#Forced Motors
noxious-fennec · 11 months
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Hands are too shaky these days
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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Practice flight for the 2024 Indy 500
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volivolition · 5 months
reading the "after the mind, the world again" ttrpg rulebook and im in love with it
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my god i am so affectionate towards them. but MAN this is so fucking cool i wish i wasnt a scared little guy so i could play ttrpgs hkjhd...
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cold-knees · 2 months
Sometimes I'm like "my fine motor skills aren't that bad" and then I will have to tie a knot
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frigateslut · 13 days
drink number 2 finished for @sloppysequinz <3
deeefinitely feeling it hit now yayayayay :3
articles under cut!!
IV. LEter or mesage from na anemy, or rebel. If any letter of message from any enemy or rebel be conveyed to any officer, mariner, or soldier or other in the fleet, and the said officer, amriner, or soldeir, or other as aforesaid, shall not, within twleve hours, having opportunity so to do, acquaint his superior or a commandinf officer, or if any superiro officer being acquainted therewith shall not in convenient time reveal the same to the commander in chiefe of the saqudron, every such person so offending, and beinconvicted thereof by the sentecne of a court marial shallb e punished with death, or such other punishment as the nature and degreeo fteh offence shall deserve, and teh court martial shall impose.
V. Spies and all persons in th e nature of spies. All spies, and all persons whatsoever who shall come of be found in the nature of spies, to bring or deliver any seducing letter or messages form any enemy or reel or endeavor to ocrrupt any captain officer mariner or other in the fleet, to betray his trust being convincted of any such offences by the sentence of the courtm arital, shall be punished with deathm or such other punishment as the nature and degree of the offence shall sdervere and the court martial shall ipose.
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supplyside · 8 months
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prfm-multiverse · 10 months
Yasutaka Nakata Original DJ Mix ~ Motor Force + Polygon Wave + Robot Disco + Hikari no Disco Instr. + WORLD OF FANTASY ~
Source: CAPSULE LIVE in VRChat -Metro Pulse- AFTER PARTY in GHOSTCLUB 2023.11.18
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space-lamplighter · 1 year
pajama party 💤
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So much happened after but we can't gloss over Ava figuring out the concept of pavement centerline with "Follow the yellow truck read!"
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dallonwrites · 8 months
okay so one thing i wanted this year was to handwrite more, just because i like the idea of having physical copies of my writing like that rather than tucked into a computer doc, and i specifically have a Lover Boy Notebook. the goal isn’t to commit to handwriting the draft (typically i play with writing a scene in my notes app or laptop, which i call freewriting, and use that to handwrite a more “official” draft of that scene) but just to have a physical, chronological (bc i am NOT a linear writer usually) capsule of the first full draft. the idea is also that the first full draft, rather than being the messy thing you get out of the way so you can polish it into something better, is something special because its messy and new and only just becoming sure of itself, and that’s the part of a story i want to specially preserve like this more than anything.
anyway longwinded explanation aside, I am actually finding it so fun. these are the main benefits i notice (which very much align with my writing process and goals, i know they won’t for others!):
breaks up my writing sessions in a way that my brain processes more easily (sometimes i struggle to know if I’m really “done” for the day which has led to both over and under writing but here it’s just like. okay my arm hurt now)
forces me to write slower because i can’t control my handwriting well and need to be slow to be aware of what i’m doing, whereas on the laptop i can touch type so sometimes i will be writing and just zone out (great for sprints and fast drafts, but neither of those align with my writing goals atm)
^ writing slower has made me feel more immersed in a moment as i write it, especially i think combined with actively writing the words instead of typing keys fast. i’ve found myself immersing deep into images and scenes only to step back and realise that was all just one paragraph. something about it feels more actively engaging than typing a story out, but again i touch type so it’s easy for me to detach from what i’m doing when i do that
OMG THE STORY LITERALLY FEELS ALIVE!!!!!! i can flick through it, i can hear the words against the paper and notebook as i write them, i can feel the words when i run my hand over a page. this is sensory seeking autism heaven for me
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mrtequilasunset · 8 months
I am such a huge fan of your rendition of the DE skills!! apologies if you've been asked before but I was curious about your process in creating the designs because you had mentioned it in the tags of the physique post. please have a wonderful rest of your day, your art is really amazing!
Thank you so much!! It makes me so happy that you like them, It really is just a huge crossover episode between my two favorite things so even though its mostly self indulgence i love that other people like them too.
In terms of process I really wish I had something better to say other than I have a pinterest board of various jester and jester adjacent images i use as inspiration and then i just play dress up using motifs that I like for each skill. They're mostly based on the actual appearance of the cards, and how the most striking physical features from them might translate to a silly little Jester, but I think I have more fun when I let myself interpret their personalities in with it too (which I'm gonna be honest I struggle with sometimes and idk why, it's like i need permission to get abstract with it bc im worried about being misunderstood). Really most of the designs just come from straight vibes, but the physical skills were a bit more deliberate than the psy and mot skills, which is why i wanna go back and redesign them just to make em more interesting to look at. Thank you for asking!!
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josematalobos · 7 days
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For you...
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mechahero · 3 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- Character Setting!!! >:)c send me “character setting!” to learn about my muse’s home! (accepting!)
Motor City is not without its own little tourist centered trinkets. While they may not have any goofy keychains with your name on it (they just have regular keychains with just about any design you want on them so you're never starving for variety as a compromise), there is one item that's unique to them and them alone:
Love potions.
Or well, they're just called that. The thing with Motor City's love potions is that... they don't actually work. Because they can't. You can't just make a drink that forces people to fall in love with you. That just doesn't work. Didn't stop a witch from trying to though. And understandably, it failed horribly.
So now they're just sold as juice with a silly name attached to it.
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justaz · 2 years
after the omega shield incident, lance suffers from sporadic tremors. a lot of the time it’s his arms/hands that shake but sometimes it’s his legs/feet which knock him off his ass for a good portion of the day. on the days it’s less severe he can get around w some stumbling, other times he’ll use a cane. he hates it and tries to power thru it but keith, shiro, and coran all force him to take it easy
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prfm-multiverse · 10 months
Yasutaka Nakata Original DJ Mix ~ Motor Force + Polygon Wave + Robot Disco + Hikari no Disco Instr. + WORLD OF FANTASY ~
Source: CAPSULE LIVE in VRChat -Metro Pulse- AFTER PARTY in GHOSTCLUB 2023.11.18
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zipmode · 5 months
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