doctorleta · 2 years
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LOVE YOURSELF FIRST DAY! Ok, it's a Hallmark holiday, but it's always a good reminder to BE love and to spread love. We are in a time where most of us can agree that our special someone doesn't "complete" us, like Jerry McGuire famously said. So I am promoting Love Yourself First Day, so we can be so filled up that our extra beautiful loving Qi can go towards others! We come to the table from this WHOLENESS place of being rather than thinking that this other person completes us as if we were missing something. So here we go... filling our own cup with goodness and starting with ourself first. Have a beautiful day today and guess what? I love you!! #startwithyourself #loveyourselffirst #lovewins #doctorleta #galentinesday #valentinesday #fillyourowncup #putyourownmaskonfirst — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/fHRgcAK
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shadesmagazine1 · 2 years
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MFC’s TFTD ... Don’t be too #busy filling other people’s cups that you forget to fill your own. #fillyourowncup #doyou #selfpreservation #motivationmonday #inspiration #thoughtfortheday
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omphinitri · 4 years
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⠀’Who are you?’
To define
Is to limit
To limit
Is to create
To create
Is to liberate
Creation is revelation
A perpetual revolution
That turns the eye
Ever towards truth
If you were free
To begin creating
Whatever you wish
What would mean the most to you?
And why?
If you can answer the why
Then you can apply
This purpose
To everything
For each step delivers you
To where you are going
And where you are going
Is inevitably towards
Where leads the greatest gravity
The most meaning
The deepest truth
Calibrate to truth
Through practicing
Creative expressions
Of your authentic self
To become able
Through all that you do
To liberate your spirit
Into being living art
Inform the form
Limit yourself
To a craft
A style of being
In forming creative renditions
Of the formless
To liberate the limitless
From within
In this you will come to know
Your limitlessness
Your potential
In all forms
All styles
And all crafts
That call to you
That you choose
Do not fear
To brand yourself
For you will still transform
Through all your becomings
Always being
Brand new
Do not resist
First finding out
What you are
In calibrating to the truth
That calls to you
From within
You either know what it is
Or you know where it is
And if you don’t know where it is
Then there it is
In mystery
Step forward
Into the unknown
Delve to discover
The deeper truth
Where is the unknown?
It is everywhere
That you have avoided looking
For long enough
To know exactly where it is
Do what must be done
To find out what you are
And to be able to say
Truly who you are
The pain
And limitation
Of discipline and definition
Is temporary
It is only your becoming
Like being born
Make your mark
Know what you are
Create who you are
Give birth to yourself
Embrace the eternal
Liberate the limitless
Within the limitation
Of being
To produce
And to amplify
Expressions of truth
Relax into alignment
With being true
To yourself
‘I am
I will
I create’
࿓ Omphinitri
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mzpinkz · 5 years
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I had to learn this the hard way. I have till my cup was empty. And my body made me sit the fuck down. I now protect my energy at all costs. #fillyourowncup #selfhealers #empaths #message #truth #energywork #selflove #selfcare #peace #beblessedbeloved https://www.instagram.com/mzpinkz613/p/BwxhXqaAq4m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12w9cwbz6tczu
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greenismyfavcolor · 6 years
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I wish these water bottle filling stations were in more common every day places instead of mainly airports and travel places. If people had easier access plastic consumption would hopefully go down. #waterbottle #fillyourowncup #refill #byob #bottle #singleuseplastic #plastic #pollutionfree #pollutionprevention
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Do you have concerns about being too egoistic when you take care of yourself? No worries! Being egoistic in a non-harmful way is a self-loving thing to do. And from. And being altruistic is a self-loving thing to do too. Because both will make you happy.  Read on..
A student asked me some time ago about the difference between self-love and egoism. And: “How can we love ourselves, without becoming egoistic?
In this post, I’ll clear up the whole topic and explain why you don’t need to worry about selfish egoism when starting to love yourself more. Have a look at the video, or read the answer I send back to this student:
“I would love to share my thoughts on the matter.
There's generally a very negative definition of egoism, most people think of it as some evil and purposeful tendency to serve one’s own needs at the expense of others. And yes, sometimes people do serve their own needs at the cost of others. But is it evil? Should it be shamed? Should we try to suppress this tendency in ourselves (for don't we all have that tendency sometimes?)?
|Take good care of yourself too|
Egoism can also be defined more neutrally as the I-person being concerned about themselves. And that is actually a very important and beautiful thing. Of course, we need to take care of ourselves! Just like we need to take care of our family, our planet, our body, and yes... our ego / ourselves!
You are the one person who's always with you, you are the first person responsible for your own being. You are the person who knows best what you need, and you're also usually the person who can best meet those needs. It's very important we all take good care of ourselves.
And this actually leads to altruism (the opposite of egoism, the tendency to selflessly do good for others and the world around you), because once you're able to meet all your needs, you have your hands free to help other people meet their needs. And this is something we as human beings very naturally do…
|We all love to help|
We all love to help. When we help others, our brain makes serotonin, our natural "happy chemicals", the same chemicals as are the active component in XTC pills. Our brain even makes more serotonin when we help others than when we help ourselves. So ultimately, it's in our biological nature to be altruistic because it makes us happy. You can see this in children too, they very often naturally like to help and give presents to others.
BUT we might first need to fill our own cup before it can spill over in an abundant flow for others. For example, if we're worried about paying our rent, it's harder to feel happy giving to a charity than when we're feeling abundant. And when we're depressed ourselves, it's hard to cheer others up.
|From win-lose to win-win|
Now here's the problem of egoism: people might be so caught up with trying to meet their own needs, and they might have so many psychological problems, that they completely damage others in the process of doing so.
For example, there are business people who have never been loved enough in their childhood and who use having as much money as possible as a substitute for their feeling of self-worth. And they might be so caught up in that, that they don't care about the damage the company is doing to the environment or the bad working circumstances the employees of the company have to endure.
Hence the negative feeling that most people have about egoism is one where: they see only this negative side-effect of it and they think all egoism is bad.
The goal, however, is to acknowledge that egoism is something good. It is important to take care of yourself. And at the same time, one should be considerate toward others. And of course, it's possible to meet your own needs without damaging others.
Of course, the business owner with a lack of love in his life can go to a psychologist and get help, and find out how to have fulfilling relationships, and run a company that's not damaging to the employees and the environment.
I'll go one step further and say that's it's actually even impossible to take good care of yourself without being considerate toward others. In the end, human beings are empathic beings. We have mirror neurons in our brain that for example make you yawn when you see someone else yawning, and that makes you happy when you see someone else happy, and that makes you sad when you see someone else is sad. If we hurt others, we hurt. And as said before, when we make others happy, we feel happy.
By the way, a nice short inspiring and uplifting movie to watch on this theme is Serotonin Rising (2009) by Toni Perry. You can also find that one for free on Gaia TV if you're a member of that.
So people who commit egoistic crimes against others are just learning to find out that that won't make them truly happy.
Even if they don't feel bad about it at the moment of the crime, they will probably start feeling guilty later. (Maybe except for a small number of people with very serious hard-wired psychological disorders, maybe psychopaths and narcissists, but I wouldn't really know about that.)
For normal people goes: To damage someone else is to damage oneself too. And some people are so caught up in meeting their own needs that they haven't learned the lesson yet that actually what makes one truly happy is a non-violent life, loving connections with others, helping others.
Conclusion: Being egoistic in a non-harmful way is a self-loving thing to do. And being altruistic is a self-loving thing to do too. Because both will make you happy.
In addition, you might like to watch a very related video I have posted on Youtube called "Scrap egoism out of your dictionary, why you can free yourself from egoism". It deals specifically with being able to say ‘no’ to others without needing to feel wrong about that. You can find  that video behind this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uom4ZNOZdR0&t=1s
Thank you for your question. Please let me know if you have further questions.
Kind regards and love,
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goldflow11 · 4 years
act like there’s something within you worth protecting. like there’s a valuable being worth holding space for. and let that vibration pour out into everything you do. 
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mylchee · 4 years
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#daily #motivation #build #disperse 💭 Build to Disperse Today’s motivation is about building up your capacity to be able to share. Figuring out how to fill up your own cup, so you can quench that thirst and share the cup. 📣 What gets you going to start the day? ⭐️ Tag someone who needs to hear this. #mylchee #morning #motivation #capacity #fillyourowncup #quench #thirst #aspiration #quote #starttheday #mood #setting #intentions #mornings #inspiration (at Scarborough) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBQ__IhvNb/?igshid=10f7onh67ps8w
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urbanminerals · 4 years
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Happy #selfcaresunday friend 🌸 . Wishing you a limitless day full of rejuvenation, time spent in the sunshine and focused on feeling good about you 😘 // . . . #selfcarereminder #smudge #palosanto #outdoors #goforawalk #stretch #readabook #drinkwater #takeabath #paintyournails #journal #sing #listentogoodtunes #relax #fillyourowncup #blessup #mineralmagic #urbanminerals (at Urban Minerals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkyeeNhwiy/?igshid=1cja4mymkwlr2
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lifecoachrabia · 5 years
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When your cup is half full, it is for you. Fill it up, give to yourself, let it overflow. Then you'll be in a better position to give to others. #fillyourowncup #givingwithgrace #acceptinghelp https://www.instagram.com/p/B1L1-CkgDVC/?igshid=19je9vvid3snn
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journeykeeper-blog · 6 years
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My other home. - I love my yoga practice. But that's not why I am a yoga teacher. I love lots of things, and I haven't built a life around them. I am a yoga teacher because I love to teach. And it's hard sometimes. You have to have the passion to set aside your personal story, to show up, communicate, to walk the talk, to educate and guide, to know your place, your shortcomings and your proficiency. You have to be willing to be a student as much as a teacher, at least of you desire to become a good teacher. Each class takes 100% of your focus and awareness, paying attention to each student, and the flow, willing to change and adapt at the drop of a hat. - I love what I do. I also happen to be good at what I do. And as much as I need a break every once in a while to fill my own cup, I also love returning to this. #selfcare #spiritualmaintenance #journeykeeper #fillyourowncup #dowhatmovesyou #dowhatyourgoodat #passionate #yogalife #yogateacher #yogastudent #gratefulheart #gratitude #backathome #yogamidrand #yogamidstreamestates #budokonyoga (at Lunula Yoga Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BriDy2aH-CS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3qk3dndgz4lk
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gempayten · 6 years
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Love yourself too 💕 . . . . . #itsnotselfish #selfcare #selflove #loveyourself #itsnecessary #takecareofyourself #fillyourowncup #mefirst #makeyourselfapriority #youareworthit #lovewhatyoudo #givelifeyourall #setgoalscrushthem #positivevibesonly #faceyourfears #perfectlyimperfect #learntoloveyourself #neverstopgrowing #failforward #getuncomfortable #flawsome #inspireothers #perspective #rewriteyourstory #motivation #woman #metime #happiness #gempayten #dowhatyoudo
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kellyboyleartist · 8 years
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When u spend an aft drinkndraw at swanky hotel feeling a bit Daniel Johnston at the Oscars, get to watch the incredible Vibrant orange moon rise over the Caribbean followed by a 3 mile stroll back to the bosom of @bateytulum wi live music and heartists. What a beautiful day, icing on the cake, hostel room to mi sen! Grateful to receive so much appreciation about what I do, and connections in every corne. Stay weird folks! #bewhoyouareontheinside #fillyourowncup #fullmoon #luna #artist #betruetoyou #tulum #connect #yorkshirelass #nomad (at Batey - Mojito & Guarapo Bar)
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acupofjones · 8 years
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Don't forget to celebrate you! Take some time to discover what fills YOUR cup, then pursue it, even if its only once a week or every other week. Whatever you do, DON'T LOSE YOU! DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOU! As I Always say, YOU MATTER!! I promise you will be a better Mom and Wife, when you take a break and fill your own cup! You can do it! I'm proud of you! 💕✊🏽#CelebrateYou #YouMatter #COJ #LoveYou #fillyourowncup
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