#Forward Thinking
dinosaurwithablog · 20 days
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Lillian Bronson played a judge on the original TV show, Perry Mason. She appeared 3 times as a judge and once as a character. I believe that she was the only female judge ever to appear on the show. Back in the 50s, this was an unusual choice because there weren't many female judges back then. I love the forward thinking of the writers to be all inclusive and have a female judge on the show. I love Perry Mason for many, many reasons, but this is one of the best reasons that I like this show so much!!!
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praiseinchains · 1 month
"Life is a series of adjustments; You can make changes along the way, but if you don't start moving forward, you'll never get anywhere."
— Kimora Lee Simmons
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kasperzilla · 5 days
Today’s question from Steven:
My name is Steven Musielski the last name is pronounced (muh-shell-ski) @stevenmusielski on X (formerly Twitter) where I met Kasper. Today as I talk to family offices and CEO's of companies and I picture the brighter future that can be created through family offices and business and yes it encourages me. Why? I picture a world that is more encouraging.
Kasper, what is encouraging you today?
My goal of working remotely from home is what encourages me today! I did it many years ago and I’m starting all over again. There really are no shortcuts, we have to start from small, invest time, be smart and patiently grow. Beware of influencers that promise big returns in a short period of time.
Hello everyone! It’s really nice to be back and I was surprised how Tumblr has evolved! Thank you Steven Musielski for allowing me to post and answer your questions here. Have a wonderful day to all! 🙏🏼✨🚀🌛
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
What is Coming is Better Than What Has Gone Shaina Tranquilino January 3, 2024
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Change is the only constant in life, and as we bid farewell to the past, it's natural to ponder what lies ahead. Whether you're reflecting on personal experiences or considering the state of the world, it's essential to embrace the belief that what is coming is better than what has gone.
Firstly, let's consider our individual lives. We often find ourselves reminiscing about past successes, cherished memories, or even basking in nostalgic moments. While these reflections bring joy and warmth to our hearts, they should not hinder us from looking forward. The future holds endless possibilities for growth, self-improvement, and new adventures. Each passing year brings with it valuable lessons learned, resilience gained, and fresh perspectives acquired. It allows us to build upon previous accomplishments and expand our horizons beyond what we once thought possible. With each day that dawns, we have an opportunity to turn our dreams into reality and create a brighter tomorrow.
Similarly, when examining the broader scope of society, it becomes evident that progress is perpetual. History shows us that humanity has consistently evolved for the betterment of all. Technological advancements continue to revolutionize the way we live and connect with one another. Medical breakthroughs save countless lives every day. Innovations in renewable energy offer hope for a sustainable future. Social movements advocate for equality and justice like never before. Each era builds upon its predecessor by learning from past mistakes and striving towards a more inclusive, prosperous world.
Of course, acknowledging positive changes does not mean ignoring challenges or dismissing difficult times in history. However, dwelling on negativity can prevent us from seeing the incredible potential lying just around the corner. By focusing on what is coming rather than fixating solely on what has gone, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and foster a mindset of optimism.
It's important to remember that change requires effort from individuals like you and me; it doesn't happen magically. We must actively participate in shaping the future we desire by advocating for positive change, being open to learning and growth, and embracing new ideas and perspectives. By doing so, we contribute to a collective momentum that propels us forward towards a brighter, more promising tomorrow.
What is coming is better than what has gone because we have the power to shape our own destinies and make meaningful contributions to society. The past should serve as a guidebook rather than an anchor weighing us down. As we embark on this journey into the unknown, let us carry with us the lessons learned and the wisdom gained from yesteryears. Embrace change, embrace progress, and believe that the best is yet to come.
A Prayer to Ring in the New Year
Dear Universe, As we bid farewell to the year that was, and eagerly welcome a new chapter in our lives, I humbly ask for your divine presence and blessings to guide us towards a joyous New Year. May this prayer reach every soul, filling their hearts with hope and happiness.
Universe, grant us the strength to leave behind any pain or sorrow that the past year may have brought. Help us release any grudges, regrets, or negative energy that weigh us down. Let forgiveness flow effortlessly through our veins, healing wounds both seen and unseen.
May this New Year be a fresh beginning filled with endless possibilities. Let it be a catalyst for personal growth, allowing us to embrace change wholeheartedly. Grant us the courage to step out of our comfort zones, explore new horizons, and embark on exciting adventures.
Universe, bless each one of us with good health - physically, mentally, and emotionally. May our bodies thrive with vitality and resilience as we nurture ourselves with nutritious food, exercise, restful sleep, and self-care practices. Guide our thoughts towards positivity and empower us to overcome any challenges that come our way.
Let love radiate abundantly in our lives throughout this New Year. Help us cherish the relationships we hold dear - family, friends, partners - nurturing them with compassion, understanding, and unconditional support. Allow kindness to prevail in all our interactions as we strive to make this world a better place.
Grant prosperity and abundance in all aspects of our lives. May financial stability manifest for those struggling; may career opportunities flourish for those seeking advancement; may creativity blossom for those pursuing their passions. May we find contentment in simplicity while still aiming for greatness.
Lastly, Universe, shower upon each one of us an unwavering sense of gratitude. Open our eyes to appreciate life's little miracles - the beauty of nature surrounding us, laughter shared amongst loved ones, moments of quiet reflection, and the simple joys that often go unnoticed. May gratitude be our guiding light, reminding us to count our blessings each day.
Dear Universe, as we embark on this new journey called the New Year, may it bring happiness, fulfillment, and endless possibilities for all. May we embrace its challenges with grace and courage, knowing that you are always by our side.
With sincere love and gratitude,
All of us.
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3ggbed · 1 year
*getting lectured after i tossed a bag of chips over aisle divider like a hand grenade *
yes i understand it hit that child. i do not think i should be held accountible because frankly, he looks like one of those ones who grows up to kill people in car crashes on purpose. and im only being honest. youll find that i rarely, if ever, tell a lie.
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sun-dipped-quill · 2 years
today my substitute seminary teacher only half jokingly said that its kinda unfair that men cant wear dresses
I love this substitute
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dwuerch-blog · 13 days
Write the Vision - Play the Movie
A few weeks ago, I spoke to my bonus granddaughter, Addie, about “playing the movie”. She is determined to be a nurse practitioner. This is her high school senior year and she is already casting vision about her future. “Playing the movie” is the practice of seeing the end before making decisions. It’s like “think before you speak or act”, because the outcome might be good or it can be very,…
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 3 months
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I am growing every day.
I choose to make healthy progress that my future self will be proud of.
I make great, sound decisions.
I am reliable and strong.
I am capable of reaching my goals.
I make plans in order to see my hopes come to fruition.
I organize what needs to be tidied, so I can have a clear mind.
I strengthen my focus daily, making completing tasks easier.
I make my life easier.
I encourage others to make positive changes in their lives by living my best life.
I create a great foundation for myself to have long-lasting success.
I am grateful for the growth I make daily, no matter how big or small, I express gratitude.
I am capable of enjoying this life.
I surround myself with people who value growth and self-improvement.
I am my happiest self when I remind myself of the great growths I'm making.
I make positive progress.
I embark on the journey, aware that setbacks happen and keep pushing forward when it's needed.
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positivelyruined · 4 months
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hinamie · 26 days
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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dinosaurwithablog · 20 days
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Vincent Townsend Jr. was the first African American to portray a judge on Perry Mason in the episode, The Case of the Skeleton's Closet. I love that they did that because back then, it was unusual to see a black man playing a judge. Once again, Perry Mason is all inclusive in their casting choices. It's odd that although Mr. Townsend appeared on the show as a judge, he's not listed in the credits. At least, it was a move in the right direction. He didn't speak any lines in that role, but I'm glad that they had him seated on the bench. Mr. Townsend was a real life judge in Los Angeles, California, and he was, also, a minister in the First African Methodist Episcopal Church, also in L.A.. This was a big step for the civil rights movement.
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brave003 · 8 months
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kasperzilla · 6 days
When I think of thankfulness, I picture a world where people show appreciation in their everyday lives. I imagine warm smiles, heartfelt thank-you notes, and genuine connections between friends and family. It reminds me of communities coming together to celebrate each other’s successes and support one another. Thankfulness creates a positive atmosphere, encouraging kindness and collaboration, which can lead to a more compassionate and connected world.
In the context of social media, it’s interesting how we can express gratitude through our posts and interactions, even if we don’t see smiles in person. A simple comment or a supportive repost can spread positivity and build connections, showing that thankfulness can thrive online, too.
Thank you, Steven, for reaching out to me and asking me this question.
From Steven Musielski
"The question I have right now: Today I am picturing a world with more thankfulness in it as I am reaching out to CEO's and to family offices and today as I am reading a few news releases that I see as being very good for the world. When I say thankfulness what do you picture? "
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tmarshconnors · 8 months
"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been."
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Wayne Douglas Gretzky CC is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player and former head coach. He played 20 seasons in the National Hockey League for four teams from 1979 to 1999.
Born: 26 January 1961 (age 62 years), Brantford, Canada.
Office Attendance: Wayne Gretzky never recorded a single absence due to injury throughout his high school hockey career. This impressive durability became a hallmark of his professional career as well.
Strategic Point System: Gretzky's point-scoring ability is legendary, but what's less known is that if he never scored a goal in his career, he would still be the all-time leading scorer in NHL history based on assists alone. This underscores his incredible playmaking skills.
Youngest NHL Captain: At the age of 22, Gretzky became the youngest captain in NHL history when he was appointed captain of the Edmonton Oilers in 1983. His leadership qualities and strategic mindset were evident even at a young age.
Trade Shakeup: Despite his incredible success with the Edmonton Oilers, Gretzky was traded to the Los Angeles Kings in 1988 in a move that shocked the hockey world. This trade had not only a significant impact on Gretzky's career but also changed the dynamics of the NHL and popularized hockey in the United States.
Olympic Involvement: Gretzky was not only a dominant force in professional hockey but also played a key role in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. He served as the executive director of the Canadian men's hockey team, leading them to a gold medal and solidifying his influence on the sport beyond his playing days.
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tenth-sentence · 9 months
What happens in soil matters today, but it also matters for all the tomorrows.
"Soil: The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy" - Matthew Evans
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
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"karasu search how 2 cheer human up"
"karasu search difference between sad human and zoning out human"
"karasu search how long is it safe for humans to zone out for?"
(+ a longer look at each scene:)
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