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Psalm 108:1-4 (GNT)
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♡ I am ready for solid, healthy connections.
♡ I connect with people in loving ways.
♡ I love to form healthy bonds.
♡ I have great friendships that encourage me.
♡ I form sweet connections at work.
♡ I nurture my connections with loving words and actions.
♡ My connections strengthen me and uplift me.
♡ I surround myself with people who are gentle, understanding, and compassionate.
♡ I love my friends.
♡ I love my family members.
♡ I enjoy conversation with those who inform me and enlighten me.
♡ I learn from my connections and teach others the great things I learn.
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I'm grateful for the joys I've experienced earlier today.
I choose to find something silly to laugh at today.
I am excited for my evening to begin.
I face today's challenges with a positive outlook.
I am grateful for those around me who have encouraged me to feed myself and hydrate well.
I am choosing to write out what is important to me and express thankfulness for them.
I am happy with my body today.
I am choosing to speak kindly to myself this afternoon.
I am capable of focusing on what needs to be focused on.
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I choose to reflect on my day with gratitude.
I am thankful for all of the good things I experienced today.
I look forward tomorrow with joy and anticipation.
I am needed only to rest right now, nowhere else.
I am capable of closing my eyes and getting great sleep.
I look forward to waking up well-rested and energized.
I had time to work today, now is the time to relax.
Physical rest is good for me, I accept it.
Emotional rest is much needed, I allow myself to enjoy it.
I unwind in healthy ways that benefit my future self.
I listen to my body when it shows me signs of needing rest.
I hydrate well before bed and positively aid my body's digestion.
I choose to rejuvenate by getting some shut-eye.
I have completed what needed completion today, now is time to sleep well.
I am happy to rest, I enjoy healthy sleep.
I deserve to sleep well.
I am grateful for my bed, my comfort, and my physical ease.
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I am capable of completing each task I'm assigned.
I make to-do lists that help me complete my tasks efficiently.
I choose to express gratitude at work.
I share kindness with my coworkers and peers.
I am grateful for my higher-ups and all they do to help me do my job well.
I ask questions when I'm unsure.
I offer reassurance and comfort to those who need it in the workplace.
I look forward to clocking in just as much as I look forward to clocking out.
I appreciate those who help my job get done smoothly.
I love to cooperate at work.
I'm great at solving dilemmas that arise.
I offer sound advice and encouragement at work.
I love what I do and how it provides me safety.
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It's June! It's getting hotter outdoors in the northern hemisphere, you're more likely to sweat or be dehydrated in drastic temperatures.
Having 8 glasses of water can help diminish fatigue.
Downloading a hydration-reminder app can encourage you to drink more water.
Adding electrolytes to your drink can ensure better hydration.
Carrying a reusable water bottle can help you reduce plastic waste.
Having more water in your diet can help with your digestion.
Staying well-hydrated can improve your skin's appearance.
Better hydration assists your organs and cells in functioning properly.
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♡ I am lovable.
♡ I am open to receiving healthy love.
♡ I am capable of hearing others out.
♡ I am able to forgive myself and others.
♡ I accept love in healthy ways.
♡ I am respected by those I love.
♡ I respect those I love.
♡ I choose to embrace great love.
♡ I say, "please," and, "thank you," when I ask and receive.
♡ I give reasonably.
♡ I love to be loving.
♡ I gift well.
♡ I show I care with my words and my actions.
♡ I accept compliments.
♡ I shower myself in love and kindness daily.
♡ I am a healthy example of loving kindness.
♡ I honor honesty.
♡ I appreciate words of affirmation.
♡ I appreciate kind gestures.
♡ I love to share encouragement.
♡ I allow others to be themselves and love them accordingly.
♡ I speak what needs to be spoken in loving ways.
♡ I help others to feel loved and cared for.
♡ I am loved and cared for.
♡ I love myself and others.
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Psalms 107:1-2 (GNT)
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Here are a few things I do before bed to ensure a great night's sleep.
Lower the temperature of the room. I like the bedroom to be anywhere between 70 degrees to 73 degrees. To each their own!
Brush teeth before bed, use mouthwash.
Hydrate 10 minutes before getting into bed. Something about having water before bed helps my mouth feel nice and clear.
Nothing too heavy to eat before getting into bed. Sometimes it's difficult to rest when my stomach feels full.
Lower the brightness on electronic devices. Turn on a screen yellowing setting if devices must be used before getting to bed.
Turn on rain sounds or ocean sounds. Spotify has a ton of great ocean sounds to listen to, especially if you have Spotify Premium with ad-free listening.
Wash and massage my feet. Getting into bed with soaked, massaged clean feet makes the bedding feel so much more cozy.
Stretch before getting into bed. There's something so calming about stretching my arms, legs, and back before getting to sleep.
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Friday's Positive Affirmations
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I choose to express gratitude for all of the great moments I've experienced this week.
I am excited for the weekend.
I decide to honor my body by listening to its needs and meeting them accordingly.
I am happy and healthy in my mind, my body, and my spirit.
I have many things to look forward to with joy and hope.
I say, "thank you," to those I am closest to.
I respect my body and the bodies of others.
I deserve to laugh, dance, and sing today.
I choose to share kindness with others.
I am doing what is healthiest for me and those I care for.
I listen to my body when it tells me I need to rest.
I take great care of my hair, skin, and nails.
I choose to stay well-hydrated, especially as temperatures rise outdoors.
I speak kindly to myself and others.
I believe great things are happening for me.
I am open to receiving healthy love.
I give in healthy amounts.
I can approach difficult or challenging tasks in a healthy manner.
I am capable of accomplishing many great things.
I dedicate myself to nurturing healthy habits.
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 2 months
More ____ in 2024
Heartfelt conversations
Warm blankets at night
Laughter of your closest friends
Water when you're incredibly thirsty
Your favorite scented candle
Flossing and tongue-scraping
Writing, even if it's a small jot
Instrumental music
Surrounding myself with flowers and plants
Comfortable clothing
Praying for friends
Taking my health supplements
Tracking my screen time and lessening it overtime
Dancing and humming
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 8 months
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1 Chronicles 16:9-11 (GNT)
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 8 months
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 8 months
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Psalm 37:16 (GNT)
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 8 months
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I’m on Snapchat! 👻
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wellnesswithkuhtrees · 8 months
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