#Flip Major
female-rappers · 2 years
Flip Major - Throw Bandz (Sam's Hofbrau) ft. Joe Moses
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toptenpeeps · 3 months
I feel like a lot of spider-man media doesn’t dive into the vigilante part of being spider-man enough.
I feel as though every spider-person should dislike the police, even by a very small amount. Spider-man is a vigilante at the end of the day, and the cops aren’t exactly well known for accepting vigilantes with open arms.
I refuse to believe that Spider-man goes out every day, stops crime in New York, and isn’t exposed to dirty cops, cops that are assholes, cops that have heavy bias, cops that abuse their power, cops that overall shouldn’t be cops.
Peter Parker puts on the mask every day and, while he acknowledges that being a white man definitely saves him from a majority of problems with cops, as spider-man, he has to deal with cops that scream and shoot, cops that are a little to aggressive when catching someone, a little too okay with letting certain people go on the basis that there wasn’t ‘enough evidence’ yet suddenly are able to buy that new car they always wanted.
Gwen Stacy’s father is a police officer, she personally knows plenty of cops and she trusts them completely in her home, but as ghost-spider, she meets cops that talk down to her despite what she does, cops that dismiss plenty of women’s fear after an attack, cops that say nasty things about their wives when they think nobody can hear them, cops that look at sex workers with far to much disgust when arresting a criminal.
Miles Morale’s father is also a cop, and he treats every officer with respect when he works with the police as spider-man, but he isn’t blind to cops that sneer at black criminals extra hard, cops that are quick to reach for their guns, cops that frown just a bit harder when they pass by black neighborhoods, cops they use ‘us’ and ‘them’ when talking.
I’m not saying that spider-man should hate cops or that every cops is bias, or takes bribes, or abuses their power, I’m just saying that so many spider-man stories forget that spider-man protects the people and that police aren’t exactly the best at treating the people they’re supposed to help calmly and humanly. Just give spider-man that tiny bit of “I refuse to let you prioritize your job over people’s lives” when dealing with shitty cops.
(Please don’t kill me over this)
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utilitycaster · 6 months
I feel like we as a fandom had a lot of this conversation during Campaign 2 but redemption, however you may interpret it, is a process. It is not a binary of redeemed and not redeemed. And in the world of a D&D actual play, a lot of the hard decisions really come down to "is the harm this person did actively ongoing, or is it a past action with ongoing ramifications" and "will they stop doing this continued harm quickly enough for it to matter." It sounds cold to say that it's a risk-benefit analysis, but on some level, it has to be be. I think Bor'Dor was likely redeemable in some abstract sense, but could Team Issylra do it with the time and resources they had without risking their own lives? Probably not. I think the same is true with Liliana: if they had months in which to do this - and they have been contacting her on and off for a couple months, and every effort failed - maybe, but the clock's run out.
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sappy-detective · 8 months
“im not a crook adict.”
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
idle clone^2 food for thought (cw gun tw murder) and. thinking about how danny in canon is very protective of his people. and as a collective fanon we like to make him go Batshit when his people are severely injured.
and im just mmmmm,,,,, danny would kill if damian (or anyone in his family) got extremely hurt. but only under very specific circumstances. like they've been backed up into a corner and can't get out and it's either kill or be killed. like his go-to is non-lethal force but then someone takes out his little brother, whose breathing but not getting up and hurt badly, and there's nowhere for them to escape and these guys are gonna do much worse soon.
but there's a gun nearby and within danny's reach, and the guys who have them trapped are gloating and only half-paying attention because what are they going to do now? they have him trapped.
and they hurt his little brother.
and danny doesn't see red. everything just goes into cold, static focus instead. and he puts a bullet through the stomach of the first guy he sees.
And i'm just picturing Danny with this stone cold fury on his face, his hands shaking, as he looks the main guy (who know he's a clone) in the eye and says "your first mistake was thinking i'm batman"
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markantonys · 6 months
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literally every other WOT viewer in the world:
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#they've been saying this ever since the finale aired and it drives me CRAZY#have your personal opinions all you want but to say that 2x08 was objectively a weak episode is simply not correct#cinematography acting vfx choreography music EVERYTHING was at the absolute top of its game#and despite being an Exciting Battle Episode it was completely anchored in character moments & emotional resonance which is no easy feat#so much going on yet there was time for every major character to get a huge developmental/emotional beat#(yes even those like nynaeve whose beat was a loss rather than a victory)#every season arc was either wrapped up in an immensely satisfying way or was set up for a deeper examination next season#and 90% of the general audience absolutely loved it#and yet reddit acts like it's an Accepted Fact that it was poor quality#just bc the book-to-show changes in that episode weren't to THEIR PERSONAL taste#touch grass#wot#seeing as season finales will always have the biggest moments it's kinda inevitable that hardcore book fans#will always be the most sensitive to any changes made in those particular episodes#not to mention that the changes made in eps 1-7 will snowball and culminate in the finale#so i feel like finales are always gonna be judged the most harshly by readers#like if dumai's wells isn't an exact 1:1 recreation of the book version#readers are 1000000% going to flip their shit no matter how objectively good the show's version actually is#wot book spoilers#for the replies
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qiu-yan · 3 months
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 months
i do wish dialtown had more in the way of women. like it is very much a dude-heavy cast especially for a game that is otherwise rather good in the gender department..?
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vaggieslefteye · 5 months
YOU DIDN'T KNOW ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x06 - "Welcome to Heaven"
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nope-nora · 10 months
i just don’t think the figure skating establishment as it were has ever really paid shoma his flowers and recognized how impressively long and storied his career is and that’s what makes me love and defend him more than anything else
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hoofpeet · 9 months
why don't you like Colorado?
Also, what typeface do you use for your comics?
I switch between Bell MT and Poor Richard every once in a while!! And for Colorado-- this state would probably be nice to live in if it wasn't literally impossible to find stable housing-- I'm probably biased here because we've been having an ESPECIALLY rough go of it but . Both times we looked for apartments here the search took 3+ months to secure a place, with ~2,100 a month apparently being kinda low for this area. The majority of my coworkers are either currently looking for a place or were evicted/priced out of their last places so . TL;DR The housing situation is a literal nightmare around here
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artzstpersonalblog · 4 months
human Alastor versus demon Alastor
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hoodiehorizon · 5 months
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petrichormore · 1 year
I think today’s encounter with Ron could be a hallucination but the only thing that makes me hesitate to agree is Ron’s info on the federation. Info that we as an audience know is probably accurate but that q!Bad would have no actual way of knowing. He can’t hallucinate new information. Also, said information was exactly what he didn’t want to hear. If he was hallucinating a fantasy world where he didn’t accidentally kill/eat Ron, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me for his brain to include made-up federation info that actively upsets him. If it was a scary, negative hallucination maybe - it wasn’t though. Buuuut you never know I suppose. Either way I’ll enjoy it.
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splickedylit · 1 year
Hi!!! I’m obsessed with your “aliens sure are weird” series omg. I looove when writers make the trolls super different and strange and you’ve done it so well!! And also all the linguistics stuff, really cool and interesting as well 😊 anyway hope you have a good day, I’ll just be over here hoping you write another installment ;)
lololol doing my best, boss! Multiple people said I should stop holding back and just indulge myself in copious moiraillegiance nonsense, so I'm. Indulging.
You take in the shitty production values, the way the two guys on the screen are circling each other—the bad, tinny music.  The way Karkat’s face went bright red when he recognized what you were watching—oh.  Oh!
“Oh shit, this is going to be educational!” you say, delighted.
“This is porn,” says John, because apparently he doesn’t realize the two can be the same thing.  Dave is looking straight ahead, but his face is going really pink around the ears.  Rose and Kanaya are making gimlet eye contact and not looking at the screen at all, so who knows what’s up with that. 
“It's pale, for moirails,” Karkat says, distracted from whatever hissing argument he’s having with Gamzee. "I thinked—I thought, 'porn' is for fucking?"
“It is, for humans!” you say. “But humans don’t have moirails.”
“No,” says Karkat, and drops his face into his hands to click-growl something too muffled for you to make out.  Lifts his face again to say, “<No, humans sure the fuck don’t have fucking moirails, huh?!>” Apparently just in general aggravation, to the world at large.
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yellowplumfruit · 1 year
this is gonna be a long one so bare with me as i ramble
i’ve realized fairly recently that doing art as a job is never going to be sustainable for me. while my hands being injured absolutely sucks and i hate it, it’s made me realize i was actually really stressed out, especially since art has been my single source of income. being a working artist means that there will be very little structure and it’s all on me to create my schedule. i can’t do that very well! and not it a “woe is me i cant do it”, but more of a “i understand my limits”.
the timing of this sucks though because i literally have one more semester left until i finish my art degree :’) but after the initial panic im actually kind of excited! i’ve actually decided that once i finish my degree, im going to get my prerequisites out of the way and then major in marine biology (nobody saw this coming)!!! i’ve always had a tough time seeing my future as a professional artist. it’s much clearer now with this new potential job:)
so once my hands get better (please please please be soon oh my god), i’m going to take less commissions and draw for myself more often 💕
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