#Finn Cotter
heartlandians · 5 months
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Heartland - 16x04 - Spark to Flame
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confessions-heartland · 6 months
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"I HATE that Jack was right about Finn Cotter."
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smokinholsters · 1 year
The Lucky Horseshoes - A Heartland Season 16 AU - Chapter 14
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Chapter 14
“Did you buy that suit for this ?” She asked reaching over to take his hand just after they reached Highway 2 North to Calgary.
“Everything but the boots, Grandpa insisted, you ?”
Amy smiled “Everything I’m wearing was bought just for you.”
“So, a lot riding on this date huh ?”
“Just being asked on an actual going out date is special for me Finn, Ty and I really never did this.”
“Seriously, even when you were married ?”
“Wasn’t our thing I guess, though I probably would have loved it. No hiding it,  I have no idea how to do this.”
“Then I’m glad we’re doing it together, you should be a part of special things Amy.”
“I’m glad we’re doing it too.” She said softly moving her fingers between his seeing he had moved his closer and turned it to accept hers readily.
She felt his thumb gently rub over hers a moment after their fingers intertwined. The familiar goosebumps he brought her running up her spine again.
“So the paint and stuff is all waiting at the house ?”
“And the crew is raring to start taping first thing tomorrow, I guess we’ll be moving in within the month or so.”
“Still excited ?”
“On a bunch of levels, I’m looking forward to, well, a host of things actually.”
“Nervous too ?”
“Maybe a little but not really, to be completely truthful a lot of that has gone away. Lyndy’s positively giddy, Grandpa and my dad are pretty much on board, Clint’s anxious for it to happen as are the kids and Renata is great.”
“So what are you looking forward to the most ?”
“I’m not sure, actual alone time is pretty high on the list.”
Finn smiled and glanced over “doesn’t sound too promising for me.”
Amy smirked and squeezed his hand “alone time with you is pretty high on that list too Finn Cotter.”
“Actually looking forward to that porch swing myself.”
“I’m sorry Finn.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about Amy.”
“You’re Ok with well, us, I mean the timing, the uhm, status of us as a couple ?”
“I’m fine waiting for the alone time and you Amy, I’m not going anywhere and there isn’t a hotel room I’m planning on springing on you later, I’m happy.”
Amy sighed “I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel this happy again.”
“That’s good to hear and this is probably not the best timing but I’m going to need this hand in a minute.”
He looked over and saw Amy pout but disentangle her fingers from his and take her hand back. 
“We’ll be there soon.”
“Have you been before ?”
“Nope, going on reputation alone.”
“Cass had been twice, she say’s it’s nice.”
“Let’s hope Cass and the rep hold up then because we’ll be there in a minute, it should be right up this road.”
Finn pulled  through the entrance and up to the front where they were immediately approached by two men. One opened Amy’s door and held out his hand for her and one went around to the driver’s side and handed Finn a card as he stood.
Amy waited at the foot of the stairs for Finn and put out her hand for him to take as they walked up to the doors where a young lady was waiting to hold it open for them.
Once up the stairs Finn immediately put his arm around her waist and she was happy to tuck herself into his side and lean up for a kiss before they stepped over to the small desk.
“Reservation ?”
“Finn Cotter.”
“Yes sir, right here, table for two, it’s a nice night and we have an outside table under the eve by the lake, would that suit ?”
Finn glanced over for Amy’s smile and nod and then back to the young lady. “Perfect.”
“Excellent then, if you’ll follow me this way.”
When they entered the restaurant they were led through some tables and Finn never took his hand from her body but simply shifted it so that they could walk single file to the double doors to the outside terrace where they were led to a table for two against the rail by the lake where a small candle was lit while Finn pulled out her chair and got Amy seated.
Before moving away he leaned over for a kiss and she took a second to raise her hand to his cheek.
“This is beautiful Finn.”
Before turning he took her hand and kissed her palm then took a step and sat down across from her where she immediately laid her hand on the table between them for him to take.
“Your waitress will be by in a second, will you be having wine with dinner ?”
Finn looked at Amy for a second and smiled “We’re not really wine drinkers but I’d love a drink.”
“Then we’ll forego the sommelier and your server will take your drink order. It’s a nice night, enjoy your dinner.”
“So what’s your drink ?” Amy asked looking around and noticing the sunset over the lake “This is really beautiful.”
“It’s a nice night, anyway my drink changes, before dinner I’ll have a Manhattan usually and an unsweetened ice tea or water with dinner. Burgers get a beer. Mostly music place either a beer or a margarita. I don’t drink much and don’t have a problem being the designated driver. Was Ty a drinker ?”
“He’s had too much but never really to excess, at least with me. One too many beers when he did, couldn’t drive but not mushy or slurry. I’ve never really known him to do shots or stuff like that, again at least with me. The current drinkers in the family prefer wine, Georgie beer. My dad had a drink and drug problem, I guess he still does but he’s been sober for years.”
“Yeah my grandpa’s also sober but had a problem years ago.”
Amy watched as a young lady walked through some tables and smiled at her when she stopped at their table.
“Good evening folks, I’m Eva your server so if there’s anything you need just catch my attention” she said laying two menus on the table.
“Need a drink menu or do you know what you want ?”
“I’ll have a cranberry and soda with some lime please.”
“Excellent and you sir ?”
“Manhattan, rye please, two cherries, on the rocks.”
“No problem, let me get these for you and I’ll be back for your orders.”
They both took the single sheet menus and scanned down the dishes.
“Do you like fish Amy ?”
“I do and don’t eat enough of it, mostly salmon. Grandpa fishes a lot but it’s all pretty much catch and release though at the fishing cabin it’s dinner sometimes.”
“Feel like splitting an appetizer, we could try the Lake House Fish Plank ? It’s mostly local smoked fish it seems.”
“Sounds good to me, how about mains ? The Wild Boar Chop looks good to me, I think I’ll get that, seems weird to order beef being that it’s kind of our business.”
“Well, the steak Jack made was great so no argument here. How about I get the Marinated Bison Flat Iron Steak ?”
“That sounds good too, how about we promise each other a taste or two ?”
“Share my bison huh ? Hmmmmm, I guess that would be Ok.”
“And we’ll choose desserts after ?”
“I guess we’ll have to share those too.”
“We’ll see, I kind of like my desserts.”
“You do like your sweets.”
“You got me there.”
“I’m kind of sweet.”
“I do like you Finn Cotter.” She said putting down her menu and  putting her hand back across the table to be immediately taken by him. She loved his touch and thought again how gentle it was considering the callouses expected from his work.
“I’m afraid they’re not soft.”
Amy took her eyes from looking at their hands and smiled “And I was just thinking how gentle they were.”
He had an absolutely adorable grin which showed up every now and then when he pushed his flirting a little, it was another thing about him that she loved.
“So you think about my gentle hands often ?”
“Often enough.”
“Good thoughts ?”
Now it was her turn “they give me goosebumps.”
They were interrupted and brought back to reality by their server who brought their drinks. She waited until they each took a sip and brought up her iPad.
Finn looked at Amy “me ?” She smiled and nodded.
“Ok then, we’ll share the Lake House Fish Plank for Two and my girlfriend will have the Wild Boar Chop.”
“How would you like that cooked ma’am ?”
“Medium rare please.”
“Very good and you sir ?”
“I’ll have the Bison Flat Iron Steak, I guess also medium rare.”
“Excellent, I’ll be back to check in on you in few minutes.”
They both nodded at their server and both took second sips of their drinks when Finn put his hand out for her to take “dance ?”
“Nobody’s dancing Finn.” Amy said looking around. There was a trio and a singer and even a small dance floor but there seemed to be no interest at the moment.
“You know how it is Amy, everybody waits for the first couple. C’mon.” He said standing with that grin of his.
She smiled and stood still holding his hand as he stepped aside and let her lead them to the dance floor. She noticed that as before he simultaneously shifted from holding her hand to having a hand on her waist. It was a good feeling and one of those things that was new to her. Dating as an adult was completely different than what she was used to. She’s wasn’t sure if it was better but it was certainly more comfortable and honest, at least to her.
Finn surprised her when he turned her gently  and moved her perfectly into a classic waltz stance.
“You know how to dance don’t you ?” She leaned back slightly and asked before closing the gap between them.
“Know is a relative word I guess, mom likes to dance and taught me the basics. You ?”
“My friend’s and I taught ourselves when we were 13 thinking that some boy or another will one day ask us. Do you like dancing ?”
“Never did much of it honestly but I kinda like this”
“I kinda like it too.” She said softly and then glanced around and saw two other couples who had joined them and giggled “It really is like high school.”
She smiled and looked up at him and Finn leaned forward for a kiss to which she was happy to reciprocate. “One more ?” He asked when the song ended.
“Mmmmmm,” she murmured laying her head against his chest for the few seconds it took for the trio to start another song. As the song was ending Finn saw the waitress signal to which he nodded acknowledgment. “I think our food’s ready.”
Once again Amy turned towards the table and she felt Finn’s hand slipping onto her waist to guide her and maintain contact. She turned into him when he moved behind her to help with her seat and leaned up to kiss him.
The waitress smiled and stood waiting for Finn to seat himself before moving the smoked fish platter between them and point out the different bites available.
“I could ask them to hold off on firing your entrees if you’d like a couple dances between courses ?”
Amy smiled and looked at Finn across the table “that would be wonderful Eva, thank you.”
“Fill-up ?” She asked taking Finn’s empty high ball glass.
“Unsweetened iced tea ?
“Not a problem.” She said turning to Amy.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“So we like the dancing ?” He asked when Eva turned away.
“I like the touching part.” Amy answered reaching for a taste of one of the fish slices. “Oh, this is so good.”
“It is good.” Finn answered swallowing a bite of his own.
As soon as they were done they left the empty platter and headed back to the dance floor. It almost seemed to Amy that he held her just a drop closer than earlier and she wondered if he could feel the effect that being so close to him had on her. During their last dance before Eva signaled that their entrees were ready Amy lay her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist while her hands snaked around his neck. When she looked up at him and craned her neck up their kiss sent shivers up her spine.
They sat through dinner, playfully passing bites to each other for tastes. They gave their dessert orders of a Dark Chocolate Marquis and a Sticky Toffee Pudding along with a carafe of fresh dark roast coffee before heading back to the dance floor. In the end they were one of the last couples to leave with a wave and a bright smile from Eva.
“Did you have a good night Amy ?” Finn asked as their hands joined on the way back to Hudson.
Amy sighed and squeezed his hand “I thought the whole night was dreamy, I don’t really have the words, you, the dinner, the place, it was wonderful.”
“I guess maybe the Lake House can sort of be our place for special occasions.”
Amy nodded, “definitely a contender, especially the dancing part.”
“Yeah, definitely my favorite part.”
“Thank you so much for tonight Finn.”
Finn smiled and lightly squeezed her hand. He switched off the headlights after turning into the ranch and pulled up to the house slowly.
“It’s so peaceful and quiet at night.” Amy said waiting for Finn to come around to her side.
“Feel like sitting ?” He asked as they headed up the porch chairs.
“Sitting would be nice.” She said moving over to the bench they seemed to prefer. When they sat she tucked herself into his side as his arm moved around her shoulder gently following her body.
After a minute he leaned over and kissed her head.
She smiled and moved herself a bit so her hand could sneak under his jacket and she laid her head against his chest and sighed when his hand followed her body over her back to her waist.
“You know, you don’t smell like horses.”
Finn laughed “uhm, thank you ?”
“No.” Amy said giggling “I mean we always pretty much smell like horses but not tonight.”
He laughed again “yeah, I get what you’re saying. Horse isn’t a bad smell.”
“It’s the smell I grew up with, it’s almost weird not to was the point I was making.”
“To be fair, I noticed that you didn’t smell like horse either.”
It was almost simultaneous that she lifted her head and he shifted to the side so that they fit together comfortably when their lips met. Her head swam as they kissed and she could feel his hand move gently on her back which she naturally reciprocated. She loved his touch and her body reacted. She couldn’t totally concentrate but Amy felt good and happier than she’d been for a long time.
She didn’t know exactly when they slowly pulled away from each other but after looking at him for a few seconds she reached up and touched his lips with her finger and then leaned up to kiss him one more time.
“We have an early morning coming up.” He whispered.
“Mmmmmm.” She murmured straightening up and then smiling, ran a finger across his brow to neaten up a droop of his hair.
They walked to the door with his arm around her and Amy’s arms wrapped around his waist. At the door they shifted and he held her close with his hands on her waist with her arms around his neck. Their kisses were slow and deliberate and they were both lost in each other’s space. 
His voice was a whispered croak and he was lost in her eyes as she was in his.
“Text me when you leave tomorrow and I’ll meet you at the center.”
“With the crew.”
“It’ll be a good start, I took off Monday and I have most of Tuesday for painting.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Cabinets Wednesday and plumber Friday, I’d feel better knowing everything was ready.”
Amy laughed “Just can’t wait to get me on that swing can ya ?”
“I love you Amy.”
It was the first time either of them had said the words and she had a warm sensation spread over her. “I love you too Finn Cotter.”
He smirked leaning down to kiss her and murmured “Just like high school.”
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tvshowpilot · 2 years
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This week, Heartland delivered a heavier episode than usual. Want to know what happened? Then check out our recap of Heartland season 16 episode 4!
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the-real-tc · 2 years
This news comes as a terrible shock. RIP, Robert Cormier, aka, Finn Cotter. Rest In Peace.
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heartlandtfln · 1 year
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“Amy: Every guy I've ever dated has told me I have trust issues...which is something liars say when you're on to them.”
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loo-nuh-tik · 2 years
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Smile (2022) dir. Parker Finn 
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andrew3garfield · 1 year
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SMILE (2022) dir. Parker Finn
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deathisreborn · 1 year
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"Smile" (2022). Dir. Parker Finn.
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bloodandgvts · 1 year
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If you just smile
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heartlandians · 4 months
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Heartland - 15x08 - Brand New Day
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confessions-heartland · 6 months
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"The writers need to pick a guy for Amy (or have no guy) and actually develop a relationship storyline. These potential romances that last 2-3 episodes are driving me crazy. I am not even that huge of a fan of Caleb, but their scenes are popping this season. I could see the writers doing a ‘slowly falling for your best friend' thing. Amy is happy around him and he’s clearly in love with her. If that’s not happening—fine, but why tease us with it?
It is unrealistic that all these guys are interested in Amy. Finn/ Edwin/ Caleb/ Nathan? Have Amber do a chemistry test with someone and begin to thread storylines throughout the season. The writers seem to be throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks. It’s bad writing and disrespectful to their audience."
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smokinholsters · 2 years
The Lucky Horseshoes - A Heartland Season 16 AU - Chapter 12
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Chapter 12
Lisa sat in the edge of Amy’s bed while she brushed out her hair and then changed her jeans and blouse.
“So we’ll pick up Lyndy, head over to Maggie’s for a snack and to grab Lou and then paint and furniture ?”
“That’s the plan for today, I don’t expect we’ll get to window treatments and area rugs until the final paint choices so we can get swatched. What did you think about the space ?”
Lisa nodded “Pleasantly surprised actually, I didn’t know what to expect, nice sized rooms, a guest room slash office, new kitchen, 2 bathrooms.”
“I was scared it wouldn’t be bright but the windows are nice and big and they face well.” Amy said brushing out her hair. She checked herself in the mirror and stood up. “Ok, I’m ready let’s head over to the school.”
“Lyndy was positively bursting this morning.”
“She was, she’s very excited, a whole new adventure and she loves hanging out with the center kids.”
“You over last night Amy ?” Lisa asked as they sat in the mud room putting on shoes and boots.
Amy pulled on her boot and sat up to look at her “nothing to get over Lisa, it’s done and the only thing I want is their good wishes. What about Heartland, seriously, as if Grandpa thought to ever once ask me about Heartland, and I’m just down the road Lisa, Lyndy doesn’t even have to change buses. Thank you all for stepping up by the way. I don’t know, between Finn and the horses I work with and this.”
Lisa reached over and put her hand on Amy’s arm “Hey he loves you, sometimes it just comes out this way, he worries about you.”
“And there’s Ty, I know, you don’t have to say it, I’ll always love Ty, but he has to let me move on.” She sighed and then smiled “Come on or we’ll be late, let’s go pick out some purple paint.”
They took Amy’s truck in case they had to transport anything. Amy and the center had more than enough help to paint so they decided to conserve money by buying the paint and what supplies they needed She’d take what they could today and pick up the rest during the week. The furniture would probably have to be ordered.
After picking Lyndy up they sat at Maggie’s sharing two slices of Saskatoon pie with coffee for the adults and milk for Lyndy.
Amy swallowed and turned to Lisa “Hear from Jessica today ?”
“A text while she was waiting for her meeting, she’ll text when she’s done.”
“I hope she gets the job whatever the job is.”
“Magazine ad for men’s soap.”
“Men’s soap ? What’s men’s soap ?”
Lisa laughed “I don’t know soap with a manly smell I guess.”
It was Amy’s turn to laugh now “All the me I know smell like livestock and manure most of the time.”
Lou laughed at that point “I don’t think that’s what they’re shooting for.”
They were done and Amy checked her daughter’s face “Lyndy, go get washed up and we’ll head over to look at paint and get samples.”
“What are samples momma ?”
“They’ll give us little can of the paints we like to try on the walls and when we decide they’ll make the colors we choose and we’ll paint the walls.”
“I want purple.”
“I know Lyndy but there’s going to be 20 or 30 different purples. You can pick three or four and we can paint little squares on the wall in your room and you can choose the one you like most.”
“Like a game !!”
Lisa smiled “just like a game sweetheart and then you can help with the other rooms.”
“Ok, now go wash up.”
It was Wednesday before they could head over to paint on the swatches and Amy had promised Lyndy that she could help so Lisa and Jessica met Amy and Lyndy at the center house soon to be Amy’s new home.
They had fun painting the squares and waiting for the paint to dry though they’d come back in the morning to make sure that the colors were true. Lyndy, true to her word chose four somewhat light purples for her room. Amy on the other hand chose several shades of greys. They were interesting and tinted with other colors, green for her room, rose for the bathrooms, hallway and kitchen, and blue for the guest bedroom. The house was old and restored rather than redone and one of the features they made sure to keep were the intricate crown moldings which would be painted white along with the window sashes and ceilings.
It was early and dinner would be a small group with the men attending a Foothills Cowboy Association meeting and Lou at some Mayoral event. As such Lisa had declared it a pizza night and everyone, especially Lyndy, was fine with it. They needed half an hour for the paint to dry completely and decided on a walk since Amy wanted to check on the kids, the horses and Mrs. Renata Corazon, the centers’ new ranch mother. 
“It’s really a nice space.” Jessica said as the came out of the house.
Amy’s response was cut short as a small gas engine kicked off and filled the air with sound. She stopped speaking rather than raise her voice and followed the sound around the corner of the house.
They found Mrs. Corazon and Clint leaning against the chicken wire covered fence post that surrounded what used to be the ranch’s vegetable garden watching three of the boys working alongside a fourth who was working a rather large tiller.
Amy smiled and stepped over to stand next to Mrs. Corazon who had turned and smiled at her when she noticed the younger now official facility director walking over.
“Renata, good to see you settling in.”
“It’s not a ranch without a garden Amy.”
Amy nodded “I agree 100 percent, we should get some chickens also. Where’d the tiller come from ?”
“Borrowed from the Potter’s next door, very nice people.”
“Little late to be planting.”
“For a lot but we can still plant late season greens and get a harvest.”
“And a good start for next year I guess.”
“Hello Renata.” 
The middle aged woman looked down between herself and Amy and then leaned over with open arms. A moment later she stood with Lyndy arms around her neck.
“How are you today Lyndy ?”
“Good, we’re waiting for the paint to dry and then we’re having pizza.”
“Pizza huh, that sounds good, I’m making tacos for dinner.”
“I like tacos.”
“Then I will make them for you when you have start sharing dinner with us.”
“And lasagna.”
Renata laughed “I remember the lasagna and burgers and the stew sweetheart.”
“And it’s not just Renata’s job to cook for us Lyndy but for everyone at the center.”
“I know.”
One of the perks to Amy, would be that she and Lyndy would eat dinner with the group, a family dinner around a very large oak table in the oversized dining room on the first floor of the center house. They’d have breakfast upstairs in the apartment and lunch would go either way. For most of the year that would mean Lyndy having lunch at school.
“Lyndy, how about you introduce Renata to your grandmothers ?”
Lyndy nodded and Renata turned and let her down onto the ground.
“This is Grandma Jessica and this is Grandma Lisa but she’s really Great Grandma. This is Renata.”
They both smiled and introduced themselves formally and with handshakes as Jessica Cook and Lisa Stillman as did Renata in return.
“So you’ll be taking care of our girls from now on I guess.”
“Soon enough, that’s my job but Amy’s being stubborn about it so I promise to do my best.”
Lisa laughed  “just make her chocolate chip cookies.”
“I like chocolate chip cookies.” Lyndy piped up.
Jessica leaned over to kiss her head “I can’t imagine why.”
“I don’t think it’s being stubborn to clean my own living space Renata.”
“It is when your job is 7 days a week and basically 24 hours a day.”
Amy’s answer was waylaid by her phone which she checked. Everyone saw her smile before her “excuse me”.
“Hey you, all done ?”
“And on the way, I’ll be in Hudson by 6 or so, think I can take you and Lyndy to dinner ?”
“Nope but you can pick up two pizzas and two dozen garlic knots and bring them to the house. Grandpa and dad are telling tall tales tonight.”
“So the coast is clear ?”
“This has nothing to do with you Finn.”
“And ?”
Amy laughed “the coast is clear.”
“Then I’ll text when I’m at the pizza shop.”
“Finn ?” Jessica asked when Amy turned back.
“On his way home and picking up our pizzas. How about you three look around, I should check in with Logan or Michelle and I’ll find you in 5 minutes.”
“You won’t find them Amy; Michelle, Logan and the girls are out exercising the horses. I’ll have one of them check in with you when they’re back.
Amy nodded “thank you Renata, I’ll talk to you after dinner. I guess we’ll check the paint and head back to Heartland. Clint you need me for something ?”
Clint smiled “for everything but tomorrow will do.”
Amy smiled back “Call if you need me and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Katie was waiting when they got back to Heartland and was happy to watch over Lyndy while Amy got some work done with the horses. Amy assumed Jack was out at the herd
and felt a little guilty that she felt relieved they wouldn’t have to talk about Finn again. She sighed when after an hour she glanced up from the round pen where she was working and saw him and her dad coming over the rise.
“How did everything go today Amy ?”
Amy stopped and turned “It went good dad, I’ll double check the colors in the morning and place the paint order so hopefully we’ll get that done over the weekend.”
“So what do you think, a month ?”
“I guess thereabouts, it really depends on the furniture and appliances for now.”
“Tim, can we get these horses settled so I can shower ?”
“Yes Jack, in a minute.”
“Amy, everything Ok ?”
Amy nodded “All good Grandpa.”
Tim turned towards Champ and then stopped again “let me know if you need help with anything Amy.”
“Thanks Dad.”
Guiltily she waited until her dad and grandfather were done with their horses before leading Farraj, the horse she had been working with into the barn to brush him down.
She watched her dad head upstairs to the loft and her grandfather walk to the entrance and stop.
“Count me in for the help too Amy.”
“You mean that Grandpa ?” Amy asked stopping a couple meters from him.
“Of course I do.”
“Well then thank you and I’ll let you know.”
“Need help now ?”
Amy smiled “I’m good Grandpa, you should go get ready or you’ll be late for the tall tales.”
Jack laughed “it’s not just tall tales Amy.”
“I know, there’s drinking, back slapping and food that’s definitely bad for you.”
“Ok, Ok.” Jack chuckled “I’ll see you inside.”
“I’ll be in soon.”
She spent longer in the barn than she had planned on deciding to check on the rest of the horses and take care of the worst of the stalls. It would make night check easier. That time translated into her walking back with Tim who was on his way to grab Jack for the meeting and waited for her.
“Excited about moving ?”
“And nervous, thanks for the other night by the way.”
“I think this might actually be best for you Amy. Jess is sure of it.”
“I have to try.” Amy answered softly.
“I’m sure you’ll do better than try.”
“Thanks dad.”
“When does Finn get back ?”
“Soon, he’s bringing the pizza.”
Tim smiled and held the door open for her.
Finn’s text came as Tim’s truck backed away. Lisa, Jessica, Amy and Lyndy were sitting on the porch. 
“Hey, where are you ?”
“Just pulling in, I assume there’s an order ready ?”
“Under Fleming, all paid for, 2 pies and garlic knots, add anything you want.”
“See you in uh 10 – 15 minutes ? And Amy could you put up a pot of coffee please ?”
“Right now, drive safe.”
When she saw the green truck pull up Amy went out to meet Finn and help him with the food. She grabbed the two bags he was carrying and left the pizza in his hands. She leaned up and kissed him.
“Good trip ?” She asked as they walked up the steps to where Lisa was holding open the door to the house.
“It was, you, the paint and furniture ?”
“It was good, I’d like you to look.”
“My only schedule tomorrow is working with the kids at the center in the afternoon so just let me know.”
The big surprise of the evening was Finn adding zeppoles to the mix. Lyndy had never had one and immediately fell in love with the small warm and crisp fried dough balls covered in confectioners sugar and was quickly covered in the white powder. She was allowed two and promised one for an after camp snack the next day.
Once done she was whisked off by Katie who volunteered to get her cleaned up and changed for bed. With dinner away they settled on the porch with coffee where Amy and Finn took the bench and where Lyndy joined them with a book for Amy to read to her. Her second yawn was the signal for bed and Amy excused herself to get her into bed after a round of hugs and a nose kiss from Katie.
Jessica sipped her coffee and savored the swallow “I guess we won’t be seeing you around much longer Finn.”
“I’ll be around Jessica.”
“Around the center though.”
“Well yeah I doubt I’ll be showing up with pizza if Amy’s living there.”
“Maybe just some zeppoles every now and again ?”
Finn laughed “Maybe Lisa, how are things going at Fairfield ?”
“Nothing much different except Platinum Bow relaxing rather than traveling. The stone bruise seems to be healing well.”
“That’s good, have them keep an eye on it though, they can be tricky.”
“What can be tricky ?” Amy asked coming out.
“Stone bruises, Amy could you take a look ?”
 “Platinum Bow ?”
Lisa nodded.
“I’ll talk to Scott and come by, of course.”
“And bring Finn ?” Lisa asked with a smile.
“That shouldn’t be too hard.”
“I should get home, how about we meet at Fairfield in the morning and you can head to the center from there ?”
“9 Ok ?”
“9 is fine, I’ve gotta pay for the truck at 11 so we’re good.”
“I’ll walk you down.”
Finn said goodnight to Lisa, Jessica and Katie who was occupying her normal spot on the stairs and took Amy’s hand when they stepped to the ground. They stood behind the open door and he slipped his hands onto her waist.
“I missed you.”
Amy smiled “I missed you too, weird huh ?”
“It’s good to hear though, see ya in morning ?”
“You gonna kiss me in front of an audience of admirers Finn Cotter ?”
“We don’t want to disappoint them.”
Amy smiled and nodded no while mouthing “no we don’t” and leaned against him raising her lips to his as he pulled her gently closer. When their lips pulled apart she dropped her head to his chest and felt his hand move to the small of her back. She sighed when she felt him relax his hands back to her hips.
They had both heard Lou pulling up in her SUV and smiled when she called out “Ok, break it up you two.”
“Sleep well Amy Fleming.”
“See you in the morning Finn.”
Amy followed Lou up to the porch where Katie was actually waiting to say goodnight.
“Any coffee left ?” Lou asked after Katie made the goodnight rounds on the porch and headed up to her room.
“Should be a couple cups, I’ll split what’s left with you lou, come on, how was your meeting ?” Amy asked walking into the kitchen.
“Not as exciting as that kiss.” Lou said softy “Have you two ?”
“Lou !!” Amy hissed.
“What Amy, it’s just a question that I guess is a no or you’d be blushing.”
“It’s a no but it’s, I don’t know, fine for now, it hasn’t been an issue.”
“As long as you’re both fine with it, has he ?”
“We’re good Lou.”
“So when’s the big date, this Saturday right ?”
“Saturday night though we went to KO’s this past Saturday with Cass and Caleb. Want to see my outfit ?”
Lou smiled “Of course, let’s say good night on the porch first.”
“I’m not trying it on.”
Laugh smiled “Of course you’re trying it on, come on.”
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brokehorrorfan · 10 months
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Paramount Scares: Volume One will be released on October 24 via Paramount. The 4K Ultra HD box set collects Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary, Crawl, Smile, and a mystery fifth title making its 4K UHD debut.
1968's Rosemary's Baby is written and directed by Roman Polanski, based on Ira Levin’s 1967 novel. Mia Farrow stars with John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon, Sidney Blackmer, Maurice Evans, and Ralph Bellamy.
1989's Pet Sematary is based on the 1983 novel by Stephen King, who also penned the script. Mary Lambert (Urban Legends: Bloody Mary) directs. Dale Midkiff, Fred Gwynne, Denise Crosby, Brad Greenquist, and Miko Hughes star.
2019's Crawl is directed by Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes, High Tension) and written by Michael & Shawn Rasmussen (The Ward). Kaya Scodelario and Barry Pepper star. Sam Raimi produces.
2022's Smile marks the feature debut of writer-director Parker Finn, based on his 2020 short film Laura Hasn’t Slept. Sosie Bacon, Jessie T. Usher, Kyle Gallner, Caitlin Stasey, Kal Penn, and Rob Morgan star.
The limited edition set comes with an special issue of Fangoria magazine, Paramount Scares enamel pin, sticker sheet, and exclusive slipcovers for all five films. Special features are listed below.
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Rosemary's Baby special features:
Rosemary’s Baby: A Retrospective
Mia and Roman
Theatrical trailer 50th anniversary trailer
Like most first-time mothers, Rosemary experiences confusion and fear. Her husband, an ambitious but unsuccessful actor, makes a pact with the devil that promises to send his career skyward.
Pet Sematary special features:
Audio commentary by director Mary Lambert
Interview with Mary Lambert
Fear and Remembrance
Stephen King Territory
The Characters
Filming the Horror
3 image galleries: storyboards (with introduction by Mary Lambert), behind the scenes, marketing
Dr. Louis Creed, having just moved to Maine with his wife and two children, is heartbroken when he finds that his daughter’s beloved cat has been hit by a truck and killed. Thankfully, a strange, elderly neighbor called Jud knows a secret that may spare the young girl’s tears. He takes the dead cat to an ancient Indian burial ground that lies hidden in the surrounding hilltops; and when he buries the feline there, it comes back to life a few days later. But Louis can’t be trusted with the secret, and, despite strong warnings that something horrible will happen, he uses the power of the burial ground to bring his son back from the dead.
Crawl special features:
Beneath Crawl featurette
Category 5 Gators: The VFX of Crawl featurette
Alligator Attacks
Alternate opening
Introduction to alternate opening
Deleted and extended scenes
As a category 5 hurricane tears through Florida, Haley rushes to find her father, who is injured and trapped in the crawl space of their home. The storm intensifies and water levels rise, just as the pair face an even more terrifying threat—alligators lurking below the surface, ready to chop.
Smile special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director Parker Finn
Laura Hasn’t Slept - Original short film with introduction by director Parker Finn
Something’s Wrong with Rose: Making Smile
Flies on the Wall: Inside the Score featurette
Deleted scenes with optional commentary by director Parker Finn
After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can’t explain. As an overwhelming terror begins taking over her life, Rose must confront her troubling past in order to survive and escape her horrifying new reality.
Pre-order Paramount Scares: Volume One.
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heartlandtfln · 1 year
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“Opening: My Heart
Working on it...
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xsgdfjg · 1 year
Gdy pozwolimy, by nasze oko pochwyciło bądź zostało pochwycone przez piękno, objawiające się w kamieniu czy burzy z piorunami. Wystarczy uświadomić sobie, że materia to coś więcej niż zwykłe tłuczone ziemniaki.
James Finn Cotter (pejzaż wewnętrzny)
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