#Forth Wanderers
naomistares · 5 months
Do you have any music recommendations :)? After you mentioned Girls Rituals in one post I became curious about your music taste (affectionate)
HII... thank u so much for asking me this, music is my 2nd passion... !!!
my top artist for 2 years straight has been a band called lemuria, i just really enjoy them! some songs i'd recommend from them: 1- It's not a lie, it's a secret 2- the origamists ii 3- bugbear 4-pleaser
i love all their songs.... so if it were up to me i'd add ten more
i'm also really into slow pulp! really love the song "trade it" by them
also really obsessed with rosie tucker, i've been playing their new single "all my exes live in vortexes" on repeat the past few days, also really love "fault lines" and "ford pinto: for sale" by them too !
also loveee the band pinback! i'd recommend: 1-byzantine 2- crutch 3-tripoli
i could keep going ... but i'll stop! thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk.
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knowgoopplz · 2 months
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verytinysongs · 2 months
BOOYA by Ben Special
Artist Name: Ben Special Label: Self-Released Location: Brooklyn, New York Release Date: January 25, 2024 Tags: alternative, experimental, indie rock, slacker
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reformedpeasant · 3 months
a little behind, so sorry; music quest stuffs!
Hayley Williams
- Simmer- Acoustic
- Teardrop
- First Thing To Go
Forth Wanderers
- Paws
- Tired Games
- Television
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albumsivelistenedto · 8 months
Forth Wanderers - Tough Love (2014)
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numb3reddays · 10 months
Hi I’m your Spotify doctor and today I’m prescribing you
I Wanna by The Slaps
Lolita by Miniature Tigers
Monolithic by Cults
Glass Marbles by Susquatch
Be My Baby by Forth Wanderers
Feel better soon!
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joeylivesinspace · 1 year
everyone listen to this band, they remind me of lying on the floor at your best friends house in the summer letting the sun beat down on you and not giving a fuck after a hard school year
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thinkingaboutmusics · 2 years
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New Jersey’s Independents
The Indie music scene of New Jersey is lush with young groups trying to break the surface. Seldom does a band break out, but there are plenty of acts in New Jersey that certainly deserve more attention from the media. Studios like Audiotree, that host and record live sessions with independent bands and artists, are great for the emergence and exposure of young (in this case, New Jersey) bands like Pinegrove and Forth Wanderers. But for bands who haven’t quite reached the threshold of recognition from sources like Audiotree? Hopefully I’ll have acquainted you with some of the up-and-coming New Jersey bands by the end of this article…
Little do many know, New Jersey has loads of nooks and crannies that are lush with young music- bands playing in local venues, bars, and basements for any footing they can get in the music industry at large. The aforementioned bands (Pinegrove & Forth Wanderers), as well as Real Estate and The Front Bottoms, have gained the attention of NPR, Audiotree and Authors at Pitchfork.
Other New Jersey bands such as Flycatcher and Sonoa have a polished sound to compete with acts like Real Estate or Pinegrove. Flycatcher, hailing from New Brunswick, NJ, has a polished, yet heavy tone. Gregory Thomas Pease, the songwriter and frontman for the band, writes catchy, captivating melodies and head-bobbing grooves that the rest of the band executes fantastically. Their breakout single, “Games”, has gained them the most amount of attention starting around 2021, and it’s no surprise, as the song can be a bit of an ear-worm. I can’t say I didn’t have it on repeat for a while. Pease has also released his own single, “Maybe”, which takes on a lighter, almost folky energy, a slight contrast to the heavy, indie rock content written for Flycatcher. Sonoa, also founded in New Brunswick, writes supple guitar parts that compliment a meaty, drum/bass duo that locks everything in place.
Hodera, carries a similar sound to Sonoa, perhaps taking on a thicker, grittier tone. Their frontman, Matthew Smith, leads the band through almost-whispy, guitar meanderings and full-band head-banging. “Breathe Easy” is a fantastic example as it starts low and builds to the chorus, “can you breathe?” breakdown.
From Ridgewood, N.J. Prawn, again, takes on a similar, heavy tone. The band meanders a little more as they’re a little less assertive with vocals, but no doubt, they’re solid and deserve the listen. “North Lynx”, which features stadium-large breakdowns, will draw your whole attention, surely.
So, it seems there might be a divide between the New Jersey bands that “made it” and those that are still getting there. Perhaps the masses aren’t ready for the heavy, post rock sound that Flycatcher, Sonoa, Hodera and Prawn are bringing to the table. Forth Wanderers, Pinegrove and Real Estate lack the weight that the other bands use so chronically, and arguably really well. That’s not to say that the “it-bands” don’t deserve their recognition. It’s just very clear that a light indie sound is far more palatable than heavy, indie, post-rock. That’s the trend here at least…
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kiwifie · 1 year
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naming wanderer
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po-cky-o-o · 2 years
I present a very unnecessary analysis of the scaralumi talk before the big fight
First of all I love the way they both can see through each other. I think often times we overlook how good Lumi is at understanding the feelings of others - mostly because Paimon does most of the talking - but here we can see just how good she is at reading him since (I believe) this is the most she has ever talked in a quest. Scara believes he knows what he wants, but Lumi knows what he needs.
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I like how he says this because it is true. We have been proven time and time again how Lumi cares about others, which is why despite her being enemies with Scara she can’t help but empathize with his situation.
But she’s not stupid, there’s where it comes the “almost” part. She is saying that as a way to try and stop his plans, not simply because she is worried about him and he knows that, but he still tries to convince her about him being, even though for a moment it almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself.
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Scara then moves on to say how his life has been meaningless up to this point, as if becoming a god is his only purpose and without it he is nothing. So he tried to understand why would Lumi bother going through such “futile errands” of protecting everyone.
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But once again Lumi sees through him asking why then would he keep the connection with Haypasia (and consequently with Lumi herself). Even with his answer she is not convinced so he just deflects with his arrogance.
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Not to mention how everything he says about Haypasia can also be applied to Lumine, since they both share a connection with him and saw his past. I find it interesting how he was able to sense Lumi and immediately entered her consciousness to observe her
Once again Lumi is able to figure him out and say what she needed to tick him off. He says how bad she is at sewing discord, but he still goes ahead and attacks the fatui calling it an “expression of affection”like he did for Haypasia, putting the two girls on the same wavelength
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hat-guy-official · 2 days
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
Half-formed headcanon that the previous Archdruid Halsin replaced was the one that advised his village's council and elders when he was an elfling. Maybe he was even from a similar branch of the High Forest originally, so he made the trek to visit their specific areas when his grove was situated closer.
He would make time when he wasn't busy to speak to the village children and learn their names and show them little tricks and give blessings and share stories and lessons with them. He became much like another adult in the community - a teacher and a guiding hand, but special because he only came around once in a while. It became pretty routine of them all (Halsin included) to anticipate his visits even though they weren't incredibly frequent. There would be excited little whispers on the breeze and giggles in the rustling bushes when he was expected, his telltale shadow stretching on the forest floor, the lot of them hiding underfoot and impatiently waiting for business to be finished so he would come out to play with them.
His visits became farther and fewer in between as Halsin got older due to needing to focus on things elsewhere, until he was eventually unable to come anymore, and was replaced by another druid in his stead.
Halsin years later reflecting back on him and thinking to seek the druid out again to be trained under his guidance after Halsin reaches his maturation epiphany, since he had nothing left keeping him in High Forest. Solely because he remembers looking up at that man and thinking: "I want to be like him when I grow up". So why not give it an attempt? And - on a wing and a prayer - with only a vague idea of where he might still be situated, he packs up and pursues.
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pepprs · 7 months
hi im going to leave chicago in a few hours. i don’t want to come home
#purrs#chicago#this trip has been so. SO healing for me. indescribably. and im terrified to lose it when i come back to my home environments and spend#every day going back and forth between home and campus. i know now that i need to do independent things and i#CAN do independent things and i always could. what i don’t know how to do is take that knowledge and apply it to my life at home such that#end up moving out and living by myself asap LOLLLLLL#i have spent so much time wandering. wandered to the art insitute of chicago. wandered on all levels and sides of the riverwalk. wandered#onto the navy pier by COMPLETE accident and it was the first pier ive been on since br!ghton and they had carnival rides and everything and#it started to heal a part of me that was still broken. i don’t know how i can go home now when there’s so much still to explore. i am#terrified to lose this. i haven’t been consumed by depression or anxiety for like 4 days and it has been the biggest hugest breath of fresh#air and i just am so scared to go back to suffocating with no escape in sight until my next conference in june LOL#* i wandered by myself btw. completely alone and only sometimes surrounded by people. and it was so important for me#also like… this was my first time EVER walking in a city all by myself and riding in ubers etc etc. i was so scared remember? but now i am#confident and strong. after 4 days. and i know going home is going to drain me but nothing can ever take this experience away from me.#i can do it. i COULD do it all along. and i will do it again.
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Painting Of Blue
Blondes Have More Fun
Tough Love
Come Clean
Spotify | Bandcamp | YouTube
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mieczyhale · 2 months
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well well well, if it isn't the man in question himself
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pinkseas · 9 months
when scara has canonically cast aside all his past names/titles (scaramouche, balladeer, kunikuzushi, kabukimono) so using any of those feels wrong and using kunikuzushi or kabikimono as his "true" name/title feels even more wrong because he isn't that person anymore, he isn't ANY of those people anymore not quite, but solely referring to him as wanderer/the wanderer feels so strange and impersonal but calling him hat guy feels too lighthearted for more serious moods and you COULD use your own name for him that you decided the traveler would've chosen for him in the way you write both him and the traveler but using fanmade names feels a little weird in that you dont mind it in Other fics but for some reason the thought of doing it yourself is strange and you could just call him scara but it feels strange, too, like something is missing which makes sense because it's just a nickname and still connected to one of his old names but its better than nothing you guess OR. or. you could literally call him Starwalker as YOU named him ingame and it could mean something poetic and pretty about him walking among the stars and only you and other deltarune fans who know you're also a deltarune fan would know that you really mean this
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