perfect time to travel together, do things your way, and have a blast. You might feel a bit bored and stuck, but Saturn is here to push you out of your comfort zone. This year, you'll be resistant to anyone telling you what to do. You just want to do things your way. However, Saturn reminds you that compromise is necessary. Learn to cooperate, have open discussions with others, and avoid being too selfish. If you can do that, everything will turn out just fine.
The good news is that Saturn is associated with power and success, while this personal year is all about money. So, get ready for some fantastic moneymaking opportunities. If you're a businessperson, expect growth or even the chance to start a brand new venture. Exciting times are ahead!
This is a fantastic time to shake things up in your business or find a new business partner to bring fresh ideas to the table. By expanding your business boundaries, you'll open up new money-making opportunities. Even if you're currently employed, you can make your job more exciting by consulting with authority figures and trying something different. And if you're looking for a new job, this is the perfect year to explore different options, especially in the finance sector. It's a great year for business all around!
Not only will your business thrive, but your friendships and social network will also expand. You'll meet new people who will bring excitement and stimulation into your life. This is the year to communicate and promote yourself, so get out there and make connections. And for students, this is a favorable time to make changes in your education and pursue new opportunities. In your personal relationships, this year will be more about having fun together rather than making serious commitments.
Next year will be more focused on commitment, so take it easy and enjoy the present. If you're a creative person, whether you're a musician, writer, journalist, artist, actor, or actress, this year will be filled with amazing creative possibilities. You'll be inspired and stimulated like never before. Overall, this year holds immense potential for growth and success in various aspects of your life. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and make the most of this exciting time.
Personal Year 6
If you find yourself in a personal year 6 in 2024, get ready for a year filled with romance and love! With Venus as your ruler this year, love will bloom and take center stage in your life.During a six personal year, you will experience many domestic changes and decisions. However, it's important to remember that 2024 is also a Saturn universal year. This combination of Venus and Saturn signifies that your romantic relationships should be long-lasting and serious. Flirtation is not what you're after; you desire a committed and permanent relationship.
This year is particularly favorable for starting a family, having children, or getting married. Venus rules pregnancy, so the possibility of having children is high for many people in 2024. In a six personal year, decision-making becomes crucial. You will often find yourself faced with choices, whether it's related to work or relationships. When it comes to relationships, commitment is key. In a Venus year, everything thrives on mutual cooperation, so you will need to make decisions about commitment in your relationships. It's a joint decision that you have to make, which is why many people choose to get married or even divorced during a year six.
The same goes for domestic matters. Should you move, stay, rent, sell, or buy a property? There are so many major decisions to be made. Who you live with and how your home environment functions will also require careful consideration. Do you need to make repairs, changes, or simply do something different? The choices you make in your domestic life will have a significant impact on your overall well-being.
This year, it's important to address any lingering family issues head-on. Decisions need to be made, but ultimately things will settle down. Venus encourages cooperation, so involving others in your choices will be beneficial. If you have children, your relationship with them will improve, and friendships will flourish. Harmony is in the air, creating a positive year ahead for many. Remember to watch out for overindulgence in food or spending. Generosity is key, so giving to others will bring rewards. Make the most of this year!
Personal Year 7
This year holds a special significance as the number seven transports you beyond the ordinary and into a realm of higher vibrations. It is a time for self-exploration, meditation, delving into spirituality, astrology, and the study of the occult. Not only is it a fruitful year for students engaged in research and studies, but it also encourages questioning and introspection.
During your personal year seven, you may find yourself becoming more introverted, seeking solitude and personal space. However, this does not mean you will disconnect from others entirely. Instead, you will require some time alone to reflect and recharge. This personal year will also bring forth connections to your past, whether it be through places you have visited or passed by in a previous life. As you embark on spiritual journeys, whether to foreign lands or unexplored territories, you may feel a mysterious pull, as if you are rediscovering hidden aspects of your soul.
For everyone, this is a Saturn universal year, which means you may face challenging decisions, tough business deals, and potentially stressful relationships. Your spouse or partner may struggle to understand you, perceiving you as somewhat withdrawn. However, when it comes to important aspects of your material life, such as finances, business, and employment, things will naturally fall into place. Trust that these matters will resolve themselves in due course.
Spend some time in nature to connect with yourself and possibly meet a new animal companion. The healing energy from trees and wildlife is powerful this year. You might also explore various breathing techniques, yoga, or physical exercise, but remember not to overexert yourself. Moderation is key in moving forward this year.
Personal Year 8
In 2024, if it's your eighth personal year, get ready for a double eight vibration that will bring about a significant turning point in your life. This is the perfect time to make a major change and embrace the opportunities that come your way. Success is within reach, and you have the chance to experience significant material gains, career advancements, or find a more fulfilling workplace where you can truly thrive.
Not only will this year bring positive changes in your business, work life, or serious relationships, but it also presents an opportunity for you to make important decisions for yourself. The power to shape your future lies in your hands. Remember, this year is not just about power, progress, and success, but it also holds the potential for retirement. If you choose to retire, you can expect a generous pension package or the freedom to retire on your own terms. Embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and make the most of this transformative year.
This year, what you truly desire is stability. Feeling secure and safe is your top priority. If your business or job is stagnant, it might be time to consider letting go. The number eight personal year signifies fruition and material success. Many people reach the pinnacle of their success during this year. When it comes to relationships, remember to put in effort. Consider doing charity work and sharing with others, as giving back is crucial. The symbol of eight reminds us that what we give comes back to us, so being generous and selfless this year will set you up for a positive future.
Personal Year 9
In 2024, if you find yourself in your ninth personal year, you've reached the end of the numerological cycle. It's a time of culmination, where success and promotion are possible, but overall, things are winding down and coming to a close. Embrace the endings this year brings, as some things are not meant to continue. While this doesn't necessarily indicate major life changes like divorce or job loss, shifts in relationships and career paths may be necessary in a nine personal year.
The ninth personal year is influenced by Mars, while the universal year is ruled by Saturn, making it a karmic period with malefic planets at play. Despite this, Mars brings immense power and energy - mentally, emotionally, and physically. However, this abundance of energy can sometimes lead to chaos. In a nine personal year, it feels like everyone around you needs something from you, leaving little time for yourself. This can result in feeling like you're spinning in circles without a clear direction.
My suggestion to you is to focus on what truly brings you purpose. The key to feeling rejuvenated is to declutter your surroundings - be it your home, desk, workplace, or even your body and health. Let go of unnecessary baggage and people. Take it easy and avoid extremes to prevent conflicts with others. Traveling, whether locally or abroad, can provide a refreshing break from your routine.
It may require energy, but the revitalization you gain from it is worth it, especially in a nine personal year. Considering this year is a heavy karmic number eight (Saturn) and you are in a number nine ruled by Mars, it's crucial to avoid contentious situations with your boss, spouse, kids, or anyone else. The more you steer clear of conflicts, the happier you'll be.
This combination of Mars and Saturn can really leave you feeling frustrated and stuck. It's like you're trying to push forward, but everything just seems to be going against you. But here's the thing - maybe what you're trying to start isn't meant to start right now. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Instead of banging your head against the wall, why not try a different approach? Declutter your mind and your surroundings, go on a little adventure, get your body moving with some exercise. Trust me, these simple actions can help release that frustration and inner anger you're feeling.
The main idea here is to sort out the things in your life that you've left unsorted. But remember, this isn't about starting all over again. It's about preparing yourself for the fresh start that's coming next year. Whether it's starting a new business, a new relationship, or simply getting to know someone, it's best to hold off until the very end of this year. That's when the new energy will come in and set the stage for a successful beginning. So, don't worry, you can still make plans and set goals. Just make sure to formalize them next year. That's the best way forward for you.
Remember This is a General Analysis
For Paid Personalized Analysis & Reviews ➤Check Here Masterlist ➤ Check Here
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intriga-hounds · 9 months
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some updates
i’ve been really busy lately. so busy i don’t really engage online a whole lot anymore. i feel pretty disconnected from dogdom in general, but also from the silken world. then again, every time i dip my toe back in, i just think, “oh yuck.”
work has been going well, but i’ve been so stressed about making things go well that my hair is falling out and my health continues to be poor. planning on seeing a dermatologist and hopefully getting more exercise back into my life soon. honestly everything is going really well except my body finding new ways to let me down lmao
planning on breeding ponzu mid spring, and i’m determined to make that a source of joy instead of more stress. 😌 she has appointments with three different vets next month to get things rolling: regular vet for titers/vaccine updates, repro vet for consultation, and our sports vet to get her fat n buff before her pregnancy. i’ve been revisiting avidog and puppy culture and myra’s books among other things, plus just enjoying my good girl. with @pippindot’s help, we landed our first choice stud and i’m very very excited about the temperaments that i know will come out of this pairing.
baz is excelling at nose work. his instructor thinks very highly of him and said he has been progressing “by leaps and bounds.” he loves it and it is a fantastic outlet for him. due to his severe temperament issues, bazzy’s world has continuously gotten smaller the past three years, and i’m thrilled that with nose work, we’ve managed to make it a little bigger.
sivi is feeling a bit left out, so he’s coming to work with me on friday while i finish grading finals and cleaning up my classroom. he’ll get to do a few nose work hides and do a big sprint on the baseball field, but best of all, he’ll get me all to himself for the day.
as for ollie, i am missing him. i still go to let him out every morning and he isn’t there. i picked up his ashes today, so it finally feels permanent. luckily, caring for him to a ripe old age, plus knowing with certainty i made the right choice has made things easier.
i am sooooo ready for a break. this will be the first time i have no grading, planning, or presenting to do since august!!!!!!!
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sparklingchan · 6 months
Serendipity || Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)
Pairing: Reader(fem.) X Changbin
Word Count: 5.4k+
Warnings: Suggestive, mentions of pregnancy (the reader is not pregnant) , mentions of poison, Changbin is sweeter than sugar. Set in the Joseon Era.
Genre: Royal AU, Arranged marriage AU, fluff with very slight angst.
Description: The King of Joseon had chosen you as his queen. But there are those that wish for this union to fail. Will your love be enough to overcome the competitiveness of the Palace?
A/N: Hello everyone! Back with another installation of the SKZ Royal AU. I am genuinely in love with this one ngl. King Changbin is a rizzler y'all. Hope you guys have fun reading this <3
Do check out the other fics in the skz royal series. (The stories are not interrelated)
Here's the link to the masterlist.
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Being a woman in this country is not an easy task. Especially when one is a candidate for the position of the country's Queen.
You'd dreamt of this for years, the idea sewn into every thought by your father even since you were child. With time, you'd welcomed the thought without a complaint.
"My lady, the Royal messenger is here." Somi informs you, and your nervousness just goes up by a thousand.
Did you manage to become the Queen and make your father proud? Or did you get disqualified and were now just a daughter of some minister and free to marry any other commoner like yourself?
You run down the hallway and enter the pavillion in front of your house, the colorful banners of the Royal entourage shine under the bright sun.
You straighten your robes and kneel down, head almost touching the ground, as a mark of respect for the King's verdict.
The chief Eunuch opens up the scroll in his hands.
"Please find enclosed the Royal Edict from the King's Court:
I, Seo Changbin, the King of Joseon, have chosen Miss y/n of House Kim as my wife and, by extension, the Queen of our beloved country. I have consulted the three High State Councilors and my mother- the Queen Dowager about the same and we have all unanimously agreed that she would be the best choice for the country as well as the Royal family, owing it all to her wits, beauty and manners.
Congratulations to Miss y/n and her family.
The Royal family would also like to extend an invitation to the bride-to-be to shift into the Detached Palace at the earliest as part of the customary pre wedding ritual. "
It feels as if someone had punched out the air from your lungs, you couldn't speak nor stand, while your parents and brother continuously thanked the Royal Eunuch, accepting all the gifts sent by the Palace for you.
But you couldn't move. You just stayed there, frozen. For life as you had known it has come to an end.
And thereafter begins a new, Royal chapter of your life.
"I'm going to miss you, my child."
The days since the Edict pass by in a heartbeat. All the members of your family were busy with packing your belongings while you were busy with mentally preparing yourself to leave your family and house behind forever.
Yes, you'd always wanted to be a Queen. Yes, you'd spent years getting ready for this role. Yet when the time finally comes, it hurts you to think about leaving behind twenty three years of your life.
"I'm going to miss you too, mother." On hearing your words, your mother cries harder.
But as usual, your father shows no emotion. His face is calm.
"Remember, y/n, there are no friends in the Palace other than your husband. You cannot confide in anyone but him. The other concubines will do anything to gain his favor, but you shall always be a step ahead. Be vigilant and loyal. You will make a great Queen." He says. Like the strategist he'd always been.
"Yes, father." You reply, swallowing the lump in your throat.
Your mother clinges to your arm.
"We will try and visit you whenever we can. I'm sure his Majesty will allow."
"Yes, of course. You can visit me anytime. The Palace is only a few hours from here."
"Oh, my child! How will I ever live without you!" Another sob tears out from your mother's throat. You hug her with all the love and care you could muster up in that moment.
Your father walks out of the room, hands behind his back and face twisted into a frown.
The Detached Palace is to be a temporary residence for the bride-to-be. For over the next thirty days, you would be receiving lessons on various subjects like history, Royal Etiquette, sewing, cooking and most importantly- lessons on intimacy. The last lesson is considered most important, according to Somi, since it allows you to birth as many healthy heirs as possible.
After helping you dress up for the night and setting up your bed, your maids take your leave for the night, only Somi remaining by your side.
"Do you think I'll see the King tomorrow? It's queer but I'd like to know what my future husband looks like, at least."
Somi sighs, "I don't think it's allowed, my lady. I believe you can only see his Majesty on your wedding day. A month from now."
You're oddly disappointed. You had dreamt so many nights of seeing the King, holding his hand, being by his side, yet the King in those dreams often never had a face.
Was it wrong to yearn to look at your future husband's face? Just once?
A subtle knock on your door startles the both of you.
"My lady, the King is here to see you." Your handmaid almost whispers the words through the door.
With unparalleled urgency, Somi helps you straighten your clothes and rushes off towards the door.
"Your majesty." The maids and Somi greet him with the customary bow, while you purse your lips in a line, head hanging in a subtle bow.
Your heart hammers against your chest. It's so loud, you're sure even the King could hear it.
"Please give us some privacy." The King commands.
And you heart beats faster on hearing his voice for the first time. Gentle, yet authoritative, just like you'd dreamt.
When Somi closes the door behind her, you almost regret wishing to see your future husband. The proximity makes you nervous and you could only hope you'd not faint in front of him.
"My lady, you may rise."
You'd almost forgotten you were still bowing to him. You mentally slap yourself.
"Y-yes, your majesty. " your voice comes out as an embarrassing squeak, your eyes still on the ground.
You'd prayed for this moment for years, y/n. Why couldn't you just meet his eyes?
As if sensing your inner conflict, the King takes two long strides towards you and hooks his index finger under your chin, sending a chill down your body.
"My lady, please look at me."
And you do.
And he's like everything you'd ever wished for.
Perfect, like a beautifully crafted sculpture.
His soft brown locks, his rosy lips, the subtle mischief in his eyes. Everything is perfect.
"Y-yes, your majesty. Sorry." You mumble.
The king smiles, rubbing circles into your cheeks.
"You may call me Changbin when we're alone."
You nod.
"I just came to ask if you're finding your new residence comfortable. We both shall be busy with lessons tomorrow onwards so I figured tonight would be a good time to visit my bride."
His bride? His bride?
Your legs feel weak.
"I'm finding it extremely comfortable, your majesty. Thank you for your hospitality. "
Changbin let's out a low chuckle, leaning towards you. His lips hover inches above yours. And when he speaks, you feel hot air on your lips, "I told you, y/n. Call me Changbin."
You frantically nod.
"Good. Better be careful next time, my bride."
When you wake up the next morning, you're sure you'd dreamt everything that happened last night.
But apparently not.
"The King is a dashing young man." Somi teases as she lathers a concoction of herbs into your hair. "You're lucky, my lady. He seems to be a gentleman."
But you are too caught up in your thoughts to reply to her.
Did the king of Joseon really come all the way to the Detached Palace to see you? What if he's disappointed with how you had reacted? But he shouldn't blame you at all.
You had not been expecting anyone yesterday night, especially not him. But he did come to you. And he touched your chin. If you focus hard enough, you could feel his touch lingering in the area.
"My lady?" Somi clicks her fingers in front of your eyes, "Come back to earth. We have to get you ready for the classes today."
Blushing, you reply, "What classes do I have today?"
You had three classes today: Palace etiquette, literature and what Somi insists most important: lessons on reproduction.
While Palace etiquette mostly includes lesson on how to behave with Royal elders, ministers, maids, the King, literature includes important pieces of literature that are important for a woman.
And lastly, the most dreaded time arrived.
The reproduction lessons.
The tutor shows you all sorts of obnoxious hand movements and some drawings of couples in intimate positions. You feel uncomfortable from the beginning till the end.
A woman at least five decades older than you is teaching you about intimacy? Very awkward, to say the least.
But you heave a sigh of relief when the classes end for the day and you make your way to your room in the Detached palace.
"It's just the first day, Somi and I'm already tired to the bone." You say, kicking your shoes off.
"Well, it's going to be a lifetime of time this now, my lady. And you best be prepared for it."
You reply Somi with silence. But her words make you wonder. If this palace life would ever be less tiring someday? Would it even be worth it?
Perhaps not.
But King Changbin 's face flashes in front of your eyes; his sparkling eyes, mischievous grin, his feather like touch- maybe he is what will make everything worth it.
That night, after your maids get your bed ready while Somi is combing your hair, a familiar announcement echoes through the corridors of the Detached Palace.
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
His smiling face peeps through the doors as your maids hurry out of the room. He wears blue silk robes, and you feel weaker in his presence than you did yesterday.
"Did you miss me, y/n?"
And thus begins a month of secret nightly visits by the King of Joseon to the Detached Palace.
Everyday, you wake up looking forward to the time when King Changbin would come knocking at your doors, always up to some jesting.
Sometimes, he brings you fruits you'd mentioned you liked or he tells you stories from his childhood. At other times, he tells you about that one teacher he will hate till the end of time.
But most times, he spends his time listening to you talk- about everything and everyone, about the skies and gods, about ghosts and afterlife, about favourite foods and literature. After you'd overcome the initial shyness, opening upto Changbin was as easy as breathing, almost natural. Of course, you were still nervous around him, but it's a feeling you'd come to like.
Is this what the writers and poets describe as 'butterflies'?
"Do you think I'll make a good Queen?" You ask him one night. He sits in front you on a cushion, across the room, a position you told him is appropriate for two unwed people (although he did not agree to it initially).
If your nightly shenanigans were to be ever discovered by anyone, you would not want to be found in close proximity to each other even though you were betrothed to each other. He's breaking Palace rules everyday as it is.
He hums, "Of course! I think you'll make a great Queen. You're so good at your lessons already."
"That does not guarantee anything. I might not be good at taking the responsibilities."
"Do you trust my judgment, y/n? I think you'll make a great Queen. And even if you are overwhelmed, I shall always be here."
That night he leaves earlier than he usually does, owing to the fact that tomorrow is the day where his concubines are to be welcomed into the palace. Five of them.
The thought leaves you feeling bitter and dejected, but you make sure to not make those feelings obvious. This is a rule for Kings, to take as many concubines as possible to ensure the continuation of the blood line.
"Don't worry, my lady. Your rank in the palace is above these petty concubines. They will not mess with you." Somi comforts your thoughts the next day.
"But what if Changbin favors them more?"
Somi does not reply to that question.
On your 18th birthday, your father had promised to you that he would make you the Queen of this country. He kept his promise because here you are, after five years, getting dressed to be married to the most powerful man in the country.
Your father always insisted that powerful men do not love but Changbin's sparkling eyes always contradicted everything your father had taught. Nevertheless, you know the competitiveness among the concubines for the King's affection is mad. More often than not, even the Queen gets involved in petty fights.
But you try to remove all thoughts of your father and the concubines today. Because today, you are to be married to King Changbin. From today, your name will be written in the historical logs of the Royal family. From today, a new life begins.
"Are you okay, my lady?" Somi asks, "You look worried."
"I'm fine. Just hope the ceremony goes well."
The ceremony does go well and in all honesty, you were not worried about the ceremony itself. You were worried about the aftermath.
The maids guide you to your new palace, and get you dressed in white robes for the wedding night. The night when you will finally meet Changbin as his wife. The butterflies swim around in your belly.
The bed is decorated with flower petals and a few candles are lit. Everything is perfect.
"The King is here." One of your ladies in waiting announce and you get up to greet your husband.
The maids leave the room as the doors slide open and Changbin steps in, also dressed in white robes. He looks dashing, but his signature grin is nowhere to be found.
When the doors close behind him, he walks past you to the bed, the scent of liquor evident in his breath.
"Have you been drinking, your majesty?" You ask him, worried by his odd behavior.
What was wrong with him? Why wouldn't he even bother to meet your eyes?
"Changbin." He slurs, wrapping the blankets around him, "Call me Changbin."
He turns away from you and is snoring away in no time.
The butterflies in your stomach flutter around before dropping dead.
You did not sleep that night. Even though you were sleeping next to the man you love, you felt lonelier than ever.
Many times during the night, you consider walking out of the bed chamber to the servants quarter so you could talk to Somi. But you couldn't do that. Because you were now the Queen of this country and every single step you take will have its repercussions.
When morning comes, Changbin wakes up in a haste and greets you with a subtle nod and walks out of the chamber in long strides.
You well the tears back. It's your first day as Queen and hadn't he always promised to be there when you were overwhelmed? Had he lied? Or was it Changbin's doppelganger who visited you every night in the Detached palace?
Somi comes in a few minutes later with an excited smile on her face.
When she does your hair for the day, she asks, "So, how was the wedding night?"
You want to answer her truthfully - how cold Changbin had been, how he had not even looked at you let alone touch you, how you think he had changed almost overnight. But you see the prying eyes of the other palace maids and swallow your sadness.
"It was perfect. Like everything I'd ever hoped for."
"He was gentle, I hope." She says through a grin, but it feels like someone pouring alcohol on an open wound.
"Yes. He was."
As part of royal customs, the new bride is supposed to visit the senior most female member of the family and greet her. In your case, the member happens to King Changbin's mother.
Somi dresses you in the most exquisite silks and adorns your hair with the most precious flower but you feel nothing at all when everyone compliments you on the way out of your new Queen's palace.
Your mother in law's palace is a little far from the Queen's palace yet it is as beautiful as any other palace. From inside as well as outside.
"Greetings, your majesty. It is nice to meet you." You bow in front of the Queen Dowager.
The woman-not more than sixty years of age- looks at you with a gentle smile.
"Come in, y/n. Please be at ease."
You're seated in front of her on a cushion while the Queen Dowager's maids serve you breakfast.
"I hope your first day here goes well, my child. Our family is thrilled to have you." She says.
"The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. I am honored to be a part of this family." You say.
In the back of your mind, you wonder if Changbin is thrilled to have you or not. Probably not.
The mere thought of yesterday's rejection stings.
"Y/n, truth be told, my son is a quite a troubled man. His father was murdered in front of his eyes. He was made the king when he was only 16 years old. It's been 7 years since then, but the burden only gets worse. I hope you, as a Queen and as his wife, can help him lessen these burdens. Can you do that?" The Queen Dowager asks again, sipping tea from a small cup.
"I will do everything I can to help him." If only he'd let you.
"Good, good. I'm glad. And one more thing, y/n, you know as Queen one of your primary duties is to produce an heir for Changbin's throne. I hope you're working on that, yes?"
Heat reaches your cheeks. If only the poor woman knew what her dear son had done last night. If his behavior continues, perhaps it will be long before the Queen Dowager sees the face of a royal grandchild.
"We are trying, your majesty. We will not disappoint you." You reply, sipping tea from your own cup.
"Great! I shall send all types of herbs and tonics to help you conceive as fast as possible. I shall also draw up a chart after consulting the astrologer..." the Queen Dowager's voice fades into the background as your mind drifts off to the nights in the Detached palace, when Changbin would come and spend all his free time with you, against the rules of the palace. At that time, you had been sure that producing an heir would be a beautiful process, not a chore.
But Changbin does not even treat the thought like a chore.
Did he not love you? Did his Royal duties burden him too much?
When you leave the Queen Dowager's palace, you walk past The King's palace. It is as beautiful and majestic as they say. But you wonder if you'll ever be able to set foot in the same.
As if on cue, you see Concubine Jung walking out of the King's palace, her maids behind her. The butterflies in your stomach burn with jealousy.
She has a smirk on her face when she sees you.
"Eun, did you know there's a rumor around the palace that the King refused to sleep with the Queen last night? Sad, isn't it?" Concubine Jung says.
One of her maids giggle and nod, "Of course! How could the Queen even live with this shame?"
You cry yourself to sleep that night, while Somi does everything in her abilities to soothe you.
Needless to say, nothing worked.
"My lady, wake up. The King has invited you to breakfast with him." Somi informs one morning, six months after your wedding.
"Tell him I have a bad stomach bug. I cannot go."
You'd be found dead before sharing a meal with him and that obnoxious Concubine Jung. You'd shared enough meals with them already.
The past months, the King had not visited you even once but often you'd see him walking the gardens with Concubine Jung at his side.
After the first few weeks, you had no tears left to shed anymore so when the rumor came in last month that Concubine Jung might be pregnant, your eyes do not water no matter how much you force yourself to cry.
"I do not wish to congratulate them." You say, true and plain.
"My lady, he's invited only you. Not anyone else."
So you agree. As a last attempt to make your marriage work, even if it's just for your own sake.
Somi dresses you in green robes- The King's favorite. You quickly make your way to his palace, as if someone else would take your place if you didn't hurry. It's sad your thoughts had turned so negative in just half a year in the palace.
Your father had told you the King would take in many lovers during his lifetime, and that being Queen is about having power, not being loved.
But you think he didn't warn you enough. He didn't warn you how lonely it would be to sleep on the cold bed every night, how painful it would be to see the King smile at someone else.
Even if you did wish for a child, how could you produce you a child without Changbin?
"Good morning, your majesty." You say to him when you enter his bed chamber. It smells like cinnamon, a smell he'd often carry with himself back when he used to visit you at the Detached palace. Back when you were sure the king had been in love with you.
"Hello, my Queen. Please have a seat."
The butterflies dance around for a split second.
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks, taking a seat in front of you.
"Yes." Lies. "Thank you for inviting me over."
When the maids leave the both of you alone, his demeanor changes.
"Actually, y/n, I had something to talk to you about." He says, casually, as if he hadn't been hurting you everyday for the past few months.
"What is it?" You ask.
He sighs, "It's mother. Ever since that rumor of Concubine Jung being pregnant spread. She wants the first grandchild to be of the Queen."
His words do not faze you, "How can I help you, Changbin?"
He frowns. Since when had your tone become this melancholic?
"Um, so if I have your consent, I'd like to try for a child tomorrow night. We'll see how that goes, yeah?"
"Okay. I will be honored." You say.
You finish up the food quickly and almost slide the doors open when he grabs your arm from behind.
"Y/n, what is it? Did something happen? Are your parents well?"
"My parents are well enough, thank you for asking." You say, keeping your eyes on the ground.
"Then? What happened? Is it Concubine Jung? Really, you did not have to be jealous of her. She's not pregnant. I can assure you of that. I have not consummated my marriage with any one of the concubines."
His words seem to have an effect on you. Your heart blossoms with hope but you keep your face and voice neutral.
"I am not jealous, Changbin. If one of the concubines get pregnant, I shall wish you both well."
You force your arm out of his grip and walk out the palace, not looking back once.
Changbin's stares at your leaving figure, now worried beyond relief that he might have broken the one person he cared for the most by his pursuits of a greater good.
While the past few months for you had been filled with loneliness, for Changbin it was almost the same-if not worse.
The first night of your marriage was filled with as many butterflies for him, as it was for you.
He had fallen in love with you and he wasn't afraid to show the world how much you meant to him. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love to you. And he had all plans to do that on the first night.
But that was until he had overheard a secret conversation between Concubine Jung and her father- Minister Jung.
For all he knew, Minister Jung had always wanted his daughter to be the Queen but being the dim-wit that she was, Concubine Jung could not even get through the first stage.
"Father, it's been two days since I'd been in the palace and that man has not visited me once. He had not even asked for my name the day of the welcoming. What kind of man is he? And you say I am to be Queen!"
"Hush, child. In this palace, even the walls are listening. Be careful. And as far as the position of Queen is concerned, you need not worry. If the King does bed the Queen tonight and she get pregnant, we shall make sure her pregnancy terminates before maturity. I have connections with all sorts of medicine vendors in the country, be assured, she shall never see the face of a child. After we weaken the Queen, we can take her throne as easily!"
Changbin had wanted to laugh at the man's foolish plans but deep down, he was worried as well. For you.
Which is why he pushed you away for so long and kept Concubine Jung close. While she tried everything in her power to seduce him, he refused her under the pretense of keeping an oath of abstinence for a year.
Every time she tried to even hold his hand, Changbin thought of you; your innocent eyes, your talks, your wit, your hands, your beautiful hair. No woman could make him feel like you do.
Changbin's secret informants had confirmed that Minister Jung had not one but two houses full of gold and cash he'd collected as illegal taxes from the local people. He'd also sometimes force husbands to send their wives to him in exchange for money. Even the thought nauseated Changbin.
Every time Concubine Jung visited, he made sure to collect some sort of evidence through her. He even visited her every night and while she snored away, he stole some of her gold jewlery and clothes to get them checked as evidence of the illegal taxes her father had been collecting.
And sure enough, after a few months of spying on her and her father, Changbin had gathered enough evidence by now to expose both of them at the court.
But he realised quickly that Minister Jung had a few tricks up his sleeves as well. The rumor of his daughter's pregnancy would make it difficult for Changbin to expose him easily, and so Changbin waited every night that the rumors would die down so he could run to the Queen's Palace and hug you with all his might. You were not safe unless the father and daughter were deposed.
And for some selfish reasons, Changbin had hoped you'd understand the reason behind his distance. But no woman could find a logical reason behind her lover being absent and it was horribly wrong for him to expect you to do the same.
"Are you stupid?" His friend, the eccentric dancer Minho had asked him.
Changbin had told him how coldly you'd behaved this afternoon when he'd asked you if you wished to try for a child. Most women would giggle and blush. But you were like a statue.
"You push her away for months and make her feel lonely and not loved and what not and you have the audacity to ask her that?"
"Well, yes. Mother had been pressuring me for a child and obviously, even with the pressure, I would never do anything that y/n would not have wanted but I thought it would be a great way to reconnect with her. Even if it didn't end in child making or whatever."
Minho let's out a frustrated groan, "You have to learn so much, Bin. But let's start with this- be honest with her. She's your wife and you ought to tell her everything. Give answers to all her questions and hold her hand if she let's you. Small steps first, a child can wait."
Changbin nods, " Okay, should I go to her right now?"
"Yes, you idiot!" Minho says, earning a slap on the arm from The King of Joseon.
He should be glad he's not being beheaded for calling the King an idiot.
You're almost done getting ready for bed when the lady in waiting makes an unexpected announcement .
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
Your heart leaps and the butterflies come alive again only to die down once you realise why he might be there. For a child. Isn't that why he's here? Isn't that why people get married in the first place?
"Y/n." He sighs when he enters the room, almost out of relief. He purses his lips.
"Is there anything I could help you with?" You ask.
Oh, how badly he'd hurt you. He could see the hurt in your eyes, in your voice, in your mannerisms.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I really am. I know I have caused you pain and I cannot imagine how lonely it must have been. But I hope you know that I really do love you and only you."
"Then why the distance? Why visit Concubine Jung every night?" You ask, hands on your hips.
The tears that had left you threatened to return again.
And he tells you everything. From the conversation he overheard to how insistently Concubine Jung asked him for a child to how much solid proof he'd collected over the months and how he'd sent those evidences to the Minister of Security, who in turn ensured that by tomorrow the Jungs will out of the palace and be imprisoned for life.
It all makes sense to you now, of course it does. Yet you feel guilty. He'd been trying to protect you, all this while.
"I'm sorry, Changbin. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I only-"
"Don't apologize, y/n. It's me that should apologize. I should have somehow tried to contact you and tell you about everything. I'm-"
"No, no, Please. Don't. You only tried to protect me and-"
"No, y/n, it's all my fault, please-"
Somi overhears the entire conversation through the door, her mind finally relaxing after the misunderstanding had been solved between you and the King. She could no longer stand you being this sad. And she somehow knew King Changbin had his own reasons for his behavior.
She hears soft sounds of kissing through the door and takes it as a sign to move away from the door, and join the other maids waiting outside the palace door. She smiles to herself.
The butterflies burn with passion.
"I do not wish for a child this early. I want to be here like this with you for a while, just y/n and Changbin and maybe two or three years later, we could try for a child. What do you think?"
When he kissed you initially, you half expected this to end up in the bed. But it did. And you're glad it did.
The butterflies bloom more than ever.
You're wrapped in his arms, tightly. The nakedness no longer bothering the either of you.
"I agree. I want to be this close to you every night, not as a Queen or the mother of your child. But as y/n. As your wife."
Changbin draws his face closer to you, pecking you on the lips, "And so you shall, my love."
And so you shall.
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shubhragoyal · 11 months
Pre-Pregnancy Counseling: A Stepping Stone to Parenthood
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Do you have a baby bump? Yes! Then, before you jump in the air with joy, you should take a look at pregnancy counseling, because expecting a baby requires a lot of acceptance and awareness, and that makes it a stepping stone to parenthood, a path of responsibility and mindfulness.
Pre-pregnancy counseling is a motto that pre-empts the certain risk factors pertaining a women’s, the fetus and neonatal health from entering an unfavorable phase. The one-to-one interaction with the professional can be a great aide in optimizing the health care of mother and child, which also extends to the family ties, as their care is invested from the first days.
Education about the pregnancy journey in pre-pregnancy course is open to all genders, sexualities and parents, as they offer a holistic approach to better parenting. Regardless of whether you are planning a pregnancy or using contraception, the pre-pregnancy counseling is applicable to both parties.
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As the saying goes, health status can't be the same forever, over growing time potential risks can occur anytime. Thus, pre-pregnancy counseling does not last for a day, but it occurs several times for ensuring a healthy and happy baby journey!
Day in and out whenever an expectant mother gets counselled, fresh knowledge is added to her advantage for handling the situation. There is a certainty of several chronic conditions viz; diabetes, hypertension, thyroid and mental health require monitoring during pre-pregnancy for a desirable outcome.
In the pre-pregnancy counseling sessions, a crucial assessment for examining STDs is a must with a vivid screening for any probable genetic conditions that might pass down to the life growing inside.
The other important matter of concern here is to debrief on possible strong addictions namely, liquor, nicotine consumption, drugs or any other medicines taken for some underlining or nonmedical reasons.
There is also a significant survey conducted on partner violence during intimacy during prepregnancy counseling as it has entirely a direct impact on the mother and child both.
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The expert guidance - Suggestions from the desk of the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists
The ACOG institute emphasizes the opportunity to stroke the iron hard and discuss overall wellness, and healthy habits as a routine irrespective of the patient for a successful outcome.
“Would you like to become pregnant next year?” Serves the purpose, of the right to speak out one's heart for suitable guidance without coyness.
The goal of prepregnancy counseling is to ensure a pregnancy that is away from the instructions and if any challenges occur one has the tact to handle it with expert guidance.
An annual influenza inoculation is mandatory for every patient unbiased as it is for additional benefit.
Prepregnancy is not limited to basic health checkups and discussions a patient's lifestyle and underlining conditions are crucial to tap on! If discovered to be a specific virus prone or any infection or allergies due to climate/ certain food types must be cautioned beforehand as travelling is a massive no.
Appropriate nourishment and vitamins are so significant for a healthy pregnancy tenure. Always fall back on your medical adviser for the proportion of food intake that suits your body the best during the prepregnancy period.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/pre-pregnancy-counseling:-a-stepping-stone-to-parenthood
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 42: Big News
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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Life, however, had other plans for you and it was a Monday afternoon, exactly four days before your trip to Los Angeles, that you received some life changing news.
You had just finished yet another treatment session with your therapist who informed you that you were ready to walk unaided again, albeit slowly. No high heels and no strenuous activities for at least another week, but progress, nonetheless.
Exiting the therapy room with a smile on your face, life seemed to be looking up and, without your crutches, you made your way to the day-clinic adjacent to the therapy canter on campus to see your friend Lucy. 
You had been catching up with her every week for a coffee, following your sessions, but today, you were actually meeting her for something else. You had a medical appointment with her that day to get back on track with your general health.
Since the accident, you had been neglecting your iron levels for which, until then, you had been taking tablets every day. On top of that, you needed and wanted to get back on to some form of birth control, sensing Cillian's growing frustration of having to pull out whenever you were intimate with one another. 
As a medical student yourself, you knew that this wasn't even an appropriate method of preventing pregnancy and whilst Cillian had fantastic self-control, you knew not to push your luck. 
Having children was not on your radar right now. Your life was way too complicated to start a family  , and there were still so many things you wanted to do and achieve. However, the idea of growing old with Cillian was a comforting thought, and the possibility of having a child together one day was not entirely off the table. One day, in about five years or so, this would be a possibility.
 As you walked in the day-clinic, there was a line of people waiting to check-in and the atmosphere buzzed with activity as nurses hurriedly called out names and directed patients to the correct rooms.
Seating arrangements were limited, but there was a spare seat available by the window, not far from Lucy's consultancy room. 
Fellow students and nurses you knew quickly came to greet you, some even lingering a moment longer just to ask about your recovery, expressing their concerns and support. You exchanged pleasantries and politely nodded along as they peppered you with questions you had grown accustomed to answering. 
Finally, catching sight of your best friend Lucy, you greeted her excitedly and she quickly asked one of the nurses for your file before calling you into her consultancy room.
She gave you a warm hug as always before asking you to follow her. 
"How is the treatment going, babe? I can see the crutches are gone!"  exclaimed Lucy, a wide smile spreading across her face as she stepped back from the doorway. 
"It's going good, and I won't be needing the crutches for the Academy Awards it seems," you told her  , returning her smile with a bright one of your own.
"That's fantastic news, Y/N! I'm so fucking proud of you," Lucy said, beaming at you while she opened the medical cabinet and retrieved a few ampules and a syringe. 
"And how is Cillian? Is he getting nervous yet?" Lucy asked as you sat next to her on an exam table in her consultation room.
"Oh, he's a mess. But he won't admit it," you replied, chuckling softly. "He's definitely nervous and hopeful," you continued, your tone sincere and genuine. "But I know he is going to win that Oscar. He has to win,"   you said emphatically, your voice filled with confidence and conviction.
Lucy nodded her head in agreement. "He's a shoo-in for the award this year. It's about damn time!" she exclaimed with a grin, injecting some humor into the situation.
You chuckled, still amazed by how different your life had become in just a few short months. "It still feels surreal to me. Like it hasn't fully sunk in yet," you continued, running your fingers along the barrel of the ampule Lucy had placed next to you before taking a deep breath and rolling up your sleeve. "You know, he asked me to move to the suburbs with him?"  you said, smiling slightly as you looked up at Lucy, your eyes sparkling with hope and excitement.
Lucy's face lit up with surprise and excitement. "Oh my god, Y/N, that's amazing news! Are you going to do it?"
You nodded your head, your smile widening. "Yes. I mean, I love him and I think that I want to build a life with him. And I'm excited to see where that takes us," you answered Lucy enthusiastically, feeling your heart race at the thought of building a life with Cillian.
"That's fantastic, Y/N! I'm so happy for you," Lucy beamed, before moving on to discuss your medical issues. You went over your iron levels and Lucy took a few blood tests for you to be sent to the lab.
"We should have them back in a few days but you already know that, don't you?" she chuckled as she labelled the blood vials and placed them in the appropriate container.
"Yeah, I do," you replied, still grinning from ear to ear. "I actually can't wait to come back to work either, which will happen a week or so after we come back from LA," you exclaimed while Lucy  examined your files.
"So, birth control was another thing you wanted to get sorted, right?" Lucy then asked with a smile and you nodded.
"Yeah, I was thinking the depo shot,"  you said, knowing that it was a reliable and convenient method.
"That's a practical choice, but what have you been using until now? There aren't any prescriptions on your file since the accident," Lucy inquired, her brows furrowed in concern as she flipped through your medical file.
You looked away, feeling a little embarrassed at the truth you were about to reveal. 
"We have been using anything, just self-control measures really," you stammered out, cheeks heating as you avoided Lucy's gaze.
"Really Y/N?" Lucy laughed out loud. "Because, as a med student yourself, you should know better than that," she chided, but there was a playful tone in her voice. 
"I know, I know and that's why I am here,"  you admitted, blushing at your previous response. "I just... things have been hectic and whilst we didn't have any accidents yet, I don't really want to push my luck," you confessed, feeling a surge of embarrassment at being so open about your sex life with Lucy, but knowing that she was your best friend and would always have your back.
Lucy let out a chuckle, understanding your predicament. "Go and pee in the cup then while I get the depo shot ready," she chuckled, handing you a sample cup and gesturing towards the bathroom.
"Why do you need a urine sample?" you asked  , confusion flooding your visage as you walked towards the bathroom door.
"Well, before I give you the shot, I just want to rule out that you are not, -" Lucy began to say but you interrupted her.
"I am not pregnant, Lu!" you interrupted her, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "We have been careful, I promise," you explained, feeling slightly annoyed at the implication that you wouldn't know if you were pregnant or not.
Lucy held her hands up in a defensive gesture. "I know that, Y/N. But this is the protocol now, and it's better to rule out any possibilities," she told you, her voice gentle as she smiled reassuringly.
"Now hurry up and give me the sample," she said, her tone light and playful.
You rolled your eyes again, chuckling to yourself, but you did as she asked and grabbed a clean urine container from the rack.
You knew that she was just doing her job and were aware of some rare cases where women fell pregnant from intercourse even where their partner did not finish inside. It was uncommon, but not impossible.
Upon returning to the examination room and handing the sample to Lucy, she nodded and took the container from you. "Thanks, babe," she said, her voice warm and understanding.
She then put on some gloves and opened the container to check the sample, dipping a dip-stick into it, before turning to you again.
"Now tell me, have you found a house yet?"  she asked as she began to prepare the injection.
"We have been looking at a few houses actually, yes," you replied, your voice filled with excitement. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest, but also really exciting," you continued, relishing in the thought of starting this new chapter in your life with Cillian.
"I bet it is!" Lucy exclaimed before turning back to the sample while you kept on talking about  the house-hunting experience.
"There is one place, though, that I think we both really like, but god I think it is way too expensive," you said with a chuckle while Lucy turned silent and pale. 
"Uh-huh," she simply murmured before putting another dip -stick into the sample.
"What, Lu?" you asked, seeing how your friend had become rather quiet and when she did not immediately respond and put yet another stick into  your sample, you became concerned.
"Lucy?" you probed further.
"Y/N, I, uhm," she began to say, her voice barely audible as she moved the chair next to the exam bed and sat down. There was a serious expression on her face that unnerved you, and she took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I am so sorry, I don't know how to say this but, babe, you are pregnant," Lucy blurted out, her voice trembling as she revealed the results from your urine sample.
At first, you didn't understand what Lucy had just said and then, almost instinctually, your chin dropped.
"That can't be right, Lu. We had no accidents and the chances of falling pregnant are -," you stammered, unable to finish your sentence, your mind reeling from the news.
Lucy gave you a sympathetic look. "I am sorry, babe, but I just checked three times. You are definitely pregnant," she confirmed, her voice still trembling slightly.
You felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. The news was too much to process, and you sat there, frozen in shock.
"No, no, no,"  you muttered, shaking your head as you tried to wrap your mind around the unexpected turn of events.
Lucy reached out and placed a comforting hand on your arm. "I know this isn't what you were expecting, but it's not the end of the world," she reassured you, her voice gentle. "There are options and you know that already," she  said, not needing to remind you of your medical studies.
You nodded numbly, still not able to completely process the news. Your mind was racing with thoughts and questions, but none of them felt clear or rational. You simply felt overwhelmed.
"Can you give me a script for mifeprestone?"  you asked Lucy, your voice almost robotic as you tried to process the news. Your mind was still reeling, and you found it hard to believe that you were actually pregnant.
Lucy nodded. "Of course, I will write it up for you, but we need to get an ultrasound first before the gynecologist on call will sign off on it," she explained, her voice soft and soothing.
"Can we do it now? I can walk over to the maternity ward," you told Lucy, trying to stay calm as the reality of the situation sank in.
"Sure, I will come with you. I am due for my break anyway," Lucy agreed, her voice still gentle as she stood up and walked over to her computer to write the prescription and necessary referrals.
As you waited for Lucy to print out the script and referrals, you couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. You were surprised, scared, and a little disappointed, but you also knew that you had options. And you were grateful for that.
After Lucy handed you the script, you both walked over to the maternity ward in silence. It was a short walk, but it felt like an eternity.
You kept up a brisk pace, your hand clenched tight around the prescription slip. Lucy walked alongside you, her arm linked in yours, offering comfort and support.
Inside the maternity ward, you found yourself waiting in a crowded reception area. A nursing assistant called out names, directing patients to the various stations and clinics. You glanced around, your eyes scanning the crowd, feeling both overwhelmed and self-conscious.
Minutes ticked by, and you wondered if they would need to wait much longer before someone could assist you. But then, a woman with a warm smile approached you.
"Y/N, right?" she asked, her voice friendly and welcoming and you nodded, relieved that your turn had finally come. 
The nurse led you both to a private consulting room where she quickly scanned your documents and checked your vitals. After a brief discussion about your issue, she nodded sagely, understandably nodding her head at your request. 
"Alright Love, jump up on the table for me. I'm just going to take a quick scan, just to confirm the dates and then we can get one of the doctors to sign off on your prescription," the woman said and it took every ounce of energy and self-restraint you could muster not to cry. 
You laid down as indicated and lifted up your jumper slightly to reveal your belly as the nurse carefully applied gel to the transducer and began swirling it around, taking measurements of the embryo growing inside you.
The images she projected onto the screen hung above the bed were black and white, but to you, they seemed more vivid and impactful than any colorful picture could ever be. You could clearly see the tiny developing limbs and torso, akin to a tiny alien who had somehow managed to taken root in your womb. The movements were minute and almost imperceptible, the size scarcely larger than you had expected.
"Holy shit," you said almost as at the same time as Lucy as you realized from seeing the pictures along that you were much further along than you had anticipated. 
"I am sorry to ask, but when was your last  period?" the nurse inquired gently, her voice not judgmental, but full of concern, as she cleaned the transducer.
"About four months ago, before the accident," you admitted, still staring intently at the images on the screen, your mind struggling to comprehend the reality of the situation. "But when I asked the surgeon about it during one of my follow up appointments, he said that not having a period for a while was normal, especially after an accident like mine,"  you continued, feeling an eerie sense of confusion settle over you.
The nurse nodded understandingly. "It's true that sometimes women experience temporary amenorrhoea after a traumatic incident or surgery, but it's unusual for it to last for this long," she explained gently. "You are about 19 weeks pregnant , honey," the nurse said softly, patting your hand gently.
You felt a sudden wave of emotions overtake you, a mixture of confusion, fear and disbelief. How had this happened? You had always been so careful, taking every precaution to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, especially before the accident. And yet, here you were, sitting on a cold exam table, staring at the ultrasound images of a baby that you had never expected to have.
"Are you sure there are no mistakes?" Lucy asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she squeezed your other hand, trying to offer you comfort. "I mean, she would have been pregnant before the accident, so why wasn't it picked up then?" Lucy asked, her voice a mix of confusion and concern while the nurse called in one of the head gynecologists who, later, explained that you could have fallen pregnant just before the accident, which is why it wasn't picked up in the tests. It was simply too early to tell. 
But as the doctor went over the results in detail, explaining the situation to you both, one thing became abundantly clear: there could be no mistaking it. You were definitely pregnant.
The room seemed to spin around you. You couldn't believe it. You hadn't thought it was possible. You blinked hard, trying to push back the tears that were threatening to spill over. " I... I can't have a baby. Not now," you whispered, your voice shaking as you tried to hold it together. "I don't know if I can do this."
Lucy leaned in closer to you, squeezing your hand reassuringly. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said soothingly. "And maybe it's a sign, babe. Maybe this was meant to be because, for a fetus to survive what your body went through in those last three or four months, is pretty remarkable," Lucy said, her voice gentle and soothing, her eyes filled with encouragement and hope.
You nodded, understanding where Lucy was coming from. And she was right, it was a miracle that the baby had survived the accident and the subsequent surgeries and treatments. But still, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
"With the medication and treatments I had those last few months, what are the chances of damage to the baby?" you asked, your voice now shaking as fear gripped your chest.
"The risk is minimal, with all the medications you have received being either A Class or B Class medicines, and the fetus looks well developed, so I wouldn't worry,  but let's have a closer look at the organs for any abnormalities, " the doctor reassured you, smiling warmly before conducting a more detailed ultrasound, carefully examining every organ of the growing fetus.
Minutes passed, and Lucy kept squeezing your hand, maintaining eye contact to reassure you as you watched, in utter amazement and disbelief, as the doctor pointed out the different organs and limbs on the screen.
The little being inside you was kicking and moving, a testimony to its vibrant health and development.
Finally, the doctor nodded and turned off the machine. "All is well in there, and the baby is healthy and growing perfectly," he then finally said, and you  couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you, even though you were by no means ready for this.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" you asked almost as if you were in a trance  , still not quite able to comprehend the enormity of the news.
The doctor nodded and gestured to the ultrasound screen. "Well, this area here would indicate that your baby is a boy," he said softly, pointing to a slightly wider section in the grainy, black and white picture.
You kept staring at the ultrasound screen, unable to tear your gaze away from the small, wriggling figure. "A boy," you murmured softly, almost to yourself before breaking out in tears. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of fear and uncertainty in that moment.
You had never dreamt of becoming a mother, at least not this soon, not under these circumstances. And although you knew that you could rely on Cillian to support you, you were still hesitant to bring a child into the world so abruptly. 
With everything that was going on in your lives, the timing was absolutely terrible and you were unsure whether or not motherhood would break you. You weren't ready for this and not to mention the fact that your relationship was still very new and complicated.
You had no idea how you would  explain this to Cillian and the thought of telling him made you sick to your stomach.
NOTE: Yes I know I am predictable. I cannot help myself! I love writing pregnancies into my fics, so no judgment please.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 months
Margaret and Rourke (Part 1)
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Rating: Mature  Relationships: Female Human/Male Orc  Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Lovers, Interspecies Romance, Orcs, Older Man/Younger Woman Content Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Mentions of Physical Violence, Mentions of Torture, References to Sexual Assault Resulting in Pregnancy  Series:  Part 18 of Shelter Forest: The Towns  Words: 4,238
The reader's mother from Akjan's fic and her orc hubby get their own fic! After her daughter is taken away from her to be married to an orc chieftain she's never met, Margaret worries she'll never see her again. An orc arrives with news of her daughter and promises to help them reunite. Please leave feedback!
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Your daughter had been gone for two months already. The count had ripped her from your arms in an instant on the day of her eighteenth birthday and gave you little to no time to say goodbye. You could only hope that she was well and being treated properly wherever she was, but you had no way to know for sure. You were anxious constantly, unaware if she was healthy or fed properly or even alive, but the idea that she could be somewhere out there, safe and happy, was the only comfort you found in your day to day life.
You were in a lot of pain at the moment. Moving around was difficult, and you struggled to complete your normal tasks. The madam had whipped you mercilessly just the day before for the unspeakable crime of passing in front of her when she was in a bad mood. She’d always been unkind to you, but since she discovered that your daughter, Catherine, was indeed the child of the Count, she had become the human embodiment of cruelty, turning the typical punishments she doled out onto you into nothing short of torture. You had no friends to turn to, since everyone in the manor knew you were the Countess’s favorite punching bag, so they would earn themselves no favors by being kind to you. Without Catherine there to lean on anymore, it was becoming harder to endure the beatings. 
As you were working, you saw David, a butler that had been hired recently. His face fell in sympathy as soon as he saw you, likely due to the bruising on your face and the split lip you were sporting. He was one of the few that treated you kindly. 
“Margaret, I’m glad I caught you,” He said. “I need your help.” 
“My help?” You asked. “I’ll do my best. What can I help with?” 
“The master has given me a task in town, but I don’t know my way around quite yet. Could you help me find the…” He consulted a piece of paper in his hand. “The Periwinkle Florist? The master is having guests later this evening and wants new flowers for the foyer and receiving room. Do you know where it is?” 
“Oh, yes, I do,” You told him. “It’s quite far, though. I’m surprised Master wants us to go so far out of the way for fresh flowers.”
“You know how the master is,” David said, rolling his eyes. “He wants what he wants.” 
Margaret laughed nervously. “Yes. Should we go now? It’ll take us at least an hour to get there and an hour back.” 
“That would be best, if we want to return before nightfall,” David agreed. “Are you ready to go as you are?” 
“Oh, I just need to grab my shawl and we can go,” You replied, taking a step toward the servants’ quarters. 
“Best be quick,” He said. “I’ll wait by the rear door.”
Nodding, you quick-stepped back to your tiny closet and grabbed your crocheted shawl, old and repaired many times. Something felt off about the room, like something was missing, but you figured it was just because Catherine was no longer there, so it felt terribly empty. 
You met David, who was carrying a large produce bag, by the back door that led out to the back of the estate, where there were the stables on one side and the tool sheds on the other. Between them was a road used exclusively by the servants into and out of the estate. The two of you set off down it, heading toward the middle ring of the city, where most of the shops were located. 
David was pleasant company, engaging you in light small talk to pass the time. He asked about your daughter, which you were only too happy to talk about, and told you about his wife and son, to whom he was sending all of his money. Hearing him fondly describe his son as a “tiny terror” made you smile. 
Finally, you arrived, but instead of entering the shop, David directed you to the back of the building. Confused, you followed him. Standing there was an orc whittling a small block of wood. He had long, single-braided dark hair and bright eyes, dressed in a simple tunic and trousers, and a rucksack was set against the wall next to him. He was more slender than most orcs you’d ever seen, though he was tall and had tight, strappy muscles on his arms. He looked up as you approached, though he paused momentarily when he saw you, staring and slack-jawed. His eyebrows drew down into a small frown briefly, gone instantly, though you weren’t sure what that was about. The sight of a man you’d never met before, a physically powerful one at that, filled you with no small amount of terror. Being alone with two men who could easily overpower you made you even less comfortable.
“Who…?” You asked, turning to David.
“Don’t be afraid, Ms. Margaret. This is an associate of mine, Rourke,” David said.
“I… I don’t… What are we doing here, David?” You asked him, becoming very worried and starting to back away.
The orc named Rourke approached the two of you slowly as if approaching a skittish animal. 
“Are you Ms. Margaret? Miss Catherine’s mother?” He asked you, and your heart jumped into your throat. Forgetting your fear momentarily, you reached out desperately to clutch his arm.
“Is she alright? Is she safe? Where is she?”  
“She’s fine,” Rourke said reassuringly. “She’s married to the chief of the Willowshield Stronghold and being given the respect she’s due as the chieftain’s wife, so you have no reason to worry. We’re here to take you to her.” 
“Take me… I…” You hesitated and looked backward in the general direction of the Count’s manor, though it wasn’t in view. “We’re leaving now?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke said. “We have to move quickly. If we don’t leave now, we may not have another chance to leave without the Count knowing. I’m sure he’ll realize it sooner rather than later, but we can get a head start if we leave now.” 
Anxiety welled up in you, present at all times, but vastly more intense at the moment than normal. You’d never been outside of the city before and had no idea what to expect from the outside world, and you didn’t know these men at all nor have any reason to believe or trust them, but… your baby girl was out there. If there was any chance of seeing her again, you would have to place your trust in strangers.
“I didn’t bring my things,” You replied weakly. 
David reached into the large bag he’d brought with him and wrestled out a second smaller bag, which you recognized as your own carpet bag, where you kept your meager treasures. You had bought it ages ago when you first tried to leave the manor, but finding out you were with child had stopped you. As bad as the manor was, even though you were paid pennies, you were still paid. You were fed. There was a bed underneath you and a roof overhead. And… you didn’t know where else you could have gone, anyway. You had been there all your life.
Now… you had that chance. The chance to run. 
Looking up at the two men, tears of both fear and hope filling your eyes, and you nodded. 
The three of you managed to get out of the city wall before nightfall, but were forced to camp outside mere feet from it. The two men had set up a small but charming tent for you to use, though they themselves would be sleeping outside. As they went about setting up the camp, building the fire, and cooking an evening meal, you sat there for the first time with nothing in your hands, unsure of what to do. 
“Can I help with something?” You asked them. 
Rourke smiled at you kindly. “No, Ms. Margaret, we’ve got it well in hand. You rest your bones for a little while. We’ll take care of this.” 
Sitting still felt unnatural, but you sat and watched them bustle around. As David stirred the pot over the fire, Rourke retrieved a jar from his bags and came close. You resisted the urge to back away. 
“May I sit with you, Ms. Margaret?” He asked. When you nodded, he sat on an upturned log next to you. “This is an ointment our stronghold’s medicine woman made. It’s magic on bruises. Would you mind if I applied a little? That black eye looks nasty.”
“Oh,” You said, looking down to hide behind your hair a little. “Yes, alright.” 
“Look up for me, Ms. Margaret,” He said gently. 
Carefully, he pulled your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ears. You looked up, surprised by how close he was. This close, you could see he had the prettiest deep brown eyes, glittering like stars in the flickering firelight. They were the same color as clean tilled earth, or savory soup that nourishes the body and soul, or a warm blanket of wool that keeps out the winter chill. They reminded you of every comforting thing you’d ever experienced in your lifetime. You found yourself blushing as those thoughts filled your head, trying to put them out of mind.
“I’m surprised you have a grown child, Ms. Margaret,” Rourke said. You assumed he was attempting to make small talk. 
“Why’s that?” 
“You look far too young. How old are you, if I might ask?” 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?”
“Is it?” He asked, tilting his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. That’s not something orc women care about. In fact, orc women like to brag about their age. Each year they live is a year they beat death. As much as we cherish the idea of dying honorably in battle, we also really like bragging.” 
You laughed. “I’m thirty-three.” 
“So young!” He said. “You were still just a girl when Mis Catherine was born, eh?” 
Your smile faded. “Fifteen, yes.” 
He clicked his tongue. “Far too young. I’m amazed you were able to raise a babe when you were hardly more than a babe yourself.” 
“Why, how old are you?” 
You pulled back to look at his face. “You're one to talk about not looking one’s age! You barely look out of your thirties! I can’t believe you’re almost twenty years older than I am.” 
He laughed. “Well, thank you for the compliment. My daughter complains that we look much more like siblings than parent and child, but I don’t know if that’s a compliment for me or self-deprecation for her.” 
“You have a daughter?” 
“Oh, yes,” Rourke said. “Just about the same age as Miss Catherine, in fact. She’s my pride and joy. Lost her mother when she was young, so it’s just been me and her ever since then.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s alright, Ms. Margaret. It was long ago now.” 
“Still. You have my sincerest sympathies.” 
“I appreciate it. This is pretty bad, by the way,” Rourke said, wincing in sympathy as he applied the ointment to your eye. “What happened?” 
“Oh, I…” You looked down and away, careful not to tilt your head out of his reach. “I… it… just happened.” 
He paused momentarily before continuing, regarding you soberly. 
“Does it ‘just happen’ often?” He asked softly.
“I… I’m a poor worker,” You said quietly. “I’m too slow and lazy, so… I require more… correction than the others do.”
He spread a little of the ointment on the split in your lip, his touch feather soft, before he sat back and gazed at you.
“I can’t claim you know you or your work ethic, Ms. Margaret,” He said. “But no one deserves this kind of punishment. That I do know.” 
You looked down and didn’t respond. 
Rourke sighed. “Do you know how to ride a horse?” 
You looked back up at him. “No.” 
“I thought so. We brought two horses with us, two of the fastest in the stronghold, but it seems like you’ll have to ride with one of us. Is that alright?” 
You nodded. “That’s fine. I just want to get back to my baby.” 
“She’s a lucky lady, to have a mother like you,” Rourke said with a smile. “She’ll be happy to see you. It’ll be a nice surprise.” 
“She doesn’t know I’m coming?” You asked. 
Rourke shook his head, his long ears waggling. “The Count tried to make Chief Akjan believe that Miss Catherine was a legitimate daughter of his, but Chief Akjan had a feeling there was more to the story than he was told, so he had us do some investigating.” He motioned at David. “David realized the true story from listening to the manor’s gossip. After observing you and sending word back, Akjan sent me to retrieve David and see if you were willing to make the journey with us. Although…” He glanced at your face again and sighed. “Seeing how bad things are, I shouldn’t have delayed so long. I should have been here sooner. I apologize for that.” Rourke took a bowl from David and handed it to you. “Here. David’s not a great cook, but it’ll be better than twigs, certainly.” 
“I cook better than you, you lout!” David said indignantly.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure it’s fine.” 
Well, he hadn’t been lying: the meal was a little rough, basically just jerky boiled in water, but it was filling enough and made you feel warm inside. 
“We should sleep early,” Rourke said, holding his hand out to help you stand. “We’ll be getting up before dawn to go pick up the horses and start toward the stronghold.” 
“You didn’t have to put up a tent for me, I can sleep on the ground,” You told him, looking inside. It was just a bedroll on top of a riding blanket, but it looked charming and comfortable. 
“Nonsense!” Rourke said. “I’d never made a lady sleep on the cold, hard ground! No, no, you get in there and get comfy, I’ll be right outside keeping watch. Get yourself some rest, Ms. Margaret. Goodnight.” 
Ducking into the tent, you laid your tired body down on the bed and covered yourself, the aches in your body intensifying as you tried to relax. Once he saw that you were in the bed and down for the night, Rourke stationed himself at the mouth of the tent, his back to you, having a muted conversation with David that you couldn’t make sense of. Despite being outside of the city walls for the first time in your life and headed toward an uncertain future, seeing Rourke’s back blocking out the dangers of the world made you feel a strange sense of security. Almost immediately, you fell asleep. 
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They managed to make a trip that would normally take two weeks in a mere five days. They rode pretty hard for the first few days, though Margaret needed several breaks throughout the days in order to recover, since horse riding when you weren’t used to it could be quite punishing on the body. She was eternally grateful for that bruise ointment, which Rourke had gifted her.
Margaret rode with Rourke for most of the trip, since his horse was larger, but being in close proximity with men made her wildly uncomfortable. She simply had to swallow down her discomfort to make it to the end. 
For Catherine, She kept telling herself. I can do it for Catherine.
They eventually arrived in a town bustling with activity. It wasn’t anywhere close to being as busy as the city, but it was more lively and less noisy. Riding straight up the middle lane, they reached a tall wall made of wooden pikes and a large gate with sentries patrolling the top. 
“Here we are,” Rouke said. “Welcome to the Willowshield stronghold.” 
“Catherine is inside?” You asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke replied. “She’s just inside.” 
Hope and expectation welled up in your chest. “She’s just inside,” You repeated softly. 
Rourke chuckled a little, his breath stirring your hair. “Not long now.”
The doors of the gate opened slowly, and the interior of the stronghold revealed itself. There were cottages dotting the landscape, with two long bunkhouses to the left and right, a large building at the top of the hill, and in the very center right beyond the gates, a longhouse that seemed to serve as a town hall. The stronghold was just as bustling as the town outside, and despite being a closed community, it was far more inviting than any place you’d been yet. 
“We must report in to Chief Akjan,” Rourke said as he jumped down from the horse. He reached up to help you down, and then handed off the reins of the horse to a waiting horseboy. You were surprised that orcs had horseboys. “But you’ll be able to see your little girl right after.” 
You nodded and allowed Rourke to lead you into the longhouse. There, a large orc sat in the chair in the center of the room at the end of the fire trench. He wore a leather kilt, furs on his shoulders, and various leather straps. He was talking to David, who walked right up to an orc woman with a baby on her hip and gave her a long, deep kiss. You blushed.  
“Chief Akjan,” Rourke said. “She’s here.” 
“Ah, good,” Chief Akjan said, standing up and towering over you. Where Rourke was tall and lean as a whip, Chief Akjan was broad and massively muscled. “Are you Margaret?” 
You tried to answer, but your voice came out as a squeak. Clearing your throat, you replied, “Yes, I am.” 
Chief Akjan nodded. “Good. I’m glad you’re here. Catherine will be happy to see you.” 
“If you’ll pardon me, Sir,” You asked him shyly. “You’re the one married to Catherine, aren’t you?” 
Chief Akjan shrugged. “Yes and no,” He replied. “We have a contract, but it can be revoked at any moment. She’s under no obligation to stay with me, nor am I beholden to her. We may part ways as friends whenever we wish.” 
Your head rocked back in surprise; you’d never heard of an arrangement like that before. 
“Is she well?” 
“Better than she was at the Count’s estate, I’d wager,” He said, snorting, but upon seeing your anxious face, he answered more seriously. “She’s just fine, ma’am. We’ve been taking good care of her, I swear to you. Shall I fetch her for you?” 
“Oh, please do,” You begged. “I’m so anxious to see her.” 
“I’ll return shortly, then. Wait here.” 
Chief Akjan turned and exited through a side door, and you rung your hands in anticipation, resisting the urge to bounce on your heels like a child. 
“Excited?” Rourke asked, smiling. 
“I just want to be sure she’s alright,” You said. “I can endure anything if my child is happy.” 
Rourke’s smile widened in a fond way. “You’re a good mama.” 
You blushed and looked away. 
“Hopefully, you won’t have to endure anything from now on,” Rourke said, pointing. “Look alive.” 
You spun on your heel, elated. Catherine was standing there, looking healthier and brighter than you had ever seen her, wearing simple but well-made clothing, and every ounce of anxiety in your body evaporated. 
“My baby!” You exclaimed, running forward to throw your arms around her. “Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry!” 
She clutched you, quietly crying into your hair. Oh, you had missed her so.
“It’s alright, Mother. Are you alright?” She asked, pulling back to look at the fading bruises on your face. They were almost gone, but the presence of them surely made Catherine feel worried. You could see it on her face.
“I’m fine, honey, I’m just fine,” You insisted. “David and Rourke have been taking good care of me.”
She released you and looked at the men you had pointed to. “They have? What do you mean? How did you get here?”
“I sent them to collect her,” Akjan said, stepping forward. “I had a feeling there was more to the story that you and the Count hadn't told me, so I sent David to do some reconnaissance. It didn’t take long for the full story to reveal itself, so I sent Rourke to retrieve her. Problem solved.”
Catherine’s face showed worry, relief, and a little bit of disappointment. “Thank you, Akjan. I will be in your debt for as long as I live. Are you going to send us to Willowridge?”
He shook his head grimly, crossing his arms. “No. We know that the Count must be aware that your mother has disappeared by now and may have guessed the stronghold’s involvement. Our intelligence suggests he’s gathering soldiers to march on Willowshield to either get his horse deal or take you and your mother back. It’ll be safer for you and your mother to stay within the walls of the stronghold.”
Catherine’s hand went to her mouth in shock. “Oh, god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize the Count would cause this much trouble for you.”
Akjan shrugged, as though an invasion by a noble was no cause for concern.
“We’ve been attacked for far less. Don’t worry, it won’t be an issue.” He addressed you directly. “Welcome to Willowshield, madam.”
You bowed your head and nodded shyly. “Thank you very much, Chief Akjan.”
"Rourke, have the girls show Ms. Margaret to the bunkhouse."
Rourke nodded. “This way, Ms. Margaret. Miss Catherine will join you shortly. She and the Chief need to have a heart to heart.” He began guiding you toward the back door and outside.
“Is she in trouble?” You asked fretfully, allowing yourself to be led.
“Not at all! Just some husband and wife business, that’s all. Never you worry.” 
You weren’t sure about that, but you had no choice but to believe him. Rourke had been positively enthusiastic since the moment you met him, upfront and honest and the picture of gentlemanly chivalry. His open and friendly nature had gotten past your inner defenses, and you’d go so far as to consider him something of a friend. David was good natured and friendly as well, but you’d never felt as close to him as you ended up feeling to Rourke. There was just something about Rourke that wouldn’t allow you to ignore him.
Rourke led you to a communal pavilion where there were several women doing fiber arts, weaving and spinning and knitting. One of them, a tall woman in trousers, stood up and came close. 
“Ms. Margaret, this is Erin, Chief Akjan’s sister-in-law,” He said. “She’ll take care of you until Miss Catherine finishes up with the chief.” 
“Ah, you’re Miss Catherine’s mama!” Erin said, holding out her hand. “So good to meet you! We’ve been waiting for you.” 
You took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Erin.” 
“Oh, she’s just like Miss Catherine,” Erin said. “Shy and sweet. They’ll love you around here.” 
“Hey!” Rourke said in a warning tone. Erin raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t respond. Clearing his throat, Rourke turned to you. “I have to give a debrief to the chief and report to my superior now. If you should ever need me for anything, my normal job is as a gate guard, so if you go down to the gate and ask for me, I’ll be at your disposal. Any time. Alright?” 
You nodded. “Alright.” 
He seemed reluctant to leave, but he started walking backwards. 
“Until then.” 
You smiled. “Until then.” 
With a bright parting grin, he turned and trotted off, his long braid swinging back and forth. 
“My goodness,” Erin said. “You and Miss Catherine certainly have a way about you, don’t you?” 
You tilted your head in confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” 
Erin shook her head and laughed. “It’s nothing. Let’s get you set up with a bunk. Things are about to get… busy soon.” 
The way she phrased that made you feel a little tense, but she pulled you forward to meet the other women in the group, all of whom were welcoming and kind. Erin took you up to the bunkhouse, where you claimed two beds, one for you and one for Catherine. Erin informed you that, now that you had arrived and the Count had nothing to hold over her, Chief Akjan and Catherine no longer needed to keep up appearances and the marriage would be dissolved. Worried, you asked if that meant that she’d be kicked out, but Erin assured you that wasn’t the case. 
“The chief wouldn’t do that,” Erin said. She leaned in and whispered, “Between you and me, Akjan likes her too much to send her away. My prediction is that they won’t be apart for long.” 
“Oh,” You said, surprised. 
Erin laughed. “Come on, she’d be done with the chief now, let’s collect her and catch up. I’m sure she’s dying to tell you everything.” 
Allowing yourself to be dragged back to the pavilion, you saw Catherine standing there, looking around for you, and smiled. For the first time in your life, you felt like you were right where you were meant to be.
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Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
I'm a horrible writer, and I'd had this idea stuck in my head for weeks. If you have time, I'd love to see it in your writing style. Only if you want to, though.
Javier and fem!reader are in an established relationship, and have been ever since they were teenagers. They joined the gang together after Javier was run out of Mexico, and he asked her to run away with him. Like the bonnie to his clyde. When the gang arrives in horseshoe overlook, the reader starts to feel sick. She'd become close friends with Abigail, so she discussed how she had been feeling (Ex: Sore breasts, nausea in the morning or with smells of certain things)
and above all, her period is late. About 2 months late. She thought it might have just been stress, but Abigail suggested that she might be pregnant. The reader waited a little while before telling Javier, because she was nervous, scared, and overall afraid of what he'd say. They both knew how dangerous the world was for people like them. When getting ready to lie down to bed one night, Javier can tell that there's something wrong, and he pulls her aside. As they walk around the outskirts of camp, she finally tells him what was bothering her.
Maybe he takes her into town to celebrate? and by celebrate, I mean they get a hotel room. wink wonk
Let’s Go To Bed
(Javier Escuella x Fem!Reader Smut)
Forgive me I’m a busy little guy
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, pregnancy kink, praise kink
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An acidic stripe of vomit moved up your throat in a way that reminded you of mercury rising in a thermometer. You felt the familiar sensation of gagging tugging at the back of your throat as you began to overproduce saliva, your body's attempt at preparation for the bitter regurgitation of this morning's breakfast. You briefly managed to swallow it down with a silent burp before groaning and falling back to sit on your ass. 
“You look awful.” Abigail remarked, wrapping a shawl around your shivering shoulders. You could only nod in response, a line of saliva dripping down the side of your mouth as your head lolled to the side. 
“I feel awful.” You groaned, leaning into Abigail’s hold. She dug through her pockets, fishing out a bottle that she presumably got from the medicine wagon. She more or less bottle fed the tonic to you, holding it to your lips and tipping your head backwards. The taste alone made you nearly gag once more, and you let out a strained grunt when she pulled it away. She then handed a mug of coffee to you, hoping it would replace the flavor of the tonic. 
“Thank you so much Abigail… But I’m sorry I woke you up so early.” You apologized, holding the mug beneath your nose. The coffee seemed to be the only smell around camp that didn’t make your head spin in a vomit inducing nausea. 
“Oh, don’t worry about me. I couldn’t just ignore how sick you were. In fact, I’m surprised Javier didn’t wake up…” Abigail narrowed her eyes at him in a way that made you giggle. She had a point; your retching had been so loud and so close next to his body, you felt that even if you had spilled your guts all over him he still wouldn’t have woken up. He slept as though he had traveled on foot across the country and back.Though other members of camp had been awake at the time, they weren’t as well prepared to handle your sickness the same way Abigail was. 
“Yeah… I don’t know how he can sleep like he doesn't have a care in the world..” You sighed, envying your husband for not having to suffer the same way you did. 
“Well you should be his one care in the world!” She rebuked, rolling her eyes at his sleeping form. The two of you broke into silent laughter afterwards. Abigail looked back at you, a motherly concern in her eyes. 
“You’ve been real sick lately, (Name). I’m beginning to worry. It comes at random too.” She sat down next to you, studying your body. She held a maternal air around her, worrying over you the same way an experienced guardian would in consulting their child and giving them advice. 
“Girl talk, but have you and Javier been intimate lately?” Her question was straight to the point, blunt in a way that suggested she was looking to get to the bottom of this. You blushed and giggled nervously, looking back and forth between Javier and Abigail. Part of you felt that you’d be doing Javier a disservice by sharing details about your intimate life together with someone else, especially while his unconscious body bore witness. 
“Uhm, yeah. I suppose so…” You nodded slowly, unable to look her in the eyes. She raised her brows and nodded knowingly. 
“And what else have you been feeling?”
“Well, I’ve been tired and pretty out of breath, I thought I was just unfit or something?” It sounded as though you were trying to convince yourself of that more than you were Abigail. “And my breasts have been pretty sore, Javier did say they got bigger…” 
Abigail rolled her eyes at that last remark. “Of course that’s the first thing the man notices and not how sick you’ve been.”
As if you were catching onto what Abigail was getting at, you added “And I haven’t gotten my period in two months…”
Her eyes went wide as her jaw dropped, covering her mouth in disbelief. Your resting expression turned into one of squeezed panic, like a rabbit being held by its neck. A recollection of the events of the past few months came gushing back to you, and everything seemed to click into place like a gear shifting inside clockwork, finally striking on the answer. A shared sense of knowing settled between you two. 
“I thought I was just stressed?!” You seemed to bargain with the idea, attempting to grapple with any alternative explanation that wasn’t as severe as this. But Abigail pursed her lips and shook her head, confirming your fear. 
You supposed in all the years you and Javier had been together, this was something that was bound to happen. The topic of pregnancy and having children together wasn’t necessarily a topic that was out of the question, but it also wasn’t something you had anticipated happening to you so abruptly. Though it made sense, you could only have so much unprotected sex without conceiving a child; and you and Javier had done plenty of that. 
Another reason the idea never came fully into fruition during discussions was because you were both very well aware of the world around you. After having run away from Mexico, the two of you lived your lives constantly on the run. Coming into the country alone and not knowing the language, the two of you were all the other had. Living your life squalidly before finding some sense of stability within the Van Der Linde gang, but it had been years since then. You also knew raising a child in a gang environment wasn’t ideal, but Abigail had been doing it. Albeit with difficulty, but she had the entire gang there to support her. And you knew you’d have the same support system as well. 
Abigail remained by your side in hushed conversation, offering you any advice she had for your situation. She said you were fortunate to have a man who actually gave a damn about you, so you would definitely have his support there. But there was an underlying sense of apprehensiveness at what Javier’s response would be, one that neither of you wanted to acknowledge as to not entertain the possibility.
Abigail saw you off by allowing you to keep the shawl and tonic, wishing you the best of luck in telling Javier the news. She reminded you that regardless of his reaction, she’d have your back as well. You thanked her hurriedly, as Javier had begun to toss awake. You sat there by his side as he blinked sleep away, smiling at the fact that you were the first thing he saw when he awoke. 
“Buenos días, mi amor.” He croaked, his voice still hoarse from sleep. He slowly sat up from where he laid and rubbed his eyes. He gave you a second look, concern crossing his features and startling him awake. 
“You look so sick, are you okay?” He suddenly leaned forward, attempting to cradle you and check for anything that might indicate less than perfect conditions. His hand brushed your breast, making you audibly groan from pain. He reeled his hand back like a young child who just touched a stove, looking on in morbid confusion as if trying to figure out what exactly was the cause of your pain. 
“I’m just feeling a little nauseous this morning… and I’m a little sore too.” You tried to reassure him with a half hearted smile, contemplating when would be the right time to tell him. Not telling him simply wasn’t an option, after being together so long, it would be dishonest. Though when you told him one of your bodily symptoms was soreness, his mind seemed to go to the gutter as he slowly smirked. 
“Hm, guess I was a little too rough on you last night, no?” He laughed to himself as you groaned, pushing his face away to hide your blush. A reminder of what exactly got you into this situation.
The day was torturously slow. There seemed to be a constant veil over your consciousness that set you and reality five feet apart. Every action felt disconnected from your body, and it was only when you looked down at your belly, that you felt grounded once again. The idea of having a life growing inside you filled you with a fresh sense of panic, rattling through your rib cage and fully spreading through your shoulders in cold harshness. At times, you would think about your future excitedly, pondering all the different ways in which you and Javier would embrace parenthood. Though those thoughts would quickly become sour and twisted, a fork in the metaphorical line of thought forming as you fearfully included the possibility that Javier might react negatively. At some point you had even begun crying at the thought of your nearly decade long relationship ending, to which all of the camp girls and a few of the men would try to comfort you, asking over and over what was wrong. It was only until Javier came over to you that you blurted out the question “Do you still love me?!”
Of course, Javier was quick to comfort you, allowing you to blabber as many inconsequential questions as you wanted while he held you. And while he was definitely used to dealing with your emotional outbursts, he was a professional at it, he found their sudden consistency to be quite alarming. At some points he had begun questioning himself, whether he had done something wrong; to which you’d have to end up comforting him from. That or the two of you would confess your anxieties to each other tearfully while reassuring each other; it was rather theatrical.
As you changed into your nightdown that night, you stopped for a moment longer to look at the latent swell in your belly. You smiled widely and rubbed it, sighing contentedly before turning around to face Javier; your joy mixing unpleasantly with fear. Hurriedly, you changed (to which he insisted you stay undressed a little longer) before settling into your tent together. You were fidgety, unable to find a proper position to lay down comfortably. The hardness of your cot, something you had become used to, became ten times worse in your heightened state of awareness, the overstimulation turning you ill-tempered.
“Amor, what’s wrong?” He placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it as if it would get the answer out of you. As if a switch had been flipped in you, triggered by the very question, your eyes began to water and your bottom lip began to tremble. Javier looked on in horror, thinking back on every word he’s ever said to you, overthinking his tone and inflection, reflecting on the past few days; he tried to find anything in between that might have caused you to become so emotional. You let out a wail as you sunk into his arms, confusing him to no end. 
“What happened?! Are you okay? Please, just talk to me.” Javier’s voice quivered as he begged, completely at a loss as to how he could help you. People from camp had begun to sound their concern outside your tent, asking if the two of you needed help or to ask what was wrong. Fed up with the unwanted attention, he led you outside of camp away from everyone’s curious eyes, whispering comforting words to you as he led you into the woods. 
He took your shoulders and turned you to face him before cupping your cheeks to tip your face upwards. Your melancholic expression felt like barbed wires squeezing his heart, and he pulled you into his chest for a hug. He shushed you soothingly, rubbing comforting circles on your back. After a few more moments of silent crying, you cleared your throat and sniffed. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurted out, looking into his face to immediately catch any expression change. At first Javier’s eyes merely widened, his jaw opening in a way reminiscent of Abigail’s earlier. After a few seconds, he smiled widely, hugging you even tighter. The spreading anxiety within you diminished and was replaced by a flood of relief that made you feel ten times lighter. You wrapped your arms around him to return the hug. 
“Are you serious?! Amor, this is amazing I… I’m finally going to be a dad!” He exclaimed in a whisper. He looked like a kid who just received the best present on christmas morning, uncontrollably giddy from excitement. You smiled widely and wiped away your tears, nodding. 
“How long have you known?” 
“Well, I was speaking to Abigail about how I felt this morning and we deduced what was up with me and… I wanted to tell you soon because it was the right thing to do but I was also scared about how you’d react and I was just so nervous all day…” Your lip began to pout as more tears threatened to fall, but Javier wiped them away for you with his thumb. He leaned in to kiss you, your worries melting away like warm butter. Your body relaxed and released a tension you had not realized you had been holding onto. 
“We have to celebrate.” He suggested, smiling. 
“Right now?!” You giggled. 
“Yes absolutely, let me get my horse, we’ll go into town. I’ll treat you to something.” 
You had never felt happier as you watched Javier retrieve his horse, giggling when you watched him excitedly whisper into his horse’s ear about how he was going to be a father. Javier was the gentlest he had ever been as he helped you onto his horse, giving your knuckles a peck before getting on as well. You held onto his waist tightly as he spurred his horse into a gallop, and as you did, you felt his body tremble with excitement. You saw the low glow of Valentine as you approached the small town, the constant buzz of work having died down and turned in for the night. As people began winding down for the day, they ventured into bars or restaurants, buying the last of their errands at the general store, or resting up at the Saint’s Hotel. 
Javier had bought you a multitude of treats and food despite your insistence on him not spending money on you. He splurged a little extra on buying you the finest new clothes, cotton skirts and form fitting blouses (he claimed he wanted to be able to see your belly when it swelled better). He refused to drink that night, claiming he would join you in sober solidarity. For the last event of the night, Javier insisted he buy a room for the two of you to sleep in, saying he could not allow his dear pregnant wife to sleep on a hard cot. 
Though the two of you seemed to have other plans, because as soon as you entered the room, your hands were on each other. Your eager mouths united in a kiss that was far from sweet and gentle. Javier began pawing at your ass through your skirt as he sucked on your tongue and lips, catching your bottom lip between his teeth before pulling. 
As he undressed you vigorously, it appeared to you that the only reason he bought you the new clothes was to tear them off you immediately after. He nearly tore your bloomers off of you, leaving you stark naked as you sat on the bed. You laughed at Javier’s impatience as he threw his own vest off, followed by his shirt and jeans. And before long, he joined you in bed naked as well. He laid next to you and wasted no time in spreading your legs open, resting one of your legs atop his thighs. He prodded your lips with his middle and ring finger before pushing them into your mouth, shuddering at the feeling of your wet appendage circling his digits. He left his fingers in there for far longer than necessary, indulging in the feeling alone before retracting his hand, which still clung to your lips through a string of saliva. 
He spread your folds open and gave your clit a quick flick, before sliding his fingers down past your vulva and to your entrance. He let out an involuntary moan at the feeling of your wet warmth as he dipped his fingers in, the both of you sighing in satisfaction when he slid in down to the knuckle. 
“Fuck, you’re so warm… Can’t wait to be inside that tight cunt.” He whispered in your ear, the combined sensation of him fingering you and whispering into your ear causing you to shudder and mewl lewdly. He reached his thumb back and began rubbing your throbbing clit, and at the same time, connected his lips to your nipple. He kept in mind the sore state your breasts were in as he cupped one of them, kneading gently so as to not bring you any pain. But the light sting of soreness brought you some sort of pleasure, and your entire body began to squirm as Javier nibbled lightly on your nipple. You reached down towards his aching cock, which was leaking pre cum on the sheets below you (you felt bad for whoever it was that would be cleaning the sheets after tonight). You began stroking his throbbing erection, smearing his tip with your thumb, though your strokes were inconsistent and stuttered as he began fingering you harder, a smattering of your wetness soaking the sheets beneath your ass. 
“It’s so cute how flustered I can get you with just my fingers, (Name)..” He hissed into your ears, kissing your lobe and tracing kisses down your neck. His cock was left forgotten on his lap as he fingered you to completion, cumming all over his fingers and hand. You let out a high pitched wail, rocking your hips against his fingers as he helped you ride out your orgasm. 
“That’s it… Just like that… Such a good girl.” He smiled against your pulse before pressing a kiss to it. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath, the corners of your vision spotted as you came back down from your climax. Your breath was stolen once again when Javier captured you in a kiss, far more tender but equally as passionate. He mounted your quivering body, holding your thighs open with one hand as he held your hand with the other. You moaned wantonly when he teased your clit and hole with his tip.
“Can’t wait to give our child a little brother or sister to play with one day… until then I’ll keep fucking you raw. We’re gonna have so many kids together…” He slid in as he finished talking, his voice turning into a whimper. Your wetness allowed for easy entry as he bottomed out. 
There was a consistent wet slapping as Javier began fucking into you, throwing your legs over his shoulders. His expression was completely debauched, seemingly more aroused by the idea of permeating your womb with his cum. He shuddered at the very thought of you being pregnant, and was filled with a sense of anticipatory wonder and excitement when pondering the thought of expanding your family together. 
“You look so good, can’t wait to see your belly swell…” Javier threw his head back and his eyes slid slowly closed, wetting his lips with his tongue as though his words left a decadent taste on his lips. His hips pistoned into you with determination, and within a few minutes he ended up cumming. Though you barely registered the fact he did, as he kept thrusting into you. You groaned at the feeling of his cum seeping out of you, only to be fucked back inside by him. He scooped up any that escaped, claiming that it all needed to be inside you. A white halo formed at his base, and his fascination with watching his cock disappear into you bordered on obsession.
“Take all my cum.” He breathed into your ear, his breath hitching as he came again. The two of you laid there together, dissolving into a chorus of breathlessness as you tried to recollect yourselves. You both became an amalgamation of combined limbs as you embraced each other, not minding the intense body heat the both of you emitted, even if it became unbearable. 
“I love you, Javier…” You sighed, burying your face in his neck. He smelled of sweat and faintly of scented shampoos and products. 
“I love you too, amor.” He kissed your forehead. He made it a point to shift his hips into a more comfortable position to remain inside you, harboring some sort of irrational fear that if he slid out, you might somehow wake up not pregnant. 
He held you tight as you fell asleep, and oh, how quickly you gave in to exhaustion. His chest swelled with pride and excitement, and every time he felt himself getting closer to sleep, the thought of soon being a father made him skittish and ripped sleep away from him. And at once, all the violence and pain that it took to get to this point made sense.
Let's Go To Bed - The Cure
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venerawrites · 5 months
Heya 👋
Can you do a pregnant s/o with neji, kiba, shino, Gaara??
Have a great day ❤️👋🌺
author's note: this is such a cute request, I really loved writing it! I actually wrote Gaara finding out his s/o is pregnant, where I kind of covered how he will be during the pregnancy, so I decided to cover only Neji, Kiba and Shino for this one. Hope you enjoy! <3
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➤  Neji
Given this is Neji we are talking about, I assume his s/o's pregnancy was more or less planned.
He and his partner have been trying to conceive for a while, since they've been married for a year already and the elders of his clan were already pestering them about children.
So when his s/o told him they are pregnant, he felt both rush of excitement and relief.
Probably one of the calmest and most composed men when it comes to his partner's pregnancy.
I imagine he has been preparing for this moment for a while by reading various books, consulting with some of the older women of his clan, as well doing his own research during his free time.
Definitely more ready and knowledgeable than his s/o about it.
I have always been of the opinion that Neji is very traditional guy, who dreams of having a family of his own.
As such, he is overprotective from Day 1.
He will accompany his s/o everywhere, help them with chores and would try to stop them from doing any missions straight away, worried that the risk of losing either of them is way too big. (I say try, because he will probably be unsuccessful till the last few months)
Has a tendency to be a bit paranoid and scold his s/o if he ever see them doing even something by themselves.
I feel his s/o would find all his efforts and worries somewhat adorable in the beginning, but as their pregnancy progress and their hormones start going crazy, they will start losing their patience with him.
I imagine the second half of the pregnancy may be a bit stressful for both of you (and everyone around you tbh!), since his s/o won't hold back their complaints about Neji's behaviour and in turn he will be annoyed about why is his s/o angry, when all he tries to do is to take care of them.
Treats his partner like an absolute ROYALTY tho
His s/o want a silk pillowcase, because otherwise they can't fall asleep? He will go around the whole Hyuga compound to find them one.
His s/o is craving his famous vanilla ice cream in the middle of the night? He is spending the hours preparing it from scratch for them.
Overall, his s/o's pregnancy would go quite easy, as he is very attentive and already knows quite a bit about what to expect and how to handle his s/o's mood swings.
➤  Kiba
Where do I even start with this one?
Initially, when his s/o told him they were pregnant, he was absolutely perplexed.
He knew they were not always super strict with the protection, but so far they have always been safe from incidents.
Like, he is not against becoming a dad - quite the opposite, he would love to have a house FULL with little Inuzuka babies, BUT he just was not sure he was ready at that point.
He is not really sure how to prepare tho?
Unlike Neji, he is not in the mood to go around and spend days reading boring books about childbirth and pregnancies, neither he felt comfortable talking with his family about it.
I imagine he is the type of guy that just grab his s/o's hand and give them a reassuring smile, saying: "It's okay, we are going to figure it out together!"
And they do. The beginning is a bit messy, both him and his s/o don't really know what to expect and if they should expect anything at all at this early stage.
I don't think he is going to treat his partner any differently, because for the first few months they look pretty much the same as before, so in his mind they should be perfectly capable to continue going on missions, do chores etc.
His s/o's period of throwing up almost every night and feeling sick every time they take a bite of food COMPLETELY throws him off and he is phoning Sakura almost every day, asking her to come to his house and check his s/o
When his partner gets their mood swings, their house becomes almost like a battlefield - poor man doesn't really know why his s/o is behaving that way and would constantly be baffled by his s/o's behaviour
"Why are you screaming at me? Don't you dare throwing that pillow-Ow! Dammit!"
I imagine that he will have to seek his mother's and sister's help in the later stage of the pregnancy, it is just TOO MUCH to handle
That doesn't stop him from wanting to have another kid pretty soon after his s/o gives birth to their first one - now that he has seen how they glow when they are pregnant, he plans to keep them like that quite often
➤  Shino
Our favourite boy Shino... his s/o is honestly lucky to have him during their pregnancy.
When they first told him they were pregnant, he didn't show much of an emotion, other than letting his lips curve in a small smile, before resting a gentle kiss against his s/o's temple.
He was definitely happy about the news, but as I always imagined him as a quite laid back individual, his reaction is actually pretty calm and relaxed compared to many other Naruto men.
In the beginning, his behaviour doesn't change much - he tries not to intervene too much with his s/o's freedom and let them do whatever they want.
If they want to continue doing missions - that's fine by him, even tho he may ask the Hokage to send him with them if possible.
If they want to stay at home - he doesn't mind taking a complete care of them, if this is how they are going to feel comfortable.
He is very attentive and always listen to his s/o's wishes and needs.
For this reason I actually think his partner is going to have pretty easy pregnancy - they would feel relaxed and comfortable in Shino's care, adopting his view that parenthood would just come naturally to them.
I don't even think they would have any pregnancy symptoms, even at the late stage - their behaviour and relationship with Shino remains pretty much the same. (I mean, even when hormonal, you can't really be angry at this softie, can you?)
Also, I imagine he may propose during his s/o pregnancy? He had always knew he wanted to officially make them their partner, so this felt like the perfect time to tie the knot tbh.
cc artwork: Pengzhen Zhang
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